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No. 89. Rzcrr.—* BY MY COMMAND.” Jurrren. Oe ————— = Ss 4 + a ¥ ¥ E ‘By my command now at this in-stant ‘two winged Zephyrs fromher down-y_ Puno. a as bed thymuch-lovdI-no bear, and both to - thro’ the balm-y air. Shall : _ -— SSS — = Jorrmen, aS = See, she ap-poars, Dut sees not me; for I am vi-sitble a-lone to thee. While Ire - + tire, rise andmeether, andwith welcome greether. Now Handel's “Semele."—Novelo, Ewer and Co.'s Octavo Haitlon.—(15) 1 16 1S SSS SS tum, ‘The seat of-hap - pynymphsand swains; ‘There with -out the rage = jen -lou-sy they bum, And taste the sweets of with -out its pains, \ 1 No. 40. Am.—“ WHERE'ER YOU WALK.” Joprree. ere oe pe re = Wher-e’er you walk, cool galesshall fanthe glade ; shall crowd in - to shade, ‘Trees, where you sit, shall crowd in - pePed styl NX. ter = F z go + to. a shade; ‘Wher -e’er you walk, cool | Handel's“ Semele." Novello, Ewer and Cn’ Octavo Baition, saleyshallfan the glade 5 ‘Trees, where yout, shall erowdin-lo_@ shade, . . = A ‘Trees, where you sit, shall crowd in - to. . a shade. as ——— | —- a ——— mae oe |** using flow'rs shall ise, And all ‘things flourish, and, all things flourish wher - Cuter ete HS agile \ Seer ES Leese eS Isrees east ——— == NR ee ee = Se 2S =|] + er_you_tum your eyey, wher -@er you tum your eyes, wher-eer you tam your eyes. gt. ote =) SSS ‘Handel's “Semele."—Novello, Ewer and Co's Octavo Baltion.

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