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Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault
Release: V18.0 PC2
Document Revision: 18.05


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Release: V18.0 PC2
Publication: 411-9001-104
Document release date: 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.
While the information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, except as otherwise expressly
ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The information and/or products described in this document are
subject to change without notice.

Nortel, Nortel Networks, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Sourced in Canada, France, and the United States of America.
While the information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, except as otherwise expressly
ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The information and/or products described in this document are
subject to change without notice.
Nortel, the Nortel logo, the Globemark, S8000 and S2000 are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

New in this release





Chapter 1 How to use this manual


1.1 Introduction 23
1.2 The types of spontaneous messages 23
1.2.1 Events detected by the BTS 23
1.2.2 Events detected by the BSC 24
1.3 Description of a fault number sheet 24
1.3.1 Header of the sheet 24
1.3.2 Main body of the sheet 24

Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


2.1 Fault number: 1051 (S2000 H/L BTS) 27

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 27
2.2.1 Source 0: No response to status request 36
2.2.2 Source 1: Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID 38
2.2.3 Source 2: SUP stop receipt 40
2.2.4 Source 3: No change to one of BOOT after reset 43
2.2.5 Source 4: This entity is engaged in another downloadingSource 8: Wrong
software reference on a non downloadable TEI 45
2.2.6 Source 5: Software not compatible with hardware 47
2.2.7 Source 6: File access error 51
2.2.8 Source 7:Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a
file 54
2.2.9 Source 9: No response to download message 55
2.2.10 Source 14: Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK 57
2.2.11 Source 15: File to download empty 59
2.2.12 Source 16: File to download unavailable 62
2.2.13 Source 17: Buffer allocation failure 62
2.2.14 Source 18: Bad sending buffer size value 65
2.2.15 Source 19: Failure during OMU switchover 67
2.2.16 Source 20: Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report
message 69
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2.17 Source 21: CSM software update report with the cause - unknown TEI
- 72
2.2.18 Source 22: CSM software update report with the cause - equipment
failure - 74
2.2.19 Source 23: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading
failure - 76
2.2.20 Source 24: CSM software update report with the cause - not able to
perform- 79
2.2.21 Source 25: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong software
reference - 81
2.2.22 Source 26: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong
configuration reference - 83
2.2.23 Source 27: CSM software update report with the cause - restart request
- 86
2.2.24 Source 28: CSM software update report with the cause - data
inconsistency - 88
2.2.25 Source 29: CSM software update report with the cause - message out of
sequence - 90
2.2.26 Source 30: CSM software update report with the cause - background not
available - 93
2.2.27 Source 31: CSM software update report with the cause - incompatible
RM version - 95
2.2.28 Source 32: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading in
progress - 97
2.2.29 Source 33: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report
message 100
2.2.30 Source 34: No BTS response on CSM software update init-control
message 102
2.2.31 Source 35: Nack received on the abort requested by operator 104
2.2.32 Source 36: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort
message 107
2.2.33 Source 37: No BTS response on CSM software update abort
message 109
2.2.34 Source 38: Flash activate nack with the cause - unknown TEI - 111
2.2.35 Source 39: Flash activate nack with the cause - equipment failure
- 113
2.2.36 Source 40: Flash activate nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 116
2.2.37 Source 41: Flash activate nack with the cause - not able to perform
- 118
2.2.38 Source 42: Flash activate nack with the cause - flash inconsistency
- 120
2.2.39 Source 43: Flash activate nack with the cause - data inconsistency
- 122
2.2.40 Source 44: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong soft ref - 125
2.2.41 Source 45: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong config ref - 127
2.2.42 Source 46: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - unknown TEI
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

- 129
2.2.43 Source 47: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - equipment
failure - 131
2.2.44 Source 48: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - downloading
failure - 134
2.2.45 Source 49: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - message out
of sequence - 136
2.2.46 Source 50: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong soft ref
- 138
2.2.47 Source 51: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong config
ref - 141
2.2.48 Source 52: CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause 143
2.2.49 Source 53: No BTS response on CSM downloading start message 145
2.2.50 Source 54: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - unknown TEI
- 147
2.2.51 Source 55: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - equipment
failure - 150
2.2.52 Source 56: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - downloading
failure - 152
2.2.53 Source 57: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - value out of
range - 154
2.2.54 Source 58: CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause 156
2.2.55 Source 59: No BTS response on CSM downloading end message 159
2.2.56 Source 60: CSM load init nack with the cause - equipment failure - 161
2.2.57 Source 61: CSM load init nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 163
2.2.58 Source 62: CSM load init nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - 165
2.2.59 Source 63: CSM load init nack with the cause - wrong file ref - 168
2.2.60 Source 64: CSM load init nack with the cause - window size not allowed
- 170
2.2.61 Source 65: CSM load init nack with the cause - data format error - 172
2.2.62 Source 66: CSM load init nack with a bad cause 175
2.2.63 Source 67: No BTS response on CSM load init message 177
2.2.64 Source 68: CSM load data nack with the cause - equipment failure
- 179
2.2.65 Source 69: CSM load data nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 181
2.2.66 Source 70: CSM load data nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - 184
2.2.67 Source 71: CSM load data nack with the cause - data format error
- 186
2.2.68 Source 72: CSM load data nack with the cause - window overflow
- 188
2.2.69 Source 73: CSM load data nack with the cause - data inconsistency
- 190

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2.70 Source 74: CSM load data nack with the cause - block not received
- 193
2.2.71 Source 75: CSM load data nack with the cause - bad block tag - 195
2.2.72 Source 76: CSM load data nack with the cause - checksum error - 197
2.2.73 Source 77: CSM load data nack with a bad cause 199
2.2.74 Source 78: Unexpected CSM load data ack 202
2.2.75 Source 79: No BTS response on CSM load data message 204
2.2.76 Source 80: CSM load end nack with the cause - equipment failure
- 206
2.2.77 Source 81: CSM load end nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 208
2.2.78 Source 82: CSM load end nack with the cause - value out of range
- 211
2.2.79 Source 83: CSM load end nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - 213
2.2.80 Source 84: CSM load end nack with the cause - data format error
- 215
2.2.81 Source 85: CSM load end nack with the cause - wrong file ref - 217
2.2.82 Source 86: CSM load end nack with the cause - data inconsistency
- 220
2.2.83 Source 87: CSM load end nack with the cause - checksum error - 222
2.2.84 Source 88: CSM load end nack with a bad cause 224
2.2.85 Source 89: No BTS response on CSM load end message 226
2.2.86 Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update 229
2.2.87 Source 91: CSM load init nack with the cause - file already open - 231
2.2.88 Source 92: CSM load init nack with the cause - invalid mode - 233
2.2.89 Source 93: CSM load init nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded
- 235
2.2.90 Source 94: CSM load init nack with the cause - flash flag cannot access
- 238
2.2.91 Source 95: CSM load data nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded
- 240
2.2.92 Source 96: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash flag cannot
access - 242
2.2.93 Source 97: CSM load data nack with the cause - boot cannot be
unloaded - 244
2.2.94 Source 98: CSM load data nack with the cause - data decode error
- 247
2.2.95 Source 99: CSM load data nack with the cause - table cannot access
- 249
2.2.96 Source 100: CSM load data nack with the cause - RAM mapping error
- 251
2.2.97 Source 101: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash access error
- 254
2.2.98 Source 102: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash RAM error
- 256

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2.99 Source 103: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash erase error
- 258
2.2.100 Source 104: CSM load data nack with the cause - internal abort - 260
2.2.101 Source 105: CSM flash activate response with a bad cause 263
2.2.102 Source 106: DTM error during token allocation 265
2.2.103 Source 107: CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software
incompatibility 267
2.2.104 Source 108: Too many different deliveries in the cell group 269
2.3 Fault number: 1053 (S2000 H/L BTS) 272
2.4 Fault number: 1054 (S2000 H/L BTS) 273
2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS) 273
2.5.1 Source 1: Equipment failure 278
2.5.2 Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such test 278
2.5.3 Source 3: Invalid configuration 279
2.5.4 Source 4: Unknown test 281
2.5.5 Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency 281
2.5.6 Source 6: Data inconsistency 282
2.5.7 Source 7: Value out of range 284
2.5.8 Source 8: TEI not present 285
2.5.9 Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot 286
2.5.10 Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM 286
2.5.11 Source 11: Wrong software reference 287
2.5.12 Source 12: Further files required 287
2.5.13 Source 13: Failure during activation 287
2.5.14 Source 14: Data format error 288
2.5.15 Source 15: Window overflow 288
2.5.16 Source 16: Normal completion 288
2.5.17 Source 17: Transfer aborted 288
2.5.18 Source 18: Checksum error 288
2.5.19 Source 19: File incomplete 289
2.5.20 Source 20: File already present and correct 289
2.5.21 Source 21: File cannot be downloaded 289
2.5.22 Source 22: Entity engaged in other download 289
2.5.23 Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots 289
2.5.24 Source 24: Too many TEI connections to physical channel 291
2.5.25 Source 25: Out of sequence message 291
2.5.26 Source 26: Incorrect IEI 293
2.5.27 Source 27: Wrong file reference 293
2.5.28 Source 28: Bad cell number 294
2.5.29 Source 29: Bad related TEI 294
2.5.30 Source 30: Bad timeslot 294
2.5.31 Source 31: Window size not allowed 294
2.5.32 Source 32: Flash boot required 294
2.5.33 Source 33: Wrong config reference 295

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.5.34 Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power consign
request 295
2.5.35 Source 35: Downloading aborted 300
2.5.36 Source 36: Files missing 300
2.5.37 Source 37: Buffer overflow 300
2.5.38 Source 38: Block not received 301
2.5.39 Source 39: Downloading restart 301
2.5.40 Source 40: Request not supported 301
2.5.41 Source 41: Downloading failure 301
2.5.42 Source 42: Start-up failure 301
2.5.43 Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS 302
2.5.44 Source 44: Bad chain type 305
2.5.45 Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference 305
2.5.46 Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE configuration 305
2.5.47 Source 47: Inconsistency mapping 305
2.5.48 Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker DS0 305
2.5.49 Source 49: Invalid mode 306
2.5.50 Source 50: File already open 306
2.5.51 Source 51: File cannot be unloaded 306
2.5.52 Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded 306
2.5.53 Source 53: Data decode error 306
2.5.54 Source 54: Flash flag cannot access 307
2.5.55 Source 55: Table cannot access 307
2.5.56 Source 56: RAM mapping error 307
2.5.57 Source 57: Flash access error 307
2.5.58 Source 58: Flash write error 307
2.5.59 Source 59: Flash erase error 308
2.5.60 Source 60: Internal abort 308
2.5.61 Source 61: Equipment not able to get external synchronization 308
2.5.62 Source 62: Synchronization in progress 308
2.5.63 Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not supported 308
2.5.64 Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0 309
2.5.65 Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number 312
2.5.66 Source 255: Non-significant value 314
2.6 Fault number: 1056 (S2000 H/L BTS) 314
2.6.1 Source 0: Incorrect priority on transceiver 316
2.6.2 Source 1: Incorrect setting of channel on transceiver 317
2.6.3 Source 2: Cell without BCCH TDM 317
2.6.4 Source 3: Radio Time Slot not used 317
2.6.5 Source 4: Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode 317
2.6.6 Source 5: Cell cfg with cavity and dual band not acceptable 318
2.6.7 Source 6: Missing Site management Abis GSM function 318
2.6.8 Source 7: Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM function 318
2.6.9 Source 8: Missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function 318
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Source 9: Missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function 318

Source 10: Missing cell management Abis GSM function 319
Source 11: Missing TDMA management Abis GSM function 319
Source 12: Missing TS management Abis GSM function 319
Source 13: The TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not created.
2.6.15 Source 14: Too many EDGE TDMAs (more than 16 per site) configured
2.7 Fault number: 1058 (S2000 H/L BTS) 320
2.8 Fault number: 1059 (S2000 H/L BTS) 321
2.9 Fault number: 1060 (S2000 H/L BTS) 322
2.9.1 DRX (source: Frequency collision on FH bus) 324
2.9.2 DRX (source: Beginning of TX isolation for maintenance) 324
2.9.3 DRX (source: End of TX isolation for maintenance) 325
2.9.4 DRX (source: FACCH congestion) 325
2.9.5 DRX (source: Nack answer) 326
2.9.6 DRX (source: DRX reset by BSC) 327
2.9.7 SBCF board (source: Unknown message on Abis interface) 327
2.9.8 SBCF board (source: Restart due to reset by BSC) 327
2.9.9 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to reset by reset button) 327
2.9.10 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to power on) 328
2.9.11 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to a too long PCM scanning) 328
2.9.12 SBCF boards (source: Restart requested by the active board) 328
2.9.13 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to a software upgrade) 329
2.9.14 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog) 329
2.9.15 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to double bus fault) 329
2.9.16 SBCF boards (source: restart due to Man Machine Interface I and C
reset button) 329
2.10 Fault number: 1061 (S2000 H/L BTS) 330
2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS) 330
2.11.1 ABIS_BTS_SYNCHRO (source: SYNO clock not locked on the network)
(S2000H BTS) 344
2.11.2 ABIS_BTS_SYNCHRO (source: SYNO clock not locked on the network)
(S2000L BTS) 349
2.11.3 AC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000H BTS) 354
2.11.4 AC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000L BTS) 357
2.11.5 Cabinet high temperature alarm (source: Threshold exceeded) 360
2.11.6 Cabinet low temperature alarm (source: Threshold exceeded) 363
2.11.7 DC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000H BTS) 366
2.11.8 DC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000L) 369
2.11.9 External alarm (source: External alarm) 373
2.11.10 DRX (source: RX fault) 373
2.11.11 DRX (source: Loss of PCM link) 376
2.11.12 DRX (source: BBFILTER ASIC fault) 378

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11.13 DRX (source: Self test failed) 381
2.11.14 DRX (source: Major fault on TX) (S2000H BTS) 383
2.11.15 DRX (source: Major fault on TX) (S2000L BTS) 386
2.11.16 DRX (source: DRX link) (S2000H BTS) 388
2.11.17 DRX (source: DRX link) (S2000L BTS) 391
2.11.18 DRX (source: The TX has not acknowledged the power consign
request) 393
2.11.19 DRX (source: PA DRX control loop fault) (S2000H BTS) 397
2.11.20 DRX (source: PA DRX control loop fault) (S2000L BTS) 400
2.11.21 DRX diversity reception chain (source: Software detection) (S2000H
BTS) 403
2.11.22 DRX diversity reception chain (source: Software detection) (S2000L
BTS) 405
2.11.23 DRX main reception chain (source: Software detection) (S2000H
BTS) 408
2.11.24 DRX main reception chain (source: Software detection) (S2000L
BTS) 410
2.11.25 LNA (source: Software detection) (S2000H BTS) 412
2.11.26 LNA (source: Software detection) (S2000L BTS) 415
2.11.27 PA (source: Hardware) (S2000H BTS) 417
2.11.28 PA (source: Hardware) (S2000L BTS) 419
2.11.29 PA (source: DRX/PA connection) (S2000H BTS) 421
2.11.30 PA (source: DRX/PA connection) (S2000L BTS) 424
2.11.31 PCM (source: PCM) 426
2.11.32 RX splitter D (source: Over current) (S2000H BTS) 426
2.11.33 RX splitter D (source: Over current) (S2000L BTS) 429
2.11.34 RX splitter M (source: Over current) (S2000H BTS) 431
2.11.35 RX splitter M (source: Over current) (S2000L BTS) 434
2.11.36 Splitter output (source: Over current) (S2000H BTS) 436
2.11.37 Splitter output (source: Over current) (S2000L BTS) 438
2.11.38 Transmit antenna (source: VSWR) (S2000H BTS) 441
2.11.39 Transmit antenna (source: VSWR) (S2000L BTS) 443
2.11.40 VGA (source: Fault on VGA) (S2000H BTS) 446
2.12 Fault number: 1070 (S2000 H/L BTS) 448
2.13 Fault number: 1073 (S2000 H/L BTS) 448
2.13.1 Source 9: No response to LOAD message 450
2.13.2 Source 10: Received LOAD INIT NACK 450
2.13.3 Source 11: Received message LOAD DATA NACK 450
2.13.4 Source 12: Received message LOAD END NACK 450
2.13.5 Source 13: Received message 450
2.14 Fault number: 1080 (S2000 H/L BTS) 451
2.15 Fault number: 1165 (S2000H, S2000L) 452
2.16 Fault number: 1258 (S2000 H/L BTS) 452

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Fault number: 1259 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number: 1265 (S2000 H/L BTS)
Fault number: 1266 (S2000 H/L BTS)
Fault number: 1268 (S2000 H/L BTS)
Fault number: 1500 (S2000 H/L BTS)
Fault number: 1505 (S2000 H/L BTS)
Fault number: 1508 (S2000H/L) 460
Applicability of the fault numbers to the

BTS type


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


3.1 Fault number: 1051 (e-cell) 463

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell) 463
3.2.1 Source 0: No response to status request 472
3.2.2 Source 1: Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID 474
3.2.3 Source 2: SUP stop receipt 475
3.2.4 Source 3: No change to one BOOT after reset 478
3.2.5 Source 4: This entity is engaged in another downloading Source 8:
Wrong software reference on a non downloadable TEI 479
3.2.6 Source 5: Software not compatible with hardware 480
3.2.7 Source 6: File access error 483
3.2.8 Source 7: Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a
file 484
3.2.9 Source 9: No response to download message 485
3.2.10 Source 14: Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK 487
3.2.11 Source 15: File to download empty 489
3.2.12 Source 16: File to download unavailable 492
3.2.13 Source 17: Buffer allocation failure 492
3.2.14 Source 18: Bad sending buffer size value 495
3.2.15 Source 19: Failure during OMU switchover 497
3.2.16 Source 20: Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report
message 499
3.2.17 Source 21: CSM software update report with the cause - unknown TEI
- 502
3.2.18 Source 22: CSM software update report with the cause - equipment
failure - 504
3.2.19 Source 23: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading
failure - 506
3.2.20 Source 24: CSM software update report with the cause - not able to
perform- 509
3.2.21 Source 25: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong software
reference - 511
3.2.22 Source 26: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong
configuration reference - 513
3.2.23 Source 27: CSM software update report with the cause - restart request
- 516
3.2.24 Source 28: CSM software update report with the cause - data
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

inconsistency - 518
3.2.25 Source 29: CSM software update report with the cause - message out
of sequence - 520
3.2.26 Source 30: CSM software update report with the cause - background
not available - 523
3.2.27 Source 31: CSM software update report with the cause - incompatible
RM version - 525
3.2.28 Source 32: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading in
progress - 527
3.2.29 Source 33: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report
message 530
3.2.30 Source 34: No BTS response on CSM software update init-control
message 532
3.2.31 Source 35: Nack received on the abort requested by operator 534
3.2.32 Source 36: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort
message 537
3.2.33 Source 37: No BTS response on CSM software update abort
message 539
3.2.34 Source 38: Flash activate nack with the cause - unknown TEI - 541
3.2.35 Source 39: Flash activate nack with the cause - equipment failure
- 543
3.2.36 Source 40: Flash activate nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 546
3.2.37 Source 41: Flash activate nack with the cause - not able to perform
- 548
3.2.38 Source 42: Flash activate nack with the cause - flash inconsistency
- 550
3.2.39 Source 43: Flash activate nack with the cause - data inconsistency
- 552
3.2.40 Source 44: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong soft ref - 555
3.2.41 Source 45: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong config ref - 557
3.2.42 Source 46: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - unknown TEI
- 559
3.2.43 Source 47: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - equipment
failure - 561
3.2.44 Source 48: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - downloading
failure - 564
3.2.45 Source 49: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - message out
of sequence - 566
3.2.46 Source 50: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong soft ref
- 568
3.2.47 Source 51: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong config
ref - 571
3.2.48 Source 52: CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause 573
3.2.49 Source 53: No BTS response on CSM downloading start message 575
3.2.50 Source 54: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - unknown TEI

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

- 577
3.2.51 Source 55: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - equipment
failure - 580
3.2.52 Source 56: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - downloading
failure - 582
3.2.53 Source 57: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - value out of
range - 584
3.2.54 Source 58: CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause 586
3.2.55 Source 59: No BTS response on CSM downloading end message 589
3.2.56 Source 60: CSM load init nack with the cause - equipment failure - 591
3.2.57 Source 61: CSM load init nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 593
3.2.58 Source 62: CSM load init nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - 595
3.2.59 Source 63: CSM load init nack with the cause - wrong file ref - 598
3.2.60 Source 64: CSM load init nack with the cause - window size not allowed
- 600
3.2.61 Source 65: CSM load init nack with the cause - data format error - 602
3.2.62 Source 66: CSM load init nack with a bad cause 605
3.2.63 Source 67: No BTS response on CSM load init message 607
3.2.64 Source 68: CSM load data nack with the cause - equipment failure
- 609
3.2.65 Source 69: CSM load data nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 611
3.2.66 Source 70: CSM load data nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - 614
3.2.67 Source 71: CSM load data nack with the cause - data format error
- 616
3.2.68 Source 72: CSM load data nack with the cause - window overflow
- 618
3.2.69 Source 73: CSM load data nack with the cause - data inconsistency
- 620
3.2.70 Source 74: CSM load data nack with the cause - block not received
- 623
3.2.71 Source 75: CSM load data nack with the cause - bad block tag - 625
3.2.72 Source 76: CSM load data nack with the cause - checksum error - 627
3.2.73 Source 77: CSM load data nack with a bad cause 629
3.2.74 Source 78: Unexpected CSM load data ack 632
3.2.75 Source 79: No BTS response on CSM load data message 634
3.2.76 Source 80: CSM load end nack with the cause - equipment failure
- 636
3.2.77 Source 81: CSM load end nack with the cause - downloading failure
- 638
3.2.78 Source 82: CSM load end nack with the cause - value out of range
- 641
3.2.79 Source 83: CSM load end nack with the cause - message out of

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sequence - 643
3.2.80 Source 84: CSM load end nack with the cause - data format error
- 645
3.2.81 Source 85: CSM load end nack with the cause - wrong file ref - 647
3.2.82 Source 86: CSM load end nack with the cause - data inconsistency
- 650
3.2.83 Source 87: CSM load end nack with the cause - checksum error - 652
3.2.84 Source 88: CSM load end nack with a bad cause 654
3.2.85 Source 89: No BTS response on CSM load end message 656
3.2.86 Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update 659
3.2.87 Source 91: CSM load init nack with the cause - file already open - 661
3.2.88 Source 92: CSM load init nack with the cause - invalid mode - 663
3.2.89 Source 93: CSM load init nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded
- 665
3.2.90 Source 94: CSM load init nack with the cause - flash flag cannot access
- 668
3.2.91 Source 95: CSM load data nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded
- 670
3.2.92 Source 96: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash flag cannot
access - 672
3.2.93 Source 97: CSM load data nack with the cause - boot cannot be
unloaded - 674
3.2.94 Source 98: CSM load data nack with the cause - data decode error
- 677
3.2.95 Source 99: CSM load data nack with the cause - table cannot access
- 679
3.2.96 Source 100: CSM load data nack with the cause - RAM mapping error
- 681
3.2.97 Source 101: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash access error
- 684
3.2.98 Source 102: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash RAM error
- 686
3.2.99 Source 103: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash erase error
- 688
3.2.100 Source 104: CSM load data nack with the cause - internal abort - 690
3.2.101 Source 105: CSM flash activate response with a bad cause 693
3.2.102 Source 106: DTM error during token allocation 695
3.2.103 Source 107: CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software
incompatibility 697
3.2.104 Source 108: Too many different deliveries in the cell group 699
3.3 Fault number: 1053 (e-cell) 702
3.4 Fault number: 1054 (e-cell) 703
3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell) 703
3.5.1 Source 1: Equipment failure 707
3.5.2 Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such test 708
3.5.3 Source 3: Equipment unable to perform such configuration 709
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3.5.4 Source 4: Unknown test 710
3.5.5 Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency 710
3.5.6 Source 6: Data inconsistency 712
3.5.7 Source 7: Value out of range 713
3.5.8 Source 8: TEI not present 713
3.5.9 Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot 714
3.5.10 Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM 714
3.5.11 Source 11: Wrong software reference 715
3.5.12 Source 12: Further files required 715
3.5.13 Source 13: Failure during activation 716
3.5.14 Source 14: Data format error 716
3.5.15 Source 15: Window overflow 716
3.5.16 Source 16: Normal completion 716
3.5.17 Source 17: Transfer aborted 716
3.5.18 Source 18: Checksum error 717
3.5.19 Source 19: File incomplete 717
3.5.20 Source 20: File already present and correct 717
3.5.21 Source 21: File cannot be downloaded 717
3.5.22 Source 22: Entity engaged in other download 718
3.5.23 Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots 718
3.5.24 Source 24: Too many TEI connections to physical channel 719
3.5.25 Source 25: Out of sequence message 719
3.5.26 Source 26: Incorrect IEI 721
3.5.27 Source 27: Wrong file reference 722
3.5.28 Source 28: Bad cell number 722
3.5.29 Source 29: Bad related TEI 722
3.5.30 Source 30: Bad timeslot 722
3.5.31 Source 31: Window size not allowed 722
3.5.32 Source 32: Flash boot required 723
3.5.33 Source 33: Wrong config reference 723
3.5.34 Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power consign
request 723
3.5.35 Source 35: Downloading aborted 728
3.5.36 Source 36: Files missing 728
3.5.37 Source 37: Buffer overflow 729
3.5.38 Source 38: Block not received 729
3.5.39 Source 39: Downloading restart 729
3.5.40 Source 40: Request not supported 729
3.5.41 Source 41: Downloading failure 729
3.5.42 Source 42: Start-up failure 730
3.5.43 Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS 730
3.5.44 Source 44: Bad chain type 733
3.5.45 Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference 733
3.5.46 Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE configuration 733
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3.5.47 Source 47: Inconsistency mapping 733
3.5.48 Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker DS0 734
3.5.49 Source 49: Invalid mode 734
3.5.50 Source 50: File already open 734
3.5.51 Source 51: File cannot be unloaded 734
3.5.52 Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded 734
3.5.53 Source 53: Data decode error 735
3.5.54 Source 54: Flash flag cannot access 735
3.5.55 Source 55: Table cannot access 735
3.5.56 Source 56: RAM mapping error 735
3.5.57 Source 57: Flash access error 735
3.5.58 Source 58: Flash write error 736
3.5.59 Source 59: Flash erase error 736
3.5.60 Source 60: Internal abort 736
3.5.61 Source 61: Equipment not able to get external synchronization 736
3.5.62 Source 62: Synchronization in progress 736
3.5.63 Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not supported 737
3.5.64 Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0 738
3.5.65 Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number 740
3.5.66 Source 255: Non-significant value 742
3.6 Fault number: 1058 (e-cell) 742
3.7 Fault number: 1059 (e-cell) 743
3.8 Fault number: 1060 (e-cell) 744
3.8.1 PMNU (source: Message unknown) 746
3.8.2 PMNU (source: Restart due to reset by BSC) 746
3.8.3 PMNU (source: Restart due to reset by reset button) 746
3.8.4 PMNU (source: Restart due to power on) 746
3.8.5 PMNU (source: Restart due to a too long PCM scanning) 747
3.8.6 PMNU (source: Restart requested by the active board) 747
3.8.7 PMNU (source: restart due to a software upgrade) 747
3.8.8 PMNU (source: Restart due to a hardware watchdog) 748
3.8.9 PMNU (source: Restart due to loss of lock) 748
3.8.10 PMOD (source: FACCH congestion) 748
3.8.11 PMOD (source: PMOD reset by BCF after message non
acknowledged) 749
3.8.12 PMOD (source: Restart due to the timeout on the OML link with
BSC) 749
3.8.13 PMOD (source: Restart due to the timeout on the OML link with
BCF) 750
3.8.14 PMOD (source: Restart due to a software upgrade) 750
3.8.15 PMOD (source: BCCH config dump) 750
3.8.16 PMOD (source: SACCH config dump) 751
3.8.17 PMOD (source: L1M config dump) 751
3.8.18 PMOD (source: RSL anomaly) 751

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3.9 Fault number: 1061 (e-cell) 752
3.10 Attribute value change: 1063 (e-cell) 753
3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell) 754
3.11.1 Abis BTS synchro (source: SYNO clock not locked on the
network) 758
3.11.2 AC power supply (source: Power fault) 763
3.11.3 External alarm (source: External alarm) 766
3.11.4 Internal temperature (source: Threshold exceeded) 766
3.11.5 PA (source: Hardware) 768
3.11.6 PA (source: PA DRX control loop fault) 773
3.11.7 PCM (source: PCM) 778
3.11.8 PMNU (source: Base-extension communication fault) 778
3.11.9 PMNU (source: Self test failed) 780
3.11.10 PMNU (source: Hardware) 785
3.11.11 PMOD (source: BBFILTER ASIC fault) 789
3.11.12 PMOD (source: Self test failed) 794
3.11.13 PMOD (source: Major fault on TX) 798
3.11.14 PMOD (source: The TX has not acknowledged the power consign
request) 803
3.11.15 PMOD (source: BCCH first config failed) 806
3.11.16 PMOD (source: BCCH second config failed) 806
3.11.17 PMOD (source: SACCH first config failed) 807
3.11.18 PMOD (source: SACCH second config failed) 807
3.11.19 PMOD (source: L1M first config failed) 808
3.11.20 PMOD (source: L1M second config failed) 809
3.11.21 PSU (source: PSU failure) 809
3.11.22 RDRX (source: RX fault) 811
3.11.23 RDRX (source: Hardware) 816
3.12 Fault number: 1070 (e-cell) 820
3.13 Fault number: 1073 (e-cell) 821
3.13.1 Source 9: No response to LOAD message 825
3.13.2 Source 10: Received LOAD INIT NACK 825
3.13.3 Source 11: Received message LOAD DATA NACK 826
3.13.4 Source 12: Received message LOAD END NACK 826
3.13.5 Source 13: Received message 826
3.14 Fault number: 1080 (e-cell) 826
3.15 Fault number: 1165 (e-cell) 827
3.16 Fault number: 1258 (e-cell) 828
3.17 Fault number: 1259 (e-cell) 829
3.18 Fault number: 1265 (e-cell) 830
3.19 Fault number: 1266 (e-cell) 831
3.20 Fault number: 1268 (e-cell) 832
3.21 Fault number: 1500 (e-cell) 833

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Fault number:
Fault number:
Fault number:
Fault number:




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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


New in this release

The following section describe what is new in this release for Nortel GSM
BTS S8006 Troubleshooting (411-9001-104) for V18.0 P&C 2 release.

Features (page 19)

This document contains no feature updates in this release.

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20 New in this release

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This document contains the fault number description and the maintenance
actions required for the S2000 H/L and e-cell Base Transceiver Station

It is recommended that the readers also become familiar with the following
technical documents:

Nortel GSM BSS Documentation Roadmap (411-9001-000)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Nortel GSM BSS Overview (411-9001-001)

Nortel GSM BSS Fundamentals - Operating Principles (411-9001-007)
Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating Procedures (411-9001-034)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Fundamentals (411-9001-035)
Nortel GSM BSS Fault Management - Maintenance Principles

Nortel GSM BTS Commissioning - TML User Guide (411-9001-051)

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090)
Nortel GSM BSS Parameter Reference (411-9001-124)
Nortel GSM OMC-R Commands Reference Objects and Fault menus

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

22 Introduction

This document consists of 3 chapters:

Chapter 1 How to use this manual (page 23), describes how to use
this maintenance manual.

Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers (page 27), contains the
fault number description and the corrective maintenance procedures
applicable to the S2000 H/L BTS.

Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers (page 463), contains the fault number
description and the corrective maintenance procedures applicable to
the e-cell BTS.

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Chapter 1 How to use this manual

1.1 Introduction
This manual contains the fault number description and the corrective
maintenance procedures applicable to the S2000 H/L BTS and e-cell for
GSM 850, 900, 1800, and 1900.
The general principles and messages required for BSS maintenance
are described in: Nortel GSM BSS Fault Management - Maintenance
Principles (411-9001-039)
The network maintenance is based on the graphical supervision of the
network at the OMC-R.
It is also based on the identification and the replacement of faulty items of
equipment, using the alarms and the notifications.
This process is divided into two steps:

locating and identifying the faulty items of equipment, using information

given in this manual

replacing the faulty items of equipment, using the replacement

procedures given in the manuals that describe the on-site procedures

When a faulty item of equipment sends an alarm to the OMC-R, this

alarm is identified by a fault number. This manual gives the procedures
associated with the various fault numbers.

1.2 The types of spontaneous messages

1.2.1 Events detected by the BTS
The following are types of spontaneous message:

spontaneous messages indicating a hardware fault (fault number 1067)

spontaneous messages indicating a hardware fault without loss of
capacity, triggering no defense actions on the part of the BSC. If there
are any defense actions, they are local and controlled by the BTS (fault
number 1067).

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24 Chapter 1 How to use this manual

spontaneous messages indicating a transient event for warning (fault

number 1060)

spontaneous messages indicating the arrival of state changes on an

equipment (fault number 1058)

1.2.2 Events detected by the BSC

Spontaneous messages are sent by the BSC giving information on the
state of relationships with the BTS or part of it (1051, 1052, 1053, 1054,
1055, 1059, 1073).

1.3 Description of a fault number sheet

A corrective maintenance sheet contains the following information:

the header
the main body composed of three main paragraphs explaining the fault
number treatment

1.3.1 Header of the sheet

The header contains the following information:

the fault number and possibly the source

the alarm type

1.3.2 Main body of the sheet

The main body contains the following information:

Fault analysis
This paragraph describes the fault.

Reaction of the system

BSC defense
This paragraph describes the defense actions taken by the BSC.

Impact on the service

This paragraph gives the consequences of the alarm for the

This paragraph gives the procedures to be followed to repair the fault
and return to the operational conditions.

Preliminary checks

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1.3 Description of a fault number sheet 25

These checks are used to ensure that the fault is confirmed and
that the messages identifying a faulty element are in the OMC-R
logs before the start of repair work.

On-site maintenance (possibly using the OMC-R)

This paragraph is used to start the repair work and to bring the
exchanged element into correct operation.

Additional checks
This paragraph shows how to check that the fault has been

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

26 Chapter 1 How to use this manual

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault

2.1 Fault number: 1051 (S2000 H/L BTS)
Fault number:

Loss of layer 3 with remote GSM entity



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see: Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

GSM entity downloading failure


communicationsAlarm/processingErrorAlarm/ equipmentAlarm

This message identifies the impacted element but not the faulty element. It
indicates a software downloading error concerning a transceiverEquipment
object or a btsSiteManager object.
All the software downloading attempts are indicated, as well as the source
of their failure.
Table 1 "Fault number 1052 sources" (page 28) indicates all the sources
of the fault number 1052 for the S2000 H/L BTS. For more information
on each source, see the indicated paragraph to know the corrective
maintenance procedure associated with this source.

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28 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources

Source wording


No response to status

2.2.1 Source 0: No response to status

request (page 36)

Bad hardware reference

or manufacturer ID

2.2.2 Source 1: Bad hardware reference

or manufacturer ID (page 38)

SUP stop receipt

2.2.3 Source 2: SUP stop receipt

(page 40)

No change to one of
BOOT after reset

2.2.4 Source 3: No change to one of

BOOT after reset (page 43)

This entity is engaged

in another downloading

2.2.5 Source 4: This entity is engaged

in another downloadingSource 8:
Wrong software reference on a non
downloadable TEI (page 45)

Software not compatible

with hardware

2.2.6 Source 5: Software not compatible

with hardware (page 47)

File access error

2.2.7 Source 6: File access error

(page 51)

Repetitive errors
(NACK, timeout, ...)
while downloading a file

2.2.8 Source 7:Repetitive errors (NACK,

timeout, ...) while downloading a
file (page 54)

Wrong software
reference on a non
downloadable TEI

2.2.5 Source 4: This entity is engaged

in another downloadingSource 8:
Wrong software reference on a non
downloadable TEI (page 45)

No response to
download message

2.2.9 Source 9: No response to download

message (page 55)


CSM load container

negative acknowle

2.2.10 Source 14: Received CSM LOAD



File to download empty

2.2.11 Source 15: File to download

empty (page 59)


File to download

2.2.12 Source 16: File to download

unavailable (page 62)


Buffer allocation failure

2.2.13 Source 17: Buffer allocation

failure (page 62)


Bad sending buffer

size value

2.2.14 Source 18: Bad sending buffer

size value (page 65)


Failure during OMU


2.2.15 Source 19: Failure during OMU

switchover (page 67)

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2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 29

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Bad TEI sent by BTS

in the CSM software
update report message

2.2.16 Source 20: Bad TEI sent by

BTS in the CSM software update report
message (page 69)


CSM software update

report with the cause
unknown TEI

2.2.17 Source 21: CSM software

update report with the cause - unknown
TEI - (page 72)


CSM software update

report with the cause
equipment failure

2.2.18 Source 22: CSM software

update report with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 74)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"downloading failure"

2.2.19 Source 23: CSM software update

report with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 76)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"not able to perform"

2.2.20 Source 24: CSM software

update report with the cause - not able
to perform- (page 79)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"wrong soft ref"

2.2.21 Source 25: CSM software update

report with the cause - wrong software
reference - (page 81)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"wrong config ref"

2.2.22 Source 26: CSM software update

report with the cause - wrong configuration
reference - (page 83)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"restart request"

2.2.23 Source 27: CSM software

update report with the cause - restart
request - (page 86)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"data inconsistency"

2.2.24 Source 28: CSM software

update report with the cause - data
inconsistency - (page 88)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"message out of

2.2.25 Source 29: CSM software update

report with the cause - message out
of sequence - (page 90)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"background not

2.2.26 Source 30: CSM software update

report with the cause - background not
available - (page 93)


CSM software update

report with the cause
"incompatible RM

2.2.27 Source 31: CSM software update

report with the cause - incompatible
RM version - (page 95)

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30 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM software update

report with the cause
"downloading in

2.2.28 Source 32: CSM software update

report with the cause - downloading
in progress - (page 97)


Bad report sent by BTS

in the CSM software
update report message

2.2.29 Source 33: Bad report sent by

BTS in the CSM software update report
message (page 100)


No BTS response on
CSM software update
init/control message

2.2.30 Source 34: No BTS response

on CSM software update init-control
message (page 102)


Nack received on the

abort requested by

2.2.31 Source 35: Nack received on the

abort requested by operator (page 104)


Bad report sent by BTS

in the CSM software
update abort message

2.2.32 Source 36: Bad report sent by

BTS in the CSM software update abort
message (page 107)


No BTS response on
CSM software update
abort message

2.2.33 Source 37: No BTS response

on CSM software update abort
message (page 109)


Flash activate nack with

the cause "unknown

2.2.34 Source 38: Flash activate

nack with the cause - unknown TEI
- (page 111)


Flash activate nack with

the cause "equipment

2.2.35 Source 39: Flash activate

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 113)


Flash activate nack with

the cause "downloading

2.2.36 Source 40: Flash activate

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 116)


Flash activate nack

with the cause "not able
to perform"

2.2.37 Source 41: Flash activate

nack with the cause - not able to
perform - (page 118)


Flash activate nack

with the cause "flash

2.2.38 Source 42: Flash activate nack

with the cause - flash inconsistency
- (page 120)


Flash activate nack

with the cause "data

2.2.39 Source 43: Flash activate nack

with the cause - data inconsistency
- (page 122)


Flash activate nack

with the cause "wrong
soft ref"

2.2.40 Source 44: Flash activate

nack with the cause - wrong soft ref
- (page 125)

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2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 31

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Flash activate nack

with the cause "wrong
config ref"

2.2.41 Source 45: Flash activate

nack with the cause - wrong config
ref - (page 127)


CSM downloading start

nack with the cause
"unknown TEI"

2.2.42 Source 46: CSM downloading

start nack with the cause - unknown
TEI - (page 129)


CSM downloading start

nack with the cause
"equipment failure"

2.2.43 Source 47: CSM downloading

start nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 131)


CSM downloading start

nack with the cause
"downloading failure"

2.2.44 Source 48: CSM downloading

start nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 134)


CSM downloading
start nack with the
cause "message out
of sequence"

2.2.45 Source 49: CSM downloading

start nack with the cause - message out
of sequence - (page 136)


CSM downloading start

nack with the cause
"wrong soft ref"

2.2.46 Source 50: CSM downloading

start nack with the cause - wrong soft
ref - (page 138)


CSM downloading start

nack with the cause
"wrong config ref"

2.2.47 Source 51: CSM downloading

start nack with the cause - wrong
config ref - (page 141)


CSM downloading start

nack with a bad cause

2.2.48 Source 52: CSM downloading start

nack with a bad cause (page 143)


No BTS response on
CSM downloading start

2.2.49 Source 53: No BTS response

on CSM downloading start message
(page 145)


CSM downloading end

nack with the cause
"unknown TEI"

2.2.50 Source 54: CSM downloading

end nack with the cause - unknown
TEI - (page 147)


CSM downloading end

nack with the cause
"equipment failure"

2.2.51 Source 55: CSM downloading

end nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 150)


CSM downloading end

nack with the cause
"downloading failure"

2.2.52 Source 56: CSM downloading

end nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 152)


CSM downloading end

nack with the cause
"value out of range"

2.2.53 Source 57: CSM downloading

end nack with the cause - value out
of range - (page 154)

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

32 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM downloading end

nack with a bad cause

2.2.54 Source 58: CSM downloading end

nack with a bad cause (page 156)


no BTS response on
CSM downloading end

2.2.55 Source 59: No BTS response

on CSM downloading end message
(page 159)


CSM load init nack with

the cause "equipment

2.2.56 Source 60: CSM load init nack with

the cause - equipment failure - (page 161)


CSM load init nack with

the cause "downloading

2.2.57 Source 61: CSM load init

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 163)


CSM load init nack with

the cause "message
init nack
out ofload
with the cause "wrong
file ref"

2.2.58 Source 62: CSM load init

nack with the cause - message out of
2.2.59 Source
63: CSM
init nack with
- (page
the cause - wrong file ref - (page 168)


CSM load init nack

with the cause "window
size not allow"

2.2.60 Source 64: CSM load init

nack with the cause - window size not
allowed - (page 170)


CSM load init nack

with the cause "data
format error"

2.2.61 Source 65: CSM load init nack with

the cause - data format error - (page 172)


CSM load init nack with

a bad cause

2.2.62 Source 66: CSM load init nack

with a bad cause (page 175)


No BTS response on
CSM load init message

2.2.63 Source 67: No BTS response on

CSM load init message (page 177)


CSM load data

nack with the cause
"equipment failure"

2.2.64 Source 68: CSM load data

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 179)


CSM load data

nack with the cause
"downloading failure"

2.2.65 Source 69: CSM load data

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 181)


CSM load data

nack with the cause
"message out of

2.2.66 Source 70: CSM load data

nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - (page 184)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "data
format error"

2.2.67 Source 71: CSM load data

nack with the cause - data format
error - (page 186)


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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 33

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load data nack

with the cause "window

2.2.68 Source 72: CSM load data nack

with the cause - window overflow
- (page 188)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "data

2.2.69 Source 73: CSM load data nack

with the cause - data inconsistency
- (page 190)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "block
not received"

2.2.70 Source 74: CSM load data nack

with the cause - block not received
- (page 193)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "bad
block tag"

2.2.71 Source 75: CSM load data

nack with the cause - bad block tag
- (page 195)


CSM load data

nack with the cause
"checksum error"

2.2.72 Source 76: CSM load data

nack with the cause - checksum
error - (page 197)


CSM load data nack

with a bad cause

2.2.73 Source 77: CSM load data nack

with a bad cause (page 199)


Unexpected CSM load

data ack

2.2.74 Source 78: Unexpected CSM

load data ack (page 202)


No BTS response
on CSM load data

2.2.75 Source 79: No BTS response on

CSM load data message (page 204)


CSM load end nack

with the cause
"equipment failure"

2.2.76 Source 80: CSM load end

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 206)


CSM load end nack

with the cause
"downloading failure"

2.2.77 Source 81: CSM load end

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 208)


CSM load end nack

with the cause "value
out of range"

2.2.78 Source 82: CSM load end

nack with the cause - value out of
range - (page 211)


CSM load end nack

with the cause
"message out of

2.2.79 Source 83: CSM load end

nack with the cause - message out of
sequence - (page 213)


CSM load end nack

with the cause "data
format error"

2.2.80 Source 84: CSM load end

nack with the cause - data format
error - (page 215)

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

34 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load end nack

with the cause "wrong
file ref"

2.2.81 Source 85: CSM load end

nack with the cause - wrong file ref
- (page 217)


CSM load end nack

with the cause "data

2.2.82 Source 86: CSM load end nack

with the cause - data inconsistency
- (page 220)


CSM load end nack

with the cause
"checksum error"

2.2.83 Source 87: CSM load end

nack with the cause - checksum
error - (page 222)


CSM load end nack

with a bad cause

2.2.84 Source 88: CSM load end nack

with a bad cause (page 224)


No BTS response on
CSM load end message

2.2.85 Source 89: No BTS response on

CSM load end message (page 226)


Bad report sent by

BTS during an internal

2.2.86 Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS

during an internal update (page 229)


CSM load init nack

with the cause "file
already open"

2.2.87 Source 91: CSM load init nack with

the cause - file already open - (page 231)


CSM load init nack

with the cause "invalid

2.2.88 Source 92: CSM load init nack with

the cause - invalid mode - (page 233)


CSM load init nack with

the cause "file cannot
be unloaded"

2.2.89 Source 93: CSM load init

nack with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded - (page 235)


CSM load init nack with

the cause "flash flag
cannot access"

2.2.90 Source 94: CSM load init nack

with the cause - flash flag cannot
access - (page 238)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "file
cannot be unloaded"

2.2.91 Source 95: CSM load data

nack with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded - (page 240)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "flash
flag cannot access"

2.2.92 Source 96: CSM load data

nack with the cause - flash flag cannot
access - (page 242)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "boot
cannot be unloaded"

2.2.93 Source 97: CSM load data

nack with the cause - boot cannot be
unloaded - (page 244)

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 35

Table 1
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load data nack

with the cause "data
decod error"

2.2.94 Source 98: CSM load data

nack with the cause - data decode
error - (page 247)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "table
cannot access"

2.2.95 Source 99: CSM load data

nack with the cause - table cannot
access - (page 249)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "ram
mapping error"

2.2.96 Source 100: CSM load data

nack with the cause - RAM mapping
error - (page 251)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "flash
access error"

2.2.97 Source 101: CSM load data

nack with the cause - flash access
error - (page 254)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "flash
ram error"

2.2.98 Source 102: CSM load data

nack with the cause - flash RAM
error - (page 256)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "flash
erase error"

2.2.99 Source 103: CSM load data

nack with the cause - flash erase
error - (page 258)


CSM load data nack

with the cause "internal

2.2.100 Source 104: CSM load data

nack with the cause - internal abort
- (page 260)


BSC defense
The BSC attempts a maximum of five software downloadings. If the five
attempts fail, the BSC sends a fault number 1052 and a state change on
the btsSiteManager object to "disabled-failed".
Impact on the service

Case of the btsSiteManager object

The site is not downloaded.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the

Case of the transceiverEquipment object

The TRX is not downloaded, one TDMA is not configured.
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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

36 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The service is reduced.

2.2.1 Source 0: No response to status request

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(0) No response to status request

BTS model:


This source indicates that the BTS has not replied to the status request.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 37

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

38 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.2 Source 1: Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure
(1) Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID S2000 H/L

BTS model:

This source indicates that the first downloading attempt failed.
The alarm indicates that the "hardwareRef" parameter, obtained by
performing the "Display" command on the btsSiteManager object and
the transceiverEquipment object, is not in accordance with the PROM
numbers on the boards.

Preliminary checks



Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 39

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" then to "unlocked" to
confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the DRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the DRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the DRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational either.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

40 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCicruit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the DRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 6.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled" the DRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Case of the btsSiteManager object for the S2000 H/L BTS

Set the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter to "0".

The procedure is complete.

Case of the transceiverEquipment object for the S2000 H/L BTS

Modify the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter: set it to "0".

The procedure is complete.


2.2.3 Source 2: SUP stop receipt

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(2) SUP stop receipt

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 41

This source indicates that a supervision stop has been received.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

42 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 43

The procedure is complete.


2.2.4 Source 3: No change to one of BOOT after reset

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure
(3) No change to one of BOOT after reset
S2000 H/L

BTS model:

Preliminary checks



Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 6.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 3
is still present, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.
If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault
number 1054, treat them. Concerning fault number 1054
(loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

44 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the DRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the DRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the DRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational either.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCicruit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the DRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled" the DRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the operationalState of the entity concerned to "locked" then

"unlocked" to restart the downloading.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 45

If the alarm persists, check if the source 1 appears.

If the source 1 appears, treat it. See Paragraph 2.2.2
Source 1: Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID
(page 38).
If the source 1 does not appear, go to step 5.

If the alarm has disappeared, the downloading has restarted.

Go to step 6.

Replace the following items:

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS:

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting

the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS: see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049).

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS:

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS: see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049).

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 6. Otherwise, call the


The procedure is complete.


2.2.5 Source 4: This entity is engaged in another downloading

Source 8: Wrong software reference on a non downloadable TEI
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure
(4) This entity is engaged in another downloading
(8) Wrong software reference on a non downloadable TEI
S2000 H/L

BTS model:

Preliminary checks



Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

46 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 4.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 4
or 8 is still present, treat the alarm. Call the manufacturer.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, such as fault number
1054, treat them (concerning fault number 1054 (loss of
layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the DRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the DRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational either.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 47

If a pcmCicruit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault

number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the DRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat it. Call the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled" the DRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

The procedure is complete.


2.2.6 Source 5: Software not compatible with hardware

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure
BTS model:

(5) Software not compatible with hardware

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates an inconsistency between the hardware items of
equipment and the software (EFT) downloaded from the OMC-R.

Preliminary checks



Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

48 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, check
whether the "DRX automatic downloading" is activated or not:
If the "DRX automatic downloading" is activated, go to
step 8.
If the "DRX automatic downloading" is not activated, go
to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 8.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there is an alarm with the fault
number 1054, followed by alarms with fault numbers 1051,
1052, 1053, lock the btsSiteManager object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 5
is still present, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (loss of layer
2) (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the DRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the DRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 49

Look for a parent object which is not operational either.

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCicruit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the DRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat it. Go to
step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled" the DRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Check that the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter is

consistent with the PROM numbers on the boards, by performing
a "Display" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter is set to 0:

set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
set the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter to the one
indicated in the notification
set the btsSiteManager object to "unlocked"

If the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter is correct, go to

step 5.

Check if the EFT is correct by checking the value of the

"swVersionRunning" parameter and this by performing a

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

50 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

"Display" command on the software object associated with the

bsc, btsSiteManager and transceiverEquipment objects.

If it is the case, set the object concerned to "locked" then

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

If it is not the case, go to step 6.

Set the object concerned to "locked".

Download the good EFT on the item of equipment according to

the following values.




Type of software



Version number

[08 .. 32]

Sub-version number

BCF: [A .. H]
TRX: [A .. H]

Edition number

BCF: [1 .. 8]
TRX: [1 .. 8]


Revision factor

BCF: [01 .. 32]

TRX: [01 .. 32]

If the name of the EFT is correct, call the manufacturer.

Otherwise, modify the value and set the object concerned to

If the "Automatic downloading" is activated, the OMC-R starts to

perform the downloading just after it received fault number 1052
cause 5:.
a The OMC-R reads the BTS hardware reference quoted in the
fault number.
b The OMC-R deduces the name of the EFT to be downloaded
from a correspondence table.
c The OMC-R searches for the EFT in its database:

If it does not find one, the OMC-R goes to step 9.

If it finds one and only one, the OMC-R goes to step 10.
If it finds more than one, it lets the operator choose. A
critical alarm with fault number 30076 is emitted to report
that the automatic downloading failed (see Nortel GSM
OMC-R Troubleshooting (411-9001-032)).

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 51

The OMC-R searches for the delivery name of the BTS the DRX
belongs to. Then, for all BTS with the same delivery name under
the same BSC, the OMC-R searches for the right EFT.

If it finds one and only one, it selects it. Then it goes to step

If it finds more than one, it lets the operator choose. A critical

alarm with fault number 30076 is emitted to report that the
automatic downloading failed (see Nortel GSM OMC-R
Troubleshooting (411-9001-032)).

If it does not find one, the OMC-R searches for an EFT

suitable to all the BTS with the same delivery name in all the
If it finds one and only one, it selects it. Then it goes to
step 10.
If it finds more than one, or none, it lets the operator
choose. A critical alarm with fault number 30076 is
emitted to report that the automatic downloading
failed (see Nortel GSM OMC-R Troubleshooting


The OMC-R starts to download the selected EFT:

a If necessary, it downloads the selected EFT to the BSC disc.
b It locks the related transceiverEquipment object instance
c It sets the sWVersionNew parameter of the new
transceiverEquipment software object with the new EFT
d It activates the new version.
e It unlocks the related transceiverEquipment object instance.


As a consequence, the fault number 1052 with cause 5 is

automatically cleared.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.7 Source 6: File access error

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure
BTS model:

(6) File access error

S2000 H/L

This source indicates that the first downloading attempt failed. The BSC
does not find the software files in one partition of its hard disk.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

52 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Preliminary checks



Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 5.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 6
is still present, treat the alarm, go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, such as fault number
1054, treat them (concerning fault number 1054 (loss of
layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the DRX is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 53

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the DRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational either.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the DRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat it. Go to
step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled" the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Download the software from the MD at the OMC-R to the BSC

disk partition.

To download a BCF software, see the downloading

procedure (see in Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating
Procedures (411-9001-034).).

To download a DRX software, see the downloading

procedure (see in Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating
Procedures (411-9001-034).).

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

54 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Then lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or

transceiverEquipment object).

Unlock the object concerned.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.
If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.8 Source 7:
Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a file
Fault number 1052: GSM entity downloading failure

(7) Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading

a file

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This source indicates that the download failed after repetitive downloading
errors. The probable cause could be corrupted corresponding active BTS
software in the BSC.

Preliminary checks



Lock the btsSiteManager.

Cleanup the corresponding BTS software from the BSC.

Activate the software.

Download the software from the MD at the OMC-R to the

BSC disk partition.
Unlock the btsSiteManager.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 55

2.2.9 Source 9: No response to download message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(9) No response to download message

BTS model:


This source indicates that the BTS has not replied to a download



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

56 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 57

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.10 Source 14: Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure


BTS model:


This message is received after attempts to download the software are
failed by the BSC. This source is because the Load file of TRX/BCF
residing in the BSC is corrupt.



Preliminary checks

Check the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the Display all

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 6.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

58 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 6 is
present, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

if there are other alarms, such as fault number 1054, process

them (concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), see
411-9001-105 (Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object that is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 59

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Re-download the software from the MD at the OMC--R to the

BSC disk partition:

To download a BCF software, refer to the downloading


To download a TRX software, refer to the downloading


Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or

transceiverEquipment object).

Unlock the object concerned.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.11 Source 15: File to download empty

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(15) File to download empty

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file to download is empty.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

60 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 61

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

62 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.12 Source 16: File to download unavailable

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(16) File to download unavailable

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This source indicates that the downloading attempt has failed because
the file to be downloaded cannot be found in the catalog file (either
because the catalog file itself is not valid, or the name of the file has been
improperly copied in the BTS or BSC software).



Preliminary checks

Cleanup the load from BTS partition of active BSC hard disk.
Download the software from the MD at the OMC-R to the BSC
disk partition:

To download a BCF software, see the downloading

procedure in Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating
Procedures (411-9001-034)..

To download TRX software, see the downloading procedure

in Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating Procedures

Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or

transceiverEquipment object).

Unlock the object concerned.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Perform the following action:

For the BSC 3000, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.13 Source 17: Buffer allocation failure

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(17) Buffer allocation failure

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 63

This source indicates a buffer allocation failure.

Procedure 1



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

64 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 65

the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.14 Source 18: Bad sending buffer size value

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(18) Bad sending buffer size value

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad sending of the buffer size value.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

66 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 67

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.15 Source 19: Failure during OMU switchover

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(19) Failure during OMU switchover

BTS model:


This source indicates a failure during the OMU switchover.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

68 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 69

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.16 Source 20: Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update
report message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(20) Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

70 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This source indicates a bad TEI sent by the BTS in the CSM software
update report message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 71

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

72 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


2.2.17 Source 21: CSM software update report with the cause unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(21) CSM software update report with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"unknown TEI".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 73

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

74 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.18 Source 22: CSM software update report with the cause equipment failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(22) CSM software update report with the cause "equipment


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"equipment failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 75

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

76 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.19 Source 23: CSM software update report with the cause downloading failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(23) CSM software update report with the cause "downloading


BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 77

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"downloading failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

78 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 79

The procedure is complete.


2.2.20 Source 24: CSM software update report with the cause - not able
to performFault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(24) CSM software update report with the cause "not able to

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "not
able to perform".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

80 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 81

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.21 Source 25: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong
software reference Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(25) CSM software update report with the cause "wrong software

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "wrong
software reference".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

82 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 83

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.22 Source 26: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong
configuration reference Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(26) CSM software update report with the cause "wrong

configuration reference"

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

84 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "wrong
configuration reference".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 85

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

86 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


2.2.23 Source 27: CSM software update report with the cause - restart
request Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(27) CSM software update report with the cause "restart request"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "restart



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 87

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

88 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.24 Source 28: CSM software update report with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(28) CSM software update report with the cause "data


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "data



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 89

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

90 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.25 Source 29: CSM software update report with the cause message out of sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(29) CSM software update report with the cause "message out
of sequence"

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 91

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"message out of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

92 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 93

The procedure is complete.


2.2.26 Source 30: CSM software update report with the cause background not available Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(30) CSM software update report with the cause "background

not available"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"background not available".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

94 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 95

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.27 Source 31: CSM software update report with the cause incompatible RM version Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(31) CSM software update report with the cause "incompatible

RM version"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"incompatible RM version".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

96 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 97

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.28 Source 32: CSM software update report with the cause downloading in progress Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(32) CSM software update report with the cause "downloading in


BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

98 Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"downloading in progress".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS) 99

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


2.2.29 Source 33: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update
report message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(33) Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad report sent by the BTS in the CSM software
update report message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.30 Source 34: No BTS response on CSM software update

init-control message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(34) No BTS response on CSM software update init/control


BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on the CSM software update
init/control message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.31 Source 35: Nack received on the abort requested by operator

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(35) Nack received on the abort requested by operator

BTS model:


This source indicates that a Nack has been received on the abort
requested by operator.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.32 Source 36: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update
abort message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(36) Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad report sent by the BTS in the CSM software
update abort message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.33 Source 37: No BTS response on CSM software update abort

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(37) No BTS response on CSM software update abort message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM software update abort



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.34 Source 38: Flash activate nack with the cause - unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(38) Flash activate nack with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause unknown TEI.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.35 Source 39: Flash activate nack with the cause - equipment
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(39) Flash activate nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "equipment
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.36 Source 40: Flash activate nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(40) Flash activate nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "downloading



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.37 Source 41: Flash activate nack with the cause - not able to
perform Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(41) Flash activate nack with the cause "not able to perform"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "not able to



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.38 Source 42: Flash activate nack with the cause - flash
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(42) Flash activate nack with the cause "flash inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a Flash activate nack with the cause "flash



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.39 Source 43: Flash activate nack with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(43) Flash activate nack with the cause "data inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a Flash activate nack with the cause "data
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.40 Source 44: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong soft ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(44) Flash activate nack with the cause "wrong soft ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "wrong soft ref".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.41 Source 45: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong config
ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(45) Flash activate nack with the cause "wrong config ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "wrong config



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.42 Source 46: CSM downloading start nack with the cause unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(46) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"unknown TEI".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.43 Source 47: CSM downloading start nack with the cause equipment failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(47) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "equipment


BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"equipment failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


2.2.44 Source 48: CSM downloading start nack with the cause downloading failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(48) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "downloading


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"downloading failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.45 Source 49: CSM downloading start nack with the cause message out of sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(49) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "message out
of sequence"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"message out of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.46 Source 50: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong
soft ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(50) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong soft ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"wrong soft ref".
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.47 Source 51: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong
config ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(51) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong config

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"wrong config ref".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.48 Source 52: CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(52) CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.49 Source 53: No BTS response on CSM downloading start

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(53) No BTS response on CSM downloading start message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM downloading start



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.50 Source 54: CSM downloading end nack with the cause unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(54) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause
"unknown TEI".
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.51 Source 55: CSM downloading end nack with the cause equipment failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(55) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "equipment


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause
"equipment failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.52 Source 56: CSM downloading end nack with the cause downloading failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(56) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "downloading


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause
"downloading failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.53 Source 57: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - value
out of range Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(57) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value out of

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value
out of range".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.54 Source 58: CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(58) CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.55 Source 59: No BTS response on CSM downloading end message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(59) No BTS response on CSM downloading end message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM downloading end



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.56 Source 60: CSM load init nack with the cause - equipment failure
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(60) CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.57 Source 61: CSM load init nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(61) CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.58 Source 62: CSM load init nack with the cause - message out of
sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(62) CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


2.2.59 Source 63: CSM load init nack with the cause - wrong file ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(63) CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.60 Source 64: CSM load init nack with the cause - window size not
allowed Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(64) CSM load init nack with the cause "window size not

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "window size
not allowed".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.61 Source 65: CSM load init nack with the cause - data format error
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(65) CSM load init nack with the cause "data format error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "data format
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.62 Source 66: CSM load init nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(66) CSM load init nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.63 Source 67: No BTS response on CSM load init message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(67) No BTS response on CSM load init message

BTS model:


This source indicates a No BTS response on CSM load init message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.64 Source 68: CSM load data nack with the cause - equipment
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(68) CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.65 Source 69: CSM load data nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(69) CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.66 Source 70: CSM load data nack with the cause - message out of
sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(70) CSM load data nack with the cause "message out of

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "message out
of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.67 Source 71: CSM load data nack with the cause - data format
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(71) CSM load data nack with the cause "data format error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data format



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.68 Source 72: CSM load data nack with the cause - window
overflow Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(72) CSM load data nack with the cause "window overflow"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "window



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.69 Source 73: CSM load data nack with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(73) CSM load data nack with the cause "data inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.70 Source 74: CSM load data nack with the cause - block not
received Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(74) CSM load data nack with the cause "block not received"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "block not



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.71 Source 75: CSM load data nack with the cause - bad block tag Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure


(75) CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block tag"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.72 Source 76: CSM load data nack with the cause - checksum error
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(76) CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.73 Source 77: CSM load data nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(77) CSM load data nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause CSM
load data nack with a bad cause.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.74 Source 78: Unexpected CSM load data ack

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(78) Unexpected CSM load data ack

BTS model:


This source indicates an unexpected CSM load data ack.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.75 Source 79: No BTS response on CSM load data message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(79) No BTS response on CSM load data message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM load data message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.76 Source 80: CSM load end nack with the cause - equipment
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(80) CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault

number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.77 Source 81: CSM load end nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(81) CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading



Preliminary checks
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.


If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.78 Source 82: CSM load end nack with the cause - value out of
range Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(82) CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of range"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.79 Source 83: CSM load end nack with the cause - message out of
sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(83) CSM load end nack with the cause "message out of

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "message out
of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.80 Source 84: CSM load end nack with the cause - data format error
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(84) CSM load end nack with the cause "data format error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "data format



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.81 Source 85: CSM load end nack with the cause - wrong file ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(85) CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref".

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.82 Source 86: CSM load end nack with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(86) CSM load end nack with the cause "data inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "data



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.83 Source 87: CSM load end nack with the cause - checksum error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(87) CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.84 Source 88: CSM load end nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(88) CSM load end nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.85 Source 89: No BTS response on CSM load end message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(89) No BTS response on CSM load end message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM load end message.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.86 Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(90) Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad report sent by BTS during an internal update.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.87 Source 91: CSM load init nack with the cause - file already open
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(91) CSM load init nack with the cause "file already open"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "file already



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.88 Source 92: CSM load init nack with the cause - invalid mode Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(92) CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.89 Source 93: CSM load init nack with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(93) CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be unloaded"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.90 Source 94: CSM load init nack with the cause - flash flag cannot
access Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(94) CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag cannot

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag
cannot access".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.91 Source 95: CSM load data nack with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(95) CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot be

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot
be unloaded".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.92 Source 96: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash flag
cannot access Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(96) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag cannot

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag
cannot access".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.93 Source 97: CSM load data nack with the cause - boot cannot be
unloaded Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(97) CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot be

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot
be unloaded".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


The procedure is complete.


2.2.94 Source 98: CSM load data nack with the cause - data decode
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(98) CSM load data nack with the cause "data decode error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data decode



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.95 Source 99: CSM load data nack with the cause - table cannot
access Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(99) CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot access"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault

number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.96 Source 100: CSM load data nack with the cause - RAM mapping
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(100) CSM load data nack with the cause "RAM mapping error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "RAM mapping



Preliminary checks
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.2.97 Source 101: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash access
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(101) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.98 Source 102: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash RAM
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(102) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash RAM error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash RAM



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.99 Source 103: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash erase
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(103) CSM load data nack with the cause "lash erase error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "lash erase



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.100 Source 104: CSM load data nack with the cause - internal abort
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(104) CSM load data nack with the cause "internal abort"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "internal
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.2.101 Source 105: CSM flash activate response with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(105) CSM flash activate response with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM flash activate response with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.102 Source 106: DTM error during token allocation

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(106) DTM error during token allocation

BTS model:


This source indicates a DTM error during token allocation.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.103 Source 107: CSM software update report with the cause: TRX
software incompatibility
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(107) CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause: TRX
software incompatibility.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


2.2.104 Source 108: Too many different deliveries in the cell group
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(108) Too many different deliveries in the cell group

BTS model:


This source indicates too many different deliveries in the cell group.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Fault number: 1052 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.3 Fault number: 1053 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

GSM entity configuration regression



The BSC detects a difference of the state between that known by the BSC
and that received from the BTS after a status request.
BSC defense
The BSC tries to restart the BTS (either the btsSiteManager object or the
transceiverEquipment object), to download it again and to reconfigure it.
Impact on the service

Case of the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
For as long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled-failed", the site is lost.

Case of the transceiverEquipment object

For as long as the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is
"disabled", the DRX and one TDMA are lost.
The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Look for a fault number 1067 concerning an item of equipment of

the object mentioned in the alarm (fault number 1053). If there is
not any alarm with the fault number 1067, go to step 2.

Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 4.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Go to step 3.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Wait for the end of restart. Then look for the origin of the
problem by analyzing the notification log and looking at the
notifications with the fault number 1060 that indicate the source
of the BTS restart. Also check whether this problem often occurs
or not. If the problem persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


2.4 Fault number: 1054 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Loss of layer 2 (or no establishment) with remote GSM entity



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Abis negative acknowledgement indication



Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The BSC sends a spontaneous message 1055 when it receives a
non-acknowledgement message (NACK) from a BTS after a configuration
The following Table 2 "Fault number 1055 sources" (page 274) indicates
all the sources of the fault number 1055 for the S2000 H/L BTS. For more
information on each source, see the indicated paragraph to know the
corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.
Table 2
Fault number 1055 sources

Source wording


Equipment failure

Equipment unable to perform such test

2.5.2 Source 2: Equipment unable to

perform such test (page 278)

Invalid configuration

2.5.3 Source 3: Invalid configuration

(page 279)

Unknown test

Cell parameters inconsistency

Data inconsistency

2.5.6 Source 6: Data inconsistency

(page 282)

Value out of range

2.5.7 Source 7: Value out of range

(page 284)

TEI not present

Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot


Unknown Abis PCM


Wrong software reference


Further files required


Failure during activation


Data format error

2.5.1 Source 1: Equipment failure

(page 278)

2.5.4 Source 4: Unknown test

(page 281)
2.5.5 Source 5: Cell parameters
inconsistency (page 281)

2.5.8 Source 8: TEI not present

(page 285)
2.5.9 Source 9: Unknown Abis
PCM_Time_Slot (page 286)
2.5.10 Source 10: Unknown Abis
PCM (page 286)
2.5.11 Source 11: Wrong software
reference (page 287)
2.5.12 Source 12: Further files
required (page 287)
2.5.13 Source 13: Failure during
activation (page 287)
2.5.14 Source 14: Data format error
(page 288)

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Table 2
Fault number 1055 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Window overflow


Normal completion


Transfer aborted

2.5.17 Source 17: Transfer aborted

(page 288)


Checksum error

2.5.18 Source 18: Checksum error

(page 288)


File incomplete

2.5.19 Source 19: File incomplete

(page 289)


File already present and correct


File cannot be downloaded


Entity engaged in other download


Too many signaling timeslots


Too many TEI connections to physical



Out of sequence message


Incorrect IEI


Wrong file reference


Bad cell number

2.5.28 Source 28: Bad cell number

(page 294)


Bad related TEI

2.5.29 Source 29: Bad related TEI

(page 294)


Bad timeslot


Window size not allowed


Flash boot required

2.5.15 Source 15: Window overflow

(page 288)
2.5.16 Source 16: Normal completion
(page 288)

2.5.20 Source 20: File already present

and correct (page 289)
2.5.21 Source 21: File cannot be
downloaded (page 289)
2.5.22 Source 22: Entity engaged in
other download (page 289)
2.5.23 Source 23: Too many signaling
timeslots (page 289)
2.5.24 Source 24: Too many TEI
connections to physical channel
(page 291)
2.5.25 Source 25: Out of sequence
message (page 291)
2.5.26 Source 26: Incorrect IEI
(page 293)
2.5.27 Source 27: Wrong file reference
(page 293)

2.5.30 Source 30: Bad timeslot

(page 294)
2.5.31 Source 31: Window size not
allowed (page 294)
2.5.32 Source 32: Flash boot required
(page 294)

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 2
Fault number 1055 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Wrong config reference


The BTS has not acknowledged the

TX power consign request


Downloading aborted

2.5.35 Source 35: Downloading

aborted (page 300)


Files missing

2.5.36 Source 36: Files missing

(page 300)


Buffer overflow


Block not received


Downloading restart

2.5.39 Source 39: Downloading

restart (page 301)


Request not supported

2.5.40 Source 40: Request not

supported (page 301)


Downloading failure

2.5.41 Source 41: Downloading

failure (page 301)


Start-up failure


Maximum number of joker timeslots


Bad chain type


Bad radio timeslot reference

2.5.45 Source 45: Bad radio timeslot

reference (page 305)


Bad internal link EDGE configuration

2.5.46 Source 46: Bad internal Link

EDGE configuration (page 305)


Inconsistent mapping


Inconsistent number of joker DS0


Invalid mode


File already open

2.5.33 Source 33: Wrong config

reference (page 295)
2.5.34 Source 34: The BTS has not
acknowledged the TX power consign
request (page 295)

2.5.37 Source 37: Buffer overflow

(page 300)
2.5.38 Source 38: Block not received
(page 301)

2.5.42 Source 42: Start-up failure

(page 301)
2.5.43 Source 43: Maximum number
of joker TS (page 302)
2.5.44 Source 44: Bad chain type
(page 305)

2.5.47 Source 47: Inconsistency

mapping (page 305)
2.5.48 Source 48: Inconsistency number
of joker DS0 (page 305)
2.5.49 Source 49: Invalid mode
(page 306)
2.5.50 Source 50: File already
open (page 306)

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Table 2
Fault number 1055 sources (contd.)


Source wording


File cannot be unloaded

2.5.51 Source 51: File cannot be

unloaded (page 306)


Boot cannot be unloaded

2.5.52 Source 52: Boot cannot be

unloaded (page 306)


Data decode error


Flash flag cannot access


Table cannot access

2.5.55 Source 55: Table cannot

access (page 307)


RAM mapping error

2.5.56 Source 56: RAM mapping

error (page 307)


Flash access error

2.5.57 Source 57: Flash access

error (page 307)


Flash write error

2.5.58 Source 58: Flash write error

(page 307)


Flash erase error

2.5.59 Source 59: Flash erase error

(page 308)


Internal abort


Equipment not able to get external



Synchronization in progress


Dynamic Abis feature not supported

2.5.63 Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature

not supported (page 308)


Inconsistent number of joker DS0

2.5.64 Source 64: Inconsistent number

of joker DS0 (page 309)


Non-significant value

2.5.53 Source 53: Data decode

error (page 306)
2.5.54 Source 54: Flash flag cannot
access (page 307)

2.5.60 Source 60: Internal abort

(page 308)
2.5.61 Source 61: Equipment not able to
get external synchronization (page 308)
2.5.62 Source 62: Synchronization
in progress (page 308)

2.5.66 Source 255: Non-significant

value (page 314)

The objects to suspect are as follows:

the btsSiteManager
the bts

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

the transceiver
the transceiverEquipment

2.5.1 Source 1: Equipment failure

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(1) Equipment failure

BTS model:


This source indicates an equipment failure.

2.5.2 Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such test

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(2) Equipment unable to perform such test

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the PCM number, the cell number, and/or the
number of time slots declared at the OMC-R are higher than those of the
hardware configuration of the BTS.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.

For the transceiver object

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.

Modify the parameters declared at the OMC-R.

2.5.3 Source 3: Invalid configuration

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(3) Invalid configuration

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the TRX configuration is not possible because of
a DRX frequency band error.
BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned by the
Impact on the service

Service interruption
The service is reduced.



Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency

band associated with the DRX module: "gsm", "extended gsm",
"dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".

If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a

"Display" command on the transceiverEquipment object.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", it
means that the DRX is GSM.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", it
means that the DRX is DCS.

If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a

"Display" command on the transceiverEquipment object.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", it
means that the DRX is DCS.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", it
means that the DRX is GSM.

Check the DRX frequency band declared at the OMC-R with the
PEC or CPC code of the DRX present in the cabinet.

If the DRX frequency band is the same as the one indicated

by the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter, clear the
alarm. Go to step 5.

If the DRX frequency band is not the same as the one

indicated by the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter and
if the DRX has just been replaced, go to step 3, otherwise,
go to step 4.

The alarm may be due to an error in the DRX replacement. So

replace the DRX (Field Replaceable Unit) by:

setting the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment

object corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked"

Service interruption
In most cases, the transceiverEquipment and one
transceiver are lost.
The service is reduced.

replacing the DRX module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Go to step 4.

Make sure that the DRX used is correct, so modify the value of
the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter according to the
DRX frequency band. Go to step 5.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


The procedure is complete.


2.5.4 Source 4: Unknown test

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(4) Unknown test

BTS model:


This source indicates an unknown test.

2.5.5 Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(5) Cell parameters inconsistency

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the TEI value that is configured on the TRX is
greater than the maximum number of TRX authorized by hardware rules
in a cell.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

The bts object is in a "disabled/failed" state.

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.



Perform a "Display" command on the affected TRX object.

The "teiTransceiverEqpt" parameter indicates the TEI value
associated with the TRX module.
The value of the "teiTransceiverEqpt" parameter should be within
the range specified by the S2000 H/L BTS engineering rules for
the corresponding configuration reference and associated DLUs.

Lock the affected TRX object.

Change the value of "teiTransceiverEqpt" so that it conforms to

the engineering rules specified above.

Unlock the TRX object.

Check that the alarm is cleared.

The procedure is complete.


2.5.6 Source 6: Data inconsistency

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication


(6) Data inconsistency

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the PCM list contains PCM identical numbers.
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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)



BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.



Check the PCM cabling.

If the cabling is correct, go to step 2.

If the cabling is not correct, replace the cables if necessary.
If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the configuration associated with the object at the

OMC-R. If necessary, modify the PCM numbers declared at the

The procedure is complete.


2.5.7 Source 7: Value out of range

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(7) Value out of range

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the cell configuration is not possible due to an
incorrect value.
The different sources of non-acknowledgement are:

BCCH frequency value in no known band

BSIC > 63
Diversity Flag is set to a value other than Enabled or Disabled
Max Power for Cell > 55 dBm
Frequency Hopping Flag is set to a value different from the following:


Number of frequency band = 0 or > 2

Any frequency in the list is in no known band
Number of TEI < 1


BSC defense None.

For the bts object

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Service reduction
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

Modify the values declared out of range at the OMC-R.

2.5.8 Source 8: TEI not present

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(8) TEI not present

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the TEI of the associated transceiver equipment

not between 32 and 55


is not in the permitted list of TEI of the corresponding CELL



BSC defense None.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.
The service is reduced.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.5.9 Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(9) Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot

BTS model:

S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an unknown Abis PCM Time Slot.

2.5.10 Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(10) Unknown Abis PCM

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the PCM is not present in the PCM list.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.

Parametrize the PCM declared unknown at the OMC-R.

2.5.11 Source 11: Wrong software reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(11) Wrong software reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a wrong software reference.

2.5.12 Source 12: Further files required

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(12) Further files required

BTS model:


This source indicates that further files are required.

2.5.13 Source 13: Failure during activation

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(13) Failure during activation

BTS model:


This source indicates a failure during activation.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.5.14 Source 14: Data format error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(14) Data format error

BTS model:


This source indicates a data format error.

2.5.15 Source 15: Window overflow

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(15) Window overflow

BTS model:


This source indicates a window overflow.

2.5.16 Source 16: Normal completion

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(16) Normal completion

BTS model:


This source indicates a normal completion.

2.5.17 Source 17: Transfer aborted

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(17) Transfer aborted

BTS model:


This source indicates an aborted transfer.

2.5.18 Source 18: Checksum error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(18) Checksum error

BTS model:


This source indicates a checksum error.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

2.5.19 Source 19: File incomplete

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(19) File incomplete

BTS model:


This source indicates an incomplete file.

2.5.20 Source 20: File already present and correct

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(20) File already present and correct

BTS model:


This source indicates a file already present and correct.

2.5.21 Source 21: File cannot be downloaded

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(21) File cannot be downloaded

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file cannot be downloaded.

2.5.22 Source 22: Entity engaged in other download

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(22) Entity engaged in other download

BTS model:


This source indicates that the entity is engaged in other download.

2.5.23 Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(23) Too many signaling timeslots

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This alarm indicates the value of signaling timeslot number is higher than
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.

Modify the value of the signaling timeslot number.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.5.24 Source 24: Too many TEI connections to physical channel

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(24) Too many TEI connections to physical channel

BTS model:


This source indicates that there are too many TEI connections to the
physical channel.

2.5.25 Source 25: Out of sequence message

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(25) Out of sequence message

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the message of site configuration has been
received twice but with different values by the BTS on the Abis interface.
The message is not accepted because of the state of the BTS.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.



Check the configuration associated with the object.

For the btsSiteManager object:

Check the logical configuration of the btsSiteManager
object (teiBtsSiteManager, bscSitePcmList, radioSiteMask
If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".
Modify the configuration.
Set the object to "unlocked".
If it is not correct, perform the "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object to
identify the faulty element.

For the bts object

a. Check the logical configuration of the bts object and its

If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

Modify the configuration.
Set the object to "unlocked".

If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager to
identify the faulty element.

b. In the case of the base cabinet associated with the

extension cabinet, set the btsSiteManager object to
"locked" then to "unlocked".

For the transceiver object

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


a. Set the administrativeState of the transceiver object to

b. Check the logical configuration of the transceiver object
(channelType, absoluteRFChannelNo parameters for
each channel).
c. Set the administrativeState of the transceiver object to

For the transceiverEquipment object

Check the logical configuration of the transceiverEquipment
object (teiTransceiverEqpt parameter).
If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

Modify the configuration.

Set the object to "unlocked".

If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object to
identify the faulty element.

The procedure is complete.


2.5.26 Source 26: Incorrect IEI

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(26) Incorrect IEI

BTS model:


This source indicates an incorrect IEI.

2.5.27 Source 27: Wrong file reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(27) Wrong file reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a wrong file reference.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.5.28 Source 28: Bad cell number

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(28) Bad cell number

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad cell number.

2.5.29 Source 29: Bad related TEI

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(29) Bad related TEI

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad related TEI.

2.5.30 Source 30: Bad timeslot

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(30) Bad timeslot

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad timeslot.

2.5.31 Source 31: Window size not allowed

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(31) Window size not allowed

BTS model:


This source indicates that the window size is not allowed.

2.5.32 Source 32: Flash boot required

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(32) Flash boot required

BTS model:


This source indicates that a flash boot is required.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.5.33 Source 33: Wrong config reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(33) Wrong config reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a wrong config reference.

2.5.34 Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power
consign request
Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(34) The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power

consign request

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the power, configured at the OMC-R for the TX
concerned, is not compatible with the TX hardware.
BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the
associated transceiver object. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.
Impact on the service
At least one TRX is lost.

Service reduction
It is possible to lose the whole cell linked to the faulty TRX.

Service interruption
The intervention on the site must be immediate: there is a risk
of service loss.


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and
treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object
becomes "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it.
Look for other alarms and treat the problem in order that
the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled". If a fault
number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the
fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do
not clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager
object becomes "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

Check that the alarm on the TX module is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "TX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "TX" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 6.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Perform a "Display" command on the bts object to check if the

cells are concentric.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the "concentric cell" parameter is "monozone", go to step 4.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "concentric" or "dual
band" or "dual coupling", go to step 5.

Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to
the attenuation of the combiner must be between 31dBm and
44dBm, or 32dBm at the band limit for GSM 1900 only.
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.
The following table allows to know directly the good values of the
"bsTxPwrMax" parameter depending on the combiners used in
the BTS. The "Nack" value is not admitted.

BTS model

S2000H/L Indoor








51 to 45

































































































































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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

BTS model

S2000H/L Indoor
































































22 to 21









BTS model

S2000 H/L Outdoor





51 to 45





























































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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

BTS model


S2000 H/L Outdoor





































22 to 21





If the value is not correct, change it.

If the value is correct, replace the TX module (Field
Replaceable Unit). See the replacement procedure given
in Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting

Then go to step 6.

Modify the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to
the attenuation of the combiner and reduced of the value of the
"transceiver zone Ref" parameter must be between 31dBm and
44dBm, or 32dBm at the band limit for GSM 1900 only.
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "transceiver zone Ref" parameter is obtained by performing
a "Display" command on the transceiver object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.

This parameter must not be filled in for the "dual band" or "dual
coupling" values of the "concentric cell" parameter.

The preceding table allows to know the good values of the

"bsTxPwrMax" parameter depending on the combiners used in

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

the BTS. The "Nack" value is not admitted. However, do not

forget to consider the "transceiver zone Ref" parameter.

If the value is not correct, change it.

If the value is correct, replace the TX module (Field
Replaceable Unit). see the replacement procedure given
in Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting

Then go to step 6.
Additional checks

Clear the alarm.

Set the bts object to "locked".

Set the bts object to "unlocked".

The procedure is complete.


2.5.35 Source 35: Downloading aborted

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(35) Downloading aborted

BTS model:


This source indicates that the downloading has been aborted.

2.5.36 Source 36: Files missing

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(36) Files missing

BTS model:


This source indicates that files are missing.

2.5.37 Source 37: Buffer overflow

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(37) Buffer overflow

BTS model:


This source indicates a buffer overflow.
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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

2.5.38 Source 38: Block not received

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(38) Block not received

BTS model:


This source indicates that a block has not been received.

2.5.39 Source 39: Downloading restart

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(39) Downloading restart

BTS model:


This source indicates a downloading restart.

2.5.40 Source 40: Request not supported

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(40) Request not supported

BTS model:


This source indicates a request not supported.

2.5.41 Source 41: Downloading failure

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(41) Downloading failure

BTS model:


This source indicates a downloading failure..

2.5.42 Source 42: Start-up failure

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(42) Start-up failure

BTS model:


This source indicates a start-up failure.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.5.43 Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(43) Maximum number of joker TS

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that there an inconsistency between the number of
joker TS requested by the operator and the BTS capability.
Joker TS provisioning per TDMA is dependent on hardware constraints
(both BCF/CBCF chains must have the same type of hardware) and also
on existing backhaul configuration.


BSC defense The transceiver object is not configured by the BSC.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.
The service is reduced.



Preliminary checks

Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not process

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and
process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object
becomes "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not process the alarm and do
not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager
object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 5.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Explore the site capability:

a Perform a "Display hardware information" command
("standard" mode) on the btsSiteManager object at the
The OMC-R displays the site type (BCF, or CBCF with CMCF
phase 1 or phase 2) and state (working or failed).
b Perform a "Display data information" command (with "EDGE"
option) on the btsSiteManager object at the OMC-R.
The OMC-R displays the GPRS and EDGE capabilities
of each TRX. This will give the maximum number of joker
TS supported by the BCF/CBCF and TRXs. Look for the
following items of information:

Hardware btsSiteManager capability

Max number of timeslot per transceiverEquipment
for active board (main + joker): see Table 3
"Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per
transceiverEquipment" (page 304) below
Max number of timeslot per transceiverEquipment for
passive board (main + joker):
Duplex site consistency: "identical capabilities" / "non
identical capabilities"

Hardware transceiverEquipment capability

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Max number of timeslot (main + joker): see Table

3 "Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per
transceiverEquipment" (page 304) below
GPRS capability: "up to CSx"
EDGE capability: "full" / "none"
As a reminder, here are the permitted maximum
Table 3
Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per transceiverEquipment
Type of site

Maximum number of timeslot (main + joker) per




CBCF CMCF phase 1

CBCF CMCF phase 2

Check the configuration of the transceiver object concerned, and

compare it with the capabilities analyzed in step 2.
As a reminder, here are the value ranges of the parameters
related to joker TS:

[0..4] for S8000 BCF
[0..6] for S8000 CBCF

The recommended values are 2, 3 or 4, depending on
operator Abis configuration (numberOfJokerDS0) and
estimated EDGE TDMA throughput.

If the configuration is not correct, set the transceiver object

to "locked".
Modify the configuration.
Set the transceiver object to "unlocked".

If the configuration is correct, save the information gathered

in step 2, as well as the site configuration, and then call the

Check that the alarm is cleared.

The procedure is complete.


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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

2.5.44 Source 44: Bad chain type

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(44) Bad chain type

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad chain type.

2.5.45 Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(45) Bad radio timeslot reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad radio timeslot reference.

2.5.46 Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE configuration

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(46) Bad internal Link EDGE configuration

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad internal link EDGE configuration.

2.5.47 Source 47: Inconsistency mapping

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(47) Inconsistency mapping

BTS model:


This source indicates an inconsistency mapping.

2.5.48 Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker DS0

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(48) Inconsistency number of joker DS0

BTS model:


This source indicates an inconsistency number of joker DS0.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.5.49 Source 49: Invalid mode

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(49) Invalid mode

BTS model:


This source indicates an invalid mode.

2.5.50 Source 50: File already open

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(50) File already open

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file is already open.

2.5.51 Source 51: File cannot be unloaded

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(51) File cannot be unloaded

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file cannot be unloaded.

2.5.52 Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication


(52) Boot cannot be unloaded

BTS model:


This source indicates that the boot cannot be unloaded.

2.5.53 Source 53: Data decode error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(53) Data decode error

BTS model:


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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)

This source indicates a data decode error.

2.5.54 Source 54: Flash flag cannot access

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(54) Flash flag cannot access

BTS model:


This source indicates an access problem to the flash flag.

2.5.55 Source 55: Table cannot access

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(55) Table cannot access

BTS model:


This source indicates an access problem to a table.

2.5.56 Source 56: RAM mapping error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(56) RAM mapping error

BTS model:


This source indicates a RAM mapping error.

2.5.57 Source 57: Flash access error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(57) Flash access error

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash access error.

2.5.58 Source 58: Flash write error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(58) Flash write error

BTS model:


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

This source indicates a flash write error.

2.5.59 Source 59: Flash erase error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(59) Flash erase error

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash erase error.

2.5.60 Source 60: Internal abort

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(60) Internal abort

BTS model:


This source indicates an internal abort.

2.5.61 Source 61: Equipment not able to get external synchronization

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(61) Equipment not able to get external synchronization

BTS model:


This source indicates that an equipment is not able to get the external

2.5.62 Source 62: Synchronization in progress

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(62) Synchronization in progress

BTS model:


This source indicates a synchronization in progress.

2.5.63 Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not supported

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(63) Dynamic Abis feature not supported

BTS model:


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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


At the reception of a "site config" message with dynamic Abis feature
activated, if one of the CMCF of the BTS is a phase 1, a "site config Nack"
message with the cause Dynamic Abis feature not supported is sent to
the BSC. The BSC must stop the configuration of the BTS.
Besides, in case of inconsistencies detected by the BTS, the BTS sends a
"traffic connect Nack" message with the cause Dynamic Abis feature not
supported (in response of a received "traffic connect" message)
Moreover in case a BTS is equipped with an eDRX that supports the
dynamic Abis feature, but with an S8000 BCF, then the dynamic Abis
feature is not supported by the BTS.
BSC defense
The BSC stops the configuration of the BTS.
Impact on the service

Service reduction
The BTS is not configured.

Modify the BTS configuration:

either deactivate the dynamic Abis feature

or upgrade the BTS (replace CMCF phase 1 with CMCF phase 2, or
replace BCF with CBCF)

2.5.64 Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(64) Inconsistent number of joker DS0

BTS model:



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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

When proceeding with the dynamic Abis feature, the BTS receives the
following information from the BSC: a poolRef which represents the
pool reference on Abis to which a EDGE TDMA belongs (traffic connect
If the BSC has requested more jokers in the pool than the capacity
indicated through the status report message, then this is a case of internal
inconsistencies detected by the BTS, and as a consequence the BTS
sends a traffic connect nack message (in response of a received traffic
connect message) with the cause 64 "Inconsistent number of joker DS0".
Then this alarm indicates that the number of DS0 inside one poolRef
exceeds the pool maximum capability.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object that is not operational.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 6.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.
As soon as the TRX is operational (the operationalState
of the transceiverEquipment object will be "enabled"),
check if the alarm persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 3.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the object concerned to "locked", then to "unlocked".

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

The procedure is complete.


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.5.65 Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(65) Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number

BTS model:


When proceeding with the dynamic Abis feature, the BTS receives the
following information from the BSC: a poolRef which represents the
pool reference on Abis to which a EDGE TDMA belongs (traffic connect
If the BSC has requested more jokers in the pool than the capacity
indicated through the status report message, then this is a case of internal
inconsistencies detected by the BTS, and as a consequence the BTS
sends a traffic connect nack message (in response of a received traffic
connect message) with the cause 65 "Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.

Procedure 2
Preliminary checks



Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.

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2.5 Fault number: 1055 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object that is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 6.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.
As soon as the TRX is operational (the operationalState
of the transceiverEquipment object will be "enabled"),
check if the alarm persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 3.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the object concerned to "locked", then to "unlocked".

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

The procedure is complete.


2.5.66 Source 255: Non-significant value

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(255) Non-significant value

BTS model:


This source indicates a non-significant value.

2.6 Fault number: 1056 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Incorrect parameter settings at the OMC-R



Fault number 1056 is sent when BSC detects an incorrect BDA
configuration for a btsSiteManager, bts, transceiverEquipment or
The managed object stays in a disabled/failed state.
Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not downloaded.

For the transceiverEquipment object

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2.6 Fault number: 1056 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Service reduction
The TRX is not downloaded. One TDMA is not configured.



Lock the impacted bts object.

Correct the OMC-R parameters.

If the parameters are correct, perform an audit BDA on the

If the audit does not reveal inconsistencies between the
BDA and the BDE, go to step 3.
If the audit reveals differences, perform a "off line reset
BDA". Then execute a "build BDA" of the BSC (always
in automatic mode). For more information on these
commands, refer to Nortel GSM BSS Configuration Operating Procedures (411-9001-034). Then go to step 3.

Unlock the bts object.


Table 4
Fault number 1056 sources


Source wording

Incorrect priority on transceiver

2.6.1 Source 0: Incorrect

priority on transceiver
(page 316)

Incorrect setting of channel on


2.6.2 Source 1: Incorrect

setting of channel on
transceiver (page 317)

Cell without BCCH TDM

2.6.3 Source 2: Cell without

BCCH TDM (page 317)

Radio Time Slot not used

2.6.4 Source 3: Radio Time

Slot not used (page 317)

Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1


2.6.5 Source 4: Wrong

value for BSS TEI in T1
mode (page 317)

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 4
Fault number 1056 sources (contd.)


Source wording

Cell cfg with cavity and dual band

not acceptable

2.6.6 Source 5: Cell cfg with

cavity and dual band not
acceptable (page 318)

Missing Site management Abis GSM


2.6.7 Source 6: Missing

Site management Abis GSM
function (page 318)

Missing Abis Signalling management

Abis GSM function

2.6.8 Source 7: Missing

Abis Signalling management
Abis GSM function (page

Missing Abis Traffic management

Abis GSM function

Missing RfTrans management Abis

GSM function

2.6.10 Source 9: Missing

RfTrans management Abis
GSM function (page 318)


Missing cell management Abis GSM


2.6.11 Source 10: Missing

cell management Abis GSM
function (page 319)


Missing TDMA management Abis

GSM function

2.6.12 Source 11: Missing

TDMA management Abis
GSM function (page 319)


Missing TS management Abis GSM


2.6.13 Source 12: Missing

TS management Abis GSM
function (page 319)


The TDMA exists in RDC but the

object was not created.

2.6.14 Source 13: The

TDMA exists in RDC but
the object was not created.
(page 319)


Too many EDGE TDMAs (>16 per

site) configured

2.6.15 Source 14: Too

many EDGE TDMAs (more
than 16 per site) configured
(page 320)

2.6.9 Source 8: Missing

Abis traffic management
Abis GSM function
(page 318)

2.6.1 Source 0: Incorrect priority on transceiver

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(0) Incorrect priority on transceiver

BTS model:


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2.6 Fault number: 1056 (S2000 H/L BTS)


This alarm indicates an incorrect priority setting on the transceiver, at the

2.6.2 Source 1: Incorrect setting of channel on transceiver

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(1) Incorrect setting of channel on transceiver

BTS model:


This alarm indicates an incorrect setting of channel on the transceiver
object at the OMC-R.

2.6.3 Source 2: Cell without BCCH TDM

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(2) Cell without BCCH TDM

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a cell without BCCH TDM.

2.6.4 Source 3: Radio Time Slot not used

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(3) Radio Time Slot not used

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a radio Time Slot not used.

2.6.5 Source 4: Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(4) Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.6.6 Source 5: Cell cfg with cavity and dual band not acceptable
Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(5) Cell cfg with cavity and dual band not acceptable

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a cell configuration with cavity and dual band (not

2.6.7 Source 6: Missing Site management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(6) Missing Site management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a missing Site management Abis GSM function.

2.6.8 Source 7: Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(7) Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM

2.6.9 Source 8: Missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(8) Missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM

2.6.10 Source 9: Missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(9) Missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


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2.6 Fault number: 1056 (S2000 H/L BTS)


This alarm indicates a missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function.

2.6.11 Source 10: Missing cell management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(10) Missing cell management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a missing cell management Abis GSM function.

2.6.12 Source 11: Missing TDMA management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(11) Missing TDMA management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a missing TDMA management Abis GSM function.

2.6.13 Source 12: Missing TS management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(12) Missing TS management Abis GSM function

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a missing TS management Abis GSM function.

2.6.14 Source 13: The TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not
Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(13) The TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not created.

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.6.15 Source 14: Too many EDGE TDMAs (more than 16 per site)
Fault number 1056

Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level


(14) Too many EDGE TDMAs (>16 per site) configured

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that too many EDGE TDMAs (>16 per site) are

2.7 Fault number: 1058 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

GSM entity configuration regression




An entity of the BTS detects an anomaly in its configuration, reports it to
the BSC by this alarm, and de-configures itself.
BSC defense

If the site is already operational, the BSC unconfigures the

btsSiteManager object and tries to reconfigure it.

If the site is not operational, there is a problem of connection between

the connections and the connections declared at the OMC-R.

Impact on the service

Case of the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
For as long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager is
"disabled-failed", the site is lost.

Case of the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
For as long as the operationalState of the transceiverEquip
ment is "disabled", the TRX and one TDMA are lost.


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2.8 Fault number: 1059 (S2000 H/L BTS)


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R



Set the pcmCircuit object to "locked".

Untwine the PCM links.

Set the pcmCircuit object to "unlocked".

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 4.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


2.8 Fault number: 1059 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Invalid message received on Abis interface on O and M link



The BSC receives a message from the BTS that it cannot treat because:

either this message is out of sequence

or this message concerns an unknown element, that is a distant item of
equipment not created at the OMC-R but emitting notifications


BSC defense
Impact on the service

In the case of a message on an unknown element (not declared at the

OMC-R), switch off this element.

Otherwise, do nothing.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Working instructions
If several fault numbers 1059 are detected by the same cell,
call the manufacturer.

2.9 Fault number: 1060 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Abis event reporting a transient default



The spontaneous message 1060 corresponds to a warning and does not

require a maintenance action, except in conjunction with the 1067 fault
The following table indicates all the sources of the fault number 1060
for the S2000 H/L BTS. For more information on each source, see the
indicated paragraph to know the corrective maintenance procedure
associated with this source.
Table 5
Fault number 1060 sources


Source wording



Loss of PCM link


Loss of GSM clock


Frequency collision on FH bus

2.9.1 DRX (source: Frequency

collision on FH bus) (page 324)


Beginning of TX isolation for


2.9.2 DRX (source: Beginning

of TX isolation for maintenance)
(page 324)


End of TX isolation for


2.9.3 DRX (source: End of TX

isolation for maintenance) (page


FACCH congestion

2.9.4 DRX (source: FACCH

congestion) (page 325)


LAPD congestion


Underrun AMNU-SPU


Nack answer

2.9.5 DRX (source: Nack answer)

(page 326)


Reset DRX by BSC

2.9.6 DRX (source: DRX reset by

BSC) (page 327)


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2.9 Fault number: 1060 (S2000 H/L BTS)






Source wording



DRX-PA link down on start-up


Post mortem dump zone 1


Post mortem dump zone 2


Post mortem dump zone 3


Restart due to reset by BSC


Restart due to reset by reset



Restart due to power on


Unknown message on Abis


2.9.7 SBCF board (source:

Unknown message on Abis
interface) (page 327)


Restart due to reset by BSC

2.9.8 SBCF board (source: Restart

due to reset by BSC) (page 327)


Restart due to reset by reset


2.9.9 SBCF boards (source:

Restart due to reset by reset
button) (page 327)


Restart due to power on

2.9.10 SBCF boards (source:

Restart due to power on) (page


Restart due to a too long PCM


2.9.11 SBCF boards (source:

Restart due to a too long PCM
scanning) (page 328)


Restart requested by the active


2.9.12 SBCF boards (source:

Restart requested by the active
board) (page 328)


Restart due to a software upgrade

2.9.13 SBCF boards (source:

Restart due to a software upgrade)
(page 329)


Restart due to hardware watchdog

2.9.14 SBCF boards (source:

Restart due to hardware
watchdog) (page 329)


Restart due to double bus fault

2.9.15 SBCF boards (source:

Restart due to double bus fault)
(page 329)


Restart due to Man Machine

Interface I and C reset button

2.9.16 SBCF boards (source:

restart due to Man Machine
Interface I and C reset button)
(page 329)


Software dump

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.9.1 DRX (source: Frequency collision on FH bus)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437196) Frequency collision on FH bus

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that a frequency collision has been encountered on
the FH bus. This alarm indicates a mistake in Frequency Hopping Laws.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

The phonic quality is lost.
The service is reduced.

Check the cell and the Hopping Laws (namely the configuration of
Frequency Hopping Laws or the TDMA configuration if there is not any

2.9.2 DRX (source: Beginning of TX isolation for maintenance)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437199) Beginning of TX isolation for maintenance

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the DRX has been isolated for maintenance by
the TIL. So the DRX is ready for local tests.
BSC defense

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2.9 Fault number: 1060 (S2000 H/L BTS)


The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object and possibly the

cell object.
Impact on the service

The service is reduced.

2.9.3 DRX (source: End of TX isolation for maintenance)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437200) End of TX isolation for maintenance

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the TIL has reintegrated the DRX, after having
isolated it for maintenance.
BSC defense
The BSC reconfigures the transceiver object and possibly the cell object,
that were unconfigured for maintenance.
Impact on the service

Set the transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then to


Clear the alarm.

2.9.4 DRX (source: FACCH congestion)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a transient default




(9437207) FACCH congestion

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

FACCH "Fast associated Control Channel" is one of the dedicated control
It is associated to a TCH channel and is used to exchange fast signaling
messages with the MS.
In compliance with GSM Rec. 5.03, a FACCH for TCH/FR is coded
over 8 bursts and for TCH/HR over 6 bursts. This imposes a maximum
transmission rate for FACCH messages, above which the messages are
queued. The queuing mechanism allows for up to 3 FACCH messagesfor
each channel (per sub-channel for TCH/HR) to be waiting for transmission.
When this limit is exceeded, the BTS sends the notification FACCH
Congestion and the waiting messages are discarded. A Timer mechanism
ensures that the dropped messages are repeated.
FACCH congestion is usually linked to handover activity (for speed and
priority reasons, FACCH channel is especially used for handover process).
Increased handover activity equals a greater risk of FACCH congestion.


BSC defense None
Impact on the service The only impact is that handovers may be
delayed by up to 160 ms, the time between 2 repetitions of the FACCH
There will no impact on the counters and no dropped calls, nor service

No maintenance action is required.

2.9.5 DRX (source: Nack answer)

Fault number 1060: Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437218) Nack answer

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This message indicates a software anomaly between the BCF and the
Call the next level of support.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.9 Fault number: 1060 (S2000 H/L BTS)

2.9.6 DRX (source: DRX reset by BSC)

Fault number 1060: Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437219) DRX reset by BSC

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This message indicates a reset of the DRX by the BSC.
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.7 SBCF board (source: Unknown message on Abis interface)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default



(6422530) Unknown message on Abis interface

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates an unknown Abis message.
BSC defense

2.9.8 SBCF board (source: Restart due to reset by BSC)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(6422560) Restart due to reset by BSC

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a reset by the
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.9 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to reset by reset button)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


(6422561) Restart due to reset by reset button

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a reset by the reset
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.10 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to power on)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(6422562) Restart due to power on

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a power on.
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.11 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to a too long PCM scanning)
Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(6422563) Restart due to a too long PCM scanning

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a too long PCM
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.12 SBCF boards (source: Restart requested by the active board)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6422564) Restart requested by the active board

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board has been requested by
the active board.
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2.9 Fault number: 1060 (S2000 H/L BTS)


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.13 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to a software upgrade)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6422565) Restart due to a software upgrade

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a software
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.14 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6422566) Restart due to a hardware watchdog

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a hardware
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.15 SBCF boards (source: Restart due to double bus fault)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6422567) Restart due to a double bus fault

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a double bus fault.
No maintenance action is required.

2.9.16 SBCF boards (source: restart due to Man Machine Interface I

and C reset button)
Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


(6422568) Restart due to a Man Machine Interface I

and C reset button

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a restart of an SBCF board due to a Man machine
Interface Iand C reset button.
No maintenance action is required.

2.10 Fault number: 1061 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Abis mapping issue for a TDMA



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Abis event reporting a hardware fault



In the case of an equipment fault or a missing equipment item, the BTS

sends a 1067 message to the OMC-R through the BSC specifying the
faulty equipment and the source. In some cases, the BSC starts a defense
action (PCM switchover, TRX state change, reconfiguration of frequency
hopping laws, ...).
If there is one alarm, the type and position of the element are specified
in the alarm.
For more information on each source, see the indicated paragraph to know
the corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.
Table 6
Fault number 1067 sources

Source No.


Source wording
SYNO clock not locked
on the network

(source: SYNO clock not
locked on the network)
(S2000H BTS) (page 344)
(source: SYNO clock not locked

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2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Source No.



Source wording

on the network) (S2000L

BTS) (page 349)
AC power supply


Power fault

Cabinet high
temperature alarm


Threshold exceeded

2.11.5 Cabinet high temperature

alarm (source: Threshold
exceeded) (page 360)

Cabinet low
temperature alarm


Threshold exceeded

2.11.6 Cabinet low temperature

alarm (source: Threshold
exceeded) (page 363)

DC power supply


Power fault

2.11.7 DC power supply

(source: Power fault)
(S2000H BTS) (page 366)
2.11.8 DC power supply
(source: Power fault) (S2000L)
(page 369)

External alarm


External alarm

2.11.9 External alarm (source:

External alarm) (page 373)


RX fault


Loss of PCM link




Self test failed


Major fault on TX


DRX link


2.11.3 AC power supply

(source: Power fault)
(S2000H BTS) (page 354)
2.11.4 AC power supply
(source: Power fault) (S2000L
BTS) (page 357)

2.11.10 DRX (source: RX

fault) (page 373)
2.11.11 DRX (source: Loss of
PCM link) (page 376)
2.11.12 DRX (source:
(page 378)
2.11.13 DRX (source: Self test
failed) (page 381)
2.11.14 DRX (source:
Major fault on TX)
(S2000H BTS) (page 383)
2.11.15 DRX (source: Major
fault on TX) (S2000L BTS)
(page 386)
2.11.16 DRX (source: DRX
link) (S2000H BTS) (page 388)
2.11.17 DRX (source: DRX link)
(S2000L BTS) (page 391)

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


Source No.


Source wording


The TX has not

acknowledged the
power consign request

2.11.18 DRX (source: The TX

has not acknowledged the power
consign request) (page 393)


PA DRX control loop


2.11.19 DRX (source: PA

DRX control loop fault)
(S2000H BTS) (page 397)
2.11.20 DRX (source: PA DRX
control loop fault) (S2000L
BTS) (page 400)

DRX diversity
reception chain


Software detection

2.11.21 DRX diversity

reception chain (source:
Software detection)
(S2000H BTS) (page 403)
2.11.22 DRX diversity reception
chain (source: Software
detection) (S2000L BTS)
(page 405)

DRX main reception



Software detection

2.11.23 DRX main

reception chain (source:
Software detection)
(S2000H BTS) (page 408)
2.11.24 DRX main reception
chain (source: Software
detection) (S2000L BTS)
(page 410)



LNA fault

2.11.25 LNA (source:

Software detection)
(S2000H BTS) (page 412)
2.11.26 LNA (source: Software
detection) (S2000L BTS)
(page 415)




2.11.27 PA (source: Hardware)

(S2000H BTS) (page 417)
2.11.28 PA (source: Hardware)
(S2000L BTS) (page 419)


DRX/PA connection

2.11.29 PA (source:
DRX/PA connection)
(S2000H BTS) (page 421)
2.11.30 PA (source: DRX/PA
connection) (S2000L BTS)
(page 424)



2.11.31 PCM (source: PCM)

(page 426)


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2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Source No.

RX-splitter D

RX-splitter M



Source wording
Over current

2.11.32 RX splitter D
(source: Over current)
(S2000H BTS) (page 426)
2.11.33 RX splitter D (source:
Over current) (S2000L BTS)
(page 429)

Over current

2.11.34 RX splitter M
(source: Over current)
(S2000H BTS) (page 431)
2.11.35 RX splitter M (source:
Over current) (S2000L BTS)
(page 434)
2.11.36 Splitter output
(source: Over current)
(S2000H BTS) (page 436)
2.11.37 Splitter output (source:
Over current) (S2000L BTS)
(page 438)

Splitter output


Over current

Transmit antenna



VGA (only for

S2000H BTS)


Fault on VGA

2.11.38 Transmit
antenna (source: VSWR)
(S2000H BTS) (page 441)
2.11.39 Transmit antenna
(source: VSWR) (S2000L
BTS) (page 443)
2.11.40 VGA (source: Fault on
VGA) (S2000H BTS) (page 446)

The red triangular icon of the I and C interface is ON, when an equipment
failure is detected on the BTS.
For the S2000L "FP" BTS, a fault on an element other than the "Battery
and Interface" module or the internal battery leads to the replacement of
one of the following elements:

the main module

the LPRF module

For the S2000L "EP" BTS, a fault on an element other than the "Battery
and Interface" module or the internal battery leads to the replacement of
the following element:

the base or extension module

For the S2000H "FP" BTS, a fault on an element other than the "Battery
and Interface" module leads to the replacement of one of the following

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

the main module

the RF supply module
the HPRF module

For the S2000H "EP" BTS, a fault on an element other than the "Battery
and Interface" module leads to the replacement of one of the following

the base or extension module

the HPRF module

The following tables indicate the cross-reference between the equipment

and the sheets for the S2000L BTS
Table 7
SBCF location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Table 8
SALCO location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Table 9
PA location








Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)





Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

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2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Table 10
LNA location















Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 11
PCM location








Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Table 12
AC power supply location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP



Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 13
DC power supply location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP



Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 14
External contact location




External Contact


External Contact


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

External Contact


External Contact


External Contact


External Contact


Table 15
DRX location








Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP













Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP





Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 16
Transmit antenna location

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

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2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Table 17
Cabinet high temperature alarm location




Cabinet high


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Cabinet high


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 18
Cabinet low temperature alarm location




Cabinet low


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Cabinet low


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)


Table 19
DRX main reception chain location



DRX Main
reception chain


DRX Main
reception chain


DRX Main
reception chain


DRX Main
reception chain


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 20
DRX diversity reception chain location



DRX Diversity
reception chain


DRX Diversity
reception chain


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 20
DRX diversity reception chain location (contd.)



DRX Diversity
reception chain


DRX Diversity
reception chain


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 21
SYN location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Table 22
RX main connector location




RX main


RX main


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP

RX main


RX main


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

Table 23
RX diversity connector location



RX diversity


RX diversity


RX diversity


RX diversity


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000L EP or FP

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000L EP or FP (extension)

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


The following tables indicate the cross-reference between the equipment

and the sheets for the S2000H BTS
Table 24
SBCF location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

Table 25
SALCO location






Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000H EP or FP

Table 26
PA location




High Power
Module 0 (BASE)


High Power
Module 1 (BASE)


High Power
Module 0 (EXTE


High Power
Module 1 (EXTE





High Power
Module 0 (BASE)


High Power
Module 0 (BASE)


High Power
Module 1 (BASE)


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Table 27
LNA location

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers





High Power
Module 1 (BASE)


High Power
Module 0


High Power
Module 1









Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP





Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000H EP (extension)







Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP









Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP



Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000H EP (extension)


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Table 28
VGA location

Table 29
PCM location

Table 30
AC power supply location

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Table 31
DC power supply location








Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

























Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP





Table 32
External contact location

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

Table 33
DRX location

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) for
S2000H EP (extension)

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 34
Transmit antenna location



Transmit antenna

High Power
Module 0 (BASE)

Transmit antenna

High Power
Module 1 (BASE)

Transmit antenna

High Power
Module 0

Transmit antenna

High Power
Module 1


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)

Table 35
Cabinet high temperature alarm location




Cabinet high


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

Cabinet high


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP

Table 36
Cabinet low temperature alarm location




Cabinet low


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

Cabinet low


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Table 37
DRX main reception chain location



DRX Main
reception chain


DRX Main
reception chain


DRX Main
reception chain


DRX Main
reception chain



Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

Table 38
DRX diversity reception chain location




DRX Diversity
reception chain


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

DRX Diversity
reception chain


DRX Diversity
reception chain


DRX Diversity
reception chain


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP







Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

Table 39
SYN location

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 40
RX main connector location




RX main


RX main


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

RX main


RX main


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP

Table 41
RX diversity connector location




RX diversity


RX diversity


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP or FP

RX diversity


RX diversity


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L

Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
for S2000H EP

2.11.1 ABIS_BTS_SYNCHRO (source: SYNO clock not locked on the

network) (S2000H BTS)
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3342340) SYNO clock not locked on the


BTS model:


A BTS works on its internal clock and provides the other BTSs with it
through the PCM links.
This alarm indicates a problem on the clock of the radio cabinet: the value
of the reference clock of the synchronizing PCM is not in the admitted

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)



BSC defense and impact on the service As long as the PCM link is
operational, there is not any BSC defense action.

If, in the notification the "impact" field is "non transparent for the BSC",
the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the

If, in the notification the "impact" field is "transparent for the BSC", the
BSC does not anything.

Service interruption
A handover problem can appear between the BTS
concerned and its neighboring BTSs (S8000 or S80002
BTS, or BTS of another manufacturer).



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 22.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Check the number of impacted sites.

the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. See Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049). Go
to step 21.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

See Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049). Go to step 21.

Perform a "Display dynamic data" command on the bsc object to

determine which TCU gives the clock to the network.

If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is "synchro internal

clock", go to step 19.

If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is not "synchro internal

clock", go to step 5.

Check the number of available TCUs.

If there is at least two available TCUs, go to step 6.
If there is only one TCU, go to step 7.

Perform a PCM Ater link switchover by setting the

administrativeState of the pcmCircuit object to "locked".

If several sites are impacted, go to step 4.


If only one site is impacted, go to step 3.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Measure the frequency of the PCM A downlinks (with a PCM


If the frequency is correct, measure the frequency of the PCM

A uplinks.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the frequency is not correct on all the PCM A links, go

to step 8.
If the frequency is not correct on one of the PCM A links,
go to step 9.
If the frequency is correct, the problem does not concern
the TCU but concerns the BSC. Go to step 12.

Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting



If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the frequency is not correct, the problem concerns the

MSC. Look for it and solve it. Then go to step 1.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Perform a "Display all" command on the transcoder object to

check the state of the TCU.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled",

the problem concerns the BSC. Go to step 12.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled",

go to step 11.

Perform a PCM A link switchover by setting the administrativeSta

te of the pcmCircuit object to "locked". Then perform a "Display
all" command on the transcoder object to check the state of the

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled",

the problem concerns the TDTI board. Go to step 9.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled",

perform the same operation twice: either the operationalState
of the transcoder object becomes "enabled", or the
operationalState of the transcoder object remains "disabled".
If the operationalState is "enabled", go to step 7. Otherwise
go to step 9.

Perform a "Display all" command on the bsc object to check the

correctness of the parameters of the passive chain.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers



Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on

the MSC side, on the BSC side and on the TCU side.

If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the

frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct, go to step 16.

If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the

frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct, go to step 14.

If the frequency of the PCM A link is not correct, if it is the

downlink concerned, go to step 15, and if it is the uplink
concerned, go to step 14.

Replace the following items of equipment one after the other to

identify the faulty one.
a Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU
3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, go to step 14b.

b Remove the newly inserted CEM board and reinsert the old
CEM board. Then replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable
Unit) of the TCU 3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.


The problem concerns the MSC. Solve it and then go to step 1.


Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on

the BSC side, on the TCU side and on the BTS side.

If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is correct and

the frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct, call the
transmission operator.

If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is not correct and the
frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct:
If it is the uplink concerned and if there is one BTS, go to
step 17.
If it is the uplink concerned and if there are several BTSs,
the problem concerns the PCMs. Call the transmission
If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the
PCMs. Call the transmission operator.

If the frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct:

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If it is the uplink concerned, go to step 18.

If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the
PCMs. Call the transmission operator.



the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 20.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 20.

Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the BSC

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 20.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Make a TCU operational.

As soon as a TCU is operational, go to step 5.

Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, go to step 21.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.2 ABIS_BTS_SYNCHRO (source: SYNO clock not locked on the

network) (S2000L BTS)
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3342340) SYNO clock not locked on the


BTS model:


This alarm indicates a problem on the clock of the radio cabinet: the value
of the reference clock of the synchronizing PCM is not in the admitted
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


BSC defense and impact on the service As long as the PCM link is
operational, there is not any BSC defense action.

If, in the notification the impact is "non transparent for the BSC", the
BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the

If, in the notification the impact is "transparent for the BSC", the BSC
does not anything.

Service interruption
A handover problem can appear between the BTS
concerned and its neighboring BTSs (S8000 BTS, or BTS of
another manufacturer).

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager

object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 22.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Check the number of impacted sites.

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 4.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.

Perform a "Display dynamic data" command on the bsc object to

determine which TCU gives the clock to the network.

If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is "synchro internal

clock", go to step 19.

If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is not "synchro internal

clock", go to step 5.

Check the number of available TCUs.

If there is at least two available TCUs, go to step 6.
If there is only one TCU, go to step 7.

Perform a PCM Ater link switchover by setting the

administrativeState of the pcmCircuit object to "locked".

If several sites are impacted, go to step 4.


If only one site is impacted, go to step 3.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Measure the frequency of the PCM A downlinks (with a PCM


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the frequency is correct, measure the frequency of the PCM

A uplinks.
If the frequency is not correct on all the PCM A links, go
to step 8.
If the frequency is not correct on one of the PCM A links,
go to step 9.
If the frequency is correct, the problem does not concern
the TCU but concerns the BSC. Go to step 12.

Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the frequency is not correct, the problem concerns the

MSC. Look for it and solve it. Then go to step 1.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Perform a "Display all" command on the transcoder object to

check the state of the TCU.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled",

the problem concerns the BSC. Go to step 12.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled",

go to step 11.

Perform a PCM A link switchover by setting the administrativeSta

te of the pcmCircuit object to "locked". Then perform a "Display
all" command on the transcoder object to check the state of the

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled",

the problem concerns the TDTI board. Go to step 9.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled",

do the same operation twice: either the operationalState
of the transcoder object becomes "enabled", or the
operationalState of the transcoder object remains "disabled".

If the operationalState is "enabled", go to step 8step 7.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)



Perform a "Display all" command on the bsc object to check the

correctness of the parameters of the passive chain.


Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on

the MSC side, on the BSC side and on the TCU side.


If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the

frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct, go to step 19step

If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the

frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct, go to step 14.

If the frequency of the PCM A link is not correct, if it is the

downlink concerned, go to step 18, and if it is the uplink
concerned, go to step 14.

Replace the following items of equipment one after the other to

identify the faulty one.
a Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU
3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, go to step 14b.

b Remove the newly inserted CEM board and reinsert the old
CEM board. Then replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable
Unit) of the TCU 3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.


The problem concerns the MSC. Solve it and then go to step 1.


Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on

the BSC side, on the TCU side and on the BTS side.

If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is correct and

the frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct, call the
transmission operator.

If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is not correct and the
frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct:

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If it is the uplink concerned and if there is one BTS, go to

step 17.
If it is the uplink concerned and if there are several BTSs,
the problem concerns the PCMs. Call the transmission
If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the
PCMs. Call the transmission operator.

If the frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct:

If it is the uplink concerned, go to step 18.
If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the
PCMs. Call the transmission operator.




the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 4.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.

Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the BSC

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 20.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Make a TCU operational.

As soon as a TCU is operational, go to step 5.

Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, go to step 21.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.3 AC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault

AC power supply

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


(6619137) Power fault

BTS model:



The AC power supply has failed. Therefore, this failure indicates that the
battery is powering the BTS.
The power backup for an S2000H BTS is approximately 15 minutes at
25C with the "Battery and Interface" module.


BSC defense If the BTS operates on its battery, there is not any BSC
defense action.
When the battery is lost, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
When this alarm appears, the BTS operates with the "Battery
and Interface" module.
If there is no "Battery and Interface" module, the service is lost.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look
for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".
If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss
of layer 2) has appeared:

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is

concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance

Check the mains power supply on the operator box, or on the

"Battery and Interface" module, if it is used.

If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. see

the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply

and go to step 7.

Check that the batteries are present.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the mains power supply on the operator box, or on the

"Battery and Interface" module, if it is used.

If the mains power supply is correct, go to step 6.

If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply
and go to step 7.


the RF supply module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel

GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
Go to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSitManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "working",

go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.4 AC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


AC power supply


(6619137) Power fault

BTS model:


The AC power supply has failed. Therefore, this failure indicates that the
battery is powering the BTS.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The power backup for a S2000L BTS is approximately 15 minutes at 25C

with the internal battery.


BSC defense If the BTS operates on its battery, there is not any BSC
defense action.
When the battery is lost, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
When this alarm appears, the BTS operates with the "Battery
and Interface" module.
If there is no "Battery and Interface" module, the service is lost.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look
for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".
If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss
of layer 2) has appeared:

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is

concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance

Check the mains power supply on the operator box, or on the

"Battery and Interface" module, if it is used.

If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. see

the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply

and go to step 7.

Check that the internal batteries are present.

Check the mains power supply on the operator box, or on the

"Battery and Interface" module, if it is used.

If the mains power supply is correct, go to step 6.

If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply
and go to step 7.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "working",

go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.5 Cabinet high temperature alarm (source: Threshold exceeded)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Cabinet high temperature alarm


(7012353) Threshold exceeded

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

The beginning of fault appears when the temperature is upper than 75C.
Then the DRX are switched off until the return to a normal temperature.
The end of fault appears when the temperature is lower than 70C. Then
the SBCF restarts the DRX and the DRX configuration.
BSC defense

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


When the DRX are switched off, the BSC unconfigures the associated
transceiverEquipment objects.
The BSC waits for the end of fault to perform the reconfiguration.
Impact on the service
There is the loss of all the transceiverEquipment, bts, and transceiver

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 7.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "cabinet high temperature alarm" equipment

is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "cabinet high temperature alarm" equipment

is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

Control the environment to check if the alarm is normal or not:

If the alarm detection is normal, wait for the system to

return to a normal temperature. The cabinet will restart
automatically. Go to step 4.

If the alarm detection is not normal, replace:

the main module for the S2000L "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.
the main module for the S2000H "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.
the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.
the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "cabinet high temperature alarm" equipment

is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "cabinet high temperature alarm" equipment

is "working", go to step 6.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.6 Cabinet low temperature alarm (source: Threshold exceeded)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Cabinet low temperature alarm


(7077889) Threshold exceeded

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

The beginning of alarm appears when the temperature is lower than -15C.
Then the heaters are started and the DRX are switched off until the return
to a normal temperature.
The end of alarm appears when the temperature is upper than -10C. Then
the SBCF restarts the DRX and the DRX configuration.
BSC defense
When the DRX are switched off, the BSC unconfigures the associated
TRX on reception of the DRX link source.
The BSC waits for the end of fault of the DRX to perform the
Impact on the service
There is the loss of all the transceiverEquipment, bts, and transceiver

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 7.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "cabinet low temperature alarm" equipment

is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "cabinet low temperature alarm" equipment

is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

Control the environment to check if the alarm is normal or not:

If the alarm detection is normal, wait for the system to

return to a normal temperature. The cabinet will restart
automatically. Go to step 4.

If the alarm detection is not normal, replace:

the main module for the S2000L "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.
the main module for the S2000H "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.
the base or extension module for the S2000L "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.
the base or extension module for the S2000H "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 4.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "cabinet low temperature alarm" equipment

is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "cabinet low temperature alarm" equipment

is "working", go to step 6.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.11.7 DC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


DC power supply


(6684673) Power fault

BTS model:


The battery of the S2000H BTS is located in the "Battery and Interface"
This alarm is an "OR" function of the 48V alarm and of the presence of the
battery temperature sensor.
If a DC power supply alarm occurs alone, there is a problem on the battery
of the "Battery and Interface" module.
If a DC power supply alarm occurs with an AC power supply alarm, the
BTS is running on its battery. This alarm indicates that AC power supply
has failed and the DC power supply has dropped below the charge
threshold of the battery (42 V).


BSC defense If the BTS operates on its battery, there is not any BSC
defense action.
When the battery is lost, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
The DC power supply will be shutdown very shortly (maximum
30 seconds).
When this alarm appears, the BTS operates with the "Battery
and Interface" module.
If there is no "Battery and Interface" module, the service is lost.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look
for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".


If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss

of layer 2) has appeared:

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is

concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 11.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is "failed",

the fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance

Check if the "Power fault" source also appears on the "AC power
supply" equipment:

If it is case, the AC power distribution system is responsible.

The cabinet runs on the "Battery and Interface" module.
Solve the AC power supply problem. Go to step 9.

If not, it is a PCM fault. see the fault number 1054 (see

Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

Check if the "Power fault" source also appears on the "AC power
supply" equipment:

If it is case, the AC power distribution system is responsible.

The cabinet runs on the "Battery and Interface" module.
Solve the AC power supply problem. Go to step 9.

If not, go to step 5.

Check the 48V voltage on the DC rail in the battery compartment

of the "Battery and Interface" module (between 8 and 13 points):

If the voltage is upper than 48V, check the battery

temperature sensor. Go to step 6.

If the voltage is below 48V, replace the battery of the

"Battery and Interface" module (with the associated
temperature sensor). see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Disconnect the "Battery and Interface" module (the cabinet runs

on AC power supply). Go to step 7.

Check the battery temperature sensor on the DC rail in the

battery compartment of the "Battery and Interface" module
(between 11 and 12 points):

If the value is approximately 2 k , go to step 8.

If the value is not approximately 2 k , replace the battery
of the "Battery and Interface" module (with the associated
temperature sensor). see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Check the cable between the cabinet and the "Battery and
Interface" module.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the cable is correct, replace:

the main module for the S2000H "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 9.
the base or extension module for the S2000H "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

If the cable is not correct, replace it. Go to step 8.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is "working",

go to step 11.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.8 DC power supply (source: Power fault) (S2000L)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


DC power supply


(6684673) Power fault

BTS model:


If a DC power supply alarm occurs alone, there is a problem on the battery
of the "Battery and Interface" module.
If a DC power supply alarm occurs with an AC power supply alarm, the
BTS is running on its battery. This alarm indicates that AC power supply
has failed and the DC power supply has dropped below the charge
threshold of the battery (42 V).

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


BSC defense If the BTS operates on its battery, there is not any BSC
defense action.
When the battery is lost, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
The DC power supply will be shutdown very shortly (maximum
30 seconds).
When this alarm appears, the BTS operates with the "Battery
and Interface" module.
If there is no "Battery and Interface" module, the service is lost.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look
for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".
If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss
of layer 2) has appeared:

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the

cabinet. Go to step 3.

Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is

concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is "failed",

the fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 12.

On-site maintenance

Check if the "Power fault" source also appears on the "AC power
supply" equipment:

If it is case, the AC power distribution system is responsible.

The cabinet runs on the "Battery and Interface" module.
Solve the AC power supply problem. Go to step 10.

If not, it is a PCM fault. see the fault number 1054 (see

Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

Check if the "Power fault" source also appears on the "AC power
supply" equipment:

If it is case, the AC power distribution system is responsible.

The cabinet runs on the "Battery and Interface" module.
Solve the AC power supply problem. Go to step 10.

If not, go to step 5.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check if a "Battery and Interface" module is present:

If there is no "Battery and Interface" module, replace:

the base or extension module for the S2000L "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 10.
the main module for the S2000L "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 10.

If there is a "Battery and Interface" module, go to step 6.

Check the 48V voltage on the DC rail in the battery compartment

of the "Battery and Interface" module (between 8 and 13 points):

If the voltage is upper than 48V, check the battery

temperature sensor. Go to step 7.

If the voltage is below 48V, replace the battery of the

"Battery and Interface" module (with the associated
temperature sensor). see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 10.

Disconnect the "Battery and Interface" module (the cabinet runs

on AC power supply). Go to step 8.

Check the battery temperature sensor on the DC rail in the

battery compartment of the "Battery and Interface" module
(between 11 and 12 points):

If the value is approximately 2 k , go to step 9.

If the value is not approximately 2 k , replace the battery
of the "Battery and Interface" module (with the associated
temperature sensor). see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L
Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 10.

Check the cable between the cabinet and the "Battery and
Interface" module.

If the cable is correct, replace:

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 10.
the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 10.

If the cable is not correct, replace it. Go to step 10.

Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)



If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

If the alarm persists, go to step 11.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "DC power supply" equipment is "working",

go to step 12.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.9 External alarm (source: External alarm)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


External alarm


(8257537) External alarm

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

If the alarm is external, the maintenance action depends on how the user
deals with the alarm. Six external alarms can be used for the base unit.

2.11.10 DRX (source: RX fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437185) RX fault

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

The DRX is not operational any more.
BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiverEquipment object. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


2.11.11 DRX (source: Loss of PCM link)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(9437187) Loss of PCM link

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the DRX has not found the synchronization bits.
BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated transceiver and
transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.
Impact on the service
At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".

Service reduction
In most cases, the TRX and one TDMA are lost.


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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.12 DRX (source: BBFILTER ASIC fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437190) BBFILTER ASIC fault

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a hardware problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)



BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated transceiver and
transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver.
Impact on the service
At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.13 DRX (source: Self test failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437193) Self test failed

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates a problem in the hardware self-tests of the DRX.
BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated transceiver and
transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.
Impact on the service
At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.14 DRX (source: Major fault on TX) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(9437194) Major fault on TX

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a problem on the DRX.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service At least one DRX is lost, but it is possible to lose
the whole cell linked to the faulty DRX.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".

Check the connection between the base or extension module

and the HPRF module.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 7.


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state:

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, set the administrativeState of the
transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty DRX
to "locked" and go to step 6.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked". Then check the
alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.15 DRX (source: Major fault on TX) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(9437194) Major fault on TX

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a problem on the DRX.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service At least one DRX is lost, but it is possible to lose
the whole cell linked to the faulty DRX.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 9.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".

Check the connection between the main module and the LPRF
module (S2000L "FP").

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 6.


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still"failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.16 DRX (source: DRX link) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(9437206) DRX link

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


This alarm indicates that the SBCF has detected the loss or the
nonestablishment of the dialog box with the DRX.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".


the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.



2.11.17 DRX (source: DRX link) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(9437206) DRX link

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the SBCF has detected the loss or the
nonestablishment of the dialog box with the DRX.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked".


the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.18 DRX (source: The TX has not acknowledged the power consign
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(9437216) The TX has not acknowledged the power

consign request

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm indicates that the power, configured at the OMC-R for the DRX
concerned, is not compatible with the DRX hardware.
BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated transceiver and
transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.
Impact on the service
At least one DRX is lost.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Service reduction
It is possible to lose the whole cell linked to the faulty DRX. So
the service is reduced.

Service interruption
The intervention on the site must be immediate: there is a risk of
service loss .

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

If the alarm persists, go to step 3.

Otherwise, go to step 9.


Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 6.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Perform a "Display" command on the bts object to check if the

cells are concentric.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "monozone", go to step 4.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "concentric" or "dual
band" or "dual coupling", go to step 5.

Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value
to the attenuation of the duplexer must be between 31dBm and
44dBm for the S2000H and between 23dBm and 36dBm for the
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.
The following table lists the correct values of the "bsTxPwrMax"
parameter. The "Nack" value is not allowed.

If the value is correct, replace:

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.
the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.
the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

If the value is not correct, modify it according the following

table. Go to step 6.

Coupling system



DLU attenuation

0 (S2000H)

1 (S2000L)

51 143





































































22 0




Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to

the attenuation of the duplexer and reduced of the value of the
"transceiver zone Ref" parameter must be between 31dBm and
44dBm for the S2000H and between 23dBm and 36dBm for the
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.
The "transceiver zone Ref" parameter is obtained by performing
a "Display" command on the transceiver object.
The preceding table allows to know the good values of the
"bsTxPwrMax" parameter. The "Nack" value is not admitted.
However, do not forget to consider the "transceiver zone Ref"

If the value is correct, replace:

the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.
the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.
the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.
the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.
see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

If the value is not correct, modify it according the following

table. Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Clear the alarm, if necessary.

Set the bts object to "locked".

Set the bts object to "unlocked".

The procedure is complete.


2.11.19 DRX (source: PA DRX control loop fault) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


(9437217) PA DRX control loop fault

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the DRX has not succeeded in the PA emission
power configuration with the DRX/PA control loop.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager

object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked". Go to step 4.

Service reduction
In most cases, the transceiver and one
transceiverEquipment objets are lost.

Check the connection between the base or extension module

and the HPRF module.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 7.


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state:

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, set the administrativeState of the
transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty DRX
to "locked" and go to step 6.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked". Then check the
alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.20 DRX (source: PA DRX control loop fault) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(9437217) PA DRX control loop fault

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the DRX has not succeeded in the PA emission
power configuration with the DRX/PA control loop.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Impact on the service


At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked". Go to step 4.

Service reduction
In most cases, the transceiver and transceiverEquipm
ent objects are lost.

Check the connection between the base module and the LPRF
module (S2000L "FP" BTS only).

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 6.


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty DRX to "unlocked".

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.21 DRX diversity reception chain (source: Software detection)

(S2000H BTS)
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


DRX diversity reception chain


(6946817) Software detection

BTS model:


The DRX software (= the BTS) has detected a fault in the DRX main
reception chain.
An algorithm based on a function with the following parameters:

the level difference between the two chains

the number of busy TCH channels
the time

performs a mutual supervision of the two reception chains.


BSC defense None

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.



Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the "drx diversity reception chain"

equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

"failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

"working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

Check the RF cable between the HPRF module and the RF

supply module.

Otherwise, replace it. Go to step 6.

Check the antenna connection on the faulty chain.

If the cable is correct, go to step 4.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If the connection is not correct, replace it. Go to step 6.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


the RF supply module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel

GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
Go to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

still "failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

"working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.22 DRX diversity reception chain (source: Software detection)

(S2000L BTS)
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


DRX diversity reception chain


(6946817) Software detection

BTS model:


The DRX software (= the BTS) has detected a fault in the DRX main
reception chain.
An algorithm based on a function with the following parameters:

the level difference between the two chains

the number of busy TCH channels
the time

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

performs a mutual supervision of the two reception chains.


BSC defense None

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 8.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check that the alarm on the "drx diversity reception chain"

equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

"failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

"working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

Check the antenna connection on the faulty chain.

If the connection is correct, go to step 4.

If not, replace it. Go to step 5.


the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

still "failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "drx diversity reception chain" equipment is

"working", go to step 7.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.11.23 DRX main reception chain (source: Software detection)

(S2000H BTS)
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


DRX main reception chain


(6881281) Software detection

BTS model:


The DRX software (= the BTS) has detected a fault in the DRX main
reception chain.
An algorithm based on a function with the following parameters:

the level difference between the two chains

the number of busy TCH channels
the time

performs a mutual supervision of the two reception chains.


BSC defense None

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the "drx main reception chain" module
is valid, by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is

"failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is

"working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

Check the RF cable between the HPRF module and the RF

supply module.

Otherwise, replace it. Go to step 6.

Check the antenna connection on the faulty chain.

If the cable is correct, go to step 4.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If the connection is not correct, replace it. Go to step 6.


the RF supply module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel

GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
Go to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is

"working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.24 DRX main reception chain (source: Software detection) (S2000L

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


DRX main reception chain


(6881281) Software detection

BTS model:


The DRX software (= the BTS) has detected a fault in the DRX main
reception chain.
An algorithm based on a function with the following parameters:

the level difference between the two chains

the number of busy TCH channels
the time

performs a mutual supervision of the two reception chains.


BSC defense None

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 8.

Check that the alarm on the "drx main reception chain"

equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is

"failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is

"working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

Check the antenna connection on the faulty chain.

If the connection is correct, go to step 4.

If not, replace it. Go to step 5.


the main module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

Check the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "drx main reception chain" equipment is

"working", go to step 7.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.25 LNA (source: Software detection) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


(5570561) LNA fault

BTS model:



This alarm indicates a hardware problem on the low noise amplifier. The
related reception path (main or diversity) is not operational any more for all
the DRX using the faulty LNA. However all these DRX run in a degraded
mode if the other path is still correct.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects
corresponding to the faulty LNA. One or several transceiverEquipment
objects can be lost.

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the LNA is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiver and

transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiver and

transceiverEquipment objects to "unlocked". Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "LNA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.11.26 LNA (source: Software detection) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware





(5570561) LNA fault

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware problem on the low noise amplifier. The
related reception path (main or diversity) is not operational any more for all
the DRX using the faulty LNA. However all these DRX run in a degraded
mode if the other path is still correct.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects
corresponding to the faulty LNA. One or several transceiverEquipment
objects can be lost.

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes

back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the LNA is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiver and

transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiver and

transceiverEquipment objects to "unlocked". Go to step 6.

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "LNA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.27 PA (source: Hardware) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6815745) Hardware

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware failure of the PA. The corresponding DRX
is not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object
using the faulty PA, at least one transceiver object so one bts object.

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the PA is valid, by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object,

corresponding to the faulty PA, to "locked".

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object,

corresponding to the faulty PA, to "unlocked". Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the PA by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.28 PA (source: Hardware) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6815745) Hardware

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware failure of the PA. The corresponding DRX
is not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object
using the faulty PA, at least one transceiver object so one bts object.

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the PA is valid, by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object,

corresponding to the faulty PA, to "locked".


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 5.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object,

corresponding to the faulty PA, to "unlocked". Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the PA by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.11.29 PA (source: DRX/PA connection) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6815746) DRX/PA connection

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the numeric link is out of use between the DRX
and the PA. The TRX is not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object
using the faulty PA, at least one transceiver object so one bts object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm on the PA is valid, by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 11.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty PA to "locked".

Check the connection between the base or extension module

and the HPRF module.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 7.


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty PA to "unlocked". Go to step 8.

Check the alarm state:


If the alarm persists, set the administrativeState of the

transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty PA
to "locked" and go to step 6.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty PA to "unlocked". Then check the
alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the PA module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", go to step 11.

Clear the alarm.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


The procedure is complete.


2.11.30 PA (source: DRX/PA connection) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6815746) DRX/PA connection

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the numeric link is out of use between the DRX
and the PA. The TRX is not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object
using the faulty PA, at least one transceiver object so one bts object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes

back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Check that the alarm on the PA is valid, by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty PA to "locked".

Check the cable connection between the main module and the
LPRF module, if possible.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 6.


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

corresponding to the faulty PA to "unlocked". Go to step 7.

Check the alarm state:

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the PA module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment

If the state of the "PA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.31 PCM (source: PCM)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6488065) PCM

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This alarm can indicate a manual action on the PCM links (lock/unlock
when the BTS is connected to a BSC 3000).
This alarm can also be associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.11.32 RX splitter D (source: Over current) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


RX splitter D


(7798785) Over current

BTS model:


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the diversity
path, located in the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been
detected on the diversity path. It may be due to a hardware problem on
the cable.


BSC defense None.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Impact on the service



Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm on the Rx-splitter D is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", the

fault is not confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the connection between the base or extension module

and the HPRF module.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 7.


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 8.

Check the alarm state:

If the alarm persists, set the administrativeState of the

transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and go to step 6.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "unlocked".Then check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm
list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the RX-splitter D module by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", go

to step 11.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.33 RX splitter D (source: Over current) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


RX splitter D


(7798785) Over current

BTS model:


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the diversity
path, located in the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been
detected on the diversity path. It may be due to a hardware problem on
the cable.


BSC defense None.
Impact on the service


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Check that the alarm on the Rx-splitter D is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", the

fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the cable connection between the main module and the
LPRF module (S2000L "FP" BTS only).

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 6.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 7.

Check the alarm state:

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the RX-splitter D module by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", go

to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.34 RX splitter M (source: Over current) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


RX splitter M


(7733249) Over current

BTS model:


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the main
path, located in the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been
detected on the main path. It may be due to a hardware problem on the


BSC defense None.
Impact on the service


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm on the Rx-splitter M is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", the

fault is not confirmed. Go to step 11.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the connection between the base or extension module

and the HPRF module.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 7.


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 8.

Check the alarm state:


If the alarm persists, set the administrativeState of the

transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and go to step 6.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "unlocked". Then check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm
list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the RX-splitter M module by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", go

to step 11.

Clear the alarm.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


The procedure is complete.


2.11.35 RX splitter M (source: Over current) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


RX splitter M


(7733249) Over current

BTS model:


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the main
path, located in the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been
detected on the main path. It may be due to a hardware problem on the


BSC defense None.
Impact on the service


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes

back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

Check that the alarm on the Rx-splitter M is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", the

fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the cable connection between the main module and the
LPRF module (S2000L "FP" BTS only).

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. go to step 6.


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 7.

Check the alarm state:

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the RX-splitter M module by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", go

to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.36 Splitter output (source: Over current) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Splitter output


(7340033) Over current

BTS model:


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the main
path, located in the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been
detected on the main path. It may be due to a hardware problem on the


BSC defense None.
Impact on the service


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.


If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 12.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", the

fault is not confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the connection between the base or extension module

and the HPRF module.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 8.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


the main module of the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 7.

the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 7.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 9.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 8.

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, set the administrativeState of the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and go to step 6.

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "unlocked". Then check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm
list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.

If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

Check the state of the module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", go

to step 11.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


2.11.37 Splitter output (source: Over current) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Splitter output


(7340033) Over current

BTS model:


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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the main
path, located in the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been
detected on the main path. It may be due to a hardware problem on the


BSC defense None.
Impact on the service


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 10.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", the

fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the cable connection between the main module and the
LPRF module, if possible.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 6.


the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 7.

Check the alarm state:

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the RX-splitter M module by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "splitter output" equipment is "working", go

to step 9.

Clear the alarm.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)



The procedure is complete.


2.11.38 Transmit antenna (source: VSWR) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Transmit antenna


(6750209) VSWR

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the radio link has been interrupted in the
transmission direction for all the DRX using the corresponding antenna. So
these DRX are not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects
corresponding to the antenna.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 11.

Check that the alarm on the antenna is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 10.

On-site maintenance

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the connection between the antenna and the HPRF

module indicated in the alarm.

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. go to step 6.

Replace the HPRF module. see Nortel GSM BTS

S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go to step 6

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 7.

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Check the state of the antenna by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is "working",

go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


Perform a transmission test:


Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment

objects to "locked".

Configure in emission the DRX corresponding to the antenna.

Use the TIL to perform an emission test (reflected power =

The procedure is complete.


2.11.39 Transmit antenna (source: VSWR) (S2000L BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault


Transmit antenna


(6750209) VSWR

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the radio link has been interrupted in the
transmission direction for all the DRX using the corresponding antenna. So
these DRX are not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects
corresponding to the antenna.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 11.

Check that the alarm on the antenna is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 10.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".

Check the connection between the antenna and the LPRF

module indicated in the alarm (S2000L "FP" BTS only).

If the connection is correct, go to step 5.

If not, replace it. Go to step 6.


the LPRF module of the S2000L "FP" BTS. see Nortel GSM
BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049) Go
to step 6.

the base or extension module of the S2000L "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 7.

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

Check the state of the antenna by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is still "failed",

call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "transmit antenna" equipment is "working",

go to step 9.

Clear the alarm.


Perform a transmission test:

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment

objects to "locked".

Configure in transmission the DRX corresponding to the


Use the TIL to perform an transmission test (reflected power

= 1.2W).

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers


The procedure is complete.


2.11.40 VGA (source: Fault on VGA) (S2000H BTS)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(6029313) Fault on VGA

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware problem on the VGA. The related
reception path (main or diversity) is not operational any more for all the
DRX using the faulty VGA. However, if the path is still correct, all the DRX
run in a degraded mode.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects
corresponding to the faulty VGA.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.11 Fault number: 1067 (S2000 H/L BTS)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the VGA is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "VGA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "VGA" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object

to "locked".


the base or extension module of the S2000H "EP" BTS.

see Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting
(411-9001-049) Go to step 5.

the RF supply module for the S2000H "FP" BTS. see Nortel
GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L Troubleshooting (411-9001-049)
Go to step 5.

Additional checks

Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to

"unlocked". Go to step 6.

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Check the state of the VGA by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "VGA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "VGA" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


2.12 Fault number: 1070 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

TRX synchronization failure



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.13 Fault number: 1073 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity



This notification, issued by the BSC, appears when the downloading of
a new software release has failed.

When the downloading is successful, the site or the DRX requests

a reset of the entity by the BSC (reception by the BSC of a LOAD
READY NACK, issued by the BTS). The fault number 1073 is issued
alone after reception of this LOAD READY NACK. The BTS is

When the downloading is not successful (error in a file), the

downloading stops and another downloading is performed
automatically. The downloading starts from scratch.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.13 Fault number: 1073 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Each time the downloading fails again, the fault number 1073 is

After four failed attempts (and four fault numbers 1073 issued), a
new downloading starts. If it fails, the fault number 1052 is issued
Table 42
Fault number 1073 sources


Source wording

Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID

No change to one of BOOT after reset

This entity is engaged in another downloading

File access error

Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while

downloading a file

Wrong software reference on a non

downloadable TEI

No response to LOAD message




Received message LOAD DATA NACK

2.13.3 Source 11: Received

(page 450)


Received message LOAD END NACK

2.13.4 Source 12: Received

(page 450)


Received message

2.13.5 Source 13: Received

message (page 450)

2.13.1 Source 9: No response to

LOAD message (page 450)
2.13.2 Source 10: Received LOAD
INIT NACK (page 450)


BSC defense
Impact on the service

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.13.1 Source 9: No response to LOAD message

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(9) No response to LOAD message

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.13.2 Source 10: Received LOAD INIT NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(10) Received LOAD INIT NACK

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.13.3 Source 11: Received message LOAD DATA NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(11) Received message LOAD DATA NACK

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.13.4 Source 12: Received message LOAD END NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(12) Received message LOAD END NACK

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

2.13.5 Source 13: Received message

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(13) Received message

BTS model:

S2000 H/L

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

2.14 Fault number: 1080 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.14 Fault number: 1080 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Access fault



This fault number indicates a communication problem between the BSC
and the BTS. More precisely, there is an issue between the SPR and
Access software modules of the BSC (SPR defense on opening or closing
a link or dialog).
List of causes:

0 No response from Access for chnl cnx request

1 Nack from Access for chnl cnx request
2 No response from Access for chnl dcnx request
3 Nack from Access for chnl dcnx request
4 No response from Access for chnl switchover request
5 Nack from Access for chnl switchover request
6 No response from Access for OML open diag request
7 Nack from Access for OML open diag request
8 No response from Access for OML close diag request
9 Nack from Access for OML close diag request
10 No response from Access for RSL open diag request
11 Nack from Access for RSL open diag request
12 No response from Access for RSL close diag request
13 Nack from Access for RSL close diag request
14 No response from Access for GSL open diag request
15 Nack from Access for GSL open diag request
16 No response from Access for GSL close diag request
17 Nack from Access for GSL close diag request


BSC defense
The BSC tries to use other LAPD channels to reach the BTS.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Impact on the service

If the BSC succeeds in using other LAPD channels, then no maintenance
action is required.
If the BSC fails, then other fault numbers are sent to the OMC-R.

2.15 Fault number: 1165 (S2000H, S2000L)

Fault number

At least one terrestrial circuit is HSCSD-blocked.



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures).

2.16 Fault number: 1258 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

No BTS response on preprocessing configuration



This fault number indicates a non-response of a transceiverEquipment
object to an L1M request. The BTS issues this alarm after five
unsuccessful attempts to warn users that the data handled by the BSC
may not be consistent with the data actually received by the BTS.
In spite of this handling, the BSC goes on its configuration attempts. The
situation must be re-established.
The message loss, due to disruptions on the Abis link, is sufficient for
the creation of this notification, but insufficient to release the defense
mechanism of the transceiverEquipment object.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

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2.16 Fault number: 1258 (S2000 H/L BTS)


Service interruption
The service is lost.



Check the time of the alarm appearance and note the different
commands performed at the OMC-R on the cell concerned and
on the neighboring cells, if any.

Check which parameters are concerned by the notification: those

of the cell or those of the neighboring cells.

Check if it is a start-up or a change, in order to understand the

commands performed in the notification log.

Check the state of the bts, pcmCircuit, btsSiteManager and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Perform a "display dynamic data" on the transceiver object.

Ensure that the state of the parameter "allocationState" is

If the state of the parameter "allocationState" is not
"available", the BTS has not recognized or not received
the messages from the BSC.

If the state of the parameter "rmpConfState" is "not

configured", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 6.

To create an adjacent cell on the bts object:

Select the bts object.

In the dialog box, select either the "adjacentCellReselection"

or "adjacentCellHandover" object.

Go to the "Objects" menu and select the "Create Child"

option. This opens a dialog box which allows the operator to
select various dependent objects.

The procedure is complete.


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.17 Fault number: 1259 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Negative acknowledgement on preprocessing command



This alarm can be received on either a standard cell or on a neighboring

If the alarm is received on a neighboring cell, there is not handover any

more (because the neighboring cells are unknown).

If the alarm is received on a standard cell, the problem can be

occurred during the start-up or a change.


BSC defense
Impact on the service
If the alarm is received on a neighboring cell, calls are still possible.
Nevertheless, the calls cannot be moved on the neighboring cells (no
handover is possible). Then there will be an increase in the rate of call

The geographical mobility of the mobile is reduced.
If the mobile is out of its geographical area of the cell where it is, the service is

If the alarm appears during a start-up, a problem occurred in the BTS
configuration during the installation.
If the alarm appears during a change, look at the last commands at the
OMC-R few times before the alarm appearance. Look at the changes
performed for the neighboring cells.
Check that, if the microCellInstability and microCellStability parameters
have a value, have the value "algo B". Otherwise, modify it.

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2.18 Fault number: 1265 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.18 Fault number: 1265 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Blockage of radio channel(s) in busy state



This alarm indicates that some channels were busy by a call during a time
period that is higher than the surveillance period whose period has been
chosen by the operator.
The notification lists all the radio channels of the BTS that were busy
during the traffic surveillance, whose period has been chosen by the
BSC defense
Impact on the service
The notification indicates, for the concerned BTS, the busy channel(s).


Check the time of the fault number 1265 and identify the faulty

Check the call duration in comparison with the surveillance

period by checking the radResSupBusytimer parameter of the
bsc object.

If the call duration is equal or higher than the value of the

surveillance period, go to step 3.

If it is not the call duration that is concerned and that is the

source of the fault number, call the manufacturer.

Increase the value of the surveillance period.

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

If the alarm persists, go to step 4.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

Set the transceiver object to "locked" then "unlocked".

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

The procedure is complete.


2.19 Fault number: 1266 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Blockage of radio channel(s) in free state



When the radResSupervision parameter is "true", a notification with the
fault number 1266 is sent periodically to the OMC-R.
The notification indicates all the BTS radio channels that have been
continuously free for the previous notification.
This period is determined by the radResSupFreetimer parameter of the
bsc object. This parameter sets the maximum duration of non utilization
for a radio channel.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

The service is reduced.

The notification indicates, for the concerned BTS, the free channel(s).

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2.20 Fault number: 1268 (S2000 H/L BTS)




Check the time of the fault number 1266 and identify the faulty

Analyze the traffic on the network by checking the rate of call

drop (TCH number busy in comparison to cell resource number).
see Nortel GSM BSS Parameter Reference (411-9001-124).

If the traffic is low, the fault number 1266 is normal.

If the traffic is important (almost equal to the TCH number
in the cell), the faulty channels are not used. Call the

Analyze the traffic on the network by checking the rate of

SDCCH allocation failures.
Check the synthetic counter C8706 (cellSdcchResourceFailure

If the counter value is low (SDCCH blocking is not observed),

the fault number 1266 is normal.

If the counter value is high (SDCCH blocking is observed),

and still fault number 1266 is observed, this requires further
investigation. Call the manufacturer.


2.20 Fault number: 1268 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

No response to a SACCH filling (SYS 5, 6, 5 bis or 5 ter)



This alarm indicates that the BTS has not answered nine successive
acknowledgment requests SACCH filling sent by the BSC. As long
as the BSC has not received response, it repeats the procedure of
acknowledgment request.
BSC defense

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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Impact on the service

The service is reduced because the channels supported by the faulty TRX are
not available for calls.



Look for the TRX supported the TDMA quoted in the alarm by
performing a "Display all" command on the transceiverEquipment

Check the state of the channels associated with the TDMA.

If all the channels are not available, perform the procedure of

return to service.

Otherwise, stop the maintenance procedure because the

state of the system is normal.

Set the transceiverEquipment object associated with the TDMA

to "locked" then to "unlocked".

Wait that the state of the transceiver object becomes "enabled".

Check the state of the channels associated with the TDMA.

The procedure is complete.


2.21 Fault number: 1500 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

Measurement received on an unknown frequency of

neighboring cell



This alarm indicates that a measurement has been received on an
unknown frequency of a neighboring cell in GSM 900 or GSM 1800 mode.
The message is sent at the end of the communication.

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2.22 Fault number: 1505 (S2000 H/L BTS)


2.22 Fault number: 1505 (S2000 H/L BTS)

Fault number:

No response to a BCCH info (SYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 bis, 7, 8, 2 ter,




This alarm indicates that the BTS has not answered nine successive
acknowledgment requests BCCH info sent by the BSC. As long as
the BSC has not received any response, it repeats the procedure of
acknowledgment request.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.



If the alarm appears during the downloading, do not take into

account this alarm. Otherwise, go to step 2.

Set the btsSiteManager concerned to "locked" then "unlocked".

If the alarm persists, go to step 3.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 4.

The problem concerns the old passive chain of the BSC. Look
for alarms concerning the BSC and treat them.

The procedure is complete.


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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

2.23 Fault number: 1508 (S2000H/L)

Fault number:

Data service impact (SYS 13 size exceeded)


Hardware anomaly

When the operator configures maximum hopping frequencies (64
frequencies) and activates GPRS or EGPRS in a cell, then "System
Information 13 rest octet" size exceeds 21 octets. As a result the "System
Information 13 rest octet" field is truncated and this begin-of-fault alarm
is sent.
64 frequencies is the maximum number granted by the OMC-R (semantic
control). But operators must also take into account Engineering
recommendations given in BSS Parameters User Guide (BPUG).
The end-of-fault alarm is sent after the "System Information 13 rest octet"
field size has become equal to 21 octets or less.


BSC defense

Impact on the service

Service interruption
There is a partial or full impact on data service (whereas CS
traffic is still maintained).
The information relative to data services on impacted cell(s) are
not fully sent to the BTS.

see BSS Parameter User Guide (BPUG PE/DCL/DD/0036) to configure
the cell (cellAllocation and mobileAllocation parameters for the bts object)
in order to respect Engineering recommendations (maximum hopping
frequency number) and to have the "System Information 13 rest octet" field
size equal to 21 octets or less.
Normally, the maximum number of frequencies that can be set up with
cellAllocation parameter is 64for each frequency band. However, due
to SI13 size constraints, when GPRS or EDGE is activated in the cell
and there is at least one hopping data TDMA, the limitation becomes a
maximum of 49 frequencies.
where n is the number of non-hopping frequencies in the cell.
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2.24 Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type


2.24 Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type

This paragraph contains the list of all the BTS fault numbers. For each
fault, it indicates the BTSs to which the fault applies. Each fault number
is described in a technical document, specific to the BTS. Refer to the
following technical documents to know more about the fault numbers, for
each BTS:

Nortel GSM BTS S8000/S8002/S8003/S8006 Fault Clearing


Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing (411-9001-104)

Nortel GSM BTS S12000 Fault Clearing (411-9001-143)
Nortel GSM BTS 6000 and 18000 Fault Clearing (411-9001-161)
Nortel GSM BTS 9000 Fault Clearing (411-9001-214)

Table 43
Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type




BTS 18000

BTS 6000

BTS 9000

























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Chapter 2 S2000 H/L BTS fault numbers

Table 43
Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type (contd.)




BTS 18000

BTS 6000

BTS 9000



















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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.1 Fault number: 1051 (e-cell)
Fault number:

Loss of layer 3 with remote GSM entity



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105)

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)

Fault number:

GSM entity downloading failure



This message identifies the impacted element but not the faulty element. It
indicates a software downloading error concerning a transceiverEquipment
object or a btsSiteManager object.
All the software downloading attempts are indicated, as well as the source
of their failure.
Table 44 "Fault number 1052 sources" (page 463) indicates all the sources
of the fault number 1052 for the e-cell. For more information on each
source, see the indicated paragraph to know the corrective maintenance
procedure associated with this source.
Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources


Source wording
No response to status request

3.2.1 Source 0: No response to

status request (page 472)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)


Source wording

3.2.2 Source 1: Bad hardware

reference or manufacturer ID
(page 474)

Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID

SUP stop receipt

3.2.3 Source 2: SUP stop receipt

(page 475)

No change to one of BOOT after reset

3.2.4 Source 3: No change to one

BOOT after reset (page 478)

This entity is engaged in another downloading

Software not compatible with hardware

File access error

Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ... ) while

downloading a file

Wrong software reference on a non

downloadable TEI


CSM load container negative acknowledgement


File to download empty

3.2.5 Source 4: This entity is

engaged in another downloading
Source 8: Wrong software reference
on a non downloadable TEI
(page 479)
3.2.6 Source 5: Software not
compatible with hardware
(page 480)
3.2.7 Source 6: File access
error (page 483)
3.2.8 Source 7: Repetitive
errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while
3.2.5 Sourcea 4:
engaged in another downloading
Source 8: Wrong software reference
on a non downloadable TEI
3.2.10 Source
14: Received
(page 479)
(page 487)
3.2.11 Source 15: File to download
empty (page 489)


File to download unavailable

3.2.12 Source 16: File to download

unavailable (page 492)


Buffer allocation failure

3.2.13 Source 17: Buffer allocation

failure (page 492)


Bad sending buffer size value

3.2.14 Source 18: Bad sending

buffer size value (page 495)


Failure during OMU switchover

3.2.15 Source 19: Failure during

OMU switchover (page 497)


Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software

update report message

3.2.16 Source 20: Bad TEI sent by

BTS in the CSM software update
report message (page 499)

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3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM software update report with the

cause "unknown TEI"

3.2.17 Source 21: CSM software

update report with the cause unknown TEI - (page 502)


CSM software update report with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.18 Source 22: CSM software

update report with the cause equipment failure - (page 504)


CSM software update report with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.19 Source 23: CSM software

update report with the cause downloading failure - (page 506)


CSM software update report with the cause

"not able to perform"

3.2.20 Source 24: CSM software

update report with the cause - not
able to perform- (page 509)


CSM software update report with the

cause "wrong soft ref"

3.2.21 Source 25: CSM software

update report with the cause - wrong
software reference - (page 511)


CSM software update report with the

cause "wrong config ref"

3.2.22 Source 26: CSM software

update report with the cause - wrong
configuration reference - (page 513)


CSM software update report with the

cause "restart request"

3.2.23 Source 27: CSM software

update report with the cause - restart
request - (page 516)


CSM software update report with the cause

"data inconsistency"

3.2.24 Source 28: CSM software

update report with the cause - data
inconsistency - (page 518)


CSM software update report with the cause

"message out of sequence"

3.2.25 Source 29: CSM software

update report with the cause
- message out of sequence -
(page 520)


CSM software update report with the cause

"background not available"

3.2.26 Source 30: CSM software

update report with the cause
- background not available -
(page 523)


CSM software update report with the cause

"incompatible RM version"

3.2.27 Source 31: CSM software

update report with the cause
- incompatible RM version -
(page 525)


CSM software update report with the cause

"downloading in progress"

3.2.28 Source 32: CSM software

update report with the cause
- downloading in progress -
(page 527)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software

update report message

3.2.29 Source 33: Bad report sent

by BTS in the CSM software update
report message (page 530)


no BTS response on CSM software update

init/control message

3.2.30 Source 34: No BTS

response on CSM software update
init-control message (page 532)


nack received on the abort requested

by operator

3.2.31 Source 35: Nack received

on the abort requested by operator
(page 534)


bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software

update abort message

3.2.32 Source 36: Bad report sent

by BTS in the CSM software update
abort message (page 537)


no BTS response on CSM software update

abort message

3.2.33 Source 37: No BTS

response on CSM software update
abort message (page 539)


flash activate nack with the cause

"unknown TEI"

3.2.34 Source 38: Flash activate

nack with the cause - unknown
TEI - (page 541)


flash activate nack with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.35 Source 39: Flash activate

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 543)


flash activate nack with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.36 Source 40: Flash activate

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 546)


flash activate nack with the cause "not

able to perform"

3.2.37 Source 41: Flash activate

nack with the cause - not able to
perform - (page 548)


flash activate nack with the cause "flash


3.2.38 Source 42: Flash activate

nack with the cause - flash
inconsistency - (page 550)


flash activate nack with the cause "data


3.2.39 Source 43: Flash activate

nack with the cause - data
inconsistency - (page 552)


flash activate nack with the cause

"wrong soft ref"

3.2.40 Source 44: Flash activate

nack with the cause - wrong soft
ref - (page 555)


flash activate nack with the cause

"wrong config ref"

3.2.41 Source 45: Flash activate

nack with the cause - wrong config
ref - (page 557)

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3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM downloading start nack with the

cause "unknown TEI"

3.2.42 Source 46: CSM

downloading start nack with the
cause - unknown TEI - (page 559)


CSM downloading start nack with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.43 Source 47: CSM

downloading start nack with
the cause - equipment failure
- (page 561)


CSM downloading start nack with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.44 Source 48: CSM

downloading start nack with the
cause - downloading failure -
(page 564)


CSM downloading start nack with the cause

"message out of sequence"

3.2.45 Source 49: CSM

downloading start nack with the
cause - message out of sequence
- (page 566)


CSM downloading start nack with the

cause "wrong soft ref"

3.2.46 Source 50: CSM

downloading start nack with the
cause - wrong soft ref - (page 568)


CSM downloading start nack with the

cause "wrong config ref"

3.2.47 Source 51: CSM

downloading start nack with
the cause - wrong config ref
- (page 571)


CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause

3.2.48 Source 52: CSM

downloading start nack with a
bad cause (page 573)


no BTS response on CSM downloading

start message

3.2.49 Source 53: No BTS

response on CSM downloading
start message (page 575)


CSM downloading end nack with the

cause "unknown TEI"

3.2.50 Source 54: CSM

downloading end nack with the
cause - unknown TEI - (page 577)


CSM downloading end nack with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.51 Source 55: CSM

downloading end nack with
the cause - equipment failure
- (page 580)


CSM downloading end nack with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.52 Source 56: CSM

downloading end nack with the
cause - downloading failure -
(page 582)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM downloading end nack with the cause

"value out of range"

3.2.53 Source 57: CSM

downloading end nack with the
cause - value out of range -
(page 584)


CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause

3.2.54 Source 58: CSM

downloading end nack with a
bad cause (page 586)


no BTS response on CSM downloading

end message

3.2.55 Source 59: No BTS

response on CSM downloading
end message (page 589)


CSM load init nack with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.56 Source 60: CSM load init

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 591)


CSM load init nack with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.57 Source 61: CSM load init

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 593)


CSM load init nack with the cause "message

out of sequence"

3.2.58 Source 62: CSM load init

nack with the cause - message out
of sequence - (page 595)


CSM load init nack with the cause

"wrong file ref"

3.2.59 Source 63: CSM load init

nack with the cause - wrong file
ref - (page 598)


CSM load init nack with the cause "window

size not allow"

3.2.60 Source 64: CSM load init

nack with the cause - window size
not allowed - (page 600)


CSM load init nack with the cause "data

format error"

3.2.61 Source 65: CSM load init

nack with the cause - data format
error - (page 602)


CSM load init nack with a bad cause

3.2.62 Source 66: CSM load init

nack with a bad cause (page 605)


no BTS response on CSM load init message

3.2.63 Source 67: No BTS

response on CSM load init
message (page 607)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.64 Source 68: CSM load data

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 609)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.65 Source 69: CSM load data

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 611)

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3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load data nack with the cause "message

out of sequence"

3.2.66 Source 70: CSM load data

nack with the cause - message out
of sequence - (page 614)


CSM load data nack with the cause "data

format error"

3.2.67 Source 71: CSM load data

nack with the cause - data format
error - (page 616)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"window overflow"

3.2.68 Source 72: CSM load data

nack with the cause - window
overflow - (page 618)


CSM load data nack with the cause "data


3.2.69 Source 73: CSM load

data nack with the cause - data
inconsistency - (page 620)


CSM load data nack with the cause "block

not received"

3.2.70 Source 74: CSM load data

nack with the cause - block not
received - (page 623)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"bad block tag"

3.2.71 Source 75: CSM load data

nack with the cause - bad block
tag - (page 625)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"checksum error"

3.2.72 Source 76: CSM load data

nack with the cause - checksum
error - (page 627)


CSM load data nack with a bad cause

3.2.73 Source 77: CSM load data

nack with a bad cause (page 629)


unexpected CSM load data ack

3.2.74 Source 78: Unexpected

CSM load data ack (page 632)


no BTS response on CSM load data message

3.2.75 Source 79: No BTS

response on CSM load data
message (page 634)


CSM load end nack with the cause

"equipment failure"

3.2.76 Source 80: CSM load end

nack with the cause - equipment
failure - (page 636)


CSM load end nack with the cause

"downloading failure"

3.2.77 Source 81: CSM load end

nack with the cause - downloading
failure - (page 638)


CSM load end nack with the cause "value

out of range"

3.2.78 Source 82: CSM load end

nack with the cause - value out
of range - (page 641)


CSM load end nack with the cause "message

out of sequence"

3.2.79 Source 83: CSM load end

nack with the cause - message out
of sequence - (page 643)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load end nack with the cause "data

format error"

3.2.80 Source 84: CSM load end

nack with the cause - data format
error - (page 645)


CSM load end nack with the cause

"wrong file ref"

3.2.81 Source 85: CSM load end

nack with the cause - wrong file
ref - (page 647)


CSM load end nack with the cause "data


3.2.82 Source 86: CSM load

end nack with the cause - data
inconsistency - (page 650)


CSM load end nack with the cause

"checksum error"

3.2.83 Source 87: CSM load end

nack with the cause - checksum
error - (page 652)


CSM load end nack with a bad cause

3.2.84 Source 88: CSM load end

nack with a bad cause (page 654)


no BTS response on CSM load end message

3.2.85 Source 89: No BTS

response on CSM load end
message (page 656)


bad report sent by BTS during an

internal update

3.2.86 Source 90: Bad report

sent by BTS during an internal
update (page 659)


CSM load init nack with the cause "file

already open"

3.2.87 Source 91: CSM load init

nack with the cause - file already
open - (page 661)


CSM load init nack with the cause

"invalid mode"

3.2.88 Source 92: CSM load

init nack with the cause - invalid
mode - (page 663)


CSM load init nack with the cause "file

cannot be unloaded"

3.2.89 Source 93: CSM load init

nack with the cause - file cannot
be unloaded - (page 665)


CSM load init nack with the cause "flash

flag cannot access"

3.2.90 Source 94: CSM load init

nack with the cause - flash flag
cannot access - (page 668)


CSM load data nack with the cause "file

cannot be unloaded"

3.2.91 Source 95: CSM load data

nack with the cause - file cannot
be unloaded - (page 670)


CSM load data nack with the cause "flash

flag cannot access"

3.2.92 Source 96: CSM load data

nack with the cause - flash flag
cannot access - (page 672)

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3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Table 44
Fault number 1052 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load data nack with the cause "boot

cannot be unloaded"

3.2.93 Source 97: CSM load data

nack with the cause - boot cannot
be unloaded - (page 674)


CSM load data nack with the cause "data

decod error"

3.2.94 Source 98: CSM load data

nack with the cause - data decode
error - (page 677)


CSM load data nack with the cause "table

cannot access"

3.2.95 Source 99: CSM load data

nack with the cause - table cannot
access - (page 679)


CSM load data nack with the cause "ram

mapping error"

3.2.96 Source 100: CSM load

data nack with the cause - RAM
mapping error - (page 681)


CSM load data nack with the cause "flash

access error"

3.2.97 Source 101: CSM load

data nack with the cause - flash
access error - (page 684)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"flash ram error"

3.2.98 Source 102: CSM load

data nack with the cause - flash
RAM error - (page 686)


CSM load data nack with the cause "flash

erase error"

3.2.99 Source 103: CSM load

data nack with the cause - flash
erase error - (page 688)


CSM load data nack with the cause

"internal abort"

3.2.100 Source 104: CSM load

data nack with the cause - internal
abort - (page 690)


BSC defense
The BSC attempts a maximum of five downloadings. If the five attempts
fail, the BSC sends a fault number 1052 and a state change on the
btsSiteManager object to "disabled-failed".

Impact on the service

Case of the btsSiteManager object

The site is not downloaded.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Service interruption

Case of the transceiverEquipment object

The service is reduced.

3.2.1 Source 0: No response to status request

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(0) No response to status request

BTS model:


This source indicates that the BTS has not replied to the status request.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.2 Source 1: Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID

Fault number 1052: GSM entity downloading failure

(1) Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID

BTS model:


This source indicates that the first downloading attempt failed.
The alarm indicates that the "hardwareRef" parameter, obtained by
performing the "Display" command on the btsSiteManager object, is not in
accordance with the PROM numbers on the boards.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 2.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" then to "unlocked" to
confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Case of the btsSiteManager object for the e-cell

Set the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter to "0".

The procedure is complete.


3.2.3 Source 2: SUP stop receipt

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(2) SUP stop receipt

BTS model:


This source indicates that a supervision stop has been received.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.4 Source 3: No change to one BOOT after reset

Fault number 1052:

GSM entity downloading failure


(3) No change to one of BOOT after reset

BTS model:


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 3
is still present, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.
If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault
number 1054, treat them. Concerning fault number 1054
(loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the operationalState of the entity concerned to "locked" then

"unlocked" to restart the downloading.

If the alarm persists, check if the source 1 appears.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the source 1 appears, treat it. See Paragraph 3.2.2

Source 1: Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID
(page 474).
If the source 1 does not appear, go to step 3.

If the alarm has disappeared, the downloading has restarted.

Go to step 4.

Replace the radio cabinet: see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell

Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 4. Otherwise, call the

The procedure is complete.


3.2.5 Source 4: This entity is engaged in another downloading

Source 8: Wrong software reference on a non downloadable TEI
Fault number 1052:

GSM entity downloading failure


(4) This entity is engaged in another downloading


(8) Wrong software reference on a non downloadable TEI

BTS model:


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager

object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 4
or 8 is still present, call the manufacturer.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, such as fault number
1054, treat them (concerning fault number 1054 (loss of
layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

The procedure is complete.


3.2.6 Source 5: Software not compatible with hardware

Fault number 1052:

GSM entity downloading failure


(5) Software not compatible with hardware

BTS model:


This alarm indicates an inconsistency between the hardware items of
equipment and the software (EFT) downloaded from the OMC-R.

Preliminary checks



Check whether the "DRX automatic downloading" is activated

or not:

If the "DRX automatic downloading" is activated, go to step 6.

If the "DRX automatic downloading" is not activated, go to
step 2.

Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 5.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 3
is still present, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.
If other fault numbers are present too, such as fault
number 1054, treat them. Concerning fault number 1054
(loss of layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Check if the EFT is correct by checking the value of the

"swVersionRunning" parameter and this by performing a
"Display" command on the software object associated with the
bsc, btsSiteManager and transceiverEquipment objects.

If it is the case, set the object concerned to "locked" then

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If it is not the case, go to step 4.

Set the object concerned to "locked".

Download the good EFT on the item of equipment according to

the following values.

Type of software


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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers





Version number

[08 .. 32]

Sub-version number

BCF : [A .. H]
TRX : [A .. H]

Edition number

BCF : [1 .. 8]
TRX : [1 .. 8]


Revision factor

BCF : [01 .. 32]

TRX : [01 .. 32]

If the name of the EFT is correct, call the manufacturer.

Otherwise, modify the value and set the object concerned to
"unlocked". Go to step 9.

If the "Automatic downloading" is activated, the OMC-R starts to

perform the downloading just after it received fault number 1052
cause 5:
a The OMC-R reads the BTS hardware reference quoted in the
fault number.
b The OMC-R deduces the name of the EFT to be downloaded
from a correspondence table.
c The OMC-R searches for the EFT in its database:

If it does not find one, the OMC-R goes to step 7.

If it finds one and only one, the OMC-R goes to step 8.
If it finds more than one, it lets the operator choose. A
critical alarm with fault number 30076 is emitted to report
that the automatic downloading failed (see Nortel GSM
OMC-R Troubleshooting(411-9001-032).

The OMC-R searches for the delivery name of the BTS the DRX
belongs to. Then, for all BTS with the same delivery name under
the same BSC, the OMC-R searches for the right EFT.

If it finds one and only one, it selects it. Then it goes to step

If it finds more than one, it lets the operator choose. A critical

alarm with fault number 30076 is emitted to report that the
automatic downloading failed (see Nortel GSM OMC-R
Troubleshooting (411-9001-032)).

If it does not find one, the OMC-R searches for an EFT

suitable to all the BTS with the same delivery name in all the

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If it finds one and only one, it selects it. Then it goes to

step 8.
If it finds more than one, or none, it lets the operator
choose. A critical alarm with fault number 30076 is
emitted to report that the automatic downloading
failed (see Nortel GSM OMC-R Troubleshooting

The OMC-R starts to download the selected EFT:

a If necessary, it downloads the selected EFT to the BSC disc.
b It locks the related transceiverEquipment object instance
c It sets the sWVersionNew parameter of the new
transceiverEquipment software object with the new EFT
d It activates the new version.
e It unlocks the related transceiverEquipment object instance.

As a consequence, the fault number 1052 with cause 5 is

automatically cleared.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.7 Source 6: File access error

Fault number 1052:

GSM entity downloading failure


(6) File access error

BTS model:


This source indicates that the first downloading attempt failed.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 3.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object. Then unlock it.
If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 6
is still present, treat the alarm, go to step 2.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, such as fault number
1054, treat them (concerning fault number 1054 (loss of
layer 2), see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Download the software.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the alarm persists, go to call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.8 Source 7:
Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a file
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(7) Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while

downloading a file

BTS model:


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .
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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.9 Source 9: No response to download message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(9) No response to download message

BTS model:


This source indicates that the BTS has not replied to a download



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.10 Source 14: Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure


BTS model:


This message is received after attempts to download the software are
failed by the BSC. This source is because the Load file of TRX/BCF
residing in the BSC is corrupt.



Preliminary checks

Check the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the Display all

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 6.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", and if there are other alarms which could
impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteManager
object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 6 is
present, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

if there are other alarms, such as fault number 1054, process

them (concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), see
411-9001-105 (Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object that is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Re-download the software from the MD at the OMC--R to the

BSC disk partition:

To download a BCF software, refer to the downloading


To download a TRX software, refer to the downloading


Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or

transceiverEquipment object).

Unlock the object concerned.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.11 Source 15: File to download empty

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(15) File to download empty

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file to download is empty.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.12 Source 16: File to download unavailable

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(16) File to download unavailable

BTS model:


This source indicates that the downloading attempt has failed because
the file to be downloaded cannot be found in the catalog file (either
because the catalog file itself is not valid, or the name of the file has been
improperly copied in the BTS or BSC software).



Preliminary checks

Cleanup the load from BTS partition of active BSC hard disk.
Download the software from the MD at the OMC-R to the BSC
disk partition:

To download a BCF software, see the downloading

procedure in Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating
Procedures (411-9001-034).

To download TRX software, see the downloading procedure

in Nortel GSM BSS Configuration - Operating Procedures

Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or

transceiverEquipment object)

Unlock the object concerned

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Perform one of the following

For the BSC 3000, call the manufacturer

The procedure is complete.


3.2.13 Source 17: Buffer allocation failure

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(17) Buffer allocation failure

BTS model:


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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


This source indicates a buffer allocation failure.

Procedure 3



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.14 Source 18: Bad sending buffer size value

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(18) Bad sending buffer size value

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad sending of the buffer size value.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.15 Source 19: Failure during OMU switchover

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(19) Failure during OMU switchover

BTS model:


This source indicates a failure during the OMU switchover.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.16 Source 20: Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update
report message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(20) Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates a bad TEI sent by the BTS in the CSM software
update report message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


3.2.17 Source 21: CSM software update report with the cause unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(21) CSM software update report with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"unknown TEI".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.18 Source 22: CSM software update report with the cause equipment failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(22) CSM software update report with the cause "equipment


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"equipment failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.19 Source 23: CSM software update report with the cause downloading failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(23) CSM software update report with the cause "downloading


BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"downloading failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


The procedure is complete.


3.2.20 Source 24: CSM software update report with the cause - not able
to performFault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(24) CSM software update report with the cause "not able to

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "not
able to perform".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.21 Source 25: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong
software reference Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(25) CSM software update report with the cause "wrong software

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "wrong
software reference".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.22 Source 26: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong
configuration reference Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(26) CSM software update report with the cause "wrong

configuration reference"

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "wrong
configuration reference".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


3.2.23 Source 27: CSM software update report with the cause - restart
request Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(27) CSM software update report with the cause "restart request"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "restart



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.24 Source 28: CSM software update report with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(28) CSM software update report with the cause "data


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "data



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.25 Source 29: CSM software update report with the cause message out of sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(29) CSM software update report with the cause "message out
of sequence"

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"message out of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


The procedure is complete.


3.2.26 Source 30: CSM software update report with the cause background not available Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(30) CSM software update report with the cause "background

not available"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"background not available".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.27 Source 31: CSM software update report with the cause incompatible RM version Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(31) CSM software update report with the cause "incompatible

RM version"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"incompatible RM version".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.28 Source 32: CSM software update report with the cause downloading in progress Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(32) CSM software update report with the cause "downloading in


BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause
"downloading in progress".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


3.2.29 Source 33: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update
report message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(33) Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad report sent by the BTS in the CSM software
update report message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.30 Source 34: No BTS response on CSM software update

init-control message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(34) No BTS response on CSM software update init/control


BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on the CSM software update
init/control message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.31 Source 35: Nack received on the abort requested by operator

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(35) Nack received on the abort requested by operator

BTS model:


This source indicates that a Nack has been received on the abort
requested by operator.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.32 Source 36: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update
abort message
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(36) Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad report sent by the BTS in the CSM software
update abort message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.33 Source 37: No BTS response on CSM software update abort

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(37) No BTS response on CSM software update abort message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM software update abort



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.34 Source 38: Flash activate nack with the cause - unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(38) Flash activate nack with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause unknown TEI.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.35 Source 39: Flash activate nack with the cause - equipment
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(39) Flash activate nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "equipment
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.36 Source 40: Flash activate nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(40) Flash activate nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "downloading



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.37 Source 41: Flash activate nack with the cause - not able to
perform Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(41) Flash activate nack with the cause "not able to perform"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "not able to



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.38 Source 42: Flash activate nack with the cause - flash
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(42) Flash activate nack with the cause "flash inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a Flash activate nack with the cause "flash



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.39 Source 43: Flash activate nack with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(43) Flash activate nack with the cause "data inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a Flash activate nack with the cause "data
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.40 Source 44: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong soft ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(44) Flash activate nack with the cause "wrong soft ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "wrong soft ref".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.41 Source 45: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong config
ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(45) Flash activate nack with the cause "wrong config ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "wrong config



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.42 Source 46: CSM downloading start nack with the cause unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(46) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"unknown TEI".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.43 Source 47: CSM downloading start nack with the cause equipment failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(47) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "equipment


BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"equipment failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


3.2.44 Source 48: CSM downloading start nack with the cause downloading failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(48) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "downloading


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"downloading failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.45 Source 49: CSM downloading start nack with the cause message out of sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(49) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "message out
of sequence"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"message out of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.46 Source 50: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong
soft ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(50) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong soft ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"wrong soft ref".
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.47 Source 51: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong
config ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(51) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong config

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause
"wrong config ref".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.48 Source 52: CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(52) CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.49 Source 53: No BTS response on CSM downloading start

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(53) No BTS response on CSM downloading start message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM downloading start



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.50 Source 54: CSM downloading end nack with the cause unknown TEI Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(54) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "unknown TEI"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause
"unknown TEI".
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.51 Source 55: CSM downloading end nack with the cause equipment failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(55) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "equipment


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause
"equipment failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.52 Source 56: CSM downloading end nack with the cause downloading failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(56) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "downloading


BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause
"downloading failure".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.53 Source 57: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - value
out of range Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(57) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value out of

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value
out of range".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.54 Source 58: CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(58) CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.55 Source 59: No BTS response on CSM downloading end message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(59) No BTS response on CSM downloading end message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM downloading end



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.56 Source 60: CSM load init nack with the cause - equipment failure
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(60) CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.57 Source 61: CSM load init nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(61) CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.58 Source 62: CSM load init nack with the cause - message out of
sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(62) CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

The procedure is complete.


3.2.59 Source 63: CSM load init nack with the cause - wrong file ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(63) CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the

alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.60 Source 64: CSM load init nack with the cause - window size not
allowed Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(64) CSM load init nack with the cause "window size not

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "window size
not allowed".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.61 Source 65: CSM load init nack with the cause - data format error
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(65) CSM load init nack with the cause "data format error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "data format
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.62 Source 66: CSM load init nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(66) CSM load init nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.63 Source 67: No BTS response on CSM load init message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(67) No BTS response on CSM load init message

BTS model:


This source indicates a No BTS response on CSM load init message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.64 Source 68: CSM load data nack with the cause - equipment
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(68) CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.65 Source 69: CSM load data nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(69) CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.66 Source 70: CSM load data nack with the cause - message out of
sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(70) CSM load data nack with the cause "message out of

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "message out
of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.67 Source 71: CSM load data nack with the cause - data format
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(71) CSM load data nack with the cause "data format error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data format



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.68 Source 72: CSM load data nack with the cause - window
overflow Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(72) CSM load data nack with the cause "window overflow"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "window



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.69 Source 73: CSM load data nack with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(73) CSM load data nack with the cause "data inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.70 Source 74: CSM load data nack with the cause - block not
received Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(74) CSM load data nack with the cause "block not received"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "block not



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.71 Source 75: CSM load data nack with the cause - bad block tag Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure


(75) CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block tag"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.72 Source 76: CSM load data nack with the cause - checksum error
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(76) CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.73 Source 77: CSM load data nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(77) CSM load data nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause CSM
load data nack with a bad cause.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not process the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.74 Source 78: Unexpected CSM load data ack

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(78) Unexpected CSM load data ack

BTS model:


This source indicates an unexpected CSM load data ack.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.75 Source 79: No BTS response on CSM load data message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure


(79) No BTS response on CSM load data message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM load data message.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.76 Source 80: CSM load end nack with the cause - equipment
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(80) CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.77 Source 81: CSM load end nack with the cause - downloading
failure Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(81) CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading failure"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.78 Source 82: CSM load end nack with the cause - value out of
range Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(82) CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of range"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.79 Source 83: CSM load end nack with the cause - message out of
sequence Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(83) CSM load end nack with the cause "message out of

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "message out
of sequence".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.80 Source 84: CSM load end nack with the cause - data format error
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(84) CSM load end nack with the cause "data format error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "data format



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.81 Source 85: CSM load end nack with the cause - wrong file ref Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(85) CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref".

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.82 Source 86: CSM load end nack with the cause - data
inconsistency Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(86) CSM load end nack with the cause "data inconsistency"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "data



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.83 Source 87: CSM load end nack with the cause - checksum error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(87) CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.84 Source 88: CSM load end nack with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(88) CSM load end nack with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load end nack with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.85 Source 89: No BTS response on CSM load end message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(89) No BTS response on CSM load end message

BTS model:


This source indicates no BTS response on CSM load end message.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.86 Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(90) Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad report sent by BTS during an internal update.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.87 Source 91: CSM load init nack with the cause - file already open
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(91) CSM load init nack with the cause "file already open"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "file already



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.88 Source 92: CSM load init nack with the cause - invalid mode Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(92) CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.89 Source 93: CSM load init nack with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(93) CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be unloaded"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.90 Source 94: CSM load init nack with the cause - flash flag cannot
access Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(94) CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag cannot

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag
cannot access".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.91 Source 95: CSM load data nack with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(95) CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot be

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot
be unloaded".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.92 Source 96: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash flag
cannot access Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(96) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag cannot

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag
cannot access".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.93 Source 97: CSM load data nack with the cause - boot cannot be
unloaded Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(97) CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot be

BTS model:


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot
be unloaded".



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


The procedure is complete.


3.2.94 Source 98: CSM load data nack with the cause - data decode
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(98) CSM load data nack with the cause "data decode error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data decode



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.95 Source 99: CSM load data nack with the cause - table cannot
access Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(99) CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot access"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault

number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.96 Source 100: CSM load data nack with the cause - RAM mapping
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(100) CSM load data nack with the cause "RAM mapping error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "RAM mapping



Preliminary checks
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.2.97 Source 101: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash access
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(101) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.98 Source 102: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash RAM
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(102) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash RAM error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash RAM



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.99 Source 103: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash erase
error Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(103) CSM load data nack with the cause "lash erase error"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "lash erase



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.100 Source 104: CSM load data nack with the cause - internal abort
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(104) CSM load data nack with the cause "internal abort"

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "internal
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)




Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


3.2.101 Source 105: CSM flash activate response with a bad cause
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(105) CSM flash activate response with a bad cause

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM flash activate response with a bad cause.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.102 Source 106: DTM error during token allocation

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(106) DTM error during token allocation

BTS model:


This source indicates a DTM error during token allocation.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.103 Source 107: CSM software update report with the cause: TRX
software incompatibility
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(107) CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software

BTS model:


This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause: TRX
software incompatibility.



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms

concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


3.2.104 Source 108: Too many different deliveries in the cell group
Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

(108) Too many different deliveries in the cell group

BTS model:


This source indicates too many different deliveries in the cell group.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Preliminary checks

Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC .

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
btsSiteManager object to "locked" and then to
"unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.2 Fault number: 1052 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. Treat the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.
Go to step 4.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, treat them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

The procedure is complete.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.3 Fault number: 1053 (e-cell)

Fault number:

GSM entity configuration regression



The BSC detects a difference of the state between that known by the BSC
and that received from the BTS after a status request.


BSC defense
The BSC tries to restart the BTS, to download it again and to reconfigure

Impact on the service

Case of the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
For as long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled-failed", the site is lost.

Case of the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
For as long as the operationalState of the transceiverEquip
ment object is "disabled", the TRX and one TDMA are lost.

Preliminary checks



Look for a fault number 1067 concerning an item of equipment of

the object mentioned in the alarm (fault number 1053). If there is
not any alarm with the fault number 1067, go to step 2.

Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Clear the alarm and go to
step 4.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look for
an object whose state is "disabled-failed".
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Go to step 3.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

Wait for the end of restart.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer. Go to step 4.

The procedure is complete.


3.4 Fault number: 1054 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Loss of layer 2 (or no establishment) with remote GSM entity



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Abis negative acknowledgement indication



The BSC sends a spontaneous message 1055 when it receives a
non-acknowledgement message (NACK) from a BTS after a configuration

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

The following Table 45 "Fault number 1055 sources" (page 704) indicates
all the sources of the fault number 1055 for the e-cell. For more
information on each source, see the indicated paragraph to know the
corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.
Table 45
Fault number 1055 sources

Source wording


Equipment failure

Equipment unable to perform such


Invalid configuration

Unknown test

Cell parameters inconistency

Data inconsistency

3.5.6 Source 6: Data inconsistency

(page 712)

Value out of range

3.5.7 Source 7: Value out of range

(page 713)

TEI not present

Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot


Unknown Abis PCM


Wrong software reference


Further files required


Failure during activation


Data format error

3.5.14 Source 14: Data format error

(page 716)


Window overflow

3.5.15 Source 15: Window overflow

(page 716)


Normal completion


Transfer aborted

3.5.1 Source 1: Equipment failure

(page 707)
3.5.2 Source 2: Equipment unable to
perform such test (page 708)
3.5.3 Source 3: Equipment unable to
perform such configuration (page 709)
3.5.4 Source 4: Unknown test (page 710)
3.5.5 Source 5: Cell parameters
inconsistency (page 710)

3.5.8 Source 8: TEI not present (page 713)

3.5.9 Source 9: Unknown Abis
PCM_Time_Slot (page 714)
3.5.10 Source 10: Unknown Abis
PCM (page 714)
3.5.11 Source 11: Wrong software
reference (page 715)
3.5.12 Source 12: Further files required
(page 715)
3.5.13 Source 13: Failure during
activation (page 716)

3.5.16 Source 16: Normal completion

(page 716)
3.5.17 Source 17: Transfer aborted
(page 716)

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


Table 45
Fault number 1055 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Checksum error

3.5.18 Source 18: Checksum error

(page 717)


File incomplete

3.5.19 Source 19: File incomplete

(page 717)


File already present and correct


File cannot be downloaded


Entity engaged in other download


Too many signaling timeslots

3.5.23 Source 23: Too many signaling

timeslots (page 718)


Too many TEI connections to

physical channel

3.5.24 Source 24: Too many TEI

connections to physical channel (page 719)


Out of sequence message


Incorrect IEI


Wrong file reference


Bad cell number

3.5.28 Source 28: Bad cell number

(page 722)


Bad related TEI

3.5.29 Source 29: Bad related TEI

(page 722)


Bad timeslot


Window size not allowed


Flash boot required


Wrong config reference


The BTS has not acknowledged the

TX power consign request


Downloading aborted


Files missing

3.5.20 Source 20: File already present

and correct (page 717)
3.5.21 Source 21: File cannot be
downloaded (page 717)
3.5.22 Source 22: Entity engaged in
other download (page 718)

3.5.25 Source 25: Out of sequence

message (page 719)
3.5.26 Source 26: Incorrect IEI (page 721)
3.5.27 Source 27: Wrong file reference
(page 722)

3.5.30 Source 30: Bad timeslot (page 722)

3.5.31 Source 31: Window size not
allowed (page 722)
3.5.32 Source 32: Flash boot required
(page 723)
3.5.33 Source 33: Wrong config
reference (page 723)
3.5.34 Source 34: The BTS has not
acknowledged the TX power consign
request (page 723)
3.5.35 Source 35: Downloading
aborted (page 728)
3.5.36 Source 36: Files missing (page 728)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 45
Fault number 1055 sources (contd.)

Source wording



Buffer overflow


Block not received


Downloading restart


Request not supported


Downloading failure


Start up failure


Maximum number of joker TS


Bad chain type


Bad radio timeslot reference


Bad internal link EDGE configuration


Inconsistency mapping


Inconsistency number of joker DS0


Invalid mode


File already open


File cannot be unloaded

3.5.51 Source 51: File cannot be

unloaded (page 734)


Boot cannot be unloaded

3.5.52 Source 52: Boot cannot be

unloaded (page 734)


Data decode error


Flash flag cannot access


Table cannot access

3.5.37 Source 37: Buffer overflow

(page 729)
3.5.38 Source 38: Block not received
(page 729)
3.5.39 Source 39: Downloading
restart (page 729)
3.5.40 Source 40: Request not supported
(page 729)
3.5.41 Source 41: Downloading
failure (page 729)
3.5.42 Source 42: Start-up failure
(page 730)
3.5.43 Source 43: Maximum number
of joker TS (page 730)
3.5.44 Source 44: Bad chain type
(page 733)
3.5.45 Source 45: Bad radio timeslot
reference (page 733)
3.5.46 Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE
configuration (page 733)
3.5.47 Source 47: Inconsistency
mapping (page 733)
3.5.48 Source 48: Inconsistency number
of joker DS0 (page 734)
3.5.49 Source 49: Invalid mode (page 734)
3.5.50 Source 50: File already open
(page 734)

3.5.53 Source 53: Data decode error

(page 735)
3.5.54 Source 54: Flash flag cannot
access (page 735)
3.5.55 Source 55: Table cannot
access (page 735)

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


Table 45
Fault number 1055 sources (contd.)


Source wording


RAM mapping error

3.5.56 Source 56: RAM mapping

error (page 735)


Flash access error

3.5.57 Source 57: Flash access error

(page 735)


Flash write error

3.5.58 Source 58: Flash write error

(page 736)


Flash erase error

3.5.59 Source 59: Flash erase error

(page 736)


Internal abort


Equipment not able to get external



Synchronization in progress


Dynamic Abis feature not supported

3.5.63 Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature

not supported (page 737)


Inconsistent number of Joker DS0

3.5.64 Source 64: Inconsistent number

of joker DS0 (page 738)


Non-significant value

3.5.60 Source 60: Internal abort

(page 736)
3.5.61 Source 61: Equipment not able to
get external synchronization (page 736)
3.5.62 Source 62: Synchronization in
progress (page 736)

3.5.66 Source 255: Non-significant

value (page 742)

The objects to suspect are as follows:

the btsSiteManager
the bts
the transceiver
the transceiverEquipment

3.5.1 Source 1: Equipment failure

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(1) Equipment failure

BTS model:


This source indicates an equipment failure.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.5.2 Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such test

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(2) Equipment unable to perform such test

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the PCM number, the cell number, and/or the
number of timeslots declared at the OMC-R are higher than those of the
hardware configuration of the BTS.


BSC defense None.

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.
No service is provided.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.

Modify the parameters declared at the OMC-R.

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


3.5.3 Source 3: Equipment unable to perform such configuration

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(3) Equipment unable to perform such configuration

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the TRX configuration is not possible because of
a DRX frequency band error.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the tranceiverEquipment object
concerned by the alarm.

The service is reduced.



Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency
band associated with the DRX module: "gsm", "extended gsm",
"dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".

If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a

"Display" command on the transceiverEquipment object.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", it
means that the DRX is GSM.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", it
means that the DRX is DCS.

If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a

"Display" command on the transceiverEquipment object.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", it
means that the DRX is DCS.
If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", it
means that the DRX is GSM.

Check the DRX frequency band declared at the OMC-R with the
PEC or CPC code of the DRX present in the cabinet.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the DRX frequency band is the same as the one indicated

by the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter, clear the
alarm. Go to step 5.

If the DRX frequency band is not the same as the one

indicated by the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter and
if the DRX has just been replaced, go to step 3, otherwise,
go to step 4.

The alarm may be due to an error in the DRX replacement. So

replace the DRX (Field Replaceable Unit) by:

setting the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment

object corresponding to the faulty DRX to "locked"

Service reduction
In most cases, the transceiverEquipment and one
transceiver are lost.

replacing the DRX module. see :

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090)f
or the e-cell

Go to step 4.

Make sure that the DRX used is correct, so modify the value of
the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter according to the
DRX frequency band. Go to step 5.

The procedure is complete.


3.5.4 Source 4: Unknown test

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(4) Unknown test

BTS model:


This source indicates an unknown test.

3.5.5 Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(5) Cell parameters inconsistency

BTS model:


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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


This alarm indicates that at least one TEI of the list is included in another
bts object than that the cell specified. The list of TEI contains twice the
same TEI.


BSC defense None.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.
The service is reduced.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.



Perform a "Display" command on the affected transceiverEqui

pment object.
The "teiTransceiverEqpt" parameter indicates the TEI value
associated with the TRX module.
The value of the "teiTransceiverEqpt" parameter should be within
the range specified by the S8000 BTS engineering rules for the
corresponding configuration reference and associated DLUs.

Lock the affected transceiverEquipment object.

Change the value of "teiTransceiverEqpt" so that it conforms to

the engineering rules specified above.

Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check that the alarm is cleared.

The procedure is complete.


3.5.6 Source 6: Data inconsistency

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(6) Data inconsistency

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the PCM list contains PCM identical numbers.


BSC defense None.

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.
No service is provided.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

The TDMA is not configured.
The service is reduced.

For the transceiverEquipment object

The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)




Check the PCM cabling.

If the cabling is correct, go to step 2.

If the cabling is not correct, replace the cables if necessary.
If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

Check the configuration associated with the object at the

OMC-R. If necessary, modify the PCM numbers declared at the

The procedure is complete.


3.5.7 Source 7: Value out of range

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(7) Value out of range

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a value out of range.

3.5.8 Source 8: TEI not present

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(8) TEI not present

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the TEI of the associated transceiver equipment

not between 32 and 55


is not in the permitted list of TEI of the corresponding CELL


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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


BSC defense None.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.
The service is reduced.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.

3.5.9 Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(9) Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot

BTS model:


This source indicates an unknown Abis PCM Time Slot.

3.5.10 Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(10) Unknown Abis PCM

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the PCM is not present in the PCM list.


BSC defense None.

For the btsSiteManager object

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.

Parametrize the PCM declared unknown at the OMC-R.

3.5.11 Source 11: Wrong software reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(11) Wrong software reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a wrong software reference.

3.5.12 Source 12: Further files required

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(12) Further files required

BTS model:


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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates that further files are required.

3.5.13 Source 13: Failure during activation

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(13) Failure during activation

BTS model:


This source indicates a failure during activation.

3.5.14 Source 14: Data format error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(14) Data format error

BTS model:


This source indicates a data format error.

3.5.15 Source 15: Window overflow

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(15) Window overflow

BTS model:


This source indicates a window overflow.

3.5.16 Source 16: Normal completion

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(16) Normal completion

BTS model:


This source indicates a normal completion.

3.5.17 Source 17: Transfer aborted

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(17) Transfer aborted

BTS model:


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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

This source indicates an aborted transfer.

3.5.18 Source 18: Checksum error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(18) Checksum error

BTS model:


This source indicates a checksum error.

3.5.19 Source 19: File incomplete

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(19) File incomplete

BTS model:


This source indicates an incomplete file.

3.5.20 Source 20: File already present and correct

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(20) File already present and correct

BTS model:


This source indicates a file already present and correct.

3.5.21 Source 21: File cannot be downloaded

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(21) File cannot be downloaded

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file cannot be downloaded.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.5.22 Source 22: Entity engaged in other download

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(22) Entity engaged in other download

BTS model:


This source indicates that the entity is engaged in other download.

3.5.23 Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots

Fault number 1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(23) Too many signaling timeslots

BTS model:


This alarm indicates the value of signaling timeslot number is higher than


BSC defense None.

For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.

For the transceiver object

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.

Modify the value of the signaling timeslot number.

3.5.24 Source 24: Too many TEI connections to physical channel

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(24) Too many TEI connections to physical channel

BTS model:


This source indicates that there are too many TEI connections to the
physical channel.

3.5.25 Source 25: Out of sequence message

Fault number 1055:

Abis negative acknowledgement indication


(25) Out of sequence message

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the message of site configuration has been
received twice but with different values. The message is not accepted
because of the state of the BTS.


BSC defense None.

For the btsSiteManager object

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Service interruption
The site is not configured.

For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.



Check the configuration associated with the object.

For the btsSiteManager object:

Check the logical configuration of the btsSiteManager
object (teiBtsSiteManager, bscSitePcmList, radioSiteMask
If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".
Modify the configuration.
Set the object to "unlocked".
If it is not correct, perform the "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object to
identify the faulty element.

For the bts object

a. Check the logical configuration of the bts object and its

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

Modify the configuration.
Set the object to "unlocked".

If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager to
identify the faulty element.


b. In the case of the base unit associated with the extension

unit, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked" then to

For the transceiver object

a. Set the administrativeState of the transceiver object to
b. Check the logical configuration of the transceiver object
(channelType, absoluteRFChannelNo parameters for
each channel).
c. Set the administrativeState of the transceiver object to

For the transceiverEquipment object

Check the logical configuration of the transceiverEquipment
object (teiTransceiverEqpt parameter).
If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

Modify the configuration.

Set the object to "unlocked".

If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object to
identify the faulty element.

The procedure is complete.


3.5.26 Source 26: Incorrect IEI

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(26) Incorrect IEI

BTS model:


This source indicates an incorrect IEI.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.5.27 Source 27: Wrong file reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(27) Wrong file reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a wrong file reference.

3.5.28 Source 28: Bad cell number

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(28) Bad cell number

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad cell number.

3.5.29 Source 29: Bad related TEI

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(29) Bad related TEI

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad related TEI.

3.5.30 Source 30: Bad timeslot

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(30) Bad timeslot

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad timeslot.

3.5.31 Source 31: Window size not allowed

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(31) Window size not allowed

BTS model:


This source indicates that the window size is not allowed.

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


3.5.32 Source 32: Flash boot required

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(32) Flash boot required

BTS model:


This source indicates that a flash boot is required.

3.5.33 Source 33: Wrong config reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(33) Wrong config reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a wrong config reference.

3.5.34 Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power
consign request
Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(34) The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power

consign request

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the power, configured at the OMC-R for the TX
concerned, is not compatible with the TX hardware.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment
object and the associated transceiver object. It tries to assure a minimum
service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the
transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one TRX is lost.

Service reduction
It is possible to lose the whole cell linked to the faulty TRX.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Service interruption
The intervention on the site must be immediate: there is a risk
of service loss.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and
treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object
becomes "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational.
Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it.
Look for other alarms and treat the problem in order that
the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled". If a fault
number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the
fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do
not clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager
object becomes "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

Check that the alarm on the TX module is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "TX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "TX" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 6.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Perform a "Display" command on the bts object to check if the

cells are concentric.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "monozone", go to step 4.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "concentric" or "dual
band" or "dual coupling", go to step 5.

Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to
the attenuation of the combiner must be between 31dBm and
44dBm, or 32dBm at the band limit for GSM 1900 only.
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.
The following table allows to know directly the good values of the
"bsTxPwrMax" parameter depending on the combiners used in
the BTS. The "Nack" value is not admitted.
e-cell (ind)

BTS model






51 to 45










































































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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

e-cell (ind)

BTS model






















































































































22 to 21










BTS model

e-cell (Outdoor)





51 to 45









































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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

BTS model


e-cell (Outdoor)

























































22 to 21





If the value is not correct, change it.

If the value is correct, replace the TX module (Field
Replaceable Unit). see the replacement procedure given in:
Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090)f
or the e-cell

Then go to step 6.

Modify the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to
the attenuation of the combiner and reduced of the value of the
"transceiver zone Ref" parameter must be between 31dBm and
44dBm, or 32dBm at the band limit for GSM 1900 only.
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "transceiver zone Ref" parameter is obtained by performing
a "Display" command on the transceiver object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This parameter must not be filled in for the "dual band" or "dual
coupling" values of the "concentric cell" parameter.

The preceding table allows to know the good values of the

"bsTxPwrMax" parameter depending on the combiners used in
the BTS. The "Nack" value is not admitted. However, do not
forget to consider the "transceiver zone Ref" parameter.

If the value is not correct, change it.

If the value is correct, replace the TX module (Field
Replaceable Unit). see the replacement procedure given in:
Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090)f
or the e-cell

Then go to step 6.
Additional checks

Clear the alarm.

Set the bts object to "locked".

Set the bts object to "unlocked".

The procedure is complete.


3.5.35 Source 35: Downloading aborted

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(35) Downloading aborted

BTS model:


This source indicates that the downloading has been aborted.

3.5.36 Source 36: Files missing

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(36) Files missing

BTS model:


This source indicates that files are missing.

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

3.5.37 Source 37: Buffer overflow

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(37) Buffer overflow

BTS model:


This source indicates a buffer overflow.

3.5.38 Source 38: Block not received

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(38) Block not received

BTS model:


This source indicates that a block has not been received.

3.5.39 Source 39: Downloading restart

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(39) Downloading restart

BTS model:


This source indicates a downloading restart.

3.5.40 Source 40: Request not supported

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(40) Request not supported

BTS model:


This source indicates a request not supported.

3.5.41 Source 41: Downloading failure

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(41) Downloading failure

BTS model:


This source indicates a downloading failure..

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.5.42 Source 42: Start-up failure

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(42) Start-up failure

BTS model:


This source indicates a start-up failure.

3.5.43 Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(43) Maximum number of joker TS

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that there an inconsistency between the number of
joker TS requested by the operator and the BTS capability.
Joker TS provisioning per TDMA is dependent on hardware constraints
(both BCF/CBCF chains must have the same type of hardware) and also
on existing backhaul configuration.


BSC defense The transceiver object is not configured by the BSC.

For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.
The service is reduced.



Preliminary checks

Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and
process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object
becomes "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not process the alarm and do
not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager
object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 5.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Explore the site capability:

a Perform a "Display hardware information" command
("standard" mode) on the btsSiteManager object at the
The OMC-R displays the site type (BCF, or CBCF with CMCF
phase 1 or phase 2) and state (working or failed).
b Perform a "Display data information" command (with "EDGE"
option) on the btsSiteManager object at the OMC-R.
The OMC-R displays the GPRS and EDGE capabilities
of each TRX. This will give the maximum number of joker
TS supported by the BCF/CBCF and TRXs. Look for the
following items of information:

Hardware btsSiteManager capability

Max number of timeslot per transceiverEquipment
for active board (main + joker): see Table 46

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

"Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per

transceiverEquipment" (page 732) below
Max number of timeslot per transceiverEquipment for
passive board (main + joker):
Duplex site consistency: "identical capabilities" / "non
identical capabilities"

Hardware transceiverEquipment capability

Max number of timeslot (main + joker): see Table
46 "Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per
transceiverEquipment" (page 732) below
GPRS capability: "up to CSx"
EDGE capability: "full" / "none"
As a reminder, here are the permitted maximum

Table 46
Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per transceiverEquipment
Type of site

Maximum number of timeslot (main + joker) per




CBCF CMCF phase 1

CBCF CMCF phase 2

Check the configuration of the transceiver object concerned, and

compare it with the capabilities analyzed in step 2.
As a reminder, here are the value ranges of the parameters
related to joker TS:

[0..4] for S8000 BCF
[0..6] for S8000 CBCF

The recommended values are 2, 3 or 4, depending on
operator Abis configuration (numberOfJokerDS0) and
estimated EDGE TDMA throughput.

If the configuration is not correct, set the transceiver object

to "locked".

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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


Modify the configuration.

Set the transceiver object to "unlocked".

If the configuration is correct, save the information gathered

in step 2, as well as the site configuration, and then call the

Check that the alarm is cleared.

The procedure is complete.


3.5.44 Source 44: Bad chain type

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(44) Bad chain type

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad chain type.

3.5.45 Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(45) Bad radio timeslot reference

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad radio timeslot reference.

3.5.46 Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE configuration

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(46) Bad internal Link EDGE configuration

BTS model:


This source indicates a bad internal link EDGE configuration.

3.5.47 Source 47: Inconsistency mapping

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(47) Inconsistency mapping

BTS model:


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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates an inconsistency mapping.

3.5.48 Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker DS0

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(48) Inconsistency number of joker DS0

BTS model:


This source indicates an inconsistency number of joker DS0.

3.5.49 Source 49: Invalid mode

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(49) Invalid mode

BTS model:


This source indicates an invalid mode.

3.5.50 Source 50: File already open

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(50) File already open

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file is already open.

3.5.51 Source 51: File cannot be unloaded

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(51) File cannot be unloaded

BTS model:


This source indicates that the file cannot be unloaded.

3.5.52 Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(52) Boot cannot be unloaded

BTS model:


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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)

This source indicates that the boot cannot be unloaded.

3.5.53 Source 53: Data decode error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(53) Data decode error

BTS model:


This source indicates a data decode error.

3.5.54 Source 54: Flash flag cannot access

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(54) Flash flag cannot access

BTS model:


This source indicates an access problem to the flash flag.

3.5.55 Source 55: Table cannot access

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(55) Table cannot access

BTS model:


This source indicates an access problem to a table.

3.5.56 Source 56: RAM mapping error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(56) RAM mapping error

BTS model:


This source indicates a RAM mapping error.

3.5.57 Source 57: Flash access error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(57) Flash access error

BTS model:


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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This source indicates a flash access error.

3.5.58 Source 58: Flash write error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(58) Flash write error

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash write error.

3.5.59 Source 59: Flash erase error

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(59) Flash erase error

BTS model:


This source indicates a flash erase error.

3.5.60 Source 60: Internal abort

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(60) Internal abort

BTS model:


This source indicates an internal abort.

3.5.61 Source 61: Equipment not able to get external synchronization

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(61) Equipment not able to get external synchronization

BTS model:


This source indicates that an equipment is not able to get the external

3.5.62 Source 62: Synchronization in progress

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(62) Synchronization in progress

BTS model:


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3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


This source indicates a synchronization in progress.

3.5.63 Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not supported

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication


(63) Dynamic Abis feature not supported

BTS model:


At the reception of a "site config" message with dynamic Abis feature
activated, if one of the CMCF of the BTS is a phase 1, a "site config Nack"
message with the cause Dynamic Abis feature not supported is sent to
the BSC. The BSC must stop the configuration of the BTS.
Besides, in case of inconsistencies detected by the BTS, the BTS sends a
"traffic connect Nack" message with the cause Dynamic Abis feature not
supported (in response of a received "traffic connect" message)
Moreover in case a BTS is equipped with an eDRX that supports the
dynamic Abis feature, but with an S8000 BCF, then the dynamic Abis
feature is not supported by the BTS.
BSC defense
The BSC stops the configuration of the BTS.
Impact on the service

Service reduction
The BTS is not configured.

Modify the BTS configuration:

either deactivate the dynamic Abis feature

or upgrade the BTS (replace CMCF phase 1 with CMCF phase 2, or
replace BCF with CBCF)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.5.64 Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(64) Inconsistent number of joker DS0

BTS model:


When proceeding with the dynamic Abis feature, the BTS receives the
following information from the BSC: a poolRef which represents the
pool reference on Abis to which a EDGE TDMA belongs (traffic connect
If the BSC has requested more jokers in the pool than the capacity
indicated through the status report message, then this is a case of internal
inconsistencies detected by the BTS, and as a consequence the BTS
sends a traffic connect nack message (in response of a received traffic
connect message) with the cause 64 "Inconsistent number of joker DS0".
Then this alarm indicates that the number of DS0 inside one poolRef
exceeds the pool maximum capability.
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object that is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 6.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.
As soon as the TRX is operational (the operationalState
of the transceiverEquipment object will be "enabled"),
check if the alarm persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 3.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the object concerned to "locked", then to "unlocked".

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

The procedure is complete.


3.5.65 Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(65) Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number

BTS model:


When proceeding with the dynamic Abis feature, the BTS receives the
following information from the BSC: a poolRef which represents the
pool reference on Abis to which a EDGE TDMA belongs (traffic connect
If the BSC has requested more jokers in the pool than the capacity
indicated through the status report message, then this is a case of internal
inconsistencies detected by the BTS, and as a consequence the BTS
sends a traffic connect nack message (in response of a received traffic
connect message) with the cause 65 "Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool
BSC defense
Impact on the service

For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.


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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.5 Fault number: 1055 (e-cell)


Procedure 4
Preliminary checks



Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"enabled", the TRX is operational.
Clear the alarm.
The procedure is complete.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-dependency", the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object that is not operational.
If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms
concerning cells.
If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site
is not operational. process the alarm(s) concerning the
btsSiteManager object.
If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault
number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is
concerned. Look for alarms concerning the BSC.

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is

"disabled-failed", the TRX is not operational.
If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the
alarm. Go to step 6.
Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the
transceiverEquipment object to "locked" and then
to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see


If other fault numbers are present, such as fault

number 1054, process them (concerning fault number
1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105 (Nortel
GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object

is "disabled", the TRX is not operational. Do not process
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

As soon as the TRX is operational (the operationalState

of the transceiverEquipment object will be "enabled"),
check if the alarm persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 3.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Set the object concerned to "locked", then to "unlocked".

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

The procedure is complete.


3.5.66 Source 255: Non-significant value

Fault number 1055 : Abis negative acknowledgement indication

(255) Non-significant value

BTS model:


This source indicates a non-significant value.

3.6 Fault number: 1058 (e-cell)

Fault number:

GSM entity configuration regression




An entity of the BTS detects an anomaly in its configuration, reports it to
the BSC by this alarm, and de-configures itself.

BSC defense

If the site is already operational, the BSC unconfigures the

btsSiteManager object and tries to reconfigures it.

If the site is not operational, there is a problem of connection between

the connections and the connections declared at the OMC-R.

Impact on the service

Case of the btsSiteManager object

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.7 Fault number: 1059 (e-cell)


Service interruption
For as long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager is
"disabled-failed", the site is lost.

Case of the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
For as long as the operationalState of the transceiverEquip
ment is "disabled", the TRX and one TDMA are lost.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R



Set the pcmCircuit object to "locked".

Untwine the PCM links.

Set the pcmCircuit object to "unlocked".

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 4.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


3.7 Fault number: 1059 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Invalid message received on Abis interface on O and M link



The BSC receives a message from the BTS that it cannot treat because:

either this message is out of sequence

or this message concerns an unknown element, that is a distant item of
equipment not created at the OMC-R but emitting notifications

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


BSC defense

Impact on the service



In the case of a message on an unknown element (not declared at the

OMC-R), switch off this element.

Otherwise, do nothing.

Working instructions
If several fault numbers 1059 are detected by the same cell, call
the manufacturer.

3.8 Fault number: 1060 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Abis event reporting a transient default



The spontaneous message 1060 corresponds to a warning and does not

require a maintenance action, except in conjunction with the 1067 fault
The following table indicates all the sources of the fault number 1060
for the e-cell. For more information on each source, see the indicated
paragraph to know the corrective maintenance procedure associated with
this source.


source No.


Source wording


Message unknown

3.8.1 PMNU (source: Message

unknown) (page 746)


Loss of GSM clock


LAPD congestion


Restart due to reset by BSC

3.8.2 PMNU (source: Restart due

to reset by BSC) (page 746)


Restart due to reset by reset


3.8.3 PMNU (source: Restart due to

reset by reset button) (page 746)


Restart due to power on

3.8.4 PMNU (source: Restart due

to power on) (page 746)

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3.8 Fault number: 1060 (e-cell)




source No.

Source wording



Restart due to a too long PCM


3.8.5 PMNU (source: Restart due

to a too long PCM scanning)
(page 747)


Restart requested by the

active board

3.8.6 PMNU (source: Restart

requested by the active board)
(page 747)


Restart due to a software


3.8.7 PMNU (source: restart due to

a software upgrade) (page 747)


Restart due to hardware


3.8.8 PMNU (source: Restart due to

a hardware watchdog) (page 748)


Restart due to loss of lock


Software dump


Loss of PCM link


FACCH congestion




PMOD reset by BCF after

message non acknowledged

3.8.11 PMOD (source: PMOD

reset by BCF after message non
acknowledged) (page 749)


Restart due to the timeout on

the OML link with BSC

3.8.12 PMOD (source: Restart

due to the timeout on the OML link
with BSC) (page 749)


Restart due to the timeout on

the OML link with BCF

3.8.13 PMOD (source: Restart

due to the timeout on the OML link
with BCF) (page 750)


Restart due to a software


3.8.14 PMOD (source: Restart due

to a software upgrade) (page 750)


BCCH config dump


SACCH config dump


L1M config dump


RSL anomaly


3.8.9 PMNU (source: Restart due

to loss of lock) (page 748)

3.8.10 PMOD (source: FACCH

congestion) (page 748)

3.8.15 PMOD (source: BCCH

config dump) (page 750)
3.8.16 PMOD (source: SACCH
config dump) (page 751)
3.8.17 PMOD (source: L1M config
dump) (page 751)
3.8.18 PMOD (source: RSL
anomaly) (page 751)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.8.1 PMNU (source: Message unknown)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault



Source :

(3145730) Message unknown

BTS model :


This alarm indicates an unknown Abis message.


BSC defense None.

3.8.2 PMNU (source: Restart due to reset by BSC)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145760) Restart due to reset by BSC

BTS model :


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to a reset by the BSC.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.3 PMNU (source: Restart due to reset by reset button)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145761) Restart due to reset by the reset button

BTS model :


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to a reset by the reset
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.4 PMNU (source: Restart due to power on)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145762) Restart due to power on

BTS model :


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3.8 Fault number: 1060 (e-cell)

This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to a power on.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.5 PMNU (source: Restart due to a too long PCM scanning)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145763) Restart due to a too long PCM scanning

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to a too long PCM
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.6 PMNU (source: Restart requested by the active board)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145764) Restart requested by the active board

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU is requested by the active
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.7 PMNU (source: restart due to a software upgrade)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145765) Restart due to a software upgrade

BTS model :


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to a software upgrade.
No maintenance action is required.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.8.8 PMNU (source: Restart due to a hardware watchdog)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment :



(3145766) Restart due to a hardware watchdog

BTS model :


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to a hardware watchdog.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.9 PMNU (source: Restart due to loss of lock)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3145767) Restart due to loss of lock

BTS model :


This alarm indicates a restart of the PMNU due to loss of lock.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.10 PMOD (source: FACCH congestion)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a transient default




(3276823) FACCH congestion

BTS model:


FACCH "Fast associated Control Channel" is one of the dedicated control
It is associated to a TCH channel and is used to exchange fast signaling
messages with the MS.
In compliance with GSM Rec. 5.03, a FACCH for TCH/FR is coded
over 8 bursts and for TCH/HR over 6 bursts. This imposes a maximum
transmission rate for FACCH messages, above which the messages are
queued. The queuing mechanism allows for up to 3 FACCH messagesfor
each channel (per sub-channel for TCH/HR) to be waiting for transmission.

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3.8 Fault number: 1060 (e-cell)


When this limit is exceeded, the BTS sends the notification FACCH
Congestion and the waiting messages are discarded. A Timer mechanism
ensures that the dropped messages are repeated.
FACCH congestion is usually linked to handover activity (for speed and
priority reasons, FACCH channel is especially used for handover process).
Increased handover activity equals a greater risk of FACCH congestion.


BSC defense

Impact on the service

The only impact is that handovers may be delayed by up to 160 ms, the
time between 2 repetitions of the FACCH message.
There will no impact on the counters and no dropped calls, nor service

No maintenance action is required.

3.8.11 PMOD (source: PMOD reset by BCF after message non

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3276834) PMOD reset by BCF after message non


BTS model :


This alarm indicates that the PMOD is reset by the BCF after a
non-acknowledged message.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.12 PMOD (source: Restart due to the timeout on the OML link with
Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277060) Restart due to the timeout on the OML link

with BSC

BTS model :


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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This alarm indicates that the PMOD is restarted due to the timeout on the
OML link with BSC.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.13 PMOD (source: Restart due to the timeout on the OML link with
Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277061) Restart due to the timeout on the OML link

with BCF

BTS model :


This alarm indicates that the PMOD is restarted due to the timeout on the
OML link with BCF.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.14 PMOD (source: Restart due to a software upgrade)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277062) Restart due to a software upgrade

BTS model :


This alarm indicates that the PMOD is restarted due to a software
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.15 PMOD (source: BCCH config dump)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277074) BCCH config dump

BTS model :


An anomaly has been detected in either a first or second BCCH
configuration. This transient event contains details of the anomaly.

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3.8 Fault number: 1060 (e-cell)

No maintenance action is required.

3.8.16 PMOD (source: SACCH config dump)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277090) SACCH config dump

BTS model :


An anomaly has been detected in either a first or second SACCH
configuration. This transient event contains details of the anomaly.
No maintenance action is required.

3.8.17 PMOD (source: L1M config dump)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277106) L1M config dump

BTS model :


An anomaly has been detected in either a first or second L1M
configuration. This transient event contains details of the anomaly.

No maintenance action is required.

3.8.18 PMOD (source: RSL anomaly)

Fault number 1060

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277107) RSL anomaly

BTS model :


A non-critical anomaly has been detected on a communication. This
transient event contains details of the anomaly.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.9 Fault number: 1061 (e-cell)

Fault number :

Abis mapping issue for a TDMA



1061 is sent when TDMA is not connected or disconnected due to Abis
resources limitations. When EDGE is activated, TDMA mask field does not
represent the TCH mapping over TDMA but the following:
When a TDMA cannot be mapped over Abis because a higher priority
TDMA has been blocked and non mapped, the TDMA mask "00000000" is
given to operator meaning "Higher priority TDMA not mapped on Abis".
When a TDMA cannot be mapped over Abis because there are not
enough resources, the TDMA mask "11111111" is given to operator
meaning "Lack of Abis resources".
Correlated notification: the attribute value change 1063 is also sent
to notify the mapping TDMA TRX and when degraded mode is used,
the cause of it. A field is added to specify if configuration is nominal or
degraded. see the description of fault number 1063 in
Message definition : VAL_SPR_CODANO_RES_TDMA
Message operation code: Codano 1061
Object: transceiver
Anomaly code: Warning 1061
Alarm Criteria: Start/End
Structure definition:




Site number within the



TRX number within

the site


(1) Definition:

15: Lack of Abis resources

0: Higher priority TDMA not mapped on Abis

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3.10 Attribute value change: 1063 (e-cell)


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.10 Attribute value change: 1063 (e-cell)

Attribute value change:

TRX allocation for a TDMA



An attribute value change 1063 is used to notify the mapping TDMA TRX
and when degraded mode is used, the cause of it. A field is added to
specify if configuration is nominal or degraded.
Message definition : VAL_SPR_CODANO_TRX_TDMA
Object: transceiver
Anomaly code: attribute value change 1063
Alarm Criteria: no
Structure definition:





TRX id

Degraded Configurati


0: False (default) /
1: True

(1): Cause of the configuration in degraded mode:

(0): "Lack of Abis resources"

(2) "Site unsufficient number of DS0", when the site is not able to
respond to the TDMA DS0 request

(3): "TRX insufficient Edge capability", when the TRX is not able to
respond to the TDMA DS0 request

(255): "not significant", when the transceiver object is "Enabled"

without a degraded cause.

(1): "Site not supporting Edge", when site EDGE capability is not equal
to 2.

Cause (2):
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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This problem is associated with a bad configuration of EDGE backhaul.

The site is not able to respond to the TDMA DS0 request.
Check the radio site mask according to engineering rules.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Abis event reporting a hardware fault



In the case of an equipment fault or a missing equipment item, the BTS

sends a 1067 message to the BSC specifying the faulty equipment and
the source.
For more information on each source, see the indicated paragraph to know
the corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.

source No.


Source wording

Abis BTS synchro


SYNO clock not locked on

the network

3.11.1 Abis BTS synchro

(source: SYNO clock not
locked on the network)
(page 758)

AC power supply


Power fault

3.11.2 AC power supply

(source: Power fault)
(page 763)

External alarm


External alarm

3.11.3 External alarm

(source: External alarm)
(page 766)

Internal temperature


Threshold exceeded



3.11.5 PA (source:
Hardware) (page 768)



PA DRX control loop fault

3.11.6 PA (source: PA
DRX control loop fault)
(page 773)




3.11.4 Internal temperature

(source: Threshold
exceeded) (page 766)

3.11.7 PCM (source: PCM)

(page 778)

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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


source No.



Source wording


communication fault


Self test failed



3.11.10 PMNU (source:

Hardware) (page 785)



3.11.11 PMOD (source:

(page 789)


Self test failed


Major fault on TX


The TX has not

acknowledged the power
consign request


BCCH first config failed


BCCH second config failed


SACCH first config failed


SACCH second config failed

3.11.18 PMOD (source:

SACCH second config
failed) (page 807)


L1M first config failed

3.11.19 PMOD (source:

L1M first config failed)
(page 808)



L1M second config failed

3.11.20 PMOD (source:

L1M second config failed)
(page 809)



PSU failure

3.11.21 PSU (source: PSU

failure) (page 809)



3.11.8 PMNU (source:

communication fault)
(page 778)
3.11.9 PMNU (source: Self
test failed) (page 780)

3.11.12 PMOD (source: Self

test failed) (page 794)
3.11.13 PMOD (source:
Major fault on TX) (page
3.11.14 PMOD (source: The
TX has not acknowledged
the power consign request)
(page 803)
3.11.15 PMOD (source:
BCCH first config failed)
(page 806)
3.11.16 PMOD (source:
BCCH second config failed)
(page 806)
3.11.17 PMOD (source:
SACCH first config failed)
(page 807)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



source No.


Source wording


RX fault



3.11.22 RDRX (source: RX

fault) (page 811)
3.11.23 RDRX (source:
Hardware) (page 816)

The following tables indicate the cross-reference between the equipment

and the sheets for the e-cell.
Table 47
PMNU location
Equipment type








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

Equipment type








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell





Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

Equipment type








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell





Table 48
RDRX location

Table 49
PMOD location

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Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Table 50
PA location
Equipment type








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell





Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

Equipment type








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell





Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

Table 51
PCM location

Table 52
Abis BTS synchro location
Equipment type

Table 53
External alarm location











Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell
ting (411-90





Equipment type

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Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell
ting (411-90


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 53
External alarm location (contd.)







Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell
ting (411-90

Equipment type

Table 54
AC power supply location







Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

Equipment type








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell








Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell

Equipment type

Table 55
PSU location

Table 56
Internal temperature location
Equipment type

3.11.1 Abis BTS synchro (source: SYNO clock not locked on the
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3342340) SYNO clock not locked on the network

BTS model:


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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


This alarm indicates a problem on the clock of the radio cabinet: the value
of the reference clock of the synchronizing PCM is not in the admitted


BSC defense and impact on the service As long as the PCM link is
operational, there is not any BSC defense action.

If, in the notification the "impact" field is "non transparent for the BSC",
the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the

If, in the notification the "impact" field is "transparent for the BSC", the
BSC does not do anything.

Service interruption
A handover problem can appear between the BTS
concerned and its neighboring BTSs (S8000 or S8002 BTS,
S2000 H/L BTS, or BTS of another manufacturer).

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes

back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 22.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

Check the number of impacted sites.

If only one site is impacted, go to step 3.

If several sites are impacted, go to step 4.

Replace the radio cabinet. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell

Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Perform a "Display dynamic data" command on the bsc object to

determine which TCU gives the clock to the network.

If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is "synchro internal

clock", go to step 19.

If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is not "synchro internal

clock", go to step 5.

Check the number of available TCUs.

If there is only one TCU, go to step 7.

Perform a PCM Ater link switchover by setting the

administrativeSt ate of the pcmCircuit object to "locked".

If there is at least two available TCUs, go to step 6.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Measure the frequency of the PCM A downlinks (with a PCM


If the frequency is correct, measure the frequency of the PCM

A uplinks.

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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


If the frequency is not correct on all the PCM A links, go

to step 8.
If the frequency is not correct on one of the PCM A links,
go to step 9.
If the frequency is correct, the problem does not concern
the TCU but concerns the BSC. Go to step 12.

Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting



If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the frequency is not correct, the problem concerns the

MSC. Look for it and solve it. Then go to step 1.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Perform a "Display all" command on the transcoder object to

check the state of the TCU.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled",

the problem concerns the BSC. Go to step 12.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled",

go to step 11.

Perform a PCM A link switchover by setting the administrativeSta

te of the pcmCircuit object to "locked". Then perform a "Display
all" command on the transcoder object to check the state of the

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled",

the problem concerns the TDTI board. Go to step 9.

If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled",

do the same operation twice: either the operationalState
of the transcoder object becomes "enabled", or the
operationalState of the transcoder object remains "disabled".
If the operationalState is "enabled", go to step 7. Otherwise
go to step 9.

Perform a "Display all" command on the bsc object to check the

correctness of the parameters of the passive chain.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers



Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on

the MSC side, on the BSC side and on the TCU side.

If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the

frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct, go to step 19step

If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the

frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct, go to step
17step 14.

If the frequency of the PCM A link is not correct, if it is the

downlink concerned, go to step 18step 15, and if it is the
uplink concerned, go to step 17step 14.

Replace the following items of equipment one after the other to

identify the faulty one.
a Replace the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU
3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, go to step 14b.

b Remove the newly inserted CEM board and reinsert the old
CEM board. Then replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable
Unit) of the TCU 3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.


The problem concerns the MSC. Solve it and then go to step 1.


Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on

the BSC side, on the TCU side and on the BTS side.

If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is correct and

the frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct, call the
transmission operator.

If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is not correct and the
frequency of the PCM Ater link is correct:
If it is the uplink concerned and if there is one BTS, go to
step 17.
If it is the uplink concerned and if there are several BTSs,
the problem concerns the PCMs. Call the transmission
If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the
PCMs. Call the transmission operator.

If the frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct:

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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


If it is the uplink concerned, go to step 18.

If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the
PCMs. Call the transmission operator.

Replace the radio cabinet. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell

Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).


Replace the IEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the BSC

3000. see Nortel GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

Make a TCU operational.

As soon as a TCU is operational, go to step 5.

Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 22.

If the alarm persists, go to step 21.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.2 AC power supply (source: Power fault)

Fault number 1067Abis event reporting a hardware fault

AC power supply


(6619137) Power fault

BTS model:


The AC power supply has failed. Therefore, this failure indicates that the
battery is powering the BTS.
The power backup for an e-cell is approximately 15 minutes at 25C with
the optional battery pack of the PSU.
The alarm may appear on the base or/and extension unit.


BSC defense If the BTS operates on its battery, there is not any BSC
defense action.
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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

When the battery is lost, the BSC deconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Equipment damage
When this alarm appears, the BTS operates with battery pack
of the PSU.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational. Look
for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".
If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss
of layer 2) has appeared:

If the unit is out of order, treat the problem on the unit.

Go to step 3.

Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

If the unit is out of order, treat the problem on the unit.

Go to step 3.

Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
(411-9001-105) ).

If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is

concerned. Look for alarms about the BSC.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager

object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "failed", the

fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "working",

the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. see

the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault Clearing Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply

and go to step 6.

Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

If the mains power supply is correct, go to step 5.

If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply
and go to step 6.

Replace the PSU. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting

(411-9001-090). Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "AC power supply" equipment is "working",

go to step 8.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.3 External alarm (source: External alarm)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

External alarm


(7274497) External alarm

BTS model:


If the alarm is external, the maintenance action depends on how the user
deals with the alarm. Eight external alarms can be used for the e-cell.

3.11.4 Internal temperature (source: Threshold exceeded)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Internal temperature


(8060929) Threshold exceeded

BTS model:


The beginning of fault appears when the internal temperature is too high.
Then the LPA are switched off until the return to a normal temperature.
The service is lost whereas the radio cabinet is still working.
The end of fault appears when the temperature returns normal. Then the
LPA restarts.


BSC defense When the PAs are switched off, the BSC deconfigures the
associated transceiverEquipment objects.
The BSC waits for the end of fault to perform the reconfiguration.
Impact on the service There is the loss of all the transceiverEquipment,
bts, and transceiver objects.
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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Service interruption
The service is lost.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 8.

Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "internal temperature" equipment is "failed",

the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "internal temperature" equipment is

"working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

Check the external temperature.

If the temperature is upper than 50C, wait for the return to a

normal temperature. The unit will restart automatically. Go
to step 5.

If the temperature is lower than 50C, go to step 4.

Check the heatsinks.

Else, go to step 6.

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If they are dirty, clean them. Go to step 5.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell

Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Go to step 7.

Additional checks

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "internal temperature" equipment is still

"failed", call the manufacturer.

If the state of the "internal temperature" equipment is

"working", go to step 8.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.5 PA (source: Hardware)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault


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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


(6815745) Hardware

BTS model:



This alarm indicates a hardware failure of the LPA. The corresponding
RDRX is not operational any more.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object
using the faulty LPA, at least one transceiver object so one bts object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm on the LPA is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source

appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the e-cell to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the LPA by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.6 PA (source: PA DRX control loop fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(6815777) PA DRX control loop fault

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the RDRX has not succeeded in the LPA
emission power configuration with the DRX/LPA control loop.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty LPA and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm on the LPA module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not

confirmed. Go to step 13.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of

the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the LPA by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PA" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.


Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.11.7 PCM (source: PCM)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(6488065) PCM

BTS model:


This alarm can indicate a manual action on the PCM links (lock/unlock
when the BTS is connected to a BSC 3000).
This alarm can also be associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.11.8 PMNU (source: Base-extension communication fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(3145737) Base-extension communication fault

BTS model:


The link between the base and the extension unit is failed.
There is no more communication between the base and the extension unit.


Impact on the service The two transceiverEquipment objects associated
to the concerned extension unit are lost.

The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

Check the status of the extension unit, by looking at the power

led located on the "Test and Configuration" interface.

If the led is ON, it indicates that the radio cabinet is powered.

Go to step 4.

If the led is OFF, the radio cabinet is not powered with

-48VDC. Go to step 5.

Check the cable between the base unit and the extension unit.

If it is correct, go to step 5.
If not, replace the cable. Go to step 6.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel GSM
BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). Go to step 6.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

Check the state of the PMNU module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "working", go to step


Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.9 PMNU (source: Self test failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(3211262) Self test failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware problem in the start-up self-tests.


Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 15.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 14.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Check the values of the bists, by performing a "Display data

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If one BIST is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.

If the BISTs are "OK", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 5.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 8.
For the other configurations, go to step 9.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 6.

For other configurations, see step 7.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 10.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090)

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 12.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 12.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 12.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 12.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet of the base unit according to the

notification. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 12.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

If the alarm persists, go to step 13.

Check the state of the PMNU module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.10 PMNU (source: Hardware)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(3145777) Hardware

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware problem.


Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
"disabled-failed". .
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to the base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Replace the radio cabinet of the base unit according to the

notification. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Go to step 11.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the PMNU module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PMNU" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.11 PMOD (source: BBFILTER ASIC fault)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3276806) BBFILTER ASIC fault

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a hardware problem.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty RDRX and the
associated transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure
a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Impact on the service

Only one transceiverEquipment object is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet of the base unit according to the

notification. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.12 PMOD (source: Self test failed)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3276809) Self test failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a problem in the hardware self-tests of the DRX.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.


If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090)

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to the base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the e-cell to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.13 PMOD (source: Major fault on TX)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(3276810) Major fault on TX

BTS model:


This alarm indicates a loss of traffic synchronization between the TRX and
the TCU.
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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)



BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service At least one DRX is lost, but it is possible to lose
the whole cell linked to the faulty DRX.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm is valid by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source

appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to the base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.14 PMOD (source: The TX has not acknowledged the power

consign request)
Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3276832) The TX has not acknowledged the power

consign request

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that the sent power consign is bad.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiver and transceiverEquipment objects. It tries to assure a
minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring
the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least on DRX is lost.

Service reduction
It is possible to lose the whole cell linked to the faulty DRX.

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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Service interruption
The intervention on the site must be immediate: there is a risk
of service loss.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 9.

Check that the alarm is valid, by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the transceiverEquipment object.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PMOD" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 6.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

Perform a "Display" command on the bts object to check if the

cells are concentric.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "concentric", go to step 4.

If the "concentric cell" parameter is "monozone", "dualband"
or " ", go to step 5.

Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to
the attenuation of the duplexer must be between 19 dBm and 32
dBm for the e-cell.
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object. The
"Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command on
the btsSiteManager object.
The following table lists the correct values of the "bsTxPwrMax"
parameter. The "Nack" value is not allowed.

If the value is correct, replace the radio cabinet. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). Go to step

If the value is not correct, modify it. Go to step 9.

Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to

the following information.
The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to
the attenuation of the duplexer and reduced of the value of the
"transceiver zone Ref" parameter must be between 19 dBm and
32 dBm for the e-cell.
The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the
powerControl object associated with the bts object.
The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.
The "transceiver zone Ref" parameter is obtained by performing
a "Display" command on the transceiver object.
The previous table allows to know the good values of the
"bsTxPwrMax" parameter. The "Nack" value is not admitted.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

However, do not forget to consider the "transceiver zone Ref"


If the value is correct, replace the radio cabinet. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). Go to step

If the value is not correct, modify it. Go to step 9.

Additional checks

Clear the alarm.

Set the bts object to "locked".

Set the bts object to "unlocked".

The procedure is complete.


3.11.15 PMOD (source: BCCH first config failed)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277072) BCCH first config failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that an anomaly has been detected in a BCCH
configuration. One new configuration is allowed after clearing the TRX


BSC defense An automatic reconfiguration defense action is triggered
by the BSC.

No maintenance action is required.

3.11.16 PMOD (source: BCCH second config failed)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277073) BCCH second config failed

BTS model:



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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


This alarm indicates that a second anomaly has been detected in a BCCH
configuration. The TRX may no longer be reconfigured, it can now only
be locked or unlocked at any level.


Lock the transceiverEquipment object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Lock the bts object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the problem persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.17 PMOD (source: SACCH first config failed)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277088) SACCH first config failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that an anomaly has been detected in an SACCH
configuration. One new configuration is allowed after clearing the TRX


BSC defense An automatic reconfiguration defense action is triggered
by the BSC.

No maintenance action is required.

3.11.18 PMOD (source: SACCH second config failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault


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411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


(3277089) SACCH second config failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that a second anomaly has been detected in an
SACCH configuration. The TRX may no longer be reconfigured, it can now
only be locked or unlocked at any level.



Lock the transceiverEquipment object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Lock the bts object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the problem persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.19 PMOD (source: L1M first config failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault



(3277104) L1M first config failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that an anomaly has been detected in an L1M
configuration. One new configuration is allowed after clearing the TRX


BSC defense An automatic reconfiguration defense action is triggered
by the BSC.

No maintenance action is required.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


3.11.20 PMOD (source: L1M second config failed)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3277105) L1M second config failed

BTS model:


This alarm indicates that a second anomaly has been detected in an L1M
configuration. The TRX may no longer be reconfigured, it can now only
be locked or unlocked at any level.



Lock the transceiverEquipment object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Lock the bts object, and then unlock it.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

If the problem persists, call the manufacturer.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.21 PSU (source: PSU failure)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3407873) PSU failure

BTS model:


The PSU is failed. Therefore, this failure indicates that the battery pack
is powering the BTS.
The power back up is approximately 15 minutes with the battery pack.

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


BSC defense If the BTS operates on its battery, there is not any BSC
defense action.
When the battery is lost, the BSC deconfigures the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
If the alarm appears on the base unit, the service is lost.
If the alarm appears on the extension unit, two transceiverEquip
ment objects are lost. The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 7.


Check that the alarm on the equipment is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PSU" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "PSU" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

Replace the PSU. see Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting

(411-9001-090). Go to step 4.

Additional checks

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "PSU" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "PSU" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

Clear the alarm.

The procedure is complete.


3.11.22 RDRX (source: RX fault)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3211265) RX fault

BTS model:


The DRX is not operational any more. The RX PLL is out of lock.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


BSC defense The BSC deconfigures the faulty DRX and the associated
transceiverEquipment object. It tries to assure a minimum service of
communication by unconfiguring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.
Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost, depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.
If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,
see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.


Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid, by

performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

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Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to the base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the RDRX module by performing a "Display

hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.11.23 RDRX (source: Hardware)

Fault number 1067

Abis event reporting a hardware fault




(3211266) Hardware

BTS model:


This alarm indicates an internal hardware failure of the radio cabinet.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the two transceiver objects.
Impact on the service If the alarm appears on the base unit, the two
transceiverEquipment objects of the base unit are lost.
If the alarm appears on the extension unit, the two transceiverEquipment
objects of the extension unit are lost.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

Preliminary checks



Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"enabled", the site is operational. Go to step 2.

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-dependency", the site is not operational.


If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared,

see the fault number 1054 (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).
If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed"
and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager
object becomes back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the
alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
back "enabled".

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is

"disabled", the site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager
object is "disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not
clear it. Wait that the state of the btsSiteManager object
becomes back "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of
the btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the
alarm still persists.

If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

Otherwise, go to step 14.

Check that the alarm on the RDRX is valid, by performing

a "Display hardware configuration" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is

confirmed. Go to step 3.

If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is "working", the fault is

not confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

In case of:

a base e-cell. Go to step 4.

an extension e-cell.
For an O4 configuration (mono band), go to step 7.
For the other configurations, go to step 8.

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Determine the type of configuration (see Nortel GSM BSS Fault

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) ).

For a "Drop and Insert" configuration, see step 5.

For other configurations, see step 6.

Replace the radio cabinet:

of the base e-cell in a chain "Drop and Insert" configuration,

go to step 9.

of the base e-cell in a "Drop and Insert" configuration with

redundancy, go to step 10.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of all the

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts


Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the bts object.

The service returns on the two transceiverEquipment objects
of the base unit.

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears: do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

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3.11 Fault number: 1067 (e-cell)


Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object associated to the extension unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment objects associated to the extension

Disconnect the cable between the base and the extension


Replace the radio cabinet of the extension unit. see Nortel

GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090). A 1067
alarm with "base-extension communication fault" source
appears : do not treat it.

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and bts objects associated to the
extension unit.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the chain.

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object(s) located after the btsSiteManager which is out of

Set to "shuttingDown" the administrativeState of the bts

object of the out of order btsSiteManager object.

Set to "locked" the transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager

objects associated to the base unit.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).
Alarms can appear on the other btsSiteManager objects of
the chain: do not treat them.

Set to "unlocked" the btsSiteManager, bts, and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Go to step 11.

Perform the following actions to minimize the impacts on the

other transceiverEquipment objects of a same btsSiteManager
and on the other btsSiteManager objects of the loop.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Set to "shuttingDown" all the bts objects of the loop.

Disconnect (PCM links) the radio cabinet to replace.

Replace the radio cabinet according to the notification. see

Nortel GSM BTS e-cell Troubleshooting (411-9001-090).

Set to "unlocked" the administrativeState of the

btsSiteManager, bts, and two transceiverEquipment objects
associated to the base unit.

Set to "locked" the administrativeState of the two

transceiverEquipment and btsSiteManager objects associated
to the base unit.
Set to "unlocked" all the previously bts objects (except the bts
object associated to the replaced BTS).

Go to step 11.
Additional checks


Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.


If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

Check the state of the RDRX by performing a "Display hardware

configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is still "failed", call the


If the state of the "RDRX" equipment is "working", go to step



Clear the alarm.


The procedure is complete.


3.12 Fault number: 1070 (e-cell)

Fault number:

TRX synchronization failure



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

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3.13 Fault number: 1073 (e-cell)


3.13 Fault number: 1073 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity



This notification, issued by the BSC, appears when the downloading of
a new software release has failed.

When the downloading is successful, the site or the DRX requests

a reset of the entity by the BSC (reception by the BSC of a LOAD
READY NACK, issued by the BTS). The fault number 1073 is issued
alone after reception of this LOAD READY NACK. The BTS is

When the downloading is not successful (error in a file), the

downloading stops and another downloading is performed
automatically. The downloading starts from scratch.

Each time the downloading fails again, the fault number 1073 is

After four failed attempts (and four fault numbers 1073 issued), a
new downloading starts. If it fails, the fault number 1052 is issued
Table 57
Fault number 1073 sources


Source wording

No response to status request

Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID

Reception Stop from SUP

No change to one of BOOT after reset

This entity is engaged in another downloading

File access error

Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ... ) while downloading

a file

Wrong software reference on a non downloadable TEI

No response to LOAD message

3.13.1 Source 9: No
response to LOAD
message (page 825)

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 57
Fault number 1073 sources (contd.)


Source wording




Received message LOAD DATA NACK

3.13.3 Source 11:

Received message LOAD
DATA NACK (page 826)


Received message LOAD END NACK

3.13.4 Source 12:

Received message LOAD
END NACK (page 826)


Received message LOAD READY NACK


CSM load container negative acknowledgement


File to download empty


File to download unavailable


Buffer allocation failure


Bad sending buffer size value


Failure during omu switchover


Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report



CSM software update report with the cause "unknown



CSM software update report with the cause "equipment



CSM software update report with the cause "downloading



CSM software update report with the cause "not able to



CSM software update report with the cause "restart



CSM software update report with the cause "message out

of sequence"


CSM software update report with the cause "downloading

in progress"


Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update

report message

3.13.2 Source 10:

Received LOAD INIT
NACK (page 825)

3.13.5 Source 13:

Received message
(page 826)

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3.13 Fault number: 1073 (e-cell)

Table 57
Fault number 1073 sources (contd.)

Source wording



no BTS response on CSM software update init/control



nack received on the abort requested by operator


bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort



no BTS response on CSM software update abort



CSM downloading start nack with the cause "equipment



CSM downloading start nack with the cause

"downloading failure"


CSM downloading start nack with the cause "message

out of sequence"


CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong soft



CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong

config ref"


CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause


no BTS response on CSM downloading start message


CSM downloading end nack with the cause "equipment



CSM downloading end nack with the cause "downloading



CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value out of



CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause


no BTS response on CSM downloading end message


CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment failure"


CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading failure"


CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of



CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref"


CSM load init nack with the cause "window size not


CSM load init nack with the cause "data format error"


CSM load init nack with a bad cause

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Table 57
Fault number 1073 sources (contd.)

Source wording



no BTS response on CSM load init message


CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment failure"


CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading failure"


CSM load data nack with the cause "message out of



CSM load data nack with the cause "data format error"


CSM load data nack with the cause "window overflow"


CSM load data nack with the cause "data inconsistency"


CSM load data nack with the cause "block not received"


CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block tag"


CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum error"


CSM load data nack with a bad cause


unexpected CSM load data ack


no BTS response on CSM load data message


CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment failure"


CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading failure"


CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of range"


CSM load end nack with the cause "message out of



CSM load end nack with the cause "data format error"


CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref"


CSM load end nack with the cause "data inconsistency"


CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum error"


CSM load end nack with a bad cause


no BTS response on CSM load end message


bad report sent by BTS during an internal update


CSM load init nack with the cause "file already open"


CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode"


CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be



CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag cannot

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3.13 Fault number: 1073 (e-cell)


Table 57
Fault number 1073 sources (contd.)

Source wording



CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot be



CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag cannot


CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot be



CSM load data nack with the cause "data decod error"


CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot access"


CSM load data nack with the cause "ram mapping error"


CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access error"


CSM load data nack with the cause "flash ram error"


CSM load data nack with the cause "flash erase error"


CSM load data nack with the cause "internal abort"


BSC defense

Impact on the service


3.13.1 Source 9: No response to LOAD message

Fault number 1073: Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(9) No response to LOAD message

BTS model:


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.13.2 Source 10: Received LOAD INIT NACK

Fault number 1073: Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(10) Received LOAD INIT NACK

BTS model:


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.13.3 Source 11: Received message LOAD DATA NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(11) Received message LOAD DATA NACK

BTS model:


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.13.4 Source 12: Received message LOAD END NACK

Fault number 1073: Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(12) Received message LOAD END NACK

BTS model:


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.13.5 Source 13: Received message

Fault number 1073: Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

(13) Received message

BTS model:


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see Nortel GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance (411-9001-105) .

3.14 Fault number: 1080 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Access fault



This fault number indicates a communication problem between the BSC
and the BTS. More precisely, there is an issue between the SPR and
Access software modules of the BSC (SPR defense on opening or closing
a link or dialog).
List of causes:

0 No response from Access for chnl cnx request

1 Nack from Access for chnl cnx request
2 No response from Access for chnl dcnx request
3 Nack from Access for chnl dcnx request
4 No response from Access for chnl switchover request

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3.15 Fault number: 1165 (e-cell)


5 Nack from Access for chnl switchover request

6 No response from Access for OML open diag request
7 Nack from Access for OML open diag request
8 No response from Access for OML close diag request
9 Nack from Access for OML close diag request
10 No response from Access for RSL open diag request
11 Nack from Access for RSL open diag request
12 No response from Access for RSL close diag request
13 Nack from Access for RSL close diag request
14 No response from Access for GSL open diag request
15 Nack from Access for GSL open diag request
16 No response from Access for GSL close diag request
17 Nack from Access for GSL close diag request


BSC defense
The BSC tries to use other LAPD channels to reach the BTS.
Impact on the service
If the BSC succeeds in using other LAPD channels, then no maintenance
action is required.
If the BSC fails, then other fault numbers are sent to the OMC-R.

3.15 Fault number: 1165 (e-cell)

Fault number

At least one terrestrial circuit is HSCSD-blocked.



This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (Nortel

GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures).

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

3.16 Fault number: 1258 (e-cell)

Fault number:

No BTS response on preprocessing configuration



This fault number indicates a non-response of a transceiverEquipment
object to an L1M request. The BTS issues this alarm after five
unsuccessful attempts to warn users that the data handled by the BSC
may not be consistent with the data actually received by the BTS.
In spite of this handling, the BSC goes on its configuration attempts. The
situation must be re-established.
The message loss, due to disruptions on the Abis link, is sufficient for
the creation of this notification, but insufficient to release the defense
mechanism of the transceiverEquipment object.


BSC defense

Impact on the service

Service interruption
The service is lost.



Check the time of the alarm appearance and note the different
commands performed at the OMC-R on the cell concerned and
on the neighboring cells, if any.

Check which parameters are concerned by the notification: those

of the cell or those of the neighboring cells.

Check if it is a start-up or a change, in order to understand the

commands performed in the notification log.

Check the state of the bts, pcmCircuit, btsSiteManager and

transceiverEquipment objects.

Perform a "display dynamic data" on the transceiver object.

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3.17 Fault number: 1259 (e-cell)


Ensure that the state of the parameter "allocationState" is

If the state of the parameter "allocationState" is not
"available", the BTS has not recognized or not received
the messages from the BSC.

If the state of the parameter "rmpConfState" is "not

configured", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 6.

To create an adjacent cell on the bts object:

Select the bts object.

In the dialog box, select either the "adjacentCellReselection"

or "adjacentCellHandover" object.

Go to the "Objects" menu and select the "Create Child"

option. This opens a dialog box which allows the operator to
select various dependent objects.

The procedure is complete.


3.17 Fault number: 1259 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Negative acknowledgement on preprocessing command



This alarm can be received on either a standard cell or on a neighboring

If the alarm is received on a neighboring cell, there is not handover any

more (because the neighboring cells are unknown).

If the alarm is received on a standard cell, the problem can be

occurred during the start-up or a change.


BSC defense

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

Impact on the service

If the alarm is received on a neighboring cell, calls are still possible.
Nevertheless, the calls cannot be moved on the neighboring cells (no
handover is possible). Then there will be an increase in the rate of call

The geographical mobility of the mobile is reduced.
If the mobile is out of its geographical area of the cell where it is, the service is

If the alarm appears during a start-up, a problem occurred in the BTS
configuration during the installation.
If the alarm appears during a change, look at the last commands at the
OMC-R few times before the alarm appearance. Look at the changes
performed for the neighboring cells.
Check that, if the microCellInstability and microCellStability parameters
have a value, have the value "algo B". Otherwise, modify it.

3.18 Fault number: 1265 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Blockage of radio channel(s) in busy state



This alarm indicates that some channels were busy by a call during a time
period that is higher than the surveillance period whose period has been
chosen by the operator.
The notification lists all the radio channels of the BTS that were busy
during the traffic surveillance, whose period has been chosen by the


BSC defense

Impact on the service


The notification indicates, for the concerned BTS, the busy channel(s).
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3.19 Fault number: 1266 (e-cell)




Check the time of the fault number 1265 and identify the faulty

Check the call duration in comparison with the surveillance

period by checking the radResSupBusytimer parameter of the
bsc object.

If the call duration is equal or higher than the value of the

surveillance period, go to step 3.

If it is not the call duration that is concerned and that is the

source of the fault number, call the manufacturer.

Increase the value of the surveillance period.

If the alarm persists, go to step 4.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

Set the transceiver object to "locked" then "unlocked".

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

The procedure is complete.


3.19 Fault number: 1266 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Blockage of radio channel(s) in free state



When the radResSupervision parameter is "true", a notification with the
1266 fault number is sent periodically to the OMC-R.
The notification indicates all the BTS radio channels that have been
continuously free for the previous notification.
This period is determined by the radResSupFreetimer parameter of the
bsc object. This parameter sets the maximum duration of non utilization
for a radio channel.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers


BSC defense

Impact on the service

The service is reduced.

The notification indicates, for the concerned BTS, the free channel(s).



Check the time of the fault number 1266 and identify the faulty

Analyze the traffic on the network by checking the rate of call

drop (TCH number busy in comparison to cell resource number).
see Nortel GSM BSS Parameter Reference (411-9001-124).

If the traffic is low, the fault number 1266 is normal.

If the traffic is important (almost equal to the TCH number
in the cell), the faulty channels are not used. Call the

Analyze the traffic on the network by checking the rate of

SDCCH allocation failures.
Check the synthetic counter C8706 (cellSdcchResourceFailure

If the counter value is low (SDCCH blocking is not observed),

the fault number 1266 is normal.

If the counter value is high (SDCCH blocking is observed),

and still fault number 1266 is observed, this requires further
investigation. Call the manufacturer.


3.20 Fault number: 1268 (e-cell)

Fault number:


or meas_info)



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3.21 Fault number: 1500 (e-cell)


This alarm indicates that the BTS has not answered nine successive
acknowledgment requests SACCH FILLING sent by the BSC. As long
as the BSC has not received response, it repeats the procedure of
acknowledgment request.


BSC defense

Impact on the service

The service is reduced because the channels supported by the faulty TRX are
not available for calls.



Look for the TRX supported the TDMA quoted in the alarm by
performing a "Display all" command on the transceiverEquipment

Check the state of the channels associated with the TDMA.

If all the channels are not available, perform the procedure of

return to service.

Otherwise, stop the maintenance procedure because the

state of the system is normal.

Set the transceiverEquipment object associated with the TDMA

to "locked" then to "unlocked".

Wait that the state of the transceiver object becomes "enabled".

Check the state of the channels associated with the TDMA.

The procedure is complete.


3.21 Fault number: 1500 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Measurement received on an unknown frequency of

neighboring cell



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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

This alarm indicates that a measurement has been received on an
unknown frequency of a neighboring cell in GSM 900 or GSM 1800 mode.
The message is sent at the end of the communication.

3.22 Fault number: 1505 (e-cell)

Fault number:

No response to a BCCH INFO (SYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 bis, 7, 8, 2 ter,




This alarm indicates that the BTS has not answered nine successive
acknowledgment requests SYS INFO sent by the BSC. As long as
the BSC has not received any response, it repeats the procedure of
acknowledgment request.


BSC defense

Impact on the service

Service interruption



If the alarm appears during the downloading, do not take into

account this alarm. Otherwise, go to step 2.

Set the btsSiteManager concerned to "locked" then "unlocked".

If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

The problem concerns the old passive chain of the BSC. Look
for alarms concerning the BSC and treat them.

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3.23 Fault number: 1506 (e-cell)


The procedure is complete.


3.23 Fault number: 1506 (e-cell)

Fault number:

No distribution available for a cell



This warning indicates that no distribution is available for the cell
To help network monitoring, the distribution at TDMA level of some
measurements done on radio interface is provided for the TRX of given
cells and on a periodic time frame. Distributions are collected by the BSC
and aggregated in a file that is uploaded by the OMC-R.
The available distributions are the following:

power control steps

RxLev and RxQual
FER uplink
Timing advance
RxLev rescaled to Pmax
FER downlink
Downlink voice quality indicator

List of causes:

0 "No stop_distribution_ack received":

If for all TRXs of a cell the BTS has sent no stop_distribution_ack
message to the BSC, then the BSC emits a notification
1506 no distribution available for a cell with the cause "No
stop_distribution_ack received", even if all TRXs are locked.

1 "No measurements available":

If for all TRXs of a cell the BTS has sent no measurements at all to the
BSC, then the BSC emits a notification 1506 no distribution available

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

for a cell with the cause "No measurements available", even if all
TRXs are locked.
BSC defense
No maintenance action is required.

3.24 Fault number: 1507 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Interference matrix running


Attribute value change

This attribute value change indicates whether the Interference Matrix
process has started or is finished.
If the "endInterferenceMAtrix " field equals 0, the attribute value change
notifies the end of Interference Matrix process for the associated cell.
If the "endInterferenceMAtrix " field equals 1, the IM process is started.

No maintenance is required.

3.25 Fault number: 1508 (e-cell)

Fault number:

Data service impact (SYS 13 size exceeded)


Quality of Service Alarm

When the operator configures maximum hopping frequencies (64
frequencies) and activates GPRS or EGPRS in a cell, then "System
Information 13 rest octet" size exceeds 21 octets. As a result the "System
Information 13 rest octet" field is truncated and this begin-of-fault alarm
is sent.

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3.25 Fault number: 1508 (e-cell)


64 frequencies is the maximum number granted by the OMC-R (semantic

control). But operators must also take into account Engineering
recommendations given in BSS Parameters User Guide (BPUG).
The end-of-fault alarm is sent after the "System Information 13 rest octet"
field size has become equal to 21 octets or less.


BSC defense

Impact on the service

Service interruption
There is a partial or full impact on data service (whereas CS
traffic is still maintained).
The information relative to data services on impacted cell(s) are
not fully sent to the BTS.

see BSS Parameter User Guide (BPUG PE/DCL/DD/0036) to configure
the cell (cellAllocation and mobileAllocation parameters for the bts object)
in order to respect Engineering recommendations (maximum hopping
frequency number) and to have the "System Information 13 rest octet" field
size equal to 21 octets or less.
Normally, the maximum number of frequencies that can be set up with
cellAllocation parameter is 64for each frequency band. However, due
to SI13 size constraints, when GPRS or EDGE is activated in the cell
and there is at least one hopping data TDMA, the limitation becomes a
maximum of 49 - n frequencies.
where n is the number of non-hopping frequencies in the cell.

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Chapter 3 e-cell fault numbers

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1051 Loss of layer 3 with remote
GSM entity 463
1052 GSM entity downloading
failure 463
Source (01) Bad hardware
reference or manufacturer ID 474
Source (03) No change of one of
BOOT after reset 478
Source (04) This entity is engaged
in another downloading 479
Source (05) Software not
compatible with hardware 480
Source (06) File access error 483
Source (07) Repetitive errors
(NACK, timeout, ...) while
downloading a file 484
Source (08) Wrong software
reference on a non
downloadable TEI 479
Source (16) File to download
unavailable 492
1053 GSM entity configuration
regression 702
1054 Loss of layer 2 (or no
establishment) with remote
GSM entity 703
1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication 703
Source (02) Equipment unable to
perform such test 708
Source (03) Invalid configuration 709
Source (06) Data inconsistency 712
Source (10) Unknown Abis PCM 714
Source (23) Too many signaling
timeslots 718

Source (25) Out of sequence

message 719
Source (34) The BTS has not
acknowledged the TX power
consign request 723
Source (65) Exceeded DL joker
DS0 pool number 740
1058 GSM entity configuration
regression 742
1059 Invalid message received on
Abis interface on O and M link 743
1060 Abis event reporting a
hardware fault
Source (3277074) BCCH config
dump: PMOD 750
Source (3277090) SACCH config
dump: PMOD 751
Source (3277106) L1M config
dump: PMOD 751
Source (3277107) RSL anomaly:
PMOD 751
1060 Abis event reporting a transient
default 744
Source (3145730) Message
unknown: PMNU 746
Source (3145760) Restart due to
reset by BSC: PMNU 746
Source (3145761) Restart due
to reset by the reset button:
PMNU 746
Source (3145762) Restart due to
power on: PMNU 746
Source (3145763) Restart due to a
too long PCM scanning: PMNU 747
Source (3145764) Restart
requested by the active board:
PMNU 747

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Source (3145765) Restart due to a

software upgrade: PMNU 747
Source (3145766) Restart due to a
hardware watchdog: PMNU 748
Source (3145767) Restart due to
loss of lock: PMNU 748
Source (3276823) FACCH
congestion: PMOD 748
Source (3276834) PMOD reset
by BCF after message non
acknowledged: PMOD 749
Source (3277060) Restart due to
the timeout on the OML link with
Source (3277061) Restart due to
the timeout on the OML link with
Source (3277062) Restart due to a
software upgrade: PMOD 750
1061 Abis mapping issue for a
TDMA 752
1063 TRX allocation for a TDMA 753
1067 Abis event reporting a
hardware fault 754
Source (3145737) Base-extension
communication fault: PMNU 778
Source (3145777) Hardware:
PMNU 785
Source (3211262) Self test failed:
PMNU 780
Source (3211265) RX fault:
RDRX 811
Source (3211266) Hardware:
RDRX 816
Source (3276806) BBFILTER
ASIC fault: PMOD 789
Source (3276809) Self test failed:
PMOD 794
Source (3276810) Major fault on
TX: PMOD 798
Source (3276832) The TX has
not acknowledged the power
consign request: PMOD 803
Source (3277072) BCCH first
config failed: PMOD 806
Source (3277073) BCCH second
config failed: PMOD 806
Source (3277088) SACCH first
config failed: PMOD 807

Source (3277089) SACCH second

config failed: PMOD 807
Source (3277104) L1M first config
failed: PMOD 808809
Source (3342340) SYNO clock not
locked on the network: ABIS
Source (3407873) PSU failure:
PSU 809
Source (6488065) PCM: PCM 778
Source (6619137) Power fault: AC
power supply 763
Source (6815745) Hardware: PA 768
Source (6815777) PA DRX control
loop fault: PA 773
Source (7274497) External alarm:
External alarm 766
Source (8060929) Threshold
exceeded: Internal temperature 766
1070 TRX synchronization failure 820
1073 Attempt of download failure on
a GSM entity 821
Source (09) No response to LOAD
message 825
Source (10) Received LOAD INIT
NACK 825
Source (11) Received message
Source (12) Received message
Source (13) Received message 826
1080 Access fault 826
1258 No BTS response on
preprocessing configuration 828
1259 Negative acknowledgement on
preprocessing command 829
1265 Blockage of radio channel(s) in
busy state 830
1266 Blockage of radio channel(s) in
free state 831
1268 No response to a SACCH
FILLING (SYS 5, 6, 5 bis or 5
ter) 832
FILLING (SYS 5, 6, 5bis, 5ter or
meas_info) 832
1500 Measurement received on
an unknown frequency of
neighboring cell 833

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1505 No response to a BCCH INFO

(SYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 bis, 7, 8, 2 ter,
13) 834
1506 No distribution available for a
cell 835
1507 Interference matrix running 836
1508 Data service impact (SYS 13
size exceeded) 836

1051 Loss of layer 3 with remote
GSM entity 27
1052 GSM entity downloading failure 27
Source (01) Bad hardware
reference or manufacturer ID 38
Source (03) No change of one of
BOOT after reset 43
Source (04) This entity is engaged
in another downloading 45
Source (05) Software not
compatible with hardware 47
Source (06) File access error 51
Source (07) Repetitive errors
(NACK, timeout, ...) while
downloading a file 54
Source (08) Wrong software
reference on a non
downloadable TEI 45
Source (16) File to download
unavailable 62
1053 GSM entity configuration
regression 272
1054 Loss of layer 2 (or no
establishment) with remote
GSM entity 273
1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication 273
Source (02) Equipment unable to
perform such test 278
Source (03) Invalid configuration 279
Source (05) Cell parameters
inconsistency 281
Source (06) Data inconsistency 282
Source (10) Unknown Abis PCM 286
Source (23) Too many signaling
timeslots 289
Source (25) Out of sequence
message 291

Source (34) The BTS has not

acknowledged the TX power
consign request 295
Source (65) Exceeded DL joker
DS0 pool number 312
1056 Incorrect parameter settings at
the OMC-R 314
1058 GSM entity configuration
regression 320
1059 Invalid message received on
Abis interface on O and M link 321
1060 Abis event reporting a transient
default 322
Source (6422530) Unknown
message on Abis interface:
SBCF 327
Source (6422560) Restart due to
reset by BSC: SBCF 327
Source (6422561) Restart due to
reset by reset button: SBCF 327
Source (6422562) Restart due to
power on: SBCF 328
Source (6422563) Restart due to a
too long PCM scanning: SBCF 328
Source (6422564) Restart
requested by the active board:
SBCF 328
Source (6422565) Restart due to a
software upgrade: SBCF 329
Source (6422566) Restart due to a
hardware watchdog: SBCF 329
Source (6422567) Restart due to a
double bus fault: SBCF 329
Source (6422568) Restart due to a
Man Machine Interface I and C
reset button: SBCF 329
Source (9437196) Frequency
collision on FH bus: DRX 324
Source (9437199) Beginning of TX
isolation for maintenance: DRX 324
Source (9437200) End of TX
isolation for maintenance: DRX 325
Source (9437207) FACCH
congestion: DRX 325
Source (9437218) Nack answer:
DRX 326
Source (9437219) DRX reset by
BSC: DRX 327
1061 Abis mapping issue for a
TDMA 330

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


1067 Abis event reporting a

hardware fault 330
Source (3342340) SYNO clock
not locked on the network:
Source (5570561) LNA fault: LNA 412
Source (6029313) Fault on VGA:
VGA 446
Source (6488065) PCM: PCM 426
Source (6619137) Power fault: AC
power supply 354
Source (6684673) Power fault: DC
power supply 366
Source (6750209) VSWR:
Transmit antenna 441
Source (6815745) Hardware: PA 417
Source (6815746) DRX/PA
connection: PA 421
Source (6881281) Software
detection: DRX main reception
chain 408
Source (6946817) Software
detection: DRX diversity
reception chain 403
Source (7012353) Threshold
exceeded: Cabinet high
temperature alarm 360
Source (7077889) Threshold
exceeded: Cabinet low
temperature alarm 363
Source (7340033) Over current:
Splitter output 436
Source (7733249) Over current:
Rx splitter M 431
Source (7798785) Over current:
Rx splitter D 426
Source (8257537) External alarm:
External alarm 373
Source (9437185) RX fault: DRX 373
Source (9437187) Loss of PCM
link: DRX 376
Source (9437190) BBFILTER
ASIC fault: DRX 378
Source (9437193) Self test failed:
DRX 381
Source (9437194) Major fault on
TX: DRX 383
Source (9437206) DRX link: DRX 388

Source (9437216) The TX has

not acknowledged the power
consign request: DRX 393
Source (9437217) PA DRX control
loop fault: DRX 397
1070 TRX synchronization failure 448
1073 Attempt of download failure on
a GSM entity 448
Source (09) No response to LOAD
message 450
Source (10) Received LOAD INIT
NACK 450
Source (11) Received message
Source (12) Received message
Source (13) Received message 450
1080 Access fault 451
1258 No BTS response on
preprocessing configuration 452
1259 Negative acknowledgement on
preprocessing command 454
1265 Blockage of radio channel(s) in
busy state 455
1266 Blockage of radio channel(s) in
free state 456
1268 No response to a SACCH filling
(SYS 5, 6, 5 bis or 5 ter) 457
1500 Measurement received on
an unknown frequency of
neighbouring cell 458
1505 No response to a BCCH info
(SYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 bis, 7, 8, 2 ter,
13) 459
1508 Data service impact (SYS 13
size exceeded) 460
1051 Loss of layer 3 with remote
GSM entity 27
1052 GSM entity downloading failure 27
Source (01) Bad hardware
reference or manufacturer ID 38
Source (03) No change of one of
BOOT after reset 43
Source (04) This entity is engaged
in another downloading 45
Source (05) Software not
compatible with hardware 47
Source (06) File access error 51

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing
411-9001-104 18.05 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.


Source (07) Repetitive errors

(NACK, timeout, ...) while
downloading a file 54
Source (08) Wrong software
reference on a non
downloadable TEI 45
Source (16) File to download
unavailable 62
1053 GSM entity configuration
regression 272
1054 Loss of layer 2 (or no
establishment) with remote
GSM entity 273
1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication 273
Source (02) Equipment unable to
perform such test 278
Source (03) Invalid configuration 279
Source (05) Cell parameters
inconsistency 281
Source (06) Data inconsistency 282
Source (10) Unknown Abis PCM 286
Source (23) Too many signaling
timeslots 289
Source (25) Out of sequence
message 291
Source (34) The BTS has not
acknowledged the TX power
consign request 295
Source (65) Exceeded DL joker
DS0 pool number 312
1056 Incorrect parameter settings at
the OMC-R 314
1058 GSM entity configuration
regression 320
1059 Invalid message received on
Abis interface on O and M link 321
1060 Abis event reporting a transient
default 322
Source (6422530) Unknown
message on Abis interface:
SBCF 327
Source (6422560) Restart due to
reset by BSC: SBCF 327
Source (6422561) Restart due to
reset by reset button: SBCF 327
Source (6422562) Restart due to
power on: SBCF 328
Source (6422563) Restart due to a
too long PCM scanning: SBCF 328

Source (6422564) Restart

requested by the active board:
SBCF 328
Source (6422565) Restart due to a
software upgrade: SBCF 329
Source (6422566) Restart due to a
hardware watchdog: SBCF 329
Source (6422567) Restart due to a
double bus fault: SBCF 329
Source (6422568) Restart due to a
Man Machine Interface I and C
reset button: SBCF 329
Source (9437196) Frequency
collision on FH bus: DRX 324
Source (9437199) Beginning of TX
isolation for maintenance: DRX 324
Source (9437200) End of TX
isolation for maintenance: DRX 325
Source (9437207) FACCH
congestion: DRX 325
Source (9437218) Nack answer:
DRX 326
Source (9437219) DRX reset by
BSC: DRX 327
1061 Abis mapping issue for a
TDMA 330
1067 Abis event reporting a
hardware fault 330
Source (3342340) SYNO clock
not locked on the network:
Source (5570561) LNA fault: LNA 415
Source (6488065) PCM: PCM 426
Source (6619137) Power fault: AC
power supply 357
Source (6684673) Power fault: DC
power supply 369
Source (6750209) VSWR:
Transmit antenna 443
Source (6815745) Hardware: PA 419
Source (6815746) DRX/PA
connection: PA 424
Source (6881281) Software
detection: DRX main reception
chain 410
Source (6946817) Software
detection: DRX diversity
reception chain 405

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Source (7012353) Threshold

exceeded: Cabinet high
temperature alarm 360
Source (7077889) Threshold
exceeded: Cabinet low
temperature alarm 363
Source (7340033) Over current:
Splitter output 438
Source (7733249) Over current:
Rx splitter M 434
Source (7798785) Over current:
Rx splitter D 429
Source (8257537) External alarm:
External alarm 373
Source (9437185) RX fault: DRX 373
Source (9437187) Loss of PCM
link: DRX 376
Source (9437190) BBFILTER
ASIC fault: DRX 378
Source (9437193) Self test failed:
DRX 381
Source (9437194) Major fault on
TX: DRX 386
Source (9437206) DRX link: DRX 391
Source (9437216) The TX has
not acknowledged the power
consign request: DRX 393
Source (9437217) PA DRX control
loop fault: DRX 400
1070 TRX synchronization failure 448
1073 Attempt of download failure on
a GSM entity 448
Source (09) No response to LOAD
message 450
Source (10) Received LOAD INIT
NACK 450
Source (11) Received message
Source (12) Received message
Source (13) Received message 450
1080 Access fault 451
1258 No BTS response on
preprocessing configuration 452
1259 Negative acknowledgement on
preprocessing command 454
1265 Blockage of radio channel(s) in
busy state 455
1266 Blockage of radio channel(s) in
free state 456

1268 No response to a SACCH filling

(SYS 5, 6, 5 bis or 5 ter) 457
1500 Measurement received on
an unknown frequency of
neighboring cell 458
1505 No response to a BCCH info
(SYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 bis, 7, 8, 2 ter,
13) 459
1508 Data service impact (SYS 13
size exceeded) 460
S8000 Indoor
1052 GSM entity downloading failure
Source (14) Received CSM LOAD
S8000 Outdoor
1052 GSM entity downloading failure
Source (14) Received CSM LOAD
1052 GSM entity downloading failure
Source (14) Received CSM LOAD
1052 GSM entity downloading failure
Source (14) Received CSM LOAD
1052 GSM entity downloading failure
Source (14) Received CSM LOAD

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Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Nortel GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing

Release: V18.0 PC2
Publication: 411-9001-104
Document revision: 18.05
Document release date: 2 February 2010
Copyright 1999-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.
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