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Non-fiction: Making Cloth:The Industrial Revolution Begins

The Industrial Revolution

Making Cloth: The Industrial Revolution Begins

The Industrial Revolution got its start in the textile industry. Before the Industrial
Revolution, making cloth was a very slow process. Cotton from cotton plants is
puffy and full of seeds. First, the seeds had to be taken out, by hand. Next, the
cotton had to be spun and stretched into thread, by hand. Finally, the thread was
woven into cloth, by hand. Every step along the way required the full
concentration of one person. Making cloth took a long time.

Raw Cotton

remove seeds

spin thread

weave cloth

In 1764, the process1of turning cotton into cloth began to change. The three
main steps stayed the same. But people began to use machines instead of doing
everything manually.2 The machines did each step faster and faster. Some of
the machines were huge. They couldnt fit into a persons home. The first
factories were built to house machines and the workers needed to run them.
Look at the timeline below. It describes the most important textile machines that
were invented. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

1764: The Spinning Jenny was invented by James Hargreaves. This machine
made it easier to make thread.
1769: Sir Richard Arkwright invented the water frame. Now weavers could keep
up with all the thread that was being made. After the invention of the water
frame, one weaver could weave the yarn from four spinners! The water frame
was too big for homes. It only fit in factories. The process of making cloth was
becoming industrialized.
1779: Samuel Crompton developed the Spinning Mule. His invention made
thread stronger and faster than all other machines.
1785: The power loom3 was invented. This machine sped up the weaving
process even further. Now weavers could use all the thread coming from the
new Spinning Mule!

Process on organized series of actions that produce a result

Manually done by hand
Loom a machine used for weaving cloth

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Non-fiction: Making Cloth:The Industrial Revolution Begins

1793: Eli Whitney, an American, invented the cotton gin. The cotton gin removed
the seeds from the cotton. Now, spinners had much more cotton to work with.
They just couldnt spin fast enough.

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Questions: The Industrial Revolution - Making Cloth:The Industrial Revolution Begins

Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________________________

1. Which of the following is the correct order to make clothes?

a. weave cloth, spin thread, remove seed.
b. remove seeds, weave cloth, spin thread
c. weave cloth, remove seeds, spin thread
d. remove seeds, spin thread, weave cloth

2. The Spinning Jenny

a. was invented in 1779.
b. made it easier to make thread.
c. made thread stronger and faster than other machines did.
d. was invented by Eli Whitney.

3. How did the water frame change how cloth was made?
a. One weaver could weave the yarn from four spinners.
b. It removed the seeds from cotton.
c. It was too big to fit in a house, which increased the need for factories.
d. It increased the speed at whichcotton was picked.

4. Which of the following happened last?

a. The power loom was invented.
b. The Spinning Jenny was invented.
c. One weaver could weave the yarn from four spinners.
d. The Spinning Mule was invented.

5. Which invention removed the seeds from cotton?

a. the Spinning Mule
b. the Spinning Jenny
c. the cotton gin
d. the water frame

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Questions: The Industrial Revolution - Making Cloth:The Industrial Revolution Begins

6. What was the effect of all the textile inventions listed above?
7. What does the timeline of the textile inventions show about the improvement in the textile
8. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the
The industrial revolution allowed workers to use machines ________ of doing all of their work
a. because
b. instead
c. first
d. last
9. Answer the following questions based on the sentence below.
After the invention of the water frame, one weaver in a factory could weave the yarn from four
Who? one weaver
(could do) What? _____________________________________________________________
When? _____________________________________________________________________
Where? _____________________________________________________________________
10. Vocabulary Word: textile: a type of cloth or woven fabric.
Use the vocabulary word in a sentence: ____________________________________________

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Answers: The Industrial Revolution Making Cloth:The Industrial Revolution Begins

Teacher Guide and Answers

Passage Reading Level: Lexile 600
Featured Text Structure: Descriptive--- the writer explains, defines or illustrates a concept or
Passage Summary: This passage discusses the change in the textile industry during the
industrial revolution. Before the revolution, workers had to follow many tedious steps to create
cloth by hand. With the invention of several machines through the years, this process
eventually became much faster and easier.

1. Which of the following is the correct order to make clothes?

a. weave cloth, spin thread, remove seeds.
b. remove seeds, weave cloth, spin thread.
c. weave cloth, remove seeds, spin thread.
d. remove seeds, spin thread, weave cloth.

2. The Spinning Jenny

a. was invented in 1779.
b. made it easier to make thread.
c. made thread stronger and faster than other machines did.
d. was invented by Eli Whitney.

3. How did the water frame change how cloth was made?
a. One weaver could weave the yarn from four spinners.
b. It removed the seeds from cotton.
c. It was too big to fit in a house, which increased the need for factories.
d. It increased the speed at whichcotton was picked.

4. Which of the following happened last?

a. The power loom was invented.
b. The Spinning Jenny was invented.
c. One weaver could weave the yarn from four spinners.
d. The Spinning Mule was invented.

5. Which invention removed the seeds from cotton?

a. the Spinning Mule
b. the Spinning Jenny
c. the cotton gin
d. the water frame

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Answers: The Industrial Revolution Making Cloth:The Industrial Revolution Begins

6. What was the effect of all the textile inventions listed above?
Suggested answer: Each of the inventions made the process of creating textiles easier
and faster.

7. What does the timeline of the textile inventions show about the improvement in the textile
Suggested answer: Each invention built upon the inventions made up until that point
and helped to improve the efficiency of the textile industry as the different innovations in
the development of the machines worked to improve one another.

8. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the
The industrial revolution allowed workers to use machines _____ of doing all of their work
a. because
b. instead
c. first
d. last

9. Answer the following questions based on the sentence below.

After the invention of the water frame, one weaver in a factory could weave the yarn from four
Who? one weaver
(could do) What? weave the yarn of four spinners
When? after the invention of the water frame
Where? in a factory

10. Vocabulary Word: textile: a type of cloth or woven fabric.

Use the vocabulary word in a sentence: answers may vary.

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