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When I was born, who thought I was going to be in the military?

When I was born, who thought I was going to strategize D-Day?
When I was born, who would have thought that I was going to become a president?
I was born in Denison, Texas, in 1890
I was the third of seven sons for my parents David and Ida
My actual name was David
But it was changed when I was a young child
I moved from Denison when I was one
To a place in central Kansas
The town was called Abeline
I lived in a small, wooden, white house that sat on an acre of land
My family used this land to farm
From our farming we got almost all of our food
My father only made $100 a month
But it was enough for the nine of us to live
At school I was very mischievous
I got into a lot of trouble; I was pretty wild
I loved to be outdoors
Whether it was football, baseball, fishing, hunting or just simply exploring
When I was older I said goodbye and headed off to New York
There I went to West Point a military college
My first day I was sworn into the United States Army
How happy I was! It was maybe the best day ever for me
While at West Point I played football
Quite a stud I might add
New York Times Magazine named me the best back in Eastern Football
Unfortunately my football years ended when I was a sophomore
I injured my knee really bad
My days as a badly disciplined child continued at West Point
One time an officer told us to report in Full Dress Coats
A friend and I reported in just our coats!
When I graduated from West Point in 1915, I was a more mature man
I proposed to Geneva Mamie Doud on Valentines Day, 1916
We were married a few months later
Our first child was born on September 17, 1917
Miserably, he died when he was three
Our second child was born in 1922 and he was very healthy
When the United States joined World War II in 1945
I was asked to help end Germanys invasion
We landed in Normandy on June 6
We destroyed the Nazis on a day that is now known as D-Day
I became our 34th president in 1953 a day I will surely remember
I was reelected in 1957 and my second term was over 4 years later
I am a man of many hats
Who am I?
Dwight D. Eisenhower By: Jack Nitz
Grade 6, Harmony Middle School, Overland Park, KS
Teacher: Beth Cochran

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