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pies ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Santa Ana, California TO: Assistant Sher. James FROM: Inv. Roger Guevara DATE: Thursday, June 25,2000 RE: __ Request o Record mates in nike Release Center Housing ‘Assietant Sheriff Mike James | request permission to wire acoining cals at the OCSD Intake Release Center (IRC) to auc record fhwo inmates. We would tke fo record any conversations between Veaa, Leonel (04-10-80) Bko # 2496967 and Moriel, Oscar Daniel (09-22-80) Bkg # 2327313. Vega and Morel ae documented Delhi Criminal Street Gang members. Senta Ana P.D. Det. Chuck Flynn has requested help in getting Morel, a Cl for SAPD, and Vega together and record any conversation they may have, IRC Special Handling Deputies have come up with & plan to house both Vega and Moriel in adjoining calls n IRC Dis Io. \Vega is in custody for CPC 187 Murder and Det. Flynn believes they may gain valuable evidence reference the murder from reco‘ded conversations between the two. ‘Thank you for your consideration inthis matter. oe ti Inv, Roget. Guevara Co; Assistant Sher J.B. Davis Copan T. Board INMATE F023172

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