Exercises! Present Perfect or Simple Past?

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Present Perfect or Simple Past?


(do) lots of horrible jobs in my life, but the worst job I

(ever have) was selling hotdogs. I


(always be) a vegetarian and

(never eat) a hotdog in my life and never will. I

(start) the

job two years ago at the beginning of the summer holidays because I
(need) the money to pay for my studies. We

(have) to sell the hotdogs

from little trolleys in London's Green Park. I

job because I

(think) I would like the

(always like) working outdoors. I was so wrong !

(never make) such a big mistake in my whole life The hotdogs and the


(smell) disgusting, the customers

(often have) problems with the police. The boss

big, fat man in a leather jacket. He

the police
job. I

(be) rude and

(you sell) today ?' 'You

(be) a

(shout) at us all the time. 'How

(not sell) enough !' One day,

(arrest) him and that

(be) the end of the

(never be) so happy in my whole life !

Complete the interview with the correct from of the verbs in brackets. Use
the present perfect or the past simple.
T: 1Have you ever thought (think) about your future?
S: Yes, I have.
T: 2_____ you _____ (decide) what job you want to do?
S: I've got some ideas but I 3_____ (not decide) yet.
T: What's jobs 4_____ you _____ (think) about?
S: Well, last year I 5_____ (want) to be a farmer. Now I 6_____ (change) my
mind and I want to be a primary school teacher.
T: 7_____ you _____ (spend) any time with young children?

S: Yes, I have. I've got three younger stepsister who are all at primary school.
Two months ago I 8_____ (do) some work experience at their school and I
9_____ (enjoy) it.
T: Good. 10_____ you _____ (speak) to your parents about your decision?
S: Yes and no. My stepmother and I 11_____ (talk) about it last night but I
12_____ (not speak) to my dad yet.

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