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Condensed Offering to Ekaja, Rhula, and Vajrasdhu

The Vidydhara wrote this brief torma offering while living in Tibet. Ekaja, Rhula, and
Vajrasdhu are generally considered the three principal protectors for the Nyingma tradition,
especially of the ati teachings of the Longchen Nyingtik.
Ekaja, queen of the mamos, is depicted as dark blue, with a single topknot, one eye, one fang, and
one breast. She wears a skull crown and bone ornaments, with a tiger skin around her waist.
Enveloped in clouds, she holds a heart in her right hand and emanates wolves from her left.
Rhula is a sa, or class of deities associated with the heavenly bodies. Originally a demon, he was
subjugated by Padmkara and commanded to protect the dharma. Usually he is depicted with nine
heads, a thousand eyes all over his body, which is dark in color, and four arms, which hold a bow
and arrow, and often a lasso and victory banner. He is wrathful in appearance, ablaze with fire, and
his lower body has the form of a snake.
Vajrasdhu, god of gambling and war, was subdued and samaya-bound by Padmasambhava to be
a protector of the teachings. He is depicted somewhat differently in the Kagy and Nyingma
traditions. In the Nyingma, he is red, holding a vajra in his right hand and a heart in his left, riding
a lion.

The seed syllable of deities of the padma buddha family.

mamos of apparent existence: Wrathful goddesses, usually pictured as furious, ugly women. The
mamos, ruled by Ekaja, control the elements of the phenomenal world.
play of bindu: The Sanskrit word bindu (Tib. tigle) has a variety of meanings. Here, it may refer to
the essential life force.
five desirables: The sense offerings of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touchables.
circle of great bliss: A gaachakra, or feast offering.
great perfection (Tib. dzokchen): Atiyoga, the pinnacle of the nine ynas.
MAMA RAKMO Vajrasdhu

Glorious dharma protectors

and Rhula, (accept this) offering HO.

Abhaya (San. Fearless): A Sanskrit name of the Vidydhara.

2010 by the Nland Translation Committee

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