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Chapter 8 Podcast Assignment

Gandhis Salt March from Stuff You Missed in History Class

Gandhi and 78 followers left Sabarmati to walk 386 kilometres to the Arabian sea. There, they planned to
break the British law by collecting salt. Thousands of people joined the march. . . Gandhi and many others
were arrested.
-pg, 180, Understanding Nationalism

Name: ____________________



Analyze impacts of the pursuit of national

self-determination: Quebecois nationalism
and sovereignty movement; First Nations,
Metis, & Inuit self-government;
contemporary examples

Analyze impacts of the pursuit of national

self-determination: Quebecois
nationalism and sovereignty movement;
First Nations, Metis, & Inuit selfgovernment; contemporary examples

Appreciate that nations and states pursued

national interest
Appreciate that the pursuit of national interest
has positive and negative consequences
Appreciate multiple perspectives related to
the pursuit of national interest

Appreciate that nations and states pursued

national interest
Appreciate that the pursuit of national
interest has positive and negative
Appreciate multiple perspectives related to
the pursuit of national interest

Part 1: Pre-listening

Read pages 180-182 in your text for

Lecture & notes
Define successor states


Read pages 190-192 in your text for

Lecture & notes
Define successor states

British Imperialism in India: Setting the Stage

Definition of Imperialism:

We can use the acronym _____________ to understand

Podcast Source:

Social 20



Imp. Info.

Podcast Source:

Social 20


British Rule in India lasted from ____________ to ____________ and was

called __________, which means _____________.
There were positives and negatives to British Imperial Rule in India. Record
them in the chart below.

Podcast Source:

Social 20


Part 2: Listening
Visit OR download the podcast
app. Search Gandhis Salt March and click on the
podcast. Listen and answer the following questions.
You may stop and replay the podcast as many times as
1) Why did the British instil all sorts of taxes and laws on the people of India?

2) Why is salt such an important part of the human diet?

3) How is the French Revolution (back in Related Issue I) related to the British Salt Tax in

4) What does mahatama mean? Why did people call Gandhi this?

5) What did Gandhi preach and believe in?

6) Gandhi saw the salt tax as a symbol of oppression, and decided to start a march. Why was
this 24-day journey so remarkable?

Podcast Source:

Social 20


7) When Gandhi reached the sea, what did he do that the government deemed as criminal?

8) In terms of media, why was the Salt March such an effective publicity stunt?

9) Gandhi wrote a letter to Lord Irwin asking him to abolish the salt tax. Therefore, Lord Irwin
knew Gandhi was planning some sort of protest. Why didnt Lord Irwin have Gandhi arrested before
the march even began?

10) What was the Salt March ultimately a stepping-stone towards?

Part 3: Post-listening/reading
Use information from the podcast and
your textbook to answer the following
1) Why did the large number of people
who joined Gandhis non-cooperation
campaigns (like the Salt March)
throughout the 1930s and 1940s amaze
and frighten Indias British Rulers?

Podcast Source:

Social 20


2) What larger movement in India where Gandhis non-cooperation campaigns a part of?

3) What was the ultimate goal of this campaign?

4) What significant victory occurred for Indian nationalists in 1919?

5) How did Pakistan come into being?

6) What type of state is Pakistan an example of?

7) EVALUATION: Were the Indian Nationalists right to pursue national self-determination and try
to remove their countrys British rule? Why or why not? Explain thoroughly.

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