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Solving Equations MD Sotve near equations ‘A Tinea equation is ore whe two linear expressions we eonnected by an “Linear Equation Linear equation ‘quation in which the variable raised to theft power and des not oourin a | 4 3 = 7 eaominany, inside a square rox symbol, ‘ore an sbeolte value sro yos=09 weatenaeey 2 Sanat i416 Solution ofa inear equaticn ‘umber ths, when substuted forthe | = 41s the solution of x +3 = 7 since ‘variable in linear equation, eslsina | 4+ 3= 797 = 7, Equivalent Equations x*3=Tands= 4 ‘uations with the same soluion(s) | 4y ~ § = 19 and 4y = 27 B+ 4+ Gr ate + 1) and Bes dm sees Understanding the Main Ideas ‘You can solve an equation by wing an equivalent equation that hs the variable lone, or isolated, on one side. An change, of tansformation you apy to one, sie ofthe eqution must be de w the eter side to hep the quater in ‘balance. The transformations are based on the rules of agra called the properties of equality, " Properties of Equality Addition Property of Equality Ifa = b,thena+ bre. Subtraction Property of Equally f=, then a ~ ¢= bc “Maliplication Property of Equity Ifa = 6, then ca = eb, Division Property of Equality a= bande + 0, he levers operations are used to isola the variable in an equation. The appropriate propery of equality Keeps the balan ofthe equation, (continued) Seometry Co agit g 5 a eee eat 31 ‘par Solving Equations eee Solve cath equson ising the properties of equality, Bxt6=50 0b y-783 a -ta= ‘Sowrion, a rtens ‘Write orginal equation, *46"6=5~6 —Sulsmction propety of equally x=-1 Simpiy, bo yn7=3 Wii orxinal equation. Y-747=3+7 Addition propery of equality 10 Simpliy. ‘Write original equation Divison property of equality Simi, Write eign equation Mutiplcaon propery of equality +100 = nee 38+ 100=95 4 linear equations that require two or more transfrmations, simplify ‘one o both sides ofthe equation (if needed) and use inverse operation io aaa, the variable, (continued) fare Metost e. Geometry orate asi Sie Wtck ingrens ar we Solving Equations owe Solve each equation using the properies of equality a Lees aur 3e 3b Erene Sowmon sen3e31 Write original equation. B&—343=3143 Addition propery of equality se a4 Simply. air ua wae Division propery of euaity set Simpy bh B+ 8=2 wits originatenustion, Gt8- 5-2-8 suai progeny ofequiy simpy, Multiplication propery of equity Simpliy, | 86 +6=0 2 a7=69 . G7 + S13. Hine dividing by sives the same esl es molplyng by 3 3 3 3 Some linear equations have variables on both sides. Use he srategy of| collecting the vrisbles on these wih the greater variable cofficet If either sie ofthe equation canbe simplified, do the simplifications before sing vere operations. (continued) 7 Geometry sy Mas at Sis Ss ook agra ae Revo 3 Solemn Etus ns Sot te pti, 16 Gr=x+2 B71 +9y+ Im y+ B+ ay aman Shidee walla: ven ae! Werecenéee2 Mberem ae Serta | Say oBo he 2=2 Sib? fom ac ie re Sony. oie Dia iy des ‘Simplify. B74904 Day +844 Wit crigal eqn, Top 328 Simpy Sinn Se 9 fom ch ie Sinn Sete 16 om ch side Sin Dive ea te by sion. Solve te ation anedsne to. wr-snaere naytae 2.5642) G~ ater Miced Revie x = ‘2 Simp: -1 1a 14, Evaluate [2 + Bj when a = Fund 6 = —3, “18 Find the perimeter of «square with side length 7x — 3. Fore eps . Geometry ‘after Bane Site Waren Degrees, Nowe Quick Check en ofp Lan Standardized Testing Quick Check 1. Which expression is equivalent to 5— 3(x + 2)? Arts Bar e-3r-1 D7-3r E. none ofthese 2, Which expression s equivalent (9 + 21(~69 + 60)? Al Bo ©. ~Stiy + 12 D. 42 none of these State the mathematical property illustrated In each identity. 3.660) + (= 8) = (1-43) + (-6) 434-0 5. [12+ (-35)] + (-2) = 12+ [(-39) + (-2)) Goo retry roi zp a Bone ae Wettenke Deore ne Reeroson saree Practice Fore wit aso: Shing gen Fill in the blankis) with the property of equality used inthe simplification, 1 +510 Original equation 23d=6 Original equation x+S-5=10-5 M6 * Simply. 68 d= 2 Simpy (Original equation Simpy, (Original equation Simply, Simply. 5¢ Batsn—s aad=—4 2 Ix-1= 16 n, 12.6059 + p= 161 1 4) =2- (+3) WEI a+ 003 +6 TAFT Dar 5 wart T= wSsesu- 20, Dog pen The perimeter of rectangular og pe is 24 feet. The length is toric the with. What ae the dimensions of the dog pen? pa cei, Geometry Fis Bai Site Winbenke Cognos rcfereeh Dee se Solving Inequalities ‘Solve linear inequalities. ‘Solving Hear inequalities none variable i much i linear equations in one variable solving Terms to Know. Example/iitustration- Linear inequality sn open sentece formed when sn zh3<7 4y—829 ingqualty symbols placed berween two | Sas a + 28 Tear expressions Bet 44 6e> aie + 1) “Solution of a linear inequality ‘number that, when substued forthe | x= Sismsobation of x +3 < Tsince variable inte inequality, resulsinauue | 3 +3<7=96 <7. Understanding the Main Ideas Solving inear inequality involves rewriting te nequalies ito euivalent inequalities unt the variables isolated. The transformations ured ae salar. ‘ose used wih equations except for two import ferences. When you mul- ly odvide by 3 negative umber, you must reverse the inequality symbol to ‘malin true staterent, For example, 2s less than 4, bat (~2)2)is not less than (~2)(4)because ~4is preaer than ~8.The ube blow summarizes the transformations that ca be ued, “Transformations that Produce Equivalent inequalties 1. Add the sume number toeach side, If @ < byhen u+e biker ate>b+e 2, Subtract the same number Wa< bien a—c bikes a—e>b—© ‘3. Multiply each side by the sume If a < band ¢> Othen ca < cb positive number. If a> band ¢ > Othen ca > ob 4. Divide each side bythe same Wa < band ¢ > Othen positive number. a> band ¢> Otten 2 > 2 ‘5. Multiply each side by the same If a < band ¢ < Othen ca > eb ‘negative number and reverse the I @ > band c < Otben ca < cb Imequalty symbol. 6, Divide both sides by thesame If a < band c < Otten © ‘negative aurber and reverse the a Inequality syrabol. Ios band c= Otten £ Ce Mg ae Solving Inequalities oat ‘Be careful to consider each sepia your solution. Checking few vals inthe ‘tiginal inequality is 2 good chek of your answer. Sse ahi soumon y-Gstitives jalsitenn ae Susu Ber eee eer -2 24-1359 3. 786-48y2C5 4 1 solving mut-step linear inequalities, mathematical propeniesare used to Simplify each side athe inequality Before applying the ransforiatins fo aoe the variable (continued) aaenere 3.2 | ‘Sowing inequatitios Solve each inequality. a tet i9~ ar moeedeae whys (Speen Soumon 8 e419 = r= 924442 Ve aad ety Tet 105 2e+9> 244+ 3 Use dstibutive propery. Te- 2c 1054+9> 2+ 2x44 Use commutative propery, ueiusaerd ipa Sede as ae ae 4 Se fm he seUih2 fNa3 4=114 Sib 14 fom ie oe a ris ety (+6) 527 Wetec egy. nd (y-4) eect tomes rope, Co+6e27 sng (-)+6-6527-6 Subtract 6 from each side, “ye Smt Sta 2 Divitemh ety land mere 72=21 Sip Solve th nua 8 ies a9 ¢-1 0.412y+ 0492-0 2 iat bebo Cason (continued) metry ‘Bite Rte Mcntoak agree rt Rerecioon fe 32 Solving Inequalities 1M, Solve: 5y— y= 3 ‘angen secpens ut Pk is ee sed q Nw bee Quick Check ei tpi Lessan 4 Standerdized Testing Quick Check, a 1. What isthe solution ofthe equation 12x ~ 24 = 127 Axn2s Baxe-b Gens Dre -3 none ofthese 2. Whatis the iat step ued to solve 3¢ + 1= 4? A Add I tocach ide. 1B, Subtract | from each side. ©. Multiply each sie by 3. D. Divide each sdeby 3 E. none of these Homework Review | Solve the equation. 3. aly =? 4 let 22 Betete Geomerry cortez un. ‘Eee Sls Wexioct iagrei antPeeaiony ‘eens Practice eae wit eso 22 aig nous ‘Check to see if the number given is a solution of the inequelity. nee 15-19 2 6 +420,-01 seeaned e9-te3 10 sotve the noua. eee nanaeri 2, 5080+ 095>12 18. Grex 18. “(= 4) Hx ede +3 8 4027 > 90 +003 6 MAMA DC =5 1 Bez 3 we. +7>10 4 20-7 +|-9-6<0 71. 21-2 + y> 100-22. 0.100 + 1000) > 1000 mate eet 1812+ 018 a M94 Fim 1) 5 25, Perimeter The perimeter ofthe Figure below is atleast 10 meters, Find the possible values fx 2 Mog Un Seomeery ‘sian ese Sts Werner Dagross ene Rernouaton Ei)| Proportions GAD sotve proportions. ‘Many rel wo problems an be solved using proportions, For owe example, the amount of medicine «doctor prescribes to «patient is in proporion tothe pains weight. Terms to Know equation that states hat two rao are equal. For example, = ©. where a, be nd dae nonzero rel numbers Ratio of ato b Raton can be writen ab ato, the relationship oftwo quanites a | and and b that are measured inthe same units | 3 :2.=9 3:2 (Since the units are the same, they are | 4 boys 103 gies => 6103, [eft off sd the rita reduced) toyery 10 iOyear 10% Proportion ‘known conversion weigh Understanding the Main Ideas ‘Te eating of two ais forms a proportion. For example #= Sis a é proportion if the original actions were ais. tis ead "ais to Base tod” ‘The numbers a and dae called the extremes of the proportion, The numbers and care calle the means ofthe proportion. The erss product propery willbe sed when solving for avaiable n& proportion, ‘Cross Product Property ‘The product of the exremes equal the product ofthe means. ug (continued) pgs 33 Proportions - Weite origina proportion. Use eos product propery. Divide ech ide by 5. Wirt original poportion. Use cross product property Divide each side by 9 Solve the proportion. flee 8 2 Wise oes aral ‘You may need to use the mathematical properties to solve more complicated roponions Solve the proportion wa376 ‘Souwnion 5 saci ‘Wei te original proportion. Tle 2)= 6 Use cross product propery, Tet = Ge Une cahutive property Te 6e+ 14= Ge— Ge Subtract 6 from each side xt Mo Simply. x+14=14=0~ 14 Subiract 14 from each side. xe =14 Simply (continued arrears ts ae venom gn EY 9 Proportions 33 iF MGy~ 1) = =18 Ry -14=-18 Ay = 0 = 18 + 18 ‘y= -4 yo =4 272 Dea Solve the proportion. B.x-3) = og 7 ‘Mixed Rview Solve. 9 fr ww. -v> 13 n4-@-9) Gor Fc Ste Wonk: Dios art eration ae ‘Write orginal proporion Use cross product propery. Use dsributive propery. ‘Ad 18 to each ide, Simply. Divide cach side by 42. Simplify eee o bears 3 yet te" aem & 4 awe ose Quick Check vow Tpit 3 tson 2 33 ‘Standard Tsing Quick Check 1. For with nquliy tener fe on? Arti>0 Br-i30 e150 aes ome tee 2. An inaliyis vee iyo 1 ad ~ each ee By aust tom exch sie muy ac side by 4 D. die ah sie by —1 Cae Homework Review Quick Check... Solve the inequality 3 Wart 4 10-6e-5) 20 5 b> 2-3 Spee etpettle Geometry ww ont Re Practice ere rca 1. Wee cea te ms te opin = te yt 09 wath he ton sua oat ieee) a Salve he ropaton. 2. Seaton, Inte vig nn pect ann a cer. Fw tyme ea pen? fee ay tig et Tp 2g of ea vl atta iw my tape a tt oa Mads dager natn ngs ped vos Oates witness pod eau come cmt Fine Sle Wot: Daprose ond Remedeton ‘a 3 Nowe Dee Solving Problems EMD sve provers using equation, inequalities, and proportions. ‘Ask yourself what you need to know to solve the problem Then write a verbal model that wil give You what you need o kaw, Labels ‘Assign labels wo each part of your verbal model Algebrale Model Use the Inbes to write an algsbric model based your verbal model Solve Solve te algebra model and answer the ceria question cheek (Check that your answer i reasonable Understanding the Main Ideas ‘Wrtng algebraic exprestions, equations, o nequlies tht rereset rea: sitions is called modeling. The expression, equation or inequality is nuthertical model of te reaMife situation. When writing and solving 2 ‘thematic model, use the problem solving plan shown above ‘Your fina rerage in algebra cls is 80% of your semester average plus 20% of your inal exam grace. If your semesieraverge i 89 pont sd your Final average s 90 points, wit i your inl exam pre? Soumion 5 Semester] 9.2. {Fil exam] [Fiat peal 08 |verage | * 9? [grade sverige Semester averge = 89 (points) Finalexam grade =x (goin) Final averge = 90 (goin) 0.8189) + 02s = 90 712 + 02% 90 026 188 x= ‘Algobrae Mods ‘Your fina exam grade i 94 pois, (continued) 5. vol Le, Geometry q al Bao Se Wena Dag andere 34 ‘Solving Problems Use the problem solving plan using models to solve. 1. The igh schoo! marching bad has bake sle to aise fund fora competion. Cookies are 25¢ and brownies ae Og. I they sel the same amount ofeach and make $5625, how many brownies are sold? 2. You oina CD club The beginning membership i $25. CDs are all the same price, hich includes tax. What is the pice of a CD if you buy S when you sed in your membership and wrt a check or $55.57 ‘Some algebraic models become inequities, ‘Your semester average in algebra class i 89 before you ake the fn exam. The semester average counts for 70% of your inal grade andthe {ina exam counts for 30%. Can you receive an Ain algebra ithe Towest, ‘Ais 93 and the highest Ais 1007 ‘Sownon [Semeser ‘Verbal Mods : +03 07 - [Sema Labels Semester average = 89 Exam grade = x Lowest A grade = 93 [Algobrale Model 07(89) + 036 = 93, 623 + 03293 03 = 307 x2 1033, tis not posible to gt an A i lgeea since you would have to sore over 102 pois, abd thre are only 100 points posible Use the problem solving plan using models to solve. 3. Meredith hopes wo win te award for high pons in her horse cab She is going to ‘her last hors show and she has eared 134 points. To be sue 0 vicor she mast, Finish with at leas 155 pins, What she least number of poins tht she can esa to be sure of victory? ‘You ca als solve real-ife problems involving proportions. (continued) Geometry at Mau te ‘ite Sas Wostoo Dearie rr) iit OS Pia es oe WS EEA Solving Problems 1 you use an average of 4 penis in one week on average how many pencils wll you use in one year? ‘Sowwnion jWeetsin] [Pencils iw creweek| [one week orbs! Modet = ‘Weis ia} — [Pencils in| one year | [one year Labels Pencils none wes = 4 Pencils none year = x ‘Weeks in one week = 1 (weeks) ‘Weeks in one year = $2 __ (weeks) 114 AlgsbraieModat b= 4 24-52 Use cros product propery x= 208 ‘You use 208 pencils in one yea, Use the problem solving plan and models to solve. 4 12 pizzas we needed for S people, what the last numberof pizzas thet mutt be ‘ordered for 23 people? 5, Your dg ea 1 cups of dog food per day. How much do fod is nested to feed your dog fora menth? ‘Mixed Review Solve, six 140 dnyny ton ‘Simply the expression. 9. 734.13 ~ (~23.7) 10. 3(a + 96) + 17(2a + 2b) 3.2 a3 1 Brune ~1~ QP when = -19. 84 100> 13 1” 12, |-49] + Ja] ‘eo Mecano Sgometry ‘ination ar ie Wink re nate awe Quick Check iw Top 3 Laon 3 ose 1, Which ofthe following 2 rato? 25 miles * Thou B. Zinc to | mile e ond D. 10 et: 20 fest none ofthese 2. Ifae = gh, which of the folowing is 2 eve proportion? Sete Geor ho op ne (Ele Ss entbek Orca rc Rerion ‘airs Foren with Lson 3 Song Poles ‘oblem solving plan and modes to solve. 1. Tshirts Your bssbal tam bay 10 tht ral he same pice ‘Your bi i 159.0, including Of tax. Wht eh pace of one Thi Before aed? 2 Sie animate Alc ta collected two sed animals ech wk Tor 20 weeks, How many more weeks mats come collet a Ws te ‘ohave more an 100 sed annals? {2 Pant One glo of pit wl cove upto 400 gue tet of prenouly rine surfaces ou buy pin to ropa 6 rectangular wal at are cach 1S tect long snd 10 fee high How many gllon of pit do you need 0 tay? Gin yo anna by pest of alon) 4, Fabre ‘Mix ayes cating fic to ake hes. ach kite aes | ard af fbi. She us 30 yar nt ard ents. How many kites can he mae? 8. Flowers Youcan pan 42 ower in square fot of garde pace. How ‘ny owes hull you by fra ul pcs with rad aches? Basketball Yoo cored 24 pois in your lst basketall game. You made 5 fe rows a pot ac and one point fed gol. Te et of your ins wer fen pin ed gals How many 2p ld goals id you take? 2. Tks Sim ising eral behind Bis Riche ink. Each esa ‘Scare wth si length ince, Fr each he he allows a ional och per defor te grou between tes. How many tis shoul be buy i thease menus 2 une ee? Plat grade You fal math grade i BO of semester average snd 21% of your fal exam grade. Your wales during the semester ae 72,78, “hand 86 You sud a (7 10 4) ober olay sport the fall What {nthe lowest sore you can sive on your exam fe abet ply sports? 8. Fuh When acing shit an aquarius, her shold be no mor than tn inch of fh eng per one gallon of wae. Cr has oches of ih Teng in 30a tank Wiss he goes bay more trot, how ‘aay 25 och sh exn he by? 10. Dance Your: hs hres jockey fo a Fay nigh dace, The de jokey cots $250, Thre tunded peopl hav signed up oad the ance, How much ould you age for eke in oder to ae profit of tore tan $5007 Seng tine De Geometry: Tairua ee te een agri ere We owe Drawing and Measuring Angles Draw, measure, and identify angles. “Accurate measurement of angle can help in solving rea-ifeproblons suchas finding the height of « mountain Hse Exemple/ilustration Pfs tt con of ping, | Ml Eton nl poten a lca elie tmenatttonedicten | yb, ne 2 ‘This angle bas Cones of to iene at ve A 3 anc ‘evan nia poin Te mysue te | “den Ses Mand 32, ‘ier of be angle ad the initial point | vag Cc Hi dette inthe verter ofthe angle, ty BAC, 2088, ZA. ‘Acute Angle = 2A mvasue ess angle with measrebetwcen ("and 9 han 90" and is an seats angle Fight Anglo 2C measures 90" ‘angle with measure equal to 90° ‘nd is aright ele. Obtuse Angle N22 veasirs, tog ith mesures 9 and ¥ ‘more than 90° and isan obtse angle ‘Straight Angle er measures fmgewiormeanreequiio ay |_| (fame AFF senighrenge Understanding the Main Ideas ‘The ancien: Babylonians wsed a base 60 number system. They divided full ‘rc ito 360 degrees. Ove degree is sof the way around the cicle, We ominue touse degree measurement tod ‘The measurement of ZAis denoted by mZA. Angles can be meseuredby using protractor by placing the center ofthe Base at he vertex ofthe ange with one along the bse. Extend the othe ray unt you can ead the measurement ‘Most proractors ead both ight to lft ad left org. Read from the ry along the base to the oer ray staring with O (continued) ite ose Ste Wertole Dagnoia wad Raneasch 4 Nowe Drawing and Measuring Angles ows "sent Bangles above and use the protractor to read thei degre mess- ‘urements. Also give the type of angle acute, ight, obtuse or sai). ‘Samrix Soumon Angle Measure Type 4IPS Measure from my Pio ray PS od sete Fight to left (stars on bottom. b. CTPR Measure from ray Pho ray Pe or cate ‘ight olf C'stans on bottom, &ZTPN: Measure from ray Pho ray PY oo ight right ole, O'stans on bottom. 4d. ZTPL Measure trom ray Pito ry PL 135" obtuse ‘ight ole; CPstans oo bottom, © IPL Measure from ray Pho ray Pl. as cue eft right, Osta on op. IPN Measure from rey Fito ray PW or sight Tet right; Pts on tap, & IPR Measure from ray Foto ay PR 1207 obtuse eto right; Ostrts ontop. bh. LIPT Measure from ray Phto ray PF 180" straight Tet right; (stars on top. Measure trom ray Pio ray PP 180" sig Fah toe stare on Bottom. (continued) ‘Srometry Coy © Mepep at n ‘Stee Bats Wonecct agnosis rd Remecition ‘eta 41 | i Drawing and Measuring Angles In Exercises 1-4, use the protractor and angles in ‘Example 1 t0 find the measure and type of each angle. 1. 210 2 ups 3. UPR 4 a1 A an alo be used to draw an angle, Draw ary from the center point ‘eames along the edge the right ref. Then mark the degree measurement ‘SSS using the botom numbers ithe fray pont oe ight eo te op bers ifthe firey pont tote lef, raw ary from the vertex to the mark, Use the protractor to draw the angles with the ‘ven measure. 5s us nS ‘Simplify the expression. ateaen 40, Biv + 197 = Aw +). [1-9 1B— 7) Solve the equation or inequality. 5 Z ant a det S200 zai 13 st3 Set S290-7 46, Evaluate ~(ey) + ywhen «= —Band y = pisces at Geom Slee sani uta erkboo Dupri and Romeasoh we owe Quick Check even ape aso 1. Forever teacher a your high schoo, there are 12stdens. If represents the fnmber of teachers, which ofthe following coud represent the numberof students? Aim Brtk ern 05 E, none ofthese 2, Janes dinner cost $850 including 2155 tp. Which equation cou be solved to find the amount of the Bll b before the ip? ‘A. 0156 = $8.50 B, $850 + 015=6 ©. b+ 0.150 = $850, D. (0156) = $8.50 , none of these Homevrork Review Quick Check Use the problem-solving plan and models to solve. 3, College Students At the loca college there are 2 male engineering stdents forcach female engineesing student I there were GOO mal students in the freshman class ast year, how many students were therein all? 4 Class Election The junio lass selecting class officers. You ae running for president. You know tht you have suppor of one fourth ofthe {lormember class, I there ie one ober candidate runing for president, wht isthe least numberof adiinal votes you must got tobe assured ofa win? 5, Clarinet Practice Brian spends hours per week practicing the clarinet He want to aise his time apent practicing per week by 20%. How many hours 8 week must hea q Geometry coven pe TEs onhook Cagni n Reredasin ‘te UM Practice a een get ee Use a protractor to find the measure of A to the nearest degree. ‘Then identity the angle as acute, ight, obtuse, or straight. ry Dee 2 Xx ie 2 -———__,—__ aN BA 6 la a Use a protractor to draw an angle with the degree measurement siven and label the angle appropr 7. me = 70° & mZCDE™ 130" 8, mck = 45" 10. mea = 17 mee = 15" 12 mew = 98° 1B, CIEL = 1S 14, m= 86 i pi oe in Snomotry ‘ange canae Dane Sn Wet one es a q 1M Poiveons ED Define and identity baste poy Dae <= — indicates a igh ange z 3 Line segment AB is symbolized by AB. Polygon ‘closed plane figure whose Sides are sight ine Segments that treet thei endpoints EPS ‘Regular Polygon polygon with equal side Fengths and equal angle exe “Tiiangle polygon with three sides a ‘Quadrilateral polygon with fur sides Understanding the Main Ideas <— ‘A wangle can Be classified by see and angles as shown inthe diagrams on the net page. In the diagrams, matching congrueit marks identify angles end segments tha are equal in measure, or congrucal Geometry te Se nace Dagrocs anc Reason (cominued) ‘3 congrent sides Atleast? [No congruent sides congruent sides laity ras Eanes Mange Pe Scout dot py ‘Sketch the indicated type of ial fa rightscalene —b, isosceles obtte ‘Sowurion aaa sts obs ~ ‘Sketch the indicated type of triangle. 1. righ feoseles 2, equilateral 3. scalene scue 4, obtuse sealene (cominued) 2 secon vee aye Naw Owe Polygons ‘There are many ways to clasiy quadilterls, Five ere shows blow, Nanine QuapRMATERALS 1. Parllelogram uate with oposite sides para aes 2 Rectangle urlleogram with 4 ght anges f 4 3. Square rectangle with 4 congruent sides Pac ‘Nate: ‘The square is the regular bd {qunlsera, ee aentmemsne 7 — earned onary conn Give the name that best describes each quadrilateral. q ji tet 4 Review E Ss a q-20" wrt 1m, 10098 + 0.002 2. Tay + 0036 + 125+ 5 Solve the equation. 13, 45 + yay HD 18. Bralate 17 + 13(¢— 1) when x = 1 a Geometry righ apap tine de Sets Wont Oro nd Fraction ‘ile a Quick Check aia op Lesson Stondardized Testing Quick Check 1. What are te sides of L272? AP nd 2 B. WR and 2 ©. HP end x pv. Rand none of these 2. The measure ofan obtuse angle is Aw B, berwoen 0 and 7, cas, . between 9 and 180" . none ofthese Use a protractor to find mA. Kdentify £.A as acute, right, obtuse, ‘or straight. a = Se Sg 2sgoaa nt Goomatry Neceeehad nits Na TSM rs ana Gey Fora wit asan 2: Foye Classify the triangle by its angles and sides. 1 A 2 a | Decide whether the statement is true or false 4 A recingle is sometimes a wapezoid 5. A parallelogram i lays a rhombus. 6. A squareis always a rectangle 7. A shombus is always a square 8. A trapezoid is always a quadsilateral Use the description to sketch a figure. Indicate congruent sides, ‘congruent angles, right angles, and parallel sides on the figure If the figure has a shorter name, give it. ft i not possible to sxetch a figure, write not possible. 9, a regular quadsilateral 10. an equiluera right wiangle 11. a parlelogram with 4 congruent angles 12, a quaddlueral with exselly one pie of parle sides 18, a regular trapezoid 14, an isosceles triangle with one acute angle 15. a quadrilateral with al sides of dierent length q Geometry 0px Lt Se Se Wottane Dara ae ferecinon “efetae Nowe we Circles Draw, define, and use circles. “To understand circles, you first need vo Know some special terms that Terms to Know Example/iilustration Cele fetal pins in pane tha ae ‘Scan Gnas font gen pit cated emer’ Dieter isms aco be cil, dros Radius distance from the cener ofthe circle toa point onthe irl (The rads is ‘one half the dameter) Understanding the Main Ideas ‘Todraw a cir, you mast Fist ocate where you want the center ofthe circle to liz, Tae point ofthe cgle willl be an equal distance fom this point. You may ‘se circular objects such as jar ids to draw circles, but f you want to constuct a ile ofa particular size, a compas can be used. ‘To draw a circle with «compass, open the compass and seth distance between the sharp point andthe point ofthe pencil forte length ofthe rads ders ‘You can measure oassre the correct length. Pec the sharp pont ofthe com ‘pss onthe location ofthe cone f your eile and rotate arond this pat wing the pencil to dew your cicle (ge figure below). (cominuea wet ued ae, Ge0r Siena ae ite Wetec Dari ee Panes Circles com eis eee sie ee Use a compass to draw a circle with dlameter inches. ‘Souumon ‘Since a compas measures from the center 8 point on the ele, you must now te Teng ‘ofthe radius. The radius sone half the length tte ameter. So the radii 4 inches) 2 inches. Open the compass and st the distance ‘between te sharp point and the pencil point for inches. Measre tobe su of acuray, Rote ‘the pencil around the center holding the center point steady. Be careful not to sip of the center Use a compass to draw a circle with the ‘ivon diameter or radius. 1. radius = Sem 2. diameter = in 2, diameter = 46m Simpy 12-4 6 3 2. Soe: 865 = 1002 136 {8 Write an expression lor the perimeter ofthe ante below. 40. Find mak, « 9 eee aaa carom erat Co crs Quick Check eve Tipe aaen 2 1. Which of the following cannot complete the sentence to make a Aqua is ‘A. reeungle B. thombus. ©. quadeaeral . parallelogram none ofthese 2 An equilateral triangle lo al of the following except ‘A an sou tangle, 2B. arigh tian ©. an isosceles tangle. . a regular polygon. E. none of hese Homenrork Review Quick Chock Give the name of the polygon with the given description. ‘3. quadilteral with exactly one pir of parallel sides 4 aang with at est 2 congrent sides ‘5. paletogram wih ll four angles equal in measure Owe tive statement? Find the diameter of a circle with the given radius, 1. 10mm 2 in 228 6 1 afm 5. 53cm a otin Find the radius of a circle with the given diameter. 2188 8 6in. 9. 11 miles 3 a 1. fin 101m 12 in, Use a compass to draw a circle withthe given radius or diameter. te nin as 1i 15, radiua = 16, radios = 25 in, 1 anne = 35m 10 diner = 90 10 dancer = 3 20 als = 7500 Use a compass to draw a circle and label it to match the ‘eseription. Use the scale of Tinch = 1 foot in your sketch. 2. Deo png er pee ih uma 3a 22 The reo Bis ta ne i 3 "You can we polyhedons to solve real-life problems, such as finding the number of edges of soccer bal. Terms to Know owt Polyhedron "old that is bounded by polygons, called faces, that enclose single region of space Edge ‘line segment formed by the intersee- tion of two faces ofa poyhedon Vertex ot where three or more edges of & Delyedron mest Prism pelyhadron with two congruent faces, Called bases, hati in poral planes Cylinder solid with congrent circular bases ‘that ein pall panes ccd y= Pyramid ‘polyhedron in which the base is a polygon and the lateral aces re ranges wih a common vertex Ly* ‘Cone with x cor bore ada ‘ere thas ot in the same plane the bue Sphere ocus of poins in space that are 8 sven distance fom pin, called Ihe center ofthe sphere (continued) mere Fee) q Nw ra Solids Understanding the Main ideas Se ee a lee aera Uti sagan fhe point tg 1H 2 Liste xn @ »b, List he vertices A e Liste edges, rat ‘Soumion 1. The fies are ABCD, CDEF, EFGH, GHAB, BCFG, an ADEH, b, The verioes are A B,C, D, BF, Gy and ‘©, The edges are AB, BC, CD, DA, BG, GH, HA, OF, FE, EM, TF and DE. In Exercises 1-3, use the diagram of ‘the polyhedron at the right. 1 List the faces. 2. List the vertices. 3, List the edges. ‘Decide whether the soli is a polyhedron, Is, count the nunber of ices, vences, and edges ofthe polyhedron | S ‘&. Thisis nota polyhedron beeas it isnot bounded by polygons. ‘Sownion This is a polyhedron. thas 14 fae, 24 vertices, and 36 edges, ‘© This isa polyhedron. IthasS fees, 5 vertices, and 8 edges. (continued i Seomatry Clore © Moga i Nw Solids owe Decide whether the solid is a polyhedron. I 0, count the ‘number of faces, vertices, and edges of the polyhedron, Soe ntses ~~ ps Sanat '% This isa sphere Its nora polyhedron Because ti aot bounded by polygons. ', This is a cone because it has acrcular base anda verte that snot in the ‘one plane athe base. tis nora polyhedron ‘This is cylinder because it has congruent ctcuar bass tht ie a Parallel planes. tis nr s polyhedron, ‘Identity the solid Is ita polyhedron? [Saad Revie ete = pe Fillin each blank to make a true statement. 10. An isosceles rangle has atleast ______congrvent sides. 11, An obtuse angle measures between nd. 3 Decidio whether the statement is sometimes, always, of never true. 12, The abolute valve ofa negative number i negate 18. A rectangle hat 4 congruent sides, yg Men ita, Geometry ‘tara Reni Ste Wentnook: Dagrase ra Femeca Nw. Quick Check Avia of ope Leen 3 Standardized Testing Quick Check. a 1. The distance across a cirte, through its center is called A the radius. B. the major are. . the diameter. . the tangent, . none ofthese ‘2 Ifthe diameter ofa circle x 6.82 centimeters, what i the radius? A341 em B. 13.640 ©. 46.5 en? D. 2.61 em none ofthese Homework Review Quick Check Use a compass to draw a circle with the given radius or diameter. 3, radius = 3.66m 4 diameter = 3in, 8. rads = 20 mam Nowe. Plotting Points Graph and identity points inthe coordinate plane. ap ‘Ordered pei of real numbers are wed to repose realisation ships. Graphing the ordered pals ona coordinate plane gives visual pictur of ths relationship. Terms to Know Coordinate Plane plane formed by two eal number lines inesecing nrg angle Origin ‘point in cooetnste plane at whic the hozontl xe interects the vertical axis. The poat (0,0. wate Teta isn acorn plane yaa Vera iin corte plane Ordered Pir a eee a eet ae Ech poi in the coordi pane ‘he fit mamber nan dred pir as iscaled the coordinate and besec-| xeoaidnne connie ‘nd number is ale they coordina Understanding the Main Ideas ‘The coordinate plane extends on dimensional greping ito two dimensions. When you ae ploting points in coordinate plane, all plotng sats athe eign (0,0), Plot each pont ons coorinae plane, 2 4G.) b. Bl-5,-2) 4. 00,3) (continued) “| SET tease Cayenne: ce ye ae Nios oe Peta eat a Pa ge Plotting Points Sowmon Pini ontnge oand_b Fin Bias a9 xcpinas of 5 ee es ag einen ee Sua (GOvmnesqectiods ——twergn (Oh moe sop ae ioe ea rt Pace G pears ee eee ree GS Geer oe eo pee eee ana ian © Point Chas an xeoordinae of -4 Point Dhas an s-cocrinste of O aad a 1nd y-coordingte of 5. Sting atthe“ y-oordinte of 3. Siting a he ergin ‘xigin (0,0), move 4 spaces tothe Ie (0,0), move 0 spaces othe right cele (@negatve move) and spaces up(a and 3 spaces up (a pisve move). ‘sive move) Pace adoton te graph Place a dot on te emp to represent ‘Drepesent the pont and label it. the point and label tD. Plot each point. 1. 42,-1) 2. Bt-3,6) 3. ct1.0) 4065.3) ‘The xs divide the coordinate plane ito four pars called quadrans. ‘All pins (x) lie na quadrant excep for points with 20 (ze) oorcinats, which fill on eter te 3 or-aks. The quadrants ae Inbced as shown below ooo user usr Crete ts I Tr “Bra serene ay leone Sige fase Sets Woncnoe Dagrcea cree Ne ot Plotting Points Give the coordinates of each pia inthe graph at the right Then gve the quadrant in wich the point ies. Sowmion Quadrant aA I be uo ec no quadrant on exis 4D v Give the coordinates of each pont on the ‘raph at the right and the quadrant in ‘which it ies. BA oe ne aD Perform the operation without a calculator. 9, 56-98) 10, 300+ (60) +600 + (140) 11. ((239(-ersayoxien) + (H) Geometry ora © Med (ie Sa ert Sacre Fererenon ‘ras Nowe Quick Check avi Tope Lssn¢ : Cs a wan 2, The base ofa pyramid must te A circle B. square. ©. prism, . polygon. E, nove of these Homework Review Quick Chock Give the geometric name of the fami 1. abaketball 4 e soup can ‘5. a shoebox fled with pebbles and taped shut Sgrptr eget Geometry a Sate lath ing arf rae Nw Dee WAIN) Practice Fore with ete: Plting Piss Plot and label each of the following points ‘on the coordinate plane, i 1. A(6,~) 2 a(-4,3) 3 =.=) 4 [email protected] 5.50.9) 6. FI-5,0) 7. G(0.0) 8. A(-8,~10) 9. 10,6) 10. 42,2) Give the coordinates of each point on the ‘raph and the quadrant in which it es. 28 mC uD WE 16F no mH wT Ons VN Graphing Equations ‘Graph linear equations cguiony + 3 = Ar alia cq ro varaicn Yuen] {5 ble of aes pop ear Suton nto en Terms to Know Example/lllustration “Solution of a Linear Equation (Diss an ordered pair (xy thar makes the | since = I ‘equation ive when the vales of x and y are substinted ato the equation ion of y= = Graph of an Equation in Two Variables set of il pins (x) that ae Soltons of he equation Understanding the Main Ideas In this lesson, you wil oe thatthe graph of linear equation Use the graph to decide whather the point is on he graph of + 2y= 4. Juty your antwer algebraically a0.) &-23) ‘Souutiow 1 The point (1,1) is nor the graph of x + 29 = 4 ‘This means that (1,1) i not saltion. You ean check this algebraically, x+2)=4 Wie origina equation. 1420) 24 Subst 1 forxand 1 for. a4 Silty. Nota woe statement 1) isnot a solution ofthe equation x + 2) 0s not onthe erp (continued) Sitgtteaed = a Oe Wetton agrne SP Geometry cai Mo ite Se Renee agra Rereraon cr onthe graph of x + 2y = 4, This means that (2,3) is a solution You ean check this algebraically. s+ 2y=4 Write original equation, 2420) 24 suse ~2 rr ana 3 ory 454 Simpliy. Te statement (-2,3) is asolution of the equation x + 2y = 4 soit is onthe areph. Decide whether the given ordered pairs a solution of the equation 1. 2y = ar= 8,-2.8) 2-5-8) = 15,(-3,0) Byeae-5,C1-% 4 yn te 45,0) In Example 1 the point (2,3) in the graph of «+ 2y = 4, but ow many points des the graph have inal? The answer is that most graphs ‘have too many pois lis. ‘Then how can you ever graph an equation? One way iso make a table or list of few values, plot enough solutions to recognize a patie, and ‘hen connec he points ‘Gnapnive A Lincan Eauarion STEP @ Rewrite the equtin in function frm, if necessary, STEP @ Choos afew valves of x and make 8 able of vals. ‘STEP @ Plot the pons from the tbl of values. line though ‘hese pols isthe graph ofthe eqaton. ‘Useable of values wo graph the equation y + 3 = 4s SowuTion [Rewrite the equation in furetion form by ‘Ghoase | Subtate oFnd e solving for. 2 | corresponding yvatue, y+3=4x Waite originalequaion, § [ =? [y= 4(=2)— 3 =~ IT y= 4e—3 Subtract 3 from each side, |= [y= 471) —3 = -7 ‘Choose afew values forx and make tbl ofa so ova, : 1 [yea ser 2 = 42) — J (continued) Graphing Equations ‘With this table of values you have found five solutions & 1), (0,3) (1, D-(2,5) ‘Pho the points, You can se that they al ie om ne aw this ine “Te lne through the point i the graph of the equation, Use a table of values to Byerts Gye nae Solve each problem. Intakes 3 hours o tael 200 miles, I the same average speed is mainained how ong wil it take to travel 260 miles? 10, If we times number i 11, Whatis the smallest integer that stisties the inequality 7+ 9x > 11 (ine Integers are numbers in these =. ~3, Loeb. Geometry Siege fae Sete Verbeke Degree area Naw bee LWA) Quick Check mer tg coe 1 The pin (4-8 in wich unr? Al Bt cm ov eof tee 2. aah pin on corn pane cred 0 Acer niter 3 minege . an ordered pair fra numbers . four eal numbers. , none ofthese GTI Geometry Cony © mez te Se Ste Wert Geers ae erection ‘te one 3. -3e+ y= 12,004) 4x44 = 48,810) Find three ordered pairs that Sys 12 Fill in the missing values in the table. 1s =a a i z ya 6r+2]y= 6-242 Dez [y= 7 a 2 =10 = ‘Graph the linear equation. Byerts Mgnt 1a, 2-39 1a Tet B= 4 Be rty=10 ww x-y=0 y= 3e 46 18, 9+ y= 18 8 y= 5 (Hin: y = Ox + 5; may ake on any value) Sr Mend i Geometry rasta Base Sts Wontack Dagroasandfenedeion | owe Figures in a Plane ‘Graph polygons and their transformations in a plane. “Transformations occur in many real ications using geometric figures, Computer eaphics, artitectre, wall paper, and fabric designe ae just afew places where geomet ates o2cut Understanding the Main Ideas ‘You can graph polygons in a coordinate plane by connecting points that represent the vertices ofthe polygon. (Grah each st of polygons ina coordinate plane by conectng points that represent the verte ofthe polygon. (1,6). 803,2), 15.4) bale: ‘Sounon ‘8. The points form a wiagle ws shown, b, The points form a rectangle as shown. a 1.2), Bl, 2), C14, = 1), D(=4, = 1) Groph each set of points, connect in order with the last back to the frst, then name the polygon. (0,0), B(6, 0), 10,6) 2. A(=3,3), 8,3), 8, ~3), (3, -3) 3, A(-5,~2).B(2,~2), 10,4), (-3.4) 4 (0,8), 563, 6), €(3,0),D(-3,0),&(~3,6) CGeomete paters sre formed when mother polygon of the sme size and shape i ploted by sliding or Hipping the orignal polygon. (continued) Geometry, Cit Meggan. Sipe Sete ertnk Ogres reser “i ne owe Figures in a Plane ‘Move each verex ofthe tangle withthe veioes AO, 2), (2, 6), and Ya 4), using the flloving motion rules. Deseibe how each new rangle ied to the original tinge. 1. Add 3 0 each coordinate be, Subtract 2 fom each y

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