Are With Some and Any

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Lesson plan

School: Ghergheasa
Class: 6th
Level: Intermediate
Teacher: Mu Eliza
Lesson: You mustnt play loud music
Date: 22. 10.2015
Time: 50
Lesson (main) aims:
- to introduce new words;
- to be able to understand those new words
- to identify common objects and furniture, parts of a room, patterns and
- to talk about rules, express obligation and lack of obligation
- to give instructions
- to use verb must/ mustnt , can/ cant; There is/ there
are with some and any
- to use the prepositions of place
Subsidiary aims:

- to be able to associate the English terms with the Romanian terms;

- to practice the work in pairs;
- to be able to describe a person;
- to listen to someone talking about her life
- to write a description of a room
- to read rules for a hostel;

Skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening

Anticipated language problems: Pupils/students could become a bit noisy when working in
pairs/groups; some of them (the dominant ones) may try to answer too often and exclude the
others. In some cases, pupils may not understand the task given by the teacher;

Possible solutions: the teacher may ask pupils simultaneously to speak; He/She may repeat the
task in order to be clear for everybody;
Teaching aids: the manual, a handout, pupils notebooks, the blackboard;
Modes of interaction: teacher-student, student-student, group-work;
1st Activity
Aims: to rewind the new notions
Procedure: the pupils are asked to read the Hostel Rules and to solve ex. 13. They have to find
the rule which gives information about different things.
Teachers role: observer, involver
Materials: textbook, pupils notebooks
Skills: speaking, writing, reading
Class management: individual work, whole class activity
Timing: 15 minutes
2nd Activity
Aims: To talk about rules
Procedure: Ex. 14, pag. 18 gives an dialogue as example and the students have to use the
questions to make conversation about the hostel rules.
Teachers role: observer, involver
Materials: textbook, blackboard, pupils notebooks
Skills: listening, speaking, writing, reading
Class management: work in pairs, whole class activity
Timing: 15 minutes
3rd Activity
Aims: To discuss on certain topics
Procedure: Ex. 14, pag. 18 requires to tell the class about any rules they have and home. The
teacher asks them to discuss if some of them are unfair. Why? What should they do to make the
rules to be fair and convenient?
Teachers role: observer

Materials: Pupils notebooks

Skills: listening, speaking, writing, reading
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 20 minutes
The best answers are being noted.

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