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L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#1-essay)
Oct 6, 2015
Jury Trial Hearing
Plaintiff Tim Ownership LLC, Theron Miller Investments, Bonnie Miller Investment CO vs. Larry T
Miller, Miller Christine, Larry & Christine Miller Trust; Third Party Defendants: Rich Miller, individually
and asa manager of Tim Ownership, LLC, and Jolene Beeny, individually and as a manager of TTM
Ownership, LLC. Judge Richard Mckelvie presiding, at the 3rd District court in Salt Lake City, Utah on
October 6, 2015 (case#110908043). Plaintiff attorney (s): Stewart Peay and Scott Pratt; Defendants
attorney: Jeremy Miller at court room W46. There were 8 Jurys on trial throughout the three trials and
today is the final court.
Third Jury trial and final day for trial: In the beginning before the Jury arrive, the Judge and the
attorney (s) for both parties discussed if today will end the trial. The sooner the better said the Judge so
that the Jury can rest. Both attorneys were ready to approach with their arguments with witness Mr.
Miller on stand testified in regards to his responsibility as a trustee and manager for his mothers farm
and tenant propertys.
The case I caught on for the hour I attended has something to do with whom owe what money
from the successful business his mother owned. The plaintiff somewhat were partner with Mr. Millers
mother in this business. The plaintiff was responsible for managing the tenants property and Mr. Miller
was supposable the manager. Mr. Miller has been on stand for an hour already. His attorney has been
asking him lots of questions in regards to his responsibilities in owning the properties with his mother
and how the business has been managed by whose parties, I left after 1 hour.

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#1-essay)
Oct 6, 2015
Jury Trial Hearing
Defendant Komasquin Lopez vs. State of Utah; judge presiding was Paul B. Parker; Prosecutor is
Langdon Fisher and Joseph Hill; Mr. Lobez attorney was Andrea Garland and Nick Falcone; sheriff
Office#372751; case# 141900304. This case involves domestic violence. Charge with Murder 1st Degree
The defendant is present in the custody of the Davis County jail, but he was in his regular clothes
sitting with his attorney. The defendant murder Shannon Lobez at Midvale, Utah on Dec 27TH, 2013; the
case started on Jan 14, 2014. There were two witnesses, and they were both for the prosecutor on the
state side. The court started with the prosecutor calls for Rebecca Lobe which was the defendants ex-
wife. The prosecutor wanted to know about the domestic violence history with her husband and the gun
that he threatens her with during their marriage in the past. Mr. Lobez attorney cross examine by
verified the defendants profession in the military which he was allowed to carried the weapon in his
The second witness for questions for Mr. Lobez attorney was a lady in prison named Kertlen; the
interesting part is when she takes the 5th amendment because she refuses to testify on some things, but
the Judge explained to her that the 5th dont apply; she also had her own attorney representing her. I
wasnt sure on why she was in jail though because I came on the fourth Jury trial.
The third witness was Dr. Grey to be on the stand as one of the witness for the Utah state from
the University of Utah. He was cross examine by Mr. Falcone the defendant attorney. It has been a good
hour of questions in regards to the victims capability and possibilities to commit suicide. In the

beginning of questions was all about his professions, and what he does with his degrees and how long.
Then went into the study that he did on the victim to find out if she had commit suicide or if it was a
homicide case. The witness has been on the stand for a good hour, I left while he was still in the witness

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#3-essay)
Oct 6, 2015

Jury Trial Hearing
Pick a Jury Hearing Trial: Mr. Garcia-Mejia, Angel vs. Utah State; Judge Vernice S. Trease
presiding; Clerk Jennifer; Bailiff Officer Walker Wayne; Defendant attorney Rob Ljongrber and Kote
Conyers; Prosecutor Mike Colby and Coral Sandez; Interpreter Dianorah Padro. The interpreter is present
just in case, Mr. Garcia need her to translate.
Mr. Garcia is charged with Felony of Sexual Child Abuse and Aggravated sexual abuse of a child
with numbers 1-12 charges that is all the same. On Oct 1st, 2013 through Jan 2014, at his home address
5281 Farm Station Way, SLC, UT, he molested his children from the ages 14 going down to the
youngest. The defendant is plea not-guilty and this is why they are in process of the jury trial according
to the constitutional law. He is presume innocent to the eye of the law until find guilty during the jury
There were 39 Jurys present and the process of picking started at 8:30am-1:30pm with just 8
qualified Jurys left, picked at the end. In the beginning before these Jurys enter the court room, Mrs.
Jennifer the clerk called every one individually by their number. From number 1 through 39, they each sat
where the bailiff assigned in order from the front rows to the back rows.
The Juries are picked accordingly to the law of Utah guidelines and qualifications. One, the Judge
specified the qualification for being a Jury. The Order to Serve which you have to be over the age 18,
citizen of the United State, resident of SLC, read and write English language. Two, May not Serve if
convicted on a Felony that has not been expunged, an active military, and if has physical and mental
issues. Lastly, to find out if they know of anyone in the law system industry and so forth. There were so

many in depth important questions in regards to their criminal background. For example, if they know of
anyone in the similar situation of sexual abusing children, if they were victims or know of anyone
In conclusion, these questions by statue of law according to the constitution to pick the fair Juries
that could help come to a decision based off the evidences and facts presented. The attorneys on both
sides assist the judge in picking the right Jurys. The separate interviews in regard any involvement with
the child sexual abuse are done for their privacy. So they are called individually to be interviewed by the
judge and then the attorneys is to help if either to pass or to striken, based on their answer. After the
interview, everyone was to all joined again in the same court room for the final picked.

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#1-Essay)
Oct 6, 2015
Jury Trial Hearing
Plaintiff Tim Ownership LLC, Theron Miller Investments, Bonnie Miller Investment CO vs. Larry
T Miller, Miller Christine, Larry & Christine Miller Trust; Third Party Defendants: Rich Miller,
individually and asa manager of Tim Ownership, LLC, and Jolene Beeny, individually and as a manager
of TTM Ownership, LLC. Judge Richard Mckelvie presiding, at the 3rd District court in Salt Lake City,
Utah on October 6, 2015 (case#110908043). Plaintiff attorney (s): Stewart Peay and Scott Pratt;
Defendants attorney: Jeremy Miller at court room W46. There were 8 Jurys on trial throughout the three
trials and today is the final court.
Third Jury trial and final day for trial: In the beginning before the Jury arrive, the Judge and the
attorney (s) for both parties discussed if today will end the trial. The sooner the better said the Judge so
that the Jury can rest. Both attorneys were ready to approach with their arguments with witness Mr. Miller
on stand testified in regards to his responsibility as a trustee and manager for his mothers farm and tenant
The case I caught on for the hour I attended has something to do with whom owe what money
from the successful business his mother owned. The plaintiff somewhat were partner with Mr. Millers
mother in this business. The plaintiff was responsible for managing the tenants property and Mr. Miller
was supposable the manager. Mr. Miller has been on stand for an hour already. His attorney has been
asking him lots of questions in regards to his responsibilities in owning the properties with his mother and
how the business has been managed by whose parties, I left after 1 hour.

Mareta Ioane

L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#1-Essay)
Oct 6, 2015

Jury Trial Hearing
Defendant Komasquin Lopez vs. State of Utah; judge presiding was Paul B. Parker; Prosecutor is
Langdon Fisher and Joseph Hill; Mr. Lobez attorney was Andrea Garland and Nick Falcone; sheriff
Office#372751; case# 141900304. This case involves domestic violence. Charge with Murder 1st Degree
The defendant is present in the custody of the Davis County jail, but he was in his regular clothes
sitting with his attorney. The defendant murder Shannon Lobez at Midvale, Utah on Dec 27TH, 2013; the
case started on Jan 14, 2014. There were two witnesses, and they were both for the prosecutor on the
state side. The court started with the prosecutor calls for Rebecca Lobe which was the defendants ex-
wife. The prosecutor wanted to know about the domestic violence history with her husband and the gun
that he threatens her with during their marriage in the past. Mr. Lobez attorney cross examine by
verified the defendants profession in the military which he was allowed to carried the weapon in his
The second witness for questions for Mr. Lobez attorney was a lady in prison named Kertlen; the
interesting part is when she takes the 5th amendment because she refuses to testify on some things, but
the Judge explained to her that the 5th dont apply; she also had her own attorney representing her. I
wasnt sure on why she was in jail though because I came on the fourth Jury trial.

The third witness was Dr. Grey to be on the stand as one of the witness for the Utah state from
the University of Utah. He was cross examine by Mr. Falcone the defendant attorney. It has been a good
hour of questions in regards to the victims capability and possibilities to commit suicide. In the
beginning of questions was all about his professions, and what he does with his degrees and how long.
Then went into the study that he did on the victim to find out if she had commit suicide or if it was a
homicide case. The witness has been on the stand for a good hour, I left while he was still in the witness

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#3-Essay)
Oct 6, 2015

Jury Trial Hearing
Pick a Jury Hearing Trial: Mr. Garcia-Mejia, Angel vs. Utah State; Judge Vernice S. Trease
presiding; Clerk Jennifer; Bailiff Officer Walker Wayne; Defendant attorney Rob Ljongrber and Kote
Conyers; Prosecutor Mike Colby and Coral Sandez; Interpreter Dianorah Padro. Mr. Garcia is charged
with Felony of Sexual Child Abuse and Aggravated sexual abuse of a child with numbers 1-12 charges
that is all the same. On Oct 1st, 2013-Jan 25th, 2014 at his home address 5281 Farm Station Way, SLC, UT,
he molested his children from the age 14 going down to the youngest and the defendant is plea not-
There were 39 Jurys present and the process of picking started at 8:30am-1:30pm with just 8
Jurys left that were picked at the end. In the beginning before these Jurys enter the court room, Mrs.
Jennifer the clerk called every one individually by their number. From number 1 through 39, they each
sat where the bailiff assigned in order from the front rows to the back rows.
The Juries are picked accordingly to the law of Utah guidelines and qualifications. One, the Judge
specified the qualification for being a Jury. The Order to Serve which you have to be over the age 18,
citizen of the United State, resident of SLC, read and write English language. Two, May not Serve if
convicted on a Felony that has not been expunged, an active military, if has physical and mental issues.
Four, to find out if they know of anyone in the law system industry and so forth. There were so many in

depth important questions in regards to their criminal background, if they know of anyone in the similar
situation of sexual abusing children, if they were victims or know of anyone accused.
These questions by statue of law according to the constitution to pick the fair Juries that could
help come to a decision based off the evidences and facts presented. The attorneys on both sides pick
the right Jurys. The separate interviews in regard any involvement with the child sexual abuse are done
for their privacy. So they are called individually to be interviewed by the judge and then the attorneys is
to help if either to pass or to striken. After the interview, everyone was to all joined again in the same
room for the final picked and there were 8 qualified Juries picked. I left around 1:30pm.

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#4-Essay)
Oct 28, 2015

Jury Trial Hearing

Defendant Bradford, Alexander vs. Utah state; judge Vtrease in room W45 at the Salt Lake 3rd

district court. Charge with DUI and violation in officer duty with property damage. Jury picked started at
9am with 23 people to be interviewed for the whole process of picking the right Jurys for the case.
Seven were to be interviewed separately, but there were only 3 interviewed because they have already
reach the number needed.

The process of picking Jurys is quite an experience because you get to see how the judge

proceed in picking the Jurys. The attorneys from both side were to help the Judge pick these qualified
Jurys. I realized that the information that the Judge used every time is always the same procedure. A lot
of personal questions to be asked, and if there were people with these concerns, it will be a different
individual interview.

The Jurys duty is to make decisions on rather the defendant is guilty or not guilty after all of the

evidences presiding from both attorneys. The Jurys should not have any Bias or prejudice in helping
make decisions. In this case, the defendant is still presume innocent according to the constitutional law.
It is the prosecutors job to prove beyond reasonable doubt if the defendant is guilty of the crime with
no doubts.

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#1-essay)
Oct 6, 2015
Jury Trial Hearing
Plaintiff Tim Ownership LLC, Theron Miller Investments, Bonnie Miller Investment CO vs. Larry T
Miller, Miller Christine, Larry & Christine Miller Trust; Third Party Defendants: Rich Miller, individually
and asa manager of Tim Ownership, LLC, and Jolene Beeny, individually and as a manager of TTM
Ownership, LLC. Judge Richard Mckelvie presiding, at the 3rd District court in Salt Lake City, Utah on
October 6, 2015 (case#110908043). Plaintiff attorney (s): Stewart Peay and Scott Pratt; Defendants
attorney: Jeremy Miller at court room W46. There were 8 Jurys on trial patiently throughout the three
trials and today is the final court.
Third Jury trial and final day for trial: In the beginning before the Jury arrive, the Judge and the
attorney (s) for both parties discussed if today will end the trial. The sooner the better said the Judge so
that the Jury can rest. Both attorneys were ready to approach with their arguments with witness Mr.
Miller on stand testified in regards to his responsibility as a trustee and manager for his mothers farm
and tenant propertys.
The case I caught on for the hour I attended has something to do with whom owe what money
from the successful business his mother owned. The plaintiff somewhat were partner with Mr. Millers
mother in this business. The plaintiff was responsible for managing the tenants property and Mr. Miller
was supposable the manager. Mr. Miller has been on stand for an hour already. His attorney has been

asking him lots of questions in regards to his responsibilities in owning the properties with his mother
and how the business has been managed by whose parties, I left after 1 hour.

Mareta Ioane
L. Monte Sleight
LS 1060 Criminal Law and Procedure; (10-1130)
Assignment/Jury Trial Hearing (#2-essay)
Oct 6, 2015
Jury Trial Hearing
Defendant Komasquin Lopez vs. State of Utah; judge presiding was Paul B. Parker; Prosecutor is
Langdon Fisher and Joseph Hill; Defendant attorney was Andrea Garland and Nick Falcone; sheriff
Office#372751; case# 141900304. This case involves domestic violence. Charge with Murder 1st Degree
The defendant is present in the custody of the Davis County jail, but he was in his regular clothes
sitting with his attorney. The defendant murder his wife Shannon Lobez inside his car at Midvale, Utah
near the intersection on 780 South State St. on Dec 27TH, 2013 and she died on the scene. She was 37
years old and had two children (one is handicap). She planned to go out with her friends that night so
she left her children in sandy with relatives.
The case started on Jan 14, 2014. There were two witnesses for the prosecutor which was the
defendant ex-wife and the psychology Doc. Grey who was testified if it was a suicide or homicide based
on his study. There was also an acquainted witness whom had her own attorney to represent her, she
was in jail and I didnt understand why. I dont know what her involvement with the case is, apparently
she is in jail. The interesting experience was her taking the 5th amendment so she doesnt have to testify
on some things, but the Judge explained to her that in this case the 5th amendment doesnt apply. The
questions that was asked was about the night she and her boyfriend met Mr. and Mrs. Lobez. I left after
one hour and a half.

The court started with the prosecutor calls for Rebecca Lobe which was the defendants ex-wife.
The prosecutor wanted to know about the domestic violence history with her husband and the gun that
he threaten her with. The defendant attorney cross examine by verified the defendants profession in
the military which he was allowed to carried the weapon in his home.
The second witness for questions for the defendant attorney was a lady in prison named
Kertlen; the interesting part is when she takes the 5th amendment because she refuse to testify on some
things, but the Judge explained to her that the 5th dont apply; she also had her own attorney
representing her. I wasnt sure on why she was in jail though because I came on the fourth Jury trial so I
missed a lot of what was going on with the case.
The third witness was Dr. Grey to be on the stand as one of the witness for the Utah state from
the University of Utah. He was cross examine by Mr. Falcone the defendant attorney. It has been a good
hour of questions in regards to the victims capability and possibilities to commit suicide. In the
beginning of questions was all about his professions, and what he does with his degrees and how long.
Then went into the study that he did on the victim to find out if she had commit suicide or if it was a
homicide case. The witness has been on the stand for a good hour, we had to brake. I got to talk with
the uncle of the victim and he was helpful in telling me about the case in between recess. I was there for
a good hour and a half. I left when they were still questioning Dr. Grey.

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