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International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 5 No. 2; February 2014

Impact of Compensation on Employee Performance (Empirical Evidence from

Banking Sector of Pakistan)
Mr. Abdul Hameed, Mphil
Assistant Professor
Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Muhammad Ramzan, MBA
Hafiz M. Kashif Zubair, MBA
Ghazanfar Ali, MBA
Muhammad Arslan, MBA
Research Scholars of Department of Management Sciences
Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Purpose: Compensation is very important for the performance of the employees. Therefore they are very
important for the organization too. The purpose of this research is to measure the impact of compensation on
employee performance.
Methodology: A questionnaire was designed to collect the data on the factors related to compensation like salary,
rewards, Indirect Compensation and employee performance. The data was collected from different banks of
Pakistan. The data collected were analyzed in SPSS 17.0 Version. Different analytical and descriptive techniques
were used to analyze the data.
Findings: It is founded from different results that Compensation has positive impact on employee performance. It
is proved from correlation analysis that all the independent variables have weak or moderate positive
relationship to each other. Regression analysis shows that all the independent variables have insignificant and
positive impact on employee performance. Descriptive analysis also reveals that all the independent variables
have positive impact on employee performance. ANOVA results reveal that education have not same impact on
employee performance.
Limitations/implications of the research: The major limitation of this research is that this study only covers the
banking sector of Punjab. Another limitation is that it excludes many variables of compensation due to shortage
of time. Funds were also another limitation. Apart from these limitations this research may provide insights to the
managers to enhance the employee performance of their subordinates.

Key Words: Salary, Rewards, Indirect Compensation and Employee Performance

1. Introduction
Compensation is output and the benefit that employee receive in the form of pay, wages and also same rewards
like monetary exchange for the employees to increases the Performance(Holt,1993).Compensation is the segment
of transition between the employee and the owner that the outcomes employee contract. As the prospective of
employee pay is the necessary of life. The payment receives from work done on the behalf of people getting the
employment. From the employee prospective one of the most important part of cash flow. Compensation is
mostly equal to half of cash flow of the companies. But in the service sector it is more than half. It is the major to
attract the employee and motivate employee to increases the performance (Ivanceikh and Glueck, 1989).
It is argument that mostly individuals that getting higher education they are not satisfied their jobs and their
turnover is more than so that organizations are overcome to that problem design the compensation plain to retain
the employees as well plays more to attract, retain and motivate to give man power. Different universities
objectives make their benefits and compensation packages to attract as possible (HRM Process BPR term report
june,2009) mostly employees believe their abilities that knows that if they perform well pay can be increasing.

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I n other words you can say that compensation and rewards effects the employee decision making to stay their
organizations and also accepted the responsibility (Bratian &Gold 1995).
The value employee training as a compensation and benefits packages has increases the performance human
resource outcomes normally increases the performance, satisfaction and productivity also stay there and
attracting. The perception of employee about the organization benefits policy. If pay is tied to employee
performance good quality and quantity of work done(Ivancevch and Glueck,1989).Organization pay directly
influences to employee voluntary turnover employee compare to their pay available in other organization
(Henman and Schwab,et.al.1987).People stay or leave the company more reasons they satisfied with their job
promotional opportunity and work environment (Mitchall and Holton et.al.1993).This paper designed to assessing
to evaluate the employee perception towards compensation and benefits policy associate problems to selected
government higher education because the compaction strategy is same as well study of this paper focus on
perception of employee towards compensation and pay rewards as well.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Salary
There are many factors of pay (Millvier and newman; 2005) research perform that may be form of individually
and may be form of multiple performance pay plan different qualities can consider the efficient of degree to
perform merit pay to performance, bonus long incentives first of all merit pay is form of reward and individual
function of their individuals performance and rating (Henenman&warner,2005)the pay plan is most common by
employee performance appraisal (Chani 1998)meant by pay has been frequently use in the organization.
(Pak,1984;alson,1990)number of recent survey 80 to 90 percent organizations use merit pay (Heneman &
wamer2005) . Bounces pay is monetary reward gives to employee in addition to their fix compensation (Millovian
& newman 2005)This pay plan in base on individual performance but bonuses does pay and their not performance
(Suman&shout,2000).There are reward like the long term growth as well as employee relation (Rousse and
hou,2000)mostly form of cash in and stock (Rasch&lesson,1984)The length and performance pay plan mostly are
their (elling,1982)long term incentive also generate some problem of their liquidity long term incentive cantonal
get immediately value because requirements on reward convicted in to cash.
Performance related pay directly impact the workers performance creating the output through pay and workers
has more able to give pay structure according to the performance (Lazear,1986)sheer (2004)some results for their
expected tree sampling allocated to price fixed rate. The role of employee performance linking to bounces to
improve the productivity Bandied re et al (2007).The relation of pay and performance is dirtily
linking(1999)worker has a fixed pay in a period of time and give incentive for their good performance give the
pay for shorter term incentive give the power job shorter oriented.
The performance related pay is one kind or another is most OECD member countries mostly senior managers and
new mangers or employee. The performance policies in the reference of economics and some other problems
faced OECD countries in the mid-1970.It can improve the individual motivation improve the performance of the
employee in this context performance related pay refer to system linking the performance it based on the
organizational accountably measure individual outputs individual output of the organizations performance pay
can be manage value of potential references(Denmark; Finland, Korea, Newz land OECD 1993;OECD 1997).
2.2 Incentives and Rewards:
Reward can generate as important role for employee performance. A good employee feel that value of the
company is working for the also enhance the batter work they are well being. Taken seriousness by their
employee and their career self assessment also taking care by their commonalty employee are the big part of
organization like engine of the organization which else and fund the reward knows organization scan attain any
objective with its employee (Akerale,1991)also blame the productivity of the workers on several factors provide
adequate failure compensation for hard work (Mark and ford 2001) Mention the real success of organization from
employee from employee willingness to use their creativity and among how the employee increases the positive
employee inputs and rewards practices in place. The importance of motivating employees cannot enough in
organizations context motivated employee highly productive more efficiency providing and willing to performing
taking in the organizations (Hurtreatal 1990;Entwested 1987)in views that if the employee performance efficiently
more than ten leaders to organizations rewards as a result of employee performance.

International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 5 No. 2; February 2014

The highly motivated employee build advantages for their company and leads the organizations of its objectives
(Rizal and ali,2010).This paper impact of reward dimension on employee performance with special reference to
highly companies. According to (Hasiban 2003)that job satisfaction effects the level of employee performance
which means that satisfaction derived from therefore declaration of employee so good. so that if job satisfaction is
mean moral decline and support of the organization objective (Hasbuan;2003)According to grisly and Brown
(1950&johson2008).Arguments that have five factors that have increases job satisfaction position ranks age
financial guarantee and influence job satisfaction consist on psychology factor and social factor. A pay is the key
determination but experience rewards is study indicate more complex and difficult. The another study impact of
pay menagerie level that may be tailed to satisfy the key motivational rewards for effective performance (Olce
1993;olce 1997)
Reward is the most important element to eliminate employee for paying their best efforts to generate the
innovation and the new ideas in cress the company performance financial and noon financial Dewhurst et al(2010)
relationship of the manager supervisor reward power positivity linked with employee performance more
productivity ,satisfaction and turnover and organization citizenship behavior (simon,1976;more&hunt
1980;jahangar,2006).Dee prose (1994)says that motivation of employee productivity can be enhance provide
effective recognition which provide the result improve the performance of organization. He entire second of the
organization that the employee motivated to assessment the performance of job compensation abacus at all 2003).
The ability to organization is accommodates the needs employees their performance 1960). Inside the
commitment towards their organization and their work play a critical role (eisenbegal 1992).
2.3 Indirect compensation:
Milkovich and Newman(1999)refer that financial return and employee receive as a employment relationship all
cash incentives and other mating employee received which countries of total compunction .Global business and
economics(2010) compunction is a big range of financial benefits and Nan financial benefits, It is played in the
form of wages and salaries and also insurance level free traveling is also including chhabra(2001).It also included
that the salary is generally paid for monthly and year. The time spent in the organizations salary is played time
spent on the job. Some type of indirect composition offered by today organization (byars and rul 2008)

Social security: this is managing insurance system by the rules of employee must pay into system and contain
perchance of pay up to maintain limit. And also average monthly wages give the security of the employee.
Workers compensation: it also says that employee from loss of salary associated extra job related illness. The
laws generally provide the medical expenses.
Retirement plan: it gives that a sources of income who have retail money paid for a previous services .Give
the time of employment one from of plan is contribution plan also known as beneficial annual plain.
Paid holiday: The new year day, independent day which is called holiday plain of employee to employee
Paid for vacation generally depend on employee services. Most of the companies unit less than one year.
Other benefits: It also involves the additional benefits food services may be wide range purchases discount
example for the especially attractive for the retail stores.
Indirect compilation employee motivation Gareth and Jeorge (2010). Defined as psychological force the
indication of the attitude of an organization. Process by which engafip the specific motivation period (1998). That
provide the weeforce of the organization the employee show of the Nifshed output the employee will behave
seeing their heat productivity. They perform responsive duty to productivity level about performance how
effective you are pointed battle and hollon (1995) that.
2.4 Employee Performance:
Employees who are the most efficient are like to be they are motivate to perform medina (2002) this relationship
mean that rewards and employee performance is expecting theory which means that employee are most to be
motivated performance is more performance to receive the rewards and bonus.
The rewards may be cash, recognition both to be acceptable that to achieve the forgets they are performance is
well suesi (2002) rewards is the key motive to increase the employee performance to expected well. Give the
monthly rewards also increase the performance Osterloh and Frey (2012). Employees are extremely motivated to
monthly rewards. The Goal is to satisfy the social exchange process they contribute the efforts Kanfell (1990).
Entiwistal (1987) is of the view that 96 employee perform feel them. Organizational rewards result motivated

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Some other views that recognition in pleasanter the organization favorable works environment motivated the
employee Freedman (1978) as cited in Rizwan and Ali (2010).Employee are the important part of any
organization increasing the performance they can be motivated through financial and non financial benefits they
can designing that you can says that composition is reward which is receiving by the employee to show their
performance. Employee concentrated pay or wages and similar to non monetary exchange for the employee
performance(Holt,1993).Good organization are maintain to design and enable the organizations to attract the
highly skilled and qualified employee retain and motivation towards objective and goals achieve and most
employee getting is pay(Decenzo and Robbins,1999).If the employee free that they have not getting good salary
they cooking for better employee dissatisfaction with the compensation towards goal attainment towards goals
done to be lower .Dissatisfied employee increasing the turnover, Absents am and poor metal health(Welthel and
Davis,1996).The main objective of compensation is that employee attracted to work and motivated good job for
employee Davis(1996).

3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 Independent Variables
Rewards and Incentives
Indirect Compensation
3.2 Dependent variable
Employee Performance
3.3 Schematic Diagram

Employee Performance
Rewards and
4. Methodology
The study was conducted to check the impact and relationship of the factors like salary, Rewards and indirect
compensation on employee performance. A questionnaire was designed to collect the data from banking sector.
4.1 Participants
The data was collected from different banks of southern Punjab. Approximately 45 banks were included to collect
data. 200 Questionnaires were distributed among the full time working employees of banks and they were
selected randomly.
4.2 Measurement Scale
All the questions were extracted from already developed questionnaires which were published in different
journals and articles. All the questions were designed in linkert scale (1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3.
Neutral, 4. Agree, 5. Strongly Agree).
All the questions regarding to each variables are given below.
4.2.1 Salary
To measure the impact of salary,10 questions were extracted from Employees Perception towards
Compensation and Benefit Policy: The case of some selected Government Higher Education Institutions in Addis
Ababa by Ahmed Kelil and were further modified.
4.2.2 Rewards
The questions related to Rewards were extracted from effects of rewards systems on employees performance (a
case study of Ghana commercial bank EJISU branch) by Danso Doreen,and Umeh Donald,.


International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 5 No. 2; February 2014

4.2.3 Indirect Compensation

The questions regarding to Indirect Compensation were extracted from the impact of indirect compensation on
employee productivity: a case of central university college by MENSAH RUBY and were further modified.
4.2.4 Employee Performance
The questions related to Employee performance were also extracted from Hong Lu_, Alison E. While, and K.
Louise Barriball (2006).
4.3 Response Rate:
As the questionnaires were distributed personally, therefore the response rate was 100 %.
4.4 Population Size
The population size was consists of 45 banks which were selected randomly.
4.4 Sample Size
The sample size was consists of 200 respondents who were selected randomly.
5. Procedure
Descriptive and analytical techniques were used for the analysis of data. The process of analysis was carried out
in SPSS 17.0 version for windows. Among the descriptive analysis, mean and standard deviation were applied.
Among the analytical techniques, correlation and regression were run to measure the impact and relationship
among the variables.

6. Results and Discussion

6.1 Correlation analysis



Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Indirect Compensation


This table shows the correlation analysis of the variables salary, rewards, indirect compensation and employee
performance. The relationship among these variable is given below.
The table shows the moderate positive relationship among salary and rewards. It means that if there is an increase
in salary then rewards will also increase moderately. So there is a direct relationship among these variables.
Salary-Indirect Compensation
The table shows the weak positive relationship among salary and indirect compensation. It means that if there is
an increase in salary then indirect compensation will also increase weakly. So there is a direct relationship among
these variables.
The table shows the weak positive relationship among salary and performance. It means that if there is an increase
in salary then the Performance will also increase but increase will be minor. So there is a direct relationship
among these variables.
Rewards-Indirect Compensation
The table shows the weak positive relationship among rewards and indirect compensation. It means that if there is
an increase in rewards then the indirect compensation will also increase but increase will be minor. So there is a
direct relationship among these variables.

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The table shows the negative relationship among Rewards and performance. It means that if there is an increase in
rewards then the performance will be decreased. So there is an inverse relationship among these variables.
Indirect Compensation-Performance
The table shows the weak positive relationship among indirect compensation and performance. It means that if
there is an increase in indirect compensation then performance will also increase but increase will be minor. So
there is a direct relationship among these variables.
6.2 Regression Analysis

Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error

a. Dependent Variable: Performance




The table shows the impact of the independent variables (salary, rewards, indirect compensation) on dependent
variable (employee performance).The value of chronbachs alpha is 0.05.The impact of these variables is given
H1.There is a significant impact of salary on employee performance.
As table shows that value of significance for the variable job salary is 0.189 which is greater than alpha. But the
value of B is minor which means that there may be other factors as well. However result is insignificant and hence
the alternative hypotheses is rejected. So we can say that Employee performance has positive impact on
performance of the employees.
H2.Rewards has significant impact on employee performance.
The value of rewards is greater than alpha (0.119>.05) therefore the results are insignificant and alternative
hypothesis is accepted. So from the regression results it can be concluded that rewards has negative and
insignificant impact on employee performance.
Indirect Compensation
H3. There is a significant impact of indirect compensation on employee performance.
The regression results also show insignificant impact of indirect compensation on employee performance. So
indirect compensation has negative impact on employee performance
Regression Equation
Employee Performance = 3.659+ 0.096 Salary - 0.081 Rewards + 0.085 Indirect Compensation
6.3 Descriptive Analysis

Indirect Compensation
Valid N (listwise)

Descriptive Statistics


Std. Deviation


International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 5 No. 2; February 2014

According to the descriptive analysis the answer of salary, rewards, indirect compensation and employee
performance show agreeableness. Hence it means that all the independent variables will increase the employee
The Results of Standard deviation shows the variation in data. According to the results of standard deviation the
data variation of salary is 3.71 - 4.46.As the mean results lie between this range so the respondents responds in
agree which means that salary has positive impact on employee performance.
The variation in the variable rewards is 3.54 4.59.Its value also lies between this range. So the responses are in
agreeableness. Therefore it is concluded that rewards has positive impact on employee performance.
It is also clear from standard deviation results that the values of indirect compensation lie between the range of
strongly agree and agree which means that these variables have also positive impact on employee performance.
6.4 ANOVA Analysis
On the Basis of Education
Within Groups

Sum of Squares


Mean Square






The table shows the significant results as the value 0.0571 is greater than the value of alpha 0.05.It means that
different educational groups has the different impact which means that salary has different positive impact on
employee performance for all education groups.
Between Groups
Within Groups

Sum of Squares


Mean Square




The table shows the insignificant results as the value 0.045 is less than the value of alpha 0.05.It means that
different educational groups have not the same impact which means that rewards has not same positive impact on
employee performance for all education groups.
Indirect Compensation
Indirect Compensation
Between Groups
Within Groups

Sum of Squares


Mean Square



The table shows the insignificant results as the value 0.203 is greater than the value of alpha 0.05.Therefore
different educational groups have not the same impact which means that Indirect Compensation has not same
positive impact on employee performance for all education groups.

7. Conclusion
It is concluded from different results that Compensation has positive impact on employee performance. It is
proved from correlation analysis that all the independent variables have weak or moderate positive relationship to
each other.

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Regression analysis shows that all the independent variables have insignificant and positive impact on employee
performance. Descriptive analysis also reveals that all the independent variables have positive impact on
employee performance. ANOVA results reveal that education have not same impact on employee performance.

8. Limitations/Implications of the Research

The major limitation of this research is that this study only covers the banking sector of Punjab. Another
limitation is that it excludes many variables of compensation due to shortage of time. Funds were also another
limitation. Apart from these limitations this research may provide insights to the managers to enhance the
employee performance of their subordinates.

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