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Ronalyn I.

BS-Chemistry Physics 4

Ecology (MW 6:00-7:30 pm)

Reaction Paper: Planet Earth (Jungle)

The video presented to us was a very good medium in making us understand and appreciate
ecology well. More specifically, it paved way to knowledge on the wide diversity of animal
species which make up the beautiful world I belong.
It has featured the tropical rain forest which is the home of half of the world's animal species. This
makes it a hotspot in observing and understanding animal behaviors. I, not being so much
acquainted with the uniqueness of animal behaviours, am highly surprised and intrigued as I went
through the video. This made me look at the richness of environment in a fresher perspective.
The following are just some of the unique behaviors of animals presented: First, male blue birds
have a very peculiar manner of courting. It impresses female birds by its performance in which the
more extravagant its performance is, the more it will be noticed. With its habitat, these birds live
in different areas such as forest floor or low branches of bushes inorder to avoid competition.
Second, are the monkeys. Its usual habitat is the fig tree as this is its main food source. Similarly,
many monkeys are territorial which is manifested in different ways. Some are making sounds
which convey their sense of ownership of a particular territory.
Third, are the frogs which are evident particulary at night due to sounds they make. Male frogs
leap from the tree top using their web feet as parachute. Some frogs spend their time on high
canopy and only come down when they mate.
Fourth, are the red crab spiders. This kind of spider depend much on the pitcher plant for its food.
For instance, it eats ants trapped inside the plant. It also eats mosquito larvae by diving in the
bottom and breathing using the oxygen supply trapped inside the bubbles.
Last, are the elephants which obtain their food found beneath the mud. Peculiarly, elephants are
only found in large number when they gather in one place for food. When they are done, they are
on their separate ways.
There are other kinds of animals as well as other species presented which I'm not very familiar of.
But, merely knowing the above animal behaviors is readily sufficient to wonder in the diversity
and uniqueness of the place I'm in.

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