SIOP Lesson Plan Template

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SIOP Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Preparation
a. General Information
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject Area/Topic: Math/Pumpkins
Student Demographics: 20 Students; 7 ELLs
Lesson Duration: 40 minuets
b. State and/or National Standard(s) and/or Benchmark(s)
MAFS.K.CC.3.6: Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than,
less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and
counting strategies.
c. Learning Objective(s)/Outcomes(s)/Essential Question(s)/Content Objectives
Students will be able to compare groups of up to five candy pumpkins and identify the
group comparison traits such as greater than or more than.
d. Language Objectives
Students will be able to get a better understanding of mathematics based academic
language and will be able to use hand signals as a form of communication.
e. ESOL Teaching Strategy
Sign in, please (Page 184 in the SIOP strategy textbook)
f. Detailed List of Materials and Resources for Teacher and Students
Five frame pumpkin sheet
Candy pumpkins
Large number word cards

2. Building Background
Key vocabulary is emphasized (e.g., introduced, written, repeated, and highlighted for
students to see).
First, I will play the math pumpkin video to act as an introduction and to engage the students in
the new topic. I will begin by discussing five frames and the number five to reinforce

background knowledge. I will then start to discuss the vocabulary for this lesson such as
greater, less, and equal to.
3. Comprehensible Input
Teacher candidate uses a variety of techniques to make content concepts clear (e.g.,
modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, body language).
I will explain the Sign in, Please strategy. Since the students are younger I will change the hand
signals from a T-sign and F-sign to a thumb-up and thumb-down.
4. Strategies (include a Step-by-Step Instructional Plan)
Teacher candidate uses a variety of question types, including those that promote higherorder thinking skills throughout the lesson/strategy (e.g., literal, analytical, and interpretive
The students will be asked critical thinking questions relating to comparing numbers and sets of
five. Match up, precursor to graphing, call it having friends down the line. Then talk about
greater than or less than. Last number counted. Have a number on over head and have them
match. Hold up number word cards and ask them to match in first row. Then ask them to make
the same.
5. Interaction
Teacher candidate consistently provides sufficient wait time for student response(s)
During questioning, I will wait for the students to have a sufficient amount of time to come up
with an answer. This will come into play during the actual activity as well as for questioning
experiences throughout each part of the lesson.
6. Practice/Application
Teacher candidate provides hands-on materials and/or manipulatives for students to
practice using new content knowledge.
Students will use the pumpkins and the ten frames to explore comparisons of groups up to five.
Worksheet for practice.
7. Lesson Delivery
The pacing of the lesson is appropriate to the students' ability level.
Throughout the lesson, the pacing was kept appropriate to the students ability level. This could
be confirmed through the students signing in when they were ready to move on.

8. Review/Assessment
Teacher candidate conducts assessment of student comprehension and learning of all lesson
objectives (e.g., spot checking, group response, individual replies) throughout the
demonstration of the strategy/lesson.
The strategy for this lesson is an assessment strategy. For the strategy Sign in, Please students
will sign true or false/yes or no as a response to questioning throughout the lesson. This is a spot
checking strategy used to check for understanding, readiness, and opinion. They will also be
completing an assessment worksheet while using the strategy.
9. Analysis

Explanation of Addressing Diversity (Referring to your responses to the above items in 2., please
discuss how you addressed diversity throughout the strategy/lesson.)

I addressed diversity throughout the lesson by focusing on my pace and by using hand
gestures. I also made sure to talk clearly and address students specifically. With those
students who need extra help I would make sure to stop by their work area and assist
them in any possible way.

Informal Assessment Plan

Pre-assessment: Ask student about their understanding of comparing and assess
through observation and spot-checking.
Comprehension check: Observe student response to lesson plan content and pace.
Post-assessment: Detailed questioning as well as the completion of an assessment


Critical Reflection (Write one paragraph of 8-10 sentences)

This SIOP Lesson plan was about comparing and it utilized the ESOL strategy Sign in,
please. I am extremely proud of the outcome of this lesson. The students did so well following
directions and seemed to really grasp the concept. I was pleasantly surprised how well the
kindergarteners did using candy as a manipulative. We didnt have anyone sneaking a bite or
dropping them on the floor. I really love how this lesson successfully delivered content in a fun,
creative, and seasonal way. If I had to reteach this lesson and change one thing I would probably
either expand upon the content with different types of comparisons, or I would give the students
more opportunities to come up with answers as a group. The strategy really worked well with
this lesson and the students really seemed to like it. The teacher would sometimes use a similar
strategy, but I really enjoyed extending upon it. I would definitely use both the lesson concept
and the strategy in my future classroom. Oddly enough, most of the students did not like the
candy pumpkins.

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