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To what extent does

the media impact ones

body image?"

Ed. 4391 Unit Plan

Ashton Healy
Ed. 4391: Unit Plan
Complete By:

Ashton Healy

Subject: Physical Education

Unit/Topic: Impact of Media on Body Image

Grade: 10 Girls
Unit Duration: 6-7 (70 min) Classes

In a world that is increasingly dominated by media, it is extremely important that teachers are
educating their students on media literacy and how to think critically about their media
consumption. The aim of this unit is to foster critical thinking about medias impact on body
image in relation to young girls. The reason I chose grade 10 girls is because at this point in their
PE education they are not currently in a co-ed class and at this age I do not believe girls are at
the stage where they would feel comfortable opening up about these issues in front of their male
counter parts. If I were to teach this unit, I would teach a similar unit to the grade 10 boys and
have them share presentation days so that both genders gains knowledge of how the media may
affect them differently as well as the same.

Unit OverviewCritical Inquiry Question

To what extent does the media impact ones body image?


Focusing Questions for Unit


What is body image?

What does it mean to have good/bad body image?
What affects our image of ourselves?
What is media?
In what ways do we consume media?
What are the intentions of media companies?
What is photo editing (Photoshop)?
What are the short term and long term effects of Photoshop?
How does photo shop influence ones body image?
Why do advertising companies use photo editing?
What are the beauty standards being enforced through media?
How does the media portray the perfect girl?
How does advertising affect you as a consumer?
How does advertising affect your body image?
What are the beauty standards being enforced by the music industry?
In what ways does the music industry affect ones body image?


In what ways do movies/TV shows affect ones body image?

What does it mean to be a media literate individual?
How can you improve your media literacy?
What is body mass index?
What is a healthy BMI for you?
What is a healthy body shape?
What are healthy ways to improve your BMI?
In what ways can you improve your body image?

3. General Learning Outcomes for Unit

General Outcome B:
Students will understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical
4. Key Concepts for Unit
Body image; media; consumerism; media literacy; gender; advertising; Photoshop; beauty ideals;
BMI; pop culture;
5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit
B30-4 Students will
Interpret and evaluate the impact of the media and peer influences on body image

Lesson Plans
Introduction to big ideas
The intention for todays class is to get students thinking about body image and media,
and the relationship they hold. As this unit will be mainly discussion based, lesson 1 is
intended to open the mind and the floor for critically thinking and discussion.

Attention Grabber:
Have students write down on a piece of paper everything they love about their bodiesinform
students that this will be private and they do not need to worry about sharing. Next, have
students flip it over and write down everything they wish to change. What did they find was easier
to write down? Why do they think they had this result? Was their result healthy? Looking at the
things they would like to change, where do they get those standards? Watch Dove Real Beauty
o What is body image? Identify a good and bad body image and explore the causes and
affects of both.
o What is media? Identify the different forms of media which we consumei.e. magazines,
newspapers, social media, advertising, TV, movies, etc.
o How much media do you think that you consume in a day? Watch Cause and Effect
Video. Discuss video.
o Brainstorming with a partner/group: What is the intention of various media forms?
o Introduce to final assignment and form groups.
Watch the following documentary trailers/videos:
Dove Real Beauty Sketches:
Cause and Effect: How media consumption can change your life:
This video focuses in on female media consumption.
Miss Representation:

Media, Photoshop, and Beauty

Lesson 2s focus will be around media and the large impact it plays on our lives. Students
will think critically about the multiple ways in which they interact with media every day

and the effect it may be having on their perceptions of themselves. Introduce Photoshop
and discuss why it is important in our discussion to media and body image.
Attention Grabber:
Review from last day: What is body image and media? Watch Media Consumption: How much is
too much? Discuss how media consumption has negative affects on our critical thinking skills.
How does this affect our body image?
o How many advertisements do we see a day? How many people have purchased a product
after seeing an advertisement?
o How does media consumption affect our thinking process and our ability to critically
assess what we are consuming? Watch Media Consumption video.
o Students will watch the video Body Evolution: Model Before and After where viewers see
first hand just how dramatic the media can manipulate the images we see in the search
for their ideal beauty. Students will be asked to think critically about medias purpose
behind photo editing.
o What is the long term and short term affects of Photoshop? Watch Miss Representation
o Start critically analyzing advertisements in relation to Photoshop and body image. We will
look at a few advertisements together and discuss what we are seeing. What affect does
this have on our idea of beauty?
Student Activity1
o Students will be split into groups and will be given a variety of images (mainly
advertisements) to analyze. Using their findings, they will have to create The Standard of
Beauty that is enforced by media. Ex: They may draw a girl with a tiny waste, large
chest, no acne, etc. and will have to label it and explain why they drew her the way they
o Next to this, students will have to create the average girl/ woman with labels as well.
o As a group students will have to shortly present their findings to the class next day.
o This activity will help them prepare for their final presentations, as they will have to
connect their findings with their own body image.
Videos to Watch
Body Evolution: Model Before and After:
This video fast-forwards through the Photoshop process showing views just how drastic this process
can be.
Media Consumption: How much is too much? :
This video provides the shocking facts of how much media we consume everyday while also
discussing the consequences this has one ones critical thinking and analysis skills.
Miss Representation:
This video is a trailer for a documentary critically analyzing the impact media has on young girls
and women.

What is beauty?
In order for students to have a better understanding of their own body image, it is very
important that they consider what they believe the standard of beauty is, and how
created and reinforces that beauty standard.

Attention Grabber:
To connect with last day, I will present my project of the expectation of beauty with comparison
to real beauty using the example of Barbie. Discuss how this affects our ideal of beauty from
such a young age. How does this affect our body image?

Student Activity:
Students will present to the class their beauty standard vs. real beauty in relation to what
they found.
Continuing on with yesterdays discussion, we will finish up with our topic of magazines and
o Look at magazines negativity towards womens bodies. For example, when they bully stars
who are not wearing make up, have cellulite, or rolls in a bathing suit.
o How does this attribute to the de-humanizing of celebrities? How does this contribute to
the ideal of beauty and normalize the fake?
o To conclude this advertising section, watch 5 Minutes of What Media Actually Does to
o How does the medias attempt to turn women and girls into sexy objects affect your
body image?
Videos to Watch
5 Minutes of What Media Actually Does to Women:

Music & Film Industry

For todays lesson we will be focusing in on TV, movies, and music that is popular at the
moment and discuss what affect it may have on body image. It is important that we look
at things that are popular at the moment to ensure that students find it relevantin the
event that I teach this unit (which I hope I will), I will take a survey to see what songs or
movies students are currently into and we will use that as the subject of our critical

Discussion Questions To Focus On:

o What are the beauty standards being enforced by the music industry?
o In what ways does the music industry affect ones body image?
o In what ways do movies/TV shows affect ones body image?
Songs/TV/Movies: (These are sample topics that I think could be used and are relevant)
o The Hunger Games: Any student who hasnt seen the Hunger Games will be encouraged
to do so before class, and the means to do so will be provided. Watch the trailer. What
kind of message does this movie send too girls? Can you name other movies that host a
strong female character that is not dependent on someone to save her? What is Jenifer
Lawrences body shape like in this movie? Is she healthy? How will this movie influence
girls, especially young girls? Will it help promote a healthy body image or a negative one?
Watch the two Jennifer Lawrence videos. What kind of message does Jennifer Lawrence
send to young girls?
o All About That Bass by Meghan Trainer:
I chose this song because when one does not think critically about the lyrics they think
that it is a positive song about loving about your body. But once you take a critical look at
it, you realize that it is nothing but body shaming, girl hating, and basing ones self
worth on the want of a man. I assume that when girls first start discussing this song that
they will outline the positives, which I hope for, because it will stir more of a debate. We
will watch the music video together and students will get into groups and read the lyrics
and discuss how they feel the song promotes a healthy or unhealthy body image. We will
reconvene as a group and discuss what the groups came up with. If need be I will add
comments to the conversation to ensure the class is thinking critically about the topic.
It is important to discuss here that the message behind the song was supposed to be
positive, but skinny shaming and fat shaming are both BODY SHAMING, which we as a
class are trying to become more aware of.

Lyrics: "All About That Bass"

Because you know
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But I can shake it, shake it
Like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
And all the right junk in all the right places
I see the magazine workin' that Photoshop
We know that shit ain't real
C'mon now, make it stop
If you got beauty, beauty, just raise 'em up
'Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top
Yeah, my mama she told me don't worry about your size
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."
You know I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll
So if that's what you're into then go ahead and move along
Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
I'm bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No, I'm just playing. I know you think you're fat
But I'm here to tell ya
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top
Yeah my mama she told me don't worry about your size
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."
You know I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll
So if that's what you're into then go ahead and move along
Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble

I'm all about that bass

'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
'Bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Hey, hey, ooh
You know you like this bass

Videos to Watch
Hunger Games 1 Trailer:
Calling People Fat Should be Illegal (0:00-2:25):
Jennifer Lawrence Talks Body Image: BBC News:
All About that Bass Music Video:

Media Literacy and BMI

Attention Grabber: What is a healthy body type? Who gets to decide what a healthy body shape
is? What does it mean to be healthy?
o What is body mass index?
o What is a healthy BMI for you?
o What is a healthy body shape?
o What are healthy ways to improve your BMI?
Brainstorm what we believe it means to be healthy. How can you maintain a healthy body?
Next, how can we be informed critical thinkers when looking at media, and how will this
contribute to a healthy or unhealthy body image? How can we analyze, understand, and make
informed decisions as consumers of media?
o What does it mean to be a media literate individual?
o How can you improve your media literacy?
Watch Media Literacy 101.
Frame your mind to start asking questions about what youre consuming.

What is the content of this product?

Is it really selling what its advertising
Who made this
Why did they want me to consume it?

To conclude lesson, give groups time to plan for next day, so that when they come to their work
period they are able to get to work and hopefully get the majority of it done in class.
Videos to Watch:
Media Literacy 101:


Work Period For Students

Show sample projects
Presentation Day
After each presentation we will shortly discuss the groups presentations and fellow peers
will need to provide each presenting groups two positives and a question to further
explore their issue.
Extra Presentation Day (If necessary)


Assignments Overview

Written Portion (Approx. 2-3 pages single spaced):

Students are required to independently answer the big question of to what extent does media
influence ones body image? They will need to reflect on the course and are encouraged to use the
focusing questions as a guide to their writing. Additionally, students will need to reflect on how
media influences their body image specifically, and how critical thinking about their media
consumption will make them more media literate.
Group Presentation:
In groups, students are required to create a final project to present to the class illustrating what
they learned throughout the unit. This can take the form of a movie, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. This
can look at medias influence on body image as a whole, or more specifically, students can look at
a specific media productadvertisement, song, TV show, movie, etc.and present their findings
to the class. Videos should be approximately 3 minutes long, and should conclude with some
sort of short class discussion, and other presentations should range around 5 minutes long and
include some sort of short class discussion. Presentations should include some relevant statistics
from reliable sources, some examples, as well as a short point form list illustrating their thinking
process and how they built their argumentwhat sources did they consider, where were their
first opinions, how did they change, what was their discussions like etc.
Example of A student Assignment:

Assessment Breakdown

Daily Participation:..30%
Standard of Beauty Activity:.15%
Written Portion: 25%
Group Presentation:.30%

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