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Observation Table, Task 1:

Reasons for speaking in the classroom

Class: Grade one

Number of learners: 25

Length of lesson: 1 period


Teacher observed: Miss Shaikha Al

Language Learning Goals: identify the five senses.

Materials used: book and pictures.

Reason for speaking


Learner repeats word(s) after teacher

-(whole class together)
Learner repeats word(s) after teacher
-(group / pair together)
Learner repeats word/phrase after teacher
-(individual )
Learner answers direct question from teacher
Learner answers open question from teacher
Learner asks teacher a question
Learner answers a partner in English
- (pair/ groupwork activity)
Learner answers a partner in Arabic
- (pair/ groupwork activity)




Learner speaks to the teacher informally

- (Add E for English; A for Arabic)

Other reason(s) for speaking




After the Observation

Write your answers in the boxes:

What was the most common reason for speaking?

Learners repeat words after teacher, whole class

What was the least common reason for speaking?

Learner asks teacher a question.

Were there any boxes with no ticks?

Yes, Learner answers a partner in English.

How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using Teacher Talk, in
your opinion?

The teacher used talking most of the time when explaining the lesson, giving
instructions , asking questions and giving feedbacks to students, the percentage of the
teacher talk was around 90%. Also, she gives students chances to say their opinion and
response to the teachers questions, the percentage of students talk was about 10%.

Do you feel it was too much / too little / just the right amount of talk?
Why/Why not?

I believed that the talking was just the right amount. Because teacher gives students
opportunity to express their opinion and answer questions. Moreover, the teacher doesnt
talk all the time, but she talks in the appropriate areas such as, giving instructions,
feedback and introduce the lesson and students need to get that from the teacher.

What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns?

I believed that teacher has to talk, but not all the time. She has to talk in the appropriate
areas such as, introduces the lesson, gives feedbacks and tells the instruction. Also, the
teacher has to give students opportunity to express their opinion, state reasons and
share their ideas.

Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used
Why? / Why not?

I think teacher used Arabic appropriately. Because she used to introduce complex words
when the students misunderstand the meaning of it. Moreover, when students
misunderstand the questions, she gives them a clue in Arabic, and that was good
because it helps students to identify the meaning of the words in English. So, this will
support them to learn second language.

Extra reflection
You do not have to do this activity. However, if you want a higher grade, you must do it. If
you are interested in thinking about this subject more, consider the following reflection.

Choose one of the following:

Why is talk important?

for teachers?
for learners? (Think about the What and How.)

B. Why is it important to think about using English for varied purposes in the
classroom? For example, not just for giving an example, but also for correcting,
for praising, for everyday uses, like asking for help, or asking to borrow

ASome people believed that when a teacher talks is the source for children's
learning. Is that true? Of course not. Giving a chance for children to talk is
great ideas. So, I write about why talking is important for both teacher and
students and the areas for talking.
Why talking is important for teachers?.
Firstly: Explain the lesson.

The teacher has to talk when she explains the lesson because it is new
for children.

Moreover, the teacher has great background about the best ways to
stick the information in children's mind.

In addition, it will make the lesson smooth and successful.

Second: Introduce the instructions.

Teacher use talking to introduce the instructions and it is very

necessary because it provides safety and supportive learning.

If the teacher does not introduce the instruction; it will be messy and
dangerous environment. Moreover, she will waste her time without
purpose and unable to achieve her aims.

Third: Feedbacks

If the teacher doesn't provide children feedbacks who will give them?.
Of course they can't do that by themselves. So, it is important for the
teacher to talk in this area rather than being silent.

Feedbacks will promote academic achievement and build children's


Why talking is important for students?

Talking will give students chances to search and learn through

experiences based on their lives.
Moreover, it allows them to discuss, communicate , explore , discover
concept and express their opinion.

How can a teacher do that?

For example, Teacher gives students opportunity to explain part of the lesson
such as, makes summary at the end of the lesson. This will help students to
enjoy, understand the lesson better and boost their self-esteem. Moreover,
students will construct their ideas and the learning will be both collaborate
between teacher and students.

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