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Observation Task 3: Observing a teacher during a Maths

To observe Maths teaching in action and begin to understand effective strategies
for Math teaching and learning in groups.


You will need a copy of the Observation Table:

Before the Observation

Arrange to observe a lesson that focuses on Maths and discuss the lesson
with the teacher beforehand so you can know the Objectives and the
lesson development.
Ask the teacher what strategies she will use to help her deliver the lesson.


Able to count the and compare between numbers

Identify whatever the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or
equal to the number of objects in another group.

Song about the numbers.
Story telling about the numbers
Two activities:
1- Count the number of the cubes and write it on the paper.
2- Compare between the numbers and said who is greater than, less than
and equal to.

Model for students while teaching and introduce the activity.

Complete the book.

During the Observation

Complete the Table and make notes in the appropriate column on:

How the teacher engages students

How the concept is presented

How much of the lesson is teacher talking time

How much group work is used
What manipulatives were used and their purpose

Title of Math Lesson : count and compare between the numbers.


Grade: one

Able to count the and compare between numbers

Identify whatever the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the

Template For Task 3 Observing a Maths Lesson




Teacher (activity and actual

Student (activity and actual

language used)

language used)

Count the

1-The teacher told the

Lets count how many cubes

Students said the answers to the

number of the


instructions and they

and then write the number on

teacher such as, the number is

cubes and write it

did the activity.

the paper.

five, four and two.

on the paper.

2-After finishing the

Cubes and real objects

activity they answer .

So, the talking was
between teacher and


1-The teacher asked

1-Match the equal number of

Students repeated the words

between the


students to compare


such as ,

numbers and said

between the objects

2-Who is greater than(4 or 5)?.

1-Number 5 is greater than 4.

who is greater

or cubes.

2-The number of the apples is

than, less than

2-The students

same and equal.

and equal to.

compared and tell the

3-Number one is less than 2.

teacher the answers.

So, the talking was
between teacher and

Cubes and real objects

After the Observation:


What was the objective of the lesson?

Count the and compare between numbers

Identify whatever the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or
equal to the number of objects in another group.

Was the objective achieved?

How was the concept introduced?
She made revision about the previous lesson
Turned on the song and sung together.
Moreover, she told them story and linked it with their life.
How much teaching was done in L1?

All the time.

5 Why do you think the teachers used L1?
Because the curriculum changed.
6 Did the teacher use manipulatives? What were the purpose of these?
Yes, she used them to count the number of cubes. Moreover, she used them to compare
between the numbers. (greater than, less than and equal to)

Were there any other resources/materials used to deliver the lesson?

Give each group different objects to count and compare such as, apple, scissors, cats and

What strategies/method did she use to teach the concept?

Group work activities when they count and compare between the objects.
Open the book to complete the task.
Model the answers by writing on the board.
9 Did teacher do whole-class teaching or group work?
She did both, whole class teaching and group work.
10 When did she work with the whole class? Why?
She did that when they open their books because it is the best way to deliver the knowledge
instead of group activities. Moreover, it will be helpful to achieve the learning outcomes easily.
Finally, by using this way she could notice the students progress and if they follow her or not.

11 How much of the lesson were the students using the book?
Most of the time.
Reflect on students learning Math in English and the teacher teaching in English.

Teaching and learning math in English has some advantages and some
disadvantages. There are many advantages for students to learn math in
English and teacher teaching in English. First of all, it has a part to help
students to learn English. Moreover, they will learn more vocabulary words
such as, round, area, perimeter and they can use it in their life. Whereas,
there some disadvantages of learning and teaching ,math in English. Firstly,
it will be hard for them to understand. Moreover, it needs a lot of efforts from
a teacher to be able to deliver the concept for children. I believed that
integrating Arabic and English while teaching math is the best way because
students will understand that quickly and they will gain more vocabulary
words in English. Finally, their English will be improved.

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