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Stephanie Faustino
Component 3 Lesson Plan
ECI 535
Medaille College
Dr. Kelly Ahuna
August 11, 2015


Medaille College
School of Education
I. Lesson Data
A. Candidates Name:

Stephanie Faustino

B. Subject/Content Area: English Language Arts

C. Grade Level: Grade 6
D: Unit Topic: Homelessness
E. Lesson Topic: Persuasive/Reflective Writing
F. Duration of Lesson: 1 - 2 hours
G. Materials: paper, pencil, eraser and pen, whiteboard, whiteboard eraser and markers,
II. Instructional Process
1. Ontario Standards:
A. By the end of Grade 6, students will:
1. generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose
and audience;
2. draft and revise their writing,
Developing Ideas
1.2 generate ideas about a potential topic
and identify those most appropriate for the purpose

2. New York State Common Core Learning Standard:

Standard Strand: Writing Standards 6-12
Grade: 6
Topic Strand: Text Types and Purposes
Item Number and Statement: 1. Write arguments to support claims with clear and
relevant evidence. C) Use words, phrases and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s)


and reasons.

B. Central Focus:
Students will be able to relate to those who are less fortunate. Students will examine their
thoughts and feelings about poverty and homelessness.
C. Objectives: The students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of one's
responsibility to provide for the common good by appropriately responding to the needs of
others, particularly those who are experiencing hunger, poverty, or homelessness in their
community by successfully completing a persuasive piece in which they will hand in.
Students will develop a deeper understanding of the daily challenges faced by those living
in poverty or are homeless. Students will imagine themselves without a home and begin to
what the immediate and long term needs of the homeless.
D. Assessment Plan: Upon completion of their persuasive piece the teacher will grade them
based on the instructions provided. I will be formatively assessing the students through
class discussions. I will be assessing the students on how they can reflect in a situational
experience outside of their comfort zone.
E. Anticipatory Set:
1) Teacher Talk: As we have been discussing this week, homelessness, let us review what
we have already learned. Who can tell me what homelessness is?
2) Student Talk: Someone who doesnt have a house or a place to live
3) Teacher Talk: What causes someone to be homeless?
4) Student Talk: No job, no family, illness/mental disease
5) Teacher Talk: Student you have come up with great answers. Today we will be taking a
closer look at what it would feel and be like to be homeless.
F. Main Body
1) Teacher Talk: I would like you to imagine that you and your family were told that you
have 30 minutes to give up your home. You can only take whatever you can fit in a


backpack. What things would you take with you? What things would be hard to leave
behind? Why?
2) Teacher will have students brainstorm some items they would take and some they would
leave behind.
3) Teacher will write student responses on white board
4) Teacher Talk: Ok boys and girls you have given me great answers. Please take out a
piece of paper and your pencil. We are going to begin writing our rough draft using
either some of the items we came up with as a class or tailor it to your individual ideas.
I would like you to not only write down what you would take or leave behind, but
explain to me why. It should be at least one page in length. After you are done the
rough draft raise your hand and together we can edit your paper before moving on to
your good copy in which when completed will be handed in for marking. Are there any
5) Teacher writes the instructions on the whiteboard.
6) Allow students 30 minutes to complete the activity.
7) As the students are working on their paper the teacher will walk around the room
observing, asking questions and assisting students who may need further clarification.
For those students who finish early they may either read a book or complete unfinished
8) Those students who arent finished may take it home and hand it in tomorrow.
9) Teacher asks the students to sit on the carpet.
10) Teacher Talk: Ok boys and girls. I am going to split you into groups of 3. For the next
45 minutes we are going to go on a little excursion around the school grounds. You are
going to go around the school grounds and explore the most suitable areas to sleep.
When we get back I would like you and your group members to write down and
describe why you thought these areas would be suitable. You will need paper, pen/pencil
and a clipboard that are on the table at the back. I would like you to be respectful of
your group members opinions. Are there any questions?
11) Groups walk around the school grounds and explore the most suitable areas to sleep.
12) Allow 45 minutes for students to complete activity.
13) Gather students and take them back to class
14) Ask the students to go sit on the carpet.
15) Teacher Talk: So boys and girls, what did you and your group members think were the
most suitable places to sleep on the school grounds?
16) Teacher writes students responses on the whiteboard
17) Teacher Talk: Where you sheltered from the weather? (Rain, Cold, etc).
18) Teacher writes student responses on the whiteboard.


19) Teacher Talk: Were some of the areas unsafe? How would you feel if these were some
of the places in which they had to sleep
20) Teacher writes students responses on the whiteboard.
G. Closure:
1) Ask students to tell the class what they found hard to leave behind.
2) Teacher Talk: So class, today we have been discussing and writing about how
privileged we are to have a good living environment. It is hard to give things up isnt
it? These are some of the things that we take for granted. Can you see how easily we
take for granted the comforts and safety of our homes, our immediate access to food,
bathroom and a bed? Tomorrow we will be volunteering at a soup kitchen where you
will gain an understanding of how certain individuals that are not privileged by having a
stable house survive. It is great to help those in need.

lll Reflection:
1. Culturally Responsive Teaching:
Students will be respectful of their partners work when they are working in groups and during
class discussion regardless of their differences in race, gender, socio-economic status, religion,
language or sexual orientation.
2. Accommodations: This lesson uses a variety of delivery methods to accommodate different
learning styles. The lesson includes oral communication, discussions, group work and visuals
(using the white board as visual) to accommodate ELL learners and those who need extra
3. Prerequisite Skills:
In order to be successful in this lesson, students need to know proper sentence structure,
grammar and spelling and they need to know how to formulate and organize their ideas.
4. Anticipated Misconceptions:
Students may not correctly write their reflection/persuasive piece properly, leading to a poor
grade because they were not able to accurately express their comprehension of the task at hand.


In order to overcome the misconception, the teacher will be formatively assessing students by
walking around the classroom and checking for students understanding.
5. Academic Language:
Academic language used within the lesson are: Homelessness, Poverty, and Privilege.

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