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Hamilton Girls high School

Activity: Aquatics - Freestyle
Date: 23/3/2015



Observer: Lynaire Williams

Learning Objectives:

Introduce the freestyle technique and skills associated with this i.e.; breathing
and kicking
Implement swimming equipment to aid freestyle technique

Links to Curriculum:
B1 Movement skill
Key competencies:
Relating to others/participation and contributing.
Key focus for observer:

Are the learning objectives linked to the lesson activities?

Students are to understand the fundamentals a transitions in triathlon


Resources/Equipment used (including ICT/BYOD):

Swimming Belts
Flutter Boards

Literacy, how I will include/promote it within the lesson:

Implementing the correct use of language and terminology eg; high elbow,
catch and pull and ensure the students understand these terms.

Learning Outcomes: (by the end of the lesson students will be able to.)
All: Students will be able to implement an aspect of the freestyle technique in a
stationary way with assistance
Most: Students will be able to implement the freestyle technique with the use of
floatation equipment
Some: Students will be able to implement the correct freestyle technique with no
floatation equipment.



Activity & Strategies

Teaching/Coaching Points

Beginning of lesson:

Get students changed and meet in the small

(quick chat about PE gear as they have
slackened off)



Students seated in
the gym.

Students enter the pool and head

down to the shallow end.

Meet students
down at the pool
under the tree.

Students to identify that there are

aspects of floating and treading
water that can be identified in
swimming techniques e.g.;
cupping water, catching and
pulling water

Girls to work in
groups or

Ensure that their partner is kicking

from the hips and not making too
much whitewash (Why might
this be?)

Students working
in pairs along the
side of the pool

A brief introduction on what the lesson

objectives are and explain how the lesson will
be structured;

Warm Up:

Get students into swimming groups.

2 min of treading water and floating
(Students to identify what key factors are
involved with this activity that might
contribute to an effective freestyle

Activity 1:

Lining up along the side of the pool students to

practice kicking individually.
Following this the partner can now watch their
partner perform the skill and offer
feedback/feed forward.


Students now swim to the other side of the

pool and back with a floatation device with a
focus on kicking. (partner watches and
again offers feedback/feed forward)

Against the wall students practice breathing.

Students now swim to the other side of the

pool and back with a floatation device
implementing the kicking and breathing.
(Partner watches and again offers
feedback/feed forward).

Ensure that their mouth and face

are in the water and that they
rotate their head out of the water
to take a breath. If students are
not comfortable putting face in the
water then allow them to just
submerge their mouth.

Make sure that the students are

using a high elbow and entering
their arm through the same hole in
the water. If students are not
comfortable implementing all 3
aspects allow them to focus only
on arm movement and kicking
here. Students that need
extension can swim without
floatation device and optional
tumble turn.

Low level ability swimmers to be in

Arm movement:

Using the floatation device students to

alternate arms swimming across the pool and

Extension: Students can swim without the

floatation device if they feel comfortable and
swim 4 lengths of the pool and optional tumble

Activity 2:

Swim to the other

side of the pool
and back

In ability groups students perform a relay that

allows them to utilize the freestyle swimming
technique to find the equipment.

Extension: high ability swimmers find

equipment on the bottom of the pool.


Find their original group and discuss in 60

seconds the key points of the lesson. Report
back to the class.

Pick up equipment and return to changing room


the shallow end and find

equipment on top of the water.
Allow floatation devices.
High ability swimmers to go in the
deeper end and find equipment on
the bottom of the pool.

Students in groups

Along the edge of

the pool

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