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Rights And Duties Of Seller and Buyer

Transfer of Property Act 1882

Prepaired by:

Prabhdeep Singh Grewal

Law Student 4th Sem
Roll no- 14/08

I take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to each and

every person who has directly or indirect helped me through this

project. My experience has been fulfilling and rewarding. I also

extend our sincere thanks to Mrs.Vandna Bhanot, Faculty, University

Institute Of Law , Ludhiana for giving us the opportunity to work on

this topic and carry out our project work. It is our pleasure to express

our sincere gratitude for her continuous support and guidance which

helped us in accomplishing this project successfully. We thank her

for providing her invaluable time, support, and co-operation to

complete the project work.


The rights and duties of seller and buyer are subject to the
contract. In the absence of any contract to the contrary, the
rights and duties of seller and buyer are governed by section 55,
Transfer of Property Act. The rights and duties of seller and
buyer under the provisions of section 55 of Transfer of Property
Act are as under:

Seller’s Duties
* Before sale
To disclose material defects in the property or title

To produce the title-deeds for inspection

To answer relevant questions as to title

To execute conveyance

To take care of the property and title deeds

To pay the outgoings

* After sale
To give possession to the buyer

To covenant for title

To deliver title deeds on receipt of the price

Seller’s Rights

* Before sale

Entitled to all rents, profits or other benefits

After sale

Charge on property

* Buyer’s Duties
Before Sale

To disclose facts which materially increases the value of property?

To pay the price

After sale

To bear the loss to the property

To pay the outgoings

* Buyer’s Rights
Before Sale

Chare on property for price paid

After sale

Entitled to all benefits


(i) To disclose any material defect- The seller is bound to disclose to the buyer any

material defect in the property or in the seller’s title thereto of which the seller is and the

buyer is not aware, and which the buyer could not with ordinary care discover. A latent

defect is a defect, which cannot be discovered by the buyer with ordinary diligence.

(ii) To produce documents of title- The seller is bound to produce to the buyer on his

request for examination all documents of title relating to the property which are in the

seller’s possession or power.

(iii) To answer question about the property or the title thereto- The seller is bound to

answer to the best of his information all relevant questions put to him by the buyer in

respect to the property or the title thereto.

(iv) To execute conveyance- The seller is bound on payment or tender of the amount due

in respect of the price, to execute a proper conveyance of the property, when the buyer

tenders it to him for execution at a proper time and place. The seller is bound to execute

conveyance on the payment of price by the buyer.

(v) To take care of the property and title documents- The vendor is bound between the

date of the contract of sale and the delivery of the property, to take as much care of the

property and all documents of title relating thereto, which are in his possession as an

owner of ordinary prudence would take of such property and documents.

(vi) To pay outgoings - The seller is bound to pay all public charges and rent accrued due

in respect of the property upto the date of the sale, the interest on all encumbrances on

such property due on such date, and, except where the property is sold subject to

encumbrances to discharge all encumbrances on the property then existing.


(i) To deliver possession of the property - The seller is bound to give, on being so

required, the buyer or such person as he directs, such possession of the property as its

nature admits.

(ii) Implied covenant for title - The seller shall be deemed to contract with the buyer that

the interest which the seller professes to transfer to the buyer subsists and that he has

power to transfer the same.

(iii) To deliver title deeds on receipt of consideration- Where the whole of the purchase

money has been paid to the seller, he is bound to deliver to the buyer all documents of

title relating to the property which are in the seller’s possession or power;

To take rents and profits - The seller is entitled to the rents and profits of the property till

the ownership thereof passes to the buyer.


(i) To disclose fact which materially increases the value of property-The buyer is bound to

disclose to the seller any fact as to the nature or extent of the seller’s interest in the

property of which the buyer is aware, but of which he has reason to believe that the seller

is not aware, and which materially increases the value of such interest.

(ii) To pay price for the property- The buyer is bound to pay or tender, at the time and

place of completing the sale, the purchase money to the seller or such person as he

directs; provided that, where the property is sold free from encumbrances, the buyer may

retain, out of the purchase money, the amount of any encumbrances on the property

existing at the date of the sale and shall pay the amount so retained to the persons entitled


(iii) To bear loss to the property- The buyer is bound to bear any loss arising from the

destruction, injury or decrease in value of the property not caused by the seller where the

ownership of the property has passed to the buyer.

(iv) To pay public charges and rents- Where the ownership of the property has passed to

the buyer, as between himself and the seller, the buyer is bound to pay all public charges

and rent which may become payable in respect of the property, the principal moneys due

on any encumbrances subject to which the property is sold, and the interest thereon

afterwards accruing due.

In spite of all these laws and rules, unfortunate and unexpected events

happening cannot be ruled out. Buyer and seller meet with different

assumptions and expectations. Sometime, the true facts are hidden for

monetary gain. Because of these, problems arise, which sows the seeds of

ill feeling among the seller and the buyer.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is essential that the parties through

their learned and experienced advocates scrutinize all aspects of the

transaction to their mutual satisfaction. After, finalizing the price,

identification of the specific property to be transferred and other terms and

conditions, an Agreement for sale, is signed by the parties, which has a

vital role to play in deciding the rights and liabilities of the parties.

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