Twinning 1

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The usual mechanism of plastic deformation Slip

The second important mechanism of plastic deformation Twinning
In twinning a part of crystal takes an orientation different but related
to the original structure.
The plane of symmetry between un-twinned and twinned portion is
twinning plane.
Under the effect of shear stress a part of crystal twin about the
twinning plane


Classical picture of TWINNING

The twinned portion appears as mirror image of the original crystal

If deformation is uniform in nature, the sheared distance (displacement) is
proportional to its distance from twin plane.

Deformation & Growth Twinning

Twinning may form in the crystal during deformation or crystal growth
Growth twins- Grow in a crystal when growing from a vapour/ liquid/ solid
Deformation twins- Deformation induced
Two fundamental properties of Twinning:
The deformation is pure shear
The twin transformation must preserve the lattice stucture

Twinning can also be classified

Mechanical twins- Generally produced in bcc and hcp crystal under shock loading and
low temperature. fcc crystals only at very low temperature (say 4K)

In iron narrow band called Neumman band, In hcp lens shaped

Annealing twins- Deformation followed by annealing. Broad with straight sides . These
twins nucleate during plastic deformation as stacking fault which subsequently grow.

Slip vs Twin

Orientation of crystals
Atomic displacement
Planes and crystallographic system involved
Duration of processes
Appearance on stress-strain diagrams
Effect of temperature

Twinning, not a dominating mechanism

Twinning not a dominating mechanism of deformation in many metals with large
no of slip systems.
Twinning stresses usually higher than slipping stresses
Several factor determine the occurrence of twinning mechanism. Twinning
when yield stress is higher
Slip systems are limited
Crystal not preferably oriented
Slip systems are restricted and CRSS enhanced; low temperature, shock
Main faction of twinning is to favorably orient crystal for further deformation by


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