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Shared Reading Lesson Plan Format

Your Name: Cassie Mayer

School: Cox Elementary School

Date of Lesson: October 14,

Grade Level: Third

Master Teacher: Christine Carrasco

Title of Text Used for This Assignment: Beware of Storybook
Wolves by Lauren Child
Lesson was reviewed with MT


1) CCSS: ELA.RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text,

referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
ELA.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations and the words in a text to demonstrate
understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur)..
2) Objectives: Students will ask and answer questions that demonstrate
understanding, and determine the main idea of a text with textual support
during and after second reading of text. Students will be able to answer
the questions, when, what, why, and how to demonstrate understanding
using a graphic organizer.
3) Tools/Resources/Supplies: Beware of the Storybook Wolves by
Lauren Child
4) Assessment Activity: After completing the shared reading, students will
use a graphic organizer to answer the questions what, when, why, and
how? of the story.
5) Plans to differentiate: (give a brief explanation for each area
separately): [TPE 6, 7, 8, 12]
ELs: For my English Language Learners I will slow down my pace, and
clarify idioms that are used throughout this story, such as, you dozy
doormats means that they are easily taken advantage of. For the
activity I will also give them the option of drawing their answer if they
can explain what they drew.
Students with special needs: There are a few students with special
needs, I plan to differentiate my lesson by letting them work in groups
on the activity, as well as clarifying the main ideas throughout the
book to help guide their focus.
GATE: For advanced students I will have them work independently,
and instruct them to write complete sentences. I will also give them an
opportunity to create a bonus question. A bonus question is a question
that they invent based off the text, and which they also can answer.
6) Summary : I will introduce the story, Beware of the Storybook Wolves,
by Lauren Child and give a quick overview about what the story says. The

story will be projected using the document camera. I will then inform the
students that I want them to focus on the characters and the events that
take place as I read the story. After our first read through I will then inform
them that we will now read the story again, but I want them to focus more
closely on the details and invite them to read with me if they choose or
when I pause. Throughout this read through I will stop to ask questions
about what is going on, how the pictures help us, and higher thinking
questions about what they would do if they were in the story. My goal is to
get the students to focus on main ideas and the characters that guide the
Lastly we will do a quick assessment using a graphic organizer. I will let
the students work quietly at their tables to answer the questions: Who is
the story about? What was the problem? When did the story take
place? Why did things turn out this way? and How was the problem
solved? I will first give them the opportunity to discuss each answer with
their table, and inform them they can collaborate with their elbow buddy
if they become stuck.
7) Procedures (list possible questions for each section, provide all the
information necessary for another teacher to duplicate your lesson.) [TPEs
2, 3, 5, 6, 11]
A. Enjoy the Experience (Introducing the Text) [TPE 4, 5, 6, 7,
Title: Beware of the Storybook Wolves
Author and Illustrator: Lauren Child
Questions: What do you think the story may be about?
Who may be the main characters?
Introduction: Good afternoon, this is a story about fairytales,
specifically about the wolves in fairytales. Do you know any other
examples of a fairytale? I will pause and call on students with
their hands raised. I will then introduce the title, author, and
illustrator and ask questions to help guide student focus and
make predictions. I want my students to really enjoy the story
but I want them to also focus on the main characters and the
events that take place.
Read the book aloud. At the first reading, the pace should be
lively with few stops. Participation and prediction should be
encouraged, but not to the detriment of the story line.
B. Talk about the Experience (Responding to the Text) [TPE 1,
2, 6, 7, 10, 11]
I will next inform the students that we will be reading the story
again, but this time I will be asking questions and inviting them
to read parts of the story with me. I will focus on key details,

Idioms used that may be confusing, and on the illustrations and

what they tell us about the story.
Questions and guidance I will ask:
Pg. 1 and 2 What do you notice about these two pages?
What are their difference?
Pg. 1 What does a sticky end mean?
What does the back of this book look like?
Whose eyes do we see on page 4 and five?
What do we notice about the text style as different
characters speak?
What does whirling like a frantic thing mean?
Who does Princess Beautiful remind you of from a
different fairytale?
What does doormats mean in this sentence?
How can we tell the wolves are embarrassed
How did the story about Cinderella change?
What does the word engrossed mean?
The story says, quick as a quick thing? what would you
write to describe something quick if you were the author?
What was the heaviest thing he could find?
What would you have done differently than Herb?
How would you feel if the books you read came to life?
Who agrees, who disagrees and why?
C. Remember the Experience (Extending the Text) [TPE 5, 6,
7, 10, 11]
Colored construction paper
Okay, I now want you to move back to your seats, but before
you do I want you to listen carefully to your expectations. The
expectations for you now is to move quietly to your seats, grab a
pencil, and a colored sheet of paper that is at your desks. In the
top right hand corner I want you to write your name.
I will model what I want them to do on my own construction
paper using the Elmo. Once the students are situated I will have
them fold their paper into thirds and instruct them to unfold the
paper. They should have six sections total front and back. In the
first box under where you wrote your name, I would like you to

write the title of the book and the author. I will then show the
students the book cover to they can refer to the book. In the
remaining boxes, I want you to write the words Who, What,
When, Why, and How and leave space to write in the boxes. I
will then review the questions: Who is the story about? What
was the problem? When did the story take place? Why did
things turn out this way? and How was the problem solved?
with their table and then as a group. I will have the students then
individually write or draw the answers to these questions in the
box provided. I will leave the questions up on the board as I walk
around and monitor my students, and provide aid as needed.

Cassie Mayer
October 26, 2015

Observation/Reflection Form
Multiple and Single Subject Candidates
(Note: This is an expanded version of the same form with documents in the folder for
the MT.)
Teacher Candidate Cassie Mayer Date October 21, 2015 Subject Reading Grade Third Grade
CCSS(s):ELA.RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring
explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
ELA.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations and the words in a text to demonstrate
understanding of the text.
TPE 1: Model of Teaching or Instructional Strategy ________ Integration with other subjects
Observer of Lesson (circle one):

master teacher

peer colleague


1. Open-ended observation - (A minimum one page dialogue with discussion/insights

Indicate which section of the lesson being discussed- beginning, middle or end-)
Teacher: Have you ever heard of fairytales?

Students: Yes
Teacher: What is a Fairytale?
Student: A make believe story
Student: Fiction
Teacher: What makes a fairytale fiction?
Student: There is sometimes magic in the story.
Student: Animals talk to each other.
Student: Once upon a time, there were two pigs and they were talking to each other.
*This was my favorite discussion with the kids, I left out more examples that students gave me.
But they were all building off one another to define fairytales and what they entail, till a couple
tried to tell a fairytale of their own.
2. Insights:
I felt my story may have been too long, as the students became fidgety. I taught my lesson twice
with two different classes, the recording is of my master teachers class. Because of this the
second time I read I was able to have the students move seats between readings, making the
second reading smoother. My students did a great job using the graphic organizer and answering
the questions, who, what, when, where, and how. They worked well together, and I was able to
model using the ELMO, what my students were doing so they understand what and how to write.
This accommodation was more obvious in my second time teaching the lesson. One thing I
would change, would be having my students write on colored paper since it is hard to read. Over
all I thought I had great interactions with the students. I could work on my classroom
management to gain my students attention and keep them on task.

3. Does candidate communicate instructional objective to students? Yes X No__ What is it?
(TPE 1)
Students will ask and answer questions that demonstrate understanding, and determine the main
idea of a text with textual support during and after second reading of text. Students will be able
to answer the questions, when, what, why, and how to demonstrate understanding using a graphic
I didnt state the objective till before the second reading, then again before demonstrating their
understanding a graphic organizer.

4. Does candidate have a performance task/assessment tied to the learning objective by

which to measure students progress toward achieving standard? If results of students
work are known, how well did students achieve understanding of the content standard?
(TPE 3) (Attach, label and discuss each example of student work. For a whole class
approx. 5-6 examples. )
5. Does candidate explain content clearly? Describe how candidate reinforced content, such
as the use of written and oral presentation, manipulatives, physical models, diagrams,
visual and performing arts, non-verbal communication, or technology. (TPE 4)
Because I was able to do my lesson twice, my second reading I feel I was better at explaining
content clearly, modeling writing, and discussions with my students. I used the document camera
throughout the entire lesson as a reference for my students.

6. Does the candidate ensure student engagement by making instruction relevant and
extending students thinking with stimulating and challenging questions, projects,
discussions, debates, or investigations? How so, or how might this be improved? (TPE 5)
I feel that I ensure student engagement by using classroom discussion. I could have improved
this by using the popsicle stick method my teachers have implemented in their classroom to
ensure a more diverse group of students participated. I feel that I used stimulating questions
between readings when we discussed Fairytales. I do wish that I extended their thinking through
real life application. I didnt realize how fast time goes by or that my lesson would use all
allotted time so I felt nervous and rushed a bit at the end. If I had more time I would have given
my students and opportunity to extend their thinking and have them write about what they would
do if they were in the story.

7. Is the candidates lesson and instructional activity challenging, yet developmentally

appropriate, for students grade and skill levels? How so or how might it be improved?
(TPEs 6 and 8)
By using the standards to frame my lesson, also by watching previous lessons in this classroom I
was able to construct my activity to be developmentally appropriate and challenging for most of
my students. I could have improved by accommodating my advance learners as they often
moved faster than my other students and ended up talking about non related topics.

8. Did the candidate make adjustments in the lesson for English learners? (TPE 7) How?
(Explain aspects of the lesson which support English learners.)

Through modeling on the document camera what we were supposed to be doing I accommodated
ELs. Also I monitored the classroom by walking around, checking individual work that way I
was able to support all my learners where they were at. My one EL that struggles the most with
English, speaks French and very little English. He has a classroom partner that helps him by
rereading questions to him at his pace and by working in groups of other students.
9. Do students have adequate time to practice and apply what they learned? Describe
candidates use of instructional time (pacing and carrying out procedural tasks and
transitions). (TPE 10)
I feel my students had adequate time to practice and apply what they learned through our
activity. The entire time was used for class discussion and answering our questions.
10. Describe how candidate monitored student learning during instruction. (TPE 2)
I monitored student learning by asking key questions before during and after the second reading
as well as during our activity. I also monitored learning by moving around the classroom
checking individual student work. I monitored student work through their writing using the
graphic organizer, and using the agree or disagree method, where students could respectfully
give their answers and then argue their perspective, especially if another student disagrees.
11. Describe candidates maintenance of student discipline through classroom management
and leadership for the successful delivery of the lesson. (TPE 11)
I feel that I had could maintenance of discipline, though my students were very well behaved
during my lesson. My students did have some chatty moments but they brought it back in very
quickly, once I directed their focus.
12. Does the candidate provide evidence of high quality instructional planning (e.g., written
lesson plan; standards-based objectives; assessment plan)? (TPE 9) (Submit the draft of the
lesson plan with Prof. initials and revised/adjusted lesson plan, if the lesson had to be revised.)

13. How will you use what you learned from this lesson experience to plan for future
(TPE 13) (There should be a link between this comment and your next lesson.)
I will be more animated in future lessons. I will also plan for the specific time allotted to me so I
dont feel rushed. I was very nervous when doing my lesson, especially when the principle came
into my classroom. Both my master teacher and the principle were very supportive. Hopefully
next time I will be more confident since everyone observing me is there to support and
encourage me. Somethings I hope to bring into my next lesson will be to really emphasize the

learning objective more, also to explain why what we were doing was important to their lives,
not just to the classroom.

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