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Jenny Kouri

May 12, 2015

Clinical Practicum II
Professional Service Project
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) is a scientific, educational,
and professional nonprofit organization devoted to the discipline of physics in medicine and
applications in biology. The AAPM is divided into 21 regional chapters. Chapters provide
unique opportunities for informal but direct contact with other medical physicists. The North
Central Chapter (NCC) of the AAPM includes the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota,
and South Dakota. The NCCAAPM chapter meets biannually, once in the spring and once in the
I had the opportunity to volunteer at the spring 2015 NCC meeting in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Prior to the meetings festivities, I registered, checked-in, and gave out nametags to
the attendees, the physicists and the vendors. During the business meeting I took minute notes,
which were then sent to all the members of the NCC. The minute notes consisted of a review of
the Autumn 2014 meeting, old business, a report provided by the treasurer, an audit committee
report, an AAPM board representative report, and new business involving election results of the
presidential campaign.
Throughout the day, physicists and resident students gave presentations. I was able to
listen to the presentations. In fact, the senior medical physicist who I have had the privilege to
work along side during my clinical rotation gave a presentation during the chapter meeting. Dr.
Lihong Qin confidently presented Measurement-based MU check tool for lung SBRT. During this
presentation, she discussed her cork phantom to represent lung density. A week prior to her
presentation, she took me down to the workshop where her phantom was made. She did such a
great job during her presentation!
I found this opportunity to very beneficial and enlightening from a students point of
view. In the medical field, it is important for collaboration and communication between peers in
order to assess, grow, and advance in technologies and techniques. In a team-like fashion,
concerns were voiced and helpful suggestions were offered during the meeting. I was able to
appreciate these interactions between the members. I highly recommend for more students to
attend chapter meetings to ally with the physics side of dosimetry.

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