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The and a, an: definite and indefinite articles

Complete the sentence using a, an, the.

1.Shes got ___ girl and __ boy. ___girls ten and __ boys eight.
2. I liked ___ book but I didnt like __ cassette very much.
3.Theres ___ doctor and ___ nurse in __ village but __ doctors getting rather old now.
4.He said he was___ employee of __ electricity company and had some to read __ meter.
5. He switched on __ Torch, read ___ meter and wrote __Reading down on ___ back of ___ envelope.
6.Is there __ bank near here?
7. To prevent ___ possible repetition of the accident, I lent him__ torch.
8.___ child needs love.
9.please give me one and__ half kilos ___ apple.
10.My wife was in __ kitchen
11. Please pass __ salt
12.I like to read____ Times of india.
13.I bought __ new toothbrush this morning and I cant find it. I am sure I put it in ___ bathroom.
14.Mr.Gupta was holding __ lighted match at ___ time of ___ short circuit.
15.what ___ pretty girl?
16.Thats __ lie , such __long queue.
17.You can have ____apple or ___ orange. ___ apples are nice and sweet.
18.Theyve got ___ dog and ___ cat,___ rabbit and some goldfish but the children like __ dog best.
19.____Moon moves slowly round ___ earth.
20.____sky is very grey.

1.a,a,the,the 2.the,the3.a,a,the,the,the,the. 5.the,the,the,the,an, 6.a 7.a,a. 8.a 9.a,an 10.the 11.the
12.the, 13a,the,14.a,the,the15.a16.a,a17,an,an,the18a,a,a,the.19.the ,the20.the

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