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Tutor Notes

Test 2
Multiple Choice & Standard Format

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Write your answers on the horizontal line(s) within each question or by circling the letter corresponding
to your choice as appropriate. Please use an HB pencil.

If you need to change your answer, rub out the incorrect answer and then fill in the correct answer.

You may prefer to work out your answers on the question sheet or you can use rough paper for that

You have 50 minutes to complete the test.

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1. Complete the sequence:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 ??

6. The triangle ABC lies within a rectangle as shown

below. What is the size of the angle indicated by
the question mark?

2. What is the ratio of 12 years to a century?

Express your answer in the lowest form.

3. The junior school students have planted some

trees - year 4 have planted 4 saplings each, year
5 planted 5 and year 6 planted 6. If a total of 200
trees have been planted by years 4 and 5 and
the total number of trees planted is 386, how
many children are there in year 6?

4. This is a table showing the layout of the car

parks at the Town Centre:

Cinema car park

Cafeteria car park
Sports centre car park
Stadium car park
Supermarket car park

9 rows of 25 cars
4 rows of 18 cars
6 rows of 20 cars
12 rows of 13 cars
7 rows of 32 cars

Which two car parks can hold roughly the same

number of cars?

7. Tia has 7 coins - she only has 10p, 5p and 1p

coins. If she has the same number of 10p and 1p
coins and only one 5p coin, how much money
does she have in total?

8. Alex has a case of pencils. He has 5 red, 17

green, 2 purple, 10 blue, 5 yellow, 7 pink, and 14
orange. If he picks a pencil at random, what is
the probability of not picking a red? Please give
your answer as a fraction in the simplest form.

9. What do I get if I divide 900 by 0.01?

a. 9 b. 9,000 c. 90,000 d. 9.01 e. 90

10. Complete the series:

5. Circle the letters that have 2 lines of symmetry.

180 179 175 166 150 ?

11. In an hour a bakery makes 35,000 buns and

packs them into packets of 20. The packets are
then put into crates. There are 250 packets in
each crate. How many crates of buns does the
bakery produce in an hour?

12. The diagram below shows the distribution of

animals on a remote island. Calculate the total
number of animals, based on the legend below.

15. As part of its tenth anniversary, the local

supermarket offered 10% off any item priced
over 10. Bradley bought the items listed below
a week earlier. What would the bill have been if
he had shopped during the anniversary event?


16. Stephanie has 30 sacks, each containing 75

carrots. If Linda takes 7 sacks and Robert takes
2, how many carrots is Stephanie left with?

17. Sorayas handwriting is awful and 2 of the

figures in this addition were illegible but the
answer could be read. What were the two
numbers which she added up to give 853?
37? + 4?8 = 853

13. A box of 60 sweets contains twice as many

Fluffy Fudges as Tickly Toffees. There are three
times as many Tickly Toffees as there are
Strawberry Splashes. There are only fudges,
toffees and strawberry sweets.
How many Fluffy Fudges does the box have?

18. Each column of beads in the abacus below

represents part of a number. The column on
the right represents the units, the next column
represents tens and so on. What number is
represented by the abacus?

14. What do we call a two dimensional pattern that

can be folded to make a 3 dimensional object?

19. If 258 x 998 = 251496, what is 2.58 x 99.8?

20. Which is the smallest of these numbers?

a. 9 0.1

b. 90 10

d. 9 x 0.01

24. The prices for entry to the Jigsaw museum are

shown below:

c. 900 1000

e. 100 x 0.009

21. The table below shows distance in km between

different cities:










23. What are the 3 largest factors of 40?





Family Ticket
(2 Adults + 2 Children)


Mr and Mrs Jones with their two children are

going to visit the museum. Help Mr Jones to
work outhow much he can save by buying a
family ticket.



Abi is paying a surprise visit to all the shops in

his chain of sweet shops. He starts his journey in
Salford and drives first to Leeds, then to Hull and
on to York before returning home. How far has
he driven?

25. Mr. Mendel has bought a plot of land with the

dimensions shown below. He decides to use a
fifth of his land to make a garden, while twothirds of the land will be used for his new
house. The rest of the land will be left vacant.
What is the area of the vacant portion of the

22. In a recent survey a group of dogs were asked
to name their favourite activity. 267 dogs said
they liked to lie by the fireside, 82 dogs
preferred fetching sticks, 513 dogs gave chasing
cats as their favourite pursuit and 18 dogs
preferred to go for a walk. How many dogs took
part in the survey?

26. The garden path measures exactly 19 metres in

length and Sarah has divided it into 50 equal
sections. How long is each section? Please give
your answer in mm.

27. Henry begins his sports lesson at 12:55 and

finishes at 15:50. How long was his lesson?
_______ hours ______ minutes

28. If today is Wednesday the 4th of February, what

day of the week will it be 51 days from now?
You can assume it is not a leap year.

32. Mick is 11 years and 3 months old, while his

sister Jane is 3 years and 11 months younger
than him. What is Janes age?
_________ years ________ months

33. If these were arranged in ascending order,

which number would come in the middle?

29. There is one wrong entry in the Venn diagram

shown below. Which is it?

30. In the equation below, what number does the

letter A represent?
( 40 x A ) + ( 2 x 29 ) = 498

31. The clock shown below is 37 minutes fast.

Write the correct time.





34. A group of children were asked what sort of

animal is the scariest. 40 of them said spiders
and 20 of them said rabbits. The full results of
the survey are shown in the pie chart below.

i. How many children took part in the survey?

ii. What is the ratio of children most frightened
of rabbits to those most frightened of snakes?
iii. How many children thought sharks were the
scariest animals?

35. The formula 3n + 1 has been used to

calculate the series which starts 4 , 7 , 10 . .
. . What is the 8th member of this series?

36. The price of a house is 250,000. The buyer is

offered a discount of 12.5%. What is the
discounted price of the house?

37. If 1 US Dollar = 0.60, what would a $450 air

ticket cost in s?

42. Robs new number crunchers input-output

table is shown below:


What are the missing figures?

38. If you cut the octagon below into quarters

along the vertical and horizontal axes, what
shape do you get?

43. Plotted below are Marias home and school.

39. A 3-dimensional shape with a circular base and

one vertex is a
What are the new coordinates of Marias home
and school if they are reflected in the Y-axis?

40. If 6x + 19 = 37 , what is the value of x ?

41. Work out the answer to this sum :

44. A recipe calls for 1 litre of milk and 500g of flour

to serve 8 people. If I need to serve 15
people,how much milk will I need?

13 5 5 = ??

45. What is 0.76 + 1.3 - 0.09 ?

48. Calculate 30% of 45.00

46. If you add an even number to an odd number,

the answers is always even. True or false?

49. Today Harry is going to wear a pair of trousers,

a shirt and a hat. He has 8 shirts, 4 trousers and
3 hats. How many options has he got?

47. Lynn makes her juice using 100ml of lemonade

for every litre of watermelon juice. If she uses
4 litres of watermelon juice in total, how much
lemonade will she need?

50. Kian has violin lessons every 4th day and

gymnastics every 6th day. If he has both lessons
today, how long will it be before he has both
lessons on the same day again?


Scholarship level questions on next page

Scholarship level questions

S1 It seems that primitive humanoids were keenly
interested in developing their mathematical skills.
They recorded their work in drawings on the walls
of their caves. Archaeologists have worked out that
they used just five symbols to represent numbers
and the relationship between these numbers is
summarised by the following :

S2 If the lowest common multiple of two numbers

is 240 and their sum is 78, what are the two

What number do you think each symbol



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