NFDN 2003 Assignment 2

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Student Name: Kaitlin Young

Course: NFDN 2003

Date: March 31, 2015
Instructor/Tutor: Harrison Applin

Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio


Demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform

wound care related to surgical sites using medical
asepsis or sterile technique as appropriate.

Description of One Significant Learning Experience in this Course

In this course I learned how to use sterile technique to clean a simple wound, like a surgical
incision by using sterile gloves and sterile supplies. In lab I was presented with an
abdominal incision and had to clean it without contamination as per sterile technique.
What I Learned
I learned to prevent infection and maintain sterility of a surgical wound without
contamination, how to clean a surgical incision with sterile supplies, how to open sterile
supplies without contamination, as per the sterile technique. It allows the cleaning to be
with 100% sterile supplies to prevent any contamination in the wound bed or the peri
wound. It promotes formation of granulation tissue and complete healing of the wound.
Proficiency Rating
Excellent, as I can integrate why sterile technique is so important for healing and prevention
of infection. I would be able to apply it my everyday nursing practice and have it become
seamless because I have practiced cleaning and dressing a surgical incision in lab many
times. I have been able to link sterile technique to disease prevention and health promotion,
and to approach a surgical incision using sterile technique with a confident attitude that
allows for the maintenance
Why It was Meaningful/ Significant
Sterile technique for surgical wounds is meaningful as it prevents infection and maintains a
sterile environment for the wound to heal. It allows the wound to heal without the presence
of pathogens. It allows for not only the wound to be cleaned sterile, but also the peri-wound
as well to prevent the spread of infection from the skin into the wound bed.
How I will Apply this Learning in Nursing Practice

I will apply it to future nursing by using sterile technique when I encounter a surgical
wound to prevent any possible infection. I will ensure that I do not contaminate, and if I do,
I will restart with new sterile supplies to allow sterility of the wound and peri wound to be
maintained. I will ensure all surgical wounds I take care of will be cleaned as per sterile
technique to promote sterile wound healing without contamination or infection.

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