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Taylor- Hasana ( She who arrives first )

Kiera- Kyra( clumsy but not the clumsiest)

Alexandria- Adia (A gift from god)

Adithi- Akila (Sensitive, wise)

JOURNAL - Home (Timbuktu)

2/14/1321Dear Diary, Akila here.
So, as you can see, I have not written any entries in this diary before today. I
got a new diary today, as you can see. Here are the basics of my life: my name is
Akila. I am the opposite of what it means. I am clumsy, and worthless. I am
surprised that I havent gotten traded off to another empire as a slave yet. Right
now, I am 9 years old, and I am going to turn 10 soon. I am the youngest in my
family, and do not do anything helpful. I am nothing but a pain for my sisters to
raise, now that my parents are now in Heaven. My mother died 2 moons ago
because of dehydration. My papa died less than 2 weeks later due to a cobra bite.
My sister, whom I call Hassi, tried to save both, being the oldest.
My sisters and I are going to travel throughout Africa in order to find money.
Now that we have no source of riches, my sisters have to find jobs. Adia used to be
a slave for Mansa Musa, and Hassi is finding a new job. My other sister, Kyra, is also
helpful. I like Kyra and Hassi, but I seem to have a problem with Adia. I think that
she is snobbish. I envy her because she was so close to my papa. I was the closest
to my mother, even closer than my papa was.
I am getting carried away. Ever since Mansa Musa came to reign, everyone
was provided with education, and I am intrigued with all of it! My sisters decided to
take whatever valuables we come to have, and trade them for things. My sisters
dont know this, but I have gold, salt, rubies, and beads to trade. Mother had a
secret trunk that only I knew about, and I have valuables now. I am glad that I have
my own camel to ride on, but I know that its only because we need extra camels.
Mansa Musa was my sisters employer before she got laid off. Since he is a giver, he
provided us with a subtle amount of riches, including camels! I have to go now- Adia
is coming! She will give me a hard time! Sometimes I wish that she wouldnt hate
me so much!
-Akila (I am not wise or sensitive!)


Dear journal I know that Im not the youngest sister but I

am very clumsy when comes to things. I have also worked as a servant for
the king and have just recently decided to leave my home timbuktu. Along
with all my sisters i plan to join them on a journey through the desert. I am
12 years old and have recently enjoyed being the second youngest. Unlike
my other sisters in right in the middle which means that i dont get treated
any less or any more In our home country timbuktu we have a natural
resource of gold which is why we are on this journey in the first place
because we plan on trading a lot of it throughout our journey. Sometimes i
despise my sister alika because she was always closer to my mother then
any of use even my dear father who i miss very deeply it has always been
harder for me because i had made many good memories with my mother
and father. They took care of me so very well but my sister Akila was treated
with more respect. NOne of my other sisters know this but Mansa Musa was
my inspire and i respect him very deeply he was the first to start a long
journey he is so amazing and when he handed me a camel for the first time
it made my heart strike into tears i was encouraged to make my own journey
like him following in his footsteps. Well I have to go my sisters are calling me
from know one good bye.

Dear Journal,
Hi. its me, Adia! Today is the day! I am the second oldest. I am 14
years old. It is a tough responsibility. I worked as a servant for king Mansa
Musa, but was recently let go when I became ill. Now that I have recovered,
my sisters and I are going to move to Egypt! This is going to be a very hard
yet unforgettable journey. A while back, our parents died. My mother from
dehydration, and my father from a cobra bite, not to much longer after her. I
was very close to my father. He taught me how to build shelters and cook.
My mother was very attached to my snotty youngest sister. Although she can
be a help at times, she spends most her time asking questions and crying.
Although she may be annoying, I look up to my older sister. She is an
amazing role model and is amazing at taking care of us. She stepped right in
for the role of mother. On this very day, we will be leaving our home,
Timbuktu. Timbuktu is located inside the Mali empire. Now that our parents

have passed, we have taken over our little shack. Even though it is little, it
feels to roomie without our parents. Here in Timbuktu, we have a lot of gold.
It is one of our natural resources. We also have lots of salt! it goes good with
every food you can imagine. The Niger river is also very close to our house.
It is so beautiful in the spring. I will miss the one home I have always know.
We will be taking yams, gold salt, and dates to trade. We cannot bring
everything that we have so we take what we can, including fishing nets.
Mansa Musa gave everyone in my family a camel, but know we are left with
5 because one died. We love them very deeply and care for them like family.
Im 14 years old and ready to move on.
Goodbye for now! Ill write later!
Dear diary, I glare at my dirty bare feet, sifting through the hot desert sand,
looking over the horizon imaging the tree cook in the heat like an oven. Oh,
sorry I am not used to writing these things. Anyways let's start from the very
basics, my name is Hasana and I am 18 years old, I have 3 sisters, ew right, I
know, and I am the oldest one out of my family. I used to have a twin sister,
and that's how I got my name from but she died with my parents from
dehydration. I can never forget that moment, I was there. Everyone was
there. Sometimes I pray that my sister have forgotten about it, but I never
will. My parents and my sister passed away 2 moons ago. So ever since I
have been in charge of all my siblings. Even though it's tough work, taking
care of them and hunting I wouldn't change it for the world. I love all 3 of
them, Adia, Kyra and Akila. I have high expectations for Akila because she is
the second oldest and I am so proud of her even though I love all my siblings
the same. Because if I die I want her to be able to take care of the sisters and
now I know she can. But now lets talk about something different my home. I
and my sisters live in a little shack in a town in the Mali Empire called
Timbuktu. The weather in this location is quite agricultural. One of the most
popular natural resources in Timbuktu is gold, even though gold is definitely
the only resource that we have. Anyways I think this basically describes
Timbuktu. But oops totally forgot to mention that me and all my sisters are
going to take a journey to Egypt Cairo, and on this journey we will travel
along visiting different towns on the way. I thought that this would be a great
time to bond, since the death of our family members my sister shave been
down, and so I think that its adventure time!
Well I think this is it for today, write you later.

Dear Diary, have you ever heard of Bilma? I havent studied it in detail,
but I know a lot about it. Ive been wondering- why does Adia hate me so
much! I mean, I sometimes get it. For example, when I tease her about Ey, I
get why shes annoyed. But I dont get it all the other useless times. Hassi
and Kyra are always nice to me, but I always wonder if its because they pity
me! Hassi and I have a real sisters bond. Kyra and I arent that close. I just
know that she is very nice, and is really close to Adia. During our journey, I
felt so dehydrated. I am really lucky to have survived, I made sure not to tell
my sisters. I am glad that Kyra found an oasis. I took my little bottle and
filled it with water. I wonder if it will be enough to help me survive. The oasis
here is big, and my sisters are stocking up on water. It is very sandy here, in
Bilma. You would expect that though- after all, it is the Sahara Desert. It is
really, really, really hot here. I should be used to this weather, but I still am
not used to it. I lived in the Sahara desert for all of my life, and it was
obviously really hot. Bilma is very dry, and it barely precipitates. Sometimes.
Bilma is really like Timbuktu. I think that its hotter here, after all, After
all, Bilma is closer to the equator. The desert is full of many dunes. I dislike
the sandstorms, they are very, very annoying. The Sahara Desert is huge. I
help my sisters navigate it of course, because I am the best educated out of
all my sisters, even though Im only 9. My mom persuaded my dad into
giving me a full and thorough education. That really helped our journey so
far. I am able to navigate with stars, which is very rare for girls my age. I can
also trade- which is also rare. I traded a chunk of gold from my mothers
chest for a slave. She was so nice! And pretty. She had mocha toned skin
with jet black hair, that was really curly. The caravan that my sisters and I
traded with was very rich and spoiled. I mean, one slave for a chunk of gold?
It was of course, a waste. I later learned that the slave was pregnant. I
wonder if she is married. She has to be, right? We gave the slave our 5th
camel. She was so excited about starting a new life. We couldnt afford
another mouth to feed on our journey to Egypt. Sometimes I think that I
would be like that slave if I wasnt family. The slave might have been more
useful! Ugh oh! Thats the monster Adia calling me! I know shes just trying
to feed our family, so Im being nice to her. How I wish I could run away. I am
just going to ignore Adia- after all, she is mean to me. No. She is not mean to
me- I just envy her. She was close to Papa. The closest out of everyone. Papa

agreed with everything she did. Kyra and Adia were Papas princesses,
meanwhile Hassi and I were Moms loved ones. We were so close- I was the
closest though. I always talked to her. I miss her so much! She and Papa
started fighting a moon before their deaths. My mom wanted to convert to
Islam- and she did! Mansa Musa was one of the biggest influences in her life!
Papa was just jealous! I would have converted too- if I werent so selfish. I
cant exactly give. I tend to hoard and hide. I give to people by not showing
my face. My ugly, ugly face! Ill go into detail another time! Adia never gives
up! Ugh! I need to go anyway, I feel a little woozy.
KyraDear Diary it's me kyra again We have been traveling for a while now
and still no sight of any help or food to keep us going. Even if our hopes were
giving up we still kept on with our journey I encouraged my sisters by telling
them that we should go look up on a sand dune and see if we see any
chance of survival But the others insisted that we dont. As for I, I never gave
up i climbed that treish sand for any chance of survival I climbed and
climbed then finally i made it to the top of the sand dune. I look for any
chance of survival and there it was i scream out to my sisters and to think
how we could have missed it but with this luck i had i spotted an oasis Bilma
was the actually name of this and we all walked over there. When we got to
Bilma we didnt think that it would have so much water but it did we filled up
our we filled up our canteens with as much water as we could we were glad
the others insisted that from now on we take risk no matter what. We had
ended up staying the night and it was cold me gathered as much rocks as
possible as we were instructed by our oldest sister who made the rock dune
to keep us warm for the night. Although that our beloved mother passed
away of dehydration I made sure that would never end up happening to me
or any of my sisters. Good bye for know.

Dear Journal,
its me, Adia. I was wrong. Akila can be a huge help. She is proving to
be quite the expert at star gazing and navigating! I misjudged her. She can
be great help! Anyways, We finally arrived at Bilma. It is so beautiful here at
the oasis. We were all so thirsty. By the time we had gotten here, we had

gone a whole 6 hours without water! It was very hot and sunny. I guess I
should have known. It is the Sahara. We met up with people and they wanted
to trade. We traded them gold for their slave. We realized that she was
pregnant and needed to be independent, so we let her go! She thanked us
very much and went on her way. We gave her clothes and water from the
oasis. we also gave her food, and gave her our 5th camel. I named my camel
Nia. It means purpose. I believe that Nia is my camel for a purpose. The slave
was the kindest slave I have met. When we were trading with the other
caravan we met, we also traded salt and dates. I know of Akilas secret box
that she inherited from mom. She was very lucky to get it, and I now think
that she deserves it for all of her hard work. I know that she does not like me.
Although I am a bit jealous of her gold and jewels, I respect her. I hope she
comes to like me. Although she is definitely no Hasana, she will soon become
a better sister with time. Once again it is just us four traveling across the
desert. It is time for me to go, Kyra is calling. I must be on my way! Ill talk to
you later journal!
Dear diary,
hey I am back, so here's a little update on what's going on so now we have
started our journey and our first stop is in a town called Bilma. My mothers
used to tell me stories about this place and one day I may get to see the
beauty of it. Now I am. Even though I know this journey will be difficult I
know we could do it. Anyways we are close enough to Bilma where I could
almost feel like me heart is going to beat out of my chest. Once we come
down a corner I see it! Its as beautiful as my mom said. And as I take in it all,
I notice an oasis. Then I hear my stomach roar like a wild lion. As a drink the
lushest, blue, flowy water I turn my head to see a woman. She seems
Confused, lost. Since I have so many sisters and she seems like there age I
decided to go help her. She said she was going to Fez which was one of our
stops. I then decided to ask her if she wanted to travel. And she said yes! I
am mean its not like I already dont have enough sisters to travel with. After
helping this girl I return to my sisters and tell them.
And I then take a minute a remember that these trips are not all for fun, we
are planning to receive items and trade some. so when my mind gets back to
normal, I head over to where this deal with take place. In these situations I
normally do all but instead I let adia take place. I did this because I want her
to learn responsibility and I feel like this is the perfect time for her to so me.
As these two men approach us, they hand us a slave and salt. Then Adia
quietly hands the men some dates and gold. And then walk away, and our
breath marminize I look to see adias face and she slowly forms a big smile.

This is the moment of I look into her eyes and see pride which makes me
very proud. Now we exit Bilma and on to a new town. But Tomorrow we travel
to Ghadames but I watch as a my curious sister grab my hand and holding
tighter and tighter by the minute. She is guiding me who knows where but I
don't care, I am proud of her curiosity. Then she lead me up a sand dune I
notice as our feet sink into the swif sand as we climb higher and higher. I can
see the top, wondering what caught this crazy moneys attention. When we
get closer, I think of what we could come across. As my thoughts spun
around my stomach i get worried, then i pull her arm, as a use my body as a
sheil. Then I see it, down bellow, a beautiful different shades of blue,
uncontrolled, as it flows through.. Its an oasis. I stand there, stunned of what
my little sister has discovered, I look around at my other siblings and they
have the same reaction. Then I feel my legs moving like a cheetah and I can't
control it, they guide me towards the river. The cool water against my lips
feel different, amazing. Once the water entered my body I felt like a gallon of
energy has filled me. The discover of water found my little sister has
changed the way I have thinked about her. I felt proud. I thought to myself
maybe I am not doing such a bad job, maybe even mom and dad might be
proud of her and me, but mostly her.
The day after was a day to relax, a moment where we changed the way we
thought about each other. Thinking about how we each are special and how
together we are unbelieveable. And how i take a minute to realize how proud
i am of them.. Once we though this each of the younger siblings want to do
something special. But while they did all try and do something special I
stared into her curious eyes and explained how they dont need to do
something because they have already done enough by making me proud.

Dear Diary, I am back! Its me Akila! So, I tried to finish writing my
name on the other entry, but I got interrupted by my sister. She was
rambling about how helpful Kyra was. She found the oasis. We came to some
place called Ghadames. My studies arent exactly helping me in the
geography portion of this move. There is an oasis here, in Ghadames.

Anyway, my favorite sister, Hassi, just discovered a passion for nursing. So I

was thinking about me not finishing writing my name earlier, maybe it could
be some sort of a nickname. I am glad that this is a diary, because if Hassi
reads what I say next, she will surely kill me. I think that Hassi is of-age.
Meaning that she is old enough to marry. I wonder if she will find any
romance on this trip? I think that Adia might find someone. She is by far the
prettiest one. Or compared to me atleast. I am ugly. My hair is split, and I
dont comb it at all. My skin is cool-toned. I am also 9 years old- so here
comes Adia!
Nevermind! That wasnt Adia, it was a snake. A harmless, large, long
slithery snake. The good thing about being the closest to Hassi is that she
never asks me about what the highlights of my day are- not that she doesnt
care. She just knows that I would throw a tantrum if she asks me. I will never
tell anyone about the snake- probably since I am scared of the poisonous
kind. There are multiple things I am scared of: Poisonous snakes; dying;
being worthless forever; and Adia. Oh yes- I almost forgot- Boys! They are
disgusting! They are slimy and repulsive. They think that they rule the world
by being their gender. They are often stupid- excuse my language. There
was this one boy I used to kind of like - as a friend, of course- but then found
out that he wanted to marry my sister! How horrendous! His name was Ey. He
moved to Cairo- I hope I get to see him again! Even though he has this huge
crush on Adia- whom makes me miserable- I still like him. I only like him as a
friends though- obviously. All boys absolutely disgust me. Although Ey has
always been nice to me- so I would talk to mom about him, and he would
have more of a chance with Adia. I used to like Eys brothers friend, Ata, but
they both moved together. It was really sad. Of course I only liked Ata as a
friend. I think he liked Kyra. Shes too old for him though. He always looked
at Ey with jealousy when Ey talked to me and Kyra. Ata always looked at me
with a lot of care. It was really sweet. He would have made such a good best
friend to me! I met him a year before he moved. Papa said that Ata would
make a good husband to me one day- it was hilarious! Ata looked flushed
when papa said this. I just started cracking up. My papa, even though he
wasnt close to me, knew my disliking of boys. Everyone knew. I feel a
shadow over me. Its Adia!
Dear Diary,
Hey! Its me Adia. We just arrived at Ghadames. Finally! we are halfway
there, to Cairo. Aki, seems to be home sick. You can tell because she is not
sleeping much. When it is time for us to move, I can see the bags under her

sharp brown eyes. we are polar opposites. I have long black hair that hangs
down to my waist. My eyes are crystal blue and my skin is a darker shade of
olive. I take after my dad while she looks like a spitting image of Mom.
maybe thats why I cant stand her. I miss Mom. Anyways Ghadames is just
as hot as ever. At least there are many trading routes that run right through
this city. Yesterday, when I did not get the chance to right to you, We
encountered Muslim traders. I saw something very peculiar and wanted it. I
dug out some of my gold and traded it for a rug. The people called it a prayer
rug. Apparently it is part of the Muslim religion. I took it home and prayed. I
started praying five times a day. I also learned about arabic. It is the Its the
6th most common language used in the world! I think I am going to go back
to my religion though. I prefer it much more than the Muslim one. Diary I
need to tell you something. Yesterday I was sitting in our hammock that was
hung between the two trees. I sat and wondered if we were going to have an
encounter with a snake. The next thing you know, Its here! It was a HUGE
snake! It stuck Kyra three times! She barely cried one bit, unlike Akila. She
was also very patient. She waited a whole hour for Hassi, my nickname for
Hasana, to get home. Hassi was quick to react. She was like a snake that was
ready to pounce. She was quick and determined. She fixed Kyra up good as
new. She even determined what type of snake had bitten her! Hassi was a
super star. She was a natural, a nurse! A few days ago, while we were still
wandering through the desert, and we were complaining about being hungry,
she naturally set up a trap. I think that skill from her was after Father. That
night, she got meet, and we cooked it over an open fire. We sang and told
stories and laughed with each other. it reminded me of when I was Kyras
age. Kyra reminds me a lot of mother too! She has her soft beaming eyes
and delicate soft voice. Her voice is as sweet as a peach! Her eyes glimmer
like the night sky. Oh how I miss Mom and Dad.
Moving on. While we have spent our day and a half here now, we have
gained some salt and spices! They are so good! It is very crowded her being
in the middle of where the trade routes meet. There are a lot of different
people here. I met a girl, my age, but muslim, who taught me a little bit
about the arabic language. I can now right every letter in arabic, but cant
speak the language. I am so excited for our upcoming adventure! Sorry
Journal, I have to go. Kyra is calling me. She has a question on what to do
with the prayer rug. Have to go
I watch as my legs glade through the sand, they stomp so heavily that my
and all my sister look like a pack of zombies. I look around, see nothing. As
the hours go by I come to notice trading routes. Then minutes go by even

more, soon were at a point where we are in a intersection filled with different
trading routes. While I am in shocked I come upon a town. This town is called
Ghadames, this was actually our next stop. And yes I know what you're
thinking, wow how did you not except this, well i say to that, its in the
middle of the desert how was I supposed to know. Anyways as were scoping
the town we venture I notice kyra going a little too far. I then gasped for her
name, kyra! She couldnt hear me, we went farther and farther. Disappearing
into the horizon. Then I ran as fast I as I could. I looked down to see my legs
moving like a cheetah's. Once I reached her I saw her face, the curiosity in
her eyes. Then when the moment couldn't have gone better I hear
something. Rattling. I know what that is and I know what it can do to you. I
turn my head to see a snake, I grabbed kyra pulled but it had already gotten
her. I feel her body collapse, and the blood oozing. I then kick into my big
sister gear. I try and take control of this situation, but I really don't know
what to do. I grabbed a leave and weaved a bandage then used different
liquids to form some sort of medicine. Then as my brain finally catches up
with my body I start to realize what I just did. I saved my sister, and now i
come to see my true passion for helping other and nursing. I was shocked,
confused, but happy that I did my job as the older one among the family. I
love nursing I said to myself. Then as I think more and more my sister run to
kyra with big huges. I stand to lunge over squeezing kyras waist, whispering
in her ear, Please try and be more careful next time Our heavly breaths
then turn into laughter. Well goodbye for now, write you back if anything else

KyraDear Diary its me Kyra we have just made it Ghadames and Im not
sure if any of my other sisters fill the same way as I do but I feel a lit
bothersome by them. Also not to mention I never got a lot of attention as they
did I sometimes say to myself and think to wonder if they really care about
me we walked for some more then on the corner of my eye I spot something
shinny and I ran after it cutting my sister off but didnt realize that I had
made her fall I thought that she would hate me forever she told me to stay
away and to stop causing problems for them I told them sorry but then she
just called me the worst sister every. I wanting to burst out in a flesh of tears
hide my sorrows away from the fear. As we stop and take a break I walk away
and go off on a different journey because I know that they will be better off

without me. As I keep walking the sun burns more and more I take a sip of
some water and have it last in my mouth for longer. I ask myself this question
will they come looking for me are they even looking should I go back or keep
moving. All these questions in my head distract me to notice wait is actually
going on. With the slightest bit of noise comes in my head as it almost sounds
like hissing and then there it is standing right behind me I turn around
quickly but only starling the beast he reacts to the way I wish the venomous
snake wouldnt. There it was a mark of two it was only a matter of minutes
before I would die thankful instead of the snake eating me whole it decided to
leave for only knowing it has already done enough harm. As I lay on the sand
I hear my name being called in the distant I happy to hear the voice of my
sister screaming her name loud not once or twice, but three times. In a matter
of seconds they come I tell them in a low voice Hasana, Adi, and Akila I have
been bitten by a venomous snake the king cobra I dont have much time you
need to help me before I die from the poison. Hansana says that she found a
plant that would heal me before she found me on her way over here. A couple
minutes later Hasana comes back with the plant she robes it on the bit and
pours a little for me to drink after an hour the effects of the plant work we
decided to stay night over there and enjoy the nice night with tones of rocks to
keep a source of heat around us. Until then my sister Adi wants me to sleep so
I must go. Goodnight. Kyra

Dear Diary, its me, Aki. Today we found Fez. I feel really homesick. I
know that we are moving to Cairo. I dont think I want to go though.
Timbuktu is my home. Anyway- time for the GOSSIP. I almost got robbed.
There was this one robber that kept on making gooey-eyes at Adia. It was
hilarious. Adias face said, Back off sucker! You better not be making lovey
faces at me! Hassi was cracking up with me. She was too busy nursing Adia
after to ask her about it. Adia wasnt hurt bad- just a few cuts. I made shelter
today- it was absolutely worthless. We decided to sleep in our little cart that

we pull with my camel. It is still really hot in the savanna, but really cold
compared to the desert. I traded one of my gold coins for food today. My
sisters thought it was a miracle. None of it was left for me. But thats fineIm useless. I think that Adia isnt all that bad now. She is just really bratty.
Keep in mind that I am only 9! Dont tell her I said that! Who am I kidding?
Youre just a diary!!! Anyway, for better gossip- I got pulled into quicksand
today! It was so depressing. Im thinking of running away right now, because
I am just a burden to my family. All I do is sit and badmouth Adia. I had to use
my upper body strength to get pulled away from quicksand. I dont think my
sisters know. Anyway, let us see if I will run away.
I wonder why I cant stand Adia. Maybe its because she has a bond
with everyone. Wherever I go, I see Adia making new friends. She is actually
pretty. People say that Im a replica of my mom. I dont see it though. My
mom had chocolatey brown skin, that was as smooth as silk.(Or at least I
heard silk was soft.) Her body was proportional, and she had the right
amount of black and brown in her hair. My skin is as smooth as sandpaper.
My body is as proportional as an elephant. Scratch that- elephants have
better proportions than I do. I have really long legs. I think my legs are 3
feet tall, but my torso isnt even close! Its only 1 feet. My head is so smallI bet a coconut would be bigger.A good thing about looking like me is that
nobody wants to marry you. I dont want to ever marry, and I dont plan to.
When I was 4, and Hassi was 13, we talked about never getting married, or
having kids. Adia and Kyra were always more of the I really dont care- as
long as I like the person I marry type. I know that in Egypt, Hassi has to
either work as a slave, or get married to a noble. Being close to Hassi, I know
that she would much rather be a slave. Adia on the other hand Hm if only
I knew what she would do.
I am getting side tracked. The point is that I am as ugly as a blemish,
maybe even worse that a blemish. I will, never get married because I am too
sassy, and Im a complete waste to this family.
I just found out that Adia was reading my diary! Oh, how Im going to
get back at her! She better watch out! Anyway- I was reminiscing just the
other day, while having coffee, which I traded Muslims for, all alone, and it
took me away. Back to a first glance feeling on Timbuktu time, back when he
fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme. He took off faster than a leopard,
chasing for prey, and skipped the conversation, when he already knew. He
wrote a note to me with a joke wed made. And it was on the first day. And it
felt good- having a best friend. And right there, where I read the note, was
holy ground. You must think Im crazy. Im not- not that I know of. Im talking
about Ata. I remembered the first conversation we had. It was about

classwork that I didnt know about. We both knew how to read and take
notes. I made a joke about animals, which he left in my little portion of the
hut I shared with Hassi. I wrote poems about him, since I was in love with
them at the time. He left me without a conversation because he knew I
would cry. I was devastated. I cant believe I remembered this just now ! I
must be desperate! After all, its around noon, meaning its rest time. It is so
hot! I cant rest though! That is why I am writing in you! Scratch that- I am
sleepy. Its just that Im scared that Ill be left to defend myself. I also had
coffee, which I traded for with a merchant- for 7 rubies. I think coffee needs
more sweetening.
Back to the part where I said that I traded for coffee. I dont think that I
will do that again. I mean, it tasted fine and everything, but I noticed that it
made a little bit more hyper. I see why the Muslims wanted to trade for it.
They also gave me lessons about the Islamic culture. I already knew about it,
though. Mansa Musa, like I said before, was my sisters previous employer.
My family tried switching to Islam. I couldnt do it! It was impossible for me,
because I didnt have the time or patience to pray 5 times a day to Allah. I
also wasnt very giving and abnegation. Those were the only two traits I had
trouble with. No- I dont think that I could fast for a day. Ramadan is a big
no-no for me. That is why I will not convert to Islam. It was awesome how
they taught me though. I loved the style of the prayer rugs. It was all so
intricate. I might as well pray 10 times if I got to pray in style! I am just
Dear Journal
Today was a very tough day. We finally made it to Fez though. (sigh of
relief) Once we got here, I realized that some guys were acting weird. They
were eying our camels. I walked over to them and told them that the camels
were not for sale. One of the men pulled me, by my wrist, aboard his camel. I
screamed and punched him in the gut! He curled up and fell onto the ground.
Did I mention that I know some martial arts? When the second of the three
robbers ran for me, I ducked and slid under his legs. As soon as he grabbed
my arm, he instantly shriveled away. Did he like me? Gag! I told him to scram
and he did as I said. He did like me! I Knew it! Second thoughts, EW! The
third ran for me. As he came, standing a foot away, I poked him in his eye.
He yelled and covered his face. I took that opportunity to punch him. He fell
to the ground, face first! That was the best part. As I turned around, the
first guy ran at me. I tried blocking his punch, but his second arm pulled my

scarf. I yelped before choking. I was running out of air when I finally found
the strength to use my scarf to pull him forward. I gasped for air. As I started
to stand, he landed a punch to my gut. I stumbled backward, losing the air in
my lungs. I saw him turn, obviously convinced that he had beat me. As my
lungs sucked in a slow settle breath, I lunged myself forward and jumped on
his back. I was going for a rear naked choke. It means choking someone out
without using their shirt. He collapsed unconscious. I looked at the third man
who was finally getting to his feet. I walked over to him and yelled, scram!
As he started running, I put my foot out and he tripped. I started laughing.
Then my gut hurt. I desiced to go get checked out by Hassi. She said that I
would be alright as long as I rested. Before I walked over to Hassi, I noticed
that Akila was trying so hard not to laugh. I read her diary. I guess he kinda
was making lovey eyes. Anyways Fez is very hot and has very little rivers.
It is in the savanna. There are many beautiful wild animals. The sight of
waking up to it makes me smile every day. While Akila and I were collecting
fruit from a mango tree, not to far from camp, we spotted monkeys. Akila
through a mango to the monkeys so they could eat it, but they took it the
wrong way. She knew it as soon as she did it. The monkeys chased her all the
way back to camp. I laughed and laughed until my stomach hurt and she hit
me. Man, she has a hard hit! While we have been here, we have traded ivory,
which is pretty expensive, gold, and spices from arabia! I was really excited
to see all the colorful spices! As I was coming home, I noticed that Akila fell
into quicksand. She ran quick to get changed, hoping that no one would
notice. I let it slide. I have been really worried about about Akila lately. She
seems really depressed. Ooo Akila is calling; maybe I can talk to her. GTG
got to to you later. Why am I talking to you. Anyways I have
to go. Ill write later.
We have just left Guadames and know we are heading to fez. I am so
excited for Fez this means we're halfway done with this long journal. I also I
quite excited because I have heard that Fez has fresh water, and animals
that vary throughout the lands which is great for me because that means I
could hunt and maybe teach the others. I think they need to do something
for a change,just kidding, I am so so proud of the work they have
accomplished. Anyways today I am planning to try out my bow. This is the
first time I have been hunting in a long time. When my parents were alive
they taught me and I would always try and make them proud. I then
ventured out into the Savannas scavenging into brush, disgusting myself . I
then see movement, I aim my bow. Then they arrow shot, shooting at snake,
piercing through its skin. As I take pride in my pretty good kill, I venture to go

see my sisters. As I am heading back I notice people in masks, dark clothing,

then as a take in the bigger picture I notice adia fighting, defending herself
from some robbers. She pounces, kicks and punches. After I take it all, I run
over. The people Adia didnt hurt I punched until they have enough. After
these men were done with us, they rode away. Once there bodies
disappeared into the night, I hug adria. I feel so proud, they have changed so
much, becoming like adults by the day. Brave, smart, kind, and responsible.
And something else also happened today, Akila got chased by some
monkeys, she was ok and everything, but still was really funny. I am trying
not to say much about it because I dont want to embarrass her or anything.
So talk you later!

In fez we are half way done with our journey. Unlike our sisters
i enjoyed fez for the small fresh water rivers and the animals
which were great for hunting. I was great at hunting my sisters
say that I take it after my father. I remember how my father
use to tell me how one day he would take me she and we
would have a journey filled with hunting then come back home
with plenty of water for all of us. As we are walking through
the Savanna rainforest. I hear a noise and then another one
and then another I wonder who was there so I call out who
goes there. Finally I notice a man trying to steal my sisters
bag that she had made to carry all of her stuff. The robbers I
call them attack us they take all of our items that we were
going to use to trade when we arrived in Cairo. I cry and then
my sister alikia saves all of us she hits the robbers with a
branch that she had found she tells us to grab our stuff and go
I grab my stuff and we ran out of that area and ran for it when
we were all together safe and sound we thought that it
couldnt get any worse for use but I spoke way to soon. In the

trees high above use a crazy monkey spots us and one of my

sisters runs as fast as she could but she did not now is the
monkey was still chasing her she keeps on running and we try
to do something to stop it but it just kept on chasing her we
tell her to stop running and to try and stay came and the
monkey will leave her alone she finally stopped but not where
we wanted her to stop she called for our names and told use to
help. When we found her she was stuck in quick sand and I
insisted that we find a branch to pull her out from there we all
the rest of my sisters and I all looked for a branch I found one
but my other sister Adia found a more durable one we all held
on the branch and pulled then pulled then pulled until she
finally came out from there we were all relived. Until then it is
getting very late and my arms are tired goodbye for now I
must go I need to get some sleep.

Aki here. We made it to Biskra. It is hot and sunny here. We decided to
stay here. I think I am suffering from heat stroke. My body feels dry, and I
have a terrible headache. I attempted running away, but I then saw an
animal. It was small and tiny, and had no one to support it. I decided to stay
a little longer, and see what happened to the animal. I think that I may be
diagnosed with depression as well. I saw the poor animal die! I am looking
for water right now WIYL write in you later haha bye!
Its Aki- again. Stargazing. Thats all I do. My sisters do not know this,
but I leave some food around for them to find. I know, Im silly. Why do I do
it? I dont know. I saw some. I also leave them some trade goods from my

moms little box. I saw some muslims praying today. One of my favorite
embers was when Adia trying converting to Islam from our current religion. I
remember she was not devoted enough to pray 5 times a day. This was
before she was fired by Mansa Musa. She tried converting because he did.
I always wonder what would happen if Adia or Hassis future husbands
are muslim, or any other religion. I know Adia was smitten by Ey, who is
very interesting. He likes reading about Rome. He moved to Cairo when
Adia was 12. He always thought I was annoying. I would make kissy faces at
them to tease them. I think that they will get married one day. No. Scratch
that. They WILL get married one day- I just know it. Unless Ey died! Or worse,
is engaged. No one else would dare betroth him- Adia only liked him for his
humor. I dont believe that though, his sense of humor is as funny as sand is
scarce. Its that bad.
Knowing that he probably died of starvation, dehydration, or heat
stroke is really making me anxious. I know Cairo is really big- I am just sure
that I will see Ey! Adia will be smitten with him once more!
. ! - !
! ! .
* !! ! *
~Akila, yes I am good at writing in Arabic.
Dear journal,
Hi, Its me Adia. We finally made it to Biskra. It was the shortest yet
most exhausting trip by far. It was hard because I was injured, Akila was
feeling down the whole time, and Hassi was too tired to hunt, so I did it for
her. Biskra is hot and sunny. It is still in the savannas so it is hot, but there is
much more wild life. On top of the awful heat, Akila suffered from a mild case
of heat stroke. I felt so bad for her. She has been key to our adventure lately.
Her star gazing is super stellar. OOO something really exciting happened
while we were here. We spotted an elephant, my favorite animal! I learned
that elephants help to create savannas. They stomp down trees and strip
them of their bark. Thats why there are few trees in the savanna. While we
were traveling here, we spotted a dead elephant. I could barely look! It was
so sad! We collected the ivory and later traded it. In return, we gained
carrots, and great meat, to cook and eat. We were, and still are, so thankful. I
woke up this morning to the sound of prayer. I went outside and saw some
people on praying rugs. None of which were my sisters. I laughed as I
recalled the memory of doing this myself. I was quick to stop, for I knew it
was disrespectful. I prefer my religion better. I know that my ancestors are

always with me. I look up realizing that it is already mid day. What
happened? How did I sleep so long? Thats up to me to find out now. Ok
journal, I have to go. Time to pack up so we can go to Cairo, our new
permanent home! Here we come!
We have made it to Biskra! Second to last stop. Just think all the tired hard
working and the impact it has made on our family. I am so proud of
everyone, they have accomplished so many amazing things, they all have
surprised me and changed the way I think of them. Anyways Biskra is located
in a rain forest with lots of greenery , even though the big trees sometimes
cover you, when you reach the sun its blazing and very sunny. This stop
doesnt have much exciting things planned. Mainly just trading and being
prepared for the final stretch to Cairo. As I explore the town, I turn the corner
to see a huge elephant. I stopped I could hear its heavy slow breaths, its
thick gray coat. It bigger then I would have ever imagined, I mean I have
seen one far away, but never this close. I looked into its eye saw its courage,
kindness, and smartness. Now thaI have gotten close with this wild creature I
turn away, watching and hearing his steps walking away. Well I think that
good for now. If there anything else that goes on I will be the first to write. I
will try and write soon. Bye.
WE MADE IT TO CAIRO!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! I found Ata! He and Ey
made it back safely! Ey is once again thinking on proposing to Adia! I wonder
what she will say! It has been about a week since Ive arrived at Cairo, but
we fit in. I believe in the Egyptian gods! Ata is Muslim. I can not believe it! He
never had enough patience to pray once a week- but 5 times times a day?
How does he do it?
Back to the subject of Egypt. Something that I have to work on is to be
able to stick to one subject. Anyways, Egypt is sandy, but fertile.
Ata not once mentioned my ugliness. He gets me so well. Ey and I had
a lot to catch up on. We were close back in the day! I can not believe I saw
Ey and Ata again! Ata and I traded. I traded almost everything I had for food,
water, currency, ivory, canopic jars, and a trade stall. I also traded for some
other goods. My sisters better appreciate me. Ata always stared at me when
he thought I wasnt looking. It was in the way Adia looks at Ey. I am
worthless. Wait? No I am not! I navigated my sisters all the way from
Timbuktu to Egypt. All by myself. I survived it all!
I am not worthless. I am Akila. I have my own value. Someday, I might
grow to be sensitive. I have been sensitive to Adia, who mourns her friends

death today. I may grow to be wise, because of my pique in knowledge. I

may not be any of these things, but I know for a fact, that
I am Akila, I have 3 sisters, and I am not worthless. I hear footsteps, I
wonder what they are! Bye diary! Forever and always, I will treasure you! I
see hunters, they are about to shoot Adia and Hassi, I will save them. I will
be known. I will be Akila. The savior. I have to go now. Akila.
4/3/1321 9:00 am
I dont know how but we have made it to Cairo! I also dont know how I
cant contain my excitement, I feel like I am going to explode. I am this
adventure has changed all of us. Made us realize our true selves. But I am so
proud of all my amazing sister who make me cry everytime I think how far
they have come. Cairo is amazing, so much better than I ever thought. I just
have to say I am flabbergasted. This east_ African land is spectacular. The
nile river is beauty, I love how it shimmers in the sunlight, its a watery
heaven.And they also have many pyramids, they are sandy amazement,
huge, thick. Just fascinating. But is really hot and sunny, feels like everytime
I enter this blazing heat I collapse. So yes this is my impression of cairo. Just
wow. Then while I am dazed in amazement I hear screaming. I start running.
I started thinking who it was and why. As my mind is coming up with possible
inferences , but when I arrive I know. I stand there looking at Aklia, she is has
been shot! Her bodies lay there, and adia was also there watching this
tragedy. I then squat down face to face with my sweet, caring, adorable little
sister, I stare at her frightened face, horror in her eyes. I try and hold it
together I then try and revive her, I give her spr. After almost five minutes of
endless spr, I know what's coming. She is going to die. I then quietly whisper
into adia ear, Adia our little sister is going to pass and there is nothing we
could do but say our goodbyes My chest suddenly starts to hurt, I feel like I
can't breathe. I can't loose her!! I don't know how I could go on with my life. I
don't even know if I can. I then let kyra and adia say their goodbyes. then it's
my turn. The only problem was she died in my arms! I tried to keep it
together in front of my sisters. But I couldn't I lost it. I cuddled my sister's,
feelings there tears. I then went of my own away from the girls. Then started
to cry and cry. Couldn't feel anything, felt like I just wanted to die but I knew i
couldn't because that would unfair to the girls. But I definitely felt like I just
lost another, first my parents and my twin and then my caring little sister.
Oh,.. I don't know I will go on with my life knowing the memory of her dying
in my arms, her last breaths. I questioned my decisions on life, and how I
should be raising these girls. I then thought oh,, the girls I ran to them.
Holding tight and never wanting to let go! And then I realized maybe I have
been looking at this the wrong way. Instead of crying for years and years

over this I should be laughing for years and years over the good times. And
ever since that thought entered my mind I have been a better adult to the
girls. Ever since then my life has been different. Even though this trip has
broughten pain and suffering it has also brought happiness and strength.
Love you all
Dear journal,
Hi, Its me, Adia! We finally made it Cairo! Its located in Egypt right by the
nile river! Did you know that the nile is the longest river in the world? Its a
great source of water. The ground around the river is very fertile and great
for gardening. I think I want to start a garden around here. Anyways, here it
is very hot, sunny, and very sandy. It is located in East Africa. There are
many pyramids here! They are very interesting and are amazing to learn
about. Once we got here, we met people traveling to Timbuktu. We told them
everything they needed to know about traveling and Timbuktu! I am very
proud of Akila for mastering trade. She brought us food and more goods.
She traded almost everything she had for food, water, currency, ivory,
canopic jars, and a trade stall. The things that she traded were yams, dates,
gold and ivory. I am so proud of my sister. I miss her so much! where is she?
Akila has been gone too long. I have to go look or her. Ill be back. . . I
heard a gunshot.

I am absolutely devastated. I dont think I can even say it. The gun
shot ruined my whole life. I now know love. Why has it come to this? The
death of my sister has brought me to love. I found her body covered in sand.
whats even more amazing is that she risked her life for ours! right after the
devastating site. I was there to here her last words. I will record for her, Go
to EyI love you
I pressed one last kiss onto her forehead as I watched her slip away. I
ran to Ey as fast as I could after all, she just said to go to him! For the first
time, I saw a caring boy. Something about him made me happy. Was this
love? He was the first to hear the news, and let me cry on his shoulder. After
that, we walked to our camp and told my sister the devastating news. Akila
brought us to this new chapter of our lives. Hassi, a doctor. Kyra, well kyra!
Aklia is with mom and dad watching over us. And me, well Im with Ey.
Thanks to Akila, we have made it all the way to Cairo. As I look back, Akila
has done most of the work to get here!
Ill talk to you later, journal.


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