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Diseases of Prostate and Homeopathy

Dr.Satheesh Kumar.P.K BHMS,MD(Hom)

Medical Officer, Dept. of Homoeopathy, Govt. of Kerala
The common diseases affecting the prostate are benign hypertrophy of the prostate,
carcinoma of the prostate and prostatitis. Prostatic calculi and tuberculosis of the prostate
are two other diseases rarely affecting the prostate. These conditions usually occur in men
over 50 years of age.
Before dealing with the diseases of the prostate, we must have an idea about the structure
of prostate gland. Prostate is an accessory gland of male reproductive system, which adds
to the bulk of the seminal fluid. (It is purely a genital organ; this is evinced by the fact that
in animals manifesting a seasonal sexual life, the organ is rudimentary except during
rutting season. The normal adult prostatic epithelium undergoes atrophy after castration)
Prostate resembles an inverted cone and is firm in consistency, which lies below the neck
of the urinary bladder and surrounding the commencement of male urethra. It lies behind
the lower part of pubis symphysis and in front of rectum.
Size: About 4 cm across the base (width)
3cm vertically apex to base (length) and
2 cm antero-posteriorly (thickness)
Weight: About 8 gm.
Apex: Directed down wards between the medial margins of the levator ani muscle.
Base: Directed upwards and is structurally continues with the neck of bladder.
Surface: Four surfaces
Anterior surface lies 2cm behind the pubic symphysis with retro pubic fat intervening. Its
upper part is connected to pubic bone by pubo- prostatic ligaments and the lower end is
pierced by the urethra.
Posterior surface: Triangle in shape. 4cm from the anus and can be easily palpated on
digital examination through the rectum. Near its upper border it is pierced on each side of
the median plane by the ejaculatory duct.
Inferio-lateral surfaces: Related to anterior fibers of levator ani.
Lobes: The urethra and ejaculatory duct traverse the prostate and divide it into 5 lobes.
Anterior lobe: - is a small isthmus connecting the two lateral lobes in front of urethra. It
contain little or no glandular tissues and there for seldom forms an adenoma
Posterior lobe: connects the two lateral lobes behind the urethra. Adenoma never occurs
here. But the Primary carcinoma is said to begin in this part.
Median lobe: lies behind the upper part of the urethra and in front of the ejaculatory duct
and just below the neck of the bladder. It contains much glandular tissues and is common
site of adenoma.
Lateral lobe: lie on each side of the urethra. It contains enough of glandular tissues, which
may form an adenoma in old age.
Capsule: Prostate has a thin capsule of fibro muscular tissues (true capsule) but is also
enclosed in a loose sheath of visceral pelvic fascia (false capsule), which is separated from
the capsule at the front and sides by prostatic venous plexus.
Histology: shows two well defined concentric zones separated by an ill-defined irregular
capsule. The zones are absent anteriorly. Outer larger zone is composed of large branched
gland. This is the exclusive zone for carcinoma. Inner smaller zone composed of
submucosal glands and a group of short simple mucosal glands surrounding the upper part
of the urethra. This zone is typically prone to benign hypertrophy of prostate due to

oestrogenic stimulation.
Blood supply: Branches from inferior vesical, middle rectal and internal pudental artery.
(Valve less communication between the prostatic and vertebral venous plexus exists
through which the prostatic cancer can spread to vertebral column and the skull.)
Lymphatic drainage: In to the internal illiac and sacral nodes. Partly in to the external
illiac nodes.
Nerve supply: Both sympathetic and Para sympathetic nerve.
Prostatic secretion: is watery opalescent fluid, which contain acid phosphatase and
protein. It is discharged into the urethra by contraction of the muscular stroma at
ejaculation. Enzymes that split organic phosphates are present in many human tissues, but
their concentration in the adult prostate is several hundred times greater than in any other
organ or tissues. (This high level is not achieved until after puberty)
Benign enlargement of the prostate usually occurs in men over 50 years of age,
most often between 60 and 70. (After 45- 50 years the prostate is either enlarged (BHP) or
reduced in size (Senile atrophy). These changes are progressive till death.]
In Indian, prostatic enlargement is less frequent and occurs more often in a younger age
Theories of causation:
It is usually attributed to the endocrine changes of aging.
Hormone theory: As age advances the male hormone (androgen) diminishes while the
quantity of the oestrogenic hormone is not decreased equally. According to this theory the
prostat3e enlarges because of predominance of oestrogenic hormone. The prostatic
enlargement can be regarded as involuntary hyperplasia due to disturbance of the ratio
and quantity of the circulating androgens and oestrogens.
Neoplastic theory: Postulates that the enlargement is a benign neoplasm
fibromyoadenoma [as the prostate is composed of fibrous, muscular and glandular
The pathological changes are confined to the inner zone glands of lateral or middle lobe or
of both. This pathological changes consists of an increase in number of glands [adenosis]
and in their cellularity [epitheliosis] and increase also in the amount of fibrous tissue in the
[Stromal proliferation] between the glands, and there is formation of small cysts if the
ducts of the glands are blocked. [The histological changes are closely resembles those of
fibro adenosis in the female breast.]
If adenosis and cyst formation predominate, the inner zone enlarges (sometimes to a
remarkable extent) and this hypertrophied inner zone compress the outer zone of glands
that forms a false capsule. This false capsule compresses, distorts and elongates the
prostatic urethra, so that the out flow of urine from the bladder is obstructed.
With the prostatic hypertrophy, which obstructs the flow of urine from the bladder,
secondary pathological changes may occur in the bladder, ureters and kidneys.
In bladder these changes consists of
1.TrabeculatIon- hypertrophied bands of muscle fibers are formed inside the bladder
3.Stone and
4.diverticula formation-there is shallow depression [known as sacculation] in between the
hypertrophied muscle fibers of the bladder. Some times one of the saccules (rarely two or

more) continues to enlarge and forms a diverticulum.

Upper urinary tract 1. Dilatation of ureters and pelvis -caused by back pressure.
2. Infection and
3. Stone.
Kidney1.Chronic renal failure.
Clinical features
Clinical features of benign hypertrophy of prostate are those of obstruction to the out flow
of urine from the bladder and these are variable according to the lobes affected.
Frequency is the earliest symptoms especially at night. [Usually commencing at 2 or 3
a.m.] Increase frequency of micturition is due to inadequate emptying of the bladder and
due to presence of sensitive prostatic mucus membrane of the intravesical enlargement of
the prostate. The frequency becomes progressive and is then present both by night and by
Urgency due to the fact that urine escapes through the stretched vesical sphincter in to
sensitive prostatic mucosa [empty prostatic urethra], which causes reflex for intense
desires to void.
Difficulty in micturition -- Difficulty in starting micturition. He must wait patiently for
urination to start. Strains hinder the flow rather than increasing the flow. The stream is
weak and dribbles down instead of being projected. Patient should be asked weather
strains improve the streams (as in urethral stricture) or retard the stream- (enlarged
Enlargement of median lobe not only projects in to the bladder but also forms a sort of
valve over the internal urethral orifice. So that the more the patient strain the more does it
obstruct the passage. Urine passes when the patient relaxes.
Acute retention of urine-- Patient has an urgent desire to micturate but is unable to do
so and the bladder is distended, tense and tender. Acute retension of the urine may be the
first symptoms compel the patient to seek releaf because of the intense pain it produces.
Postponement of micturation, indulgence in alcoholic liquors particularly when he goes
out of doors on a cold night and confinement to bed on account of some intercurrent illness
or operation are common precipitating causes of acute retension of urine.
Chronic retention with over flow-- Each time the patient micturates the evacuation is
incomplete and the bladder gradually but progressively distends. The patient may be
unaware that his bladder is distended but usually complains that he has little control over
the small quantities of urine, which overflow down the urethra at frequent intervals.
Nocturnal enuresis should be a warning sign. Chronic retension indicates severe and
prolonged obstruction and is often associated with dilatation of upper urinary tract, vesicouriteric reflux, infection and chronic renal failure.
Stream is variable, often weak, tending to stop and start and dribbles towards the end of
Pain occurs with cystitis or acute retension of urine.
When hydronephrosis commences there may be a dull pain in the loins. A feeling of weight
in the perineum, or fullness in the rectum is occasional complaints.
Recurrent or persistent infections and stones in the bladder and sometimes in the kidneys.
Haematuria or urethral bleeding may occur when the prostate gland is congested and
sometimes is the only symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy. Occasionally alarming
haematuria occurs from a ruptured prostatic vein or from erosion on the enlarged prostate
Chronic renal failure-- The patient present himself with signs of chronic renal failure.

Secondary effects of prostatic enlargement

Urethra: - The portion of urethra lying above the erumontanum becomes elongated,
sometimes to as much as twice its normal length. The canal is compressed laterally so that
it tends to become an antro-posterior slit.
(Verurnontanum - a median longitudinal ridge of mucus membrane present on the
posterior wall of prostatic urethra - also known as urethral crest]
Bladder: - The musculature of the bladder hypertrophies to overcome the obstruction.
When the middle lobe projects upwards in to the bladder it acts as a dam to the last ounce
of urine, which remains in the prostatic pouch. Calculi are prone to form in this stagnant
pool of urine.
Trabiculations, sacculations and diverticulum formation are also may found in the bladder.
The enlarged prostate may compress the prostatic venous plexus; the resulting congested
veins (vesical piles) at the base of bladder are apto cause haematuria.
Unless the obstruction is relieved a time is reached when bladder hypertrophy gives place
to atony. The tired muscle making no attempt to overcome the obstruction.
Ureters and Kidneys: - Increasing intravesical pressure or in some cases direct pressure
of the intravesical portion of the prostate on the ureteric orifices causes gradual dilatation
of ureters, followed by some degree of bilateral hydronephrosis. When bladder hypertrophy
wanes the sphincter mechanism around the ureteric orifices ceases to function permitting
reflux of urine from the bladder in to the dilated ureters with increasing damage to the
renal parenchyma. As a result of ascending infection acute or chronic pyelonephritis
Sexual organs: - In the early stages of prostatic enlargement there is increased libido.
Later impotence is the rule.
1. Examination of the abdomen- Obstruction to the out flow of urine from the bladder will
be found on palpation, percussion and sometimes on inspection with loss of the transverse
supra-pubic skin crease.
The renal areas should be palpated for tenderness and possible enlargement of the
2. Examination of the tongue- Dry brown tongue and urine of low specific gravity indicate
renal insufficiency.
3. Examination of urinary meatus- to exclude stenosis.
4. Rectal examination- Findings on rectal examination vary depending on which lobe or
lobes of the prostate are involved. If the lateral lobes are involved the prostate feel large
and smooth, is elastic and uniform in consistence and mobile
If the middle lobe alone is affected, the prostate feels normal on examination because an
enlarged middle lobe projects forwards into the rectum and can be recognized only by
Residual urine may be felt as a fluctuating swelling above the prostate. It should be noted
that if there is considerable amount of residual urine present, it pushes the prostate
downwards making it appear larger than it is.
5. When possible, the act of micturition should be watched. Loss of projectile power is
6. A mid stream specimen of urine sent for bacteriological examination.
7. Nervous system examination- to eliminate neurological lesion.
Diabetes mellitus
Disseminated sclerosis
Cervical spondylosis may give symptoms that mimic prostatic
Parkinsons disease and obstruction

Other neurological states

8. The micturographA graphic recording of patients stream rate and volume of the urine
can be obtained and is most helpful in determining the degree of outflow obstruction.
9. Examination of blood
a] Blood urea
b] Blood count being essential.
c] Serological test for syphilis.
10. Examination of urinea] For evidence of infection
b] Culture
c] Test for the presence of glucose.
11. Intravenous urography- it has been the tradition to perform an intravenous urograph
when investigating patients with bladder out flow obstruction. The plaine film may show
the presence of a calculus whether in the kidney or in the bladder. It will also show if there
is degenerative disease of the lumbar spine and sometimes the characteristics feature of a
sclerotic bony metastasis from carcinoma of the prostate. It will show the contour of the
bladder and whether trabiculation, sacculation or a diverticulum is present. A film after
micturition reveals significant residual urine.
12. Ultra sound examination
13.Urodynamics- when a clear diagnosis has not been reached or if neuropathy is
suspected an urodynamic investigation can usually established whether bladder out flow
obstruction is present. [The principle is artificially simulate bladder filling and emptying
whilst obtaining scientific measurement of the various functions involved] Recording of the
residual volume, the intravesical pressure, the bladder capacity and the sensation of
fullness can all be obtained quite simply.
14. Cysto urethroscopy- inspection of the urethra, the prostate and urothelium of the
bladder should always be made before prostatectomy. It beeing important to exclude the
presence of urethral stricture, a bladder carcinoma and the occasional non-radio opaque
vesical calculus.
15. Catheterization and residual urine- Introduction of a catheter may determine the type
of obstruction in urethra. With an enlarged prostate obstruction is encountered after the
catheter has gone beyond the apex of the prostate due to kinking of prostatic urethra.
Residual urine [amount of urine collected by means of a catheter after the patient has
voided urine] is a good indication of the capacity of the retro- prostatic pouch particularly
in case of prostatic enlargement.
Benign hypertrophy of prostate is treated not because the gland is large but because it is
causing obstruction. There is no correlation between the size of the prostate assessed by
rectal examination and the degree of obstruction.
Medical treatment may reduce the congestion in the gland, control infection and improve
renal function and patients general condition. Acute urinary retention is distressing and
painful. It requires decompression of the bladder by the passage of a urethral catheter.
Chronic urinary retension, which is painless, and having no symptoms suggestive of
coexistent infection and with the normal serum creatinie level do not necessarily require a
Uraemic patient with chronic retension are often dehydrated at the time of admission. Due
to the chronic back pressure on the distal tubules within the kidney, loss of their ability to
reabsorb salt and water. Then there is enormous out flow of salt and water, which has
become known as a post obstructive diuresis. Intravenous fluid replacement is required if
the patient is unable to keep up with this fluid loss.

Operative treatment
Indication for operation:
1. Prostatism- [frequency, urgency and difficulty of micturition] prostatectomy is advised.
2 .Acute retension- which is unrelieved by passing a catheter.
3. Chronic retension a residual urine of 200 ml or more.
4. Complication- stone, infection and diverticulum formation.
5. Haemorrhage venous bleeding from a ruptured vein overlying the prostate will not
stop with catheter drainage. So prostectomy must be performed.
Prostactomy or more correctly the removal of the adenomatous hyperplasla, by one of the
four routes is practicable in the great majority of cases.
The prostate can be approached
1.Through the bladder [transvesical]
2 Retro pubically
3.Frorn the perineum
4.Trans urethrally [TURP, PURP Trans urethral or pre urethral resection of prostate.]
Transurethral resection of prostate has largely replaced other methods unless
diverticulectomy or the removal of large stones necessitates open operation.
Complication of operation: 1 Local and
2 General
Local complication
Haemorrhage is the most tiresome complication following prostatectomy whatever surgical
approach. Secondary haemorrhage tends to occur around the tenth postoperative day and
is usually associated with the patient overexerting himself or the presence of urinary
Perforation of the bladder or the prostatic capsule can occur.
Infection in the bladder, epididymis or kidney.
Incontinence is inevitable if the external sphincter mechanism is damaged.
Retrograde ejaculation and impotence-- All patients having a prostatectomy should be
warned that they are likely to suffer from retrograde ejaculation.
[This occurs once the bladder neck is rendered incompetent.]
Stricture may occur secondary to prolonged catheterization.
Bladder neck contracture due to the over use of the coagulating diathermy.
General complication: Cardio vascular system- pulmonary atelectasis, pneumonia, myocardial- infarction
congestive cardiac failure and deep vein thrombosis.
Water intoxication- the absorption of water in to the circulation at the time of a transurethral resection can give rise to congestive cardiac failure, hypo- natraemia and
Homoeopathic medicine
Argentum nitricum - Emission of a few drops after having finished. Divided stream. Profuse
urine and terrible cutting pain. Bloody urine. Urine passes unconsciously day and night.
Impotence. Erection fails when coition is attempted.
Aloes soc- urinary incontinence in aged. Bearing down sensation and enlarged prostate.
Scanty high coloured urine.
Baryta carb- Diseases of the old man when degenerative changes begin who have

hypertrophied prostate or indurated testis. Very sensitive to cold, offensive foot sweats,
very weak and weary must sit or lie down or lean on something.
Chimaphila umbellata- Acts principally on kidneys and genitourinary tract. Prostatic
enlargement- must strain before flow comes. Scanty urine. Acute prostatis, retension and
feeling of a ball in perineum. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and
body inclined forward. Urine turbid, offensive containing ropy or bloody mucus and
depositing a copious sediment.
Ferrum picricum is considered a great remedy to complete the action of other medicine.
Senile hypertrophy of the prostate. Pain along entire urethra. Frequent micturition at night
with full feeling and pressure in rectum. Smarting at neck of bladder and penis. Retonsion
of urine.
Hydrangea A remedy for gravel, profuse deposit of white amorphous salts in urine.
Burning in urethra and frequent desire. Urine hard to start. Great thirst with abdominal
symptoms and enlarged prostate.
Populus tremuloides- Catarrh of the bladder especially in old people. Good remedy in
vesical troubles after operations. Severe tenesmus. Painful scalding. Prostate enlarged.
Pain behind pubis at end of urination.
Sabal aerrulata Has unquestioned value in prostatic enlargement, epididymitis and
urinary difficulties. Acts on membrano-prostatic portion of urethra. Iritis with prostatic
trouble. Fear of going to sleep. Desire for milk. Constant desire to pass water at night.
Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy. Discharge of prostatic fluid. Coitus painful at the time
of emission.
Senecio aureus- Has marked action over the urinary organs. Scanty high coloured urine
with much mucus and tenusmus. Great heat and constant urging. Dull heavy pain in
spermatic cord extending to testicles.
Solidago virga Urine scanty, reddish brown, thick sediment, dysurea, gravel. Difficult
and scanty. Clear and offensive urine. Some times make the use of catheter unnecessary
Sulphur- Frequent micturition especially at night. Burning in urethra during micturition
lasts long after. Parts sore over which urine passes. Must hurry, sudden call to urinate.
Great quantities of colourless urine.
Thiosinaminum Enlarged glands.
Thuia- Urinary stream split and small. Frequent micturition accompanying pains. Sensation
of trickling after urinating. Severe cutting after. Desire sudden and urgent but can not be
controlled .Pain and burning felt near neck of bladder with frequent and urgent desire to
Thyroidinum Increased flow of urine. Poly urea. Desire for sweets and thirst for cold
water. Worse riding in car.
Beuzoicum acidum-- Highly colured and very offensive urine.
Calcarea flurica-- For hard stony glands.
Calcarea iodata Scrofulous affections, especially enlarged glands.
Conium mac Acts on glandular systemengorging and indurating it. Altering its structure
like scrofulous and cancerous conditions. Much difficulty in voiding urine. It flows and stops
again. Dribbling in old men.
Iodum Frequent and copious dark yellow green.
Lycopodium Urine slow in coming, must strain. Retension. Polyurea during the night.
Pareira bravauseful in renal colic, prostatic affections and catarrh of bladder. Constant
urging, great straining can emit urine only when he goes on his knees pressing head firmly
against the floor. Dribbling after rnicturition. Urethritis with prostatic trouble.
Picricum acidum - Prostatic hypertrophy, especially in cases not too for advanced. Dribbling
micturition. Nightly urging.
Pulsatilla Increased desire worse when lying down. Involuntary urination at night while
coughing. Acute prostatitis. Pain and tenesmus in urinating worse lying on back.
Sarasaprilla Severe pain at conclusion of urination. Urine dribbles while sitting.

Staphysagria- Prostatic troubles. Frequent urination, burning in urethra when not urinating
up on bladder, feels as if it did not empty as if a drop of urine were rolling continuously
along the channel.
Hepar sulph- Urine voided slowly with out force- drops vertically seems as if some always
remained. Bladder difficulties of old men.
Kali bich- After urinating a drop seems to remain, which cannot be expelled.
Chromium sulphate
Eupatorium purpureum- Albuminuria, diabetes mellitus, strangury, irritable bladder, and
enlarged prostate are a special feud for this remedy. Constant desire - bladder feels dull.
Ikshuganda (Tribulus terrestris)- Useful in urinary affection, especially dysurea, prostatitis
and calculus affection.
Oleum santali (Oil of sandal wood)-- Stream small and slow. Sensation of a ball pressing
against the urethra. Worse standing.
Oxydendrn Prostatic enlargement, vesical calculi. Irritation of neck of bladder.
Piper methysticum (kava kava)-- Urinary and skin symptoms have been verified. Cystitis.
Rhus aromatica Renal and urinary affection. Senile incontinence. Severe pain before or at
beginning of urination. Constant dribbling.
Triticum (Agropyron repens)-- Frequent, difficult and painful urination, incontinence and
constant desire.
Medorrhinumpainful tenesmus when urinating. Urine flows very slowly. Enlarged and
painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination.
Carcinoma of the prostate is the common malignant condition in men over the age of 65
years. About 20% of cases of prostatic obstruction prove to be due to carcinoma. It is less
common in Japanese while its incidence is higher and its behavior is more aggressive in
American Negroes.
Carcinoma of prostate, which is an adeno-carcinoma, starts on the outer zone glands of a
normal or hypertrophied prostate and may occur in the false capsule deliberately left behind
after prostatectomy for benign hypertrophy. So prostatectomy for benign hypertrophy of
gland confers little protection from the subsequent development of carcinoma.
Histological appearance
Prostate is a glandular structure consisting of ducts and acini, there for histological pattern
is one of an adeno-carcinoma. A layer of myoepithelial cells surrounds the prostate glands.
The first change associated with carcinoma is the loss of this layer with the glands
appearing in confluence. As the cell type becomes less differentiated more solid sheets of
carcinoma cells are seen.
Local spread
A growth commencing in the posterior zone of the gland is prevented from extending
backwards by the strong tunica of Denovilliers. Consequently it tends to grow up wards to
involve the seminal vesicle. Further upwards extension obstructs the lower end of one or
both ureters the latter terminating in anuria. Carcinoma commencing in a lateral lobe
involves the prostatic urethra early.
In advanced cases the base of the bladder is invaded. The rectum may become stenosed by
growth infiltrating round it. But direct involvement is very late.
Spread by blood stream
Occurs particularly to bones .The Prostate is the most common site of origin for skeletal
metastasis (being followed in turn by the breasts, the kidney, the bronchial tree and the
thyroid gland). The bones most frequently involved are pelvic bones and the lower lumbar

vertebrae. Femoral head, rib cage and skull are other favoured sites. The frequent proximity
of skeletal metastases to the primary growth has been attributed to reversed flow from the
vesical venous plexus to the emissary vein of the pelvic bone during coughing, sneezing etc.
Bony metastases appear in x-ray as sclerotic areas.
Lymphatic spread
Through the lymphatic vessels passing along the sides of the rectum to the lymph nodes
along the internal iliac vein which lies in the hollow of the sacrum.
Through lymphatic which pass over the seminal vesicles and follow the vas deference for a
short distance to drain in to external illiac node.
From both this situation the retroperitoneal lymph node, later the mediastinal lymph node
and occasionally the supraclavicular lymph node become affected.
Carcinoma prostate usually occurs in older man. Symptoms are very similar to benign
hypertrophy of prostate. (Frequency, urgency and difficulty of micturition.) But the main
difference is that the history is quit short and they get worse rapidly. Incontinence a short
history of up to 6 month and pain on micturition are suggestive features of carcinoma in a
patient with history of prostatism.
According to the progression of disease; it can be classified in to 5 types.
Type 1: Discovered only on histological examination of tissue removed at prostatectomy.
Type 2: Rectal findings of a hard nodule or extension outside the capsule, investigated by
perineal biopsy.
Type 3: The primary may be tiny and occult, the patient presenting with the rheumatism or
arthritis with blood acidphosphatase level often very high. Urinary symptoms are absent or
slight. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is high.
Type 4: Pain in the back or sciatica is the main symptoms. Bilateral sciatica in an elderly
man is most often due to metastases in the spine from a carcinoma of the prostate.
Oedema of one or either legs, paraplegia or a spontaneous fracture is occasionally due to
metastases from a carcinoma of the prostate. Anaemia may be the presenting symptoms.
On account of destruction of bone marrow, bone metastases from carcinoma of prostate can
give rise to a haernorrhagic diathesis and the patient suffers haernorrhage often severe, not
necessarily from the urinary tract.
If the malignant gland obstructs the urethra, the patient complaints of difficulties in
micturition, urinary retension, infection, stones or renal failure. (Indistinguishable from
those caused by benign hypertrophy of prostate) Because carcinoma begins in outer zone
glands, it only obstruct the urethra when it is locally advanced and some patient have no
urinary symptoms but they have pain in back or sciatica caused by bony metastases.
Rectal examination:
Bimanual examinations under anesthesia, together with cystoscopy and needle biopsy are
essential in order to assess the local stage of growth. Irregular indurations with stony
hardness in part or in the whole of gland with obliteration of the median sulcus suggests
carcinoma .
TNM -Classification (adopted by the international union against cancer)
This is a detailed clinical staging, which is arrived at simply by the clinician ascertaing the
following points during his examination of the patient.
1. What is the extent of the primary turner?
2. Are there any lymph node affected?
3. Are there any metastases?

T.O- Clinically unsuspected
N. 0- No evidence of involvement of regional lymph node
M.0- No evidence of distant metastases
T. 1- Local nodule
N. 1- Involvement of one regional lymph node.
M. 1-Distant metastases.
T.2-Difuse or deforming capsule.
N.2- Involvement of several regional node.
T.3-Out side capsule or extension in to vesicle
N.3- Fixed mass of regional lymph node
T.4- Fixed to the other tissue.
N.4- Involvement of common illiac or Para-aortic node
Blood: Hemoglobin percentage (Leucoerythroblastic anaemia secondary to extensive
marrow invasion or anaemia may be secondary to renal failure)
Platelet count: Platelet count sometimes reduced when metastases present.
Renal function test: Because hydronephrosis may exists from chronic bladder out flow
obstruction or from direct invasion of one or both of the ureters by the carcinoma.
Liver function test: Abnormal when there is extensive metastatic invasion of the liver.
Alkaline phosphatase may be raised from hepatic involvement or from secondaries in the
Acid phosphatase: Prostatic fraction can be measured by an enzyme technique or a radio
immuno assay. A raised value is strongly suggestive of prostatic carcinoma. 20 % of patient
with metastases will have a normal value. So it is not a good screening test.
Prostatic specific antigen: Measurement of prostatic specific antigen is now thought to have
great specificity when looking for a response to treatment.
Radiological: X-ray chest- metastases in the lung fields or the ribs.
Abdominal X-ray - sclerotic metastases too commonly in the lumbar vertebra and pelvic
Ultrasonography: Transrectal ultrasound helpful in staging local disease.
Bone scan: Achieved by the injection of technetium 99 the isotope is then monitered using a
gamma camera.
Lymphangiography: Assessment of lymph nodes in the pelvis can be performed by
Bone marrow aspiration: Reveal the presence of metastatic carcinoma cells.
Biopsy: Using a Vin Silverman needle transrectally can be done if the diagnosis ii in doubt.
1. Trans urethral resection (TUR)
TUR is done in the presence of out flow obstruction. This will give material for diagnosis and
provide symptomatic relief. TUR may not remove all the local cancer. It may be appropriate
if the bone scan is normal.
2. Radical prostatectomy
Radical prostatectomy commonly results in total urinary incontinence and loss of potency.
3. Pelvic lymph node dissection and 1-131 seed implantation
A pelvic lymph node desection with frozen section examination is performed. I 131 seeds
are then implanted into the prostate assuming the nodes are free of tumor. This technique

delivers a high dose of radiotherapy with low penetration.

Bilateral orchidectomy will eliminate the major source of testosterone production
5. Hypophysectomy and adrenalectomy
Not used in now-a days.
Radio therapy:
Local: Radical radiotherapy to the prostatic bed and pelvic lymph node. Local complication
are inevitable- namely irritation of bladder, urinary frequency, urgency and some times urge
incontinence. Some upset to rectum with diarrhoea occasionally late radiation prosatitis.
General: radiotherapy for symptomatic metastases is a excellent form of treatment often
producing dramatic pain relief.
Carcinocine . Plumb met Sulphur
Conium mac Psorinum Thuja
Crot. hor (pain with) Selenium Silicea
Cop Sence , Iodum
Acute prostatitis is usually seen in men between the ages of 30 and 50. In both acute and
chronic prostatitis the seminal vesicles and the prostatic urethra are also usually involved.
Then there is a triad of pathological condition namely posterior urethritis, prostatitis and
seminal vesIculitis. Acute prostatitis is a common clinical condition seen in our day today
The usual organism responsible is E. coli. But staphylococcus aureas and albus,
streptococcus faecalis and the gonococcus may be responsible.
The infection is haematogenous from a distant focus notably furunculosis, infected tonsils,
caries teeth or diverticulitis. In a minority of cases, the infection ascends from the urethra
or descends from the bladder or kidney.
Infection usually blood borne. General manifestations are- the patient feels ill, shivers, may
have rigor, aching all over, especially the back. The temperature may be up to 39-c. Pain on
micturition is usual. Perineal heaviness, rectal irritation and pain on defecation may occur
and sitting may be uncomfortable. Frequency occurs when the infection spreads up to the
Rectal examination-reveals a tender prostate and the seminal vesicle may be involved.
Aetiology: is a sequel of inadequately treated acute prostatitis. Smears show bacteria in
about 40% and cultures are positive in 70% of cases. The predominant organisms are E.
coli, Staphylococcus, streptococcus and Diphtheroids in that order. Trichomonas has been
found to be a cause of chronic prostatitis (and may be common to both husband and wife)
Chlamydia is another causative organism.
Lumen of the ducts becomes blocked with epithelial debris and pus. This causes a soft
enlargement of the organ. Later fibrosis occurs, and the prostate becomes smaller and

1. Causing chronic posterior urethritis- specimen shows 50 or more pus cells/ HPF.
2. Causing epididymitis
3. Pain- Local pain (dull ache) in the perineum and rectum. Aggravated by sitting on a hard
Referred pain- Low back ache, lumbago, some times extending down the leg.
4. Silent prostatitis Pus has been obtained from the prostate. No other symptoms. (But
patient may have arthritis, myositis, neuritis and sometimes iritis and conjunctivitis.)
5. Recurring attacks of mild pyrexia.
6. Sexual dysfunction Premature ejaculations, prostatorrhoea and impotence.
1. A 3-glass urine test- If the first glass shows urine containing prostatic threads, prostatitis
is present.
2. Rectal examination- May or may not confirm the diagnosis.
3.Examination of the prostatic fluid- Obtained by prostatic massage. (Normal prostatic fluid
is slightly opalescent and viscid.) May show many pus cells and sometimes bacteria.
4. Urethroscopy Reveals inflammation of prostatic urethra.
Acute prostatitis: Avoidance of alcohol and sexual intercourse for six week is wise.
Aesculus Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool. Frequent, scanty, dark and hot urine.
Apis mel
Cantharis-- Intolerable urging & tenesrnus, urine scald him &is passed drop by drop.
Constant desire to urinate.
Colchicum-- Urine contain clots of putrid decomposed blood, albumin & sugar.
Copaiva Act powerfully on mucus membrane especially that of urinary tract turbid color.
Peculiar pungent odor.
Cubeba-- _ Mucus membrane generally especially that of the urinary tract. Prostatis with
thick yellow discharge.
Digitalis Continued urging in drops dark, hot burnings with sharp cutting pain at the neck
of bladder as if a straw was being thrust back & forth, ammoniacal & turbid urine.
Ferrum Phos
Hepar sulph
Kali iod
Merc cor
Merc dul
Nitric acidScanty dark offensive smells like horse urine. Cold on passing. Alternation of
cloudy phosphatic urine with profuse urinary secretions in old prostatic cases.
Olium santele
Pichi (Fabiana imbricta)--Vesclcal cattarah with suppurative prostatic condition.
Picric acid

Sabal .Ser
Salix nigra_ Has a positive action on the generative organs of both sexes.
Verat .v
Aurm me
Baryta carb
Carbonium sulph
Conium mac
Ferrum Picricum
Hepar sulph
Merc cor
Merc sol
Nitric acid
Nux vomica

Two types
1.Endogenous: Common are usally composed of calcium phospahte plus 20% of organic
2. Exogenous: Rare-- is a urinary (ureteric) calculus that become arrested in prostatic

Often symptomless, being discovered on X- ray of pelvis for any other cause. Symptoms are
at first those of chronic prostatis or prostatic obstruction.
Small calculi; Symptoms mild - Treatment of c/c prostatitis
Trans urethral resection
Retropubic prostato lithotomy
Tuberculosis of prostate and seminal vesicles associated with renal tuberculosis in at least
60%. In 30% there is history of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Rectal examination reveals one or more well defined nodules most often near the upper or
lower border of one or both lateral lobe.
Urethral discharge is the first symptoms. Painful sometimes bloodstained ejaculation (20
%). Mild ache in the perineum. Infertility (fertility very much reduced). 80% are sterile.
Urinary symptoms When the posterior urethra becomes involved from extension of
tuberculosis from the prostate- there is painful, frequent micturition and sometimes
terminal haematuria.
Abscess formation- Cold abscess formation in the prostate. (Slightly tender soft swelling) It
usually ruptured in to the urethra, rarely through the perineum or in to the rectum. If a
recto prostatic fistula develops it is extremely difficult to heal even when the tuberculous
infection has been eliminated. (If a prostatic abscess forms it is better to evacuate it by the
perineal route than to permit it to rupture spontaneously.)
Radiography large scattered area of calcification
Bacteriological examination of fluid- gives positive culture of tubercle bacilli.
Posterior urethroscopy- reveals one or more dilated prostatic duct plus tubercle bacilli in the
ejaculate- establishes an absolute diagnosis.
General and treatment for tuberculosis.

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