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Chapter One: The Rebel Alliance

Chapter Two: The Empire
Chapter Three: Black Sun


Chapter Four: The Fringe

Chapter Five: Planets
Chapter Six: Aliens

Chapter Seven: Droids

Chapter Eight: EqUiPment..
Chapter Nine: vehic/es
Chapter Ten: Starships




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Between Empire and Jedi

The film trilogy comprised of Star Wars: A
New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of
the Jedi follows a classic storytelling format.
The first part introduces a grand selling, replete
with heroes, fantastic starships and a climactic
battle. In the second part, conflicts strengthen
the heroes and bring them to the brink of,defeat.
And in the final act, the heroes emerge from the
conflict, their resolve forged in the fires of combat and tempered like steel.
So where does a "fourth part" fit into this
Shadows of the Empire adds another dimension only hinted at in the original films. For the
most part, the on-screen conflicts in the Star
Wars saga are between the Rebel Alliance and
the Empire. In Return of the Jedi, audiences are
treated to a brief view of the criminal underworld, as personified by Jabba the Hutt and his
decadent court. It is from the depths of this
underworld that the conflicts emerge which
shape Shadows of the Empire.
One of the more enjoyable aspects of Shadows is that it develops plot threads only mentioned briefly in the films - similar to what Star
Wars: The Roleplaying Game and other Star Wars
games, comics, and novels have been doing for
many years. Shadows of the Empire, like these
other stories, expands the Star Wars galaxy
beyond the bounds of what is seen on the silver

Who were those "many Bothans" who died to

bring the second Death Star plans to the Rebel
fleet? How did the Emperor plan the ambush at
Endor? How did Luke Skywalker grow as a man
and a Jedi between his defeat on Bespin and his

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

triumphant return to rescue his friend Han Solo

from Jabba's palace? The answers to these questions and many more can be found in the pages
of this saga.
Shadows ofthe Empire takes readers to many
worlds not shown in the movies. Locales include Rodia, homeworld of the late bounty
hunter Greedo; Bothawui, homeworld to the
Bothans who figure so prominently in Timothy
Zahn's Star Wars novels; and much of the action
is set on Imperial Center (Coruscant), the heart
of the Empire, during the height of Emperor
Palpatine's reign. Shadows draws readers into
the center of the Emperor's twisted web of
intrigue, to Darth Vader's castle, and into the
lair of the underworld's Prince Xizor, ruler of
Black Sun.
Shadows ofthe Empire is an exciting companion piece to the original Star Wars trilogy.

The Shadows of the Empire

Much as the novel is to the movie trilogy, the
Shadows ofthe Empire Sourcebook is a companion to the novel. It provides detailed informa-

tion on the characters, locations, and other

elements of the story, as well as additional
information on how Shadows of the Empire fits
into the greater Star WOI:I' universe.
If you have not read Shadows ofthe Empire, it
is strongly suggested that you do so now. Reading this sourcebook before reading the novel
would be like reading the "making of" story
before seeing the movie it's based on.
TheShadows ofthe Empire Sourcebook is fully
compatible with the Star Wars roleplaying game.


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


- Set
Jhe--Stage IS

It is a-darktimdorthe Rebe Alliance. Despite

their VictO lJl against
Death Star at
the Battle 0 Yavin three years ago, the Rebels
have been driven back, defeated at Hoth and
forced to relocate their main command center.
Now, some months after that retreat, the Rebel
fleet hides from the Empire's forces. Meanwhile,
rumors are beginning to swirl of new and deadly
plans being hatched by the Imperials.
Luke Skywalker, last of the Jedi Knights, is
still reeling from his defeat by Darth Vader on
Cloud City. During his battle with Vader, Luke
confronted the dark side of the Force and came
close to being swayed to the Sith Lord's side.
Though he has recovered physically from the
devastating battle, his spirit still struggles to
deal with the revelation that Vader is his father.
Rather than face his fears, he focuses on his
duties - he longs to add to his knowledge of
Jedi ways, and more, he knows the Rebel Alliance badly needs strong leaders. He is prepared
to serve the Rebellion once more.
Princess Leia Organa would normally have
her mind solely on the affairs ofthe Rebellion, as
well. However, she is thinking of herself first.
The capture of Han Solo preys on her mind, and
though she sees his rescue as a priority for the
Alliance, it would also help to resolve her feelings for him. Aided by Solo's friends Chewbacca
and Lando Calrissian, Leia searches for Boba


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

FeU, the infamous bounty hunter who is holding

the Corellian smuggler.
While all of this transpires, the forces of the
dark are not idle. Emperor Palpatine puts into
effect his master plan to eliminate the Rebel
threat. Though his mercurial orders often seem
contradictory, no one doubts Palpatine knows
precisely what he is doing (or if they do doubt,
no one is brave enough ... or foolhardy enough
... to give voice to it.)
For his part, Darth Vader is intent on finding
Skywalker again. Turning Luke to the dark side
would be a boon to the Empire and possibly give
the Dark Lord the power to challenge the Emperor, but his efforts are hampered by intrigues,
plots and counterplots brewing in the Imperial
A new player has taken the galactic stage.
Black Sun, the mightiest organization in the
underworld, vies for power in the midst of the
civil war. Its leader, Prince Xizor, has the
Emperor's ear and uses this to good effect. Safe
in his fortress on Coruscant, surrounded by
bodyguards, Xizor plots against Vader and prepares for the possible fall of the Empire. But for
his plans to succeed, Luke Skywalker must die
Thus the stage is set for Shadows of the


With the bitter defeaf/at Hoth behind them,

eXhSlustinghim through rigorous exercises while
the heroes ofYavin turn.lheir attention to rescu- . Y-oila's teachings challenged the way the heading Han Solo from-tlre_c1utches 0 Boba Fett and
strong young ma'7looked at the universe. Luke
Jabba the Hutt""SDr;;e wrestle with their own
learned much about his ability-to tap into the
personal conflicts, while otjers wonder what
Force, ju{he was still an angry and restless
the future holds for and lor the
T))an,.-Despite Yoda's counsel, Luke was too eaRebel Alliance.
'-'=.~';ger to Ugh! and still lacking in true selkonfiIn the course of their adventures, the patfis of. Jdenc~; fie was slow to learn to act in the humble
Luke and Leia diverge. Before Solo is found, old . "yet for' efuj manner required of a trueJedi Knight.
allies will return and new ones will be"discovLuke interrupted his training - over the
ered, all of whom will be of immeasu'r~ble aid to , protests of%da and Ben-to save his friends.
the cause of the Rebellion.
Y Had he stayed on Dagobah, perhaps the confrontation with Vader might have ended differLuke Skywalker
ently ... there is no way to know. Instead, he
A mere three years ago, Luke Skywalker was
rushed into Vader's elaborate snare. During the
confrontation, the Dark Lord of the Sith relittle more than a young moisture farmer on
vealed that he was Luke's father. Luke was
Tatooine. He dreamed of attending the Acadoverwhelmed by emotions: fear of the truth;
emy and becoming a top pilot, convinced that
feelings of betrayal regarding his trusted menlife must hold more for him than toiling away on
tor, Obi-Wan Kenobi; and the temptation of
a remote desert planet.
power ... the power to save his friends and
His wishes would be granted, but his dream
would be born in tragedy. The murder of his
perhaps even end the war between Rebels and
Empire, if only he would join Vader.
aunt and uncle by Imperial stormtroopers and
his meeting with Ben Kenobi would propel him
In the end, it was all too much to bear. Hanginto the heart of the battle between the Empire
ingin Cloud City's wind tunnel, gravely wounded
by Vader, Luke chose to let go and fall into the
and the Rebel Alliance.
It was Kenobi who introduced Luke to the
unknown, fleeing the battle and the dark truths
lore of the Jedi and the power of the Force. Prior
it had unveiled.
Now Luke prepares to rescue Han Solo while
to his death at the hands of Vader, Kenobi
trying to regain confidence, both in himself and
began Luke's training as a Jedi Knight. Since
then, Skywalker has been educated by journeys
in his Jedi abilities. He must learn to balance his
to worlds such as Mimban and Ord Mantell and
head and heart - for following his heart alone
his courage has been tested by formidable foes
almost led to disaster on Cloud City.
such as Baron Tagge, Captain-Supervisor
The spirit which allowed Luke to deliver the
killing blow to the Death Star at Yavin has been
Grammel and Darth Vader. Luke has become a
leader, playing a major role in the evacuation of
wounded. He has thrown himself into researchYavin Base and helping to establish major Rebel
ing Jedi ways, aided by an ancient tome found in
Ben Kenobi's abandoned dwelling on Tatooine.
bases on Thila and Hath. After the Battle of
Hoth, Luke followed Ben's direction and travHe has also begun constructing a Iightsaber to
eled to the planet Dagobah to seek training with
replace the weapon he lost in Cloud City. This is
more than a simple test of skill - it is a means
of healing his spirit.
The Jedi Master pushed Luke to his limits,


of the Empire Sourcebook

In the end, none of this can truly allow him to
escape the memory of Vader's words. "Luke ...
Jam your father ..." He can sense the dark side
calling to him, pursuing him, just as it did his
father. In his heart, he knows he could become
what Vader is today, and the thought terrifies
Nothing Yoda or Ben Kenobi taught him couid
prepare Luke forthe challenge he faces now. For
he knows that, one day, he must confront Vader
again ... and on that day, he will know his

Luke Skywalker
Type: Brash Pilot

Blaster6D-t2, brawling parry5D+2. dodge 70+ 1, lightsaber
80, melee combat 4D, melee parry 90


Alien species 40, bureaucracy 50+ I. streetwise 60, sur

vival 60, value 40

Astrogation 60, beast riding 40+2, beast riding: tauntaun
60+1, repulsorlift operation 80, repulsorlift operation:

airspeeder 80, sensors 40+ I. starfighter piloting: Xwing

90+2, stars hip gunnery 70+ 1. starship shields 7D
Bargain 3D, command 50+2, hide 40+2, search 50, sneak

Brawling 5D+ I, climbing/jumping 60, lifting 40, stamina

Computer programming/repair 5D, droid programming

50+ 1, droid repair 60, first aid 40+2, Iightsaber repair

70+1, repulsorlift repair 70, security 40+1, starfighter
repair 50+2
Special Abilities:

Force Skills: Control9D+2, sense 7D+2, alter 6D+2

Control: Accelerate healing, concentration *, control pain,
detoxify poison**, emptiness, enhance attribute**, hibernation trance, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun
Sense: Danger sense**, instinctive astrogationt, Ji(e detection, life sense, receptive telepathy, sense Force
Alter: Telekinesis
Control and Sense: Farseeing**, Iightsaber combat, projective telepathy
Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind
* This power described in the Star Wat:5 Movie Trilogy

** This power described in the Dark Force Rising

t This power described in Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments

from the Rim

This character is Force-.sensitive.
Force Points: 19
Dark Side Points: I
Character Points: 35
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), com link, lightsaber (SO)

Princess leia Organa

Raised as a member of the Royal Family of
Alderaan, Princess Leia Organa has often been
described as a natural leader. Once a member of
the Imperial Senate, Leia used her position and

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

authority to aid the Rebel Alliance. When the

Senate was disbanded, and she was forced into
hiding, Lela guided the Rebellion through difficult times, taking on many military and diplomatic missions. Through it all, her dedication to
the Alliance, and willingness to put it before her
own interests, has never wavered.

Now all that has changed. Despite her initial

dislike of him, Leia has found herself drawn to
the smuggler Han Solo. His daring, his courage,
and his heart slowly won her over. Just as she

realized that what she felt for him was love, they
were torn apart. Betrayed on Cloud City by
Han's "friend," Lando Calrissian, Leia and Han
were captured as bait for Luke S~alker. Darth
Vader ordered Solo frozen in carbonite and
turned him over to bounty hunter Boba Fett for
delivery to Jabba the Hutt.
"I love you," Leia had said as they led Solo
away. "I know," was Han's only reply. They were
the last words she would hear him speak before
he was frozen in carbonite.
Alter she rejoins the Rebel fleet, Leia knows
her first duty should be to the Alliance. But like
Luke, her head wars with her heart, and her
heart tells her to do anything she can to save the
man she loves. With hernew "bodyguard," Chewbacca, and the aid of a repentant Calrissian, she
has embarked on a search for Solo. It is a dangerous business, and there's no guarantee of success, but she feels compelled to save the smuggler ... if only to be sure that he loves her, too.

Princess Leia Organa

Type: Young Senatorial

Blaster 70+ 1. blaster artillery 30+2, brawling parry 40,
dodge 70, grenade4D, melee combat 50, melee parry4D,

vehicle blasters 40
Alien species 70, bureaucracy 90+1, cultures 90, lan-

guages 60+2, planetary systems 90, streetwise 60,

vivaI7D+2, value 60+1, willpower 60+1


Astrogation 30+2, beast riding 30+2, repulsorlift operation 40+2, starfighter piloting 50, starship gunnery 40,

starship shields 50
Bargain 60, command 100, con 50+1, gambling 40, hide
60, persuasion 70, persuasion: debate 80+2, search

50+2, sneak 60
Brawling 40, climbing/jumping 40, stamina 60, swim
Computer programming/repair 40+2, droid program
ming 40, droid repair 40, first aid 60, security 30+2,
starfighter repair 20+2

Solo/would help us coordinate the arrival of those

newCor'[;llia'il ships when weillear Yoorlach ..."
/teia"s glance tdId Mon 1YI0thma I the woman
ne~tled to kno)\'.
"I believerthIs problem has less to do with the
Rebellion,ahd moreto do.with tpeprincess," Mothma
"Yes~I'd like permission to recruit a small group
and go. aft~r Boba Fett," Leia finally said. "I believe
with 'some of Lando ealrissian's contacts, andLilke
and;Chewie's help, we might De abl~ to rescue H\ln."
"We could.certainlyuse aptain Solo's leadership
her~ with the fleet," Motfima said. "But I sense there
are other reasons you wish to rescue him."
Lela's eyes dropped to the floor.
Atkbar smiled. "I see. Permission for your rescue
mission, is granted. 'Perhaps"we can make some
arrangements to support your efforts - in conjunction witfi existing Rebel.operations, of course."
"Are you certain,I,nrnot needed here?" Leia asked.
"I know there's so much more that still needs to be
done ..."
"Standard military theory holds that a force divided cannot win the battle," Ackbar noted.
"Admiral, this is no time to recite your tenets of
military strategy," Mothma gently chided.
Ackbar turned to her. "Sometimes military theory
can be a metaphor for matters of the heartfMy dear,,"
Ackbar said, resting his hand on Leia'~ shoulder.
"Sometimes we must win the battle within ourselves
before we fight the battle without.:'; _
"He is right, Leia," Mothma agreed. "17ake the time
you need. We will be assemb)ingthe fieet. When you
return with Captain Solo, all will be ready to strike a
blow against the Empire."


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



This character is Force-sensitive.
Force Points: 6
Character Poin~ts: 23
Move: 10

Equipment: BJaster pistol (40), com link

The Wookiee Chewbacca has been

Type: Wookiee

Blaster 60+ 1, bowcaster 90, brawling parry 70+ 1, dodge

60+1. grenade 50+1, melee combat 80, melee parry 80.
vehicle blasters 60+ 1

Alien species 70, bureaucracy 40, business 40+2, cultures 30+1, intimidation 80+2, languages 60, planetary
systems 70+2, streetwise 70, survival 70, value 70+ I
Astrogation 80+ I, beast riding 40, communications 40+2,

repulsorlift operation 70+ 1, sensors 60,-space transports 60+2, space transports: YT-1300 transports 80,
stars hip gunnery 80, starship shields 60+ 1
Bargain 50, command 40+2, gambling 50, hide 30+2,
search 30, sneak 30+1
Brawling 1DO, climbing,ljumping 70+2, lifting 100, stamina
100, swimming 70
Blaster repair 50+1, bowcaster repair 50+2, computer
programming/repair 80, demolitions 50+2, droid programming 70+2, droid repair 70+2, first aid 50, repulsorlift
repair 60, security 60+2, space transports repair 80,
space transports repair: YT-1300 transports 100+2
Special Abilities:
Berserker Rage: Chewbacca gains +20 to Strength when
brawling in berserker rage. See page 84 of Star Wars

Sourcebook, Second Edition.

Climbing Claws: +20 to climbing.
Force Points: 3
Character Points: 22
Move: 13
Equipment: Ammo bandolier, bowcaster (4D), droid
tool kit, stars hip tool kit, waist pouch


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian has always enjoyed his freedom. He's been roaming the galaxy since his
youth, making deals, running scams and surviving by gambling. He suavely sauntered from one
venture to another, never really spending much
time in anyone place - after all, even the
Centrality and Nar Shaddaa get wearisome after
too long. He's picked up dozens of friends and
"associates" on the shady side of the law, and
he's lived the good life, making and spending
several fortunes in the process.
Calrissian liked that life. Tall, handsome and
charming, Lando was quick to !lash his smile,
whether at a lovely young lady or at a table of
sabacc players about to lose all their credits ...
even if they didn't know it yet.
The most important thing to remember about
Lando is that he is, and always has been, a
gambler. Whether it's belling at the Trin sticks
tables or gambling for larger stakes, he's happiest when it's all on the line. There are rumors
that he lost the famed starship Millennium Falcon to smuggler Han Solo in a sabacc game, and
he's the famous tactician behind the rout of the
Norulac pirates at the Battle of Tanaab.
Lando was never one for pUlling down roots,
munications 40. ground vehicle operation 30+1.
but when a lucrative opportunity arose to run
repulsorlift operation 40. repulsorlift operation: cloud
car 50+ I, sensors 40+2, space transports 80, starfighter
the Cloud City Tibanna gas mining colony on
piloting 80. Slarsh!~gunnery 70. starship shields 70.
Bespin, the speculator inside him couldn't refuse.
swoop oper~tion4D;2___
Lando, alwaySthe survivor,
"Baron-Administrator'~asif he'd been born to it,
Bargain 80. bargain:Tibannagas 100+I. command 60+2.
and Cloud CZitywas soon turning a modest profit.
con 80+2. forgery 60+ 1. gambling90+2, hide60, persuasion 60+ I-;""'sneak 60
It didn't last. nle Empire arrived 6rl Bespin
""-STRENGTii 2D+2
and Darth Vader demanded ICaIrissian betray
~B!~awling5J}+I. climbing/jumping 50. lifting 40+2, stamina
Solo, Leia and Chewie as a means of luring
50, swi'!lming 40
Skywalker into a trap. Lando did as he was
bidden ... but later, realizing the true scope of ~~",Ci<Om",l2Y.ter programming/repair 40. droid programming,--------~
3D, repulsorlift repair 40. security 60+ I. space trans
what he had dbneJ he gave up everything he had
ports repair 60+2, starship weapon repair 40
buill on Bespin to save Leia and the WoQkiee.
Force Points: I
It might-seem strange that a man like Lando
Character Points: 14
Calrissian wouldjoin the Alliance, but he feels it
Move: 10
Equipment: Com link, hold-out blaster (40). sabacc card
is a worthwhile gamble. Lando got Solo into his
mess - ana-now he's determined to get t e
smuggletJ"6'ut of it, even if he has to call in eveQl:
See-Threepio and Artoo-Detoo
favor ~'s owed from the Outer-' "'erritories
the fact that they are quite often the Emperor's doorstep on Coruscant.
taken for granted, the droids C-3PO and R2-D2
lando CaJrissian
have been key players in many of the battles
Type: Gambler
between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire.
were in part responsible for transporting
Blaster 60+2, blaster: hold..out blaster 70, brawling parry
the plans of the Death Star from Princess Leia's
50+1, dodge 60, grenade 4D+2:melee combat 40+2,
melee parry 50+ 1
captured Rebel Blockade Runner to Yavin Base.
They've been witness to the most important
Alien s~les 50. bureaucracy 70, business 70, busi
events in the history of the Rebellion: the deness: mining 100+1, business administration 70+1, cui
structio of the Death Star, the rout at Hoth,
tures 60.2, languages 50, planetary systems 50,
Luke S~alker's training as a Jedi, and the
streetwlse 70+2, survival SO, value 50+1
capture or Han Solo. R2-D2 was even responArchaic starship piloting 30+1, astrogation 60+2. com
sible fo~ the repairs aboard the Millennium Fal\


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



Type: Industrial Automaton R2 Astromech Droid
Dodge 40, electroshock prod 40.1

Planetary systems 80.2. survivaJ 60+2, value 60..2

Astrogation 100+2. communications 60. sensors 70.
starlighler piloting 60. starfighter piloting: X-wing 80+ I.
starship gunnery 40+ J. stars hip shields 40+ 1
Con 30+2, gambling 60. sneak 40+ 1
Lifting 40, swimming 30.. 1
Computer programming/repair 80+2, droid programming 50+1, droid repair 60..2. machinery repair 50 .. 2,
repulsorlift repair 40. security 60. space transport repair 50+2, space transport repair: YT-1300 transports
70+1. starfighter repair 60+1. starfighter repair: X-wing

Equipped With:


Three wheeled legs (one retractable)

Retractable heavy grasper arm (-+ 10 to lifting)
Retractable fine work grasper arm
E:ctendible 0.3 meter long video sensor (360 degree
Small electric arc welder (3D damage, 0.3 meter range)
Small circular saw (40 damage. 0.3 meter range)
Video display screen
Holographic projector/recorder (one meter range)
Fire extinguisher
Small internal "cargo" area (20 cm by 8 em)
High pitch acoustic signaler
One long range sensor array: includes radar. radiation
counter, life-form sensor, infrared receptors, electromagnetic field receptor (+30 to search at ranges of up to
100 meters)
Broad-band antenna receiver (can monitor all broadcast and communication frequencies)
Information storage/retrieval jack for computer link-up
One compressed air launcher (used for Luke's lightsaber
or for nares)
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 19
Move: 5
Size: 0.96 meters tall
Cost: Not available for sale

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Droids Can't Fly

"Don't touch that, Artoo! Captain Solo might be
frozen in carbonite, but that doesn't give you permission to twiddle with his ship."
The barrel-shaped astromech unit beeped at his
human/cyborg relations counterpart, then rolled
himself toward the Millennium Falcon's cockpit.
"Where are you going?" Threepio protested. "You
have no business going up there. Everyone knows
droids can't fly, silly. Come back here at once, you
arrogant little ..."
Threepio's insults were drowned out by a crass
series of whistles and razzes
from Artoo.
:'Why, how dare you call
me such things! Your insolence is astounding, Artoo
... wait for me!"
through the corridor leading to the Falcon's cockpit,
where he found Artoo
jacked into the starship's
computer. Through the
cockpit viewport, he could
see ships of the Rebel fleet
cruising by - Nebuion-B
frigates, Gallofree Yards
medium transports, and Xwing and Y-wingstarfighters
on patrol. Try as he might,
craning his stiff droid neck,
Threepio could not see
much of the mediciJJ
frigate's hull to which they
were moored.
Artoo beeped again, rotating his domed head to
glare at Threepio.
"I don't care what you've found," he said. "You've
no business mucking about with the Millennium
Falcon. Why, if Master Luke found out, he'd have a
conniption. And if Captain Solo were here, he'd
surely blast you into a thousand pieces. You know
how he is about others tampering with his starship.
Why, on Bespin he continually expressed that concern to-"
Artooturned his head from Threepio, then beeped
a response.
"What do you mean you could fly the Falcon just
as well as Captain Solo? You're nothing more than
an astromech droid. You can't even maneuver Master Luke's X-wing without knocking over some poor,
unsuspecting bystander. What delusions of grandeur have you been dreaming up in that rusty
processor of yours?"

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

The series of whistles and electronic moans from

Artoo didn't seem to answer Threepio's question.
Then the little droid disengaged its I/O jack from the
Falcon's computer, rolled aside and bumped against
Threepio, knocking the protocol droid into the copilot's command chair. Artoo emitted a series of
amused beeps.
"What do you mean, now I'm your co-pilot?"
Threepio sputtered. "I don't know any more about
flying this starship than you do. You know howmuch
I abhor space travel."

There was a questioningWookiee growl from the

Falcon's docking hatch. "Come away from there,

Artoo," Threepio whispered as he stiffly rose from

the co-pilot's seat. "We have no business here. And
besides, it would take a lot more than two droids to
competently pilot this starship. With you in command, we'd be certain to end up crashed against
some star cruiser, or worse yet, flying through some
starport building."
Chewbacca poked his head in the cockpit and
growled at the droids.
"Oh, Chewbacca, no, we were just completing a
maintenance check to be sure the Falcon was in
working order," Threepio bluffed. He tottered past
the towering Wookiee. "Come along, Artoo. We'd
better see how Master Luke is faring. He didn't look
too good after our last adventures on Cloud City. I
certainly hope his current condition was not the
result of your rash actions in abandoning him ..."



Rogue Squadron
An elite collection of pilots, Rogue Squadron
was the lead starfighter unit protecting the
Rebels' Echo Base. Formed by Luke Skywalker
and Wedge Antilles, Rogue Squadron was composed of the 12 best pilots who had survived the
fiercest battles against the Empire, from the
Battle of Yavin through the Battle of Hoth. Although they principally fly X-wing starfighters,
Rogue Squadron's pilots are renowned for their
ability to fly practically anything, from cargo
skiffs to snowspeeders.
Rogue Squadron is typically assigned the
most challenging missions. They held off Imperial AT-AT walkers at the Battle of Hoth long
enough for most of Echo Base's personnel to
evacuate. Then they left their snowspeeders to
fly escort duty for the remaining transports,
protecting the ships from Imperial forces blockading the planet.
Since the defeat at Hoth, Rogue Squadron has
been stationed aboard Home One, the immense
Mon Calamari star cruiser serving as the Rebel
fleet's headquarters frigate. Thanks to the influence of Luke Skywalker, the outfit was not split
up - they remain a rapid response team able to
be transferred to "hot spots" as needed. Skywalker - originally the unit's leader - has left
to pursue his Jedi studies, leaving Wedge Antilles in command of Rogue Squadron. Though
Antilles is officially recognized as Rogue


Squadron's commander, he still defers to Luke

when the young Jedi flies with him.

Commander Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles - a veteran of some of the
most ferocious battles in the war' against the
Empire- has always been a man of the stars. He
grew up around starships on his parents' refueling station in the Corellian system. After his
parents were killed by pirates, Wedge took the
insurance credits he received and purchased a
light freighter, intent on plying the space lanes
as a free-trader. He wasn't very successful, and
soon turned to smuggling cargoes and weapons
for the Rebel Alliance. Eventually Wedge found
himself in an X-wingcockpit, and he has proven
himself an excellent combat pilot.
Wedge's service record is an impressive one.
He flew beside Luke Skywalker at the Battle of
Yavin, until damage to his X-wing forced him to
pull out moments before Luke destroyed the
Death Star. He piloted a snowspeeder at the
Battle of Hoth and flew escort duty for transports fleeing Echo Base.
Most recently, Wedge has been promoted to
commander and named leader of the famed
Rogue Squadron. When Luke is present, however, Wedge defers the title of "Rogue Leader" to
him and accepts the lesser designation of "Rogue

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Antilles has earned the respect of his pilots,
for he is more concerned with their well-being
than with personal glory or heroics. He's squadron leader, first and foremost, uncomfortable
with politics and bureaucracy. When the laser
cannons start firing, his pilots know Rogue
Leader Antilles will be right beside them, taking
the same risks and sharing in victory or defeat.

- Commander Wedge Antilles

Type: Brash Pilot
Blaster 50, brawling parry 30+ 1, dodge 50+2, melee

combat 30+ I, vehicle blasters 30+ 1


Alien species 40, bureaucracy 50+1, cultures 20+1, languages 3D, planetary systems 40+2

Astrogation 60+ 1, space transports 50+2. starfighter

piloting: X-wing 60, starship gunnery 50+ 1, starship
shields 40+2
Bargain 40, command 40+ 1, gambling 40+1
Stamina 40+ 1

Computer programming/repair 50, repulsorlift repair

30+2. space transports repair 40+2. starfighter repair
40+ I, starfighter repair: X-wing 40+2
Force Points: 1

Character Points: 6
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), com link, Rebel flight
suit, tool kit

Will Scotian, Rogue Two

A native of the Core World, Brentaal, Will
Scotian always dreamed of becoming a hero.
Like many youngsters who grew up watching
transports take off from Brentaal's immense
starport, he yearned to find his fortune among
the stars. He began by learning to pilot simple
cargo skiffs for a freight hauler near his home,
then apprenticed aboard bulk freighters before
finally jumping ship and joining the Rebel Alliance.
His starfighter training was something of an
adventure in itself. The young pilot likes to push
his craft to the limit and his outstanding combat
record at Oracle Base, Brak sector, convinced
Wedge Antilles to request that he be transferred
into Rogue Squadron. The blaster-sure pilot fit
in well with the other Rogues, and while he's
learning much from his fellow pilots, his own
maneuvers still tend toward the reckless and
If Will has a fault in combat, it is that he is too
aggressive and often has to be ordered to withdraw. Even when his starfighter has been badly
damaged, Will won't leave a fray. Scotian believes he's invincible ... saving the day in a
crippled fighter is just a part of the challenge.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

- Will Scotian
Type: Brash Pilot
Blaster 40, dodge 40
Planetary systems 40, streetwise 30+2. tactics: starfighters 30+1
Astrogation 50, repulsorlift operation 50+2, space transports 40+2, starfighter piloting: X-wing 50+2, stars hip
gunnery 50
Can 40, persuasion 30+2
Lifting 40
Character Points: 3
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), comlink, Rebel flight suit

Dix Rivan, Rogue Five

Dix is a quiet sort, affectionately known among
the Rogues as "Dixie." Ashy, private person, no
one in Rogue Sq uadron knows where he comes
from or why he fights - most assume his parents were killed by Imperials and he joined the
Alliance to take revenge. Still, he doesn't seem
the vengeful type, treating the Alliance, and
especially his squadron, as if they are family. He
enjoys the post-mission banter, the fabricated
tales of past exploits, and the camaraderie of the
other pilots, even if he listens far more than he
Dixie's role is Rogue Squadron's rear guard,
whether in space or on the ground. He is always
watching out for his friends and will come racing
to someone's aid when they need it, but he
doesn't watch his own back as much as he
should; someday his reckless streak could cost
him his life.

-o;x Rivan
Type: Rebel Pilot
Blaster 50, dodge 30+2, melee combat 40+ 1
Languages 30, planetary systems 40, streetwise 30+2,
survival 40+ 1
Astrogation 40+2, repulsorlift operation 50. starfighter
piloting: X-wing 50, starship gunnery 50, stars hip shields
Search 50
Brawling 50, climbing/jumping 40
Repulsorlift repair 40

Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), comlink, Rebel flight suit

Wes Janson, Rogue Six

Wes Janson is an experienced gunner and
pilot who's accomplished much since his early
training missions as a V-wing gunner at the


remote Tierfon Rebel Base. While in Rogue
Squadron, Janson has been in the thickof things.
He crewed the rear-gunner station on Wedge's
Rebel snowspeeder at the Battle of Hoth, and
the two were the first to implement Luke Skywalker and Beryl Chiffonage's plan to topple an
Imperial AT-AT with a snowspeeder's fusion
disk and tow cable. During the final stages of the
battle, he served as "Hobbie" Klivian's V-wing
gunner while escorting Rebel transports. Wherever he's served, Janson has been solely concerned with tagging his target, leaving the maneuvering of the starfighter up to his pilot.
After several Rogue Squadron pilots were
shot down in the Battle of Hoth, Janson was
transferred from a gunnery post to the pilot's
seat of an X-wing fighter. Wedge had considerable confidence in the young pilot, who quickly
adapted to being in fuJI control of a starfighter.
Having an R2 unit onboard helps. While the little
droid doesn't fly the X-wing, he offers Janson
some help in managing the starfighter's systems and compensating for damage, leaVing
Janson free to line up his shot and blast the
enemy - just what he does best.

Type: Brash Pilot
Blaster 40+1, dodge 40+1, melee combat 40+2, missile
weapons 60, vehicle blasters 60+2
languages 3D, planetary systems 40+2

Astrogation 50+ I, repulsor lift operation 40+2, starfighter
piloting 40+2, starship gunnery 60+1, starship shields

Command 30+2, con 30+2
Brawling 40+2, stamina 40+1

First aid 40, starfighter repair 40+2

Character Points: 3
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), comlink, Rebel flight suit

"Chief," otherwise known as Chief Technician Viera Cheran, is Rogue Squadron's main
technician and crew sergeant. She's responsible for d,irecting the highly-skilled techs that
main~ain the outfit's X-wings. As the crew chief,
she's' also in charge of flight deck operations
wherever Rogue Squadron is stationed, whether
it's aboard a Mon Calamari star cruiser or on a
makeshift base such as the temporary one on
Kile. Chief does her job well, and it's not an easy
one: the Rogues punish their X-wings in every
way possible, and Chief and her techs labor
around the clock to keep the rugged yet aging
starlighters in an optimum state of combat readiness.

It's often a thankiess task, and it's beginning

to wear on her. The Rogues get all the glory and
she and her staff get none. When a transfer is
necessary, the pilots get to fly off in their Xwings, but the tech staff has to transport all the
equipment and replacement parts and make
sure everything is in working order when the
hot-shot pilots show up.

"let's Go'"
Wedge waited pensively, keeping his X-wing
fighter floating in the sensor shadow of an immense
droid<ontrolled cargo barge. He and the other
Rogues were scattered among the barges on the
outermost fringes of Coruscant's system. From here
the planet's sun was little more than another dim
star, but for Wedge, it seemed dangerously close.
The droid messJge pod had told him to bring tlie
Rogues and wait for Dash's "signal." Wedge didn't
exactly trust the smuggler, but he knew Luke, Leia,
Lando and Chewie were on Coruscant somewhere,
and could need their help at any minute.
Wedge glanced at the starfighter beneath the
next barge and saw Janson dozing off in his cockpit.
"Hey, Wes, it's time for the show."
He saw Janson's head bob in the cockpit before
the reply came over the comm. "I'm okay, Boss.
And don't worry ... we thoroughly checked outthis
R2 unit." _
Wes sounded dead had been a tough few
days. First the sabotage of his R2 unit, which had


n!!arly killed Luke and prevented Wes from sealing

his flight suit and ejecting from his X-wing over Gall.
Then the long and harried series of hyperspace
jumps after abandoning the hastily built base on
Kile. As soon as they'd gotten to the Rebel fleet, the
droid message pod arrived with the request for
tlieir assistance on Coruscant. After some quick
maintenance on the X-<Vings, the Rogues took off for
another long flight - right into the dark heart of the
Wedge's X-wing's sensors couldn't even see a
fraction oUhe way to Coruscant from here, but Dash
promised he'd send a signal ...
The comm light on Wedge's X-wing started blinking - the unit tuned to the incoming transmission's
frequency. The message. from Dash's droid, Leebo,
was two words: "Remember Hoth." Now, it didn't
matter that they were fatigu'ed. The only things that
mattered were sharp eyes, keen wits and on-target
laser shots.
"Wake up, Rogues!" he called. "Let's go!"

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Recently, Chief was approached by an operative representing interests that wanted Luke
Skywalker dead. They offered her a great deal of
money to sabotage Skywalker's ship - 10,000
credits now, much more when his death was
confirmed. With that much money, she could
buy a light freighter of her own and make a living
as a free-trader. No more patching ships for
ungrateful pilots. No more dodging Imperials at
every turn. It's a tempting prospect, indeed.
And with her talents, it would be so easy to
turn a technical glitch into an assassination ...
Type: Rebel Technician


Blaster 30...2
Business: stars hips 40, value: stars hips 30+ 1

Astrogation 30+ 1, repulsorlift operation 40, space transports 40

Bargain 40, con 50+2, hide 40+ I, search 50, sneak 5D+2

Lifting 3D

Computer programming/repair 60, demolition 40+2,
droid programming 60+2, droid repair 60. repulsorlift
repair 50+1, security 50, space transports repair 50,
starfighter repair 60, starfighter repair: X-wing 80+ 1.
starship weapon repair 60+2
Move: 10

Equipment: Duty coveralls, hold.-out blaster (3D), technical kit

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

The Bothan Spynet

The secretive Bothans operate an intelligence
web that seems to stretch across the entire
Empire, gathering information through agents,
moles, bribes, surveillance and numerous other
methods. Ilthere's asecretout there,you can be
certain the Bothans will discover it and find
some way to profit from that knowledge.
The spynet has agents and bases on many
worlds, maintaining so-called "op-fronts" businesses, homes, and other hideouts from
which intelligence operations are conducted.
Most op-fronts are legitimate establishments,
such as cantinas, shipping concerns, warehouses, and factories. Operatives at these locations coordinate various activities, from monitoring local newsnets for leads to computer
slicing into local Imperial and industrial networks. Many op-fronts help transfer information and operatives across the spynet web.
The Bothan spynet also maintains dedicated
bases and safehouses for its agents. Secrecy is
vital, so most of these bases are stand-alone
facilities concealed in small bunkers or cleverly
disguised as geographical features, farms, or
sections of unused power generators. It is rumored that the Bothans maintain several mobile bases on tramp and bulk freighters plying
the space lanes.
The Bothans have found it wise to make use
of agents of other species. In some parts of the



!:'apter One: The Rebel Alliance

Safehpuse B_esh
Koth Melan'waited around the darKened'cOlner,
a heavily armed Bothan oO<!y'guard' at either side..
One of them pressed the small receiver nestled in
his ear, then w!\ispered, "AfUrmative,.SecOp~Five."
He turned to Koth. "We're cleared arountl the cor- .

Following- tlie lead guartl, j(pth sliI!pea around

the corner, drawing his small'Qold:out blaster. THe,
bodyguards already 'ni'd \heir weapons out. Even'
this close to Safehouse Besh, there'could oetrouble.
The bodyguard -ahead held up his hand to halt
the party. Koth noted tlie guard's fur Tippling in a
sharp pattern - "caution;' He turned to Koth.
"SecOps Seven's'fouild something on the hatch," he
whispered. "SecOp", Four, move in to assist, possible demolitions situation."
Koth froze: If it we~e a grenade or e'Cen a bloCk of
detonite, it would only blow \he hatc,h off and}ill,
SecOps Four' and Sev~n. But >if it we~r sometliing
bigger - like a thermal detonator ngJ/ed to tfie
hatch's security code lock mechanism - it wouldj
take them alLout. -.
The fur on Koth's bodyguard relaXed as. he re-'
ceived anotherwhisp~r-eommmessage from SecOps
Seven. He gave the Signal fOf, all c1ear,_, and th~j
continued down the alley, around two more corners, and met one of the ope,\atives at the hatcp.
SecOps Four had already cleared it'iyld was searching inside Safehouse Besh. SecOps'Seven handed a
flexiplast Koth.
"It's okay," he said. "We already screened it for
contact poisons, electronic devices and sharp
Koth read the near-glowing letters printed on the
sheet. "Krazy Khzam's Repulsor Lot- We Steal 'Em
and Deal 'Em," He dropped the flyer, his fur rippling
in irritation, and looked up at SecOps Seven. "Nice
job," Koth said. "You can never be too careful. And
have someone clean up the litter."
SecOps Four gave them the "all clear" signal'from
inside, "Proceed," Koth ordered,
SecOps Seven entered thesafehOUSe, then waved
Koth inside, 'Fwo bodyguards remained outside as
the hatch sealed beltind him.
"Can I pour you something, sir,?" Sec0ps Seven
"Yes, there's some Gruvian 1' the cabinet
there," Koth replied, Sec(i)ps'Fourwas already stoking up the bumer in the firesitle, Koth tucked his .
hold-out blaster ifito its hidaen holster, then
stretched ouf on thedixan near the fireplace. "Home
at last."


galaxy, Bothans are considered to be self-serving power-mongers, and that sort of reputation
can make it hard to carry out covert operations
or get much cooperation. Where a Bothan can't
go, a member of the native species can.
Of course, keeping these agents loyal can be
a problem. The Bothans are not above blackmailing an unruly agent into cooperation. They
may not be proud of these methods, but what
matters is gelling the job done. For obvious
reasons, the truth about these unscrupulous
practices is kept under wraps.
The spynet is composed of many clan groups
which operate with relative autonomy. Since
suspicion and competition are at the root of
Bothan society, it would be going too far to say
any of these groups actually trusts the others. In
addition, espionage, by its nature, can be a very
dirty game: the Bothans have allied themselves
over the years with criminal organizations, Imperials, Hutts and other unsavory elements to
achieve their shadowy objectives.
In the past, the Bothan spynet has been a
great help to the Rebel Alliance. No Rebel leader
is so foolish as to believe the Bothans care about
anyone but themselves. Even though the clan
Alya, led by the prominent diplomat Borsk
Fey'lya, has joined the Alliance, it will still place
its own interests ahead of those of the Rebels
when necessary.
While the Bothans make every effort to maintain the integrity of the spynet, enemy agents,
moles, and even the rival clans and factions spy
on each other. While the spynet has access to a
great deal of sensitive information, counterspies may be able to distribute that information
to interested parties right under the noses of
the Bothan operators.
Typical Bothan Spynet Operative. Dexterity
3D+1, blaster4D+1, dodge 4D+l, Knowledge 3D,
intimidation 3D+2, languages 3D+2, planetary
systems 3D+1, streetwise 4D+2, survival 3D+2,
Mechanical 2D, Perception 4D, con SD, forgery
4D+2, search SD, sneak SD, Strength 2D+2, Technical3D, computerprogrammingirepairSD, security SD. Move: 10. Comlink, hold-out blaster (3D),

security datapad.

I(oth Melan
Koth Melan is an "assistant consul general for
the Bothan Trade Mission," ostensibly representing Bothan commercial interests throughout the Mid-Rim. His position - an intricately
crafted cover story - is ideally suited for his
true role as a spymaster. Since Melan travels
widely in the course of his consular duties, he
frequently returns to Bothawui or Kothlis to log
in reports and brief his superiors, ferrying infor-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

mation from spynet operatives and op-fronts to
other interested parties.
Although he has done a good job of maintaining his cover, Melan still has many enemies. He
always travels with an entourage of "minor officials and bureaucrats" - all are hardened spynet operatives skilled in combat, counter-intelligence methods and surveillance techniques.
Visitors don't see Koth Melan unless the
spymaster wants to see them.
When Melan must go out into the field - to
retrieve information or check in with an operative - his entourage helps maintain his cover
story (it is said his chief of security even doubles
for him, and does a very credible impersonation). A personal appearance by Melan is often
enough to indicate to an agent just how important the information he or she is carrying may
The spymaster's concern for his own safety
borders on rabid paranoia, and the only places
he feels secure are in a few of the best-guarded
spynet safehouses. Rival intelligence networks
suspect there are only a few such boltholes, but
no one outside of the spyner's top operatives
knows for sure where they are; it is also believed
that at least one such safehouse is known only
to Melan and his entourage.
Despite the Bothan spyner's lack of true allegiance to anyone group, Melan himself is partial
to the Rebel Alliance. The Empire executed his
father for espionage 20 years ago; the charge
was untrue. Melan's father was no spy - just a
teacher trying to educate his students about the
Empire. To this day, the subject is still a cause
for disgrace to Melan - so much so that he
refuses to accept the honorific suffix "Iya," indicating his membership in the prominent clan
Alya. Melan will only acknowledge his clan status once he has avenged his father's death by
helping to cause the Empire's downfall.
Koth Melan has recently happened upon an
opportunity to do just that. His spies have discovered that the Empire has begun work on a
new military project. The exact details are still
unknown, but Melan's agents have gathered
intelligence indicating that the Emperor is diverting immense resources for this operation.
Despite their best efforts, the Bothans have
been unable to pierce the cloud of secrecy that
surrounds the matter.
Recently, one of the spynet's agents has
learned that the plans forthis project were to be
copied and transferred from the Emperor's secure computer vault on Coruscant to Bothawui,
for dissemination to key personnel within the
1mperiallntelligence communitystationed there.
If the secured computer which carries this data
can be "acquired" - and if the computer's

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

security codes are cracked - the Imperial secret will be laid bare. Although the Bothan spynet
itself might not be able to use this information as
a weapon against the Empire, Melan knows who
can: the leaders of the Rebel Alliance.
Koth Me/an
Type: Bothan Spymaster


Blaster 50, dodge 40, pick pocket 60

Alien species 50, bureaucracy 50+2, bureaucracy: Bothan
spynet 90, bureaucracy: Bothan Trade Mission 70+1,
bureaucracy: clan Alya spynet 100+2, business 6D, cultures 60+2, cultures: clan Alya 8D+2, intimidation 70,
languages 60+1, law enforcement 50+2, planetary systems 60, streetwise 80, survivaI6D+2, value 5D+l, willpower 40

Communications 40, repulsorlift operation 30+1, sen

sors 40
Bargain 60+2, command 70, con 80, forgery 70+1, hide
50, investigation 70+2, persuasion 60+1; search 80,
sneak 70+2
Brawling 3D, climbing/jumping 30+2

Computer programming/repair 60, droid programming
50, first aid 40, security 80

Story Factors:
Opportunist: Bothans are very opportunistic and predatory.

Communication: Bothans can manipulate their fur to

express emotions and further statements.

Force Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Move: 10
Equipment: Comlink, datapad, hold-out blaster (3D)




can be useful to the Rebellion."
SecOps Four had already failed in one mis"I don't think so," the lead Bothan, Vord'lya,
sion; he was not going to falter this time. His
said, shaking his head. Someone relieved SecOps
mission orders had been explicit and concise:
Four of his weapon and the case, pressing a
he had to get the case he carried in his shaking
hands to the Rebel Alliance. The Bothan limped
blaster into his back to ensure his cooperation
through a trash-cluttered back-alley in Kothlis'
Vord'lya glanced at the case and then handed
industrial sector. He looked over his shoulder to
see if the bounty hunters were in pursuit. No,
it to one of the others. "Open it. Make sure
everything's there. Knowing Melan, he'll have
nothing. Nobody around. Good. SecOps Four
slumped against the alley wall to rest for a
sent out several decoys just in case."
The subordinate opened the case, inspected
the contents, then nodded.
It had happened so fast. The safehouse wall
"If you are bringing that to the Rebel Alliance,
had exploded and bounty hunters swarmed in,
why won't you bring me aiong?" SecOps Four
their blasters blazing at anything that moved.
The Jedi, Skywalker, seemed to be doing well on
"You are not part of my orders," Vord'!ya
his own, deflecting blaster shots with his
said. "You see, it's not only a question of whether
lightsaber. In the chaos, SecOps Four failed in
or not the Alliance gets t!lis information. It's a
his most important duty: Koth Melan had fallen.
matter of who gets the credit for delivering
In his final moments, Melan looked to him. His
them. We can't have Melan's faction taking credit,
expression was not one of disappointment, but
now can we?"
one of hope. SecOps Four grabbed the caseSecOps Four gasped in astonishment, but the
containing stolen Imperial data-and fled down
other Bothan only laughed. "My superior only
the escape corridor.
cares about the contents of this case. He doesn't
SecOps Four had been wounded as he dashed
care how I acquire it and will not ask. As long as
out the back corridor. His left leg sported a
his faction gets the case into the Rebels' hands,
blistered and charred blaster wound. He'd used
he'll be happy."
a piece of plastic pipe as a crutch as he headed
Someone shoved SecOps Four roughly fortoward the spynet's ship, hidden away in a
ward. A second later there was the sound of a
concealed docking bay. The ship was several
blaster firing and the wounded Bothan fell into
blocks away, through twisted alleys between
a bottomless well of darkness. Just as consciousfactories, warehouses and automated distribuness fled him, SecOps Four could faintly hear
tion centers. Still, SecOps Four had to go on:
the words of his opponent:
whatever was in the case was valuable enough
"Come, my friends. Our ship waits and we
for bounty hunters to chase him, and important
must hurry if we are to break through the Impeenough for Melan to give his life for. No doubt
rial blockade." The Bothan agent paused, sneerthe Empire would soon join in the chase.
ing at the prone form of SecOps Four. "No doubt
SecOps Four rose, hobbled down the passage
Fey'lya will be quite pleased."
a ways ... and found himself surrounded by
Later, SecOps Four stirred - aching but othBothans. They were broad-nosed natives of
erwise alive. Vord'lya's blaster had been set to
Bothawui's eastern coastal cities and their blaststun, which made some sense. A good agent
ers were aimed at him.
only kills when it is absolutely necessary, since
"We have been watching you," the leader
said. "You have acquired something for the
it draws unwelcome attention. By now, the
Bothans who waylaid him would have made it to
Rebel Alliance. We will take it from here."
a fast ship, dodged Imperial obstacles and no
SecOps Four started to protest, but he was
cut off by the other. "Don't fear. We are all on the
doubt intercepted a Rebel ship. The plans would
be in the hands of the Rebel Alliance.
same side, one might say. This information will
reach the Rebel Alliance, I assure you. This
Perhaps there was some honor among the
rival agents, SecOps Four considered. Perhaps,
operation has all been planned with extreme
there will be a time when the truth is someday
"Then take mewith you," SecOps Four said. "I




Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



When the heroes of the Rebel A1liance'head

every event will unfold.
off to rescue Han S910, they stumble across the
For his part" Vader has no time for games.
Where the Emperor.enjgys pl{lying his servants
path of an old adversary=- the evil Galactic
Empire.lmperiarfOrces continue tpeir battle to
off against each o,ther, Vader prefers direct con
crush the Rebellion, subjugate new.-wgrlds and
frontation:"H~is no spy or diplomat - he is a
maintain an iron grip on the' g~axy<
'~,",,~-",warrior:~i1e-he i~'pot above setting a cunning
At the Empire's heart is. Imperial Center snare fqr his eneinie~, as he did on Cloud City,
the planet Coruscant -site of the Ioriner Impeyader\wou,ld much prefer facing a legion of foes
in comb,afthan lower himself to subterfuge and
rial Senate and the world from which En\peror
Palpatine rules the galaxy. He plo~s)lis next
deception.)t is Prince Xizor's love for such
move against the Alliance from within the walls 1 intricate stratagems and manipulation that fu=-,
of the Imperial Palace, using his lim'(t1ess fleets
els Vader's'distrust of him.
r""-:-~f: e,
and armies and loyal servants like Darth Vader,
The Dark Lord of the Sith-enaures nis'serVice "
hoping to ensnare and destroy the Rebels once
to the Emperor j~~-kj!~~~t~t;tJ,1lFe.~.9~ e~Iaye-'
and for all.
ment to the d,!rf;s~lIel~Q!~.Qi~0rce.He rehes
upon the da1\kcsi.tleTiprtJ!:lis"strength, and in his
Darth Vader
heart"h.(lffiows tfiat-should the day eyer come'
wherrfie'.filJJls'fr6lllthedarkside, he will crusned
One of the Emperor's most trusted under'~~~
bYJ'iis'eriemies. Vader knows that itis fbtob late
lings, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, is
perhaps the most feared man in the Empire. The . to tum:b'1lck, even were such a thing possiBle.
sight of his mechanized facemask and his flowHe believes that if he can focus,otrhis.hate, the
ing black cape strikes terror into most bein1is: 'po\Ver of the dark sid~;caQf1!eaI his wourfds,~
both those who have the misfortune 'of opposenabling him to le~,tli~m!s~andlb.odyarm9r;
ing him and those with the treacherous'duty of
The man be!Jeath_th~,;iwsome,armor)jas ~::5
serving beneath his exacting and
undergone p'r6found.cnlili'gl!";"After!theJBaitle:ofi""'~"'~"'~"""........_"
command. Darth Vader is the persoiIification of
i'-vin, V,?de~ was oQs,essj!lEwith,capfuring the"the Empire's evils for the Rebellioil;--and he has
pilot whod~troyedttr~D,lYt Star. At last, !le,
often been personally chargecitwf!!Lcrushing _!Ifea t1ie trutfi: _tfi-elli!ol'i name was SkY;: ,
the Alliance. Yet, despite hisrutli1~"'Yness and' ,walltc.r,.a name aImostff9Igotten By Darth Va- ~
fearsome appearance, Vade;' -:fuofu,than'a
gei'lilow [email protected]!aa son - a s,ori~
servant of the Emperor an
to the dark
strOll!!. in the Forc~,a'~Qn,".wlio might one.,day -.,
side of the F o r c e . .
'. cliaJlepge:the ffiigli~ of;th:~llip.e.ror himself. . ~
Although Vader knowscB__ a r than to dis-His'en~oumer.WithobUI{~Q!i;loudlCitYawq!<e'':;'l
obey Palpatine, he qu~tii5h~'jthe Emperor's '. ,n~w'reelings'in~ad!E-r.;!e::II!!f!o~r.s of,the ql<inh~iif~c1
command to delay thel ~iirEh for llbke S~- ,nap' (jeentlong ago.;He).r,elj1e.!l1bered when- h~,,2:~
walker. He has also vOi~ed'Sli'()llg obje,etions to - ~~_oJ=w"weak, fo6iiS1j""~Q2@ealistic, prone,tc)' _1
--- ";:'l:.;'"-'-i'
the Emperor's increaSiftgE~liancefgn. Falleen, ~s~ting!off on grand 1iaYef!..tiires>and deluding'-"'"""
Prince Xizor.
J;,_. '_ - hims~lf into believing he coulil cJjapg~thgalSurprisingly, Palpatine has not";dis.gplined> .2 W:~!,!e sees these attitudIs-..\n Iii~son, and
.- re"i1't,sees the blossoming oHl1e powers of
Vader for these dOl1pt,s,lt;;'bften seems that.flie
eoi,'Knighli,@OIgbat with Luke was a chalEmperor already knb'\;\~j every thougnt\:
crosses his serva?t'~:~~nd. and kn9yvs'r2~?'
~~ti:~~I~'~4~tl ,Va(n~F adfacedinmanyyears.
f~'"'u4!i:'!"~F.l.. 1 ., '

... 1


. ~



t' .


Shadows of the Empireourcebook





-.... -




At last, he had encountered an opponent worlife as Anakin Skywalker, and surely he has
thy of him, swift with a lightsaber and powerful
purged himself of that past existence ...
in the ways of the Force.
"~Darth Vader
It was obvious during the battle, though, that
Type: Dark Lord of the 51th
Luke still had much to learn. With theriglitttitor
there would no limit to the power_that equid
Blaster 50, blaster artillery 40+1. brawling parry 70,
belongtotheyoungJedi. Vaderfeelscompelled
dodge 7D, Iightsaber IID.2. melee combat 7D, melee
to seek Luke out and reveal/to him tne true '\ ~parry 9D, vehIcle blasters 6D



, .


power of the dark Side. He kn~ws that If Luke IS

not lured to the darkness, he could well destroy

the Empire.

\ ~ien species 70+1, bureaucracy 90+1, cultures 70, in'\ ) ti!l1idation 100+2, languages 60+1, planetary systems
.80. streetwise 70. survival 60, value 60. willpower 80+ I
Astrogation 70+ I, capital ship gunnery 80, capital ship


However, if Vader and Luke - fatfier and son

. . .
- were to combme their mIght .ag~mst the
Emperor. they could ,usurpl PalpatJOe s power.
and bring a new era of peace to the galaxy. None \
could stand against them. Luke's only alternatives are a lifetime of service to the Emperor ,..

piloting 80, capital ship shields 50, repulsorlift opera!ion 50-+2, starfighter piloting 100, starship gunnery 80,
starship shields 5D
B~rgam 40, comm~nd 110+1, con 40, gambling 40-+1,
hide 50+2, persuasion 80+ I, search 80, sneak 50+2

or d eat h .
.\ .
Vader knows he carre dose to achl~vlpgtn}s
goal on Bespin. He' knows Luke slipped e9.h.
ously close to surrendering to anger, hatrell,
TE.fH~ 3D

i 'Armor""rep,.ai 60+1, capital ship repair 5D, light saber
despair ... all th~_ tools of the dark slqe. I:uktr
\ ,repair70+2,'security 60+2, starflghter repair 50
resisted - but iiI time, Vade'r knows he co~ld
'Sp~cial Abilities:
,.... warnor
\ . 1 ,S res IS
't anee'll
" S 'lui
overcome th e young
aj" ' c \' rorce
s: ontrolll D+1, sense I 2D +1, alter lID
der feels compelleoto find 5~alker'agaib 'cinCI
. F~rce P6wersi (these are the known powers Vader posmake the youtfi~ee--hi1\d'estiny.
. I' \ ~
~sess'ed ~nd it is believed that he had access to many other
, "A' h
f.~ L 'k " d '
. I. I !' d'
,pow,ers): P r
~~, J..t e sap7.tpll.Ej't ."11 e,~. r~erm~na~lOp an~
\S.qntr0l: ~bsorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing,
ablhty,.sparKs a'f~elmg of pnde JO the 51th Lord,
_ concentrate*,.control pain, detoxify poison** enhance
Could it truly
"' i ~ttribute*"',
hibernation trance, reduce injur;" remain
\';"' 6'{- .; i
.. I.. I ' ! , '
been relief<fieifelt when the 'Millennium Falcon
conscIOUS, resIst stun
~\tl h <] f,
,~ I'F
.. ?w.. . f d'd
'Sense:1Comba~ sense**, danger sense**, instinctive
eSj-~~p'el t ~) mp~~a) )eet at. esp!n. 1,ly I:~ a~trogationr, life detection, life sense, magnify senses,
the f.eare~ D~r~
of the 51th, wpo hi)d se~t
.recept!ve telepathy, sense Force
countless offIcers to thelr doom for lesser faIlAlter: Injure/kill. telekinesis
all]ow Admiral Piett 'tb live in the -lvake Off
fontrol and Sense: Farseeing", Iightsaber combat, protil t t ' .
. ill' d
jeclive lelepathy
a mosr~r~~pou~ errpr,o tactic JU gmen~..
Control and Al!er: Feed on dark sider, inllict pain
No, sur1ely such weakness was a remnant of t.iJs
(control/Sense and Alter: Affect mind telekinetic kill**
I .




'\ I
:, J


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

* Described in the Star Wars Movie Trilogy Sourcebook.
Described in the Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.

Described in Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.

This character is Force-sensitive.

Force Points: 21
Dark Side Points: 28
Character Points: 40
Move: 10
Equipment: Body armor (+ 10 all attacks, respirator is
necessary to keep Vader alive). lightsaber (50)

The Emperor
In the heart 01 the Empire, at the center of a
twisted web of bureaucrats, advisors, admirals,
and spies, sits Emperor Palpatine. A mysterious
man, rarely seen save by the servants who carry
out his often cryptic wishes, he pulls the strings
which manipulate the Empire. He offers
no explanations to underlings, and
he confides in no one. Only one
man may rule the Empire - and
that man is Palpatine - and
that rule must be absolute.
Palpatine uses contradictory orders and manipulation to keep his servants
vying for favor, a means by
which Palpatine prevents his
underlings from becoming
too powerful. By setting them
against each other in the ruthlessly competitive Imperial
court, he prevents any of
from advancing a private
and ensures all rememb
the master and who the
Palpatine is a master
no qualms about usingc
or other powerful figur
Strangely, it always se
of his pieces will movese
His newest tool is rin
leader of Black Sun is an a1hm,~.
used aliens for his oWn RU,liPOL
. ~itli'~
emgmatlc Thrawn and the !Ier(!~
j,l\! N"oglm
being but two examples)\.iNead'o . e~mmens.e
Xizor Transport Shtem a:s .Yiell e.ll:!'tfie!lr-~
mind behind a powerful crime~sYJlJ\iGate, Kizo.r
is a valuable ally ... and a potentialIYlLormidaJjle
enemy. By allowihg Xizor to'plu:tfGipate Qn thei
periphery of his ?perations, P;Jp'a,tine is,aBle to
make use of the crime lord',resources as
well as keep track of the F1iJleen prince. 'Frue,
Vader objects, but it wouldn't hurt the Dark
Lord to have a little competition, Palpatine reasons slyly.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

The Emperor
Type: Jedi Master
Dodge 7D


Alien species 100, bureaucracy: Empire 120, cultures

90, intimidation 130, languages 80, law enforcement:
Empire 60, military history 100+2, planetary systems
70, scholar: archaic library systems 80, scholar: arcane
technologies 70, scholar: clone vat systems 70+2, scholar:
dark side lore lID, scholar: Jedi lore 120+1, scholar:
lightsaber histories 120, tactics: fleets 100, tactics:
ground assault 50, willpower 120+1
Bargain 100, command 100, command: Imperial forces
120+1, con 80, hide 50+2, investigation 70, persuasion
110. persuasion: oration 130+2, search 70

Stamina 60

Lightsaber repair 80
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control l3D, sense lSD,
after 14D
Force Powers (these are the known
powers Emperor Palpatine possessed and it is believed that he
had access to many other pour

Control: Absorb/dissipate en
ergy, accelerate healing, concentrate, control pain,
detoxify poison*, enhance atribute**, hibernation trance,
eft, reduce injury, remain conl. t
,resist stun, short-term
bat sense*, danger
tive astrogationt, life
agnify senses, recep-



In the Emperor's Service

Moll Jerjerrod knelt before the Emperor in fiis
vast throne room. He bowed his head and hoped he
would leave the,[ffipey.ial Palace alive.
"Rise, my friend. I have a special chalienge for
you," the Emperor said. "I w'!J1t you to ease your
campaign against tfie Rebels and leave your work in
Logistics and Supply.'"
Jerjerrod shifted uneasily. He didn't dare voice
his concern that he was needed in that ministry to
make sure fmperial resources weren't overextended.
"Do not concern yours~ll with the logistical st,!tus of the Empire," Palpatine stated, as if he had
read the Moll's mind. "f have a much more important task for you, far better suited to your talents."
The Emperor told Jerjerrod whilt he was to do.

Alter Jerjerrod liad left the Emperor's throne

room, passing througn tile antechamber with the
Royal Guards, he get tI1rough ~heSuppIicants
Waiting Hall. Tnere they were, all,lined up - every
one of them waiting t6 see the Emperor. Advisor
Golthan stood at the head 6f the line, with Alec
Pradeux and Kren Biista~Vanee'behind him. Various
Grand Molls, adinirals ail'!.other Bignitaries waited
behind them.
"What did tfie EmperoLWantwith you?" Pradeux


"Certainly not much," Golthan sneered. "You're

just a Moll, Jerjerrod - you couldn't possibly have
been given any duty of significance."
Jerjerrod grimaced. "I've been named Director of
Imperial Energy Systems, a l)ew subdepartment of
the Ministry of Energy. Not terribly exciting, I'll
admit, but I'm still proud to be carrying out the
Emperor's will."
Pradeux looked nonplused. "Why haven't I been
told of this new subdepartment?"
"It looKs as if you are about to be briefed," BlistaVanee said, nodding toward the Royal Guards who
were summoning Pradeux into the antechamber.
"I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this
appointment." He looked down on Moll Jerjerrod.
"You are a competent overseer, but certainly not the
sort to wnom the Emperor entrusts vital tasks."
Tfie Moll nodded humbly. "The Emperor has eno
trusted me with developing a line of large-scale
portable power plants for use in disaster relief efforts."
"How gUai!1t;" Golthan sneered again. "It almost
seems like a demotion for you, Je~jerrod. :Were'You
not formeFly al).administrator in charge of Logistics
and Supply?"
es,Jeijerrod thought. And now I'm in charge ot
the project tphich will finally bring about the destruction of the ReDel Alliance.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Coruscant Guards
Coruscant Guards are highly-trained peace
officers found across Imperial Center. Also
known as "Imperial Guards" or "elite stormtroopers" these troops are charged with protecting
citizens and property from any criminal activity. While they can be found virtually everywhere on the planet, they are most likely to be
assigned to protect transportation and communication facilities, important bureaucratic offices, and places where large gatherings are
likely. Because of the high population of Imperial Center, maintaining order and security for
all is a top priority: Coruscant Guards are granted
"martial law" powers to accomplish that task.
They have the right to search any facility public or private - at any time; they may arrest
any citizen on suspicion of illegal activities,
regardless of a possible lack of evidence. In
order to preserve "purity of civic thought" and
to maintain "Human High Culture," Coruscant
Guards are often at work rounding up suspected
Rebel operatives. In this way, they are as much
a political force as a tool of law enforcement.
Coruscant Guards are culled from the ranks
of Imperial stormtroopers, and receive specialized training in marksmanship, riot-suppression techniques and criminal investigations.
They are also trained in threat assessment and
small group tactics, while an intense regimen of
physical conditioning gets them in peak shape.
Finally, psychological conditioning is used to
instill unwavering loyalty to the Emperor.
These officers are equipped with a heavilyarmored duty suit, while the battle helmet has
air filters, optic sensors and a sophisticated
comlink, with scrambling equipment. Typical
weaponry includes a blaster rifle and taser stail.
Coruscant Guards
Type: Coruscant Guard
0EXTERJn' 20

Blaster 50+2. brawling parry 50. dodge 50+1, melee

combat 40+2. melee parry 40+2
Law enforcement 40
Investigation 50, search 40+2

Brawling 40
First aid 30.. 2, security 40

Character Points: 5
Move: 10

Equipment: Blaster rifle (50), Coruscant Guard armor

(+20 physical. +10 energy, -10 to Dexterity and related
skills, with optic sensors - can see in darkness with no

penalty), taser staff (50 stun or 50 regular damage)

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Admiral Okins
If there was ever a by-the-book officer in the

Imperial Navy, Admiral Okins is it. The middleaged man seems older than he really is, mostly
because he has weathered years of loyal service
to gain the position he holds today. He made his
mark not by taking great risks or by outwitting
the enemy with his tactical genius, but simply
by following orders. Okins rose
through the ranks on sheer
merit, without the help of ambitious allies wishing to place
him into power for their own
purposes. He owes no favors
or loyalties to anyone but the
Empire itself.
It is this unswerving loyalty
that has brought Okins to the
attention of the Emperor.
Palpatine sees him as the perfect tool and he occasionally
dispatches Okins to lead a
small task force charged with
dispatching pirates or subjugating worlds. Often, Okins is
given authority over a fleet
commander whose actions
have sprung more from ambition and ego than Imperial regulations. An officer serving under Okins knows that everything that occurs will
be reported back to the Emperor. Okins has
even been assigned to some of the Emperor's
most trusted advisors (including Darth Vader)
to ensure that Palpatine's wishes are carried
The Admiral does not feel manipulated by the
Emperor, instead seeing his work as just another way of serving the Empire. In his mind,
being a loyal servant means doing what you are
told, and not pursuing your own agendas or
working toward the downfall of your peers.
Alter all, if orders are ignored, the chain of
command will collapse and the Emperor's will
won't be carried out. Although Okins may be a
small link in that chain of command, he sees
himself as a vital one.
Admiral Okins
Type: Imperial Admiral
Blaster 40+2, blaster artillery 50, dodge 40
Bureaucracy: Imperial Navy 6D, intimidation 40. planetary systems 40. tactics: capital ships 50.2. tactics:
fleets 40+2
Astrogation SO. capital ship piloting 40, communIcations 40+2, sensors 40+ 1
Command 60, investigation 40.1



Temporary Reassignment
Admiral Piett stood before Darth Vader in the
Dark Lord's chambers aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor. He had an uneasy feeling this
discussion would be very brief-and Rrobably fatal
-given his failure to capture the Millennium Falcon
at Bespin.
He had been at Admiral azzel's side when the
Darl{ Lord made clear his wrath for that officer's
error on Hoth. Later, he Bad watched the guards
drag away Captain Needa's lifeless body after his
failed "apology." Vader <lid not tolerate anYthing
but exemplary performance from those in his ser~
vice, and Piett haa failed him.
"Admiral Piett," Vader said, the booming voice
echoing through the chamber. "I have been recalled
to Coruscant to make my report to the Emperor.
The'Executor shall accompany me under the command of Captain Kallic."

Piett felt his throat tense - was it the Dark Lord's

work, or his own apprehension?
Vader continued. "You shall remain in command
of the ImBerial fleet to continue the hunt for the
Rebels. You shall carry the flag aboard the Star
Destroyer ACC(Iser."
"Yes, my lord," Piett said, stifling his sigh of relief.
"You will be reassigned to the Executor when I
return from my duties at the Imperial Court." Vader
glared at theAdmiral. "I am entrusting the fleet to
you, AdmiralPiett. Do not Rermit yourself any failures - if any come to my attention, be assured a new
admiral will be placed in charge of this fleet."
Piett understood completely. "Yes, Lord Vader."
He did not release his sigh of relief until he was well .
away from the Dark Lord's chambers.

Computer programming/repair 40+2, security 50

Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, datapad

Bentu Pall Tarlen

Some loyal citizens aspire to join the mighty
Imperial Navy and rise to command a Star Destroyer. Others choose to serve the Emperor as
Imperial Intelligence operatives, going deep
undercover to ferret out Alliance spies and put
an end to the Rebellion. Yet not everyone can be
a hero - some must serve in other ways, doing
the little jobs that
keep the Empire running smoothly. Bentu
Pall Tarlen is one such

~ L..t.i...l.!.L._ _--.:: ~_


Tarlen serves as
chief of the Imperial
Center Construction
Contracts Division,
the ministry responsible for planning public works, military facilities and Imperiallyfunded
Coruscant. He oversees the bidding on
contracts for these
projects, and often
has the final say when
evaluating the lowest

Truly immense construction projects are rare

on a planet mostly covered by thousands of
levels of city. Even aminorjob-such as gutting
several city blocks and building a new palace for
one of Emperor Palpatine's minor Advisors could turn a small up-and-coming construction
firm into a corporate industrial giant. Competition is fierce as companies bid against each
other, trying to estimate the lowest possible
costs while still making a healthy profit. And
Tarlen, the happily anonymous bureaucrat, ensures his economic well-being by making sure
certain firms get all the choice contracts.
Invariably, a major project will go to one of
three firms: Core Construction, Durasteel Corporation, or the Hightower Conglomerate. What
few people know is that all three are fronts for
the crime syndicate Black Sun ... and those that
do know have been paid off, blackmailed into
silence, or killed. Tarlen sees to it that Black Sun
knows the amounts of other firms' bidsso they
can come in lower. Later, cost overruns ensure

that Black Sun will make a healthy profit off the

There's one other advantage to the partnership between Tarlen and BlackSun. PrinceXizor
gets the plans for all newly constructed government building and military facilities, and can
easily see to it that audio and holo devices are
planted in them during construction (for espionage, should the need to gather intelligence
from "official sources" ever arise).

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Bentu Pall Tarlen
Type: Minor Imperial Bureaucrat
Bureaucracy: Imperial 70, business: construction 70+2,
streetwise 40+2, value 50+ 1
Bargain 60, command 40+2, con 50+2, forgery 50, gam-

bling 60, investigation 70, persuasion 60


Computer programming/repair 40
Move: 10

Equipment: Datapad

General Harrid Sendo

To look at General Sendo, one would doubt
he had anything in common with a man like
Bentu Pall Tarlen. They share a common trait
and a dark secret: both are in the employ of
Black Sun.
The aging Imperial Intelligence officer has
served the Empire long and well, but he's no

fool. He knows the Empire can't last forever.

He's seen the Intelligence scandocs reporting
increased Rebel activity. He can feel in his bones
that this Rebellion won't be going away anytime
soon. So he is already planning his retirement to
theMid-Rim world of Avenelle, where he can
relax in the sunshine for his remaining years.
Of course, that kind of luxury costs credits.
Lots of credits. When he was approached by
agents of Black Sun and asked to personally
keep Xizor apprised of developments inside
Intelligence, Sendo agreed immediately. In return, Xizor pays a generous stipend each month,
which is routed through various covert channels and finally "invested" in a spacious island
villa on Avenelle.
Sendo is the perfect person to provide Black
Sun with accurate reports on Imperial Intelligence activities. As a scandoc "review specialist" within Intelligence's Destabilization branch,
he has access to his own bureau's communica-

Lando Cal.iisslan anxio\Jsly1f6IIowea Lord

Vader,aslie stalked.out of the Clpl,ldlCity detention
tower 'ci>II.-"l\ord Vader, what aBout Leia and the,
Wo'okiee?" '
Va~r fftQppea 1!t the turb.oliI! ~fta'turned. "They
must nevet'agaiii leave this city.~
Lannoadvanced. "Tohat waS neVeF a !,oiidition of
our agreement, nor was givil}gHan to this ]jounty
- hunter!": .
General Sendq, kneitbefore 'Xizor in t]le Prlnce's
"Perhaps you think you are-]j~ing treate1! un.auOience chambers. " servant," XjzQr said,
~ ~"What vital news hav!, pu brought me?" .
. faiFly?" .~
"My Princ~," S,endo_ b~gan. "We have r~ceived
Lanao bacRed off. "No."
.' "'~Gciod;" Vader snarled. "It WQuid be unfortun'ate
several sca.ndo.Gs ;tl'lI:ough,various ch_ann~ls con.
firming that Darth VaCIer'has left a garrison .behind
ii !naii"fb-leave a gar.rison nere:'!
- e"'e e;;z
' , . ontne Besllin miiiing colony of loud'Ci~:'-':'
" ' , "'.:
, , '
0"- ~
Xizor nodded and~tTied the'jnfor.m.ation ;"way in
Lieufenant.Djir.ra was flus~e;ed. As Lord Vader'~_ 0 ',his mind: It w.q,uld'be'usiful to know sh:ould Black
logistics offker, ,he had 'been .~esponsible for pre-:
Slin llian any, operations at tlie little faGility.
'pi!!ing one of CiJloud elty's GarOdn.freeze cliamber~ .'-' "T,here is,more, ~majesty," Sendo,\;.ontlnued.
.to jj,lace.a human sul:ijeci't i'!to liiber.nlliion. Now. . "Apllar.ently J,;or,g,.Y.a-der failed in liis omission to
, th~re,wa:s the possiDility:a gar"ison would have to .,::_ Gapture the RebeIiIWPwlJ as,SJ<ywaIker,TheEmperor
b,e left,benin1! ,here.
_> ' . has reGalled him ,to or.uscant."
",r.ue; it mightjpst be tfiei.dl",g~ssil?olstorIptroop:
"llhank you"Q,," Xizor said smoothly. "You
ernvithtoolmuch time'omtlJeir nan'd,s. But tne story', , have been most.helpful:' S,endo'b.owed"turned.,<lnd
sounded right,- it was Ger.@jnlythe sort of threat ."', .left the auaieric~ .chamber. under Gmi's -watchful
- eye.
_ VaderwoulO make. If it proJi.e1! to be more than ,J'.
threa!~IDjirra would be,e'cha~gedwi~h car'!::- . So,-Vaqeliis,r"! again, Xizor thought. ;lp(/ he
ing it-out, and Vader would want It done lmmed,:''''', has failed to Qr!ng,hjs so[l into the ImgeriqbfoN None.
atelt '
.~;;, . ,.
':.0 ' y of this was,ne~s,tll<liim. Five,of'his usuaI'i~forIJl.ants
,'lfJjirra nad already deqded'that e<\ptam !reece. .
on Lord Vader'S' affaiFs had already_ transmItted
.. wi'fLiid'maKe t1'ie.i'iIeal'comm1iQding officer.Re was a; =-_ similar. findiilgs.~f-Gourse, wor.d o(\(aoer's failure
was strict-enough:
was so sweet
tJe. ,.,. again
. ~. as:to
,_ and again
:j: ~:.' a!1d 1!gainc... -~ ';'", ';


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


tions, and those from other branches as well.
Sendo transfers regularreports to Xizor through
an ever-changing list of approved couriers. When
more important data is in hand, he arranges to
meet with Xizor personally. This commonly involves the use of a disguise and the aid of Black
Sun agents to ensure he isn't traced. He also
does favors for Xizor, such as erasing or "mis-

placing" scandocs whose data could harm a

Black Sun operation.
Sendo's rank is little more than a title to
distinguish his role within Destab from the lesser
office bureaucrats and the field operatives who
report to section chiefs. General Senda is not a
brave man - he did not rise through the ranks
by distinction in battle - and he's never even
used his blaster other than on the firing range.
He was promoted for enduring years of tedious
service without complaint, and he has enough
cunning to make sure his tracks are covered.
Sendo visits Xizor at least once a month to
accept his stipend and reaffirm his loyalty.
Xizor's eyes always seem to look right through
him, and he senses that any betrayal on his part
would be spotted immediately, so he is careful


to make sure his reports are as accurate as

Sendo considers himself a vital part of Black
Sun's intelligence network. He doesn't realize
that he is only one of hundreds of other Black
Sun informants entrenched within the Imperial
Army and Navy, Coruscant Guard and starport
security forces stationed on Coruscant.
General Harrid Sendo
Type: Imperial Intelligence Bureaucrat

Blaster 3D

Bureaucracy: Imperial Intelligence 60+1, intimidation
40+2, languages 50, law enforcement: Imperial 50, planetary systems 50, streetwise 50+2
Communications 40, sensors 3D

Bargain 50, command 50+2, con 60, forgery 60+2, investigation 7D, persuasion 50, search 40+2

Computer programming/repair 60, droid programming

40+2, security 50
Character Points: 3
Move: 10

Equipment: Datapad, recording rod

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Chapter Three

Blacl( Sun

The criminal organization known as Black

Sun lurks in the shadow ofthe Empire, biding its
time, maneuvering its pawns and preparing to
seize greater power in the galaxy: Few know of
Black Sun's existence, concealed as it is by
layers of covert operatives, front organizations and bribed Imperial officials. In
some ways, itsanonymityis its great-'
est strength - like an assassin
well-versed in stealth, there is
until far too late.
The power and influence
of Ploovo Two-For-One, the
Klatooinan Trade Guild and
even the mighty gangster
Jabba the Hutt all pale in
comparison to Black Sun.
Smaller criminal organizations conline themselves to
limited regions of space, or
certain illegal trades. Black
Sun's grasp encompasses everything: gambling, blackmail, smuggling, espionage, slaving, spice, racketeering, and many other illicit activities. If it
isn't taking a profit from every illegal transaction in the galaxy, it at least knows of them all.
In the heart of the shadows sits Prince Xizor,
an alien prince with almost immeasurable
wealth. He waits and watches as the Rebels and
the Empire tear at each other, playing both
sides against each other to ensure that neither
truly wins. In Xizor's mind, victory is his privilege alone.
Many in the Empire would expect a human to
be controlling the galaxy's most powerful crime
syndicate, but PrinceXizor's personal charisma
and brilliant grasp of strategy allowed him to
become leader of Black Sun and gather power

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

great enough to attract the attention of Palpatine.

Descended from a royal house on his
homeworld, the reptilian liiImanoid is publicly
known as the owner and president of Xizor
TransportSystems (XTS), an immense shipping megacorporation worth billions of
credits. XTS maintains fleets of huge
container ships and bulk freighters
to haul cargo throughout the galaxy. The company makes a tidy
profit by providing swift light
freighters as courier ships for
high-paying clients with small
but valuable cargoes. Xizor
Transport Systems provides
substantial financial backing
for Xizor's criminal enterprises, as well as being a convenient front for Black Sun's
activities - a front no one has
ever penetrated and lived to expose.
Not all of Xizor's credits, though,
are poured into XTS or Black Sun. His
luxurious and immense palace in Imperial Center is filled with guards, servants and creature
comforts. He keeps a skyhook, Falleen's Fist,
tethered in orbit above Coruscant. He delights
in fine dishes from around the galaxy - the
more exotic and dangerous, the better. Of course,
with his wealth, Xizor thinks nothing of paying
exorbitant prices to hire the best chefs available. He even owns a share of the Manarai, the
famous luxury restaurant overlooking Imperial
Center's Monument Park.
Xizor also has an eye for females of many
species. As a Falleen male, he can produce
powerful pheromones that make him alluring to
humanoid women, although certain exercises
and great concentration are required for these
pheromones to work at full strength. Though



his companions may enjoy his company and the

things his wealth can buy, they never enjoy his
confidence or learn anything of Black Sun.
In fact, Xizor rarely spends more than a few
months with anyone female, regardless of how
clever or beautiful she might be. With so many
to choose from, he grows bored easily. He has
yet to find a companion he considers his equal,
and would not stay with her if he did - how
could he ever trust someone as cunning as he?
Upon ending a relationship, the female receives expensive gifts (and occasionally even a
fancy dwelling place on Coruscant) with the
proviso that she never contact him again. Those
who disregard this warning often meet with
"accidents," for Xizor refuses to tolerate those
who do not obey his wishes.
Power over others means everything to Xizor
- it is reflected not only in his control of Black
Sun, but in his intimidating physical appearance. Though the Falleen Prince looks onlyabout
30, he is really more than
a century old. Although
exercise bores him, he
knows that it is necessaryforoptimum health.
Xizor uses myostim
units to keep himself in
top physical shape while
still allowing him to focus on Biack Sun business. He also devotes
himself to training in the
martial arts and spends
several hours per week
at his personal firing
range, honing his already formidable marksmanship skills.
Xizor is tall and imposing, with a topknot
ponytail of hair adorning his bald head like a
plume. He wears a second, smaller ponytail at
the base of his skull. His
regal stature reflects his
personality - cool, calculating and glacially
polite when it suits his
needs. He comes across
as a man whose power is

so great that he has no

need to prove himself ...
a man who always gets
his way.
Xizor's appearance
reflects his royal up-


bringing. His father was a king on his homeworld

of Falleen, and Xizor was raised to ascend to that
throne. However, the Prince's interests lay
offworld, in the much more ambitious universe
of crime. Ironically, that was to save his life.
Ten years ago, an accident occurred at an
Imperial research facility within his home city
- the laboratory was developing a tissue-destroying bacterium for use in biological warfare.
No cure had been developed for the disease.
When the bacterium leaked out of the lab and
began racing through the city's population, Darth
Vader ordered an orbital strike against the lab
and the surrounding countryside. After several
hours 01 turbolaser bombardment, the
bioweapon bacterium was eradicated - and
200,000 Falleen had been killed. Xizor's family
was among the dead. He lost his mother, father,
his nest-brother, two sisters and three uncles.
Xizor would have died - should have died but he was off-planet on Black Sun business at
the time.
In the years since the disaster, Xizor has
never returned to his homeworld. He never
mentions the loss of his family and has erased
all Imperial records connecting himself to them,
but he has never forgotten his loss, nor has he
ever forgotten or forgiven the man responsible:
Darth Vader.
Xizor has been planning his vengeance on
Vader for years. He taunts Vader with deceptions, misleading impressions, and underhanded
dealings. He knows the Dark Lord of the Sith is
an obstacle to his attaining greater power and
prestige in the Imperial Court, and so Vader
must be dealt with. And revenge shall be sweet,
indeed ...
Challenging the Dark Lord openly, of course,
would be foolish and no doubt suicidal. Xizor
has crafted a plan that will not only cause Vader's
fall from the Emperor's favor, but will leave the
Falleen Prince in the Sith Lord's place. Xizor
plots to kill young Luke Skywalker in such a way
that the blame for the act falls on Vader. At
worst, Vader will be perceived as having been
afraid of the Jedi's powers. At best, depriving
the Emperor of the young Jedi will cost Vader
It is a perfect plan for destroying the Dark
Lord of the Sith. Vader must be ruined - made
to suffer - and his own son will be the instrument of his downfall. If this should lead to the
improvement ofXizor's standing with Palpatine's
- and manipulating the Emperor as he sees fit
- so much the better.
Prince Xizor
Type: Falleen Crime Lord

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Blaster 90+2, brawling parry 70, dodge 80, melee combat 60+2, melee parry 60, thrown weapons 60

Alien species 60.2, bureaucracy: Black Sun 90, bureaucracy: Imperial 80. I, business: Black Sun 90, business:
XTS 90, cultures 60, intimidation 80-t-2, languages 50+2,
lawenforcement 70+2, planetary systems 70. streetwise
80, streetwise: Black Sun 100, value 80, willpower 7D+2

Astrogation 40. space transports 50+2, starfighler piloting 60, starship gunnery 50, stars hip shields 50

Bargain 80+ 1, command 90, con 80+2, investigation 80,
persuasion 70, persuasion: seduction 80, search 60,

sneak 50
Brawling8D, brawling: martial arts 90+ 1, climbing/jumping 50+2, lifting 60, stamina 7D, swimming 50

Computer programming/repair 50. security 70

Special Abilities:
Attraction Pheromones: Exuding speciaJ pheromones and
changing skin color to affect others gives FalJeen a +10
bonus to their persuasion skil1, with an additional + ID for
each hour of continuous preparation and meditation to
enhance the effects- the bonus may total no more than
+30 for anyone skill attempt and the attempt must be
attempted within one hour of completing meditation.
Amphibious: Falleen can "breathe" water for up to 12
hours. They receive +10 to any swimming skill rolls.
Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points: 13
Character Points: 15
Move: 10
Equipment: Com link, modified hold-out blaster (40),
battle-shield (+ 10 energy, +2D physical, use melee parry
or dodge skill depending upon type of attack)

The person most often associated with Black
Sun is that of Guri, Xi20r's lovely chief lieutenant
and bodyguard. Since Guri acts often acts directly on Xi20r's behalf, many of those who
know of Black Sun's existence assume she is the
criminal syndicate's Underlord.
Guri has blue eyes and long, flowing golden
hair, with the trim, graceful figure of a professional dancer. Her voice is cool and even, and
her beauty is a masterpiece of misdirection no one expects to find deadly skill in such a
lovely package. Guri has no need to carry a
weapon, for she is a weapon herself, and she
serves well as Xi20r's bodyguard and enforcer.
Guri never displays emotion, remaining focused on carrying out her master's orders. Her
calm is not due to iron discipline and steel
nerves for she has no "nerves" - GUTi is a highly
sophisticated droid.
One of only a handful of human replica droids,
and the only one known to have been programmed as an assassin, Guri is perhaps Xizor's
most prized possession. He paid nine million
credits to have her constructed - an exorbitant
sum, but one well worth it as far as Xizor is
concerned. For a being who trusts no one, what
better lieutenant than one programmed to be
completely loyal?
Guri looks and acts like a human, her lungs
breathe air and her heart pumps "blood." Her

The Lesser Evil

Lord Darth Vader strode onto th~ Devastator's
bripge, peering out the vie}Vports at the planet FaJleen
below. He paused a moment, looking down at the
surface, where, even now, aninvisible pl'lgue was
quickly spreading.
"Lprd Vader." Captain Bolvan spoke up, gingerly'
approaching the Dark Lord of the Sith. "We have
projections based on the information salvaged from
the laboratories ..." He began punching up numbers
on his datapatl, then passed the device to Vader.
Reports estimatep the necrotizing qacte'rium
would tear through the population like wildfire. Only
a few hours had passed since, the accident, But
projections showed that - if ac'tion was not taken
soon - the plague would spread to every continent
on Falleen. Vader handed tfie datapad back to Captain Bolvan.
"Sir," the Captain offered. "If we requisition the
ordnance from ProjectX271 in the Outer Rim Territories, we could incinerate the bacterium from orbit
"And annihilate every living thing on the planet,"

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Vader interrupted. "No. The Emperor may still

some use for the Falleen."
"Lord Vader, there is no cllre ..." Bolvan pleaded.
"Captain," Vader snarled. "You must learn when
it is appropriate to offer your counsel. Now is not
the time." _
A lieutenant marched up to Vader and Captain
Bolvan, saliIted ani! stood at rigid attention. "You
requested my pr.esence, LordeVaqer?"
"Mes, LieutenantHija. prepar.e far an,orbital bom- '
bardment of Falleen - centering on the research
-faGility, anp evetything withinAO kilometers."
"Yes, my lord." Hija spun around on his heel and
marched off to carry out his duties.
Vader turned from Captain Bolvan to look out the
viewport again. In a few moments, tfie land directly
below woulO be ablaze with turbolaser fire. Thousands would die, but billions would be spared tile
effects of the'Bacterium. The biaweap6n project on
Falleen had not been going well ... and in the end, all
of this was a small price to pay for. failure.



bone structure is constructed of high-strength

alloys covered in polymers, mimicking human
bones on scanner readings. Her major "organs"
consist of bio-fibers which fool scanners into
thinking they're truly organic. Scanners also
miss the thousands of carefully shielded microgyros imbedded in her joint housings, which
give Guri her perfect sense of balance. Her clone
vat-grown skin is flawless, if only 10 years old.
Only her powerful muscles cannot fool the scanners - although they will scan as flesh, they do

not register as any known tissue. Overall, she

looks like a perfectly normal and attractive young
woman in her early twenties. Guri was designed
to deceive, and she does so with deadly effectiveness.

Her strength, agility, speed and balance make

Guri an efficient killing machine. Her processor
- allegedly a highly modified AA-l Verbo-brain
- has been expanded to hold much of the
programming necessary for her to act in a human fashion and it also helps her keep track of
the numerous operations Xizor expects her to

One of her chief programming directives is to

ensure her master's safety and protection. Guri
analyzes Xizor's plans for potential dangersespecially on the rare occasions when he allows
his passions to dictate his actions. Her extensive security programming gives her a healthy
dose of paranoia. Whether it's a threat to Xizor's
physical well-being or the security of Biack Sun,
Guri can be counted on to take steps to check
any threat. Often, these steps involve violence
and it often seems that the droid thrives on this
Little is known about Guri's creator, an outlaw tech named Simonelle the lngoian. A brilliant doctor and droid engineer, he operated
from a hidden enclave somewhere in the Minos
Cluster. He managed to acquire a pirated copy
of a new droid type designed by Rebel scientists, human replicas intended to be used as
part of the Alliance's "Project Decoy." The original idea was to replace Imperial officials with
the droids, who would be programmed to sabotage, delay, and otherwise obstruct Imperial
operations. Somehow, the plans and the prototype wound up in Simonelle's hands, possibly
through the intervention of Black Sun. Only a
few droids were produced prior to Guri's construction, and none have been manufactured

Type: Customized Human Replica Droid

Blaster 70, brawling parry 110, dodge 80, melee combat

70, melee parry 70, thrown weapons 70

Bureaucracy: Black Sun 70, business: Black Sun 70,
business: XTS 70, intimidation 90, streetwise 60,
streetwise: Black Sun 70, survival 60

Astrogation 4D, repulsorlift operation 40, space transports 50, starfighter piloting 40, starship gunnery 40,
starship shields 40

Command 60, investigation 70. search 60, sneak 70

Brawling: martial arts 100, climbing/jumping 70
First aid: Falleen 60, security 70
Equipped with:


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

@rily One of HeF Kind
oozed from Simonelle's eyes, nose and mouth. In
Guri entere<! Simonelle's workshop. Several work
seconds, it was over.
tables bore human replica droias in various stages
of completion, but none were yet covered with the
Satisfied that she.had carried out Xizor's orders,
carefully grown sldns. Computers lined the walls,
Guri let the body slump to the floor. "My Prince did
npt intend for you to lessen the value of his unique
programming the VerbO'brain processors for the
unfinisfied droids. Guri looked around at the elecacquisition," she said.."1 sh~l remain the only one of
my kind. Tocreate.others with my abilities would
tronic mess, picking up droid components from a
workbench and examining them as a child would a
compromise my utility to my master. That cannot
Simonelle looked upJrom fiis workbench in a far
Guri turned and stared directly at the security
holocam in the workshop's corner. She gently recorner. "Gurl, you have returned," he stated, scratching the clump of beard tentacles growing from his
moved the datacardTecordingthe carnage and shut
the unit off.
chin and raising th..e micro,magnifying goggl~ from
his eyes. "Have you displeased your master?"
In a distant room, Simonelle stared at the vidGlJri advanced, an icy glint in her eyes. "No,
screen showing the broken Ingoian replica droid
Simonelle, f have pleased Prince Xizor very much.
lying at Guri's feet. The screen went black. At least
she didn't vaporize the lab, he thought, running-a
'He hopes his nine millloJ:\ cr~dits have gone to good
hand absently across his neck. Not a very charitable
way fora "ahild" to treat her "parent, " but she had no
"Yes, yes," SLmonelle purred, setting the micrO'
magnify,ing goggles on the workbencfi. "As you c
choice save to serve Xizor.
If only the prince knew that his nine million
see, I've begun conJtruction qf others like you, Guri.
credits had also been spent on another replica
mhe droids I buil~ before y,ou were so primitive. I
droid, this Ingoian ....
learned so muoh,when bUildiIlgyou. ou are unique."
Simoneile. rose from.his chair, already planning
"Andnl shalhremain\Uniglje,".\5u,!1i.saiO. With Iightwpere he w_';lUld go into hiding and for how'long..
nlngj"swiftn~ss, she ~tru~R the engineer:s he~ witfi
fier open hand. Stunned, tHe>lngpian st!lmbledlbacRAfter all, no poin in falii'l!'s own death, only to
tum up,alive soon after, ...
wards into a cq'l'P.uteE; console. Guri grasped his
necR in both hands and began to squeeze. Blood
Humanoid body

Highly modified M-l Verbo-brain

Human bio-fibers
Clone vat-grown skin

Special Abilities:

Human Replica: Human replica droids are designed to

pass for humans in every aspect, including behavior and
biology. A Very Difficult sensors roll is needed to notice
"something odd" about a human replica droid masQuer
ading as a human.
Move: 15

Size: 1.8 meters tall

Cost: 9 million

Black Sun Operations

Black Sun is an immense criminal organiza
tion employing tens of thousands of operatives
throughout the galaxy, from seemingly legiti
mate free-traders, politicians and newsnet reporters to unsavory smugglers. gunrunners,
slavers, assassins and spies. Black Sun agents
infiltrate the Rebel Alliance, the Empire, wealthy
corporations, powerful guildS and local governments. Like many spynets, each Black Sun operative knows only of those contacts necessary
to fulfill any given mission. There are many
cases when operatives don't even know they're
working for Black Sun - which suits that organization very well.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Much of Black Sun's power comes from its

ability to remain hidden in the shadows. Its
operations are carefully masked behind legitimate business fronts and the use of mercenaries and double-agents, so other syndicates or
governments take the blame for them. Xizor is
more than willing to let his enemies battle each
other and then have Black Sun step in to pick up
the pieces.
Exactly how Black Sun manages its widely
varied criminal activities is not well know outside Xizor's small group of Vigos. However, by
looking at certain individuals within the crime
syndicate, one can piece together a well-defined
chain of command. At the top, of course, is
Prince Xizor. He rarely leaves his secured palace on Coruscant, and often summons his min
ions for personal reports. However Xizor is not
the "public face" of Black Sun. The 'alluring
woman known as Guri is widely (and erroneously) believed to be the leader of the crime
syndicate - a deception Xizor enjoys, for it
leaves him a certain freedom of movement. It
also allows him the luxury of choosing which
illicit activities to pay personal attention to,
while overseeing Black Sun's political gamesmanship.


Below Guri are the Vigos, Black Sun's valued
lieutenants. The importance of their responsibilities and the level of trust they enjoy from
Xizor are evident in the meaning of their titlethe term "Vigo" is derived from the Old Tionese
word for "nephew." Each Vigo controls a vast
criminal network of his own, supported by
Xizor's vast wealth and power. None could exist
without Black Sun, and few Vigos would dare
betray their master's trust. Each Vigo has several sub-lieutenants of his own, from trusted
advisors to minor crime lords, all of whom carry
out Black Sun's directives through their own
personnel and organizations.
A horde of criminals and contacts all serve
the Vigos and their sub-lieutenants. All activities are masked through the use of drop-points,
code-names, ciphers, double-agents, front companies, moles and other spynet tricks. Each
Vigo has his own system, some more effective
than others.
Many Vigos utilize Xizor Transport Systems'
network of freighters to covertly move equipment, personnel, and contraband to different
operations throughout the galaxy. XTS also helps
funnel and launder money from Black Sun's
other, less legitimate, operations. The company's
extensive shipping operations include Imperial
contracts for transporting supplies to garrisons
and bases in the Outer Rim Territories, as well
as supporting covert Imperial military construction projects. To supplement XTS, many Vigos
have established their own transportation networks maintained by free-traders, smugglers,
and small shipping companies.
Some Vigos unknowingly share contacts and
spies. and this creates some interesting con-

flicts within the system. It is rumored that Xizor

maintains his own network of spies within the
Vigos' organizations to ensure he retains complete control of operations.
At the bottom of the ladder are the "grunts"

mercenaries, assassins, spies and thieves

who do all ofBlack Sun's dirty work, who seldom

realize who they are truly working for and who
can be replaced by the dozen, if necessary.

The Anatomy of Assassination

To get a better look at how Black Sun operates, examine a typical operation an assassination.

in this case,

Xizor has determined that the Jedi Luke

Skywalker must be killed. He must be dispatched
in such a way that the blame somehow falls on
Darth Vader - all part of Xizor's plan to disgrace the Dark Lord in the Emperor's eyes. Xizor
summons Guri and tells her to alert their operatives to set assassins up in several key locations.


She is to have someone tailing Boba Fett, as

Xizor believes Skywalker may try to rescue the
captured smuggler Han Solo from the bounty
hunter. Guri is also to retrieve information about
Skywalker's whereabouts from within the Rebel
fleet Admiral Ackbar is assembling. Finally, she
is to find someone who can be bribed within the
Alliance -

someone in a position to arrange an

"accident" involving Skywalker. And, of course,

all this must be carried out with discretion as
well as haste.
To track Boba Fett, Guri contacts one of the
Vigos, the Rodian Clezo, who can employ several excellent bounty hunters through a "safari
outfitting" service his organization operatesleaving no traceable connections to Black Sun.
Since this is a scheme in which Xizor takes a
great deal of interest, Guri personally contacts
one of the bounty hunters and reports directly
to Black Sun's leader.
Guri then contacts the Nalroni Vigo Sprax,
whose sub-lieutenant runs a service stealing
and salvaging starship parts and reselling them.
She knows Sprax's people are in contact with
Alliance techs, who frequently purchase starship parts for their aging fleet. (In the unlikely
event the Rebels win the war, Xizor wants to
make sure they regard Black Sun as an ally.)
Within days, Guri receives word from both
Vigos. From Clezo, she discovers that Boba Fett
is heading for the Imperial enclave on Gall, in the
lahr system, after a run-in with the infamous
assassin droid IG-88 over Tatooine. From Sprax
she hears even better news - Rogue Squadron,
the fighter group Skywalker used to command
and still occasionally flies with, is being transferred temporarily to a hidden fighter base on
Kile, another moon in the lahr system. Guri
determines the chances of Skywalker appearing
in the lahr system are doubled: he'll either
show up with Rogue Squadron, orwith his friends
trying to rescue Solo.
Another piece of news interests Gur!. Sprax
informs her that one of the Rebels is increasingly dissatisfied with her role as Rogue
Squadron's chief tech.
Within two days - before the squadron's
technical crews head out to construct the base
on Kile- Guri has made the arrangements. One
of Black Sun's moles within the Rebel fleet approaches the tech chief with an offer: if Skywalker
should join the Rogues at any time, arrange for
his death by "technical malfunction." The mole
offers "Chief" 10,000 credits deposited to her
account, with an additional 40,000 credits to be
transferred after Skywalker's demise.
Meanwhile, Guri arranges for the credit transfers - indirectly, of course. Gur! contacts the

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Chapter Three: Black Sun

Mon Calamari Vigo Perit, whose Nimbanese

banke~s and Verpi~eslicershaveseveral dummy
fmanclal corporatIOns set up for just such transfers: Perit ensures that his mole agent within
Remk (Imperial Intelligence's counterintelligence branch) is well-paid to siphon off the
Empire's own credits into some of Renik's
dummy corporations - including Saber Enterprises, Celanon Finance, and Delcas HoloVidand finally into Chief's account (with some help
from Perit's slicing teams).
The trap for Skywalker is set. Even if this
elaborat~ operation fails, Xizor has other optIOns. He IS much too smart to base all his future
plans on one minor scheme ...

Blacl< Suns Vigos

Xizor entrusts his Vigos to handle most of the
that make the crime syndicate one of the most powerful in the galaxy.
Each Vigo is responsible for Black Sun activities in several regions of the Empire. Different
Vigos have different specialties and each focuses on his area of strength. Each Vigo has his
own intelligence-gathering apparatus, and most
are probably aware that the Underlord has spies
within their organizations.
The Vigos come from varying backgrounds in
the criminal world. Some rose through the ranks
beginning as humble smugglers, spicers or eve~
slavers, while others had been groomed to inherit their Vigo positions [rom their fathers or
mothers. Within each Vigo's own organization
lurk other sub-lieutenants and lackeys, all maneuvering to make their own bids for the revered title of Vigo when the current title holder
moves on ... whether willingly or not.
Black Sun's Vigos maintain a loose alliance at
best, held together by [ear and Xizor's wealth.
Each Vigo is incredibly wealthy, due to their
generous salaries, awards and bonuses (and a
certain amount of profit skimming) all o[ which
is expected and acceptable. "To be a Vigo in
Black Sun is to enjoy more power than all but a
handful of beings in the entire galaxy," Xizor
tells his Vigos often. And that power comes at a
high price - for Xizor does not tolerate disloyalty among his most trusted sub-lieutenants.
d~y-to-day operations

A member of the fierce Chattza clan of
Rodians, Clezo is one ofXizor's less spectacular
but reliable Vigos. He is not as flamboyant or
greedy as some of his colleagues, and runs his
branches of Black Sun as if they were businesses. Clezo's mode of dress certainly attests
to the manner in which he operates - he wears
conservative but finely-tailored suits one would

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

expect to see in a Kuat

Drive Yards boardroom.
What Clezo's operation
lacks in opulent revenues
and ruthless dominance,
it makes up for it with
steady profits and discreet activities - something Xizor can well appreciate.
While other Vigos concentrate on criminal en-

deavors they favor, Clezo

tries to diversify his activities. He is known to be
funding in part or in whole
several bounty hunting
groups, including the
Granse Confederacy and
the guild known as House
Tresario (which was ...........l.......u...l..
founded by former Imperial officers and maintains strong ties to the
Imperial military). Clezo is also known for controlling much of the criminal activities on his
homeworld, Rodia.
Clezo has learned much from Xizor since the
Underlord of Black Sun rose above the Rodian
moving from being a peer to a master. Clezo ha;
learned that resourcefulness and cunning - as
opposed to rash action and swift vengeance are the keys to success. Clezo prefers to plan
ahead and formulate contiI1gencies should his
operations run into difficulties and result in
lower income. Above all, he's developed a knack
for choosing the right personnel for each job.
Clezo maintains extensive datafiles on his own
personnel and other independent operators, in
case he ever requires their services.
While Clezo is not particularly ambitious, he
does expend a great deal of time seeking new
opportunities [or BlackSun to increase its power
and influence in the galaxy. The Rodian is currently involved in a plot to more firmly bring his
homeworld under Black Sun's control. Once his
clan leader, Navik the Red, is assassinated, one
ofClezo's subordinates, Chorh-dha, will assume
the position of clan chief - and will also act as
Black Sun's puppet. Until then, however, Chorhdha is working within Vigo Green's organization, keeping tabs on the human's operations
and reporting back to Clezo.


Type: Radian Vigo

Blaster 60, brawling parry 40-+-2, dodge 50. melee com-

bat 50+2
Alien species 40+2, bureaucracy: Black Sun 80, busi-

ness: Black Sun 70+2, intimidation 50 .. 1, law enforce-

ment 50+2, planetary systems 60, slreetwise 60,

streetwise: Black Sun 80, value 80. willpower 70

Bargain 70+2, command 80. con 60, forgery 50+2. gambling 80, investigation 70, persuasion 70, search 50,
sneak SO
Brawling 50, stamina 40
Computer programming/repair 50, droid programming
40, security 30+2
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 3
Character Points: 7
Move: 10
EqUipment: Datapad, finely-tailored business suit, holdout blaster (3D), knife (STR+ID)

Durga the Hutt

lf there is one Vigo as crarty and deceptive as
Xizor himself, Durga certainly comes close. He
outwardly seems to play Black Sun's game of
political maneuvering, rarely objecting to Xizor's
orders and never intimating (or allowing to
leak) his secret plans to rally the other Vigos to
overthrow their Falleen master. Durga is used to
scheming for increased power and his agents
have already sown the seeds of revolt among
sub-lieutenants on other Vigos' staffs (although
most of the other Vigos remain loyal to Xizor out
of respect or fear). Durga has manipulated the
Vigo Green into doing his bidding, although
Green naively believes he is acting to further his
own ambitions. Durga is using a careful touch just enough to push Green in the desired direction, while staying far
enough away that when
the inevitable happens
and the human slips up,
Durga will not be implicated in the plot.
Durga is typi<:al of
Hults, preferring to
lounge on a repulsorlift
platform rather than
move about under his
own. He surrounds himself with sundry pleasures - slave girls, servants fanning his immense body, potsofjuicy
delicacies - except
when in the presence of
his master. Appearances
are everything when deception is afoot, and
Durga makes sure he
plays the part of the
humble servant in his
dealings with Prince


Durga's branch of Black Sun dabbles in many
activities normally associated with HUll
crimelords. Durga makes sure he has his pudgy
fingers in a portion of the smuggling trade that
passes through the Hutt moon of Nar Shaddaa,
and he has allies and operatives within the Huttcontrolled Klatooinan Trade Guild. Durga also
makes sure his endeavors include the everlucrative businesses of slaving and gun-running.
While the other Vigos often wonder whether
Durga's allegiance rests firmly with Xizor or
with his fellow Hutts and their infamous kajidics,
the truth is Durga knows only one loyalty: to

Durga the Hutt

Type: HuH Viga

Bureaucracy: Black Sun 70, bureaucracy: Imperial 60,

business: Black Sun 70, intimidation 6D+2, law enforcement 6D+ I, streetwise 70, streetwise: Black Sun 9D,
value 7D, value: slaves 90
Bargain 80, command 70. con 80. gambling 6D+2, investigation 60, persuasion 70+2

Special Abilities:
Force Resistance: Hutts have an innate defense against
Force-based mind manipulation techniques and roll

double their Perception dice to resist such attacks.

Dark Side Points: 4
Character Points: 5
Move: 3

Green is the only human among the Vigos,
and for good reason - Xizor has always maintained that humans are prone to treachery and
can rarely be trusted. Green always seems to be
struggling to outdo the other Vigos, as if he has
something to prove. He is perhaps the most
foolishly ambitious of Xizor's Vigos, and, egged
on by his supportive sub-lieutenants (who are
secretly working for Durga the Hutt), believes
he can soon usurp his master's power and take
his place as head of Black Sun.
Green's incessant plotting to undermine
Xizor's authority has led him to neglect his
business, so his monies paid to Xizor have decreased, as has his effort in carrying out Xizor's
wishes. This has been brought to the Falleen
Prince's attention by his spies in Green's operation, and the human is rapidly falling from favor.
Oddly enough, Green's greatest contribution
to Black Sun is his vast spynet, which specializes in racketeering and blackmail. Most of this
activity is concentrated in the Core Worlds,

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

although he has
branched out
into other regions in feeble attempts to expand his power
base. Like his
Green also has
his fingers in
various other
criminal endeavors in the Core
Worlds, including spice dealing
and slavery. Forbidden from
smuggling spice
Green is not particularly happy
that Wendell
has somehow
been able to monopolize spice distribution
within Imperial Center.
Green's appearance reflects his inner nature.
He wears fancy robes one might expect to seeon
an Imperial Advisor, and has the sallow and
vaguely guilty look about his face of one who
knows he's done something underhanded. Although he's of middle age, his hair has prematurely grayed, and is beginning to thin on topthis has the effect of leaving wild tufts arcing out
from the side of his head, which further reinforces the hunted look about him. And while his
spies and sub-lieutenants might know, Green is
most certainly unaware that his seditious activities have come to Xizor's attention ...
Type: Human Viga
Blaster 50, dodge 60, melee combat 50+1, pick pocket

Bureaucracy: Black Sun 60+2, bureaucracy: Imperial
50+ 1, business: Black Sun 50, cultures: Core Worlds 70,
intimidation 40+2, law enforcement: Imperial GO, plan-

etary systems: Core Worlds 50+2, street wise GO.

streetwlse: Black Sun 70, value 60+2

Communications 40+2, sensors 5D

Bargain 50+1, command 60, con 50+2, forgery 60. gambling 50, investigation 70, persuasion 50, search 50+2

Computer programming/repair 50, droid programming
50, droid repair 40+2, security 5D+2

Dark Side Points: 2

Characler Points: 4

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Move: 10

Equipment: Comlink, datapad. fancy robes. hold-out

blaster (3D), knife (STR+ I 0)

Kreet'ah is rare among Black Sun Vigos in
that he inherited his position. The Kian'thars'
ability to sense emotion has kept them among
Black Sun's Vigos since the species was first
encountered some three centuries ago.
Kreet'ah's mother served Xizor well, and, as her
son proved to be a keen judge of character,
Xizor allowed him to inherit her position,
While his mother served Xizor, Kreet'ah was
raised byhis father and family on his homeworld
of Shaum Hii. Kreet'ah spent his youth helping
to manage the family's immense derlac cattle
yards, handling all aspects of the business from
corralling the beasts to finally selling the product to large corporations, merchants and freetraders for export throughout the galaxy.
His corporate experience would later serve
him well in Black Sun.
Since becoming a Vigo;
Kreet'ah has concentrated most of his
operation's attention on
the immense mega-corporations which serve
the Empire, His spies
have infiltrated many
Galentro Heavy Works
and Dynamic Automata
to Sienar Fleet Systems
and the SoroSuub Corporation. In addition to
sfealing company secrets, Kreet'ah's spynet
operatives can misroute
shipments, blackmail
corrupt executives, and
keep Xizor generally
well-informed about the
goings-{ln in the galactic
Kreet'ah's most recent
maneuvers have caused
unrest and some economic difficulties for the
Core Worlds-based Salliche Agricultural Corporation, which aggressively resisted takeover
attempts from a rival company secretly backed
by Black Sun.
The Kian'thar comes across as rather humble,
frequently dressing in the typical nondescript
garb of a Shaum Hii rancher. He does not speak
his mind unless asked to by Xizor, and does not
tolerate unfounded gossip among his own staff.
Kreet'ah seems very stern and businesslike, and




he does not participate in the expected in-fighting between the other Vigos. His place as aBlack
Sun Vigo is assured - and when he leaves his
position, for whatever reason, his daughter shall
no doubt take his place.
Type: Kian'thar Vigo

Archaic guns 40, blaster 30+2, brawling parry 40+2

Alien species 50+ 1, bureaucracy 70, bureaucracy: Black
Sun 80+2, business 60+ I, business: Black Sun 70, law
enforcement 50+2, streetwise 50+2, streetwise: Black
Sun 70, survival: aquatic 50, value 60, willpower 50+ I

Beast riding: bentail 50+2, repulsorlift operation 40

Bargain 60+ 1, command 70, con 60+2, forgery 50, investigation 80, persuasion 60


Brawling 50. swimming 60

Computer programming/repair 50, repulsorlift repair
30+ 1, security 40

Special Abilities:
Emotion Sense SD: Kian 'thaT can sense the intentions and
emotions of others. When trying to use this ability, the
base difficulty is Easy, with an additional +3 to the
difficulty for every meter away the target is. Characters
can resist this ability by making Perception or control
rolls: for every four points they get on their roll (round
down), add +1 to the Kian'thar's difficulty number.
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 11
Move: 10
Equipment: Datapad, derlac whistle, rancher clothes

While many Vigos work diligently to broaden
their power base, Lonay has confined his activities to several sectors in the Outer Rim Territories - which is undeniably unusual behavior
for a Twi'lek. He concentrates on the criminal
trades one would expect to find out there gambling, gun-running, spice smuggling and
slave trading. Lonay has many allies within his
sectors, some associated with Black Sun and
others allied with other criminal and corporate
concerns. Perhaps Lonay feels safest operating
on the periphery of the Empire.
Lately, Lonay has desperately needed the
assistance of his vast network of contacts. With
Rebel activity on the rise, several of his agents
have fled or gone over to the Alliance. Rebel
ships have occasionally carried out strikes
against his slaving vessels, and several systems
under Alliance influence have passed local laws
forbidding slavery. All of these actions have
sliced into Lonay's profits.
Although many of his lesser slaving syndicates are suffering, his powerful Mytaranor Slaving Council remains rather lucrative. Gaining

authority over the group several years ago required some careful maneuvering and many
credits, but the long-term profits have been well
worth the effort. Lonay was the one who allowed
the Mytaranor group to acquire an ancient
Mandalorian Dungeon Ship, as well as several
other vessels, but the slavers have more than
earned their keep. (The Mytaranor Slaving Council is detailed on pages 53-57 of Alliance Intelligence Reports.)
Lonay has compensated for losses in the
slaving trade by increasing his spice trade sapping his ryll sources on Ryloth - and capitalizing on the brisk arms trade spurred by the
conflict between the Rebels and the Empire.
Such actions are desperate measures in tough
times, and they have not been able to totally
offset Lonay's losses. Xizor has been extremely
tolerant of the Vigo's reduced revenues, but he
may not be so understanding if the situation is
not resolved soon.
Lonay makes an effort to outwardly show
he's just as good as the other Vigos. He often
decorates his head-tails with colorful skinpainted decorations, and is fond of garish jewelry and robes. Some say this ostentatious display originates from Lonay's rumored background. His subordinates believe he was the
son of a clan-chief in a Twi'lek city, but was sold
into slavery to support his father's expensive
taste in tawdry bits of art from around the
Lonay could be called a typical Twi'lek - sly,
clever and somewhat cowardly. He may be devious in his dealings with underlings and customers, but he knows enough to cower in Xizor's
presence (to show the proper deference a slave
should show his master). He knows his place in
Black Sun - to hold ambitions higher than that
of Vigo would be to invite Xizor's wrath.

Type: Twi'lek Vigo

Brawling parry 50, dodge 40+ 1, melee combat 50, melee
parry 40+2, pick pocket 50+2, thrown weapons 30+2
Alien species 70, bureaucracy: Black Sun 60+2, business: Black Sun 70, cultures 50, languages 40+1, law
enforcement 50, law enforcement: Imperial 50+2, planetary systems 70, streetwise 60, streetwise: Black Sun
70+ 1, value 50, value: slaves 60+ I, value: weapons 60,
willpower 40+2
Bargain 70+2, command 60, con 60+2, forgery 50, gambling 50+2, persuasion 60, sneak 50
Brawling 50, lifting 40+2, stamina 40
Computer programming/repair 30+2, droid repair 3D
Special Abilities:

Head-Tails:Twi'leks can use their head-tails tocommuni-


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


cate in secret with each other, even If in a room full of
individuaJs. The complex movement of the head-tails is
in a sense, a "secret" language in which all Twi'leks ar~
Force Points: 5

Dark Side Points: 2

Character Points: 16
Move: 10
Equipment: Jeweled dagger (STR+2), robes and jewelry

Like Lonay, Perit, the Mon Calamari Vigo, was
once a slave. Pressed into the service of the
Empire, he found himself as a servant in the
household of a prominent Sienar Fleet Systems
executive. Perit's master was the highest ranking executive at Sienar's immense facility on
Byblos and responsible for all corporate operations and TIE fighter production in that sector.
Perit served his master dutifully, but also exhibited a keen sense around computers and droids.
Perit's master soon removed him from household duties and put him to work as his personal
assistant. Perit managed many aspects of his
master's business, and gained extensive experience with Sienar's corporate datanet, as well as
the innumerable droids employed as assistants
and messengers. Although he was not privy to
Sienar's many secrets, Perit soon learned enough
slicing to break several codes and snoop around.
Perit found a virtual treasure trove of information in Sienar's datanet - production schedules, research projects, personnel records, highlevel executives' "dirt files," on their peers, but
there was little Perit
could do with this data.
Then, he received an official Imperial slave reassignment. Such things
were usually reserved
for extremely intelligent
and useful slaves ... or it
was a euphemism for the
deportation and later
execution of certain

troublesome sorts. Had

Perit's datanet slicing
activities been discovered and monitored?
Perit soon found himself in the Empire's center, Coruscant, working
in the Imperial Center
Construction Contracts
Division. Then he was
transferred into the care
of a new master, Vigo
Xizor of the Black Sun
crime syndicate. Xizor
took Perit under his


wing, showing him how to use his abilities for

criminal gain. Peritlearned all he could, becoming a close sub-lieutenant. When Prince Xizor
became Underlord of Black Sun, it came as no
surprise that he named Perit a Vigo to take his
former position and supervise his more mundane criminal operations.
Since then, Perit has run his branch of Black
Sun efficiently, with an emphasis on technology
and computer crime - bank fraud, laundering
credits, stealing corporate secrets, bugging company datanets, even electronic tinkering with
the economies of small sectors. Perit has cultivated his own field of technology experts, from
Verpine slicers to Sullustan starship mechanics. He also retains many business contacts,
among them a team of shifty Nimbanese bankers allied with financial concerns across the
galaxy. Perit's own technological abilities are
still sharp, and he takes a certain degree of pride
in personally overseeing certain slicing operations.
While Perit and Xizor reportedly still maintain a good rapport, the Mon Calamari is not
popular with the other Vigos, who are jealous of
his position with Xizor. Perit depends on elaborate computerized security systems for secrecy
and protection, and it is rumored that he also
keeps a stock of assassin droids carefully hidden in strategic locations, for emergencies. Still,
perhaps his greatest protection is his friendship with Prince Xizor.
Type: Mon Calamari Vigo

Alien species 40 .. 2, bureaucracy: Black Sun 6D+2. bureaucracy: Sienar Fleet Systems 70. business: Black Sun
60. business: Sienar Fleet Systems 7D. intimidation 50,
streetwise 60+2, streetwise: Black Sun 80. value 60,
willpower 50+ I

Communications 30+2, repulsorlift operation 40, sensors 30+1

Bargain 40+2, command 60. con 40. forgery 80, investigation 70+1, persuasion 50, search 50+2

Computer programming/repair 90. droid programming
70, droid repair 60+ I, security 60
Special Abilities:
Moist Environments: When in moist environments, Mon
Calamari receive a + 10 bonus to all Dexterity, Perception
and Strength attribute and skill checks. This is a purely
psychological advantage.
Dry Environments: When in very dry environments, Mon
Calamari seem depressed and withdrawn. They suffer a
10 penalty to all Dexterity. Perception and Strength at~
tribute and skill checks. This Is a purely psychological
Aquatic: Mon Calamari can breathe both air and water
and can withstand extreme pressures found in ocean

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Force Points: 4

Dark Side Points: 1

Character Points: 15


Equipment: Comlink. data pad. portable computer

The VigoSpraxwas recruited into BlackSun's
ranks when he was still only a young heir to a
trading consortium on his homeworld of
Celanon. TheyoungNalroni was tutored in Black
Sun operations, then apprenticed to the
guild master of a prominent Brentaal merchant
house. Althoughhe faithfully served his Brentaal
masters - learning much about interstellar
shipping and the galactic economy - he also
used his position to advance Black Sun's interests. After his apprenticeship ended, Sprax was
hired by Xizor Transport Systems as a division
supervisor, overseeing freighter operations in
the Outer Rim Territories. A few years later,
having accumulated a hefty sum from his exorbitant salary, Sprax "retired" to an undisclosed
system in the Core Worlds.
Sprax's retirement from XTS was little more
than a cover for his induction into Black Sun as
a Vigo. Xizor put the Nalroni's extensive experience in the shipping field to work, allowing
Sprax to create his own criminal businesses
centered around galactic trade. The keen Nalroni
quickly and forcefully coerced several bands of
smugglers, shipjackers, black market dealers
and crooked manufacturing corporation officials to join his syndicates - most of them
unaware they were actually working for Black
Sun. Using these newly cultivated resources, as
well as XTS' immense shipping network, Sprax's
operations soon stretched from the Outer Rim
Territories to the Core Worlds.
Most of Sprax's endeavors center around the
transfer of goods from one party (or victim) to
another, often including an exchange of credits,
information or other resources in the deal. Several groups working for the Nalroni do nothing
but steal shipments of goods or misroute them
from their intended recipients to other interested parties. "Resource specialists" find prospective buyers, then transmit their "orders" to
"acquisition agents." A legion of bribed corporate executives, crooked starport officials,
shipjackers, pirates and con artists ensure the
goods part from their rightful owners and end
up elsewhere. Spra,,'s agents have stolen everything from light freighters filled with medical
supplies to super-transport cargo containers
packed with stars hip components.
Sprax is intelligent enough to diversify his
operations: He marginally participates in the
spice and slave trades, although he is careful to

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

keep these activities well

away from the similar
business ventures of his
Vigo peers. With the continuing conflict between
the Rebel Alliance and
the Empire, Sprax is doing a brisk trade in weapons, medical supplies,
stars hip parts and, in
some cases, starships
themselves. It is not
known whether he maintains Alliance sympathies, but it seems that
many of his deals are
with Rebel contingents.
Indeed, Spra>< has several agents amongst the
Rebel, to keep him apprised of the Rebel's activities.1t doesn't matter
that the Vigo just might
be contributing to the
Empire's downfall - he
has received orders to
do so from Xizor himself, who apparently
wouldn't mind appearing as theAlliance's friend
in the unlikely event that the outlaw group
comes into power.
Sprax has affected the mode of dress typical
of the great Brentaal merchants: long-tailed jackets over longer tunics, all embroidered in fine
decoration -and he frequently uses their style
of speech. He often dyes his graying hairs a
darker shade to retain some semblance of his
youth - a good idea when it is important to
appear young and strong. Sprax seems intelligent because he is, but Xizor knows his Vigo is
too smart to attempt disloyalty.

Type: Nalroni Viga

Blaster 50. dodge 40+2, pick pocket 60
Bureaucracy 60, bureaucracy: Black Sun 70+2. business
6D+2, business: Black Sun 80, business: Brentaal trade
houses 70+2, business: XTS 70, cultures 40+2, intimidation5D, languages4D+2, planetarysystems GD,streetwise
50, streetwlse: Black Sun 60+2, value 80

Bargain 70+ I. command 60, con 50, forgery (iD+2. investigation 70+ I. persuasion 60
Computer programming/repair 40~2, security 40
Force Points: 3
Oark Side Points: I
Character Points: II
Move: 9
Equipment: Comllnk, datapad, hold-out blaster (3D)


This Quarren Vigo is perhaps the most nondescript member of Xizor's inner circle of sublieutenants. While his isn't the ideal criminal
organization that expands its sphere of influence, it brings steady revenue to Black Sun and
its leader poses little threat to Xizor's power.
Xizor knows one's criminal organization often
mirrors one's ambitions-and as long as Vekker
does not try to unduly expand his branch's
power, the Underlord knows the Quarren has
lillie ambition to expand his power within Black
Sun. An unremarkable and relatively average
Vigo is an unremarkable and average compelftor.
Vekker began as a servant to a Vigo's sublieutenant. His philosophy has always been to
serve his master and he does not hold advancement as one of his personal goals, nor does he
employ treachery to increase his status. Eventually, through the subterfuge of others, Vekker
allained the position of sub-lieutenant when his
superior was eliminated. When his Vigo master
tried to betrayXizor, the master was eliminated
and Vekker the servant was elevated to that
rank. In Vekker's eyes, his place in life didn't
really change. While his personal power increased in relation to his subordinates, he was
still subject to a greater master ... which was
fine by Vekker.
The Quarren Vigo inherited a crime syndicate of casinos and entertainment industries his
predecessor had buill up over many years. While
many of these establishments were perfectly legal, they also served as
screens for Black Sun's
operations. The business practically runs itself, so Vekker has found
little reason to involve
himself or his organization in risky schemes
that could lead to disaster.
Vekker revels in the
status quo. The entertainment industry as a
whole is rather stable.
What does it maller
whether patrons spend
their credits on drinks in
his dubs, luxury hotel
suites or paltry f1oprooms, swoop races in



his arenas, or games of

chance in his casinos?
The beings of the galaxy

will always need entertainment and leisure activities - and Vekker has a diverse enough
presence in that industry and its shadowy underworld cousin to guarantee sizeable revenue
for Black Sun.
Since Vekker's position is relatively stable
economically, he has little reason to plot against
his master, or to plot the downfall of his more
ambitious Vigo peers. To do so would be to
undermine his own security. For Vekker, trading any dreams of power in exchange for a stable
existence is just good business.
Type: Quarren Vigo
Pick pocket 50

Bureaucracy: Black Sun 60, business 50+2, business:

Black Sun 60 ..2. cultures 50, law enforcement 50+2,

planetary systems 50, streetwise 60, streetwise: Black

Sun 70, value 50

Astrogation 3D, repulsorlift operation 40, space transports 30+2

Bargain 4D+1, command 50. con 60. forgery 40+2. gambling 7D, investigation 40, search 50

Computer programming/repair 30+2, droid programming4D

Special Abilities:
Aquatic: Quanen can breathe both air and water and can
withstand extreme pressures found in ocean depths.

Character Points: 6
Move: 10

The human Elli named Wumdi is Xizor's vital
link to activities within the Corporate Sector.
Although other Vigos conduct business within
this region of space, his operations are by far
the most comprehensive and productive.
Wumdi's vast network of operatives, paid-off
CSAofficials, spaceport workers, crooked Espos
and reprogrammed droids all help ensure that
Black Sun operations within the Corporate Sector are successful. The Elli Vigo's knowledge of
the CSA's inner workings allows him to profit
from the sudden changes that tend to sweep the
sector's economy.
Wumdi engages in various criminal endeavors which take advantage of the unique opportunities found in the Corporate Sector. He runs
casinos and pleasure palaces to accommodate
those unfortunate workers indentured to the
CSA; often contract laborers can "win" brief
visits to these resorts as a reward for exceptional productivity. Wumdi freely dips his hand
into the lucrative commerce trade, stealing,
misrouting or pirating merchandise and industrial shipments. His agents and slicers within

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

the CSA executive
hierarchy are always siphoning off
critical corporate
secrets for re-sale to
the highest bidder,
or finding incriminating data with
which to blackmail
corporate officials.
Some say the Corporate Sector Authority does the
most efficient job of


credit out of the

CSA, but in truth,
that dubious honor
belongs to Wumdi
the Etti.
Unlike Lonay,
Wumdi truly basks
in his wealth, although he's careful not to overplay it in front of
Xizor or the other Vigos. A typically lithe Etti,
Wumdi indulges in adorning his slim form with
light fabric tunics and robes, although he limits
his personal jewelry to a single circlet of electrum around his head. The Etti often seems
cheerful and optimistic, but it is not known
whether this is simply a facade. He maintains a
palatial estate on Etti IV, where he can monitor
and hobnob with the affluent CSA executives
living there.
Of course, greed may prove Wumdi's undoing; he has been skimming large sums from
Black Sun's revenue. The Etti Vigo doesn't worry
much about Xizor discovering the embezzled

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

funds - largely because Wumdi's spynet is not

terribly adept at spotting Xizor's informants
within its own ranks ...
Type: Etti Vigo
Blaster 5D. dodge 60. pick pocket 50+2

Bureaucracy 60. bureaucracy: Black Sun 70+ 1. bureau
craey: CSA 80, business: Black Sun 60+2, business: CSA
70, cultures 40+2, intimidation 50, law enforcement:
CSA 70, planetary systems: CSA 60+2, street wise 60.
streetwise: Black Sun 70+ 1, value 60

Astrogation 30+1, communications 30+2, sensors -lD,
space transports 40

Bargain 50+1, command 60. con 60, investigation 60.2.
persuasion 60

Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: I
Character Points: 5
Move: 8

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comJink, data pad

Underlings, Guards and

Black Sun has many agents besides the nine
Vigos. Not only do Xizor's sub-lieutenants maintain immense networks of contacts, but the
Underlord keeps many talented individuals on
retainer for his personal endeavors.

Avaro Sookcool
Avaro Sookcool is Black Sun's most prominent representative on Rodia. The casino manager is one of several important Black Sun operatives on that world - unlike his peers, however, Sookcoo!'s job entails a great deal of pub-




The Obvious Scapegoat

The nine Black Sun Vigos waited pensively in the

antechamber outside their master's private meeting
hall. Xizor's servant, Howzmin, had supervised their
search and the bald man and several gruff palace
guards had removed their weapons, including the
usual stash of hidden knives and concealed hold-out
As they anxiously waited for their master's summons, each Vigo looked to the others, wondering
who wasn't going to leave the meeting chambers
alive. Xizor was no fool- he wouldn't call for all of
them simply to hear their reports. No, what Xizor
wanted was a demonstration, one which exposed a
traitor and showed the others what their own fates
would be if they tried to cross Black Sun's Underlord.
Green glanced around at his colleagues. He was
certain they were all guilty of something - spying on
Xizor, skimming off too much of the profits, allowing
their operations to become disorganized and unproductive. But had his own plans against the Falleen
Prince been discovered? Green ruffled his hair and
peered over his shoulder, as if he were afraid Xizor
had installed some kind of security device in the wall
which could read his thoughts.
Wumdi the Etti was his usual charming self. He
knew something was up, but it couldn't concern him
- if it did, he would already know about it. Wumdi
stood before one of the ornately framed mirrors in
the antechamber, running his fingers through his
hair to make sure it was in place, straightening the
conservative corporate tunic he had purchased for
this audience with Xizor, and trying to seem as unconcerned as possible.
Vekker the Quarren was pretty sure he had done
nothing wrong. Change brought about difficulties,
and Vekkerwas certainly not an agent of change. The
others were more ambitious, more power-hungry,
and certainly more devious. Still, Vekker wondered
who could have roused Xizor's ire so much as to
cause him to summon all the Vigos to Coruscant.
Sprax had many things on his mind - including
various shipping operations he personally wanted to
oversee - but Xizor's summons took precedence
over everything. He had a positive report to make,
but Sprax knew something else was in the wind. One
of them had betrayal in mind. Who, he didn't know,
nor did he wish to speculate.
Durga the Hutt wiped a bit of sweat from his broad
and crinkled forehead. Had Xizor caught wind that

the Hutt's agents had secretly approached the

other Vigos' sub-lieutenants, trying to rally them
against the Falleen head of Black Sun? Durga had
gone through great pains to ensure his offers of
greater power to the others had been shrouded in
secrecy. He looked around at the others, most of
whom looked relatively confident, if not totally
unconcerned. Durga's only consolation was that
his Hutt clan members would avenge him should
he be killed.
Kreet'ah waited patiently. To the Kian'thar, it
was good business to eliminate those competitors
or allies who hindered one's operations. If he were
the one chosen to be dispatched today, that would
have to be accepted. However, he knew Xizor valued good management, and the Kian'thar Vigo had
certainly delivered that. No, Xizor had in mind
someone who had committed a far greater offense
... something that was not good business.
Perit was almost certain this meeting did not
directly concern him. His electronic spies within
the other Vigos' organizations and Xizor's own
palace had helped reassure him of that. But what if
Xizor had discovered those spies, and the other
surveillance methods the Man Calamari used to
keep an eye on his master? He knew Xizor liked
spying on his servants, but would he appreciate
them doing the same to him? Perit didn't know, and
his chin tendrils quivered at the thought of facing
Xizor's wrath.
Lonay did not smile, did not gloat. He knew he
wasn't in trouble. True, the slave trade in his area
was down significantly, but that would no doubt be
resolved in time. The Underlord of Black Sun could
tolerate that - but Lonay knew he could not tolerate betrayal. And the Twi'lek Vigo valued his service to Prince Xizor, so therefore there was nothing
to fear.
Clezo glanced around, not even looking at Green.
He knew the human was the traitor, but he would
not say a word. To do so now would be to admitthat
he had known and not told Xizor, a crime as serious
as Green's treachery. No, he would wait and watch
the drama unfold.
The tall doors leading to Xizor's private meeting
hall opened and his lieutenant, the lovely Guri,
stepped forward. "Prince Xizor will see you now,"
she said with a somewhat menacing glare. "All of


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Iic relations and meetings with those interested
in dealing with Black Sun. While he reports
directly to the Vigo Clezo, Sookcool maintains
channels of communication with Xizor himself.
Sookcool runs a modest casino (by Rodia's
standards) in his homeworld's entertainment
and pleasure complex in Equator City. Although
there are much larger, flashier and successful
casinos nearby, he seems content with the size
of his establishment, Flip of the Credit. Few
suspect the Rodian coordinates most of Black
Sun's operations on the planet. Most of the
other casinos and pleasure halls are run by
Sookcool's subordinates, and they are happy
enough to attract the majority of gamblers,
rake in large profits, and shear orr their cut from
the top.
All visitors to Flip of the Credit are scanned
and monitored by an intricate electronic surveillance web. Armed guards mingle undetected with the regular patrons. Black Sun agents,
clients and mercenaries receive their payorrs
through rigged gambling machines - or launder filthy credits by "losing" to those same
machines. Syndicate business takes place in the
casino lounges, and Black Sun operatives keep
an eye on their enemies, competitors, and each
other over hands of sabacc cards and through
clouds of heavy cigarra smoke.
Sookcool is very much like his casino. On the
outside, he appears to be an innocuous Rodian
entrepreneur who runs his establishment efficiently. His faded, dull-green skin hangs heavy
around his face, his chubby features reflecting
the sedentary lifestyle of a content business
owner. His weak Basic might give others the
impression that the Rodian is somehow dumber
than he looks, but he is in fact rather intelligent.
Sookcool is a skilled servant of Black Sun.
Diplomatic and evasive, he places a great deal of
stock in appearances, knowing that they can be
the key to defusing a difficult situation. Although
he may seem pleasant and open, he knows that
information is power. ft should never be given
away, but rather, sold; when you have no more
to share, you have fost all advantage. Although
he is not as ambitious as some in Black Sun, he
does value his rank in the organization and will

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

strive to retain it.

Sookcool's presence
on Rodia is rather unprecedented, and only
reaffirms the respect in
which others hold Black
Sun's power. He is a
member of the Tetsus
clan, a group hunted and
virtually exterminated
by Rodian warlord Navik
the Red for political reasons. Sookcool's ties to
Black Sun earned him
political amnesty Navik knew better than
to cross the syndicate.
Besides, with most of the
Tetsus enclaves already
wiped out, there is little
Sookcool can do to
threaten Navik's position. And the casino
owner knows better than
to tempt fate ... or warlords.
Avaro Sookcoof
Type: Radian Casino Boss

Blaster: hold-out blaster GO, dodge 50. pick pocket 60.2

Bureaucracy 50, business: casinos 6D, cultures tlD-+-l,

languages 40, street wise: Rodia 6D-+-2, value 5D~ 1

Bargain 50.2. command 40. con 50, gambling 60. investigation

60. persuasion 60..2

Computer programming/repair 30... 2, droid programming 40, security 40 ..2

Character Points: 7
Move: 10

Equipment: Datapad. hold-out blaster (3D)

The squat human known as Howzmin is chief
of security and operations within Xizor"s palace
on Coruscant, and he reports directly to the
Falleen Prince. He is informally "captain of the


guard:' overseeing their
hiring, training and deployment.
From his surveillance



Howzmin watches, listens and records activity throughout the palace (except in those areas his master orders
him to avoid). He coordinates the efforts of dozens of counter-espionage
agents working to ferret
out operatives hired by
Xizor's enemies, peers,
and even his Vigos.
Howzmin is also the
palace's gatekeeper. He
monitors the network of
high-speed repulsorlift
tubeways leading to and
from the main entrances,
controls knowledge of
the entry gates, and
changes the blast door
codes to limit breaches in security. For many
important guests - and Xizor has few who are
not - Howzmin personally meets them outside
the palace and guides them inside, often masking their eyes to keep them sufficiently disoriented. Nobody enters or exits Xizor's palace
without Howzmin's knowledge, and in many
cases, without his personal guidance.
Howzmin's physical features induce a sense
of unease. He is short, squat and bald, and is
rarely seen without his gray jumpsuit and a
blaster strapped to his hip. His unnerving smile
that reveals black-chromed teeth. He baffles
visitors by rarely speaking, preferring to command by gestures and nods. Some believe these
awkward social traits stem from cybernetic implants which allows Xizor to summon him at a
whim. Howzmin is also able to see in darkened
or obscured conditions, the result of surprisingly life-like visual implants enabling infrared


Communications 30+2, repulsorlift operation 50, sen-

sors 40
Investigation 50, search 60, sneak 50+ 1
Brawling 7D, climbing/jumping 50+2, lifting SO, stamina

Computer programming/repair 60, droid programming

60, security 70
Special Abilities:
Infrared Cyber-optics: Adds .10 to Perception in darkness
or obscured visual conditions
Pager Implant: Howzmin has a cybernetic pager implant
that can be remotely activated by Xizor. The implant
allows Xizor to siIenlly call Howzmin regardless of where
he is in the palace.
Force Points: I
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 4
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), security code card

Pike Sisters
This deadly and beautiful duo are prime examples of the kind of operatives Xizor hires well-trained, among the best in their field, and
with no ties whatsoever to Black Sun.
The Epicanthix twins Zan and Zu Pike are
professional fighters in the remote Pacanth


Although few would question Howzmin's abilities or loyalty, it sometimes seems that he is
little more than a zombie under Xizor's control.
Type: Security Lieutenant

Blasler 70, brawling parry 60, dodge 50, melee combat


Bureaucracy; Xizor's Palace 70, business 50, intimidation 50+2, streetwise 50, streetwise: Black Sun 70


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Reach, a small cluster of stars in the Outer Rim

Territories. The two are just now emerging on
the galactic combat scene, fighting opponents
in hidden arenas and high-class pleasure halls
where such illegal sport can be properly concealed. The two are shrewd as well as combatwise, and they act as their own booking agentthey don't trust anyone who doesn't have the
credits to win them over, and they certainly
don't trust middlemen interested in shares of
their profits.
The sisters are masters of the Bunduki martial art called teras kasi, or "steel hands." When
they were young, their mother sent them to
Bunduki - a world in the Pacanth Reach conquered by the Epicanthix - for an education
with the learned Followers of Palawa, a secretive group of hermits highly revered there. While
the twins learned much about the history, great
literature and philosophies of the Pacanth Reach
cultures, they also learned physical discipline
and the art of combat without weapons. The

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Pike twins mastered these martial arts and

quickly rose through the ranks of teras kasi
students, receiving many honors from their
teachers. Instead of using this martial discipline
for the better good of society, as they had been
instructed, the Pike sisters set out to use their
talents for personal profit.
The women are just as beautiful as they are
deadly. They dress in the form-fitting tunics of
their Palawa teachers, which allows them freedom of movement, and they have the lithe yet
powerful bodies typical of Epicanthix. The sisters generally wear their black hair in braids,
occasionally augmented with small blades tied
into the tips (which can be used to lethal effect
in combat). Their eyes betray no emotion, just
cold precision. To the Pike sisters, it is a point of
pride not to carry weapons - for the deadly
pair's skills are more than' sufficient to defeat
any foe.



.Zan Pike


Type: Martial Arts Assassin

Brawling parry 60. dodge 70. running 50+2
Cultures 50. intimidation 40. languages 30+2, planetary
systems 40. streetwise 30+2, survival 40+2, wiJIpower
Search 50. sneak 60+2


Brawling: teras kiisi martial arts 80. climbing/jumping

50+2, stamina 50
Special Abilities:

Brawling: teros kosi martial oris: A character making a

teras kiisi attack may not make any other actions in the
round. including dodges or parries. The character splits
the die code into Mattackdice~and -damage dice,- rolling
the attack dice only to hit, but adding the Mdamage dice

to the character's Strength when causing damage.

Force Points: I
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 8
Move: 10
Equipment: Palawa tunic, satchel with personal memen



Type: Martial Arts Assassin

Brawling parry 50, dodge 50, running 50


Cultures 50, intimidation 50. languages 40. planetary

systems 40+2. streetwise 50. survival 40+2. willpower

Search 50+2, sneak 70

Brawling: teras kosi martial arts 70+2, climbing/jumping

50, stamina 50
Special Abilities:
Brawling: teras kosi martial arlS: A character making a
teras kosi attack may not make any other actions in the
round, including dodges or parries. The character splits
the die code into "attack dice" and "damage dice," rolling
the attack dice only to hit, but adding the "damage dice"
to the characters Strength when causing damage.
Force Points: I
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 10
Move: 10
Equipment: Oatapad with poetry, Palawa tunic, satchel
with personal mementos

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


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The fringe, like

It .'on 'ljiliP. Dash weak brown flight gloves and,
lurks in the din~~J7~"SbffSti!l;ports,cowe~'in~':"~on'hisleftwrist"h.yisual,wrist comm with a long
the smoky corn~see~(l:litr.s.,and conducts
range shielded ~ingle~Itmnel link to his caits business iri"Back streets 'ifcitd'ss the galaxy.
pilot, Leebp(~1sh s~tlrri'e's~carries a small
The fringe is not an organiza~J8rr;,~@astrata of
comlinkJ;!.Qi&~ fils belt for emergency back-up.
society. Outcasts, mercena~>.<frimii:falS~ml!g- He.ma5I:Il'i"i'Y'kallitional gear and weapons as
glers - all ,with allegianaes to littl~D~_~tnem"i\eea~"1'uth~ gen~ally prefers to ~ravellight.
selves. Their talents and's'kills can beJliIreo for.
Bash\looks as If he's In hiS late twenties, and has
the right amount, or lost through c~n!l'etitive -! the laZ'Y:rrisolent attitude common among smugbidding. Some sell out to the Empire, some ~ glers, e~~~fially those' prone to boasting about
serve Black Sun, and a few aid thk'ffiebellion. . their explQits.
That's the risk with the fringe
one never
Dash do'esn't squander his talents on causes
knows whose side they're on, other than their
and freedom-fighting. He's a mercenary, "trustworthy and loyal" just as long as his employer's
credits hold out. He doesn't believe in favors to
Dash Rendar
be paid off later, nor in working for anyone on
If ever the term "hot-shot freighter jock" apgood faith. He doesn't want anybody owing him
and he makes sure no
plied to anybody, it fits Dash Rendar. With his
soupedup freighter, the Outrider, and his trusty
one can call him in on a
co-pilot droid Leebo, he blasts across the galdebt, financial or otherwise. Dash's terms are
axy, dabbling in all sorts of activity, from smugsimple: half up front and
gling to bodyguard work, and working for whoever pays the most credits. Dash frequently
half when the job is finboasts that he can fly anything well and that he's
ished. Unlike his smugjust as good a shot with a blaster - and he's
gling contemporaries
willing to try any crazy stunt to back up those
Han Solo and Lando
Calrissian, Dash has
never joined the Rebel
Some believe he tries to buck the odds to see
Alliance ... and never injust how good he is - and with such dangerous
tends to. To Dash, the
activities, when he discovers his limits, he'll go
Rebels could hardly pay
out in a ball of fire and a mass of crumpled
for his services. He's acwreckage. Others think his bravado and laughcepted a few cargo runs
ing in the face of danger is simply a way to
to Alliance bases - for
impress others. However, this is only partially
true ... Rendar really is as good as he says he is.
which the Rebels paid
handsomely but
Rendar plays the role of streetwise smuggler
doesn't believe in putwell. Tall and lean, with red hair and green eyes,
he certainly looks the part. His typical outfit
ting his life on the line
for any cause except
includes a blue and brown freighter captain's
quilted jumpsuit, a flexmetal blast vest with
Dash initially met
padded pauldrons (for those all-too-common
Lando Calrissian several
firefights), and a heavy blaster pistol slung low


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


years ago over a sabacc table on Kaal, and the
nent within Core society. Tragically, Dash's
two joined forces for several smuggling runs
bright future was blackened by an accident and
and can games. Later, Dash ran into Han Solo on
a vengeful Emperor.
Port Haven, a secret smugglers-only hideaway
Dash's older brother Stanton was another
on an uncharted backwater world. Rendar, Solo
ambitious freighter pilot working his way
and Calrissian - all hiding out from Imperial
through the family shipping company. Rather
Customs ships - spent many hours trying to
than inherit some cushy administrative posiimpress each other with stories of fancy flying
tion, Stanton chose to work up the ranks just like
and daring smuggling runs ... and many credits
the regular pilots, proving his abilities to himpassed across the table in friendlysabaccgames.
self and his peers, and doing what he enjoyed
Ultimately, the other two smugglers fell into
best: flying starships. Everything changed when,
other, more noble activities -Calrissian (rather
during one takeoff from a starport on Coruscant,
inadvertently) defeating the Norulac Pirates at
a control system on Stanton's bulk freighter
Taanab and later becoming baron-administrablew out. The freighter careened into Emperor
tor of Cloud City, and Solo stumbling into the
Palpatine's private museum. When the power
Rebel Alliance. Dash, on the other hand, stayed
generator exploded, it took out most of the
true to his two favorite causes: acquiring credits
museum in a cascading fireball that sent shock
and polishing his reputation.
waves through even the lower levels of the city.
Dash hadn't seen his old smuggling friends
Dash's brother was killed.
The Emperor, enraged by the destruction of
for several years. Then, he ran into Solowhen he
brought supplies in to the Rebel base on Hath.
hi1);museum, wanted v~eanG&.-Appare"!:JYhis
Of course, Dash's timing couldn't have bee~ c lection indu~arge-n ber-eiJ'e"clkiu;tiworse ... he was stuck at Echo Base when \!3
lalJ,JlS'~-a'S ancien
Imperial Fleet blockaded the system. Th I. 'lht,0rtrs-9;d-~~i' ~gentS;:QOBe::ij''l?k
ance was paymg him good money, so h'X!~ne~lcre;-gJ53i6i?sIY..Jh~~SS.~"CD.$!d1lOt
the battle, flying a snowspeeder to hel!V'~JPfr./'~~ecr.;:pa:[pat~~~:Il't-li"ejfendar
the Imperial walker assault force.lt3-~~f~mi!y~s~$io/itl
chance to show off hiS flIght skil~s'!p.s~~m~ 1hemi\rtlm\eo!:-usca!:!i-and.the<J.i~/Wy ds, and
other than the, anjJJy~.toeK15ut.,aJl~---G1drct R~~.a"S'~.,hoLdj.;mS a one of
AT-AT walker. Getting,.OljMVa?lilitt9~y,<.:<s:{tsc0tupetltors 'izor Lra'p~ort:systems.Dash
even for a pilot of hj,.1tigr,~b~fj;'e.ra:tU~9..wasS',.';!JJ,'nlaTil ;...evie~<I"ff.9nrihe Academy on
with bountv>jJfit:V:U;;;nrd,.1JI'f~~
-Cabda, despifWis-p.;;.wPjs'ingflight performance,
aged !-a-tra'k"QOwIi:
.~ltfIe~~iib~)J~Ow,.; /ar;q).v~al1iShe1')'ffom the Core Worlds as well.
, fro"zrrffierr9iJ;--6lo.
~~ ::: /\Since-iliffi,6h has forged his place in the
~D~ff~4-t ~E.,'Ylg.\Us.gOjng.U:J:9ug;../ !Pj(e'-ec;111JrIbYtY.1diSti?guishing himself with
- liiN
_ ) ~ll\P9JL~Y5'~\s~,anl~entmJ;QlGlo~~,b;s..'!%'qfijz~lmd nsky smugglIng scams.
~~ j L9lt~.~~brd.naS"lttfiathe'sr~l~t~e;J:ttikC"s~y members of the AllIance - and
~ 'f"R~jJi'0~1f~6rl<iflg>ViJJ!''''snOdiY
mai'tY\..mwi;"disaffected members of the fringe
jPElP')..iS'?-wilIing to pay tot8'e'aits for help in
and the galaxy - Dash is just one more casualty
dJ./ I ro~~~irtg the bounty hunter Boba Fell. All Dash
of the Emperor's power.
jms"fo do is verify that Fett has Solo with him on
Dash Rendar
""'~~~~If the Imperial enclave on Gall and then he can
Type: Brash Piiol
claim some easy credits.



Of course, there's more to Dash than he lets

on. Beneath all Dash's carefree bravado and
exceptional talent lurks a festering anger the

Blaster 70, blaster: heavy blaster pistol 80+2, brawling

parry 50, dodge 70+2, grenade 40+2, melee combat 60,
melee parry 60. pick pocket 50, running 40, vehicle

cymclsm for which most mercenanes are noted.


Dash has a personal grudge against the Empire.

Alien species 50, bureaucracy 40, business 30+2, busi-

That grudge goes back many years, to a time

when Dash was a student at the Imperial Acad. d'ff
emya I Can'd a, rac k'mg up fl'Ight t'Ime m
I eren t

ness: smugglers 50, intimidation 50+2, languages 40,


. . .

. '

starships and making a good impression with

his peers and instructors. He had a promising

70+1, survival 50, value 50, willpower 40


career ahead of him with the Imperial Navy or

Astrogation 7D+2, capital- ship piloting 50, repulsorlift

operation 80, space transports 90, starfighter piloting
80, starship gunnery 80, starship shields 70+1, swoop

'k I h'IS fami'1'

. corporatIOn.
more Iley,
y s s h'Ippmg


RenTrans was a growing competitor in the lucrative Core Worlds shipping industry, and the

Bargain 70+2, command 50, con 60+2, forgery 60, gambling 60+1, hide 50, persuasion 5D+2, search 50, sneak

Rendar family was becoming wealthy and promi-


blasters 30+2



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Chapter Four: The Fringe
.. ================:..!~~~~~

Brawling 60+2, climbingjjumpingSD, lifting50+2, stamina

Blaster repair 40, computer programming/repair 60
demolition 40, droid programming 60+2, droid repai;
60, repulsorlift repair 40+2, security 50+2, space transports repair 80, starship weapon repair 70

Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points: I
Character Points: 7
Move: 10
Equipment: Blast vest (+ I 0 physical,

I energy. torso

only), heavy blaster pistol (50), visual wrist corom, backup comlink

Leebo (LE-B02D9)
Dash Rendar's trusty companion is the feisty
drOld LE-B02D9. Leebo fulfills his master's need
for a companion, both in terms of company on
long hyperspace jumps and as back-up when
Dash inevitably gets himself into a tight situation. Dash knows that LE-B02D9 is completely
trustworthy, and that's a valuable commodity
to a free-wheeling smuggler.
Leebo is an early model Cybot Galactica LEseries repair droid, programmed forrepairs and
interaction with sentient beings, such as star-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

ship captains and customs personnel. Leebo's

first owner was the portmaster at Esseles starport, who used him to ensure freighters were
meeting starship safety regulations. However,
during one inspection, afreightercaptain blasted
off with the droid aboard!
Leebo soon found himself repairing the very
starship systems he was originally inspecting.
He was passed between smuggler captains,
sometimes as a payoff, sometimes as part of
sabacc winnings. Along the way, his masters
programmed to fulfill a variety of functions; now
Leebo is just as comfortable translating alien
languages as he is tearing apart a hyperdrive.
Leebo's droid housing has been stripped of
cosmetic skin plating to add new onboard gear,
while armor plating and reinforced components
protect critical systems.
Before Dash Rendar acquired Leebo, the droid
was serving as manager for a comedian travelingthrough the Outer Rim Territories. Although
Leebo arranged for transportation, lodging and
performances, he was also used in his master's
ccmedy routine. The comedian programmed



hapter Four: The Fringe

Leebo with what can be

best described as a
"quirky" sense of humor
-fine during comic performances but downright annoying when the
two inevitably became
involved in dangerous
situations (such as escaping from angry
crowds that didn't care
for the comedian's
"alien" jokes).
Leebo's comic master
traded the droid to Dash
Rendar for quick and
quiet passage off Rodia,
where he had offended
the local audience with
jibes at their warriorleader, Navik the Red.
After delivering the comedian to Byblos,
Rendar put Leebo to
work repairing his
freighter, the Outrider.
Like many of Leebo's previous masters, Dash
has since made a few modifications to the droid
- he added a broad-band antenna integrated
with a long-range, shielded single-channel
comlink, and upgraded Leebo's programming
to enable the droid to fly the Outrider as well as
any good smuggler worth his spice.
Leebo has remained faithful to Dash throughout the smuggler's many misadventures and the
pair make a great team. The droid often does the
work Dash is too impatient to take on: settmg up
meetings with contacts, scoping out new smuggling markets, repairing the Outrider, and often
flying backup for Rendar when he gets himself in
a tight spot. Leebo normally carries only asimple
tool bag, which is typically slung over one shoulder and contains his starship repair kit.

Type: Modified Cybot Galactica LE-Series Repair Droid

Dodge 3D

Bureaucracy: starport customs 40, languages 50, law
enforcement: Imperial Customs 40, planetary systems

50, streetwise 40+2

Astrogation 3D, communications 3D, sensors ?D, space
transports 50+2, stars hip gunnery 40, starshlp shields

Bargain 3D, investigation 20, search 3D

Capital stars hip repair 40. computer progra':lming/repair 50, security 30+2, space transports repair 50


Equipped With:
Stripped-down skeletal body (two arms, two legs,
torso, head)
Visual sensors -

human range

Audio sensors - human range

Holographic projector/recorder
Vocabulator speech/sound system
Broadband antenna receiver/transmitter
Long-range, shielded single-channel com link to Dash
Rendar's unit
Move: 7

Size: 1.7 meters tall

Cost: Not available for sale
Equipment: Satchel with starship repair tools

Jabba the Hutt

Jabba the Hutt, often called the "Bloated
One" (though never to his face) and
his Hutt peers by his full name, Jabba Deslh]lc
Tiure is one of the most powerful crime lords in
the Outer Rim Territories. He has achieved a
level of infamy reserved for only a few criminals
and is known to have his chubby fingers in every
illegal gambit, from smuggling to racketeering,
spicing to slavery.
Jabba has earned his notoriety as a gangster.
He built his sizable criminal empire through
business acumen, ambition and his forceful personality. Of course, Jabba's efforts brought him
into conflict with the interests of other Hutt
criminal organizations. The Hutts were infamous for their inter-elan rivalries, which often
erupted into starport skirmishes and brush-fire
wars among their various servitor species (such
as the Nikto, Klatooinans and Vodrans). And as
Jabba's power grew, he had to fend off his peers.
He devised a brilliant plan to unite his species
in their criminal endeavors. Calling together the
Hutt clan leaders, he convinced them of the
need to expand their influence rather than continuing to bicker among themselves. In a demonstration of superior oratory bravado, he proposed uniting the many Hutt clans to exploit the
rest of the galaxy instead of each other. Rather
than continuing business through inter-clan rivalries Jabba wanted the Hutts to focus their
efforts 'as one entity against the other exploitable species.
Jabba's plan worked to perfection. Those
who opposed him were carefully removed, one
by one, and Jabba eventually elevated himself
to the very visible position of chief of the Hutt
crime syndicate. Unlike his subordinate clan
leaders and many other crime lords, Jabba believes his ostentatious displays of wealth and
power helps keep others in line. He knows the
value of appearances, and goes to great lengths
to ensure others perceive the great Jabba as a
mighty crime lord with no scruples about crushing those who cross him.
Jabba is a keen observer of his own enter-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


hapter Four: The Frinqe
lem giving Xizor the appearance
that he is a distant vassal for Black
Sun. Of course, things can change
- and the ambitious Jabba is willing to bide his time and seize whatever opportunities the future may

Jabba the Hutt

Type: HuH


Alien species 50, bureaucracy 70, bureaucracy:Tatooinegovernment 90+ 1, business

60+1, cultures 40+2, intimidation 70, languages 40, law enforcement 40+1, law enforcement: Tatooine 90, streetwise 90,
streetwise: Jabba's organization 110
Bargain 80, command 80, con 70+1, gam-

bling 70+2, persuasion 70+2

Brawling 60, lifting 60, stamina 70

Special Abilities:
Force Resistant: Hutts have an innate defense against Force-based mind manipulation techniques; they roll double their Perception dice to resist such attacks. It is
believed that Huttscannot learn Forceskills.
Force Points: 5
Dark Side Points: 6
Character Points: 26
Move: 2

prises and of other galactic developments. He

keeps a wary eye on his peers, subordinates and
competitors. Although he is a powerful being,
Jabba knows his enemies, and knows how farreaching their authority is. He has used a strategy similar to the one he used to rally the Hutt
clans: rather than oppose many of his non-Hutt
criminal peers, Jabba has agreed to armistices
with them, pledging not to interfere in their
business as long as they don't do so with his.
Perhaps Jabba's most respected criminal peer
is Black Sun's Prince Xizor. The Falleen crime
lord is not as visible as Jabba - in fact, Xizor
likes hiding behind elaborate shadows to mask
his true involvement in Black Sun. Jabba knows
the Hutt crime syndicates are powerful, but
they could easily be crippled in an open confrontation with the vast forces available to Black
Sun. Jabba owes Xizor respect for allowing the
Hutts to run their operations free from competition of Black Sun, and so he pays the Falleen
Prince homage from time to time, doing favors
in exchange for his autonomy.
To Jabba, peaceful coexistence with one's
powerful competitors is far better than costly
confrontation - the Hutt inter-clan conflicts
taught him that. As long as Black Sun allows his
own enterprises to expand, Jabba has no prob-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Jabba's SWOOp Gang

In addition to his menagerie of mercenaries,
servants, bounty hunters, dancing girls and
spies, Jabba the Hutt also employs a particularly barbaric swoop gang which runs errands
throughout nearby regions of Tatooine. The
swoopers are a rag-tag bunch of ruffians culled
from the worst elements that Mos Eisley has to
offer: thieves, murderers, and bullies.
Jabba's swoop troops haunt the dunes between Wayfar and Mos Eisley, runningtheHutt's
protection racket among the moisture farmers
and generally causing havoc in the settlements.
Pay the swoopers enough credits and they'll go
away; try to fight back and they'll never leave
you alone. Their days are spent racing over the
sand dunes between settlements, while nights
are spent drinking and carousing at bars and
cantinas. The swoopers are always in a foul
temper, and enjoy preying on the weak.
Of course, the swoop gang is still subject to
Jabba's whims, and they regularly report to his
palace across the Western Dune Sea. While
Jabba's entourage finds their ruffian antics amusing, most of the palace's servant staff does not,
as they are typically the focus of the swoopers'
abusive assaults. Occasionally their rowdy and



disrespectful behavior offends even Jabba, eliciting warnings and threats ... and occasionally,
a rancor feeding for the amusement of Jabba
and his entourage.
Jabba frequently uses the swoop gang for a
variety of activities. The swoopers keep tabs on
activities in Mos Eisley, as well as collecting
"protection" money from cowed shopkeepers
and escorting Jabba or his lesser officials when
they travel between the palace and his Mos
Eisley townhouse.
Membership in the swoop gang is constantly
changing. While "leadership" (if such a term can
be applied) remains relatively stable, the underlings come and go, as swoop troopers are killed
in firefights and chases or simply move on to
other work for Jabba. Big Gizz, the current leader,
has been around for some time, and is constantly on the lookout for unsavory characters
to recruit. The promise of powerful swoops,
plentiful weapons and easy access to any number of vices is enough to lure a constant stream
of new members.

Big Gizz
The leader of Jabba's swoop troops is a wildhaired and truly repulsive bully named Big Gizz.
He's an imposing monster, with his long hair
tied back with a bandanna and a mouthful of
crooked teeth that forms a fierce smile. His
nose's snout-like nostrils are pierced by a single
gold ring and his clothing is reminiscent of


vagabond raider gear - tattered and adorned

with personal mementos.
Gizz's law is crude and he behaves like a
barbarian prince reigning over a cruel horde.
Gizz is quick to incite his gang to violence, slow
to rein them in, and sometimes ambivalent toward his master's less vicious orders. To him,
the swoop gang is his personal party. Those
courting his favor laugh at his jokes, harass
those Gizz dislikes and generally let him ride at
the head of the pack ... and anyone who tries to
upstage him usually ends up at the wrong end of
his blaster.
Unfortunately, Gizz is so busy having fun with
his swoop gang he doesn't always remember
that he's subordinate to Jabba. He often displays disrespect toward his master, most often
by leading his swoopers through Jabba's palace, where they harass Jabba's servants, and
use their swoops to run over pedestrians and
scrape up the walls in tight-corridor turns. Gizz's
foolhardy arrogance often tempts Jabba's wrath,
since the Hutt's appearance of supreme authority means everything. Now and then Jabba puts
Gizz back in his place, sometimes giving him a
verbal slap on the wrist in front of his gang, and
other times reminding him how tenuous his
position of command is by making a morsel out
of one of his lesser swoop troopers.
While Gizz may be cowed within the palace,
his fear of Jabba dissipates as soon as he is back
to racing over the desert dunes. He's more

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

interested in having fun wreaking havoc on
moisture farmers, terrorizing wayward Jawas
and racing down Mos Eisley's streets. To worry
about tomorrow would be to dilute the wonderful taste of violence and terror
savored today. _~
Big Gizz~~.
Type=-S)Y-~Ji~ Leader

~~!ft,/6lJ-i, brawling paM, ~od~e

Jj'lt"!iJ'l"melee paIg!SD



B 53 Y!ov


Most of the swoopers are

easily cowed by Gizz's overbearing and ferocious personality, and the constant presence of Spiker keeps them in
line as well. They are typical
ruffians - bold and raucous
when in a large group, but
quick to flee when confronted
by a superior force. They are
easilyinfluenced by peer pressure and the whims of their
Gizz's gang numbers about
a dozen members. Most wear
protective goggles and high

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook




Just Ano,ther Bay's Work,

The swoop troop~rs,~o~red down a Mos Eisl~y
sidestreet, BigGlzzand his armored lieutenant, Spiker,
leading the way. The other gang members lollowed,
their modified swoop engines ripping throughthe air
and kicking up the midday dust like a stampeding
herd of rabid banthas.
They found Whizzer in a small courtyard where
several alleys met. The old Twi'lek was laboriously
pushing along a repulsorcar~ with a' medium-sized
metal crate on It. Belore the,oldster could throw up
his hands in surprise, the swoopers surrounded fiim,
revving their angry engines and shouting insults at
the Twi'lek. Big Gizz raised a hand and the swoopers
lell silent.
Gizz's bike roared as it jumped out olthe encircled
swoop troopers and brought him alongside Whizzer's
crate. Gizz stared long and hard into the Twi'lek's
quavering eyes, his wild hair rustling in the hot, dusty.
breeze. "Ey, Whizzah," he sho'uted'into the oldster's'
face. The Twl'lek seemed to wrinkle under the caus-'
tic lumes of Gizz's rancid breath. "We've been lookin'
for yah . .labba tells us you owe him some stuff. He
wants dah money ... and he wants his spice."
At this the other swoopers erupted into raucous
calls of "Give him the spice, head-tail man," and'
"Yeah, credits, baby, fork over the credits!"
When they settled down, Gizz moved even: Closer '
to Whizzer's lace. "What's in dah crate, Whizzah?"
The swoop gang's leader leered with pleasure at the

Twi'lek:s o!:lvious discomfort. "Yah, gonna show

,me, or does BiKGizz have to get one 01 his swoopahs
to break.onc 01 those fancy head-tails?"
Whizzer stu!'1oled back, sputtering out excuses.
"I was just goinglo sell this crate off to a snil!ggler,
one shipping'outto the, Core Worlds ... she could
pay me the-credits lowe Jabba." Beads of sweat
bloomed onhis,forehead. "Just give me a lew days,
and I'll have Jabb''''s money and another load of
i'yll, a)1d he'll have everything he wants, I swear to
you. Jusl'1eave me to my business andrillix every'
Gizz snarled, sending another noxious breath
into Whlzzer's face. His hand shot out, caught the
Twi'lek by his vest collar, and drew him close.
"Jabba don't take excuses," he growled. "The
Bloated Qne just wants what you owe him." Glzz
pushed Whizzer back, and the old Twi'lek almost
stumbled over his crate.
Gizzsnapp'e.d his fingers. "Spiker! Get oV,er here,"
he barke,d.
The Imposing truoper in the jagged armor,swung
a leg over his swoop and swaggered over to Gizz's
side. Every surface was covered in armor, every
piece bristling with metal spikes.
"Rip his head off, Spiker."
Spiker stepped closer to Whlzzer and raised 'a
lorearm to strike. One,swipe and,the Twrlek's face
would be torn from his skull. Spiker swung - and

shock helmets, giving them the nickname of

"conedomes" among the settlers brave enough
to deride the swoopers under their breath. Each
swoop trooper customizes his outfit, wearing
everything Irom blue neocelks and orange and
tan !light suits to coveralls with green pull sleeves
and bantha-hide tunic dyed red. Many just wear
the gray work suits ollreight handlers. They all
have the same insignia stitched somewhere on
their costumes: a pronged symbol denoting their
allegiance to Jabba the Hutt-many also proudly
carry this same symbol as a tattoo.
As a rule, the swoopers all carry blasters.
Most also carry some melee weapon as well,
whether a knife concealed in a boot sheath or
metal prybars and pipes to pummel others into
submission. One particularly intimidating
swooper, Axeman, is named for the large vibroax he uses. It's also indicative 01 what many
swoopers believe happened to Axeman's skull
at some point- he isn't terribly bright, and has
a bloodlust that manilests itsell in his constant
and olten verbalized need to "Do good death!"


Typical Swoop Trooper, All stats are 2D except: blaster4D+2, dodge 3D, melee combat4D,
intimidation 3D, streetwise 2D+2, swoop operation 5D, brawling 4D+2. Move: 10. Blaster pistol
(4D), various melee weapons (STR+2to STR+3D),

The newest member 01 Gizz's gang is a vagrant the swoopers picked up while terrorizing
the streets 01 Mos Elsley. Jix claimed to be a
starship tech who had been kicked off the bulk
Ireighter he was serving on for insubordination
... II one could call laying the captain out on the
deck "insubordination" and not outright assault.
He showed he was good with a blaster, agile
on a swoop, and reliable in a fight by lacing off
against Spiker. Big Gizz liked Jix's brash style so
much he inducted him into the gang on the spot.
Jix isn't like most 01 the swoopers. He's big
and silent, but when he acts, it's with lightning
speed. Sometimes his actions with the swoopers
seem premature, as il he's jumping the gun to
try and prove himsell to his new peers. Jix

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

abruptly halted his strike, the jagged spikes only a

centimeter Irom the Whlzzer's cringing face. "Just kidding, oldster," Spiker whispered, then broke out in one
01 those insane, high-pitched giggles. "The ryll, it's in
that crate you got there?" he asked, nodding his spiked
helmet at the metal crate on the repulsorcart.
Whizzer nodded gingerly.
"Hey, Gizz," Spiker called, turning to his leader.
"Whizzer's got the spice right here. Let's not gut his
business ... maybe if he gave you a sample, you might
give him a lew more days on his debt. It gives you two
more days to plan every exact and gruesome
detail 01 howyou're going to dispose 01 this
Twi'lek trash il he doesn't pay up."The threat
was lollmyed by more maniacal laughter,
Big Gizz smiled a crooked-Ianged smile.
"Yeah, give Big Gizz a snlll and we~.on't tell
Jabba we ran into yah."
Whizzer :seemed to agree,' although he
didn't say anything. He undid the latches on
the crate and lifted the lid. The boxwas lilled
to the rim with a bluish powder. Big Gizz
reached over, thrust his gloved hand into the
powder, aI1d stulled a handful of ryIJ into his
demonic lace', He snulled and lickedthe blue
powder fr\!l,m his hand, spillil1gnlUchof it on
his vest ?J1d swooll. When he ,was, d,one, Big
Gizz leaned back in his swoop seat with a
contented look on his face.

believes that il he's going to survive - and

prosper - he needs to stand out among Gizz's
rowdy gang.
Jix's appearance is unremarkable; he wears
tech's pants with plenty of pockets, fingerless
gloves, a vest, and a pair of goggles. Jixkeeps his
long black hair tied in a tail to keep it out 01 his
face. He is often heavily armed, favoring a blaster
pistol strapped to each hip - he sometimes
carries a blaster rille in a shoulder-back holster
as well. As an added precaution, Jix keeps a
throwing knile concealed in his glove, though
those who learn of the weapon's existence tend
to lall prey to Jix's deadly aim.
Jix isn't all that he seems - he's actually a
deep-cover Imperial spy sent personally by Lord
Vader to monitor Jabba the Hutt's activities and
to make certain that Luke Skywalker isn't killed.
Vader has kept his eye on several criminal organizations, including BlackSun and the Hutt crime
clans. The sooner agents like Jix can infiltrate
these syndicates, the sooner Vader will be
alerted to any shady dealings that might allect
the Empire, or his place at the Emperor's side.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

"Looks like we're done with you, Whizzer," Spiker

said, giggling. "Just be sure you have everything
you oweJabba next week, orGizz here's going to do
something to you even I can't imagine." Spiker's
thorny head threw back as he let loose another
cackle. He hopped on his swoop and followed Gizz
out olthe alley. Theother swoopers zoomed around
Whizzer lor a moment, sheuting "Yeah, next week!"
and "GIzz'll get yah!" nce the gang had roared ofl
into the dusty Mos Eisley alleys, Whizzerwiped the
sweatlrom his brow and promptly fainted.

Jix has access to Imperial Intelligence support

personnel covertiy placed in Mos Eisley and in
Arkanis sector. He also has access to priority
communications networks should he discover
inlormation that must be reported directly to
Lord Vader.
Jix knows he's in a dangerous position. It's
bad enough he's supposed to keep an eye on
Jabba's activities, but it's worse having to do so
from within the Hull's violent swoop gang.
Type: Imperial Spy
Blaster 70.2, brawling parry 50. dodge 60.1. melee
combat 50, melee parry 5D, pick pockets 50...2. running
40, thrown weapons 50+2


Intimidation 3D, streetwise 50

repulsorlift operation 40+2,
swoop operation 6D+2

Con 70, forgery 6D, hide 5D.
investigation 6D+2, persuasion
6D. search 6D, sneak 6D+2

Brawling 6D, stamina 4D
Computer programming/repair 4D, security 5D, space
transports repair 4D+2
Force Points: 3
Character Points: 11
Move: 10

Equipment: 2 blaster pistols

(4D), blaster rifle (5D), con
(STR,I D). goggles. hydrospanner

"Bounty hunter." Few
terms evoke such a
strong reaction as this

one. Famous and infamous, feared and respected, the most successful bounty hunters are known across the galaxy.
Yet those who aren't so successful often fade
from memory as quickly as they were vaporized
by their quarry or competitors.
Although Black Sun has its own legion of
hired bounty hunters, there are others work
exclusively for themselves, choosing their


quarry. Some inadvertently and unknowingly

aid Black Sun, while others interfere with Prince
Xizor's ambitions, yet all of them factor into the
conflicts between Black Sun, the Empire and the
Rebel Alliance.

Skahtul's Coalition
Many bounty hunters were attracted by the
pay when the call to capture Luke Skywalker
went out. Carried by mysterious messengers,
the offer promised an exorbitant number of
credits for the young Jedi's death. The message
reached a crafty Barabel hunter named Skahtul,
leader of a small band of relatively competent
but otherwise obscure bounty hunters. Skahtul
had also heard Imperial agents were offering a
sum for Skywalker's capture - good only if
returned alive. Known for hedging her bets,
Skahtul decided she would pursue Skywalker
and, after capturing him, would deal with both
parties to drive the bounty reward even higher.
First, Skahtul knew that she and her associates were somewhat limited in their capabilities. The group had little chance against a powerful Jedi. Skahtul thought long and hard, then
decided to contact some of her competitors. If
the hunters couldn't capture Skywalker with
superior combat skills, they might be able to
overwhelm him with greater numbers.
So Skahtul joined forces with the Nikto
Calliose, drew a few more lone hunters into the
group, and hired a few mercenaries for extra
firepower- promising each of them a cut of the
final reward. The main group of IS hunters
trained together for several days while the more

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

experienced hunters pursueclleads and hunted
down their quarry's location. When they learned
that Skywalker was headed for Kothlis, they
knew it was time to make their move.


Skahtul began her training as a youth, when

she was hired as a local guide by safari hunters
visiting her homeworld of Barab I. Skahtul recogn'z<@lj
'ah,~b;Pl\fort1rity it;
a e a
S11 per-dreamofs

Il _' ~~ _""', _,

r \~~ r..~~ir hf,


Skahtul is a moderately successful bounty

tfielleadeHiUne l?ilrtY\fWre(/\to Pure r on as
"'G 10
hunter, but an exceptional Barabel. She has
riis Jf\1!i'fiv:~bearer" ~(IS\lrts, calf'!'Ying'and lifean,!fI'lr.rt" FOR \!)'.A.
managed to overcome her species' hatred for
r~ap~Q~~1eppingS\Xp~iies)'anQj>()!in ,t~~~t~~~~others in order to accomplish a greater goal- ,
r~e glm~:k,;she Ql1l'<:Rlill)j'ea:rned tfiSlfiunterJs ~ TwiN
" ct' ,,'
;\~ w" i.>"'. _\\.
in her case, joining other hunters for mutual
,~~e ian I "';~ any, eif:i!md..e1>!;!;l6!!g~~ ~rl',.\'g a ART.
profit and protection. Skahtul is an imposing he !mbre sIm saw,{;U,. [' . ore-;'Sk:lliflil\1 ealize
sight, dressed in black hunter's fatigues to which
Jli'e ifu~ld IrtliKej{ore ~~~aU~~~l'lrrHI'"
she clips and hangs a bristling array of weapons.
*~tf~linMea~'~(trackihl\ iit~J:6S'er~d\\~~
She treats the hunters in her group as she would
gea~t~l if; ' L
\ ~!~ I:"~ ~t\
Barabel peers, with respect, temperinghernatu'I I, After
ed \Sk"Htul r~eo
.C;1:-G '.!\ KfP ~r?~", I't
ral instincts to oppose anyone not of her speG:ritI;! a p~qmise ?ever to'Hilnt,&\!!!i,do~
tlie 6C:sasi~ eV'1r..Q~e;~e B1ir@~et.%9,Nor
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bers - joined her band. Skahtul
prefers to instill loyalty in her
comrades through deeds, not
threats, and has proven her faithfulness by saving her companions' lives on several occasions.

Her associates often jokingly refer to her as their "mother," a

term Skahtul discourages with a
toothy and decidedly un-matronly snarl.
Skahtul knows her latest business venture - capturing the
Jedi Skywalker - is beyond the
means of her small band. As a
Barabel, she has a great respect
for Jedi, but she does not allow
that to discourage her pursuit of
an extremely lucrative bounty.
She has translated her respect
for theJedi into an admiration of
their superior combat abilities.
_ For the Rebels to rescue Han Solo, they must outsma"it Saba Fett.
the galaxy's most notorious hunter.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Her plan to unite several other bounty hunter
groups just might work. What they lack in experience they could make up for in numbers. And
if Skahtul succeeds in raising the reward by
playing the bidding parties off each other, the
divided sum would still be well worth the trouble.

Type: Barabel Bounty Hunter Leader

Blaster 60, brawling parry 50+2, dodge 50, grenade

40+2, melee combat 50. melee parry4D+2, thrown weapons 50

Intimidation 30+2, planetary systems 3D, streetwise 40

Beast riding 30+2, repulsorlift operation 40
Command 50, investigation 40. search 40+2, sneak 40

Brawling 60. climbing/jumping 50

Blaster repair 40, first aid 30+ 1

Special Abilities:
Na/llral Body Annor: Barabels' black scales provide a
bonus of +20 against physical attacks and +10 against

energy attacks.
Radiation Resistance: Barabel receive a +20 bonus when
defending against the effects of radiation.
Vision: Barabels can see infrared radiation, giving them
the ability to see in complete darkness provided there
are heat differentials in the environment.
Force Points: 3
Character Points: 11
Move: 11
Equipment: Ammo bandolier. blaster pistol (40), blaster
rifle (50), hold-out blaster (3D), 2 knives (STR+ 1D),
restraining bands, 2 stun grenades (50 stun damage)

Skahtul's principle partner in the hunt for
SkYwalker is a Kajain'sa'Nikto (or "red Nikto")
named Calliose, who commands another small
troupe of low-level bounty hunters. While his
hunters could be more accurately labeled ruffians, Calliose keeps them in line with ))arked
threats and an occasional slap upside the head.
The Nikto has reason to be gruff. He began his
career not as a bounty hunter, but as a bodyguard for a Klatooinan Trade Guild boss named
Qoronal. Although he learned his trade quickly,
he was not swift enough to prevent agents of a
rival crime syndicate from assassinating his
master. When others in the trade guild hierarchy discovered Calliose's mistakes helped the
assassins succeed, they put a bounty out on
Calliose fled the sectors where the Klatooinan
Trade Guild exercised its power, then began his
own bounty hunter career. He figured it would
bring him some much-needed credits, and give
him a good excuse to vaporize any other hunt-


ers coming after him - for many in this field,

eliminating the competition is as much a part of
the job as capturing the mark (despite all the
talk of the "bounty hunters' creed" and "honor
among hunters").
Along the way, Calliose picked up several
other refugees from the Klatooinan Trade Guild:
mercenaries who ran out on their guild contracts, guards who had itchy trigger fingers, and
security experts who, well, weren't the best in
their field. Although these associates have histories similar to Calliose, the Nikto never stops
looking over his shoulder and questioning his
followers' loyalty. His gruff nature reminds others that he won't hesitate to blast them should
he ever uncover treachery.

When Calliose heard the offers for SkYwalker's

capture, he initially wanted to go after the prize
himself. Instead, he chose to team up with
Skahtul's group. Calliose could provide the illusion of adding some firepower and specialists to
the team, but the plan was to sit back and let
Skahtul's cronies do most of the work. It would
also give the Nikto a chance to keep an eye on
one bounty hunter who might have heard of the
price on his head: Calliose knows Skahtul keeps
abreast of most bounties coming out of HUll
Space and he knows he's a tempting target especially if he drops his guard at the wrong

Type: Kajain'sa'Nikto Bounty Hunter
Blaster 60, dodge 40+2, grenade 40+2. melee combat 50
Bureaucracy: Klatooinan Trade Guild 40, intimidation
40+2, streetwise 50, survival: desert 3D
Astrogation 30, space transports 40, starship gunnery
Command 40+2. con 50. search 50+2. sneak 50
Brawling 40+2, climbing/jumping 40+ 1
First aid 40, security 30+ 1
Special Abilities:
Vision: Nikto have a natural eye-shielding of a transparent keratin-like substance. They suffer no adverse effects from sandstorms or similar conditions, nor does
their vision blur under water.
Kajain 'so 'NiktoStamina:These Nikto have great stamina
in desert environments. They receive a + 10 bonus to
both survival: desert and stamina rolls.
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 4
Move: IO
Equipment: Blast vest (+ 10 physical, +1 energy. torso
only). 3 grenades (50), heavy blaster pistol (50), knife
(STR+ I 0), macrobinoculars, medpac

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



The Ubese bounty hunter Boushh is a rather
formidable sight. Despite the slender build characteristic of his species, Boushh manages to
look intimidating thanks to several layers of
rough survival clothing, spiked knuckle guards,
shoulder and neck armor, and several belts and
bandoliers bristling with odd devices and explosives. His helmet contains visual enhancement
sensors, a voice modulator, and a breathing
apparatus to allow him to breathe Type I atmospheres.
Like many of his wayward Ubese brothers,
Boushh is prominent in the bounty hunting
trade. Unwilling to form permanent alliances
with anyone particular criminal organization,
the hunter roams the Outer Rim Territories,
picking up jobs here and there, and rarely working more than several months for any employer.
More recently he has been accepting contract
work from agents he believes represent the
immense Black Sun organization. These days,
half his time is invested in pursuing his prey,
and the other half is spent gathering information about his employers, whom he always considers untrustworthy.
Boushh is shifty and clever. He expects his
prey to try every trick to escape, and he often
spends hours doing little else than anticipating
every move his quarry might make, and every
counter-move he'll make to lure the prey to
capture. The bounty hunter treats his employers the same way. He
expects to be cheated,
lied to and otherwise
taken advantage of and
he prepares for those
situations. He prefers to
know as much as he can
about prospective clients and their bounties
- the dirtier the data,
the better, for such information is useful in
blackmailing those who
try to cheat him of his
Boushh shares his
species' interest in technology of all sorts. In the
bounty hunter's case, he
prefers small gadgets
easily concealed within
his costume, or in his



utility belt or bandolier.

His favorite gadgets are
the exploding kind flash and smoke gre-

nades, computer surge exploder plugs, intricate detonation timers, plasma-burn tape, and
thermal detonators. For a while he had been
working with a human bounty hunter named
Beylyssa, and it seemed the two shared their
interest in all things explosive, but the partnership ended quickly and violently, although neither hunter was seriously injured.
Besides trusting few other beings, Boushh is
also very greedy. His excuse - often voiced
when he demands more payment than was contracted on a job - is that the technology he uses
to subdue or kill his prey does not come cheap.
That explanation is partly true. Explosives and
sensitive detonation timers are difficult to obtain even on the black market, and handfuls of
credits are often needed to purchase quality
goods in secret. However, Boushh seems to
demand more credits than he needs for his
equipment. Some in the bounty hunting field
surmise the Ubese hunter is sending a cut of his
pay to other struggling Ubese bounty hunters
and mercenaries -

rumors have even been

heard of some kind of elite Ubese mercenary

unit forming that could be prone to using illegal
technologies and outlawed weapons.

Type: Ubese Bounty Hunter

Archaic guns 60, blaster 70+2, brawling parry 50, dodge
60, grenade 80, melee combat 70+1, melee parry 70

Alien species 40, business 50, cultures 3D. intimidation

60, languages 40, law enforcement 50, planetary systems 40. streetwise 50+2, survival 40, value 30+2
Astrogation 30+2, repulsorlift operation 40, space transports 40, starship gunnery 40. starship shields 30+ 1

Bargain 50, investigation 70, persuasion 50, search 60,
sneak 60+2

Brawling 50, climbing/jumping 30+2

Armor repair 40+2, blaster repair 40, computer programming/repair 30+2, demolition 70, droid programming 30+2, first aid 40, security 50+ I
Special Abilities:
Survival: "True Ubese" get a +2D bonus to their survival
skill due to the harsh conditions they are forced to
endure on their homeworld.
Type II Atmosphere Breathing: "True Ubese" require adjusted breath masks to filter and breathe Type I atmospheres. Without the masks, Ubese suffer a -ID penalty
to all skills and attributes.
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 4
Character Points: 4
Move: 10
Equipment: Bounty hunter armor (see below), energy
pike (STR+20+2), flash canister (40 stun damage), 2
grenades (50), heavy blaster pistol (50), timer detonator with 1 block detonite.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Boushh's Armor
Model: Modified Ubese Raider Armor
Type: Modified battle armor
COSI: Not (or sale

Availability: Unique
Game Effect:
Basic Suit: Provides +20 to Strengtll for physical attacks.
+ 10 for energy attacks. Covers torso and head only. No

Dexterity penalties.
Sealed Enviro Filter: Filter system maintains Type II
atmosphere within helmet, and filters out harmful molecules and odors.
Flash Guard Visor: Nullifies all stun damage from visual
sources (for instance, flash canisters or grenades).
Infrared Sensors: Adds +10 to Perception in darkness.
Macrobinoculars: Add +30 to Perception or search for
objects IOQ.SOO meters away.
Sound Sensors: Adds + 10 to Perception or search in quiet

situations only.
Spiked Knuckle Guards: STR+ 1 damage when brawling.


Bounty's Due
Guri left theStingeron docking pad 28, sitting
on piles above the marsh, She pulled the green
cloak around her, grasped the metal case filled
with credits, and sauntered down the docking
pad ramp and into the muddy Gelgelar streets.
The haughty Boushh had crossed his last
contact with Black Sun, He had captured his last
bounty alive, just as Xizor wanted, but the Ubese
hunter claimed it had taken more of his resources this time, and demanded 50 percent
more than the contract had specified. Xizor
surprisingly agreed and ordered Guri to meet
Bo'ushh here at Gelgelar and give the bounty
hunter his due,
So far Boushh had always dealt with messengers from Green, the Black Sun Vigo who controlled various criminal interests in this region.
Chorh-dha or Vimriss or some other toady usually fronted for Green, Black Sun didn't like
revealing what itwas and what operations it was
sponsoring. It was a nice, anonymous arrange-

ment. Boushh couldn't leave well enough alone,

The shifty Ubese had already sent out feelers,
poking around to see who the messengers reported to, which starships they traveled on, and
what other contacts they made. And that wasn't
good for Black Sun's business.
Guri picked her way between several ramshackle hovels built of old cargo containers and
rusting hull plates. She found the hatch smeared
with blue ultrapaint, then let herself inside,
Boushh was there, standing beneath a dim luma
hung from the ceiling. An old plastic cargo crate
served as a makeshift table in front of him. Guri
glanced around quickly, finding only a shackled
Nimbanese cringing in the shadows nearbythe bounty mark,
"Yo tzak sze Chorh-dha?" the Ubese asked

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

through his mechanical voice modulator.

"Chorh-dha thought it would be better to
send me," Guri replied. "Someone you might
trust more."

Boushh coughed out a short laugh. "Yo czha!."

Guri obliged, setting her metal case on the
plastic cargo crate, raising her hands and turning around. She felt one of Boushh's hands pat
her down, seeking weapons or other devices.
No doubt his other hand was on his blaster.
When Boushh found no threats on her person,
he spoke again, ordering her to put her hands
down and open up the case.
Of course, she had expected this. Boushh
was too suspicious to open the credit case
himself. She still needed a distraction. Stun gas
wouldn't work - though she was immune to the
anesthetic's effects, italso wouldn't get through
the bounty hunter's helmet. Same problem with
a flash grenade, since his visor was sure to
protect him. Still, she had prepared well ...
She opened the case and turned it toward
Boushh, showing him the piles of credit chips
clanking within. He approached, one free hand
reaching for them. Guri watched, impassively,
Boushh ran his hand through the credit chips
and then cried out in pain. His blaster hit the
floor as he clutched his hand, into which a small
creature had sunk its fangs. Just the distraction
Guri needed.
Guri's high kick landed on Boushh's head
with a very satisfying snap, His body fell to the
floor, the helmet now resting on his shoulders at
an awkward angle,
She wrenched the dinko from Boushh's lifeless hand and squeezed the life out of it with her
fingers. Then Guri closed the case of credits and
motioned to the cowering Nimbanese. "Let's
go," she said. "Try to escape and you'll end up
just like him." Guri tossed Boushh's body over
her shoulder with her free hand and headed
back to the Stinger.
Xizor had always wanted to see what the
Ubese looked like beneath their helmets ...

Of the few known Wookiee bounty hunters,
Snoova is regarded as perhaps the most vicious.
In addition to employing the conventional methods of his contemporaries, Snoova also uses his
natural weapons - his climbing claws - in his
work. While Wookiee society finds the use of
these claws in combat dishonorable, Snoova
has found them rather useful in shredding his

Snoova avoids other Wookiees, as they are

well aware of his practices and are charged by


tradition with killing
those of their species
who dishonor them so.
Rumors abound that the
bounty hunter fled his
homeworld after a disagreement with a family
member over the affections of a female. Some
say Snoova struck at his
rival with his climbing
claws, forever maiming
him, but giving Snoova a
death-mark among his
own people. He somehow fled Kashyyyk and
indentured himself as a
mercenary to Asteria, a
minor crime lord. When his services as a bounty
hunter finally paid off his debt, Snoova was set
These days, Snoova generally works within
Imperial space, far from his homeworld; he often takes on Imperial contracts. Although Wookiees are considered a slave species, Snoova
enjoys a certain amount of autonomy within the
Empire, as he is often recruited to do its dirty
work. While he isn't really a free Wookiee, his
identification datawork lists him as his own
Snoova prefers to work alone - he's never
sure when a partner might sell him out to vengeful members of his species. Indeed, few hunters
want to risk the possibility of the Wookiee turning on them in a bloodthirsty rage. On occasion,
when it suits his needs he has formed tenuous
partnerships with others, including the Ubese
bounty hunter Boushh.
The Wookiee bounty hunter keeps his head
fur cut in a short spacer's flat-top, with the
longer sidehairs pulled back in a ponytail. His
coat is brown and mottled with large patches of
black - one facial patch seems like a mask of
black fur encircling his eyes. Some of his more
daring peers mockingly call him the "furry bandit," but never in his presence. Snoova sometimes uses a removable rig with a monocle
ocular enhancer to give him better vision in
Snoova's attitude is generally angry, and he
has no qualms about being rude in public, shoving folks around and using his imposing stature
to get his way. Every inconvenience is a reason
to growl, and Snoova often lets his short temper
get the better of him. Still, he takes care not to
olfend his clients too much - any displeasure
they cause him the Wookiee transfers to his



Type: Dishonored Wookiee Bounty Hunter

Blaster 50+1, blaster: repeating blaster 60, bowcaster
40, brawling parry 60+2, dodge 50, grenade 40+2, melee
combat 50, running 40+ I

Intimidation 50, law enforcement 30+1, planetary systems 40. streetwise 50+ 1, survival 30+2

Astrogation 30+2, repulsorlift operat ion 40, space transports 40, starship gunnery 30+2, starship shields 3D

Search 50, sneak 40+ 1
Brawling 70+2, climbing/jumping GO

Blaster repair 30+2. demolition 40. first aid 30+2, security 30+1

Special Abilities:
BerserkerRage: Snoova gains +20 to Strength when brawling in berserkerrage. See page 84 of Star WaT.S'Sourcebook,
Second EdUion.
Climbing Claws: Wookiees' climbing claws add +20 to
their climbing skill. Since Snoova is a dishonored Wookiee
with a death-mark on his head, he may also use his claws
when braWling to inflict STR+ 10 damage.
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 7
Character Points: 6
Move: 11
Equlpment:Ammo bandolier. grenade (50), heavy blaster
pistol (50), iightrepeating blasler(60), medpac, satchel,
monocle ocular enhancer (+20 lo search in darkness),
vibro-ax (STR+2D)

Denizens of Coruscants
Elements of the fringe can be found virtually
everywhere, from the edges of the Unknown
Regions to the heart of the Core Worlds. The
fringe is not a caste limited by social status,
economic means or geographic location - it is
omnipresent. It is only fitting that Coruscant,
center of the Empire, possesses its fair share of
these elements. To some extent, the presence of
illegal trade is tolerated; accomplished smugglers cater to the desires of the extremely
wealthy, all with a veneer of civility and class. In
fact, members of Coruscant's nobility often consider the possession of certain prohibited items
- slaves, banned artwork and the like - as
signs of their status. Certainly the Emperor
knows of the flourishing illegal trade in Imperial
Center, but allows it to continue; not only does
it keep the lesser nobles busy with their own
minor intrigues, but Palpatine can also use this
information to blackmail various nobles to do
his bidding.
Coruscant is not all glitter and shine, however.ln the lower levels of the planet's vast citysprawls, numerous "marginal operators" buy
and sell illegal cargoes and undertake a variety
of petty schemes to eke out a modest living.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Out of the Picture
Snoova's head reeled '!!laIn. His !J!emory vaguely
dr.ifted baak into his aahing skpJI.'He had just completed a meeting with ASteria, some~hing about a
routine bounty job, [i:- waJ!,st o~ide her- forti lied
townhouse that they jumpetl him - six goons with
stun pikes and shock batons. He remembered slashing on.e up good. There must have been more in the
shadows do~ the aIley, because he felt the stings of
tranq slugs. "f.hen the streetturned l!Pside-down and
he passed out.
.The Wookiee shook his head more vigorously this
time and lookedaround his cell. [t wasn'Uoo largein fact, when he IinaJly regained his baJance, Snoova
was certain he coultln'teven stand upjn it. As it was,
his legs didn't ev.en. stret~h aaross tlie floor. The
reinforced door near. his feet liad asmall transparisteel
view'hole near the top, where he Qccasionally caught
a glimps.e of a blurry face 10Qkingin. He tri\<-d to get up,
but f9und it was slighlly(difficult without his arms ...
It took Snoo\(a a while~ to realize his arms were
flanging abov.e him, his wrists manacletl in something metaJ which was boltedlo the wall with a heavy
durasteellirik. Thick metal mffts clamped ilis hands
jnto'lists so he aouldn:t extend;fiis claws. To ensure
he tlidn't)ise the mitts as weapons, they had been
chained and,bolted to the metaJlcell wall. He
tr.i~9 yanking. the chai~ apt with his arms, then.
tried pulling'e bolted waJllinlj:.with a few tugs,
to no ayail. Tolle dearer Slioov;i's"head became, the
less he'liked his'situation, . .,
The cell door Iinally.whooshed asiae aJter severaJ
locking mechanisms tia~- c.m:ked or whirred open.
Nofiody entered - there was tiardly Toom - but
Snoova did make out one -figure standing in. the

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

doorway, an agingand rather placid 100kingTwi'lek

~ressed in gautly robes and jewelry. Behind this
Twi'lek were severaJ other aJien guards, aJl brandishing humming stun pikes. The guards seemed
eager to zap hiin. ~
The Twi'lekcleared his throat and spoke. "Please
accept my numblest apologieS 'for your treatment,
my friend:"
~noova roared back something disparaging
about the Twi'lek's parentage, then growled more
while yanking on his chained mitts. If his captor
had hair, it woulp have blown with' the gust. As it
was, the.Twi'lek's jewelryjangled in the fetid breeze
of Snoova's breath.
"[ have been caJJed farwode, hunter," the Twi'lek
caJmly replied. "And yes, your mitts are meant to
keep you from inflicting unnecessary damage upon
. my staJf ~d'facifity."
Snoova letJoose another barrage of howling and
"Whether or not youremember my face for the
rest of time does not concern me. For now suffice it
to say tl!at our purposes require you to be previ,0us.lY !!i5pos~d, or 'ollt of- tlie picture,' as you
bounty. hunters are so .fond of s_aying, [n another
reality, let-1!s say tQat your twin is ,paying <,_visit to
Coruscant..For now"plea~e, enjoywhat hospitality
weare capable of'olferi\lg an enraged Wqoldee. You
shaJl De-fed il!1.c! cared'for, and eventuaJly; when our
purposes aJlow;you shall be released. Do not fear
-_you shall be hanQsomely.compensated for your
inconvenience ... once you have been transported
far from this slave camp."



Certain areas in Imperial Center's foundations

- such as Coruscant's Southern Underground
- attract more "undesirables" than others.
Whether they live in the light or the shadows,
these fringe elements seem to thrive wherever
they ply their trade.

Wendell Wright-Sims
Coruscant's most prominent spice dealer is a
well-to-do socialite named Wendell Wright-Sims.
One might think that in the Imperial capital such
a questionable commodity would be highly regulated - if not completelyoutIawed - but WrightSims carries out his spice-dealing enterprises
with the express permission of the Emperor seems Palpatinewants only the choicest spice delivered to the august citizens of his
capital, and Wright-Sims has impeccable taste
in quality spice and the smugglers who bring it
into Imperial Center. Besides, Wright-Sims figures the Emperor's subjects have a right to
enjoy themselves - if it also serves Palpatine's
need to keep those same subjects addicted and
docile, then so be it.
Wright-Sims ensures
the spice flowing into
Coruscant is the most
refined of its kind in the
galaxy. No lesser substance could be allowed
to taint those who could
be considered the richest and certainly most
fortunate members of galactic society. To make
sure he is fuffilling his
market's needs, WrightSims is constantIyflitting
off to social engagements
with his clients, chatting
at a costume ball here,
having lunch at the
Manarai there, mingling
with those who haunt the Imperial Palace's
public corridors, and in general hobnobbing
with all whose needs he serves.
As a Coruscant socialite, Wright-Sims is careful to always dress in the latest fashions. His
whitened hair is always pomaded with fine fragrances, and he keeps his physique in the fashionable trim of the day. He watches the newsnets
daily for hints of the next "hot trend," and peppers his speech with the most popular catchphrases. Wright-Sims can discuss the latest
political developments with aplomb, speak of
high society ideals with the Human High Culture
theorists, and speculate on galactic developments with a practiced ease. He is a student of


the superficiai and an avid practitioner of complimentary banter.

Of course, Wright-Sims knows his place, and
he often humbles himself among his more auspicious Coruscant society peers. He is particularly mindful of the Emperor's good graces in
allowing him to pursue his import trade, and is
always willing to assist the emissaries of the
Empire. Wright-Sims also acknowledges the role
Black Sun plays in his business success - or
rather, the role Black Sun's absence plays. As a
professional courtesy, Prince Xizor has kept his
own spice dealers from interfering with WrightSims' affairs. In return, the socialite often visits
Xizor to present him with several kilos of the
choicest spice. While the Underlord of Black
Sun does not indulge in such base pleasures, he
does seem to appreciate the gesture. He knows
Wright-Sims is only doing his job - maintaining
his favor among clients and competitors.
Like Xizor, Imperial Center's premier spice
merchant does not himself indulge in his own
merchandise. Instead, he finds pleasure in the
ever-extravagant lifestyle of Coruscant society.
Wendell Wright-Sims
Type: Spice Importer
Blaster 30+2

Bureaucracy: Imperial 60, business 60. business: spice

100+2, cultures: Coruscant 5D+2, languages 40+2,

streetwise: Coruscan16D, value: spice 90+1

Beast riding 40, repulsorJift operation 30+ 1
Bargain 80, command 50+ 1. con 40+2, forgery 60. inves-

tigation 50, persuasion 70


Dark Side Points: 1

Character Points: )2
Move: 10

Equipment: Datapad link to newsnets, fashionable

clothes, hold-out blaster (3D)


An Old Flame in Need ...

Wendell Wright-Sims read over the invitation
printed on the plastic slip as he approached the
entrance to the reception hall.
His Eminence, Kren Blista-Vanee, Imperial
Advisor'To Our Most August Emperor, Hereby
Requests Your Auspicious Presence At A Gala
Commemorating Tile Season's Opening-Nigilt
Performance Of Tile Kallea Cycle.
He handed the wordy invitation to the honor
guard, who slotted it through adatareader, then
waved him on through.
The reception hall beyond was packed with
Coruscant's elite society. If they weren't gossip-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

ing in little clutches of people, they were floating
around the lavish hall, admiring the Imperial
Advisor's collection of art, marveling at the
exquisite food, or gazing out the 30-meter-tall
transparisteel windows which served as walls
and offered an amazing view of the glowing
Coruscant skyline.
Still, even with having to sit through the
Kallea Cycle's first marathon portion, Wendell
was determined to be his usual charming self.
That was a part of his job, even if it meant sitting
through a tediously droll Brentaal opera.
He made sure his white hair was still in place
and straightened this week's designer evening
coattails before gliding into the throng. Wendell
drifted into one conversation, through a debate
and finally out of another discussion, all the
while smiling, nodding, shaking hands and basically reinforcing his devotion to those addicted
to the choicest spice he so deftly brought to
their doorsteps.
"Yes, it's amazing how those performers can
sing for five hours straight. They must train
their voices for years before they can carry out
such a feat of musical daring.
"Lady Comark, what a lovely gown you're
wearing this evening. Yes, I'll be sure to stop by
and visit soon. Of course, what guest wouldn't
bring his graciuus host a proper gift?
"How abominable! One would think those
Rebels might think innocent lives had some
value, but it seems they shall never stop until
they're sitting right back here in the old Senate
chambers again.

"Certainly you must be joking, Grand Admiral

Take!. A scandal years ago involving the late
Grand Moff Tarkin and a female aide? I'm sure
today's Imperial administration is quite above
such improprieties. Oh, and yes, I'll have a
package for you next week."
It was the kind of superficial banter Wendell
excelled at. As long as he stroked them properly, he would sell enough spice to live extremely comfortably.
Then he saw her, an exquisite vision of beauty.
At least that's what he'd tell her. It had been at
least two years since they had casually courted.
Wendell remembered it as a pleasant time, although he couldn't quite recall why they'd drifted
apart. Perhaps it would be worth surviving the
five-hour performance of the opera's first portion after all ...
"Why, Mayli Weng," Wendell exclaimed, approaching the woman with the ornate gown and
artistically-styled hair. "I haven't seen you since

"Since we stopped seeing each other," she

casually cut in, disengaging herself from the
conversation she was having with several important-looking gentlemen.
Wendell took her hand and gently pressed
his lips againstit. "A minor technicality," he said
smoothly. Mayli didn't realize it - or maybe she
just wasn't saying anything - but while they
were exchanging small talk, Wendell was slowly
easing her out of the main arena of chatting
guests toward the more serene sidelines. Mayli
silently followed and flashed a polite smile at



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


several acquaintances as they passed. She had
dropped her courteous manner by the time
Wendell steered her near one of the immense
windows overlooking Coruscant.
"Wendell, Idon't have time for your romantic
advances," she said. "Both you and I have business to attend to at this reception. Our livelihoods depend on affairs such as this. We're
accomplishing nothing by opening up old emotional wounds ... "

"I can afford to share some of my time with a

friend in need," Wendell coolly said. "You certainly seem upset about something. Upset
enough that it might interfere with your intended negotiations tonight anyway."
"My 'intended negotiations' are none of your
business," Mayli began. "It's not my fault half my
entertainers on Ralltiir are being rounded up as
Rebel sympathizers, Governor Snopps on
Corulag won't tell those Academy cadets to stop
abusing my pleasure hall girls, and the Esselian
government wants to cut out the union and
regulate the industry there in its own tyrannical
"Seems like you have a lot on your mind,"
Wendell said, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Perhaps I can offer a diversion ..."
"I don't want any of your merchandise, if
that's all you're offering," Mayli interrupted,
making a move to back away. "You know Ihaven't
touched that stuff since I hauled myself off the
dance floors."
"As I was saying, perhaps I could offer a
diversion by catching up on old times - you
know, some fancy culinary tidbits borrowed
from a servant's tray, a flask of some Cedrellian
aged wine, and thou, so to speak. Non-committal, of course."
"Wendell, at times you can be annoyingly
"And yet, you must admit, from time to time
charm can often be a fulfilling substitute." He
began leading her by the hand toward the terrace arches. "Come, walk with me through the
balcony garden, and I shall take your mind off
your worries with my sonorous renditions of
the great Korfani poet, Adranax: 'Why mourn for
tomorrow in tears today/When current fleeting
hours not long shall stay?/Come stroll with me,
we shall find your lost peace/In an old friend's
arms and a gentle kiss.' ..

Mayli Weng
Entertaining the high-society multitudes on
Coruscant is no easy endeavor, but the Exotic
Entertainers' Union does its part. The organiza-


tion licenses its personnel and protects the

industry from unjust Imperial regulation or interference from various criminal syndicates.
Mayli Weng is one of several representatives
of the union, speaking for its 20,000 workers in
the Core Worlds. While most of her constituents
work in high-class entertainment establishments
on Coruscant, the rest travel to casinos, restaurants, clubs and pleasure halls scattered
throughout the Core Worlds. A former exotic
entertainer herself, Mayli has been elevated to
Coruscant society's elite by her prominent administration position in the union. Along with
her official duties, her job consists of lobbying
business leaders, conferring with others in the
entertainment industry, and curryingfavorwith
powerful individuals in the Imperial Court.
Mayli also frequently reports to the Underlord of Black Sun, who has considerable influence both with entertainers and club and casino
owners. Manyofherconstituents work for Black
Sun front enterprises, and she keeps Xizor appraised of any developments in her industry
which might expose Vigo operations. As in all
her dealings, Mayli is extremely politewith Xizor:
she never demands, but asks with the graciousness for which she is renowned. She seems to
please Xizor, for he has used his influence more
than once to press the Entertainment Owners'
League into making concessions to her union.
Despite Mayli's charms, the Underlord of
Black Sun has not yet tried to seduce her. He has
made it clear that he does not allow pleasure to
interfere with business.
Her exceptional figure, pleasant demeanor
and melodic voice make dealing with her a joy.
She has a wardrobe that rivals any in elite
society, and often chooses evening dresses
which accentuate her charms. Some say she has
five assistants who do nothing but style her
luxuriously long, brown hair before public engagements, but this might simply be a rumor
spread by justifiably jealous socialites.
Still, Mayli does not rely on her appearance
alone. She is a competent business-woman, capable of bargaining her way out of a corner and
convincing the other party that they got the
better end of the arrangement.
Although bright and charming in public, in
private she is prone to depression. Away from
the glitter of high society and the responsibilities of her job, she finds her life frighteningly
Mayli Weng
Type: Entertainment Union Representative

Pick pocket 50
Bureaucracy: Exotic Entertainers' Union 70, business:

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

entertainment 60, cultures: 60+2, streetwise 50, value
5D+2, willpower 50+ 1
Bargain 90, con 40+2, hide 5D, investigation 5D+2, persuasion 60, persuasion: seduction 8D+2, sneak 60

Force Points: I
Character Points: 17
Move: 10

Equipment: Business datapad, exotic dress

Benedict Vidl<Un
Benedict Vidkun is a denizen of Coruscant's
lower levels. As an engineer charged with maintaining the complex sewage system serving the
Imperial Complex above, he works nights, sleeps
days, and rarely sees the light. The radiance of
Coruscant's sun might just blind Vidkun, sowell
has he adapted to life in the dank, fetid depths.
He is short and thin, ideal for scampering through
the kilometers of tunnels which siphon off the
waste from above. Vidkun's skin is paler than
most cave fish, and his brown eyes bulge, as if
seeking whatever light they can. His sharpened
yellow teeth might seem more befitting a predator of the depths he haunts, but they reinforce
the unsettling illusion that he belongs down
there. A wispy beard and mustache must filter
the disgusting sewer smells from his seemingly
oversized nose, for Vidkun rarely complains of
the stench. Maybe he's been down in the sludge
tunnels so long he doesn't notice anymore.
In his earlier days, when his appearance must
have been more acceptable to other humans, he
married a woman significantly younger than he.
Perhaps she thought there was some prestige in
marrying a civil engineer who kept the Imperial
capital in working order. Or maybe she saw the
potential for wealth in Vidkun's ambitious eyes.
Whatever the case might have been, she has
expensive tastes, and Vidkun pays dearly to
satisfy his spouse's avarice.
While Vidkun's regular duty of controlling
the sewage flow pays relatively well, his wife's
ability to spend credits siphons off most of his
salary. On occasion, he has sold detailed information on Coruscant's lowest levels, but only
for a hefty price. He knows that few people
would have access to this data - and still fewer
would want to pay for it- so his involvement in
supplying maps could easily be traced.
Vidkun's data is very accurate-he's familiar
with every spillway, dump chute and sludgeway
running beneath the Imperial Complex, including those beneath the Emperor's Palace, Darth
Vader's castle, the old Senate Hall, the offices of
several prominent ministries and administra-

tive departments, and even Prince Xizor's pal-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

ace. Vidkun's brother-inlaw Daiv works for the

construction firm which
built several complexes,
including Prince Xizor's
palace, and can provide
Vidkun with detailed
plans of sewer levels for a cut of the credits, of
course. Another brotherin-law, Lair, handled security when the waste
disposal levels were last
renovated, so he has
codes to override the
many security systems
meant to keep people out
of the pipes.
Vidkun is a shrewd bargainer. Of course,
those venturing into the labyrinth beneath the
Empire's dark heart are at his mercy. Should
they decide his services aren't worth the previously agreed-upon price, or ifVidkun decides to
drive his price up further, they might find themselves lost forever in the stinking wastes, or,
worse yet, led into some gruesome trap or sewage processor. And if the sludgeways fail to
dispose of annoying patrons, Vidkun can always
use the hold-out blaster he keeps concealed in
his work coveralls ...
Benedict Vidkun
Type: Civil Waste Disposal Engineer


Blaster 40
Streetwise 50, survival: waste disposal levels 60

Machinery operation 50, repu!sorJi(t operation 3D+ 1

Bargain 50. con 50+2, search 40+ 1

Brawling 40+2, climbing/jumping 5D

Machinery repair 60, security 5D+ 1
Character Points: 2

Move: 10
Equipment: Helmet with luma mount, hoJd-out blaster
(3D), maintenance toolkit, water-proof boots, work coveralls

In a plaza deep in Coruscant's Southern Underground, one can find a small plant shop. It
seems somewhat out of place among the seedy
bars, junk shops and flop hotels, but it is an
important locale for those who scratch out a
tenuous existence in fmperial Center's lowest
levels. It is here that the proprietor, a Ho'Din
master gardener named Spero, grows and sells
many plants and fungi, including a speciallyengineered yellow fungus that replenishes the
Underground's fetid air. For a few credits, bums,


WAUvagabonds, sludgeway denizens and business
proprietors can buy a clump of fungus to help
freshen the air in their hovels, pipe shelters and
Spero himself is a sight - although the threemeter-tall Ho'Oin is beginning to droop in his old
age, his red snake-like head tendrils still come
dangerously close to brushing the ceiling of his
store. He shuffles around his planting troughs
and hanging pots, cultivating his gray stikmoss,
stretchy vines, and flowering tendroots. Inhabitants of the Southern Underground often come
to him with their ailments, for Spero is known
for his expertise in Ho'Oin herbal medicines,
and he cultivates many plants with healing properties.

On rare occasions, an old friend or associate

drops by, often in a hurry, seeking information
about others on Coruscant, contacts in the Southern Underground, or the best places to hide.
Spero obliges them all - he is a kindly being
who has always depended on the goodness of
others to survive and the humble plant master
is a well-known and mostly trustworthy infor-

mation broker. Spero has numerous contacts in

the lower levels, including Imperial soldiers,
Rebel operatives and those who earn their pay
by doing the bidding of the galaxy's criminal
In his younger days, Spero was an adventurous Ho'Din who left his homeworld in search of
exotic plant life. Eventually, he settled down to
experiment with his own breeds of flora from
the samples he had collected during his travels.
Through tedious study and experimentation, he
developed a yellow fungus which grew in great,
billowy sheets. While the fungus proved to be a
pleasing sight as a decorative feature, it also
served the practical purpose of converting noxious gases and other unhealthy fumes into oxygen without the need for sunlight. His new fungus was incorporated into architectural designs
for palaces, villas, public areas, and other structures which didn't always have the proper ventilation needed for comfortable habitation.
Though Spero could have become rich with this
discovery, he saw it as his personal contribution to bringing organic elements back into the

Spero's Flight
"Leia's office door chimed. She didn't look up from
the stacks of datapads on her desk
- the week's edicts were being forced through the
Imperial Senate chamber for votes before the new
year's fete week. If she didn't finish reviewing them,
who knew what new and tyrannical policies the New
Order factions would pass. She'd have to leave for
Ralltiir soon, and she couldn't afford to fall behind
on her Senate datawork. The door chimed again. "I
told you, I'm not to be disturbed," she called.
The door slid aside anyway.-One of the consulate's
lesser aide's poked her head in. "My apologies for
disturbing you, Princess," she said, bowing her head
in shame. "Master Gardener Spero insists he must
see you. It seems rather urgent."
"Show him in, Maglenna," Leia said, her brow
furrowed with concern. Spero shuffled in, kneading his hands anxiously,
his red head tendrils shaking with fright. "Princess,
something terrible has happeneo,"he stammered. "I
was working in the consular gardens and I found a
datacard hidden in the main planter. Well, I knew it
shouldn't be there, and 1triea to return it to the chief
of the household staff. AsJ was doing so, a strange
man approached me, said he was with Imperial
Intelligence, and told me I was under arrest."
"How did you get here?" Leia asked.
Spero blushed. "The manwas standing next to the
bed of Ancathian funge-flowers," he explained. "Fearing that I might be in danger, I whistled the proper


frequency, and the flowers spewed their pollen'into

a thick cloud around the man. Humans are particularly susceptible to the funge-flower's pollen, and
he was momentarily stunned. Islipped out the back
garden gate and carefully made my way here. Please,
Princess, you must help me."
Leia knew she shouldn't have allowed the Rebel
operatives to use the A1deraan consular gardens as
a meeting place, and she certainly didn't approve 6f
them using the main planter as a drop point for
datacards, Still, the damage was done and Spero
was one of the casualties.
"Maglenna?" Leia called. Theyoungaideappeared
once again in the office doorway. "Take Spero to the
consulate turbolift - the private one adjacent to
the conference room. Take him down to sub-level 27
and hand him 6ff to Hindred. He'll know what to do."
"Where am I"going?" Spero asked,
"Somewhere safe," Leia assured him, rising from
her seat and taldnghis shaldng hand in hers. "Hindred
knows a dozen boltholes, both in system and out. In
the meantime, I'll get our operatives fabricating
some rumors to throw off Imperial Intelligence.
Don't worry, you'll be safe, friend."
Spero bowed low as Maglenna tugged on his
cloak. "You shall have my eternal gratitude, Princess," he said. "Should our paths ever cross again,
Ishall be most iIide5ted to you." The aide urged him
out of the office and toward the private conference
room turbolift.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

galaxy's architecture.
His achievements did not go unnoticed, however. He was awarded the title of "Master Gardener" by his peers, and was offered a position
as chief gardener to the Royal House of A1deraan.
He was responsible for crafting the extensive
gardens on the Organa estate, and took care of
their gardening needs in their consulates and
other holdings throughout the Core Worlds. It
was while serving Princess Leia Organa at the
Alderaan consulate on Ci:>ruscant that Spero ran
afoul of the Empire. Princess Leia arranged for
his safe "disappearance" to prevent his capture
by Imperial agents. Spero now enjoys a new life,
aiding the denizens of the Southern Underground
and tending to his beloved plants.
Type: Ho'Din Master Gardener


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Alien species 60+2, cultures

50+2, ecology: Moltak 60,

languages 50, planetary

systems 60, streetwise 70,
streetwise: Southern Un-

derground 90
Archaic starship piloting
40, astrogation 30+2. sen-

sors 40
Bargain 50. con 40+2, investigation 50. persuasion

Climbing/jumping 30+2,
stamina 40
First aid 50+2. (A) first aid:
Ho'Oin herbal medicines 40
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 9
Move: 10

Equipment: Gardening
tools, pinch of snurt-fungus


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_The civilization
Empire spans ;
a reputation as "neutral ground," not
only lor trade raQg~ments and diplomatic
billions 01 stars, Ir~eoruscant-:- the heart of
the E,?pIre - 0 re~ote Oute~ worlds like
negotiati<ps,.but also lor inlormation gathering
Tatoome and Gall. PnnceXlZor, s plot unfolds on
only a handlul 01. wo~lds, yp\,-snoul hlslp}a , :~giii'Yepr~enting virtually every political
succeed, the ImpllcatIOnspWlll reach across t!Je. and "Eri_minal laction in the galaxy hide beh' d
,,~ , "~
.~ Wffilse i!"l~ri~ities and Iront companies, gathering
'$:;\; and ex\n~\nging information on their competiBothawul,'
tors and~nemies, routing supplies and illegal
The homeworld 01 the Bothans is a burgeon- V goods thritugh the bustling starport, and occaing economic hub'dominated by h'igh-technolsIOnally making their rivals "disappear" when
ogy industry. Bothawui is also home to the
. Sp,ies can olt~~ find. convenient "cover storuling Bothan Council (composed 01 several
clan leaders) and the various ministries which
nes m Bothawul s SOCIety. Because 01 the preregulate commerce and government in the coloponderance 01 manulacturing companies, comnies.Although Bothawui is oflicially part 01 the
mO~ltlesexchanges,tradeunions,shippingcomEmpire, the Bothans are essentially left alone to
parnes, andsupport service organizations, there
pursue their economic allairs.
are nearly-mlinIte opportunities to set up conMany corporations have factories and trade
vincing false identities.
houses on Bothawui, and a minimal Imperial
Olten, spies sent to the Bothan homeworld
presence helps preserve the stable Bothan govknow that they are in little danger should their
ernment; the planet has almost no outward
cover become compromised. Certain intrigues
signs of Rebel affiliation and thus th<!re is no
are tolerated: the Imperials lerret out and tail
need lor a prominent military force. The ImpeRebel agents, AlIia~ce operatives track Imperial
nal government maintains a consulate run by a
Intelligence operatives and the Bothans watch
less-than-eflicient consul-general, and the comeverybody, selling inlormation to the highest
pound is operated with a minimal stall' a token
force 01 stormtroopers provides a proper miliThe E~!,ire allows this espionage activity
tary display whenever the consul-general needs
because It IS both a participates in and benefits
to go anywhere. Occasionally, vessels from the
from the situation. Imperiallntelligencecan keep
fmperial sector neet make a patrol sweep through
track of the Rebellion, the Bothans and various
the system, but these ships rarely involve themcnmmal organizatIons, mOnItonng these variselves in Bothan matters.
ous groups and their activities. Although the
The Empire has other reasons to avoid interBothan spynet sometimes supplies the Rebel
Alliance with information, it also furnishes intelfering with the status quo on Bothawui. The
numerous Bothan clans are fiercely competiIIgence for the E~pir~.
ThiS w,eb of Intngue IS well-hidden by
tlve, and centuries of political infighting has
fostered the belief that spying is merely a logical
BothawUl s !m~k shlppmg, communication and
transportatIOn mdustnes. Blaster fights, daring
extenSion of good government. As a result, they
tend to tolerate a iarge degree of what others
comm~ndo mISSions and sabotage are discourcall "espionage." Over the centuries, the planet
aged smce open conflict would be more detrimental than beneficial to all factions.



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Bothawui itself is an eminently pleasant world.
The main starport is located away from the
capital city, with pubtrans flitters zipping like
busy insects between the port and the downtown area. The capital city's wide, clean boulevards afford agood viewofBothawui's towering
buildings, all constructed from a glittering natural stone. Many corporations maintain satellite
offices here, and the commercial districts house
immense pedestrian malls filled with stores offering an infinity of merchandise. Species from
all over the galaxy freely mingle here and the
city seems so representative of the Empire in
population, corporations and merchandise that
an inexperienced traveler might easily mistake
Bothawui for one of the more-prominent Core
Surrounding the main portion of the city are
commercial districts with light industrial complexes hidden away in the rocky foothills; the
foothills are lightly populated and offer a degree
of freedom not afforded in the city. Outside of
the bustle of the city, the Rebels maintain a wellarmored safehouse, the Empire monitors a stateof-the-art communications and sensors station,
and the Bothans have a small starfighter base
which boasts a dozen Y-wings and their support
crews. Here on Bothawui as long as everybody's
discreet, the intelligence game will remain a
proper and courteous pursuit.
Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate

Gravity: Standard Plains. mountains. oceans, forests. urban

Length of Day: 27 standard hours

Length of Year: 351 local days
Sapient Species: Bothans (N). humans, various aliens
Starport Standard class
Population: 2.5 billion

Planet Function: Homcworld. espionage. trade

Government: Imperial consul-general with Bothan Coun-

Tech Level: Space
MajorExpor1s: Mid technology. high technology. information

MajorImpor1.s: Mid technology. high technology. information

The Weeldy Luncheon

Garin made certain he arrived at the Cedrian
no use arousing suspicion by
being late. The others in his lunch party had also
just arrived, and they met in the restaurant's
foyer with hugs and handshakes as if they were
old friends from the Academy. There was
Sharalon, looking sharp in her uniform and givTerrace on time -

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

ing him that alluring smile- he gave her a peck

on her cheek. He turned to slap Drixar on the
back. The Wroonian starport security oflicer
shook Garin's hand vigorously before the group
turned to the serving droid, who waited near the
reservation podium.
"The usual table, friends?" the droid chirped.
"Yes, Beevee: Sharalon said. "The one by the

"Of course. Follow me, please." BV-121O led

the group through the maze of tables and diners
to a booth with a good view of the bustling
Bothawui street below. They all began perusing
the menu and chatting about their luncheon
Their weekly lunch meeting here at the
Cedrian Terrace had become a ritual. They'd all
engage in superficial conversation over lunch
- but their real purpose was to observe each
other, poke and prod here and there during the
discussion, and occasionally let slip some seemingly valuable bit of misinformation. It was Iittie
more than a polite formality among the spies
who called Bothawui home.
Beeveetookeveryone'sorder, beginning with
Sharalon, then Drixar and finally Garin.
Sharalon's lovely appearance and pleasant demeanor was deceiving - she was really an
Imperial Intelligence agent, and had been responsible for the deaths of several Rebel operatives Garin had known. From her position as the
main desk manager at the Regal Bothan Hotel,
she could monitor the comings and goings of
other rival operatives, and arrange safe meeting
areas, drop points and lodging for her own
agents. It was a far cry from her work rooting out
and eliminating Rebel spies in the Core Worlds
-Garin surmised Sharalon had gone overboard
on the Kuat incident and had been reassigned to
Bothawui to "cool off."
Beevee returned with their drink orders.
Drixar had already launched into one of the
boastful tales Wroonians are so infamous for
telling. He was a security officer out at the
spaceport, the perfect cover from which a crime
syndicate's informant could monitor activity
and assist smuggling efforts. Neither Sharalon
nor Garin knew for whom he worked (they had
conferred on that point only last week during an
unscheduled evening meeting after the Bothan
Trade Mission's reception). However, both
agents strongly suspected he worked for the
Hutts - if not Jabba, then someone pulling
some very influential underworld strings within
Hutt Space.
Of course, there was a fourth member of their
little luncheon gang, and he represented the
Bothans. Beevee might not always be at hand,



but all three operatives believed he had augmented audio and video sensors, as well as a
direct comlink to a listening device planted
within their table's centerpiece. They didn't
bother to remove it. Here on Bothawui, everybody spied on everyone eise. Their lunch here
had become habit - to break that habit would
be to send a clear message to other parties that
something was up.
"I hear you hired a few more staffers over at
the hotel," Garin said, a seemingly innocuous
comment to Sharalon. "You'll have to introduce
me sometime." She gave him a coy smile, but
Garin detected a slight expression of disgust.
His subordinates were getting good at spotting
new Imperial Intelligence operatives as soon as
they set foot in the starport.
Drixar gabbed on about some shipment of
interesting sensor and computer equipment
headed for Kothlis. Sharalon raised an eyebrow
but said nothing - still, the slight expression of
surprise.tipped Garin off that the Empire didn't
know about the shipment. Neither did Garin,
but at least he didn't show it.
"Now that you mention computers, I hear
your office is upgrading its computers, Garin."
Sharalon smiled over her glass of fizzling chooss.
"With our new accounts in the Corporate
Sector, we have to expand our data processing
capabilities," he replied. "It's amazing what computers can do these days."


While Beevee was serving their lunch, Garin

glanced around the restaurant and out the window.ln the street below, he tagged two Imperial
watchers trying to look inconspicuous while
viewing the local newsnets on a public display.
He wasn't sure who Drixar had following them,
but it was most likely the Rodian sitting at the
restaurant juice counter.
The meal ended with the usual jokes and
laughter. Beevee stopped by with the check "I hope your dining experience has been pleasant, friends," he chirped. Sharalon picked up the
tab this time, giving Garin a sly wink when Drixar
wasn't looking.
That night Garin scanned the various reports
logged in that afternoon. While he was having
lunch with his rivals, his slicers had managed to
copy Sharalon's personal datafiles, making off
with some interesting tidbits about a Grand
Moff traveling incognito through Bothawui
starport next week, what she knew of Rebel
capital ship movements within the sector, and
some rather embarrassing details about her
personal life. At the same time, somebody working for Drixar had, no doubt, caused the new
comm surveillance system in the hidden Rebel
front-house to crash; so much for the "hidden"
part. And Sharalon had been busy after lunchthe sensor and computer equipment headed for
Kothlis had been "misrouted" to an Imperial
garrison deep within the Core Worlds. No doubt
the Bothans weren't happy about that ...

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Chapter Five: Planets
. ===================:.2~~~~~

Coruscant has always seemed to be the center of the known galaxy. Once the seat of government for the Galactic Republic, it is now the
throne-world of Emperor Palpatine. Coruscant's
name is derived from the sparkling lights that
illuminate the planet - even at night - making
it seem like an immense, glittering Corusca gem
when viewed [rom space. Although the planet
has been called Coruscant for the 25 or so
millennium since the founding of the Old Repubhc, today it is referred to as "Imperial Center"
among those loyal to the Emperor's New Order.
Space travelers are often amazed at the variety of orbital facilities floating above the planet.
Climate-control mirror stations, habitation
spheres, power sats and skyhooks, fill the sky
while a never-ending river of private, commercial and military starship traffic runs to and
from the surface. Thesystem is also home to the
Coruscant Sector Fleet (Imperial Center is considered a sector unto itself for deployment purposes), as well as any number of Imperial Navy
task forces mustering here before heading to
other priority assignments.
The stream of starship traffic-coupled with
the seemingly-infinite lights from Coruscant's
buildings - gives the planet a "cityglow," turning night to day in the upper areas of the planet's
urban strata. Most of Imperial Center's surface
is covered with buildings spanning hundreds o[
stories and thousands of kilometers - an architectural behemoth. Only the uppermost build-

ings actually receive light from Coruscant's sun

and most buildings actually possess their ow~
Some skyscrapers are little more than honeycombed apartments, while others sport enclosed
rool-top gardens, starship landing bays, or pubhc areas. Power plants and maintenance bays in
each building's deep sub-basement help maintain acceptable atmospheric conditions, pump
In water and Siphon off waste materials. Vents
from skyscrapers' heating and cooling systems
cause "microweather cells" in Coruscant's atmosphere, creating air currents, low-hanging
clouds, and even small rain storms.
City blocks are connected by bridgeways and
public squares, sometimes spanning several
levels. Some buildings merge into each other,
creating self-contained neighborhoods serving
the residential, commercial, public and starport
needs o[ its citizens.
The upper tiers of Coruscant's skyscrapers
house the more affluent and prestigious citizens. The deeper one goes - into the caverns
and labyrinthine maintenance ducts- the lower
one descends into a realm where everything
seems to skulk in the shadows.

Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Urban

Length of Day: 24 standard hours


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Length of Year. 368 local days
Sapient Species: Humans (N), various aliens

Starport: Imperial class

Population: 650 billion
Planet Function: Government, administrative
GovelUlllent: Imperial bureaucracy
Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: None

Major Imports: Foodstuffs, medicinal goods

The Imperial Palace

The highest point on Coruscant is Imperial
Palace, home of Emperor Palpatine and much of
the immense bureaucracy which helps run his
Empire. The ornate structure dominates the
skyline, and towers over the Old Republic Senate Hall located nearby. This ornate building
runs completely and contiguously from
Coruscant's bedrock. Palpatine's immense
throne room is an auditorium sunken into the
stone, where honored citizens and bureaucrats
are summoned to listen to the Emperor's decrees. Palpatine maintains various other private audience chambers throughout the palace
for less public meetings.
The Palace constantly bustles with harried
bureaucrats, pensive administrators, low-level
data-crunchers, droids, visiting dignitaries, and
military personnel. Standing in the Grand Corridor, one has a perfect opportunity to view them
all, scurrying about to do their business on
behalf of the Empire. Imperial stormtroopers
and Coruscant guards can be found virtually
everywhere, patrolling public areas, escorting
dignitaries, and - along with the red-robed
Imperial Royal Guard - protecting the
Emperor's privacy and his person.
In addition to the vast number of public levels
of the Palace, there are aseemingly-infinite number of private areas used by Coruscant's powerful elite. The Emperor has several audience
chambers, each designed to serve a particular
need. His favorite has a circular-webbed window overlooking his capital- elite stormtroopers keep watch in raised duty stations, while
several Imperial Royal Guards stand ready at all
times. Several more Royal Guard members lurk
behind secret panels, waiting to intervene in the
unlikely event of an emergency. It is in audience
chambers such as these that the Emperor spins
his elaborate schemes and conlers with his
Imperial Advisors and other servants.
Few are allowed into these secure areas one must have an extremely important position
in the Imperial hierarchy to gain access, or in
many cases, to even know of their existence.
Even more secure levels are guarded by Royal
Guards, as well as Imperial Sovereign Protectors and Imperial Sentinels. Private areas of the


Imperial Palace include landing pads for special

visitors, the Emperor's private studies, and
museum vaults containing the most cherished
and powerful Sith and Jedi artifacts from
Palpatine's personal collection. Several wellguarded tunnels lead to nearby areas of importance, including the Emperor's personal museum and Lord Vader's castle.

lord Vader's Castle

The Emperor rewards his most prized servants well, and Lord Darth Vader is no exception. Upon completion of the expansion of the
Imperial Palace, Palpatine ordered that asmaller
residence for Lord Vader be constructed nearby.
Although Vader has a fortress retreat elsewhere
on the planet (as well as several similar retreats
on other worlds), this castle is his main is near enough to the Palace that Vader
can swiftly respond to his master's summons
and allows Palpatine to keep a close eye on hi;

Although it is not as tall'or impressive as the

Imperial Palace, Vader's castle is an imposing
edifice nonetheless. Broad, dark towers with
narrow-slit windows join jagged vertical walls.
Both outwardly and inwardly it displays few
signs of Vader's immense wealth. Within the
enclosure, there are structures that look like
they were built by a brooding architect preparing for a mighty war - a style that suits Vader's
personality well.
Lord Vader's personal sanctuary is located
deep within the castle, behind armored walls
and blast doors. There he maintains his private
quarters. Close at hand is a small command
center where he may keep in touch with outside
events, a practice arena where he hones his
lightsaber skills against combat droids (which
rarely provide an adequate challenge), and a
landing bay containing his armored shuttle.
Vader's castle has sophisticated securitystations, guest quarters for visiting military personnel, barracks for guards, and several meeting rooms and holograph pads. Vader knows
that even his "sanctuary" is not truly secure the Emperor and others keep track of his activities by linking into his own security net, by
placing spies within his castle staff, and by
setting up their own surveillance devices.
However, few suspect Vader's well-hidden
secret. He keeps a contingent of Noghri commandos on hand for missions of the utmost
secrecy and importance. The Noghri move about
through a series of secret corridors built alter
the Emperor's construction droids completed
the castle. The elusive aliens excel at keeping

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

out of sight. Vader keeps the Noghri around as
bodyguards, and occasionally sends them to do
his reconnaissance work - or to eliminate his

Xizor's Palace
Prince Xizor's permanent residence on
Coruscant is an immense dwelling only a lew
minutes' walk from the Imperial Palace. Built to
his exacting specifications, Xizor's palace is
designed to satisfy his whims and allow him to
oversee the Immense criminal bureaucracy of
Black Sun (as well as the more legitimate concerns ofXizorTransportSystems).ltrises above
the Coruscant skyline as a visible representation of Xizor's seclusion, with two exotic and
ornate towers flanking the immense central
structure. It is within this central fortress that
Xizor plots his schemes and commands the
various minions of Black Sun.
The palace has 102 levels above ground, with
at least 20 sub-levels. Turbolifts and access
stairways run through all levels, from the deepest sub-basement (which holds recycling and
waste disposal machinery), to the top floors,
where Xizor and his esteemed guests enjoy a
magnificent view of Coruscant through incredibly thick transparisteel viewports. The main
levels contain large ballroom chambers, wide
corridors, courtyards with false skylights, landing pads, small gardens and receiving areas.
Above these are several levels where Xizor and
his guests reside, as well as Xizor's meeting
rooms, communications and security center,
and audience chamber.
The entire palace seems to be a maze of
corridors, and obvious security measures
abound - keypad code locks, handprint ID
scanners, cardreader locks, vault-like blast
doors, and Xizor's personal guards. Other surveillanceprecautions are not so apparent: nearly
every corridor and room is monitored bycomnet
receivers and holocams, linked in a complex
net-web. This allows Xizor to monitor security
from any room within the palace. He maintains
dedicated surveillance computers in his security center, with additional monitoring units in
his training rooms, office, audience hall, and
personal chambers. By accessing his security
net with a secret lD code, Prince Xizor can
review records from any holocam or comnet
receiver within the palace at any time.
A computer interface office accesses his
massive information base - which includes
records on blackmail files, personal projects,

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

and many core secrets of Black Sun and Xizor

Transport Systems. These files are all irreplaceable since no duplicates exist anywhere else,
making it virtually impossible for a spy to discover Xizor's secrets. The interface consists of
several computers in Xizor's office, audience
hall and personal chambers: each requires a
complex code to access, a code that is often
changed. These computers are connected by


one main trunk line and several emergency redundant lines to Xizor's main computer corean immense mainframe and storage system
sealed in the palace's lower depths within a
seven-meter-thick duracrete vault. Most of the
access cables are shielded against electromagnetic interference and other tampering. Xizor's
secrets are much too valuable to lose, and he
goes to great lengths to protect them.
There are many other aspects of Xizor's palace which remain as hidden and mysterious as
the FalJeen Prince himself. His personal quarters and offices are carefully guarded, and among
the only areas that are not monitored. The
palace also contains several chambers designed
for Xizor's personal use, inclu<jing combat and

culinary desires. The restaurant's tower has

several docking platforms to accept freighters
importing cooking ingredients from across the
Empire and beyond. The Manarai employs harvester groups to bring in fresh produce from
distant locales, and hires big game hunters and
trappers to acquire the more tenacious creatures to be served up for restaurant patrons.
Famous delicacies such as f1eek-eel, stuffed yam
and plicto steak, giant Ithorian snail in f10unut
butter, and Kashyyyk land shrimp are offered
nightly. No dish is too elaborate or esoteric for
the Manarai's cooking staff to create. If given
sufficient notice, the chefs can create any culinary dish to suit a diner's tastes.

exercise training rooms, a firing range, a secure

- the management runs a tight operation, and

ensures by reputation and fine service that the
restaurant (and not its owners) are the focal
point of any accolades or publicity. However,
several influential beings are rumored to have a
stake in the Manarai, including an Imperial Advisor, an unnamed Hutt clan lord, a coalition of
Core World Moffs, and even Prince Xizor of
Xizor Transport Systems.
Still, few who dine at the Manarai care who
actually owns it. The restaurant's clientele is
more interested in a fine view, carefully cultivated ambiance, and exotic dining.

comm station, and vaults containing many of his

prized possessions.

The Manarai
Coruscant's most exclusive restaurant, the
Manarai is the gathering place for Imperial
Center's elite. Sitting high atop a spire along
Monument Park, the Manarai's transparisteel
walls offer a breath-taking view of the highest
peak in the Manarai Mountains - the only place
where open ground can be seen in all of Imperial
Eating at the Manarai is no trivial matter. If
prospective patrons can afford the astronomical prices, and if they are "approved" by the
restaurant's management, one still must book
reservations months in advance. Of course, it is
worth the wait - dinner at the Manarai is truly
an exquisite experience. The ambiance is high
culture at its finest, with a conservative decor
well-suited to maintaining privacy between
tables. The restaural't levels are tiered, so all
diners have unobstructed views out the trans paristeel walls to gaze upon Monument Park and
the sparkling Coruscant skyline.
The restaurant staff is as cultured and
groomed as its clientele. The chefs are the best
in the galaxy, recruited by scouts whose sole job
is to locate new and tantalizing cuisine. Even the
serving staff is carefully screened by a security
consultant, and trained by Imperial Center's
most aI.f1uent protocol experts. The Manarai
maintains a meticulous security staff to ensure
the patrons' outside lives - vengeful enemies,
scandalous intrigues and personal vendettasdo not follow them in for dinner. The atmosphere is always calm and formal, as those who
have made "inappropriate" displays in the restaurant are seldom allowed to dine there again.
Besides hiring the best staff, the Manara!'s
management caters to the most discriminating


Few know who the Manarai's true owners are

The Southern Underground

Deep beneath Imperial Center's towering
spires and elegant skyscrapers lurks a darker
world. At the bottom of the crevasses between
skyscrapers, beneath even the lowest maintenance sub-levels, hides a sinister domain never
touched by the sun's rays, where society's undesirables and refugees huddle in dank tunnels,
prey on each other and eke out a tenuous existence. This is Coruscant's underground, a facet
of the Imperial capital censored from glossy
promotional holovids and omitted from polite
conversation. It is the kingdom of thieves, outlaws, and the scum of Imperial society.
One of these infamous subterranean wastelands is the Southern Underground, located
beneath Coruscant's southern sectors. This
haven of the fringe is a maze of underground
tunnels, chambers and plazas, all remnants of
ancient city-levels forgotten when the construction droids were rebuilding sectors of Imperial
Center. Here the Empire's undesirables cower,
combing for food in trash heaps, sleeping in old
vent-ways, and exploiting one another just to

The Southern Underground is an immense

complex of tunnels and artificial caverns, kilometers deep beneath Coruscant's skyline, and

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

A Very Special Meal
is given the 'house special,'" she sai(i.
Master Chef 'favvar Va'ran was ne"'ous. It was.a
busy night at the Manarai, andt\1e had many order;:;
Tavvar's snout wrinkle<l in an oddgrimace. The
term was a code. It w<!s a combination of ingredito,fill. He was the second-Best Kubaz ahef in the
Empire -of course, few knew.that the best KUb~
ents, some nat),lr<l! food seasonj!1gs, ottiers nearly
chel.was on the Emperor's personal stall. Most ofthe
untraceable chelI!icals. They WOuld Iie added to a
tiliie, Master Chef Va'ran was only responsible for
victim's dishes t11rolighput the me'!l. .hese compothe fine culinary deligtits which graced the Manarai's - nents W,ere designed, to work in conjunction with
tables. 1ionight he would be responsible for murger.
natural ojJs an(i spices found within the meal, as
T<!Vvar. stood quietly, kneading his', hands in a"
well as with the vict([n's own digestive system, to
spare wipe-elothJ listening to the human femal.,
cause certain unilleasant effects several hours alter
stanging\across the prep table Jrgm him. By hUI!!<lp
.consuming ttle me1\!- oftenresultingjn thevictim's
rather. painful.death.
standards she was gorgeous,: but the Kubaz clJef
foung her unappealing for tie knew t!:le black heart
"Do you have!!I1y particular preparation instructions you wou1<llike me to follow?" Tavvar asked.
that lur.ked beneath the beautiful features. Still, she
was part,owner. of the Man,!!ai and his master
"I am looking fOr something. discreet, as always,"
Guri said. "Perhags aTecipe to induc",hallucinatory
fact; she had p,ersonally tiired !lim. It was a debt she
effects later on -something that might prompt him
never let him forget.
. to'open hts sPeed",r door and leap out, or jump from
Tavvar knew if he were not cooperative, Guri
would have no qualms a.b~lUt ~liminating him and
ills tpwer ba!CoQY."
Taw'!r mentaJly'!an through chemical combinaenaoun1ging the Manarai's mqp'!gement to elevate
tions, spices, elements iIi Koozar's food, and his
the t\lird best Kubaz chet in. the:gal~ to his posiknowledge of human physi.ology. Adose of tasteless
tion. He tistened attentively.
thetametabuterin in the flycatcher filet, a hybrid
"You are preparing a c0ltrse foroF.endrilon Koozar,
. mold on the greens,briddlings, and some collala
yes?" stie aske<l coolly.
"Yes," Tavvar. replied. He.h_ad heard of Koozar,
,spice in the zaffa oil.shoulQ do the trick, he thought,
one of ttie Emperor's l\dvi.ors who had an alarming
"It will be deme a~9rdingto your orders," Tavvar
said. It didn't make much difference. Guri still stood
habit oLpoking his nose wtiere it wasl!'t welcome.",
there ~ she wOuld.keep her watch until the entire
"He has ordered an appetizer.,<!! raw Wroonian flycatc)1er filet, followed by a 'bowl of sufar greens.,
mea:! had been prepared and served. So Tavvar
began his culinary work.
topped with mecolar briddlings a(lQ,drezzle sauce,
Tl)e next evening Tavvar saw on the newsnets
then a main dish of fleek-eel proiled in zaffa oil. He.
tI1atFendrilon Koozar, "(hile in his 1l1J9lryairspeeder,
has not yet plaaed his order for <Iessert."
. Guri gave him a disgaraging lo.ok. He knew she
had thrown an uncontroll'!,ble fit at tiis droid PHot,
wrested the controls from. the automaton, and
was well-trained in groper. etiquette and culture,jbut
slammed his craft info the Ministry of Land Manageit seemed she had a distaste for the high tastes
ment, perishing in a fiery explosion.
Koozar. often treated himself to. "'{ou wmensure he
in some places so abysmal as to tunnel into the
planet's very bedrock. It is a realm eternally lit
bya smoldering twilight of fire pits, glow-fungus,
and sputtering maintenance lights. Where bluegray mold or oxygen-producing yellow fungus
doesn't grow, the walls are covered with graffiti
scrawled in grease and blood. The signs are
smeared on by crazed prophets of doom, beggars with nothing better to do, and gangs of
thugs marking their territory. Mostofit is blurred
by liquid seeping from the walls and ceilings either leaking from maintenance systems, or
condensation forming from occasional thermals
from above blowing into the deeper, cooler
canyons. Streams of sludge trickle down corridors and pool in open spaces. The air is dank
and fetid, and reeks of old machinery, rotting

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

biological material, and other, more offensive

The underground has become home to many
communities of outcasts. One can find entire
colonies of beggars living in ramshackle hive
shelters carved from vent-ways, twisted debris,
rotting maintenance pipes, and junked machinery. Bandits strike at weaker groups and then
scurry back to booby-trapped warrens and armored strongholds. Refugees fleeing Imperial
authority also make their way down into the
underground's subterranean depths. The more
unsavory characters join the gangs of thieves
terrorizing other denizens, or sell their services
for food, equipment and shelter. Others hiding
from the Empire bring their lives with them,
carrying on business down here much as they
did on the surface.




These refugee entrepreneurs have carved

out an entire economic niche in the Southern
Underground, offering goods or services often
in return for valuables instead of currency. These
merchants barter for whatever their clients have
to offer - information about dealings in the
underground or above, their own services or
skills, or commodities such as clean water, food,
or uncorroded equipment.
Businesses crop up wherever open areas can
be found in the subterranean labyrinth. One
such area - the main plaza for the Southern
Underground - is a hemispherical cavern as
large as a city square. The shops clinging to the
perimeter of this chamber are grungy establishments catering to the survival and less savory
needs of the denizens. Among the businesses
here are a bakery, weapons outfitter, clothing
kiosk, shoe store, electronics market, a restaurant and cantina, and a plant store. The entrepreneurs accept whatever they can get as payment. All are operated by "undesirables" who
fled here to live unimpeded by the edicts and
treachery of the Empire.
The goods offered in these establishments
are often either scrounged from the underground
or stolen and smuggled in from the upper levels.
The nearby Hasamadhi warehouse district - a
shipping area near South Pole and several levels
above the Southern Underground - provides a
steady stream of stolen goods. As long as thieves
don't take too much, they draw little attention to
themselves. Theyhelp support the underground
businesses, which, in turn, attract more customers from Coruscant's fringe population even ones from the glittering surface who have
credits and a need to conduct their business in
the shadows.

One of the main Bothan colonies, Kothlis is an
industrial center which supports the brisk technology trade on Bothawui, only a few light years
away. While Bothan interests own a good portion of the industries here, other galactic corporations have plants on Kothlis, producing everything from droid components to datapads. Unlike the Bothan homeworld, Kothlis is not "nice
and tidy," although the planet's non-industrial
areas are kept relatively clean. It is evident that
the Bothans on Kothlis are more interested in
business and industry rather than making a
good impression.
Kothlis' mainstarport and city are surrounded
by low mountains on one side and vast forests
on the other. Rather than using leaves to collect
nutrients, the forest trees have broad fungus
fronds which grow in the reddish light of Kothlis'


sun and maintain theType Iatmosphere through

a crude form of photosynthesis. This process
gives the air an odd fragrance, something like
warm and moldy cheese.
Most of the light industry is concentrated
around the planet's main starport. Microelectronics factories and nav computer assembly
lines are interspersed with warehouses and
docking bays. A formal passenger starport is
located west of the main city, and a large residential area of aesthetically pleasing apartment
complexes rises in the east. Heavier industrial
facilities have been built far from Kothlis' main
city throughout the main continent. These selfcontained mini-<:ities are comprised of manufacturing areas, living quarters, support and
maintenance bays, commercial and service
malls, and smail transportation stations.
As with any highly industrialized planet, Kothlis has its risky neighborhoods. While the residential and commercial areas are kept clean and
well-patrolled, some of the warehouse, docking
bay and factory districts are not so safe. An
occasional business failure keeps the light industry sectors dotted with abandoned facilities, which .inevitably attract beggars, swoop
gangs and smugglers. As long as these groups
don't cause too much trouble for big business,
the local government looks the other way.
These abandoned areas are also home to
several Bothan spynet facilities. Although espionage isn't tolerated as much as it is on
Bothawui, Kothlis is still a relatively secure
location for some spynet operations. The most
important of these small facilities is a stronglydefended salehouse hidden behind an industrial park with dilapidated offices and a row of
storage units. Here, the Bothan spynet's
decryption experts process data from many
sources, breaking codes, slicing into the datanet
at the Imperial consulate, and managing and
disseminating the spynet's immense flood of
information. For obvious reasons, the
safehouse's location is a closely-guarded secret.
Like Bothawui, Kothlis is officially part of the
Empire, but it's governed by a Bothan colonial
board. The Empire maintains a token consulate
with a handful of stormtroopers. Contingents of
the local Imperial Navy sector fleet occasionally
make sweeps through the system, but major
shows of force are rare - on occasion the fleet
is called in to deal with pirate and smuggler
activity that is impeding shipping, but on the
whole the Empire keeps its fingers out of the
lucrative enterprises on Kothlis.
Kothlis is the fourth of seven planets in its
system - most of its neighbors are gas giants or

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

hapter Five: Planets
.~. =================:.~~~~

metal-cored spheres which the Bothans had

mined to their limit in antiquity. The system's
dim red sun doesn't provide much warmth for
the outer planets, but tends to bake the innermost planets, which have irregular orbits. Kothlis
itself has three small moons and an odd asteroid
trail - perhaps the remains of a fourth moon.
The asteroids are a bit of an astrographical
hazard, but are easy to pick up on scanners by
locating a large chunk of rock which seems to
lead the swarm in a shaky parabolic orbit around
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Cool

Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)

Hydrosphere: Moist

Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Plains, mountains, forests, urban

Length of Day: 22 standard hours

Length of Year: 408 local days
Sapient Species: Bothans, humans, various aliens

Starport: Standard class

Population: 807 million

Planet Function: Colony, manufacturing

Government: Imperial consul-general with Bothan colo-

nial board
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Mid technology. high technology
Major Imports: Raw materials

I<othfis Shadowport
The odd asteroid trail and three moons orbiting Kothlis make good hiding places for smugglers and other outlaws. The system's
astrographicalfeatures are conducive to smuggling activities, and a number of fringe elements
ferry corporate industrial secrets, high technology prototypes, and restricted cargoes off the
planet. In fact, the smuggling fUns out of Kothlis
have been lucrative enough that a shadowport
has been established on one of the moons.
Kothlis' second moon was formerly a training
ground and ordnance testing zone for the Bothan
Militia years before the Empire's rise to power.
Its scrub land and rocky canyons were used to
train troops in ground combat maneuvers and
to test starfighter and capital ship air-to-ground
strikes. Some areas ofthis moon are pock-marked
with craters from turbolaser blasts and proton
torpedoes. Such features - and the moon's
general state of abandonment - presented an
opportune environment for quiet smuggling

The Kothlis shadowport provides limited

services to smuggler and pirate ships which
roam the sector. Its docking bays are situated in
proton torpedo blast craters left over from the
moon's military days. Each "crater" has been
excavated and reinforced and is large enough to

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

hold a light freighter or a starfighter. Electromagnetic countermeasure camo-netting can

quickly be dragged over a bay from concealed
storage bunkers along the crater rim. Bulk
freighters or larger pirate corvettes ollen land
in nearby clearings, although they don't enjoy
the security benefits of the camo netting.
The crater bays are connected by a series of
tunnels linking surface entrances and underground chambers. The port administrator, an
old pirate named Rithgar, charges no port fees
in credits, but expects visitors to leave behind
an adequate share of supplies and spare freighter
parts. Rithgar's storage bays contain heaps of
old starship c.omponents, most from scrapped
vessels or from discarded systems. Spacers can
purchase salvage rights to these junk heaps if
they need parts, but must provide their own
technical repair services. Several caves have
been excavated and furnished with old cots
rickety chairs and uneven tables - crude liVing
conditions, but Rithgar provides them to smugglers free of charge. One cavern is filled with
plunder from Rithgar's old pirating days, and
serves as his quarters - a few well-stocked
crates form an impromptu bar, where the old
pirate often entertains his numerous guests.
A small command area contains controls for
the base reactor and a rudimentary sensors and
communication system. Although the components haven't been upgraded in years, Rithgar
uses them to monitor the status of customs
ships and any other space trallic in the system.
The base has relatively few defenses - a few
sensor pods around a perimeter - but Rithgar
keeps a blaster carbine handy at all times, and
he has an old Z-95 Headhunter ready in case he
needs to make a quick escape.
Kothlis shadowport attracts an odd assortment of visitors. Many small-time smugglers use
it as a stopover and refueling point where they
can rest from their latest cargo runs. It's a safe
haven where they can also trade news about
lucrative markets and dangerous regions of
space, and where they can boast of their latest
adventures. The port also has its share of Rebels
passing through. Their starfighters and operations teams use the repair and refueling facilities, and glean whatever intelligence they can
from others using the port.
Of course, the Bothan spynet has long been
aware of the Kothlis shadowport. The Bothans
allow the port to operate, since its effect on local
shipping is negligible and it is the perfect site for
spynet agents to keep tabs on the smuggler
community. On rare occasions, the spynet uses
the shadowport for their own operations. Few





Hasty Exit
To'iIr and hi~ smuggler apprentice, Liadden, sat
on one of the fancy divan.s in Rithgar's quarters. The
master of the Kothlis shadowport had invited them
into his ostentatiol!sly decorated chamber for a
drink and the latest news from their smuggler peers.
. To'iIr, his Twi'lekhead-tails draped casually over
his shoulder, sipped hot calfa. Liadden, much bolder
than her elderly mentor, had their host mi>; up a
flameout. Rithgar served it up in some crystal goblet worthy of a queen, o.n a silver tray carved in
ancient runes. The entire cave chamber was'piled
high with loot - including a,n'ofd Alderaanian tapestry, a few plush Wroonian carpets, carved'greel
wood end tables, and even 'an exquisite oil-burning
chandelier from Xaza N. It was hard to believe this
was a smuggler shadowport. The open blast door to
Rithgar's command area showed computer screens
and sensor scanners monitoring activity within the
system. The old pirate liked his luxurious plunder,
but also knew how to run his shadowport
,Liadden fidgeted impatiently. They had already
refueled theirfreighter, theSeuenty-5euenStars, an<~
picked up a few spare parts in r~turn for some of
their ship's stores. Yet her elderly mentor had
insisted on socializing with their host, who leaned
up against the crates filled with his private stock of
drink, picking at his scruffy beard and breaking out
now and then in piratical laughter. "I hear that
Imperial Moll is still after you for that little stunt you
pulled," Rithgar said. "That's what you get for picking up young ones to help you fly that rusty clunker
you call a star freighter."
"She fast," To'iIr said. "Never better."
"Who d'ya mean?" Rithgar laughed, "The ship or
the girl? Haw, haw!"
The other visitor to Rithgar's homey quarters
was a younger Twi'lek relaxing in the self-eonforming chair across from To'iIr and Liadden. He had
introduced himself as Tru'eb. So far he had said
nothing, sitting quietly and occasionally chuckling
to himself, no doubt at the conversation going on
around him. Perhaps he had something to do with
To'iIr's insistence that they stay and mingle.
"And you, my quiet friend," Rithgar chortled,
nodding to Tru'eb. "How are things with your lady
"Do you mean my ship or myoid partner?" he

coolly asked, sipping some sort of blue frothy concoction.

Rithgar only laughed heartily.
"The tuudrian Star is fine," the other Twi'lek said.
"Platt is also well. She's running ryll from Ryloth into
the Corporate Sector."
"Is Sector cleared, or do difficulties exist?" To'i1r I
calmly asked.
"Platt can handle it," Tru'eb responded. Liadden I
noticed his head-tails move, probably an elaboration on the comment meant only for To'i1r. She
noticed her mentor's head-tails gesture as well, a
motion she had come to learn as a comment of
"Hear other interesting news?" To'i1r asked.
"Bettie and Jaxa are still bickering," Tru'eb said.
"Nothing serious, I am certain. Nada Synnt is capitalizing on the rawmat shortage. Roarke is still getting
into trouble." With each comment, Liadden noticed
the Twi'lek's head-tails move - and To'i1r's moved
in response. There was much more to this conversation than what was being said audibly.
Then Liadden understood. This wasn't just some
refueling stop for To'i1r - this was an intelligencegathering visit. Tru'eb here was another smuggler,
and they were trading notes. Some were meant to be
heard by other people, and other comments were
meantonlyforTo'i1r. Liadden had heard rumors that
the Bothans'had some stake in this shadowport, and
wondered if'the Twi'leks' secret conversation was a
Rithgar turned to the command center door in response to an oscillating beep coming from the sensors
computer. "BytheFtreRingsofFornaxl"hecursed.To'iir
and Liadden rose simultaneously while Tru'eb slowly
placed his drink on the end table. "The sensors are
picking up something big-an Imperial ship ... aSuper-class StarDestroyerand supportvessels!"
When Liadden turned back to her mentor, he was
already gathering his things. Tru'eb paused momentarily in his hurried way out the door, no doubt to his
s!:lip. "Ma-aUesh, friend," he said. To'i1rnodded back, I
then Tru'eb. disappeared ihto the stone corridors
linking:the shadowport's docking bays.
"Come, young one," To'i1r said, dragging her by
the hand. "Hasty exit. Imperial problems not good ...
not now."

pirate groups use the port's facilities, since it's

more useful for light freighters and fighters than
pirate corvettes. However, an occasional
starfighter fleet attached to a pirate group sometimes drops in for quick refueling and repairs
before heading out for another sortie against
nearby shipping lanes.


The homeworld of the Rodians is a planet in
the Tyrius star system surrounded by several
small moons: Rodia is a tropical planet whose
land masses are covered in dense jungles and
forests teeming with a wide assortment of life.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook




Hunting Holiday
Boddu Bocck crouched low in the jungle underbrush. He checked the bolts in his powered crossbow, then stroked his reddish beard, contemplating
the tropical terrain around him. Bocck was only a
few kilometers from the edge of Equator City, but it
would be a savage fight all the way. There were
provincial jungle Rodians out here, Rodians who
didn't take too kindly to meddlesome trespassers. It
was all part of the challenge.
The bounty hunter took stock of his surroundings. He was crouched within the roots of a large
jungle tree covered with fuzzy moss. To the northwhere he was headed - was a canal of sorts, one of
those long pools of stagnant water which collects
between the land which clutches to the trees. He
could probably jump it if he had a running start, but
Bocck didn't want to leave his cover just now. He
couldn't see through the murky liquid. The local
Rodians probably put a trap in there, either some
kind of contact poison chemical, long spikes, or a
creature of some sort. At least that's what Bocck
would have done if he were a Rodian protecting his
territory. The ones in these parts were paranoid of
other warring clans and ruffians sent by Navik the
Red. And after his past visits, Bocck was certain they
were wary of him.
To the south stood a few vine-covered boulders,
then more jungle trees. Plenty of cover for a Rodian
hunting party out for blood. Some might think shooting a few Rodians in their home territory was foolish,
but Bocck knew it was an effective way to get them
out of their enclave for the hunt. And what better
way for a bounty hunter to hone his skills than play
prey for a while against the most notorious hunter
species in the galaxy?
Bocck had shot many jungle province Rodians on
previous trips. They didn't look much different than

the city Rodians - their clothes were a bit more

ragged, but they were still extremely intelligent on
ahunt, and still used blasters. They weren't barbarians - they were simply exiled clans, groups which
had been persecuted in the cities, and purists who
believed in the old, violent ways rather than the new
industrialized ones. All had good reason to protect
their turf.
He had been watching one rock for almost 10
minutes when one of the vines rustled. There was a
Rodian hiding behind that rock, Bocck thought,
with a few of his pals nearby. This wasn't going to be
easy. He scanned the ground between his jungle
tree root hiding place: a few twigs, moist humus,
and two fist-sized stones. Bocck gathered the rocks
in one hand, then peered over the root at the
stagnant pool. If he was right that the water was
somehow booby-trapped, this ploy would work ...
With a flick of his hand, the two stones soared
through the air, then splashed one after the other
into the water. Cupping his free hand near his
mouth, Bocck cried out in surprise toward the pool.
When he spun around toward the vine-covered
rocks, Bocck knew his hunters had taken the bait.
Assuming their quarry had stumbled into the pool
trap, three Rodians with blaster rifles jumped out
from their hiding places and rushed toward the
water. Bocck fired off three crossbow bolts, each
one finding its mark in an unfortunate Rodian. Now
that the initial charge was over, he could make his
run to jump the pool.
Even as he leaped over the water, Bocck still
couldn't see anything beneath its murky surface,
but he soon realized he should have been watching
the other shore. A lone Rodian had managed to
sneak around to this side while Bocckwas watching
the rocks. The Rodian popped out from behind a

The coastlines are humid, fed by jungle swamps

and frequent rainfall from stormy purple and
gray clouds. Most Rodians live in the bustling
cities, the business and residential areas surrounded by the sprawling industrial complexes
which fuel the planet's weapons technology
enterprises. Unlike Rodians of the past, the
urban inhabitants today have forgotten how to
cull their food from the remaining jungles. Instead, they concentrate on manufacturingweapons in their immense industrial centers and
much of the planet's food is imported. Not only
do these industrial sectors insulate the cities
from the jungle, but they are rapidly consuming
the tropical forests in their infectious growth.
Some areas of Rodia are still wild. Many pro-


vincial Rodians still live in heavily fortified clan

enclaves deep in the jungles. Most are hesitant
to join the cosmopolitan life for personal differences or clan conflicts. This arrangement has
been encouraged by the ruthless Rodian leader,
Navik the Red. Navik rose to power by warring
with clans opposed to his rule, cementing the
dominance of his own clan, the Chattzas. He
eliminated his enemies in a series of fierce and
bloody campaigns which spanned several star
systems. By the end, Navik named himself Grand
Protector of the Rodians. He quickly moved to
"transfer" those Rodians within the government
who showed even the slightest bit of hesitation
about supporting his edicts, exiling them to
jungie province posts.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

tree and belted Bocck in the gut with some kind of

staff made from strong jungle wood. He fell back on
the soft humus near the pool, then rolled in time to
avoid the Rodian's downward thrust with the staff.
Bocck grabbed the staff's end and yanked on it to
draw his opponent closer. Using the Rodian's momentum. Bocck released the staff, grabbed his
attacker's belt, and swung him into the pool.
Bocck had been right about the seemingly innocuous water - rather than floating on the top. the
Rodian seemed to stick there, unmoving and lifeless,
impaled on the sharpened spikes lurking just below
the surface ...
Visitors to Rodia are discouraged from venturing deep into the tropical jungles. There is
little threat from the immense predators which
used to roam these forests - the Rodians have
long since hunted most o[ them to extinction.
However, wayward travelers are easy prey [or
Rodian provincial clans, which view trespassers as fair hunting game. Although the urban
areas are much more civilized in this aspect,
visitors are cautioned to make sure other aliens
are always in sight. Travel in groups is advised,
and certain all-Rod ian neighborhoods can be as
deadly as the jungle.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

A blast splintered part of a nearby tree. Bocck

rose and turned to shoot the Rodian dodging for
cover behind one of the boulders - he squealed as
the powered crossbow bolt imbedded itself in his
chest. Then Bocck was off, scampering through the
thick Rodian jungle as if he had been born and
raised there.
A few more kilometers and Bocck would reach
the outskirts of Equator City. There he could hitch
a ride to his hotel, just in time for a relaxing bath, an
exquisite dinner, and a late-night hand of sabacc. It
was a perfect day in his annual training vacation on

Equator City
The most notabie metropolis for visitors is
Equator City, the primary starport and largest
urban area on the planet. The city is a tourist's
paradise. Situated along a coastline which runs
east-west along the equator, this urban sprawl
offers tropical beaches, clear waters and cosmopolitan amenities. Visitors and natives alike
come here to bask on the pristine beaches,
swim in the shallow bays, or go motosurfing
through the lightly pounding waves. Such attractions are only brief respites from the hot
and sticky climate here, which is fed by moisture from the sea to the north and the jungle
swamps to the south. The dense city itself also



contributes to the sometimes oppressive heat.

Of course, the main attraction is the city.
Entertainment industries hug the shore like so
many parasitic morrts clinging to a fat
Gamorrean. Restaurants, pleasure halls, casinos, amphitheaters, and hotels of every class
gratify any desire for the appropriate price.
These businesses are cradled in an entirely
fabricated atmosphere of bio-engineered lawns,
trees and bushes, signs glowing with electroreactive gases, and pleasant music piped in
through concealed speakers. It's all meant to
put visitors at ease so they will dump thousands
of credits into Equator City's entertainment industry. The largest complexes are often run by
entertainment corporations, but some are actually front companies for criminal organizations
or political groups. Of course, most visitors
hope to win big at the gambling machines and
sabacc tables, but Equator City can be a harsh
place for those without the self-discipline to
quit before they've lost all their money ... or the
common sense to realize that not all tables and
machines areas "honest" as management claims.
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)

Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Jungle, ocean, urban
Length of Day: 29 standard hours



_. . .

Length of Year. 305 local days

Sapient Species: Radians (N), humans, various aliens

Starports: 4 Stellar class

Population: 1.3 -billion Radians, 100,000 humans and

Planet Function: Homeworld
Government: Radian Grand Protector
Tech Level: Space (in cities), industrial (in jungle prov-

Major Exports: Weapons technology
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, luxury goods

The Flip of the Credit Casino

The Flip of the Credit is a typical casino in
Equator City. Built many years ago in a rather
opulent architectural style, the casino's worn
appearance complements the other buildings in
its entertainment complex: the Sovar Imperial
Hotel, Calliandro's (a restaurant with excellent
Kubaz cuisine), and Stufar's Grand Dancitorium.
Like many casinos in the city, it is packed with
sabacc tables, electronic gambling devices, card
games, credit disc machines, randomizerwheels,
and Trin stick tables. Visitors are often required
to purchase 100 credits worth of cred chits for
the games - "just to get them started," the
management claims - but many machines and
dealers take regular credits (and other valuabies) as the evening's gambling spree wears on
into the early morning hours.
The mobs of players, dealers and bodyguards
are as much a part of the atmosphere as the
smoke and dank odor of spice which permeates
the establishment. The Flip of the Credit at-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

tracts a varied crowd: gamblers tired of a complacent life in the Core Worlds, down-on-theirluck smugglers trying to recoup losses from
busted cargo runs, and underworld thugs investing their earnings or receiving covert "payments" through rigged games all populate the
tables and lounges.
Although the "no blasters" policy is clearly
posted near the entrances, patrons and employees alike all seem to be carrying weapons around
the Flip of the Credit. Part of this comes from a
code of behavior"anybody can carry a blaster,
but knowing when it is prudent to draw it and
when it's best to leave it in the holster is what
separates the living from the dead. Anyone mindless enough to incite or participate in hostile
activities will soon learn that management is
swift to "prosecute" those violating the "no
blasters" rule. The casino security force is not
terribly subtle about being seen: large armed
guards of every species haunt the corridors and
casino floors, scanning for anybody who may
cause trouble and need to be blasted.
The casino's operator, a Rodian named Avaro
Sookcool, seems to be an intense data-cruncher.
He occasionally passes through the casino floor,
disdainfully looking over the games and the
innumerable patrons. Avaro has a passing interest in the business, as he represents certain
concerns in the criminal underworld. He often
has more important matters to attend to; and
leaves security and surveillance up to a handpicked team of Rodians who wander around in
expensively tailored suits, no doubt designed to
conceal the body armor beneath the fine fabric.

Vergesso Asteroid Field

The Lybeya system, an insignificant area of
Bajic sector in the Outer Rim Territories, has no
planets orbiting its sun - not even a gas giant.
Rather, several vast asteroid fields slowly orbit
a single, lonely star. The system is far enough
from major trade routes as to be impractical for
mining ventures. Even the largest asteroids are
composed of worthless slag metals and are too
much trouble to be worth excavating and processing.
Still, the Lybeya system is a valuable asset for
Ororo Transportation, a front company for the
criminal Tenloss Syndicate. Ororo has legitimate shipping interests, and it also distributes
illegal merchandise garnered from other Tenloss operations in the Outer Rim Territories.
Hidden within the asteroid field's largest rocka planetoid the size of a large moon - is Vergesso
Base, Ororo's main distribution, storage and
repair facility for its illicit operations.
The facility is carved directly into one face of

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

the giant asteroid. From the outside, it seems as

if one side is completely covered by docking
bays. The hangars vary in size, with some large
enough to accommodate up to two Corellian
Corvettes or several bulk freighters. Each is
rimmed with the white light of magnetic field
projectors keeping the atmosphere from leaking out into space. Some surface defenses dot
the perimeter, including a few turbolaser emplacements and large anti-starfighter quad laser
cannons. Several tractor beam mounts monitor
nearby asteroid activity, grabbing and maneuvering any stray rocks away from Vergesso Base.
These tractor beams also keep other large asteroids in a shaky orbit around the facility, making
sure the side riddled with docking bays is concealed from most angles. Although the base's
operations center is buried deep within the
asteroid's interior, several sensor pods relay
information to coordinate and monitor system
traffic and communications.
The asteroid is filled with large, plasma-<:arved
passageways leading to storage caverns, repair
bays, personnel quarters, repulsorlift garages,
and cargo processing areas. Skiffs skim through
the large corridors, transferring crates from
warehouse bays to docking hangars. Tech crews
scurry over ships, repairing them before their
next shipping runs. Credit-counters with
datapads inventory cargo bays and electronically tag large plastic and metal crates for transfer. Mercenaries from the Tenloss Syndicate's
Natori Association pass through the base, outfitting their ships with new weapons and consumables, and stocking up on ordnance.
Vergesso Base is a busy hub for Ororo's activities.
The facility is also the center of the Tenloss
Syndicate's lucrative spice trade. Independent
spacers who manage to smuggle spice from
Sevarcos, Kessel and Ryloth sell it here to Ororo,
where it is refined, stored and shipped off to
various markets. Ororo also has its own spice
smugglers who manage to slip large amounts of
contraband out of other locations. The
organization's spicing activities have grown so
rapidly in recent years that it has come to the
attention of other competitors, most notably
the shadowy underworld organization known
as Black Sun.
To protect the Vergesso Base and its lucrative trade in spice and other illegal or stolen
merchandise, several capital ships patrol the
system. Two Nebulon-B frigates make regular
rounds, from the Lybeya system's outermost
fringes through the asteroid fields and toward
its sun. If the need for subtlety arises, the warships pull into close orbit to one of the large





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asteroids near Vergesso Base,

theIr non-ssentIaI systems. These loa~hU)kS~.th1!L~od~p.,,~on0f-!lie-1tolen::g29C!~ \lIt -<:
are often mistaken for asteroids orcspace debris
'equipmen pr<tcessed tfirou~J)roro,S;ergesso""
on scanners, if they are noticed at all. Howe~r,
lA.sterJid basehds up mft'e.h'ilnds of the Rebel
i liance. n th~ast, Ororo ha~elped provide
this surprise tactic does have its risks~ it taKesl
s;veral minutes to bring the capi.t%1 ships'
gmes, shIelds and weapons back \@lhne.Theseil~~Delhon']jases and outposts. Most of thIS mavessels' captains often wait until~..11 enemy h'a~\'~ 't~Piel l"'hs=ni(s'-rout;d from corporate warepassed them by and then shp bacK;!J;thmd asterf.--houses to smugglers cargo bays by faulty transoid cover before powering up. IUliS' defegse~e,r oroers !planted in computers by Ororo's
force is supplemented by any co~tes docke:Slicerst:-..ygQod portion is also siphoned off from
at the Vergesso Base and a flock o~t'a!rfightJr~~
ttje Te.nlliss Syndicate's Galindas Exports diviwhich includes snubships like th~Z-95 He'ad~ sion4~hich runs an immense fencing operation
hunters or stolen Corporate Secto'f"A.lftI10r\ity~&nearbySkine sector. Some shipments are
IRDs, as well as V-wings and X-wings flown by
delivered covertly to hot areas where the Rebel
acti~ty is intense- for instance, Ororo's smugvisiting Rebel pilots escorting cargoes bound
for Alliance bases.
gler ~'gents are the principle gun-runners and
One would think such a large operation in an
suppliers of Alliance resistance groups on the
out-of-the-way system like Lybeyawould attract
oppreis"ed planet of Ralltiir. However, Ororo
sometim"es makes more open deliveries to large
attention. Indeed, Imperial sector authorities
are well aware of Ororo's secret base. The local
Rebel installations and fleets. Its bulk freighters
are well-protected by Corellian Corvettes, and
Imperial sovereign, Grand Moff Kintaro, has not
classified the operation as a threat to sector
additional starfighter forces provided by the
security, and thus has not brought it to the
Rebel Alliance ensure the cargo arrives safely.
attention of Imperial military forces. Kintaro's
Unlike some other criminal organizations,
actions might seem lax, but heis well paid for his
Ororo Transportation and the Tenloss Syndicate favor the Rebel Alliance and workto underinaction. Ororo delivers a hefty monthly tribute
to Kintaro's capital on Talofan, and the Grand
mine the Empire. Ororo sells goods to the RebelMoff is content to look the other way - somelion at extremely low prices, and Vergesso Base
is a known safe port for Alliance vessels. Rebel
times even actively concealing Ororo's activiships operating in Bajic sector and nearby 10ties from his own staff and officers.



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

cales often drop in for repairs and resupply, and
the base's docking areas are sometimes filled
with as many Alliance officers and crew as there
are Ororo employees.
The crime syndicate's sympathies toward
the Rebellion stem from several recent encounters with the Imperial Navy. At times Imperial
forces have been overzealous in their campaign
against certain underworld entities, and the
Tenloss Syndicate has all too often felt the brunt
of Imperial might. Tenloss' leaders feel the galaxy would be a much more lucrative place for
criminal operations if the Empire were replaced
with a much more idealistic - yet ineffectual fledgling government. Of course, the TenIoss
Syndicate doesn't make this beliefwidely known.

from cyclonic storms to the south, leaving

chasms filled with jagged outcroppings of red
The enclave's facilities begin at the edge of
the Grand Trench canyons. A long-range Imperial sensor post monitors starship traffic and
communications for the starport nearby. Spaceport docking bays,landing pads, repair hangars
and support services extend around the sensor
post and along the gorge rim.
Industria! and residential areas swarm around
the starport. This industrial area caters to the
sector fleet's needs. Corpo~ationswhich supply
Imperial Navy vessels have plants there which
manufacture starship parts, process and package food, assemble capital-Ship electronics systems, and mass-produce.;[rttperial-issue goods
like uniforms, datapads arid comlinks.
is not a training
The Imperial enclave ai.labr
The lahr system lies near the astrographical
center of the Outer Rim Territory's Cadavine
gro~nd for !mperial perso,nnel: as some might
,mt\ally believe. It IS a fo~matlOn and depl~ysector. When the system was formed billions of
years ago, the spinning gases from the system's
ment center for components of the [mpenal
NiI~ s.ector fleet on ~er~.tlpn~ t~roughout the
sun coalesced into a single orbiting planet, an
immense gas giant named lahr. The heavier
~'mllvme sector: . ne '?llanetslde base Itself IS
elements from this oversized gas sphere spun.".....-Immense. [n addl~lOn to the barrac~_~or [mpeoff to form over a dozen satellite moon?,\Vhich' nal }.rmy !?rces~ CJ.l!arte~s for m.e !nnumertotter around lahr in somewhat shakY orbits~
ab.[e 1~p:ena'-Ngyy"ofhcIals and-admmlstrat~[s, _
-=With few natural resources;th~'sYSfein,wOliia thIS ,:"\IItary personnel. tran~Roft cQ.nta~ns
-h'iive'r~rrlarnea'ol:iseFrrie'al1d:undeVelopedlff~ hOt,IsIQg-for th,ou~an?~=q1c~wmen...passmg~
local sector capital r;;cen ly-est-a6lisfied on
!-hrp~ghla~r-09heIrway:~o ar1 from p,osts on
otherlmpenal;neldCadavmes~ctorwor-ldsandDorva II a h a d no t b een Iocat e on y
I th I h t th - - - away by hyperspace route. The Empire;is at-~ mp'ena @!Y vesse.~_ mpg ~u
e area:
. Ty,;N,nJP.en~~tgartnl>.<!jf t ~Ulltm.thet tYP ICt!:I,
tempting to reclaim this area from fringe groups
t e and colonists who took over when the Old ReImposmg arc I e<;,.ura ,s ye - .pro ec::.
public administration running the sector colground b~e, o~e...J .":acli en, Ith-t,v: longrange sensor statoon .~o th,e south form''!~-E'e
lapsed years ago. While the Imperial sector
administration tries to bring ~ureaucratic order
thIrd. pomt of ~ (Jefenslve tnangl:, 'Hie garrIsons
pr~Vlde T[E hgh!er rotectlOn-for the ~oo~;
to the sector on Dorvalla, the area's real power,
two 1mpenal Star Destroyersand theIr
th e Imp e n
avy s a avme ec r
,TIE r h v -' rJ. t ------------:'t _h' h
ates from the Imperial enclave in lahr system in
I~ )er i~m!sf:lJlam ~cun yo~.I=:.g,=..
the effort to rein the sector back into the
above Gall s-surface. Smce ~e-often seems
Emperor's fold.
little need for .tlie g~sonsl walKer a~ scou
umts, elements of these groups are often transferred to other vessels on speciflCCa(Javine
The Imperial Enclave on Gall
sector missions. The ase's troops'protect=and
Gall, labr's largest and most stable moon, is
patrol the main base:andialso sefi.le as security
home to the Cadavine Sector Fleet [mperial
for the starport, in conj\.mction with a.small
Enclave, a spra,wling planetside facility which
contingent of Imperial Customs,gfficers.
supports the Empire's naval activities throughThe Imperial,dass-st<l.rport cater to""miliout the sector.
tary, corporate ana' civilian nee So Entire sec-'
The [mperial endave is on the planet's northtions of docKing'ba~s~are \requ~ntl COl}!oned
ern continent. The southern contInent is conoff for use by Imperial'forces. Transports ferry
stantly plagued by turbulent cyclonic storms
capital,ship crews to othei.bosts on theirway, to
and other severe atmospheric conditions which
n'ew assigmhkAtsl ~bJ)!rcL,starsniRs1 battici'patoccasionally spill over to affect weather in the
ing in da.tla'VPn~~e'2tbr lnilitary-oR{r'ations. Sl,lQ:
north. The enclave is situated on a plateau
ply ships bring in Ipuch.need,ed.consumables
which borders a badlands region known as the
commoditi~s which:the,local indusGrand Trench canyons. These narrow gorges
trial plants cannot-manMactw-.e;'Gor\3orate
were carved by millennia of water rushing down

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


freighters haul in raw materials and components for their factories, and free-traders bring
in luxury goods and other, illicit cargoes to fulfill
the needs of base personnel.
Many starport facilities - other than docking bays, repair hangars and warehouses cater to military personnel stationed on Gall.
Restaurants, casinos, bars and other entertainment establishments cater to the desires of
visitors and soldier alike. The proprietors of
these businesses are more than happy to accept
an Imperial officer's idle-time credits alongside
the credits of some tramp-freighter captain. The
spaceport maintains an almost carnival-like atmosphere, especially at night when starport
streets are crowded with pleasure-seekers, their
faces aglow with light from illuminated signs
advertising entertainment houses. Parties (and
sometimes brawls) from restaurants, hotels and
bars often spill out into the street - although
the local Imperial authorities maintain a firm
sense of order.
The presence of various alien species also
contributes to this mood. Although the Empire
often persecutes non-humans, aliens are allowed
in the starport quarter. However, they are unwelcome beyond the borders of this area. Wayward aliens are swiftly removed from checkpoints leading to industrial areas, the Imperial
base, or blocks of docking bays used for naval
transports - any alien caught within these


restricted zones is severely punished, even possibly summarily executed if the being is suspected of espionage. The Empire realizes that
alien traders are an important part of the Outer
Rim economy, and often takes steps to ensure
non-humans are welcome in certain secure starport and commercial sections of Gall. Unfortunately, the Empire also sees aliens as a possible
threat and makes sure they do not stray into
restricted areas.
Since the starport is the most visible area to
visitors, and since it's frequented by spacers
and military personnel alike, it's substantially
more impressive than the other factories, residential quarters, and base buildings. Tall buildings slant upward, piling businesses high, but
still allowing for a good view of the sky from
both street and window. The streets are broad
enough to allow a steady flow of pedestrian
traffic, while repulsorlift vehicles travel in the
wider lanes above the crowds. Shops at the
street level keep their doors open during the
day, and many entertainment establishment
doors stay open at night, too. The upper levels
of these buildings often house offices or apartments, and some have landing pads for
repulsorlift vehicles dropping passengers off.
The starport quarter seems very much like any
other modern city - who would notice the
presence of a vast Imperial military base only a
few kilometers away?

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Glory Support
Chief was up late again, squatting in the warehouse hangar's corner, trying to get the heater
unit's reactor going. The other technicians were
asleep in the junky cargo containers which served
as barracks. At least they were slightly warmer than
the hangar. The expansive warehouse area wasn't
as cold as Hath, but at least on that snowy planet
they had cold weather gear to keep them warm in
the ice-cut service bays.
Chief wrenched the torque-spanner again, but it
flew off the power fixture, clattering to the hardened stone floor. She sat down on the cold rock and
shook her head. This was too much. After a bumpy
deployment onto Kile, Chief and the other techs in
Rogue Squadron's support crew had marched
through unstable badlands, braved a flash flood,
and found the cargo container with their prefab
base in the rocky foothills. Then they dragged all
the cast-plast pieces out and assembled them, all
under the direction of a few Rebel engineers who
each believed they were the base commander.
In a day or so the Rogues would sneak into the

Type: TerrestrIal moon

Temperature: Cool
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate

Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Plateau, canyon, forest
length of Day: 29 standard hours
Length of Year. 369 local days

Sapient Species: Humans. some aliens

Starport: Imperial class
Population: 57 million
Planet Function: Imperial Enclave
Govemment: Imperial Navy Admiral

Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: Starship parts and systems
Major Imports: Raw materials. foodstuffs

Kile is one of two moons which pass extremely close to Zahr in their orbits. It is rather
nondescript as moons go - marginally habitable by humans and covered with mountain
ranges, eroded badlands and rolling scrubplains. Little rain falls on the prairies - most
moisture falls in the highlands as snow, then
melts, carves its way through the badlands, and
evaporates just as it sinks into the plains. Kile's
atmosphere barely registers as Type I, and those
staying there for extended times often complain
of a shortness of breath when exerting themselves.
Despite its proximity to the Imperial Enclave
on Gall, Kile was selected for a temporary and

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

system. stay for a few days, complete their mission

and jump out, taking all the glory with them. The
tech crew does all the work, and the hot-shot rocket
jocks take all the credit. If it weren't for their technical support, the Rogues wouldn't be flying those
banged-up starfighters, and they wouldn't be landing them at the support base on Kile. Chief was
weary of sweating away her life so some starfighter
pilot could have it easy.
That was it. Chief had already decided she wanted
out of this unit. The arrangements had been made.
If she came through, she'd be done with the Rebellion and heading out of sight with enough credits to
be happy the rest of her life.
She whipped off her service cap, tied up her hair
and tucked it back out of her way, all while staring
at the busted heating unit. With a few more hours of
work, Chief might be able to eke a Iitlle bit of warm
air out of it -certainly not enough to heat any part
of the makeshift starfighter base comfortably. It
would have to do for now ... until better things came
along. And Chief knew that soon they would ...

hastily erected Rebel starfighter base. The Rebellion had long thought of establishing a small
surveillance post on Kile to monitor starship
traffic and communications at the Imperial Enclave, but Kile was thought to be too close to
Zahr. The immense gas giant's magnetic field
and Kile's own mineral composition near the
surface would have interfered with surveillance
electronics. However, this phenomenon also
fouls sensor readings from passing vessels, effectively masking most activities on the surface
from all sensors except visual detection. While
the small base on Kile is isolated, it seems an
ideal hiding piace from which ashort-lived campaign of brief starfighter operations can be carried out.
The base itself is little more than a prefabricated warehouse serving as a hangar. The castplast prefab pieces were loaded into a driver
barge's detachable cargo container, transported
to the Zahr system, and dropped rather unceremoniously as the freighter passed Kile on its
way to Gall. Although the cargo container had
been heat shielded and reinforced against impact, the cast-plast building components didn't
fare too well. An expeditionary crew was carefully smuggled onto the moon to assemble the
base before the starfighters and pilots from
Rogue Squadron showed up for a quick mission
against the Imperial Enclave on Gall.
The set-up crew consisted of a few Rebel


engineers and RogueSquadron's technical crew.
One smuggling run supplied additional
consumables - food, water, power cells, weapons and medical supplies -and another brought
in the crew's technical support machinery and
spare parts. In order to evade Imperial detection, these freighters arranged their arrival or
departure from Gall to coincide with Kile's orbit
passing the far side of Zahr - their flight plans
and hyperspace jump vectors were planned to
bring them relatively close to Kile, long enough
for them to dip into low orbit and jettison their
heat and impact-shielded cargo undetected.
The Rebel engineers used plasma-grids to
form a smooth construction surface in the rock
of the mountainous foothills. Rogue Squadron's
technical crew helped assemble the plastic beam
framework and the sheet metal sidings and roof,
living out of the smaller consumables cargo
modules, which were crudely furnished with
whatever personal gear the crew had brought.
The whole base still smells of burned rock from
the plasma-grids and it's just about as cold
inside the hangar as it is outside, since the
heating unit's reactor busted when it was
dropped with the initial prefab parts. Rogue
Squadron's technical crew hasn't been too en-


thused with this assignment, but they koow it's

only temporary. On the whole, the base isn't
very comfortable - but that's not its purpose.
The Kile facility is little more than a service
hangar for X-wings on standby for a quick mission against the Imperial Enclave.
No doubt there are other interesting areas on
Kile - the highlands' cascading falls, the vast
caverns carved out deep beneath the badlands,
and the pristine shores where the plains meet
the moon's single small sea, for example, but
few have explored the moon, and the local Imperial forces actively discourage stray travelers
from exploring Kile or any of Zahr's other moons.

Type: Terrestrial moon
Temperature: Cool

Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)

Hydrosphere: Dry

Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Barren, mountain, plain
Length of Day: 20 standard hours

Length of Year: 535 local days

Sapient Species: Humans, aliens
Starport: Landing field
Population: 50
Planet Function: Hidden, temporary Rebel base

Tech Level: Space (near base)

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Chapter Six: Aliens

training. Falleen'a~e'long-lived, with an average

life span nearfflg 250 Sta~ard years; some exare knbwn
to have lived as
ceptIOnal Falleen
long as 400 year~.
F~leen.generaUy do not show emotion, partiCillarly,in'!JulJlic. Their culture and physiology
reIP'{~hJm develop great control over the outFalleen
w~d s~~ of passion and anger; while the Falleen
The Falleen are a reptilian speCie; from the
expenence very strong emotions, they simsystem of the same name. They are'w{dely redo
not1disPlay t~em. The Falleen consider
garded as one of the more aesthetic~lly-pleas
tha~ mdulge m emotionalism - in paring species of the galaxy, with an ex{!;tic appeartIcular,
- to be inferior. They prefer to
ance and powerful pheromone-creation and
cautious since they consider
color-changing abilities. Falleen have scaled
and clear thought to
hides, with a pronounced spiny ridge running
than being enslaved
down their backs. The ridge is slightly raised
and sharp, a vestigial feature inherited from
Their self-control extends to their skin color
their evolutionary predecessors. While their
pheromones. While their skin is generally
hides are often a deep or graying green, the
in color, the Falleen can change their
color may fluctuate towards red and orange
warm hues (often in order to gain
when they release pheromones to attract suitthe
of others). In addition, they can
able mates. These pheromones also have a progenerate
pheromones that render
nounced effect on many other human-stock spe~any hu.manoid species susceptible to suggescies: Fallen have often been described as "virtu- . ,
tIOn. While the Falleen usually keep their pheroally irresistible."
mones "in check," they can often use this ability
Falleen females are visually almost identical
achIeve a number of results. For instance, if a
to males, with the most notable exception being
were bargaining over the price on a work
that their spinal ridge tends to be somewhat
she might lighten her skin tones and
smaller, although it is also a brighter green in
small dosage of pheromones, setting
color. Females also tend to exhibit less ability to
at ease and making him more
change their skin color as their moods change,
wishes. If a male Falleen were
although their pheromones seem to be equally
female Imperial operative to
effective on males of many species.
cause, he might change his
Despite their reptilian origins, Falleen grow
arousing shade of red or
hair on their heads (although not on their faces).
amount of pheroFemales tend to style their long, straight hair in
elaborate coiffures, replete with exquisite
Many Falleen have some basic control over
combs, colorful beads, and other adornments.
powers, although it takes training and
Male Falleen wear their hair in neatly tied tails
to be able to use them to their utsingle braids and topknots. Falleen physique;
These pheromones are imporare contoured and elegant, although some nobles
tant communication tools in Falleen culture, but
increase their musculature through rigorous
most Falleen individuals also have the disciCountless alien spesies populate the world of
the Empire, contributing much'to galactic culture and playingariimpOrf~tr.ol~iQ the struggle
between the Rebel Alliance, 'the Empire and
Black Sun.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



pline to resist the suggestions of othersFalleen may choose to allow themselves to be
influenced if it is in their best interests.
Although their technology level is considered equal to most spacefaring civilizations,
Falleen society is relatively feudal, with noble
houses ruling over lower classes of artisans,
technicians, general workers and slaves. Their
homeworld consists of several kingdoms ruled
by monarchs, most of whom care more for
political intrigue and displays of influence and
wealth than settling differences through such
primitive methods as war. The kingdoms carry
out commerce and industry, bicker over boundaries, and further their own agendas to increase
prosperity among their general populations,
but Falleen civilization is generally peaceluI.
Rather than concentrating on space travel
and conquests, Falleen society instead chose to
develop what they considered to be their already superior culture to greater heights of
refinement. Their world is self-sufficient, and
there is a somewhat arrogant belief among the
Falleen that they can exist in the galaxy without
the help of other "lesser" species. Although a
small stellar-class starport supports modest
trade, the Falleen are generally content to conduct their business on their homeworld; the
average Falleen never leaves the planet.
There are exceptions, however. Young nobles
from all the kingdoms spend part of their adolescent years on what is known as "pilgrimage"a great trip out into the galaxy to see its many
wonders. Some remain away from home, giving
up their royal claims to their siblings. Two notable Falleen nobles who left their homeworld
to make their mark on the galaxy include Xizor,
Underlord of Black Sun, and Xzuhal, a scout
working near the Unknown Regions. Most, however, return to Falleen and use what they have
learned to more prudently govern their realms.
For a species that considers itself the most
advanced in the galaxy, Falleen find little need to
indulge in what the galaxy has to offer; they'd
much rather bask in their own sense of glory at
The Falleen have made little impact on the
galaxy. They are content to manage their own
affairs on their homeworld rather than attempt
to control the "unwashed hordes of countless
run-<:lown worlds." Before the Falleen disaster
10 years ago, free-traders and a few small shipping concerns made regular runs to Falleen,
bringing unique artwork, customized weapons,
and a few exotic fruits and plants. Some Falleen
nobles were so pleased with the wonders traders could bring - especially items for which
they acquired a taste during their "pilgrimages"


- that they traded Falleen slaves for these

wares. Certainly females from what was considered one of the most beautiful species in the
galaxy would be highly prized as slave girls and
dancers. Although few Falleen slave females
were traded, those indentured to powerful masters have used their unique charms to their
benefit. Mistress Miaxi, a former slave - and
now consort to the Imperial governor on Speco
- is said to run the system by working her
Falleen charms on the enthralled governor.
Of course, the disaster of a decade ago convinced the Falleen to further remove themselves
from the events of the galaxy. The Empire's
orbital turbolaser strike laid waste to a small
city and the surrounding countryside, and travel
to and from the system was restricted by decree
of the Imperial Navy. The incident greatly angered the Falleen and wounded their pride; they
chose to withdraw from the rest of the Empire.
Recently, as the Imperial blockade was loosened, a few Falleen nobles have resumed their
"pilgrimage" tradition, but most of the Falleen
would just as soon ignore the rest of the galaxy.

Attribute Dice: 130
Special Abilities:
Attraction Pheromones: ExudIng special pheromones and
changing skin color to affect others gives Falleen a -t ID
bonus to their persuasion skill. with an additional + ID for
each hour of continuous preparation and meditation to

enhance the effects-the bonus may total no more than

+30 for anyone skill attempt and the attempt must be
made within one hour o( completing meditation.

Amphibious: Falleen can "breathe" water for up to 12

hours. They receive + I 0 to any swimming skill rolls.
Story Factors:
Rare: Falleen are rarely seen throughout the galaxy since
the Imperial blockade in their system severely limited
travel to and from their homeworld.
Move: 9/12
Size: 1.7-2.4 meters tall

The King's Requiem

King Haxim sat on a stone bench, quietly

contemplating his surroundings. The royal gardens stretched as far as he could see- not even
a hint of a palace wall or tower appeared on the
horizon. A nearby fountain gurgled a pleasant
and random tune, while insects buzzed in the
flowering trees nearby. Haxim breathed in the
air-cool water, fragrant pollen, the scent of his
finely scaled skin. He opened his eyes and drank
in the verdant splendor all around him, repre-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

sentative of all the most beautiful natural features of his homeland.
King Haxim was waiting to die.
His heralds had told him of the disaster at the
nearby Imperial research facility. They themselves had seen the results of the spreading
bacterium, as they encountered the rotting
corpses of lab technicians, lying in the doors of
the bunker they had yearned to escape. The
servants had told of riots in the cities as the
king's subjects succumbed to the necrotizing
plague. Haxim had already seen several of his
palace staff infected, and the heralds had since
perished of the disease unleashed by the Empire.
Unlike his subjects, King Haxim would not try
to flee death - he knew all too well it would
claim him soon. If the bacterium did not consume his flesh, he was certain the Imperial
warships hovering high above would rain death
upon them in a crude yet effective attempt to
eliminate their scientific abomination. He did
not want to live, for in his eyes there would be
little left. Even if only his kingdom were ravaged,
the land would forever be a blemish on the
planet and the Falleen people.
His only hope for revenge was his son, Prince
Xizor, who had left the planet years ago on his
"pilgrimage" and never returned. The lure of the
greater galaxy had ensnared him, consumed
him with its luxuries and powers. Perhaps Xizor
would use what he had gained there to avenge
his beautiful homeworld's disgrace. A fitting
purpose for one who so eagerly fled Falleen in
search of greater glory, Haxim thought.
The king looked up past the budding trees
and lazily curling clouds. There he saw the
white slivers of Imperial ships. And from their
bellies were blooming bright, green turbolaser

Human: Etti
The Etti are a race which concerns itself only
with outward appearance and the acquisition of
greater luxury. Etti, while genetically human,
tend to have lighter, less muscular physiques
than the human norm, possibly as a result of
generations of pampered living. Their flesh is
relatively soft arid pale, and their hair is among
the most finely textured in their region. Etti
often have aquiline features, giving them a
haughty look of superiority.
The Etti have long had an isolationist culture.
Over 20,000 years ago, the ancestors of the
modern Etti united in their opposition to the
political and military policies of the Galactic
Republic. This group of dissidents pooled their

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

resources and purchased several colony ships.

Declaring the Republic to be "tyrannical and too
oppressive," they left the Core Worlds and followed several scouts to a new world far-removed from the reach of Coruscant.
This new world, Etti, was mild and comfortable. Advanced terraforming and bio-engineering technologies (stolen or purchased from the
Republic) allowed them to develop a civilization
based on aesthetic pleasures and high culture.
The Etti shunned contact with the outside galaxy and their culture stagnated and became
Eventually, the rest of the galaxy "caught up"
with the isolationist people; the then newlyfounded Corporate Sector Authority offered the
Etti control of an entire system if they would
only develop and maintain it on behalf of the
CSA (and, of course, share the profits). The
Authority asked the Etti to terraform portions of
one of the planets in this system to serve as lush
estates for the Authority's ruling executives and
to develop elaborate entertainment complexes
to caterto the needs of wealthy visitors. The Etti
leaders, sensing the opportunity for great profit,
accepted the offer and relocated, bringing most
of the Etti population with them.
The Etti were given relatively free reign to
govern the planet (within Corporate Sector directives). They terraformed the land, making
virtually every hectare burst with rich foliage.
Entertainment complexes and starports were
constructed to cater to offworld traffic. The
starports were turned over to the Corporate
Sector (since they tended to attract an unsavory
element), but the rest of the planet remained in
the hands of the Etti and the Authority executives and socialites who purchased or rented
estates for their personal recreation.
As the Corporate Sector developed and grew,
Etti N's importance increased; each year, more
traffic came through its starports and more
wealthy citizens were attracted by the planet's
beauty. The Etti have made a profitable business of parceling off and selling plots of prime
property on their new planet, many as fine
estates for CSA officials, replete with villas, gardens and lakes. They are careful not to overdevelop the planet, and they pride themselves on
their land and resource management abilities.
The Etti also run several pleasure complexes
for the CSA as they believe they - more than
anyone - can best cater to the wealthy. Their
entertainment complexes -are works of art in
themselves - architectural enclaves shielded
from the harsh reality of the Corporate Sector
worlds. These complexes include hotels, casinos, pleasure halls, music auditoriums, holo-


centers, and fine restaurants, all connected by
gardens, seemingly natural waterways, and
grand tubeway bridges with greenery hanging
from planters everywhere. The entertainment
complex at Ettl IV's main starport, called the
Dream Emporium, is their most luxurious and
lucrative establishment, drawing on the wealth
of the innumerable CSA oflicials iiving on the
planet and traders travelling through the region.
Human: Etti
Attribute Dice: 120
STRENGTH 20/30+2
Special Abilities:
Affinity for Business: At the time of character creation

only. Etti characters receive 20 for every 1Dof skill dice

they allocate to bureaucracy. business, bargaining or
Size: 1. i-2.2 meters tall

Near-Hl,lman: Epicanthix
The Epicanthix are a near-human people encountered relatively .recently and known for
their combination of wariike attitudes and high
regard for art and culture. Physically, they are
quite close to genetic "baseline" humans, suggesting that they evolved from a "forgotten"
colonization effort many millennia ago. They
have lithe builds with powerful musculature.
Through training, the Epicanthix prepare their
bodies for war, yet tone them for beauty. They
are generally human in appearance, although
they tend to be willowy and graceful. Their faces
are somewhat longer than usual, with narrow
eyes. Their long black hair is often tied in ceremonial styles which are not only attractive but
The Epicanthix have always been warlike.
From their civilization's earliest days, great
armies of Epicanthix warriors have marched
from their mountain clan-fortresses to battle
other clans for control of territory - fertile
mountain pastures, high-altitude lakes, caves
rich with nutritious fungus - and in quest of
slaves, plunder and glory. They settled much of
their large planet, and carved new kingdoms
with blades and blood. During their dark ages, a
warrior-chief named Canthar united many
Epicanthix clans, subdued the others, and declared a world-wide peace. Although border
disputes erupted from time to time, the cessation of hostilities was generally maintained.
Peace brought a new age to Epicanthix civilization, spurring on greater developments in har-


vesting, architecture, commerce and culture.

While warriors continued to train and a high
value was still placed on an individual's combatreadiness, new emphasis was placed on art,
scholarship, literature and music. Idle minds
must find something else to occupy them, and
the Epicanthix further developed their culture.
Over time, cultural advancement heralded
technological advancement, and the Epicanthix
swiftly rose from an industrial society to an
information and then space technology level.
All this time, they maintained the importance of
martial training and artistic development. When
they finally developed working hyperdrive
starships, the Epicanthix set out to conquer
their neighbors in the Pacanth Reach, their local
star cluster. These first vessels were beautiful
yet deadly ships of war - those civilizations
which did not fall prostrate at the arrival of
Epicanthix landing parties were blasted into
submission. The Epicanthix quickly conquered
or annexed Bunduki, Ravaath, Fornow and
Sorimow, dominating all the major systems and
their colonies in the Pacanth Reach. In addition
to swallowing up the wealth of these conquered
worlds, the Epicanthix also absorbed their cultures, immersing themselves in the art, iiterature and music of their subject peoples.
Imperial scouts reached Epicanthix- on the
edge of the Unknown Regions - shortly after
Pal patine came to power and declared his New
Order. The Epicanthix were quick to size up
their opponents and - realizing that battling
Palpatine's forces was a losing proposition quickly submitted to Imperial rule. An Imperial
governor was installed to administer the Pacanth
Reach, and worked with the Epicanthix to export valuable commodities (mostly minerals)
and import items useful to the inhabitants. The
Epicanthix still retain a certain degree of autonomy, reigning in conjunction with the Imperial governor and a handful of Imperial Army
Quite a few Epicanthix left their homeworld
after first contact with the Empire, although
many returned after being overwhelmed by the
vast diversity and unfathomable sights of the
Empire's millions of worlds. Some Epicanthix
still venture out into the greater galaxy today,
but most eventually return home after making
their fortune. The Epicanthix are mostly content to control their holdings in the Pacanth
Reach, working with the Empire to increase
their wealth, furthering their exploration of cultures, and warring with unruly conquered
peoples when problems arise.
Near-Human: Epicanthix
Attribute Dice: 120

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

ap er IX: ,ens

Special Abilities:
Cultural Learning: At the time of character creation only,
Epicanthix characters receive 20 for every 10 of skill
dice they allocate to cultures, languages or value.

Story Factors:
Galactic Naivete: Since the Epicanthix homeworld is in
the isolated Pacanth Reach section", they are not too
familiar with many galactic institutions outside of their
sphere of influence. They sometimes become over
whelmed with unfamiliar and fantastic surroundings of
other worlds far from their own.
Move: 10/13
Size: 1.8-2.5 meters tall

Millennia ago, the Ubese were a relatively
isolated species. The inhabitants of the Uba
system had led a peaceful existence, cultivating
their lush planet and creating a complex and
highly-sophisticated culture. When off-world
traders discovered Uba and brought new technology to the planet, they awakened an interest
within the Ubese that was soon to grow into an
obsession. The Ubese hoarded whatever technology they could get their hands on - from
repulsoriift vehicles and droids to blasters and
starships. Theytradedawaywhatevertheycould
to acquire more technology. Initially, Ubese
societybenelited from new technology. Productivity rose in all aspects of business. Health
conditions improved so much that a population
boom forced the colonization of several other
worlds in their system.
Ubese society soon began to pay the price for
such rapid technological improvements: their
culture began to collapse. Technology broke
clan boundaries, bringing everyone closer, disseminating information more quickly and accurately, and allowing certain ambitious individuals to influence public and political opinion on
entire continents with ease.

Within a few decades, the influx of new technology had sparked the Ubese's interest in ere-ating technology of their own. The Ubese leaders looked out at the other systems nearby and
where once they might have seen exciting new
cultures and opportunities for trade and cultural exchange, they now saw civilizations waiting to be conquered. Acquiring more technology would let the Ubese to spread their power
and influence.
When the local sector observers discovered
the Ubese were manufacturing weapons which
had been banned since the formation of the Old
Republic, they realized they had to stop the

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Making War Is Love

A poem by the great Epicanthix Wan-iorChief Canthar
My bow is curved like your slender form,
Bendingyour bow alongside mine in battle,
Facing our foes to save our love and clan.
If we do not fight we lose our selves;
Enemies burn our deeds and love from this
And we die in anonymity.

Ubese from becoming a major threat. After a

debate driven by fear and misinformation, the
sector council decided a preemptive strike would
sufficiently punish the Ubese and reduce their
influence in the region.
Unfortunately, the orbital strike against the
Ubese planets set off many of the species' large-scale tactical weapons. Uba I, If and V were
completely ravaged by radioactive firestorms.
The planets' atmospheres were consumed in
the conflagrations. When Uba fff's weapons
stockpile detonated, the resulting explosion
shattered the planet's crust - orbital forces
later tore the world apart and scattered the
remains into what is now Uba's asteroid belt.
Only on Uba IV, the Ubese homeworld, were
survivors reported - pathetic, ravaged
wretches who sucked in
the oxygen-poor air fn
raspy breaths. Sector
authorities were so

ashamed of their actions

that they refused to offer aid - and wiped all
references to the Uba
system from official star
charts. The system was
placed under quarantine, preventing traffic
through the region. The
incident was so well hidden that word of the devastation never reached
The survivors on Uba
scratched out a tenuous
existence from the
scorched ruins, poisoned soil and
parched ocean beds. Billions had died in the initial orbital strikes, but



We Are Made of Suffering

The follOWing statement was discovered in datafiles retrieved from wreckage near Ubertica:

History may question my motives, but their accusations do not concern me. Our people, the True
Ubese, have lived in exile long enough, while the
yrakpootzck have followed the easy lile and usurped
our rightful place in the galaxy. It is lor honor and
justice that we fight.
They say we are 01 the same blood, but we are
not. We have endured millennia 01 suffering while
they lived in pampered luxury. We True Ubese have
scraped and bludgeoned a harsh existence from the
wastelands of our world, battling hostile clans,
poisoned earth and savage predators. The pretenders, theyrakpootzck, have basked in their lair living,
enjoying the verdant fields and hills 01 Ubertica, and
basking in the political stability in/licted upon them
by their Republic and Imperial masters. Our people

are considered outcasts, while theirs are accepted

as a welcomed race among the galaxy.
So I, Savax Clan-Vorsazg, War-Master of the Southern Wastes, have mustered my clan-brothers to
erase the mistake with which history has cursed us.
The yrak pootzck must be destroyed if we are to
relinquish this curse and emerge into the growing
galaxy. We have acquired five warships which shall
rain destruction on Ubertica -then we will personally land and finish off the survivors one by one to
forever erase their memory lrom this universe. Such
is the will of Savax and the destiny of the Ubese

over the next millennia, millions more would

suffer and perish. The Ubese slowly evolved
into survivors - savage nomads. They excelled
at scavenging what they could from the wreckage. The Ubese wandered their planet in small
clans, hunting and raiding lor life's necessities.
Some Ubese survivors were relocated to a
nearby system, Ubertica. Several concerned
activist groups within the sector organized the
feeble rescue attempt, which managed to relocate only a few dozen families lrom a handful of
clans; the quarantine on the system was brutally effective and the relief efforts - masterminded by underfunded but well-meaning activist groups - were pathetically ineffective. The
survivors on Uba - known today as the "True
Ubese" - soon came to call the rescued Ubese
yrak pootzck, a phrase which implies impure
parentage and cowardly ways. While the true
Ubese struggled lor survival on their homeworld,
theyrak pootzck Ubese on Uberticaslowly propagated and found their way into the galaxy.
Millennia later,the true Ubese found a way off
Uba IV by capitalizing on their natural talents they became mercenaries, bounty hunters, slave
drivers, and bodyguards. Some returned to their
homeworld alter making their fortune elsewhere,
erecting fortresses and gathering forces with
which to control surrounding clans, or trading
in technology with the more barbaric Ubese
tribes. While they might seem cold, the Ubese
have a deadly precision about them. Particularly vengeful Ubese sometimes hunt down the
yrak pootzck as part of the millennia-old
bloodfeud. Recently a true Ubese warlord, Savax,


Upon hearing ofSavax strike against Ubertica, an

Imperial sectorfleet was dispatched. Although the fleet
destroyed Savax's ships and troops, it was too late to
stop the attack, which destroyed many of Ubertica's

rallied several clans, acquired five capital ships

(rumored to have been supplied by the Hutts)
and bombarded the yrak pootzck settlements
on Ubertica. Fortunately lor the rest 01 the sector, Imperial forces stepped in and vaporized
Savax and his ships - but not belore much of
Ubertica's urban areas had been laid waste.
Few free-traders ever visit Uba IV - those
who do have a tendency to disappear suddenly,
their ships and gear torn apart lor scrap and
uselul machinery by Ubese raiders.
Nobody really remembers what the Ubese
originally looked like, and lew have ever seen a
true Ubese outside 01 the protective gear they
must wear to live on Uba IV. They tend to be
slight 01 build, and still carry their species'
obsession with technology. The Ubese rely on a
variety of machines to keep them alive. They
require specially tuned breath masks or filters
to process Type I atmospheres. Most use voice
modulators to clarify and amplify their natural
speech, which is believed to be little more than
a raspy whisper. Olten, Ubese wrap themselves
lrom head to toe in combat armor, /lowing robes
and rugged survival clothing.
Little is known about Ubese culture. They
seem to be loyal to one another;despite nurturing an understandable dislike toward most other
members 01 the galactic community. Awaylrom
their homeworld, wayward Ubese seem to care
little for other societies' laws, customs and
mores. They are mysterious wanderers, nomadic
warriors who hide their inner secrets and agendas just as they hide their laces behind helmets
and breath masks.

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

'True" Ubese

Yrak Pootzck Ubese

Attribute Dice: 120

SlRENGTH 10/30

Atbibute Dice: 120

KNOWLEDGE 10+1/30+2
SlRENGTH 10+2/30+1

Special AblllUes:
Survival: "True Ubese" get a +2D bonus to their survival
skill due to the harsh conditions they are forced to
endure on their homeworld.
Technical Aptitude: At the time of character creation
only, "true Ubese" characters receive 20 for every 10
they place in Technical skills.
Type /I Atmosphere Breathing: "True Ubese" require ad
justed breath masks to filter and breathe Type I atmospheres. Without the masks, Ubese suffer a -10 penalty
to all skills and attributes.
Move: 8/11
Size: 1.75-2.25 meters tall

Increased Stamina: Due to the relatively low oxygen

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

content of the atmosphere of their homeworld, "yrak

pootzck Ubese" add + 10 to their stamina when on worlds
with Type I (breathable) atmospheres.
Move: 8/12
Size: 1.75-2.25 meters tall



'ChaRter' Seve.rf


There are countless makes and models of

droids, capable of Qer!orming a wide variety of
tasks. From everydaY'!alJijf"uilits Oike the many
Industrial Automaton Asp units) to highly-specialized units (such as the ATakyd Seeker ASMl2 message droid), these teclfnological'inar~
vels have become an indispensable part of ga
lactic life.

Asp Droid
Asp droids are extremely commoh, found on
any number of worlds. These automatons are
roughly humanoid in form, with a practical and
sturdy framework, and simple joints powered
by hydraulic pistons and servomotors. Most
asp units have a single ocular receptor (with
vision in the normal human range) and a set of
audio receivers for hearing and interpreting
basic verbal commands.
There are several different "basic" asp models - varying in height and capabilities - and
each individual unit is customized with additional equipment and peripherals to suit the
specific needs of the buyer. These add-ons may
include improved ocular or audial sensors, enhanced and strengthened limbs (for greater
lifting capacity), or advanced programming for
performing a wide range of tasks.
Industrial Automaton's ASP-7 model is a typical Iight-duty asp. These fifth-degree droids
amble about many businesses and households,
carrying out menial tasks. Most asps can be
purchased with rudimentary programming to
make them practical servants in the home or
laborers on the factory floor. Many companies
use them for routine work, such as transporting
business records between locations, operating
factory assembly line machinery, and assisting
in simple repairs. Asps are also practical in
homes, as they take care of mundane cleaning
work and simple maintenance duties. However,


these very basic

units tend not to react well to
f '
unexpected circumstances, and have a tendency
to report back
to' their masters
for further inL'
structions at these times.
The.bisic;.~P"7 model has very simple progranlining: They,are somewhat limited in the
s.ocial interaction department, and their tinny
voxbox's' vocabulary is restricted to "affirmative" arid "negative." While not much for smalltalk, they are always polite, and are inhibited
from inflictirg harm upon any being by their life
preservation programming circuits. The basiclevel programming makes the units seem like
droid simpletons at times, but they are dutiful
household or business servants and rarely break

Type: Industrial Automaton ASP-7 Oroid



Search 20
Lifting 20

Equipped With:
Humanoid body (two arms, two legs. head. torso)

One visual ocular

Two audial receivers

Story Factors:
Basic Programming: Basic ASp7 droids are programmed
only for the most menial of tasks. They are often out of
place in other settings where more specialized droids

would be used, such as starship engineering bays. medical suites and battlefields. They can be upgraded with
improved programming and more attachments at an
additional cost.
Restricted Vocabulary: The basic ASp7 unit can only
reply with the words "affirmative" or "negative," despite
any question asked or situation encountered.

Move: 6
Size: 1.6 meters tall
Cost: 1,000 credits

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



Better Than Nothing

Platt was worried. She'd had to ditch the Las/
Chance in the Dorajan jungle lor repairs. The
Imperial picket in orbit wasn't too happy about
her leaving without permission - especially
with that cargo hold lilled with Imperial-issue
heavy blasters - and their TIE fighters had
done a number on her ion drives' power couplings. And il she didn't get it all fixed soon, that
Star Destroyer up there would pinpoint her
position and send a heavily-armed someone to
collect her.
"SeeVee," Platt called, her voice echoing
through the maintenance crawlway beneath the
main crew compartment. She poked her head
out 01 the hole in the starship 1I00r where she
had removed the deck plate. "SeeVee! Get over
here and bring me the toolbox!"
Somewhere in the bowels 01 the ship an asp
droid's voxbox crackled a tinny, "Affirmative."
Platt leaned on the deck plates, tapping her
fingers. SeeVee slowly walked through the ship,
his leg servomotors making a "whrrr-clunk"
sound with each step. The smuggler would be
the first to admit SeeVee was slow, both in
locomotion and processing speed. He was also
cheap, and Platt olten needed help around the
ship, no matter how seemingly simple-minded
that help happened to be.
SeeVee "whrrr-ciunked" up to the hole created by the missing deck plate and dropped the
toolbox to the 1I00r. "Affirmative."
"Thanks," Platt muttered as she began silting
through the toolbox. Alter finding the power
prybar, she withdrew into the access hole, wedging herself into the tight crawl space to rip out a
pipe which had impacted the power couplings.
When that was out, she began fitting the new
coupling into place. "Hey, SeeVee!" she called.
"Find me the hydrospanner."
Platt didn't hear the usual "alfirmative." But
SeeVee clunked around the deckplates enough.
When he hadn't produced the hydrospannerwhich was sitting right there in the toolboxPlatt started to wonder. She wriggled back out
the access conduit and poked her head out
through the deckplate hatch. SeeVee was wandering down the corridor to the cockpit.
"SeeVee'" she called. "Come here." The droid
obediently turned around and clunked his way
back to the access hatch. "' asked you lor the
hydrospanner," she scolded, tossing tools out
of the box. "Why were you heading lor the
"Negative," SeeVee replied.
Platt found the spanner at the bottom olthe

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

toolbox. "It's right here," Platt said, holding the

hydrospanner lor SeeVee to examine. "Don't
you know a hydrospanner lrom the cockpit?"
"What twisted logic programming inlests that
metal head 01 yours?" she ranted. "How are you
able to identify the toolbox to fetch, but you
can't find me the hydrospanner?"
"Negative. Negative."

"Don't you 'negative' me, you rusty old pile 01

junk." Platt sighed and shook her head. No
sensewasting time arguingwith thedroid. Things
would be so much simpler with an astromech
droid, even il they did tend to get pesky with
Platt took the hydrospanner and crouched
into the maintenance hole to attach the new
power coupling. "You know, SeeVee, you're not


an asp," Platt called. "You're a frippin' pain!"

"Why don't you just go find some cozy corner

and switch off?"

Stupid droid.

Asp lightsaber Training Droids

Deep within his fortified castle in Imperial
Center, Darth Vader maintains a small corps of
modified asp droids for his personal combat
training. Dubbed "killer droids" by Vader's somber household staff, these automatons were
built according to the Dark Lord's exacting specifications.
These training droids look very much like the
typical asp droids found in menial servant jobs
throughout the galaxy. Vader adopted the ASP19 frame design because it was sturdy and relatively easy to repair if not too seriously damaged. However, the basic frame was all Darth
Vader used when designing his training droids.
He had most of the main body components
manufactured from reinforced alloys so the
droids would hold up better under combat
stresses and lightsaber hits. The asp's single
visual ocular was replaced by a compact highspeed visual sensor, with special interface couplings to allow for faster transmission of optical
data and quicker responses through advanced
Vader ordered the droids to be outfitted with
advanced M-l Verbo-brains - the same processors used in Cybot Galactica's popular 3POseries human-cyborg relations droid. But where
the protocol droids' processor units can store
millions of languages, these Verbo-brains are
packed full with cOlI'bat techniques. It is even
rumored that part of the droids' battle programming comes from a Jedi holocron with the personal lightsaber training techniques of Master
Vo'ren Faalo.
The units are programmed at Vader's castle.
The castle's computer draws all the techniques
from a secured file and imprints this information on the droids' processors. This information
is regularly updated, allowing the droids to be
impro'(ed over time and allowing the experiences of earlier droids to be directly programmed into any new asp training droids.
A special circuit imbedded within the Verbobrain counters any life preservation programming left in the imprinted processor: each training droid is specifically programmed only to
attack other beings armed with lightsabers, and
to ignore all others. Still, the droids are considered so dangerous that they are never let out of


the training area. While Vader has tired of these

units because their combat abilities barely manage to challenge his own, the units are considered unbeatable and deadly by everyone else on
Vader's staff.
Droids in Darth Vader's training area are
often required to handle a lightsaber. Rather
than labor over a new built into each droids,
Vader has constructed a single spare lightsaber
that is passed among his various training units.
This means he can only battle one droid at a
time, which is hardly a challenge for the Dark
Lord of the Sith.
Modified Asp Lightsaber Training
Type: Modified Industrial Automaton ASP-19, Lightsaber
Training Configuration, Mark IX

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Lightsaber 80+2

Brawling 50
Equipped Willi:
Reinforced alloy humanoid body (two arms, two legs,

head, torso)
One high-speed visual sensor

Two audial receivers

AA-I Verbo-brain
Armor plating: and reinforced alloys. +20 to


against physical and energy damage.

Story Factors:
Attack Restrictions: The training droid's programming
restricts its attacks to those against opponents wielding
Iightsabers. All others are ignored.
Move: 12

Size: 2.2 meters tall

Cost: Not available for sale
Equipment: Lightsaber (50)

Information Droid
Although Veri! Line Systems is perhaps more
notable for its series of industrial-purpose
droids, it has occasionally ventured into the
very competitive service droid market. One of
its more successful endeavors in this field is the
IN-series information droid.
Constructed in the same general shape as
Veri! Line Systems' EG-series power droids, the
IN-series information droids are taller and sleeker
than their "clunkier" predecessors, with treads
instead of legs. These droids are often assigned
to public places in order to dispense directions
and oueneral data to travelers and visitors. If
properly linked into local comm networks, these
droids can also provide data on local weather
conditions, repulsorlift traffic status, and news
items downloaded from newsnets. Some lessexpensive hotels use these droids to assist
guests, recommending local restaurants and
attractions and helping them arrange transportation. Starports station information droids
throughout their corridors to direct travelers to
gates and to provide lift-off and ticket information.
Information droids have a sizable memory
cache, capable of storing a large amount of data.
Basic protocol routines ensure the droids are
courteous and -helpful, but not overly so (as
some protocol droids sometimes become). INunits are also programmed with modest language skills - sometimes as many as two dozen
languages - to better assist others. Buyers
obtaining their droids directly from Veri! Line
Systems can customize their droid's communication programming to suit individual needs. A
vocabulator speech/sound system allows information droids to understand verbal questions

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

and respond.
If more specific information is required beyond what is stored in its memory banks, information droids can use their extendible I/O jack
to interface with other computers. Their access
is usually restricted to the lowest data levels to
keep them from tampering with protected information. This data-retrieval restriction is actually hardwired into the droids' circuits - even
if a computer expert tried slicing into a datanet
through an information droid's I/O computer
jack, access to more information would be denied because of the circuit's design limitations.
Enterprising members of the Rebel Alliance
have found additional uses for these practical
droids. By adding extra c-boards to implement
a voice and visual ID recognition protocol, Rebel
operatives have modified information droids to
serve as convenient and inconspicuous drop
points for messages and information. When a
particular programmed passcode is given, the
droid verifies the code against voice recognition and visual data on the operative authorized
to use that code. If the operative's identity is
accepted, the droid will follow basic information storage and retrieval instructions: "Do you

have any messages for meT', "Tell agent Vewin

that his friend Do'naal is an Imperial spy," "The
information in the file I'm giving you is to be
uploaded by Rixen." A datacard slot concealed
behind an easily opened service panel allows
spies to store information on datacards.
Although information droids are most often
located in public areas, Rebel operatives using
these modified droids as blind drops are simply
assumed to be using them for their original
purpose. The scene looks very much like any
other - a baffied visitor using an information
droid to get directions.
In response to this trend of illegally modified
Rebel information droids, Imperial agencies have
droid owners to give their automao
tons regular mechanical and programming 10spections. Imperial agencies and criminal orga-

nizations have also taken to modifying these

information droids for their own purposes.
Information Droid
Type: Veril Line Systems IN-4 Information Droid

Languages 50

Computer programming/repair 40

Equipped With:
Box frame body
Treadwell locomotion unit
Video sensor





Dead End Drop

Rixen jostled her way through the central plaza
of Kuat Passenger Port with millions of other travelers. She adjusted her gear bag as she peered around
at all the bulkheads where there might be a computer port - with a particular information droid
plugged into it.
She found Ll V-IN plugged in near a travel convenience shop. The information droid was giving two
lost tourists from Gruvia directions to the nearest
Core Star Liners ticket office. Rixen backed up against
the wall, waiting for her turn to speak with the droid.
It also gave her a chance to peer around the pulsing
crowds to make sure there were no Imperials around
- or that double-agent Do'naal who had been trailing her ever since Byblos. Nope. Nobody but the
usually bustling crowds, a few free-trader types
gathered around a nearby snack kiosk, and a maintenance tech trying to fix a broken cleaning droid.
The Gruvian tourists shambled on their way, and
Rixen approached LlV-IN. "How may I assist you?"
the droid asked.
"Sixty-seven starport sirens sounded simultaneously," she said, using one ofthe code phrases. It
was an innocuous tongue twister, but it was something few people would say to an information droid
in a busy starport. "Rixen. Identify."
Ll V-IN's video sensor swiveled around in its
socket, examining her from head to toe. Its internal
speech analysis programs were humming away,
scrutinizing her voice patterns. "Confirmed," the
droid chirped. "How may I assist you, Rixen?"
"Messages," she said curtly. Rixen peered over
her shoulder to make sure nobody was paying close
attention to her conversation with LlV-IN.
"Three messages," the droid said. "Message one:
Stabris reports Vewin has been captured by Imperial operatives on Kelada. He was interrogated thoroughly and is now considered a security risk."
Vewin had been an outstanding operative. The
Rebel Alliance would miss him, but couldn't offer
him any assistance. Who knew how much he had
told the Imperials about their operations in adjoining sectors?

Rixen froze as some Imperial Customs officers

strode nearby, apparently in a hurry. She thought it
best to change the conversation for the moment:
"And after I take a left at Gate 96B, I'll find the
boarding desk for the StarUte Cloud?"
Ll V-IN's programming picked up the cue and
went along with her. "Yes," he chimed, "but be sure
you have all your documentation ready for the
boarding clerk."


When the officers had passed from sight, Rixen

ordered LlV-IN to continue.
"Message two: Stabris has continued on to the
Outer Rim Territories, as Imperial counter-intelligence operations in the Core Worlds and Colonies
have increased. She will stand by on Bimmisaari and
await contact with you."
It looked like Rixen's travel plans were going to
change. Still, perhaps it was best she got as far out of
the Core Worlds as possible for now. Imperial Intelligence was catching on to their operations here,
and was becoming more and more ruthless in ferreting out their agents.
"Message three: From agent Do'naal."
Agent Do'naal? Rixen wondered how the supposed Imperial spy had accessed one of the
Rebellion's modified information droids. Something
wasn't right ...
LlV-IN continued relating the message. "You are
surrounded. Place your hands on your head. Do not
make any sudden moves."
"What?" Rixen cried out. Before she could turn
from the droid, she was surrounded by several
undercover Imperial agents, all pointing blasters at
her. They had been everywhere, just waiting for her
- the free-traders enjoying caffa at the snack kiosk,
the clerk in the travel convenience shop, the tech
repairing the cleaning droid, even the two "lost"
Gruvian travelers.
Rixen's hand darted into her gear bag's outer
pouch. If she could press the deadman control box,
she'd set off a charge of detonite concealed in LlVIN that would take out her and all the agents.
Before she could dig out the remote detonator
box, an iron grip clamped around her wrist and
whipped her hand out of the bag. In her panic, Rixen
had failed to notice someone sneaking up behind her
... Do'naal. He wrenched her arm behind her back,
pulled the hold-out blaster from her jacket's inner
holster, and dropped the weapon to the floor.
"We've been waiting for your, Rixen, my dear," he
snarled into her ear. "We couldn't let you leave the
Core Worlds without a final little chat with your old
friends from Imperial Intelligence, could we now?"
"How did you find me?" Rixen stammered, her
nerves beginning to give out. She knew she wasn't
going to make any rendezvous with Stabris in the
Outer Rim. "There are nearly a half million of these
little information droids lingering around Kuat Passenger Port. How did you discover this one was our
blind drop?"

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

"Your friend Vewin was very cooperative, given

the proper incentive," Do'naal sneered. "Luckily we

were able to reprogram your little droid friend here
before you arrived at Kuat. What a pity."
Several stormtroopers had arrived on the scene.
Do'naal shoved Rixen into their midst, and they

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

took away her gear bag and snapped her wrists

behind her in restraining bands.
Do'naal just flashed an evil grin and stroked his
beard. "I shall take particular pleasure in interrogating you myself." Then the stormtroopers led Rixen
off to the Imperial detention lock-up.




Vocabulator speech/sound system

Extendible I/O computer jack
Move: 3

Size: 1.3 meters tall

Cost: 2,500 credits

Message Droid
Sending messages throughout the galaxy can
olten be a difficult, time-consuming and expensive affair. Since the Emperor disbanded most 01
the HoloNet and restricted what was lelt to
military and large corporate concerns, communications are much more restricted than in the
days 01 the Old Republic - and no one knows
when Imperial agents are monitoring transmissions. Many sectors and systems have maintained electronic message systems and news
contact through subspace sector comm relays.
News agencies have developed the extensive
newsnet dissemination grid consisting 01 subspace relays and courier droid pods, which
make their rounds through certain systems in a
sector. transmitting news and mail to uplink
stations on planets lor delivery or broadcast.
Those wishing delivery 01 downloaded mail
sometimes use courier services, which deliver
mail datacards across the galaxy in last, Iightlyarmed transports.
When senders need to transmit high-priority
or security messages, they can turn to one 01 the
most reliable - but expensive - communica-


tions systems around: a messenger droid. The

designers 01 the Arakyd Viper probe droid have
used that technology to develop a civilian message droid system. The owner gives the droid a
message, recorded either on audio sensors or
on a holographic projector. The droid receives
the message's recipient, identilication data,
passcode, and destination. The droid is then
loaded into its transport pod (a civilian version
olthe probot's hyperspace pod), and sent on its
way. Although the pod can only be used lor one
hyperspace jump, both droid and pod can be
retrieved and used again alter modest relitting.
The seeker messenger droid - about hall the
size of an astromech droid - is little more than
a compact globe hovering on a repuJsorlift generator. The unit sports a host of access panels,
speaker grilles and visual and audial sensors. Its
holographic projector/recorder is hidden behind one of these panels for protection.
A significant portion 01 the droid's programming is devoted to Iinding the message's intended recipient. As soon as the droid's pod
enters a system, it begins searching lor a preprogrammed landing point or uses its sensors
to determine the best place to land. Upon landing, the message droid emerges from the pod
and begins its search. It uses its audio and video
sensors to seek out the recipient, moving around
on its repulsorlift generator and using a line

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

manipulator arm to activate door control panels and other access devices. The droid sometimes uses its vocabulator to seek directions or
information regarding the intended recipient
(the unit is normally only programmed for Basic, although additional languages can be added
to the unit by the owner). [n certain environments, the droid can use its extendible computer I/O jack to interface with local networks to
gather information.
After finding the message's recipient (or authorized representative), the droid engages its
identification and passeode security routine. [n
addition to providing the droid with search
parameters, its master gives it a password, usually one previously agreed on by sender and
recipient. The droid will not reveal its message
until the proper passcode is given. Circumventing these precautions is extremely difficult, and
sometimes results in erasure of the message. If
the correct password is given, the droid delivers the message using its onboard holographic
projector. As an additional caution, the holoprojector databanks are deleted seconds after
the message is delivered. The droid retains
information on its owner, and often returns to
the transport pod to await retrieval once its
mission is completed. AS-M12 units are quite
expensive, and their use is normally limited to
situations when speed and security are of the
utmost concern. Consequently, droid owners
usually make a point of recovering these units
after a message is delivered (though some
crimelords and intelligence organizations modify
seeker droids to self-destruct after completing a
mission as an added security precaution).

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Message Droid
Type: Arakyd Seeker AS-M 12 Message Droid

Planetary systems 3D

Sensors 3D

Search 4D
Computer programming/repair 3D
Equipped With:
Repulsorlift generator
Visual and audial sensors
Vocabulator speech/sound system

Retractable fine work grasper afm

Holographic projector/recorder

Computer I/O jack

Special Abilities:
Message Security: A message droid will not convey its
information unless a proper passcode is given. Circumventing this passcode to get at a message without a
passcode requires a Heroic droid programming roiL
Move: 10
Size: 0.5 meters tall
Cost: 4,000 credits

Message Droid Hyperspace Pod

Craft: Arakyd Seeker Transport
Type: Message droid hyperspace pod.
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 2 meters
Crew: None (fully automated droid brain with astrogation
40, space transports 40)
Passengers: I message droid
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: 20,000 credits
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Nav Computer: Limited to I jump
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 10+2
Passive: 20/10
Scan: 40/20
Search: 60/30
Focus: 3/40



Chagte_r Eight


The citizens of the galaxy rely on a number of

technological items, often of staggering complexityand ingenuity_ From advanced medical
devices to deadly weapons of war, the variety
and sophistication of machinery, tools and eguipmentthatcan befound is truly staggering. These
items - from everyday labor-saving devices to
gear that can save lives in a crisis -

are, in many

ways, the lifeblood of the galaxy.

Developed by research technicians from the
prestigious Rhinnal State Medical Academy, the
bioscan scanner and diagnostics package can
identify and analyze the biological composition
and status of a living being. The system consists
of two major components: a dedicated sensor
array and a highly-sophisticated computer analysis program.
The sensors are arranged in a framework
which can easily be lowered over a patient
(although thevarious sensors may be dismantled
and rearranged for other applications). The sensors must be firmly mounted to a stationary
frame for accurate readings. The elongated sensor packages include full-range scanner, medtox
detector, vapro-sarnpler, and doppraymagno
scanner, all fine-tuned to provide accurate readings.
The sensor array must be connected to an
analysis computer, which sorts and displays
information in either a holographic or llatscreen
format. The bioscan has several practical medical applications and is capable of providing data
on a subject's species, sex, heartbeat, respiration, muscle tone index, height, weight, temperature, approximate skin age, biological
anomalies or variations, and the presence of
diseases or viruses. The bioscan is also adept at
identifying various alien species, and has more
than 1,000 templates for normal specimens of
common aliens.


Though rarely found outside the medical

community, bioscans have other applications
useful to those in the intelligence community. If
well-hidden, the'unit can covertly gather information on passersby. It can detect and analyze
power sources, comm transmissions, hidden
weapons and explosives, and other electronic
aevices concealed on or implanted within a
subject. While obviously useful to espionage
and security agents, the bioscan is not ideally
suited to non-medical tasks especially due to
the sensors' short range. Those bioscans used
for intelligence purposes are very expensive
and must be handled carefully: any irregularities in scanner placement can easily result in
faulty or inaccurate bioscan readings.

Model: Athakam/RSMA Bioscan Unit
Type: Bioscan sensor array and analysis unit

Scale: Character
Skill: Computer programming/repair (set up); first aid or
medicine to use

Cost: 13.000 credits

Availabilily: 3, F
Game Notes: Requires an Easy to Difficult computer
programminglrepairroll to set up (depending upon situation).1f properly set up, adds .2D to first aid, medicine
or Technical. Maximum range of three meters.
Scanner provides detailed information on the subject's
species, sex, heartbeat, respiration, muscle tone inde.x,
height, weight, temperature, approximate skin age, biological anomalies or variations, and the presence of
diseases or viruses. The bioscan can detect and analyze
power sources, comm transmissions, hidden weapons,
and other electronic devices concealed on or implanted
within a subject.

In warfare and covert operations, it often
becomes necessary to conceal strategic targets
such as grounded starfighters, command bunkers, trenches, and blaster artillery emplacements. While conventional camouflage techniques are generally effective against visual
searches, they often fail when sensors are em-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


played against them. To this end, Fabritech

designed CN-IS camouflage netting, a powered
unit with the ability to conceal areas from sensor scans by giving the camouflaged area the
same sensor profile as the surrounding terrain.
This camo-netting consists of a IS-metersquare metal mesh, with a small power unit
connected to one corner. This netting is relatively light, and can be handled by two people
with ease (although one person could deploy it
with some difficulty). The net is covered by
flexible plastic scales coated in a sensor-reflective material. This coating acts as a mirror,

reflecting the sensor pattern of nearby terrain

back at a scanner sweep. If a pilot were covering
up a starfighter on an open plain, the camonetting would reflect the sensor aspects of the
rolling hills and grass back to any recon craft
searching for the downed vessel. The individual
reflector chips' and power unit's sensor signatures are small enough to avoid detection by
cursory scans for metal objects and energy
sources. This form of camo-netting eliminates
the need for different non-electronic camo-netting for each terrain type. Since this form of
camo-netting relies on reflection rather than
projection, it can be used in any environment.
The camo-nelling's reflective powers also
extend past the range of electronic sensors and
continue into the visual spectrum as well. Visual
scans at long range simply pick up the reflected

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

terrain, although closer inspection may reveal

anomalies. This camo-nelling is also relatively
effective at masking items from ground detection up to 2S0 meters away. Once surface observers enter that range, however, the camonetting's presence becomes relatively easy to
detect visually.
The CN-IS unit is large enough to cover an
item 22S square meters (or IS meters on aside).
This enables it to conceal items of relatively
small size, from an X-wing starfighter or command bunker to a few landspeeders or even a
blaster artillery emplacement. The camo-netting is less effective if three or more nets are
strung close together, because the nets' energy
signatures begin to interfere with each other.
Rather than reflecting the nearby terrain, several camo-nets used in tandem begin reflecting
each other, giving away their position by emitting occasional bursts of static and registering
as metal objects on sensors.
Fabritech has halted design and production
of larger versions of this camo-netting at the
request the Imperial military, who feel these
items may aid the Rebellion. Because of its
obvious applications, camo-netting is restricted
by Imperial law to those holding an Imperial
license to use or transport this gear. Such a
license often includes a detailed background
check. Individuals and groups which often use
camo-nelling in their operations include Imperi-



ally-sanctioned bounty hunters, mercenary

groups, and Imperial operatives. The Empire is
worried that camo-netting could be used to
conceal Rebel installations, so it has recently
increased its scrutiny of those wishing to purchase or transport these items.
Model: F'abritech eN-IS Camouflage Netting
Type: Camo-netting
Skill: Hide
Cost: 3,500 credits

Availability: 2. R
Game Notes: Camo-netting adds +2D to the difficulty to

detect the camouflaged object with sensor-scanning

equipment at ranges greater than 250 meters. Camonetting offers no bonus at a range of less than 250 meters.
If more than three camo-nets are used in tandem, the
senor-scanning equipment gains a bonus of +ID to detect the nets because of the interference the nets cause.

Hyperbaric Medical Chamber

Industrial accidents, military incidents and
natural disasters may leave victims saddled
with painful and lingering injuries that cannot
be easily remedied with cybernetic replacement limbs. Forced to live in expensive and
intrusive cybernetic life-support systems, these
beings often breathe only with the assistance of
a respirator unit.
Hyperbaric medical chambers allow these
people to spend time outside their survival
suits, relaxing unburdened by life-support machinery. While prohibitively expensive for average citizens, these chambers can be found in
most major medical facilities.
The chamber is a large, pressurized living
quarters which can simulate nearly any atmospheric condition; it can also be used for aliens
visiting worlds with incompatibleatmospheres.
Atmospheric pressure can be altered to allow
those with respiratory difficulties to breathe on
their own, while medicated and oxygenated fields
assist healing and lessen the pain from burn
injuries. Repulsor-fields can vary the gravity
inside, allowing those who might not be able to

move on their own in regular gravity a degree of

locomotive freedom.
Hyperbaric medical chambers are not suggested for extended use. Most patients use them
for only a few hours, enjoying a little freedom
before returning to their survival suits. Extended
use of the chambers is possible, but many patients living in hyperbaric medical chambers
have discovered that the units are sometimes
more of a prison than encumbering survival

Hyperbaric Medical Chamber

Model: AthakamjRSMA atmosphere replicator
Type: Hyperbaric medical chamber
Scale: Character
Cost 50.000 credits


Availability: 3. F
Game Notes: The chamber's atmosphere can be ad
justed to allow comfortable habitation for any species or
medical condition a patient might have. This negates any
penalties and the need for life-support apparatus while
in the chamber.

Myostim Unit
The myostim unit was originally developed
to combat muscle atrophy on low-gee worlds
where gravity control was not available. Employing a sensor field coupled to an adjustable,
computerized electromyoclonic broadcaster,
the myostim unit massages muscles, causing
them to expand and relax in sequence. Amyostim
unit helps keep low-grav world residents in
shape by exercising muscles to a degree that the
planet's gravity cannot. Users can stay in shape
simply by sitting in the contour chair myostim
array, while remaining free to perform other
more sedentary activities.
Myostim units soon found use among bodybuilders and other athletes, who began using
them to keep in shape without any undue effort.
They could use the units for a few hours each
day to maintain and increase their strength,
while attending to other matters (such as political and product endorsements, personal trade
ventures, lucrative holo-ad engagements, and
even side betting on their own events). Myostim
units are much easier to transport than moretraditional exercise equipment and do not require the user to waste time in "tedious" training
routines. It is also rumored that bounty hunters,
mercenaries, and other such individuals sometimes use these units it to increase their strength
- when they can afford the myostim's high
cost, at least.
Recent medical research has indicated that
extended use of myostim units might have certain detrimental effects on the subject's health.
Those who have maintained their physical condition with myostims and then suddenly stopped
training have experienced extreme muscle atrophy. Even with regular exercise, these individuals lost their strength over time. Scientists also
suspect that extensive exposure to a myostim's
sensor fields and electromyoclonic broadcaster
affects the subject's electro-neural system, a
symptom which might vary in intensity from
species to species. This interference can cause

problems with coordination and judgment, especially in times of extreme physical exertion or

While medical examiners have not yet proven

these theories, many believe that prolonged use
of a myostim unit is dangerous, and often cite
the case of famed shockball athlete Gordus
Grime. Gordus, a shockball star, purportedly
depended on a myostim unit to maintain his

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

physique while pursuing his other business affairs. After a shockball exhibition game on Kaal,
he went berserk, murdering seven socialites at
a reception in his honor and mangling 17 more
people before authorities put him down.
Myostim Unit
Model: Traxes BioElectronics Myostim Couch
Type: Myostim unit

Scale: Character
Cost: 30,000 credits
Availability: 3
Game Notes: For every 12 hours spent on amyostim unit,
the subject's Strength is increased by +1 (maximum
bonus of .. 10). The bonus lasts for one week.

Extended use of myostim units might have psychologically damaging results in tense situations requiring sud-

den bursts of activity. After more than six months of use,

characters in an extremely stressful situation may suffer
a -2 penalty to Dexterity, Knowledge, Perception, and all
related skills; with a mishap, the character becomes
enraged and uncontrollable.

Coruscant Guard Armor

The distinctive crimson and black armor of
the Coruscant Guards is a relatively straightforward modern set of armor: light and heavilypadded, it is comfortable (if awkward) to wear,
and it provides excellent protection, particularly against non-energy attacks, such as fists,
projectileslugs and vibroweapons. What makes
this armor notable is the sophisticated battle
helmet's sensors, comlinks (with scramblers),
and filters, which allows a Coruscant Guard to
operate at full capacity, even in complete darkness, at long range, or in the midst of stun gas
and other crowd control gases.
Coruscant Guard Armor
Model: Standard Coruscant Guard Armor
Type: Personal battle armor
Scale: Character
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: X
Game Notes:
Basic Suit: Provides +2D physical, -f-10 energy, ~10 to
Dexterity and related skills.
Optic Sensors: Allows user to operate in complete dark~
ness with no penalty.
Filter: Self-sealing filter system screens out all dangerous
particulates. Unlike stormtrooper armor, this armor lacks
an oxygen supply; there must bea potentially breathable
(but polluted) atmosphere to filter or the user will suffocate.
Comlink Scrambler: Comlink is linked to other Coruscant
Guard units and Coruscant Guard command, allowing
units to disperse yet still be in full communication.
Optional tracking beacon software adds a tracking beacon so that unit commander knows positions of other
troops at all times; unit commander's helmet has verbally activated internal "heads-up display" to show
trooper positions.
Climate Control Body Glove. Allows user to operate comfortably in exceptionally hot or cold climates for periods
of up to several hours.

Taser Staff

Merr~Sonn Taser


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Type: Taser staff

Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: taser staff
Ammo: 50 (charges)
Cost: 500 (power packs: 40)
Availability: 2, R
Body: 20

Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: 50 or 5D stun (uncharged attack causes STR+ 1D

Capsule: The standard melee weapon of

Coruscant Guards, the taserstaffis a potent weapon
for crowd control and riot suppression. Able to
deliver a lethal or a stunning charge, the weapon
literally crackles with energy when it strikes a
target. The weapon is balanced and each end is
weighted, making the weapon quite effective even
after the power pack has been fully drained. It's
quite light at only 10 kilograms and it can be
separated into three pieces to be carried in a




either towed b)\ airspeeder or lofted off a tall
most common vehiclefin the galaxy, but tiiey -..- building, mountain peak or canyon edge. Pilots
are by no\ly'modesa! transportasimply strap themselves into the safety harness, gri~the controls, and gracefully fall off
tion. Paraglidersand highly-modified swoops
are just a few of the unusuiil 'VehICles used
into open air. wllile the para-wing is capable of
throughout the Empire. WIi'ne,ri'i6st are 'used=-gliding dowfuV'ard'or riding rising air currents to
merely for transportatio!1~p;rates, P'i,!!i?~
~IJl1\in airborne, a:r~pulsorlift motor augments
Rebels and Imperials all use specializei:l or modi-.
altitude, allowing for extended flights (up to
.several hdurs long). The motor also prevents
fied vehicles to suit their various needs!
the para-glider from being forced to land in
remote or inappropriate environParagliders ,
ments durihg an emergency. Pilots steer by
Flight has intrigued members of countless
using both hand controls and shifting balance
species for centuries. While some individuals
with their legs in the safety harness, though the
pursue careers flying among the stars, the less
repulsorlift motor can augment the craft's maambitious are content to fly merely for sport.
The Nen-Carvon R-23 recreational paraglider is
The wing assembly and light-weight frame
a commerciai variant of the 1mperial sky swooper
down to fit in an elongated bag when not in
and para-wing glider designs of Cloud City and
use. Light and portable, the bag allows the pilot
Aris. The wing-frame assembly and small repulto carry the glider unit like a backpack and hike
sorlift motor combine to make an affordable
to a launch point if necessary. While paraglider
craft, allowing the pilot to fly to great heights
sailing is a popular sport on many worlds, it is
without the noise (or expense) of a regular
also quite dangerous. Pilots must be careful not
to fly in adverse weather conditions, since the
Paragliders consist of a folding wing assemwing
assembly frame may collapse in severe
bly with a high-tension plascloth "saiL" Wing
or storms. In addition, the vehicle is light
struts are connected to a central repulsorlift
that strong gusts can smash the glider
motor, pilot sling and control unit. The glidinto
walls and other obstacles.
ers are launched from a great height -


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



Despite the vehicle's limitations, pilots often

describe paragliding as a thrilling experience.

Craft: NenCarvon R23 Recreational Paraglider
Type: Recreational paraglider

Scale: Speeder
Length: 4 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation
Crew: 1
Altitude Range: Ground Jevel-2,OOO meters

Cost: 300 credits

Availability: 2, F
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 80; 230 kmh
Body Strength: ID

Pubtrans Flitter
While public transportation networks may
be well-developed in many industrial centers,
there are still those who desire a private means
of travel while visiting new planets. Pubtrans
flitters lit the bill, providing fast and convenient
These small airspeeders can often only accommodate two or three passengers (in addition to the pilot). They typically cost more than
other methods of mass transport, but flitter
drivers can take their passengers to any location and by any route requested, in contrast to
public transportation vehicles (which have preset schedules and a limited number of stoppoints). Pubtrans flitters often cruise public
plazas and starports, looking for prospective


passengers - especially those who are lost or

have no patience for the often complex mass
transport services. Pubtrans flitters can zip
above crowds and are compact enough to land
close to a building's entrance or on docking
pads used by private airspeeders.
Most cities have several transport companies covering flitter routes. Fares typically range
from five to 25 credits, depending on the travel
distance. Pubtrans flitters can be piloted by
individuals or by droids, and both can be interesting sources of information ... if they're in the
mood and properly tipped.

Pubtrans Flitter
Craft: Incom PT-97 P!Jbtrans Flitter
Type: Public transportation airspeeder

Length: 7.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: airspeeder

Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Typically repulsorlift operation 40+2
Passengers: 2
Cover. Full
Altitude Range: Ground Jevell,OOO meters

Cost: 25.000 credits (new). 12,500 credits (used)

Maneuverability: 30+ 1
Move: 160; 460 kmh

Body Strength: 3D


While commercial speeder bikes are built for

safety and control, swoops are built purely for
speed. These repulsoriift craft are iittle more

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

than powerful engine pods
with seats. These vehicles are
the focus of a swoop racing
industry, with major competi-

Mobquet Flare-S Swoop

Handlebar Controllers - - - - - - - ,

Top View

tion circuits in most regions of

the galaxy. Swoops are fast,

unpredictable, and difficult to
control. As such, they are also
the favored transportation of
unscrupulous gangs throughout the Empire (particularly in
the Outer Rim Territories).
Sensor/Scanner/Camm Controls - - - '
These swoop gangs are usuFoot Pedal
ally vicious and amoral, carvStabilizer Bar
ing out their territory through
Control Vane
Central Repulsor Pod
threats, extortion and vioDirectional Thrust Nozzles
Turbothrusters (in Single Chamber)
The Mobquet Flare-S is typiSeat
Maintenance Release Latch
cal of the many swoop models
Handlebar Controller
available; many members of
Big Gizz's gang use this type of
swoop. The engine components are housed in a reinforced chassis, with a seat over
the entire assembly. Repulsorlift and turbothrust engines
propel the swoop to speeds
Power Cell
exceeding 600 kilometers per
Maneuvering Flap ----",
Repulsorlift Engine
Side View
hour. Engine vents ensure the
thrusters and repulsorlift mofor high-gee maneuvers and high-altitude flight,
tors all roar in a cacophony of power.
while elaborate safety harnesses keep them in
All controls are centered in the handlebars
the saddle. However, most swoop gangs laugh
and foot pedals. Maneuverability is provided by
steering vanes, balance modules in the repulat these precautions, ignoring the "splat-suits"
and "sissy straps" - even eschewing helmetssorlitt units (including the forward repulsorlift
to pursue a dangerous, high-speed life on the
pod), angling turbothruster nacelles, adjusting
altitude, and the pilot shifting weight around.
Swoop gangs typically customize their
swoops. The safety harnesses, commonly known
Craft: Mobquet Flare-S swoop
as "sissy straps," are usually cut off, and the seat
Scale: Speeder
is sometimes extended for an additional rider. A
Length: 2.5 meters
deadman's switch is often installed in the conSkill: Swoop operation
trol bars - should the pilot release the handleCrew: 1
bar grips while the thrusters are engaged, the
Cover: 1/4
swoop slows to astop in case the rider is knocked
Altitude Range: Ground level-350 meters
Cost: 6,500 credits (new), 2,000 credits (used)
or shot off his bike.
Maneuverability: 4D+2
Professional swoop racers wear fully sealed
Move: 225; 650 kmh
flight suits with independent oxygen supplies
Body Strength: ID.!



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



,Shapter Ten: Starships



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The starshi s of the,g~,are more tha~1;~tiad'tomodify Sj,it~io~~ers!'stems aboard the

a means to gefroql.(Qi!e",wOrlc;l.td1i).nother. Each
ship is designedfCiFa'specific P';l!pqs~, modifi~d
re.n~to~~fr~b/f~j~s~~vde'i~~ ~~e ventral
in turn by each owner ... and manY\i),r.e~usedIn
relg ~.~>. ,a. J, e,.;\; , . . '
wa s that would make the &igin'al*ehgineers
~d,la,se!;canQ9{:\,s fIrIng templates, had ~o e
Wh'l old r freightgrS"like Hlin;.smg'sv",prcqghimmed (so,:!! gunner couldn t acclden~:l~!~~iumI ;alco~ seem 10 require1id6nStahtt;: ~tally1~1.6w. the X-wing a:vay). StIll, whIle the
maintenanceandimprovement,newet'sllipslike:"::'.entire ,i.g'.seem~ stable In space, It gIves t~e
Dash Rendar's Outrider and Prince ~Jior's Vi
Falcon sq,me senous maneuvenng problems In
raga are at the cutting edge of techn~T6gy - for f an ~~~~~~~~r~'dded a small tractor beam benow.
neath the Falcon's cockpit. That's not too sturMillennium Falcon
dily rigged up, either, but the tractor beam
projector is helpful in several respects. It can be
Famous smugglers come with their own faused to manipulate crates for loading or unloadmous starships. Platt Okeefe has her Last Chance,
ing from the Falcon's cargo bay and can also be
BettieandJaxahavetheMallixer, Tru'ebCholakk
used to maneuver other craft in space-specifihas the Luudrian Star, and Han Solo has the
cally, bringing Luke's X-wing safely toward the
MillenniumFalcon.; although the notorious CorelFalcon and guiding it into the hull clips. HowIian smuggler is currently encased in a block of
ever, the tractor beam projector is too weak to
frozen carbonite, his modified Corellian YT1300
be useful in combat.
light freighter still flies on.
Lando has also done some minor tinkering
These days the Falcon is in the service of.the
with other onboard systems. He's adjusted the
Rebel Alliance, under the expert piloting of Han's
life-support to suit his preferred climate, and
old friend (and theFalcon 's former owner), Lando
has tried to clean up the interior. His busy
Calrissian. While Lando enjoys being back in the
schedule hasn't allowed him much time to streak
cockpit, there are still a few things about "his
the grease off everything and give the bulkhead
baby" he's itching to tinker with. From his point
panels a thorough scrubbing, but he can live
of view, who knows when Solo's going to escape
with a little grime here and there.
the clutches of Jabba the Hutt? Lando figures he
Lando's most disturbing adjustment has been
can customize the smuggling ship to suit his
with the autogalley, where he's added more
current needs and if Solo doesn't like the alterappliances for manual food preparation. Alations, he can change them back when - and if
though the different components were rather
- he returns.
haphazardly wired together, Lando is still anxPerhaps the most drastic modification Lando
ious to try out the entirely upgraded galley with
has made was adjusting the Falcon's docking
his somewhat limited culinary expertise - a
claw and attaching several ventral "hull clips" to
prize-winning chef he is not.
hold an X-wing close to the hull. The entire rig's
Millennium Falcon
a bit shaky, but it works. Lando cobbled toCraft: Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport
gether the entire set-up at Leia's suggestion, so
Type: Modified light freighter
Luke could accompany them on missions but
Scale: Starfighter
still bring his X-wing starfighter if needed. Lando
Length: 26.7 meters



Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Skill: Space transports: YT1300 transports
Crew: 2, gunners: 2, skeleton:
Crew Skill: See Lando
Calrissian and Chewbacca
Passengers: 6
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric

Double Laser Cannons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,



Front View



Consumables: 2 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier. xl/2
Hyperdrive Backup: xlO
Nav Computer. Yes
Maneuverability: 20 (lOin an
atmosphere with X-wing attached)
Space: 8

Landing Skids
' - - - - - - - Sensor Cluster
'------Entry Ramp (Retracted)
' - - - - - Concussion Missile Launchers (2)

Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh

Hull: 60
Shields: 30
Passive: 30/10

Scan: 60/20


Power Core Access Panel

Search: 75/30 ...Focus: 4/40 , /

Weapons: .........
2 Quad Laser Cannons
~/Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: I




Ion SublightjHyperdrive Engines


r+-*,~r-r--If------------ Starboard Bracing Arms


Skill: St~sti.ip,gun~e!Y ~~

Fire,.Contid/: 3D ~~. 'l:"

%' f7


A: ,~A-!!J1RsPl!ere;lJaf)ge:J;tlOO-

Dam(lge: 60

:~';7'" 2Co-ncUsSiorfMlssile Tubes

~ ~(!ir&Iiti.-IC~d) .
';i:'i:;~~:-Fire~rc: Front








Cockpit Tube

,,,::;:_~::;:===;================~p~r~;m:a~rY::":Es~c:ap~e~p~O~d:S~ I'
- ... ~.......


:i~ ~~,__

__. _...


_ _J

Skill: Missile weagons: con'cussion missiles




~~<. ~he saucer hull also has an escape pod, as well

.-" _ ~;.~s;-two

gun mounts, dorsal and ventral. The

"~l';~";;;:?::~T 1.~-~"'i.:.";-0:~.c~g?c~mpartments and crew quarters aren't
Space jla,ng";,;,\l3/7, _.
'?\"" ..;.', <' ~".'~ as.spaclous as other YT models, because much
Atmosphere'Range: 5(1.100/300/700 ~ ,.~. '>~ ",,;.'-..
h b'
DamagEt;--9D):... .' ""- ~ '~~;~'~Y"',I},I~J~'~ ~t '\-~.o::}OO~ as een gIven over or rno I IcaFire



I ',/

BlasterCaimon (retractable)~_):::-.-~-.!:/:--"

:~, . ~lOn.-_

Fire Arc: rJlrr~c-':'f\~";' )/.~_:=-o. ~J1ri~ '~J~h~ .. CorelVan Engineering Corporation deSC~/::~p~~d,~r.-_
~: ~ : ;:.;J.f;?_<.~:;-;.J:;;.;
~~t~f;l~? this a "stock cargo h~u.ler," inS~lll. y'~hlcle_bla.sJers
~:.--:-: .. :- "~~,~~:,, .~~Q~.\',";'" tendedJor use" m the more competitive and
Fire onfrof: 4D (fired from COCkPlt)"'it"
/~" n-; ' , ' . . . . . . . . .

At'P9sp{lere~kange:'1'50/100l2S0,~I&-= '"c'<\' ,.", 'hazarqous regions of the Outer RIm Terrltones.

Dpf1Qge;:lDj~~1':b~~~:-:1"~,;",-~-~~.~.~~~. "1:. )ts fram~ .ha~e been remforced, and
/1 .. ;;:::~o-~1:ridEi'r/
the exte~lOr hull platmg IS double-armored, The
y:rZ400 s pow,er core has nearly tWIce the out/ .'/ .':"'''''',",\~;+''-'''-:;.<""..~
. ,
. , ' c.:.
, The Oiltrider is a heavily modified Corellia'n
put of other YT models, allowing for oversi2ed
yt.Z400 freighte;."flow'n by~smuggler' D'a'sh', enginesfand extra modifications to utilize the
Reri'dar.l\1uc1in-e'~~angsleek'looking thanffi'll'
extra energy,
older \YTc}},Q,Q,,!!!'(Ld.el5,'A],a-ship / ' Dash Rendar has, of course, modified the
designed to suit Dash's exciting and dangerous" Outrider to suit his needs. The stock engines
lifestyle\The YT-Z400 model sports t~tr1idewere torn out, and three new military grade
marksaucershaped hull of most YT-series light
KonGar KGDefender ion engines were installed
freighters,' and, like its predeces5'Ors, is fast,
in their place. The vessel's hyperdrive rating
sturdy, and'i,nfinitely vari~_ble.'"The basic hull
was boosted near the levels of the infamous
saucer has two starbo.ard bracing arms conMillennium Falcon with a heavily-modified
necting the cockpit module, a cylindrical affair
SoroSuub GriffyntyZTG hyperdrive unit, The
running paralleI'rothe hull, At the forward end
shield generators were boosted using power
of the module sits the cockpit, with an access
loop capacitors running off the freighter's mighty
tube running aft to an escape pod built for six,
power core, and the weapons systems were
upgraded and linked through a combat com1




Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook



All the Extras

Dash Rendar strode down the Outrider's entry
Fleet Systems research tower right here on Byblos.
ramp and into the immense repair bay deep beYou wouldn't believe how lax their security is. Then
neath Byblos Starport Tower 214. Spare starship
we coat the entire hull with this black-chrome senparts were heaped along the bay walls, and mechansor-deflector spray somebody found in a highly
ics of all species and descriptions scurried around,
classified Imperial warehouse. Seems to work well
sorting equipment or repairing the bulk freighter in
on light freighters, although I don't have a lot left.
the adjacent tech hangar.
And finally, we'll gut the ion drives and refit the
A diminutive Sullustan approached, protective
bracings with these three military grade KonGar
goggles perched on herforehead and tools bristling
KGDefenderion engines. My, uh, 'purchasingagents'
from every pocket on her worksuit. "Rendar," she
brought them out of the advanced engineering de
called in a squeaky voice. "I've been expecting you."
partment of the Corulag Academy. Very fast. Very
illegal. With all that junk in there you'll bemakingthe
"Yeah, Bolabo, I just got my hands on this new
starship, and Iwas wondering if you could refit her,"
Kessel Run in record time."
Rendar said.
"Sounds great," Rendar'-said, a wary look in his
"She's a beauty," Bolabo said, strolling around
eY~'-::'\Vhat'll it co'!,t me?!V
the Outrider with the keen eye of a professional
,"You're not-going ch.eap, Dash, are you?"
technician. "One of those new Corellian YT-2400. B6IabQ chitled. "Like, I::said, we keep track of a
jobs, right? I'd heard of them, but never seen one in , --' .hotshot rockt j9ck Ilke you. Heard you broke the
person. You must have paid a pretty hefty sum for" . :':Jec9rd~.90ing thejlevari Sidestep. Got out with a
this one, Mint condition, too."
..::....c"rgo hold full of carsunum spice. They pay prime
"Let's just say I have an old and generous Twi;lek. . iiedits foniiat'stUff in the right markets."
uncle who appreciates my. trari,;port services,"
~0,,"And I know the right;.markets," Dash bragged.
Rendar said. "I hope you have some hot systems to._' "That's the p,?int:you got the best for your cargo,
load on her." .
. :.:- rm sure." Bolatio removed a worn datapad from her
"Sure, Rendar, I've been'savingupforyou," Bolabo
,,,jumpsuit pocket and began punching in numbers.
said. "We've been keepingtrackofyou. Iknew you'd ""-'''Let's say fgive you the whole upgrade for ... this
be coming back this way as.soon as I heard you had
much." She handed the datapad to Rendar, and he
your hands on this YT-2400,So I've got some approgasped.
priately 'hot' components we can load up. First we'll
"You're outta your little Sullustan mind!"
strip down the shield generators, install some power
"Sure, okay," Bolabo said, recomputing the numloop capacitors ani:! reconstruct the entire array
bers on the datapad. "I can always find another
system. Then we'll drag out whatever cheapo
customer for those illegal KGDefender ion drives.
hyperdrive the Corellians threw in there and fix you
Stealing those isn't like picking berries, now is it?
Don't fret. I hear old Tru'eb's looking to replace the
up with some new hyperdrive motivators my friends
back on Sullust managed to smuggle out. Of course,
Luudrian Star's failing excuse for a drive system ... "
we'll rip out those wimpy blaster cannons and put
"Okay, okay," Rendar conceded. "I'll pay." Bolabo
something with a bit more punch in the turrets,
was asking for practically all the credits he made off
sling a concussion missile system beneath the cockthe carsunum spice. It was worth it. The Outrider
pit, then rig it all together with one of these sleek
would be so packed with extras that it would make
new combat computers we lifted out of the Sienar
even Han Solo jealous. "Where do I sign?"

puter in the cockpit. Although they can be fired

manually from the turrets, Dash often doesn't
have a gunnery crew and the heavy Dymek
double laser cannons can be targeted and fired
from the cockpit, but with reduced efficiency.
An advanced (and contraband) sensor system
was also installed. Finally, the entire hull was
coated with an illegal sensor stealth coating.
The black-chrome coating absorbs or deflects
most weaker sensor systems at range.
Few know where Dash found the credits,
time, expertise or equipment to modify the Outrider properly, and nobody bothers to ask. The


Outrider is like a charlatan's illusion - only the

charlatan knows how it all works, and everything else is just a trade secret.

Craft: Modified Corellian YT-2400 Transport
Type: Modified light freighter

Scale: Starfighter
Length: 21 meters
Skill: Space transports: YT2400 transports
Crew: 2, gunners: 2, skeleton: 1;'+-10
Crew Skill: See Dash Rendar and Leebo
Passengers: 4
Cargo Capacity: 75 metric tons

CODsumables: 2 months
Cost: Not available for sale

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

seT cannon turret mounted dorsally provides

Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3j4

Hyperdrive Backup: xlO
Nav Computer: Yes

ManeuverabiHty: 2D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1.050 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 3D.2
Passiue: 30/1D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 75/3D


Focus: 4/4D

+ I D+2 to avoid detection

sensors at ranges of more than 50 units.

Sensor Stealth System:

2 Heavy Double Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret


adequate fire support when lethal force is reqUired, Although the lasers can be targeted
from the turret, a redundant fire-control link to
th~.cocl!-pit illlp,s the pilot to operate them at a
~ightJy reduced accuracy,
The state-of-the-art,equipment outfitting the
Stinger does not leavemu.h.!:.oom for amenities,
but the craft's pilot requires few comforts, The
cockpit"has 'room for two passengers, and. a
survival pod directly aft provides escaReshould
theStin17er be destroyed. The main cargo hold is
-,light f.reig!lter 'st~~Q~ and_much of
it is filled ~th system)? overtigwJng from the aft
engineering crawl:-sRace_- ,shield generator

9J~~ '<:..ontrol

.systems ~nd
FlYe Contrat 2D.(OD II fired from cockpit) ~ _ rl;seeve,dnve.p1,Q.dules, No crew quarters eXIst
Space Range 1.lli720/30 ==~
~-"""PortiOns'of the cargo hold can be modified to
Atmospllere Range...100-1/2/3 km
./1'-'.'~ accomynooatwassengers, but a small fresher
2 -gamage:' 6DMissil T j, (r" 'f
-;:;- ...r
and a package,ofOld foodstuffs provide the only
F~~c~~~~~ont e u es mlSSI es--=_~
comfoJ:ts~~.?/) _
Skill: Slarship gunn~ry'. ==,~'" .
,-~ ?
Fire Con!!;Of: 3D
/;~l:::);/;;'~,. ':~::~1:~~~-,-:...
Space Rang",: 1/3/7:(, J~"" ' . i' :,"~"'"
Atmosphere Rang:; ,50'1.~0/3.,Oj-1,0.2; ';:.
Damage. 9D
t':'ff>c, I, --<>

GurLhas, moj:lified the Stinger with several

. T , . h ' d utles
' f<:>f 81 ac kS un. Th e
vessel's' communications .package has been
upgraded to beller monitor comm channels inf h'
f h
t' 't'
\\ \\ \. - '-~-""~-"'~~:""-- "~
system Of mts 9 t e ac IVI l~~ 0 enemIes,
Sting'er"-._ -4"~ allies and bthers s~,emight encounter. The senGuri, first lieutenant tc/BI1fck"S;';';,1'chief,
sors system ha",also been mo~lified for greater
Xizor, makes her rounds in a
.,...,sleek and heavily modified
Surronian assault ship called
the Stinger, It is as beautiful
and deadly as its mistress,
Emergency Braking Jets - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - ,
Side View
The Stinger's soft curves
Cockpit - - - = - - . - : - - - - - - - - - - ,
seem to have been artistiFire-Linked
cally crafted by her design
Ion Cannon
ers, The cluster of eight ion
drives fitted aft provide fast
propulsion as well as
smooth maneuverability,
Coupled with forward brak
ing jets and a complex control computer, the engines
make the Stfnger as agile as
an angry insect. Guri also
uses the forward braking
thrusters in ruthless com
bat maneuvers, most often
decelerating so fast that a
pursuing enemy flies right
-fl,-h-,'\ooll"!-------------- Access to Main Power Core
by her and into the Stinger's
1I,-7I\.;j\\l\-------------- A2.So-Grade Ion Engine (4)
gun sights,
-""lHIcI\I--------------- A2-Grade Ion Engine (4)
The Stinger's weapons
complement is also impressive, Forward-firing ion can
11-------------- Reactor Core Exhaust Valves
nons are useful in disabling
targets to be captured or
subdued, and a double lao
Top View

=- -

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

syst,~,!TI;; to as.lrt-,~.~fm


Ten: Starships



efficiency. Guri has also installed several security precautions as well, including an auto-destruct mechanism linking the cockpit to the
power core. ThoseattemptingtostealtheStinger
would soon find themselves at the center of a
small sun.
Xizor has had the Stinger in his hangars for
several years - a unique gift from an unknown
Surronian hive craftguild for some unspecified
favor performe8JlbYl the Falleen Dark Prince.
Xizor granted ~j!<as (Gi!ri's personal transport
when she first cameitO"serve him. Guri uses it
when ever she is%enrolf Coruscant to carry out
;~e';,t;!lij,ster;s;bicra~;::~has served her. well as a
~asic transpor , mobile base of operatIOns, and
~'~slilifgiiii1lfshlp':']jnliKe.masJ <;,aptains, however,
gs,_..- Gurina\;Tno sentifnehtal atticJtfu~fit'tQch~lR,

" , . "

Xizor Transport Systems uses a variety 'of

freighters in its shipping fleets, from immense
container ships and bulk freighters to small
light freighters. Most of these ships are used for
commercial shipping. Some, like the Suprosa,
are secretly used to carry out Black Sun's criminal agenda. While it might look like an ordinary
cargo freighter, the Suprosa is specially outfitted to haul extremely valuable cargoes for Black
The CE-2 series was an experiment on Corellian Engineering's part to create a freighter using a detachable cargo pod as a hold, much like
their popular barge drivers. The ship features a
standard forward-mounted cockpit, while the
aft-end'COfitainsthe ion.engines and.hYP'erdriil~~




,~. further Blac!<Sun's~bl!!.onAT1:e5[1'!f1~~lBro=~h,coreta~much'5f

file is ~s nottriom;l~s, its capta~~"'WI:!.ereverthe
tral cargo clamps secure the hold container:"~~

!Stinget;,goes; peojjIe'\mow gYrI IS oj}ithe prowl.

.,"._.. !-;i~~i:Hg;r f~='
ffl _ _'

~:J _.

ii'Typ~Modified{.a~iIlt ship



c' . ~

f-;~-1'gth: 28 !?,et~s
, ,'ASkiU:Space transports: Surroman assault ship
~ t;'Crew:\l

~~ .

1 ~cniW'Skillt~ee Guri



:~<::tare'Modifiea~Surronian Conqueror Assault Ship


<"",4 ;, 2

~cargo~~pacity: 25 metric tons

Con~IlD,'i',hles: I month , - - -



HyperdMe'Baclfup: xto
.,Maneuverablhty: 3D
- - .- ASPtmace: 9h . 400' 1 150 kmh

osp ere.

""portant B!ack, Sun~pergnneU)l',:Ensoners, and

..-. ,~


-i ....


itpgraded'shYefci[;;tfte Suprosa


Space lJaDge:. 13/7/3:, ''',

."",,;; DoubleJ..aser",CiUinon '-~\'~_-:.-'


'.\ _,._:~_-. ~:-:~_ _



.'fEire Aic.:~1:urret:i:;;.J..:Y~\-,~ < :~;.


'" .ft:~:?


-<: ----""


''A\~'' FifrControl:~2D(00 if fired from cockpit)

. "':'I.'--Space Rang'e-:--1-3/12/25
,. --..-:Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 k'T'

- nc;mage





~,\,-';:;\ Damage?:4P," ~:::WJx>~",,;~e--;,~t.).

. r-' Gre1J; 1~:0~::~-:-:~

.:/ price
. _




_ tachaDle'"ca1go-'Coriraill'epis1-eleased ~~a

S 1 :-_tar$ Ip gunnery;
~\:- '~~:~:\.

sile;.ttihetcann6t,pea~plo'yecl unle~s<the,de.-

2-IQQ...~ons (fire-linked) .


is e'cittjppgd with.

attacking"starshtps",Ho"L"y~rl':the ventral'm!s.-



I d

Fore and aft doubl~)asJ<,r ca';{'?~,tp~re.~s,,~!<:>;

vide allaround ftre-support;!ano"'c0ncusslO~ ,.
missile turrets piip'6ut::oi,th~ir'dd;tal;ailaveri-'



'2Foeus:.5/4D t'



;. \ i--



',. -"speci.aI~E6~a~t~t:Co_~~~ne~t~~
. :In~additior\ to:-i",inforced hull ,platipg"'and

'.:- 'severdJ retractable, concea e weappn~;yste[l1s

__ ~

\(\\ Pg,ss(ve,<jQ/1D

,~,??:_, lffi-

".~--- /"-""f'<'--'--d
.~./ st~lenpro.~_9~tY~~r%!n );l~tr{~

Cost. Not available for sale

Hyperdri~~ MUI~plier.'Xl


which is accessed from the outside by large

cargo doors and from inside the freighter bY,a
ventral hatch. If Viewed from the Side, the ship 5
profile seems like a stylized graphic of a blaster.
Captain jl-var~the turrent owner of the
Suprosa,.has modified the Corellian CE-2 freighter
f ~"""""- t
0 'th
t 'de 'It appears
.-o-.rc0p-cover oP.~:~ IOns. n e.Qll ~l_~
't.~ to be a r",l~ttvely normal frelghter,',but'~everal
valuablejefuas'are cleverly}c6riceal<fd~Black
Sun-':-e~trtsts~-hirrl\Ylfh:;r~IfnWlg::::y~f~ahl:e cargoes;!n,cludingf6pieS"oI;'yn1lic;a:fe dffafiles,










Craft: MModd~ff~edd C1'goh,eIfha?gC, IE-2, ~Trans~ort

e ~<-, ~~, ,_... ~...,#?_
ype: 0 lie I t rei h~ __
Scale: Starfighter
."3:- ,\ \(~$..:r "

Length: 100 meters

\,"'"':,-..+''f~J';. _-"
Skill: Space transports: C..2 transport
Crew: 2, ~unners: 2 ....-:"" ' . . . _
Crew .Skill: Ast~ggatlon 50, .spac_e transports 5D+2,
starshlp !Ll!-~nery 6D+2, starshlp shields 40
Passepgers: 2
"",cargo Capacity: 50,000 metric tons


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Consumables: 2 months


Cost: Not available for sale

Hyperdrive Multiplier. xl
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 10+2
Space: 4
Abnospbere: 280; BOO kmh
Hun: 5D
Shields: 20

Side View


Focus: 2/30
2 Double Laser Cannons -

Fire Arc: Turret

~ Crew- 1'-= r ~""""'..~
SkiJf:5tarship gunnery':::'- --. ..

--Hie-Control: 3D


Space Range: 1-3/12/25 ;- ~l!!JosphereRQ..nge: 100-300/

_ 1.2/2.5 km

__Damage: 50
2 Concussion_Missile launchers(ffiay b~Jire-Jinked) _
-:,:--Fire Arc: Turret
_Crew: I (co-pilot)
-Skill: Statship gunnery





' - - - Proton Torpedo Launcher (2)

\t---I'r--"<:------------ Fuel Tank Port


: ; J ( ] ] - - - - - - Double Laser Cannons (2)


Primary ~foll Actuator (2)

~f-------- Power Generator (4)


Shield Generators
(3; 2 on Top, I on Bottom)

~ih'/f------------Armor Plating

#~;;;;:;~"-;:7'-------------Fuel Tank Port


.rf/l'7'------------- Secondary >Foil Actuator

Wings (Fold-Out)

-=- ~

Atmosphere! Range: 50-100/=


fbody armor and guns c10sedJ


Passive: 10/00]"
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D

Front View

Ibody armor and guns extended forward}


__ --

Micro-Thrusters (2 per Wing)

pamoge: 80 (90 if fire-linked)




The U~derlord_of
B1aclCSun carely ventures
far from his-fortified palace_on _Cpruscant_ He
has little reason to leave-the system, for his
minions attend to his in~numeraIe business
concerns throughout thegalaxy.Ho",ever, Xizor
is not one to fully tr.ust Others. TOJthat end he
commissioned MandalM5tornhipyards to design a new stars ipTsw1'!hpracticaland deadly
- for those rare-occasiillis when Black Sun
affairs require his personal attention elsewhere.
"l,' I I '
TheTMandalMotors design,engineers. created
ttid-VirafiJ I : I iirsnlr-tiW StaHtipef-class of assault fighters- ~ eX~lusivelyI~izor'sprivate
use. It satisfies the Underlord's basic needs:
superior speed and.~aneliVeTability,with a fair
amount of protection and armament.
The Virago's unique design employs four adjustable wing panels with two micro-thrusters
each to maintain optimum maneuverability. Each
wing operates on its own s-foil mechanism independent of the others, constantly changing position in flight as maneuvers require. The entire
arrangement makes the Virago seem to be a
graceful avian fluttering its wings irregularly.
Everything is coordinated through a state-ofthe-art computer control system integrating
flight commands with the wing micro-thrusters


Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

and adjustable thrust nacelles on the main engines, a pair of Quadrex IGt ion drives_ However,
while this wing arrangement provides maximum maneuverability in space, the Virago's
wings are a hindrance during atmospheric flight
and are normally retraced unless the vessel is in
In addition to its speed and maneuverability,
the Virago is wefl armed and armored. A pair of
Taim & Bak Ht-12 double heavy laser cannons
are mounted on either side Of the cockpit, with
extending arms to provide a wide field of fire
during combat operations (the cannons remain
locked in the forward position when the wings
are retracted). Two proton torpedo launchers
also cover the forward firing arc. The forward
faces of the wing panels are heavily armored,
while augmented shield generators protect the
rear portions of the ship, which tend to not have
as much armor plating.
All the systems aboard the Virago require an
enormous amount of energy to operate at maximum efficiency. To that end the designers integrated four separate power generators, one in
each wing spar, as well as a reserve fuel cell rack
within each wing.


=Ch:apt:er:Te~n: Sta:rSh~iP~S: ==============





Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

Craft: Modified MandalMotorsStarViper
assault fighter
Type: Modified assault fighter

Scale: Starfighter
Length: 21 meters
Skill: Slarfighler piloting: StarViper
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: See Xizor
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: at available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier. xl
Hyperdrtve Backup: xlO

Nav Computer. Yes

Maneuverability: 30+2 (30+2 in atmo-

sphere with wings retracted; 10 in atmosphere with wings extended)

Space: 11
Atmosphere: 435; 1,200 kmh (with wings
retracted); 210; 600 kmh (with wings

Hull: 6D (front), 3D (back)
Shields: ID (front), 4D (back)
Passive: 25/1 0
Scan: 40/2D
Search: 60/3D
Focus: 4/4D

2 Double Heavy LaserCannons (may
be fire-linked, but when linked can
only fire to front or back facings)
Fire Arc: Front (wings retracted);
with wings extended: 1 front/
left/back, 1 front/right/back.
Each cannon may only tum one
lire arc per turn.
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D

Space Range: 1-3/12/25

Atmosphere Range: IOo-~OO/I.2/2.5
Damage: 50 (60 if lire-linked)
2 Proton Torpedo launchers (3
torpedoes each)
Fire Arc: Front
Skit/: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D

Space Range: 1/3/7

Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700


Although not technically considered a
starship, skyhooks fall into the category of orbital installations and often serve the spacer
community. There is no greater concentration
of these immense, floating satellites than above
the glimmering surface of Coruscant, the
Empire's heart.
These giant installations hover in low orbit
around Coruscant, each tethered to the planet
below by a long and tenuous umbilical providing turbolift access. Skyhooks vary in design,
size and purpose, but most contain docking
bays to accommodate starship traffic, habita-

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

tion areas for residents and workers, and immense engineering bays for the equipment required to maintain the skyhook and its tether. At
times, the skies over Imperial Center seem to
blossom with skyhooks of every sort, Some
function as smaller and more exclusive resi-

dences, upscale counterparts to the monstrous

habitation spheres which hang precariously in
higher orbit. Others function as intermediate
passenger or cargo stations, supplementing the
planetside starport facilities, Some skyhooks
are packed with communications and surveillance systems, while others monitor and coordinate the complex starship traffic corridors of
the Empire's capital.
A few skyhooks are the exclusive domains of


Chapter Ten'. Starshlps



.. .'

. . .,.
. .'. '!.,' ':



. ."'f



.. :






. Sourcebook
Shadows of th eEm prre

some of the most prominent citizens of the Core
Worlds. These orbital platforms contain all the
luxuries of home, as well as special facilities like
private landing and repair bays. residential complexes, art galleries, and vast habitat gardens
filling entire decks. These skyhooks act as the
"country estates" of Coruscant's elite, who can't
always take the time to travel to their villas on
more bucolic worlds far from the political scene.
The Emperor himself has his own carefully protected skyhook, and it is rumored that Xizor,
head of the power corporation Xizor Transport
Systems, has a palatial skyhook named Falleen's
To some, the skyhooks floating above
Coruscant seems rather fragile. like fantastic
glass sculptures. However, the skyhooks' designers have taken many precautions to ensure
the skyhooks are safe and dependable. The
skyhook is placed in geosynchronous orbit
above the planet right from its initial construction phases. Powerful repulsorlift generators
and maneuverability jets maintain astable orbit
and keep it from plunging into the atmosphere,
dragged down by gravity and the weight of the
tether. Individual tube links - each part of the
turbolift system - interconnect to form the
flexible umbilical. Each link has its own control
and maneuvering repulsors to maintain its position despite the presence of hostile weather
conditions. Shield generators protect the tethers from damage, while static antennae collect
and disperse static electricity from atmospheric
friction. The snapping strobes from these antennae also act as warning lights for flying craft.
Despite all these precautions, some skyhooks
must be removed for safety reasons. In these
rare cases, damaged skyhooks are either towed
out of orbit or destroyed by patrol ship blaster
fire so that they burn up upon entering the
atmosphere. Tethers present other probiems

Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook

for disabled skyhooks - they are often detached at the base and allowed to be towed off
with a skyhook, or are locked into position with
a series of emergency stabilizer rods in each
tether link until the entire assembly can be torn
Passengers and cargo often reach skyhooks
through turbolifts running the length of the
umbilicals. A particular skyhook's function often determines the intensity of passenger or
cargo traffic - a platform serving as an intermediate starship docking area would have many
people and freight passing along its umbilical,
while a private skyhook serving as a wealthy
estate would have few supplies and personnel
transferred up the tether. For higher traffic
skyhooks, the large turbolift cabs are often linked
together in "trains." Despite the use of acceleration and deceleration compensators in these
large turbolifts, the journey from the surface to
askyhookcan take upwards of two hours. Nearly
all skyhooks maintain docking facilities for small
craft in case of emergencies or for arrivals from
off-planet. All skyhooks are required by Imperial
spacefaring agencies to carry a compliment of
escape and rescue pods to accommodate all
inhabitants, although wealthyowners often forgo
this precaution because they feel it detracts
from the ambiance of their personal space habitats.
Craft: Core Worlds Engineering Sl..')'hook Platform

Type; Sl..")'hook
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,200 meters

Passengers: 1,000
Cargo Capacity: 50.000 metric tons
Coosumables: 6 months
Cost: 25 million credits

Hull: 10
Game Note: Slats for specific sk')'hooks may vary based

on their primary function.


It's dark, here in the belly ofthe secret Imperial base.

You can hear th.e rhythmic thump of heavy machinery
several floors above you as you creep through the corridor
towards the door at the far end. If Alliance intelligence was
correct, just beyond that door lies your objective - the canister of
biowar cultures which will prove the Empire destroyed the world of
Dentaal by unleashing a terrible plague upon its people.
Just as you near the door, it slides open. Two Imperial officers
stare at you in shock for a moment. "Blast him!" one cries. They
raise their blasters...

In Star Wars: LiveAction Adventures, you aren't reading this scene

in a novel. You aren't seeing it on a screen. You aren't sitting around a gaming table. You are there,
that dim corridor, with a blaster heavy in your sweaty palm, shooting it out with two Ini~
course, the corridor is a hallway in a convention hotel, the sound of heavy machiii~ co
boom box, and the two Imperials-are fellow players, but you are there, and in.c
the Star Wars experience as anyone outside Hollywood can get.

Star Wars: Live-Action Adventures will be available in your local hobby,

and book
in AUgu~st:.:s~o~g~r~a~b_y~O~u=r~b=las~te~r~'~
prime your
join the fray!


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