Creation and Conversion of Local Government Units

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Creation and Conversion of Local Government Units

Section 6. Authority to Create Local Government Units. - A local government unit may be
created, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries substantially altered either by law
enacted by Congress in the case of a province, city, municipality, or any other political
subdivision, or by ordinance passed by the sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
panlungsod concerned in the case of a barangay located within its territorial jurisdiction, subject
to such limitations and requirements prescribed in this Code.
Section 7. Creation and Conversion. - As a general rule, the creation of a local government unit
or its conversion from one level to another level shall be based on verifiable indicators of
viability and projected capacity to provide services, to wit:
(a) Income. - It must be sufficient, based on acceptable standards, to provide for all
essential government facilities and services and special functions commensurate with
the size of its population, as expected of the local government unit concerned;
(b) Population. - It shall be determined as the total number of inhabitants within the
territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned; and
(c) Land Area. - It must be contiguous, unless it comprises two or more islands or is
separated by a local government unit independent of the others; properly identified by
metes and bounds with technical descriptions; and sufficient to provide for such basic
services and facilities to meet the requirements of its populace.
Compliance with the foregoing indicators shall be attested to by the Department of
Finance (DOF), the National Statistics Office (NSO), and the Lands Management
Bureau (LMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
Section 8. Division and Merger. - Division and merger of existing local government units shall
comply with the same requirements herein prescribed for their creation: Provided, however,
That such division shall not reduce the income, population, or land area of the local government
unit or units concerned to less than the minimum requirements prescribed in this Code:
Provided, further, That the income classification of the original local government unit or units
shall not fall below its current classification prior to such division.
The income classification of local government units shall be updated within six (6) months from
the effectivity of this Code to reflect the changes in their financial position resulting from the
increased revenues as provided herein.
Section 9. Abolition of Local Government Units. - A local government unit may be abolished
when its income, population, or land area has been irreversibly reduced to less than the
minimum standards prescribed for its creation under Book III of this Code, as certified by the
national agencies mentioned in Section 7 hereof to Congress or to the sangguniang concerned,
as the case may be.

The law or ordinance abolishing a local government unit shall specify the province, city,
municipality, or barangay with which the local government unit sought to be abolished will be
incorporated or merged.
Section 10. Plebiscite Requirement. - No creation, division, merger, abolition, or substantial
alteration of boundaries of local government units shall take effect unless approved by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite called for the purpose in the political unit or units directly
affected. Said plebiscite shall be conducted by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) within
one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of effectivity of the law or ordinance effecting such
action, unless said law or ordinance fixes another date.
Section 11. Selection and Transfer of Local Government Site, Offices and Facilities. (a) The law or ordinance creating or merging local government units shall specify the
seat of government from where governmental and corporate services shall be delivered.
In selecting said site, factors relating to geographical centrality, accessibility, availability
of transportation and communication facilities, drainage and sanitation, development and
economic progress, and other relevant considerations shall be taken into account.
(b) When conditions and developments in the local government unit concerned have
significantly changed subsequent to the establishment of the seat of government, its
sanggunian may, after public hearing and by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all its members,
transfer the same to a site better suited to its needs. Provided, however, That no such
transfer shall be made outside the territorial boundaries of the local government unit
The old site, together with the improvements thereon, may be disposed of by the sale or
lease or converted to such other use as the sangguniang concerned may deem
beneficial to the local government unit concerned and its inhabitants.
(c) Local government offices and facilities shall not be transferred, relocated, or
converted to other uses unless public hearings are first conducted for the purpose and
the concurrence of the majority of all the members of the sanggunian concerned is
Section 12. Government Centers. - Provinces, cities, and municipalities shall endeavor to
establish a government center where offices, agencies, or branches of the national government,
local government units, or government-owned or controlled corporations may, as far as
practicable, be located. In designating such a center, the local government unit concerned shall
take into account the existing facilities of national and local agencies and offices which may
serve as the government center as contemplated under this Section. The national government,
local government unit or government-owned or controlled corporation concerned shall bear the
expenses for the construction of its buildings and facilities in the government center.
Section 13. Naming of Local Government Units and Public Places, Streets and Structures. -

(a) The sangguniang panlalawigan may, in consultation with the Philippine Historical
Commission (PHC), change the name of the following within its territorial jurisdiction:
(1) Component cities and municipalities, upon the recommendation of the
sanggunian concerned;
(2) Provincial roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares, and bridges;
(3) Public vocational or technical schools and other post-secondary and tertiary
(4) Provincial hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities; and
(5) Any other public place or building owned by the provincial government.
(b) The sanggunian of highly urbanized cities and of component cities whose charters
prohibit their voters from voting for provincial elective officials, hereinafter referred to in
this Code as independent component cities, may, in consultation with the Philippine
Historical Commission, change the name of the following within its territorial jurisdiction:
(1) City barangays, upon the recommendation of the sangguniang barangay
(2) City roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares, and bridges;
(3) Public elementary, secondary and vocational or technical schools, community
colleges and non-chartered colleges;
(4) City hospitals, health centers and other health facilities; and
(5) Any other public place or building owned by the city government.
(c) The sanggunians of component cities and municipalities may, in consultation with the
Philippine Historical Commission, change the name of the following within its territorial
(1) City and municipal barangays, upon recommendation of the sangguniang
barangay concerned;
(2) City, municipal and barangay roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares, and
(3) City and municipal public elementary, secondary and vocational or technical
schools, post- secondary and other tertiary schools;

(4) City and municipal hospitals, health centers and other health facilities; and
(5) Any other public place or building owned by the municipal government.
(d) None of the foregoing local government units, institutions, places, or buildings shall
be named after a living person, nor may a change of name be made unless for a
justifiable reason and, in any case, not oftener than once every ten (10) years. The
name of a local government unit or a public place, street or structure with historical,
cultural, or ethnic significance shall not be changed, unless by a unanimous vote of the
sanggunian concerned and in consultation with the PHC.
(e) A change of name of a public school shall be made only upon the recommendation of
the local school board concerned.
(f) A change of name of public hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities shall
be made only upon the recommendation of the local health board concerned.
(g) The change of name of any local government unit shall be effective only upon
ratification in a plebiscite conducted for the purpose in the political unit directly affected.
(h) In any change of name, the Office of the President, the representative of the
legislative district concerned, and the Bureau of Posts shall be notified.
Section 14. Beginning of Corporate Existence. - When a new local government unit is created,
its corporate existence shall commence upon the election and qualification of its chief executive
and a majority of the members of its sanggunian, unless some other time is fixed therefor by the
law or ordinance creating it.
Section 15. Political and Corporate Nature of Local Government Units. - Every local
government unit created or recognized under this Code is a body politic and corporate endowed
with powers to be exercised by it in conformity with law. As such, it shall exercise powers as a
political subdivision of the national government and as a corporate entity representing the
inhabitants of its territory.
Section 16. General Welfare. - Every local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly
granted, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or
incidental for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the
promotion of the general welfare. Within their respective territorial jurisdictions, local
government units shall ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and
enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced
ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social
justice, promote full employment among their residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve
the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants.

Section 17. Basic Services and Facilities. (a) Local government units shall endeavor to be self-reliant and shall continue exercising
the powers and discharging the duties and functions currently vested upon them. They
shall also discharge the functions and responsibilities of national agencies and offices
devolved to them pursuant to this Code. Local government units shall likewise exercise
such other powers and discharge such other functions and responsibilities as are
necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and effective provisions of the basic
services and facilities enumerated herein.
(b) Such basic services and facilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) For Barangay:
(i) Agricultural support services which include planting materials
distribution system and operation of farm produce collection and buying
(ii) Health and social welfare services which include maintenance of
barangay health center and day-care center;
(iii) Services and facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation,
beautification, and solid waste collection;
(iv) Maintenance of katarungang pambarangay;
(v) Maintenance of barangay roads and bridges and water supply
(vi) Infrastructure facilities such as multi-purpose hall, multipurpose
pavement, plaza, sports center, and other similar facilities;
(vii) Information and reading center; and
(viii) Satellite or public market, where viable;
(2) For a Municipality:
(i) Extension and on-site research services and facilities related to
agriculture and fishery activities which include dispersal of livestock and
poultry, fingerlings, and other seedling materials for aquaculture; palay,
corn, and vegetable seed farms; medicinal plant gardens; fruit tree,
coconut, and other kinds of seedling nurseries; demonstration farms;
quality control of copra and improvement and development of local
distribution channels, preferably through cooperatives; interbarangay

irrigation system; water and soil resource utilization and conservation

projects; and enforcement of fishery laws in municipal waters including
the conservation of mangroves;
(ii) Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision, control and
review of the DENR, implementation of community-based forestry
projects which include integrated social forestry programs and similar
projects; management and control of communal forests with an area not
exceeding fifty (50) square kilometers; establishment of tree parks,
greenbelts, and similar forest development projects;
(iii) Subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book I of this Code, health
services which include the implementation of programs and projects on
primary health care, maternal and child care, and communicable and noncommunicable disease control services, access to secondary and tertiary
health services; purchase of medicines, medical supplies, and equipment
needed to carry out the services herein enumerated;
(iv) Social welfare services which include programs and projects on child
and youth welfare, family and community welfare, women's welfare,
welfare of the elderly and disabled persons; community-based
rehabilitation programs for vagrants, beggars, street children, scavengers,
juvenile delinquents, and victims of drug abuse; livelihood and other propoor projects; nutrition services; and family planning services;
(v) Information services which include investments and job placement
information systems, tax and marketing information systems, and
maintenance of a public library;
(vi) Solid waste disposal system or environmental management system
and services or facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation;
(vii) Municipal buildings, cultural centers, public parks including freedom
parks, playgrounds, and other sports facilities and equipment, and other
similar facilities;
(viii) Infrastructure facilities intended primarily to service the needs of the
residents of the municipality and which are funded out of municipal funds
including but not limited to, municipal roads and bridges; school buildings
and other facilities for public elementary and secondary schools; clinics,
health centers and other health facilities necessary to carry out health
services; communal irrigation, small water impounding projects and other
similar projects; fish ports; artesian wells, spring development, rainwater
collectors and water supply systems; seawalls, dikes, drainage and

sewerage, and flood control; traffic signals and road signs; and similar
(ix) Public markets, slaughterhouses and other municipal enterprises;
(x) Public cemetery;
(xi) Tourism facilities and other tourist attractions, including the acquisition
of equipment, regulation and supervision of business concessions, and
security services for such facilities; and
(xii) Sites for police and fire stations and substations and municipal jail;
(3) For a Province:
(i) Agricultural extension and on-site research services and facilities which
include the prevention and control of plant and animal pests and
diseases; dairy farms, livestock markets, animal breeding stations, and
artificial insemination centers; and assistance in the organization of
farmers and fishermen's cooperatives, and other collective organizations,
as well as the transfer of appropriate technology;
(ii) Industrial research and development services, as well as the transfer
of appropriate technology;
(iii) Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision, control and
review of the DENR, enforcement of forestry laws limited to communitybased forestry projects, pollution control law, small-scale mining law, and
other laws on the protection of the environment; and mini-hydroelectric
projects for local purposes;
(iv) Subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book I of this Code, health
services which include hospitals and other tertiary health services;
(v) Social welfare services which include programs and projects on rebel
returnees and evacuees; relief operations; and population development
(vi) Provincial buildings, provincial jails, freedom parks and other public
assembly areas and similar facilities;
(vii) Infrastructure facilities intended to service the needs of the residence
of the province and which are funded out of provincial funds including, but
not limited to, provincial roads and bridges; inter-municipal waterworks,

drainage and sewerage, flood control, and irrigation systems; reclamation

projects; and similar facilities;
(viii) Programs and projects for low-cost housing and other mass
dwellings, except those funded by the Social Security System (SSS),
Government Service Insurance System p. 172 (GSIS), and the Home
Development Mutual Fund (HDMF): Provided, That national funds for
these programs and projects shall be equitably allocated among the
regions in proportion to the ratio of the homeless to the population;
(ix) Investment support services, including access to credit financing;
(x) Upgrading and modernization of tax information and collection
services through the use of computer hardware and software and other
(xi) Inter-municipal telecommunications services, subject to national
policy guidelines; and
(xii) Tourism development and promotion programs;
(4) For a City:
All the services and facilities of the municipality and province, and in addition
thereto, the following:
(1) Adequate communication and transportation facilities;
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) hereof, public works and
infrastructure projects and other facilities, programs and services funded by the national
government under the annual General Appropriations Act, other special laws, pertinent
executive orders, and those wholly or partially funded from foreign sources, are not
covered under this Section, except in those cases where the local government unit
concerned is duly designated as the implementing agency for such projects, facilities,
programs, and services.
(d) The designs, plans, specifications, testing of materials, and the procurement of
equipment and materials at P170 from both foreign and local sources necessary for the
provision of the foregoing services and facilities shall be undertaken by the local
government unit concerned, based on national policies, standards and guidelines.
(e) National agencies or offices concerned shall devolve to local government units the
responsibility for the provision of basic services and facilities enumerated in this Section
within six (6) months after the effectivity of this Code.

As used in this Code, the term "devolution" refers to the act by which the national
government confers power and authority upon the various local government units to
perform specific functions and responsibilities.
(f) The national government or the next higher level of local government unit may
provide or augment the basic services and facilities assigned to a lower level of local
government unit when such services or facilities are not made available or, if made
available, are inadequate to meet the requirements of its inhabitants.
(g) The basic services and facilities hereinabove enumerated shall be funded from the
share of local government units in the proceeds of national taxes and other local
revenues and funding support from the national government, its instrumentalities and
government-owned or controlled corporations which are tasked by law to establish and
maintain such services or facilities. Any fund or resource available for the use of local
government units shall be first allocated for the provision of basic services or facilities
enumerated in subsection (b) hereof before applying the same for other purposes,
unless otherwise provided in this Code.
(h) Regional offices of national agencies or offices whose functions are devolved to local
government units as provided herein shall be phased out within one (1) year from the
approval of this Code. Said national agencies and offices may establish such field units
as may be necessary for monitoring purposes and providing technical assistance to local
government units. The properties, equipment, and other assets of these regional offices
shall be distributed to the local government units in the region in accordance with the
rules and regulations issued by the oversight committee created under this Code.
(i) The devolution contemplated in this Code shall include the transfer to local
government units of the records, equipment, and other assets and personnel of national
agencies and offices corresponding to the devolved powers, functions, and
Personnel of said national agencies or offices shall be absorbed by the local government
units to which they belong or in whose areas they are assigned to the extent that it is
administratively viable as determined by the said oversight committee: Provided, That
the rights accorded to such personnel pursuant to civil service law, rules and regulations
shall not be impaired: Provided, further, That regional directors who are career executive
service officers and other officers of similar rank in the said regional offices who cannot
be absorbed by the local government unit shall be retained by the national government,
without any diminution of rank, salary or tenure.
(j) To ensure the active participation of the private sector in local governance, local
government units may, by ordinance, sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise dispose of
public economic enterprises owned by them in their proprietary capacity.

Costs may also be charged for the delivery of basic services or facilities enumerated in
this Section.
Section 18. Power to Generate and Apply Resources. - Local government units shall have the
power and authority to establish an organization that shall be responsible for the efficient and
effective implementation of their development plans, program objectives and priorities; to create
their own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and charges which shall accrue
exclusively for their use and disposition and which shall be retained by them; to have a just
share in national taxes which shall be automatically and directly released to them without need
of any further action; to have an equitable share in the proceeds from the utilization and
development of the national wealth and resources within their respective territorial jurisdictions
including sharing the same with the inhabitants by way of direct benefits; to acquire, develop,
lease, encumber, alienate, or otherwise dispose of real or personal property held by them in
their proprietary capacity and to apply their resources and assets for productive, developmental,
or welfare purposes, in the exercise or furtherance of their governmental or proprietary powers
and functions and thereby ensure their development into self-reliant communities and active
participants in the attainment of national goals.
Section 19. Eminent Domain. - A local government unit may, through its chief executive and
acting pursuant to an ordinance, exercise the power of eminent domain for public use, or
purpose or welfare for the benefit of the poor and the landless, upon payment of just
compensation, pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution and pertinent laws: Provided,
however, That the power of eminent domain may not be exercised unless a valid and definite
offer has been previously made to the owner, and such offer was not accepted: Provided,
further, That the local government unit may immediately take possession of the property upon
the filing of the expropriation proceedings and upon making a deposit with the proper court of at
least fifteen percent (15%) of the fair market value of the property based on the current tax
declaration of the property to be expropriated: Provided, finally, That, the amount to be paid for
the expropriated property shall be determined by the proper court, based on the fair market
value at the time of the taking of the property.
Section 20. Reclassification of Lands. (a) A city or municipality may, through an ordinance passed by the sanggunian after
conducting public hearings for the purpose, authorize the reclassification of agricultural
lands and provide for the manner of their utilization or disposition in the following cases:
(1) when the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural
purposes as determined by the Department of Agriculture or (2) where the land shall
have substantially greater economic value for residential, commercial, or industrial
purposes, as determined by the sanggunian concerned: Provided, That such
reclassification shall be limited to the following percentage of the total agricultural land
area at the time of the passage of the ordinance:

(1) For highly urbanized and independent component cities, fifteen percent
(2) For component cities and first to the third class municipalities, ten percent
(10%); and
(3) For fourth to sixth class municipalities, five percent (5%): Provided, further,
That agricultural lands distributed to agrarian reform beneficiaries pursuant to
Republic Act Numbered Sixty-six hundred fifty-seven (R.A. No. 6657). otherwise
known as "The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law", shall not be affected by
the said reclassification and the conversion of such lands into other purposes
shall be governed by Section 65 of said Act.
(b) The President may, when public interest so requires and upon recommendation of
the National Economic and Development Authority, authorize a city or municipality to
reclassify lands in excess of the limits set in the next preceding paragraph.
(c) The local government units shall, in conformity with existing laws, continue to prepare
their respective comprehensive land use plans enacted through zoning ordinances
which shall be the primary and dominant bases for the future use of land resources:
Provided. That the requirements for food production, human settlements, and industrial
expansion shall be taken into consideration in the preparation of such plans.
(d) Where approval by a national agency is required for reclassification, such approval
shall not be unreasonably withheld. Failure to act on a proper and complete application
for reclassification within three (3) months from receipt of the same shall be deemed as
approval thereof.
(e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as repealing, amending, or modifying in
any manner the provisions of R.A. No. 6657.
Section 21. Closure and Opening of Roads. (a) A local government unit may, pursuant to an ordinance, permanently or temporarily
close or open any local road, alley, park, or square falling within its jurisdiction: Provided,
however, That in case of permanent closure, such ordinance must be approved by at
least two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the sanggunian, and when necessary, an
adequate substitute for the public facility that is subject to closure is provided.
(b) No such way or place or any part thereof shall be permanently closed without making
provisions for the maintenance of public safety therein. A property thus permanently
withdrawn from public use may be used or conveyed for any purpose for which other
real property belonging to the local government unit concerned may be lawfully used or
conveyed: Provided, however, That no freedom park shall be closed permanently
without provision for its transfer or relocation to a new site.

(c) Any national or local road, alley, park, or square may be temporarily closed during an
actual emergency, or fiesta celebrations, public rallies, agricultural or industrial fairs, or
an undertaking of public works and highways, telecommunications, and waterworks
projects, the duration of which shall be specified by the local chief executive concerned
in a written order: Provided, however, That no national or local road, alley, park, or
square shall be temporarily closed for athletic, cultural, or civic activities not officially
sponsored, recognized, or approved by the local government unit concerned.
(d) Any city, municipality, or barangay may, by a duly enacted ordinance, temporarily
close and regulate the use of any local street, road, thoroughfare, or any other public
place where shopping malls, Sunday, flea or night markets, or shopping areas may be
established and where goods, merchandise, foodstuffs, commodities, or articles of
commerce may be sold and dispensed to the general public.
Section 22. Corporate Powers. (a) Every local government unit, as a corporation, shall have the following powers:
(1) To have continuous succession in its corporate name;
(2) To sue and be sued;
(3) To have and use a corporate seal;
(4) To acquire and convey real or personal property;
(5) To enter into contracts; and
(6) To exercise such other powers as are granted to corporations, subject to the
limitations provided in this Code and other laws.
(b) Local government units may continue using, modify, or change their existing
corporate seals: Provided, That newly established local government units or those
without corporate seals may create their own corporate seals which shall be registered
with the Department of the Interior and Local Government: Provided, further, That any
change of corporate seal shall also be registered as provided hereon.
(c) Unless otherwise provided in this Code, no contract may be entered into by the local
chief executive in behalf of the local government unit without prior authorization by the
sanggunian concerned. A legible copy of such contract shall be posted at a conspicuous
place in the provincial capitol or the city, municipal or barangay hall.
(d) Local government units shall enjoy full autonomy in the exercise of their proprietary
functions and in the limitations provided in this Code and other applicable laws,

Section 23. Authority to Negotiate and Secure Grants. - Local chief executives may, upon
authority of the sanggunian, negotiate and secure financial grants or donations in kind, in
support of the basic services or facilities enumerated under Section 17 hereof, from local and
foreign assistance agencies without necessity of securing clearance or approval therefor from
any department, agency, or office of the national government of from any higher local
government unit: Provided, That projects financed by such grants or assistance with national
security implications shall be approved by the national agency concerned: Provided, further,
That when such national agency fails to act on the request for approval within thirty (30) days
from receipt thereof, the same shall be deemed approved.
The local chief executive shall, within thirty (30) days upon signing of such grant agreement or
deed of donation, report the nature, amount, and terms of such assistance to both Houses of
Congress and the President.
Section 24. Liability for Damages. - Local government units and their officials are not exempt
from liability for death or injury to persons or damage to property.

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