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A Supplication to the Lineage of the
Kncho Chidu
Guru padma siddhi h hr
I pray to Samantabhadra-Amitabha1,
Who is complication-free great bliss, primordial
I pray to the Supreme Arya, the King of Space2
Who is the treasure of limitless, all-pervading
I pray to Buddha Padmasambhava,
Who is the wisdom and activity of all the Buddhas.
I pray at the feet of Yeshe Tsogyal,
The Mistress of the Dharmadhatu, the realm of natural
great bliss.
I pray to Vidyadhara Jatsn Nyingpo,
Who is the embodiment of the expansion of stainless
I pray to Vidyadhara Dundul Dorje3,
Who is the splendour of unobstructed, unimpeded conduct.
I pray to Vidyadhara Longsal Nyingpo4,
Who is the protector of beings, a Bodhisattva upon the
bhumi of the cessation of the continuum5.
I pray to Pema Dechen Lingpa6
Who is the splendour of all Samsara and Nirvana, the
manifestation-dance of Samantabhadra.

The Dharmakaya Amitabha.

In Sanskrit:"Kasarpani". This is Avalokiteshvara.
Dundul Dorje (1615-1672) to whom Rigdzin Jatsn Nyingpo
principally transmitted the Knchok Chidu teachings.
Longsal Nyingpo 1625-1692. One of the early masters of the
Khatok Nyingma tradition.
The tenth bhumi, the last stage before Buddhahood.
Rongtn Pema Dechen Lingpa (mid-17th to early 18th century)

Supplication to the Kncho Chidu Lineage Page 2

Supplication to the Kncho Chidu Lineage Page 3

I pray to Vidyadhara Tsewong Norbu1,
Who tames the beings of the degenerate times, who is the
activity of all the Buddhas.
I pray to Kagyu Trinlay Shingta2,
Who is the omniscient emanation of "the Protector of the
land of Snow Mountains"3.
I pray to Dorje Drakpo Tsal4,
Who is the representative of Padmasambhava, a tamer of
beings, a holder of the Vajrayana.
I pray to Pema Nyinche Wangpo5,
Who is the Great Lord of the tenth Bhumi, of the two
supreme prophecies6.
I pray to Pema Garwang Tsal7,
An emanation of Vairocana, who has received the
transmission of the supreme teachings.
I pray to Kunzang Khakyab Dorje8,
Who is the Karmapa, the embodiment of the activity of
all the Buddhas.
I pray to the most perfect thought, my root Guru,
Who is the one with the greatest kindness, the one who
ripens and liberates my being.
I pray to the Peaceful and Wrathful Gurus,
Who are the supreme masters of the ocean of yidam
I pray to Dakini Singhamukha,
Who is the great splendour of all the dakinis in the
three abodes9.

Holder of the Khatok Nyingma lineage, late-17th to early

eighteenth century.
The 6th Drukchen the holder of the Drukpa Kagyu
A name for Avalokiteshvara.
A Mind-terma terton of the eighteenth century.
The ninth Tai Situpa (1774-1853) A holder of the Karma-Kagyu
This may refer to being prophecied by the Buddha and
Jamgon Kongtrul (1813-1899)
The 15th Karmapa 1871-1922.
Under, upon and above the ground.

Supplication to the Kncho Chidu Lineage Page 4

In accordance with my single-minded supplication
To the root and lineage gurus, to the yidams
And to the dakini of the Kncho Chidu guru-yoga,
May I, the yogi, from this time onwards, in all my
Have faith, respect, wisdom and conviction in karma!
May I be a pupil of a sublime one and receive completely
the empowerments and instructions!
May I have pure samaya, and develop all the qualities of
the visualisation and perfection stages.
May I become one who leads, onto the path to liberation,
All those beings who see, hear, think of, or touch me!
May I attain the ultimate self-benefit, liberation
within the Dharmakaya,
And through the uninterrupted continuity of the
Rupakaya, which is the benefit of others,
May I become a leader of all beings, who extend even
further than the limits of space,
May I become the same as Lord Amitabha!

This guru-yoga supplication entitles "The Gift of a

Wish-fulfilling Treasury" was [composed by being] recited to
those who had faith in the stone pillar1 and "the lord and
subjects"2, by Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu in the central temple of
Samye Mingyur Lhungyi Drubpa3 which is the centre of Tibet,
during the waxing phase of the moon in the month of miracles4
in the year of the male earth horse5.
Translated by Peter Roberts, Scotland, November 1990.


In one edition this is missing, in another two it has been

badly copied out so that rdo-ring becomes a meaningless
"snga-ral" (and further on ngor has become don). If
"stone-pillar" is correct it must refer to the inscribed
pillar at Samye erected during Trisong's reign.
King Trisong Deutsen and twenty-four others who were
Padmasambhava's principal pupils.
Samye temple, established by Padmasambhava, King trisong
Deutsen and Shantarakshita. It's building commenced in
762, ended in 766 and it was consecrated in 767.
The first month of the lunar year, the first two weeks of
which is said to be the time that the Buddha manifested
miracles at Shravasti to overcome the challenges of nonBuddhist teachers.
Other editions of this prayer have chu-'phrul
instead of cho-'phrul (miracle) and have "lo" (year)
This would have been 1798.

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