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Born in 1944, DAVID NICOLLE worked in the BBC's Arabic service for
a number of years before gaining an MA from the School of Oriental
and African Studies, London, and a doctorate from Edinburgh University.
He has written numerous books and articles on medieval and Islamic warfare,
and has been a prolific author of Osprey titles for many years.

CHRISTA HOOK began her illustrating career in 1986, after studying

under her father Richard Hook. Her work has featured extensively in the
worlds of publishing and television and, having illustrated over 30 Osprey
titles, she has established herself as one of their most popular artists.
Her illustrations combine the historian's attention to detail with the
artist's sense of drama and atmosphere, and they are sought after by
collectors worldwide. Christa lives and works in East Sussex, England.






Marcus Cowper and Nikolai Bogdanovic

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Newly commissioned officers

at the time of their graduation,
probably in 1914. (author's
collection, from M. Youden)

The Ottoman Empire's involvement in World War I, when it allied itself with
Germany and the other Central Powers against its traditional ally, Britain,
can be traced back beyond the 'Young Turk' revolution of 1908. However,
that event brought to power a group of enthusiastic patriots, mainly military
officers, who, when they failed to receive the support they expected from
Britain and France, turned to Germany and her allies.
The remarkable resilience of the Ottoman
Army in World War I can also be traced back to
the Young Turk Revolution. Political and social
changes that followed this event had a major
impact upon the Ottoman Army, not least upon
its recruitment, while new military laws were
designed to modernize all aspects of the Ottoman
military. Improvements were clearly needed, as
the Ottoman Empire faced a daunting array of
threats, not only from traditional rivals like
Russia but also from old friends like Britain and
France. Though the new Ottoman Government
tried to cultivate good relations with all its
neighbours, to give itself time to modernize and
strengthen, the Great Powers had already agreed
to divide the Ottoman state into 'spheres of
influence'. An Anglo-Russian entente in 1907 led
the Ottomans to fear that their traditional ally,
Great Britain, would no longer help them against
the ever-threatening Russians.
All this strengthened the hands of those who
argued in favour of closer links with Imperial
Germany, which had been providing military
advice and aid since 1883. Five years later
Germany had also won a contract to build
a new railway to Baghdad (the so-called Berlin
to Baghdad Railway) which, though never
completed, came to be seen as a strategic threat to
Brirish domination in India and the Indian Ocean.

Though the Young Turk Revolution led to a period of political upheaval

it also instigated a series of reforms in a desperate attempt to save the
Ottoman state from final collapse. Invasions by Italy and then the Balkan
states delayed this reform programme, but a new parliament was elected and
held its first session only a few months before the outbreak of World War I,
its members reflecting the diversity of the Ottoman Empire even after losing
almost all its Balkan provinces: 142 were Turks, 69 Arabs and the others
Armenians, Greeks or Jews. The great majority were, of course, Muslims but
36 were followers of other faiths, religious toleration having been a hallmark
of the Ottoman state since its creation. Even on the eve of World War I it
was not religion but recently imported Western concepts of nationalism that
were the main cause of friction, and here all groups were tainted - Turks,
Armenians, Greeks, and even to some extent Arabs and Kurds.
Nevertheless, these nationalist tensions often had a religious dimension
and could result in violence. Yet even today, this tends to be portrayed
in a lopsided manner. Christian accounts focused on Christian suffering,
and Muslim accounts on Muslim suffering. In the Western world, as the
historian G. Dyer put it; 'Muslim massacres of Christians are a heinous and
inexcusable outrage; Christian massacres of Muslims are, well, understandable
and forgivable.'

2 August

Ottoman-German alliance signed.

3 August

Britain commandeers two battleships being built for the

Ottoman Navy.

10-11 August

German warships Goeben

and Breslau


Ottoman waters.

Russian forces occupy part of neutral Iran along

Ottoman frontier.

2 8 - 2 9 October

Ottoman Navy bombards Russian Black Sea ports.

1 November

British sink Ottoman vessel near Izmir, Russian forces cross

the Caucasus frontier and attack Ottoman Third Army.

2 November

Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire, British Navy

bombards Aqaba.

3 November

11 November

Anglo-French bombardment of the Dardanelles; Britain and

France declare war on Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman Sultan and senior religious leaders declare jihad
against Russia and her allies.

22 November

British-Indian forces occupy Basra; Ottoman-led Bedouin

auxiliaries seize control of al-Arish in Egypt.

Racial attitudes towards

Ottoman troops
There was a disturbing
degree of racism and 'Social
Darwinism' amongst British
and even more so amongst
Australian observers of the
Ottoman Army during World
War I. General Hamilton, the
Scottish commander of the
Allied Expeditionary Force
during the Gallipoli
campaign, clearly regarded
his enemy as an inferior
breed; 'Here are the best
the old country can produce;
the hope of the progress of
the British ideal in the world;
and half of them are going to
swap lives with Turks whose
relative value to the wellbeing of humanity is to theirs
as is a locust to a honeybee... Let me bring my lads
face to face with the Turks in
the open field, we must beat
them every time because
British volunteer soldiers
are superior individuals to
Anatolians, Syrians or Arabs
and are animated with a
superior ideal and an equal
joy in battle... To attempt to
solve the problem by letting a
single dirty Turk at the Maxim
[machine gun] kill ten twenty - fifty - of our fellows
on the barbed wire - each
of whom is worth several
dozen Turks, is a sin of the
Holy Ghost category.'Quoted
by J . Macleod, Reconsidering


p. 189.

(Manchester, 2004)

6 December

Ottomans launch a counter-offensive against the Russians,

resulting in defeat and massive Ottoman casualties.

8 December

British-Indian forces take confluence of Tigris and Euphrates

rivers in Iraq.

December-January Allies occupy the nominally Greek and Ottoman Aegean

islands of Limnos, Imroz and Bozcaada.

15 January

Ottoman Army leaves Beersheba in Palestine to invade Egypt;

Ottoman forces in southern Iraq also try to occupy oil-producing
Ahwaz area of south-western neutral Iran and Ottoman-Yemeni
auxiliaries raid British Aden frontier.

2 - 3 February

First Ottoman attempt to cross the Suez Canal is defeated.

19 February

Allied fleets start bombarding the Dardanelles forts.


Ottoman defence of the Straits is reorganized.

4 March

British Marines briefly land on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

18 March

Defeat of attempt by Allied fleets to break through the

Dardanelles; during March the Russian Navy bombards
the Turkish coast several times, the Ottoman Sixth Army
is established to defend the Bosphorus; Ottoman forces from
Yemen seize control of the British Aden Protectorate's frontier.

25 April

British land on the Gallipoli Peninsula and French land at

Kumkale; during April, Armenian rebels seize Van; in late
April the Ottoman Sultan orders all Armenian soldiers
in the Ottoman Army to be disarmed.


Inconclusive fighting on the Gallipoli front; renewed Russian

offensive on the Caucasus front and eastern Anatolia;
Russians evict Ottomans from Lake Urmia in neutral Iran.


Inconclusive fighting on the Gallipoli front.


Inconclusive fighting on the Gallipoli front; on the Caucasus

front Ottomans make minor gains north of Lake Van;
Ottoman forces take Lahij, defeat a British relief force
and invest Aden.

6 August

New British landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula fails to make

breakthrough; during August the Ottomans retake Van from
the Russians and Armenians.


British advance up the Tigris and to a lesser extent the

Euphrates in Iraq, taking Kut al-Amara.


Continued British advance in Iraq.

2 2 - 2 5 November

Ottomans defeat British at the battle of Ctesiphon,

south of Baghdad.

7 December

Ottomans besiege retreating British in Kut al-Amara.

1 9 - 2 0 December

Allies begin evacuation of Gallipoli Peninsula.

8 - 9 January

Final Allied evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula.

14 January

Renewed Russian offensive on the Caucasus front;

unsuccessful British attempt to break siege of Kut al-Amara
from January to April.

15 February

Russians take Erzurum on the Caucasus front.


Russian naval landing on Black Sea coast results in their

taking Trabzon; Ottoman Third Army retires west of Erzincan;
Ottoman Second Army starts moving towards the Caucasus
front (not completed until August).

29 April

British surrender in Kut al-Amara.

6 May

Ottomans retake Uzun island in the Gulf of Izmir.


Ottoman counter-attacks retake territory near Trabzon;

Ottoman units in Iraq are reformed into the Sixth Army,
which also takes Kermanshah area of western Iran.

27 June

The sharif of Mecca proclaims his independence

(start of the Arab Revolt).


Renewed Russian offensive takes Bayburt and Erzincan; an

Ottoman force invades Egyptian Sinai; Ottoman X V Army
Corps sent to support the Austro-Hungarians and Germans
in Galicia on Russian front.

4 August

Ottoman advance across Sinai Peninsula halted at Romani

and retires; during August, Ottomans temporarily retake
territory west of Lake Van; Second Army established
around Diyarbakir but is too late to assist Third Army
before winter.

27 August

Romania enters war on Allied side, Ottomans send three

more divisions to Galicia plus two to support Bulgarians
against Romanians.

18 September

Ottoman troops attack Greek 'pirates' holding Alibey island

near Ayvalik.

3 November

Ottoman troops attack 'pirates' holding Kekova island off

Mediterranean coast; Ottomans send a division to support
the Bulgarians facing the British across the Struma River.

6 January

Ottoman artillery sinks British seaplane carrier at Kastelorizo;

during January, Ottoman forces in Palestine establish
a defensive line between Gaza and Beersheba; renewed
British advance in Iraq.

25 February

British retake Kut al-Amara in Iraq.

1 0 - 1 1 March

British occupy Baghdad.

1 6 - 2 7 March

Ottomans defeat British offensive at first battle of Gaza

in Palestine; during March the Russian Revolution ends
Russian offensive operations on the Caucasus front.

1 7 - 1 9 April

Ottomans defeat British offensive at second battle of Gaza;

late in April Ottomans start to advance on the Caucasus front
where the Russian withdrawal continues, rendering a planned
Ottoman spring offensive unnecessary.


Some Ottoman forces are withdrawn from European and

Balkan fronts in preparation for planned Yildirim campaign
to drive British from Iraq.

6 September

Huge explosion in Istanbul destroys much of the stores

and munitions intended for the Yildirim campaign; later
in September the original Yildirim plan is abandoned
and most of the Yildirim Army is sent to Palestine.

17 October

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany visits the battlefield of the

Gallipoli Peninsula.

2 9 October

Yildirim Army H Q established in Jerusalem.

31 October

New British offensive in Palestine leads to Ottoman defeat

at third battle of Gaza.

16 November

British seize Jaffa.

25 November

Ottoman counter-offensive halts British advance along

Palestinian coast.

7 December

Russians request an Armistice with Ottomans.

8 December

Jerusalem surrenders to the British.

18 December

Truce agreed between Ottoman Army and newly formed

Transcaucasian Republic on the Caucasus front.


Ottoman expeditionary forces

outside Ottoman territory

Sanussi invasion of Egypt

tmmm Ottoman support for anti-Entente

uprising or unrest











BAHRAIN (British)



/ '

KUWAIT (British)



~\ Ottoman territory in 1914

Mecca i










\ (British)
Addis. _






^? /'

\ /V





| Ottoman Vassal territory in Arabia

Nominal Ottoman zone on the 'Empty
Quarter' of Arabia
Nominal British zone on the 'Empty
Quarter' of Arabia
States and their associated empires or
colonies which eventually formed part
of the anti-German Entente during the
First World War
Other Members of the Central Powers
alliance (Germany, Austro-Hungary and
Bulgaria, plus the German colonies



Nominal Ottoman territory under British

occupation in 1914

Territory ceded by the Ottoman Empire

to Bulgaria (currently an ally) in 1915


Neutral states
Russian zone of influence in Persia
British zone of influence in Persia
Zones of conflict (fronts) within Ottoman
Area of anti-Ottoman uprisings or unrest
Areas of pro-Ottoman or Ottoman
supported revolts within Entente and
neutral territory

28 December

Ottoman-Russian Armistice signed at Brest-Litovsk.


Ottoman forces retake territory in Caucasus, lost in 1878.

19 February

Liman von Sanders placed in overall command of the

Palestine front.

2 1 February

British take Jericho.

9 March

Renewed British offensive in Palestine.

2 6 - 3 1 March

British cross the river Jordan but are forced back after battle
of Amman.

2 6 April

Ottomans retake Kars on the Caucasus front.

30 April

British again cross the river Jordan and take al-Salt.

3 May

Ottomans retake al-Salt; during May and June Transcaucasian

Republic fragments into separate Georgian, Armenian and
Azerbaijani states.

28 June

Ottoman Sultan Mehmed V dies, succeeded by Mehmed VI.

14 July

Ottomans counter-attack in Palestine and Jordan achieves

limited success.


British forces reach Baku oil fields in the eastern Caucasus.

14 September

British forces driven out of Baku by Ottoman units

supporting new Republic of Azerbaijan; Ottomans
retain control of Azerbaijan and part of new Republic
of Armenia until end of war.

17 September

Arab Revolt cuts communications between Ottoman forces

in Palestine and Damascus.

19 September

Major British offensive shatters Ottoman front in Palestine.

1 October

Damascus falls to Arab Revolt.

2 October

Australians enter Beirut and Damascus.

25 October

Allied forces take Aleppo in northern Syria.

30 October

Armistice signed between Ottoman and Allied representatives,

agreeing that Dardanelles be opened to Allied fleets, Allied
occupation of strategic locations, surrender of Ottoman
forces in areas to be occupied by the Allies, demobilization
of most Ottoman forces elsewhere.


3 November

British enter Mosul.

10 November

Ottomans leave Mosul.

17 November

British reoccupy Baku in the Caucasus.


Ottoman garrison in Medina surrenders to the Sharifian

Arab Army (Arab Revolt).
X V Army Corps at Erzurum launches Turkish War


of Liberation against foreign occupation.

As part of his efforts at military reform, Sultan Abdul Hamid II ( 1 8 7 6 - 1 9 0 9 )
tried extending conscription fairly to all Muslim men within the Ottoman
Empire, though retaining traditional exemptions allowed to the inhabitants
of Istanbul, Albania, Najd, Hejaz, Tripoli, Benghazi, and the Middle Eastern
nomadic tribes who were beyond Ottoman control anyway. Higher education
and religious students were similarly exempted. By this time a steady flow of
Muslim refugees from territory lost by the Ottoman Empire was another
major source of highly motivated recruits.
In 1908, however, the new Young Turk government introduced laws that
compelled non-Muslim Ottoman citizens to be conscripted into the army.
This contravened the Islamic shariah law upon which the Ottoman Sultanate
was supposedly based and, for the first time, non-Muslims had to bear an
equal burden in national defence. Only a handful of specific exemptions
remained, one being mentioned in the memoirs of a young Armenian, Bedros
Sharian, who was called up in 1914. He recalled that; Tn the beginning of the

An army recruiting desk at the

time of the Ottoman Empire's
entry into World War I.
Headgear was a primary
form of religious and cultural
identification and the presence
of a trilby and a turban
alongside the kalpaks


fezes shows the multicultural

character of the Ottoman state,
(author's collection)

Military volunteers from an

Islamic brotherhood, identified
as Qadiri dervishes, outside
an official building in Istanbul,
(from Harbi
Magazine', 1915; Askeri
Miizesi, Istanbul)


war the licensed teachers and preachers were exempt from military service.'
In fact Sharian was arrested as a draft dodger because he had managed to
find employment as a teacher after the mobilization call (Pye, 1938, p. 33).
The normal enlistment age was 2 0 , though men as young as 18 were
allowed to join as volunteers if they had parental permission. Enlistment was
usually in late summer and in 1914 took place during the brief period of
Ottoman neutrality. Once these young men completed their period of service
they would return to civilian life, though remaining in the reserve. Those
called up during World War I were not released until the conflict was over,
while reserves were called to the colours as required. The oldest group was
known as the Miistahfiz, consisting of men in the final seven years of their
military obligation.
Ottoman mobilization was, however, slow and reflected events as they
unfolded. These problems were made worse by the fact that the Ottoman
Army was currently in the midst of a major restructuring of units while its
high command were rebuilding divisional and corps headquarters destroyed
during the First Balkan War. Given these difficulties the government's decision
to remain neutral for nearly two months must have been a great relief to
the army and even then Ottoman mobilization was not complete until
early November.
Men were summoned in regional Military Inspectorates, having to sign
up wherever they happened to be at the time. In most cases, however, the
system resulted in Ottoman Army Groups having a distinct local character;
the First Inspectorate mainly recruiting from Turkish-speaking western
Anatolia and what remained of Ottoman possessions in Europe; the Second
recruiting from other parts of Anatolia, mostly Turks, Kurds, and Armenians;
the Third recruiting Arabs, Kurds, Turks, and Armenians; the Fourth
recruiting the settled Arab and Kurdish populations of the Tigris valley and
Iraq. Other recruitment areas were almost entirely Arab and did not always
form Inspectorates.
It soon became clear that the Ottoman Empire could not endure a
prolonged war unless resources of both men and material were used with care.
Unfortunately, the Ottoman Army did not have a system of substantial reserve
units and, unlike their allies, the Ottomans could not rapidly field reserve
corps made up of reserve divisions. Instead, when they needed more combat
infantry formations, they simply created more regular divisions. There were
some exceptions, of course, and the term
muretteb appears to have been applied to
various kinds of scratch or mixed forces not
in the permanent Army structure. In fact,
many Ottoman troops found themselves
forming part of mixed and occasionally
exotic formations; one such being a small
force of Turkish volunteers and Kurdish
irregulars, which seized Tabriz in northwestern Iran following a sudden Russian
withdrawal in the winter of 1 9 1 4 - 1 5 .
Their success was then exploited by the
36th, which was itself strengthened by
new formations of Frontier Guards and
many of whom had valuable
local knowledge.

Recruiting v o l u n t e e r s for t h e
j i h a d n e a r T i b e r i u s in a u t u m n
1914. T h e P a l e s t i n i a n s h a d
long been amongst the
m o s t loyal A r a b p o p u l a t i o n s
of t h e O t t o m a n Empire.
(Library of Congress)

Much of the Ottoman Empire's paramilitary jandarma were an elite.

Formed after the Ottoman Empire's defeat by Russia in 1878, this militia had
been trained and structured by the French and although the
primary function was internal security and border control, every province
had a mobile jandarma
battalion while many large cities had mobile
jandarma regiments. Around 2 5 , 0 0 0 men were attached to the particularly
heavily armed, well-trained and mobile Seyyar which itself included 12,000
frontier guards and 6,000 mule-riding mounted infantry.
Then there was the paramilitary Itfaiye (Istanbul Fire Brigade), which
consisted of several battalions, each of around 700 men, armed and trained
as infantry soldiers in addition to their duties as firemen. On mobilization
the number of battalions seems to have increased, two being sent to the Iraqi
front while four were sent to the Dardanelles during the latter part of the
Gallipoli campaign.
The Ottoman Government's proclamation of a jihad against Russia and its
allies has been widely dismissed as a flop, yet it did encourage volunteers from
within the Ottoman state. The Kurds and some Arabs responded, though the
effect was short-lived. Another, and perhaps more strongly motivated group
of Muslim volunteers were known as the fedais ('self-sacrificers'). Initially
serving as local irregulars during the Balkan War, most of the fedais enlisted
during World War I were Balkan refugees, often motivated by a burning desire
for vengeance against their Christian oppressors. Several thousand were sent to
the Caucasus front and into north-western Iran while a few hundred were
reported in Syria late in 1914. However, the latter may be confused with a
military unit composed of dervish volunteers who had formed units identified
by distinctive headgear.
All such volunteers may have formed part of a long-established but now
rudimentary gonullu sistemi which encouraged men to enlist together,
resulting in units comparable to the British 'Pals battalions'. In addition to
helping the Ottoman effort by working in military factories, women put on
uniform during the last desperate year of war, the first female labour battalion
being established in February 1918 through the offices of the 'Society for
Finding Employment for Women' (Emin, 1930, p. 2 3 6 ) . Attached to the First
Army, its first officers were men who would be replaced as soon as sufficient
female officers were trained.

Cultural and linguistic

G i v e n t h e linguistically a n d
culturally v a r i e d c h a r a c t e r of
t h e O t t o m a n E m p i r e it w a s
i n e v i t a b l e t h a t s o m e military
units w e r e v e r y m i x e d . VI
A r m y Corps, to w h i c h the
y o u n g ' p r o b a t i o n a r y officer'
M e h m e t Fasih r e p o r t e d o n
m o b i l i z a t i o n , w a s raised in
t h e Military I n s p e c t o r a t e ,
w h i c h c o v e r e d Cilicia a n d
Syria. In his Gallipoli diary
e n t r y of 15 D e c e m b e r 1915
M e h m e d Fasih, n o w a 2 n d L t ,
m e n t i o n e d that he w a s fluent
in A r a b i c as w e l l as his o w n
n a t i v e Turkish. A r o u n d t h r e e
w e e k s earlier h e h a d
d e s c r i b e d a f e l l o w officer in
his unit o n t h e Gallipoli front;
' A b d u h a l i m E f e n d i is truly a
g e n t l e [a play or w o r d s as t h e
' h a l i m ' part of A b d u h a l i m ' s
n a m e in fact m e a n t ' g e n t l e '
in A r a b i c ] a n d p l e a s a n t
c o m r a d e . H e is t h e s o n of a
family of B o s n i a n r e f u g e e s .
O n the other hand Mustafa
E f e n d i is a m u l l a h [a p e r s o n
t r a i n e d in Islamic l a w ] f r o m
K o n y a [in c e n t r a l A n a t o l i a ]
w h o s e military t r a i n i n g has
b e e n rather sketchy. H e t e n d s
to be somewhat arrogant...
Call o n o u r d o c t o r ,
A b d u l f e t t a h E f e n d i [from o n e
of t h e A r a b p r o v i n c e s ] . . . T h e n
g o to see Peshtamalciyan
E f e n d i [an A r m e n i a n officer]
a n d discuss t h e g e n e r a l
situation.' M e h m e d Fasih (tr.
H. B. D a n i s h m a n ) ,


1915: Bloody Ridge (Lone

Diary of Lt. Mehmed



Fasih 5th

(Istanbul, 2001) p. 112.


Although Kurdish tribes in eastern Anatolia had a long tradition of resisting

central government control they still had virtually no sense of 'national' identity
and even their bitter rivalry with the Armenians was a relatively new factor,
largely stirred up by the Russians. During World War I large numbers of urban
Kurds served in the Ottoman Army while several tribes effectively enlisted
en masse as irregulars. Other tribes merely looked for opportunities to win
booty, especially from the Armenians who were seen as pro-Russian. On other
occasions Kurdish tribes attacked and looted defeated troops, whether they
were Russians or Ottomans.
Inhabiting the far north-eastern corner of the Ottoman Empire was another
group who are said to have fought particularly ferociously during the war.
They were the Laz - Muslims whose language is related to Georgian and who
felt themselves to be particularly threatened by any Russian advance. Another
people who stemmed from the Caucasus were the Circassians, large numbers
of whom had fled to the Ottoman Empire to escape Russian domination
during the 19th century. Scattered across much of the Ottoman Empire,
they were militarily important in parts of Syria and Jordan, a unit of local
Circassian volunteer cavalry in the 48th Division helping defeat a British
attempt to seize Amman in March 1918.
Of much greater military importance were the Arab-speaking populations
of the Ottoman Empire, though their role in Ottoman ranks has tended to be
downgraded or even denigrated since World War I. Even Liman von Sanders
was somewhat grudging in his assessment of Ottoman Arab troops, despite
his personal experience of their role during the Gallipoli victories. In his
report of December 1917 he wrote that; 'A large part of the Arabs may be
made into good usable soldiers, if from the very beginning of their service
they are treated with strictness and justice.'
Syrian troops were, in fact, soon in the front line, forming the majority
of the Ottoman force that launched two remarkably ambitious though
ultimately unsuccessful attacks across Egypt's Sinai Peninsula against the
strategically vital Suez Canal. Large numbers were then rushed to oppose the
Gallipoli landings near Istanbul. Other units were sent east to Iraq and southeastern Anatolia. Less has been written about Arab units raised elsewhere in
the Ottoman state, though at least two of the divisions which defeated a
British army holed up in Kut al-Amara in Iraq were largely Arab. In some
places local Ottoman commanders had no choice but to increase local
recruitment during the war. In Yemen, for example, VII Corps was isolated
following the outbreak of the Arab Revolt and seems to have enlisted fighting
men from wherever it could.
The position of Armenians within the Ottoman Army was increasingly
difficult and complicated, being adherents of three churches that were viewed
with greater or lesser suspicion by the authorities. Whereas Catholic and
Protestant Armenians were not generally regarded as subversive, Orthodox
Armenians certainly were. According to an intelligence report of 1914,
a meeting of Ottoman Armenian leaders, Dashnak 'terrorists', and Armenian
delegates from the Russian side of the frontier had already taken place in the
eastern Anatolian city of Erzurum. According to this report, the meeting
approved a Russo-Armenian agreement that declared Armenians would
preserve their loyalty to the Ottoman state until there was a declaration
of war, but would prepare and arm themselves. Once war was declared,
Ottoman Armenian soldiers would remain loyal if the Ottoman Army
achieved success, but if the Ottoman Army retreated they would desert and

Men gathering in a small

Anatolian Turkish town in
response to the mobilization
call. (Orses and Ozcelik

form guerrilla groups. That intelligence report proved to be remarkably

accurate as almost all Armenian troops and officers of the Third Army did go
over to the Russians.
Not surprisingly, the Ottoman Army disarmed all the remaining Armenian
soldiers and jandarma on the Caucasus front and instead formed them into
labour or transport units. Following the battle of Kopriikoy in January 1916
all Armenians were dismissed from frontline forces in Anatolia. This caused
major problems for the Ottoman Third Army because, despite their dubious
loyalty, Armenians had been numerous in rear services where they did the
bulk of the office work.
Other Christians in the ranks of the Ottoman Army included a few
Nestorians from south-eastern Anatolia and northern Iraq. However, after
many Nestorians joined the Armenians of Van province in rising against the
Ottoman state in April and May 1 9 1 5 , they were regarded with equal
suspicion and suffered almost as severe reprisals at the hands of the local
Kurds. There were also substantial Greek Orthodox Christian populations
along the Black Sea coast which found themselves coming under increasing
suspicion and pressure in 1916, though the troops of the Ottoman 5th Army
which garrisoned the area were strictly forbidden to take part in anti-Greek
activities. The largest Greek Orthodox communities were, however in the
western Anatolian coastal regions. Disaster would later strike them, but
during World War I these Greek Orthodox Christians were little affected and
generally maintained a low profile, except for a handful on the coast who
helped pirates and smugglers from the Greek-ruled offshore islands.
The Jewish community had long enjoyed a privileged position within the
Ottoman Empire. Most lived in the main cities where there was no tradition
of anti-Semitism amongst their neighbours. In fact, the Jews of the Ottoman
state generally kept a low profile during World War I, though many of their
young men were drafted into labour battalions alongside other non-Muslim
subjects of the Sultan. In contrast, most of the new Zionist settlers in Palestine
soon threw in their lot with the British.
The Ottoman Empire's increasingly serious shortage of military manpower
resulted in a number of generally unsuccessful attempts to recruit from beyond
its own frontiers. Recruits were, for example, sought amongst the disaffected
Muslim populations of territories occupied by Bulgarian, German, and
Austro-Hungarian forces in Macedonia and Albania, though the results were

disappointing. Muslim troops, mostly Turkish-speaking, were more readily

available in the Caucasus, especially after much of this area fell under
Ottoman occupation after the Russian Revolution. Here the 'Army of Islam'
formed in 1 9 1 7 - 1 8 consisted of non-Ottoman Muslims, though largely
officered by Ottoman volunteers and fighting for the establishment of an
independent Islamic state in the Caucasus.
As early as 1916 the Ottoman Army had tried to build up a Georgian
Volunteer Legion, which unfortunately became a bone of contention between
Germans and Ottomans. Based at Giresun on the Black Sea coast and
supposedly attached to the Ottoman Third Army, the battalion-strong
Georgian Volunteer Legion was finally disbanded in January 1917 without
seeing action. The Ottoman Army was similarly unlucky with its Iranian
recruits, a second Ottoman invasion of western Iran in 1916 having included
a small force of 'Persian nationalist' volunteers. The Ottomans then increased
their number by forming several 'Persian infantry battalions' but these men
promptly deserted as soon as the feared Russians reappeared. The same was
true of the three battalions of Muslim ex-POWs from French North African
units who were attached to the Ottoman XIII Corps in Iran in 1917.


Ottoman troops training in the

Yemen, probably new soldiers
raised in Yemen during World
War I. Cut off from the rest of
the Ottoman Empire from mid1916, these forces nevertheless
besieged the British garrison in
Aden. (Orses and Ozcelik


Under the despotic rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, particularly promising
officers were often the objects of suspicion. Fear of facilitating a military
coup also meant that no large-scale manoeuvres were held for many years.
The Sultan's fears were justified, for after a brief period of constitutional
monarchy following the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 and a failed counterrevolution, Abdul Hamid was forced to abdicate in favour of his easy-going
brother, Mehmed V. Nevertheless, the Ottoman Army was still seriously lacking
in both training and capable senior officers to carry out the new government's
ambitious programme of military modernization under new military laws passed
in 1909. Meanwhile, the reserves were reorganized and given more training,
with the army's medical and veterinary services being similarly upgraded.
As far as infantry were concerned, the Ottoman Army's tactical principles
came ever closer to those of Germany, which had in fact provided advisors
for many years. The same was true of staff procedures, the organization of
marches, the extent of frontages in attack or defence, and tactical instructions
for all units. Indeed, the Ottoman Army's rules and regulations were mostly
translated word-for-word from German. Even so,
outside observers reported that the impact of this
intensive German influence was more obvious in
Europe than in Asia - at least until after the
catastrophic First Balkan War.
Recent studies of the Ottoman Army during
World War I suggest that its main strengths were at
the upper and lower extremes of the ranking
structure. In other words its highly trained General
Staff were competent and aggressive while its
rank-and-file were as tough and tenacious as they
had been throughout Ottoman history. In contrast,
the middle ranks remained the weakest links.
Above all, the Ottomans, unlike most European

armies, lacked a corps of professional, long-service NCOs.

In peacetime this hampered the rapid training of recruits
while in wartime it meant that, if junior field officers
fell, their units rarely contained sufficient NCOs with
leadership experience to take over. Thus the high attrition
rates amongst frontline junior officers, which characterized
World War I, hit the Ottoman Army particularly hard
(Erickson, 2 0 0 1 , p. 6).
The urgent need for military manoeuvres was immediately
recognized by the new Ottoman Government. Yet the conflicts
that were suddenly thrust upon them meant that, by 1914,
such manoeuvres had still not been carried out since 1910.
Even where company- and battalion-level exercises were
conducted, foreign observers noted that these tended to be
over-controlled, perhaps even scripted, rather than allowing
commanders and units the freedom of action which would
have really tested their capabilities.
The experience of the recent war with Italy ( 1 9 1 1 - 1 2 ) ,
during which the Ottoman Empire lost the Libyan coast and
the Dodecanese Islands, was soon put to good use by the
Ottoman Army; its capabilities in coastal defence proving
themselves at Gallipoli in 1 9 1 5 . The Dardanelles Straits
were, in fact, one of five Fortress Area Commands, the
others included Edirne, the Bosphorus, and Erzurum in the east, where fixed
defences consisted of concrete and stone forts and entrenchments. The fifth
Fortress Area Command of the (^atalca Lines a few kilometres west of the
capital, Istanbul, was created during the Balkan Wars but remained largely
inactive throughout World War I, its defences consisting largely of earthworks
and trenches.
Being fully aware of the danger of naval forces breaking though the
Dardanelles, the Ottoman Army directed Marshal Liman von Sanders,
Commander of the First Army, to protect the whole European coast along
the Dardanelles and Sea of Marmara with numerous concealed batteries,
while a full army corps stood ready to face any attack. Comparable defences
were established along most of the Asiatic shore. Once the threat of a naval
landing became apparent, commanders on the Gallipoli peninsula made their
preparations. For example, the German officer at Suvla Bay, realizing that he
had too few men to prevent a landing, concentrated on delaying the enemy's
advance inland while warning his men to on no account
become cut off. There were very few machine guns, and
almost no barbed wire was available, so he had the beach
defended with contact mines and trip wires. A lack of
land-mines meant that many of these shore defences used
torpedo-heads instead, while the shortage of barbed wire
led the troops to strip garden wire from nearby farms,
stretching it underwater to trip or confuse an enemy
attempting to wade ashore. All this activity was clearly
visible to enemy ships offshore, so all trench digging and
troop movements had to be done at night. Once the
British and French did land in force, the Ottoman
defenders continued to take wood and any suitable pieces
of iron from abandoned or destroyed local villages.

The main communications

trench leading to the Gallipoli
sector defended by the 16th
Division. Deep, zigzagged,
and excavated largely through
rock, it was needed because
of the Allies' huge superiority
in artillery on land and from
the sea. (Kannengiesser
Volunteers from the Mevlevi
Sufi or Islamic dervish
brotherhood, during
preliminary training in 1916.
(from HorbiMecmuasi
Magazine', 1917; Askeri
Miizesi, Istanbul)


One German officer, Hans Kannengiesser, recalled the difficulty he and

his fellow officers had in getting some Ottoman infantrymen to dig adequate
trenches; 'Actually it was a daily battle to force the Turks to do that which was
necessary for their own protection... "If the English come we will deal with
them all right. Why all this worry and oppression?" These were their thoughts,
and often they expressed them quite openly.' (Kannengiesser, 1927, p. 145) In
his diary entry for 31 October 1915, 2nd Lt. Mehmed Fasih similarly recalled
how he and his men sometimes lacked sufficient protection, writing; 'For
days on end, building of Regimental and Battalion HQs has proceeded with
adobe [mud] bricks reinforced with lumber and cement. But in trenches, even
officers are without proper shelter. Our men, who do the work, are miserable
and distressed.'
In contrast, Ottoman infantry in Iraq were sometimes more expert than
their British foes when it came to building entrenchments in a singularly
difficult environment. In September 1915, for example, their defences at al-Sin
involved linking irrigation or drainage canals and existing areas of marsh,
excavating trenches across the dry land between, erecting barbed-wire
entanglements out of sight in deep depressions, and digging lines of deep pits
containing sharpened stakes and contact mines. Here, Ottoman trenches were
deeper than those dug by the British, and also had considerable overhead cover.
After these defences were finally overrun, one feature that particularly caught
British attention were numerous large jars of drinking water placed at regular
intervals along the trenches. The Ottoman soldiers' insistence on having
abundant good-quality drinking water was noted by friends and foes alike.
Though forced from their trenches at al-Sin, Ottoman infantry enjoyed a
fearsome revenge at the battle of Ctesiphon some weeks later. Here they had
to defend entirely flat terrain where the water table was very close to the
surface. The Ottomans also removed all obstacles to fields of fire, including
the earth from their own trenches. At the same time they made excellent use
of any raised observation points, however slight. At nearby Dujaila, detailed
local knowledge amongst Arab troops enabled the defenders to excavate
trenches that were over 2m deep without them flooding - a problem the
British invaders struggled with.

Ottoman troops training

outside Beersheba in southern
Palestine. Behind a line of
prone skirmishers the defences
consist of separate defensive
pits, supported by a line
of cavalrymen. (Library
of Congress)

Local knowledge was one thing, general levels of education were quite
another. These were very varied, not only between officers and other ranks,
but within the Ottoman officer corps, between men from urban and rural
backgrounds, and from different regions of the sprawling Ottoman state. The
American diplomat Einstein found that some Ottoman elite families, though
patriotic and willing to fight, considered the way their sons were treated under
training quite unacceptable. In his diary entry for 9 June 1915 he noted; 'S. Bey
called, indignant over his son's treatment in the cadet school, and expressing
his readiness to do anything to get him out of it. The boy is quartered in filthy
surroundings, without running water or decent food, and ordered about by
hectoring sergeants.' The sophisticated Western European culture of some
Ottoman officers is also apparent in Mehmed Fasih's Gallipoli diary, where he
mentioned that in his dugout he used to read the mid-18th century French
book Manon Lescault, 'a novel of which I'm very fond'. Written by Antoine
Francois Prevost, this rather scandalous tale provided the basis for several
operas, perhaps the most famous being by Puccini. Men like Mehmed Fasih
were clearly a world apart from the bloodthirsty Turks and crazed religious
fanatics beloved of Western propaganda.
This did not, however, mean that all Ottoman infantry officers were
adequately trained or educated. One man captured early in 1915 informed his
British interrogators that 'Officers were trained for six and a half hours per day
in barracks'. Some German officers were even more critical, Hans Kannengiesser
being unable to hide his own racial prejudice when he wrote his memoirs of the
Gallipoli Campaign; 'There were many who had been raised from the troops
without having attended any training schools, and there were actually company
commanders who could neither read nor write and were therefore not really
Effendis... I have also found company commanders who were negroes.
Noticeably small was the number of officers who could read a map correctly.'
Kannengiesser criticized the Ottoman officer corps for other reasons as well,
including what he regarded as a lack of initiative. This he ascribed to the
fact that senior field officers were constantly looking over the shoulders
of their juniors and rarely allowed them any independence. However, this
was not always the case, as Kannengiesser admitted; T don't mean to say
that all the officers were like this. There were quite a large number who
were independent and acted independently,
and who were full of initiative and ideas.'
(Kannengiesser, 1927, p. 86)
The Germans also had reservations about
an Ottoman tradition of training recruits far
from their home regions. Many new training
schools for infantry riflemen and NCOs
had been opened, though their facilities
were often limited. There were also huge
differences in the standards of training
available on different fronts. In general, basic
training for ordinary soldiers was based upon
extremely severe discipline, initial instruction
focusing upon individual skills and then
moving on to training as small units.
Because munitions were so limited, each
soldier was usually issued with from 20 to 30
rifle rounds per year. Consequently, many

British account of
Ottoman infantry
British knowledge of the
Ottoman Army's training
programme during the
early part of World War I
relied to a great extent upon
information from prisoners.
One such interrogation was
described in the British
Handbook of the Turkish
Army; 'The prisoner, an
officer, was for six weeks
attached to a depot at Ali
Aghlu. Each battalion there
was composed of four officers
and from 200 to 250 men. The
men were trained for about
twenty-five days in physical
drill and marching and then
received rifles... German
inspectors visited the depot
twice a week. The men were
mostly Turks of from twentyone to forty-five years of
age... The maximum as at the
Ali Oghlu depot, was 1,200,
the number of men being
trained afterwards falling
to 600. Most men had about
twenty-five to thirty days'
training before being drafted
into line units, those who had
received previous military
training being first selected.'
Anon, Handbook of the Turkish
Army, Eighth Provision Edition
(Cairo, 1916) p. 123.

Ottoman infantry officers with

German gas masks, probably
on the Russian front in Galicia.
(Orses and Ozgelik collection)


Ottoman infantry being trained

to shoot at enemy aircraft
on the Strimon front in Greek
Macedonia, 1917. German
pilots noted that their Ottoman
allies tended to fire on any
aircraft, friendly or otherwise.
(ex-Siiddeutsche Zeitung)

men arrived at the front with minimal skill. Within one division committed
to the vital Gallipoli campaign, Hans Kannengiesser recorded that there were
3,701 'so-called trained troops', plus 4 4 0 trained and 2,734 untrained
recruits. He further complained that there should have been plenty of time to
get men properly trained in reserve regiments. These reported their training
progress to Divisional HQ every day and, in Kannengiesser's opinion, such
messages sometimes contained 'unbelievable nonsense'. For example, one
battalion listed as one day's work; 'Sights correction and bayonet fighting',
and on another day, 'Head right and turn left'.
Liman von Sanders raised the training standards of the men under his
command, especially those who would shortly face the full force of the AngloFrench assault upon the Dardanelles. They and the troops who expected a
comparable Russian assault upon the Bosphorus had undertaken almost
constant route marches, sham fighting, and alarm exercises. Though the
lessons subsequently learned at Gallipoli were incorporated into the Ottoman
infantry's training programmes, Sanders himself noted that from August 1916
onwards the need to train large numbers of raw recruits meant that exercises
of company formation or larger were no longer possible.
The British assessment of the Ottoman infantry was that they were welltrained and steady but slow in movement, especially in attack, and that they
were little used to scouting or reconnaissance. The men were, it was
suggested, generally moderate or poor shots though the British did admit that
Ottoman snipers had been 'efficient' during the Gallipoli campaign. Other
British and French sources suggest that Ottoman marksmanship was
generally superior to that of the Allies, especially that of recent British recruits
in the so-called 'Kitchener's Army'. Hans Kannengiesser again provides
specific detailed information, writing that in the summer of 1915; 'Shooting
ranges were also prepared, and we actually found supplies of German ring
targets with the head of a Prussian infantryman stuck on. The results were
awful! A German range NCO would have had a tummy-ache, but finally
the Turks shot quite well. When a bull's eye was reported I used to satisfy
myself personally that the report was correct.'

In contrast to the courageous but rather unimaginative Ottoman tactics

used during the Gallipoli campaign, the largely Arab troops who faced the
British during the early part of the Iraq campaign used guerrilla as well as
traditional tactics. The former caused the British major problems for a while,
especially by cutting the oil pipeline inside south-western Iran. These
operations strengthened British determination to press ahead as fast as
possible, to take Baghdad and stop it becoming a guerrilla base. The result
was a premature advance during which the Ottomans fought short delaying
actions and cut British communications lines. They then defeated the British
at the battle of Ctesiphon and followed up with a four-month siege of Kut alAmara, which culminated in the surrender of thousands of British troops.
Of course, Ottoman infantry tactics changed during the course of the war,
as did those of other belligerents. On the offensive they initially relied upon
massed advances, sometimes with troops throwing grenades ahead of them
as seen during a successful counter-attack at the battle of Dujaila in Iraq. The
same tactics were used during the Gallipoli campaign, with perhaps inevitable
high casualties. Late in 1915, however, Bulgaria's entry into the conflict
opened up direct communications between the Ottoman Empire and its
Central Power allies, leading to deliveries of new weaponry and a consequent
adoption of modified infantry tactics. A massive new counter-offensive was
planned against the British on the Gallipoli Peninsula, using poisonous gas for
the first time. Germans experts arrived and the Ottoman Army trained
selected men as hucum tabur: German-style storm troops. The necessary
equipment was stockpiled but a British withdrawal meant that this ambitious
attack was no longer needed on that front. Such changes in Ottoman infantry
tactics were reflected in frontline and training photographs which showed a
shift from closely-packed groups of men rushing forwards, as at Gallipoli, to
widely spaced formations advancing in what appear to have been separate
'leapfrog' jumps. In this respect the Ottomans were doing much the same as
other belligerent armies.

Ottoman infantry in Galicia
practising an assault under fire.
By this time they had been
trained to attack in more open
formation than had been used
in Gallipoli. (Orses and Ozgelik
The 'Army of Islam' included
Ottoman troops and local
Muslim volunteers in the
Caucasus, here operating
a heavy mortar in 1918.
(Askeri Miizesi, Istanbul)

An Ottoman military supply

caravan of two-humped
Bactrian camels in central
Anatolia during World War I.
The aircraft is an Albatross CHI,
probably from the 8th Boliig
(squadron) based at Kayseri in
1917. (De Nogales photograph)

A change in the military relationship between the Ottoman Empire and

Germany during the autumn of 1917 also meant that Ottoman officers took
over all training, under minimal German supervision. How far this really
happened is unclear, but under the new Military Convention, as it was called,
large numbers of Ottoman officers were certainly sent for training in
Germany. Meanwhile, within the Ottoman state, according a report by Liman
von Sanders, the military situation was so desperate by December 1917 that
most of the army no longer had time for proper training; 'The diminution of
the efficiency of many parts of the army is chiefly due to the mistakes of
Turkish headquarters. For about two years now a great part of the troops
has not been granted sufficient time for training. They have been torn apart,
before the small and large units have been properly cemented together.'
(Sanders, 1920, pp. 1 9 1 - 9 2 ) In fact, the Ottoman Army's entire effort was
now focused upon a losing battle for survival.

All sources, from friend and foe, agree that the life of the ordinary Ottoman
soldier was harsher than that of other participants in World War I. Similarly,
Mebmetgik, or 'Little Mehmet' as he was affectionately known, was one of the
toughest soldiers of his day. Almost always badly clothed and badly fed,
there were many occasions when units which had been equipped to serve
in Palestine or Iraq suddenly found themselves sent to the Caucasus front in
winter. Here, and often elsewhere, problems of transport and communications
meant that only a third of standard rations could be issued, and these were
limited enough in the first place. Resulting deaths from exposure, hunger, and
disease were appalling. Even in the Middle East, specifically in Syria, men lived
on half rations for months on end while the food itself was a thin gruel of
flour and water which even the resilient Ottoman infantryman eventually
found it impossible to stomach. Because conditions were no better behind the
front, food supplies often got eaten by men along the supply lines.
One desperate report from Syria, written late in 1917, summed up the
situation; 'The food situation in the Fourth Army is so dreadful that only 350
grams of flour can be given to men and 2.5 kilograms of forage to animals.
If communications are not improved it is doubtful whether we can go on.'
(Hussein Hussnu Emir quoted in Emin, 1930, pp. 2 5 0 - 5 1 ) Field officers

normally lived little better than their men, though there could be occasional
treats, as Mehmed Fasih noted in his Gallipoli diary on 21 October 1915;
'Delegation of Syrian literati visit Regimental H Q with a gift of Damascus
baklava for the officers. Each of us received a slice.'
Troops normally carried two days' rations in their packs, or if necessary
three days', but during the Ottoman assault across the Sinai Peninsula in
January 1915 each man carried rations for five days. Food production in the
Ottoman Empire had suffered a serious blow in 1914 when mobilization
meant that much of the harvest had not been gathered. Famines soon followed
and British Army intelligence observed in a note to its Handbook
on the
Turkish Army that; 'In war the soldier has little to eat; his rations are 1 li lbs
per day of bread with vegetables or rice. Meat is seldom given, and pay is
seldom forthcoming.'
Foreign officers serving with the Ottoman Army during World War I
were often horrified by the soldiers' diet. Kannengiesser, for example,
described it as 'eternal bulgar, or bakla, or fasulia (beans)'. This German
officer described how small donkeys, laded with pannikins or old petrol
cans, brought food to men in the frontline, each container covered with cloth
to prevent the food spilling. The food itself, he thought, had the sickening
smell of old cart grease, though the men seemed content enough. 'This is no
real war,' they joked to each other, 'we get something to eat every day.' When
asked if they had any complaints, they would shout out individually or in
unison, 'Eji Bey,' or later, 'Eji Pasha!' - meaning 'No complaint, Bey' or 'No
complaint, Pasha'. Whether they said this with an eye on their own Ottoman
officers or NCOs is not recorded. Hans Kannengiesser then described the
men under his command seated with eight men around a tin tray eating their
meal as a group; 'Each threw a piece of bread into the soup and calmly
and dignified, each without haste, recovered it with his spoon. I have never
seen a battle for food, no matter how great the hunger.' (Kannengiesser,
1927, pp. 1 4 8 - 4 9 )
Though the quality of food was poor even on better-supplied fronts, some
comments by Western observers reflect a prejudice against what was, in
essence, a healthy Turco-Middle Eastern diet. Einstein, who was based
in Istanbul throughout much of the Gallipoli campaign, wrote of the largely
Arab troops based at Yenikoy just north of the city on 16 July 1915; 'They
are so raw that it will take time before they are fit even to man trenches.
We passed them in the evening carrying their pilaff in japanned iron washbasins - our dogs would hardly eat it, but it was their sole dinner.'

Living conditions in the

Life in the base camps was
naturally more comfortable
than it was at the front line,
especially for senior men and
staff officers, as 2nd Lt.
Mehmed Fasih recalled in his
diary entry for 18 November
1915;'07.00 hrs-Get up.
Have tea, smoke my waterpipe. Order company to stand
to. Horse arrives. I mount.
We're off... 08.00 hrs - Reach
base camp... As we go by,
take a good look at Divisional
Headquarters. What I see can
only elicit an "Oh!" on my
part. Perfect buildings,
gardens, flower-pots, arbours.
A cold wind confronting one
inside a deep, dark sap! That's
our lot! When we reach our
base camp, have bathing
tents erected. Then hot-air
ovens are lit... As this work
goes on, go through my
personal effects... Tour
kitchens and food stores, then
fill my pipe and stroll
around... The view from here
is rather attractive. One
immediately notices a
mixture of camp and countrylife styles. Everywhere, things
have been readied for the
coming winter. Dugouts,
stables, huts have all been
built of sun-dried brick, and
their roofs are made of solidly
packed earth. Our camp
resembles a farm. Our
comrades on duty here are
keeping chickens and turkeys,
and our clerk even has a
duck.' Mehmed Fasih (tr. H. B.
Danishman), Gallipoli 1915:

Bloody Ridge (Lone Pine)

ofLt. Mehmed


Fasih 5th



(Istanbul 2001) pp. 96-98.

Mud-brick huts of the

25th Infantry Regiment near
Palamutluk in October 1915,
at the height of the Gallipoli
campaign. (Kannengiesser

Ottoman troops helping a

German mountain artillery unit
through the snow of eastern
Anatolia. (Orses and Ozcelik

A heliograph crew whose

uniforms suggest that, with the
exception of the officer second
from right, they are from an
infantry regiment. (Askeri
Muzesi, Istanbul)

Each division had its own divisional cookhouses

and built ovens to bake huge quantities of pita-style
bread. At the Dardanelles and Galicia these were
partly replaced by mobile field kitchens like those
used by most other armies. Meanwhile, troops
stationed in quiet areas, away from the main fronts,
sometimes seem to have been forgotten about
altogether. Manisa, for example, was a thriving
town at the heart of a fertile agricultural region
in western Anatolia and was on a railway line.
Nevertheless, toward the end of the war its garrison
was virtually starving (Toynbee, 1923, p. 142).
The one thing that Ottoman soldiers would
not do without was plenty of good, clean drinking
water. Fortunately for the defenders of the
Gallipoli Peninsula, their positions were better
than those of the invaders in this respect. Almost
invariably on higher ground, they also controlled the springs that dotted this
relatively fertile part of Turkey even in the height of summer. This was
apparently more important for the Ottomans than for most other troops
because, as Kannengiesser recalled; 'The Turk is not only a large water
drinker, but he knows water and differentiates between different sorts as we
do by wine.' Summarizing the particular importance of water quality as well
as quantity for the Ottoman defenders, he maintained that the 'Turk' was
quite impossible as a soldier without it; Tf we also had been forced to bring
our water in tank ships to Gallipoli, and then had to bring it up on donkeys'
backs to the trenches, the bodily resistance of the Turk would have certainly
completely broken down.' (Kannengiesser, 1927, p. 172)
Apart from clean water and adequate ammunition for his rifle, another
vital necessity for Ottoman troops was tobacco; T sometimes received
from the Marshal [Liman von Sanders] whole parcels of cigarettes which
I distributed in the front line only. It gave me particular pleasure, when in
the trenches, to say to each man I found actively employed at his loop-hole,
"Hold your left hand out behind you." I always put two cigarettes in his
hand and I seldom received even a very soft "Teshekkur ederim" [I thank
you], but I felt how grateful they were, these brave askers [soldiers].'
(Kannengiesser, 1927, pp. 1 5 2 - 5 3 )

The Ottoman soldier's expectations of accommodation were even more

limited, the great majority coming from poor rural backgrounds and were
accustomed to sleeping on the floor; 'The most they know are carpets and
mattresses which are pulled out of a cupboard for the night and lain
anywhere on the floor.' (Kannengiesser, 1927, pp. 1 4 8 - 4 9 )
Mehmed Fasih's frequent mentioning of enemy aircraft largely contradicts
what Western military historians have claimed about the impact of Allied
aerial supremacy upon Ottoman base-camps on the Gallipoli front. The
destruction of a flour store by aerial bombing is thought to have caused a
temporary reduction of rations in the front line, while French aircraft focused
on store dumps at Kumkale on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles. According
to testimony given to a post-war American enquiry headed by General. Billy
Mitchell, concerning the effectiveness of such aerial bombing, a Turkish
major stated that because of allied air supremacy all supplies and troops on
the Gallipoli front eventually had to be moved by night. Attempts by day
were attacked by both aircraft and naval gunfire, resulting in dispersed
convoys, wrecked carts, dead baggage animals, and long delays. Furthermore,
French aircraft frequently attacked the Soganli Dere rest camp where the
white Turkish tents had to be camouflaged. Eventually, the troops in this
camp - as elsewhere - were accommodated in dugouts excavated from the
hillside, though this was probably more to provide them with winter shelter
than to protect them from aerial bombing.
Hardy as Ottoman soldiery were, they were as vulnerable to disease as
their allies and enemies - especially when weakened by an inadequate diet.
The Ottoman Army's medical services were organized centrally and proved
unable to deal with rapidly mounting problems. The number of qualified
medical personnel was very small, considering the eventual size of the army,
and Ottoman records show that the overwhelming majority of the 1,202
doctors were Muslims, plus nine Greeks, 17 Armenians, and three Jews. The
1,353 reserve surgeons were more varied, with 528 Muslims, 331 Greeks,
229 Armenians, 116 Jews, and 79 Catholic Maronites. More than one in
eight would die as a result of disease or combat (Emin 1930, p. 2 5 2 ) .
One reason why detailed information is still emerging about the Ottoman
Army during World War I is the Ottoman tradition of overwhelming
bureaucracy, this passion for paperwork infuriating many German advisors.
Friction between the Ottoman Empire and its allies grew worse as the years
passed, and instances of Ottoman troops dancing in their trenches shouting

An Ottoman infantry unit

during its transfer to the
Iraqi front. Behind their
officer is a bugle band
with at least one drummer.
(Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)

'Allah bujuk, Allemano bujuk* (God is Great, Germany is great), as they did
when the British battleship Queen Elizabeth was sunk within sight of the
Gallipoli Peninsula, would become rare.
Even as some Germans themselves recognized, cooperation was made
more difficult because most Central Power advisors failed to understand the
Ottoman or Muslim way of doing things. Worse still, they showed scant
respect for the Empire's Islamic heritage and many German officers made it
clear that they regarded themselves as superior to both Turks and Arabs,
officers or otherwise. On the other side, younger Ottoman officers with
Turkish nationalist feelings resented being treated like second-class soldiers in
their own army. Things came to a climax with the creation of the Yildirim
Army Corps in 1917. Originally intended to retake Iraq from the invading
British, it was envisaged as an almost entirely Turkish force in which Germans
would be confined to the senior ranks. Such a structure of command was,
however, rejected by the Ottomans and the operation was delayed. Then
came a British breakthrough in Palestine, which resulted in the Yildirim Army
Corps, now largely officered by Turks, being sent to that front in a doomed
attempt to retrieve the situation.

Shelters in a rest area during

the Gallipoli campaign.
Cut into the rear of hills as a
protection against long-range
artillery, they were partially
faced with sandbags.
(Orses and Ozcelik collection)


One of the most famous military hospitals in the world stood on the eastern shore of the
Bosphorus facing Istanbul. It was here, in the Ottoman Army's old Selimiye Barracks, that Florence
Nightingale had worked during the Crimean War. During World War I huge numbers of wounded
and sick soldiers were landed on both shores of the Bosphorus. Many of the medical personnel
who tended them were non-Muslims. They included Syrian Arab Christians, Greek Orthodox
Christians, and Armenians, though almost all Armenian soldiers and officers had been disarmed
following an Armenian uprising in support of the invading Russians. While Muslim nurses wore an
all-enveloping head covering, non-Muslim nurses showed some of their hair. World War I also saw
remarkable changes within the Ottoman state, including a continuation of the 'westernizing' and
'liberalizing' trends that started in the late 19th century and would be imposed by force after World
War I. These were reflected in the clothing worn by some women of the educated elite. At the
same time, however, traditional loyalties remained deeply rooted, especially amongst those close
to the Court. To illustrate this point, the crudely manufactured uniforms worn by field officers late
in the war, such as can be seen on the wounded binbashi (major) in this picture, contrast with the
splendid walking-out uniform of a yuzbashi (captain) in the Sultan's Infantry Guard.


A youthful mulazimisani


lieutenant) and two bash^avush

muavini (assistant sergeantmajors) on the Syrian front.
The wearing of keffiyeh Arab headcloths - was not
restricted to Arab troops
though these men were
probably from Syria or Cilicia.
(Orses and Ozgelik collection)


Enthusiastic as some members of the Young Turk Ottoman Government

might have been for the Ottoman Empire to enter the war as Germany's ally,
even Enver Pasha recognized the Army's weaknesses, especially in terms of
supplies. On 6 August 1914 he told his new allies that the Ottoman Army
needed 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 rifles, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 artillery shells, plus various other equipment.
This request was endorsed by Liman von Sanders and was soon followed by
requests for mines, howitzers, lorries, electrical equipment, uniforms, boots,
blankets, and tinned food.
Very little arrived before the Ottomans entered the war, and even during
the conflict supplies remained sometimes acutely low. Nor could the Ottoman
Empire itself remedy this situation, its own industrial foundations being so
weak. Where sophisticated military items were concerned it remained entirely
dependent upon its Central Power allies, topped up by whatever could be
captured from the enemy. As one historian put it; 'They might be magnificent
fighting men, but even heroes need bullets, guns and boots.' (McCarthy,
2 0 0 1 , p. 103)
Liman von Sanders saw these problems first hand, and later quoted from
a report by a divisional commander on the Caucasus front in November
1916; 'Great losses are caused by lack of subsistence and lack of warm
clothing. Many Turkish soldiers are dressed in thin summer garments, have
no overcoats and no boots. The feet are mostly wrapped in rags from which
the toes protrude... No wonder that under such condition whole detachments
were found in caves dead from hunger and cold after blizzards or other heavy
weather.' (Sanders, 1920, p. 131)
Elsewhere, Sanders noted how the Ottoman Army corps sent to the
Galician front were equipped to a very different standard as part of the
Ottoman government's desire to impress its allies.
Even this X V Corps' inevitable weakness in
machine guns was remedied when the Germans
handed over captured Russian weapons, followed
by more as the Galician campaign progressed.
The Ottoman Army was one of the least
coherently uniformed forces to take part in World
War I, despite the fact that it had only recently
adopted khaki to replace its traditional dark blue
uniform. A comprehensive tailor's guide had even
been produced, accompanied by a wall chart that
illustrated what this new khaki uniform was
supposed to look like. At the start of the war most
frontline Ottoman soldiers were dressed according
to these regulations, but as the conflict dragged
on, increasingly broad variations appeared in
colour, cut, position and number of pockets, and
so on. Behind the front, varied uniforms had made
their appearance even as the Ottomans mobilized
in 1914, including the old Redif uniform of dark
brown with red piping, old blue cotton summer
uniforms, and lighter shades of cheap khaki. In
some cases men were still wearing simple cotton
peasant dress for weeks after being called to the

colours, only a bashlik military hat or a military greatcoat identifying them

as soldiers.
What Kannengiesser described as the 'brown-grey shade' of the official
Ottoman field uniform was in his opinion well suited to the 'mud colour of
Gallipoli'. Not all the men on that front were so suitably dressed, with Einstein
commenting on 5 May 1915 that; 'The men were not very young, and their
uniforms were of ancient pattern and somewhat shabby.' Things were worse
two months later, even amongst those who remained to guard Istanbul itself;
'The constabulary one used to see in the streets have nearly all gone to the
front, and are replaced by a home guard of aged men in corduroy uniforms.'
The approach of winter meant that a weird assortment of supposedly warm
clothing was sent to men fighting on Gallipoli, donated by the good people of
the capital. Unfortunately it included fashionable but impractical underwear
and shoes. Other sources noted that Ottoman soldiers plundered virtually
anything they could lay their hands on once the Allied invaders abandoned the
Gallipoli Peninsula, resulting in some strangely mixed uniforms.
Photographic and written evidence suggests that the situation was not so
bad where military packs and other such equipment were concerned. This was
supposed to consist of a green waterproof canvas knapsack, a brown waistbelt, two ammunition pouches or a bandolier, a water-bottle, haversack, part
of a tent shared with other men, and a greatcoat. One man in every 12 carried
a pick, one in three a shovel, and one in every ten a copper cooking dish. The
knapsack itself contained a man's complete kit, supposedly including a spare
pair of boots which all too few actually had, the weight of the pack on the
man's shoulders being balanced by cartridge pouches in front. Under the flap
of the knapsack was a pocket for 30 additional rounds of ammunition, which
in the opinion of British observers, could only be reached with help from
another man. An aluminium water bottle with a felt cover was attached by a
spring hook to an eye sewn to the flap of the haversack, but such water bottles
were said to have been of poor manufacture.
Leather cartridge pouches were carried on the waistbelt and could be
easily slipped on and off. They consisted of three pockets, each containing
four clips of five cartridges. Thus a soldier had 120 rounds on his belt,
plus the 30 in his knapsack. However, pictorial and written evidence both
indicate that many different methods of carrying cartridges were used during
World War I, often including old-fashioned bandoliers around the waist and
over the shoulders.

An Ottoman infantryman with

full kit and Mauser rifle, as he
was supposed to look. In reality
only part of the Ottoman Army
was this well and consistently
equipped, especially towards
the end of the war. (Askeri
Miizesi, Istanbul)


The decorated entrance to a

headquarters in north-western
Iran where the Ottoman Army
used traditional Islamic styles of
military etiquette in an attempt
to win support from the local
peoples. (Orses and Ozcelik

The tent consisted of brown canvas

sheets with eyelets, plus pegs and poles
that were in sections so that they could
be carried in knapsacks. A tent closed
at both ends normally consisted of four
such portions, though a larger one could
be made by using more. An entrenching
tool was carried beneath the bayonet
in a leather loop, but this tool was,
according to a British assessment, small,
light, and almost useless in anything
except light soils.
If anything distinguished the Ottoman
Army from allies and enemies alike it was
headgear. From the mid-19th century
until Ataturk's rise to power in the 1920s, a red fez with a dark blue or black
tassel was the archetypal headgear of the Ottoman Empire, though
paradoxically it had originally been a Greek Christian hat. In the later 19th
century a Turkish style kalpak hat was adopted by officers and many mounted
troops in the Ottoman Army; this being a black or dark-brown lambskin cap
with a scarlet fabric top decorated with strips of gold brocade. However, Enver
Pasha himself, the Ottoman Minister of War, is understood to have designed
the most unusual headgear used during World War I. This was the kabalak,
often known as an enveriye, which looked rather like a solar topee from a
distance and was supposed to replace the sheepskin kabalak on active service
- though it did not always do so. Meanwhile troops of Arab origin normally
wore a traditional headcloth known as a keffiyah. The enveriye was made
of two strips of khaki cloth tied in opposite directions around a frame.
They could be partially unwound to secure the hat or to keep the wearer's
ears warm.


The Ottoman XV Corps, which was sent to Galicia in what is now western Ukraine to support the
German and Austro-Hungarian armies against Russia, was notably better equipped than Ottoman
troops on practically every other front. This political decision, intended to maintain Ottoman
military prestige and demonstrate the Empire's loyalty to its allies, was nevertheless criticized
by many within the Ottoman high command. Our picture is based upon a photograph of an
Ottoman sentry on duty outside the Headquarters of the XV Corps in Galicia. Whether Miralay
Yakup (Colonel) $evki Bey, as the senior Ottoman officer, personally checked the appearance
of the er (private) on sentry duty before the arrival of senior German and Austro-Hungarian
officers is unknown. Inset: (1-9 collar insignia) (1) staff; (2) infantry; (3) fireman; (4) Redif reserve;
(5) machine gunner; (6) alternative type of collar patch; (7) infantry private; (8) army clerk;
(9) private of a reserve force; (10-13 greatcoat insignia) (10) reserve officer; (11) position of
greatcoat collar insignia; (12) alternative position of greatcoat collar insignia; (13) infantry private;
(14-18 branch of service collar patches) (14) infantry; (15) army clerk; (16) machine-gun corps;
(17) bandsman; (18) staff; (19-29 officer epaulettes) (19) musur; (20) birinci ferik; (21) ferik;
(22) mirliva; (23) miralay; (24) kaymakam;
(25) binbasi; (26) kolagasi (archaic); (27) yuzbasi;
(28) mulazimi evvel; (29) mulazimi sani; (30-33 medical officer epaulette shapes) (30) general;
(31) senior officer; (32) medical or clerical officer; (33) musical junior officer; (38-48 greatcoat
collar officer insignia) (38) mirliva; (39) ferik; (40) birinci ferik; (41) musur; (42) binbasi;








sani; (46)

(49-52 religious officer or 'chaplain') (49)








(50) alay





Poor-quality footwear
The problem of the Ottoman
Army's inferior footwear was
noted by Lt. Col. Fahrettin
Altay when he wrote to his
father from the Gallipoli front
on 2 September 1915; 'The
hopes of the British have
collapsed. Will they bring up
fresh troops, perhaps Italian,
and land them on the old
beaches - or elsewhere? We
are used to it and let them
come if they like. In one
respect it helps our soldiers,
who strip all the British dead
of their boots, and now have
fine British boots on their own
feet.' Quoted by P. Liddle,
Men of Gallipoli: The





1914 to

1916 (London, 1976)

pp. 210-211.

Ottoman Army cooks at work

in Galicia. The method of
providing relatively secure
shelters excavated into the
rearward-facing slopes of hills
was similarly seem in Gallipoli.
(Askeri Miizesi, Istanbul)


Of course, the Ottoman Army was not entirely dependent upon its allies,
though local production largely focused upon the manufacture of uniforms.
Before the war, cotton cloth manufacturing averaged 1,000 tons a year,
including what came from new factories. Nevertheless, 50 times more had
to be imported. The loss of European territory during the First Balkan War
was particularly serious because so much of the state's limited industrial
production had been in these regions, so by 1914 Ottoman factories were
almost entirely confined to Istanbul, a few parts of western Anatolia, and the
Black Sea coast.
Although traditional Ottoman shoe-making crafts had collapsed in the
face of European and American imports during the 19th century, there had
recently been a significant revival so that, by the outbreak of war in 1914,
there was little importation except for the high fashion market (Quataert,
1 9 9 4 , pp. 9 0 3 - 0 4 ) . On the other hand the quality of local production,
especially of military boots, would prove to be a great disappointment.
Supposedly of brown leather, the soldier's ankle boots were worn with khaki
puttees, though reservists were sometimes seen wearing traditional 'country
shoes' with puttees, and by the summer of 1917 even some officers were not
supplied with proper boots.
It also became necessary for the Ottoman Army to import uniforms
manufactured by their allies, with unpredictable results where the appearance
of Ottoman soldiers was concerned. When the Armenian conscript Bedros
Sharian tried to surrender to the British in Palestine in 1917, for example, his
captors refused to believe that he was an Ottoman soldier, still less a Christian,
because his uniform was made in Germany (Pye, 1938, pp. 1 3 1 - 4 3 ) .
Weaponry was almost entirely German in design and origin, though the
Ottoman Mehmetgik was usually only issued with the most basic kit, Mauser
rifles, German pattern bayonets, and swords. Most officers bought their own
side arms, usually European pistols of commercial design, though some
obtained Mauser machine pistols. A shortage of weaponry was already
apparent in 1915, when Einstein noted that troops were no longer properly
armed nor equipped. These problems steadily became more serious, Liman
von Sanders complaining in a telegram to the Ottoman Ministry of War on
14 March 1916 that a depot regiment he recently inspected had a strength of
8,000 men but only 1,050 rifles. Furthermore, these were of differing
patterns, there were no cartridge boxes, and many soldiers who did have rifles
were without side arms or bayonets.
According to British intelligence, at the
outbreak of war the Ottoman Army had about
5 0 0 , 0 0 0 Mauser rifles of 7.65 mm calibre, plus
some 200,000 of 9.5mm calibre. In addition it had
around 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 Martini-Henry and MartiniPeabody rifles, many probably dating from the
war of 1 8 7 7 - 7 8 . There was also a reserve stock
of archaic Remington and Winchester rifles,
though with little ammunition. Consequently
it was not surprising that many of the troops in
Syria and in other interior provinces were armed
with extraordinarily varied weapons, including
Martinis which had been modified to use the
same calibre ammunition as the Mausers,
along with Martini-Henrys, Martini-Peabodys,

and Remingtons. In some places the men

lacked any rifles and had to make do with
revolvers (Anon 1916, pp. 1 0 - 1 1 ) .
Officers were normally armed with swords
and revolvers. The Venezuelan mercenary, De
Nogales, was clearly impressed by the Mauser
pistols, especially those used by Armenian
insurgents during the siege of Van in eastern
Anatolia; 'which discharged at short range are
terrible weapons; the effect of them can be
compared only with that of machine guns, since
instead of shooting one shot at a time they fire
four, five, and sometimes six towards the same
target.' (De Nogales, 1926, p. 68) Repeating
parabellum lange pistols (lugers) were issued to
some Ottoman front-line infantry, or more
particularly their officers, during the last two years of World War I.
The most acute shortage throughout the conflict was that of machine guns.
Following huge material losses in the Balkan wars, the Ottoman Army had
relatively few German Maxim and French Hotchkiss machine guns in 1914.
It received many more German Maxims during the course of World War I,
including the 'commercial' Model 1909 and the same M G 0 8 machine guns
used by the Germany Army, but it never had enough. There was a similar
problem with grenades, most of which were supplied by the Ottomans' allies,
though some were manufactured in Istanbul. Not all were used in combat,
as 2nd Lt. Mehmed Fasih noted in his diary entry of 3 November 1 9 1 5 ;
'Out of two grenade casings, fashion a lamp with a screened flame so it can
be used in trenches. This is how a Turkish officer has to function. If he needs
something, he has to improvise. The grenades I used were rifle grenades.
Removed primers and detonated these safely.'
In addition to standard-issue bayonets, many Ottoman infantrymen
clearly used whatever close-combat weapons they could obtain or
make. During the Gallipoli campaign friends and foes alike noted that
Ottomans carried daggers thrust into their boots or belts for use in
trench warfare. The feeble construction and small numbers of their
entrenching tools also meant that Ottoman infantry were eager to
capture these from the enemies. Gas was not used during the Gallipoli
campaign, though the Ottoman Army was preparing to do so when the
enemy suddenly retreated. British gas masks were then found amongst
abandoned equipment; German advisors recalling how Ottoman
soldiers acted the fool with these captured masks. The only recorded
occasion when Ottoman infantry actually had to use such protections
was when they came under gas attack in Galicia.
Apart from uniforms and grenades, a small quantity of other
military material was also manufactured in the Ottoman Empire, there
being at least three munitions factories in and around Istanbul. These
were said to operate day and night, at least in 1915, and employed
4,000 people. A strategic weakness was, however, their need to burn
300 tons of coal per day. This fuel came from mines at Zonguldak and
was brought by ship until attacks by the Russian Navy virtually cut
this route. From then on coal only got through in small sailing ships
or was brought over the mountains by pack animals.

An Ottoman soldier and two

cadets from one of the Empire's



schools, apparently assisted by

an interpreter, shopping in
Damascus. (Assad National
Library, Damascus)

A junior officer with his enveriye

hat partially unwound. (Orses
and Oz^elik collection)


Like all soldiers, the Ottoman infantryman's most immediate motivation in
combat was loyalty to his comrades. Behind this, some historians claim to
have identified a variety of occasionally conflicting feelings of nationalism,
Turkish nationalism being the strongest. In reality, even though the Young
Turk Government had hazy notions of creating a huge Turkish or 'Turanian'
state in western and central Asia, such ideas had minimal importance to the
majority of the Ottoman officer corps and none whatsoever to the rank-andfile, many of whom were not Turks. When drawn up in parade or celebrating
a victory, those of Turkish origin raised the traditional cheer of 'Padisbabim
<^ok YasbaV (Much Life to my Sovereign) but, as an American scholar
recently noted; 'The Ottoman Army did not cry "Glory to the Nation" or
"Turks Forever" as it went into battle. It cried "Allahu Akbar" (God is
Great), as had the Muslim armies before it.' (McCarthy 2 0 0 1 , p. 76)
Islam was by far the most important motivating force during the first two
years of World War I. During 1917 and 1918, however, the Ottoman
Government tried to reduce direct Islamic influence. This had some impact on
the officer corps but it is unlikely to have filtered down to the rank-and-file.
A call to jihad shortly after the start of World War I, while having virtually
no impact upon Muslims outside the Ottoman Empire, was more important
within the state. Signed by the Sultan in his capacity as Caliph, and by the
most senior Ottoman religious figures, it proclaimed that; 'Central Europe
has not been able to escape the calamities let loose by the Muscovite
Government in the Near and Far East with the object of enslaving humanity
and annihilating the benefits of freedom, a divine gift to nations and peoples.'
A pamphlet distributed by the National Society of Defence was less
discriminating in its claim that the killing of infidels who ruled Islamic lands
had become a sacred duty (Einstein, 1917, diary entry for 11 May).
Unfortunately for those who used loyalty to Islam to recruit Arab soldiers,
many of the latter expected to fight unbelievers close to home, as Einstein
noted on 8 August 1915; 'There has been more trouble with the Arab soldiers
quartered on the Bosphorus. They were brought here under the pretence that
the Prophet's mantle had been unfurled, which meant war against all Infidels,
as opposed to the Jihad, which is only against certain unbelievers. When they
found this untrue there was almost a revolt.'
German officers attached to the Ottoman Army were fully aware of the
importance of Islam, not only as a motivating force but also by enabling


One of the most remarkable victories achieved by the Ottoman Army during World War I was

fought between 22 and 25 November 1915, close to the ruins of the pre-lslamic Sassanian imperial
capital of Ctesiphon, now Salman Pak, near Baghdad in Iraq. It would be followed by a British

retreat and the surrender of a British army at Kut al-Amara in southern Iraq. In this illustration the


(lieutenant-colonel) of an infantry battalion is congratulating the binbashi

command of a regimental flag-party; the bayraktar

(major) in

(flag-bearer) being accompanied by two


(privates). However, this event is not shown as one of the Ottoman Army's characteristic flagsmedals ceremonies where commemorative ribbons would be formally attached to a military

banner. Instead, the men are relaxing or helping medical personnel and local irregulars unload

wounded men from camel litters, the 'desert ambulances' of World War I. While this unexpected
sequence of successes raised Ottoman morale, it also resulted in a substantial number of British

and Indian prisoners of war, which the Ottoman Empire was ill equipped to look after.

Disciplinary punishment in the
Ottoman Army was much as it
had been for centuries. These
troops were accompanying
a German mountain artillery
unit as it made its way through
south-eastern Anatolia.
(Orses and Ozgelik collection)
The bayraktar



standard-bearer of an Ottoman
regiment in 1915, almost
certainly posed during the
Gallipoli campaign. The fact
that at least one of the men
wears a turban rather than an
enveriye hat suggests that this
was one of the mixed Turkish
and Arab units which defended
the peninsula, (from Harbi


1915; Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)


peasant soldiers to endure the horrors of trench warfare. This was

particularly true of the Anatolian Turks who usually followed their officers
without question. Deeply religious, they regarded this life as the first step to
a better one, as Kannengiesser wrote; 'The asker bears the heaviest wound
with wonderful stoicism. One hears only a small whimper, "Aman, aman"
[Mercy, mercy].' (Kannengiesser, 1927, pp. 1 4 5 - 4 6 )
A front-line junior Ottoman officer like Mehmed Fasih was similarly
impressed by the army's chaplains, noting on 28 October 1915; 'Towards
evening a hoca [religious preacher] delivers a sermon to our troops. It is
stirring and appropriate. During the gathering, one of our men is slightly
wounded on the forehead by a stray bullet.' The following day he wrote; 'We
see Hiiseyin Mahir Efendi, who preached to us yesterday, and tell him how
much we appreciated his words. He is one of the Professors of Theology at
Fatih [an area centred upon the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mosque in Istanbul].'
The importance of religion was such that it led the High Command to
make seemingly illogical military decisions. Medina in western Arabia, the
second most sacred location in Islam, was strategically worthless after the
Arab Revolt took control of Mecca and thus broke communication between
Ottoman garrisons in Syria and Yemen. Nevertheless, the Ottomans refused
to abandon what had become a vulnerable outpost in the desert. Medina's
religious and psychological importance was too great, and so a small Ottoman
garrison remained under siege until the end of the war, Fahri Pasha its
commander only agreeing to surrender in 1919. He then left his sword on the
Prophet Muhammad's grave and became a hero to pious Turkish Muslims.
A less well-known aspect of Ottoman Islam during World War I was the
role played by various Sufi groups. Various strands of Sufi mysticism had
flourished within the Ottoman Empire but differed considerably in their
attitude to warfare. The Qadiri sect, for example, contained disciplined
followers of Sunni Islam who tended to be enthusiastic about jihad, though
only in its correct defensive form. Units of soldiers identified as Qadiris and
wearing small green turbans over white felt caps were photographed in
Istanbul at the start of World War I. A little later they appeared in Damascus
where they seem to have been closely attached to the provincial governor,
Cemal Pasha.

Yet it would be wrong to think of Ottoman

soldiers as religious fanatics. Mehmed Fasih's
diary entry for 4 December 1915 makes it clear
that young men in the Ottoman Army had much
the same hopes and fears as young men in other
armies; 'Fantasize and meditate about future.
Alaeddin (a colleague) has become engaged to
a woman he loves and desires. Will I ever have a
sweetheart? Oh my God, the maker of Heaven,
Earth and all the creatures who inhabit it! Please
allow me to see the day when I shall taste such
bliss. Otherwise my life, which has always been so
sad, shall remain full of yearnings and grief.'
Apart from tensions between Muslims and Christians within the Ottoman
Empire, there were also tensions between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. According
to one story, which should be treated with care, a battalion of the Istanbul
Fire Brigade, hurriedly sent to the Iraqi front in 1914, was amongst those who
were tricked into surrendering to a smaller British force following the loss of
Basra. Being largely Sunni, they and their comrades were said to be afraid of
the local Arab population, who were Shi'a.
Muslim-Christian tensions were, of course, more serious and ultimately
more deadly. Armenians suffered more than any other group, but they were
clearly not alone. During the first months of the war, bands of Armenian
deserters operated behind Ottoman lines and there were several instances
when sick or wounded Ottoman troops were killed on their way home from
the front (Sonyel, 2000, p. 101). Massacre and counter-massacre reached such
a peak during the war that the Turks were subsequently accused of genocide
against the Armenians. However, atrocities were certainly not confined to one
side and during the Ottoman counter-offensive in April 1918, the troops came
across many destroyed villages where the dismembered corpses of their
Muslim inhabitants still lay in the debris.
One of the strangest aspects of the growing wartime ideology of 'Turkism'
was its increasingly anti-Arab tone. In the Arab provinces, meanwhile,
dissatisfaction with Ottoman rule was becoming more widespread, especially
in Syria where governor Cemal Pasha's attempt to Turcify much of the
country caused considerable resentment. Yet this did not lead to significant
unrest or disloyalty amongst the Empire's Arab troops. Their role during
World War I was obscured by Allied propaganda at the time, and by various
strands of nationalist propaganda ever since. Syrian soldiers played the
leading role in the Sinai and Suez campaigns, and throughout the greater part
of the defence of Palestine.

Blessing the flag of an Ottoman

Army unit, probably in what
is now western Turkey. The
enlarged detail shows that
Christian and Jewish as well
as Muslim clerics took part
in the blessing ceremony.
(Orses and Ozgelik collection)

Ottoman tenacity in
The steadfastness of Ottoman
infantrymen was of course
appreciated by their
commanders. A letter from
Kiazim Karabekir, the
commander of troops
defending the Iraqi village of
Muhammad Abdul Hassan in
January 1917, was found on
the body of a soldier who was
killed when this place
eventually fell to the British. It
stated that; The steadfastness
of the troops... in spite of
bloody losses, is above all
praise. The Corps Commander
kisses the eyes of all ranks and
thanks them.' Quoted by A. J .
Barker, The Neglected War,



(London, 1967) p. 333.


Similarly, the high morale of Arab troops during the Gallipoli campaign
has almost been written out of the story by military historians, both Turkish
and British. Yet Syrian infantry officers featured prominently in Mehmed
Fasih's Gallipoli diary, though even he also noted how the morale of the largely
Arab 47th Regiment was sapped by huge casualties and too much time spent
in the line. Mustafa Kemal's exhortation to his Turkish troops before leading
them into attack on 25 April 1915 is, of course, famous; T do not expect you
to attack, I order you to die. In the time which passes until we die, other
troops and commanders can come forward and take our places.' After the
war Mustafa Kemal himself said of the Ottoman victory over the invaders on
the Gallipoli Peninsula; 'The greatest monument is Mehmetc.ik himself, the
name Mehmetgik or 'Little Mehmet' being the affectionate Turkish equivalent
to the British 'Tommy Atkins' or the American 'Doughboy'.
It is also worth noting that the Arabs still regard the Turks as better
soldiers than the British, knowing the former as Abu Shuja'a (the 'Father of
Courage'), and the latter as Abu Alf Midfah ('the Father of a Thousand
Guns'). The proud spirit of Turkish forces even at the very end of the war was
summed up in a reply that Mustafa Kemal's chief staff officer made to
the British demand that Aleppo be surrendered on 23 October 1918; 'The
Commander of the Turkish Garrison of Aleppo does not find it necessary to
reply to your note.' The city fell three days later.

An Ottoman infantryman's experience of life on campaign necessarily
reflected the unit to which he was attached and the front to which he was
sent. Once the army had been mobilized, however, the fact that he had been
part of the Nizam Active Army, the Ihtiyat Active Reserve or Miistahfiz
Territorial Reserve made little difference, except that it reflected his age and
thus the likelihood of him seeing frontline combat, though by the end of the
war young and old alike were being thrown into battle.
At the start of the war the Ottoman Army consisted of 36 divisions, to which
nine more could be added on mobilization, but the slow and cumbersome
Ottoman system of mobilization led to a considerable movement of troops.
Thus the men of the VI Corps based near Aleppo in northern Syria were soon
moved to Istanbul to join the First Army. The Second Army, which had
previously been a largely nominal formation, was similarly assembled on the

ARABIA, 1916
The Arab Revolt erupted on 27 June 1916 when the sharif (senior religious authority) of Mecca
proclaimed his independence. Arab irregular forces then attacked the vulnerable railway line
between Syria and Arabia, eventually severing it altogether. Nevertheless, the Ottoman
Government was determined to defend its remaining possessions in the Arabian Peninsula,
it being seen as politically and psychologically impossible to abandon Islam's second holiest
city of Medina, so a small garrison held out even after the war had officially ended. The majority
of Ottoman troops involved on various secondary fronts in Arabia were themselves Arabs rather
than Turks. Photographic evidence also shows that religiously motivated volunteers, such as
those mustered in Istanbul at the start of the conflict, served in Syria, perhaps in defence of the
Damascus to Hejaz railway. A raid by Lawrence of Arabia's 'Arab Army' is illustrated here, with a
(captain) giving orders to a zabitvekili
(junior 'officer on probation') and a boshgavush
(sergeant-major) of the fedai (Muslim volunteer, literally 'self-sacrificer). Nearby a
(battalion chaplain) is supporting a wounded alaymuftu
(regimental chaplain).

Plentiful ammunition
Commenting on the Gallipoli
campaign, a senior German
officer, Hans Kannengiesser,
maintained that; Two factors
considerably increased the
resistance of the asker

[ordinary soldier]. Firstly,

he always had ample
ammunition for his rifle.
That always gave him a
pleasant feeling of being
able to defend himself.
Even if he often fired
without aim or purpose,
he fired courage into himself.'
H. Kannengiesser (tr. C J . P.
Ball), The Campaign

in Gallipoli

(London, 1927) pp. 265-266.

Wounded Ottoman soldiers

in a hospital ward.
(Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)


Asiatic side of the Bosphorus while the Third Army hurried to assemble around
Erzurum, ready to face an anticipated Russian onslaught. The Fourth Army was
not created until after hostilities began, it being assembled in Syria and Palestine
with its HQ in Damascus.
Other armies, numbered sixth to ninth, were formed during the course of
World War I, though some of them were little more than nominal structures
with a staff and very few troops. This multiplicity of armies was criticized by
the Germans, who maintained that it required too many staff officers and
support facilities that could be better used elsewhere. Movement of troops
also resulted in the creation of muretteb composite divisions, which did not
form part of the permanent Army structure. Even as late as July 1918, Enver
Pasha, the Minister of War, created an entirely new Army to be known as the
'Army of Islam'. Built around a few well-equipped Ottoman Turkish units, it
was intended to attract recruits from amongst the Muslim peoples of the
Caucasus region. Meanwhile, Enver's agents tried to establish links with the
Pahlevi family in Iran where Reza Shah Pahlavi, the father of the last Shah of
Iran (overthrown in 1979) commanded the Persian Cossack Brigade, the
country's only really effective military unit.
Reality did not always match theory and this was frequently the case where
unit sizes were concerned. An infantry company was, for example, supposed
to consist of a captain, a lieutenant, two 2nd lieutenants, a sergeant-major, an
assistant sergeant-major, six sergeants, a musketry sergeant, a musketry
corporal, four stretcher-bearers with an ambulance, 18 corporals, a corporal
storekeeper, three officers' servants, four buglers, a shoemaker, a tailor,
a water-carrier, a cook, and 2 1 6 men. In fact, some infantry companies
had only 20 men. Each infantry division was supposed to consist of three
regiments, each of three battalions and one machine-gun company, plus a field
artillery regiment of two companies, one squadron of cavalry, a pioneer
company, and a sanitary company, with a total strength of around 10,000 to
12,000 men. Einstein noted on 24 May 1915 that even when a well-equipped
infantry regiment with a machine-gun section passed though on its way to the
Gallipoli front; 'as usual they were under-officered. Never more than two to
the company of about 2 0 0 men, nor do the officers look keen.'
Official Ottoman records show that, during the course of the war, the
Ottoman Empire mobilized 2,873,000 men, including those in the jandarma
and the Navy. Large as this figure was, Ottoman forces were often spread
thinly over a huge area. Their enemies
sometimes assumed that the apparent
destruction of a regional Army meant that
they could press ahead with confidence.
The British made this mistake in Iraq and
for a year and half before the British
eventually took Baghdad, a supposedly
shattered Ottoman Army of merely
5 0 , 0 0 0 men held up an invading force
nearly ten times larger than itself.
Later in the war the Fifth Army, which
was supposed to defend the Dardanelles
and western Anatolia from further enemy
assaults, was weak in almost all arms,
having only a third of its supposed
artillery, virtually no transport, and almost

no machine guns, while some of its troops had

no rifles. Fortunately, the Allies did not attempt
to repeat the Gallipoli experience and so this
Fifth Army mostly saw action against deserters,
bandits, and Greek piracy along the coast.
On the Caucasus front the Third Army was
reduced to chaotic remnants by early 1916,
exhausted, demoralized, and having lost most
of its equipment. Mustafa Kemal, fresh from
his success at Gallipoli, tried to rebuild what
remained but the situation was so serious by
the summer of 1917 he wrote a memorandum
to Enver Pasha stating bluntly that; Tf the
War lasts much longer, the whole structure
of Government and dynasty, decrepit in all
its parts, may suddenly fall to pieces... Our army is very weak. Most of
its formations are now reduced to one-fifth of their prescribed strength.'
(Emin, 1930, p. 262) More recently released documents show that most of
the units listed in 1918 either existed only on paper organization or consisted
of raw recruits, some as young as 16, while most of the remaining officers
were too busy training these recruits to do anything else.
Throughout World War I Ottoman soldiers, especially infantrymen,
fought at a disadvantage. They were almost invariably outnumbered and,
when facing the British or French, were normally at a significant disadvantage
in equipment, training, and education. Officers were rarely given leave, and
NCOs and ordinary soldiers never. An Army mail service only really operated
in the western provinces and for those men sent to Galicia or the Balkans.
As a result most Ottoman soldiers went for years without news from home.
Support for the families of soldiers was rudimentary and so the men were
constantly afraid that their dependents might be left destitute. Matters were
often made worse when senior officers visited the front; such tours usually
being carried out with pomp, luxury, and extravagance which men serving in
appalling frontline conditions must have found galling (Emin, 1930, p. 2 6 1 ) .


An Ottoman infantry regiment,

including medical personnel
identified by their Red Crescent
armbands, assembled at Batum
railway station in 1918. (Orses
and Ozgelik collection)

Officers of the 29th Regiment,

photographed before the first
Ottoman invasion of Sinai.
Although these men wear
keffiyeh Arab headcloths, their
unit was known as the Izmir
Regiment, suggesting that
it was largely recruited from
what is now western Turkey.
(Orses and Oz^elik collection)

Shortage of equipment was a common problem, and officers sometimes

had to rely on tourist maps taken from guidebooks. In Gallipoli they found
that enemy maps were better than their own. A lack of support weapons was
characteristic of almost all Ottoman infantry units. While most divisions were
weak in artillery, the shortage of machine guns was even more serious. Each
infantry regiment was supposed to have four but at battalion and company
level there were often none. As with other forms of supply, the further a front
was from the capital, the less equipment it received, and towards the end of
World War I Ottoman forces on the Arab fronts were deliberately starved
of support weaponry, which went to the Caucasus instead.
Specialized forms of infantry did exist in the Ottoman Army but were few
in number. Only two companies of mule and camel-mounted infantry, for
example, were based in the vastness of Arabia shortly before the outbreak of
war. A larger number existed in Syria and Iraq and there had been discussion
of raising them to the status of divisional cavalry. Small numbers of cyclist
companies or sections also existed in some jandarma units, and there were
supposed to be four cyclists in each infantry battalion. More dramatic, though
again few in number, were ski troops organized, trained, and presumably also
equipped under German or Austrian guidance on the Caucasus front and
eastern Anatolia. By 1917 and 1918 these featured prominently in the
Ottoman press, though how effective they were is unknown.
Given overwhelming British and French domination of the Aegean and
eastern Mediterranean Seas, the number of small-scale combined operations
carried out by the Ottomans is quite remarkable. Most were in response to
raids against the coast of Turkey by irregulars from neutral Greece, which,
according to captured documents, were almost certainly directed by Allied
intelligence agents. The biggest operation was when a fleet of tugs and small
boats retook Uzun (Kosten) island in the Bay of Izmir on 6 May 1916 from
British forces that had seized this island earlier in the war.
These sideshows involved a tiny number of troops. The Ottoman Army's
largest operations were defensive, though its infantry were also thrown into
large-scale offensives on the Caucasus and Sinai fronts. The former mostly
involved Turkish troops whereas offensives against the British-controlled Suez
Canal in Egypt involved large numbers of Arabic-speaking soldiers. Though
their assault failed, they completed a remarkable march across the Sinai desert
and the survivors made their way back again in good order. During these
marches each Ottoman soldier had a daily ration of 600g of biscuit, 150g of
dates, and 9g of tea. The officers had a baggage allowance of only 5kg and
no tents were taken on the march, all ranks sleeping under the stars. The men


During World War I the Ottoman Army campaigned in a great variety of geographical conditions.
Partly as a result, and partly in response to the Army's increasingly inadequate level of equipment,
the Ottomans raised a small number of specialized and elite units. These included ski troops who
served in eastern Turkey and the Caucasus mountains, here represented by a gavush (sergeant)
and an er (private) in fully enveloping snow-camouflage cloaks. They were based upon German
and Austrian Alpine troops but, for reasons that remain unknown, were nevertheless sometimes
armed with old-fashioned Martini rifles. These were converted to accept the same ammunition
as the Mauser rifles issued to most frontline Ottoman infantry. In contrast to such ski patrols, most
Ottoman troops on the Caucasus front spent much of the war poorly clothed, often unfed and
with inadequate support, holding barely defensible positions. This was particularly true during the
winters when the Ottoman Empire's rudimentary transport and communications systems could
not cope with cold, mud, lashing rain, and often deep snow.

Ottoman ski troops on the

Caucasus front in 1917. Small
units of such specialists were
apparently trained by the
Austrians or Germans,
(from Harbi
'War Magazine', 1917;
Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)

suffered less from thirst than from cold; consequently the columns rested by
day and marched by night. These were minor triumphs, done without the
modern facilities the British required when they subsequently crossed Sinai.
The first Ottoman offensive against the Russians was not as well
organized. Launched during the depths of winter at the end of 1914 it proved
catastrophic, resulting in huge casualties, massive losses of equipment, a
precipitous withdrawal, and a blow to morale that took years to restore.
Paradoxically, this disaster was accompanied by the Ottoman Army's first
expedition into strictly 'foreign' territory - British-occupied Egypt still being
nominally Ottoman in Ottoman eyes. While the Third Army undertook its illconceived winter offensive in the Caucasus, a much smaller force of Ottoman
troops and Kurdish irregulars rapidly overran the Urmia area of neighbouring
north-western Iran where the panic-stricken occupying Russians fell back
before them. Despite setbacks, Ottoman forces were still operating in Iran at
the end of the war.
Unlike their position within Iran, Ottoman forces operating beyond eastern
Thrace (which was all that remained of Ottoman territory within Europe) were
under the overall command of their allies. The most important was the Ottoman

Officers of the 57th Infantry

Regiment gather for tea during
the Gallipoli campaign.
Though all save two wear
enveriye hats, there is
considerable variation in
shape and the way it is wound.
(Orses and Ozqelik collection)

X V Corps in Galicia. By 1917 this had been

reinforced with artillery batteries, intelligence and
labour detachments, a balloon detachment, a field
bakery company, and a veterinary hospital. The
X V Corps' original two infantry divisions similarly
received much needed infantry replacements,
which enabled them to form bucum tabur assault
companies based upon German
The Ottoman commitment to the Macedonian
front was on a smaller level. Here, X X Corps held
the left flank of a front that extended from
the Aegean to the Adriatic. Furthermore, the
overwhelming British naval presence in the Aegean
meant that X X Corps had to deploy an infantry
battalion along the coast. Haupt Heydemarck, a
German pilot who served on this front, dedicated
a chapter of his memoirs to 'Our Friends the Turks' (Heydemarck, 1930, pp.
8 9 - 1 0 1 ) , recalling that Ottoman infantrymen tended to fire on all aircraft,
friend or foe. Ottoman officers explained that their soldiers thought enemy
aircrew painted crosses (the German and Bulgarian insignia) on their machines
as 'ruse of war'. Ottoman troops guarding the nearby German airfield did,
however, provide advance warning if enemy aircraft tried to sneak up quietly
from behind the hills.
Once the outbreak of the Arab Revolt in 1916 cut off effective
communications with the rest of the Ottoman Empire, VII Corps, based in the
Hejaz region of western Arabia and in Yemen, was to all intents and purposes
campaigning 'abroad' . It was commanded by Ali Sa'id Pasha, an officer of
Circassian origin, who went on the offensive during the spring of 1 9 1 5 ,
advancing into British imperial territory where his largely Arab troops soon
penned the British garrison into a small area around the main port of Aden.
In addition, VII Corps supported anti-British and anti-Italian uprisings in
Somalia and Eritrea as well as an attempt to install a pro-Ottoman ruler in
Ethiopia. On the other side of the Arabian Peninsula, in what is now the
independent Gulf emirate of Qatar, a tiny Ottoman garrison held the mudbrick fort of Doha in 1914 until early 1915, then handing it over to the local
Sheikh. The following year, Qatar became a British protectorate.
Ottoman military support to the anti-Italian resistance in Libya would
not have been seen as an 'external' operation in Istanbul, since Libya had
only been taken from the Ottoman Empire in 1 9 1 1 - 1 2 . Indeed the Italians
still did not manage to control the interior of the country and, during the
course of World War I, would be penned into tiny coastal enclaves by various
resistance groups, advised by a handful of Ottoman officers who made their
way to Libya aboard German submarines.
These were, of course, small and somewhat romantic sideshows compared
to the Ottoman Army's major campaigns, where Ottoman soldiers, like
their opposite numbers elsewhere, had their share of rain, mud, and filth.
Sometimes, however, this could prove useful, as Lt. Col. Fahrettin Altay wrote
to his father from the Gallipoli front; 'When the [autumn and winter] rains
begin, unpleasant as it will be in our trenches and saps, they will be far worse
for the British. For they will be stuck in the marshes and swamps on the low
ground, and the rains and the floods pouring down the ravines that descend
from our lines will swamp them.' (Liddle, 1976, pp. 2 1 0 - 1 1 )

Ottoman officers in Libya,

where a handful of Ottoman
volunteers advised the Libyan
uprisings that threatened the
British in Egypt and kept
substantial Italian colonial
forces penned into coastal
enclaves until the end of the
war. (from Harbi
'War Magazine', 1917;
Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)


Turkish hand grenades found

on the battlefield of Gallipoli.
The weapon on the right is a
crude imitation of the British
mills bomb while that in the
centre is a simple hollow iron
sphere filled with explosives,
(author's photograph, War
Museum, Gallipoli)
Ottoman front-line infantry
made use of whatever
close combat weapons
they could obtain, some
of those shown here being
converted agricultural tools,
(author's photograph,
War Museum, Kilitbahir)


Cold weather was nevertheless

a major problem for Ottoman
soldiers, many of whom had
inadequate clothing. As a result
many sandbags sent to Gallipoli for
use in trenches were cut up and used
as additional clothing. The most personal
information about life on the Gallipoli front
comes from 2nd Lt. Mehmed Fasih, whose diary recalled how, in the
small hours of 21 October, he cleaned the sooty globe of his lamp,
topped its fuel, and smoked his pipe before touring the trenches.
Finding some of his men asleep, he reprimanded them but no more
than that, instead describing them as 'poor fellows'. He noted that the
dugouts were too shallow, and because the enemy could easily toss grenades
into the Ottoman defences, his men must not wander around them aimlessly.
This danger had been all too obvious four days earlier, as Mehmed Fasih
A grenade falls directly in front of my dugout. Three privates who had come to
see me were standing at the entrance. One is slightly injured. If he had not stood
in the way, I could have been hit... For an instant, I did think I was hit. I had a
feeling of nausea, and my stomach felt bloated. Leave my shelter and seek refuge
in another dugout. Strip. Find no injuries. Am delighted. But that single grenade
did injure three or four of my men... After I was wounded, almost forgot what
life in the trenches was like... My dugout is small, with a roof of logs. Since it
is exposed to grenades, the entrance is protected by wire netting. Have a wooden
bed with straw mattress. Covers include my blanket and a kilim [traditional
Turkish flat-weave rug]. Other furnishings include my crystal kerosene lamp,
my coffee set, and a tin brazier... Thank God, I'm quite comfortable! My orderly
is in the adjoining dugout. He is a good and obedient fellow, with a pure heart.

Major Ottoman Campaigns during World War I

The Ottoman Empire at the start of the First World
War, including nominal Ottoman territory in the central
Arabian peninsula


(G Alii CIA)


The Austro-Hungarian Empire, allied to Germany and

the Ottoman Empire when the latter entered the First
World War


The Entente (Allied) Powers at the start of the First

World War, including British protectorates in the
Persian Gulf. Qatar disputed
Iran, neutral through the First World War



Neutral at the start of the First World War but

subsequently entered as allies of the Entente; Italy
(in occupation of the Dodecanese Islands) entered
24 May 1915; Rumania entered 27 August 1916;
Greece entered 29 June 1917


Bulgaria neutral at the start of the First World War,

entered as an ally of the Central Powers 5 October
1915 (officially declaring war 12 October)
Territory west of the Edirne railway-line and the River
Merig, theoretically ceded to Bulgaria by the Ottoman
Empire in 1915



Nominally Ottoman Cyprus, Egypt and the AngloEgyptian Sudan, under British occupation before the
war; Ottoman authority abrogated by Britain when
the Ottoman Empire entered the war as an ally of the
Central Powers at the end of October 1914

* ~ (THRACE)






Note: 4th Army was part

of Yildirim Army Group
in September 1918



== Railway lines (various guages) in 1914

Main roads within the Ottoman Empire in 1914
Navigable rivers

Major or autonomous unit locations at

four key periods of the war:
(THRACE) Operational zone shown in brackets


b Medina

| 2 |

Army (Arabic numerals)

j IV |

Autonomous Corps (Roman numerals)

| Y |

Yildirim Army Group

Army of Islam

August 1914

Late April 1915

December 1916
September 1918




The degree of suffering

endured by the ill-equipped,
poorly fed and inadequately
clothed Ottoman Mehmetcik
or common soldier on the
Caucasus front was burned
into the collective memory
of the Turkish people. These
tattered individuals were
photographed in 1916.
(Orses and Ozcelik collection)

Ottoman infantry and a

machine-gun detachment
manning shallow trenches
behind barbed wire
entanglements in Palestine.
The late-style enveriye
worn by the officer with
binoculars suggest that the
photograph was taken in
the later years of the war.
(Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)

Life in the more isolated postings was not

merely tedious but had the added danger that the
Ottoman Army almost seems to have forgotten
about certain units. In 1917 for example, some
troops guarding the railway from Syria to the Hejaz
- famously the target of Arab raids led by Lawrence
of Arabia - were not 'listed' and therefore received
no pay. Though most received food, others had to
live off the land. Such problems reflected the
Ottoman Army's archaic communications systems.
Being spread across a vast area, local commanders
had to rely upon an inadequate telegraph network
and, where even this did not exist, upon messengers
on horseback. Before the war there was no wireless
system, though a very rudimentary network was
established by the end of the conflict. Nor were
there any telephones outside Istanbul, except a link
to the European network, which meant that the
Ottoman Army's central HQ could telephone
Berlin or Vienna but not its own troops in the field.
The Ottoman postal service was quite well
developed but remained extremely slow and soldiers on more distant fronts
could rarely send or receive letters from home, the only significant exception
being the Gallipoli front which was only 250 km from Istanbul. Instead, older
men from the soldiers' villages or hometowns often visited men in the field.
Before setting out, they collected messages from families then made their own
way to wherever the locally recruited regiment was based. Such journeys could
take months and, after exchanging messages with the troops, these elders made
their own ways home again.
Medical support was almost as poor. Each division was supposed to have
a field medical unit while each corps was supposedly allocated four field
hospitals. These were rarely if ever up to strength, a situation made worse by
the Ottoman state's chronic shortage of trained medical personal and medical

supplies. In fact, the hospitals had a total of 37,000 medical beds, of which
14,000 were in Istanbul (Erickson, 2 0 0 1 , pp. 7 - 8 ) . There were also significant
variations in the medical support enjoyed by different units, the men of X V
Corps in Galicia being cared for in the same manner as their German
colleagues. Elsewhere, Ottoman troops suffered enormous casualties from
diseases of which malaria was the most rife with 4 6 1 , 7 9 9 recorded cases,
though with only 23,351 deaths. There were about 147,000 cases of dysentery
and with a significantly higher death date of around 4 0 , 0 0 0 fatalities. The
figures for intermittent fever were approximately 103,000 cases with some
4,000 deaths, 93,000 cases of typhus with 26,000 deaths, and about 2 7 , 0 0 0
cases of syphilis but with only 150 recorded deaths (Emin 1930, p. 2 5 3 ) .


Once again, 2nd Lt. Mehmed Fasih illuminates an Ottoman soldier's
experience of battle during World War I. He was training his men just west
of Istanbul when, on 27 April 1915, his regiment, the 47th, was ordered to
the front. They marched by road to relieve an exhausted 27th Regiment and
take over part of the line at Kanlisirt (Bloody Ridge) - known to the British
as Lone Pine. Fasih's own first experience of action was a bayonet attack
only two days after arriving and before the end of May he had been
wounded. Evacuated to Istanbul for treatment, then to Hadimkoy to
convalesce, he was back at the front in October. Now acting commander of
the 7th Company, he and his men held a reserve position called 79 Siperleri
(79 Trenches), which was within range of enemy grenades.
While more senior officers like the German Hans Kannengiesser witnessed
the steadiness of Ottoman troops from a relatively safe distance, Mehmed
Fasih did so from the same trench. So, while Kannengiesser tends to be
rhetorical, stating that; T h e Englishman is a tough fellow, the Turk also. This
the Turk had already shown by lying still under the hellish fire from the ships'
(Kannengiesser, 1927, pp. 1 0 0 - 0 1 ) , Fasih is more immediate, describing a
ferocious firefight early in the night of 4 - 5 November. It started to the left of
his position but rapidly spread along the front. The enemy's abundant flares
nevertheless helped both sides. Half an hour after the shooting began Fasih
heard shouts of 'Allahl AllahV - the usual rallying cry of Ottoman infantry,
which was then followed by an ominous silence. Suddenly the firing erupted
again when the 77th Regiment probed the enemy's positions. Half an hour
before midnight the shooting died down, so Fasih toured his trenches and
was delighted to find that the men and NCOs were doing precisely what was
expected of them. He was also astonished to find that his unit had suffered
one smashed bayonet and no casualties.
No Ottoman front line diary has come to light from the Galician front. It
was here, on 1 July 1916, that Ottoman infantry came under gas attack for
the first time. They nevertheless held their line and, in the opinion of German
observers, resisted Russian 'steamroller' massed attacks better than AustroHungarian troops.
Almost every source of information on the Gallipoli campaign agrees on
the Ottoman troops' eagerness to fight, this being especially strong amongst
Turkish soldiers. One officer who survived, though wounded, was Major
Mahmut Bey whose company was called to arms on the first day of the Allied
landings. Officers blew their whistles and reserve companies ran to take up

Mulazimi Sani (Second

Lieutenant) Dogan Efendi in
his winter uniform, probably
photographed late in the war.
The material is rougher and
the cut simpler than had
been seen in 1914.
(Orses and Ozgelik collection)

Troops thankful for

This letter, ready to be sent
home, was found on the body
of an unnamed soldier who
fell during the Ottoman
assault across the Sinai
Peninsula; 'By the grace of
God we have reached the
Canal in perfect health.
If I were to say that we have
endured no fatigue I should
be lying. A march across a
vast desert evidently must
be difficult. But thanks
to our arrangements and
preparations the greatest
part of our troubles has
been overcome. Had we
not made sure of our supply
of provisions and water the
march might have had a sorry
ending. Those who say that
everything was perfectly
prepared did not exaggerate.'
P. G. Elgood, Egypt and the

Army (Oxford, 1924) p. 131.


allotted positions. Enemy gunfire was largely focused upon the Ottomans'
advanced skirmishing line where the shore was shrouded with thick smoke.
Many frontline positions and communications trenches were levelled and as
Major Mahmut put it; 'Foxholes, meant to protect lives, became tombs.'
While those closest to the enemy opened fire, those behind them knelt in their
shallow foxholes; 'With dead and dismembered comrades at their side,
without worrying about being outnumbered or the nature of the enemy's
fire, our men waited for the moment when they could use their weapons,
occasionally raising their heads above breastworks, to check if that time had
come.' (Fasih, 2 0 0 1 , pp. 8-9)
As often happens in such circumstances, the heroism of one man came to
represent that of many. The individual in question was a qavush (sergeant)
named Yahya who was part of the 12th Company of the 2nd Battalion of
the 26th Infantry Regiment, defending two low hills named Ay Tepe and
Gozciibaba Tepe. They dominated what the Allies called V Beach and formed
a single fortified strongpoint. Late in the afternoon of that day the Ottoman


On 12 November 1915 Mulazimi Sani (2nd Lt.) Mehmed Fasih of the 47th Regiment was in
command of a raiding party at Bloody Ridge, a particularly dangerous part of the Gallipoli front
line known to the Allies as Lone Pine. Their task was to destroy a steel plate with a loop-hole
which protected enemy snipers. The onbashi (corporal) in charge of the actual demolition work
was unnamed in Mehmed Fasih's diary, but only four days earlier he had mentioned that Onbashi
Mehmed was a 'grenade expert'. While Fasih and his men were briefly occupying the enemy
trench they came under attack, two (probably home-made) 'jam-tin' grenades falling between
Fasih and the onbashi. The latter pulled out both detonators to prevent them from exploding.
Fasih's ears had already been stunned by a previous grenade and an unnamed cavush (sergeant)
in the raiding party was also slightly wounded by another enemy grenade during this operation.
Here he is assumed to have been Qavush Mahmut whom Fasih described three days previously as
a 'self-sacrificing, dark fellow', who was at his side during the fighting of May. The 47th Regiment
was recruited in northern Syria and Cilicia so Qavush Mahmut was probably Arab.
The inset illustrations show some of the grenades and close-combat weapons used by
Ottoman soldiers during World War I. Left inset: (1) bayonet and scabbard for Mauser Model 1890;
(2) ethnic daggers used by troops from different parts of the Ottoman Empire; (3) Mauser bayonet
and scabbard, a later model manufactured in 1917. Right inset; (4) converted agricultural and
other tools; (5) infantry officer's sword, short form; (6) German-made stick grenade and grenades
manufactured in Istanbul.

This remarkable picture of

Ottoman infantry 'going over
the top' during the Gallipoli
campaign was almost certainly
not staged. (War Museum,

Remembering a fallen
Mehmed Fasih thought that
he had become hardened to
the horrors of war, but on 5
November 1915 the death of
a young sergeant, avush
Nuri, showed that he was not.
Determined to perform his
last duty towards a soldier
whom he liked so much, Fasih
caught up with the stretcherbearers and the young
sergeant's comrades;
'Obtained permission of
Medical Corps to bury him in
the officers' plot in the olive
grove at Karaburun gully. Pick
a spot under a fine olive tree,
on the rim of the gully, and
have the men dig his grave.
We place his body in the
grave so his head will be
under the branches of the
tree, while his feet point
towards the opposite slope of
the gully... As I gaze at his
face, my sorrow overwhelms
so that when I throw into the
grave the first handful of
earth, I breakdown... After
the last shovel of earth, I
conduct our religious rites. As
I recite the opening verse of
the Koran, with all the
compassion, conviction and
eloquence I can muster, I
again find it most difficult to
control myself... Feel like
writing an epitaph for Nuri.
Here is what I came up with:
To all wanderers who may
come this way! Should you
remember the defence of
Bloody Ridge by the 47th
Regiment, do not forget
Sergeant Nuri, from the 5th
Company. He was one of the
Regiment's most worthy
soldiers. On the morning of 5
November 1915, death
beckoned him and, in
response to God's call,
though he was pure and
innocent, he flew away to join
his ancestors.' Mehmed Fasih
(tr. H. B. Danishman), Gallipoli
1915: Bloody Ridge (Lone
Diary ofLt. Mehmed



Fasih 5th

(Istanbul, 2001) pp. 61-62.


positions were attacked by Irish troops, (^avush Yahya and his five squads of
infantry on Gozcubaba Tepe facing a substantial enemy column. Yahya's officer
fell and so the gavush found himself in charge. His men beat back a number of
Irish attacks but the enemy seized neighbouring Ay Tepe and attempted to
outflank Yahya's defences. Subsequently hailed as 'intelligent and heroic',
C]avush Yahya clearly had a flair for tactics and reacted immediately, leading a
bayonet attack which at least temporarily restored the situation. The British
later brought up heavy machine guns, which enfiladed the Ottoman defences
and enabled them to take Gozcubaba Tepe. Nevertheless, the heroic sergeant
had delayed the enemy long enough for reinforcements to be brought up, an
achievement commemorated by a memorial on the site.
Other distinctive features of Ottoman battlefield tactics recorded by their
enemies were the use of what British soldiers regarded as 'weird' bugle calls and,
in contrast, their silent pre-dawn attacks during which the officers went ahead
then raised their riding whips as a sign for the men to charge - but only shouting
their battle-cry of 'Allahu Akbar* or 'Allah" once inside the enemy's trenches. The
determination of Ottoman infantry was noted by French as well as British
witnesses, a captured Foreign Legion soldier recording how they broke through
the French wire three times and forced their way into the Legion's trenches
where the French fought back with rifle butts while the 'Turks' drew knives
from their boots or belts (Kannengiesser, 1927, pp. 132-133).
Death could come any day in the trenches, the horrific reality of this being
described by Mehmed Fasih in his diary entry of 27 October 1915. That day
a group of agitated soldiers approached to tell him that a soldier named
Mahmud Can had been badly wounded. Fasih ran to the position and cut
off the injured man's boots, trousers, and socks. After Mahmud Can's foot
and arm were bandaged he was sent to the rear. Fasih and his captain then
went to inspect the machine-gun position where the soldier had been hit. This
was at the end of a path where the gun was fired through a narrow slit. An
enemy shell had come through this small opening, causing carnage amongst
the machine gun crew. Six were killed, fragments of their bodies intermingled,
their faces unrecognizable. The young Ottoman officer then quoted a famous
Turkish poem;
Graves, graves, lie open throughout the World,
Lightning has blighted the rose gardens,
Soldiers, soldiers, have become corpses,
Heroes are now carrion for wild beasts.

Comrades of the dead had intended to carry off their friends for burial but
this was impossible. Instead, medics collected the pieces.
Stories about 'Turkish barbarity' were common currency during World
War I and some were based upon reality in the heat of battle. In Istanbul,
Einstein spoke to an Australian prisoner who had been wounded during a
bayonet charge. He had survived by feigning death but most of his wounded
comrades were killed. The Australian was eventually pulled into a trench
by an Ottoman officer who first stripped him of everything useful, and then
gave him a pair of boots; 'Three times his few belongings were taken from
him, and as often new ones given, for the Turks are extraordinary in this.
One moment they will murder wantonly, and the next surprise everyone
by their kindness.'
Many of the dead lay for months in no man's land. At first, the British
commander, Hamilton, refused the request for a truce to bury the dead but
one was eventually arranged. One of those who had to collect the dead was
Bedros Sharian, an Armenian Ottoman soldier. As an educated man he
was also called upon to interpret, which resulted in Sharian being accused
of passing information to the enemy. Acquitted by a court marshal,
he nevertheless admitted in his memoirs that he wanted to desert to the British
but found no opportunity to do so (Pye, 1938, pp. 7 6 - 9 9 ) .
The patience of wounded Ottoman troops was almost as famous as their
courage. Fahrettin Altay was a kaymakam
(lieutenant-colonel) during the
Gallipoli campaign and in a letter written in May 1915 he wrote that, at one
time, 4,000 wounded were assembled around his position. Most were sent to
the field hospital at Maidos until this came under
fire from the enemy fleet. Injured troops normally
went to hospitals in Istanbul, including one known
as the 'English Hospital', which was visited by
Einstein early that same month. He was told that
at least 10,000 wounded had arrived within the
last ten days and more were arriving. Most were
Arabs from V Corps, recruited in the Aleppo
region of northern Syria and largely suffering from
bullet wounds. Men sent to the 'Russian Hospital'
had all reportedly suffered bayonet wounds; 'The
men are docile as lambs - like good children, the
doctor said - few people when left to themselves
are as submissive as the Turk.'

Bombers of a hucum tabur

'assault battalion' in Galicia
in 1916. Ottoman divisions
supporting their AustroHungarian and German allies
on the Eastern Front were
notably well equipped. In
addition to canvas bags to
carry grenades, these elite
troops have been issued
with a modified version
of the German steel helmet.
(Askeri Muzesi, Istanbul)

Nay or flute players of a unit of

Mevlevi Sufi volunteers, leading
a column of Ottoman troops.
This is one of a remarkable
sequence of photographs
showing various units
marching through the irrigated
zone around Damascus. (Assad
National Library, Damascus)


Four captured Ottoman

soldiers being interrogated
by British Captain Wyndham
Deedes during the Gallipoli
campaign. Deedes had served
in the Ottoman jandarma
(gendarmerie) in Libya and
Turkey before the war and
was fluent in Turkish.
(Wyndham Deedes collection)

There were eight permanent hospitals in Istanbul, one each in Damascus,

Medina, Sivas, Samsun, and Mosul. Other hospitals treating wounded soldiers
were those at Edirne (before it was handed over to the Bulgarians), and at
nearby Kirklareli. However, their medical facilities were basic at the start of
the war and were eventually stretched to breaking point with major surgical
operations being undertaken without anaesthetic. Einstein noted that Turkish
women saw work in these hospitals as an opportunity for emancipation,
though some also regarded it a chance to meet men, a few even complaining
that there were too many ordinary soldiers and not enough officers among
the wounded. The Ottoman Red Crescent, of course, took a leading role. It ran
many field hospitals, one of which was on the island of Uzun Adasi, which,
having been retaken from the British, was used as an isolation area from 1916
onwards (Pye, 1938, pp. 1 0 0 - 1 0 4 ) . There were also several convalescent
homes for officers and soldiers, Einstein seeing hundreds of such men in the
Yildiz area just outside of Istanbul.
The Ottoman Army's shortage of troops nevertheless meant that men were
often sent back to the front before fully recovering. According to some
accounts the British landings at Suvla Bay early in August 1915 not only
caught the Ottomans by surprise but were in an area defended by a division
that included a large proportion of men still classed as invalids. In contrast,
X V Corps had its sick, weak, or inadequately trained removed before being
sent as an elite formation to the Galician front in 1916. Those 'weeded out'
were then sent to reinforce the Syrian front.

In 1917 the Ottoman Army assembled the Yildirim (Lightning) Army Group. It was intended to roll
back the British advance in Iraq and then hopefully take advantage of the Russian Revolution to
carve out a new Turkish Empire in the heart of Asia. In fact, the collapse of Ottoman resistance
around Gaza in southern Palestine meant that the Yildirim Army Group was rushed to Syria where
it helped slow the British advance until late 1918. Relatively well equipped as it was, including
some of the few Ottoman hucum tabur 'assault units' to be issued with a modified version of
the German steel helmet, the Yildirim and other Ottoman forces in Palestine and Syria were
now hugely outnumbered, outgunned, out-supplied, and had minimal air cover.
The inset illustrations show some of the personal weapons and machine guns used by
Ottoman infantry during World War I: (1) 7.65mm Mauser M1893, the standard infantry rifle
of the Ottoman infantry during the First World War. (2) German Maxim Commercial Model 1909,
7.65mm with light 'commercial' tripod, the most widely used machine gun in the Ottoman Army
during the First World War.

Ottoman troops captured by

the Russians on the Caucasus
front, probably as a result of
Enver Pasha's disastrous winter
offensive late in 1914. Only
a small minority survived
to return home at the
end of World War I.
(author's collection and Corbis)

The fate of Ottoman soldiers who were taken prisoner differed enormously
depending upon where they were captured. Those who fell into British or
French hands could expect relatively humane treatment, though a Frenchman
named Jean Pierre Bory who was aboard a troopship that carried POWs
recalled that while the handful of Ottoman officers were accommodated in
cabins, several hundred ordinary Ottoman soldiers were thrust into the hold
with a large barrel of water from which to drink and dress their wounds
(Liddle, 1976, p. 139).
The Red Crescent Society exchanged records of prisoners through the Red
Cross Headquarters in Switzerland, while also channelling correspondence and
care packages. It was also an intermediary for the inspection of POW camps
and any exchange or repatriation of prisoners (Emin, 1930, pp. 255-56).
With around 120,000 Ottoman military prisoners in British hands alone,
the Ottoman Red Crescent was in no position to offer very much assistance but
around 100,000 packages were sent to Ottoman POWs each year.
Ottoman soldiers who fell into Russian hands had little chance of survival.
Few returned home, and did so with appalling stories of neglect and massacre.
Some reappeared after the Russian Revolution, trudging homewards through
the Balkans and Georgia or turning up at various Russian and Ukrainian
seaports. In fact, 1,457 officers and 17,715 men were at one time reported
alive in Russian camps, some having been caged with German POWs near
Moscow. Yet of these known prisoners, only 2,260 ever reached home, along
with 6,750 soldiers and 2,250 civilians whose fate had previously been
unknown (Erickson, 2 0 0 1 , p. 189).

Christian Ottoman soldiers who were

taken prisoner received better treatment
and as early as 1916 the Allies considered
recruiting captured Armenians into their own
forces. One of these was Bedros Sharian who,
having finally getting himself captured in
Palestine in June 1918, was employed by the
British as an interpreter. He even met men
from his own 16th Division who had been
captured in Syria (Pye, 1938, pp. 1 5 0 - 5 1 ) ,
but whether they were as glad to see him as
his memoirs suggest remain doubtful.
Other organizations also attempted to
support POWs, the wounded, and bereaved
families but such relief was neither general
nor very effective. The luckiest, perhaps,
were those disabled soldiers who obtained
monopoly rights to sell tobacco in villages
or particular quarters of town (Emin, 1930,
p. 255). Another dispenser of wartime relief
was the Society for National Defence which
collected clothes and supplies for soldiers
and beds for hospitals, made comforts for
the wounded, and helped destitute families
(Emin, 1930, pp. 2 5 9 - 6 0 ) . Then there
was the Women's Aid Society for Soldiers'
Families, established in 1915, which tried
to support 15,179 families of men at the
front, distributing 5 0 0 tons of food to 4 1 , 0 1 4 registered dependents.
This Women's Aid Society also constructed a replica trench with barbedwire entanglements and communications saps which the people of Istanbul
could visit for a small fee.
The total losses suffered by the Ottoman Army and population as a whole
during World War I remain unclear. Most of the battles in which the Ottoman
Army played a major role were relatively short, though intense, and were
rarely preceded by sustained artillery bombardment. There was also less use
of machine guns, and poisonous gas was hardly ever involved. However,
geography and weather could cause intense suffering and high casualties, with
disease the greatest killer. All this being said, however, the actual combat-related
loss ratio suffered by the Ottoman Army during World War I (10.6 per cent of
those involved) was similar to that of other armies (Emin, 1930, p. 215).
Combat losses were only a small part of the suffering, and around a
quarter of those mobilized may have died during the war. The ratio of dead
to wounded was also a shocking two to one, and of a probable total of
2,873,000 enlisted into the armed forces, 2 4 3 , 5 9 8 are known to have died in
combat or as a result of wounds sustained. Those missing in action numbered
61,487 and those who died of disease 4 6 6 , 7 5 9 . Thus the total of dead or
missing was 771,844. In addition there were an estimated 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 deserters
(Erickson, 2 0 0 1 , pp. 2 0 8 - 1 1 ) and the Turkish historian Ahmet Emin Yalman
has suggested that, without mass desertions in the final years of war,
'the survival of the Turkish nation might have become problematical'
(Emin, 1930, p. 2 5 3 ) .

Turkish and Arab troops

defend a trench on the
Gallipoli peninsula. This
staged photograph was
almost certainly taken very
early in the campaign, perhaps
even before the Allied landings
began. (Suddeutsche Zeitung)


Recovering dead and

A truce to bury the dead was
arranged on the Gallipoli
front though, according to
the American diplomat Lewis
Einstein, it did not start well.
He noted in his diary entry for
5 June 1915; 'I heard this
morning details of the
armistice to bury the dead at
Ari Bornu. After five days of
fighting the ground between
the lines was covered with
bodies. On the Allied side a
Red Cross flag was put up,
which was followed by a Red
Crescent from the Turks. Then
an English officer advanced,
only to be fired on by a
Turkish battery. He retired,
and a Turkish officer came
out, when in turn an English
sniper fired. Neither side
could blame the other. During
the nine hours' armistice the
English showed themselves
freely, while the Turks were
kept under cover, not to give
away their numbers or the
position of their trenches.
Some of the wounded whom
the Turks picked up were still
alive, in spite of their five days
exposure without food, and
with wounds undressed.' L.
Einstein, Inside

Diary during the





1915 (London, 1917).

Memories of Turkish suffering

during World War I remain
strong. The well-known image
of half-starved and half-frozen
soldiers on the Caucasus front
was recreated in this patriotic
poster in 2008, though the
figures were incongruously
transferred to an Ottoman
Army air squadron during the
Gallipoli campaign of 1915.
(author's photograph)


The biggest museum containing artefacts from the Ottoman Empire's
participation in World War I is, of course, the Askeri Miizesi (Military
Museum) in the Harbiye district of Istanbul. This also has a substantial
library and photographic collection. Those who are interested in other
aspects of Turkey's armed forces during this conflict should visit the Deniz
Miizesi (Naval Museum) in the nearby Beshiktash district and the Hava
Kuvvetleri Miizesi (Air Force Museum) at Yesilkoy, a few kilometres west of
the city.



Five 'battle ribbons' of the kind

given to a military unit that had
particularly distinguished itself
in combat. They would be
attached to the unit's banner
and are all dated 1332-1333
on the Hijri calendar, covering
the Gallipoli campaign of 1915.
(author's photograph,
Castle Museum, Canakkale)

Smaller and more specialized museums can be found in the area of Ottoman
Turkey's most significant victory during World War I, the defence of the
Dardanelles. A harp muzesi (war museum) is located in the fascinating little
port-town of Gallipoli itself. Further down the peninsula the early Ottoman
castle at Kilitbahir contains another interesting collection of artefacts, either
found on battlefields or donated by veterans or their families. A third collection
of objects dating from World War I, as well as an interactive display, can be
found a short ferry-ride away in the fortress at Canakkale. Other Ottoman
military objects from World War I can be found in various other museums,
some in Syria, but have not been assembled into specific displays.

Very few Ottoman uniforms

from World War I are known
to survive, though some may
still exist as family heirlooms.
The tunic and enveriye hat
seen here are made of
extremely coarse cloth, as
was typical for the uniforms
of ordinary soldiers and NCOs.
(author's photograph,
War Museum, Gallipoli)

As far as is known, no re-enactment groups have yet been established to

portray the lives and actions of Ottoman soldiers during World War I. The
lack of interest is in stark contrast to a widespread interest in collecting
objects associated with the Ottoman Empire during this period, not only in
Turkey but also in some of its neighbours. Photographs, bayonets, badges,
buckles, postcards, and other such objects appear for sale across Turkey and
the Middle East, but prices have risen steeply in recent years. In the author's
experience, the antique or 'junk' shops of the Old City of Damascus are the
best places to look, though even here the prices are getting quite high. Those
who know what they are looking for might do better looking in bric-a-brac
shops in smaller towns off the beaten track in Turkey, Syria, and other
countries neighbouring Turkey.

(Anon.), Handbook
of the Turkish Army, Eighth Provision Edition (Cairo, 1916;
reprinted London, 1996)
De Nogales, R., Four Years Beneath the Crescent (London, 1926)
Einstein, L., Inside Constantinople:
A Diplomat's Diary during the Dardanelles
Expedition on April-September
1915 (London, 1917)
Emin, A. (Yalman), Turkey in the World War (Newhaven, 1930)
Erickson, E. J . , Gallipoli and the Middle East 1914-1918
(London, 2008)
Erickson, E. J . , Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in World War I
(Westport, 2 0 0 1 )
Fasih, M . (tr. H. B. Danishman), Gallipoli 191S: Bloody Ridge (Lone Pine) Diary
of Lt. Mehmed Fasih 5th Imperial Ottoman Army Gallipoli 1915 (Istanbul,
Heydemarck, H., (tr. C. W. Sykes), War Flying in Macedonia (London, 1930)
Kannengeisser, H., The Campaign in Gallipoli (London, 1927)
Kazemzadeh, E , The Struggle for Transcaucasia,
(New York, 1951)
Kressenstein, Kress von, Mit den Turken zum Suezkanal (Berlin, 1938)
Larcher, M . , La Guerre Turque dans la Guerre Mondiale (Paris, 1926)
Liddle, P., Men of Gallipoli: The Dardanelles and Gallipoli Experience
1914 to January 1916 (London, 1976)
Macleod, J . , Reconsidering
Gallipoli (Manchester, 2004)
M c Carthy, J . , The Ottoman Peoples and the End of Empire (London, 2 0 0 1 )
Murphy, C. C. R., Soldiers of the Prophet (London, 1927)
Orses, T., and N. Oz^elik, I. Diinya Savashi'nda Turk Askeri Kiyafetleri (Istanbul,
Pye, E., Prisoner of War 31,163 Bedros M. Sharian (New York, 1938)
Quataert, D., 'Part IV, The Age of Reforms 1 8 1 2 - 1 9 1 4 ' , in H. Inalcik and D.
Quataert (eds.), An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman
(Cambridge, 1994)
Sanders, O. Liman von, Five Years in Turkey (Annapolis, 1920)
Skander Beg, 'The Battles of Salt, Aman and Jordan from Turkish Sources', Journal
of the Royal United Services Institute, 69 (1924) pp. 3 3 4 - 3 4 3 and pp. 4 8 8 - 4 9 8
Sonyel, S., The Great War and the Tragedy of Anatolia (Ankara, 2000)
Toynbee, A. J . , The Western Question in Greece and Turkey (London, 1923)



Alay emini

Regimental paymaster

Alay kdtibi

Regimental secretary




Officer candidate of Lebanon militia (archaic term from Italian)


Sergeant major


Assistant sergeant major, quartermaster sergeant

(recently replacing boliig emini)


Military hat


Colour- or standard-bearer


Title of social or political distinction




Company (army)

Boliig emini

Quartermaster sergeant (recently replaced by basbgavush







Term of social status, commonly meaning 'literate' man


Colloquial name for kabalak military hat made of wound cloth


Military staff

Esvap emini



Volunteer, patriot, 'self-sacrificer'


Lieutenant-general (archaic term)








Islamic religious teacher

Hucum Tabur

Assault battalion


Reserve, reservist


Muslim chaplain (regimental or battalion)


Istanbul Fire Brigade


Paramilitary gendarmerie police


Military hat made of wound cloth, commonly called

an enveriye


Two-wheeled ox-cart


Military hat made of lamb skin




Arab headcloth




Officer rank between binbashi and yiizbasbi, discontinued

shortly before the outbreak of World War I but still used
for vice-majors of Lebanese militia


Army corps


Grenade (archaic term)


Brigade (military unit) or major-general (officer rank)


Senior N C O of Lebanon militia (archaic term from Italian)


'Little Mehmet', nickname given to the World War I Turkish

common soldier

Mektepi harbiye

Military school




Person trained in Islamic law


Muslim cleric summoning the faithful to prayer


Mufti, Muslim chaplain of large unit, regiment or battalion

Mulazimi evvel


Mulazimi sani

Second lieutenant
Composite unit, usually of divisional size, or scratch force
not forming part of the permanent Army structure


Territorial army


Field marshal




Rifleman, marksman


Active army (permanently under arms)




One of the four Army Inspectorate zones into which the


Ottoman state was divided


Highest title of social or political seniority

Piyade askeri



Pre-reform Ottoman Army (obsolete term)


Standard bearer


Most senior Islamic religious figure in the Ottoman state

Seyyar jandarma Fully trained and mobile field force of gendarmerie

Shurai askeri

Senior Military Council (part of Ministry of War)


Medical officer




Retired officers corps of pre-reform army (archaic term)


Wound dresser, nurse




Governor (civil)



Zabit vekili

Junior 'officer on probation' before commission is confirmed


Pre-reform gendarmerie

References to illustrations are s h o w n
in b o l d
Abdul H a m i d II, Sultan 1 1 , 1 6
accommodation 2 3 , 2 5 , 2 6 , 32
aircraft 2 2 , 2 5
shooting at 2 0
al-Sin 18
Ali Sa'id Pasha 4 5
Altay, Lt. C o l . Fahrettin 3 2 , 4 5 , 5 3
a p p e a r a n c e and uniforms A ( 2 7 ) , 2 8 - 3 2 ,
29, B ( 3 1 ) , 59
Arab troops 14, 1 6 , 2 1 , 2 8 , 3 7 - 3 8 ,
A r a b i a n front D ( 3 9 ) , 4 5 , 4 8
Armenians 1 4 - 1 5 , 3 7
atrocities 5 3
belief and belonging 3 4 - 3 8
Berlin to B a g h d a d R a i l w a y 4
c a m p a i g n life 3 8 - 4 9
c a m p a i g n overview 4 2 - 4 9 , 4 7
casualties 5 7
C a u c a s u s front 4 1 , 4 2 , E ( 4 3 ) , 4 4 ,
44, 48, 56, 58
C e m a l Pasha 3 6 , 3 7
Circassians 1 4
communications 2 4 , 4 8
C t e s i p h o n , battle o f ( 1 9 1 5 ) 1 8 , C ( 3 5 )
daily life 2 2 - 2 6
Damascus 3 3 , 3 6 , 53
De Nogales, R. 33
dead: t r e a t m e n t o f 5 2 - 6 3 , 5 8
Deedes, C a p t a i n W y n d h a m 5 4
discipline 3 6
D o g a n Efendi, 2 n d Lt. 4 9
Einstein, Lewis
on medical care 5 3 , 5 4
on O t t o m a n A r m y 1 9 , 2 3 , 2 9 ,
32, 40
on truce to bury dead 5 8
on w a r as jihad 3 4
enlistment 1 1 - 1 6 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 5
Enver Pasha 2 8 , 4 0 , 4 1
epaulettes B ( 3 1 )
equipment 2 9 - 3 0 , 4 2
Fahri Pasha


Fasih, 2 n d Lt. M e h m e d
education 1 9
on ethnic m i x o f a r m y 13
on fallen c o m r a d e 5 2 - 5 3
fighting at Gallipoli 2 5 , 4 9 - 5 1 , F ( 5 1 )

a c c o m m o d a t i o n and shelters 2 3 , 2 6 , 3 2
air p o w e r 2 5
battle r i b b o n s 5 9
campaign conditions 1 8 , 2 3 , 2 4 , 3 3 ,
36, 38, 45-46
defences 1 7 - 1 8 , 1 7 , 5 4 , 5 7
experience o f fighting at 2 5 , 4 9 - 5 2 ,
F ( 5 1 ) , 52
morale 3 7 , 3 8
museums 5 9
prisoners o f w a r 5 4
soldiers at 1 3 , 3 8 , 4 4
tactics 2 1
truce to bury dead 5 8
w e a p o n s and equipment 3 3 , 4 2
gas, poison 2 1 , 3 3
gas m a s k s 1 9 , 3 3
G e o r g i a n Volunteer Legion 1 6
influence on O t t o m a n A r m y 1 6 , 2 1 ,
links with O t t o m a n Empire 4
logistical support for O t t o m a n Empire
G r e e k O r t h o d o x Christians 1 5

Arab 2 8 , 3 0 , 4 1 , 5 0
civilian 1 1
30, 33, 44, 48, 50, 59
helmets 5 3
turbans 3 6
headquarters entrances 3 0
heliographs 2 4
insignia and patches B ( 3 1 )

Islamic dervish b r o t h e r h o o d s 1 2 , 1 7 , 3 6
Itfaiye (Istanbul Fire Brigade) 1 3 , 3 7
Jews 15

specialized infantry forms 4 2

strengths and weaknesses 1 6 - 1 7
O t t o m a n Empire 9
Palestinian front 4 8 , G ( 5 5 ) , 5 7
Palestinian troops 1 3 , 15
prisoners o f w a r 5 4 , 5 6 - 5 7 , 5 6
racism 5 , 1 9 , 2 6

Sanders, M a r s h a l Liman von 1 4 , 1 7 , 2 0 ,

22, 28, 32
Sharian, Bedros 1 1 - 1 2 , 3 2 , 5 3 , 5 7
Sinai front 4 2 - 4 4 , 4 9 , 5 0
ski troops 4 2 , E ( 4 3 ) , 4 4
standards and standard-bearers C ( 3 5 ) ,
36, 37
Sufis 3 6
supplies 2 2 , 2 8 , 3 2 , 4 0 , 4 8 , 4 9
Syrian front G ( 5 5 )
Syrian troops 1 4 , 3 7 - 3 8
tactics 2 1 , 5 0 - 5 2
tobacco 2 4
training 1 6 - 2 2 , 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 8 ,
trenches 1 7 - 1 8 , 1 7 , 4 8 , 5 7




leave 4 1


Fortress Area C o m m a n d s

M e h m e d V, Sultan 1 6
musicians 2 5 , C ( 3 5 ) , 5 3
Muslim troops, non-Ottoman


multi-ethnic nature 1 2 , 1 3 - 1 5
reserves 12
size 4 0 - 4 1

Kannengiesser, H a n s 1 8 , 1 9 , 2 0 , 2 3 ,
24, 25, 29, 40
K e m a l , M u s t a f a (Ataturk) 3 8 , 4 1
Kurds 1 4 , 15

M a c e d o n i a n front 2 0 , 4 5
M a h m u t Bey, M a j . 4 9 - 5 0
mail 4 1 , 4 8
Manisia 2 4
medical care 2 5 , A ( 2 6 ) , C ( 3 5 ) , 4 0 , 4 1 ,
48-49, 53-54
Medina 2 9 , 3 6

Galicia B ( 3 1 ) , 3 2 , 4 4 - 4 5 , 4 9 , 5 3

appearance 4 , 1 9 , 2 8 , 3 3 , C ( 3 5 ) ,
education and training 19
shortage 1 6 - 1 7
weapons 3 2 , 33
organization 3 8 - 4 0
O t t o m a n Army
foreign recruits 1 5 - 1 6
infantry capabilities and tenacity


on life at Gallipoli 1 8 , 2 3 , 3 3 ,
3 6 , 3 8 , 46
yearning for sweetheart 3 7
Fekri Pasha 2 9
food 2 2 - 2 4 , 3 2 , 4 2 , 4 8
footwear 3 2


railways D ( 3 9 )
Red Crescent Society 5 4 , 5 6
relief w o r k 5 7
religion 3 4 - 3 7 , 3 7 , D ( 3 9 )
Reza Shah Pahlavi 4 0

H a m i l t o n , General 5 , 5 3
headgear 3 0

Iran and Iraq c a m p a i g n s

C (35), 37, 40, 44
Iranian t r o o p s 1 6

nationalism 5 , 3 4
Nestorians 15



weapons 3 2 - 3 3 , F (51)
ammunition 2 9 , 4 0
artillery 2 1 , 2 4
bayonets F ( 5 1 )
daggers F ( 5 1 )
hand grenades 4 6 , F ( 5 1 )
machine guns 3 3 , G ( 5 5 )
makeshift 4 6 , F ( 5 1 )
pistols 3 3
rifles 2 9 , 3 2 - 3 3 , E ( 4 3 ) , G ( 5 5 )
women 13, A (27), 54
Yildirim Army Corps 2 6 , G ( 5 5 )
Young Turk revolution 4 - 5


WAR 012 - 978 1 85532 372 8

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Insights into the daily lives of history's fighting men and

women, past and present, detailing their motivation, training,
tactics, weaponry and experiences

Following the Balkan Wars of 1912-13, the Ottoman Empire undertook
a massive military retraining programme. Although many histories have
derided the Ottoman Army as a poor fighting force, this was more often
due to poor leadership and logistics than the quality of their troops.
The typical Ottoman soldier, the

asker, was tough, well-trained, and

courageous. Fighting from Gallipoli to Mesopotamia and to the Caucasus,

against both regular Allied armies and the irregulars of the Arab Revolt,
they proved themselves to be able frontline troops. Illuminated by
first-hand accounts, period photographs and specially commissioned
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