Mr. Nobody Practice

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1) Why is Mr Nobody as quiet as mouse? Because he does not want anyone to know he is around.

2) Why does the writer say everyone agrees that every plate we break was cracked by Mr Nobody?
It symbolize that no one is willing to admit they have made a mistake. They would rather put the blame
on someone else.
3) In the 2nd stanza, why does the door squeak? Because it is not oiled.
4) In the last stanza, why does the certain fade? Mr. Nobody neglects his chores.
5) Who is the funny little man? Mr. Nobody
6) Write one job Mr Nobody has to do in stanza 2. He has to oil the door.
7) Would you like a friend like Mr Nobody? Give a reason for your answer.
No, he is an irresponsible person. He leaves the house in a mess.
8) Why do you think the door is always squeaking? It is not oiled.
9) Based on stanza 2, give two examples of mischief done by Mr Nobody.
He tears the book and pulls the buttons from the shirts
10) Give a reason why the water in the kettle cannot boil? The wood is wet and cannot be used to start fire.
11) What lessons can you learn from the stanzas? We must be responsible for our actions and not blame
12) Which sense is evoked in stanza 2? Give an example that shows the sense.
Sound. The squeaking door will always squeak.
13) What is a possible theme for the poem?
We should be responsible for our actions and learn from our mistakes.
14) Do you enjoy reading the poem? Why?
Yes. It is rather amusing to blame someone for all the mischief when this person does not exist.
15) What is Mr Nobody compared to? A mouse.
16) Where can Mr Nobody be found? In everybodys house.
17) Who cracks the plates in the house? Mr Nobody.
18) In stanza 2, what are the four things Mr Nobody does?
He tears pages from books, leaves the door ajar, pulls buttons from shirts and scatters the pins.
19) From stanzas 2 and 3, what are the two things Mr Nobody should have done?
He should oil the squeaking door and put dry wood for the fire.
20) What happens to the carpets in the hall? They have muddy footprints.
21) Why are the papers missing? Mr Nobody did not put them back properly.
22) What does Mr Nobody leave on the door? Finger marks
23) What is spilled by Mr Nobody? Ink.
24) To whom do the books that are lying around belong to? Mr Nobody.

Mohana Ram Murugiah

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25) Who is said to be responsible for the cracks in the plates? Mr Nobody.
26) . Why are the fires not burning properly? The wood is damp.
27) What causes the curtain to fade? The sunlight.
What is the tone of the poem? Complaining/Blaming and accusing

Mohana Ram Murugiah

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Mohana Ram Murugiah

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