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Executive Summary
Apple Inc. made a noise in the technology industry when it
released products that are lifestyle changing to its target
consumers. At first, they had created a substantial value in the
highly competitive personal computer industry. However as they
soon discovered the true value of innovation, they had become
successful in introducing other products in the market. Hat no
one could duplicate and from there onwards there was no looking
back. They had launched products. Such success in the industry
was brought by the core competencies and dynamic capabilities the
company has.

Marketing strategies of Apple Inc., could always

create a buzz which makes the consumers to be more inquisitive

along with its features. Product differentiation also gives
advantage to the markets because it attracts more customers.
However, Apple Inc., cannot stay complacent on being in the topposition in the market. Many competitors are striving to be
greater or least be at par with what Apple has achieved. The
position is not going to be permanent with Apple Inc. therefore
it must continue to maintain its profits and create value for
their customers and shareholders. Moreover, they should also
consider the legal and political aspects that will be affecting
their operations.

Situational Analysis
A. Environment
1. Economic Conditions and Trends
While the economy in the United States has shown some
improvement and there are signs of full recovery looming the
outlook is not certain currently. The uncertainty leaves
consumers weary of big-ticket purchases like computers.
Apples premium pricing position leaves the firm at a
disadvantage to less expensive competing products. However,
when consumers directly feel the improving economy and
spending increases Apple will well positioned. Consumers
seeking to treat themselves following the economic upturn
may be attracted to Apples premium portables, viewing them as
luxury goods. Apple, known for its quality, dependable
machines, and excellent customer service may also be seen as
presenting a better value than the competitors with fewer
frills at lesser prices.

2. Cultural and Social Values and Trends

Innovation is an integral part of the success of the Apple
Inc. which makes human resources essential in achieving such
excellence. Apple Inc. gives emphasis on hiring diverse
employees due to the fact that with these employees coming

from different background cultures and talents, each of them

can contribute on achieving the goals of the company. They
believe that inclusion and equality will be the key on their
progress in the economy while aspiring in making a difference.
An example regarding their diversity, they spent over $650
million for women- and minority-owned businesses. Apple Inc.
has been working hard to expand their recruiting efforts to
continue hiring talented people from different groups that are
currently underrepresented in their industry.
3. Political and Legal Issues
The debate over Net Neutrality has entered the political
arena, with bills being drafted in Congress and the FCC
waiting in the wings to impose regulation if need be. Changing
the way the Internet operates may de-incentivize new
innovation which could reduce future value to be derived by
Apple.24 New and innovative technologies are routinely
iterated on by hardware companies who strive to offer the best
methods of integration in their new products. Reducing this
innovation may stifle new value creation for Apple.
The push for modernization of the American healthcare system
in proposed reform legislation would provide government money
for infrastructure development and implementation by care
providers. Adaptability of Apples key portables in innovative
health-centric ways could provide new sources of revenue.

4. Summary of Environmental Opportunities and Threats

Since the introduction of Apple Inc. of their products, many
stakeholders in the market were both enthusiastic and
threatened because such products are more modernized and the
use of technology were really improved.

With the right use of

technology and its resources Apple Inc. shall be able to

surpass its own success and achieve its goals. However, it is
possible that in the business world threats are always lurking
in the corner. Legal impediments along with political
interventions for Apple Inc. can hinder in attaining their

5. Implications for Strategy Development

The opportunities and threats in the environmental aspect of
Apple Inc. will create a value in formulating strategies for
the development of the company. With the review and analysis
of opportunities and threats in the environment of Apple Inc.,
they can be used in SWOT Analysis where assumptions and
decisions are made.
1. Classification and Definition of Industry
Apple Inc. belongs to the industry that designs, develops and
sells of computer hardware and software, consumer electronics

and also digital distribution. Some of its well-known products

are Mac line of computers, the iPod Media Player, iPhone
smartphone, iPad tablet computer and recently the Apple Watch
2. Analysis of Existing Competitors
The industry where the Apple Inc. belongs to has also many
players that achieves in grabbing the attention of the market
in order to generate a good amount of profit. Since Apple Inc.
produces a lot of products, its competitors are also great in
number. Technology is now a part of most of our everyday lives
hence the products of Apple Inc. becomes a commodity. The
desire of companies in being similar and more advanced with
Apple Inc. had been a struggle of these firms.
3. Analysis of Potential New Entrants
Technology followers have been abundant since the rapid use of
smartphones in the market. These followers introduced their
products in the market with lower prices than Apples
introductory price.
4. Analysis of Suppliers

Suppliers have considerable leverage over the manufacturers of

portable personal computers. While many industry standards
like universal serial bus (USB) and wireless technology are

open and issued by independent or collaborative standards

bodies like the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF, universal
serial bus) and Institute for Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE, wireless standard 802.11n) manufacturers also
rely on privately owned standards. Often the technology must
be licensed or requires entrance to a paid-membership industry
group for use. For instance, for the specifications and use of
the PCI-Express/Express Card standard, which is present in
nearly all personal computers, membership to the industry
group PCI-SIG is required.

In addition, the relative concentration of suppliers for some

inputs puts pressure on competitors. Within the personal
computer industry, central processing units (CPUs) are sourced
from a duopoly, Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
(AMD). Despite having two options, the semi-conductor market
is dominated by Intel, with AMD licensing technology from
Intel for use in production of their CPUs.4 Despite having
compatible chip technologies; these two companies use
proprietary chip designs that require different motherboard
socket designs. Because of this incompatibility in design, for
a PC manufacturer to switch suppliers of CPUs they must also
switch to a new type of motherboard, which drives up switching
costs. Despite this power the chip manufacturers hold, they

are not present in the PC manufacturing business and therefore

are reliant on PC manufacturers for a bulk of their business.
This leads to discounts for bulk purchasing and exclusivity
agreements, which alleviates some pressure from the dominant
5. Analysis of Buyers
Lifestyle is a major factor in analyzing the buyers of Apple
Inc. Consumers have the final word and exercise considerable
influence in the success of the company. Buyers of the product
of this company are those who are often seeking for the latest
trends and also the greatest services a technological product
can offer.
6. Implications for Strategy Development
The opportunities and threats in the industrial aspect of
Apple Inc. will create a value in formulating strategies for
the development of the company. With the review and analysis
of opportunities and threats in the environment of Apple Inc.,
they can be used in SWOT Analysis where assumptions and
decisions are made.
1. Financial Condition
Coming from the report of their fiscal 2015 third quarter,
Apple Inc.s revenue was reflected between $49 billion and
$51 billion and its gross margin between 38.5% and 39.5%.

Moreover, the reported operating expenses is between $5.85

billion and $5.95 billion with other income of $400 million.
2. Management Philosophy
Apples philosophy believes that innovation is constant in
this world thus creating great products is there purpose.
They believe that they need to own and control the primary
technologies behind the products they make and to
participate only in markets where they can make a
significant contribution. They e do not settle for anything
less than excellence in every group in the company and they
have the self-honesty to admit theyre wrong and have the
courage to change.

3. Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of Apple Inc. is one of its
most guarded secrets. Even their employees have a little
idea of how the company is organized. According to
Apples CEO Tim Cook, their employees are required to
give direct reports to the CEO. These employees from
different divisions are categorized into Disruptive and
Sustaining functions.
4. Organizational Culture

Apple Inc.s organizational culture is considered as

fun, yet demanding. At Apple, the work culture is
driven by a passion for new products with no end to
challenges and opportunities. Another culture of Apple is
having the culture of secrecy. The demand for absolute
secrecy and insistence on control were infused into the
company since the beginning.
5. Summary of firms strengths and weaknesses
One of the strengths of Apple Inc. is on the way they
created, managed and improved their organization. The
desire of the company to create change shows their
compassion as a company in providing the best services
they can offer to their customers. Their corporate
culture can be considered as their competitive advantage
that some of competitors is trying to achieve.
6. Implications for Strategy Development
Achieving a best corporations organizational culture is
as important in making a profit in a company. Corporate
culture is difficult to imitate thus it gives advantage
in the market. Once it is sustained and well-organized,
it will be a great factor in the success of the company.
1. Analysis of sales, profits, and market share
Even though the company only sells less than 20% of
smartphones in the market, Apple has set a record of


having 92% of the total operating income from the worlds

eight top smartphone makers in the first quarter of 2015.
The company sold 43% more iPhones than last year. However
in their Mac line, they only accounted for only about six
of every 100 computers sold.
2. Analysis of target market
Apple Inc.s target has been very vast within the last
years. From teens to the adults, most of them are using
the Apples product. This is because of the different
products that cater for anyones need or leisure.
3. Analysis of marketing mix variables

The products of Apple Inc., have the state-of-the-art

quality that gives their competitors very hard to compete
with. They build their products beautifully that their
customers adore. The software of Apple is more intuitive
than others and no product is more valuable than any
Apples product. The brand of Apple is already been
instated to the minds of consumers. A retail presence
gave Apple another forum to flex its design prowess.
Customers come into the stores to experience firsthand
the aesthetics and ease of use of Apple products. They
also get to see the larger solution that the array of
interconnected products offers. Carefully recruited and
trained sales associates are encouraged to take customers
on a ride which former head of Apple Stores, Ron
Johnson, describes as something short, fun, and


something you want to talk about. Apple ignores the

standard by not only pricing their technology more than
2x what their competitors charge, but doing so without
blinking. However, their price is justified with features
and benefits that cant be matched.
4. Summary of marketing strategys strengths and weaknesses
Apple Inc. has used the principles of empathy, focus and
impute to become the worlds most valuable company and
one of worlds most valuable brands. They truly
understand the needs of their customers and they do
eliminate all of unimportant opportunities their company
has. They have the best product, best quality and the
most useful software. They have one of the best marketing
mix that any company could offer in the industry.
5. Implications on Strategic Development
Marketing has become more about building a two-way
relationship with consumers than just informing consumers
about a product or service. Apple Inc.s marketing
strategies have made their customers more involved. These
actions will deliver more research on more substantive
product development, customer service and ideas.
Problems Found in Situation Analysis
A. Competitive Competitors in the Market


1. The emerging of competitors of Apple Inc., in the market

will be a very big problem of the company. Technology
followers are very evident today in the industry.
Competitors such as Samsung, Sony, and LG Electronics now
offers specifications of smartphones that are more
advanced than Apple Inc. can offer Competitive frictions
among these companies are very powerful that most of
their targeted customers are confused as to what product
they will buy.
2. The effects of these competitors of Apple Inc. will make
their sales and profit to decrease. Any company would not
want this to happen.
B. Product Innovation
1. It is a challenge for Apple to be in constant and be
updated in their product innovation. The pace of progress
in the technology industry is relentless. Their main
products such as iPhone, iPad and Mac have been leading
in the industry right now but what comes after is blurry
for the company right now. Apple has also engaged in
purchasing companies that already makes their products.
Many critics argue that these purchases is not a good
idea for the company.
2. Developing new products could be hard in any
organization. Innovation is a process that involves
thousands of people in a company and can influence
creation of new products. It can lead to either great


return or big loss. If Apple will lost its vision on the

mainstream market then it could lead in decreasing their
sales and profit.

Strategic Alternatives for Solving Problem

A. Improvement of Product Differentiation
1. Apples product share in the market is relatively small
compared to other companies. They only offer products
that are limited in number. However, this gives advantage
to the company because they can focus on producing highend products, give priority to profits over market share
and create a halo effect that makes people starve for new
Apple products.
2. Improving of product differentiation will make the
company to suffer for the additional costs it will incur.
These additional costs will also be a burden for the
consumers since the only way to have a return for the
company is to increase the products price. Another costs
of having product differentiation is the uncertain
reaction from the market. There is no guarantee that new
products or software development will be accepted by the
Selection of Strategic Alternative and Implementation


With product differentiation, Apples value will create its

product unique and attractive to consumers. With high
competition, Apple could succeed in creating demands for
products, giving the company power over prices through
product differentiation, innovative advertising, ensured
brand loyalty, and hype around the launch of new products.
If Apples product differentiation is going to be
successful, the brand loyalty from their customers will
continue and strengthened. The research and development
division of the company will mostly be tapped when it comes
to product differentiation.
Action Plan
In connection with the competitive advantages of Apple Inc.,
they must see to it that they will sustain these competencies
in order to be on top of the market. Since they focus more in
innovating products, their research and development division
must always be ready in terms of product development. The
heads of the office must invest more in finding the next and
suitable product development that will earn interest from the


Thomke, Stefan and Barbara Feinberg (2010), Design Thinking
and Innovation at Apple, Harvard Business School case 9-609066.
Wathieu, Luc (2010), Apple Stores, Harvard Business School
case 9-502-063.
Yoffie, David B. and Renee Kim (2011) Apple in 2010,
Harvard Business School case 9-710-467.

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