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Facts: On 27 January 1993, private respondent Magnayi filed an illegal dismissal case against Asian Development
Bank. Two summonses were served, one sent directly to the ADB and the other through the Department of Foreign
Affairs. ADB and the DFA notified respondent Labor Arbiter that the ADB, as well as its President and Officers, were
covered by an immunity from legal process except for borrowings, guaranties or the sale of securities pursuant to
Article 50(1) and Article 55 of the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank (the "Charter") in relation to
Section 5 and Section 44 of the Agreement Between The Bank and The Government Of The Philippines Regarding
The Bank's Headquarters (the "Headquarters Agreement").
The Labor Arbiter took cognizance of the complaint on the impression that the ADB had waived its
diplomatic immunity from suit and, in time, rendered a decision in favor Magnayi. The ADB did not appeal the
decision. Instead, on 03 November 1993, the DFA referred the matter to the NLRC; in its referral, the DFA sought a
"formal vacation of the void judgment." When DFA failed to obtain a favorable decision from the NLRC, it filed a
petition for certiorari.

Issues: Whether or not NLRC can could assume jurisdiction over a case of illegal dismissal against ADB

Held: NO
Under the Charter and Headquarters Agreement, the ADB enjoys immunity from legal process of every form,
except in the specified cases of borrowing and guarantee operations, as well as the purchase, sale and underwriting
of securities. The Banks officers, on their part, enjoy immunity in respect of all acts performed by them in their official
capacity. The Charter and the Headquarters Agreement granting these immunities and privileges are treaty
covenants and commitments voluntarily assumed by the Philippine government which must be respected.

Being an international organization that has been extended a diplomatic status, the ADB is independent of the
municipal law. "One of the basic immunities of an international organization is immunity from local jurisdiction, i.e.,
that it is immune from the legal writs and processes issued by the tribunals of the country where it is found. The
obvious reason for this is that the subjection of such an organization to the authority of the local courts would afford a
convenient medium thru which the host government may interfere in their operations or even influence or control its
policies and decisions of the organization; besides, such subjection to local jurisdiction would impair the capacity of
such body to discharge its responsibilities impartially on behalf of its member-states."

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