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Edited & Compiled by Russell John White

Institute of Classical Osteopathy

Volume 1


Edited and compiled by Russell John White

Osteopathy: Principles and Practice

Volume 1

Published by
The Institute o f Classical Osteopathy
20 N e w Street
West Sussex
RH13 5 D U
w w w . c lassical - o steopat hy. org
Copyright O Russell John While & the
Institute of Classical Osteopathy
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
m any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical
photocopying, recording or otherwise without the
prior written permission of the copyright owners,

I.S.B.N. 978-0-9530294-8-8
Printed & bound by I A Printers
LA Wellington Road
Kent ME7 4NN



Page No:

R J White

Science and the Arts of Healing


Essay on Osteopathy


Sacro-Iliace Propositions


Theory of Osteopathy


The Integrity of the Pelvic Girdle


Some thoughts on the Problem of Immunity


Diagnosis and Treatment of Clavicular Lesions


Fashions and Fundamentals





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This book is dedicated to the memory of Jocelyn Proby,

M A. (Oxon) Bitot., D O. (Kirksville)

3 March 1900 to 30 December 1993

"Affectionate memories of the tall figure with unerring hands"

"Go to an osteopath and then to an ordinary doctor

the moment
the osteopath's fingers are on you, you know you are in technically
skilled hands. You do not gel that sensation from the ordinary doctor,
and you cannot mistake it.

George Bernard Shaw

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"One hopes that developments and changes of fashion are the results
of more enlightenment, knowledge and skill, but one fears that often
they are not - change is not necessarily the same as progress"
Jocelyn Proby
Jocelyn Proby was one the great figures in osteopathy. A man of brilliant intellect, he graduated from Magdalene College Oxford and then
went to the University of Toronto as a history don. While in Canada
he became interested in osteopathy. A move to Kirksville followed
and he added to his already impressive list of qualifications with a
D.O.. He then returned to Canada and worked with Daniel Mackinnon
and at this time became interested in the ideas of Henry Lindlahr, the
two major influences on his work and thinking. With characteristic
energy he later wrote several articles describing and advocating the
use of Mackinnon's technique as well as editing and revising Lindlahr's four volumes on Natural Therapeutics. At the age of 62 when
most people would be contemplating a comfortable retirement he was
still intent on expanding his knowledge and organised a course of instruction in "Structural Integration", under the personal tuition of Ida
Rolf, which he successfully completed.
However, Jocelyn Proby was much more than a brilliant mind. Those
that knew him well, patients and colleagues alike, have many stories
of his kindness and compassion. It was not uncommon for him to keep
seriously ill patients at his home at Ballyraine House in Arklow, treating and nursing them himself. During one exceptionally difficult winter he daily drove several miles through deep snow in order to treat a
seriously ill child, eventually restoring the child to health with a rare
blend of exceptional skill and devoted care.
These stories give an important insight into his views on the scope of
osteopathic treatment. Along with J.M, Litllejohn, John Wernham and
others of that generation he believed that osteopathic treatment could
be beneficial in a wide range of conditions, not merely for neuro8
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nenro-muscu I-skeletal problems. He took this belief into the treatment

room and successfully proved the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment
for many acute conditions. Patients came to him from all over Europe
and beyond, drawn by his ability and integrity, but success never
altered him. Returning to visit Dublin, some years after giving up his
practice there, he was genuinely surprised when he was recognised
with pleasure by grateful patients.
Throughout his career he worked quietly and untiringly to help establish osteopathy. In the 1930*5 he was one of the founders of the
G.C.R.O., in the 1940's Vice Principal of the B.S.O., in the 1950's,
President of the 0-A.G.Band founder member of the Institute of
Applied Technique (now the Institute of Classical Osteopathy). In the
I960 s, 70's and 80's he continued to study, lecture, write and inspire
all those osteopathic students who were fortunate enough to have
contact with him.

In 1978 he returned from Eire to England where he continued to

practice until past his 90 birthday. He died on the 30^ December 1993
at the age of 90, and osteopathy had lost one of its great figures.

R J White
Asterley Hall
Aster ley
August 1999

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We are supposed to live in a "scientific' age, and the word "science"

and its adjective "scientific are in constant rise. The word literally
means "knowledge" but it has come to have a more restricted meaning, though it is often used so loosely, and even dishonestly, that it is
difficult always to be sure exactly what its meaning is. Yet it may be
said that when the word is properly used it implies that knowledge is at
least to some extent systematised or arranged, that it has been tested by
observation and experiment, and, in most cases, that it has been
correlated to certain universal principles or laws which govern that
particular department of knowledge.

Before we consider in more detail the proper use of the words "science"
and "scientific" in connection with the arts of healing, I think that it is
necessary to draw attention to the fact that they are very often used in a
most improper way. In common speech and in controversies in the
newspapers and elsewhere, people very often say that a thing is
"scientific" when they simply mean that they think it is true or sound
or desirable or that it works well. Conversely, they say that it is
unscientific when they do not believe in it or like it. Any one who has
studied history knows that in certain past ages it was the fashion to
conduct all controversy on the basis of religion or of scripture. If you
wanted to make a point or clinch an argument you made quotations
from the Bible and tried to show that your point of view was based on
sound religion. That fashion has, for good or evil, altogether changed,
and what we all want to do now is to show that we are "scientific".
Sometimes we just simply state that we are "scientific" and hope that it
will be accepted; sometimes we go further and elaborate scientific
arguments to support our point of view.
As an illustration of the change which has taken place in the last two
or three hundred years, it can be noted that the institution of negro
slavery was seriously defended in the eighteenth century on the ground
that negroes were the descendants of Ham who were intended by God
to serve the descendants of Shem or Japheth, In the present century the
Germans wished to dominate and enslave other peoples and to exterminate the Jews. The justification which, they gave to themselves and to
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the world for their ideas and behaviour, was couched in scientific
rather than religious terms. They even invented a pseudo-science in
which Nordic master races were contrasted with other races which
were regarded as being inferior and fitted only to serve the Nordics, i f
not to be exterminated altogether. These are, of course, extreme
instances, but they show the dangers which may arise from using such
words as "scientific" to support arguments or policies, which, even i f
they are sound or desirable, have nothing about them which can rightly
be described as "scientific"
Technical language or jargon?
Another use of the word "scientific" which is misleading but which is
very common, is when it simply means that the particular thing is
expressed or can be expressed in language which is regarded as
"scientific". Every branch of knowledge has acquired a technical
language. This is on the whole a good thing, because it enables the
subject to be written about or discussed with more precision by those
who are engaged in the study of it- Technical language, however, has
its dangers, because rt enables people to hide their ignorance, even
sometimes from themselves, and to deceive and impose upon the laity,
and particularly upon the uneducated Laity. 1 fear that technical or
scientific language is very often used in this way, especially perhaps by
doctors. Thus i f I say, " I perform an appendectomy", it sounds much
more "scientific" than if I say, " I cut out a portion of someone's guts";
but it is not necessarily any different. The only things which can
determine whether an appendectomy is scientific or not is either the
way in which it is done or the circumstances in which you do it or
abstain from doing it. Merely to call a thing by a scientific or technical
name does not either justify it or condemn it, nor does it render it
"scientific" or "unscientific" in any sense in which the words have real
meaning. This is perhaps very obvious, but it needs to be remembered
and pointed out, for many practices or otherwise, are accepted, even by
people who should know better, because they are expressed in technical
or scientific jargon. The fact is that both error and truth can be
expressed in scientific language, though a great many modem scientists (and doctors) seem to think that superstition and error are things
which existed ui the past but which suddenly came to an end when
"science" freed itself from the trammels of priest hoods and theologies.

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It is becoming very obvious now that this is not so. It is, for instance,
the fashion for doctors to laugh at the practices and ideas of physicians
of the seventeenth century and earlier periods, but not to realise that
many modern medical practices may seem just as crude and barbarous
to some more enlightened generation in time to come. Truth and
wisdom emerge, when they do so, painfully and slowly; superstition,
which results from fear ignorance and greed, is not the monopoly of
any particular age, and it may be expressed in "scientific" terms quite
as readily as in religious terms. Conversely, wisdom, tnith and
knowledge may be expressed in terms which are not scientific or which
are not considered so at the moment- Many examples could be given,
but it is perhaps enough to remind ourselves that there was once
compulsory baptism but that now we have compulsory vaccination
instead. 1 suppose each man must decide for himself whether the
change has been an improvement, which of the two practices is the
more "scientific" or which of them is the more superstitiousHaving thus dealt briefly with uses of the words "science" and
"scientific" which are intentionally or unintentionally misleading, we
can go on to consider the senses in which they are used legitimately.
We can say that a thing is "scientific" because it is done in a way which
has been proved by experience and experiment to be the best, safest and
most satisfactory way of doing it in the light of the accumulated
knowledge which is available to us. Thus there are scientific and
unscientific ways of doing the same thing, such as performing a
surgical operation or administering a drug. It should be noted that i f a
thing is to be done it is obviously best to do it "scientifically" i f we
know how. However, we should beware lest we call traditionalism and
conservatism being scientific, and we should avoid thinking that to do
a thing "scientifically" is enough. To be truly scientific we must do it
for scientific reasons as well as do it scientifically. It is quite possible
to do a very unscientific thing scientifically, and vice versa.
Universal taw
This brings us to another meaning of the word "scientific" which is, 1
think, its most important and, so to speak, its most real meaning. All
science is based on the idea that we live in a universe which is
governed and proceeds according to Law. I f we did not believe this it
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governed and proceeds according lo law. If we did not believe this it

would be useless to try to build up "sciences". The aim of the scientist
is, as has often been said, to dominate Nature by first learning to obey
Her. There is really no limit to this process- A great many principles
and laws of nature have in fact been discovered, and no doubt many
more will be discovered in the future. Actually, most of these laws
when they are discovered are found lo be be very simple, though the
application of them may require a great deal of technical knowledge,
thought and skill. Usually the men who have discovered the great
natural laws have been what is called "men of genius'that is to say
they have discovered them very largely by a sort of inspiration, though
it has been inspiration based on a great deal of study, knowledge and
observation and checked and confirmed by experiment. Such names as
Newton, Lavoisier, Faraday, Edison and many others occur to the
mind. When great natural laws are discovered they may have infinite
applications. They will enable whole new "sciences" to be built up, all
sorts of new techniques to be invented and man to obtain much greater
command over Nature in the particular spheres to which the laws
Thus the ultimate and most real meaning of the word "sciences" is the
discovery and application of great natural laws or principles governing
the particular department of knowledge in question. A thing is
"scientific" when it is done in accordance with universal principles
which we understand at least in part. When we do not understand the
principles we act, i f we act at all, empirically. It is not necessarily a
bad thing to act empirically and, indeed, we are often compelled to do
so unless we are prepared to do nothing in a great many situations
which obviously call for action of some kind. In actual fact, mankind
has often learnt to do things empirically before it has learnt to do mem
scientifically or to understand the laws and principles governing what
it was doing. However, the fact that we can do a certain thing or deal
with a certain situation by empiricism does not, i f we are scientifically
minded, relieve us of the duty of trying to find out the "scientific"
principles governing what we are trying to do. If we do discover those
principles it will almost certainly lead to a change for the better in what
we do or the way in which we do it.

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Osteopathy is Scientific
If we can obtain a clear idea in our own minds what we mean by the
words "science" and "scientific" it should be a great help to us in
thinking intelligently about the healing arts in general and Osteopathy
in particular, for we shall be in a better position to make up our minds
which forms of treatment and which individuals and which schools of
thought can claim to be "scientific" and which are merely empirical,
however respectable or even good that empiricism may be.
We can, f think, claim with justice that Osteopathy is essentially
scientific in both the senses in which the word can be properly used.
Manipulation and other forms of manual healing are undoubtedly very
old, but in our osteopathic technique we have sought to systematise and
build up a tradition of manipulation and to correlate what we do with
what is known of anatomy, physiology, pathology, mechancis and other
sciences. We can claim to do manipulation "scientifically" just as a
qualified surgeon can claim to do a surgical operation "scientifically".
This does not, of course, mean that we may not and should not look for
improvements and enlargements in the technique of Osteopathy, It is
to be hoped that as time goes on we may be able to do much of our work
more quickly and more easily than we do at present, and that we may
be able to attempt and perform things which are now beyond our
powers. We have, however, already laid a foundation and can say with
truth that we have begun to build up a science of manipulative
But Osteopathy can also claim to be scientific in the more important
sense that it is based on a general principle and thai its technique is, or
should be, applied in conformity with that principle. The principle is
that the human body is a mechanism in which structure and function
are correlated to one another, so that any departure from the normal, in
structure or mechanics is a potential cause of disease or dysfunction in
some of the organs or parts of the body. When structural and
mechanical defects are not the only or the direct cause of disease they
are very frequently a means by which the natural curative forces of the
body are prevented from operating. There are, therefore, very few
diseases or conditions in the treatment of which Osteopathy cannot
play a useful part. Because we have discovered one of the great

principles on which health depends, namely, perfection of body structure and mechanics, we can claim to be treating disease scientifically
when we seek to make body structure and mechanic as perfect as
Other Treatments
But i f Osteopathy can rightly claim to be scientific, both in its basic
principle and in its technique, what can be said of orthodox medical
treatment? This is not an easy question to answer. There are a great
many techniques and treatments in common use by doctors which are
highly scientific in the sense that they are the result of a great deal of
thought and experiment and are carried out in a way which accumulated knowledge has shown to be best. On the other hand, it is very
difficult to find any general principle of any kind upon which ordinary
medical practice is based. (This does not apply to the homoeopaths who
do administer drugs in accordance with a definite law or principle.)
Fundamentally, it would seem that nearly all treatments which are in
common use today are empirical and symptomatic, although the empiricism is based on a very considerable knowledge of many sciences.
No doubt a large measure of empiricism is inevitable at the present
stage of our knowledge, but we should not deceive ourselves into
thinking that things which are empirical are scientific, and we should
always be searching to discover more about the basic principles on
which health and disease depend and to base our treatment on those
principles. Only in proportion as we discover basic principles can we
hope to build up a genuine science of medicine. Hie thing which
makes agreement and co-operation so difficult between osteopaths and
members of the orthodox medical profession is that so few of the latter
seem even to see the desirability of discovering and applying fundamental principles, although our knowledge of many subsidiary sciences
has now reached a point where it should be possible to lay the
foundations of a science of medicine or, to put it another way, a science
of health. We osteopaths are very certain that in our osteopathic
principles and technique we have the beginning of, and a very important part of, a real science of medicine, though we must recognise and
expect that other basic principles will be enunciated on which other
techniques of treatment will be built up. There are signs that this is
already beginning to happen as the result of the work of pioneers both

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inside and outside the orthodox medical profession. To discuss this

fully would be a big matter.
In conclusion it should be pointed out that, however certain we may be
that Osteopathy is "scientific" there is a sense in which it can be made
more scientific than it is, and it is our duty to try to make it so. The
essence of the "scientific method" is that we observe certain facts or
phenomena, then induce some general law or principle from them, and
finally check and prove that law beyond all reasonable doubt by further
observation or experiment. The "scientific method" may not be the
only method of arriving at the truth, but we must accept the idea that it
is the method by which a truth must be established and gain general
acceptance in the modem world. Osteopaths have nothing to lose and
a great deal to gain by scientific investigation provided that the
investigation is carried out honestly and reasonably, and without
prejudice. We know enough to be able to say with certainty that there
is a definite functional relationship between sound structure and
mechanics and sound function and health, but we have to convince the
scientific world that this is so and we still have a great deal to learn
about the mechanism by which our principle operates in the living
body. The application of the "scientific method" will undoubtedly help
us to convince others and it will lead, almost certainly, to an improvement in our own methods, and technique, for we shall come to a better
understanding in terms of physiology and pathology of what we are
achieving or trying to achieve. This will lead to Osteopathy taking its
proper place in the new science of health which is struggling to be

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.. the whole bodyfitlyjoined together and compacted by that which

every join! supplieth, according to the effectual working in the
measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of
itself in love.
Ephesians iv i6.

Although manipulation has been a method of healing employed from

time immemorial both in the West and in the East, Osteopathy as a
distinct school of practice is of recent origin. Its founder was Andrew
Taylor Still, an American doctor, who was born in 1828, first enunciated his theories in 1874, and died in 1917. During the second half of
his life he devoted his energies, in the teeth of much opposition, to
developing his ideas and methods and to founding schools for teaching
them to others. Osteopathic practitioners are now numerous in the
United States, and are to be found in increasing numbers in other parts
of the world.
A- Fundamental Principles
Osteopathy is based on two principles, though certain secondary
principles, as well as a special type of technique, naturally follow from
them. The first of these principles is the natural self-sufficiency of the
human body, and the second is that normal structure and normal
function go hand in hand.
Still's belief in, and insistence on, the natural self-sufficiency of the
human body were, in themselves, nothing new. The vis medicatrix
naturae has been believed in and relied on by the great physicians of all
ages, and Hippocrates himself Laid it down that the whole aim of the
science of medicine must be to study natural processes and assist them
'so that the sick man may conquer the disease with the help of the
physician". Still, however, re-stated the principle at a time when it very
much needed to be re-stated, and he discovered a new way of applying
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it in practice. The belief in the self-sufficiency of the human body,

implies that health, and not disease, is the natural heritage of man, that
he is not destined for ever to fight a losing battle against sickness and
physical decline, and that he can, by taking proper measures, maintain
and improve his own health and hand on a good heritage to his
children. The function of the doctor is not so much to fight disease as
to promote health and to put the body in a condition to defy or
overcome disease. It is the inherent vital forces within the patient
himself that alone can overcome disease, and all that the doctor can do
is to assist them, direct them, or liberate them.
Still's second principle, that normal structure and normal function go
hand in hand, was more original. He was a profound student of
anatomy and a very capable mechanic, and, after many years of thought
and study, he became deeply impressed with the perfection of the body
from an anatomical and mechanical point of view. He saw that the
skeletal framework of the body was designed to give support combined
with mobility in a very wonderful way, that the relations of the soft
tissues, blood vessels and functioning organs to this skeletal framework
were very ingeniously contrived, and that the whole organism was
under the control of a central nervous system which was Itself in
particularly close relation to the skeletal frame-work. Provided that the
body received natural and wholesome food, that it was not subjected to
undue strain or injury and that poisons of all kinds were avoided, there
seemed no reason why it should not remain healthy throughout the
natural span of its existence.
The close connection between structure and function is a fact in nature
which will seem to be more important the more we study it. Anatomy
and histology cannot be divorced from physiology, for physiology is
little more than anatomy in action, and when physiology gives way to
pathology it will always be possible sooner or Later to observe gross or
microscopic changes of structure. In some cases the structural changes
may be the result of the functional changes and in other cases they may
be the cause, but it is certain that normal structure and normal function
are found in health and that abnormal structure and abnormal function
are found in disease. Perceiving this, Still thought that it should be
possible, by making the structure of the body as normal and perfect as
possible to maintain or restore normal function; because even in cases

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where abnormalities in structure were not the primary or sole cause of

disease they were the accompaniment of it and helped to maintain it or
to prevent the natural forces of the body from overcoming it.
B. Secondary Principles
The next idea to which Still was led by his study of anatomy and
physiology was that the body must be regarded as a whole and that it is
almost impossible to exaggerate the extent to which its parts are
inter-related. Changes in structure and function which take place in
one part of the body are not purely local in their effects; they are in fact
bound to produce changes in other parts which in their turn will
produce further reactions- The reason for this is that all parts of the
body are under the control of the nervous system and that all parts
depend for nutrition and drainage on the circulatory system, which in
its turn is largely under nervous control. A l l life and activity in the
human organism can be regarded as responses to stimuli of one kind or
another and it is through the agency of the nervous system that these
stimuli operate. The nervous system has many parts, but it is also very
distinctly a whole, so that it is impossible for one part of the body to be
deranged without other parts being affected in a greater or lesser
degree. This idea that all pathology is to some extent systemic as well
as local has an important bearing on the question of treatment.
Treatment should be general and systemic as well as local, and it is
possible by directing treatment lo one part of the body to produce an
influence on another part. There are indeed many conditions which it
is impossible or unwise to treat directly, but which can be successfully
treated by directing our efforts to other parts. A knowledge of anatomy
and particularly of the nervous and circulatory systems will give us a
guide as to how and where we can most profitably treat.
Having become convinced of the close connection between structure
and function, the next step which Still had to take was to devise a
method of treatment which would remove the structural abnormalities
which he found in association with disease. He first turned his attention
to the skeletal framework of the body and he observed that all kinds of
pathology were commonly accompanied by abnormal position of the
bones when at rest and by restriction of the normal mobility of joints.
He found also that disease symptoms tended to disappear in a remark19
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able way if the normal position and mobility of the bones were restored.
This he found could be done by means of passive movements and the
application of leverages and force in suitable ways. He next turned his
attention to the soft tissues and found that another accompaniment of
pathology was an abnormal condition of muscles and ligaments. These
would sometimes be contracted and over-rigid and sometimes relaxed
and deficient in (one. Usually such abnormalities were found in
conjunction with the other abnormalities which he had noticed in the
bony structures, and it was clear that the two were connected. I f the
bones became abnormal in position and mobility the soft tissues
connected with them showed changes; on the other hand the bones
were more prone to become abnormal if the soft tissues on which they
depended for support and mobility were in an abnormal state. It was,
however, possible in many cases to restore the soft tissues to their
normal state by kneading, pressure and manipulation. In some cases it
proved to be more important to work thus on the soft tissues than to
deal exclusively with the bones, but in other cases the real source of the
trouble seemed to be in the bones and joints and the soft tissues soon
returned to normal of themselves once the natural position and mobility
of the bones had been restored. Here was a pathological state in which
both bones and soft tissues were involved, but in which sometimes one
and sometimes the other was of primary importance ,

The success which Still had in treating every kind of disease by

normalising the framework of the body confirmed him m his belief that
the structural abnormalities which he had learnt to recognise were
much more than Local in their effects. Believing, as he did, in the
natural self-sufficiency of the human body, he felt that there was no
reason why the organs of the body should become diseased or to
function properly provided that the quality and quantity of the blood
supply to them was adequate and that the drainage from them of their
waste products was efficient. He expressed this idea in simple language
by saying that "the rule of the artery is supreme'. It was however,
impossible to consider the circulatory system apart from the nervous
system; the two were in close connection both anatomically and
functionally. The only explanation of the cures which he effected by his

It has been well said thai Ihe object of osteopathic technique is the diminution of abnormal
lension wherever ilean befoundin the body

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manipulative procedures was that the structural abnormalities which he

had found and removed were maintaining or producing disease by
interfering with the normal blood and nerve supply to the various parts
and organs of the body. The exact way in which these effects were
produced was not immediately apparent, and indeed still remains
something of a mystery; but that they were produced he could have no
C. The 'Osteopathic Lesion'
The name which has been given to the abnormalities which Still
discovered and treated is 'osteopathic lesions' and it is here necessary to
say a little about the symptoms, clinical signs and pathology of the
explanations of the way in which it produces its effects. It is not
intended, however, to consider these questions in great detail, because
that has been done elsewhere in books specially written for the purpose.

In one sense an 'osteopathic lesion is 'any structural perversion which

produces or maintains functional disorder' and it is not essential that a
bone or joint should be involved in it. A lesion, for instance, may be
muscular or ligamentous, or in certain circumstances a viscus or organ
may act as a lesion. The typical 'osteopathic lesion , however, is a bony
lesion and involves one or more bones and joints and the soft tissues
connected with them. It is by the bony 'Lesion', and particularly the
vertebral lesion, that osteopathy as a school of practice must stand or
fell. The bony lesion is essentially an acute or chronic joint strain
and it has certain very definite symptoms and clinical signs, some or
all of which arc present in all cases. The most important of these arc as


Some abnormality in the position of the bones when at rest,

2. Some abnormality in the mobility of the joint. Mobility IS

The nature and pathology of the osteopathic lesion is considered al Jengtii in Ihc Report
on the Scientific Basis of Osteopathy by Dr. Kelmsn Macdonald. The way in which the
lesion produces its various effects is especially well discussed in The Osteopathic Lesion by
Macdonald and Wilson (Fieinemamu t93S), particularly chap, iv

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either restricted or unduly increased. This symptom is present

even when the actual position of the bones is normal.

Tenderness of soft tissues and over the prominences of the

bone itself. This may or may not be accompanied by pain on
motion or when at rest. Pain and tenderness are more marked
in acute lesions than in chronic.


Some abnormality in the feeling of the soft tissues on palpation. In the acute stage the tissues are usually contracted,
though this fact is masked by a superficial oedema; Later there
is a tendency for them to become more and more fibrotic.


Some abnormality in the feeling and appearance of the skin

over the lesioned area. In the early stages it tends to be
flushed, moist and hot, but later it grows dry and anaemic .

In addition to the symptoms and clinical signs of 'osteopathic lesions'

mentioned above, a good deal has now been discovered about the
pathological changes which take place in the tissues themselves. The
most important of these are as follows:

A condition of relative acidosis in the area of the lesion.


A condition of oedema in recent lesions which gives way more

and more to fibrosis as the lesion gets older.


Areas of petechial haemorrhage (per diapedesin) in certain of

the soft tissues surrounding the lesion.


Changes in the tonicity, irritability and staining reactions of


5. Changes in the articular tissues, including a thickening of the

synovial membrane and abnormalities in the amount of synovial

An osleopalh of many years experience writes; I n very old-standing lesions there is

sometimes a son of stellate arrangement of the veins on the skin, as if the surface veins were
Irving to come ID the aid of the deeper congested tissues.'

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Changes in the in ler vertebra I disks, which lose their shape and
elasticity and show degenerative changes in various degrees.

[t is now necessary to consider the way in which such structural

abnormalities produce malfunction and disease. Osteopathy, in common with other systems of treatment, must ultimately be judged by its
clinical results and by the soundness of the fundamental principles on
which it is based, but this does not mean that we should not try to
discover the way in which 'osteopathic lesions' of all kinds produce
their evil effects. In one sense osteopathy may be said to be lacking in
scientific proof, but this does not mean that it is necessarily unscientific. Our knowledge of neurology, physiology, biochemistry and other
allied sciences is not yet sufficient completely to explain osteopathic
phenomena or the results which we get from osteopathic treatment, but
there is nothing in these sciences in their present stage of development
which would lead us to suppose that the principles and methods of Still
are false or unsound. Indeed, certain recent advances and discoveries in
science have done much to confirm and explain many of Still's
contentions and to enable them to be stated in a more scientific way.
It seems improbable that the effects produced by osteopathic lesions are
susceptible of one simple explanation, which is the same for all cases.
Mechanics, chemistry and physics are so closely bound up together in
the human organism that we cannot hope to arrive at the truth by
approaching the problem of the osteopathic lesion from one angle
At the present time there is a tendency in the osteopathic profession to
discount the idea that structural abnormalities can produce pathology
by simple mechanical means. Some early osteopaths, though Still was
not among them, gave currency to the idea that osteopathic lesions of
the spine could effect a complete or partial blockage of nerves and
blood vessels by direct pressure on them as they emerged from the
intervertebral foramina. This idea, however, is quite exploded and
cannot be sustained. Actual dislocations and organic disease of bones
can sometimes produce such effects, hut subluxations and osteopathic
lesions which do not take the bones beyond their normal range of
motion could not do so.
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It would, however, be rash to take the view that there are no cases in
which structural abnormalities produce malfunction and disease in a
very direct manner. Every student of physiology is aware of the
important functions performed by the normal movements of the diaphragm in the maintenance of health and of proper functioning of
important abdominal and thoracic organs. Malposition and loss of
flexibility of the bones forming the thorax is one of the most frequent
causes of bad breathing and failure of the diaphragm to function as it
should. Here is an example of a very direct way in which osteopathic
lesions can affect the function of the most important organs of the
body, such as heart, lungs, liver and intestines. Macdonald and Wilson
in their book The Osteopathic Lesion have drawn attention to the fact
that the vascular symptoms sometimes found in cases of cervical rib are
hardly explainable except on the ground of direct pressure on sympathetic nerves and that such symptoms can often be abated by manipulative measures. Again, it seems quite possible that severe subluxations
of the atlas and other upper cervical vertebrae and the accompanying
muscle tensions can produce actual interference with the blood flow to
and from the brain. It is true that the existence of vasomotor fibres to
the blood vessels of the brain has now been demonstrated and that the
ganglia in which they originate are in very close relation to the cervical
and upper dorsal vertebrae, but it is doubtful whether these feds alone
can always explain the spectacular results sometimes produced in grave
mental conditions by correction of osteopathic lesions in the upper
cervical area. The vertebral arteries and veins are in particularly close
relation to the upper cervical vertebrae, and in fact pass through
foramina in their transverse processes, and it seems therefore quite
reasonable to contend that subluxations of the upper cervical vertebrae
can produce a direct interference with the blood supply to parts of the
brain. Instances of direct mechanical interference can be multiplied,
but when all is said and done they are only capable of explaining a
proportion of the effects produced by some osteopathic lesions.

See Case Report by Dr. Ray M Russell, British Osteopathic Review, November.
193d; also case mentioned by A . I Sttt], Autobiography, p. 107.
'Oedema,fibrosisand muscle tension in varying degrees are the accompaniments of all
osteopathic lesions. These, no doubt, exert some mechanical influence on nerves and blood
vessels, but it cannot be said with any certainty to what extent this interferes with their

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Another angle from which the osteopathic lesion can be approached is

that of biochemistry. It has been shown that the soft tissues involved in
an osteopathic lesion are in a condition of passive congestion, relative
acidosis or low grade inflammation, and it has been suggested that
there is a change in hydrogen ion concentration sufficient to affect the
conductivity of nerve elements passing through the area. Many of the
sympathetic nerve elements are extremely delicate, and the post*
ganglionic fibres are ncm-medullated so that it cannot be said with
certainty that they are not affected by abnormal chemical conditions
prolonged over a period, especially in cases where synapses occur in
the tissues influenced by the chemical change. On the whole, however,
it seems improbable that such chemical changes exert a very great
influence, and there can be little doubt that it is through the mechanism
of nervous reflexes that the osteopathic lesion produces most of its
It has long been recognised by clinicians and symptomatologists that
there is such a thing as the viscero-somatic reflex. That is to say that a
nerve impulse arising in an organ or viscus can stimulate other
(somatic) nerve fibres so as to produce pain, contractions of muscles
and trophic disturbances. The osteopath believes that the reverse also
is true, and that the somatico-visceral reflex is more common and
more important, though naturally far less easy to detect or observe. A
considerable amount of evidence already exists for the existence of
such a reflex, much of it having been collected by persons quite outside
the osteopathic profession and free from its influence. This evidence is
well summarised by Macdonald and Wilson in Chapter iv of The
Osteopathic Lesion, and it is sufficient here to point out that the tissues
surrounding joints and the synovial membranes themselves are well
supplied with afferent nerve endings which there is every reason to
suppose capable of producing reflexes over related parts of the sympathetic nervous system. These nerve endings can be stimulated in
various ways by the abnormal conditions of the lesioned area. In some
cases the stimuli may be due to the altered chemistry of the tissues, and
in others to abnormalities of tension or position, but as long as the
lesion continues it will tend to produce effects which will increase
rather than diminish with time, on account of the phenomena of
summation and facilitation which are common to all nervous reflexes.

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A Hill explanation of the way in which osteopathic lesions produce

their effects cannot be given at the present stage of our scientific
knowledge of the body and its processes, but it can be safely affirmed
that nervous reflexes of various kinds play a predominant part. There is
plenty of evidence, both clinical and experimental, to support the
osteopathic contention that the chemical, physical and tissue changes
which take place around a Lesioned joint are not confined to that area
but are reproduced in the organs and viscera which receive their
innervation from the same or closely related spinal segments. There is
nothing remarkable in this when we consider to what an extent the
functioning of all organs is dependent on nervous impulses either
directly or through vasomotor nerves acting on their blood supply. The
immediate effects of a lesion will no doubt be to produce purely
functional trouble, but if this is prolonged over a period it will render
the tissues and the body as a whole more susceptible to infectious and
organic disease.
D. Application of Osteopathy to the Treatment of Disease.
In order to understand the relation of osteopathic pathology and
osteopathic treatment to various kinds of disease conditions, it is
necessary lo classify the different kinds of osteopathic lesions. This
may be done as follows:
Primary lesions. These may be:


Traumatic, that is to say, due to specific injuries,

blows or sprains,
Postural, that is to say, due to bad posture or repeated
minor strains or injuries.

Secondary lesions. These may be


Compensatory, that is to say, compensatory to or

induced by some other lesion elsewhere in the body
framework. (The spine, for instance, though composed of many separate units, is still a physiological
and mechanical whole. Derangements of one part of
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il will produce stresses, strains and derangements of

other parts.)
(2) Reflex, that is to say, produced by disease or abuse
of some organ or viscus.
Under these headings it is possible to classify for practical purposes all
the structural abnormalities which are met with in all kinds of disease,
and for all, or nearly all, there is an appropriate type of osteopathic
treatment which should be applied to aid the body in its difficulties and
help it to return to normal. The treatment will vary greatly according to
the condition of the patient and to the type and origin of his osteopathic
trouble. Moreover, in some cases osteopathic treatment will be of
primary importance, while in other cases it will be used merely as a
valuable aid or adjunct to other forms of treatment, and in a few cases
it may be entirely contra-indicated. It is, however, hard to name any
disease conditions, either chronic or acute, in which there is not an
osteopathic procedure which is of real value for some purpose at some

Let us consider first the primary lesions. It has always been the view of
osteopaths that a great proportion of disease and ill-health is traumatic
or postural in origin, although this may not be apparent to the patient
himself or to physicians who are unfamiliar with osteopathic thought
and diagnosis. The diversity of man's occupations and activities, and
the fact that he is not perhaps adjusted as completely as he might be to
the erect posture, render him very Liable to strains and injuries affecting
the framework of the body. Injuries may soon be forgotten and faults of
posture may pass unnoticed, but they are capable of starting a chain of
causes which can lead eventually to serious malfunctions and even to
organic disease. The reason for this is that an uncorrected osteopathic
Lesion tends to be cumulative in its effects. The malfunctions which it
produces in viscera, glands, muscles and other organs not only injure
the body as a whole, but by vicious reflexes help to maintain and make
worse the very lesion which causes them. Also a lesion in one part of
the bony framework frequently produces secondary lesions elsewhere,
which in turn have their til effects. Vicious circles are thus produced
For further discussion of Hit contra-indications lo manipulative treatment see bclnw.

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which cannot fail in time to lead to serious consequences. In treating

cases of this kind it is clear that osteopathic manipulation is of primary
importance because it can go to the very origin and root of the trouble.
When the osteopath is confronted with secondary lesions of reflex
origin, it is obvious that he is on less certain ground, and that his
manipulative treatment may need to be supplemented by other measures. There is strong evidence to support the view that people who are
osteopathically sound have better resistance to disease than those who
are not, but there can be little doubt that even the osteopathically sound
contract infectious diseases and suffer from the results of wrong living
in various ways. When a particular organ or part of the body becomes
diseased, irritated or overtaxed, reflexes originate in it, which produce
symptoms in the related spinal area. If the irritation is continued for a
sufficient time genuine osteopathic lesions will result and they will in
turn tend to maintain disease conditions in the organ or part where the
trouble originally began. The slowness or incompleteness of recovery
after acute disease is often due to the continued existence of osteopathic
lesions which were induced by reflexes during the acute attack; a fact
which goes a long way to explain the usefulness of osteopathic treatment in convalescence. When we are dealing with reflex lesions we are
not dealing with the basic cause of disease, but in spite of this fact
osteopathic treatment may be of the greatest importance and produce
the most excellent results. It must be remembered that, although all
disease does not have a spinal origin, nearly all disease does have
spinal manifestations, and it may easily give rise to a vicious circle in
which the spinal pathology plays an all-important part. Osteopathic
treatment is often the easiest, and sometimes the only, way of breaking
the vicious circle and enabling health to be re-established.

This is not the place to discuss in detail the application of osteopathic

measures to particular diseases, but a few words may be said about the
use of osteopathy in certain general categories or groups of diseases.
(a) Manipulative Surgery. A distinction has often been drawn between
osteopathy and manipulative surgery, but it would be more true to say
that manipulative surgery is a part of osteopathy. 'Manipulative
Surgery is the name which has been given, not perhaps very happily,
to various manipulative procedures which are used in the treatment of

joint injuries and dislocations and of misplacements and fixations of

bones. It is a reproach to both the osteopathic and medical professions
that much of the best work along these lines is done by bone-setters
who are quite without formal qualifications. At the present time the
medical profession is not willing lo admit that there is any truth in
osteopathic theories of disease causation, but it has been forced to
recognise that manipulation is indispensable or useful in many kinds>of
joint injuries. Orthopaedic surgeons have begun to study manipulation
and to practise it. At present there is only very little realisation among
them of what can be achieved by manipulation and of how it should be
applied. The result is that far too many open operations are performed
in cases where manipulation would achieve far better results, and when
manipulation is employed it is often not employed in the best way. Too
much manipulation is done under anaesthetics, which is usually unnecessary and greatly increases the possibilities of doing damage. Manipulations are also too violent and the plaster cast is too freely used.

The general tendency of manipulative surgeons is in fact to be in too

much hurry, and to try to achieve at one time what should be done
more gradually and gently. They regard their problems too much from
the angle of the bones alone and are apt to forget the importance of
restoring the soft tissues to full function and health. The interest of
orthopaedic surgeons in manipulation is, however, a welcome sign, and
it is to be hoped that in time their methods will improve and that their
successes will encourage them to apply manipulative methods more
widely. Manipulative surgery may well prove to be the means by which
osteopathy will make its way into orthodox medical thought. Faulty
posture is already receiving a good deal of attention in medical circles,
and its connection with poor health has not passed altogether unnoticed. It is not a very long step from this to the acceptance of the
osteopathic lesion as a cause of disease. Much can be done for the

[l appears Thai [he term 'Manipulative Surgery was first used by Sir Herbert Barker to
describe ihe particular type of manipulative technique of which he was the exponent
Subsequently the expression was adopted by many orthopaedic surgeons who made a study
of manipulation 01 who acquired knowledge of il from unorthodox sources.
II was pointed out by Dr. Kelman Macdonald in his evidence before the Select committee
of ihe House of Lords (1935) lhat the medical profession have to some extent-accepted andstudied manipulative surgery , but that so far the possibilities of manipulative medicine have
not been explored except by Ihe osteopaths.

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improvement of posture by means of exercises and appliances, but in

many cases at least these should be combined with manipulation if the
best results are to be obtained. Is it too much to hope that in the future
the orthopaedic surgeons as they perceive the need for a wider use of
manipulation, will be content openly to learn from bone-setters and
osteopaths who have been studying and applying these methods for
many years? At present the knowledge of manipulative methods in the
medical profession is exceedingly fragmentary and rudimentary. It is
most unfortunate for the public that the experience already acquired by
the osteopathic profession in practice and teaching should not be made
more widely available.
Osteopathic treatment in Junctional disease. A large percentage of the cases with which every doctor has to deal are cases of
functional disease, and yet there is seldom much that can be done for
them by orthodox methods. A very large number of these functional
troubles are directly due to osteopathic lesions and will yield readily to
osteopathic treatment, either by itself or in combination witf) oiher
natural methods such as diet and hydrotherapy. The failure to appreciate the role of osteopathic lesions in producing disease symptoms has
Led to many mistakes in diagnosis and has caused many patients to be
considered 'neurotics' or psychopathies when in fact their troubles had
a definite physical cause.
(c) Osteopathic treatment in acute disease. It is very commonly
thought that osteopathy is only useful in correcting the results of
injuries and in treating certain functional and chronic conditions, and
yet it was in the treatment of acute diseases of all kinds that Still and
his early followers obtained some of their most spectacular results. He
always took the view that immunity largely depended on structural
perfection and that the body could of itself produce all that was
necessary to enable it to get the better of acute disease, provided that it
was in proper adjustment and that the blood and nerve supply to every
part were functioning as they should. Our present knowledge of
immunity is very scanty, but there is nothing in it which runs counter
to these ideas and much which would seem to support them, although
there are not many who would contend that Still has given a complete
answer to the problem of immunity. I f once ft is admitted that structural abnormalities can interfere with function and with blood and
nerve supply, it seems hard to deny that resistance to disease is lowered
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by such abnormalities. An organ or part of the body which has suffered

for some time from a blood supply that is deficient in quantity or
quality must be specially prone to disease, and a body in which the
glandular, excretory and other vital functions are not being normally
performed must be at a disadvantage in the crisis of an acute disease. It
has been found in practice that a tendency to contract a certain acute
disease, such as bronchitis, can often be overcome by osteopathic
treatment. The fact that post-operative pneumonia is practically unknown in osteopathic hospitals is also evidence that osteopathic treatment is valuable as a prophylactic against acute disease.
But whatever views we may hold on the relation between structural
integrity of the body and immunity, there can be no doubt that
osteopathy has valuable contributions to make to the treatment of acute
disease once this has arisen. Acute disease is both systemic and local,
that is to say, the whole body LS involved as well as the particular part
or organ which is the special seat of the disease. When there is danger
it is usually because too great a strain is thrown on the body as a whole,
and on certain vital organs in particular, before the local inflammation
has time to run its course. Osteopathy can be used in various ways both
to assist the local inflammation to a natural conclusion and to support
and aid the body as a whole in the crisis.
When a certain part or organ of the body is the seat of an acute
inflammation or disease there is a congestion of body fluids in that
area. This congestion is not in itself necessarily harmful and is indeed
part of the process by which nature is seeking to get the better of the
disease, but it is generally very essential that the natural process should
be helped and guided i f the congestion is not to be unduly prolonged
and become dangerous in character. The local inflammation, whether
or not it is accompanied by bacterial action, will not proceed favourably
without a generous supply of arterial blood and an efficient venous and
lymphatic drainage to carry off the toxins and waste products. Manipulation, especially of the bones and soft tissues of the related spinal
areas, is a powerful means of aiding the circulatory mechanism of the
diseased area. In nearly all cases the related spinal areas will be found
to be rigid and contracted, and the removal of this rigidity and
contraction by pressure or gentle manpulation has been found to
exercise a very beneficial influence on the progress of the local
inflammation. This can be explained in the following way. When an

organ or pari of the body is acutely diseased reflexes are initiated in it,
which produce rigidity in the related spinal area and eventually give
rise to osteopathic lesions. These lesions tend in turn to affect the blood
and nerve supply to the diseased part, and also to related segments of
the spinal cord which are already fatigued and affected by toxaemia.
Osteopathic treatment normalises the spinal tissues and enables the
patient to make a more vigorous and effective response to the local
inflammation: circulation and drainage are aided and abnormal reflexes are reduced or eliminated,

But apart from the local manifestations of acute disease there are also
systemic reactions, which often require to be aided or controlled. All
acute disease is accompanied with more or less toxaemia, which tends
to produce fever, to throw a strain on the heart and lungs, and to make
special demands on the eliminative organs. Manipulative treatment
properly applied can aid the body in all these respects and help to
prevent the appearance of complications. Such treatment is mostly
directed to the spinal areas related to the heart, lungs, kidneys and
bowels, and to restoring the normal mobility of the thorax. In addition,
it is possible by manipulation of the cervical area to influence the
temperature regulating centres, to promote skin elimination in a
natural way, and so to control temperature to a considerable extent.
There are also a number of special procedures which have proved of
great value in certain cases. Among these are the so-called 'lymphatic
pump' treatment for aiding the flow of lymph towards the heart by
rhythmic compressions of the thorax, treatments for the stimulation of
such organs as the liver and spleen, and manipulation of the abdomen
to promote bowel action and peristalsis. Although oid and recent
osteopathic lesions are corrected when possible, the type of osteopathic

Apart from manipulation of spinal tissues it is often possible to do much to relieve

blockage of venous and JymphjJic drainage in a particular pari by deep massage and by
kneading and stroking movements along the course of venous and lympolhic channels.

The lymphatic pump treatment is usually administered in the following way. The
operator stands behind and above the patient who is lying on bis back. The openilor places ho
outstretched hands, palms downwards, just below the patient's clavicles on each side. He then
alternately depresses and relaxes the thoracic wall in a rhyuuntcol manner at therateof about
one hundred and twenty limes to the minute. The procedure can be continued for five or ten
minutes at a time.
It need hardly be mentioned that manipulation of the abdomen should not be used in
acute inflammatory conditions of the abdominal organs.

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treatment administered in acute disease is not primarily corrective, but

is intended to assist the body and its organs by keeping the spinal
tissues relaxed and by stimulating the nervous and circulatory mechanisms in a natural way. Treatment should not be given in such a way as
to be exhausting to the patient, or as to produce a violent reaction; it
should rather be gentle, skilful and short, though it should usually be
fairly frequent. Osteopathy is not, of course, the sole treatment to be
applied in acute disease and must be combined with good'nursing,
suitable diet and hydrotherapy as required; but there are few cases in.
which manipulation is not of great value both in the acute stage itself
and in convalescence. Many lives have been saved by it when the
patient was already in extremis, and in other cases the usual course of
the disease has been shortened and rendered less severe and complications have been prevented or removed.
Osteopathy in its widest sense is indeed much more than a collection of
corrective procedures; it is a method of physical treatment of almost
universal application which is capable of exerting a profound influence
on body processes and particularly on the nervous and circulatory
systems. Nerve centres can be inhibited by steady pressure or stimulated by intermittent pressure, percussion or manipulation. Kneading
and manipulative movements can relieve passive congestion and stimulate circulation both peripherally and in the spinal cord. I f the
osteopath is well versed in the different manual procedures which can
be used and has the necessary skill and judgement to apply them rightly
and suitably, there are few cases of acute disease which he will not be
able to treat with at least much greater chances of success than a
physician who has not his special knowledge and skill.

(d) Osteopathic treatment in organic disease- It is obvious thai when

serious degenerative or proliferative changes have taken place in parts
or organs of the body, it is generally impossible to effect a complete
cure. It is, however, often possible to arrest the progress of the disease
and there are few cases in which there is not something that can be
done for the patient to make him more comfortable, improve his
' Many procedures which arc now considered as massage, spondylcHherapy,. magnetic
rreatment and the like, should properly be incorporated in osleopathy and form a pari'of ill
Osteopathic technique was intended by Still to include all thai is useful in manual healings
and he made no pretence to have discovered all that is to be known about such methods.

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general health or enable him to get on reasonably well in spite of his

disabilities. In most cases of organic disease osteopathy has something
important to offer either as the principal method of treatment employed
or in combination with other methods.
Although the broad distinction between functional and organic disease
will always exist and be of the very greatest importance, there is reason
to think that, under the influence of orthodox pathological ideas, the
distinction between them has been much too rigidly drawn. It is
probable that the recuperative, regenerative and self-healing potentialities of the body and its different kinds of cells are much greater than
has ever been supposed, though it often requires much time, skill and
patience to enable these potentialities to become fully operative* and
though our knowledge of the different means of making them so may
be very incomplete. Some of the tissues of the body are much more
sensitive than others to adverse influences, some are destroyed more
easily than others, some i f destroyed or killed will regenerate easily,
others with more difficulty or not at all. It is, however, not an easy
matter to determine at what Stage a pathological process has gone so
far as to be irreversible, and whether a certain group of cells is
completely destroyed or is merely incapacitated or functioning abnormally. It is very certain that many conditions which are now considered
1 0 be organic and incurable will, as our knowledge increases, come to
be regarded as amenable to treatment at least to some degree. There are
and always will be incurable cases, but it is exceedingly doubtful
whether there is such a thing as an incurable disease.

It is thus often possible for osteopaths to obtain results in the treatment

of organic diseases which are surprising to themselves and are regarded with incredulity by orthodox pathologists. This is because they
are able in favourable cases to reverse pathological processes which are
supposed to be irreversible, to promote regeneration of tissues which
are degenerated but are not beyond repair and to restore function where
it has been ormant or almost lost. This is particularly the case in
certain chronic diseases of the nervous system. I f a nerve cell is really

The body has a certain power of replacing cells which have been destroyed, with the
exception of the cells of [he central nervous sysiem and the sympathetic ganglia. It seems to
be a law of nature that Ihe more specialised a cell is, the harder it is for it to be regenerated or


killed there is, so far as we know, no way in which it can be renewed,

but it takes more than is sometimes supposed to destroy a nerve cell
completely. Osteopathy is almost the only known way of selectively
stimulating the circulation to the central nervous system and the results
obtained by doing so are often astonishing.
In many cases of organic disease in which little can be attempted in the
way of cure there is much that can be done to palliate. Where pain is a
dominant feature it can often be controlled by relaxation of spinal
tissues and other manipulative procedures- This may render the use of
harmful drugs unnecessary and enable the patient to live a more
normal life. Secondary symptoms which are the natural accompaniment of invalidism can often be controlled by osteopathic treatment(e) Osteopathic specialities. Some osteopaths have made a speciality
of certain manipulative procedures which are useful in special conditions and circumstances. Among these may be classed the so-called
'finger-surgery for breaking down adhesions at the mouth of Ihe
Eustachian tubes for the relief of catarrhal deafness; prostatic massage;
special manipulations which are of value in obstetrics and various
gynaecological conditions; and others. It should be noted that osteopathy has a particularly important part to play in obstetrics. In the
pre-natal period much can be done by manipulative methods to keep
the mother in good health, prepare her for labour and lactation, and to
prevent such complications as morning sickness and constipation.
During labour, various procedures have been devised to assist normal
delivery and to control labour pains. In the post-natal stage osteopathy
is of great value in correcting the pelvic bony displacements which
frequently result from labour, in assisting lactation and in hastening
and assisting convalesence. In the realm of gynaecology many osteopaths have developed a high degree of skill in special procedures for
the correction of misplacements of the uterus, and for its maintenance
in position by restoring the proper tone of ligaments and surrounding
soft tissues. Since spinal lesions are frequently the under-lying cause of
uterine disorders, local treatment is usually combined with osteopathic
treatment of the spine. In this way a permanent cure can often be
effected where other methods would fail.
(j) Conditions in which manipulation is dangerous or inadvisable.

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There are a few conditions in which manipulation should not be used,

though these are much fewer than is generally supposed; for even i f
osteopathic procedures are of little or no curative value in some cases,
they have a part to play in the relief of pain, the prevention of secondary
troubles and the control of symptoms. Tubercular or malignant disease
of bones and aneurisms are obviously conditions in which manipulation is highly dangerous and inadvisable and may lead to the most
serious consequences, and there are many other circumstances to which
it should be used sparingly, or with very great caution and gentleness.
Too great stress, therefore, cannot be laid on the importance of accurate
diagnosis before manipulation is begun. A thorough knowledge of
symptoms and diagnostic procedures and particularly of the uses of
X-rays should form part of the equipment of every osteopath.
E. Scope of Osteopathy
From the foregoing it wilt be seen that the scope of osteopathy is
extremely wide, but it has always been a matter of controversy whether
it is wide enough to justify the claim of osteopaths to have, for all
practical purposes, a complete system of therapeutics and consequently
the right to a distinct professional existence. It is the view of the writer
that osteopathy is not in the strictest sense a complete system of
therapeutics, but that in the circumstances which exist to-day osteopaths are entitled, and indeed bound, to maintain a distinct professional existence, even though such a policy may prevent for a time their
obtaining a favourable legal status. The reason for this is that osteopathy is much more than manipulation, it is manipulation applied in a
certain way and in accordance with certain principles and a certain
philosophy. Though manipulation is coming to be more and more used
and accepted for certain purposes by the orthodox medical profession,
the basic principles of osteopathy are still so alien to its way of thought
that osteopathy cannot be mixed with orthodox medicine or subordinated to it without losing its essential character. The existence of
competing and antagonistic schools of medicine is clearly unfortunate
and undesirable in many ways, but it is preferable to the sacrifice of
basic principles of permanent value to the human race. It is to be hoped
that in the future osteopaths may become an integral part of a reformed
medical rtfofcssion, but it is doubtful whether the time for this can
come for many years. When it does come, all physicians will be to some

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extent osteopaths in their outlook and methods, but they will not all be
specialists in manipulation. For already there are other schools of
healing and methods of treatment the principles of which in no way
conflict with Stills fundamental principles and which are naturally
complementary to osteopathy, and as time goes on more such methods
will doubtless be discovered. These methods, many of which are still in
their infancy, will in the future be more and more combined with
osteopathy, will assist it, render it more complete and perhaps in some
cases supersede it or make it unnecessaryIt must be remembered that osteopathy is based on two fundamental
principles, namely, the natural self-sufficiency of the human body and
the unity of sn^cture and function. It may be predicted that in time to
come the first of these principles will be seen to be even more
important than the second, and it is this first principle which renders it
impossible and undesirable for genuine osteopaths, however openminded they may be, to combine with, or allow themselves to be
absorbed by, the orthodox medical profession. For although the medical profession sometimes pays lip service to this principle, all but a few
of its members deny it in practice by using methods and having an
outlook which are incompatible with it. Thus, while osteopaths should
welcome the wider use of manipulative methods by the medical
profession and should be ready to assist in the wider teaching of such
methods, they should be in no hurry to sacrifice their separate professional existence and their control over their own system of education.
There is a real danger that osteopaths may be tempted, by the desire to
improve their legal position and widen their sphere of activity, to
sacrifice some part of the fundamental principles on which their system
was founded and has thrived hitherto. In the view of the writer this
would be both foolish and wrong.

Apart, however, from such reasons based on policy and principle for
the maintenance of a separate osteopathic profession at the present
time, there are others of a practical kind which cannot be ignored.
Osteopathic technique is not an art which can be easily or quickly
leamt even by those who have a natural aptitude for it, and once it has
been learnt it requires practice and wide experience to apply it to the
best advantage. The poorly trained manipulator is either dangerous or
ineffective, and the decline of osteopathy is inevitable i f it becomes a
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small specialist side-line in a general medical course. More than this it

could hardly become because the regular medical course is already
overburdened, overlong and over expensive. Few could be found who
would be able or willing after the time and money expended in
obtaining a medical qualification to embark on a post-graduate course
of sufficient length to turn them into efficient osteopaths, even i f the
medical schools were capable of conducting proper instruction in
osteopathy and had a proper appreciation of its possibilities, principles
and scope. It seems therefore that osteopaths have no choice but to
found and maintain schools of their own i f a sufficient supply of
well-trained osteopaths is to be maintained, and if osteopathic methods
and theory are to be studied and developed as they should be. Such
schools should provide facilities for post-graduate study for medical
men who are willing to give the necessary time and thought to
becoming efficient osteopaths, but this will only be a small part of thenwork. The courses in such schools will in many respects overlap those
in medical schools, but the emphasis will be different, much that is new
will be incorporated and much that is unnecessary, undesirable or of
little importance will be omitted or touched on lightly. There are in fact
strong arguments in favour of the view that the physician of the future
should be trained basically and primarily as an osteopath. Even in some
medical circles the use of drugs to any great extent is coming to be
regarded as undesirable and unscientific, and surgery has always been
something of a speciality and is likely in the future to become still more
so, especially i f and when more natural methods of living and treatment render surgery less popular and less necessary than it is at
present. Osteopathy, on the other hand, is a method of treatment of
almost universal application which requires the development of a
sensitive touch and the learning of a difficult technique. There are, of
course, certain specialities and certain out-of-the-way methods of
treatment of limited application which wilt always call for special
courses of training of greater or less duration, but even these can
usually be better undertaken by persons familiar with osteopathic ideas
and methods who are capable of combining the former with osteopathy.
For the rest there is little practical knowledge or skill of which the
physician has need which cannot readily be included in a well-planned
osteopathic course of training. All physicians should be expected to
have a working knowledge of minor surgery and obstetrics, but, apart
from this, little is needed by the general practitioner save a thorough


knowledge of osteopathy, dietetics and hydrotherapy. These two last

are powerful and indeed often indispensable aids to osteopathy, but in
comparison with it they are quickly and easily learnt. The only basis
other than osteopathy on which a sound medical training could be built
up at the present time is perhaps that afforded by homoeopathic
medicine and the philosophy which underlies it. It would seem,
however, that it would be easier and more rational to teach homoeopathy to osteopaths than to leach osteopathy to homoeopaths. It is indeed
unfortunate that this has not been done more in the past, since the two
systems are in no way antagonistic in their principles, and are capable
of helping one another and making up for one another's deficiencies.
For, however much osteopaths may feel it necessary to maintain a
separate professional existence and an educational system of their own,
they would, 1 think, be foolish to pretend that their system has not
certain deficiencies and limitations. Some of these are inevitable in the
present stage of our knowledge of the human body, but some of them
are capable of being remedied to some extent. There are indeed few
experienced and well educated osteopaths who regard osteopathic
treatment as a cure-all or consider that it is in the strictest sense of the
term a complete system of therapeutics. It is indeed legitimate, even for
osteopaths, to criticise osteopathy and its founder because they have
approached the problem of disease too exclusively from the physical
and mechanical angle, and not sufficiently from the chemical angle.
For while it is quite true that the structural integrity of the body is one
of the great foundations of health, it can hardly be contended that it is
the only one, nor is its absence by any means always the dominant
factor in disease. Even i f we leave on one side for a moment the bodily
ills which are wholly or partly of spiritual or mental origin, there are a
large number of diseases which are chemical rather than physical or
structural in origin and which cannot be treated successfully by physical methods alone. It is indeed true that to restore the structural
integrity of the body is one of the most powerful methods of restoring
also its chemical perfection, but it is not the only way nor by any means
always the quickest and most effective. Moreover, i f the bodies of

There arc. without doubt, oilier 'angles', besides ihe mechario-structural and ihe chemical,
from which The problem of disease can profitably be approached. One of these is ihe vibratory
or electronic. This will become increasingly important &s electronic methods oT diagnosis and
treatment become better developed and belter understood

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civilised mankind were chemically in better condition than they are,

they would be less prone to structural perversions and Less in need of
osteopathic treatment. It would hardly be too much to say that the
chemical integrity of the body is a principle the importance of which is
as great as that of structural integrity. This principle has never been
neglected altogether by Still and his followers, but it is doubtful
whether they have given it sufficient emphasis.
The writer is aware that in putting forward this view he lays himself
open to attack from many osteopaths who hold somewhat different
views. It is, however, possible to regard Still as one of the few really
great figures in medical history and yet to be conscious of the met that
he had certain limitations, most of which can be attributed to his
environment and to other circumstances outside his control. Still did
see the importance of the chemical integrity of the body, but he
approached the subject in a way which now seems somewhat negative
and incomplete. He early became convinced of the useless-ness and
harmnilness of the crude methods of drug medication which were
prevalent in his day and he deplored the alcoholic tendencies of the
rough frontier society in which he lived, but beyond this he seems to
have had little understanding of the extent to which the body Is
influenced by the nature of the substances which are put into it orto
which disease may be due to adverse chemical influences derived from
them. Sometimes in his writings he gives advice about diet, particularly
in acute disease, which is much more enlightened than that which is
ofen found in modern medical texts; but as a general rule he took the
view that it did not matter much what was put into the body in the way
of food provided that it was in proper working order. The way to get it
into proper working order was to see that it was in proper anatomical
adjustment, and if this was done the body would do the rest.

'Another view is very ably putforwardin Hutett's Principles of Osteopathy (A. T\ Still
Research institute, 1922}, particularly chap, vii. It is here pointed cut that though disease
may become manifest hi the cell it cannot really originate there. The ceil is naturally
self-regulating and only goes wrong in its action if there is something wrong with its blood
and nerve supply. It is structural perversions involving the supporting tissues of the body
which are The commonest and most powerful factors producing derangements of blood and
nerve supply. It is argued thai these supporting tissues (connective tissues and especially
bones and ligaments) are much less capable of sdf-adjusrment than other tissues because they
arc not predominantly protoplasmic, but consist very largely of passive intercellular substance. If, therefore, the physician is in a position lo normalise the supporting tissues of the
body. Nature will da the rest.

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It is difficult not to feel that the tendency of Still to discount or

minimise the importance of diet, and to ignore the chemical background of disease, has left a gap in his system of therapeutics which
other schools have had to fill. There is, however, much that may be
said in Still's defence in this regard. In the first place the age in which
he lived was predominantly a physical and mechanical age The science
of anatomy had already reached a considerable degree of development,
and physics and especially mechanics were rapidly going ahead and
were being given new applications every day; the chemical sciences on
the other hand were less well developed and bio-chemistry in particular
was in its infancy. Still was, in spite of his great gifts and insight a man
of the age in which he Lived, and his interests and talents lay more in
the direction of mechanics than of chemistry. He took the knowledge
which was to his hand and which was the glory of his age and applied
it to the human body in a way which was highly original and constructive. It is hard to ask more of one man. Secondly, it is perhaps not
fanciful to put forward the view that osteopathy, in the time and place
where it was first practised, was a far more complete system of
therapeutics even than it is tr>day. Still was a frontiersman living in a
Middle Western pioneering society. The bulk of the people among
whom he worked were not far removed from the soil and lived vigorous
lives, largely in the open air, and fed on food that might sometimes be
heavy and overabundant, but was at least simple, fresh, vital, uncontaminated and grown largely on virgin soil. I f such people could be
kept off drink and drugs and made to take elementary sanitary precautions they needed to have little fear of disease. I f they did become
diseased it was often solely because the structural integrity of their
bodies had become impaired, and even if this was not so they were in a
condition to respond readily to osteopathic treatment without much
assistance from other methods. In these days the situation has somewhat changed and much disease, especially in big cities, can be
attributed to lack of fresh air and exercise and the consumption of
devitalised and artificial food, as well as to the structural perversions to
which the bodies of civilised people are always prone.
The fact that osteopathy seems both in theory and in practice to fall
short of being a complete system of therapeutics has placed individual
osteopaths and the osteopathic schools and colleges in a position of
some difficulty and danger, and has led in recent years to the incorpo41
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ration in the osteopathic system of a good deal which cannot rightly or

logically be reconciled with i t Since Still first founded his school of
practice orthodox medicine has undergone great changes and adopted
many new theories and methods. The tendency of the osteopathic
profession has been to accept most of these ideas and methods without
examining them with sufficient care or considering whether they were
sound in principle and compatible with the basic principles of osteopathy.
It is quite true that it is possible to reconcile osteopathy with modern
medicine and surgery up to a certain point, and in recent years this has
been widely done or attempted in osteopathic schools and literature.
The germ theory of disease, cellular pathology, phagocytosis and
orthodox theories of immunity and diet have for the most part been
accepted without question. Osteopaths have been content to worship at
the shrines of Pasteur, Koch, Metchnikoff, Virchow and Ehrlich, often
without stopping to consider how slight is the scientific basis for many
of their theories and how slender the thread on which many of their
conclusions hang. The result is that many osteopaths resort to surgery
very readily and make use of serum and drug treatments to a considerable extent, especially for the prevention or cure of such conditions as
syphilis, typhoid fever, malaria, tetanus, diphtheria, skin affections of
various kinds and parasitic infestations. It may be admitted that in
some cases such treatments appear to have success or at least to give
the patient symptomatic relief for a longer or shorter period, but only
with great difficulty can they be reconciled with the basic principles of
osteopathy. Even those osteopaths who believe in the germ theory
should feel (hat the most important and desirable thing in treating any
disease condition is to arouse the forces of recovery, resistance and
immunity in the patient. It can only be justifiable to resort to drugs or
surgery when it is impossible to arouse such forces or i f it can
reasonably be shown that the drugs or surgery are aids to the natural
reaction of the body. On these grounds a very large part of modern
surgery and nearly all orthodox medication should be condemned. But
many osteopaths, if they genuinely believe in the principles laid down
by Still, must find great difficulty in accepting the germ theory of
disease at all, or at least in the form in which it is generally current
to-day. For though the theory can perhaps be reconciled with Still's
second principle (the unity of structure and function), it is very hard to
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reconcile it with his first (the natural self-sufficiency of the human

The tendency of organised osteopathy to compromise to some extent
with the theories and practices of orthodox medicine is in many ways
understandable and excusable, though i f it is persisted in to any great
extent it may well lead to the destruction or eclipse of genuine
osteopathy- Osteopaths have indeed found themselves in a most difficult dilemma. From a desire for individual and professional prestige
and in order to comply with legal requirements they have naturally
wished to be able to claim that they are complete and 'scientific
physicians, but they have found that osteopathy alone does not always
enable them to get the quickest, easiest and best results, and that both
in theory and practice there are some conditions in which it is
powerless to achieve ail that is required. It is not unnatural that they
have attempted to supplement their system and fill in its gaps with
practices and ideas drawn from orthodox sources. Orthodox medicine
has behind it the whole force of official and scientific opinion, entrenched in the universities, produces masses of learned literature and
is supported by powerful vested interests. It has sometimes been
difficult for osteopaths to perceive how much of orthodox medicine is
still incompatible with genuine osteopathy, or if they have perceived it
not lo feel that the basic principles of osteopathy are untenable, at Least
in part. They would, however, be wise to be very cautious in adopting
many of the practices and ideas of orthodox medicine, especially if they
conflict in any way with Still's basic principles. It cannot, of course, be
denied that much that is of permanent value has been done and thought
and discovered in medical circles in recent years, but there is much,
too, that is certainly unconstructive and can hardly fail to be
ephemeral, while from the scientific and philosophical points of view
orthodox medicine is in a state of confusion, by comparison with which
the shortcomings of osteopathy shrink into insignificance. For not only
has orthodox medicine so far concentrated nearly all its attention on
disease and diseases instead of on health, but the 'science' on which it
relies is much of it very poor science even when it is logically and
honestly applied Moreover, much that is incorporated in modern
medicine, though the fact may be hid from the laity by technical
language and scientific phraseology, has no scientific foundation of any
kind. In so far as there is a philosophy underlying the whole system it

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tends to be not only exclusively dualist but crudely mechanistic.

In so tar as osteopathy is not a complete system of therapeutics the
remedy lies mainly in other directions and, at the risk of being thought
cranks, osteopaths should be prepared to stretch out the hand of
friendship to the homoeopaths and to the various exponents of nature
cure and new health methods. It is from these schools of thought rather
than from orthodox medicine that the deficiencies of osteopathy should
be filled, because they are based on ideas and principles which are
similar to, or in accord with, those of osteopathy. By following such a
policy osteopaths will find that their efforts will be crowned with
greater success and that their science will develop, though it may take
a longer time before they obtain official recognition. There is indeed
every reason lo think that if osteopaths will be content to stick to their
principles for a few more years they will find themselves on the crest of
the wave. Viewed in its proper perspective osteopathy will perhaps be
seen to be but apart of a great revolution in the attitude of western man
towards the body and its problems and in the methods employed to
promote health and to prevent and treat disease. This revolution has
already progressed further than is generally realised both in Western
Europe and in North America, but in common with other great changes
in human ideas and behaviour it has been in its initial stages based on
intuition rather than on pure reason. The theory and the science of the
revolution have in fact lagged behind the practice. There are, however,
signs that a change is coming in religious, scientific and philosophical
thought which will profoundly modify our ideas about the human body
and which will either transform or destroy our medical profession.

It is of particular interest to note in this connection that the germ theory

of disease as originally promulgated by Pasteur and his disciples is
being seriously questioned, and that there is a revival of interest in the
very different ideas and theories of his contemporary and compatriot
Bechamp.'It would appear that the work of McDonagh*, Dr. Young,
Mme Henri, Dr. Bach and other modem investigators points in a
similar direction. I f it should finally be found, as seems not unlikely,
that micro-organisms are scavengers rather than parasites and the
results or accompaniments rather than the cause of disease, it would
explain much that is now obscure and would be a striking corollary and
vindication of the principles of Still.
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Whatever may be the future of medicine, the relations of osteopathy

and surgery should be close and friendly, for the two are brothers, both
sprung from the union of manual dexterity and anatomical knowledge.
The wonderful advances which have been made in the technique of
surgery should not, however, blind us to the fact that it is resorted to
much too readily and that it has strayed far outside its Legitimate
province. As osteopathy and other natural methods of healing become
more widely known, better developed and better understood, the
need for surgery and its popularity will greatly diminish. It will be seen
that its main functions are the repair of injuries and the correction, so
far as this is possible, of congenital abnormalities. The wholesale
removal of the organs of the body and the constant interference with
febrile processes which are now in fashion will be recognised as being
unnecessary and undesirable. On the other hand, in cases where
operation is really necessary osteopathy will prove of great value in
pre-operative and post-operative care, as it already does in the osteopathic hospitals in the United Slates,

'See Bechamp or Pasteur? E, Douglas Ltutne (Daniel).

Sec Nature of Disease by J. R R. McDcnagh- Also articles on tbe 'Germ Theory of
Disease" by Dr, Bfddow Bayly in the Medical World. June I5tfi and 22nd. lv2B



I must begin with a word of explanation. When the first number of our
Institute Year Book was published in 1956, there was included in it a
short article by me about the Mackinnon technique, in which I tried to
say in the simplest possible way how this technique is carried out. I
promised that I would try at a later date to amplify what I said in that
article and to discuss in a general way my theory and practice with
regard to sacro-iliacs* This paper is an attempt to redeem that promise.
I present what 1 have to say today with some trepidation and with all
modesty because it has been borne in on me during the years, and
particularly since I have been attending the meetings of this Institute
that my theories and my practice about the sacroiliacs differ very
considerably from those which are generally accepted and used in the
profession, so much so that 1 myself find them very hard to reconcile
with what is said and written and done by persons for whom 1 have the
greatest respect and whom I regard as being in a general way more
knowledgeable and better practitioners than myself 1 hope very much
that what I say today and the discussion which may follow it will serve
to throw some light on the whole problem, add something to our
understanding of it and perhaps show that our different approaches and
points of view are not in fact as irreconcilable as they might at first
appear to be. That they do appear at first sight to be irreconcilable was
brought home to me in an interesting and amusing way. One of our
eminent colleagues, whose name I wilt not mention, was asked to allow
one of his lectures to be printed in our 1957 Year Book. He finally
refused to do so be cause he considered that it would lower his prestige
to be a contributor to so undesirable a publication, and one of the
reasons which he gave for his disapproval was that Mr. Jackson and
myself had produced articles which were so irreconcilable that we
could not both of us be right and that at least one of us must be talking
nonsense and misleading those searching in our pages for knowledge
and enlightenment. On the other hand, 1 have received thanks and
commendation for my descriptions of the Mackinnon technique from
places as far distant from each other as Hawaii, Chicago, Paris,
England and Scotland, so I feel that my little article may not have been
without some practical value to some people. The fact of the matter is
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(hat J believe that J have developed a method of sacro-iliac management which is of real value in a field in which there is a lot of
confusion and a lot of unsatisfactory practice both here and in America.
I suppose that we all tend to see the failures of our colleagues and 1 am
very certain that 1 have more failures than 1 like, but 1 also know thai
the methods which I employ based on my ideas about (he sacro-iliacs
have enabled me to give relief in a rather spectacular way in cases in
which others, whom 1 genuinely respect, have failed. My theory and
practice is based on what was taught me years ago by the late Mr,
Daniel Mackinnon with whom I worked for a time in Canada, with
certain additions and modifications of my own. Mackinnon, I may add.
was not himself trained in one of the recognised osteopathic colleges
and was indeed inclined to be somewhat contemptuous of them, largely
because he saw so many cases in which the osteopathy of the osteopaths
had failed, particularly in the field of the low back. I have given the
title of'Sacro-iliac Propositions to this paper because I believe that the
best way I can explain to you what 1 think and do is to put forward
certain propositions or postulates and then develop them and discuss

That the sacroiliacs are unique in importance
It may be possible but it is not easy to exaggerate the importance of
these joints from an osteopathic point of view. It is on the proper
positioning and functioning of the two sacro-iliacs that the integrity of
the pelvic girdle really depends, and the influence which they exert on
the mechanics of the body as a whole is very profound. When there is
something wrong with the sacro-iliacs the body is being disturbed both
mechanically and n euro logically, especially in the erect posture and
during locomotion though in some cases there is good compensation to
this disturbance and in some cases there is not. In practice it appears
that the correction of the sacro-iliacs is a sort of key which, as it were,
unlocks things both above and below. It is hardly necessary for me to
enlarge here on the mechanical results of sacro-iliac Lesions except to
say that they arise mainly from the effects, which they produce, on the
relative length of the two extremities and to the sacral foundation of Ihe
spinal column. I woul, however, like to emphasise that the ill effects of

sacroiliac lesions cannot, I believe, be explained solely on mechanical

grounds. There is evidence that they produce a very special and vicious
type of nerve irritation which may manifest itself in a number of very
different ways in accordance with the particular weaknesses and
propensities of the patient. I am aware that there are many sacro-iliac
lesions, which are in a sense secondary in that they are caused or
maintained by other lesions, but even in these cases I usually commence operations by correcting the sacro-iliacs because it makes the
correction of other lesions easier. However, in many of these cases the
maintenance of the sacro-iliac corrections is a difficult matter until the
primary or predisposing lesions have been dealt with effectively. In
particular there is a defmite reciprocal action as between the sacro-iliac
and both the 5th lumbar and the 3rd lumbar.

That the sacro-iiiacs are unique in their character and function
It is something of a commonplace that the sacro-iliacs are unusual both
anatomically and physiologically by comparison with other joints in the
body. The only other joint which is in some ways similar is, perhaps,
the acromioclavicular joint. For a long time it was believed by
anatomists that the sacro-iliac joint did not move and I have heard it
stated, on the basis of post mortem studies, that a large proportion of
sacroiliac joints in persons of both sexes become fused and immovable
after a certain age; a thing which, I confess, I find difficult to believe.
It does, however, appear that these joints are peculiar in not having
muscles to move and support them in the usual way, and depend for
their strength and integrity on powerful ligaments. As to the function
of the sacroiliacs there has, I feel, been more controversy than
enlightenment I hope that you will all read the very interesting paper
by our colleague, Mr. Wardell, on the subject of pelvic mechanics
which is being published in the O.A.G.B. proceedings. I have derived
comfort from the fact that this paper appears to confirm the kind of
view which I have long held about the function and normal behaviour
of the sacroiliac joint. I believe it to be a shock-absorber rather than a
joint in the usually accepted sense of the term and its action is or
should be a rocking within the very limited range which the "L" shaped
configuration of the joint, and the pull under load of the very powerful

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ligaments, allow. Moreover, the ligaments are so arranged, according

to Mr. Wardell, that the greater the force which the joint has to sustain
in the normal course of events, the greater will be its firmness and the
less its ability to move. On the basis of this 1 would like to put forward
three suggestions for your thought and consideration. First, that the
old anatomists were perhaps only partly wrong in maintaining that the
sacro-iliacs do not or should not move, though I feel that they should be
nice and juicy and so able to rock and roll satisfactorily and to fulfil
their function as shock-absorbers. Secondly, when a sacro-iliac lesion
occurs it is rather different from other lesions. It is not so much a
fixation or restriction within the normal range of motion as a genuine
subluxation in which the joint surfaces have gene outside their normal
place or range. Thirdly, in order to meet the rather different objects
which we are seeking to achieve we should seek to devise techniques of
correction somewhat different from those which we usually employ.
We do not so much want to free up the joint or increase its mobility in
any direction as to adjust it and stabilise it; we want, in fact, to see that
the " L" shaped articular surfaces on the ilia and the sacrum are
correctly and firmly tucked into each other. What is required is
accuracy, not force. I am astonished and often distressed at the force
which 1 see being applied to sacro-iliac joints. I believe that this is both
unnecessary and undesirable. Though there may be a very few
exceptional cases in which force is required, I do not believe that it is
generally in the least necessary. This is a joint in which there is not a
lot of muscle guarding to be overcome, and when the patient is lying
down so that the ligaments are not being put on tension, there is no
reason why much force should be necessary. I would suggest that in
most, i f not in all, cases in which the joint will not move easily it is
because it has got to the stage of being actually or partially fused by
arthritis, and in such cases it may not be possible or advisable to move
it.. The use of powerful techniques on the sacro-iliac may move the
joint all right, but 1 know from experience that it very often does not
adjust it correctly, and it can hardly have a good effect on the ligaments
on which the future stability of the joint must largely depend. What we
need is not so much powerful leverages as a method which will ensure
accurate adjustment with the minimum of force and the minimum of
irritation or injury lo ligaments. Sacro-iliacs need to be coaxed and
managed and not to be banged about hither and thither.


For practical purposes the number of
sacro-iliac lesions can be reduced to two
If I am asked how many sacro-iliac lesions there are, 1 am tempted to
reply in the words of the Church Catechism," Two only as generally
necessary to salvation.* I am prepared to concede that there may
theoretically be subdivisions of the two kinds, depending, probably, on
which of the arms of the joint surface is principally involved- It is of
course possible to have twists and tilts of the sacrum in addition to
lesions of one or both of the two ilia on the sacrum. 1 believe, however,
that these are generally best dealt with by first adjusting the sacro-iliacs
and then following up by dealing with the lumbo-sacral joint. Also
Mackinnon, and others, have spoken of certain other rare lesions which
are sometimes found and one of which Mackinnon believed to be
associated with inguinal hernia. 1 believe that these atypical lesions are
sometimes found and my experience leads me to think that the most
important of them is a condition in which one or both of the ilia are
pushed forward or back on the sacrum without there being any rotation
or any change in the length of the extremity. However, in the great
majority of cases we have to deal with one of the two lesions which 1
like to call "short-leg lesion" and "long-leg lesion". I prefer to use
these simple terms to get away from the confusion which appears to
have arisen from differences and changes in nomenclature. I believe
that 1 am right in saying that the short-leg lesion (which raises the
acetabulum) has also been called "posterior" and "up-anterior," The
long-leg lesion (which lowers the acetabulum) has been called
anterior" and *up-posterior". Mackinnon called the short leg lesion
"anterior-inferior" because he believed, rightly or wrongly, that it
caused the posterior superior spine of the ilium to move in a downward
and forward direction. The long-leg lesion he called "posteriorsuperior" because he believed that it caused the posterior superior spine
to move upwards and towards the spine. 1 do not want to argue about


these nomenclatures and the points which arise from them. 1 believe,
however, that it will be generally conceded that there is one typical
Lesion which shortens the leg and another which lengthens it. According to Mackinnon's theory, and I agree with him, it is possible to have
any combination of these lesions as between the two sides; that is to say
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you can have a lesion of either kind on one side only, you can have a
short-leg Lesion on one side and a long-leg Lesion on the other, or you
can have the same lesion on both sides, in the same or different
amounts or degrees. In some of the cases in which both sides are
involved it could he argued that the Lesion is one of the sacrum, but
though this may be so, it does not appear to make much practical
difference because i f both ilia can he correctly positioned on the
sacrum, it amounts to the same thing as positioning the sacrum
correctly between the ilia, 1 will add that in my experience J have
found the short leg lesion to be enormously more common than the
long leg lesion, although in some cases the pain and symptoms are
referred to the opposite side, thus giving to the unwary the impression
that there is a long Leg Lesion on that other side.
This is perhaps the moment at which I should say something about the
real, primary or anatomical short leg. In spite of all the evidence to the
contrary I find it impossible to believe that such short Legs of significant amount exist in such enormous numbers as it is now the fashion to
maintain. I have seen so many cases in which real short legs have been
diagnosed by most competent osteopaths and yet have seemed to
disappear when the pelvis has been dealt with by the methods which 1
believe to be right. 1 suspect that, in some cases at least, even the
carefully taken standing X-ray can be misleading, I do not of course
deny that real short legs do exist and, when they do, 1 am not opposed
to the use of heel lifts of suitable amounts. There is, however, one point
which I should like to emphasise. Even i f one is convinced that there
is a real discrepancy in the two extremities, it does not excuse one from
making an accurate adjustment of both sacro-iliacs. They should be
corrected and maintained in correcion even in the presence of a short
leg and whether or not a heel lift is used; indeed one of the most
important functions which a heel lift can perform is to assist in the
maintenance of a normal condition of the sacro-iliacs. 1 would also
make a plea for the very careful correction of the sacro-iliacs immediately before a standing X-ray is taken for diagnostic purposes, because
1 believe, though I cannot actually prove it, that the presence of
sacro-iliac lesions can be a source of error in such X-rays.

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The sacro-iliacs should be diagnosed and treated on a
positional rather than a functional basis
The important thing in dealing with sacro-iliacs is to make sure that
positioning is right on both sides. Fundamentally a pelvis is either
right or wrong, and the smallest possible wrongness can give symptoms, often of a very serious nature, especially when the pelvis is one
which has been in trouble before, i have known many instances of
cases which have been treated with success and have remained symptom free for a long period, until some incident occurred which produced a slight sacro-iliac lesion. In a very short time the whole of the
old symptom picture began to reappear, even though the amount or
severity of the lesion was apparently very small and was certainly much
less than it was in the old days. In the course of treatment of an acute
case, too, one can have the most violent and discouraging relapse,
which is simply due to a slight recurrence of the sacro-iliac trouble, and
which can be aborted by a speedy correction. 1 learnt when I was
working with Mackinnon that I must never speak of a sacroiliac as
being "a little better" or "not so bad as last time" or *pretty good now".
He was only interested in knowing whether it was right or wrong and
to suggest that there were degrees of lightness and wrongness was to
arouse him to the same sort of fury which I have seen exhibited by Mr.
Wernham when someone suggested to him that something was not an
osteopathic case. I would here say that a great deal of the difficulty
which is experienced with sacro-iliacs is due to the failure to look
carefully enough at the sacro-iliac on the opposite side to the one which
is clearly the worst and most important of the two in the particular
case. Frequently there is a small lesion on the other side which must be
corrected too i f the integrity of the pelvic ring is to be restored and

I will now make a point which I fear will get me into serious trouble,
but I must make it in the interests of what I believe to be true. The
testing of sacro-iliacs on the basis of their moveability and function is
an operation which, in my opinion, is Largely futile. When I have been
associated with clinics 1 havefrequentlyseen in the diagnostic notes on
the case sheets such phrases as "sacro-iliacs rigid ' or "sacro-iliacs
fixed" or " sacro-iliacs locked". Frankly I do not quite know what this

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means. I do not beiieve it is possible for sacroiliacs to be too rigid to

perform their functions provided that they are in proper position and
not actually fused. 1 agree that all human tissues should have a certain
resilience and juiciness about them and presumably one can have a
fibrotic condition about or in a sacro-iliac joint which interferes with its
functioning. 1 do in fact sometimes give a gentle springing to the joints
which appears to be pleasing to the patient and to add to the comfort of
the part but in a general way I believe that the function of a sacro-iliac
joint will be restored i f both sides are properly corrected and maintained in correction, because the ordinary movements and locomotions
of the patient will then tend to restore the proper functioning if this has
been lost. With regard to the so-called "functional tests" of Downing,
I find it difficult to speak, 1 do not believe that these evolutions do or
possibly could move the sacro-iliac joints, and i f they did do so we
should be in even greater trouble with sacro-iliacs than we are at
present. So certain am I of this that 1 would be confident of being able
to convince anyone of the truth of it if he would allow me lo work with
him on a sufficient number of cases for me to demonstrate the point. 1
do not myself use these tests at all, but that does not necessarily mean
that they have no diagnostic value in the hands of those who use them
habitually with apparent benefit to themselves and their patients. I
believe that what these tests do is to assist in the evaluation of the
condition of the Lumbar musculature and of the rotators of the hip,
which, in its turn, may have a relationship to the presence or absence
of a sacro-iliac lest on, though 1 myself do not pretend to know what
this relationship is.

Maintenance rather than correction is the difficult
problem in Sacro-iliac management
1 have tried to indicate that, although the correction of sacro-iliacs
requires skill and accuracy it does not require the use of force except
possibly in a few exceptional cases. The maintenance of corrections
does however present very great difficulties in a large number of cases.
There is very little doubt that the sacro-iliac joints, at least in our
modern society, are highly vulnerable. When a patient comes in for the
first time it is the exception rather than the rule to find the sacro-iliacs
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in perfect position. 1 believe that a number of factors contribute to this

special vulnerability. These joints depend for their stability almost
entirely on their ligaments and I believe that even when ligaments have
not been actually torn or damaged they may be deficient in pliability
and strength. According to the anatomists one must not speak of
ligaments losing their elasticity because most of them are composed not
of yellow elastic tissue but of white fibrous tissue which is regarded as
inexiensible and must therefore either hold or tear when subjected to
undue force. However this may be. It does appear that many people,
owing I would suggest to poor nutrition or poor body chemistry, have
ligaments which are not in a condition to do their work property. Yet,
on the other hand, even in cases in which there have been old standing
lesions of the sacro-iliacs, if these lesions are corrected and maintained
in correction the ligaments will tend in time to recover their tone,
though they may need to be helped to do so by constitutional treatment
and by such expedients as the sitz-bath. Another factor in instability
may be developmental abnormalities which are probably common in
cases in which the lesioning dates from the growing years. For other
causes of instability we must look outside the joints themselves. Both
practical experience and mechanical research point to the conclusion
that other lesions in the spine and in the lower extremities tend to
produce or maintain sacro-iliac lesions. These lesions elsewhere,
whether in any particular case we regard them as primary or secondary,
should he corrected in order to take abnormal stress off the sacro-iliacs.
1 would particularly emphasise the importance of the 5th and 3rd
lumbars in this connection but it is desirable lo do all that one can to
improve the mechanics and flexibility of the whole spine and especially
of the lumbars. It is obvious that i f the lumbars are very stiff many
movements and efforts will throw a strain on the sacro-iliacs which
they are not intended to bear and they will be, as it were, levered out of
1 have now come to the end of my "Propositions," but 1 would like to
conclude by making some observations of a general character. In my
attempts to cope with the sacro-iliacs which come my way, i use almost
entirely the Mackinnon techniques. This is not by any means because
1 consider these to be the only techniques which are of value, or even
because, being now a comparatively old dog, I find it hard to learn new
tricks, but because 1 have found them almost ideal for the purposes I
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want to achieve. They are gentle lo the point of being absolutely

non-traumatic, they can usually be applied without difficulty to people
in intense pain, to women far advanced in pregnancy and to recalcitrant children, they do not ever appear to lead to over-correction and
yet i f they are properly applied they can be relied on to correct
perfectly. The fact that they are thus fool-proof is of importance
because in cases of difficulty and doubt in diagnosis one can apply the
techniques to both sides and be tolerably sure that one has done what is
required so far as the sacro-iliacs themselves are concerned. Often in
very acute cases I do very little on the first visit except to adjust the
sacro-iliacs and the change that this brings about in a very short time is
often quite astonishing, relieving pain and spasm and enabling much
more to be done on the next visit. The technique for the correction of
the short-teg lesion is the one which 1 like the best and I do not feel that
1 could want anything better. The technique for the long-leg lesion is
perhaps a little less perfect because it cannot be easily performed
without putting the patient in the prone position, a thing which is
sometimes difficult or undesirable.
1 am quite prepared today or at other times to try to demonstrate the
Mackinnon technique to anyone who is interested. I have, however, no
exaggerated hopes that such demonstration will achieve very much. 1
would not undertake to teach the techniques or the theories, connected
with them in a satisfactory way unless the person or persons seeking to
learn them would take the trouble to follow me round for a time, sec
what 1 am trying to do and why, and observe the clinical results which
follow. I have not so tar had very good luck in trying to teach the
techniques and the way to use them to other osteopaths. I have found
that they approach the matter with so many preconceived ideas that 1
have difficulty in making things clear lo them and very few will
exercise enough patience or give enough time to get the feel of the
technique so that they can perform them with efficiency and accuracy.
Neither the diagnosis nor the treatment is really difficult in most cases,
but both require a considerable amount of practice before a reasonable
degree of certainty and accuracy can be obtained. Strangely enough I
have had more success in teaching laymen to perform the techniques by
a sort of rule of thumb method and, though some might consider it
unethical or against our trade union regulations, I have done it in some
cases so as to enable patients at a distance who are prone to low back
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trouble to be given at least temporary relief by members of their

In the realm of theory Mackinnon had a number of interesting ideas
about the relationship of different sacro-iliac lesions to the kind of
scoliotic tensions and curves which develop in the spinal column, and
also about the relationship of particular lesions to certain symptoms
and clinical entities Some of this is beyond me and in any case 1 will
not attempt today to go into it in detail, but there are one or two points
I would like to mention. Mackinnon believed, and E have found it on
the whole to be true, that right sacro-iliac lesions tend to be associated
with disturbances of the bowels and the digestive system generally, and
also of the respiratory mechanism. 1 have, for instance, known of cases
of asthma which could be relieved by doing nothing more than adjust a
right sacro-iliac though I am not suggesting that this is the only thing
which one should do in such cases. Lesions of the left sacro-iliac on
the other hand are more likely to be associated with disturbances of the
genito-urinary, endocinc and cardio-vascular systems, such as dysmenorrhea, bladder irritability, migraine and various circulatory troubles. I
have found the knowledge of these tendencies to be useful in a practical
way. One particular point which occurs to me is that Mackinnon
claimed that he could relieve most cases of vomiting of pregnancy by
attention to the right sacro-iliac.
I feel that I have now said enough and like Wellington's soldiers of old
1 will form square and prepare to receive cavalry.



This Institute is rightly dedicated mainly to the study of practical

problems and to the perfection and discussion of technique, but 1 think
that it is sometimes essential for all of us to think fresh about the basic
principles of Osteopathy and about its relationship to other branches of
knowledge and to the fundamental problems of therapeutics. I f we do
not do this we shall stagnate and decline and our education and politics
will tend to go wrong because we do not know what we stand for or
where we are trying to go. I f a profession or a science is to remain
healthy and to develop it must be based on principles and tradition, but
it must also always be seeking to bring itself up to date and to reconcile
itself and correlate itself to genuine advances in knowledge in other
fields and especially in those fields which are closely related to it.
It has always been stated that Osteopathy is based on two fundamental
principles. The first of these is the belief in the natural self-sufficiency
and tendency towards health and perfection of the human body, call it
the vis medicatrix naturm or what you will; the other is the unity or
correlation of structure and function, by which we mean that health and
disease are conditioned by the mechano-structural state of the body.
Osteopathy is based on the practical application of these two ideas and
the second of them represents its unique and essential contribution to
If we look at the history of therapeutics through the ages we see that
ideas of disease causation and of treatment have varied very much from
time to time, but if we disregard for the moment the forms of treatment
which have sought to effect their influence by mental or spiritual forces
or techniques and those which appear to be merely superstitious, we see
that there have been two main approaches to the problem of disease
and its treatment, namely the physical and the chemical. Sometimes
chemical medicine has been more fashionable and sometimes physical,
but in one form or another there has always been a certain amount of
both, and 1 think that there always will be.
If we look at Osteopathy in its historical setting we see that it was not
only a very revolutionary idea and method in itself but that it also
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represented a revolt against the very definitely chemical phase in

medical thought and practice which was a feature of the time in which
Dr. Still lived. It is clear that this revolt was very necessary because
physical medicine had at that time fallen into sad neglect and in fact
was almost non-existent except in the form of surgery. However, I feel
that it can be argued that Dr. Still in his great enthusiasm for the
particular form of physical medicine which he elaborated and used and
advocated went a little too far in his revolt or at least gave it a form or
background which has led to some difficulties for later generations of
osteopaths. l a m far from wishing to make less of Dr. Still in anyway,
but 1 think that we must try to look at him objectively and in his
historical setting. He was a particular kind of man Jiving in a
particular age and a particular environment. He was led to revolt
against the medicine of his day which was not only tar too chemical in
its approach but was also an extremely crude and unsatisfactory form of
chemical medicine. He also had a superlatively good idea and method
of his own which he had to put over and which seemed in the
circumstances of his time and place to provide an answer which was
virtually complete to the problem of disease. He was thus led to make
an indiscriminate condemnation of chemical medicine and to claim
that Osteopathy, with the aid of a Little surgery, which is really another
form of physical medicine, is a complete system of therapeutics. My
feeling is that the immediate practical results which followed from Dr.
Still's ideas were on the whole very good. To achieve anything
worth-while and effective it is generally necessary to concentrate both
in thought and action and i f Dr. Still had not been so much in revolt
against orthodox medicine as he saw it, and so profoundly convinced of
the importance and completeness of his new concept and method of
treatment, it is doubtful i f he would have been able to achieve what he
did achieve in founding a distinct school of therapeutics and inspiring
others fully to explore the possibilities of his ideas and methods. Yet it
is, 1 feel, by no means certain that all the long-term results of Dr. Still's
ideas have been entirely happy. His uncompromising condemnation of
everything in therapeutics except osteopathy and in particular of all
forms of medicine with a chemical approach and his insistence that
osteopathy is a complete system of therapeutics have both led his
followers into rather serious difficulties, and I think that these difficulties are increasing rather than diminishing with time, even though the
advance of knowledge, i f rightly understood and interpreted, is bound
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to vindicate Osteopathy in its essentials. It would perhaps have been

better if Dr. Still instead of condemning all forms of chemical medicine
had taught us to distinguish good chemical medicine from bad, and if
instead of calling osteopathy a complete system in itself he had
indicated what other forms of therapy can be made to work with
Osteopathy and what forms are antagonistic to it.
I would like to spend a little time in considering some of the different
interpretations of osteopathic theory which have been put forward from
time to time by the intellectuals and educationists of the osteopathic
movement and which have formed the basis of teaching in the osteopathic schools. While I find them all interesting and worthy of
respectful attention I will confess to you from the start that none of
them seems to me entirely satisfying, so that I shall end my talk by
trying to suggest a rather different approach which seems to me more
sound, and useful for the future i f we are to preserve what is essential
in osteopathy and at the same time correlate it to other methods of
treatment and to genuine advances which have been made or will be
made in our knowledge of the different sciences related to medicine.
If we read Dr. Still's own works the two things which emerge very
clearly are that he looked on osteopathy as a drugless system of healing
and as one which was complete in itself and did not need anything to
supplement it or assist it. His background and education led him to
express his ideas very largely in theological terms and his idea was that
the human body was potentially a perfect machine designed by God
who was the perfect architect or mechanic. When it went wrong or did
not function properly it was because the machine was out of order and
what was necessary to get it working properly was lo put the mechanism right. This could be done in a normal way by osteopathic
techniques except in some cases where damage was too gross or had
gone too far, when you would call in the help of surgery to restore as far
as possible the structural and mechanical integrity which had been lost.
You did not really need to worry about body chemistry because the
body was a perfect laboratory which would produce all the chemicals of
which it had need and take them to the proper places provided that the
mechanism was in proper working order. Even acute, feverish and
infectious conditions were to be dealt with by osteopathic means
because in this way the necessary forces and chemicals could be
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liberated to bring about their cure. Indeed, he seems to have regarded

many such conditions as simply due to a disturbance of blood and
lymph distribution and of temperature regulation resulting from mechanical and structural causes.
Unless 1 have misrepresented Dr Still, this is Osteopathy in its pure and
original form and I would like to analyse and criticise it. There is, 1
think, an enormous amount to be said in favour of this simple and
direct way of putting things, and within its limits I believe it to be
sound and scientific I f we believe that it is possible to have a Science of
Medicine at all we must believe that it is possible to discover the Laws
by which health and disease are governed or conditioned. Dr. Still has
put his finger on what is perhaps the most important single factor by
which bodily health is governed and conditioned in the ordinary
circumstances of life. It is practically impossible to name any pathological condition to which this factor does not have a relationship. It is
through the body structure and mechanism that man responds to the
stimuli with which he is bombarded and when the mechanism goes
wrong you do not get the proper response, and you get the beginning of
pathology which is perverted physiology Moreover we all know that
from the practical point of view it is undesirable to be a mixer.
Osteopathy is a very big thing and to learn to understand and apply it
to the best advantage is about as much as anyone can undertake in a
lifetime. As soon as we begin to think of our cases in other than
osteopathic terms we are apt to miss the osteopathic point of them and
so fall short in osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of them. If we are
honest with ourselves we know that when we fail it is very often not
osteopathy which has failed but ourselves or our patients who have
foiled, for of course some of our failures are due to the patients who
cannot be persuaded to listen to what we tell them or to lake the
treatment which is necessary, however wisely we may approach them.

Yet when all is said and done I find that I cannot quite accept
Osteopathy in the simple form in which it was enunciated by Dr. Still.
In the first place 1 do not think that it can ever be right to seek to
eliminate chemical medicine altogether, even though we may feel that
a great deal of what goes under the name of chemical medicine is
extremely bad, as it certainly was then and, in my opinion, still is
today. We can hardly escape from the conclusion that great cjvilisa60
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lions have been founded on sound systems of agriculture and have

tended to decay when their agriculture has gone wrong. Work has been
done which shows that the health of peoples, primitive and civilised, is
very much conditioned by their living habits and the type of food they
cat. From the earliest times it has been believed that certain foods and
certain plants have certain properties and supply specific needs in
different pathological states. This is too big a subject to be ignored or
played down as Dr. Still seems to have done. To me i t appears-that'
there is something which can be called the chemical integrity of the
body which is fundamentally as important as structural and mechanical
integrity, even though Still was quite right in pointing out that the
biochemical functioning of the body is profoundly influenced by its
structural and mechanical state. In fact, we must admit we have here
two factors which react on each other and that i f structure reacts on
biochemistry it is also true that biochemistry reacts on structure. 1 am
convinced that a lot of the osteopathic trouble we fmd in our patients
and the structural weakness of civilised men are due to their bad
biochemical state.
[ think that the criticism of Dr. Still can be carried a little further. The
science of medicine or therapeutics is concerned with the health of the
physical body, and quite rightly so, but human beings are something
more than physical and chemical mechanisms. Our bodily health does
undoubtedly depend on maintaining certain physical and chemical
integrities or normalities, but this is not the whole picture. Human
beings are complex entities and their physical bodies are reacted upon
not only by environmental factors which we can to some extent
evaluate, but also by psychological and spiritual forces which we know
to exist, though our understanding of them may be very imperfect}
Here again there is a two way action because i f it is true that menial;
and psychological health is powerfully influenced by a person's physical condition it is also true that physical health is influenced by
psychological and spiritual states. I f therefore we want to have a
complete system of therapeutics we must take this into consideration. I
doubt very much whether Dr. Still was sufficiently aware of this and, i f
he was, he said very Little about it, though doubtless he was a good:
enough physician to make use of a certain amount of simple psychoid
ogy in treating his patients, as indeed all good physicians have done
since the beginning of lime.

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Perhaps we can sum up by saying thai Dr. Still is the greatest and most
Rind amenta J of the exponents of an Unitary concept of disease and
treatment. There have been others who have had Unitary concepts,
some of which are so narrow as to be ridiculous, but many of which
have a very great deal lo be said for them, because, i f they do not
embody the whole truth, they do embody some important aspect of it,
and they enable techniques to be developed which are extremely useful
in getting rid of disease. A l l these unitary concepts which are worth
anything at ali start from the principle that disease is an abnormal state
and health the natural heritage of man and that the problem of
therapeutics is to liberate the natural healing forces of the body or to
remove the obstructions to their operation, and they go on to lay down
some method of approach to the treatment of disease which is of
universal application because it is based on some fundamental law or
principle. The trouble with all these unitary concepts is that their
exponents are apt to claim that they are the whole truth when really
Ihey are only part of it or one aspect of it. In tact 1 believe that nearly
all well established diseases or pathological states are vicious circles
which even i f they originally had one simple cause are often maintained by other factors or bring in their train secondary effects which
may be of the greatest importance from a practical point of view. Thus
in the vast majority of disease conditions of any importance or long
standing there is an osteopathic (i.e., mechano-structural) angle, a
chemical angle and a psychological angle. They are thus vicious
circles in which at least three things arc involved. In some cases it may
be enough to break the circle at one point, but in others it may be
essential, or anyway advisable and quicker, to break it at more than one
point. The art of the physician is to know at which point or points it is
most essential to break the circle, because in some cases one point is of
primary importance and in some cases another. Now in nearly all
cases the osteopathic approach can and should be made and in many
cases if this is done properly Nature will do the rest, but in some cases
to get the quickest and best results we may need to make an approach
from other directions as well. I think we should realise this and look
upon osteopathy not as a complete system in itself but as a basis from
which to work. Other techniques and approaches provided that they
are constructive and not destructive are to be welcomed and are to be
regarded as complementary and not antagonistic to osteopathy. The
thing is that, thanks largely to Dr. Still, physical medicine has ad62

vanced a good deal farther than either chemical medicine or psychological medicine. We do know quite a lot about how to restore normal
anatomy and normal physiology through our osteopathic procedures,
but the restoration of normal body chemistry and normal psychology is
far less well understood. 1 do believe, however, that there are already
in existence constructive techniques in the realms of chemical and
psychological medicine and that the outlines of the fundamental principles which govern these departments of knowledge are beginning to
appear. Such techniques and such principles are not antagonistic to
osteopathy but are complementary to it as they are all helpful in
liberating the vis medocatrix natures.
At this point I must digress very briefly to discuss the relationship of
so-called "Orthodox Medicine" to these ideas. All unitary concepts of
disease and treatment, whether they come from Dr. Still and the
osteopaths, Dr. Hahnemann and the homceopaths, Dr. Lindlahr and the
naturopaths, J. E. R. McDonagh, William Koch, Mary Baker Eddy or
anyone else, are anathema to the medical profession. I f this attitude
was based on profound critical thought and was accompanied by an
attempt to find something better, good rather than harm might come of
it, but the fact seems to be that the medical profession has not yet
seriously begun to face up to the problem of disease at all, or to try to
discover the fundamental laws or principles by which health is governed or which should underlie treatment. The tendency is to look
upon every disease as a separate and unrelated entity for which some
specific treatment must be administered and most of the treatments,
though they may appear to be scientific, are in fact empirical because
they are not related to any law or principle. Whether they do the
patient good or harm in the Long run is largely a matter of chance. The
nearest thing which orthodox medicine has to a baste principle is a
belief that a large proportion of disease is parasitic in character and
origin. Even i f this was true, which I do not believe it is, the
knowledge that it was so would not be very helpful or get us very much
farther, because parasitism is not so much a principle as a phenomenon
and in so far as it exists the interesting and important thing to know
about it is its cause and meaning and the part which it is playing in the
general scheme of things. By all means let us admit that osteopathy
may not be the whole answer to the problem of disease, but let us be
very cautious in looking for further enlightenment among people who

have not seriously faced up to the problem at all, and in many cases are
even proud of the fact that they have not, and condemn as "cultists" all
have tried to so.
But to return to the history of osteopathic theory, we must now consider
the ideas of some of the immediate followers of Dr. Still- Dr. Still left
his disciples with the two ideas that osteopathy was a drugless system
of healing and that it was a complete system; he also left them with the
problem of putting osteopathy into academic form and reconciling it
with a growing body of scientific and pseudo-scientific knowledge and
with discoveries of one kind or another connected with medicine.
Without going into too great detail 1 want to draw your attention
especially to the ideas of Dr. G. D. Hulett and Dr. J. M . Littlejohn
because I think they are particularly interesting and important.
Dr. G. D. Hulett's book on the Principles of Osteopathy is not, I think,
read as much as it should be. It strikes me as an exceedingly scholarly
and thoughtful work and far better than many others which are much
better known. The thing which particularly interests me about it is that
it comes nearer than any other work to giving an intelligent and
convincing defence of osteopathy as a complete system of therapy. If I
rightly understand Dr. Hulett "s argument it is that the human body is
naturally self adjusting to any sort of stimulus which is applied to it.
Moreover pathology or disease, though it may manifest itself in a cell
or group of cells cannot really originate there.
The cell is a self-regulating entity which will remain healthy and
function properly provided that its blood and nerve supplies are
functioning properly both quantitatively and qualitatively. However,
the framework and supporting tissues of the body are something of an
exception to the general self-regulating tendency of the body, although
they do have it to a certain degree. There are various reasons for this;
Ihe variety of man's occupations and the variety of the uses to which he
puts his body especially in a highly civilised and specialised society put
a special strain and stress on Ihe body framework, man may not be
adjusted as perfectly as he might be to the erect posture either anatomically or physiologically, and (Hulett makes a special point of this) the
supporting tissues of the body, bone, cartilage, ligament, etc., are less
purely cellular than the other tissues of the body and contain a large
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amount of passive intercellular substance which is inert. He argues

therefore that the framework of the body is always showing a tendency
to go wrong and get out of adjustment and that when it does so proper
blood and nerve supply is interfered with and we get the beginning of
pathology, or at least a pre-pathological state, in the different parts and
organs of the body. Therapeutics therefore consist in a readjustment of
the body anatomically and mechanically. If this is done Nature will do
the rest. 1 believe this to be a very sound argument as far as it goesand;
if it is not completely satisfying it does vindicate the paramount
importance of the osteopathic idea and confirms the fact that osteopathy is a basis or foundation for any rational system of therapeutics.
Dr. J. M . Littlejohn, whom we here specially reverence, has a somewhat different approach. He retains Dr. Still's ideas that Osteopathy is
a drugless system of healing and that it is complete, but, as far as one
can judge from the writings of the two men, he has a somewhat wider
conception of what is meant by Osteopathy. His great idea seems to be
that Osteopathy in its widest and completest sense is the science of
therapeutics by Adjustment. In the term Adjustment he includes not
only structural and mechanical adjustment, but also physiological
adjustment, and the adjustment of the patient to his environment and of
the environment to the patient when necessary. Looked at in this way
Osteopathy becomes a very wide and complete thing. In the practical
realm of treatment he draws a rather definite distinction between
immediate and palliative treatment in acute and sub-acute conditions
and the more curative type of treatment which is mostly manipulative
and designed to restore the proper functioning of thebody as a complete
mechanical and physiological unit- This type of curative treatment is
designed to get at the underlying maladjustments on which'chronic
disease is built or which cause acute reactions and exacerbations to takeplace with more or less frequency. He follows Dr. Still in condemning
almost completely the use of drugs and serums which are unnatural in
the sense of being foreign to the body economy. Dr. Littlejohn's ideas
seem to represent pure osteopathy in its most complete and effective
form, but I would like to take you with me in a respectful attempt to
look at them objectively and critically.
Myself 1 feel that Dr. Littlejohn's conception of osteopathy comes very
near to being completely satisfying both in practice and theory and yet
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is not quite so. There are two or three criticisms 1 would iike to make.
The first is that he follows Dr. Still in almost completely ignoring or
playing down all forms of chemical medicine. The second point is that
he seems to me to put undue weight on the factor which he calls
"environment". It appears to group under this head everything which
may be contributing to the sick condition of the patient other than the
structural and mechanical factor, including apparently living habits,
diet and the psychological condition of the patient. These things he
regards apparently as environmental factors which have to be adjusted
in some cases but which are of very secondary importance. In many
cases they may be so, but I do not think that they are so in all cases. I
feel that it would be sounder and more logical to admit that there are
other factors besides the mechanical and structural factor by which
health is conditioned and which must be given their due place in any
complete system of therapeutics. I would also add that in the field of
bacteriology Dr. Littlejohn appears to take very much the view of
Bechamp as opposed to that of Pasteur and he regards micro-organisms
as the result rather than the cause of disease. In so far as they do cause
disease they condition its form and manifestations rather than acting as
Us essential cause. This is a view which has been embraced in its most
extreme form by the Nature Cure School or by certain sections of it; I
have always been a Bechamp fan and 1 have a lot of sympathy v/ith i t
I am quite certain that both the structural and the chemical condition of
the patient have a very great bearing on the problem of immunity. Yet
I think that there are certain difficulties in accepting that complete
immunity results from either completely sound structure or completely
sound chemistry or even from both together. It seems that there are
noxious influences or infections which can produce serious reactions in
healthy people and healthy animals and plants. What the causes behind
this are and how it is best to deal with such situations I do not pretend
to know.*

* As instances of this may be ched the fact ihil Apparently very healthy primitive races
have suffered severely and been killed offin large number on beingfirstbrought uilo contact
with diseases brought to them by European discover a s or invaders. Among animals there
has recently been the case of [he almost total destruction ofrabbitsby myxomatosis. With
regard la plants we have cases of phenomena such as the Irish potato famine when apparently
all potatoes, whether wdl or badly cultivated, were attacked by disease and destroyed. On
the other hand it does appearfromthe work of Sir Albert Howard and others thai crops and
animals raised on really healthy soil are relatively immune horn disease.

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We are all aware that the kind of osteopathic thought which is

exemplified by Dr. Still, Dr. Hulett and Dr. Littlejohn has tended rather
to go out of fashion in the American Osteopathic Schools. There is still
a good deal of talk about Osteopathy being a drugless system of healing
and a complete system of therapeutics but in teaching and still more in
practice this position has tended to be abandoned. The fact is that
Osteopathy has been subjected to very rxwerful outside pressures from
the theories and practices of orthodox medicine and a kind of compromise osteopathic theory has begun to appear. The best and most logical
exposition of this kind of theory is to be found in Leon Page's
Principles of Osteopathy (see especially page 190). This type of theory
puts forward the idea that the central pillar or core of a complete
therapeutic system is the maintenance of health and the prevention and
treatment of disease by structural therapy which includes not only
osteopathy but such things as surgery, psychosomatic techniques and
the use of physical agents such as Electricity, X-ray, radium and
hydrotherapy. However, this therapy can and should be buttressed, as
it were, by forms of specific treatment derived from the theories and
practice of orthodox medicine.
These treatments may be roughly divided into Substitution Therapy
and Adjunctive Therapy. Under the name of Substitution Therapy are
included such things as concentrated foods, vitamins, serums, endocrines and bioiogicals: under the heading of Adjunctive Therapy are
included such things as antibiotics, drugs of various kinds, antiseptics,
anesthetics, etc, What are we to think of all this? Undoubtedly there
is much of value in a work such as this of Dr. Page. It has a consistent
and reasonable approach and it is greatly to be preferred to the
indisCTimtnate mixture of every sort of therapy without any fixed plan
or philosophy of treatment or to the playing down of osteopathy until it
becomes no more than a specialism or a method of manipulative
treatment of very limited and adjunctive application. And yet there is
much here which 1 do not like and which seems to me unsound and full
of danger. The thing I feel about it is that this approach gives away far
too much to orthodox medicine, drug therapy and the germ theory of
disease. Let us take a few points. (1) Surgery. 1 have no special quarrel
with the theoretical approach to this subject in modern osteopathic
texts. Conservative surgery has always been regarded as a part of the
osteopathic system- I would like however to say that many of the early
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osteopaths as well as some of the later ones appear to be too surgically

mmded. This is, I believe, because surgery which is another form of
physical medicine based on anatomical knowledge is in certain circumstances a natural extension of osteopathy, but also because the disbelief
of the early osteopaths in any-form of chemical medicine made them
turn to surgery for help rather than to any form of chemical medicine
such as dietetics or homoeopathy. T think that we should fight against
too much surgery and the wrong kind of surgery because the kind of
surgery which accords well with osteopathy is quite different from the
kind which is believed in and practised by most orthodox doctors and
surgeons. We should remember that when surgery is performed it
should be conservative, reparative and constructive rather than radical
and destructive. There are fundamentally only two absolute indications
for surgery (a) the repair of injuries and (b) the repair or normalisation
of congenital defects and abnormalities. There are other occasions and
certain emergencies in which we may be compelled to use it as the
lesser of two evils, but wc should realise that its use is to some extent a
confession of failure though it may be someone else's failure and not
ours. By this I mean that if we have to resort to surgery it means either
that we have not known how to prevent some serious situation arising
or that there has been a failure to prevent it arising or that we do not
know how to deal with it now that it has arisen, except by surgery. We
should also bear in mind that the occasions on which surgery should be
used are not fixed to the osteopath. Jt should not be regarded as the
routine treatment for any particular condtion or complaint Every case
should be judged on its merits to the best of our knowledge and ability.
As our knowledge increases the field of surgery and the necessity for it
should grow less. (2) Substitution Therapy. I would agree with Page
that there is probably a legitimate field tor the use of what he calls
Substitution Therapy provided that it is genuine substitution though
even here we should proceed with very great caution. There is reason
to think that i f we give the body large quantities of things which it
should be producing itself we encourage it to lie down on the job more
than before. Then I think that much substitution therapy may not be
genuine substitution therapy at all. Though this is not a subject on
which I can claim expert knowledge, I think we can have doubts
whether synthetic vitamins* for instance, are really the same as the real
article even though the chemical formula may be the same. In the case
of the serums which are in common use other objections arise. Apart

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from humanitarian or moral considerations, it seems very doubtful

whether it can be good practice to fill people full of substances derived
from diseased and dead animal tissues and blood. It is my belief that
most modern serum therapy is based on a misunderstanding and
misapplication of the homoeopathic principle and i f morbid products
are to be used in the treatment of disease it should be done on
homceopathic principles and according to homoeopathic methods, (3)
When we come to the application of so-called Adjunctive Therapy aa
outlined by Page wc are in some respects on very difficult ground
because we are assured by the statisticians that some modern preparations such as the sulpha drugs and the antibiotics have been powerful
life savers and curcrs of previously incurable conditions. My feeling is
that the antibiotics do have some part to play in genuine therapeutics
but that it is a very different part from that which they are being made
to play at present. In this connection it is of interest to note that
herbalists have long contended that extracts of certain kinds of fungus
growths are of value in dealing with certain kinds of acute disease.
Also I have heard it suggested that our highly artificial system of
agriculture has deprived much of our food of protective principles
derived from moulds which grow freely in organic composts and
manure heaps. I f this is so we may perhaps regard the use of
antibiotics in certain circumstances and in suitable amounts as a form
of substitution therapy. About the drug treatments, including the
sulpha drugs, 1 feel much less happy. The Nature Cure idea is that all
or nearly all acute reactions are healing efforts of nature by which the
body is seeking to eliminate poisons or improve its condition in some
way or other. This is a process which may need to be guided or
controlled or helped but should not be aborted or violently interfered
with. It is maintained that the effect of the ordinary kin d . of allopath io
drug treatment with synthetic and inorganic drugs is suppressive rather
than curative. These drugs which are toxic and foreign to the body
economy have certain effects on the body according to their type and
nature and have affinities for certain organs and parts of the body.
They tend not to be eliminated readily but to be retained in the tissues
where their effect is to destroy the tissues both functionally and
histologically. In support of this idea it is claimed, that the presence of
these drugs can be demonstrated by iridiagnosis and other means. We
may have some reservations in accepting all this, but it cannot be
denied that many drugs do produce a greater or less deterioration of

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mind and body (e.g. narcotics, drugs derived from heavy metals) and
that it is at Least probable that much of the chronic disease which exists
today can be attributed to the skill with which acute disease is suppressed. There can be very little doubt that healing crises do take place
even though we may not be able to explain all acute reactions in this
way. The early osteopaths. Dr. Linlejohn among them, were dead
against putting drugs into the body because they are toxic and foreign
to the body economy and make diagnosis and constructive treatment
more difficult. This idea seems to me sound, and it has always been a
mystery to me that orthodox medicine which admits that fevers and
acute reactions are a response of the body by which it is seeking to
overcome some adverse condition or thing should so often consider the
reduction of fever and the ending of the acute reaction by all possible
means as a desirable thing in itself. The important thing to do in an
acute febrile condition would seem to be to assist the reaction and not
to stop it. This can best be done by helping elimination through skin,
kidneys and lungs, supporting and assisting the vital organs and
improving the circulation and drainage of the parts and organs particularly affected. To add to the toxa;mia by the giving of drugs does not
seem very sensible. It is true that acute diseases may be dangerous and
cause death or permanent disability if not dealt with in some way, but I
think it has yet to be shown that drugs or antibiotics have better results
in any disease than a judicious combination of more natural methods
such as osteopathy, hydrotherapy, and homoeopathy (which East may be
a powerful aid in helping the specific response of the body which is
required in the circumstances). It must be remembered that it is always
the vitality of the body which brings about cure and if this vitality is not
sufficient it is not likely to be made so by the use of toxic substances
which throw a further burden upon it; i f it is sufficient the problem is
to direct it and help it. 1 am aware that in practice it may sometimes be
necessary or appear to be so to use drugs or to permit their use by the
patient, for instance to relieve pain or promote sleep, until such time as
curative measures can be initiated or become effective. It musl
however be realised that most drug treatments are at best palliative
and, i f at all prolonged, are harmful. The more we know about more
natural methods of palliation and control of symptoms such as pain, the
less frequently shall we need to use them. Like much of modern
surgery they are a confession of failure and tack of knowledge, I think
moreover that we should combat in our patients the modern habit of
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never leaving the body and the nervous system alone. Apart from
tobacco and alcohol in which we nearly all indulge in more or less
moderation, there are far too many people who will not endure the
slightest discomfort without taking aspirin or something, cannot sleep
without sedatives, wake up without stimulants, or digest without
something else. This is deplorable and must tend to produce ultimately
a breakdown of the body machinery if not also of the mind.
We have now examined, albeit briefly, the various phases and forms of
osteopathic theory from the time of Dr, Still until the present day. [
would now like to suggest, with all modesty, a somewhat different way
of looking at the whole matter. If we are going to get our politics and
education right we must retain our essential principles and yet seek to
enlarge them, bring them up to date and fit them into the modern
scene. We must on the one hand resist the tendency to allow osteopathy to be confused with manipulation as a method or form of treatment
and to become no more than a specialism with an orthodox background. There are unfortunately quite a number of people who would
be prepared to sell out osteopathy to the medical profession on these
terms and I believe that they should be resisted with all the firmness,
wisdom and guile which we can command. But on the other hand, 1
think we should give up repeating like parrots that Osteopathy is a
complete system of therapeutics when in fact it Is not and when very
few of us really believe that it is. This can only Lead to a wide
divergence between what we say and what we do, and to the haphazard
adoption and use of all sorts of so-called "adjunctives" regardless of
their soundness or real value. J think we ought to take a wider and
more philosophic view and govern our politics and educational policy
according to it. I would suggest that we should Look upon bodily health
as a sort of edifice which is supported on pillars. As far as we can
discern at present there are three main pillars, though there may be
others that we do not know about. One of these pillars is the
mechanical and structural state of the body itself, another is its
chemical integrity or make up, and the third is a mental pillar
including the subconscious mind and the emotions. When all these
pillars are in good order we get health but when something goes wrong
with one of them we get disease. More-over when one of them goes
wrong it is apt to upset the other two, but fortunately it is also true that
if we do something good to any one of them Ihe other Iwo will be
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benefited. Any system of therapeutics which is at all complete must

look at any given human problem of disease to some extent from all
these points of view, though fortunately for us Osteopaths the osteopathic pillar is for practical purposes so very important and fundamental that it is usually the best place to begin and may be enough to get a
result which is satisfactory to ourselves and to the patient. We must
however realise that health does depend on other factors besides our
osteopathic mediano-structural factor and that there are other laws or
principles besides our osteopathic one which condition health and
disease and from the knowledge of which techniques can grow which
are of benefit in promoting health, preventing disease or bringing about
its cure i f it appears. Such techniques are not antagonistic to osteopathy or to the osteopathic idea but are complementary to it and can assist
i t In some cases they may be of fundamental importance though there
is scarcely any sort of a case in which osteopathy has not got some
useful part to play at some stage of the proceedings. We must however
remember that no techniqus are much good or can work in with
osteopathy unless they are governed by or can be reconciled with
principles similar to those on which osteopathy is founded. They must
be constructive and not destructive and must be aimed at harmonising
and normalising the body and liberating and directing the natural
healing forces of the body. Unfortunately a very great deal of what is
called scientific medicine does nothing of the kind.

It must be realised that we osteopaths, if we know our stuff, can rightly

claim to be the best and most advanced exponents of physical
medicine.* We owe this to the genius of Dr. Still, but also perhaps to
the comparatively advanced state of the sciences of anatomy, physiology and mechanics which he and his followers found ready to their
hands. It is quite possible that soon some man or men of insight and
genius will do for chemical medicine what Still did for physical
medicine- The same may be said of psychological medicine. At
present we can at best only dimly discern the principles on which
sound systems of chemical and psychological medicine should
* In this connection J believe that the osteopathic system could be enriched by the
incorporation in it or the correlation with it of other physical techniques which ore of
undoubted value in certain cases and for certain purposes. Among these 1 would make
special mention of hydrotherapy, massages Spondylolhenipy and certain psychosomatic

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founded and built up. We have a mass of techniques and theories,

some of which seem to be reasonable and sound as far as they go and
some of them not. I believe that true chemical medicine is as far as
possible removed from the kind of commercial chemotherapy which is
at present practised by the medical profession under the constant
pressure of the big commercial interests which are behind it. True
chemical medicine begins on the farm and in the garden and goes on in
the kitchen. When people get ill by having the chemical integrity and
balance of their bodies upset it is right and necessary to make some
attempt to restore them and to do this requires knowledge and skill
especially if the situation is critical and something radical has to be
done in a hurry. We are only at the beginning of understanding these
things, but 1 think that there are in existence some useful and constructive techniques as well as some theories which we can safely say have
elements or parts of the truth in them. I believe that the chemical
medicine for which we may hope will have in it something of
homceopathy, something of herbalism, something of nature cure and
something of special biochemical techniques based on a detailed
knowledge of blood chemistry and of the action of hormones, trace
elements and synergists in the body. More than this I will not say
except that when we put chemical substances into the body we should
avoid things which are toxic and poisonous and aim rather at giving
balanced mods which will supply the body with the material which it
needs in a form which it can use or substances which will give a
specific chemical stimulus to the body of the kind which is needed at
the moment.
Now, i f we try to look at osteopathic theory in the sort of way that 1
have here suggested, what practical effect will it have or should it have
on our politics and education? This is a matter which we should all
think about and discuss. 1 confess to being worried about our education. In America it has already become far too like the medical
education. The average osteopath is far too medically and surgically
minded and apt to accept at their face values the Latest drug and
surgical treatments put out by the medical fraternity and the various
drug interests without subjecting them to test of their soundness on
principle. We do not want to go the same way. Our teaching should, I
think, be Less apologetic than it is. In the realm of physical medicine
we have got something far better than anyone else and we are entitled

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to lay down the law at least as much as anyone else. In the realms of
chemical and psychological medicine we do not want to become
specialists, but I think that we should know more about these subjects
than we do and we should be ready to subject the treatments which are
given by persons of other schools, whether orthodox or unorthodox, to
a close scrutiny in the light of our osteopathic principles. When we
agree with them we should say so and when we do not we should say so
and we should give our reasons. We should be very careful about
letting medical men loose to teach in our schools in any but the most
basic, noo-controversial and non-clinical subjects. In the realm of pure
knowledge of facts these people are often far ahead of what we can
provide among ourselves but their interpretation of the facts and their
use of their knowledge clinically is more often wrong than right
because very few of them have any basic principles to guide them in
how to apply what they know. Their approach is to the disease rather
than to the patient, and though scientific in detail it is empirical in its
essence, and the specialisms are not pulled together by any unifying
concept. 1 believe that we might help our students most by teaching
them Practice in a clearer and more authoritative way. 1 am much
impressed by notes of the late Dr. Littlejohn's lectures which I have
been given in which he takes common conditions and diseases one by
one and gives a detailed osteopathic approach to them from the points
of view both of aetiology and treatment 1 think we should revise these
and use them, but also in each case correlate them in a critical manner
to other orthodox and unorthodox treatments for the same conditions.
Tnis is only one suggestion, and 1 hope that others may emerge from
our discussions here today.

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The importance of the Pelvic Girdle

When one has been in practice for a long time, in my case for over fifty
years, one begins to look back and to meditate on what one has
achieved or failed to achieve and to ask oneself what one has discovered about the practical application of so-called osteopathic treatment.
Osteopathy, as we have often been told, is not a technique but is a
system of therapy based on the idea that physiology and anatomy go
together and that when anatomy is impaired physiological functioning
is also impaired. This implies that we can hope to restore proper
functioning of the body or of parts and organs of it by restoring its
anatomy to what it should be. However, the anatomy, which we seek to
restore must be a living anatomy and not the anatomy of the morgue or
of the dissecting room. We must in tact restore the mechanical and
postural condition of the body as a whole as well as its bony structure
and the free movement of particular joints, important as these may
sometimes be.
I f 1 were to be asked what is the most important single thing to be
considered in the practical application of osteopathic treatment, I
would reply that it is the 'Integrity of the Pelvic Girdle'. The pelvic
girdle is so very important because man is made to live, move and have
his being in the erect posture. The pelvic girdle, that is to say the
sacrum and the two ilia meeting at the symphysis, is the basis or
foundation on which the spinal column rests and functions in the erect
posture, it is also the central pivot of body mechanics and the place
where legs and body meet and through which the connection of the
trunk with the ground is maintained. One also finds that in practice an
enormous proportion of the symptoms with which one is presented and
with which one has to deal are centred in the low back or closely
connected with it. The mam thing by which the integrity of the pelvic
girdle can be destroyed or impaired is by displacements or subluxations
of tile sacro-iliac joints. When these occur it upsets the whole spinal
column mechanically and structurally and also has very far reaching
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effects on the central nervous system (both spinal and autonomic) on

account of the reflexes and irritations which are initiated To put it
another way: when there is sacro-iliac derangement it constitutes a
fault or pathological state in posture and mechanics with which the
body has to cope or for which it must compensate (or try to do so)
stnicturally, mechanically and neurologically.
It can be affirmed that the sacro-iliac joint is a unique joint which
differs from other joints in the body which are moved and supported by
opposing sets of muscles and have a pretty obvious range of movement.
The sacro-iliacs on the other hand, besides being peculiar L-shaped
structures, have physiologically very little movement at all and are
supported mainly by a strong and complicated system of ligaments. I
would suggest that they should be looked upon as shock absorbers
rather than as joints in the usually accepted sense. Sacro-iliac "lesions
too are different from other lesions though there can be no doubt that
they occur very frequently and, indeed, almost universally among those
who come to us as patients. Although this is a thing which is often
denied or overlooked by many practitioners. The ordinary 'osteopathic
lesion is generally envisaged as a condition in which the mobility of a
joint is impaired or the positioning of a bene is abnormal, but within
the normal range of movement of the joint.The sacro-iliac lesion is
really rather different from this. It is, I would suggest, a genuine
subluxation or dislocation, which takes the articulation outside its
normal position and range, even if this is only to a very slight degree in
many cases.

Though there may be other disturbances, notably of the sacrum, which

impair the integrity of the pelvic girdle, there are, for practical purposes, two common lesions of the sacro-iliac joint, one of which
shortens the leg and the other which lengthens it. The main reason for
the importance of these lesions from the point of view of body
mechanics is, in fact, that they do alter the relative length of the two
extremities and upset the sacral base on which the spinal column rests
and functions. The short-leg lesion, (sometimes called 'posterior' and
sometimes 'inferior-lateral') is far the commonest, but the long-leg
lesion (anterior or 'superior-medial ) is often present and can produce
very marked symptoms. It is to be noted that there can be any
combination as between the two sides. That is to say, there can be a

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shortness on one side and normality on the other; there can be

shortness on both sides; Lengthening on one side, or on both; lengthening on one side and shortness on the other. Thus, any combinaton
being possible, skill in diagnosis must be developed because to get good
results both sides, when necessary, must be adjusted with absolute
A difficulty which, can arise both in diagnosis and in treatment is
sometimes occasioned by what is called the 'primary or 'anatomical
short leg, in which condition there is a difference in Ihe actual length
of the bones on the two sides. This, in spite of what is often asserted, is
a rare condition and when it does exist there is nearly always an
explanation to be found in the history of the case (such, for instance, as
fracture or polio having affected one side). It is only when it is
impossible to get the two sides to match up that it is reasonable to
suspect a primary short leg. I f a primary short teg is suspected it is
generally considered to be useful and desirable to clinch the diagnosis
by having a standing x-ray taken. This is undoubtedly a good thing lo
do in principle but it must be remembered that it is quite possible for
the results of such x-rays to be misleading. Not only must the greatest
care be exercised in the taking of the film, but it is imperative that any
subluxation of the sacro-iliacs which is present be corrected before the
film is taken. This is to say that the pelvis must be squared off before
the exposure so that any discrepancy in the lengths of the two extremities which shows in the x-ray may be attributable with certainty to a
real difference in the length of the bones on Ihe two sides. Even i f all
these precautions have been taken, there is still some possibility of
error. Owing to some differences in the condition of the foot, ankle or
knee on one side, leading to a discrepancy at the level of the acetabula,
which is not due to a genuine difference in the length of the bones of
the two extremities, but to lesions in the foot, ankle or knee on one side,
which lesions should be correctable with proper treatment.

Another method of being sure that the pelvis is squared off properly
before filming is to He the patient on his face and carefully to compare
the position of Ihe posterior-superior spines on the two sides in relation
to the sacral spine. I f the sacro-iliac joints are properly aligned the
levels of the spines and their distance from the mid-line should be
equal. I f they are not equal it will imply that one or both sides require

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adjustment. Until such adjustments have been made, there will be a

shortening or lenguiening of the extremity on the side of the lesion,
shortening i f the posterior-superior spine is down and lateral, lengthening if it is up and medial. Tn genuine cases of anatomical short leg the
use of a heel or sole lift is good, but not otherwise, except perhaps
occasionally and temporarily during a period of treatment. There is,
inifnrtunately, little doubt that there is, at the present time, a great deal
of wrong thinking and doing in connection with the so-called short leg.
It is frequently stated that genuine primary short legs are very common
(some say in as much as 20 per cent o f the population) and that
sacro-iliac lesions are commonly the result of short legs and are often a
form of compensation for them which should not be unduly interfered
I am convinced from long experience that this way of looking at the
matter is a very grave error leading both to the excessive use of heel
lifts and to a failure to get satisfactory results in the treatment of low
back conditions and, indeed, of the spine generally. I say this because I
have seen so many cases of patients who have had back trouble for
many years and have curtained little or no relief from manipulative
treatment, in many cases at the hands of eminent osteopaths, but who
have responded very well to treatment once the pelvis has been
properly diagnosed, corrected and kept corrected. The idea that sacroiliac lesions are often the result of short tegs is actually the reverse of
the truth, which is that sacro-iliac lesions produce a shortness or a
lengthening of the leg which will disappear when the lesion is corrected I f this is realised it will be found that while true anatomical
short legs are very rare, sacro-iliac lesions are very common in spite of
the fact that the opposite opinion is often held and expressed.



Hie correction of sacro-iliac lesions is not a matter of difficulty unless

there is some bony abnormality or bone deterioration, but the maintenance of corrections is sometimes very difficult indeed. When such
lesions have been present for some time they become the basis of a host
of troubles in other parts of the body and particularly of scoliotic
tension curves in the spine. Mackinnon, with whom I worked as an

assistant in Canada many years ago, trained me never to give an

osteopathic or manipulative treatment without first checking the pelvis
at the beginning of the treatment, and making any necessary corrections. For a double check the same was to be done at the end of the
treatment. Any practitioner who adopts this routine will soon become
convinced of the importance of sacro-iliac lesions on account of the
effects which they have on the mechanics of the body, on the nervous
system, both spina! and autonomic, and on the postural pattern which
a person builds up and exhibits. There are cases in which there is much
to be said for doing little or nothing at the first treatment beyond
making a careful pelvic adjustment, and it will be found at the next
treatment that the tensions and distortions have so tar unproved that
they can be dealt with easily.
It must however be remembered that when a bad postural pattern has
been built up in the body there tends to be a reciprocal action between
the pelvic girdle and the tensions and distortions which have been built
up. This explains a very targe number of the cases in which the pelvis
is very unstable and in which the body readily and on the slightest
provocation tails back into a bad old mechanical and postural pattern.
A very helpful way in which to approach this difficult problem of
stabilising an unstable pelvis is to try, by suitable myo-fascial techniques, to balance the musculature on the two sides of the body, paying
particular attention to the muscles around the pelvis and attaching to it,
as, for instance, adductors, hamstrings, glutei, gastrocnemii, quadratic
recti-femoris, psoas and others. It must always be borne in mind that
the ultimate aim of manipulative treatment is to make perfect the
postural and mechanical condition of the body so that the gravity line
from head to foot is restored and mainained and the musculature is so
balanced that the body and its parts are not fighting all the time against
the law of gravity but are co-operating with it, or at least being well
supported in the gravity field without strain, rather in the way in which
a tent is held erect by well adjusted guy ropes.
The method which the practitioner uses for the diagnosis and treatment
of sacro-iliac lesions is largely a matter of individual choice and there
are various different techniques which can be employed. However, the
Mackinnon techniques, which are the ones which I have used for many
years, would appear to be superior to most others, and would be
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difficult to improve upon. Hie advantages of the Mackinnon method

are, first, that it enables accuracy to be easily obtained in diagnosis both
before and after adjustive procedures, for it is very important that there
should be complete accuracy in this regard; secondly, the adjustive
techniques used are absolutely non-traumatic and cannot lead to any
strain of ligaments, a thing which is important because weakness or
strain of ligaments are the accompaniment or even the cause of these
lesions, especially in cases of chronic pelvic instability, when the
instability is likely to be increased by any techniques involving powerful leverages or thrusts,
In theory the Mackinnon method is simple, and the techniques involved in the different manipulations are not, in themselves, difficult to
perform, but even those who are trained in manipulative work may find
that much patience and practice are necessary before the skill can be
acquired which will enable them to obtain complete accuracy in all
cases, either in diagnosis or in treatment, for, in correction of lesions of
the pelvic joints accuracy is of the very highest importance, and
without it it is impossible to get good results or to make corrections
which are reasonably stable and permanent. Many joints in the body
can, it would seem, be restored to normal function and efficiency by
manipulation of a general character designed to gap the joint or to put
it through something like its normal range of motion. With sacro-iliac
joints, however, nothing less than complete and mathematical accuracy
will suffice to produce really satisfactory results. It is failure to recognise this Diet which accounts for many of the failures of osteopathy and
for the inability of many osteopaths to give quick, complete or permanent relief in cases which ought to be readily amenable to osteopathic
It must be noted at the outset that considerable confusion can arise and
has arisen over the matter of nomenclature. There are two misplacements or lesions of the sacro-iliacs which are very common. One of
these, which produces a pulling up or shortening of the leg is very
generally called a 'posterior innominate , the other, which causes a
lengthening of the leg, being called an 'anterior innominate'. The exact
reason for this nomenclature is not very clear and it can be somewhat
misleading. Mackinnon always described the short leg lesion as an
anterior- inferior-innominate' and the long leg lesion as 'posterior1

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superior-innominate. This nomenclature which is based on the change

of position of the posterior-superior iliac spines is sound enough in that
in the short leg lesion the posterior-superior spine is found to move
downwards and forwards while in the long leg lesion it is found to
move upwards and backwards. However, the important thing is that in
the short leg lesion the ilium moves away from the lie of the sacral
spine and in the long leg lesion it moves nearer to that line. It would
therefore seem that inferior-latcraT and 'superior-mediar might be
the best description of the two lesions. This is the nomenclature which
I have used and I believe it to be the most sound as being in conformity
with what actually happens and also with the facets of the L-shaped
joint. However, if there is any danger of confusion there is much to be
said for describing the lesions as 'short leg and 'Long leg respectively
and leaving it at that.

There are according to Mackinnon five distinct displacements or

lesions which can take place between the ilia and the sacrum and it
should be noted that more than one of them can be present at the same
The five lesions are: A.

Inferior-lateral Innominate (short leg)

Superior-medial Innominate (long leg)
Anterior Ilium or Posterior Sacrum
Posterior Ilium or Anterior Sacrum
Tilted Sacrum

The first two of these lesions are by far the most common; they are, m
fact, so common among those suffering from low back trouble as to be
almost universal These first two lesions should be dealt with first
before any attempt is made to deal with any of the other three, which
may be present in addition. These three really indicate that a torsion,
side bending or tilting of the sacrum has taken place and they appear to
result in most cases from violence of a fairly serious character.
The first thing to be learnt is the diagnostic points by which these
lesions can be distinguished. The 'inferior-lateral' (short leg) innominate is so called because of the downward (caudad) and lateral movement which takes place in the position of the posterior-superior spine
of the ilium on the side of the lesion. This downward and lateral
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movement at the back causes an upward movement of the acetabulum

and so brings about a shortening of the leg. A diagnosis can therefore
be made by the following three signs: (1) the posterior-superior spine of
the ilium is moved in a downward direction; (2) it is also moved
laterally away from the vertebral column, and (3) the leg is pulled up or
shortened on the affected side in proportion to the seriousness of the
lesion. The "superior-mediar (long-leg) innominate is so called because
of the upward (cephalad) and medial movement which takes place in
the position of the posterior-superior spine of the ilium on the side of
the Lesion. This upward and medial movement at the back causes a
downward movement of the acetabulum and so brings about a lengthening of the leg. A diagnosis can therefore be made by the following
ihree signs: (1) the posterior-superior spine of the ilium h moved in an
upward direction, (2) it is also moved medially towards the vertebral
column, and (3) the leg is pushed down or lengthened on the affected
side in proportion to the seriousness of the lesion. These two lesions are
far more common than the other three and the inferior-lateral (short
leg) appears to be the most common of all and is more often found on
the left than on the right side. The two lesions are illustrated in Figures
1 and 2. The amount of Ihe movement of the ilium and of the
consequent shortening or lengthening of the leg can vary from the
smallest perceptible amount to half an inch or even more. There may
be a lesion on one side or on both. In such cases it may be necessary to
rely almost entirely for diagnosis on the position of the posteriorsuperior spines of the ilia with refrence to the vertebral column. This in
turn may produce difficulties because there are variations in the normal
position of the posterior-superior spines, but it is a help to remember
that in most adults the normal position of the spines is approximately
1 'A inches from the line of the vertebral spines and is at about the level
of the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra, or a little lower.
In making a diagnosis of these lesions a routine should be developed.
For instance, make the patient lie flat on the back on the treatment
table. Ask the patient to draw the knees up to the fullest extent with the
feet on the table, raise the hips from the table, then put the hips and
legs back on the table in a thoroughly relaxed position. Now stand at
the foot of the table, grasp both legs around and just slightly above the
ankles, with the hands at the back of the legs. See that the legs are
thoroughly relaxed, which can be done by drawing them apart and
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Figure 1



H" A

A. Normal position of posteriorsuperior spine of the ilium*

B. Position (approximate) of the
posterior-superior spine when an
Inferior-lateral lesion is present
(on the left side).

C. The lumbo-sacral spinous processes.
Figure IE
A. Normal position of posteriorsuperior spine of the ilium.

B. Position (approximate) of the

posterior*superior spine when a
Superior-medial lesion is present
(on left side)
C. The lumbo-sacral spinous processes.

bringing them together again in a from and to movement, which will

reveal any tension which the patient may be applying at the hips.
Ascertain whether the two internal malleoli correspond as to length. If
one leg appears to be shorter, let it be well noted in the mind. The next
move is to ask the patient to lie face downwards on the table, the arms
alongside the body, the toes and insteps over the foot-end of the table.
The positions of the posterior-superior spines should then be examined.
If one leg has been found to be shorter than the other, there should be a
corresponding difference in the relative positions of the posteriorsuperior spines with reference to the vertebral spines. Since the normal
position of the posterior-superior spine b approximately one and a half
inches from the line of the vertebral spines it should be possible to
determine what lesion, if any, is present on each side.

The object of this procedure is to provide a double check in diagnosis.

By comparing the length of the legs it is usually possible to discover
whether or not any lesion is present and to arrive at some idea of the
nature of the trouble, but the findings of this comparison should be
supplemented by examination of the position of the posterior-superior
spines of the ilia made from behind with the patient lying face
downwards. Indeed, the final determination of whether or not the
pelvis is properly balanced and free from lesion mg must be based on
the position of the posterior-superior spines. For it must be remembered
that it is possible for both sides of the pelvis to be in lesion in the same
manner and in the same degree and for the legs, therefore, to be the
same length, and also there are rare cases in which there is a so-called
'primary or 'anatomical' short leg which will produce a discrepancy in
the length of the legs, although there is no sacro-iliac lesion present.

It may here be noted that the techniques hereafter given for the
correction of the two lesions, i f properly performed, do not seem ever to
lead to over-correction. It may therefore be legitimate in difficult cases
to perform the two corrective procedures on both sides, and if, after this
has been done, the length of the legs still appears uneven it is very
strong evidence indeed that one has to deal with a case of 'primary or
'anatomical' short leg. Moreover, it should be remembered that in many
cases in which there is a gross lesion on one side it will be found, after
this has been corrected, that there is another lesser lesion on the other
side which was not at first easily apparent. It is well, therefore, to make
a habit of repeating the diagnostic procedure outlined above after every
correction so as to be quite sure that a further correction on the other
side is not also required. Satisfactory results and stable corrections
cannot be obtained unless a complete correction is made on both sides.

The diagnosis of the three conditions which are described as Anterior

Ilium (or Posterior Sacrum), Posterior Ilium (or Anterior Sacrum) and
Tilted Sacrum is not easy and it should not be undertaken until the
actual sacro-iliac lesions, i f any, have been corrected. However, when
this has been done, it will sometimes be found that something more is
required. If the patient is placed lying on the face it may be found that
the whole pelvis slopes away somewhat to one side or lo the other and
that one ilium is pushed forward and/or that the other is pulled back. I f
an ilium is anterior, its posterior-superior spine is less prominent than
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it should be in relation to the sacrum, while if the ilium is posterior its

poster!or-superior spine is more prominent than it should be. It is
possible to make a careful comparison of the amount of drop off the
ilium onto the posterior aspect of the sacrum on each side. Moreover,
by placing the hands on the anterior-superior spines of the two ilia it is
possible to detect any difference there may be in their relative positions.
In many cases it will be apparent that on one side the ilium is-splayed
outward and forward and/or that the other ilium is drawn inward and
back. In such cases where the two sides of the pelvis are uneven it may
be a matter of some difficulty to determine the side on which the
trouble, or the greater part of it, is present, but generally the symptoms
which the patient is exhibiting will give valuable help in coming to a
decision. In many cases, too, there is considerable tenderness on
continued pressure at points along the crest of an ilium which is in
lesion, on the prominences of the bone and on the posterior aspect of
the sacrum.
Finally, the condition known as Tilted Sacrum is something which
sometimes occurs. In this case the sacrum is tilted slightly to one side
or the other so that the sacral spine is deflected somewhat out of the
vertical and median plane but without either of the ilia necessarily
being pushed forward or backward with reference to the sacrum. The
superior portion of the sacrum may be tilted either to the right or the
left, and it is usual for it to be moved towards the side of the convexity
of a lumbar curvature if such a curvature is present. There is generally
a point of tension and tenderness in the region of the sacro-iliac on this
side and another point of tension on the other side in the region of the
sacro-coccygeal articulation. The condition is, indeed, frequently associated with tenderness and displacement of the coccyx and a W w i t h
lesions of the lumbo-sacral joint. Tilted Sacrum is, in tact essentially a
sacral lesion and must be regarded and dealt with as such.
The techniques used by Mackinnon for dealing with the five lesions
must now be considered
The technique for the correction of an inferior-lateral {short
leg) lesion has two distinct parts or movements, m some cases the
correction is completely made by one of the movements, but it is better
to perform both, so that there may be no mistake. Sometimes it is
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possible 10 detect a distinct movement of the bone at some stage of the

procedure, but it is not always the case and, if nothing is felt, it does not
follow that a good correction has not been made. It is however
important that the correction should be accurate and complete. (1)
Place the patient lying on the side opposite to that on which the lesion
is present. Let the patient put the palms of his hands together and place
them under his cheek on the table, and draw both knees up slightly.
Begin operations by relaxing the spine to some extent and, when it is
sufficiently relaxed, place the upper leg at the back of the lower, so that
its knee lies immediately behind the other on the table. The operator
should then place the soft pad of his forearm, just below the elbow, on

the prcteriof-Iateral aspect of (he ilium. II should be placed on the sofl

glutaeal part of the buttock between the acetabulum and the brim of the
pelvis and just caudad to the posterior-superior spine. The operator's
other hand should be placed on the shoulder of the patient and he
should push away slightly with his hand at the same time drawing the
pelvis slightly towards himself with the arm which is on the hip, so as
to make the body taut and to get the pelvis in a good firm and
comfortable position perpendicular to the table. Then when the pelvis
feels firmly held between the forearm and the table, apply a firm, sharp
rotary thrust to the ilium, the rotation of this thrust being directed, first
somewhat in the direction of a point behind the lumbar portion of the
patient's back, and then towards the pelvis and the table. Care must be
taken not to bounce on the pelvis in giving the thrust but to hold the
pelvis firmly between the forearm and the table up to the moment of
giving the thrust or squeeze. It is also important that the operator
should be well above the patient when he makes the thrust downwards
on the pelvis; this may require a lowering of the table or that the
operator should have something on which to stand to raise himself up
a little. (2) Repeat exactly the same movement again, but with the
relative position of the two knees altered, so that the knee of the upper
leg lies immediately in front of the other on the table. 3) There is
another technique for the correction of an inferior-lateral innominate
which Mackinnon believed should be applied in addition to the above
two procedures because he found in some cases that he goi better, more
stable and more complete results with it than with the other two alone.
In truth I have not been able to convince myself that this procedure is
in any way better or more easy to apply than the other two or that it is
necessary to use it in addition to them. It is, however, a technique
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which has been widely used in Ihe osteopathic profession and i am

including here a description of it, as follows. Make the patient lie flat
on the back, draw up the knee of the affected side, grasp it Firmly with
the arm round the leg and thigh close to the knee, at the same time
placing the flat of the palm of the other hand on the flat lateral portion
of the pelvic bone. This can be done by sliding the fingers under the
buttock until the palm of the hand meets the side of the pelvic bone.
Give a thrust down-ward with the arm holding the knee, at the same
time thrusting the pelvic bone towards the sacrum with the palm of the
hand. After these techniques have been carefully performed the diagnostic procedure should be repeated so as to ascertain what has been
accomplished and whether any ftirther correction on either side is
Technique for ihe correction of a superior-medial innominate.
Make the patient lie face down, with the toes over the foot-end of the
table. Stand on the opposite side of the body to that on which the lesion
is, hook the palm of one hand under the patient's thigh and place the
heel of the other hand on the posterior-superior spine, cupping it round
the spine and being careful to use the pisiform portion of the heel of the
hand. First move the limb slightly Laterally. This makes the posteriorsuperior spine more prominent so that it is possible to get a better
purchase on it with the heel of the hand. Then bring the limb inwards
again to the medial line and raise it slightly from the table. The patient
must completely relax the limb so that its weight is entirely supported
by the operator. Now, supporting the leg quite still in this position give
a sharp thrust with a stiff arm in an outward and downward direction
so as to rotate the innominate into its proper position. Sometimes, but
not always, the movement of the bone can be felt under the heel of the
hand when the corection is made and sometimes a slight click may be
The techniques here described for the inferior lateral and superiormedial lesions have been given in the original form as used and taught
by Dr Mackinnon. Since his time some of those who have used these
techniques have introduced modifications which are undoubtedly effective in most cases, i f not in all, and which may be regarded as
improvements or simplifications. It has been found that if the patient is
placed lying on his face in the manner described in the case of the
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superior-medial lesion, it is possible to make the correction without

holding up the patients limb and simply allowing it to rest relaxed on
the table, the second hand then being used to pull upwards on the
anterior-superior spine. Also with the patient in the same position it
has been found possible by some experienced practitioners to correct
both the inferior-lateral and the posterior-medial lesions by a method
which does not involve any thrust at all. The operator stands at the side
of the table and places the palms of his hands (one reinforcing the
other) on Ihe patient's buttock and makes the correction by firm
pressure on the pelvic bone in the required direction. In the case of the
inferior-lateral lesion the hands must be placed low on the buttock
below the sacro-iliac joint and the pressure must be made in an upward
and medial direction. In the case of the superior-medial lesion the
hands must be placed high on the buttock above the sacro-iliac joint
and the pressure must be made in a downward and outward direction.
The pressure used must be firm, but to get the best results it should be
rhythmical and synchronised with the patient's breathing- For the
correction of the inferior-lateral lesion the operator should stand on the
side of the lesion, but in the correction of the posterior-medial on the
opposite side. It should also be noted that some progress has been made
in devising methods by which a person can correct his own sacro-iliac.
It should be possible for him to do this by getting into positions where
he can, with his hands,produce the necessary force and pressure at the
right place and in the right direction. This is not too difficult in the
case of the short leg lesions which are the commonest, but it is more
difficult in the case of the long leg Lesions.
C D and E.
Techniques for the correction of sacral lesions.
Some sacral lesions, and particularly a Tilted Sacrum, can often be
corrected by simply making thrusts on the sacrum or ilium from above
with the reinforced heel of the hand in whatever direction is indicated
in the particular case, but in many cases it is advisable or necessary to
make use of a two-man technique in which the practitioner himself
makes a corrective thrust on the sacrum and/or ilium, while an
assistant at the same time pulls on the leg so as to make a pull on the
ilium. For this procedure to be effective it is necessary for the pull on
the leg to be synchronised very carefully with the thrust. This can be
achieved by one of the operators counting, "one, two, three... go' so that
the two movements are exactly simultaneous. The pull on the leg does

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not need to be very hard, but it should be quick, firm and decided and
the patient can be asked to grasp the head of The table with his hands so
as to resist the pull on the leg when it is made. I f it is desired to correct
an anterior ilium (posterior sacrum) the practitioner should stand on
the opposite side of ihe table and grasp the anterior of the ilium with
one of his hands, he should place the heel of the other hand on the most
prominent portion of the posterior surface of the sacrum. After getting
a firm grip and taking up the slack the thrust is made by pulling the
ilium up and back towards the spine with one hand and at the same
time thrusting down on the sacrum with the other. It is sometimes
necessary to perform this movement more than once, but i f it is done
properly and synchronised with a pull on the Leg it is usually possible
to bring about a satisfactory correction by means of a movement of the
bones which can be distinctly felt.
In the correction of a posterior ilium (anterior sacrumj the movements
to be made are very similar, but in this case no thrust must be made on
Ihe sacrum. One hand grips the anterior'superior spine and the crest of
the ilium while the heel of the other hand is placed on the posteriorsuperior spine. The main thrust is made on Ihe posterior-superior spine
in a downward and outward direction, but at the same time an attempt
should be made to pull the anterior-superior part of the ilium downwards and forwards with the other hand. In this case too the thrust
should be carefully synchronised with a pull on the leg and It is again
possible that several thrusts will have to be made to effect a satisfactory
correction. A careful check should be made after each thrust especially
if it has been possible to feel a definite movement taking place, because
it is possible, at least in theory, to make an over-correct ion with the
techniques for anterior and posterior displacements of the ilium.
The correction of a Tilled Sacrum can often be achieved by thrusting
downwards and side ways on the sacrum with the heel of the hand in
such a way as to push its superior and inferior portions in the direction
required in the particular case. A good deal of force should be used and
both hands should be used to make the thrust, one acting as a
reinforcement of the other. In the more difficult cases it is sometimes
advisable to have an assistant to pull on the leg at the same lime in the
same manner as in the techniques for anterior and posterior ilium. It is
often possible to relieve tenderness and tension in the region of the

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sacroiliac joint by a sharp pull of this kind on the leg even without any
thrust being applied to the sacrum itself.
These techniques for the correction of sacral lesions are no doubt
valuable. It is possible for various torsions and fixations of the sacrum
to arise which hold it in an abnormal position between the ilia but
which do not disturb the sacro-iliac in such a way as to alter the relative
length of the two extremities. When mis has happened ii is often
possible to rock the ilia on the sacrum in such a way as to correct the
abnormality. However, in a general way when this kind of trouble has
arisen it is a sign that the pelvic muscles and the fasciae and ligaments
of the region are out of balance and have lost their tone and elasticity
on one side or on both. 1 would feel that the best way of dealing with
such a situation is by myofascial techniques aimed at balancing up the
pelvic musculature rather than relying solely on the sacral techniques
here described.
In connection with all the pelvic lesions it must be remembered thai
after a correction, especially i f it is for the first time, there is likely to
be a more or less serious reaction, lasting from one to three or four
days, during this period the patient's symptoms may become aggravated and he may develop others, such as pain or discomfort in the
lower back and legs. These reactions are the result of the sudden
over-flow of blood into the parts as a consequence of the sudden
removal of the disturbing influence of the lesion. I f the patient continues to feel distress for longer than three or four days it generally means
that the correction was not properly made or that it has not been
maintained. It is also important to emphasise again that it is very
common tor both sides of the pelvis to be in lesion. If an inferior-Lateral
or superior-medial lesion is present on one side it is possible that one or
the other of them is also present on the other side, even though it may
be very slight in amount. If this second lesion is not corrected there is
likely to be a continued or even increased discomfort and there is small
chance of the first correction being maintained. It is, therefore, essential, after the correction of the greater or more obvious lesion, to make
sure that any slighter lesion which may be present on the other side has
been properly corrected.
It must be noted thai Mackinnon and his friends worked out his method
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of diagnosis and treatment at a time prior to the development of the

concept of Cranial Technique. The exponents of Cranial Technique
have drawn attention to movements which take place in the skeletal
system of the body and to the reciprocal action between the two ends of
the spine in which the occiput and the sacrum are both involved. In
dealing with the sacral base of the spine and seeking to give it stability
consideration of the pull being exercised on the sacrum from above
may need to be considered especially in cases where scoliotic curves
have been developed,

There can be very little doubt that the great majority of the functional
and postural curvatures which are to be found in many spines originate,
in the first instance, from misplacements of the pelvic bones. Even in
the case of organic curvatures It can often be shown that lesions of the
pelvic joints have played a great part in the production of the condition
and in the determination of its particular conformation. Moreover, it
will be found that the curvatures which appear bear, as a general rule,
a very definite relation to the particular lesions which exist, or have
existed, in the pelvic region. There are, of course, exceptional cases in
which the curvatures present do not follow the usual pattern, but these
are not sufficiently numerous to prevent the laying down of a general
rule; also, in many such cases it is possible to discover a history of
some rather exceptional injury or circumstance which accounts for the
unusual nature of the curvatures.
The curvatures which come into being in the spinal column as the
result of innominate lesions appear to be due mainly to the alteration
which takes place in the relative length of the two legs. The necessities
of proper balance and locomotion cause the spinal column to develop
curvatures in an attempt to compensate for the difference in the length
of the two legs. Also, all pelvic lesions produce some malalignment of
the sacrum on which the spinal column rests and some strain on the
spinal musculature and ligaments. These conditions naturally lead to
the appearance of curvatures. The careful taking of many case histories
has revealed the fact that the nature of the curvatures is generally
determined by the first serious innominate lesion to take place and by
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Che particular nature of that lesion. It is important to note that it is the

first lesion in time which determines the curvature and not necessarily
the lesion which is most marked at the time at which the examination
is made. The curvature which is produced by a right innominate lesion
will have its convexity to the right in the lumbar region, and the
curvature which is produced by a left innominate lesion will have its
convexity to the left in the lumbar region. I f the lesion is inferiorlateral the direction of the curvature in the dorsal region will tend to be
the same as it is in the lumbar region. On the other hand, i f the lesion
is superior-medial the curvature will be to the opposite side in the
dorsal region. In the cervical region the curvature is nearly always to
the same side as it is in the dorsal region. The two diagrams which
follow give an idea of the typical curvatures produced try the two types
of innominate lesion.
Figure 111



Typical curvature produced by a right

Inferior-lateral (short leg) Innominate

Figure IV



Typical curvature produced by a left

Superiormedial (long leg) Innominate Lesion.

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It must, of course, be understood that there are numerous minor

variations within these two general patterns, in addition to some
absolute exceptions. The variations are determined by special idiosyncracies of strength or weakness in the particular spine as well as by
injuries or special strains to particular parts of it. Such special strains
are often due to a more or less severe displacement of the other
innominate taking place after the first lesion has begun to produce a
curvature. This second lesion may considerably modify the curvature
without actually changing its general conformation. In particular, it is
very common in the case of the type of curvature illustrated by Figure
III, for the curve to cross over the mid-line for a short distance before
shifting back to the original side. This crossing over is most common
in the region of the lumber-dorsal junction, but may also occur in the
cervico-dorsal region. The diagram which follows illustrates this type
of curvature.
Diagram V

A modified type of curvature often
produced with a (right) Inferiorlateral Innominate as the main lesion.

The determination of exactly what type of curvature is present in a
given case is not always easy, but it is very important that it should be
undertaken. The successful treatment of the spine, especially in chronic
cases, depends very largely on doing something to reduce the curvature
and to relax the lense spinal tissues on the side of the convexity in each
region of the spine. Unless work on the curvature is combined with the
correction of Ihe innominates and of other specific lesions which may
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be present ii is difficult to obtain satisfactory results or to maintain the

pelvic corrections which have been made. The curvatures and the
innominate lesions together constitute a vicious circle. I f the innominate lesions are, in most cases at least, the primary cause of the
curvatures, the curvatures when they become established help to maintain the pelvic lesions and to cause them to recur if they are corrected.
Dr Macklnnon's information and theories about curvatures are based
on many years of observation and spinal examination of patients. He
was also a skilled exponent of iridiaenosis and he claimed that it was
possible by means of its use to trace the course of irritations and
tensions starting in the pelvic region and spreading into other parts and
organs of the body. This is obviously a field in which more research
and observation is desirable and some might contend that Mackinnon's
analysis of the origin and form of the curvatures and tensions which
occur in the spine is incomplete or incorrect in some respects. 1 can,
however, say with certainly from my own experience and observation
that to restore and maintain the integrity of the pelvic girdle is the key
to the successful treatment of all parts of the spine and also, to a great
extent, of the extremities. The reason for this is that the pelvic girdle is
the foundation on which the spine rests and the central pivot on which
the mechanics of the whole body depend. When it goes wrong the body
is forced to compensate or to try to do so, in some way and to some
degree, both tn order to maintain the erect posture and to move the
body and its parts in a satisfactory way. This is the beginning of all
sorts of structural, postural and mechanical strains, weaknesses and
abnormalities. Also pelvic lesions produce a reflex effect on the
nervous system, both somatic and autonomic, which can be very strong
and far reaching. One must remember that although ihe body has parts
it is essentially a unity, and the same applies lo the nervous system. The
maintenance or restitution of the gravity Line is the key to sound
posture and body mechanics and the integrity of the pelvic girdle on
which the spinal column rests is essential to the maintenance of the
gravity line.
The importance of pelvic lesions is due not only to the curvatures
which they tend to produce or to maintain, but also to the peculiar
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irritations which (hey set up in pelvic nerves and, indirectly, in the

nervous system throughout the body. The result of these irritations is to
upset the nerve and blood supply to many of the parts and organs of the
body and to produce a whole host of symptoms the exact cause of which
has hitherto been little understood. In some cases such symptoms will
disappear with miraculous swiftness if the pelvic lesions are corrected
and maintained in correction, but in other cases where the condition is
of long standing or in which it is complicated by chemical conditions
in the body, cure may be a long and difficult matter. Much observation
and experience have, however. Led to the conclusion that certain
symptoms can definitely be associated with particular lesions of the
pelvis, and that the removal of such lesions is the first step which must
be taken to remove the symptoms.
The first point to be noticed is that right innominate lesions seem to
produce a very special effect on the gastro-intestinal system, while left
innominate lesions mainly influence the genitourinary and circulatory
systems, including the function of the heart itself Thus, when a patient
is suffering from head-ache, indigestion, flatulence, gastric ulcer,
disturbances of bowel function, haemorrhoids, etc, it is practically
certain that a right innominate lesion will be found, though the
migraine type of headache is very commonly associated with a left
innominate lesion. On the other hand, a patient with heart trouble,
menstrual trouble, bladder or prostate trouble, night emissions, etc, is
almost certain to have a lesion of the left innominate bone. The truth of
these general propositions can very easily be tested by anyone who is
capable of making accurate pelvic corrections on small children, who
react very quickly and readily to corrections of this kind. There are very
few cases of digestive dysfunction in children which will not yield to
correction of a right innominate lesion provided that the child is being
properly fed, and there are very few cases of bladder irritation and bed
wetting which will not similarly yield to correction of a left innominate
The vomiting of pregnancy is a condition which seems almost always
to be due to an Inferior-lateral lesion of the right innominate. After the
adjustment is made it must be maintained, though this is not usually a
difficult matter in these cases, and it is sometimes necessary to give the
patient very easily digested nourishment, such as goafs milk, for a
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short time, until she is gradually able to take more solid rood, but most
cases will improve with surprising rapidity.
An Inferior-lateral right innominate produces an irritation and distension of the gut which appears to be the predisposing cause of appendicitis. The same lesion is also a factor in most cases of gastric and
duodenal ulcer as well as in most cases of diarrhoea and many cases of
headache. In cases of ulcer attention should also be given to the region
of the sixth, seventh and eighth dorsal, and in cases of headache to the
liver area and the neck, but these lesions are nearly always secondary to
an Inferior-lateral right innominate. In the same way, nearly all cases
of rectal irritation and haemorrhoids will be found to be due to an
Inferior-lateral right innominate, though bleeding from the rectum
usually indicates that there is an Inferior-lateral left innominate
Bed-wetting in children and night emissions in adults are sometimes
tedious to treat successfully, because the pelvic nerves are often very
much irritated and it is necessary to maintain the corrections made for
a considerable time before the irritation dies down sufficiently for the
symptoms to abate entirely. However, these conditions are generally
due to an old standing Inferior-lateral left innominate. The same lesion
is often responsible for bladder irritation, kidney disturbances and
undue frequency of urination. Stoppage of urination is a condition
which is often caused by an Inferior-lateral lesion of both innominates.
In such cases a careful correction of the pelvis should be made. I f this
is done before the bladder has become too full it may relieve the
condition without much further treatment, but in severe cases it may be
necessary to use the catheter after the necessary corrections have been
The most stubborn cases of constipation can be produced by a Superiormedial left innominate. Inferior-lateral lesions of either innominate,
especially the right, will tend to produce diarrhoea at first, but constipation may follow later with gas formation and broken stools.
An Inferior-lateral Left innominate is the Lesion which is specially
associated with menstrual and uterine disorders of all kinds. It will
often cause local bleeding during pregnancy and its correction will
frequently prevent miscarriage, especially round the third month of
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pregnancy. Most misplacements and malpositions of the uterus including prolapses wilt gradually right themselves i f the pelvis is properly
adjusted and the corrections maintained for a sufficient time. The last
named condition is generally associated with Inferior-lateral lesions of
both innominates which have been present for a long time. Old
standing pelvic lesions also appear to be a predisposing cause in uterine
tumours and growths of all kinds, and they are often a factor in causing
sterility both in the male and in the female. It is also highly important
that all women who are about to be delivered should have their pelvic
bones properly in position as this helps to ensure normal labour and
delivery and to prevent lacerations, uterine inertia and after complications.
An Inferior-lateral left innominate is the lesion especially associated
with circulatory disturbances of all kinds including abnormal heart
function and even abnormal blood pressure. In such cases careful
attention should also be paid to the region of the third to fifth dorsal
and the associated ribs but lesions in this area are usually produced,
aggravated or maintained by an Inferior-lateral left innominate. Varicose veins and leg ulcers are generally produced or aggravated by
Infer tor-lateral lesions, especially on the left side.

In a general way it has been observed that Super tor-medial innominates produce severe sensory symptoms, while Inferior-lateral innominates have more effect on the viscera. This is by no means an absolute
rule, but in cases of severe pain in the back or severe lumbago or
sciatica it is always wise to look for a Superior-medial lesion at least on
one side.
The above list does not in any way exhaust the symptoms which may be
produced by innominate lesions. Such lesions produce irritations of the
nervous system, especially on the side of the lesion, and they cause
stresses and curvatures in all parts-of the spine which will produce
different symptoms according to the special tendencies, idiosyncracies
or structural weaknesses of the individual patient. Thus, in cases of
asthma it is always important to see that the pelvis is properly adjusted,
for although asthma is generally associated with bad lesions in the
upper dorsal region, such lesions are nearly always irritated, maintained and rendered more active by some misplacement in the pelvic
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region. Similarly, an innominate lesion, especially on the ten, may be

an important factor in the production of epileptic fits. The author has
personal experience of one very bad case of epilepsy which was cured
almost entirely by a rigorous course of natural treatment, but in which
the seizures are apt to recur whenever the left innominate becomes
displaced, thus reawakening the old irritation of the epileptic centre on
the left side of the brain. A persistent cough can also sometime be
relieved by adjustment of the innominates, especially i f attention is
given at the same time to the neck and clavicles. Instances of this kind
could be multiplied indefinitely, but the point to be remembered is that
innominate lesions, even when very slight, produce a definite irritation
of the whole nervous system and upset the mechanics of the whole bony
framework of the body, thus producing a whole variety of symptoms in
all parts of the body and aggravating all sorts of conditions which are
primarily due to other causes. The wise osteopath will make it a rule
never to allow any patient to get off his table until he has made sure
that the innominates are perfectly adjusted.
The symptoms produced by Anterior and Posterior misplacements of
ihe ilia are somewhat less clearly defined than those produced by
Inferior-lateral and Superior-medial innominates. The most interesting
fact about them is that they undoubtedly play a very large part in the
causation of inguinal hernia. When hernia occurs in young children it
can generally be relieved by a proper adjustment of both the innominates and the ilia, but in the case of adults, though some success has
been achieved, the results have not been so encouraging up to the
present. It is reasonable to suppose that lesions of the lower dorsal and
lumbar spine also play an important part in the causation of hernia,
since the innervation of the inguinal region and the inguinal canal
appears to be derived from the upper portion of the lumbar plexus.
Anterior and Posterior misplacements of the Ilia will also produce
feelings of pain, tenderness or discomfort in the pelvic region, and may
aggravate any of the symptoms produced by ordinary innominte lesions, in addition to making corrections of such lesions more difficult
lo maintain,
A Tilted Sacrum, which is very often accompanied by a lesion of the
coccyx, will often produce rectal trouble, such as spasm of the rectum,
and may also play a part in the causation of haemorrhoids.
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The maintenance of pelvic corrections is often a problem which
presents great difficulties. When the lesions are of recent origin and the
patient is a person of good physique, with tissues in good tone, a single
correction will often suffice to bring about a permanent cure. In other
cases, however, it is possible to go on adjusting the pelvic bones for
weeks, or even months, without their becoming really stable. Fundamentally the problem to be solved is one of nutrition and body tone.
The sacro-iliac joints seem to be specially prone to give trouble.
According to the view of some, this is due to the human body being
imperfectly adapted to the erect posture, but, however this may be, it is
certain that any shocks or violence to which the body is subjected will
produce trouble in the sacro-iliac joints much more readily than in
other parts of the bony framework of the body. These joints seem,
indeed, to act in some degree as shock absorbers whenever the body is
subjected to violence or strain, and, as they are gliding joints of a
somewhat peculiar kind without much muscle support, they depend
more than most other joints for their strength on the tone and elasticity
of the supporting ligaments. Among most 'civilised people the general
body tone is so poor as the result of wrong feeding, suppressed disease,
unhealthy living habits and poisoning with drugs and vaccines, often
going back for some generations, that the body framework is no longer
able to stand the strains which are normally put upon it. It is quite
common to find new born babies with pelvic and other misplacements
or lesions, even in cases in which the birth has been quite norma),
which goes to show that many children are born with a definite
weakness in the supporting tissues of the body. It often lakes much time
and patience as well as vigorous all-round treatment to overcome such
weakness, especially in persons who have been chronically sick for
some time and who are no longer young.

There are certain measures which can be taken to improve the tone of
the tissues and so to encourage the maintenance of pelvic corrections.
It is probable that other methods can be and will be devised as the
nature o f the problem becomes better understood. There Is very little
doubt that systems of exercise are already in existence which could be
used or modified with this special end in view. We shall, however,
confine ourselves here to the consideration of some of the simpler aids

to stabilisation of pelvic corrections.

As has already been suggested above it is of the highest importance to
get the whole spinal column loosened up as much as possible, and in
particular to do work aimed at the reduction of such curvatures as are
present. It is also important to be sure that the large muscles of the
pelvic region such as the glutaet, adductors, hamstrings, psoas
quadricips femoris, quadrat) lumborum, etc, are in a good functional
state and well balanced, so that the pelvic girdle is not being subjected
to abnormal strains or tensions. While violent exercise and athletics are
often inclined to upset the pelvis until it becomes fairly strong and
stable, swimming and walking, particularly in hilfy country, seem to be
a help. Careful dieting to aid in the elimination of toxins and to
promote the building of sound tissue is of great imrjortance. The diet
should be rich in vitamins and minerals which help to give strength
and tone to the supporting tissues of the body. Various forms of
hydrotherapy may also be very helpful, both in promoting the elimination of toxins and in improving circulation to the pelvic region. In this
connection the cold sitz bath is particularly valuable. The patient
should sit in a tub of cold water deep enough to cover the buttocks,
genitalia and lower abdomen for three minutes every evening before
getting into bed. It is also important that the patient should avoid
sitting in stiff, twisted and unnatural positions or becoming unduly
fatigued. Anything which unduly irritates the pelvic nerves, such as
excessive sexual activity, is to be avoided.

There can be Utile doubt that exercises such is those which are advocated by F. A
Horaibrook in bis bunous classic The Cuftvre of the Abdomen (now out of print and difficult
lo obtain) can do much lo improve ihe strength and stability of the whole abdominal *nd
pelvic region.

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1 believe that it is time for us who live and carry on our work in the
osteopathic and naturopathic tradition to do some serious thinking on
the whole subject of vaccination and immunisation. We are tradition
ally opposed to these things and we are aware that in being so opposed
we are in conflict with current scientific and medical opinion, with
pCAverful vested interests, with governments and even with the law. I
believe that fundamentally we are right in looking with suspicion on
all, or most, of these procedures, but i f we are to convince others that
we are right, it will be necessary for us to state our case more
convincingly and more scientifically than we do at present and to
indicate better ways of doing what orthodox vaccination and immunisation is doing or claims to be doing. This will lead us into some very
deep water, but even i f it is only for our own satisfaction 1 think we
should be seeking for answers to a number of questions.
The first question to be considered in any given case is: what exactly is
the substance, which is being administered? This is not a question
which is easy to answer, as the preparation of vaccines and sera has
become highly technical, the immunity which it is sought to produce is
sometimes of the active and sometimes of the passive variety, and in
some cases the ingredients are supposed to be living and in other cases
dead. There are also differences in the mode of preparation and the
mode of administration. Thus, while animal tissues or animal sera are
generally used, it is not always in the same way; some preparations are
applied to the skin, as in the original small pox vaccination, some are
injected in one way or another and some are designed to be taken
orally. In the classical case of small pox vaccination there is reason to
think that the nature of the substance has changed completely since the
time of Jenner, and that it is now far removed from the "cow pox"
which he regarded as a protection against small pox- However, in
connection with all these substances certain objections can be raisedOne objection is that in a general way ail forms of mass medication are
dangerous because no two people react in the same way to the same
thing and what may be harmless to one person may be dangerous or
inappropriate to another. Another objection is that we do not really
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know what the ultimate effects are on the tissues and fluids of the body
of putting into it substances derived from animal tissues, especially
diseased animal tissues, it may very well be that the ultimate effects
are very harmful and indeed it is almost impossible to believe that some
of them are not when we consider how they are prepared. Moreover,
putting things into the body by injection, especially i f it is done directly
into the blood stream, is very far from being a natural procedure, and it
is by no means certain thai it does not sometimes do harm and have
effects which are not realised, especially on the cardio-vascular system.
The second question is: are these preparations really effective for the
purpose, which they are supposed to fulfill? This, too, is not an easy
question to answer in any given case. There are a great many different
opinions and a good deal of evidence which appears to be conflicting,
and a lot of the statistics and the interpretation which is given to them
are open to suspicion. For instance, anti-vaccinists have pointed out
that, in the case of small pox, it is not the countries with complete
vaccination so much as the countries with good hygiene and sanitation,
which have the lowest incidence of the disease. Also although the
incidence and severity of some diseases for which there is an immunising treatment have apparently declined, the same may also be said of
other diseases for which no such treatment exists. The views of
persons who have lived and worked, either as doctors or as administrators, in primitive overcrowded and undeveloped parts of the world and
have been brought face to face with the most terrible and destructive
epidemics, are by no means in agreement as to the efficacy of the
immunising or curative vaccines which are in common use. Some of
them seem to have become anti-vaccinists as a result of their experience while others declare that they could not possibly have checked,
prevented or controlled serious epidemics without the appropriate
vaccinations and serums treatments. To me it seems that the efficacy
and desirability of a great many of these treatments is quite unproven,
but that it is difficult to deny that some of them are to an extent
effective in preventing or controlling or curing some conditions,
although they may be doing so at a certain cost and may be less good
and less effective than other methods which might be used, as well as
having bad after effects. One reason, among others, which 1 have for
so feeling is that one can hardly escape from the conclusion that similar
forms of treatment applied to animals do have very definite effects.
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Experienced sheep breeders, for instance do lose fewer lambs i f [hey

give certain injections in a routine way, and masters of foxhounds now
do not need to breed as many puppies as formerly because, i f they inject
against distemper, they do not lose so many in the rearing and training
period This does not, of course, necessarily mean that these injections
may not have serious disadvantages in the long run or that other
methods might not be used which would be equally effective and would
not have any disadvantages, but that they are effective in preventing or
controlling certain diseases and infections, it is difficult altogether to
deny. For a number of reasons it is much more difficult to reach a
definite conclusion about similar treatments used on human beings, but
it would not be surprising i f some of them do act in the same way.
The third question is: if, and in so far as, these treatments are effective,
how do they operate? It has always appeared to me that a great deal of
modern vaccine and serum treatment is based on a misunderstanding
of the homoeopathic principle and a crude application of it. Is it not
possible that when such treatments do work they are working in the
homoeopathic way? The main difference, in some cases, between the
orthodox vaccine and the homoeopathic nosode may merely be that it is
given in gross quantities and by injection instead of per mouth. In
some cases, moreover, when the dose is very attenuated even the
quantity and potency of the dose may be unobjectionable from the
homoeopathic point of view. It might, 1 believe, be argued with some
justification that modern immunology has been moving in the homoeopathic direction without perhaps admitting or realising that it is doing
so. If this is so, it would be a great advantage i f the movement could
become more rapid and more conscious.
On the Other hand, if we look at the matter more from the oldfashioned naturopathic point of view, we see the possibility of these
preparations acting suppress!vely. The naturopathic idea that acute
disease can be treated suppressively and driven back into the system
instead of being got rid of has, without doubt, got truth behind it and
we have all seen cases of chronic disease or slow and incomplete
convalescence following on the treatment of acute conditions by powerful drugs, serums and antibiotics. Also another point needs to be
considered in connection with some of the prophylactic vaccine treatments in common use, namely, how far is their action really specific?
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There is some evidence that i f the body is asked to deal with any kind
of toxin or infection it may be stimulated to produce inflammatory and
other reactions which will render it immune, at least for a time, to other
mfections. In this connection it is interesting to note that Dr. Still, the
rounder of Osteopathy, who was opposed to vacciation on account of its
dangers, believed that people could be protected from small pox during
an epidemic by being blistered with cantharidin or Spanish fly, and he
based his belief on actual experience in many small pox epidemics, hf,
in fact, it is possible to produce a general immunity reaction, even for a
short time, by me use of some harmless substance or even by some sort
of artificial fever, this opens up new possibilities in prophylaxis.
The fourth question is: what is the real nature of immunity, what
causes epidemics and how should natural immunity be acquired and
epidemics controlled and prevented? This, too, is a difficult question to
which to give a complete and satisfactory answer. We would all like to
feel that immunity is synonymous with good health and that if the body
is in a good physical and chemical condition with all its glands and
organs functioning as they should, it will be immune to infection or
will, at least, react easily and favourably to any noxious thing which
attacks it from the outside. That this is fundamentally the right way of
looking at things, I do believe, and we can indeed see the principle at
work in ourselves and in our patients. We know from experience that
there is, at (east, a relative immunity to many forms of acute disease
among people whose bodies are in a good physical and chemical
condition. We also know from experience that the so-called "healing
crisis" is a real thing and that it often Leads to greatly improved health
if it is dealt with wisely.
One great disadvantage of the germ theory of disease as now generally
accepted is that it concentrates attention on specific organisms and
viruses and does not answer the question of how they arise or where
they come from and why some people harbour them and some do not,
and why some people appear to react favourably to them and some
unfavourably. In the realm of treatment too, the parasitic germ theory
leads to the idea that the important thing to do is to kill "germs" or
neutralise them in some way. It is apt to be forgotten that the patient is
much more important than the disease and that it is the vitality,
condition and reactions of the patient, which bring about prevention or
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cure in the long run. It is by no means certain that it would be a good

thing, as orthodox Immunologists appear to mink, i f a number of
"shots" could be devised which would "protect" the population from all
the common diseases. It is a sound maxim of treatment that it should
aim at assisting body processes when they need to be assisted rather
than to prevent them taking place or interfering with them. It is a good
thing to produce "immunity" and "cure", i f it can be done by means
which so assist the body that it does not contract the particular disease
or is able to overcome it rapidly, safely and completely i f it does
contract it, but it is very doubtful whether very many of the current
immunising procedures and drug, serum and antibiotic treatments can
be said to act in this way. There is a good deal of reason to think that
if they do act for the specific purpose for which .they are devised,
namely to prevent some particular disease or destroy some particular
organism or virus, they are doing it at a considerable cost to the patient
and that the trouble may in fact be being swept under the carpet rather
than got rid o leaving the patient in a fundamentally less sound
condition than he was before.
There can be very little doubt that acute infectious diseases have
become, on the whole, very much less frequent and less destructive of
life than they used to be, at least in our western communities, but it is
also true that there is far too much subnormal health and an increasing
incidence of malignant, organic, mental and nervous disease. 1 believe
that the naturopaths are right, or at least partly right, in seeing a
connection between these two tendencies. In so tar as the decline in
acute disease and its virulence is due to improved hygiene and sanitation, to better living habits and to better nursing and care, it is all to the
good, but in so far as it is due to the suppression of acute reactions by
drugs, serums and antibiotics, and sometimes by surgery, it is to- be
Another unfortunate result of the present preoccupation with bacteria
and viruses is that it produces an attitude of mind both in the population and in the medical and nursing professions which may be described as one of diminished personal responsibility. If people are tl*
they are increasingly unwilling to put any of the blame on themselves
or their habits of lite but prefer to attribute their troubles to some germ
which has attacked them without reason; doctors and nurses on their
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part lend to rely more and more on vaccines, serums and drugs for the
prevention and cure of acute diseases and, if such are not available or
do not appear effective, they are virtually powerless. The most striking
example of this is in the case of animals. It is apparently quite
inconceivable to the veterinary profession or the Ministry of Agriculture that there could be any treatment for foot and mouth disease except
a vaccine. As no vaccine, which they consider satisfactory, is available
they cheerfully insist on slaughtering thousands of valuable animals.
This makes it practically impossible for anyone to discover rational
methods of preventing, treating or controlling foot and mouth disease.
Note: Sir Albert Howard, the pioneer of organic farming, claimed that
his cattle showed almost complete immunity lo foot and mouth disease
although exposed to infection in a part of India where Ihe disease was
Techniques for assisting patients to get through the quite natural crises
and difficulties of acute disease, based on a sound knowledge of
anatomy, physiology and diet, are at a discount and tend actually to be
forgotten. Most of us have had some experience of treating acute
disease by such methods as osteopathy, hydrotherapy, homoeopathy
and the like and we know that it can be done, though one can have
some very anxious moments if one is not in the habit of doing it often
enough to acquire a high degree of skill and confidence.
It must be remembered that the early reputation of many of the
unorthodox schools was built up on the successful treatment of acute
diseases and epidemics, and this leads one sometimes to wonder
whether the fear which still attaches to some of them is really justified.
1 make this suggestion in all humility because I cannot back it with
personal experience of any great account and it is well known that
epidemics destroying a large percentage of the population can, and
sometimes still do, sweep over whole areas in such places as India,
China and Africa. Yet, I believe we are entitled to ask whether the
high mortality in such cases is really necessary. Certainly it seems
possible that when dangerous epidemics occur, especially among primitive and poverty-stricken people, the high mortality may be due to
ignorance, neglect or malnutrition, as well as to the panic which is
engendered; for we all know that if a sick person is very frightened and
hopeless and believes he is going to die he is very much more likely to
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do so. It may even be that immunisation campaigns may sometimes

achieve a certain success less from what they actually do than from the
confidence which they create in the minds of all concerned. Is it not
therefore possible that i f we understood a little better how to marshal
and direct the vitality, and the physical, mental and spiritual forces of
patients in dangerous acute crises, they would come through quite
safely? For the alarming symptoms and general breakdown of vital
functions which tend to occur do really represent the attempt of the
patient's vitality to fight its way through and bring about cure, and i f
we understand what the body is trying to do we ought to have skill
enough to help it in ways which may be no less effective for being very
1 have stated these ideas and this point of view at some length because
1 believe them to be the basis on which the naturopathic theory of
immunity is built up. According to this theory there is only one kind of
immunity which is worth having and that is natural immunity; and
natural immunity is really synonymous with good health as opposed to
a mere absence of obvious disease. Scientifically this view can be
defended by accepting the ideas of Bechamp rather than those of
Pasteur. Pathogenic organisms and viruses are not regarded as things
with an independent existence in their own right, but rather as derivatives or modifications of the living bioplasm of human or animal
tissues or of the organisms which are normally present in the intestinal
tract. Organisms and viruses are fundamentally not so much the cause
of disease as its result or accompaniment. Their action, at least in most
cases, may be regarded as being constructive and beneficial, or potentially so. They cannot live in a really healthy body and i f the soil and
food which causes them to thrive is eliminated from the body they
become harmless, and when they play a part in an acute and feverish
reaction they are actually assisting to break up and eliminate deep
seated toxic and pathological conditions. Practically all disease, from
the common cold to cancer, is a kind of virus phenomenon because it is
based on a degeneration or modification of the body tissues. All life is
a species of fermentation and health is a good and harmonious fermentation while disease is a fermentation, which has gone awry.
This theory of immunity is attractive to me and I have always believed
it to be fundamentally true, but 1 think it is only right to give
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consideration to some ideas and facts which would at least appear to

lead us in a different direction and which are hard to reconcile with i t
It would seem indeed that there is a mystery about seme most destructive epidemics and that it is hard to find any rational explanation for
them or to see how they fit into any theory, either orthodox or
unorthodox. Trie kind of phenomenon of which 1 am speaking would
appear not to be confined to human beings but also to manifest itself in
connection with plants and animals. For instance, a good deal of
practical research and experimentation has taken place among organic
farmers and by such organisations as the Soil Association which seems
to show that crops grown in a sound way in really healthy soil are
relatively free from disease, as also are the animals and humans fed on
such crops. Yet I live in a country where the memory of the great
potato famine of the 1840 decade is still very much alive, as it was
instrumental in about halving the population in a few years and
changing profoundly the history and economy of the country. The
records of this occurrence are very worthy of consideration and study.
It may truthfully be said that the sudden and spectacular failure of the
potato crop could partly be accounted for by the met that a dangerous
form of subsistence monoculture on tiny plots of impoverished land had
become established in some parts of the country, but the interesting
thing is that the destruction seems to have been almost as great on well
cultivated large farms where the most excellent husbandry was practised, at a time, moreover, when artificial manuring of the modem
chemical kind was quite unknown. It can of course be said that the
potato famine was due to a blight of a parasitic type and not to bacterial
or vims infection, but I believe that the principle involved is really the

In the case of a well-known animal we have recently had an example of

something very similar. Rabbits have been virtually wiped out over
* It must be femembered thai many plants and animals which arc domesticated orraisedon
farms or in gardens have been introducedfromother parts of ihe world and nearly all have
been elaborated and changed in various ways by selective breeding designed to increase their
size or develop some special chancterislic These things, aa well as the methods of
husbandry employed, mufl undoubtedly have a bearing on the physiology and Ihe immunity
of Ihe plants and animals involved. With regard to the care and treatment of animals and the
building up of their immunity a number of writers and investigators have reported very
satisfactory results from dietary care, including the use of herbs, and from hc*nopflthie

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large areas by myxomatosis arid they do not appear yet to have

developed any very noticeable immunity to it. As far as I know this
disease originated in South America where it was endemic among a
certain species of rabbit in certain localities but was rarely, i f ever,
fatal. Subsequently it was artificially and deliberately introduced into
Australia and later into Europe with the most fatal results to the rabbits
of those continents, which were of a somewhat different kind. It
appears that the virulence of the disease may also have been increased
by the artificial cultivation of the virus. This seems to be an occurrence, which is well worthy of being thought about, and studied. The
rabbit is a wild animal, which might be regarded as being reasonably
healthy in a natural way, though it must be remembered that it had
been introduced into Australia by settlers where it had multiplied out of
all reason so that it was overcrowded on the ground to an extent which
was no doubt unnatural, while in Europe too the rabbit population had
become very excessive owing to man having upset the balance of nature
by the destruction of animals which naturally prey upon the rabbit. It
is also interesting to note that myxomatosis is one of those diseases in
which the virus or poison is introduced into the victim by the bite of an
insect or parasite. This type of disease would appear to be particularly
virulent and destructive as is evidenced in the case of humans by such
diseases as bubonic plague and typhus. It seems very possible that
when things of a noxious kind find their way direct into the tissues and
the blood stream and are not acted upon by the secretions of the
respiratory and intestinal tracts, the defensive mechanisms of the body
are taken at a disadvantage and may be overwhelmed.

Caution should perhaps be exercised in arguing from the diseases of

plants and animals to those of humans, because there are a number of
factors making comparisons difficult and unreliable, but there are some
human epidemics too which are not easy to understand and explain. 1l
does appear that very serious epidemics do sometimes occur when
primitive or isolated communities are first brought into contact with
people coming in from outside and that such epidemics are particularly
destructive of life. In some cases the populations, which suffer in this
way, could be looked upon as being very healthy and could be expected
to have a high degree of natural immunity. Various explanations have
been advanced to account for this phenomenon but none of them seem
to be entirely satisfactory. Moreover when such epidemics are brought
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under some control or die down this is very generally attributed to some
vaccination or similar treatment being applied on a mass scale. It is
very doubtful whether this explanation is sound or sufficient. It is also
true that a particular epidemic will sometimes sweep across whole
areas and, under modern conditions, even over the whole world, and do
great destruction and will then just work itself, out or disappear quite
suddenly without any very obvious explanation, and without any
specific measures being used to combat it. A number of interesting
questions are raised in the consideration of these phenomena. The first
question is whether the fact that an epidemic is very violent is
necessarily a bad sign. It has always been the naturopathic view that it
requires high vitality to respond in a strong and decisive manner to
infection or toxicity and that a weak response or no response at alt does
not necessarily imply good health or immunity. This idea seems to
have been believed in, to some extent and in some cases, by the
physicians of past generations, though it is not common today in
orthodox circles. For instance, a spectacular rash used always to be
considered a good sign in measles. We know too that it is not the
alcoholic or the drug addict who reacts in a spectacular way to alcohol
or morphine, but rather the much more healthy person who is not used
to these things. It may therefore be that when fundamentally healthy
populations react very violently to a sudden exposure to infection from
outside it is understandable on this basis. When such an epidemic
leads to a high mortality this may be due partly to unsatisfactory care
and inadequate or unwise treatment and partly, perhaps, to fear and
panic. In other cases when the health of primitive peoples becomes
undermined in a more chronic way and certain kinds of infectious
disease become endemic among them this would often appear to be due
to a change for the worse in their eating and living habits.
Yet, when all this has been said, it does appear that infections and
epidemics do sometimes arise which are of such virulence that they
carry all before them for a time. It is as if they set up a sort of chain
reaction in the body which breaks down alt resistance and causes death
before the natural reactions and protective mechanisms can operate.
There is some evidence that this kind of thing happens more frequently
when some new infection is introduced into a community from outside.
There are some infections too, like poliomyelitis, which are of such
virulence and so sudden in their onset, that they do irreparable injury
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or cause death almost before there is time to lake measures of any kind.
Diseases, which attack the brain or the central nervous system, are
particularly dangerous on account of the vulnerability of those highly
specialised tissues. What is the best way to deal with such situations,
can anything be done to prevent them from arising and what is the best
way of treating the victims i f thy do arise? Here we must, I believe, be
careful to separate in our minds the idea of prevention and prophylaxis
from the idea of treatment and cure.
First, therefore, we have to ask to what extent it is possible or desirable
by some specific measure to protect individuals or populations from
being attacked by some serious epidemic or infection. In considering
this question we must, I think, begin by realising that our conception of
what constitutes prophylaxis has become very restricted. The preoccupation of medical science with bacteria and viruses as the essential
cause of acute diseases has led to great neglect of research into the
much more important question of what causes such bacteria and
viruses to appear and to acquire their virulence. It is quite clear that
there must be causes for such diseases as small pox and diphtheria
arising in the first place and for their being more common and more
virulent at some times and in some places than in others. I f the
conditions, which give rise to them, could be got rid of it is reasonable
to suppose that they would cease to exist or become so rare and mild as
to be unimportant. There is, of course, an awareness that many
diseases are associated in a general way with poor hygiene, poor
nutrition and various kinds of bad living habits and conditions, but the
knowledge which we have of the causes which lie at the back of most
of the dangerous diseases is vague and fragmentary and is generally
regarded as being of secondary importance as compared with the
discovery or isolation of some organism or virus. It is highly probable
that when we come to understand better what leads to the development
of certain diseases and what makes some apparently healthy people
susceptible to them and others immune, we shall become much less
interested in organisms and specific vaccines elaborated from them.
Yet, in the meanwhile, there is obviously an argument for using
specific prophylactic measures i f such measures can be devised and
shown to be effective and harmless. It is not by any means easy in any
given case to be sure either that a certain protective procedure is
effective or that it is harmless and not merely suppressive or alterative

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rather than truly curative or eliminative of the underlying diathesis or

disease condition. For i f we reject the purely parasitic explanation of
the common infectious diseases we are surely bound to admit that
people who contract such a disease must have In them a diathesis or a
soil favourable to its development. Moreover, i f we accept, in any way,
the naturopathic view that the disease itself breaks up this diathesis and
substitutes for it a condition of immunity and improved health, the only
prophylactic measures which are justified are those which change
conditions in the body in such a way that the diathesis disappears and
natural health and immunity is established or, to put it another way,
which bring a condition of susceptibility to an end by lysis or gradual
change rather than by a crisis which may be severe and dangerous.
I believe that there is a good deal of evidence that much of modem
treatment, including most of the prophylactic vaccines and antitoxins,
are suppressive in tendency and also that when we become too good at
killing off or aborting the action of the commoner kinds of organism,
we produce a state of affairs in which new bacterial forms and viruses
are produced which are immune to the drugs, serums and antibiotics on
which we have come to rely, besides encouraging the establishment in
the body of chronic and destructive conditions. I would mention in this
connection that I know thoughtful and well-informed people who
believe that certain acute diseases of die central nervous system,
including anterior polio-myelitis, were virtually unknown about a
hundred years ago and have in effect been created by ourselves. When
we consider the history of vaccination and the literature on the subject
of post-vaccina I encephalitis, this idea seems by no means impossible
of belief. Unless it should prove to be possible, as Dr. Still thought, to
produce a general kind of immunity to a wide range of infections or
epidemics by the use of cantharadin or some other simple method or
substance, it would seem that homoeopathy is the most hopeful solution
of the problem of creating specific immunity in a harmless way to
diseases or epidemics which show signs of becoming dangerous.
Homoeopaths have always claimed that it is possible to do this but,
whether from apathy or lack of faith or because of a shortage of funds
or of opposition from orthodox and governmental sources, they do not
seem to have succeeded in establishing their claim on the basis of
statistics or in the eyes of the world.


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When we come to consider the question of treatment of dangerous

acute diseases I believe that the same principles apply although the
application of methods such as homoeopathy, osteopathy and hydrotherapy to acute disease makes great demands on the time, skill,
devotion and courage of nurses and physicians. Great claims are made
for various treatments with drugs, serums and antibiotics in conditions,
which used to be considered highly dangerous and these claims cannot
be ignored, Yet I do not believe that it has ever been proved that even
better results would not be obtained by the intelligent and fearless
application of methods based on physiological principles and designed
to stimulate and assist the vitality and the natural reactions of the body.
Here again homoeopathy should be able to supply the specificity
appropriate to the particular condition while other methods, such as
osteopathy and hydrotherapy, would bring about favourable reactions
of a more general kind. It is impossible to me not to belive that in this
way results would be obtained superior to any which are obtained at
present. The only thing which I would add is that I believe that there
is a future, on the basis of a profound knowledge of blood chemistry
rather than of bacteriology, for the administration in great emergencies
of substances which are of the nature of antidotes or catalysts by which
great toxicity or imbalance of the blood can be quickly overcome. *
I would like to conclude by trying to suggest something like a plan of
campaign which might help us to understand things better ourselves
and might even encourage a new approach to the problem of immunity
by the public, the medical profession and the powers that be. It would,
first of all, be natural for us to wish to support organisations dedicated
to the cause of anti-vaccination. One cannot but admire the courage,
hard work and setf-sacrifice of such persons as the late Miss Loat whodid so much to expose false statistics and false claims and to show up
many scandals. Yet it is difficult not to feel that the anti-vaccination
movement is far less effective and influential than it should be. I would
suggest that there may be two main reasons for this. First, it would
appear that the movement is far too negative. It is not really enough in
these days to say that you believe a thing to be bad if you do not say
very clearly and in scientific terms why it is bad and do not suggest
* I believe But ihere is quire a school oFihoughi. particularly on The continent of Europe,
which considers thai ihe study of chemistry ralhcr than of bacteriology will provide the
salulion of many immunological problems.

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belter ways of attempting to achieve the same ends. It is not now very
easy to find scientists who will openly express unorthodox views on
medical matters or to get money and support for research on unorthodox lines, but it is clear that the questions which we have been
considering do suggest manyfieldsof research. Not the least important
of these would be a determined attempt to establish whether or not it is
possible to produce genuine immunity by homoeopathic means. Secondly, I believe that the anti-vaccination movement can be criticised
because it often gives the impression that it is really concerned with
vivisection rather than with vaccination. Though the anti-vivisection
cause is one which arouses sympathy and attracts a lot of financial
support, it is capable of confusing the issue in connection with the
vaccination question which should, I believe, be considered on its own
merits. For the rest there is very little we can do except to study and
observe and take every possible opportunity of putting into practice the
methods of treatment in which we believe, while avoiding and discouraging as far as possible treatments which appear to be suppressing
disease or increasing toxicity in any way.

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Upward and downward movements or twists of the clavicle are very

common and may cause quite serious symptoms. Among the conditions
which are caused or aggravated by such lesions are: thyroid trouble,
neuritis and neuralgia of the shoulder, arm and forearm, huskiness of
the voice and persistent cough, pain up the side of the neck, stiffness
and restriction of movement in the shoulder- Clavicular lesions may
also be a maintaining factor in troubles of the elbow and wrist as well
as making it more difficult to remove lesions of the upper dorsals and
upper ribs.
The diagnosis of clavicular Lesions may be done in the following
manner. The patient should lie on the back or sit up with the shoulders
as Level and relaxed as possible. A pencil or other small object with a
straight edge is then laid across the base of the neck just above the
sternal ends of the two clavicles. By looking and feeling with Ihe finger
it is possible to discover whether the sternal ends of the two clavicles
are level or whether one is higher than the other. When this has been
done it is still necessary to decide which of the clavicles is in lesion.
Moreover, it is possible for both clavicles to be moved in the same
manner and so to be approximately level. It is not usually difficult,
however, to determine whether a lesion is present. When a clavicle is
in lesion there is always more or less tenderness and spasm of the
stcrno-mastoid muscle which results in a feeling of tightness when the
finger or thumb is drawn in a lateral direction across the sternal end of
the muscle; there will also be a feeling of tension at the other end of the
muscle in the upper cervical region. Another common symptom is
marked tenderness on continued pressure on the sternal end of the
If the clavicle is raised, it may be corrected in the following manner.
Make the patient sit on a stool or treatment table, at such a level that he
is neither too high nor too low for the efficient performance of the
technique. Make him fold his arms one over the other so that each hand
reaches round to the shoulder on the opposite side. The arm belonging
to the side to be corrected should be on top of the other. Then stand
behind and above the patient and clasp your two hands together by

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interlacing the fingers, at the same time reaching over and placing the
patient's elbow in the cup thus formed by the palms your hands. A
small pillow or pad should be placed between your chest and the
patient's back and shoulder. A thrust should then be made by pulling
sharply upwards and backwards on the elbow against the resistance of
your chest, while at the same time exerting an inward and downward
pressure with the fleshy part of the forearm on the acromion end of the
clavicle. The effect of this movement is to hold the clavicle down while
the scapula is forced upwards in such a way that the twist of the
clavicle is corrected.
If the clavicle is depressed, it may be corrected in the following
manner. Fold the arms across the patient's chest in such a way that one
elbow is crossed over the other, with the arm of the side which requires
to be corrected on top of the other. Stand behind and above the patient
and take his right elbow in your left hand and his left elbow in your
right hand. Place a small pillow between your chest and the patient's
back. Then pull on the patient's two elbows until they are as tightly
pulled over one another as they will go. When this point has been
reached hold them firmly and make a sharp additional pull or thrust on
the elbow of the side which requires to be corrected. This has the effect
of exerting an upward pressure on the depressed clavicle and so
rotating it back into its rjroper position.
When both clavicles have been properly corrected, their sternal ends
should appear exactly level, though there is occasionally a slight
irregularity in cases of very old standing or if there has been a fracture
of one of the clavicles at some previous time in the life of the patient.

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I have called my article "Fashions and Fundamentals' because 1 feel

that we in the osteopathic profession are always in danger of losing our
way both individually and as a profession when we do not separate
these two things in our minds. We are, of course, a profession, which
believes that in treating the sick it is very important to work on them
with our hands and we have developed techniques for doing this. J am
very sure that this is a sound belief and a sound method of proceeding
in practice, for 1 do not believe that it is generally easy to do people
much good unless one is prepared to take off one's coat and work on
them; which is, perhaps, why so much conventional doctoring leaves
much to be desired. However, the techniques, which we use, are very
much a matter of individual taste and expertise and a matter of fashion;
they are not, I would submit, really fundamental. The fundamental
thing in Osteopathy is its principle or basic law which has been stated
in many different ways but which amounts to the fact that the functioning of the body and its health depend on, or at least are conditioned by
its structural, mechanical and postural state. This we believe to be a
basic law of primary importance which can be demonstrated and which
must be recognised as one at least of the foundations on which a
Science of Healing or Medicine must be built
If we keep this basic principle in mind I believe that we shall get on
well, both as individuals and as a profession- We were taught at school
that the essence of Science is that we live in a universe which is
governed and proceeds according to law The essence of being
"scientific" in any particular department of knowledge or endeavour is
that we seek to discover the laws which govern it, test them out by
experiment and then develop techniques for using them or applying
them for our own purposes. This has been tersely expressed by saying
that we learn to rule Nature by first learning to obey her. It follows thai
there must be basic laws on which health depends and that it is only by
the discovery, enunciation and application of these laws that a true
Science of Medicine or Health can be built up. We are right i n
contending that Ihe osteopathic principle enunciated above is one of
these basic laws and is, perhaps, the most important of them all. When
we grasp this idea we are no longer continually faced with the problem

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of deciding whether a given disease or a given case is amenable to

osteopathic treatment or is an "osteopathic case"- Since the osteopathic
principle is a universal principle it is of universal application and every
case can be considered in the light of the principle and treated in
accordance with it even though osteopathic manipulative technique of
a certain kind may not be the only method of treatment to be used and
may even be contra-indicated at certain times and in certain circumstances. For there are other basic and fundamental laws by which
health and disease are conditioned some of which have been grasped
and discovered and some of which, perhaps, have not. These laws or
principles should not be regarded as being antagonistic or contrary to
each other, but rather as complementary. For instance, to lake a simple
example There is undoubtedly a chemical norm as well as a structural
and mechanical norm by which the health of the body is conditioned.
Much disease, as we meet with it in practice may be regarded as a
vicious circle in which both the structure and the chemistry of the body
are concerned and should often be approached from both these points
of view simultaneously if the best results are to be obtained, because the
two interact upon each other. The chemistry of the body can, as we all
know from experience, be greatly improved by putting it into a good
structural and mechanical condition, but it is also true that i f the
chemical condition of the body and its tissues is bad it is hard or
impossible to bring them into a satisfactory structural and mechanical
slate and to maintain them therein.
It follows that our treatment of the individual cases with which we are
confronted must be worked out in the light of our anatomical and
physiological findings and the general symptom picture rather than on
the basis of the name which the particular disease is called in the
medical text books. This is in accordance with the sound old doctrine
that we must treat patients and not diseases and the old osteopathic
idea that treatment should be based on anatomy and physiology rather
than on pathology. The treatment moreover, must as a rule be general
to the whole body as well as local to a part of it, since the anatomical
and physiological workings of the body are unities. It should here be
noted that very little seems to have been done in recent times, either in
print or by word of mouth to give guide lines to students and practitioners as to how to approach different kinds of clinical problems and
symptom complexes in a truly osteopathic way. Yet, there was a very

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strong tradition in the British School of Oteopathy that mis is a thing

which needs to be done. Dr. Littlejohn in his lectures on Practice
sought to discuss every kind of disease condition in the light of
osteopathic principles and to indicate how to deal with it in an
osteopathic way. The notes of his lectures which were taken down by
the students are in existence but they are, as far as I know, little known
and little studied today and are in some danger of being entirely
forgotten, although a fewfragmentshave been edited and printed in the
Maidstone Year Book and possibly elsewhere. It is high time that they
were systematically edited and printed and made available to the
When once we have grasped the essential importance of the basic
principle of Osteopathy, 1 believe that we should be very flexible in our
approach to the whole subject of technique. Manual healing systems
are very numerous and there are also systems of bodily reconstruction
which do not involve manual manipulation in the usually accepted
sense. I believe there is something to be learnt from all these different
sources and to be incorporated into the individual methods of treatment, which we use and teach. 1 am convinced that manual treatment
is a very individual thing and that it is an art rather than a science and
that we learn to do it by experience and the development of an expertise
rather than by any sort of rule of thumb.
It does appear, however, that there are two rather separate objectives,
which we seek to obtain in the use of our hands in treatment. The first
of these is the normalisation of the musculoskeletal system of the body
so that the structure, mechanics and posture of the body are rendered as
perfect as possible. There are different ways of doing this or attempting to do it and different individuals and different schools have
developed methods and theories, which differ somewhat from each
other. We hear of osteopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, neurotherapists and others who all have their particular approach and methods
and go about things in different ways, and within these professions or
groups developments and changes of fashion are going on all the time.
One hopes that these developments and changes of fashion are on the
whole the reflexion of more enlightenment, knowledge and skill, but
one fears that sometimes they may not be; for change is not necessarily
the same thing as progress. The real criteria of whether a particular

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technique or method is good or bad is how well it contributes to the

normalisation of structure, mechanics and posture which we seek to
achieve and maintain. Experience has led me to feel that osteopathic
technique in die period during which I have been familiar with it has
been going through a phase or fashion which is not entirely happy in
spite of the very high degree of skill which has been developed by many
of its exponents. This, I believe, is because too much attention has
been concentrated on individual spinal and other joints and on techniques for mobilising or "correcting" these. There is no doubt that
there are times and occasions in which it is wise or essential to move a
particular joint by means of leverages and a certain amount of force,
but concentration on individual bony lesions or groups of lesions, and
on joints and bones rather than soft tissues, and on parts of the body
rather than the whole, can very readily lead to osteopaths becoming
little more than high-brow bonesetters. This very much curtails the
sphere of their operations and reduces the effectiveness and permanence of their work. The truth of the matter seems to be that structural,
mechanical and postural faults and abnormalities are produced and
maintained almost entirely by there being something wrong with
muscles, great and small, and fasciae. Except in exceptional cases
there is nothing to prevent a joint moving freely and coming to rest in
its proper position provided that the muscles and other structures by
which is operated, supported and controlled are in proper balance and
working order. Morover, if these structures are put in proper balance
and working order the joints will begin to move properly of themselves.
Speaking for myself it was not until 1 came into contact with the ideas
and techniques of Dr. Ida Rolf and her system of Sfjijctural Integration
and Release that I came to realise that most so called "osteopathic
lesions" are secondary phenomena which, however they were caused,
are maintained by muscle imbalances and deteriorations and by hardening and contracture of fasciae. Moreover the individual lesion,
important as it may be in its effects, is part of a pattern of postural
strain and imbalance against which the body is constantly struggling to
maintain itself erect and function satisfactorily. When all is as it
should be the muscles and fasciae maintain the body in the erect
position and posture very much as guy ropes hold up the pole of a tent;
there is no strain and the heavy masses of the body such as the limbs,
thorax, head and pelvis are in a proper relationship to the gravity line
from the head to the ground. On the other hand when there is

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imbalance in these supporting tissues, trouble begins and tends to be

cumulative as more and more compensations and strains are initiated
and confirmed. A technique which corrects the imbalances both
between the front and the back of the body and between its two sides
and restores the gravity line will automatically eliminate individual
lesions and groups of lesions or at the very least render them ready and
easy to be corrected and unlikely to recur. In addition, the elimination
of the waste of vitality and energy occasioned by postural strain in;the
body, as a whole is something, which has to be seen and experienced to
be realised.
The second objective of manual treatment is closely bound up with the
first but is also to some extent distinct from it. We can by the use of our
hands in one way or another seek to exercise an influence on and
through the central nervous system by making use of the reflex
connections of the system to produce effects which are beneficial both
in the body as a whole and in particular organs or parts. This is the
basis of much of the old osteopathic approach to the treatment of acute
diseases and it is interesting lo note that it forms a link between
osteopathy and other forms of reflex therapy such as spondylotherapy
and acupuncture.

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MA(Oxon) BLitt DO MRO'

3 March -190G - 30 December 1993

It has been a great privilege lo have had close contact through all my
professional life with such a wonderful man. All who knew him will
miss his counsel, his great sense of fim and ready wit, the depth of his
knowledge and constancy and the warmth and support of his friendship.
He was a remarkable man; a man of many parts. Educated at Eton and
Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was an accomplished oarsman,
he was well prepared for his engagement as a history don at Toronto
University. When osteopathy called, he trained at Kirksvilie, Missouri
and obtained his doctorate of osteopathy in the early thirties.
In practice, he assisted Daniel Mackinnon (who had graduated at the
Lindlake College of Natural Therapeutics) and became a fine naturopath as well as an extremely able osteopath. He greatly assisted
Mackinnon in the preparation of his book "The Conquest of Pain" and
agreed wholeheartedly with his insistence on the importance of pelvic
balance and integrity. Throughout his career, Jocelyn preached the
importance of the pelvis, demonstrating the gentle and safe Mackinnon
techniques for balancing the sacro-iliac joints, leaving with us understanding on this subject among his many essays and monographs.
Returning to Britain he assisted Kelman Macdonald in Edinburgh and
then renewed his Anglo-Irish connections by moving to Ark low in
Eire, setting up in practice in Arklow and Merrion Square, Dublin.
His ability and integrity drew people from many continents to seek his
help but success did not alter the man. He was always the same.
Many students of the BSO, and others too, have had knowledge of his
open generosity when he would invite them to his home in Eire and let
them share in osteopathic and naturopathic understanding, in farming
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and forestry on his own land, and in a sharing of his love of the country
in which he lived.
In England, which he visited frequently, he worked quietly and with
persistence to help to establish the GCRO especially in its early days.
At the time of his death he was the last surviving subscriber to the
Memorandum of Association under which the GCRO was set up in
1936. He worked to improve osteopathic education and at a difficult
time was Vice Dean of the BSO in the early years of the second world
war. In 1955-56 he was elected President of the OAGB. Also in 1955
he was a founder member of the Osteopathic Institute of Applied
Technique in Maidstone, opening proceedings with an inaugural
He was always looking to expand his understanding of the working of
the human body and the means by which its health could be further
improved. So it was that in 1962 he organised a course of instruction in
"Structural Integration ' under the personal tuition of its originator, Ida
P Rolf. Following his successfijl completion of the course he was
registered as a "Rolfer".

In later life he returned from Ireland to his family's estates near

Peterborough where he continued to practise. It was not until he was 92
years of age that he finally gave up all osteopathic practice. Also due to
failing eyesight he was forced to give up his editing and writing in
which he had managed to express profound thoughts in such beautiful
This brief summary merely scratches the surface. Because of his
self-effacing nature, few realise just how much the osteopathic profession owes to the gentle stalwart. To those who, like myself, have had
the chance to be close to him that closeness was a source of strength.
We now send our support and love to his family as we honour Jocelyn.
John Meffan

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