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This document has been produced with the input of many individuals within the venue
operation and rigging industries. Contributors have included house riggers, rigging contractors,
health and safety managers and operations managers with responsibility for rigging in their
venues. Some of the content is taken or adapted from existing venue rigging codes / rules.
During the many meetings that have taken place, there have been a number of subjects that
have created lengthy discussion, however, the one subject that invariably raises emotion in
everyone is the need for timely and appropriate information. This is mentioned in Section 11
of the guidance but is also mentioned here because lack of good quality information submitted
within a reasonable period before an event is the one complaint that consistently arises from
venues. It is the key to forward planning and an efficient and safe operation on site. There are
many events for which accurate rigging plots, detailed method statements and risk
assessments are forwarded to venues well in advance of an event, however there are also
many where inadequate or inaccurate information is produced and is not made available until
very close to the event and sometimes on the day of the event. It cannot be over-stressed
that accurate, timely information is a major factor in improving safety and reducing conflict on

Page 2


This rigging guidance has been produced by members of the National Arenas Association for
use in UK venues.
Its purpose is to provide:

Guidance to venue operators on a wide range of safety matters relating to rigging, in

order to ensure the health, safety and welfare of anyone working in or visiting a UK
Advice to riggers and rigging companies on general venue requirements relating to
rigging and associated activities.
Advice and guidance on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and commonly
used rigging equipment.

This document is NOT intended to be a technical manual for riggers, however it should be
regarded as setting minimum operational standards expected of riggers.
The guidance is structured such that it can be applied in any venue and it is therefore general
in nature. It should be used in conjunction with any venue specific rules and regulations.
For the purpose of this guidance, rigging is defined as The temporary suspension or
attachment of materials and equipment to a building or structure (including temporary
structures built specifically for the purpose) by means of wires, cords, slings, chains or lifting
appliances and related equipment. Theatrical counterbalance flying systems are not included.

Page 3











Employers / Client Responsibilities
Employees / Self-employed Responsibilities




General Safety Precautions

Working Underneath Rigging Operations
Working at Height
Hours of Work


Personal Protective Equipment







Examination and Inspection of Equipment

The Nature, Type and Frequency of Examinations



Working Practices
General Conditions
Suspension Points
Method of Attachment
Load Spreader Beams
Truss Systems
Work Areas
Suspended Signs
8.10 Catenaries
8.11 The Installation of Safeties



Insurance & Public Liability



Access Equipment
10.1 Truss / Caving Ladders
10.2 Aerial Platforms



Page 4



Planning and Provision of Information

11.1 Lifting Equipment Documentation
11.2 Risk Assessment


Appendix 1
Codes of Practice and Guidance


Appendix 2
British Standards (BS), DIN & ISO Standards


Appendix 3
Guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment


Appendix 4
Guidance on the use of Rigging Equipment


Page 5




Health & Safety legislation, Approved Codes of Practice, guidance and general
good practice apply to rigging operations as they do to all work activities. The
overall aim is to secure the health, safety and welfare at work of employees, the
self-employed and all other persons who may be affected by work activities (e.g.
audiences). While not an exhaustive list, the main Regulations are:

The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974

The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations, 1999

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (2nd edition 1998)

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (PPE)

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

The Work at Height Regulations 2005

Anyone who is involved in or has responsibility for rigging operations should

ensure that he / she is familiar with these Regulations.

A list of relevant codes of practice and guidance is set out in Appendix 1.

A list of applicable standards: BSs, BSENs, ISOs etc. is set out in Appendix 2.
In addition, there are requirements under Local Government legislation,
Conditions of License etc. that vary from venue to venue. Consultation with the
appropriate Local Authority departments is essential.



Venues should reserve the right to inspect all rigging, working methods and
equipment to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, codes of practice etc,
and to refuse to permit the use of non-compliant equipment and working

In order to ensure compliance with the legislation in Section 1, all parties involved in or
controlling rigging operations have responsibilities to themselves and to others. There is
a general hierarchy to the process but it is important to note that persons in overall
control always retain some degree of liability for activities carried out under that
control, even when specialist contractors are hired in to do the work.

Employer Responsibilities
Venues generally may be considered as shared workplaces where employers
responsibilities fall upon the venue and its hirers and agents which may include
venue management companies, promoters, organising companies, production
companies and rigging contractors.
Page 6


Effective communication between all employers is paramount.

Under health & safety legislation an employer has a duty to ensure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of his employees and that
the activities being undertaken do not affect the safety of others, including
members of the public.
This duty covers the following areas:

Provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work so that they are
safe and without risk to health.
Ensuring reasonable arrangements are in place for the safe use, handling,
storage and transportation of articles and substances.
Provision of information, instruction and training to his employees.
Ensuring the workplace is safe, including safe access and egress, and is
without risk to health.
Provision of adequate facilities to look after the welfare of employees
whilst at work.

This duty extends to those who may be contracted to undertake work on behalf
of the employer who will, in this case, be acting as a Client. The Client cannot
absolve himself of the principle duties outlined above by contractually deferring
them to his contractor or sub-contractors. Even though the Client may be
contractually two or three times removed from an individual working on a
project, he still carries responsibility for that individuals conduct. This duty also
applies to the self-employed.
Should an accident occur to a contractor or sub-contractor, the Client will be
expected to demonstrate to an enforcement agency that he undertook the
appropriate measures to ensure that his contractors were competent and
possessed the appropriate skills and resources to safely undertake the project

Employees / Self-Employed Responsibilities

Under health and safety legislation, employees and the self-employed have a
duty to look after their own health and safety and that of others they may
affect by their acts or omissions.
These individuals carry a responsibility for ensuring that all equipment being
used has been properly maintained and inspected, whether this equipment is
owned by the individual or by a third party.
Individuals also carry responsibility for ensuring that they are fit and able to
carry out particular tasks, this includes control of working hours and ensuring
that appropriate rest periods are taken.



Rigging operations shall be undertaken by competent persons who are qualified

by training and experience. Rigging operations shall be supervised by an
individual of equal or greater competency.

Page 7



A rigging company should have an authorised person to advise on rigging

issues. The authorised person should have the practical experience and
theoretical knowledge of the use of any equipment to be used to enable faults
and weaknesses to be assessed and to determine whether such equipment is
able to perform within its design limits.
The authorised person should carry out periodic examinations in line with the
approved company examination regime, or at more regular frequencies. The
authorised person should decide upon the nature and extent of any examination
and carry out such tests as necessary.
The authorised person should have the appropriate authority to reject defective
equipment as unsuitable for the purpose intended without concern for company
economics or for continuance of employment.


Ground riggers should have a level of knowledge to enable them to undertake

the inspection of chains and other equipment to prepare them for lifting and,
whilst not necessarily having the experience for working at heights, have the
same knowledge as that of a climbing rigger.


It is recommended that training for all riggers should include the following:

Rope access techniques in line with current standards

Emergency First Aid
Manual Handling Techniques
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms and other similar equipment

In assessing experience, account should be taken of the fact that, in many

cases, riggers gain their experience within the industry and that historically
there has been a lack of formal training leading to nationally recognised
qualifications. However, it is recommended that where possible, riggers should
undertake training in relevant areas.



Working underneath rigging operations

Where possible, all personnel should be excluded from beneath areas where
overhead rigging or lifting operations are taking place.
The exclusion zone should be clearly identified and appropriate signs should be
in place. When this is not possible, the area shall be designated a Hard-Hat
When designating a hard-hat area, this is more easily managed if an entire
space, hall or room is designated as such, rather than specific areas within the
space. Clear and unambiguous signage must be put in place.
The person or persons responsible for designating exclusion zones, hard-hat
areas and for issuing hard-hats must be defined. This person must also
determine when the area ceases to be an exclusion zone or hard-hat area.

Page 8


In practice a space may be designated as a hard-hat area only during specific

operations. This requires that clear instructions are given to all personnel likely
to be working in the area each and every time that the area is designated a
hard- hat area.
All venues should adopt and enforce a clear policy on the use of hard-hats and
this should be documented alongside relevant Risk Assessments and Method

Working at Height
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 set out a simple hierarchy for managing
and selecting equipment for work at height. Duty Holders must:

Avoid work at height where they can

Use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where they cannot
avoid working at height
Where they cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other
to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur.

Work at height must be properly planned, including written method statements

and risk assessments, appropriately supervised and undertaken by competent
Working at height should not be undertaken by individuals who are suffering
from nausea, light-headiness, ear infections or other conditions that are likely to
cause balance problems. Other conditions that may result in difficulties when
working at height include severe head or chest colds, bronchitis and influenza
etc and even just feeling off colour. All such conditions must be reported to the
Rigging Manager/Supervisor prior to work commencing. In addition, stress and
depression can lead to lack of concentration resulting in increased risk of
Under no circumstances shall rigging personnel be under the influence of alcohol
and/or illegal drugs while carrying out rigging operations.
Any prescribed drugs or other medication being taken by a rigger, must be
advised to the Rigging Manager/Supervisor prior to commencing work. Riggers
should obtain confirmation from their GP that any prescribed medication will not
affect their ability to perform their duties. Any such confirmation must be
reported to the Rigging Manager/Supervisor prior to work commencing.
When working at height, riggers will inevitably be working in the vicinity of
building services including electrical equipment, cables, gas and water pipes,
sprinkler system etc. No load, no matter how small, shall be suspended from
any of these services or containment systems carrying such services. Care
should be exercised when working or rigging near light fittings or other heat
generating equipment. Before carrying out work on, or adjacent to, any
electrical equipment, ensure that the necessary electrical isolation has been
carried out.
Tools and loose equipment must be secured when working at height.

Page 9


The Working Load Limit (WLL) or Safe Working Load (SWL) of any item of
access or rigging equipment shall not be exceeded.
Walkways must be kept clear of loose rigging equipment at all times. All
equipment taken to high level and not used must be removed after work is
completed. Tools and equipment should be hoisted to high level by means of
rope or similar system rather than being carried by individuals.
Communication devices (e.g. hand portable radios) shall be attached by lanyard
to the harness, holster belt or similar.

Hours of Work
Employers should refer to the Working Time Regulations. It is recognised that
long hours of work are often associated with rigging operations particularly in
the touring concert business. Riggers have a duty to ensure that their
competency is not affected by tiredness. Employers, Promoters, Production
Managers and Venue Managers have a duty to ensure that Riggers and Rigging
Supervisors get adequate rest periods.




Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for working at height must be provided by
employers and the self-employed in compliance with the Personal Protective
Equipment Regulations 1992. PPE for rigging activities must be suitable for
both work positioning and fall arrest.
The users of the PPE must be trained in its use and inspection. Each piece of
equipment shall be visually inspected prior to use by the operative. In addition
equipment should be inspected by an authorised person at least every six
months and after any fall or overload.
These inspections should be
The inspection regime is dependant on the usage, it is recommended that a
detailed inspection is undertaken every 3 months for heavy usage, and an
interim inspection used to highlight any potential problems. PPE examination
should not normally include proof loading in relation to textile equipment as the
load test may adversely affect the integrity of the equipment.
Guidance on the use of commonly used items of PPE is contained in Appendix


In the event of a fall and the successful operation of PPE, a rigger may be left
suspended in a precarious position with no immediate means of rescue. It is
therefore recommended that venues should have in place a rescue plan.
Within the venue, safe systems will be available such as catenary systems,
catch net systems, fall arrest systems or some combination of these. Ideally
consideration will be given to self-rescue methods during the design and
installation phases of such systems.
Page 10


5.2.1 In any rescue plan, some of the areas to consider are:


Correct P.P.E. i.e. compliant with the recommendations in Section 5

of this guidance.
Avoidance of lone working
A person falling in a full body harness may very quickly experience
circulatory problems and there is a risk of cardiac arrest from the
A second person that should ideally be a competent climbing rigger
will be able to react immediately to a situation.
Location of access equipment
Location of medical facilities
Liaison with the Fire & Rescue Emergency Services to ascertain
means of access when working at heights.


For the purposes of this guidance, lifting equipment / lifting tackle shall be
defined as 'any item used to raise, lower or suspend a load. This includes both
lifting appliances and lifting accessories.


All lifting equipment / lifting tackle used shall comply with all current relevant
legislation (See 1.1 of this Guidance.)


All lifting equipment shall be of sound material and construction, free from
defects and fit for the purpose for which it is to be used.
SWL or WLL shall be clearly marked on all items.
The SWL / WLL of any item of lifting equipment must never be exceeded.
No item of lifting equipment shall be used for any purpose for which it is not
Where reasonably practicable all rigging equipment must be inspected prior to
Rigging equipment must not be dropped from height and must be treated with
reasonable care.
Each item of rigging equipment is required to carry an individual distinguishing
mark, serial number or batch mark and be traceable from its manufacture.
Each item of rigging equipment shall be used in accordance with the
manufacturers guidelines.

Page 11


It is a requirement that current valid records and/or

test/inspection are available for all lifting equipment used.



Rigging equipment should only be used by trained competent individuals, or

under the supervision of such individuals.

Guidance on the use of commonly used equipment and systems is contained in
Appendix 4.



Examination and inspection of lifting equipment is covered under Lifting Operations and
Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) and Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998 (PUWER) and is fundamental to safety in rigging operations.

The nature, type and frequency of examinations

All equipment used in rigging should be subject to an examination scheme that
is compliant with Regulations 9 and 10 of LOLER. In summary, as an employer
or self-employed person you must ensure that:

Where appropriate, before lifting equipment (including accessories) is

used for the first time, it is thoroughly examined.
Lifting equipment may need to be thoroughly examined in use at periods
specified in the Regulations (i.e. at least six-monthly for accessories and
equipment used for lifting people and, at a minimum, annually for all
other equipment), or
At intervals laid down in an examination scheme drawn up by a
competent person.
All examination work should be performed by a competent person and
following a thorough examination or inspection of any lifting equipment a
report is submitted by the competent person to the employer to take the
appropriate action.
(Reproduced from the HSE Simple Guide to LOLER 1998 INDG 290)

An examination scheme should also consider manufacturers recommendations.

If any equipment suffers damage it should be withdrawn immediately until it is
re-examined, re-tested and documented. If found to be beyond repair, it should
be marked as unusable and destroyed.
Electrical portable appliance testing records should be available and the
equipment suitably marked and documented.


General Conditions
A competent rigger shall undertake all rigging work in a responsible manner and
consideration shall be given to the safety of all persons who may be affected by
such works. A Rigging Supervisor should be nominated for all rigging
Page 12



Suspension Points
All venues shall have venue specific requirements / regulations regarding
suspension points and the loading capacity of different elements of the building
structure. Riggers must ensure that they comply with these requirements and if
there is any doubt, there must be consultation with the venue management.
When the suspension point has been installed and the operative responsible for
the installation is completely satisfied it is safe, secure and capable of
supporting the load to be applied and within the SWL of all components used,
the hook will be attached to the master link or shackle.


Method of Attachment
Venues will have venue specific policies on methods of attachment but general
care should be taken to protect building steelwork from steel to steel contact
that can cause wear and damage.
This can be achieved by the use of soft webbing or round slings or steel wraps
covered by a PVC sleeve or by the steel work being protected by softenings.
Whenever possible the practice of 'choke hitch' wrapping of slings is to be
avoided. Where this is not possible the SWL of such slings shall be reduced to
75% of the WLL.


When bridles are installed to provide suspension points, particular attention will
be paid to the included angle created between the individual legs of bridles.
This angle will at all times be the minimum possible to keep the horizontal load
to each leg as low as possible.
As a general rule, no bridle with an included angle of more than 90-degrees shall
be permitted. If it is necessary to exceed the 90-degree angle, then suitable
calculations should be carried out to ensure that the installation is safe in
respect of both the equipment being used and the building structure.
Only riggers trained in the proper use of such equipment shall carry out the
assembly of bridles. All equipment used shall have its WLL clearly marked and
shall be suitable for the load to be applied.
Particular attention should be paid to ensuring the correct seating of shackles
and other link items.
The master link or ring forming the suspension for the load shall have a WLL
equal to the suspended load weight multiplied by the number of legs used for
the construction of the bridle. For example, to suspend a 2 tonne load on a
three-legged bridle the SWL on the master link ring would need to be 6 tonnes.
This allows for angles up to 120-degrees to be used. Angles of less than this
allow lower capacity master links to be used.
Before undertaking any rigging operation, all point loads, distributed loads and
bridle angles should be assessed in relation to the venue attachment points to
ensure that all loads can be safely applied. Applied loads should take account
of the safe weight of the rigging and hoisting equipment.
Page 13


Where more than one bridle leg terminates at the single attachment point, the
resultant effects of all loads should be considered.
When bridling, great care shall be taken where attachments are to beams or
trusses in the same plane as the bridle, to ensure that they are fixed by positive
means to stop the natural tendency to slip together. In general it is preferable
that bridles are attached to beams at 90-degrees to the plane of the bridle.

Load Spreader Beams

In situations where bridling is unsuitable, e.g. if the attachment points are
unsuitable for application of a horizontal load then the use of spreader beams
should be considered.
Where standard truss systems are employed for this purpose, they shall be
subject to a structural report, certified by a competent independent structural
Where specifically designed or manufactured beams are employed, a certificate
of independent test and examination will be available for inspection and the
WLL clearly marked.


Truss Systems
All suspended truss systems should have independent structural certification
and should only be used with certificated design parameters.
Particular attention shall be paid to the assembly of truss sections to ensure that
braces are aligned correctly as per manufacturers recommendations and that all
connectors are correctly fitted, tightened and complete with any locking pins in
Generally all truss-mounted equipment shall be fitted with a back up safety
chain or safety steel having an appropriate WLL.


The slinging of suspended equipment shall be undertaken to manufacturers
recommendations and in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Safe Use
of Lifting Equipment issued by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association.
Prior to final lifting, a check will be made at ground level and any necessary
adjustments made.


Work Areas
Main areas for rigging operations are to be clearly defined and access to such
areas shall be restricted to competent personnel directly involved in the
Clear and adequate communication between persons working at high level and
ground crew is to be maintained with other operations suspended if necessary
until such time as deemed safe to continue.
Page 14


Ground crew personnel working within such areas are required to ensure that
unauthorised personnel remain clear of the works area until operations are
Other personnel working close to or in areas where rigging operations are taking
place must be aware of these operations.
This is particularly important when the actions of other personnel could
endanger the safety of rigging personnel e.g. sound and lighting crews.
When at the site of rigging operations, an area shall be designated for the
temporary storage and assembly of rigging equipment. This area is to be kept
clean and tidy at all times with excess equipment collected as soon as
operations are complete.
Safety signs provided by the venue shall be positioned at the entrance to all
areas of access during build-up and breakdown operations.

Suspended Signs
Any signs supplied for rigging shall be checked to ensure they are fit for
The suppliers of such signs shall be responsible for the integrity of the sign and
its suspension fittings.
Signs of timber or metal framed construction may only be rigged if fitted with
fully closed eye lifting rings, bolted preferably through the full depth of the sign,
the capacity of which must be sufficient to completely support the load on any
individual fitting.
Screw-in eyes are not acceptable for this purpose and the venue will reserve the
right to refuse to allow the suspension of any signs where the suspension fitting
supplied is inadequate.
Due to the flimsy nature of materials used, paper signs may only be suspended
if constructed from 'Tyvec' or a similar approved material.
Drop weighting to the bottom of banners may only take place when the
weighting is completely sealed within the banner by positive means, such as
stitching or vinyl welding. The provision of bottom drop weight pockets by
gluing is not acceptable.


Due to the potential structural damage that can be caused by catenary wire
installation, and also the potentially hazardous nature of the installation and
removal process, the rules for installation of catenary wires should always be
checked with the venue management. Catenaries should never be installed
when public are in the halls.

Page 15



The Installation of Safeties

Secondary or Safety suspensions may be required in certain locations. The
requirements for these may vary between venues.
When required, the secondary or safeties will be installed to bypass the
mechanical lifting unit, as a minimum, in case of mechanical failure.
Additional mechanical lifting units can be installed as an alternative to safeties,
thereby providing redundant capacity equal to 100% of the load.
Alternatively, hoists fitted with a double brake and limits do not require
independent safeties.



The minimum level of liability cover required by rigging companies working within
venues will be set by the venues insurers and may be increased depending on the
nature of the services to be supplied.


All access equipment shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions and
recommendations, including the use of safety harnesses and suitable head protection.
The SWL of access equipment shall be permanently displayed on the equipment. It is
the responsibility of the operator of the equipment to ensure that the carried weight
does not exceed the SWL.
Special attention should be paid to the correct assembly and stability of ladders and
other static forms of access equipment, including the use of outriggers where fitted.
Persons trained in the correct use of such equipment should only carry out assembly of
static access equipment. Operators of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPS) for
use in rigging related operations, are required to be in possession of a current valid
certificate of Training Achievement and Competency of Operations, certified by a
recognised independent training authority conforming to CITB standards or equivalent.
It is a requirement that such certification is available for inspection at the venue.
The responsibility of carrying out the manufacturers recommended daily checks,
including fuel, will be that of the operator. If different operators use the equipment
during the course of the day then all operators should carry out a pre-use check.
Standing directly on forks, attachments or pallets, not intended for such applications, is
strictly forbidden. Any accidents involving access equipment used for rigging purposes
shall be reported to venue management immediately in addition to any other statutory
reporting requirements that may be applicable.

Page 16



Truss / Caving Ladders

Truss / caving ladders used to access flown truss structures shall only be used
in conjunction with inertia type fall arrestors. Fall arrestors should be rigged
independently of the truss structure and positioned above the ladder in such a
way as to prevent over-reaching by personnel at height.


Aerial Platforms
If it is necessary for an operative to leave a MEWP at high level, he / she must
identify a secure point of anchorage for the safety harness lanyard. The lanyard
shall be secured before leaving the platform.
When returning to the platform, the operative must ensure the lanyard remains
in position until the transfer to the carriage has been completed. At no time
should the operative be connected to both the MEWP and the structure.



The key to safe and successful rigging operations as with most activities lies in
effective forward planning and exchange of information.
The Client or the Clients representative in the form of Designer, Contractor, and
Production Manager etc. should ensure that accurate information regarding the loads to
be rigged is provided to the venue as soon as possible. This is irrespective of whether
the rigging will be carried out by venue riggers, touring riggers or outside contractors.
Information should also be provided on any moving loads, loads involving people or
anything else out of the ordinary. In turn, the venue should highlight any problems,
restrictions, regulations and other requirements.

Lifting Equipment Documentation

Under LOLER, certain information must be kept and made available for
inspection by others where relevant. LOLER defines documentation as any
retrievable recording system.
Venue owned lifting equipment must have appropriate documentation
confirming that it has been inspected / examined in accordance with the
provisions of LOLER. The HSE or a delegated Local Authority enforcing
department may require seeing documentation at reasonable notice.
Lifting equipment brought into a venue by a third party, must have
accompanying appropriate documentation confirming that it has been inspected/
examined in accordance with the provisions of LOLER. This documentation shall
be made available to the venue management if requested.


Risk Assessment
LOLER refers specifically to the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations regarding the requirement to carry out a suitable and sufficient
Risk Assessment of lifting operations.

Page 17


Those individuals and / or organisations that are responsible for the lifting
operations must carry out the Risk Assessment, or have employees who carry
out the operations. The Risk Assessment must be documented and available for

Page 18


Codes of Practice and Guidance

Safe Use of Lifting Equipment. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment

Regulations 1998. Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L113 HSE Books
ISBN 0 7176 1628 2
Simple Guide to The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
Leaflet INDG 290 HSE Books 1998
ISBN 0 7176 2430 7
Safe Use of Work Equipment. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
1998. Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L22 (2nd Edition) HSE Books
ISBN 0 7176 1626 6
Simple Guide to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
Leaflet INDG 291 HSE Books 1999
ISBN 0 7176 2429 3
Five Steps to Risk Assessment
Leaflet INDG 163 (Rev 1) HSE Books 1998
ISBN 0 7176 1565 0
Managing Health and Safety: Five Steps to Success
Leaflet INDG 275 HSE Books 1998
ISBN 0 7176 2170 7
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 - A Brief Guide
Leaflet INDG 401
ISBN 0 7176 2976 7
Code of Practice for the Safe use of Lifting Equipment
Published by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association
Lifting Equipment A Users Pocket Guide
Published by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association

Page 19


British Standard, DIN and ISO Standards


BS 2853
BS 3032
BS 3243
BS 3481
BS 3551
BS 4278
BS 4429


BS 6399
BS 6570
BS 66681/2

BS 6994
BS 7035
BS 71211/2
BS EN 292-2
BS EN 418
BS EN 698
BS EN 701
BS EN 795
BS EN 818-2
BS EN 1261
BS EN 1677-1
BS EN 1677-2

Stranded steel wire ropes

Specification for sockets for wire ropes
Specification for thimbles for wire ropes
Metal scaffolding
Specification for wire rope slings and sling legs for general
lifting purposes
Specification for the design and testing of steel overhead
runway beams
Specification for high tensile steel shackles
Specification for hand operated chain blocks
Flat lifting slings - Part 2: Specification for flat woven webbing
slings made of man-made fibre for general service
Specification for alloy steel shackles
Specification for eyebolts for lifting purposes
Specification for rigging screws and turnbuckles for general
engineering, lifting purposes and pipe hanger applications
Specification for chain lever hoists
Short link chain for lifting purposes
Specification for ferrule-secured eye terminations for wire rope
Structural use of steelwork in building
Lifting slings Part 3: Guide to the selection and safe use of
lifting slings for multi-purposes
Loading for buildings
Code of practice for the selection care and maintenance of steel
wire ropes
Textile lifting slings - Part 1: Specification for lifting slings for
general service made from certain natural and man-made fibre
Textile lifting slings - Part 2: Specification for round slings made
of man-made fibre for general service.
Specification for steel shackles for lifting and general
engineering purposes grade 4 (M).
Code of practice for socketing of stranded steel wire rope
Code of practice for the Safe Use of Cranes
Safety of Machinery; Basic concepts, general principles for
design - Part 2: Technical principles and specifications
Safety of machinery Emergency stop equipment, functional
aspects. Principles for design.
Fibre ropes for general service - Manila and sisal
Fibre ropes for general service - General specification
Protection against falls from a height, anchor devices,
requirements and testing.
Short link chain for lifting purposes Safety - Part 2: Medium
tolerance chain for chain slings - Grade 8.
Fibre ropes for general service - Hemp
Components for slings Safety Forged steel components Grade 8.
Components for slings Safety Forged steel lifting hooks
with latch - Grade 8

Page 20


BS EN 1677-4
BS EN 12275

Components for slings Safety Links - Grade 8

Mountaineering equipment Connectors safety requirements
and tests
BS EN 25817
Arc-welded joints in steel Guidance on quality levels for
BS EN 30042
Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys.
Guidance on quality levels for imperfections
BS EN 60204
Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1:
Specification for general requirements
DIN 1142
Wire rope grips for rope terminations to meet safety
DIN 15315
Symmetrical wedge sockets for wire ropes
BS 3810 Part 5: Terms used in connection with lifting tackle
BS 3810 Part 6: Terms used in connection with pulley block
BS 5950
Structural use of steel
BS 6399
Loadings on buildings
BS 8118
Structural use of aluminium
DIN 1142
Wire rope grips
DIN 15315
Wedge socket (Elevator type, for wire rope termination)
Fall Arrest Equipment Standards
EN 361
Harness for fall arrest
EN 355
Energy (shock) absorbers for industrial use
EN 360
Retractable line fall arrestors
EN 362
Connectors (karabiners) for industrial use
EN 354
EN 363
Complete fall arrest systems
EN 353-1
Fall arrestors on a rigid anchorage line/rail
EN 353-2
Fall arrestors on a flexible rigid anchorage line/rope
EN 795
Anchors for fall arrest, Types A,B,C,D
Work Positioning Equipment
EN 358
Sit harnesses
EN 358
Lanyards for work positioning (pole straps, etc)
EN 341
EN 567
Rope clamps (ascenders, etc)
EN 12278
EN 1891
Ropes for industrial rope access and climbing
EN 397
EN 12492

Construction industry safety helmets

Mountaineering helmets

Other Standards
Temporary Demountable Structures (ISE)
Specification for the Design and Manufacture of Lifting Equipment for
Performance, etc.
BS 7905 PT1 Specification for the Design and Manufacture of Trusses and
Towers for Performance, etc
BS 7906 PT1 Code of Practice for use of Lifting Equipment for Performance etc
BS 7905 PT2 Code of Practice for the use of Trusses and Towers for
Performance, etc
BS 7906 PT2 Lifting Equipment Engineers Association Code of Practice for Safe
Use Of Lifting Equipment (C.O.P.S.U.L.E)
Page 21



Truss Standard, Wire Ripe Ladders, Manual and Powered Flying

Code of Practice for Flying
The Event Safety Guide HSG 195 (The Pop Code, 1999)

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Guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The safety harness forms the ergonomic link or interface between the human body and
the attachment system. Most rigging work involves both work positioning or fall arrest
applications; it is therefore essential that a suitable harness be worn. A multiapplication harness is most suitable as it provides the sternal/dorsal attachments for fall
arrest and the lateral/central waist attachments for work positioning.
For most rigging applications the harness must comply with EN 361 and be designed to
spread the force of a fall over the structure of the body and give optimal conditions for
a suspended human. It is strongly recommended that a multi-application harness be
used for all high level working in the industry.
Harnesses used for fall arrest applications must be used in-conjunction with a shockabsorbing device that reduces the fall resultant load to 6kN for the anchorage point and
the body. These must be attached to the sternal or dorsal anchorage point.
Harnesses used for work positioning should have a central/lateral work positioning
attachment point and be comfortable (padded).
Harnesses should be free from any defects, mechanical action, working of the
webbing, acids, solvents, alkalis and UV degradation. They should be stored in a bag,
away from sunlight, heat and chemicals. They must be inspected with a regularly
maintained inspection log. Any harness that appears to be defective should be referred
to an authorised person for inspection. Any harness that is found to be defective or has
been subject to a fall should be removed from use and disposed of in a manner that
prevents future use.
Lanyards are the flexible connection element between the harness and the anchorage
point. Lanyards should only be used by competent persons, as it is essential that they
are used and inspected correctly.
Lanyards used for fall arrest applications must have an in-line shock absorber that
complies with EN 355. Shock absorbing lanyards must comply with EN 365. The shock
absorbing lanyards are designed with tear out stitching that releases when the lanyard
is loaded above 2 kN.
This reduces the resultant loads to a body or the anchorage point to below 6kN. It is
therefore essential any anchorage point, to which the lanyard is connected, is capable
of taking a 6kN (600kg) load. A lanyard length must not exceed 2m, and must never
be extended beyond this.
Types - Y Lanyard with shock absorber
This device ensures continuous attachment by using each leg alternately. The free
leg must never be attached to the harness when the anchorage leg is applied. It must
either be hanging free or clipped next to its partner on the dorsal or sternal attachment
of the harness.

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Types - I Lanyard with shock absorber

This device has a single leg for attaching to a structure or mobile anchorage point. It is
essential that these are used singularly; two I lanyards must never be used for double
lanyarding techniques or connected simultaneously. It must be connected to the dorsal
or sternal attachment point.
Work positioning lanyards
These are never to be used in fall arrest applications and are suitable only for positions
where the maximum fall does not exceed 0.5m.
It is essential that lanyards be used correctly by operatives who have been trained in
both work positioning and fall arrest applications. Consideration must also be given to
the payout of a lanyard. For work taking place above obstructions or between 2m
and 3m high, a suitable lanyard that can be shortened in accordance with the
manufactures guidelines must be used.
Damaged or worn lanyards or lanyards that have been subjected to a free fall must be
removed from service and destroyed.
Head protection that prevents the head from vertical and side impact must be worn. As
a minimum, helmets must comply with EN 12492 if used solely for working at height.
If the helmet is to be worn for groundwork it must also comply with EN 397. Note
that helmets with a chinstrap, compliant with EN 397 but not with EN 12492 are not
suitable for working at height, as the strap will not fail, which could result in
strangulation. Ideally helmets should comply with both EN 12492 and EN 397.
Ropes used for access purposes must NEVER be used to haul equipment.
Only ropes made from man-made synthetic fibres such as polyamide (nylon) or
polyester are suitable as PPE.
Only competent persons should use them and they should be inspected prior to
commencing work. They must be stored hung up, dry, clean and away from
contaminants and direct sunlight.
There are two basic types of rope suitable for PPE:
Low-stretch (semi-static) rope
These are suitable for safety lines and rescue work. They should not be used where
high impact forces are possible. This type of rope must comply with EN 1891.
Dynamic Rope
These ropes will extend typically up to 12% over its length when subject to a fall of
150kgs. This makes them suitable for use where high impact forces are possible.
Particular attention should be given to obstruction or working height when using these
ropes, as the elasticity of the rope might result in impact with the floor or obstruction.
This type of rope must comply with EN 892.

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Karabiners & Scaffold Hooks
Karabiners & scaffold hooks are used for fall arrest or work positioning and must
comply with EN 362. Steel karabiners are preferable to aluminium because they last
longer and are more robust. They must be self-closing and self or manual locking.
Scaffold hooks are only suitable for use onto tubes or steel sections at right angles so
that the lanyard loads in the plane of the hook. Clipping them to a diagonal member or
a small diameter tube will weaken them dramatically in a fall.

Fall arrest blocks (inertia reels, retractable fall arrestors or self-retracting

The fall arrest block incorporates a connection point, energy absorption and a lanyard
in one unit. It must comply with EN 360 and be regularly inspected (every 3-months
for heavy usage). They must only be used in accordance with the manufacturers
guidelines, which typically only allow them to be used between 30 to 40 degrees from
the vertical.
They must be attached to a suitable anchorage point and care must be taken to ensure
that they do not tangle or foul on any obstruction. They should be positioned where
practicable directly above the work location and the operative should never work above
the device. Fall arrest blocks should have a rated fall distance.
Other PPE for working at height
These are friction devices that manually control an operators descent, incorporating a
locking facility (dead mans handle). These must comply with EN 341.
These are devices that slide easily up a rope but lock in a downward position. These
must comply with EN 567.
Mobile fall arrestors
These are devices designed to travel freely along a flexible anchorage line. They will
lock when the system is subject to a fall. These must comply with EN 353-2.
Maillions (quick links)
These are connectors with a barrel that screw into a locking position. These must
comply with EN 12275.
Slings (man-made fibre)
These are multi purpose slings for flexible attachments. These must comply with EN
566 or EN 795B or EN 1492-2 for rigging slings.
These must comply with EN 12278
Wire Slings
These must comply with BS 1290

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Other PPE
Other PPE that should be considered includes non-slip footwear in good condition and
of such material to enable a rigger to feel the structure he/she is walking on. In
certain cases there will be a requirement to wear fully protective shoes where
heavy/awkward material are being positioned. Snag resistant clothing.

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Guidance on the use of rigging equipment
Slinging or Shortening Chains
Only chains designed and approved for load carrying purposes shall be used in rigging
operations. All chains should be short link and be side welded Grade 80 steel and
conform to BS EN 1677
The lengthening/shortening of chain is only permitted using a certified load bearing link
assembly, specifically intended for that function, i.e. no chain will be
lengthened/shortened by means of nuts and bolts, steel wire rope lashing or wire rope
Chains must never be knotted, twisted or pass over sharp edges.
The chain must be free from gouges, nicks, corrosion, and worn links; its links must
never be twisted or bent. If any of these defects are present the chain should be

It is recognised that there are ongoing efforts within the industry to gain formal
approval for the use of long link chains developed specifically for use within the
entertainment industry. At the time of publication, no such formal approval has
been given.

Electric Chain Hoists

All hoisting equipment shall be marked with SWL or WLL.
Only hoisting equipment covered by a current valid test certificate shall be used.
The suspension point or structure that the chain hoist is attached to must be capable
of supporting the SWL or WLL of the hoist plus the induced Dynamic Snatch
Magnification Factor (DSMF) of the motor.
All electric chain hoists must be equipped with some form of overload device, which
prevents the hoist lifting more than its SWL. This device must be correctly adjusted.
All electric chain hoists must be equipped with an end of travel or limit switch to
prevent damage to the structure or chain hoist.
Chain hoists shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instruction and
Particular attention shall be paid to the following points when using chain hoists:

All electrical connections shall be checked for soundness and all electrical cables
to be routed to provide suitable relief from strain and abrasion.
Cooling fan covers when fitted shall be checked to ensure they are securely
Safety chain stops shall be inspected and secured where necessary.
Hooks and their linkage systems shall be inspected prior to each usage to
ensure they are properly secured. The load supports for the hook will be from a
single source; master link or shackle (not two legs of a bridle). This applies to
both top and bottom attachments.
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Chain bags shall be secured and located in a manner to minimise risk of chain
No item shall be positioned so as to impair the free running of the chain through
the hoist either in or out.
The chain must be lubricated, free from twists, damaged or deformed links. The
chain must be attached using a sling or truss connector, it must never be back
Particular care shall be taken when running slack chain through hoisting
equipment to ensure that no twists or knots are present in the chain and to
ensure that all operation of hoists is smooth and unhindered.
The visibility of a chain should be improved by hanging a hazard sign from the
hook when the hoist is not in use.

Motorised Lifting
During motorised lifting procedures, all cables shall be routed along trussing and
secured, in order to provide adequate relief from strain and abrasion.
A nominated competent person shall be responsible for the set up and operation of the
motor control system.
The motor control position should be such that the operator has a clear view of the
entire operation. If this is not possible, other competent persons should be located in
such a way that all areas of the operation are visible to at least one of the operatives
and all operatives should be in audible contact, via radio if necessary.
A clean defined area should be created around the control position.
In the case of multiple chain hoist lifting operations, electrical control cables shall be
clearly numbered/ identified and a temporary record of the identification system kept as
All electrical control equipment for use with hoisting systems shall be fitted with a
quick-acting electrical isolation device, capable of being used in an emergency.
Operators will remain in close proximity and have unrestricted access to the electrical
emergency cut off facility during all lifting procedures.
Computer controlled 'intelligent' lifting systems will be fitted with a manual override
and shutdown facility for use in the case of emergency.
Electrically powered hoists shall be isolated from the power supply once hoisting
procedures are completed or during interim periods where other work activities are
Motor control distribution systems can be fitted with phase reversal facilities so that all
motors run in the same direction. In recognition of this, rigging crews should bump
every motor prior to lifting to ensure connection and direction of travel.
All electrical systems shall contain devices for the protection of the final circuits
against overload, short-circuit and earth fault.
Steel Wire Rope (SWR)
SWR is required to be supplied with a certificate of test/examination. This certificate
relates specifically to the rope.
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Once the rope is modified by additions and/or alterations (e.g. ferrules, thimbles, etc.)
which are intended to be permanent and the resulting assembly is capable of (or
intended for) load suspension, the assembly shall be deemed to be an item of lifting
tackle and as such is required to be proof tested and certified in accordance with the
appropriate regulations.
All SWR used for load suspension purposes shall comply with current relevant British
and European Standards.
End loop terminations for SWR assemblies, shall only be assembled by means of
hydraulic swage press ferrules or wire rope grips:

Where wire rope grips are used to effect end termination these shall be installed
following manufacturers guidelines and not used on wire ropes above 19mm.
Quick-Term or Bullet connectors, Gripples and Wedge-Sockets must be used in
lifting operations or in conjunction with PPE and must be CE marked to the
appropriate standard.

Wire rope grips shall not be used to join lengths of SWR mid-span.
Only persons properly trained in the use of hydraulic swage presses shall be allowed to
make up loop termination.
Knotted, kinked or distorted SWR shall not be used.
Any wire rope shall be deemed unserviceable if 5% or more of the total numbers of
wires are broken in any length equal to ten-rope diameters.
Splices shall not be used to attach or join any SWR.
It is a requirement that a current valid certificate of test / inspection is available for all
SWR used for load suspension.
When removing SWR from reel:

Rope should be laid out from the reel or coil onto a clean, dry surface in a
straight line without slack, to prevent kinks and twisting, which would cause a
disturbance of the lay.
Axle stands or equivalent shall be used on wire rope drums to facilitate
unreeling. The cable must never be looped off the drum. This may cause kinks
and twists that damage the lay.
Check wire rope for kinks or damaged strands. Any length found damaged
must be destroyed.

Bulldog grips consisting of a saddle and a 'U' bolt should always be used with the U
on the short or dead end of wire ropes and the saddle on the long or live side. This is
because the saddle applies load with less damage to wire rope construction than the
'U' bolts.
The first grip will be placed as close to the thimble as possible and subsequent grips
spaced at 6 times the diameter of the rope in use, i.e. for a 6mm-rope the spacing
would be 36mm.

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Grips should be tightened in accordance with manufacturers specification and a

minimum of three should be used.
When in use shackles are to be correctly seated so as to ensure that the load is always
transferred through the pin.
D shackles should only be used when connecting items that are in line, with the load
bearing on the crown and the centre of the pin.
A bow shackle must be used if a load is applied at an angle, this must not exceed the
manufacturers guideline (usually 45-degrees from the centre line)
The pre-use check should examine for any visible twists, cracks, bent or badly worn
pin, badly working thread or other deformation. If any of these defects are found the
shackle should be discarded.
Round Slings
Man-made textile round slings and webbing loop slings are to be inspected prior to
each usage. Any slings showing signs of damage must be withdrawn from service
Only 'soft' slings shall be used to wrap beams or nodes of the building fabric to provide
primary suspension points for loads. In all other cases steels with softenings must be
Knotted slings shall not be used.
Fibre Rope - Natural and Man-made
All fibre rope used for rigging shall comply with current British Standards / ENs.
All knots, bends, splices, wrinkles, etc. used, are to be correctly made and details are
required to be available to demonstrate the adequacy of such systems.
Grid and Access Safety Line Systems
Types and varieties of Grid and Access Systems differ in size, design, purpose and the
loads they are capable of safely sustaining. The following guidelines are basic general
safety requirements for usage:

Grid Systems
Raising and lowering of grid systems should be planned and communicated to
all contractors involved in the operation.
Prior to movement of the grid areas above and below the grid should be
evaluated to ensure there are no obstructions or risk of collision.
Only trained and competent riggers and venue Technical staff that are
nominated for the task shall be allowed to operate a grid system.
A grid must never be raised / lowered when people are beneath it, the footprint
below the grid must be cordoned off.
Where practicable, any payloads on the grid should be removed prior to
The grid should be inspected for loose equipment and that all other equipment is
correctly fastened or captive.
Correct information of weight loading must be supplied to the venue Technical
department. Reference must be made to the Permissible Loading Arrangements.
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A structural engineer must be consulted if the permissible loading arrangement

is to be exceeded.
Loads must be applied in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance
Manual for the Grid.
The truss system must be protected from metal abrasion by the use of burlap,
shielded steel or the use of round slings, no metal object should bear on to the
truss sections.
Statutory and Thorough Examinations must be completed to meet LOLER and
PUWER Regulations 1998.
Access Safety Line Systems
All attached PPE (e.g. harnesses, lanyards, energy absorbers, helmets) must
comply with current National Standards.
The system installer or the venue Technical department must approve all
equipment, used in conjunction with an installed access safety line system.
Prior to commencing work using an access safety line system, a member of the
rigging team who has received training in rescue techniques on the system must
be present.
Compliant full body harness must be worn.
Either compliant energy absorbing lanyards or retractable lanyards approved by
the installer / venue Technical department must be used.
Wires forming part of an access safety line system should not be tugged or
loaded unnecessarily. Such action could accelerate wear and possibly deploy the
cable shock absorbers.
Access safety line systems should never be used for lifting equipment.
Component parts must never be stood on or used as anchorage points to gain
Observe the maximum numbers of operatives allowed to operate on the system
at one time.
Report to the venue Technical department if tugging is required to pull any
mobile anchorage points through the cable supports.
Any defects or damage to a system must be reported to the venue Technical
Any part of a system, which has been subject to a free fall, must immediately
be reported to the venue Technical department
Each operative using an access safety line system should carry out a visual
inspection of the line prior to use. They must ensure that there is no excessive
slack in the tension of the system, no undue wear and tear, the warning tags
are present and the test date of the system has not been exceeded.
The operative must never disconnect from a system prior to connecting to
another. One safety attachment must be maintained at all times.

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