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Omeo Chatterjee

Every facility design is unique for its specific
needs , and validation programs must be customized to meet these challenges. While there is
no one right way to write a clean room validation
protocol, the key is to develop documentation
using common sense and according to the specific
requirements for an operation and esta.blished regulatory standards. After a brief discussion of
important validation concerns, this paper will
focus strictly on the performance of clean room

There basically are two types of validation:

Initial Start-Up - A facility that is brand new or
an existing facility that has gone through major
renovation or very specific changes.
Concurrent - Ongoing validation that takes
place during normal day-to-day activities.
In the case of start-up validation, challenge the
clean room thoroughly and document evidence
to illustrate that the clean room facility is capable
of delivering the required quality standards prior
to actual process implementation. Production is
not to take place until such demonstrable confidence is evident. In concurrent validation, however, generate and collect data during the actual

production operation. Analysis of this historical

data must support the required performance
standard. Once detailed and clear protocols are
complete, it is essential that they are followed as
Two basic elements decide the success or failure of any validation project:
People - Organize a validation team that includes
members from various academic diSciplines, such
as Engineering, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Microbiology. These team members must have a thorough
understanding of the current and future needs of
the company, hands-on experience in production,
engineering/maintenance, quality control/quality
assurance, as well as good knowledge of validation. Without practical experience very little will
be achieved.
Plan - Without effective planning, senior management support, and on-going follow up, a project is bound to suffer. Total support from senior
management is essential; they must understand a
given project without necessarily knowing scientific detail. Inform them about the impact that validation will have on finances, manpower, product
availability, as well as about a backup plan in case
problems arise with the initial plan. The importance of senior management's understanding and
support of the validation process cannot be over

Special Edition: Facility Qualification


Omeo Chatterjee

Beginning any validation project is a crucial issue
because companies do not want to do a lot of
work only to find out it is not acceptable. With an
adequate plan or procedure, carrying out a validation program becomes a matter of time and people resources.
Initially, during the drafting stage, make sure
that the validation plan is flexible so that changes
and team input can be incorporated. The goal is to
achieve the best design and ensure successful
results. Once the plan is finalized, it must be capable of withstanding critical review and satisfy
future company needs.
The validation team must start working at
ground level to establish specifications, guidelines,
schedules, as well as to identify appropriate inh~use expertise and outside resources, such as
contractors, subcontractors, and vendors. These
outside resources must have prior knowledge and
experience in clean room construction. Without
such knowledge, projects will become bogged
down by mistakes, additional costs, and delays.
The validation team jointly should establish a
validation program as follows:
1. Establish Parameters
2. Draft Protocols
3. Review and Approve Protocols
4. Conduct Tests and Collect Data
5. Evaluate Data
6. Document Results
7. Approve and File Results

Incorporate these items so that protocols are

understood easily by all responsible personnel,
including outside contractors. Some validation
tests are carried out by contractors and must be
reviewed thoroughly and approved by the validation team. In addition, the validation team must
review and approve changes to the original plan
and specifications which take place during construction of a clean room. Otherwise, there may
be a significant negative impact on end results.
Once architectural design and actual construction
is complete, the PQ of a clean room facility
begins. Some tasks are conducted by
certified/licensed contractors, while others are performed by in-house technical personnel.
Protocols for a clean room should cover the
following items:
1. HEPA Filter Performance Test and

- In-place HEPA Filter, Housing, and Frame
Leak Tests
- Airflow Velocity Profile of HEPA Filter
- Certification Label
2. Pressure Control Test
3. Temperature Control Test
4. HUmidity Control Test
5. Smoke Profile Test
6. Inter-Room Air Velocity Test
7. Detection/Monitoring of Particulate Matter
8. Sanitation
9. Clean Room Employee Training

Protocols must cover the following sections:


Purpose and Objective

Design Characteristics
Acceptance Criteria
Test Methods
6. Standard Operating Procedures
7. Preventive Maintenance Plan
8. Acceptance Responsibility


Special Edition: Facility Qualification

1. HEPA Filter Performance Test and Certification

In-Place HEPA Filter, Housing, and Frame Leak
Tests - Confirm that the HEPA Filter, or its frame, is

not damaged or improperly placed during installation. A properly applied HEPA Filter produces a
fairly uniform discharge of air velocity and direction. The HEPA filter test should be performed
only by certified personnel.
Conduct the leaker test using a DOP (Dioctyl
Phthalate) aerosol generator of the Laskin

Om eo Chatterjee

Nozzle(s) type. An aerosol of OOP is created by

flowing air through liquid OOP at room temperature. The instrument used should have a threshold
sensitivity of 1 x 10-3 micrograms per litre for 0.3
micrometer OOP particles and a capacity for measuring a concentration of 80 - 120 micrograms per
litre. The sample rate of air should be 1 cubic foot
per minute. Calibrate the aerosol photometer at
least once during each calendar year according to
the manufacturer's recommended procedure.
The next step is to introduce the OOP Aerosol
into the upstream of the HEPA Filter. Adjust the
instrument until a OOP challenge concentration of
100 gmllitre of air is reached. Scan the downstream side of the HEPA filter and the perimeter of
each filter pack by passing the photometer probe
in slightly overlapping strokes over the entire surface of the HEPA Filter. The nozzle of the probe
should not be more than one inch from the surface. The entire periphery of the filter, the junction
between the filter, and the filter mounting frame
should be scanned. Perform scanning at a traverse
rate of not more than two inches per second.
A unit is considered acceptable when no significant leakers exist or all significant leaks are
repaired. A significant leak is defined as a photometer reading greater than 0.01 percent of the
upstream concentration. Repairs may be made to
significant leaks by caulking with silicone sealant.
(However, no more than five percent of the effective area of a filter should be caulked.) The sealant
is forced over the filter medium between the separators and must be smoothed flush with them. The
filter should be rechecked for leaks as specified
above. If more than five percent of the filter face
caulking is required, the filter must be rejected
and a new one installed. It is important that all
repaired and non-repairable leaks are depicted
pictorially on a diagram and kept as part of the
final report.
Airflow Velocity Profile of HEPA Filter - A thermoanemometer with a sensitivity of 2 feet per
minute or three percent indicated velocity normally is used. The instrument should be calibrated
according to the manufacturer's instructions and

within a maximum of six months. Ensure that this

calibration is traceable to the National Bureau of
Starting six inches from the inner edge of the
filter perimeter, take and record the air velocity
test at mUltiple points on a grid scale to give
approximately nine readings per square foot of
area. Use a small ring stand and clamping mechanism to hold the anemometer probe stationary
during all velocity measurements; a hand-held
anemometer probe is prohibited.
Acceptable mean air velocity is 90 (10) fpm.
All measured values should fall within 20 percent
of the resulting mean velocity. If necessary, the
variable blower motor speed can be adjusted to
achieve the acceptable mean air velocity. The
recording of the air velocity reading should be
repeated. Submit a pictorial representation of the
air velocity measurement grid, documenting all
actual velocity readings (before and after air flow
adjustment), as part of the final report.
Certification Label - Affix a label bearing the
name and address of the company conducting the
test, date of test, test criteria for the Performance
Certification (e.g., Federal Standard 209E, etc.),
and the Signature of the individual who performed
the test. The test number and recommended date
for recertification should be entered on the label.
2. Pressure Control Test
The purpose of this test is to confirm the capability of the air system to control pressure levels within preestablished specifications. An inclined pressure gauge with a resolution of 0.02 inches of
water is required~
In order to conduct this test, all HVAC and
Laminar Airflow Systems must be in continuous
operation. To establish a baseline, all doors must
remain closed and no traffic is allowed through
the facility during the test. Pressure readings are to
be taken with the high and low pressure tubing at
each location. Once the baseline reading is established, then readings should be taken under stress
conditions by opening various doors within the
clean room facility.

Special Edition: Facility Qualification


Omeo Chatterjee

Acceptance criteria is as follows:

Pressure differentials should be within design tolerances under static and simulated operating conditions.
The system is not acceptable if, at any time during static, stress, or dynamic conditions, the pressure in the primary environments becomes less
than zero or negative. The report from these readings is to be kept as part of the validation documentation.
Keep the following points in mind for clean room
air handling systems:
Always purchase systems from a reputable
manufacturer and hire well-experienced technicians
to perform installation and certification. These measures will reduce the risk of potential major disruption of systems and the possibility of product failure
due to environmental contaminants.
Do not cut costs on a pre filtration system.
Use a high grade prefilter which will extend the life
span of expensive final HEPA filters. Ultimately,
there will be less down time in production.
In clean room laminar airflow, parallel
streaming of air is an important factor for effective
removal of contaminants. The presence of nonunidirectional flow of air within the laminar air
system can impose a substantial risk. Most stan, dards for laminar flow systems take this into
account and impose definite requirements on
velocity distribution. Watch for uneven air distribution. It is caused by a poorly designed ventilation
systems or by uneven flow of air from the filter.

3. Temperature Control Test

Proper control of temperature within the parenteral filling facility is a key factor. Temperature specifications established in qualification documents
must relate to product and personnel requirements. Recirculating air from the Laminar Air
System, heat generated by eqUipment and flames,
along with a fully enclosed gowning system for all
operators, governs the system, which must be
capable of providing a comfortable temperature


Special Edition: Facility Qualification

(65C, 5()C during the activity stage). Take temperature readings at static and dynamic states.
Leave on all air handling systems and lights for at
least 24 hours prior to conducting the tests.
Temperature readings should be recorded at various locations every 15 minutes for two hours over
a period of ten days. A summary of results for
each room tested should be prepared. Make sure
that the system is capable of maintaining the
desired temperature range (65C, 5C or other
preset specification) at all times.

4. Humidity Control Test

The objective of this test is to verify the air handling system's ability to control humidity in the
clean room at a preestablished specification. This
test, which is conducted after balancing the air
system, uses a dry and wet bulb thermometer or
automatic humidity recording instrument. Readings
are taken and recorded during static and active
conditions within a clean room.
It is advisable to take readings throughout the
year. The relative humidity should fall within the
company's required tolerance range.

5. Smoke Profile Test

The objective of this test is to check the HEPA ceiling area for proper air pattern. Such tests use commercially produced smoke sticks, cotton swabs
dipped in Titanium Tetrachloride, or an equivalent
smoke source to indicate air flow profiles. Visually
divide the areas to be tested into squares of
approximately 60 cm x 60 cm (24" x 24").
Introduce smoke into the grid pattern, and then
observe and record the directional flow of the
smoke. The smoke profile should support the air
flow design criteria. Record, correct, and retest any
observed reverse air flow or dead air space to
confirm compliance to specifications.

6. Inter-Room Air Velocity Test

This test verifies the air flow velocity between connecting rooms in a clean room facility. A list
and/or diagram of all rooms and areas interconnecting the main facility should be prepared. Note
the direction and rated design velocity of air flow

Omeo Chatterjee

at each interconnection. Turn on all applicable air

handling systems at least fifteen minutes prior to
conducting the test. Measurements of air velocity
should be taken with a calibrated velocity meter at
each room door and/or pass-thru. Visually divide
each of these areas into three equal horizontal sections. Measure and record air velocity at the center
of each section. Average inter-room air velocity
should not be less than design specifications.
Inter-room air velocity problems often are
observed near conveyor lines where empty containers enter and filled containers exit from the
clean room area. This situation can be rectified by
adjusting the air balancing system.
7. DetectioniMonitorine of Particulate Matter

Determining and controlling particulate matter in

clean room filling areas are extremely important
for product quality control. Air supply, equipment,
personnel, and the activities inside the work area
are generally the major sources of airborne particulates. Federal Standard 209E describes the various
air cleanliness classes in terms of the number of
particulates per cubic foot of air. For example, in a
Class 100 environment, where any sterilized product or material is exposed to the working environment, the number of particulates must not exceed
0.5 pm in diameter per cubic foot of air.
Prior to monitoring particulate matter, ensure
that the following items have been addressed:
Air handling systems have been certified in
accordance with their specific rating or classification.
Clean room facility and its equipment have
been cleaned thoroughly and are devoid of any
dust or lint.
In addition, personnel present in clean rooms
must be trained and dressed in appropriate garments.
Protocols should identify all rooms and/or
areas to be monitored, giving general descriptions,
such as sterile filling area or sterile storage area.
Companies may choose the type of air sampler to
be used. However, the number and position of
sampling points to be monitored must be decided

and indicated in the protocol.

Take the particulate measurement first at static
and then while either actual work or acceptable
simulated activities are being carried out in the
clean room. During the initial validation, particulate count is recorded when normal operations are
not ctaking place. However, continuous monitoring
is required, including during high activity periods,
to capture the total particulate status of specific
classified sections. Investigate, rectify, and validate
"out of spec" trends immediately.
The following are common causes of
increased particulate counts in a clean room when
moving from a static to dynamic state:
Excessive number of personnel and their
Rapid personal movement
Improperly cleaned equipment (e.g., particulate counter, production equipment, tools, etc.)
Material disposition
Open flame, aerosols, steam, compressed
gas, equipment, etc.
8. Sanitation

Properly designed sanitation procedures and their

organized execution are key to bringing sterile
areas into acceptable operating conditions. For
example, in one particular new start-up of a clean
room facility in which airborne viable and nonviable particulate counts were outside acceptable
limits, an investigation revealed that everything in
the clean room was cleaned thoroughly except for
the ceiling. This white ceiling had a layer of white
construction dust, which contributed to the sporadic release of excessive numbers of particulates
into the area.
Select cleaning solutions that contain antimicrobial agents very carefully since many chemical
sanitizers are available. During the selection
process, make sure that the agent to be used is
effective and will not cause or pose risks to products. The role of an experienced microbiologist is
crucial in this area. Sanitation procedures, including the frequency of cleaning, should be written in
detail for each specific area.

Special Edition: Facility Qualification


Omeo Chatterjee

Evaluation of Sanitation Program - Begin the

testing program immediately before and after an
area has been restricted to aseptic operations and
subjected to microbial decontamination. The evaluation should include the following:
1. Inspection for physical cleanliness and
orderly conditions
2. Microbial exposure and air sample plate test
3. Contact plate test
4. Swab test
Record and evaluate all laboratory test procedures
and then attach them to the protocol. Major deviations from the plan and "out of spec" test data
must be explained. Corrective actions must be carried out and included in the report.
Remember the following points:
Select cleaning/sanitizing agents that do not
leave sticky or powdery residues and that are noncorrosive to stainless steel.
Alternate sanitizers to avoid developing
resistant strains of organiSms.
Prepare detailed, written instructions for the
measurement, mixing, and use of specific cleaning
and sanitizing agents. Often employees fail to
measure sanitizing agents prior to dilution and are
unaware of temperature requirements for certain
Cleaning equipment itself should always be
properly cleaned, sanitized, and stored. Failure to
do so may result in increased bioburden in
sponges and mops. It also may introduce heavy
contamination in clean room areas.

on training prior to receiving approval to work in

clean room areas. Such training programs should
be part of clean room validation requirements.
They should include the following areas:
Classification and description of clean room
GMP requirements in clean room areas
Acceptable and non-acceptable practices in
the clean room areas
Recognition and use of special clean room
Basic microbiology
Review of various types of sanitizers and
their specific function in clean room areas
Review of various types of sterilization
Depyrogenation methods
Hands-on training of product manufacturing
equipment, set-up and handling of goods,
in-process sampling and checks, and transfer of product in and out of the clean room
Evaluation plan to establish the degree of
success of the training program
Keep the following points in mind:
Employee training is an important investment for building quality products. Without documented formal training, trends towards batch failures and higher rejection rates will develop.
Training based on in-house standard operating procedures, rather than "prepackaged" training, will provide a higher rate of success in product quality and improved employee morale.

2. Clean Room Employee Trainine


It is common knowledge that personnel present in

clean rooms are major contributors of particulate
contaminants. However, many businesses concentrate on the validation of mechanical systems and
put very little emphasis on clean room personnel.
Proper training of these employees and their use
of appropriate garments are crucial.
Personnel must receive classroom and hands-

The subject of validation continues to be of major

interest in the pharmaceutical industry. The proper
execution of protocols during PQ is an important
part of validation efforts. Today companies are
serving the global market. Therefore, they need to
satisfy various countries' regulatory needs.
Executing validation "right the first time and all the


Special Edition: Facility Qualification


Do You Know
Where to Start?
Need to Review the Basics?
New to Validation?
Introduction to Validation From A to Z
This 144 page publication includes 17 exclusive articles previously
published in IVT publications. Topics include:
Validation Without Tears: Getting Started
Master Planning: How to Get Started
The Validation Professionals Survival Kit: Tools and Techniques
Eight Rules to Live By For Successful Validations
The Psychology of Validation
Validation: A Fundamental Tool for Quality Assurance
A Systems Approach to Validation
Five Simple Rules for Effective Validation Project Management
Reflections on Writing IQ, OQ, and PQ Protocols
Cleaning Validation Programs: How to Get Started
An Introduction to Computer System Validation
Revalidation Strategy: Keeping Facilities In Compliance
IQ, OQ, PQ: Streamlining the Validation Process Using Project
Management Techniques
How Much Validation is Enough? Eliminating Validation Management by Crisis: Planning for Validation Using a Living
Master Plan
Validation 101: Back to the Basics: A Philosophical Overview
The Quality System Regulation
The Proposed Drug GXP Revisions
A FREE annual membership to the Institute of Validation
Introduction to Validation Videotape, a comprehensive two-part,
two-hour seminar videotape of industry veteran John Stromps,
logical, practical approach to understanding the fundamentals of

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Special Edition: Facility Qualification


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