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F. #2015R01982

2016 JAN 27 PI~ 12: 48







also known as "RENTBOY.COM,"
also known as "Jeffrey Davids,"



(T. 18, U.S.C., 981(a)(1)(C), 982(a)(1),

982(b)(l), 1952(a)(3)(A), 1956(a)(1)(A)(i),
1956(h), 2 and 3551; T. 21, U.S.C. 853(p);
T. 28, U.S.C., 2461(c))






At all times relevant to this Indictment, unless otherwise indicated:



RENTBOY.COM was a commercial mal~ escort advertising site that

promoted prostitution. RENTBOY.COM was founded in 1997 and advertised itself to be the
"original and largest male escort service online." Escorts paid fees to RENTBOY.COM to
advertise sexual services on the site. Customers then contacted the escorts directly to arrange

RENTBOY.COM advertised that they received approximately 500,000

unique visitors to the site each day, about 70 percent of whom accessed the site from the United

States. There were several thousand escort advertisements on RENTBOY.COM in 2015.
Between 2010 and 2015, RENTBOY.COM generated over $10 million in gross revenue.

JEFFREY HURANT, also known as "Jeffrey Davids," was the founder and

chief executive officer ofRENTBOY.COM.



RENTBOY.COM's primary business was conducted through its website at While RENTBOY.COM had disclaimers that the advertisements on the site
are for companionship only and not for sexual services, RENTBOY.COM was designed primarily
for the advertisement of sexual services, and the advertisements on RENTBOY.COM plainly
advertised sexual services.

Escorts managed their advertisements by logging into the

RENTBOY.COM sit~ through a special account page created solely for escorts; When an escort
set up an advertisement with RENTBOY.COM, the top of the page stated:


a profile, field

calls and emails, count your money." The escort could enter a small amount of text. This text
often described the escorts and the sexual activities that they enjoyed. In addition, there were
several categories pre-programmed into the advertisement by RENTBOY.COM for which an
escort was asked to select options. In the "Physical Attributes" category, the escorts were asked
to select answers for the attributes: "Foreskin," "Cock Size" and "Build." The escorts were asked
to provide in the "Preferences" category their "Sexual Orientation," "Safe Sex" and "Sexual

The profile page also had fields for the "Escort's In Rate," "Escort's Out

Rate," "Escort's Overnight Rate" and "Escmi's Weekend Rate." The rates were generally listed
in the amount of United States Dollars per hour.


RENTBOY.COM made money primarily through payments from escorts

for advertisements on the site. It also sold space on the site for banner advertisements for other
adult-related companies. RENTBOY.COM offered four different advertisement levels to
escorts: classic, gold, platinum, and diamond. The more expensive advertisement levels moved
the placement of the escort's profile up in searches. The prices for advertisements depended on
the type of advertisement and the escort's location. Advertisements ranged in price from $59.95
for a one month Classic advertisement to $299.95 for a one month Platinum advertisement.
Diamond advertisement prices were based on an auction system and could cost significantly more
than other types of advertisements. In addition, escorts could bid for a "powerboost" that would
move their advertisement to the top of the searches for a period of time.

RENTBOY.COM included a disclaimer to escorts about what content may

be included in advertisements. The disclaimer stated that "Text cannot include the following:
Offers of sexual conduct in exchange for money; Explicit sexual conduct expected as part of your
time; Offers or references to illegal drugs, illegal drug paraphernalia, or illegal use of drugs, and
Slanderous [sic.], violent, or unprofessional fext." RENTBOY.COM employees reviewed the
text and photographs of all advertisements prior to making the advertisement available to the
public. RENTBOY.COM employees also reviewed all changes an escort sought to make to an
advertisement prior to the changes being posted publically on the site.

On numerous occasions, escorts submitted advertisements that explicitly

offered sexual services in exchange for money. RENTBOY.COM employees would generally
reject the advertisement text and send an email stating:
"The following advertisement has been ***rejected*** due to inappropriate
content. Specifically, the ad \vas rejected for the following reason:

Your text has not been approved. All text needs to avoid saying you will have sex
for money, since that is illegal in most p~aces in the world. For legal purposes, you
are selling your time qnly. You can say things about what you look like, what you
like to do, what other people say about you, how much you like sex; just don't
indicate you will do any speCific sexual act during a meeting with a client. If you
describe a sex act to be performed in exchange for money, the authorities may use it
as evidence in prosecuting you."
The escort could then resubmit the advertisement with revised text to be approved.
In many cases, RENTBOY.COM employees would change the advertisement themselves to
eliminate the offending text and approve the advertisement.

On one occasion, after editing an escort's advertisement, a

RENTBOY.COM employee advised the escort that "In the eyes of the law you can sell your TIME
only" and that "This is for your own safety." On another occasion, after editing an escort's
advertisement, the same employee told an escort that his original advertisement would "get [him]
into trouble with the law." On another occasion, the same employee rejected an advertisement's
content and told the escort that it was "way over the line in terms of making the sale of sex
explicit." The employee went on to say that "We have to be careful not to attract the wrong
attention from the law."

RENTBOY.COM employees also gave escorts advice on how to alter their

advertisements to increase the escorts' appeal to customers. In one case, after altering an
advertisement, a RENTBOY.COM employee sent an escort an email stating:


I took the

liberty of spicing up your RB ad-we need you WORKING, babyyy!"


RENTBOY.COM employees advised escorts when they learned oflaw

enforcement actions against prostitution. On one occasion, a RENTBOY.COM employee sent an

email to escorts in the Miami, Florida-area warning them of police operations resulting in the
arrests of escorts and specifically identifying hotels where police operations occurred. The email

advised escorts that: "ESCORTING IS LEGAL as long as you are offering your time and
companionship, or non-sexual massage in exchange for money. OFFERING SEX FOR MONEY
IS ILLEGAL. You cannot offer sexual services in exchange for money." The email also
advised escorts "If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from the police department, you
should ask for a telephone number and badge number and call the department to verify that the
caller is real."

Although RENTBOY.COM primarily dealt with escorts themselves, it also

promoted the site to escort agencies. Specifically, it offered a 15 percent discount to any escort
agency that purchased three advertisements. That discount was applied in the RENTBOY.COM
computer system with the code "AGENCY15." The code was also available to individual escorts
purchasing three or more advertisements.

RENTBOY.COM generally referred to anyone managing escorts as an

"escort agency" in official internal documents. However, the escort agencies sometimes
consisted of only one person. In unofficial communications, employees sometimes referred to the
escort agencies as "pimps." In one case, the manager of an escort agency offered the sexual
services of his escorts to a RENTBOY.COM employee for free at any time. The employee told
friends that he was not going to accept the offer because "the pimp is taking advantage of the

Escort agencies could purchase advertisements for escorts working for their

agencies. RENTBOY.COM often had no interaction with the escorts being advertised by the
escort agencies. In one case, a RENTBOY.COM employee told a manager that an account was
held by a "guy \Vho brings in 10-12 boys/year to pimp out here."


One agency that RENTBOY.COM did business with was ruri by Viktor

Berki, Andras Vass, and Gabor Acs. Berki, V ass, and Acs were arrested and charged with
racketeering and sex trafficking in Miami-Dade County court for luring Hungarian men into the
United States, and then forcing them into sexual slavery. Berki, Vass, and Acs advertised the men
on RENTBOY.COM, among other places. Vass was subsequently found guilty at trial of the
charges and was sentenced to eleven years in prison. Berki and Acs are scheduled for trial.
When one RENTBOY.COM employee learned of the above sex trafficking arrests, he wrote in an
email: "I highly doubt [the victims] are 'Sex slaves."'

RENTBOY.COM policies did notallow advertisements by escorts under 18

years of age; nonetheless, RENTBOY.COM did not verify the ages of all escorts advertising on the
site. RENTBOY.COM had a policy that required that escorts provide identification if an escort
appeared to be under21. This policy was not strictly applied. Instead, RENTBOY.COM
employees generally required identification only from escorts who appeared to be under 18.

As late as 2014, RENTBOY.COM employees called age verification a

"gray area." RENTBOY.COM employees did not always remove advertisements when the
advertisers failed to provide identification. In one case, after an escort agency failed to provide
photo identification for an escort, a RENTBOY.COM employee advised the escort agency that he
had deleted photographs with the face of the subject escort, but left the advertisement online and
left photographs that showed only the escort's body. In another case, after a different escmi
agency refused to provide identification for several escorts who appeared underage, the same
RENTBOY.COM employee "suggested to [him] to crop the faces of those super young escorts."

RENTBOY.COM employees did not report these escorts or the escort agencies to law
enforcement or to any organization dedicated to helping exploited children.

RENTBOY.COM also failed to comply with its own standards requiring

age verification with respectto advertisements in Asia. From at least 2006, RENTBOY.COM
offered free advertisements to escorts advertising in Asia. From approximately that time forward,
RENTBOY.COM employees complained to RENTBOY.COM management about the quantity of
underage escort advertisements. One 2006 email to the defendant JEFFREY HURANT, titled
"ASIA MARKET IS OUT OF CONTROL," stated: "So many ads/acct's are corning through
above market. They are free but the real issue is that all the boys look 'very young' !!! We have
to do something about these markets." The author of the email indicated that he had "seen many
articles, documentaries about 'child-black market trade, etc etc etc'" and suggested that that
RENTBOY.COM should amend its policies so it could "be able to verify billing and age in writing
ALWAYS!" In another email, another RENTBOY.COM employee speaking about the
Asia-market ads said "Christ ... talk about copyrighted and underage pies! TONS in that
area ... ALWAYS!" Until the date it shut down in August 2015, RENTBOY.COM continued to
provide free advertisements in Asia and did not require age verification.

RENTBOY.COM employees reviewing Asia advertisements were also told

by the defendant JEFFREY HURANT and other RENTBOY.COM managers to apply lesser
standards in doing age verification of Asia-market advertisements. As was summarized in one
email, "In Asia ok to approve them ... unless you see a baby ... :)"

From 1999, RENTBOY.COM was controlled by EASY RENT SYSTEMS,

INC., which did business as RENTBOY.COM. EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC., which was

sometimes also referred to as EZ RENT SYSTEMS, was a New York corporation whose President
and Chief Executive Officer was the defendant JEFFREY HURANT. HURANT had been the
chief executive officer since its incorporation. EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC. had offices at 6
West 14th Street, Suite 4W, New York, New York.

The domain name RENTBOY.COM was registered on January 18, 1996.

Public records indicated that the registrant name was Easyrent Systems located at 6 West 14th
Street. The Administrator Name was identified as Jeffrey Davids at Easy Rent Systems, Inc.,
with the email address [email protected].

On April2, 2002, EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC. applied to the United

States Patent and Trademark Office for a trademark on the name RENTBOY.COM. The
application also included an affidavit signed by the defendant JEFFREY HURANT, which
identified him as the President of EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC.


website had a copyright notice that the copyright was owned by EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC.

RENTBOY.COM allowed payment for advertisements in cash at its office,

money order, and credit card. However, RENTBOY.COM did not have an internet credit card
processing system. Rather, to pay by credit card an escort had to fill out a "Credit Card
Authorization Form" and send it by fax or email to RENTBOY.COM. The "Credit Card
Authorization Form," which was provided on the RENTBOY.COM site had the name EASY
RENT SYSTEMS, INC. qt the top and states "I, _[blank] __, authorize Easy Rent Systems, Inc.
to charge my credit card listed below for the following services." The authorization form then
listed various adve1iisement types available on RENTBOY.COM.

BRAVE NEW TELEMEDIA, INC. was a New York corporation. The

defendant JEFFREY HURANT was the Principal Executive Officer of BRAVE NEW

TELEMEDIA, INC. On a monthly basis, BRAVE NEW TELEMEDIA received payments from
EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC. and then made payments to an internet service provider located in
Virginia that provided services relating to the RENTBOY.COM domain. The internet service
provider's records identified HURANT as the Primary Technical Officer at BRAVE NEW
(Promotion ofProstitution)

The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and

incorporated as if set forth fully in this paragraph.


In or about and between January 1997 and August 2015, both dates

being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendants EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC., also known as "RENTBOY.COM," and
JEFFREY HURANT, also known as "Jeffrey Davids," together with others, did knowingly
and int~ntionally use one or more facilities in interstate commerce, to wit: one or more
telephones and the internet, with intent to distribute the proceeds of and promote, manage,
establish, carry on and facilitate the promotion, management, establishment and carrying on of
unlawful activity, to wit: a business enterprise involving prostitution, in violation of the laws
ofthe State ofNew York, to wit: promoting prostitution in the third degree, in violation of
New York Penal Law Sections 230.25(2) and 20.00, promoting prostitution in the fourth
degree, in violation ofNew York Penal Law Sections 230.20 and 20.00, and criminal
facilitation in the fomih degree, in violation ofN ew York Penal Law Sections 115.00 and

20.00, and thereafter perform and attempt to perform the distribution of proceeds of and
promotion, management, establishment, carrying on and facilitation of such unlawful activity.
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1952(a)(3)(A), 2 and 3551 et seq.)
(Money Laundering Conspiracy)

The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and

incorporated as if set forth fully in this paragraph.


In or about and between January 1997 and August 2015, both dates

being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendants EASY RENTSYSTEMS, INC., also known as "RENTBOY.COM," and
JEFFREY HURANT, also known as "Jeffrey Davids," together with others, did knowingly
and intentionally conspire to conduct one or more fmancial transactions in and affecting
interstate and foreign commerce, to wit: checks, deposits and transfers of funds, which
transactions in fact involved the proceeds of specified unlawful activitY, to wit: the use of one
or more facilities in interstate or foreign commerce, to wit: the Internet and telephones, with
intent to promote, manage, establish, carry on and facilitate the promotion, management,
establishment and carrying on of unlawful activity, to wit: a business enterprise involving
prostitution in violation of the laws of the State of New York, in violation of Title 18, United
States Code, Section 1952(a)(3), knowing that'the property involved in such transactions
represented the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity, and with the intent to promote the
carrying on of said specified unlawful activity, contrary to Title 18, United States Code,
Section 1956(a)(l )(A)(i).
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1956(h) and 3551 et ~.)

(Money Laundering)

The allegations contained inparagraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and

incorporated as if set forth fully in this paragraph.


In or about and between January 1997 and August 2015, both dates

being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendants EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC., also known as "RENTBOY.COM," and
JEFFREY HURANT, also known as "Jeffrey Davids," together with others, did knowingly
and intentionally conduct one or more financial transactions in and affecting interstate and
foreign commerce, to wit: checks, deposits and transfers of funds, which transactions in fact
involved the proceeds of specified unlawful activity, to wit: the use of one or more facilities in
interstate or foreign commerce, to wit: the Internet and telephones, with intent to promote,
manage, establish, carry on and facilitate the promotion, management, establishment and
carrying on of unlawful activity, to wit: a business enterprise involving prostitution in
violation of the laws of the State ofNew York, in violation of Title 18, United States Code,
Section 1952(a)(3), knowing that the property involved in such transactions represented the
proceeds of some form of unlawful activity, and with the intent to promote the carrying on of
said specified unlawful activity.
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1956(a)(l)(A)(i), 2 and 3551 et seq.)

The United States hereby gives notice to the defendants that, upon their

conviction of the offense charged in Count One, the government will seek forfeiture in
accordance with Title 18, United States Code, Section 98l(a)(l)(C) and Title 28, United States

Code, Section 2461 (c), which require any person convicted of such offense to forfeit any
property, real or personal, constituting or derived from proceeds traceable to such offense,
including but not limited to:

Approximately $70,851.75 in United States currency, seized

from 6 West 14th Street, Suite 4W, New York, New York, on or about August 25, 2015, and
all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $99,268.57 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in Citibank account number 44779781, held in the name of Easy Rent Systems,
Inc., which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $22,943.20 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in Citibank account number 9985319665, held in the name ofBrave New
Telemedia, Inc., which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable
. thereto;

Approximately $101,002.10 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in Citibank account number 52008872, held in the name of Jeffrey D. Hurant,
which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $5,682.28 in United States currency, formerly on

deposit in TD Bank account number 426-0332477, held in the name ofHB Events, Inc., which
was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;



Approximately $618,700.00 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in TD Ameritrade account number 882-582293, held in the name of Jeffrey Hurant,
which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $658,040.91 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in TD Ameritrade Account number 862-729381, held in the name of Easy Rent
Systems, Inc., which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable
thereto; and

The Internet domain name, which was seized on or

about August 25, 2015.


If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act

or omission ofthe defendants:


cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence;


has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party;


has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court;


has been substantially diminished in value; or


has been commingled with other property which cannot be

divided without difficulty;

it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p), to
seek forfeiture of any other prope1iy of the defendants up to the value of the forfeitable
property described in this forfeiture allegation.
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 98l(a)(l)(C); Title 21, United States
Code, Section 853(p); Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c)).


The United States hereby gives notice to the defendants, that, upon their

conviction of either of the offenses charged in Counts Two and Three, the government will
seek forfeiture in accordance with Title 18, United States Code, Section 982( a)( 1), of all
property, real or personal, involved in a transaction or attempted transaction in violation of

offenses, or conspiracy to commit such offenses, and all property traceable to such

property, including but not limited to:


Approximately $70,851.75 in United States currency, seized

from 6 West 14th Street, Suite 4W, New York, New York, on or about August 25, 2015, and
all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $99,268.57 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in Citibank account number 44779781, held inthe name of Easy Rent Systems,
Inc., which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $22,943.20 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in Citibank account number 9985319665, held in the name ofBrave New
Telemedia, Inc., which was seized on or about August 25,2015, and all proceeds traceable

Approximately $101,002.10 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in Citibank account number 52008872, held in the name of Jeffi:ey D. Hurant,
which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;


Approximately $5,682.28 in United States currency, formerly on

deposit in TD Bank account number 426-0332477, held in the name ofHB Events, Inc., which
was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $618,700.00 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in TD Ameritrade account number 882-582293, held in the name of Jeffrey Hurant,
which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable thereto;

Approximately $658,040.91 in United States currency, formerly

on deposit in TD Ameritrade Account number 862-729381, held in the nameofEasy Rent

Systems, Inc., which was seized on or about August 25, 2015, and all proceeds traceable
thereto; and

The Internet domain name, which was seized on or

about August 25, 2015.


If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act

or omission of the defendants:


cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence;


has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party;


has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court;


has been substantially diminished in value; or


has been commingled with other property which cannot be

divided without difficulty;

it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p), to
seek forfeiture of any other property of the defendants up to the value of the forfeitable
property described in this forfeiture allegation.
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(a)(l) and 982(b)(l); Title 21, United
States Code, Section 853(p)).










EASY RENT SYSTEMS, INC., also known as "RENTBOY.COM, "and

JEFFREY HURANT, also known as "Jeffrey Davids, "

( T. 18, U.S.C., 981(a)(l)(C), 982(a)(l), 982(b)(l), 1952(a)(3)(A),
1956(a)(1)(A)(i), 1956(h), 2 and 3551; T. 21, U.S.C. 853(p); T. 28,
U.S.C., 2461(c))


A ~ _..--/

Filed in open court this_________

_ ____ day, of ____________ A.D. 20 __


Bail,$ __________ _
Tyler Smith, Assistant U.S. Attorney (718) 254-6186

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