Message Guadalupe 3

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Guatemala, October 14, 1988




My dearly beloved children, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Ghost. Amen.
Dearly beloved children, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Virgin Mary, the God of Love, the
Who died nailed to the Cross for love of you, speaks to you.
Dearly beloved children, I have come again today to instruct you, as I said before, that My visits
would be to instruct you, for the world is under confusion and error, darkness reigns all over the world.
And that is why I have come again to instruct you, to give light, so that you may be well prepared and the
Devil cannot deceive you and you may fight.
Dear children, My heart cries, My soul is sad, for I see the world under the domination of sin.
has forgotten his Creator, he has forgotten his God, and My children the priests, bishops and cardinals are
pastors who have not been capable of guiding My sheep and leave them alone. They don't give them
everything I taught them. They have mixed My pure and saintly Doctrine with the doctrines of men, the
doctrines of the world, and with that they are deceiving My people.
Dear children, I have come again to warn you of this. Be alert, very much alert, with your eyes

open, so that you can see that your pastors have taken the road of evil. Many of My children the priests
are deceiving My people, My dear children, and I have come to instruct you that you will know this and
not let yourselves be deceived. They are My pastors, they are priests, but they have betrayed Me and are
deceiving My people.
Dear children, bear in mind what I tell you. The throats of the priests, bishops and cardinals, and
also nuns, are open sepulchres. Evil has entered their hearts, their souls are full of pride and arrogance.
They don't guide My people like they should, they don't guide My people the way I taught them, they
betrayed Me and introduced false doctrines into My Church, bad doctrines, doctrines which, when the
comes, will cause many to be lost. Be careful now. Only discernment can help you. ask the Holy Ghost to
enlighten you and you will see that, being My shepherds, being My priests, they have betrayed Me, they
turned their backs on Me to go after their pleasures, to go after their sins.
No), don't trust them, My children, don't trust them because, I repeat. their throats arc open
sepulchres and whoever follows them will be condemned, like those bad shepherds who have hurt My
and have crucified Me again on the Cross, because they don't want to follow Me. They follow those who
don't love Me, they follow the impious and, with that, they do much harm to My people.
Dear children, listen carefully to what I tell you. Listen carefully: "Times are coming when each
must follow the truth and know who is telling the truth and who is deceiving him.
My children, that is why I tell you that you must be alert, very alert, because the hour of darkness
is near and all those who aren't prepared will fall. That is why I suffer and weep, because I see that My
sons the priests, whose obligation it was to lead My people to the truth, are preparing them for the coming
of the Antichrist, and those who don't reason properly and pay attention to those bad shepherds will be
lost. That is why My Blessed Mother and I come to communicate with Our children, so that they will be
the light and enlighten the world, because those who should do it don't want to. I said in an earlier
to My sons the priests: Dear children, speak to My people about My Second Coming, speak, tell them I
am coming, but I won't come to die at the hands of men. No, this time I will come to judge, I will come
with My justice, I will come to give each one according to his deeds during this brief passage through
Yes, My children, I told you this, but you didn't pay attention, you mocked Me, you laughed and
turned your backs to Me. But, since you don't want to speak, then I said: I will give you some time to
speak. If during that time you don't speak, I will speak Myself and lead My children to Me, to their true
God, to the Crucified God, to Jesus of Nazareth. You are leading My people down the wrong path and,
because of this, I have come Myself to instruct My children, and I will take My sheep away from you, for
you have not done your duty.
I will speak, I will instruct My children Myself, and I am doing it already. The struggle has
begun; you betray Me well; then, I will speak to My people. You don't want to do it? I will do it Myself
and instruct My children in the ways of God, the true God. That is why I have come, My children, I have
come to continue instructing you, for you need it very much. Since My shepherds won't do it, I will. And
I warn you, dear children, that I shall put you on guard against something they are doing and which is

My children a lot of harm, and it is a very beautiful word, but they have confused it and don't give it the
true value it has. That word, My children, is CHARITY.
Many believe that Charity is giving alms to the poor and that's it. No, My children. As your
Father that I am, I will teach you. Charity, My children, My children, is not giving alms to the poor and
forgetting them.
No, My children, Charity is something more sublime, more lofty. It is love, and Charity is first of
all loving God above all things with all your love, with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your
with all your being. First comes that love of God, your Creator, and then love your brother as yourselves
out of love of God. Have you understood this? The world has distorted this, the world has given it a value
which is not the right one. Many think that they are being charitable and it isn't true, and I will tell you
why. Many people think that by giving alms, by giving large donations of money they can rest in peace,
their conscience is at rest, because it tells them that they have done what is right. But, if one gives those
large donations and forgets God, does one have Charity? No, one doesn't. If a woman gives a lot of
to the poor and has committed the sin of abortion, has she been charitable? No, My children, no.
Many people believe that Charity is giving alms to the poor, period. No, My children, Charity is
love, love; but first is to love God, your Creator, above all things, and through this divine love to love
brother, but not by giving him alms like to a beggar. No, it is giving him your love, it is giving him your
faith, giving him the love of not letting that person go astray, doing good to that person, not talking about
him and taking away his honor and his possessions, for even if you give alms to all the poor, if you are
hurting those near you, you aren't being charitable.
Charity, then, children, is love, love. Not a simple donation one gives today and forgets. No, it is
giving what is good in people; not wishing people harm is also Charity; helping them, teaching them the
truth, teaching them the right way to eternal salvation. That is why I say that My sons -- the priests,
bishops, and cardinals -- are not fulfilling the First Commandment, which is to Love God above all
which they don't do, "Love thy brother and they don't, because they don't give him love, because they
lead him towards good, because they don't teach those who are ignorant, but try to deceive them, so that
they will perish at the hands of the Antichrist.
They, all those priests, bishops, cardinals, nuns and lay persons, knowing what the First
Commandment is, and don't obey it, are in mortal sin. Yes, My children, I come to tell you this, because
My sons the priests are preaching that you must give to the poor, that you have to give to the poor, and
tell the rich to give; but they don't tell them what to give, but some of them take it away by force and that
is not Charity, for if you are going to give to some, but take it away from others, you are taking their
and their possessions and that is not Charity.
Open your eyes, dear children, be alert, for the spirit of error hovers over the world and My
children have adopted doctrines which are contrary to My true Doctrine and preach a love of others which
is not true, because it doesn't come from God; God doesn't take away from some to give to others.
Understand this, understand it, for times will come when some will take up the banner of love of others

and will do harm to many, to many, and when My people see that they have been deceived, it will be too
late. You must open your eyes. Tell whoever preaches a love which doesn't come from Me that they are
wrong, because Charity is not giving to some by taking away from others. Do you understand this? For
is what is dominant even in My Church, in the whole world, and this doctrine has entered My Church,
priests say: I cannot preach to empty stomachs. And what are you more interested in, stomachs or
No, My children, you must open your eyes and not let those bad shepherds deceive you and introduce you
to doctrines contrary to the one I left you, which is pure and holy; and because it is pure and holy, the
Devil is attacking it and My children are helping him. Instead of defending My Doctrine, they cast it aside
and accept false doctrines, new doctrines which will lead you to Hell, if you don't repent in time, to Hell,
and many who follow the priests will also go to Hell. You must, then, use your discernment, dear
and see who is telling the truth, who is telling the words of life.
Now, the dominant doctrine is the materialistic doctrine and My children have come to an
agreement to preach to the bodies, forgetting the souls, and you know perfectly well, dear children, that,
if one praises the body and forgets the soul, one will perish in Hell, for there will be no fruits in one's
hands to offer to God. My children have gone into politics and they say: The Virgin and Jesus don't go
into politics, but we can, because we are doing a lot by doing so. Have you seen how many priests
ridiculously, My children? That is the truth, dear children, they behave ridiculously, proclaiming new
doctrines, false doctrines and forgetting Mine, to preach to bodies, because they are interested in bodies
not in souls, no, not in their souls. And that is why the Wrath of the Divine Father is near, the Wrath of
the Celestial Father approaches and the Angels will destroy the weeds which have grown in My Church.
Yes, My children, you must be aware of this, you must be aware of it, for I have come to tell you
that to tell you the truth. They silence My voice, they silence My Blessed Mother's voice, but they
they proclaim false doctrines to the four winds, doctrines I didn't teach. Evil has introduced itself into My
Church, the Smoke of Hell is consuming them. They have destroyed the Holy Mass, they have already
destroyed all those great graces, all those gifts I deposited in My Church; but days will come when they
understand the message I gave them and sent to each one of them, which says: I knock for the last time
on the door of My House. I come to visit My children and My children don't receive Me. They don't want
to receive a Father Whom they don't love. Then, dear children, I told you then: I will go to other hearts,
I will knock on other doors and there I ask for shelter, for you don't want to let Me into My House.
Very well, because of that, dear children, I want you to understand why I come here. I am living
here, and everybody will know that, and I am living here because they have thrown Me out of My own
House, which is the Church, and by My own children who cry out: "Lord, lord, Lord." I said in the Bible:
"Not all those who say Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven and I tell you: Not all those who
say, we performed miracles in Your name, we preached in Your name, Lord, Lord." I will say at that time,
in the times which are near, the time of the Final Judgement: Remove yourselves from My presence, for
I don't know you. Go away, doers of iniquity, you have deceived My people, you have deceived them and
even introduced My enemy into My Church. Leave My presence, for I don't want to see you. That is
I will say, when the time comes. That is why I said in the messages that the time would come when I

lead My people. I will instruct them Myself, I will guide them Myself into the Celestial Kingdom, I
and My Blessed Mother, Who helps Me, for the Church, My children who were My favorite children,
betrayed Me.
I come once more to teach you, dear children, so you will know that My sons the priests are
confused, the Smoke of Hell has entered their souls and their hearts and they are destroying My Church,
they are leading it to its ruin, and they, and only they, are preparing My Church for the Antichrist. But
when they realize that they have betrayed Me, they will cry and weep, but it will be too late, too late for
Yes, dear children, think about your souls and also remember that I said: The moment will come
in which each one must see to his own salvation and no longer follow those bad shepherds who join the
false prophets, the false prophets of the Antichrist. My sons the priests, My favorite children, join those
false Churches and wage war against Me and want to silence My voice, they want to silence it and are
uniting in order to fight Me. They also want to destroy everything, everything that reminds of God and the
Blessed Virgin, Our Mother, and the saints. They want nothing but adoration for the Antichrist in churches
and that is why they are getting rid of all My images in churches, of the image of the Blessed Virgin,
because it is not in their interest, it is not in their interest to have them there. They have divided the
Eucharist, they are tearing It to pieces, they are tearing the Church to pieces and My people won't open
their eyes, they don't realize that My sons have become false shepherds and false prophets. But when the
time comes for the Holy Wrath of God, they will tremble, they will tremble before My justice, they will
tremble before My justice.
The earth will shake, the earth will weep for its sins, the world will be purified with blood and
to clean away everything that is done against that God, Creator and Lord of the entire universe, and where
man wants to take away that adoration of his Creator.
Woe to priests, bishops and cardinals! Woe to those who are their shepherds! Woe to those priests
who prefer the first places in the church! Woe to those who, being the light, become darkness! Woe to
those shining stars of heaven who, having such a luminous destiny, such a brilliant destiny, since they
stars of heaven, and they have allowed the Demon to sweep them away with his tail and take them to the
deepest part of Hell! Woe to those shepherds who were luminous stars and have become darkness for My
children! Woe to them, when the Exterminator Angels come to take the weeds away to be burned! Woe
to them, when the reaping comes! Woe to those who lead My children on the road to evil, and instead of
showing them the right way, lead them astray, lead them astray, for they are destroying everything, they
changing everything and preach a love, a charity which is not Charity.
My children, it is not, for they say to love thy brother, but without God there is no true love, for
true love has to go with the Divine Love of God, the God of Love that died crucified on the Cross for
love, then you will be saying the truth, because for love I died, for your sake, for love, for Charity,
Charity is not giving alms to the poor, My children, no, that would be philanthropy, altruism, humanism,
but not Charity. Charity is more sublime, more elevated, because it is a complete surrender of man to God
and through God to man. Anything said to the contrary is false.

Open your eyes, My sons, open your eyes, because My shepherds who were torches of light have
turned into darkness, and instead of teaching My children, they confuse them more and take advantage of
their ignorance for their own benefit, and they will ruin them, ruin them, My children, ruin them. If they
don't listen to My voice, if you don't listen to the advice of Our Mother, the Holy Virgin, and if you don't
put yourselves under Her Mantle, you will not be prepared for this great battle.
Open your eyes and see that they want to destroy all that is holy in My Church, they want to
destroy everything, why? Because the Devil has introduced himself in My Church and he is the one that
gives the orders that all this must be rejected, that everything must be rejected, so he can be there to his
Be alert, My children, be alert, because that is why I come to instruct you, because if they don't
want to do it, I and My Holy Mother will.
I will do it, I Myself, I Jesus of Nazareth, the God of Love, because as I am your Loving Father,
I must teach you the truth and the life. I am the Truth and the Life; beyond Me there is no salvation.
Therefore, you must be alert, behold who deceives you, who? because, if you don't do this, they will harm
you very much, very much.
Yes, My children, the Holy Wrath of the Eternal Father is near, is near; there is not much time
left. But all those that are under the Mantle of Our Mother, the Holy Virgin, I will protect, I will help
them, I will be among them, I, I and My Holy Mother. But those who won't take refuge in My mercy will
tremble of dread at everything that is to come, everything that is to come.
Don't think, My children, that just because they are My shepherds, they are leading you to the
No, understand that these are the latter times, understand that these times are of the Antichrist, and he
has introduced himself in My Church and is destroying it with the help of My priests, bishops, cardinals
even the Pope is helping with this. You must be alert and use your discernment, because even the pope
is helping, helping My people to be in error, to be in error.
Yes, My children, I have come to instruct you and to tell you that My next coming is near, very
near. My children do not want to talk about My Second Coming, but I will talk, I will talk; and I am
you that I will come for the second time, I will come to judge. I will come to judge the world. I will come
to judge My Church. I will come to judge My children and also to see how many have made good use of
My Blood, the Blood that I shed on the Cross. That is what I am going to come for and also to take away
the sin of the world. And all of those who are My true children will possess the earth, listen well, they will
possess the earth. And all those who helped the Antichrist and adored the Beast will be cast into the
deepest part of Hell and suffer tortures for all eternity.
For this I have come, My beloved children, to restore order in the world, to restore it and to give
to each according to his works, and also in order that My beloved people possess the world that was
promised to them from the beginning, from the beginning of the world.
Yes, My children, I will come to give the promised land to My true children, this is what I am
coming for and I will punish everything, I will punish the earth for its sins and the world will shake in the
presence of the Holy Wrath of God, it will shake.

Therefore, My children, meditate on all this that I say to you, meditate on it and believe My
because My words are truth and life, because they lead you to a Kingdom of Love and Peace, but I am not
talking about an earthly kingdom, like the one false doctrines are proclaiming. They want to make you
believe that Paradise is here on earth, no, My children, no. Not before it has been purified with blood and
fire. Anyone that teaches you false doctrines and uses love and charity towards his fellow man and has
deceived you with this, ignore it, because they promise something they cannot give, because only God,
the Triune God, only the Holy Trinity can give Paradise, only the Holy Trinity can give you the earth.
My children, is what I wanted to say.
Time is very limited for you, I know, it is very limited and I have so much to talk to you about,
so much to tell you, because My sons confuse you, My sons deceive you and I have to tell the truth. And
you that are listening, tell the others to be alert, so that they won't deceive you with false doctrines, with
doctrines that are not Mine.
Open your eyes, My children, open your eyes wide and know that what I am telling you are
of truth and life, because I want your well-being, I want to save you. That is why I come over and over
again and I also send you My Holy Mother to put you on guard, because time will come when he who is
My real child has to be wise and prudent, so that the Devil and his servants won't deceive him, making
believe they are Me and saying that they have the truth.
And no, I don't want you to say that I am against My sons the priests, no. If they repent, I will
forgive them, but if they don't repent, they will be punished with Hell, with Hell, because they have
Mel So, don't fear to say that now many, many, many of My priests' throats are open sepulchres. Be
be careful, because their words will lead you astray. Open your eyes wide, don't let them deceive you,
let them deceive you and watch, watch the signs of our time, watch how they destroy the holy, the sacred
that is in My Church, what was My Church.
Well, My children, I wanted to warn you about this, because men with their words deceive men,
men use everything to deceive, to lie, to sin. And that is why I have come to instruct you, so you will be
well informed. And when you see these things, you won't be afflicted, but only trust in Me. Raise your
heads, because your redemption is near. And don't be afraid, because you are My children, and you listen
to My words. Do not fear, because nothing will happen to you; I will take care of you and I will take you
to the Heavenly Fatherland.
Therefore, My children, I wanted to warn you about this, because the Church is walking to its
and many of My children follow, believing that they are talking about the true teachings and no, you must
be alert on this.
Therefore, My children, I feel very happy that I could tell you this, that I could communicate
you and tell you that I will be your Teacher, I will instruct you, I will teach the way to righteousness.

Now, I will bless all these sacramentals, all these pictures and I'll wait for you at the next reunion
and I thank you for all you have done to give Me and My Holy Mother a Day of Atonement.
Now, I am going to bless these sacramentals in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the
Ghost. Amen. And may they be for the welfare and protection of My children.
Well, My dear children, I say goodbye to you, until the next reunion. And from the bottom of My
Sacred Heart I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. May peace remain
in your hearts.

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