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EnglishA: Literature HL2


1. Chapter 1: What class of people frequent Grand Isle? What is Leonce
Pontellier interested in reading? Why? Describe his appearance. What does
he believe in fully? Why? For what does he scold his wife? How does he
view her? Who accompanies her at the beach? How does this young man make
her feel? What is symbolic about the removal of the rings before swimming?
Where does Mr. Pontellier go? Why? Will he return for dinner? What does he
promise to bring the kids? What potential problems exist in this marriage?
2. Chapter 2: How do Robert Lebrun and Edna Pontellier spend their time
together? How does the narrator describe Edna in terms of her physical
appearance? What does Robert talk about? Why? Where does he plan to go
in the autumn? Why? What does Edna talk about? Who misses dinner?
3. Chapter 3: When does Mr. Pontellier return home from Kleins? Where is
Edna when he returns? What disappoints him? Over what do the couple argue?
What accusation does Leonce make? How does she feel as Leonces wife?
Why? Where does Leonce go the next day? Is he happy to leave? Why? What
do the other wives think of him? Does Edna agree?
4. Chapter 4: According to Leonce, what kind of woman did he not marry? Is
Edna comfortable with the Creole aristocracy on Grand Isle? What quality about
Creoles impresses Edna? Ironically, what lofty virtue do they uphold?
5. Chapter 5: How has Robert Lebrun spent his summers since the age of fifteen?
What fact about Creole husbands is told by Madame Ratignolle? When Robert
attempts to rest his head on Ednas arm, how does she react? What does
convince Edna to do? What is suggested by the final image of The sun was
low in the west and the breeze was soft and warm (50)?
6. Chapter 6: What is Edna beginning to understand about herself? Is this the
genesis of her awakening? What part of nature speaks to Ednas soul?
7. Chapter 7: What quality does Edna Pontellier lack? What physical quality
makes her appealing? What does the lady in black symbolize? What do the
two young lovers represent? How does Ednas remembrances of the past
relate to the present summer on Grand Isle? Why did Edna marry Leonce?
Explain Ednas somewhat complex feelings for her husband. What does
this reveal about her character? With whom had she once fallen hopelessly in
love in a romantic way? How does she regard her children?
8. Chapter 8: What request does Madame Adele Ratignolle make of Robert?
Why? Comment on the juxtaposition of the two young lovers with Robert and
Adele. Why is the lady in black paler than usual? Where is Edna?

EnglishA: Literature HL2

9. Chapter 9: Who is invited to play the piano at the Saturday night celebration?
How does her performance make Edna feel? What does Robert propose that
they do?
10. Chapter 10: Who has Edna missed? Ironically, what doesnt Edna know how
to do? What does she finally accomplish on this special night? Where does
she want to lose herself? What does she foolishly do? What vision does she
have? How does she describe this moment? What new feelings does Edna
now have for Robert as they remain speechless?
11. Chapter 11: Why does Edna sleep outside in the hammock? Why doesnt she
submit to Leonces request to come to bed? Is this part of her awakening?
Ironically, who asks Leonce to come inside just before dawn?
12. Chapter 12: What is guiding Ednas life and decisions at this point? Why is
the lady in black always in the company of the two young lovers? What does
this juxtaposition suggest? Who does Edna ask to accompany her to
Cheniere? What does Mariequitas conversation with Robert imply about
marriage and romance? Why is this important to the story? How does Edna
feel? Explain the chain metaphor (58)? In what fantasy life together do
Robert and Edna indulge themselves?
13. Chapter 13: After Ednas spell in church, what does her subsequent sleep and
awakening represent? Who fixes her dinner and waits on her in Madame
Antoines cottage? What does this scene foreshadow?
14. Chapter 14: What services are required of Edna when she arrives at home?
How does Leonce react to her late arrival? Where does he go soon after she
arrives? Why? What fact does she acknowledge to Robert? What does she
realize about herself? Who does she wish were with her? What is the
implication of the song Robert had sung, which she now sings?
15. Chapter 15: What shocking news does Edna receive at dinner? Where does
Edna go after dinner? Why? Who invites Edna over to her house? Does Edna
go? Who sympathizes with Edna over Roberts sudden departure? Who visits
her? What does Edna tell her guest about her plans for the winter? What is
emotional state? What feelings does she discover she has for Robert? Years
earlier, over whom had she felt this same way?
16. Chapter 16: Who questions Edna about Roberts departure? How does Edna
feel about her missing friend? Who does Edna often visit? Why? In what is
Edna interested at Madame Lebruns? What is she disappointed to learn
about the contents of Roberts letter? As a result, what emotion does she feel?
What does this reveal about her feelings for Robert? Who saw Robert in New
Orleans? Who questions him about this sighting? What had Edna once told
Madame Ratignolle about her family? What makes Edna jealous? What does
Edna do to rid herself of Mademoiselle Reiszs venom (82)? When is Edna
planning to leave Grand Isle?

EnglishA: Literature HL2

17. Chapter 17: Describe the Pontelliers home in New Orleans. How does
Leonce feel about it? What traditional observance does Edna ignore? How
does her husband respond to this? Why? About what is he most concerned?
Where does Leonce eat most of the time? Why? What symbolic gesture does
Edna make with her wedding ring? What does the smashed vase symbolize?
18. Chapter 18: What invitation does Edna decline? What does this signify? Who
is she thinking about? Why? What new interest has Edna found? After
visiting the Ratignolles what does Edna no longer value?
19. Chapter 19: For what does Leonce berate his wife? What has Edna resolved
not to do? What does Leonce begin to suspect? What scenes does Edna
recollect? What are her vacillating emotions? Why do they seem to change so
20. Chapter 20: Whom does Edna seek while she is depressed? Why cant he find
her? Where does she then go? Who is stricken with her beauty at the
Lebruns? What does she learn about Robert at the Lebruns? What
disappoints her? What do both Victor and Madame Lebrun notice about Edna?
21. Chapter 21:When Edna visits Mademoiselle Reiszs place, what does
Mademoiselle give her? What is the legend of Tristan and Isolde? Why does
Mademoiselle Reisz play Isoldes song (107) for Edna? What effect does
this song have on Edna? Why is Roberts letter crumpled and damp with
tears (107)?
22. Chapter 22: What does Leonce confess to Doctor. Mandelet concerning
marital relations with his wife? What reason does Leonce give for Ednas
new liberated behavior? Who does Doctor Mandelet suggest could be the
cause of this new attitude? When Leonce dismisses that possibility, what
cause does Doctor Mandelet suggest? What does Leonce say about Ednas
family, in particular what does he say about Margaret? According to Leonce
what is Ednas attitude toward marriage? What advice does Doctor Mandelet
give Leonce? What secret suspicion does Doctor Mandelet have concerning
Ednas behavior?
23. Chapter 23: Who visits the Pontelliers for a brief stay? Why? What event
does Edna attend with her father? With whom does she enjoy talking while
there? Who does not attend this event? Why? What criticism does Ednas
father level at Leonce? What does Doctor Mandelet observe when he
dinner at the Pontelliers? Of what does Leonce disapprove that irritates his
father-in-law? After listening to Ednas romantic story, of what is Doctor
Mandelet regretful? What does he now realize about Edna? Who does he
suspect that she may be seeing?
24. Chapter 24: Over what do Edna and her father agrue shortly before he
departs? What advice does the Colonel give Leonce? How does Edna feel
when both her father and Leonce leave? Who else is gone? What sense

EnglishA: Literature HL2

invades her spirit as she retires alone for the night?

25. Chapter 25: After Edna attends the races, who calls upon her? Who is Alcee
Arobin? Who does he admire? What knowledge does Edna possess that
impresses him? Who escorts Edna home from the Highcamps residence?
How does Edna feel? What does she want? What does she regret? What does
she remember to do in the middle of the night? Who calls upon her a few
days later? Who is conspicuously absent from his drag? Who stays and dines
with her? What does she tell him? Are Alcees intentions honorable? Is his
manner genuine? Who is she worried about offending? Why is this ironic?
What effect did Alcees visit have upon her?
26. Chapter 26: What does Alcee Arobin do to win himself back into Ednas
good graces? What does she reply to this overture? How does he, in turn,
respond? What new decision does Edna announce at Mademoiselle Reiszs?
Why is she going to do this? How will she pay for her new dwelling? Why
is it important that she will spend only her own money? What feelings does
she like and value? What does Mademoiselle hand Edna? What startling
revelation does Mademoiselle reveal to Edna concerning Robert? When
will he return? What personal question does Mademoiselle ask Edna? What is
her response? What does Edna then do before dinner?
27. Chapter 27: Who visits Edna that evening? What seemingly innocent physical
intimacy does she enjoy with Alcee? How does she describe herself to Alcee?
What advice given to her by Mademoiselle Reisz does she repeat to Alcee?
After Alcee kisses Edna, for the first time in her life how does she respond?
28. Chapter 28: Why does Edna weep after Alcee leaves? For whom does her love
seem stronger than ever? Why was her wanton act with Alcee a kind of
epiphany for Edna? What is the only regret she has over her liaison with
29. Chapter 29: What does Edna do immediately without first discussing it with
her husband? What does this signify? Who helps her move? What event
does she plan to host in her old residence? What does she call her new
30. Chapter 30: What kind of dinner affair does Edna host? How old is Edna?
What old, familiar feeling does Edna experience at her housewarming/
birthday celebration? Who are carrying on romantically at this affair? Why
does Edna object to Victors song?
31. Chapter 31: What is Ednas mood following the dinner? Why doesnt Alcee
leave? How does Edna respond to his seductive entreaties (154)?
32. Chapter 32: Does Leonce approve of his wifes move? What is his chief
concern? What does Leonce plan to do with his house? Why? What notice
appears in the newspaper? Why? Where does Edna go? How does she feel
when she is called back home?

EnglishA: Literature HL2

33. Chapter 33: Who visits Edna at her new house? What advice does
Mademoiselle Ratignolle give her? Of whom, in particular, does
Mademoiselle warn Edna? While visiting Mademoiselle Reisz, who does
Edna encounter? What lie about Alcee does she tell? Of what does Edna say
she has been thinking?
34. Chapter 34: With whom does Edna dine? What makes Edna jealous?
Who drops by? How does Edna spend the evening? What preoccupies her
35. Chapter 35: What concerns Edna in her relationship with Robert? When
does Leonce hope to return to New Orleans? Who else writes to her?
To which letter does she not reply? Who does not visit her for several
days? Who does visit her? How does the evening end? How does she
feel in the morning?
36. Chapter 36: Where does Edna unexpectedly encounter Robert? What
does she tell him? How does he respond? Where do they go? To what
does Robert confess? How does Edna respond to this admission? What
does she tell him? What interrupts the moment and takes Edna out of the
37. Chapter 37: To where is Edna summoned? Why? How does she feel about
being with Madame Ratignolle? What does she regret? Why? What appeal
does Adele make to her?
38. Chapter 38: Who escorts Edna home? What does he offer to do for her? How
does she respond? What is Doctor Mandelets assessment of Ednas
situation? What consideration does Edna voice? Who has left Pigeon House?
39. Chapter 39: Where does Edna go the next day? Why are Victor and
Mariequita surprised to see her? About what do they warn her? What does the
bird with the broken wing symbolize? Describe in detail what Edna does
next. Why does she do this? What are her last thoughts? Is this a plausible
ending to the novel? Explain.

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