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Salesforce Training Tutorials

CRM SALES FORCE TRAINING is an educational website where we want to share our
knowledge to the candidates who are interested in salesforce course. If your goal is to get good grounding
in Salesforce administration and Good knowledge in Salesforce Development as quickly as
possible this salesforce tutorials is ideal for you.
Through this sfdc training tutorials, every candidate will be able to learn all topics with real time
scenarios and clearly explained with screenshots. We recommend all to take these salesforce tutorials as a
course and understand every sfdc training article clearly before moving to next salesforce topic.

salesforce training tutorials

No Prior knowledge on coding is required for Salesforce development but knowledge on Salesforce
Administration is required. We present different Salesforce Developer Tutorial every day and it
make you to develop various applications on the cloud platform. CRM Salesforce Training Tutorials is
also helpful for professional programming in
Admin Tutorials

Salesforce basics.

Creating fields.

Service Cloud topics.

Salesforce security.

Single Sign On.

Data Loaders.

Reports .






CRM Tutorials

Developer Tutorials

SOQL tutorials.

SOSL basics.


Visualforce tags.

Salesforce Apex.

Interview Questions

Interview Questions Part 1.

Interview Questions Part 2.

Interview Questions Part 3

Interview Questions Part 4

Interview Questions Part 5

Interview Questions Part 6.

Interview Questions Part 7.

Interview Questions Part 8.

Interview Questions part 9.

Topics we cover

Cloud computing, Cloud computing services, cloud computing solutions, cloud

computing technology,about cloud computing, cloud computing applications, cloud computing
provider,cloud computing platforms, cloud computing solutions, cloud computing applications,
cloud computing companies, crm software, sales force integration, sales force chatter, sales
force API, sales force app exchange, sales force login, sales force crm, enterprise cloud services,
sales force automation tools, lead management, opportunities, sales force quotes , Sales force
visual force, Apex, Data Loaders.








our Free



training Tutorials.

Read more for Realtime Salesforce interview questions and answers with scenarios.

Salesforce Tutorials for Beginners- Salesforce Basics

Salesforce tutorials for beginners, it is very important to understand the concepts, terminology
used and about different technology components that used in Before jumping in to interface we should get knowledge on salesforce basics. Through this Salesforce tutorials
for beginners we are going to make some tasks and customization in salesforce interface.

Every Salesforce beginner must understand their duties for better and effective salesforce administration.
This Salesforce tutorials for Beginners will cover on cloud computing concepts like what is cloud
computing, what are the different cloud computing services.What is salesforce, how can we create
salesforce developer account, what are the different components in salesforce, different data types ,
different field types in salesforce, how to create custom objects in salesforce, how to create custom fields
in salesforce, how to create custom tabs in salesforce, creating custom views in
Refer below Salesforce Tutorials topic wise that explains step by step configurations with real time
Salesforce Tutorials for Beginners- Salesforce Basics.
Introduction to Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing ?

2. Characteristics of Cloud Computing ?

3. What are the different types of Clouds ?
4. Cloud Computing Services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) ?

IaaS Cloud Service Providers ?

6. PaaS Cloud Service Providers ?


SaaS Cloud Service Providers ?

Introduction to

What is Salesforce ?

2. Creation of Salesforce developer Account.

3. Components of Salesforce.
4. Different types of Data Types and field types

How to create custom objects.

6. How to create custom fields.


How to create custom Tabs.

8. How to create Custom views.

9. What is Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing definition
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing : In this salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about What is cloud computing,
Definition for cloud computing, Cloud Computing advantages, cloud computing disadvantages.
Cloud Computing Definition.
Cloud Computing is a new trend in IT development, deployment, Delivery module of business
Products, Services that are provided over the internet that are been used by the real time User.

Cloud Computing definition given by NIST (US National Institute of Standards and
Technology) : Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released
with minimal

management effort or service provider interaction.

Cloud Computing is a Buzz word today and a hot topic in publications, Enterprises and also in Public. So
what is Cloud Computing ? Here Cloud computing is an module which enables consumers to higher
computing resources from a providers as per their requirements.
Through Computing we can use resources over the internet from any where in the globe with out
managing resources like Applications, Data Base, Operating System,Network etc. In general to
use any resources like Ms Office we have to install that software in our devices to use. If we want to use
that Ms Office service in other device we have to install that software again. Here we are able to use that
service in which the software was installed. By using Cloud Computing we dont require any software ,
Servers, Operating System, Storage.Simply we need to have a minimal configuration system with internet
and a Browser.
The need for Cloud Computing
Most organizations spend several million dollars each year on procuring the right hardware and software
for their employees. These purchases include not just the computers and laptops, but also software and
software licenses. For every additional employee a new software license has to be bought. This is
financially draining for any organization, big or small.
Cloud computing to the rescue!
There are several companies that provide software services that an organization needs for its business
processes. By plugging into these companies through the internet, and accessing their services by loading

just a single application from them an organization can access all the software that it needs for conducting
its business. This Web-based service is called cloud computing. Cloud computing allows a remote
machine owned by a company providing the cloud based services to run several business processes of a
clients business, whether it is a simple word processing or more complex customer relationship
management or CRM software.
Cloud computing is one of the greatest developments in technology over the past decade, and allows
online file access across several applications spread over a vast geographical area. Cloud
computingcreates virtual space or a cloud of files and applications that may be used and shared by all
members of an organization, no matter where they are. To access cloud computing services an
organization must pay a subscription amount to the cloud computing service provider, as well as
pay for the installation of the service and customization. Once the software application of the cloud
computing service provider is installed, getting work started is as simple as plug and play, as its only a
matter of logging on to the internet.
Advantages of Cloud Computing

What has made cloud computing work is the tremendous growth in processing power,
reliability of the Internet and the great increase in broadband speeds.

It makes tremendous sense to make use of the centralized server of the provider of cloud
computing services as not only does it reduce the costs by a great extent by making redundant
the need to buy several software licenses, it also eliminates the huge costs required by an
organization to maintain and upgrade existing software.

The other advantages of cloud computing are

It drastically reduces the cost of hiring software engineers and other specialized workers for IT
support, as the streamlined software available on the cloud eliminates the need for a lot of
heterogeneous hardware and software.

Also, an organization that avails of cloud computing can use the processing power of the entire
network or cloud that it is a part of. So it never falls short on processing power.

Another huge advantage is that since cloud computing eliminates the need for an organization
to buy hardware, a plenty of physical space is saved. There is no need to reserve space on the
company premises for giant servers, for instance.

Based on their working, cloud computing services can be classified into:


Software as a service (SaaS): Here, the software applications are managed by the provider of
the cloud services and can be accessed by organizations through a simple browser, which loads all
the applications of the service provider. The client businesses do not have to worry about licensing
or server costs.

2. Platform as a service (PaaS): Here, dedicated software platforms are built and managed by
the cloud computing service provider to run and develop business applications. These platforms
support every stage of creating a web application online, no additional software is required
whatsoever in the local computer.
3. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): This is the most advanced form of cloud computing as
here the virtual servers are purchased by businesses along with software and hardware from the
cloud computing service provider on a per-use basis.
The Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
While cloud computing removes the need to hire more software engineers or to buy several new
software licensed, and eliminates the cost of software upgrades and maintenance, it does have a few

One, it may not always be easy to fit in a companys requirements with what it provided by
thecloud computing service provider.

Two, some of the company data may to too confidential to be released on the cloud, or may get
blocked by a local firewall. Some companies may find the cost-per-use model of subscription
tough to handle. Some of these drawbacks can be dealt with by making use of Virtualization as a
part of thecloud computing approach.

Cloud Service Providers | Provide Cloud Storage Service

Cloud Service Providers : In our previous CRM Software Training Tutorial we have learned about
cloud Services. In this CRM Software Training we are going to learn about Cloud Service providers,
different cloud service providers list, top cloud service providers list. The cloud ecosystem consists of five
major roles in providing cloud Services. Cloud ecosystem is the term used in cloud computing which
describes about multiple complex cloud systems like service providers, independent service providers,
software manufacturers, enablers and business.

Top cloud service providers list.

1. Amazon web Services.

Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2).

Simple DB.

Simple Storage Service (S3).


Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Elastic MapReduce.

2. Google.

Google Apps.

Google App Engine.

3. and

5. 3Tera.
6. Microsoft.

SQL Azure.


Windows Azure.

Cloud Service providers Ecosystem

Cloud Service providers ecosystem consists of 5 major components they are .

Service Providers.

Software Vendors.

Independent Software Vendors.



Cloud Service Providers : Cloud Service Providers are those who provide cloud services to the
business and customers or consumers. Cloud Service providers will huge data base, Data centers,
infrastructure, softwares, platform and hardware systems.
Software Vendors : Software which is designed for on-premises is very different from the software
which are designed for cloud services. Cloud Service software architecture is different when compared
with on-premise software. Cloud Service providers are overlapping both Cloud Service Providers and
Cloud Software this makes them to run both services in their own data centers.

Ex :- Microsoft Windows Azure and Google Apps.

Independent Software Vendors :- Independent software vendors are those who build Cloud Service
software and offer them to the public. Cloud provide best platform for Independent Software Vendors to
build vertical solutions independently.For example ISVs develop some medical application and can offer
this application to doctors and Hospitals for providing vertical solutions to them.
Enablers : Enablers are those who integrates all multiple softwares which are purchased from multiple
cloud software vendors. Enablers provides consulting services for the purchased software.
Ex :- Microsoft Consulting Services, IBM Global Services.
Business : In todays market every company has their competitor in market. In order to sustain in
market company must maintain up to data softwares, infrastructure to take advantage in the market. If
the Cloud Service provided by cloud service providers are supportive and the business people do not
hesitate to implement cloud services.
CRM Software Training What is CRM Software, CRM
CRM Software Training
Full form for CRM is Customer Relationship Management. Customer Relationship Management
systems are used to analyze customer click, Customer Sales and measure marketing campaigns.We can
develop Software for Small business, large entrepreneurs, Social Media Networks, Non-profit
membership organizations. In this CRM Software Training we learn about every CRM Software and their
CRM Software Training
Customer Relationship management Software is integrated with many applications, features and
tools for better Customer accessing capabilities. We must select best CRM online Software that
matches to our company. Before Selecting Customer Relationship Management Software we must
check conditions like What are the unique features that the Software have ? what is the CRM Software
Ranking ? What are the different Sales and Marketing tools that a CRM online Software have ? Is
thisCustomer Relationship Management Software is user friendly or not ? What about help and
CRM Software Training

What is CRM Customer relationship Management ?

2. Different types of CRM Data bases.

3. What are CRM Systems ?

4. What are cloud Services ?


Different Cloud Service Providers.

CRM Systems

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft SharePoint.

Google Cloud Services.

Amazon Cloud Services.

What is SAP Systems?

Oracle CRM on Demand.

Sugar CRM.

Sage CRM .

What is CRM, Customer relationship management

What is CRM, Customer relationship management : Full form for CRM or Acronym for CRMis Customer
Relationship Management. We can understand from the full form where CRM is an application used to
automate Sales and marketing functions by a using a Software called CRM Software . BY using CRM
Software every Company / Organization plans to increase their revenues and profits. This strategy of
increasing revenue is done mainly by attracting Customers, clients, Sales etc. An important concept in
Customer Relationship Management is customer value. What is CRM, Customer relationship

What is CRM
Real time example : If we contact our mobile network Customer care to esquire about any service or
wrong gone with the service. Customer care will quickly responds to our query . All these process will go in
a few seconds. Call Centers uses CRM software to to find that customers details.

What is CRM, Customer Relationship Management

What is CRM : CRM is a strategy which is used to learn about customers requirements and behavior in
order to increase revenue and Profits by maintaining stronger relationship with them.
Customer Relationship Management Refers to the practice of collecting, storing and analyzing customerlevel-information, and incorporating the results in to the decision making process of a firm. CRM also
involves in core business process like production, operations, sales, marketing and finance.
We can define CRM software as a Commercial application developed for the business.

This CRM

Software can be used by any business. We cant specify particularly this type of industry or business
uses CRM Software. Any Business who maintains Sales, Marketing team, who create quotes
and invoices. For every business, every company wants to computerize their operations. All these
business want to computerize their operations. As such Software Company is developing some software
for that type of operation.
To Maximize the life time value of each individual customer to a firm some CRM initiatives must be
followed.There are four CRM initiatives they are.

Customer acquisition : It is the process of acquiring new customers to a firm. This is the first and
the foundation step to the whole CRM process.

2. Customer retention : Customer retention is the process o developing relationship with the
3. Customer Churn : Customer Churn is the process of managing the rate of existing customers
leaving a firm.
4. Customer win-back : Customer win-back is the process of reacquiring the customers that have left
the firm through Customer Churn.
We have different types of businesses like retail business, banking, call centers and so on everything is
computerized. People who run business wants to develop software. Then they go for some CRM
software providers like CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho CRM and so on.. has given ready made software called CRM. is a
company and its product called CRM.
Where are not learning about company but we are learning about the product which is
CRM. CRM is a business or more generally technically called as Domain or vertical. So one of the things
we are going to learn in this CRM is what are the ingredients he has provided in CRM.
In our next Salesforce Training Tutorial we will learn about different types of categories of CRM
Different types of CRM Databases

In our previous Salesforce CRM Training tutorial we have learned about What is CRM. In
this CRM Tutorial we are going to learn about Different types of CRM Databases, Sources of
Databases, what is the technology used in different Databases.
What is a CRM Database ?
CRM Database is the core for any customer relationship management(CRM) planning. Different types
of information can be stored, analysed and can be made marketing decisions. There are different
categories of Databases and they are categorized depending upon firms, business function, information
content, marketing activities and technology uses for databases . Mainly there are two types of Databases
they are Transaction-related database and Customer Database.
Transaction-related Database : This type of Database are used to get all the information related to
transactions made by customers. We can information from Transaction-related Databases are what
transaction have the customer made? What type of product the customer purchased.
Customer database : Customer database collects the information about the customers information like
address, Zip Code, Telephone number, age, gender, marital status, education, number of people in house,
income, values, interests, preferences and so on.

CRM Databases
Sources of CRM Databases
Databases can be acquired from two sources they are Primary Data Source and Secondary Data Source
Primary Data Source
Primary data Sources : Primary Data is collected from the source of sales results, cost information,
Distributors reports and feedback, Customers feedback, Marketing activity.

Primary data s collected from households in the form of surveys, experiments, interviews, questionnaires
and observations. This type collecting data is very cost and also time taking processes but this type of
information is some times required by manager in an organization or a firm.
Secondary Data Source.
Secondary Data Source : Secondary Data is collected from internal records and external records.
Internal Records Source : In internal records information is mainly from business operations like
sales results, cost information, from customers feedback, internal marketing research department, sales
analyse group, accounting department.
External records : In External Records information is mainly collected from different publishes data
sources, standardized source, marketing data sources and from internet.
Different Types of Technologies used in CRM.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is mainly developed due to its rapid growth in its
technology. Due to different types technologies CRM has evolved n to users friendly, flexible, low cost and
high technology processes.
Data Storing Technology has gone through significant changes between customers and salespersons they
are Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP), Speech Recognition technology, social networking applications, email, websites and so on.
CRM systems|Sales based CRM Systems|Sales CRM systems
CRM systems : In this CRM software Training we are going to learn about Sales based CRM Systems.
Through this Salesforce CRM Software training we are going to learn about CRM Systems, Online CRM
System, Sales CRM System, top crm systems, What is the process for Sales based CRM System, What are
the factors influences Sales based CRM Systems, cloud systems, cloud based systems, online crm system
free, web based crm systems, Many organizations are spending huge amount of money to increase their
sales form their budgets but they are failing to increase their sales. So in recent time sales technologies
and many sales based crm systems have been developed to implement CRM systems in to the sales
Through Customer Relationship Management Systems we can clearly understand about what does
a company need to increase sales, How CRMs performance can impact salesforce, what are the key
performance indicators that are to be incorporated in to CRM systems.
Generally cloud based CRM Systems in an organization is not one process it includes many process like
investments, employees, Salespeople and so on.

CRM Systems Stages

Sales based CRM System can be implemented in four stages they are.

Organizational CRM System adoption.

CRM system acceptance.

CRM Frequency of use.

CRM infusion.

Organizational CRM System adoption : This is the stage where an organization decides to to
purchase CRM system and starts various activities in Sales department in an organization.
CRM System Acceptance : Now CRM System working and functional details will be introduced to
salespeople in Sales department. Proper training will be given to salespeople about CRM Systems. Once
they developed proper knowledge on CRM System they practically develop initial feelings towards CRM
System and then they decide whether they will adopt this CRM system or not.
CRM Frequency of Use : When Salespeople accepts CRM System they starts to work on CRM Systems
for their daily use. Frequently using CRM Systems is an important factor in an organization.
CRM Infusion : Now the CRM System is fully integrated with different applications in to the salespeople
Different CRM System factors.

Easy-of-use : Customer Relationship Management system must be user friendly making the tasks

System usefulness : This is the most important factor for accepting CRM Systems. Sales executive
should strive to assess what benefits salespeople seek from a CRM system and they try to match these
needs to the specific CRM features.

Compatibility with the existing systems : New CRM Systems must be compatible with the
existing systems . Salespeople should be compatible with the existing values, speed and user

There are different types of CRM System. They are

Cloud based or Web based CRM Systems .

Sales based CRM Systems.

Open Source CRM System.

Hosted CRM System.

How to Select Good CRM System.

To choose the top CRM System we have to clear understanding about the key concepts.
1. What is the technology used to track data/information. Do our systems have any integrates approach.
2. We have to determine the CRM features and capabilities that are needed for our future CRM Solution.
3. We should define what we have data do we need, what is the process for collecting data.
4. What is our CRM Software budget.
5. Do our systems qualify for free CRM Systems versions for non profits like
6. We should calculate total cost for CRM systems including training, support, maintenance over three
to five years.
7. Do we have right technical staff .
8. Cloud as a Service | Cloud Services |what are cloud services
Cloud Services : In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about Cloud based CRM Systems. In
thissalesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about Cloud Services, What are different cloud
services, Advantages of cloud, Evolution of cloud services and Cloud service applications platform(ISP
Introduction to Cloud Services.
As an introduction to cloud services, let us discuss a situation that is typical in recent middle and large
enterprises. Assume if a company need to deploy any application immediately with in three months. To
deploy an application the company must have infrastructure, platform and software and also must have
sufficient budget must be allocated for the deployment of the application. Delivering the application at
right time in the market is valuable.
Now the IT hosting department in company analyses the situation regarding software, infrastructure and
employees. For IT hosting department nearly two months will be taken for ordering hardware and for
preparing operating system. Now development team goes for development and testing process. All these

process and the application released to the market after six months. Now its not the time for the
application because already same type of application has been released by Competitor.
There are different applications during this application deployment are running redundantly across the
enterprise and costing the enterprise millions of dollars in resources and maintaining costs. Now CEO
and the CTO decided to build all the applications that are redundantly running through out the process as
a Application hosting infrastructure, thus reducing overall costing and resources.
Through cloud computing we can eliminate the need of Application hosting, hardware and software. All
these are provided by cloud service providers by maintaining Data centers.
Definition for cloud Service.
Cloud Service is an end-to-end service deployed to the cloud platform which contain one or more
What is Cloud Service platform ?
Cloud service platform is a service offered by cloud service providers for developing cloud applications.
Cloud Service platform examples: Windows Azure platform provided by Microsoft, EC2 provided by
Evolution of Cloud Services.

We can mention Evolution of ISP in to Cloud Service in 5 eras. They are

ISP 1.0 Era :

ISP 2.0 Era.

ISP 3.0 Era.

ISP 4.0 Era.

ISP 5.0 Era.

ISP 1.0 Era : In this era many dominated companies like AOL, NetZero, Comcast and Time Warner
focused on building internet networks for customers and businesses.
ISP 2.0 Era : In this Era they focused on accessing servers. Customers and business people hosted their
websites with limited capabilities.
ISP 3.0 Era : This era brought the collocation concept in to the ISP equation. Now the business could
host their own servers with the ISP.
ISP 4.0 Era : In this era Economic network services and infrastructure has been achieved.Application
Service Providers (ASP) built scalable business software services and data centers for Enterprises.
ISP 5.0 Era : In this Era ISP infrastructure will mature into scalable on demand platform called cloud .
This cloud can be used for building and hosted business applications.
In our next CRM Software Training we are going to learn about cloud Services Application
Cloud Service Providers | Provide Cloud Storage Service
Cloud Service Providers : In our previous CRM Software Training Tutorial we have learned about
cloud Services. In this CRM Software Training we are going to learn about Cloud Service providers,
different cloud service providers list, top cloud service providers list. The cloud ecosystem consists of five
major roles in providing cloud Services. Cloud ecosystem is the term used in cloud computing which
describes about multiple complex cloud systems like service providers, independent service providers,
software manufacturers, enablers and business.

Top cloud service providers list.

1. Amazon web Services.

Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2).

Simple DB.

Simple Storage Service (S3).


Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Elastic MapReduce.

2. Google.

Google Apps.

Google App Engine.

3. and

5. 3Tera.
6. Microsoft.

SQL Azure.


Windows Azure.

Cloud Service providers Ecosystem

Cloud Service providers ecosystem consists of 5 major components they are .

Service Providers.

Software Vendors.

Independent Software Vendors.



Cloud Service Providers : Cloud Service Providers are those who provide cloud services to the
business and customers or consumers. Cloud Service providers will huge data base, Data centers,
infrastructure, softwares, platform and hardware systems.
Software Vendors : Software which is designed for on-premises is very different from the software
which are designed for cloud services. Cloud Service software architecture is different when compared
with on-premise software. Cloud Service providers are overlapping both Cloud Service Providers and
Cloud Software this makes them to run both services in their own data centers.
Ex :- Microsoft Windows Azure and Google Apps.
Independent Software Vendors :- Independent software vendors are those who build Cloud Service
software and offer them to the public. Cloud provide best platform for Independent Software Vendors to
build vertical solutions independently.For example ISVs develop some medical application and can offer
this application to doctors and Hospitals for providing vertical solutions to them.
Enablers : Enablers are those who integrates all multiple softwares which are purchased from multiple
cloud software vendors. Enablers provides consulting services for the purchased software.
Ex :- Microsoft Consulting Services, IBM Global Services.

Business : In todays market every company has their competitor in market. In order to sustain in
market company must maintain up to data softwares, infrastructure to take advantage in the market. If
the Cloud Service provided by cloud service providers are supportive and the business people do not
hesitate to implement cloud services.
Amazon Web Services EC2, SimpleDB, S3, CloudFront, SQS
Amazon Web Services : In our previous CRM Software Training Tutorial we have learned
aboutDifferent Cloud Service providers. In this CRM Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn
about Amazon web services EC2, SimpleDB, S3, CloudFront, SQS and Elastic MapReduce.
Amazon Web Services.
Amazon is one of the largest retailer in the world which processes millions of transactions every hour.
Amazon has most advanced data centers and infrastructure which provides reliability, speed, automated
virtualized operating systems and high storage capacity servers. Amazon Web Services reduces the total
cost of a transaction. Amazon Web services provides 5 cloud services. They are

Elastic Compute Cloud ( EC2 ).


Simple Storage Service(S3).


Simple Queue Service (SQ3).

Elastic MapReduce.

Amazon Web Services EC2.

Amazon EC2 is a virtualized cloud computing environment which provides re-sizable computing capacity
in the cloud.
Operating Systems supported by Amazon Web services EC2.

Red Hat Enterprise.

2. Linux.
3. Windows Server 2003.
4. Oracle enterprise Linux.


6. OPenSUSE Linux.

Ubuntu Linux.

8. Fedora.
9. Gentoo Linux.
10. Debain.
Different Softwares supported by Amazon EC2.


Oracle 11g.

2. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Edition.

3. Apache Web Services.

Java appliation server.

6. JBoss Enterprise application platform and many more softwares.

Amazon WEB Service EC2 Developers Workflow.
Developers should follow the steps to deploy a web application on Amazon EC2 cloud. They are

Create an account at

Configuring tools from amazon Developer resource center.

Create a new instance.

Deploy the amazon EC2 instance.

Set up the Elastic block storage.

Create and configure web application.

Create An URL for external access to the web application.

Create many instances if required.

Monitor instances using Amazon web services console.

Amazon Web Service SimpleDB.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a cloud data base and data storage infrastructure which is
used to store data, retrieve large amount of data and runs all global websites over internet.
Amazon S3 consists of three storage levels they are.

Objects : Objects in amazon S3 stored data and metadata. Maximum size is 5Gb.

Buckets : Objects are stored in buckets and it gives unique namespace to its stored objects.

Keys : To identify and object in buckets keys are used.

Amazon CloudFront.

Amazon CloudFront is a data distribution network. Amazon CloudFront is integrated with AmazonS3
during the process of data delivering from the nearest location to the calling application.

Amazon Simple Queue Service(SQS).

Amazon SQS supports all the Queue function like Creating Queues, listing Queues, deleting queues,
sending messages, receiving message and deleting messages.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce is used to execute multiple parallel instances across many amazon EC2
instances. Amazon S3 storage Service can be used for storing data input and data output.

Amazon Elastic MapReduce is a cloud service which is used for the following environments.

Data Mining.

Analytics Data Processing.

Batch processing.

Data Cleanup.

Data Indexing.

Google Cloud Services | Google Apps, Google AppEngine

Google Cloud Services : In our previous CRM Software Training we have learned about different
Amazon Cloud Services. In this CRM Software Training we are going to learn about Google Cloud Service
like Google Apps and Google AppEngine. Google is on of the largest Search engine in the world and it the
leader in search services on the internet. Google maintain its main presence in Advertising, collaboration,
E-mail and Social Networking.Google maintains massive scaled data centers and customized cached
algorithms for the fastest search.
Different Google Cloud Service.

Google Apps.

Google AppEngine.

Google Apps.
Google which provides scalable infrastructure for hosting communication and collaboration platform are
called as Google Apps.It provides messaging and software services for business and schools.

Google Cloud Services | Google Apps, Google AppEngine

Different Google cloud Services.


Google Talk.

Google calendar.

Google Docs.

Google Sites.

Google images.

Google Maps.

You Tube.

Google Flights.

Google play.

Google News.

Google Drive.

Google Books.

Google Health and many more Google Services.

Google AppEngine.

Google which provides application platform for developing and deploying web applications is known as
Google AppEngine. Google AppEngine provides REST-style API called Google API for programming.
Google APIs are used for accessing Google Apps.
Programming Languages supported by Google AppEngine.



Google AppEngine supports Python and Java programming languages primarily for developing and
deploying web applications. Google AppEngine provides datastore that supports create, retrieve and
delete functions.
Oracle CRM | Oracle CRM on Demand |Oracle CRM Software
Oracle CRM on Demand : In our previous CRM Software Training we have learned about Google Cloud
Service. In this CRM Software Training we are going to learn about Oracle CRM, Oracle CRM on demand,
Oracle CRM Software, Oracle CRM pricing, Oracle CRM Application and What is Oracle CRM on demand.
What is Oracle CRM on demand ?
Oracle CRM on demand is very powerful and flexible applications. Oracle CRM is a Software as a Service
(SaaS) based application which performs set of functions to meet a business need. It is easy to install and
easy to administer and also Oracle provides comprehensive set of administrative tools which requires
training for business users to become proficient in the setup and maintenance of the application.
Before deployment of applications in Oracle on demand we have to clearly understand what the product
can do ? How can we design application ? What are the system requirements ? what are the features
? Any new technology in it ?
Oracle CRM features.

CRM on Demand is based on SaaS model.

Single subscription fee.

No technical hurdles of deployment.

Two or more new versions will be released every year.

Oracle CRM on demand is hosted by Oracle.

Intuitive tools are provided for configuration and to administer the application.

Proper training will be given to customers.

Best support and maintenance.

No installation is requires.

Faster to deploy applications.

Customization, upgrading and maintaining the software are free.

CRM on demand consists of seven main features mainly.


Campaign management Support.

2. Lead management Support.

3. Account management Support.
4. Contact management Support.

Opportunity management Support.

6. Service request management Support.


Sales Forecast.

CRM On demand consists of three types of reporting features.



2. Real-time reports.
3. Historical Analytics.
Oracle CRM Editions.

CRM on Demand Standard Edition.

Hi-Tech Edition.

Wealth Management / Insurance Edition.

Life Sciences Edition.

Automotive Edition.






Subscription plans.

Multi-Tenant :- It is a shared model type where multiple companies reside on a single

computing environment and data centers. Its subscription fee is very low compared to all

Single-Tenant :- In Single-Tenant model every company has its own computing

environment and data centers.

@Customer :- Dedicated hardware will be maintained within the company and software
support is provided remotely by the provider.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing

In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about Different Cloud computing characters. We must be
careful before selecting any cloud service for our organization. Some special characteristics must be taken
into considerations. Mainly we discuss about 5 essentialcharacteristics of a Cloud Computing
Characteristics of a Cloud Computing

On demand self Service.

2. Broad network access.

3. Resource pooling.
4. Rapid elasticity.

Measured service.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing


On demand self Service : On demand self services such as email, mobile applications,network or
server . Here there is no need of humans to provide these services.

2. Broad network access : Can be able to access from any of the consumer devices such as Mobile
Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Workstation.
3. Resource pooling : Multiple consumers can use multiple physical and virtual resources dynamically
assigned and reassigned according to their demand.
4. Rapid Elasticity : Computing capabilities can be provided to a consumer automatically.

Measured Service : which he demand. For example in the case of Data Plans in our mobiles if we
want limited plan we can subscribe to only limited plan. If we need unlimited plan we can subscribe to
that also. Here we pay what we use for(pay per use).

6. Multi Tenant architecture : Set of resources provided over the cloud and been accessed by number
of users across the organization with set of permissions.

Cloud Computing services and Cloud service providers

Cloud service providers
In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about Cloud computing services like Infrastructure as a
Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service(PaaS) and Software as a Service(SaaS). And also we are going to learn
aboutDifferent cloud service providers.
Every organization requires Network, Storage, Servers, Operating System, Data base etc to run their
organization successfully. Before cloud computing technologies every industry goes through all this
requirements of Infrastructure, Platform, Software and it makes them huge investments over these
services and effects over their company profits. After cloud computing technology has evolved all
these services are available in the form a service called cloud. No need to install, no need of
maintenance, no need of upgrades. All these are maintained by third parties called Service Providers.
There are mainly three Cloud Computing services available in Cloud Computing they are .
Cloud Computing services


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

2. Platform as a Service(PaaS).
3. Software as a Service (SaaS).

These three services are called Pillars of Cloud Computing

Infrastructure as a Service.

Infrastructure as a Service means the cloud service providers will provides infrastructure
likeservers, hosting services and storage. Servers and storages are the basic services provide by
Cloud Service Providers.
Choosing right IaaS provider is an important thing. Some many cloud Service Providers will
provide Maximum Size servers and charges low cost. Depending on our requirement we like to choose 8core , large memory machine to run our Data base (or) Big data base analytics.
Coming to Storage Service provided by Cloud service Providers we are able to find large block




systems connected . Servers


Storage collectively provided

byInfrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Providers.

Top cloud providers (IaaS).

Amazon web Services.

2. AT&T.
3. Bluelock.
4. CA Technologies.




8. Enomaly.
9. Eucalyptus Systems.
10. GoGrid.
11. HP
Platform as a Service.
Platform as a Service means the cloud service providers provides hardware, OS(operating
System), Storage, Network services over the cloud.It is the way like a rent. If there is no service like
Platform and there will be not Applications. Which applications are build on a Platform. We need
Platform to develop Apps .Platform as a Service will have many advantages like Operating System
features can changed, Upgraded frequently by the IaaS Cloud Service Provider.
Top cloud providers (PaaS).

Amazon web Services AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

2. Appistry CloudQ Platform.

3. App Scale .
4. Ca technologies

Engine Yard.

6. Flexi Scale.

8. gCloud3.
9. GigaSpaces.
10. Visual WebGui.
Software as a Service
Through this Services all the softwares are distributes over the cloud. No need to install all softwares are
readily available over the internet.Software as a Service is an substantial cloud service provided to all
types of organizations with out any risk of software. SaaS supports Web Services and service oriented
architecture (SOA).
Advantages of SaaS cloud service.

Administration can be easily done.

2. We can get automatic updates from cloud service providers.

3. Patch management from cloud service providers is available.
4. All users will find same version of software we update is for all users hence it is compatible, Accessible
across the globe on every device.
Top cloud providers (SaaS).


2. Accelops.
3. Akamai.
4. App Dynamics.


6. MegaWare.


8. Cloud Switch.
9. CloudTran.
10. Cumulux.
11. Eloqua.
Cloud computing technologies, Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
Cloud computing technologies
In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn aboutCloud computing technologies like public cloud,
private cloud, hybrid cloud and Community cloud .Nearly 81% of businesses are implemented by
using cloud Technologies depending upon their requirement.Through Cloud Computing large resources

can be connected through various clouds likePublic Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Community
Cloud. These four Cloud storage can be accessed with some set of permissions.

Cloud computing technologies


Public Cloud.

2. Private Cloud.
3. Hybrid Cloud .
4. Community Cloud.

Public Cloud Technology

Public cloud can be available to people across the world. In this Public Cloud the user has no control
over the resources.
Befits of Public Cloud

Low Cost.

2. Pay per usage.

Private Cloud Technology
Services on Private Cloud Can be accessed only with in the limited premises. In Private cloud Cloud
Services Providers provides Cloud infrastructure to particular Organization or Business specially. This
Cloud infrastructure is not provided to others.
Two types of clouds in Private Cloud.

On-Premises Private Cloud.

2. Externally Hosted Private Cloud.

On-Premises Private Cloud :- This type of Cloud is Hosted internally by the same company /
Organization .
Externally Hosted Private Cloud :- This type of Cloud is Hosted externally by third party .
Hybrid Cloud Technology
Hybrid Cloud is the combination of number of clouds of any type but the cloud has the ability to allow
data and / or applications to be moved from on cloud to another cloud. Hybrid Cloud is a combination of
(Public Cloud ,Private Cloud, Community Cloud). Here API is used as an interface between public
and Private Cloud.
Community Cloud technology
Community Cloud technology is a Multi Tenant Architecture. Multi Tenant Architecture means set
of resources provided over the cloud and been accessed to number of users across the organization with
set of permissions.
Here all applications run on a single logical environment. It is faster, more secure, more available,
automatically upgraded and maintained. All upgrades, updates, patches, security, disaster recovery
improvements available to all customers at once.
Single Tenancy Architecture means each customer is given with a dedicated software stack and each
layer in its stack requires configuration, monitoring, Security, Patches, tuning and disaster recovery.
Salesforce login, login
Salesforce login, login : In this salesforce tutorial we are
going to learn about Salesforce login. Before discussing the basics of login every one
should be able to create an account in so that he/she can use the resources provided in Now we go briefly what are the methods available to login in to and before
logging in to salesforce we have to create a free developer account in We will be able to
learn about these two concepts later first we go through the process of Salesforce login.
What is salesforce login
Salesforce login is the process of authenticating resources provided in the cloud through Developer
account and Production Account with Username and password. login information
contains a user name and a passwords.
How to create free developer account in
Through the URL we will be able to create free developer account.

Steps to create free developer account in (Salesforce login).


First you have a valid email Id.

2. Login to
3. Select Join Now.
4. Provide all the details specially valid email and username . Username must be in the form of a valid
email format. Ex : [email protected].

Now click Sign me up.

6. An email will b sent to you Email address.


Now activate your account by clicking the link provided in the email.

8. The link logs you into the site automatically.

9. Now set your password to your account.
10. Log out from your account.
salesforce login URL :
Enter your User name and Password to login .
Now Read another Salesforce Login article : Salesforce Login.
Read more for Salesforce training tutorials that explains step by step with real time
SaaS Software as Service | Top SaaS service providers
SaaS Software as Service
SaaS means Software as a Service. Through this Services all the softwares are distributed over the
cloud. By using Software as a service no need to install any software all softwares are readily available
over the internet. Software as a Service(SaaS) is an substantial cloud service provided to all types of
organizations with out any risk of software. SaaS supportsWeb Services and service oriented
architecture (SOA).

Examples of SaaS.





Advantages of SaaS cloud service.


Initial cost for hardware setup is reduced.

2. Administration can be easily done.

3. We can get automatic updates from cloud service providers.
4. Patch management from cloud service providers is available.

All users will find same version of software we update is for all users hence it is compatible, Accessible
across the globe on every device.

Top cloud providers (SaaS).



2. Accelops.
3. Akamai.
4. App Dynamics.


6. MegaWare.


8. Cloud Switch.
9. CloudTran.
10. Cumulux.
11. Eloqua.
PaaS- Platform as a Service | What is PaaS
PaaS What is PaaS Cloud ?


for PaaS is Platform




inPaaS, the cloud


providers provideshardware, OS(operating System), Storage, Network services over the

cloud.It is the way like a rent service where we have to pay to service providers on subscription. If there is
no service like Platform as a Service every organization must arrange their own hardware, storage,
network services, operating system which makes them huge cost. So using Platform as a

Service applications are build on a Platform.

The main aim of the Platform as a service cloud is to provide environment for developing various
applications. All tools that are required for development are provided by PaaS Service provides only.
PaaS Features.

No need to maintain Data Bases.

No need of software updation.

Maintenance will not be required.



Network access.

Tools for application design and development.

It also provides server side scripting.

Advantages of Platform as a Service(PaaS).

It provides high security to our data.

It also provides backup to our data base.

PaaS provides customer choice features.

Using this PaaS Service every person can able to develop application with out any development skills.

Maintenance cost is reduced.

Platform as a Service will have many advantages like Operating System features can changed, Upgraded
frequently by the IaaS Cloud Service Provider.
Top Paas cloud providers.

Amazon web Services AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

2. Appistry CloudQ Platform.

3. Appscale .

4. Ca technologies

Engine Yard.

6. Flexiscale.

8. gCloud3.
9. GigaSpaces.
10. Visual WebGui.
IaaS Details on IaaS Cloud | Top IaaS providers list
IaaS Details on IaaS Cloud.
In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about What is PaaS, benefits of PaaS and Advantages
of Platform as a Service. In this Salesforce Training Tutorialwe are going to learn about IaaS and Top
IaaS Cloud Service providers.
Full form for IaaS is Infrastructure as a Service. Here in IaaS the cloud service providers will
provides infrastructure like servers, hosting services and storage. Servers and storages are the basic
services provide by Cloud Service Providers.

Infrastructure as a Service Iaas is one of the main service required in cloud computing after SaaS andPaaS
clouds.Choosing right IaaS provider is an important thing. Some many cloud Service Providers will
provide Maximum Size servers and charges low cost. Depending on our requirement we like to choose 8core , large memory machine to run our Database (or) Big database analytics.
Coming to Storage Service provided by Cloud service Providers we are able to find large block




systems connected . Servers

byInfrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Providers.


Storage collectively provided

Benefits and Features of Iaas cloud.

Infrastructure as a Service cloud has high scalability.

Hardware cost is reduced.

Infrastructure as a Service cloud can be accessed from anywhere using internet.

Infrastructure as a Service provides high securitized data bases.

Top cloud providers (IaaS).


Amazon web Services.

2. AT&T.
3. Bluelock.
4. CA Technologies.




8. Enomaly.
9. Eucalyptus Systems.
10. GoGrid.
11. HP
What is CRM, Customer relationship management
What is CRM, Customer relationship management : Full form for CRM or Acronym for CRMis Customer
Relationship Management. We can understand from the full form where CRM is an application used to
automate Sales and marketing functions by a using a Software called CRM Software . BY using CRM
Software every Company / Organization plans to increase their revenues and profits. This strategy of
increasing revenue is done mainly by attracting Customers, clients, Sales etc. An important concept in
Customer Relationship Management is customer value. What is CRM, Customer relationship

What is CRM
Real time example : If we contact our mobile network Customer care to esquire about any service or
wrong gone with the service. Customer care will quickly responds to our query . All these process will go in
a few seconds. Call Centers uses CRM software to to find that customers details.
What is CRM, Customer Relationship Management
What is CRM : CRM is a strategy which is used to learn about customers requirements and behavior in
order to increase revenue and Profits by maintaining stronger relationship with them.
Customer Relationship Management Refers to the practice of collecting, storing and analyzing customerlevel-information, and incorporating the results in to the decision making process of a firm. CRM also
involves in core business process like production, operations, sales, marketing and finance.
We can define CRM software as a Commercial application developed for the business.

This CRM

Software can be used by any business. We cant specify particularly this type of industry or business
uses CRM Software. Any Business who maintains Sales, Marketing team, who create quotes
and invoices. For every business, every company wants to computerize their operations. All these
business want to computerize their operations. As such Software Company is developing some software
for that type of operation.
To Maximize the life time value of each individual customer to a firm some CRM initiatives must be
followed.There are four CRM initiatives they are.

Customer acquisition : It is the process of acquiring new customers to a firm. This is the first and
the foundation step to the whole CRM process.

2. Customer retention : Customer retention is the process o developing relationship with the
3. Customer Churn : Customer Churn is the process of managing the rate of existing customers
leaving a firm.
4. Customer win-back : Customer win-back is the process of reacquiring the customers that have left
he firm through Customer Churn.

We have different types of businesses like retail business, banking, call centers and so on everything is
computerized. People who run business wants to develop software. Then they go for some CRM
software providers like CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho CRM and so on.. has given ready made software called CRM. is a
company and its product called CRM.
Where are not learning about company but we are learning about the product which is
CRM. CRM is a business or more generally technically called as Domain or vertical. So one of the things
we are going to learn in this CRM is what are the ingredients he has provided in CRM.
In our next Salesforce Training Tutorial we will learn about different types of categories of CRM

Salesforce basics Tutorials Salesforce Tutorials on Basics

Salesforce basics tutorials are essentials to know before we are going to main














to Below we have given screenshot here we find all menu available. After logging in to
your free developer account(salesforce login) we observe some menu. They are listed below

TAB Menu.

2. All TAB Menu.

3. More TAB Menu.
4. User Menu.

Setup Menu.

6. Application Menu.

Search Menu.

TAB MENU : In TAB Menu all tabs are arranged in a row. Here we can arrange TABs that we created.
ALL TAB MENU : In All Tabs Menu we find all Tabs available in Through all Tabs menu
we can add our custom tab to TAB Menu.
MORE TAB MENU : In more tabs we can find more Tabs available in
USER MENU : User menu is available at the top with username. In User menu we can change our profile
settings, my settings.To log out from account click your Account name .
APPLICATION MENU : Application menu is shown at the top right listing the set of applications. This
menu allows to shuffle between the applications. Please observe some of the pre built applications
available in With free account has some sample applications with some
sample data and implementations.

SEARCH MENU : Search menu help to search in

SIDEBAR MENU : Inside bar menu we have different sections like Administrations, Build, Monitor,
jobs, logs.
How to create views in

Here in this article we are going to create a new view in Creating views is the process
to filter data that the data exact we want to view from a record. Views allows to filter the records as
well as the relevant column data to be displayed and provides the flexibility in the given accessibility to
specify set of users o to all the users or we can specify to visible only to you. Click Lead Tab.


Now a form is shown.

Enter view name , view name unique .

Step 2.
Now specify filter criteria that you want to view . Select Filter by additional fields.

Here we can find 3 options that to choose visibility.


Visible to me.

2. Visible to all.
3. Visible to certain users.
Select any one from the above options.
Select SAVE.
In the above criteria elements add filter elements specify multiple conditions.

Here we can find all the Leads who belongs to Country USA.
Ex : If i want to put the filter condition to Country belongs to USA, State/ Province belongs to PA my filter
condition will be like below.
(Country equals USA) AND (State/Province equals to PA).
Here we write conditions in each separate line. Like wise we can add filter all the conditions like AND,
OR, NOT and so on. We will discuss about all those Logical operators in our next article.
Salesforce Objects Creating Salesforce Custom Objects
Salesforce Objects :- In this salesforce tutorial we are going to know how to create Custom object
in salesforce and also we came to know about different types of objects in salesforce. Creating objects in
Salesforce is the very first thing we do after creating account.
What is Salesforce object ?
An Objects is represented as a database table which stores organization data . Objects consists of set
offields and we store data against that field. To view data Salesforce provided TABS.
Salesforce Objects types

Standard Objects.

Custom Objects

Standard Objects : Standard Objects are those which are created by Salesforce.We can use these
standard objects automatically. Example :- Accounts, contacts, chatter, Leads etc.
Custom Objects : Salesforce Custom objects are those which are created by user. We can create any
number of custom objects. Example :- Student info, college etc.

Creating Custom object in salesforce.


Go to Setup Menu.

2. Configuration (Available on Side Bar).

3. Now go to Build section.
4. Go to create.

Select Objects.

Now we are going to create a custom object called Student. Enter all the details as shown below

Go to Setup menu

Now go to configuration which is available on side bar. Then go to Build = > Create = >

In the right side of the window we will observe a button called new custom object. Click on that
button which allows to create a new custom object in salesforce.

Enter all the details given below. Label name is given as Student. Plural name is given as Students.
This Plural name is used in other cases. We will discuss about this in further articles.

Record name will be automatically generated as given for label name. And next option is to select data
type. In object creation we are having to Data types. 1) Text 2) Auto number. In our next article we
can find clear details on data types.

Optional Features.
In optional feature section we have three options they are Allow Reports, All Activities, Allow track
field history. During object creation only we have to select these 3 option later on object creation we are
not able set those features to a object.

Click Save .

Now we are taken to new screen which is shown similar to above screenshot. Here we can find Custom
object details. These are the details what we have given during object creation. We find a field
calledAPI name. Any custom object or custom fields API names are suffixed with __c. It
is an easier way to identify the difference between Standard Object and Custom object.

Salesforce Objects
And also we observe Standard fields like Created By, Last modified by, owner, Name. These are the 4
Standard fields in a Custom Object.
Data types and field types in sfdc,
Data types and field types in sfdc :In this tutorial we are going to know about What are the
different data types, Different types of Field types. In General both data types and field types
have the same names in the user names. We use different Data types depending on the condition.
Generally in API there are 5 different data types. They are


2. String.
3. Boolean.
4. Double.

Varies by type

We can group different field types depending on the Data types.


Look up relationship, master-detail relationship


Auto number, email, phone, multi select pick list, text, text area, long text area, rich text area,
data category group reference and URL


Check box


Currency, Formula, number, percent and roll-up summary.

Varies by

Formula Field

Different Field Types

Auto number : when auto number data types is selected a system-generated sequence number that uses
a certain display format that we define. Auto generated number will be increment for every record we
Formula : When Formula data type is selected we are able to derive different Formula expressions that
derives values. The formula field is updated every time when there is a change in source field. It is a readonly field type.
Roll-up Summary : Roll-up Summary is also a read-only field type. By using this Roll-up Summary
data types we are able to make some mathematical calculations like Sum, Minimum, Maximum values of
a afield in a related list or the record count of all records listed in a related list.
Lookup Relationship : This type of Data type links two objects. we can link on object to another object
by Lookup relationship. This data type field allows user to select a value from popup list.
Master-detail relationship : Master-detail relationship also links two objects but it creates a special
type of parent-child relationship between the two objects.
Checkbox : If a user wants boolean function like true or false this Checkbox data types is used.
Currency : Currency field type allows user to enter INR or any other country currency values in the
Date : Allows user to enter date or we can select the date from popup calendar.
Date/ time : Date and Date/Time field types are different from each other. In Date/Time the user can
select date from popup calendar and also current time is entered in the Date/Time field.

Email : Allows users to enter Email address.

Geolocation : Allows users to enter altitude and longitude values.
Number : Allows users to enter numbers.
Percent : Automatically percentage sign is added .
Phone : Allows users to enter Phone Number.
Picklist : Allows users to select only on list from a group of lists that we defined. Picking one among
Text : Allows users to enter combination of both letters and numbers.
Text Area : Allows users to enter up to 255 characters of letters and numbers.
Text area (Long) : Allows users to enter up to 32,768 characters on separate lines.
Text Area (Rich) : Allows users to enter formatted text, add images and links up to 32,768 characters
on separate lines.
Text(Encrypted) : Allows users to enter any combination of letters an numbers and store them in
encrypted format.
URL : Allows users to enter a valid website address.
Picklist (multi-select) : Allows users to select many from a group of list that we defined
How to create custom fields in salesforce

How to create custom fields in salesforce : In this tutorial we are going to study about how to
create custom fields in an Custom object. To create custom fields we have to create Custom objects
already. In our previous article we studied how to create Custom object in salesforce. And now we are
creating custom fields in Student Object. Father name.





Fee Paid.

Subject S1 marks

Subject S2 marks.

Subject S3 marks.

To create fields in an Custom object go to Setup Menu

Build = > Create = > Objects

No select the objects in which you the custom fields you want to create.

Now go to Custom fields & Relationships Section and select New.

We are going to create fields in Student objects which are listed below.
1. We are creating Father Name field. To create Father name field we have to select data type. For Father
Name we are selecting Text data type.

Now select Next.

Fill all the details as given below.

Then we are taken to new screen. Select visible to all.

Now Select Save & New. Like Father name field create all the remaining fields.

Create all the custom fields. Below screen will be displayed

Create all the custom fields as created above.

How to create Custom Tabs in sfdc
How to create Custom Tabs in sfdc: In this training article we are going to create Custom Tabs and
also we are learning about how to arrange custom Tabs in Tab Menu.
Generally there are three types of Tabs available in sfdc.

Custom Object Tabs.

2. Custom Web Tabs.

3. Visualforce Tabs.
Custom Tab Definition : Custom Tab is a user interface component which we create to display custom
Object data or other web content embedded in the application.
We can find all these three Tabs in different Editions of Salesforce.
Custom Object Tabs : Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, unlimited and
Developer Editions.
Custom Web Tabs : Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, unlimited and
Developer Editions.

Visualforce Tabs : Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, unlimited and
Developer Editions.
How to create Custom Object Tabs in Sfdc.
Custom Object Tabs : Custom Object Tabs are those which displays the data of or custom object in a
user interface tab.Custom Object look and function like Standard Objects.
Steps to create Custom Tabs.
In Previous training articles we created Custom student Object. For Custom Student Object we are going
to create Custom Student Tab and also we are going to arrange that custom Student Tab in Tab Menu.

First go to Setup Menu = > Build Section => Create => Tabs.
Select New.
Now we are required to select the object to which we want to create Tab and also select Tab Style from
popup window.
Select Next.
Now we are taken to new window . Choose the user profiles for which the new Custom tab will be available
and also we can examine or alter the visibility of tabs from the detail and edit pages of each profile.
Select next.
Step3 : Add to Custom Apps.
Choose the custom apps for which the new custom Object tab will be available. Select Include Tab check
box and Save .
custom Object Tab is successfully created but we are not able to look in Tab Menu. In order to arrange
Custom Student Tab in Tab menu select(+) all Tabs menu.
Select Customize my Tabs.

Now we see list of Available Tabs and selected tabs. Move Student Tab upwards using arrows. Place
Student Object Tab to which place you prefer and Save.

Now we are able to see Student tab in Tab Menu.

Picklist, Controlling Picklist and Dependent Picklist in salesforce : In this tutorial we are going
to learn about the custom field type Picklist. In general all we know about picklist. In salesforce also the
description is same Picklist allows to contain multiple values and pick One among them or Multiple
among them.

Picklist Characteristics.

Picklist values are Static and can not defined dynamically.

2. Picklist values are maintained by Administrator.

3. Picklist values are displayed as drop down menu.
4. Maximum number of characters allowed in Picklist is 15,000.

Custom Picklist can have 1,000 entries and 255 characters per entry.

6. Custom multi-select picklist can have up to 150 values and 40 characters per value.

For multi-select picklist, users can select up to 100 vales at the time on a record.

8. Picklist have Controlling and Dependent picklist.

9. Picklist vales does no have any other associated data.

10. Values are captured in Web-to-lead submissions where Web-to-lead do not support custom
relationship fields.
Creation of Picklist.
Here we are creating Picklist for Country and Continent. Picklist is a field type in which it allows to
contain values and pick one value.
Steps to create Picklist.
Setup => Build => Create => Objects => Custom field ans Relationships => New => Picklist
Now we are creating picklist for Country and Continent. Enter the details as given below for Country

Enter the country names. One country name for each line and select Next.
Select all Check box and click next.

Select Save.
Now create Picklist for Continent.

Field Dependency.
Here we want to establish the field dependency across the two fields Continent and Country.
Controlling Field : The value in dependency controls the value of the dependent field.
Dependency field : The vale on Dependency field depends on value of the Controlling field.
Now we are going to create Controlling field and Dependent field.
Go to Setup => Build => Create => Objects => Custom field ans Relationships => Field

Formula fields in Salesforce

Formula fields in Salesforce : Formulas are those which are used to calculate something, combine
data from multiple fields, to check for a condition, to show information from one record on a related
record.These formulas will be simple or complex with layers of nested logic s. Formula fields is based on
other fields values and it is shown only in detailed view of an object and can not be viewed in editable view
of an object.

Where we use formulas fields in Salesforce ?

Business logic.

formula field.

Default values for fields.

Workflow rules .

Validation rules


Buttons and Links.

Formulas in salesforce can be made up of two Parts .

Formula Syntax : Which we write n the formula editor.

Database query .

Formula syntax allows 3,900 maximum number of characters and the size of the formula when saved will
be 4,000 bytes.Depending up on the Formula syntax and query the complexity increases.
Follow below limitation when using formulas to reduce complexity.

Minimize the number of references to other fields.

2. Minimize the number of times formula functions are called.

3. Rethink about your picklist.
4. Choose another way about the problem

If all above cases fails use Workflow field update.

Operators and Functions used for formulas.


Math Operators.

2. Logical Operators.
3. Text Operators.
4. Date and Time Functions.

Informational Functions.

6. Logical Functions.

Math Functions.

8. Text Functions.
9. Summary functions.
10. Advanced Functions.
11. Encoding Functions.

Validation Rules in salesforce

Validation rules in salesforce contains a formula or expressions that evaluates the data in one or
more fields in a record to meet the standards and returns a valeTrue or False. Validation
rules displays error message to the user when the Condition is False.
Validation Rules in Salesforce
In this Training tutorial we are able to know about validation rules in salesforce, how to create
validation rules,Validation rule considerations and also we discuss how Salesforce processes
Validation rules.
How salesforce processes Validation rules.
There are five types of Rules in salesforce and the priority of each rule is according to their
order.Salesforce processes rules in the following order.

Validation Rules.

2. Assignment Rules.
3. Auto-response Rules.
4. Workflow Rules.

Escalation Rules.

Validation Rules in salesforce are to enforce integrity constraints(conditions) against the data. Here
we give conditions in formula editor to meet our requirement. If one validation rule fails, salesforce
continues to check another validation rule contained in the field or record and displays appropriate
error message at that field or above the Record.
Important points to remember on Validation rules.

If validation rules exist for activities and we created an activity during the lead conversion. Here the
lead converts but the task is not created in the activity.

Campaign hierarchies ignore validation rules.

Validation rules are made to run before creating records submitted through web-to-lead and web-toCase.

Validation rule fields restrictions.

Validation rule formulas dont refer to the following fields in salesforce.

Compound fields.

2. Addresses.
3. First and Last names.
4. Dependent picklist and lookups.

Campaign static fields.

6. Merge fields for auto numbers.


Compound address fields(Mailing address).

Examples of Validation rules in salesforce.

How to create validation rules in salesforce.
Sample Account Address Validation Rules | Salesforce
Sample Account Address Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Canadian Billing Postal Code



Validates that the account Billing Zip/Postal Code is in the

correct format ifBilling Country is Canada.


OR(BillingCountry = "CAN", BillingCountry =


"CA", BillingCountry = "Canada"),

Error Message:

Canadian postal code must be in A9A 9A9 format.

Error Location:

Billing Zip/Postal Code

Billing Zip Code Is in Billing State




Validates that the account Billing Zip/Postal Code is valid by

looking up the first five characters of the value in a custom object called
Zip_Code__c that contains a record for every valid zip code in the US. If
the zip code is not found in the Zip_Code__c object, or theBilling
State does not match the corresponding State_Code__c in the
Zip_Code__c object, an error is displayed.


$ObjectType.Zip_Code__c.Fields.City__c ,
$ObjectType.Zip_Code__c.Fields.Name ,
LEFT(BillingPostalCode,5)) <> BillingCity

Error Message:

Billing Zip Code does not exist in specified Billing State.

Error Location:

Billing Zip/Postal Code

US Billing Zip Code




Validates that the account Billing Zip/Postal Code is in 99999

or 99999-9999 format if Billing Country is USA or US.


OR(BillingCountry = "USA", BillingCountry =
NOT(REGEX(BillingPostalCode, "\\d{5}(\\d{4})?"))


This example uses the REGEX function; see Shipping Zip Code if
you are not familiar with regular expressions.

Error Message:

Zip code must be in 99999 or 99999-9999 format.

Error Location:

Billing Zip/Postal Code

Shipping Zip Code




Validates that the account Shipping Zip/Postal Code is in 99999 or

99999-9999 format ifShipping Country is USA or blank.


OR(ShippingCountry = "USA",
AND(LEN(ShippingPostalCode) <>5,
LEN(ShippingPostalCode) <> 10),
LEFT( ShippingPostalCode, 1))),
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 2, 1))),
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 3, 1))),
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 4, 1))),
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 5, 1))),
LEN(ShippingPostalCode) = 10,
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 6, 1) <> "-",
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 7, 1))),
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 8, 1))),
MID( ShippingPostalCode , 9, 1))),


MID( ShippingPostalCode , 10, 1)))
This example interprets a blank country as US. To use this example
with other countries, remove the clause that checks the length of
the country field. Also, validation rule criteria are case sensitive, so
this rule is only enforced when the country is blank or USA in all capital
letters. The rule is not enforced when the country is usa.
You can also validate zip codes using a regular expression; for an
example of a formula using a regular expression, see REGEX.

Error Message:

Zip code must be in 99999 or 99999-9999 format.

Error Location:

Shipping Zip/Postal Code

Valid Billing State (US)




Validates that the account Billing State/Province is a valid twocharacter abbreviation if Billing Country is US, USA, or blank.


OR(BillingCountry = "US", BillingCountry="USA",
LEN(BillingState) < 2,
"WA:WV:WI:WY", BillingState)


This example interprets a blank country as US. To use this example
with other countries, remove the clause that checks the length of the
country field. Also, validation rule criteria are case sensitive, so this
rule is only enforced when the country is blank or USA in all capital letters.
The rule is not enforced when the country is usa.

Error Message:

A valid two-letter state code is required.

Error Location:

Billing State/Province

Valid Billing Province (Canada)




Validates that the account Billing State/Province is a valid twocharacter abbreviation ifBilling Country is CA or CAN.


OR(BillingCountry = "CA", BillingCountry="CAN"),
LEN(BillingState) < 2,

Error Message:

A valid two-letter province code is required.

Error Location:

Billing State/Province

Valid Shipping State




Validates that the account Shipping State/Province is a valid twocharacter abbreviation ifShipping Country is US, USA, or blank.


OR(ShippingCountry = "US", ShippingCountry="USA",


LEN(ShippingState) < 2,
"WA:WV:WI:WY", ShippingState)
This example interprets a blank country as US. To use this example with
other countries, remove the clause that checks the length of the country
field. Also, validation rule criteria are case sensitive, so this rule is only
enforced when the country is blank or USA in all capital letters. The rule is not
enforced when the country is usa.

Error Message:

A valid two-letter state abbreviation is required.

Error Location:

Shipping State/Province

Valid Shipping Province (Canada)




Validates that the account Shipping State/Province is a valid twocharacter abbreviation, ifBilling Country is CA or CAN.


OR(ShippingCountry = "CA", ShippingCountry="CAN"),
LEN(ShippingState) < 2,

Error Message:

A valid two-letter province abbreviation is required.

Error Location:

Shipping State/Province

Valid Billing Country




Validates that the account Billing Country is a valid ISO 3166 two-letter




LEN(BillingCountry) = 1,

Error Message:

A valid two-letter country code is required.

Error Location:

Billing Country

Sample Account Validation Rules | Salesforce

Sample Account Validation Rules
Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Account Number Is Numeric





Validates that the Account Number is numeric if not blank.



Error Message:

Account Number is not numeric.

Error Location:

Account Number

Account Number Length




Validates that the Account Number is exactly seven digits (if it is not
blank). The number seven is simply illustrative. You can change this to
any number you like.


LEN(AccountNumber) <> 7

Error Message:

Account Number must be seven digits.

Error Location:

Account Number

Annual Revenue Range




Validates that the account Annual Revenue is not negative and

does not exceed $100 billion. This limit is designed to catch typos.


AnnualRevenue < 0,
AnnualRevenue > 100000000000

Error Message:

Annual Revenue cannot exceed 100 billion.

Error Location:

Annual Revenue

Sample Call Center Validation Rules | Salesforce

Sample Call Center Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Conditionally Require Description When Case Reason is Other



Validates that a custom field called Other Reason contains a value if

a case has a Case Reason of Other.


ISPICKVAL( Reason, "Other" ),

Error Message:

Description of Other Reason is required.

Error Location:

Other Reason

Prevent Open Cases from Being Reset to New




If a case is already open, prevents the Status from being changed

back to New.


ISCHANGED( Status ),
ISPICKVAL( Status, "New")

Error Message:

Open case Status cannot be reset to New.

Error Location:


Restrict Status of Re-Opened Cases




Validates that the case Status is Re-opened when a closed case is

opened again.


ISCHANGED( Status ),


ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Status ), "Closed"),
"Closed in SSP")),
NOT( ISPICKVAL( Status, "Re-Opened"))

Error Message:

Closed case can only be changed to Re-opened.

Error Location:


Prevent Case Milestone Completion After Cases Are Closed




Validates that a milestone's Completion Date can't occur after the

case's Status is Closed.



= true

Error Message:

You can't complete a milestone after a case is closed.

Error Location:

Top of Page

Prevent Case Milestone Completion Before Case Creation Dates




Validates that the milestone's Completion Date has occurred after

the case'sDate/Time Opened.


Error Message:








The milestone Completion Date must occur after the date the case was
created and before the case was closed.

Error Location:

Top of Page

ample Community Validation Rules | Salesforce

Sample Community Validation Rules
Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.

Preventing Offensive Language in Questions




Prevents users from entering offensive language in

the Title and Description fields when asking a question.


OR(CONTAINS(Title, 'darn'), CONTAINS(Body,


Error Message:

Question title or description contains offensive language.

Preventing Offensive Language in Replies




Prevents users from entering offensive language when replying to a



OR(CONTAINS(Body, 'darn'), CONTAINS(Body,


Error Message:

Reply contains offensive language.

Preventing Offensive Language in Ideas




Prevents users from entering offensive language in

the Title and Description fields when posting an idea.


OR(CONTAINS(Title, 'darn'), CONTAINS(Body,


Error Message:

Idea title or description contains offensive language.

Preventing Offensive Language in Idea Comments




Prevents users from entering offensive language when posting a



OR(CONTAINS(CommentBody , 'darn'),
CONTAINS(CommentBody, 'dang'))

Error Message:

Comment contains offensive language.

Sample Contact Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Mailing Address Fields Are Required



Validates that the contact Mailing Street, Mailing City,

and Mailing Countryare provided.


ISBLANK( MailingStreet ),
ISBLANK( MailingCity ),
ISBLANK( MailingCountry )

Error Message:

Mailing Street, City, and Country are required.

Error Location:

Top of Page

Mailing Street Is Required




Validates that the contact Mailing Street is provided.


ISBLANK( MailingStreet )

Error Message:

Mailing Street is required.

Error Location:

Mailing Street

Mailing Zip Code




Validates that the contact Mailing Zip/Postal Code is in 99999 or

99999-9999 format ifMailing Country is USA or blank.


OR(MailingCountry = "USA",
AND(LEN(MailingPostalCode) <>5,
LEN(MailingPostalCode) <> 10),
LEFT( MailingPostalCode, 1))),


MID( MailingPostalCode , 2, 1))),
MID( MailingPostalCode , 3, 1))),
MID( MailingPostalCode , 4, 1))),
MID( MailingPostalCode , 5, 1))),
LEN(MailingPostalCode) = 10,
MID( MailingPostalCode , 6, 1) <> "-",
MID( MailingPostalCode , 7, 1))),
MID( MailingPostalCode , 8, 1))),
MID( MailingPostalCode , 9, 1))),
MID( MailingPostalCode , 10, 1)))
This example interprets a blank country as US. To use this example
with other countries, remove the clause that checks the length of
the country field. Also, validation rule criteria are case sensitive, so
this rule is only enforced when the country is blank or USA in all capital
letters. The rule is not enforced when the country is usa.
You can also validate zip codes using a regular expression; for an
example of a formula using a regular expression, see REGEX.

Error Message:

Zip code must be in 99999 or 99999-9999 format.

Error Location:

Mailing Zip/Postal Code

Phone Number Has International Format




Validates that the Phone number begins with a plus sign (+) for
country code. Note that this validation rule conflicts with the ten-digit


LEFT(Phone, 1) <> "+"

Error Message:

Phone number must begin with + (country code).

Error Location:


US Phone Number Has Ten Digits




Validates that the Phone number is in (999) 999-9999 format. This

works by using the REGEX function to check that the number has ten
digits in the (999) 999-9999 format.


NOT(REGEX(Phone, "\\D*?(\\d\\D*?){10}"))

Error Message:

US phone numbers should be in this format: (999) 999-9999.

Error Location:


Sample Cross Object Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Discounts Must Be Within Range
This example consists of three validation rules on opportunity products. The examples below work
together to help you manage discount amounts for products and require a custom percent field on
opportunity products called Line Discount. The examples below also require you to use price books
and customize the Product Family field to include the following values: Software,Consulting,
and Training.
Software Discounts



Prevents users from saving software products with a discount over 10 percent.




AND(Line_Discount__c > 0.10, ISPICKVAL(Product2.Family,



The discount must be 10% or less for software products.


Line Discount

Consulting Discounts



Prevents users from saving consulting products with a discount over 15 percent.


AND(Line_Discount__c > 0.15, ISPICKVAL(Product2.Family,



The discount must be 15% or less for consulting products.


Line Discount

Training Discounts



Prevents users from saving training products with a discount over 20 percent.


AND(Line_Discount__c > 0.20, ISPICKVAL(Product2.Family,



The discount must be 20% or less for training products.


Line Discount

Prevent Changing Opportunity Products on Closed Opportunities
This example consists of two validation rules: one on opportunity products and another on opportunities.


Description: Prevents users from editing opportunity products after an opportunity is closed.
Create the following validation rule example on opportunity products.

OR(ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.StageName, "Closed Won"),


ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.StageName, "Closed Lost"))


Cannot change opportunity products for closed opportunities.


Top of Page

The following validation rule is on opportunities.


Description: Prevents users from deleting opportunity products after an opportunity is closed.
Create the following validation rule example on opportunities. It uses a custom roll-up
summary field on opportunities that counts the number of opportunity products on an

AND(OR(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won"),

ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Lost")),
Number_of_Line_Items__c <
PRIORVALUE(Number_of_Line_Items__c) )


Cannot delete opportunity products for closed opportunities.


Top of Page

Prevent Saving a Case When Account Does Not Have Support


Description: Prevents users from saving a case for an account that does not have support. This
example assumes you have a custom checkbox field on accounts called Allowed
Support that tracks if the account has support.



Unable to create cases for this account because it is not signed up for support.


Top of Page


Prevent Saving a Case When Contact is No Longer with the Company



Description: Prevents users from saving an open case associated with a contact that is no longer
with the company. This example uses a custom checkbox field on contacts called No
Longer With Company.



Unable to save this case because the related contact is no longer with the company.


To continue, choose another contact.


Contact Name

Sample Date Validation Rules
Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Date Must Be a Weekday



Validates that the value of a custom date field is a weekday (not

Saturday or Sunday).


CASE(MOD( My_Date__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7),

0, 0,
6, 0,
1) = 0

Error Message:

Date must be a weekday.

Error Location:

My Date

Date Must Be a Weekend Day




Validates that the value of a custom date field is a Saturday or Sunday.


CASE( MOD( My_Date__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7),

0, 1,


6, 1,
0) = 0

Error Message:

Date must be a weekend day.

Error Location:

My Date

Date Must Be in the Current Month




Validates that a custom date field contains a date within the current
month and year.


OR (
YEAR( My_Date__c ) <> YEAR ( TODAY() ),
MONTH( My_Date__c ) <> MONTH ( TODAY() )

Error Message:

Date must be in the current month.

Error Location:

My Date

Date Must Be in the Current Year




Validates that a custom date field contains a date within the current


YEAR( My_Date__c ) <> YEAR ( TODAY() )

Error Message:

Date must be in the current year.

Error Location:

My Date

Date Must Be the Last Day of the Month




Validates whether a custom field called My Date is the last day of the
month. To do this, it determines the date of the first day of the next
month and then subtracts 1 day. It includes special case logic for


DAY(My_Date__c) <>
IF(Month(My_Date__c)=12, 31,


- 1))

Error Message:

Date must be the last day of the month.

Error Location:

My Date

Date Must Be Within One Year of Today




Validates whether a custom field called Follow-Up Date is within

one year of todays date. This example assumes a 365 day year. (It does
not handle leap years.)


Followup_Date__c - TODAY() > 365

Error Message:

Follow-Up Date must be within one year of today.

Error Location:

Follow-Up Date

Day of Month Cannot Be Greater Than 15




Validates that a custom field called Begin Date contains a date in

the first 15 days of the specified month.


DAY( Begin_Date__c ) > 15

Error Message:

Begin Date cannot be after the 15th day of month.

Error Location:

Begin Date

End Date Cannot Be Before Begin Date




Validates that a custom field called End Date does not come before
another custom field called Begin Date.


Begin_Date__c > End_Date__c

Error Message:

End Date cannot be before Begin Date.

Error Location:

Begin Date

Expiration Date Cannot Be Before Close Date




Validates that a custom field called Expiration Date does not


come before Close Date.


Expiration_Date__c < CloseDate

Error Message:

Expiration Date cannot be before Close Date.

Error Location:

Expiration Date

Sample Number Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Time Cards Must Total 40 Hours



Ensures that users cannot save a time card record with more than 40
hours in a work week. This example requires five custom fields on your
custom object, one for each day of work.


Monday_Hours__c +
Tuesday_Hours__c +
Wednesday_Hours__c +
Thursday_Hours__c +
Friday_Hours__c > 40

Error Message:

Your total hours cannot exceed 40.

Error Location:

Top of Page

Number Cannot Be Negative




Validates that a custom field called Hours Worked is not a negative



Hours_Worked__c < 0

Error Message:

Hours Worked cannot be less than zero.

Error Location:

Hours Worked

Number Must Be Even




Validates that a custom field called Ark Passengers is a nonnegative even number.


Ark_Passengers__c < 0,
MOD( Ark_Passengers__c, 2) <> 0

Error Message:

Ark Passengers must be a positive even number.

Error Location:

Ark Passengers

Number Must Be Odd




Validates that a custom field called Socks Found is a non-negative

odd number.


Socks_Found__c < 0,
MOD( Socks_Found__c, 2) = 0

Error Message:

Socks Found must be an odd number.

Error Location:

Socks Found

Number Must Be a Multiple of Five




Validates that a custom field called Multiple of 5 is a multiple of



MOD( Multiple_of_5__c, 5) <> 0

Error Message:

Number must be a multiple of five.

Error Location:

Multiple of 5

Number Must Be an Integer




Validates that a custom field called My Integer is an integer.


FLOOR( My_Integer__c) <> My_Integer__c



Error Message:

This field must be an integer.

Error Location:

My Integer

Number Must Be Between -50 and 50




Validates that a custom field called Volume is between -50 and 50.


ABS( Volume__c) > 50

Error Message:

Volume must be between -50 and 50.

Error Location:


Number Range Validation




Validates that the range between two custom fields, Salary

Min and Salary Max, is no greater than $20,000.


(Salary_Max__c - Salary_Min__c) > 20000

Error Message:

Salary range must be within $20,000. Adjust the Salary Max or Salary
Min values.

Error Location:

Salary Max

Percentage Must Be Between Zero and 100




Validates that a custom field called Mix Pct is between 0 and 100%.
Note that percent fields are expressed divided by 100 in formulas (100%
is expressed as 1; 50% is expressed as 0.5).


Mix_Pct__c > 1.0,
Mix_Pct__c < 0.0

Error Message:

Mix Pct must be between 0 and 100%.

Error Location:

Mix Pct

Sample Opportunity Management Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,

and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Conditionally-Required Field Based on Opportunity Stage



Validates that a custom field called Delivery Date is provided if an

opportunity has advanced to the Closed Won or Negotiation/Review


OR (
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won"),

Error Message:

Delivery Date is required for this stage.

Error Location:

Delivery Date

Close Date Cannot Be Prior to Current Month




Validates that the Close Date of an opportunity is not within a

month prior to the current month. Note the use of ISNEW and
ISCHANGED in this formula to ensure the condition is only checked
when the opportunity is being created or the Close Date field is
modified subsequently.


OR (
ISCHANGED( CloseDate )),
CloseDate < DATE( YEAR(TODAY()),
MONTH(TODAY()), 1) )

Error Message:

Close Date cannot be prior to current month.

Error Location:

Close Date

Close Date Must Be a Future Date




Ensures that users do not change the Close Date of an opportunity to a

day in the past.


SampleDate < TODAY()

Error Message:

Close Date cannot be a day in the past.

Error Location:

Close Date

Discounts on Opportunities



Validates that a custom discount percent field is between 0 and 40%.


OR(Discount_Rate__c < 0, Discount_Rate__c > 0.40)

Error Message:

The Discount Rate must not exceed 40%.

Error Location:

Discount Rate

High-Value Opportunity Must Be Approved Before Closed




Opportunities with amounts greater than $50,000 require that a

custom checkbox field calledApproved is checked in order to change
the stage to Closed Won or Closed Lost. To automate this, set field-level
security on the Approved checkbox so that it can only be checked via
a custom approval process (Enterprise Edition, Unlimited Edition,
orPerformance Edition).


ISPICKVAL(StageName,"Closed Won"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName,"Closed Lost")),
(Amount > 50000),
NOT(ISPICKVAL(Approval_Status__c ,"Approved")))

Error Message:

All high-value opportunities must be approved for closure. Click the

Request Close button.

Error Location:

Top of Page

Opportunity Amount Cannot Exceed $10 Million




Validates that opportunity Amount is positive and no more than $10

million. This limit is designed to catch typos.


Amount < 0,
Amount > 10000000

Error Message:

Amount cannot exceed $10 million.

Error Location:


Opportunity Check for Products




Validates that an opportunity has at least one opportunity product before

users can save a change to an opportunity.



Error Message:

You must add products to this opportunity before saving.

Error Location:

Top of Page

Opportunity Must Have Products if Beyond Needs Analysis Stage




Validates that an opportunity has opportunity products before

the Stage can move beyond Needs Analysis.


CASE( StageName,
"Value Proposition", 1,
"Id. Decision Makers", 1,
"Perception Analysis", 1,
"Proposal/Price Quote", 1,
"Negotiation/Review", 1,
"Closed Won", 1,
0) = 1,



Error Message:

Opportunity products are required to advance beyond the Needs

Analysis stage.

Error Location:

Top of Page

Opportunity Name Format




Validates that an opportunity contains a hyphen as a way of enforcing

an [Account] - [Amount] opportunity naming convention.


FIND( " - ", Name ) = 0

Error Message:

Opportunity Name should use [Account] - [Amount] format.

Error Location:

Opportunity Name

Prevent Sales Reps from Moving Opportunity Stage Backwards




Prevent sales reps from changing opportunity Stage backwards to

specific values, once they have accepted the opportunity via a custom
approval process. The approval process sets the custom Accepted
Flag checkbox to True.


OR ( ISPICKVAL( StageName, "Stage 1"),
ISPICKVAL( StageName, "Stage 2"))

Error Message:

Invalid stage for accepted opportunity.

Error Location:


Probability Must Be 100% for Won Opportunities




Validates that the probability of a won opportunity is properly set to

100%. This is useful for data cleanliness and reporting purposes.


ISPICKVAL( StageName, "Closed Won"),
Probability <> 1)



Error Message:

Probability must be 100% for won opportunities.

Error Location:


Probability Must Be Zero for Lost Opportunities




Validates that the probability of a lost opportunity is properly set to

zero. This is useful for data cleanliness and reporting purposes.


ISPICKVAL( StageName, "Closed Lost"),

Probability <> 0)
Error Message:

Probability must be 0% for lost opportunities.

Error Location:


Project Start Date




Validates that a field is conditionally required based on the values of other

fields. Use this validation formula to ensure that users include a Project
Start Date for an opportunity that is closed/won.


AND(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won"),


Error Message:

Project start date is required for won opportunities.

Error Location:

Project Start Date

Sample Quote Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Display Error if Quote Line Item Discount Exceeds 40%



Shows an error if a quote line item's discount exceeds 40%.


Discount > .40



Error Message:

The discount on this quote line item cannot exceed 40%.

Error Location:

Discount on quote

Sample User, Role, and Profile Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Discount Percent Does Not Exceed Role-Based Limit



Validates that a custom field on opportunities called Discount

Percent does not exceed a maximum value that varies depending on the
users role. The default maximum is 15%.


Discount_Percent__c >

Error Message:

Discount (%) exceeds limit allowed for your role.

Error Location:

Discount Percent

Expense Amount Does Not Exceed User's Max Allowed Expense




Validates a custom field called Expense Amount against a custom

user field called Max Allowed Expense.


Expense_Amount__c > $User.Max_Allowed_Expense__c

Error Message:

Amount cannot exceed your maximum allowed expense.

Error Location:

Expense Amount

Only Record Owner Can Change Field




Ensures that only the record owner can make changes to a custom field


called Personal Goal.


ISCHANGED( Personal_Goal__c ),
Owner <> $User.Id

Error Message:

Only record owner can change Personal Goal.

Error Location:

Personal Goal

Only Record Owner or Administrator Can Change Field




Ensures that a user can make changes to a custom field

called Personal Goal only if the user is the record owner or has a
custom profile of Custom: System Admin.


AND( ISCHANGED( Personal_Goal__c ), Owner <>

$User.Id, $Profile.Name <>
"Custom: System Admin" )
$Profile merge fields are only available in Enterprise,
Unlimited,Performance, and Developer Editions.

Error Message:

Only record owner or administrator can change Personal Goal.

Error Location:

Personal Goal

Opportunity Close Date Can Only Be Back-Dated by Administrator




Validates that the Close Date of an opportunity does not fall prior
to the current month, except for users who have a custom profile called
Custom: System Admin.


OR (
ISCHANGED( CloseDate )),
CloseDate < DATE( YEAR(TODAY()),


$Profile.Name <> "Custom: System Admin"
$Profile merge fields are only available in Enterprise,
Unlimited,Performance, and Developer Editions.

Error Message:

Close Date cannot be prior to current month.

Error Location:

Close Date

Miscellaneous Sample Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

For more information on any of the formula functions used in these examples, see Formula Operators
and Functions Overview.
Allow Number to Be Increased but Not Decreased



Allows a custom field called Commit Amount to be increased but not

decreased after initial creation. This rule uses the PRIORVALUE()
function to compare the updated value of the field to its value prior to


PRIORVALUE(Commit_Amount__c) > Commit_Amount__c

Error Message:

Commit Amount cannot be decreased.

Error Location:

Commit Amount

California Driver's License




Ensures that a custom field called Drivers License is in the

correct A9999999 format when the Mailing State is CA.


MailingState = "CA",
NOT(REGEX(Drivers_License__c, "([A-Z]\\d{7})?"))



Error Message:

Invalid California driver's license format.

Error Location:

Drivers License

Force Users to Check I Accept Terms to Enter Certain Values




Uses a checkbox labeled I accept terms to force the user to select a

checkbox in order to enter a value called Number of Days that
exceeds their Paid Time Off (PTO) balance available.


NOT( I_accept_terms__c


Number_of_Days__c > $User.PTO_Balance__c

Error Message:

Request will cause a negative PTO balance. You must accept Negative
PTO Balance terms.

Error Location:

I accept terms

Prohibit Changes to a Field After It Has Been Saved




Prevents users from changing a custom field called Guaranteed

Rate after it has been saved initially.


ISCHANGED( Guaranteed_Rate__c )

Error Message:

Guaranteed Rate cannot be changed.

Error Location:

Guaranteed Rate

Social Security Number Format




Validates that a custom text field called SSN is formatted in 999-999999 number format (if it is not blank). The pattern specifies:

Three single digits (0-9):\\d{3}

A dash




Two single digits (0-9):\\d{2}

A dash

Four single digits (0-9):\\d{4}

REGEX( Social_Security_Number__c , "[0-9]{3}-[09]{2}-[0-9]{4}")

Error Message:

SSN must be in this format: 999-99-9999.

Error Location:


Valid Currency



Validates selected currency against an explicit subset of active

currencies in your organization using the Currency picklist. Use this
example if you only allow some of the active currencies in your
organization to be applied to certain types of records.


"USD", 1,
"EUR", 1,
"GBP", 1,
"JPY", 1,
0) = 0

Error Message:

Currency must be USD, EUR, GBP, or JPY.

Error Location:


Valid Credit Card Number




Validates that a custom text field called Credit_Card_Number is

formatted in 9999-9999-9999-9999 or 9999999999999999 number
format when it is not blank. The pattern specifies:

Four digits (0-9) followed by a dash: \\d{4}-



The aforementioned pattern is repeated three times by

wrapping it in () {3}

Four digits (0-9)

The OR character (|) allows an alternative pattern of 16 digits

of zero through nine with no dashes: \\d{16}


NOT( REGEX( Credit_Card_Number__c , "(((\\d{4}){3}\\d{4})|\\d{16})?"))

Error Message:

Credit Card Number must be in this format: 9999-9999-9999-9999 or


Error Location:

Credit Card Number

Valid IP Address



Ensures that a custom field called IP Address is in the correct

format, four 3-digit numbers (0-255) separated by periods.


REGEX( IP_Address__c,
{3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$" ))

Error Message:

Error: IP Address must be in form 999.999.999.999 where each part is

between 0 and 255.

Error Location:

IP Address

Website Extension



Validates a custom field called Web Site to ensure its last four
characters are in an explicit set of valid website extensions.


RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 4) <> ".COM",
RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 4) <> ".com",
RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 4) <> ".ORG",
RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 4) <> ".org",
RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 4) <> ".NET",


RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 4) <> ".net",
RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 6) <> ".CO.UK",
RIGHT( Web_Site__c, 6) <> ""

Error Message:

Web Site must have an extension of .com, .org, .net, or

Error Location:

Web Site

About Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

Improve the quality of your data using validation rules. Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in
a record meets the standards you specify before the user can save the record. A validation rule can
contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in one or more fields and returns a value of True
or False. Validation rules also include an error message to display to the user when the rule returns a
value of True due to an invalid value.
After you have defined validation rules:
1. The user chooses to create a new record or edit an existing record.
2. The user clicks Save.
3. All validation rules are verified.

If all data is valid, the record is saved.

If any data is invalid, the associated error message displays without saving the record.

The user makes the necessary changes and clicks Save again.
You can specify the error message to display when a record fails validation and where to display it. For
example, your error message can be The close date must occur after today's date. You can choose to
display it near a field or at the top of the page. Like all other error messages, validation rule errors display
in red text and are preceded by the word Error.
Validation rules apply to new and updated records for an object, even if the fields referenced in
the validation rule are not included in a page layout or an API call. Validation rules don't apply if
you create new records for an object with Quick Create. If your organization has multiple page
layouts for the object on which you create a validation rule, verify that the validation rule functions as
intended on each layout. If your organization has any integrations that use this object, verify that the
validation rule functions as inten
Defining Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

User Permissions Needed

To view field validation rules:

View Setup and Configuration

To define or change field validation rules:

Customize Application

Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards you specify before the
user can save the record. A validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in
one or more fields and returns a value of True or False. Validation rules also include an error message
to display to the user when the rule returns a value of True due to an invalid value.
Before creating validation rules, review the Validation Rule Considerations.
1. Navigate to the relevant object, field, campaign member, or case milestone.

For standard objects, from Setup, click Customize, select the appropriate object, and
click Validation Rules.

For custom objects, from Setup, click Create | Objects and select the custom object.

To create a validation rule for the field in Ideas, from Setup,

click Customize | Ideas | Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for Idea Comments, from Setup, click Customize | Ideas | Idea
Comments | Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for campaign members, from Setup,

click Customize | Campaigns | Campaign Member |Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for case milestones (entitlement management must be enabled),
from Setup, click Customize |Cases | Case Milestones | Validation Rules.

In the Validation Rules related list, click New.

Enter the properties of your validation rule.
To check your formula for errors, click Check Syntax.
Click Save to finish or Save & New to create additional validation rules.
The detail page of a custom activity field does not list associated validation rules. To edit the
validation rule for a custom activity field, select the validation rule from Setup by
clicking Customize | Activities and choose Task Validation Rules or Event Validation Rules.
Cloning Validation Rules
Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

User Permissions Needed

To view field validation rules:

View Setup and Configuration

To define or change field validation rules:

Customize Application

1. Navigate to the relevant object, field, campaign member, or case milestone.

For standard objects, from Setup, click Customize, select the appropriate object, and
click Validation Rules.

For custom objects, from Setup, click Create | Objects and select the custom object.

To create a validation rule for the field in Ideas, from Setup,

click Customize | Ideas | Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for Idea Comments, from Setup, click Customize | Ideas | Idea
Comments | Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for campaign members, from Setup,

click Customize | Campaigns | Campaign Member |Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for case milestones (entitlement management must be enabled),
from Setup, click Customize |Cases | Case Milestones | Validation Rules.

In the Validation Rules related list, click the name of the validation rule.
Click Clone.
Define the new rule based on the original rule.
Click Save to finish or Save & New to create additional validation rules.
The detail page of a custom activity field does not list associated validation rules. To edit the
validation rule for a custom activity field, select the validation rule from Setup by
clicking Customize | Activities and choose Task Validation Rules or Event Validation Rules.
Validation Rules Fields
Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions



Rule Name

Unique identifier of up to 40 characters with no spaces or special

characters such as extended characters.


Checkbox that indicates if the rule is enabled.


A 255-character or less description that distinguishes the validation

rule from others. For internal purposes only.

Error Condition

The expression used to validate the field. See Building




Formulas and Formula Operators and Functions Overview.

Error Message

The message that displays to the user when a field fails the validation
If your organization uses the Translation Workbench, you can
translate the error message into the languages Salesforce supports.
See Setting Up the Translation Workbench.

Error Location

Determines where on the page to display the error. To display the

error next to a field, choose Field and select the field. If the error
location is a field, the validation rule is also listed on the detail page
of that field. If the error location is set to a field that is later deleted,
to a field that is read only, or to a field that isnt visible on the page
layout,Salesforce automatically changes the location to Top of
Error messages can only be displayed at the top of the page
in validation rules for case mil

Defining Validation Rules

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

User Permissions Needed

To view field validation rules:

View Setup and Configuration

To define or change field validation rules:

Customize Application

Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards you specify before the
user can save the record. A validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in
one or more fields and returns a value of True or False. Validation rules also include an error message
to display to the user when the rule returns a value of True due to an invalid value.
Before creating validation rules, review the Validation Rule Considerations.
1. Navigate to the relevant object, field, campaign member, or case milestone.

For standard objects, from Setup, click Customize, select the appropriate object, and
click Validation Rules.

For custom objects, from Setup, click Create | Objects and select the custom object.

To create a validation rule for the field in Ideas, from Setup,

click Customize | Ideas | Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for Idea Comments, from Setup, click Customize | Ideas | Idea
Comments | Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for campaign members, from Setup,

click Customize | Campaigns | Campaign Member |Validation Rules.

To create validation rules for case milestones (entitlement management must be enabled),
from Setup, click Customize |Cases | Case Milestones | Validation Rules.

In the Validation Rules related list, click New.

Enter the properties of your validation rule.
To check your formula for errors, click Check Syntax.
Click Save to finish or Save & New to create additional validation rules.
The detail page of a custom activity field does not list associated validation rules. To edit the
validation rule for a custom activity field, select the validation rule from Setup by
clicking Customize | Activities and choose Task Validation Rules or Event Validation Rules.
Tips for Writing Validation Rules
Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,
and Database.comEditions

Consider all the settings in your organization that can make a record fail validation, including
assignment rules, field updates, field-level security, or fields hidden on a page layout.

Be careful not to create contradicting validation rules for the same field; otherwise, users wont be
able to save the record.
A poorly designed validation rule can prevent users from saving valid data. Make sure you
thoroughly test a validation rule before activating it. You can also use the debug log to
monitor the details of your rule implementation.

When referencing related fields in a validation formula, make sure those objects are deployed.

Use the RecordType.Id merge field in your formula to apply different validations for different
record types.

You dont have to begin a validation rule formula with the IF function. Any Boolean error condition
expression works. For example:

Correct: CloseDate < TODAY()

Incorrect: IF(CloseDate < TODAY(), TRUE, FALSE)

Keep in mind that when a validation rule contains the BEGINS or CONTAINS function, it processes
blank fields as valid. For example, if you have a validation rule that tests whether the serial number
of an asset begins with 3, all assets with a blank serial number are considered valid.

When using a validation rule to ensure that a number field contains a specific value, use
the ISBLANK function to include fields that dont contain any value. For example, to validate that a
custom field contains a value of 1, use the following validation rule to display an error if the field is
blank or any other number:
OR (ISBLANK (field__c), field__c<>1)

Avoid using the IsClosed or IsWon opportunity merge fields in validation formulas. Instead, use
the ISPICKVAL function to determine if the Stage contains the appropriate value. For example,
the following validation formula makes a customProject Start Date field required whenever
the Stage is Closed Won:

AND(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won"),


Simplify your validation formulas by using checkbox fields, which don't require any operator
because they return true or false. For example, the following validation formula checks to be sure
an opportunity has opportunity products using theHasOpportunityLineItem merge field before
users can save a change to it:

Tips for Writing Validation Rule Error Messages

Give instructions. An error message like invalid entry doesnt tell the user what type of entry is
valid. Write something more specific, such as Close Date must be after today.

Always include the field label. Users might not know what field is failing validation, especially if the
error message appears at the top of the page.
When defining validation rules, you can set the error location to Top of Page or Field. If
the error location is set to a field that is later deleted, to a field that is read only, or to a field
that isnt visible on the page layout,Salesforce automatically changes the location to Top
of Page.

If you have a multilingual organization, translate your error messages. You can translate error
messages using the Translation Workbench.

Assign corresponding numbers to validation rules and their error messages. This allows you to
identify the source of the error.

Validation Rule Considerations

Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer,

and Database.comEditions

Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards you specify before the
user can save the record. A validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in
one or more fields and returns a value of True or False. Validation rules also include an error message
to display to the user when the rule returns a value of True due to an invalid value. Review these
considerations before implementing validation rules in your organization.

How Salesforce Processes Validation Rules

Salesforce processes rules in the following order:
1. Validation rules
2. Assignment rules
3. Auto-response rules
4. Workflow rules (with immediate actions)
5. Escalation rules
In addition:

When one validation rule fails, Salesforce continues to check any additional validation rules on that
field or any other field on the page and displays all appropriate error messages at once.

If validation rules exist for activities and you create an activity during lead conversion, the lead
converts but a task isnt created.

Validation rules are only enforced during lead conversion if validation and triggers for lead
conversion are enabled in your organization.

Campaign hierarchies ignore validation rules.

Salesforce runs validation rules before creating records submitted via Web-to-Lead and Web-toCase, and only creates records that have valid values.

Validation rules continue to run on individual records if the owner is changed. If the Mass Transfer
tool is used to change the ownership of multiple records, however, validation rules wont run on
those records.

Validation Rule Field Restrictions

Validation rule formulas dont or cant refer to:

Compound fields, including addresses, first and last names, and dependent picklists and lookups

Campaign statistic fields, including statistics for individual campaigns and campaign hierarchies

Merge fields for auto-number or compound address fields such as Mailing Address

Merge fields for individual address fields, such as Billing City, are OK to use in
validation rule formulas.

addition, validation rules behave like this with regard to other fields and functions

in Salesforce:

The detail page of a custom activity field doesn't list associated validation rules.

Because updates to records based on workflow rules dont trigger validation rules, workflow rules
can invalidate previously valid fields.

You cant create validation rules for relationship group members.

Because roll-up summary fields arent displayed on edit pages, you can use them in validation
rules, but not as the error location.

Lookup Filters vs. Validation Rules

Validation rules and lookup filters achieve similar ends, but offer different advantages. Use a lookup filter

You want to improve user efficiency by limiting the number of available options in a lookup search

You want to improve user efficiency by automating filters on lookup search dialogs that your users
manually set.

Use a validation rule if:

You're close to the maximum number of lookup filters allowed.

You must implement a complex business rule that requires you to use a formula. Formulas can
reference fields that basic filter criteria can't reference, such as fields on the parent of the source
object. Formulas can also use functions. For example, useISNEW if the rule should only apply on
record creation, or ISCHANGED if the rule should apply when a field changes.

How to create Validation rules in salesforce

How to create Validation rules in salesforce:Validation rules in salesforce contains a formula
or expressions that evaluates the data in one or more fields in a record to meet the standards and returns
a valeTrue or False. Validation rules displays error message to the user when the Condition
is False. As in our previous training article we discussed about validation rules in salesforce. In this
Training tutorial we are able to know about how to create validation rules in salesforce.
How to create validation rules in salesforce ?
Now we are creating a validation rule in Custom object Student for Subject S1, Subject S2, Subject
S3 marks. Where the subject marks can not be greater than 100. If the user enters subject marks greater

than 100 the record must not be created and error message should be displayed against the field. So that
the user must enter valid marks in S1, S2, S3 subjects marks field.
Steps to create validation rules.

Go to detailed view of the object.

2. Go to validation section.
3. Click on new (provide your rule name).

Instead of writing validation rules for every subject we can give single validation rule as
Note : A validation rule can be made enforced only after making it as active otherwise it cant.
Relationships in Salesforce
Relationships in Salesforce : In this training tutorial we are going to know about relationships in
salesforce. In general we know what a relationship is ? Relationship is the way in which two or
more people or things connected with each other. The way they connected will be of different types like
wise in salesforce there are 4 different types of relationships in salesforce.
Different types of Relationships in salesforce.

Master-Detail relationship.

2. Lookup Relationship.
3. May-Many Relationship.
4. Hierarchy Relationship (we can not use this relationship).
Master-Detail Relationship

Child record must have a associated parent.

Cascade record-level security.

Cascade record deletion.

Roll-up Summary fields can be established.

Standard objects can not be a detail object.

Standard Objects can be a Master object

Maximum 2 Master-Detail Relationships can be created to a Object.

Records can be re parented.

Child record must have a associated parent.

In Master-Detail Relationship the child object or detail object must have a parent.
Cascade record-level security.
Cascade record level security means the child record inherits cascade level security from the parent.So the
user can view a parent record and he will be available to view associated child object to that Parent object.
Cascade record deletion.
Cascade deletion in salesforce means child records will be automatically deleted when parent object is
Roll-up Summary fields can be established.
In Master-Detail Relationship we can create Roll-up Summary fields.Roll-Up-Summary fields are
those which are used to summarize data with any associated child object.
Standard objects can not be a detail object.
In Master-Detail Relationship we can not use Standard objects as child object.
Lookup Relationship.

No parent is required.

Relationship is optional.

No impact on Security.

Roll-Up summary fields cannot be available.

25 lookup relationships can be created to one Object.

Many-Many Relationship.

Many-Many Relationships between two objects can be created.

Junction Object is used to create Many-Many Relationship.

Junction object can also be called as Join Object.

Junction Object links each objects in Many-Many Relationship.

How to create Master-Detail Relationship in Salesforce

How to create Master-Detail relationship in Salesforce : In this training tutorial we are going to create and
gain some knowledge on how to create a Master-detail relationship in salesforce between objects. In our
previous training tutorial we learned about different types Relationships in Salesforce and their
characteristics. Relationship is the way in which two or more people or things connected with each
other. Here Master Object is also called Parent Object and Detail Object also called Child Object.
Characteristics of Master-Detail Relationship

Child record must have a associated parent.

Cascade record-level security.

Cascade record deletion.

Roll-up Summary fields can be established.

Standard objects can not be a detail object.

Standard Objects can be a Master object

Maximum 2 Master-Detail Relationships can be created to a Object.

Records can be re parented.

Now we are going to create Master-Detail Relationship between Custom College Object, Student
Object, Course Object and Employ Objects. In this example we are taking Custom College Object as
Master or Parent object. And Student Object, Course Object and Employ Objects will be child Objects or
Detail objects for Custom College Object(Parent or Master object).
How to create Master-Detail relationship in salesforce.

In the first go to detailed view of Custom student Object.Then go to custom fields and Relationships
Detailed view of Object => Custom fields and Relationships => New => Select MasterDetail Relationship

Now Select Next Button again we are taken next step where we are required to give Field Label, Field
Name, select sharing setting and Allow child records to be re parented.

Select Next and in next step make the field-level security for reference field. and select next.

In the next Step Save it.

Go to Student Object in detail view which we observe Master-Detail Relationship is created between
College and Student Object. Like wise create Master-Detail relationship between College-Course,
College-Employ Objects. Make College object as Master Object.
Now go to College Tab to create new record in College object. Go to Student Object in detail view which
we observe Master-Detail Relationship is created between College and Student Object. Like wise
create Master-Detail relationship between College-Course, College-Employ Objects. Make
College object as Master Object.
Now go to College Tab to create new record in College object.

Now got to detail view of the record and we observe Student object, Dept Object and Course Objects as
Child Objects for College Object(Master or Parent Object).

Note : For an Object with a Master-Detail Relationship field the standard field called Owner Field can not
be available. The Owner of the Master record becomes the owner of the child record.
How to create Roll-Up Summary fields in Salesforce : In this training tutorial we are going to learn what is
Roll-Up Summary field in salesforce, Characteristic of Roll-Up Summary field and how to create Roll-Up
Summary field in Salesforce. Roll-Up Summary field : Roll-Up Summary field in salesforce calculates
values from a set of related records.
Roll-Up Summary field can do the following functions.

Count : It calculates the total number of related records.

Sum : It totals the values of selected fields.

Min : Displays lowest value.

Max : Displays the highest value.

Characteristics of Roll-Up Summary.


Roll-Up Summary field can be created only in a object which is referred as a object with a master
detailed relationship field.

2. Roll-Up Summary field can only created for Master-detail Relationship.

3. Roll-Up Summary field can not be created for Lookup Relationship.
4. It Derives the data from child Object.

We cant change field type of a field that we reference in a roll-up summary field.

6. Auto numbers are not available here.


Roll-Up Summary fields are not available for mapping lead fields of converted fields.

How to create Roll-Up Summary Fields in Salesforce.

Here we are going to create Roll-Up Summary field in Custom object called College. Totally we are going
to create Four Roll-Up Summary fields which are Total number of Students from Student Object, Total
number of Employes from Employs Object, Total Fee Paid from Student Object and finally Total Courses
from Course Object.
Step1 : Go to Detailed view of the object then go to Custom fields and Relationship section.
Custom fields and Relationship section => New => Roll-Up Summary.

Enter Summarized object from picklist, Select Roll-Up Types select Next and finally Save it.

Below is the Roll-Up Summary field created to sum all fees paid by all students in a college.

Creating Formula fields in Salesforce : Formulas are those which are used to calculate something,
combine data from multiple fields, to check for a condition, to show information from one record on a
related record.These formulas will be simple or complex with layers of nested logic s. Formula fields is
based on other fields values and it is shown only in detailed view of an object and can not be viewed in
editable view of an object. creating Formula field in Salesforce ?
Go to Setup => Build => Create => Object => Select object => Custom Fields & Relationships => Click
new => Formula.
Now we are creating Formula field for student object to calculate average of three subjects F = ( S1+ S2 +
S3) /3.
Go to detail view of the object.
Go to Custom fields and relationships and create new.
Now select formula which is of type number and Click next.

Now provide all the details like field label and field name . For formula return type select with decimal
places zero.

A formula editor is shown with two tabs. 1.Simple formula and Advanced Formula.

Select the tab Advanced Formula you can observe function with right extreme which can be used. While
writing this formula in the editor we can see two field in inside fields and outside fields to refer to the
fields in the object.
In the formula editor provide the Formula given.

Now check the visibility at the top to give accessibility of this field to every profile.

Many to Many Relationships in Salesforce

In this article we are going to create Many to Many Relationships between courses and classroom. In
salesforce if we want to create Many to Many relationship we want a Junction Object. Junction Object

will be Course Offering in our training turorial

In order to establish Many to Many Relationship between Classroom and Course we are sing Course
Offering Object as junction Object.
What is Junction Object ?
In salesforce Junction Object are the part of the objects which joins one object to another. These are
specially used to join many objects in Many to Many relationships.
How to create Many to Many Relationships in Salesforce.
Creating Many to Many Relationships in salesforce is very easy but we have to keep little bit
concentration on he process of creation. In this Training tutorial we are going to know every thing
aboutMany to Many relationships, what is cross field object, how to create cross field object .
Before going to create Many to Many Relationship we have to create 3 custom objects namely Course,
Course Offering, Class Room. Course and Classroom objects are Master objects, Course offering objects is
meant for Junction Object.
After creating three custom objects now we have to create custom fields in them. Create the list of fields in
Custom objects listed below.
Course offering.

Course starting date.

Course Last date.

Current Seats Occupied.

Class Room

Maximum Seats Occupied.

After creating those custom fields in their Custom Objects w have to establish link between those object.
This is the to create Many to Many relationships.Go to Junction Object(Course offering) create MasterDetail Relationship related to Classroom.

Then press Next =>Next Finally Save it.

Finally Save it.

Go to Objects we are able to view to relationships created for Junction Object.

Now go Detailed view of the record in Course object that we crated nd we observe child Object (Course

offering). We are not shown full details in that. Edit page layout to display below details.

The above shown Course offering is the Junction Object. Edit page layout. But we are not able to find
Maximum Seats Occupied field in the available fields. In earlier when we edit page layout for Course
object we have Maximum seats Occupied field but we are not having any Such type of field. So here comes
the concept of Cross fields.

Enter the details given above.

Go to Classroom fields in detail view. Now edit the page layout.

Single Sign On, SSO Login, Single Sign On Login

In this tutorial we are going to study clearly about Single Sign On,how to implement SSO in salesforce, what is
single sign on, how does single sign works, single sign on definition, Different types of Single sign on, benefits on
single sign on, Federated single sign on, Delegate single sign on , Managed service providers, What is saml, saml 2.0
specifications, saml authentication, saml identity providers, saml assertion.

what is single sign on ?

SSO or Single Sign on is the process that allows all networks users to access all authorized network resources
through single username and password with out having different usernames and passwords for every resources in the
Suppose in an organization there are different number of systems, applications and resources which are to be
accessed by every user. To access those resources in that organization the user must login to that application with that

username and password. If he wants to access more number of resources it may be difficult to remember those
passwords. To eliminate such type of issues SSO is implemented.

Benefits of single sign on

When coming to the benifits of Single sign on we can observe many benifits when Single Sign On is implemented.
The following are the benefits to your organization with single sign on.

It reduces Administration costs : No need to remember all usernames and passwords. Salesforce provides
resources and external applications just logged in without asking to enter username or password.


Leverage existing Investments : Many of the companies uses LDAP data base to manage their users
identities to allow authentication to their systems in their organization. Suppose with the user is removed from
LDAP system the user is immediately removed and no longer able to login to their systems.


Time Saving.


Increased User adoption : User who uses Salesforce are more comfortable to send email messages that
contains links to information to


Increased Security.

Different types of Single sign on Implementations.

Single Sign On or SSO can be implemented by two ways .

Federated Authentication.


Delegate authentication.

What is Federated Single Sign on Authentication.

In salesforce, if Federated single sign on Authentication is enabled then the salesforce does not validate users
password. Instead of validating users password salesforce verifies an insertion in the HTTP POSTrequest and
allows single sign on if the assertion is TRUE if assertion is false salesforce does not allowsSSO.
What is Delegate Single sign on Authentication.
Delegate Single Sign-On authentication is the second type of Single sign on in salesforce. If this type is enabled in
salesforce allows web services to your organization to establish authentication credentials to the users instead of
validating the users passwords.
Authentication Providers.
Authentication providers are those who provide authentication credentials to the users from external service
providers. Authentication provide credentials to the users with profiles containing login IP range restrictions, Session

Here we are required to setup new Authentication providers to establish connection. The process of authentication
will be like below steps.

The users tries to login in to Salesforce using third party identity.

Then login request is redirected to the third party provider.

Then the user will be approved to access.

The Authentication provider redirects the user to salesforce.

Now the user is logged in to salesforce.

Saml, Saml 2.0, Security Assertion Markup Language

Saml, Saml 2.0: In this Training tutorial we are going to know clearly about what is Security Assertion Markup
Language , How does saml work, identity providers, Security Assertion Markup LanguageService Providers,
assertion, Security Assertion Markup Language Authentication,Security Assertion Markup
Language Authorization.

What is SAML ?
SAML means Security Assertion Mark Up Language and it is based on XML (Extensible Markup
Language).Security Assertion Markup Language allows users to communicate about the authentication decision
between one service provider and another service providers. Salesforce supports Security Assertion Markup
Language for Single Sign On from external or portal identity provider.

How SAML Works ?

Security Assertion Markup Language is mainly based on trust. Here we are enabling Security Assertion
Markup Language in salesforce for single sign on . Enabling Security Assertion Markup Language means we
are creating connection between Service Provider and Identity Provider. We can set Service Provider to connect with
Identity Provider and the identity provider is connected to User. Then the Service Provider will trust the end user.

What is SAML Assertion?

SAML assertion makes the request essential to provide access to the end user. It is directive from the
Idp. Attesting that the user is legitimate.
They are four key pieces of information in Assertion.

Digital signature provide by Idp.


Issuer: The name of the service Provider.


Entity ID : The name of the service Provider.


The Subject: user id.

What is SAML Identity Provider(IdP) ?

Identity Providers are those which provide online resources by providing authentication to users over the network .
Sometimes Identity Provider is also called as identity Service Provider or Identity Assertion Provider. Salesforce can
be the Security Assertion Markup Language Identity provider.
What is SAML Service Providers (SP) ?
Service providers (SP)are those who provide resources like web services to a user over the internet by Single sign On.
Salesforce can be a SAML Service Provider which can be accessed from another authentication server.
Salesforce Identity.
Salesforce is a center which provides us many managed, standards-based, authentication and authorization
services. Salesforce has many features below are the some of the services they provide.

Salesforce as SAML IdP.

Salesforce as SAML SP.

OAuth Connected Apps.

Canvas Connected Apps.

Single sign on For communities , portals.

Single sign on Using SAML, SSO SAML implementation


User must establish Saml Identity Provider : Here we send Single Sign On request to Salesforce.


Provide information to identity provider : Here we have to give Login, Log out URls


Configuring Salesforce.

How does Salesforce Trust Identity Provider ?

To establish Single Sign on Salesforce must be connected to Identity Provider.In order to establish relation between
Salesforce and Identity Providers salesforce must trust the identity provider. Following is the process is done.

During Configuration, Identity provider gives a digital certificate to salesforce and in run time Salesforce uses the
certificate to validate the digital signature given by identity provider.

Enabling Salesforce to be Service Provider.

To enable Salesforce as a Service Provider we must do 2 important things.

Download digital signature certificate from identity provider(IdP).


Upload digital signature certificate to salesforce.


Configure salesforce.

Identity Provider-Initiated SAML Flow during run time.

The user will sign by using Single sign on in to the Idp. The Idp will return a page containing form with saml
assertion. Then the user submits SAML assertion to sales force to login. Then the Service Provider (Salesforce) checks
the digital signature and grants sessions id.

Service Provider-Initiated SAML Flow.

This is the situation where user clicks on the link where to access something in the salesforce and redirect the user
back to Idp Successfully.

The end user requests a page at a custom domain for salesforce. Salesforce says you are not logged in. Then the user is
logged in to Idp credentials. Then the Idp redirects the user to salesforce with SAML Assertion. Now Salesforce
redirects the requested page with session Id to the end user.
Now we are going to create a new Single Sign On in salesforce.
Go to Setup => Administer = > Security Control = > Single Sign On Settings.

Enable SAMl. By enabling SAML we can create new Single Sign ON. Edit it and check SAMl Enabled.

Save it

Now select New button.

Before going to fill SAML Single Sign-On Setting details we should have some data . Go to the
following URL and Download the Digital certificate which is to be uploaded .
GO to

Now go to Configure Section shown below.

Complete all the details as shown below.

Before login Logout From

Salesforce Security control , Security Model Tutorial

In Salesforce Security control is done by system level and Application Level Security. In this article we should able to
get knowledge on security control in Salesforce.
Salesforce Security is of two types they are

System Level Security.

Application Level Security.

salesforce security

System Level Security.


Single Sign-On.

Federated Authentication.

Delegate Authentication.


Social Sign On.



Sales force.


Janrain: provides 25+ different authentication users.

Application Level Security.


Object Level Security.


Field Level Security.


Record Level Security.

Salesforce Security : Object Level

This object level Salesforce Security is also called as Object Level Permission. In this section we can
control the data. Object Level security is one of the level of the security in salesforce in which we provide or access
controlled permission to the prescribed user. Object level security can have the following features.

We can prevent the user from editing, seeing, creating, deleting and managing a particular type of object.


We can hide the entire TAB from a user.

Object Level security can be done in the following Sections.

Permission Sets.


Permission Sets : In this Permission sets we define the access level of the user. Generally we determine what a user














Profiles : In Object level Security, Profiles are assigned to the user by system administrator. A profile can be assigned
to many users where as a user can have only one Profile.
Salesforce Security :- Field Level
Here we control the user to see, edit, delete of a particular field in the object. In some situation like if we want to
grant access control over Object to a user but the user should not be able to access some particular fields in that
objects then we go for Field Level Security.
Field Level Security can be controlled by Profiles and Permission sets.
= > Profiles.

Page Layouts.

IP Ranges.

Login Hours.


Client Access.

= > Permission sets.

App Permissions.

Record Types.

Tab Settings.

Assigned Apps.

Object Permissions.

Field Level Security.

Apex Classes

Visual Force Pages

Salesforce Security :- Record Level .

After setting Object and Field Level Security the situation may arise like if a user is eligible to access a particular
Record in a Object there we use this sharing method . This can be done by the following settings.

Org Wide Defaults.

Role Hierarchy.

Sharing Rules.

Manual Sharing.

Criteria Based sharing.

Organization-wide-Level Security
Determining Organization wide Defaults is the first step in record level security. This is the most restrictive
level of locking the data to a user. Here if we give Read-Only accessibility to a user then the user is only made to
Read to a particular Record.

Role Hierarchy.
After setting Organization wide default setting next step is to make settings in Role Hierarchy. Here we can
give wider access to a record s with role Hierarchy. In Role Hierarchy we create Role Hierarchies for a organization.
Sharing Rules.
Sharing Rules makes automatic exceptions to organization wide defaults settings for particular users in an
organization. Sharing rules can be done by manual sharing, criteria based sharing and Apex managed sharing.
Declarative Features of Record level security.

What objects can I access?

What page layouts can I See?

What fields can I Access?

Which tabs can I view?

Which records types can I see?

Which Apex classes are accessible for me?

Which Visualforce pages can I access?

Organization Wide Default in salesforce, OWD settings in sfdc

Organization Wide Default in salesforce: In thisCrm Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn
about organization-wide default settings in salesforce, OWD access level actions, What is meant by
Organization-wide defaults. In this training we are able to learn clearly about OWD(organization-wide default ).
Through organization-wide default settings we define the access level for all users to a Record in an Organization.
Record Ownership : The User or Queue who controls and have the right to access a record.
Generally there are two types of Owners. They are




Record Owner Privileges.

View and Edit.


Changing Ownership for a record.

Deletion of a record.

When we are making record level security we have to make Object permissions enabled. This is the important thing
we have to make and now we assume we Object permissions are enabled.
Record Level Security or Record Accessibility can be done by

Organization wide Defaults.

Sharing Settings.

Role Hierarchy.

Organization wide Defaults in salesforce.

Organization wide Defaults define the baseline level of access to data records for all users in an Organization.

Organization wide Defaults are used to restrict access to data(Records).

Organization wide Defaults(OWD) can be defined for Standard Objects and Custom Objects.

Organization-wide Defaults Access level actions.


Public Full access.






Public Read Only.



Public Full access.

Public full action option is available for setting the Campaign Object only. Through public access the user can have
the ability to search records, Reports and records, add related records, edit details of the record, can delete the record.
Access levels for the campaign OWDs can be set to private, Public Read only, Public Read/Write and Public Full
Access. When campaign object is set to public full access, all users in that organization can be able to view, edit,
transfer and delete.
Read/Write/Transfer option is only available for Leads and Cases. Here we can set to Private, Public Rad only,
Public Read/Write and public/Read/Write/Transfer for case and lead objects. When case and lead objects are set to
public/Read/Write/Transfer all users can view, edit, transfer and report on all cases and lead records.
Public Read/Write.
When ever a record is set to Public Read/Write the user can view, edit and report on all record.
Public Read Only.
When ever a record is set to public Read only the user can search the records, view and report on every record but
the user can not edit that record. Record owners and users can edit that records.
When ever a record is set to private only that record owner and users above that roles in an hierarchy can view, edit
and report on those records.
No Access, View only, Use.
This No Access, View only, Use options is available only for Price books only. We can set access level for price
book OWD settings to either No Access, view only or use.

Use is default access level for price Book and allows the users to access the price book information and can use
that price book information in opportunities with products

View Only allows the users to access the price book information and but not to use that price book information in
opportunities with products.

No Access restricts the users to access price book information and prices.

How to make organization-wide default settings in salesforce.


Go to Setup.


Security Controls.


Sharing Settings.


Organization wide defaults.



Grant Access using Hierarchies.

Salesforce uses role hierarchy to automatically to grant access to users by default. We can not edit Grant Access using
Hierarchies for standard objects and can edit Grant Access using Hierarchies check box for Standard objects. If Grant
Access using Hierarchies check box for custom objects is not checked, only the record owner and users which are
granted by Organization-wide default settings will be to access those records.

Apex Data Loader |How to insert records through Apex Data Loader
Apex Data Loader : In this training tutorial we are going to learn clearly how to Insert records from CSV file to
salesforce through Data Loader. Before inserting records we are required to prepare CSV File. CSV file will be
created in Ms-Excel application .
Step1 :- Click insert button.

Enter your username and Password and click on Login Button. Now select object to which you want to insert record.
Browse for CSV file to be inserted. Procedure for Creation of CSV file is shown below.

Prepare CSV file in Ms-Excel to insert as shown below. We are taking an example Studentinfo__c object. In this
object we are planning to add Course name, Fee Paid, Subject 1 Marks, Subject 2 Marks, Subject 3 Marks.

Click Next.

Click OK. Initialization is Succeeded.

Mapping is the process of mapping CSV fields to the fields in Studentinfo__c object. We can check fields manually
and also Fields can be mapped automatically by selecting Auto Match fields. We can save the Mapping which will b
used in future.

Now create or Edit a Map. In CSV file we have given different field names to match those column Header we choose
mapping and click next.

Drag the salesforce object fields down to the column mapping then select OK button.

Select Next.

Select Finish button

Select Yes.

Insertion of record is in progress and we inserted 5 records with out errors.

Now go to object which we selected the records to insert.

Now select any of the Record which we inserted through Data Loader and observe the fields given below.

Data Loader salesforce, Data loader for Salesforce, Data loader overview
Data Loader is a tool or Application used in salesforce to import and export bulk data. Through Apex Data Loaderwe are able
to Update, Insert, Delete, Upsert, Export and Export All. Each operation will be different from each other. In this training
tutorial we are going to learn clearly about how to insert records , how to update records , how to delete records, how to export all
records throughdata loaders.

What operation can be implemented through Data Loader salesforce ?

Insert insertion of new records

Update Updating existed records.

Upsert Update and Insertion of records

Delete Deletion of records.

Export Extraction of all records.

Export All It extracts all records from salesforce including Recycle Bin records.

Before going to the Data Loader operation we have to Download Data loader.
How to Download and Where to Download Data Loader salesforce ?
Setup =>Administer=> Data Management => Data Loader.

After download install the software.

Now open Data Loader.

Now we are required to provide username and Password.

Username This is the username where we used to login in to

Password Password is the combination of Password+security token.
How to Generate your Security Token ?
To get security Token go to My settings=>Personal=>Reset my Security Token.

An email will be sent to your E-mail. Add your password before Security token.

Apex Data Loader Features

It has easy-to-use wizard interface.

Data base connectivity.

Supports millions of rows.

Drag and Drop property.

It supports standard and Custom objects.

Detailed success and error report will be generates in CSV file format.

Data Loader Update | How to Update fields by Data Loader

Data Loader Update is the process of Updating the field in Salesforce Object by using Data Loader. We can
Update any field in the Object. In this training tutorial we are going to update Fee paid field in Student Black
In our previous article we have inserted 5 records in Studentinfo__c . In that object we have inserted Student
Black record through Data Loader. In Student Black Record we are having fields like Studentinfo Name,
Course__c,Feepaid__c, Subject1__c, Subjetc2__c, Subject3__c.
Now we are going update Fee paid__c field in Student Black record. Previously the field value is as below

Updating field is different from other operations in Data Loader. We have note record Id to which we want to field
update. Record Id is unique in salesforce. Observe below screenshot.

Select Update in Data Loader.

Now select Studentinfo__c Object name then browse for the Data Loader Update CSV file and click Next.

Select OK.

Mapping : Here we have to map the field with studentinfo__c object. In CSV file we just created Fee and id name as
Column Header but in Studentinfo__c object column header names are different with CSV file column header. Map
column header names with each other . Drag and Drop as shown below.
Click Next.

Now Select OK.

We have chosen to Update the existing records. Select Yes Button.

Observe above screenshot we have successfully updates the record in Studentinfo__c. Select OK.

Now go Back to your Studentinfo__ Object and open the Record. Fee Paid field is updated from Rs.300 to Rs.3,000.

Data Loader Upsert | Upsert in Salesforce Data Loader

Data Loader Upsert is an operation in Data Loader in which we can operate both Update and Insert to an existing
record in salesforce. In this crm salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn about UPSERT operation in Apex
Data Loader.
Data Loader Upsert is an operation in which we can Update records to an existing record and Insert new records. In
our earlier Training Tutorial we learned about how to insert records through data Loader andHow to update records
using Data Loader. Refer those article for better understanding about Update and Insert operation in Data Loader.
To Update a record we require Record ID where as for inserting a record we dont need any Id simply we create CSV
file and upload through APEX Data Loader.
Data Loader Upsert.

Here we are Inserting new record called Pink and Updating the value of Coursename__c From B.Sc to M.SC. Observe
the two operations how we are implementing Upsert Operation.

Select Studentinfo__c object name then browse for Update.CSV file that we created and finally select Next Button.

Initialization of Upsert operation is Successful and press OK.

Map the fields by Drag and Drop and select OK button.

In next step it gives us an warning message asking us to proceed or not. Select Yes.

Upsert operation is success and select OK button. Then open your Object with which you made Update and Insert


From above figures we observe that Pink record is inserted and Coursename__c in Studeninfo name called Black is
update from course name B.Sc to M.Sc Successfully.

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

In this Crm Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about the remaining two operations called Delete and
Export operation using Apex Data Loader in salesforce. For details about how to insert records using Data Loader,
How to Update using Data Loader, How to Upsert using Data Loader and Overview of Data Loader.
How to Delete records using Data Loader in Salesforce ?

Open Data Loader and Select Delete.

Prepare CSV file and give record ID number to which the record we want to delete.

Select Object name and browse for CSV which we prepared earlier and select Next button.

Data selection is Successful and select OK Button.

Map the field by dragging the fields shown above and then select Next button.

Select Finish button.

select Yes to confirm delete operation.

Observe the warning message and Select Yes.

Records are deleted successfully and select OK button and open your Studentinfo Tab.

We have deleted Black record Successfully from salesforce.

How Export records from Salesforce to CSV ?

Select Export Button.

Select Object name and choose destination folder to which we want to store CSV file in PC. Then select Next Button.

Select field names to which we want to export fields. Here we selected Studentname__c, Subject1__c, Subject2__c,
Subject3__c and course name from Studentinfo__c.
Select Finish Button.

Select Yes.

We have Successfully extracted total records and open CSV file to view records and fields.

Records and fields with column headers with the names given in our previous article is like above.

How to create Profiles in Salesforce, User Licences in Salesforce

In this training tutorials we are going to learn aboutprofiles overview and how to create profiles in
salesforce. Profiles are those which defines users to perform different functions like settings and permissions in
salesforce. It is another way to restrict or control access to a particular record.
Profile are of two types.

Standard Profile.


Custom Profile.

Standard Profile : Profiles created by are called Standard Profiles.

Custom Profiles :Profiles created by user are called Custom Profiles.
Profile can control the following function

We can set Page Layouts accessible to a particular users.

We can set Objects like standard objects and custom objects accessible to particular users in salesforce.

We can set field Level Security using Profiles.

Records types can be set by using profiles.

Apex classes accessibility can be set using profiles.

Visual Force pages can be set using profiles to users.

Custom Apps and Tabs can be restricted to particular users.

Login Hours and IP ranges can be set for which the user can Login.

Point to Note : A Profile can have many users but the User can have only one Profile is assigned to him.
Different types of Profiles that are available in salesforce.

System Administer.


Standard Platform User.


Standard Platform one App user.


Standard User.


Partner User.


High Volume Customer Portal


Authenticated Websites.


Custom Portal User.


Custom Portal Manager.

10. Solution Manager.

11. Contract Manager.
12. Read Only.
13. Chatter Only user.
14. Chatter Free user.
15. Chatter External User.
16. Chatter Moderate User.
17. Only User.
To know how many number of licences available in salesforce go to System Overview => Most used Licence =>
Show all.

Permission Set Licences.

Feature Licences available in salesforce.

How to create Profiles in salesforce?

To Create Profile login to =>Setup=>Administer=>Manage Users=>Profiles.
Step 1 :- Go to Setup

Step 2:- Go to Administer => Manage users=> Profiles.

Step 3:- Now we are taken to new window select New profile which is shown below.

Step 4 :- Enter profile from pick list which is shown below and select user license and finally give your profile name.

Step 5:- Save the Profile.

After saving Profile we observe that the profile we created is Custom profile and the check box is check as shown

Creating the Role Hierarchy in salesforce | role hierarchy salesforce

Creating the Role Hierarchy in salesforce :Before creating the role Hierarchy in salesforce we have to
configure organization wide defaults settings. After organization wide defaults settings have been
established we have to create Role Hierarchy settings in salesforce. Role Hierarchy settings make
the managers and subordinates to edit, and view the records. The users in the Hierarchy can be able
to view, edit and report all the data shared.

creating the Role Hierarchy in Salesforce ?

Go to Setup.

Now go to Administer=>Manage Users=> Roles.

Click Set Up Roles to create new Role in Salesforce.

Enter Label Name, Role Name and select this role report to field from pick list. The name which we selected
in role reports to will act as manager for the user which we are creating now in salesforce.
Select Save Button.

Now Go to Detailed view select Assign Users to Role. We have to assign users to the role we have created. The users
which we assign will only access the data assigned to this role.

Select All Users from Pick list. Then all users that are available in our account will be displayed. Select users from
Available users block and add to Selected Users.

Save Settings.
To check whether this role is assigned to user manager go to Manage Users=>Users. Select User manager and Edit it.

From above we observe that Role field is assigned as Manager.

The Role we created can be viewed in three modes.

Show in Tree View.


Show in Sorted List View.


Show in List View.

Salesforce workflow, salesforce workflow automation

Salesforce Workflow is a business logic that evaluates the records as they are created, updated in an object to
apply automated process like Assigning Tasks, Emails, Field Update and outbound message sending.
Basically these workflows are used to do automated process. Workflows are very critical to an organization
because they give the ability to enforce key business process easily with out needing to write any code. In this tutorial

we are going to study about Salesforce workflow, what is workflow, salesforce workflow examples,
workflow rules.
To create workflows in salesforce go toSetup=>Build=>Create=>Workflows&Approvals=>Workflow

Salesforce Workflow types

Generally in Salesforce workflows are of two types.

Immediate action Workflow : Immediate action Workflow triggers immediate action when criteria is met.

Time Dependent action Workflow :Time Dependent action workflow triggers the action like sending
automated E-mails, field update, Task assignment and sending outbound Messagesdepending on the
time set.

Steps to be considered Before Creating Workflows in Salesforce.

1. Choose the Object on which you want to create Workflow.
2. Evaluation Criteria :- In Evaluation Criteria we are having three options in which we have to select any one
of then they are.

Created : It happens only once

Created, and every time its edited :- It happens every time when a record is edited.

Created, and any time its edited to subsequently meet criteria : It fires action one time when we
edited record and saved.

3. Rule Criteria : In Rule Criteria we define some rule to run when the criteria is met.Here we have two options.

Criteria are met.

Formula evaluates to True.

4. Workflow Action : Selection of actions like Immediate actions or Time Based Action.

Immediate Workflow : In Immediate Workflow we have the actions to be performed New Task, New
Email Alert, New Field Update, New outbound Message, Select existing action.

Time-Dependent Workflow Action : Here we add Time Trigger where we mention Date that the action to be

How to Create workflow rules in salesforce

In our previous Crm Salesforce Training Tutorial we discussed about workflow rules in salesforce, benefits and
usage of workflows rules in salesforce. In this Salesforce tutorial we are going to learn how to create workflow rules in

To create workflow rules in salesforce go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>Workflows&Approvals=>Workflow


work flow rule

Select workflow Rules as shown above. Now select Continue=>Add new rule
Select workflow Rules as shown above. Now select Continue=>Add new rule

select add new rule

Creating new rule means we are going to create new workflow rule.

How to Create workflow rules in salesforce

Now we have to select Object name to which this workflow rule is to apply. Selecting object name is the step 1 in
workflow rule process. Select object name from pick list as shown above.
Then Click next.
In Step 2 we are going to configure workflow in which we are going to configure Edit Rule, Evaluation Criteria, Rule
Criteria .

In Edit Rule Enter Rule name and Description as shown above.

In Evaluation we have three options created, created, and every time its edited, created, and any time its edited to
subsequently meet criteria. Depending upon our evaluation criteria select any of the option as shown above.

In Rule Criteria in pick list we have two options 1.Criteria are met 2. Formula evaluates to true. When Criteria are met
option is selected from pick list we have to enter add filter logic as shown above.
Select Save.

In Step 3 we have to specify workflow action .Workflow action will be New task, New email alert, New Field Update,
New Outbound Message, Select Existing Action.

When Add workflow action is select the pick list will have the following options as shown above. We are adding New
Email Alert workflow action from the pick list values.
When New Email alert is selected Email will be automatically sent to the selected users.

Enter the field values as shown above. Select email recipients from available users to selected users.
Finally Save it.
Now go back to workflow rules where we observe above workflow rule as shown. Initially it is not activated. Now
activate it.
Finally creating Workflow rule is successful in our next salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about Approvals, how
to create approvals.

Tasks creation for Workflow rules and approval processes

In this training tutorial we study about tasks creation for Workflows rules and approval processes. Here we
creating tasks for custom object. When configuring Tasks in salesforce we observe field like assigned to, Subject,
Unique name, Due Date, Status, Priority. These fields are mandatory to fill.
To configure tasks follow the path Setup=>Build=>Workflow & Approval=>Tasks=>New Task.

Tasks creation for Workflow rules and approval processesc

Step 1 :- Select Object to configure task.

Tasks creation for Workflow rules and approval processes

Select the type of the object from the pick list. Activities are available to only custom objects when creating Tasks for
custom objects. Standard object will not have activities.

Tasks creation for Workflow rules and approval processes

In Configure task page we have the following settings to be filled.


Assigned To :- Assigned to field must be selected when we click look up dialogue. We can select Users, Roles
and record owner from the look up dialogue.Tasks cannot be assigned to more than one user.


Subject :- Unique name must be entered in subject field. This subject name is used by the API and many
manages packages in salesforce.


Enter Due date, Status and priority.


Notify Assignee : Select notify Assignee check box to make alert.Email will be sent when Notify Assignee
check box is checked.


Enter comment.


Finally save the settings.

When task is created and assigned, automatically created by field is created that contains the name of the persons
who saved the record.
Note:- Protected Component check box is used to make alert as protected which is used by developers.

How to create field Updates for workflow rules and approval processes
In our previous salesforce training tutorial we have created new tasks for workflows and approval processes.
Now we are going to learn how to create field updates for workflow rules and approval processes in
Updating field is the process of replacing the old field value with new field value. In this processes we choose the
object name and the field value to update. When we select Object name and field to be updates a new section called
Specify new Field value is available where we can set logic for the desired field to be updated.

How to create field Updates for workflow rules and approval processes

Depending upon the field type that we are updating option values available to update will be different for check box
field type, record owner field type, pick list and other field types.
Check Box
If the field update is to be done for Check Box we have to select true or False. This helps to automatically change the
status of the records when a business process is completed.

How to create field Updates for workflow rules and approval processes

Record Owner Field.

To update Record Owners field we have to select the user from pick list to whom t he record to be assigned.This field
update is done when there is requirement to change the record owner name.

How to create field Updates for workflow rules and approval processes

Pick List
When updating pick list value we can select value from pick list or we can select the values from Specify new field

How to create field Updates for workflow rules and approval processes

Text field Type

How to create field Updates for workflow rules and approval processes

If we want to remove the value in the field select A blank value (null). This option is not available for required fields,
check boxes and some other fields.
Finally save all the settings to complete configuration of the field update.

Approval Process in Salesforce Crm

Approval Process in Salesforce Crm:- In previous salesforce tutorial we learned about Workflow rules and
workflow actions. In this crm salesforce training tutorials we are going to know about the Approval Process in
Salesforce crm .
Approval Process in Salesforce crm is an automated mechanism that we can set up to process the approval of
records with in organization. Approval process enables to specify which user is to approve the record . When working
with Approval process in salesforce crm requires some settings after he record is either, first submitted, approved,

rejected or recalled for approval. Approval Processes and workflow are similar as both have same actions. we have
already studied about actions in workflows .

Difference between Workflow rules and Approval Process in Salesforce

Workflow Rules

Workflow rules are activated when record is saved.


Workflow rules consists of single step and single action.


Workflows can be modified, deleted.r


In Workflows automatic tracking of history is not available.

Approval Process

Approval Processes are triggered explicitly when we click on Submit for Approval.


Approval Processes consists of multiple steps.


Some attributes can not be modified in approval Processes.


Approval processes must be deactivated to delete.


Approval history can be tracked here.


If the record is set to locked down that record can not be changed.

Approval Processes are very important for an Organization because it plays powerful mechanism to control an
internal process that to be completed as part of a business process. We must carefully plan Approval processes step by
step before creating approval process in salesforce crm.
Important Steps to be taken before configuring Approval process in Salesforce crm.

Determine how many number of steps and how many number of levels your approval process has.


Use Microsoft Visio to map out the process.


Determine the process of Approving the record. Ex. approval through Email or by any other process.


It is better to create an Approval request e-mail template which is used during approval process.


Determine who is the approval request sender.


Determine who will be the assigned approver.


Determine delegated approver.


Choose what will be the initial submission action.


Determine that the user can edit the record that are waiting for Approval.

10. Determine that the record is automatically approved or not.

11. Determine that which action is to be taken when an approval request is Approved or rejected.

Approval Process example in salesforce

In our previous salesforce tutorial we learned about howApproval processes in salesforce works, what are its features,
what are the steps to be followed before creating approval processes in salesforce. In this crm salesforce training
tutorial we create Approval Process with an example. In creating Approval Processes we have follow 8 steps.
Understand each and every step clearly.

Selecting Approval wizard


Enter name, Unique name and description.


Select Criteria for Entering Process.


Specify Approver Field and Record Editability.


Select Email Notification Template.


Configure Approval Request Page Selecting Approval wizard.layout.


Specify Initial submitters.


Activate the approval process.

Above 8 steps must be done to configure Approver processes. Now login to and follow the path.
Setup=>Build=>Create=>Workflow & Approvals=>Approval Processes.

Step 1:- Selecting Approval wizard.

We have two different types of wizards they are

Jump Start wizard :- Jump start will have automatic default settings and it is quick way to create simple
approval processes.


Standard Setup Wizard :- By using standard setup Wizard we can create complex approval processes which
have multiple steps.

use standard setup wizard

Here we selected Standard Setup Wizard and selected Standard Object opportunity.
Step 2 :- Enter name, Unique name and description.

Approval Process example in salesforce

Now specify the entry criteria and this is optional . This option is used to mention which record should enter the
approval process. We can enter formula logic or Selecting certain fields, operator and value as shown below.

Specify entry criteria

In the above screenshot we made only the sales team is to submit opportunity reviews so we entered the criteria
Current User : Department equals to Sales.
Select Next.
Step 3 :- Selecting Approver Field and Record Editability Properties.
In this step we want to sent automatic approval request to a user called manager so select manager as shown below.

specify Approver field and record editability properties

We have selected use Approver Field of Opportunity Owner check box, we can set the approval process to use the the
standard manager field or Custom Field and then select appropriate record Editability Properties as shown above.
When a approval process is assigned to a user, automatically sends e-mail so we have to create E-mail
template to select E-mail notification template in Step 4.
Step 4 :- Select Email Notification Template.

Approval Process example in salesforce

Step 5 :- Select Fields to Display on approval page Layout page.

Approval Process example in salesforce

Approver page is that where approver approves or rejects a request. Here we select the fields that to display on the
approval request request page. We have selected the field to display like Date, Status, Assigned to, Actual Approver,
Comments and Overall Status as shown below.

Approval Process example in salesforce

Step 6 :- Specify initial Submitters.

Approval Process example in salesforce

We have selected opportunity owner user to submit records for approval and optionally we can select Add the
approval history relates list to all opportunity page layouts and Allow submitters to recall approval requests.
Select Save Button.
Creating Approval Steps.
We are able to activate the approval process until we have created at least one approval step for approval processes.
To create approval steps go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>Workflows & approvals=>Approvals=>select the approval
process we have created=>Approval Steps=>New approval Step.

creating approval steps

Enter name, Unique name description and Step number as shown below.

creating approval steps

Select Next.

creating approval steps

In the above option we can select all records should enter this step or only the records who have certain attributes.
Now select Next.

creating approval steps

In Step 3 : Select Assigned Approver where we choose to approve he record.

When we select Automatically assign to approver(s) option the page will be like below.

creating approval steps

Delegate approvers cannot reassign approval request

Now Select Save Button.
Now go to detail view of the approval processes and select View Diagram as shown below.

Approval Process example in salesforce

When we click on View Diagram a simple two-step approval step will be displayed like below screenshot.

Approval Process example in salesforce

By using the above process visualizer we can take a printout for understanding.

Data Analytics with Reports and Dashboards in salesforce

Reports and Dashboards in salesforce : In thissalesforce tutorial we are going to learn briefly aboutReports
and Dashboards in salesforce. In thisSalesforce Training Tutorial we are going to earn about Reports,
dashboards, How to use Report folders.
In we

have Reports, Dashboard andfolders which






Trough Reports and Dashboards we generate customized data in the form of visual representation Graphs. pie
charts etc. Graphical representation of data is done through Dashboards.

Reports and Dashboards in salesforce

Reports and Dashboards in salesforce are the analytics tools which allows all the users in an organization to
manage the data in the form of reports and visual representation of data.Through reports and Dashboards in
salesforce sales team can produce reports of sales pipeline, marketing team can produce reports on the progress
of campaigns and users can also create custom reports in salesforce.

Report in Salesforce overview

Reports are very important in which helps to get all the data analytics in salesforce CRM. When
creating reports in salesforce the data is displayed in the form of rows and columns. we can set rule criteria to
which form the data to be displayed.
Reports can be generated for two types of objects. They are

Standard Objects

Custom objects.

Standard Reports : In we can generate Standard reports for Accounts and Contacts. When a
standard report is generated we can forecast details about opportunities, products,Sales, leads and so on.
Custom Reports : Custom Reports are generated for Custom objects. We can create custom reports by the following
directions. Go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>Report Types.
Dashboards in Salesforce Overview
Dashboards in salesforce are the pictorial representation of reports using graphical elements. IN to
represent Dashboards we use Dashboard components which are also known as Graphical elements.Some of the
dashboard components / graphical elements are





Scatter chart.

Funnel chart.

Donut chart.

Pie chart.

Line chart.

Vertical bar chart.

Horizontal Bar chart

And also through visualforce pages.

Through Dashboards we are able to get data in the form of Diagrams. Visual representation of data is done
through Dashboards in salesforce CRM. We can present data in the form of Charts, gauges, tables, metrics,
scatter chart, funnel chart, Donut chart, pie chart, Line chart, Vertical bar chart, horizontal Bar chart
and also through visualforce pages.

Folders in reports and Dashboards

Folders in are those which stores data, files, images, reports and Dashboards analytics data. . The list
of folders, which is represented by folder icon will have all report folders.We can create newfolders in to store
Reports and Dashboards. We can set security to these folder as read-only and read/write.

Standard report types in salesforce | report folder creation

Standard report types in salesforce : In our previous salesforce tutorial we learned details on reports and
Dashboards in salesforce. In this crm salesforce training tutorials we are going to learn about Standard report
types in salesforce . We can access predefined reports that are provided by
Advantages of generating reports in salesforce.

Reports provide information about Accounts.

Reports provide information about Contacts in salesforce.

Reports provide information about opportunities.

Reports provide information about forecasts.

Reports provide information about products and sales pipeline.

we can get organizations lead information through reports.

when creating custom or standard reports in salesforce it is very easy to setup the report layouts. report layouts can
be done by drag and drop feature.

Create new report folder in salesforce CRM.

Creating new report folder makes us to select reports and dashboards that are sorted in that specific folder.
In salesforce CRM we can not save reports to standards folder so that we have to create new personal custom
report folder .
In Reports and Dashboards we have many options like new report and new dashboard buttons , folder search box
option, create new report folder and create new dashboard section, report search box option, reports and dashboards
folder section, main report and dashboard list view section, recent Reports tab. All these options are used in Reports
and dashboards.

Standard report types in salesforce

New folders can not be created by every user in an organization. Using Create folder button we can create new
reports and dashboards folder as shown below.

Standard report types in salesforce

Select new report folder as shown above then we are taken to new page where wee have give all the details like Report
folder Label and Folder Unique name.

new report folder

Select Save button.

Standard report types in salesforce

Successfully we have created Report Folder as shown above screenshot.

Report Types in salesforce CRM.
Report types are used to set rules for which records can be shown in reports. Selecting report types is very important
in creating report.
In Salesforce CRM there are two different types of report types.

Standard Report type.

Custom report type.

Standard Report Types in salesforce

In Standard report types in salesforce provides large number of predefined standard report types.

Standard report types in salesforce

Standard report types in salesforce

Now create new reports in salesforce

We have 3 basic steps to create new reports in salesforce they are.

Select Report Tab and click on new report button.


Select the report type from the side bar then click on create button which is at bottom of he page.


Finally customize the report and save it.

The above there steps are to be followed to create reports in salesforce . Now we are going to create new report in
salesforce with these steps.
In our next salesforce training tutorials we create custom reports in salesforce.

Creating custom reports in salesforce

Creating custom reports in salesforce : In our previous salesforce tutorial we have created standard reports
in salesforce. In this crm salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn how to create custom report types in

Creating custom reports in salesforce

Before creating custom reports types in salesforce we should follow some steps. They are

Define custom report type template.


select related object.


Specify the layout to display custom fields in custom report type.


Create a report from the custom report type template to verify that the object and field definitions are correct or

If we delete custom report types template that we created and the reports in that custom report type template will also
be deleted . Dashboards which are created from that report types will show error message when we try to view that
deleted custom report types dashboard.
Step 1:- Defining custom reports in salesforce.
To define custom reports in salesforce follow the path Setup=>Create=>Report types.

Creating custom reports in salesforce

Now select new custom report type as shown below.

Creating custom report types in salesforce

Now we are taken to new page which we are required to define report type template .Enter primary object name from
the drop -down list, Report type label, report type name, Description, store in category all these fields are required.
After saving custom report type template we can not change primary object name. Report type label field can be up to
50 characters long and description can be up to 255 characters long.

Creating custom reports in salesforce

Now select Next.

Step 2 :- Defining report records set.
Select object relationship which will be displayed when we run custom report type. Relationships determines the
object and the fields to be displayed when we run a report.

Creating custom reports in salesforce

In this example Event Object has relationships with sessions and speaker. To enter relationships click to relate
another object as shown above and select from the pick list. Objects associated with primary object can only be
selected as secondary object.
Select save button.
step 3 :- Specify the layout to display custom fields in custom reports in salesforce.
After saving we are taken to detailed view of the custom report. In this step we have to edit the custom report to
specify which standard and custom fields a report can display when we run a report.

Creating custom reports in salesforce

Select Edit layout button as shown above.

Creating custom report types in salesforce

Select object fields from View which is at right hand side and arrange the fields in order as you wish. We can add up to
1000 fields to each custom report type template in salesforce.
Select Edit Properties to rename or to set fields.

Creating custom reports in salesforce

Now select Checked by default check box and the name you want then click on OK and Save all the settings you made.
Now go to Report Tab.

Now Select New Report.

Now we are taken to new screen.

Now go to the report folder and select that report to create Report. Click on report as Shown above.

Select the fields from left panel and drop on the Header as shown above.

Select the Format.

Click on Show to display the fields.

Clear Date Range and select as All.

Now finally Save the settings.

Enter report name.

Report description.

Select the folder to save the report.

Now Save and Run the report.

Select the summarized information by any of your required field.

Run the Report.

Save the report.

Note :- With out selecting summarized information by any field and report and is saved. When we creating
dashboards for this report we get Error as this report cannot be used as the source for this component. If it is a
summary or matrix report, add one or more grouping in the report. If it is a tabular report with a row limit, specify
the Dashboard settings in the report.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

In this salesforce training tutorials we are going to create and adding product and price book to an
opportunity in salesforce. Products are the individual items will belongs to one universal product catalog in an
organization. After creating product we can associate that product to multiple price books and also can be associates
to multiple prices in salesforce.
In salesforce a product can be scheduled based on quantity, revenue or both quantity and revenue. We can add new
product to an opportunity in salesforce. In salesforce a product may have different types of standard fields when we
create new product
What are the different types of standard product fields in salesforce ?

Product name : Product name must be specified clear and familiar.

Product code : Product code is an internal code or product id which is used to identify a product.

Product description : We have to enter text in product description area to distinguish products from each

Product Family : Product family means it is the category of the product. By setting product family in salesforce
the product automatically maps to it product family.

Quantity Scheduling Enabled : To enable quantity scheduling for a product the check box must be checked.

Revenue scheduling Enabled : To enable revenue scheduling select the check box.

Steps to add a product to an opportunity.

First create a product in salesforce.

Second go to opportunity detailed page to the product related list.

Select price book button.

Select price book from the price book drop down and select save.

Creating new product in salesforce

To create new product in salesforce go to Product Tab as shown below.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Now select button to add new product.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

After selecting new product button we have to enter product details like product name, product code and
product description.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Select Save & Add Price button as shown above. Add price to the product in next step as shown below.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Now Select the price book Name as show below.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Now Select button as shown above .

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Enter list price if the product price is different to other places. If the product price book is equal for all select Use
standard price check box and select Save as shown above.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Now go to Opportunity Tab.

Now Select the opportunity to which we want to add product.

In detailed view of opportunity go to product section by scrolling down.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

After selecting Add Product button we are taken to product list. We have to select the product name from the list.

Select the product name as shown above.

Enter quantity number, sales price, date and description and finally select save button.

Adding product and price book to an opportunity in salesforce

Adding product and price book to an opportunity is successful.

How to create web to lead forms in salesforce | Lead Management

web to lead forms in salesforce: In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn how to create web to lead forms
in salesforce, what is lead management, different types of lead management software, sales lead generation software,
sales lead management, lead tracking software lead distribution software.
Every company needs to drive qualified leads that steadily improves and increase the conversion rates. Through this
lead management we can analyze website visitors data which helps to inform sales and marketing teams in an
Advantages of Internet marketing or lead management on sales ?

In salesforce web to lead forms captures keywords that customers use in both organic search and paid search to
find your company product.

It helps to bring website visitors data.

It increases sales .

How to create web to lead forms in salesforce ?

Web to lead forms in salesforce are the standard functions in salesforce. This web to lead forms are embedded
in company website to gather all the leads from customers.
To create web to lead forms in salesforce go to Setup.

Now go to Customize=>Leads=>Web to Lead.

Select web to lead as shown above.

web to lead forms in salesforce

Now select create web-to-lead Form button as shown above.

web to lead forms in salesforce

After selecting web to lead button we are taken to new page where we have to select fields that to be appear in Web
to lead form. Select the fields from Available Fields. Selected fields will be available as shown above. After selecting
fields enter the returning URL we have entered as returning URL.
Select language.
Now select Generate Button.
Now Html code will be generated. Now follow below steps.

Copy Html code and paste it on Notepad.

Save that with .html extension (example web to lead.html)

Go to web to lead from and open it on browser.

Now web to lead form will be generated.

To check Web to lead forms in salesforce code.

Copy the code and paste it on the website page. Now web to lead form will be formed as below.

web to lead forms in salesforce

Enter all the details as show above and select Submit button. After selecting submit button new lead will be generated
in salesforce.
Now log in to through and go to Leads Tab.

web to lead forms in salesforce

Lead which is generated through web to lead form as shown above. Open that lead to view the details.

web to lead forms in salesforce

We have successfully created web to lead form in salesforce. With the web-to-lead form feature we can create up to
500 leads per day.

Salesforce Activities, creating and viewing salesforce activities

Salesforce Activities: In this salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn about salesforce activities, different
types of salesforce activities, creating salesforce activities and viewing existing salesforce activities.
What are the activities in salesforce ?
Salesforce activities are of different types they are scheduled calendar, events and tasks.Salesforce
activities are similar to the activities in Microsoft outlook and Google applications.Generally activities in
salesforce are used to schedule events, inviting people to a function, adding certain task to an employ and
so on. Mainly these activities are used to get things done with out any failure.
Events and tasks are related to records like accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities and cases. By
using salesforce activities we can track all the tasks and events that are scheduled or involved inacquiring,
selling, and servicing customers.
What is a task in salesforce ?
A task is an activity in an organization that needs to be completed. A task may not have any specific time period or
time duration for completion. Example :- Suppose marketing team wants to send email to the existing customer about
the new product they launched now the marketing team create a task called send letter.
What is an Event in Salesforce ?
An Event is generally a calendar activity which has scheduled time, date and duration.

Log a Call :- In salesforce Log a call is an activity where important data from the customer is gathered by making a
call to customers.
Send an Email :- Send an Email is an activity in salesforce where we can send emails from salesforce and also
from third parties like Microsoft Outlook and Gmail.

How to create new task in Salesforce(salesforce activities) ?

Now we are going to create salesforce activities. Before creating activities in salesforce we must understand which
type of activity we have to create. Suppose if we want to schedule an activity which have specific location, time and
duration there we create events.
We are going to create an activity for Leads. To create activity select Leads Tab=> Select the Lead.

Select Leads Tab as shown above and from the list of leads select any of the lead to which you want tocreate new
task. View the lead in detailed view and select New Task as shown below.

Now a new window will be display with different fields like Assigned To, Subject, Due Date, Priority, Status,
Name. Enter all the details.

Salesforce Activities

Select Subject from look up window as shown below.

Now Select Save Button.

Successfully we have created new Task.

Generating Quotes in Salesforce

Generating Quotes in Salesforce allows us to collect information from products and price books which are
collected in to opportunities. Generating quotes is salesforce are done only in PDF format and sending the
PDF quotes through email to a customer. If we want to generate quotes in any other format we have to use other tools
like Congo Merge. We can also use mail merge templates to generate documents in Microsoft Word format.
In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn how to customize quotes in salesforce, How to generate quotes in
salesforce, preparing quotes for customers, Revising quotes, sending quotes.

Generating quotes in salesforce.

Before generating quotes in salesforce we have to create Quote Template in salesforce. After creating quote
template in salesforce only we have to generate quotes. In this salesforce training tutorial we are going to create
Generate or Build quotes for Opportunities.
Quotes are created for only opportunities in salesforce to generate quotes for opportunities go toOpportunity
Tab and select the opportunity record.
Step 1 :- Go to Opportunity Tab.
Step 2 :- Select the opportunity to which the quotes are to be

Step 3 :- Select New quote button as shown above.

Enter Descriptive name for the quote and select Save button as shown above.

Now we have to sync. Select Start Sync Button as shown above.

Now a pop up window will be opened select sync button to confirm syncing.

Syncing processes will be done after few seconds. Select Done.

Now select Add Line items button.

After selecting line items new window will be appeared to which we have to select the items that to be appeared in
quote. Select the check boxes as shown above to add products in quotes.
Now Click on Select button.

Enter the product quantity for each item that we selected previously in the quote.
Finally select Save button and successfully we have created Quotes in salesforce. Add discounts to quotes by defining
discount percentage for a quote line item. Discount percentage will be automatically included in the final quoted

Modifying Quote Template in salesforce

Modifying Quote Template in salesforce : In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn how to modify a quote
template in salesforce. provides us an easy way to generate quotes in PDF format. These PDFs are the
copies of Contracts, quotes, proposals. Salesforce provides us the option to save the PDF quotes to a disk and also be
sent to customers through an E-mail.
Modifying quote template is the way of designing the documents that matches to our standard branding by adding
Logo, images, we can redesign header and footers and other design elements. In documents we can also add contract
line items and signature if required.

Modifying Quote Template in salesforce

To modify a quote template in salesforce go to Set up.

Now Go to Customize=>Quotes=>Settings.

When Settings in Quotes are selected a new window will be opened where we have to select the check box to enable
quotes in salesforce.

Modifying Quote Template in salesforce

Select Save Button.

Modifying Quote Template in salesforce

Now a list of options will be displayed to add a list. Select any of the page layout by selecting the check box as shown.
Select Save.
Now go back to Customize=>Quotes=>Templates.

Select Templates.

Select Edit.

Modifying Quote Template in salesforce

Select Quote template Properties to edit layout, to rename template name.

Select OK.

Now Finally select Save the settings.

Select the list of field that to be appeared in the quote by the fields. Digital Signatures in Quotes can be inserted by
using Salesforce App exchange applications such as DocuSign and EchoSign.
Email a Quote in salesforce : In our previous salesforce tutorials we have learned how to create a quote in
salesforce, how to modify a quote in salesforce. Today in our salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn about
how to Email a quote in salesforce.
Emailing a Quote in salesforce for the customers is done for the approval processes from the customers. The quote
must be approved by the customers. Emailing a quote is done by attaching a PDF Quote to the customers or recipients
Email addresses. The recipients will download the attachments and view the downloads in normal PDF format. We
can also create custom Quote Templates with different Quote Format which includes Quotes details in it.

Emailing a Quote in Salesforce

Now we learn how to email a quote in salesforce to customers or recipients. Click on Opportunities Tab.

Select any opportunity to which you want to Email a quote.

Now go to Quotes section in the opportunities and select the quote you want to send which we created in our
previous salesforce training tutorial.

Now select Email Quote as shown above. After selecting Email Quote an Email Template will be opened as shown

Here we are required to enter the name of the customer, Enter description subject for the Email, Enter Body text of











After enter all the details as shown above select Send Button. Emailing a quote in salesforce has been done
After sending email salesforce records activity on the quotes to which the email has to be sent to the customers. Other
users in an organization are also able to know the data and the time of the email was sent.

How to Create a Lead Queue in salesforce

Create a Lead Queue in Salesforce : In this salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn how to create a lead
queue in salesforce.

One of the greatest challenge for a system administrator or a lead manager to manage large pool of leads in
salesforce. Due to large pool of leads Lead data base becomes unwieldy over time and we need to clean the lead
data base. When involving with leads the biggest problem with leads is lead assignment, identifying duplicate
leads, DE-duping the leads, transferring the leads, archiving the leads and deleting the leads.
To create a lead queue in salesforce we use Queues to store records in salesforce before assigning leads to the
users. In salesforce queues are used to manage leads by the users.
In an organization sales team is responsible for harvesting leads and setting up the lead queues. Follow the steps to
create a lead queue in salesforce.
Go to Setup menu.

Now go to Administer=>Manage Users=>Queues.

Select create new Queue.

Now a Queue page will be appeared in editable mode which have three section Queue name and email address,
Supported Objects, Queue members as shown below.

Create a Lead Queue in salesforce

Enter Label name, Queue name and Queue email address.

Create a Lead Queue in salesforce

Select lead object from available objects to selected objects as shown above.

Create a Lead Queue in salesforce

Now add members to the queue. Members can be users and roles in an organization or company.
Now save the settings.

create a lead queue in salesforce

Note : In salesforce in addition to leads we can also add cases, knowledge articles, service contracts and custom
objects to the queues. If you have a doubt like how to move records from queue to a user in salesforce ? Now go to
leads and select change link text and name the owner name to which you want to move.

How to create a lead assignment rules in salesforce

create a lead assignment rules in salesforce : In our previous salesforce tutorial we have learned how to create
lead queues in salesforce. In this salesforce training tutorials we are going to create lead assignment rule in salesforce.

Why do we want to create lead assignment rules in salesforce ?

Before creating lead assignment rules in salesforce we have to know what is the need of creating lead
assignments in salesforce. Suppose if a company generates huge amount of leads, managing that large pool of leads in

an organization is very difficult. Generated leads in an organization must be assigned to right users to distribute the
work load. To minimize the work load leads are assigned to users by using assignment rules.
What is a lead assignment rules in salesforce ?
Lead assignment rule is a feature in salesforce which allows the administrators to define who should receive a lead
with conditions. Example :- Depending on country Zip code we can assign the leads to the users who assigned to
that Country.
Generally sales manager uses lead assignment rules to assign new leads to the users in an organization like sales
representatives automatically.
How to create lead assignment rules in salesforce.
To create lead assignment rules in salesforce follow the steps :
Go to Setup

Now go to Build=>Customize=>Leads=>Assignment Rules

Now select create new assignment rule button.

After selecting new button assignment rule page will be opened in editable mode.

Enter Rule name and make sure to check the box Set this as the active lead assignment rules check box. Assignment
rule will be active only one at a time.
Select Save.

Now edit the Assignment rule which we created as shown above.

Now go to Rule Entries and select New.

Enter the details like Sort Order number, Enter Field name, operator and value as shown above, Select the user as
shown above.
Select Save Button.

In this example lead assignment rule assigns a lead when the state or province value is equal to CA where the leads
are from California.

Salesforce campaign management | Marketing administration

Salesforce campaign management : In this salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn clearly about what is
salesforce campaign management, How to manage marketing campaigns, different type of campaigns, marketing
automation, email campaigns, ppc campaign management, targeted email campaigns, ad words campaign
In salesforce CRM marketing administration is available. Marketing administration is helpful to manage
marketing campaigns from initiation to lead management with the sales team in an organization. Through this





by leads andopportunities generated in an organization.

Salesforce CRM record life cycle will be as shown below.






Salesforce campaign management

Salesforce CRM life cycle process starts with marketing administration where campaigns are done through
marketing administration. Different types of Marketing administration tools are used to carry Salesforce
campaign managements. These Marketing administration tools links the leads which are generated in an
In marketing administration different types of functions are enables like campaign management, lead
management, reporting and analysis, response tracking, campaign effectiveness. We can provide different security
levels when creating campaign management in salesforce such as create, edit and delete campaigns. To set
security and advanced campaigns settings user must have Marketing user Licence as shown below.

Marketing user Licence

What is Salesforce Campaign Management?

Every one has to know what is salesforce campaign management. Through campaign management salesforce
allows to manage and track outbound marketing activities which are E-mail campaigns, targeted email
campaigns, email marketing, Google adwords campaigns, pay per click(PPC) management, Road
show campaigns, Print advertisements and other different types of marketing campaigns.
Different types of steps are present when working with salesforce campaigns they are :

Campaign Planning.


Campaign Setup.


Campaign Creation.


Campaign execution.


Campaign responses.


Campaign effectiveness.

Effective campaign strategies are required to increase their sales. In our next salesforce tutorials we will discuss about
different steps in salesforce campaign management.

Salesforce Campaign planning

Salesforce Campaign planning : In our previous salesforce training tutorial we have learned about what is
salesforce campaign management and marketing management. In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about
the salesforce campaign planning strategies.
when we are working with campaign we have to follow six steps in salesforce CRM hey are:

Campaign Planning.


Campaign Setup.


Campaign creation.


Campaign execution.


Campaign responses.


Campaign effectiveness.

Salesforce Campaign planning.

In an organization every marketing team must have overall plan about the goals and objectives of the campaigns
like core processes, type of the campaign that the company is going to campaign before starting to build and run
Different types of campaigns.

Mass Marketing e-mails.

Hosting a conference.

Sending direct mails.

Pay per Click advertisements.

Road Shows.

Online advertisements

Google adwords.

Social Networks advertisements(Facebook) and so on.

Every company must analyses the targets of the campaigning which helps in identifying whether they should be
with existing customers, existing leads or new leads. With existing leads we can use lead scoring and lead
status to facilitate segmentation.

Salesforce Campaign planning

Generating Analysis and report on campaigns is very important. Create campaign fields in early stage
tocustomize campaigns. Customizing campaigns helps us to improve the targeting

and customer

segmentation. Through this we can compare and analyse which types of campaigns are the most effective for
our sales and marketing teams.
When targeting with new Leads, marketing team targets new leads through third party lists. These third party
lists suspects, prospects or leads can be flagged in salesforce with a specific indicator. By flagging with different
records or assigning to different queue, these lead records can be kept apart from existing prospects so that any prequalification or De-duplicating can be done before they are available for use in campaigns.
important points before creating campaign in salesforce.

Lay out your entire marketing plan of projects


Build the basic framework and business case for a project.


Define statuses and success metrics for campaign responses. Success metrics measures how you determine
whether the campaign was worth your companys money, time and effort.


Develop a detailed project plan so that important tasks get accomplished.

In our next salesforce tutorial we learn about how to setup campaign in salesforce.

Configuring Campaign settings in salesforce

Campaign settings in salesforce : In our previous salesforce tutorial we have learned about how to plan
campaigning in salesforce. In this CRM salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn about Campaign settings
in salesforce . Configuring different campaign settings in salesforce management makes us to identify who
should have access to campaigns.

Campaign settings in salesforce

In salesforce, User must have Marketing User licence to create, edit , delete and advanced campaigning
configurations. Campaign settings in salesforce must be made as shown below.

Configuring Campaign settings in salesforce

We can use standard fields for campaign and campaign member objects to create new custom fields in
salesforce. Different types of standard fields that are present in campaign object are:

Campaign Name






Start Date


End Date


Expected Revenue


Budgeted Cost


Actual cost


Expected Response


Num Sent



Check box


Long Text Area

Total Leads


Total Contracts


Converted Leads


Total Responses


Total value opportunities


Total value won opportunities


Go to Setup=> Customize=>Campaigns=>Fields.

Configuring Campaign settings in salesforce

Standard Campaign member fields in salesforce.

















path Setup=>Customize=>Campaigns=>Campaign Members=>Fields.




These are the settings for salesforce campaign object. In our next salesforce tutorial we will learn about How to create
salesforce campaign.

How to create new campaigns in salesforce CRM

How to create new campaigns in salesforce CRM: In our previous salesforce training tutorial we have learned
about how to configure campaign settings in salesforce. In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about how to
create new campaigns in salesforce CRM.
Marketing professionals or marketing team uses campaigns to collect and process the leads collected from different
types of campaigns in salesforce. To track number of leads, contacts and opportunities we use campaign records. To
create new campaigns in salesforce CRM user must have Marketing Users licence and also must enable permissions
on campaigns in their profiles.

Creating new campaigns in salesforce CRM

Go to Campaigns Tab.

create new campaigns in salesforce

Now select new Campaign as shown below.

Now a form will be opened with some campaign information. Enter all the details.

Now click Save button. Now the page will be opened in detailed view.
Campaign Member Status values.
In Salesforce CRM, new campaigns will have two default member status values they are 1. Sent 2.Responded.
To set up those campaign member status values go to Advanced Tab as shown below.

create new campaigns in salesforce

Now the status values can be replaced with user defined values. Check boxes are checked as shown below.

create new campaigns in salesforce

Multiple responded values can be created. When we have more than one responded values they are summed
together to produce the calculated field total responses.
Adding Multiple Members to a campaign in Salesforce CRM.
Now we have to add multiple members to a campaign in salesforce. Multiple members can be added frommanage
members in campaign page as shown below.

create new campaigns in salesforce

We can add multiple members from Manage members. Existing contacts and leads can be selected from Mange
members and go to add members-Search. Use add members-Search to search members.
Now a page will be opened add multiple members from lead or contact reports.

Select the required lead check boxes and select Add with status as shown. In Add with status select responded

create new campaigns in salesforce

Confirmation message will be displayed as shown above and now go back to campaign.

In Campaign members section we can see list of member that we added to campaign as shown above.
Now Edit a Lead.

Here we can change status and select Save button.

In our next salesforce tutorial we will learn about how to execute campaigns.

Different types of CRM Databases

In our previous Salesforce CRM Training tutorial we have learned about What is CRM. In this CRM Tutorial we are
going to learn about Different types of CRM Databases, Sources of Databases, what is the technology used in
different Databases.

What is a CRM Database ?

CRM Database is the core for any customer relationship management(CRM)
planning. Different types of information can be stored, analysed and can be made
marketing decisions. There are different categories of Databases and they are
categorized depending upon firms, business function, information content, marketing

activities and technology uses for databases . Mainly there are two types of Databases
they are Transaction-related database and Customer Database.
Transaction-related Database : This type of Database are used to get all the
information related to transactions made by customers. We can information from
Transaction-related Databases are what transaction have the customer made? What
type of product the customer purchased.
Customer database : Customer database collects the information about the
customers information like address, Zip Code, Telephone number, age, gender, marital
status, education, number of people in house, income, values, interests, preferences and
so on.

CRM Databases

Sources of CRM Databases

Databases can be acquired from two sources they are Primary Data Source and
Secondary Data Source
Primary Data Source
Primary data Sources : Primary Data is collected from the source of sales results, cost
information, Distributors reports and feedback, Customers feedback, Marketing activity.
Primary data s collected from households in the form of surveys, experiments,
interviews, questionnaires and observations. This type collecting data is very cost and
also time taking processes but this type of information is some times required by
manager in an organization or a firm.
Secondary Data Source.

Secondary Data Source : Secondary Data is collected from internal records and
external records.
Internal Records Source : In internal records information is mainly from business
operations like sales results, cost information, from customers feedback, internal
marketing research department, sales analyse group, accounting department.
External records : In External Records information is mainly collected from different
publishes data sources, standardized source, marketing data sources and from internet.
Different Types of Technologies used in CRM.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is mainly developed due to its rapid growth
in its technology. Due to different types technologies CRM has evolved n to users
friendly, flexible, low cost and high technology processes.
Data Storing Technology has gone through significant changes between customers and
salespersons they are Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP), Speech Recognition
technology, social networking applications, e-mail, websites and so on.

What is Microsoft Dynamics CRM | CRM Online Software

Microsoft Dynamics CRM : In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about What is Microsoft
Dynamics CRM . In our previous Salesforce tutorial w have learned about different types of CRM Databases.

What is Microsoft Dynamics CRM ?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a web based Customer Relationship Management application also called as online
MS CRM Software . This Microsoft Dynamics CRM online software can be used to implement salesforce
automation application, marketing tools, Customer Service application, It can be a platform and framework for
software development.

The main concept behind any organization or a firm is the ability to collect all the details of the existing customers to
increase their sales and also they try to estimate the needs,desire and preferences of the future customers. To
automate all the process as states an automation software is required. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one online
CRM software which has great depth and great versatility.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Features.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM has new business intelligence functionality.


It is tightly integrated with Microsoft Office.


MS Dynamics CRM has advances users personalization features.


It is also integrated with Share point and Microsoft Dynamics NAV.


It has Role-based Forms and Views.


Best Configuration settings capabilities.


It has customization and sharing features.


Microsoft Dynamics has online CRM Solution with Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace feature.


Cloud Storage, Cloud Development, Cloud Deployment can be done with Microsoft Dynamics.

Microsoft Dynamics is in leader position which means leaders which has substantial scale, Share market, global
service resource. All these features are provided by Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Management.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Software integrated Packages.
We have already understood that Ms CRM Software has functional features with enhanced tools and integration
with Microsoft Applications like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Share Point .Microsoft
Dynamics has extended it technology to social media, mobile access and key feature like accessing data from
Sunglasses and watches.
Different Companies with in the same niche like Salesforce, Sugar CRM, Workbooks CRM, Insightly, Nimble,
Netsuite, SAP, Oracle CRM, Sage CRM, Salesnet, Veeva CRM, Siebel are the different types of CRM vendors .

What is Share Point |Microsoft Share Point Basic

What is Share Point :In our Previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about Microsoft Dynamics CRM . In this
salesforce training tutorials we are going o learn about What is Share Point, Microsoft Share point Basics like
features and architecture of SharePoint. Through this article everyone is able to know what a SharePoint offers to

What is Share Point ?

According to Microsoft Share Point is define as a business collaboration platform that makes it easier for people to
work together.
Share Point is a platform with a rich set of tools, classes, libraries, controls and frameworks for developing business
solutions. By using Share Point we can develop Business solutions like Websites, Social Media Networking, content
searches and many more. By Developing websites we can publish over internet.
Share Point is a superset of ASP.NET. By using SharePoint we can share many applications and content between
the users and customers. Share Point is basically a container for content and apps. Content in SharePoint is
organized in lists, and each list is made up of items.
Share Point Lists.
SharePoint Content is organized in the form of List and each List is made up of items. SharePoint list can contains
simple items and also be libraries of documents. Lists in SharePoint contains a metadata properties called fields.
Advantages of Share Point.
SharePoint advantages can be divided in to five categories they are.










What is Share Point

By Using SharePoint we can store and share the data like contacts, tasks, meeting events and many more data. When
sharing a data using SharePoint, the shares data can be made to put on colleagues, customers, partners and general
mobile contacts Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and so on.

SharePoint syncs all your data and colleges data to desktop. When a system is connected with internet automatically
offline files can be synchronized wither their online counter parts.

SharePoint itself acts as a search engine. We can track all the data which is stored in SharePoint. Retrieving and
Discovering the data can be done. To discover data Microsoft Excel, Excel Services, Power View and PowerPivot tools
can be used in SharePoint.

New applications can be build for Office 2013 and SharePoint by using Cloud. Applications can be build by using
JavaScript, HTML, OAuth protocols.

SharePoint provide mature, maintainable and manageable environment to mange data and applications. To manage
data Microsoft 365 and cloud storage services are required.
SharePoint Central Administration(SPCA)
When a SharePoint Server is downloaded and installed we get Administrative console page called SharePoint Central
Administration(SPCA). SPCA is a website on SharePoint Server. SPCA is used to manage, administer and monitor
SharePoint server.

Share Point Central Administration

Application Management : New applications can be created and Web Applications can be managed .
Monitoring : Here list of tools available for checking issues and solving problems.
Security : Administrative accounts are managed here.
General application Settings : Site directory, Search engine settings, content deployment, form services can be
managed here.
System Settings : Servers can be manages here.
Backup and restore : Here we can take Backup and restore the data.
Upgrade and Migration : Upgrading and Patching tasks are done here.
Apps : we can manage installed applications and apps licences.
Configuration wizard : SharePoint farm can be configured from scratch using Configuration wizard.

What is Social CRM | Social CRM Tools

In our Previous CRM Training Tutorial we have learned about Microsoft SharePoint. In this CRM Training Tutorial
we are going to learn about What is a Social CRM and what are the different typed of Social CRMTool used to
monitor and engage conversations and relationships with new customers and existing customers.
What is Social CRM ?
Social CRM is the process of monitoring, engaging and managing conversations and relationships with new
customers and existing customers across the Internet, Social networks and digital channels.
Social CRM is one of the processes to increase relationship with the customers by understanding the requirements
and needs of a customer. Information Technology industry plays an important role in Social CRM which uses and
supports latest technologies in IT.

Social CRM Responses

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogs, YouTube videos, Comments, Reviews from various sites are the different
networks used to interact with customers.

Through Live Conversations and toll-free numbers.

Through Company Brand name.

Through sales/support history and Demographics.

Different types of Social CRM applications are

Different types of Social CRM applications like Oracle(Siebel), Sugar CRM, Pivotal, Salesforce are integrated
with external data like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogs, YouTube videos.

Social CRM improves end user productivity.

Social CRM harness the information collected from different social media networks which increases the sales of
an organization.

Social CRM shares, reviews and rate content to drive future sales.

Through Social CRM we report less and we Sell More.

CRM Systems integrates with ERP systems.

Social CRM Features.

Social CRM has three key features they are.

Support for Social Media platforms.


Company Brand name monitoring.


Social CRM Analytics monitoring

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits : In our previous Salesforce Training Tutorial we
have learned about Social CRM. In this Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about what is the process
of Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits ID number.
Custom objects and Standard Objects in will have internal record ID. Internal record Id for all custom
objects and Standard Objects like Opportunity, Account, Contact and so on will have only 15 digit ID number by
15 digit Id number will have numeric digits range from (0-9), a Lowercase letter(a-z) or a Uppercase letters(A-Z). 15
digit ID in is case sensitive. Example 100000000000ABC is different from 100000000000abc. When
using external productive tools like Microsoft Excel, MS Access and SQL Server external IDs are not case sensitive
and they dont recognize the difference between 100000000000ABC and 100000000000abc. has recognized this problem and has established 18 digit character insensitive ID. This
18 Digit ID is case insensitive which is formed by adding a suffix to the 15 Character Id number.

Procedure of Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits.

Go to Setup.

Now go to Customize=>opportunities

Now select Fields.

Now go to Opportunity Custom Fields& Relationships Section and select New Button as shown.

Now Select Field type as Formula .

Select Next Button.

Step 2 :- Choose Output type

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits

Enter Field Label as Opportunity ID (18 Chars) and Field name is automatically filled when clicking
Select Formula Return Type as Text and press next button.

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits

Paste the code as shown above and Select Treat blank fields as blanks radio button in Blank Field Handling section.

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits

Select Visible button as shown above and Select Next Button.

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits

Now finally Save all Settings.

Now go to opportunity and open any record then w e find 18 digit ID values as shown below.

Converting 15 digit Salesforce opportunity ID to 18 Digits

The Formula Field appears on the Opportunity detail page and displays the 18 digit character ID.

Generating help pages for Custom Objects

Generating help pages for Custom Objects : In our Previous salesforce training Tutorials we have learned about
how to convert 15 digit opportunity ID in to 18 digit ID. In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about how to
Generate help pages for custom objects using visualforce and a PDF Document.
Generating Help pages for custom objects is nothing but adding custom PDF File or PDF document for the
purpose of showing help information in
Generating help pages for custom objects using visualforce and a PDF document we have to follow three steps.

Upload PDF Document in to as a static resource.


Creating visualforce page.


Linking Visualforce page link with custom object.


Testing the page.

Generating help pages for Custom Objects

How to Upload PDF Document in to salesforce using static resource.
Before uploading PDF Document in to salesforce create an appropriate PDF help document. After creating PDF
document follow the steps shown below.
Go to Setup.

Now go to Develop=>Static resources=>New

Now Select New Button.

Now enter the name for the static resource in the Name field as CustomObjectHelpText.

In the file select Choose file and upload PDF Document. Leave Cache control as Private.
Now Click on Save.
Uploading PDF Document to salesforce using static resources has been finished.
Creating visualforce page.

PDF Document which is uploaded is stored in salesforce now we have can use that PDF Document as reference with
visualforce page. TO reference with visualforce page we have to create new visualforce page as shown below.
Go to Setup=>Develop=>Pages.

Now click on New.

Now we have to enter Label and Name Fields as shown below.

Enter the code as shown above.

Now Click on save button.

Now go to Setup=>Develop=>Pages and browse for CustomObjectHelpText visualforce page ans click on security

Now we have to set security for the required profiles.

Now Click on Save.

Linking Visualforce page link with custom object.
Now go to Setup>Create=>Object=>mycustom Object=>Edit

Generating help pages for Custom Objects

Enter the values as shown above and in the context-Sensitive Help Settings select the option called Open a window
using a Visualforce page and select content Name from the Drop Down asCustomObjectHelpText.
Now click on Save.
Testing the page.
Now go the detailed view of the custom record and click on Help for this page which is on the right-hand side of the

Generating help pages for Custom Objects

After clicking on the link a PDF Document will be opened as shown.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM: In our previous CRM Salesforce Training Tutorial we have
learned about How to generate help pages for custom objects in salesforce. In this salesforce training tutorial we are
going to learn about Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM.
In recent days many of the users are using Microsoft Outlook as their primary E-mail application. Users who are
from salesforce also using Outlook as their primary email application. So has come up with an idea
Integrating Microsoft Outlook with and hence they developed Salesforce for Outlook.
In this Salesforce training tutorial we are going to configure different settings in Salesforce for Outlookapplication
where w can define which item to sync, which direction the data flows between Outlook and Salesforce and what is the
action to be happen when a data conflicts arises.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

Now go to Setup.

Now go to Desktop Administration => Outlook configurations.

Now Click on New Outlook Configuration.

Now Enter all the Basic information as shown below.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

Enter Name, Check the active check box, check notify product updates and Assign users and profiles as
shown above.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

Make all the settings as shown above.

When Adding Email settings we have to activate Email to Salesforce features. When Email to Salesforce is activates it
allows us to assign e-mail to leads, contacts, opportunities and so on when e-mailing from Outlook.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

Now Click on Save Button.

When Save button is clicked we are taken to a page to set different filter settings.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

In Filter by record Ownership section select All contacts and also check Sync contacts users follow in Chatter
Check box as shown above.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

In Event filters section enter the Date values as shown.

Setting Outlook configurations in Salesforce CRM

We can use Get record Count button to check how many records will sync from salesforce to Outlook.
Finally Select save button.

Installing Salesforce for Outlook Software on a local machine

Installing Salesforce for Outlook Software on a local machine : In our previous salesforce tutorial we have
learned about How to set different outlook configuration settings in salesforce. In this CRM salesforce Training
Tutorial we are going to learn how to install Salesforce for Outlook software..
Before installing software on a local machine(Our PC) we have to follow below steps.

Enable the Email to salesforce feature in

Obtain system requirements information.

Setting different configuration settings.

Installing software on a local system.

Configuring different software settings on a local machine.

Installing Salesforce for Outlook Software on a local machine

Open Microsoft Outlook in Microsoft Office which is installed in our Computer.
Now Go to Contacts.

Now Right-Click on Contacts.

Select New

Folder and


as Salesforce as


Click on OK.
Some conditions to be followed after setup and configuring Salesforce for Outlook software are as follows.

Syncing method between Salesforce and Outlook.

Setting common time Zone for users.

Automatic insertion of e-mails into Salesforce.

Now Close Outlook .

Downloading Salesforce for Outlook Software.
Go to Setup=>Desktop Integration=>Salesforce for Outlook.


Select Download Button as shown above.

Select Save.

Now Double click on the downloaded application.

Select Next Button.

Accept all the terms and click on Next Button.

Select Next.

Select Install.

Finally select Start Salesforce for Outlook and Finish button.

Salesforce for Outlook Installations has been successful and a shortcut appears on the desktop.

Next Salesforce training tutorial we be on configuring the Salesforce for Outlook software on a local machine.

Configuring Salesforce for Outlook Software on a Local Machine

In our Previous Salesforce Training Tutorial we have learned how to install Salesforce for Outlook Software on a local
machine. In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn Configure Salesforce for Outlook Software on a local
machine after installing Salesforce for Outlook Software on a local machine.
Open Outlook.

Configuring Salesforce for Outlook Software on a Local Machine

Here we dont any contacts in Outlook. Now Double-Click on the small gray icon at task bar.

After Clicking on Settings Login window will appear.

Enter Username and Password to log in and Click on Login.

Now a window is appeared to grant permissions. When we click on Allow button a secure connection will be
established between Outlook and Salesforce. When secure connection is established no need to enter username and
password again.
Now Click Allow.

For Contacts Click on Change Folder then a new popup window will appear as shown below.

Select on Salesforce and Select on OK Button.

Select Next Button.

allow any private items to sync and Select Save.

After finishing settings gray item icon is changed to Red Icon. Select Close Button.


To test how many contacts are synced, the contact records in Salesforce appears in the Salesforce folder as shown

What is Salesforce Chatter, Benefits of Salesforce Chatter

What is Salesforce Chatter

In our previous Salesforce training tutorial we have learned about how to install Salesforce for Outlook software in
our local machine.In this Salesforce Tutorialwe are going to learn What is Salesforce Chatter, What are the Salesforce
Chatter features, about Salesforce chatter community and many topics will be covered in our nextSalesforce Tutorial.
Candidates who are learning must able to learn clearly about Salesforce Chatters and its features.
What is Salesforce Chatter?
In Salesforce Chatter is a social platform that integrates Salesforce infrastructure and development platform.
Salesforce Chatter is the combination of Facebook and Twitter. It is used to communicate in organization with
customers. By using Chatter in organization, users in organization can be able to get real time information about the
work status. It is a powerful tool which helps organization to empower organization with tools to communicate easily
and effectively with right information at right time.

What is Salesforce Chatter, Benefits of Salesforce Chatter

Salesforce Chatter can also be accessed from mobile devices with an application called Salesforce Chatter mobile.
Salesforce Chatter mobile is the worlds first application that used to stay up to date with records, files conversations,
dashboards and so on in Salesforce.
What is salesforce Chatter Community ?

Like salesforce chatter, salesforce community is another type and part of Where salesforce chatter is
meant for chatting in an organization and Chatter community is like a portal designed for employees, customer and
partners for rich collaboration in salesforce community.
Salesforce Chatter benefits ?

Salesforce Chatter can increase employee productivity by 33%.

Salesforce Chatter can increase sales productivity by 32%.

Real time information can be delivered to users E-mail.

We can share information, create groups, comment, like, tag and so on using Salesforce chatter.

It increases manager visibility.

Salesforce Chatter improves responsiveness.

It provides customers satisfaction.

It improves Return of Investments(ROI)

How to open Salesforce chatter.

To access Salesforce Chatter we have to open. Click on Chatter Tab as shown below.

what is salesforce chatter

Salesforce Chatter Objects |Salesforce Chatter Data model

Salesforce Chatter Objects :In our previous Salesforce Training tutorial we have learned about What is Salesforce
Chatter. In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about Salesforce Chatter data model.

What is Salesforce Chatter Data Model ?

Salesforce Chatter Data model in mainly depends on Salesforce Chatter feed Items objects. These feed items
represents a Chatter Post.
Chatter model is of three types they are

Chatter Data Model User.

Chatter Data Model Feed.

Chatter Data Model Group.

Salesforce Chatter Data Model User

In this Salesforce Data Model we are assuming that Sales manager wants to know what their Sales representatives are
doing in their organization.

Chatter objects

In an Organization Sales representative is a person who woks on many opportunities and the customers or user(Sales
manager) follows Sales representative on Salesforce Chatter. When Sales manager follows Sales representative on
Chatter he can get all updates of sales representative. From above data model User is Sales manager and User Object

is Sales representative. Entity Subscription object supports many-to-many relationship between sales manger and
Sales representative.
Salesforce Chatter Data model Feed

Salesforce Chatter objects

Following are the Chatter Feed objects in salesforce they are

Feed post : It signifies the changes in contact feed, text posts, link posts and content post.

Feed Comment : Comments can be made here.

Salesforce Chatter Feed Items


UserProfileFeed : UserProfilefeed tracks all action of the user 0n records.


News Feed : Entire organization news can be available on News Feed.


Entity Feed : Here user can subscribe to another another user.


CollaborationGroupFeed : Group activities can be made here.

Chatter Data Model Group.

As mentioned earlier we can create two types of chatter groups they are Public group and Private. In public group
any one can join and create new public group in Salesforce Chatter. When coming to Salesforce Chatter Data model.

This is similar to Chatter Model User. As previously states User(Manger) follows sales representative he must follow
sales representative. Here sales representative must sent request to sales manger and manager approves him.

Salesforce Chatter features | Chatter settings

Salesforce Chatter features : In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about Salesforce Chatter objects
and in this Salesforce Training tutorials we are going to learn about How to turn on Chatter, How to configure Chatter
Tabs, Different types of Chatter licences, How to enable chatter invites, How to add Chatter Users, How to update
chatter profile and what are the different additional Salesforce chatter features.

Salesforce Chatter features

How to turn on Chatter in
We have to activate Chatter in first before configuring different settings in Salesforce chatter.
Go to Setup=>Customize=>Chatter.

Check Enable Check box as shown above and Save it.

How to configure Chatter Tabs ?
After enabling Chatter in Salesforce we have to make Salesforce Chatter application is visible to every one in an
organization. To make visible we have to customize Chatter TAB settings.
Go to Setup=>App Setup.

Select(+) and click on Customize my Tabs.

Now Select Application from Available Tabs to Selected Tabs with Up and Down Arrows.

After Selecting Chatter Tab to selected Tabs list and select Save button.
What are the different types of Chatter Licences ?
In Chatter licences are of 3 types they are.

Chatter External Licence type.

Chatter Free Licence type.

Chatter plus Licence type.

How to enable Salesforce Chatter invites ?

To enable Chatter invites go to Setup=>Customize=>Chatter=>Settings.

Now Click on Edit Button.

Now Check Allow Coworker Invitations.

Enter Email addresses to invites as shown above and Select Save Button.
How to Add Different Chatter Users ?
Now go to People tab as shown below.

Now Select Invite People to Chatter button to invite users.

Now enter E-mail address and message as shown below.

Salesforce Chatter features

Select Save button.

How to Update Chatter Profile ?
Already we have stated that Salesforce Chatter is a Social Network with the combination of both Facebook and twitter.
Through Salesforce Chatter we can connect with our colleagues, partner, domain experts and so on. So we have to
maintain our Salesforce Chatter profile with all required information.
To update Chatter Profile go to Your name=>My Profile.

Now Select Complete About Me.

Now add Photo to your Profile and add contact details.

Additional Salesforce Chatter Features

Salesforce Chatter Features : In our Previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about Some Salesforce Chatter
features. In this Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about some additional features of Salesforce
chatter like Updating Status, Posting Comments, Adding Link, adding Chatter Polls, adding topics to chatter status
updates, How to make a topic favorite and how to Bookmark a post.

Salesforce Chatter Features.

How to Update your Status in Salesforce Chatter ?
Updating status in Salesforce means we are updating information that what we are doing ? What are we thinking
about. By updating status we can share our information to our colleagues and friends.
Now Go to Chatter.

Now click on Post Button as shown below and enter the message to be updated.

Click Share.
How to post a Comments ?
To post a comment we use different tags example:- @prasanth, @salesforcetraining.

Salesforce Chatter Features.

Press Comment button after entering Comment. We can also add files in comments.
How to add a Link in Salesforce Chatter ?
If we want to add some website URL in salesforce chatter Go to Chatter Tab and click Link button.

Select link as shown above and Enter Link URL and Link Name as shown below.

Enter message
and finally select Share Button.
How to Share Chatter Polls in Salesforce ?
In we can share Chatter polls to our friends and colleagues or a group of members. Through Chatter
polls we can gather opinion polls efficiently and quickly.

Select Poll button.

Now Enter question and enter choices as shown above and finally click on Share button.









We have already learned how to update status. Now we are going to learn how to add topic to that chatter status. We
use # tag. In Chatter we can add topics to our own post and also for other posts in the feeds.

Select Add topic button and enter description as shown above.

Finally Select Done.




In an Organization every users chats frequently with so many people. If we want to find old post or conversation it is
very difficult to find among thousands of old post. So we have to bookmark the post.

Select Pick list button and select Bookmark as shown above. We can add any number of posts in Bookmarks as there
is no limit.

Enabling Feed Tracking and Creating new Groups

Enabling Feed Tracking and Creating new Groups: In our previous Salesforce Training Tutorial we have
learned about Salesforce Chatter Features and in this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about How to enable
Feed Tracking in Salesforce Chatter and how to create new Group in salesforce Chatter.

Enabling Feed Tracking and Creating new Groups

How to enable Feed Tracking in Salesforce Chatter ?
Enabling feed tracking in salesforce Chatter makes us to get real time updates from selected objects, field and records
when there is a change in that objects.
To enable feed Tracking go to Setup=>Customize=>Chatter=>Feed Tracking.

Select Feed Tracking. Administrator can enable Feed Tracking by checking check box.

Enabling Feed Tracking and Creating new Groups

Select custom Object first and then Select fields as shown above. We can select fields up to 20 only for feed tracking.
After selecting fields finally select Save Button.
We can also restore default settings by selecting Default Settings buttons as shown above. We can also check All
related Objects check box to display feeds .

How to create new group in Salesforce Chatter ?

Creating new group in Salesforce Chatter can be used to make conversation with project members. Generally in
salesforce chatter we can create two types of groups they are .

Public Group :- In public group any one can join, chat and add files.

Private Group :- To join in Private group permission must be granted from Group owner. Only group members
can chat, add files in this group.

To create new group in salesforce Chatter go to Chatter Tab=>Groups.

Select Groups Button as shown above. Now Select New Group.

Enter group name

Enabling Feed Tracking and Creating new Groups

Make the group as Public by granting Group access and finally Save the settings.

Salesforce File Storage through Chatter

Salesforce File Storage: In our Previous Salesforce Training Tutorial we have learned about How to enable Feed
Tracking and how to create new group in Salesforce chatter. In this Salesforce tutorial we are going to learn
about Salesforce file storage through Chatter files like how to upload a file, How to delete a file, How to follow a
file, Version control of a file, Sharing files with people, Sharing files with group, sharing files with a link.

Salesforce File Storage through Chatter

How to upload a file through Chatter Files ?
In we can upload files to cloud in different ways. Uploading files through Chatter files is one of the
method to store data in
Now go to Chatter Tab.

We can upload files from our local machine by using Files tab as shown below.

Select Files Button to upload new files to the cloud. Files which are uploaded to the cloud can be shared, can be
deleted and can be modified.

Select Upload Files button to upload files to the cloud. Then browse for the file in the local system and select Upload
button then the file file will be uploaded and uploaded file will be shown as below.

How to Delete a File ?

To delete a file go to Chatter Tab=>Files.
Now open the file that to be deleted in detailed view and window will be opened in right side with options as shown

Select Delete button.

How to follow a file ?
If we follow a file we can get updates in our chatter feeds on the home page and chatter page. To follow a file go to
Files in Chatter Tab.

Select (+) to follow as shown above.

Version Control For Chatter Files provides the best features which is version control for chatter files. With version control we can easily
identify the latest version of the files uploaded or updated recently in files.
Now go to Files and open a file.

When we select Upload new version we can upload new version of a file.
Sharing Files

Sharing Files can be done with people, with groups and via link.

Sharing Files with People.

Salesforce File Storage

Share files with Group

Salesforce File Storage

Share Files Via Link

Copy the link and paste in an email or any web page.

When sharing a files with users and a group we can set two types of permissions they are

Viewer : Viewers can view, download and share the file.

Collaborator: Collaborators can view, edit, download, share , can change permissions, can upload new version.

What is Sales Force Automation

What is Sales Force Automation ?

Sales force Automation is the processes of utilizing computer Hardware and Salesforce CRM software to provide
automatic collection of Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities and so on.
Sales Force Automation involves utilization of Information Technology application to support salespeople and
different sales functions. Salesforce Automation Software helps to track companies sales.Through Sales Force
Automation we can control different phases which are required in the sales process within a Customer Relationship
Management. When Sales Force Automation is activated in different phases we can minimize the time spent by sales
representatives in each phase.
Sales Force Automation Eco-System
Sales force Automation Eco-system consists of three systems they are.

Software Vendors.

Hardware and Infrastructure vendors.

Service Providers.

What is Sales Force Automation

Sales Force Automation Software must run on any hardware systems like Unix, Intel based computers.

Advantages of Sales Force Automation


It improves the quality.


It reduces the sales representatives time spend on each phase.


It is used to track and record each stage in sales process for new and existing customers.


We can create views like standard views and customized views.


It helps in providing accurate reporting.


Increase sales revenue.


Higher win rates.


Better quality management reports.


More closing Opportunities.

10. It helps to increase Customer relations.

Sales Force Automation can be performed with Sales application in In Sales application we can find
different tabs like accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, Campaigns, Leads and so on.

In sales force automation Accounts can be managed by using Accounts tab. Accounts can be sorted by using standard
views and customized views. Activities of those accounts can also be manged.
In our next Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about salesforce Automation with an example.

Salesforce Automation Examples |Deriving Year, Month values

Salesforce Automation Examples :In our previous Salesforce Training Tutorial we have learned about what is
Sales Force Automation. In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about the process of deriving year and
Month values from opportunity close date. This is a Salesforce Automation example in

alesforce Automation Example

Deriving Year and Month values for Opportunity close is one of the example for Sales Force Automation. This is a
simple format for dates for presentation of reports. In Salesforce we use Date element to represent Year and Month
Standard Date field called CloseDate is used to derive Year and Month values as text values on the Opportunity record
detail page.
To derive year and Month values follow the steps given below.

Go to Setup=>Customize=>Opportunities=>Fields.

Salesforce Automation Examples

Select Fields as shown above and Select New Button.

Salesforce Automation Examples

Go to Opportunity Custom Fields and Relationships section Select New Button as shown above.

Select Formula as Data Type and select Next.

Salesforce Automation Examples

Now Enter Field Label as Close Date Year Month and the Filed name will be automatically filled.
Select Formula return type as Text.

Salesforce Automation Examples

Enter the code as shown above in the editor box.

In Blank Field handling select Treat blank fields as blanks and Select Next.

Salesforce Automation Examples

In field Level Security Select visible to every profile and Finally click on Save button.
Testing the code.
Now go to any opportunity record and open in detailed view.

Successfully we have derived year and month values for the opportunity close date using formula field.

Sales Force Automation | Calculating the Week Number

Sales Force Automation : In our previous salesforce Tutorial we have learned about How to Derive Year and
Month value for Opportunity Close Date. In this salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about Calculating
week number for the Opportunity Close date.

Sales Force Automation

Here we calculating week number according to the opportunity Close date. Week number is calculated by using
Standard Date field called CloseDate.
Go to Setup=>Customize=>Opportunity=>Fields.

Go to Opportunity Custom Fields and Relationships Section.

Select New Button.

Select Formula as Data Type and select next button.

Sales Force Automation

Enter Field Label as Close Date Week Number. When we click on Field name text box it will be automatically
filled with field label.
Select Formula return type as Number as shown above and make sure decimal places will be to Zero.
Now select Next Button.

Sales Force Automation

Take Sunday as reference point.

Calculate difference between reference point and close date.

Divide the difference number with 7 (Changing days to weeks).

Floor function removes any decimal places and gives whole no of weeks.

Mod function gives Modulus of 52 and retain the remainder weeks.

Finally the calculation is incremented by 1 which gives starting week number.

=> Treat Blank Fields as Zero.

Now click on Next Button.
In Establish Field-Level Security select visible to every profile.
Finally select Save Button.
Testing the Code
Go to any opportunity page and open Opportunity record in detailed view and we can observe Close Date Week
Numbers as below.

Sales Force Automation | E-mail Alert Using Workflow

Sales Force Automation : In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about Sales Force Automation How to
Create an E-mail alert using workflow. In our previous Sales force training Tutorial we have learned about how to
Calculate week number using Salesforce workflow rules.

Sales Force Automation | E-mail Alert Using Workflow

In salesforce when we create an Opportunity there should always be a close date with which we can forecast , report
and monitor the progress. Through this Salesforce tutorial we are going to learn that when an Opportunity is going to
close system must generate automatically an e-mail alert to Opportunity Owner.
Before Going to generate automatic e-mail alert with workflow rules we have to create E-mail template.
Creating E-mail Template in Salesforce .com.






to Setup=>Administer=>Communication


Sales Force Automation

Select e-mail Templates and Click on New.

Sales Force Automation

Select the folder to which e-mail template is to be saved.


Sales Force Automation

Choose the E-mail Template type as Text and Select Next.

Select available for use Check box, Enter e-mail template name and enter Email Body as shown above and
Select Save.

Now go to Create=>Workflow & Approvals=>Workflow Rules.

Select Continue.

Click on New Rule as shown above.

Select the Object name as Opportunity and Select Next.

Enter Rule name as Alert Opportunity close date. In Evaluation Criteria select when a record is Created and
any time its edited to subsequently meet criteria. Rule Criteria as Formula Evaluates to be true.
In the formula editor enter Not(IsClosed) and select Save and Next.

Now Select Add Time Trigger.

In time trigger we have to give Time to which the trigger is to triggered. We have given as 21 days Before Opportunity
Close date. Here the Trigger will be triggered before 21 days when Opportunity is going to close.

Now we are taken to new page go to Time-Dependent Workflow Actions and from drop down menu select New
Email alert.

Enter all the details as shown above and select recipient Type as Owner and select Save button.

Now Select Done.

Select Activate.

Select Default Workflow user as Administrator and Select save.

We have Activated it successfully.

Sales Force Automation | E-mail Alert Using Workflow

An email will be sent as shown above. Successfully we have created an E-mail alert to an Opportunity close Date.

Sales Force Automation|Default name Using Field Update

Sales Force Automation : In our previous Salesforce tutorial we have learned about creating Opportunity close
date e-mail alert using workflow. In this Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn How to set default
opportunity name using filed update in

Sales Force Automation|Setting Default name Using Field Update

When a new Opportunity enters in to an Organization sales team enters their data in CRM systems. Generally
Opportunity name will be named with combination of both Account name and deal number. Due to combination of
both name it improves the readability of the opportunity record.

Through Sales force Automation we can set default names for the Opportunities in required format by using workflow
rules. Default name can be set with field updates in
Field Update Sales Force Automation
Go to Setup=>Create=>Workflow & Approvals=>Workflows

Select Workflow Rules.

Select New Rule to create new workflow.

Click on Continue button.

Now select Object name as Opportunity from drop down as shown above and select Next button.
Now we are taken to new page Enter the name of the new workflow rule as Set Opportunity name.

Enter the description and select Evaluation Criteria option as Every time a record is created or edited as shown above.
In rule criteria select Formula evaluates to true and in the formula editor paste the following code NOT ( CONTAINS
(Name, Account.Name ) )
.Now select Save & Next .

Go to Add Workflow Action and Select New Field Update.

Enter New Field Update name as opportunity name Update and Unique name will be automatically generated. Enter
description and select field to update option to Opportunity name as shown above.
Select use a formula to set the new values in Specify New field value and enter the formula asAccount.Name &
& Name.
Select Save Button.

Sales Force Automation

Select Done.

Sales Force Automation

We have to activate the workflow select Activate.

Sales Force Automation

Now the Workflow is active.

Testing Sales Force Automation Working.
When ever we create an opportunity or edited in salesforce CRM the workflow is triggered.

Sales Force Automation

Generating default Opportunity close Date with Field update

In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned aboutHow to set default Opportunity name using field update in
Salesforce CRM. In this Salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn about How to generate default Opportunity
close date using field update in

Generating default Opportunity close Date with Field update

When creating Opportunities in Salesforce CRM we should always specify Opportunity close date to monitor the
progress of the sales. In closing date must be required. In most Organizations opportunity close date is
set to Record created date plus 21 days. So in order to generate default opportunity close date Workflow rules are
Process of generating default opportunity close Date.
Go to Setup=>Create=>Workflow & Approvals=>Workflow Rules.

Now Select new Rule.

Select the Object as opportunity as shown.

Select Next
Enter Rule name as Set opportunity Close Date and enter Description.

Generating default Opportunity close Date with Field update

Enter all the details as shown above and in formula editor enter the following code
Now Select Save and Next.

NOT (IsClosed).

Go to Add Workflow Action and select New field Update.

Generating default Opportunity close Date with Field update

Enter field update name as Set Opportunity Close Date and unique name will be automatically entered. Select field to
update as Opportunity Close Date.
In Specify New Field Value select use a formula to set the new value and enter the formula as Now () +21 .
Select Save Button.

Select Done.

Activate the Workflow rule by selecting Activate button.

Now the workflow rule is active.

Now to Opportunity Tan and select New Opportunity.

Generating default Opportunity close Date with Field update

Enter the details as shown above and save.

Observe Above closing Date it is automatically set to 21 days.



Total number of SOQL queries issued


Total number of SOQL queries issued for Batch Apex and future methods


Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries


Total number of records retrieved by Database.getQueryLocator


Total number of SOSL queries issued


Total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query


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