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Manuel Dy filed a criminal case against Hao and Tan for syndicated estafa.
Dy complained that he was enticed to invest in a large sum of money in State
Resource Development Management Corporation wherein he issued several
checks amounting to almost P114M and in turn the corporation issued
several checks to Dy which were dishonored due to insufficient funds.
A resolution was issued by Prosecutor Nicdao finding probable cause to indict
petitioner and his other co-accused for syndicated estafa and a copy of the
articles of incorporation of the aforementioned corporation named petitioner
as incorporator and director to which they had knowledge of its activities
and transactions.
The Court finds that these documents sufficiently establish the existence of
probable cause.
Probable cause - facts and circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent person to
believe that an offense has been committed by the person sought to be arrested

Petitioner then filed for certiorari and prohibition to nullify the warrant of
arrest issued by Judge Marquez for estafa. Petitioner asserts that respondent
judge erred in finding probable cause justifying the issuance of the warrant
against him and his co-accused.
ISSUE: May De Joya seek relief from Court/trial even though he continuously
refuses to surrender and submit to the Courts jurisdiction? NO

Requisites for the exercise of jurisdiction and how the court acquires such
a. Jurisdiction over the plaintiff or petitioner:

b. Jurisdiction over the defendant or respondent:

A person is not entitled to seek relief from the Supreme Court nor from the
trial court where he continuously refuses to surrender and submit to the
courts jurisdiction.
His continued refusal to submit to the courts jurisdiction should give this
Court more reason to uphold the action of the respondent judge.
The purpose of a warrant of arrest is to place the accused under the custody
of the law to hold him for trial of the charges against him.
It should be remembered that he who invokes the courts jurisdiction must
first submit to its jurisdiction.

This is acquired by the voluntary appearance or submission by the

defendant or respondent to the court or by coercive process issued by
the court to him, generally by the service of summons.

c. Jurisdiction over the subject matter:

This is conferred by law and, unlike jurisdiction over the parties, cannot be
conferred on the court by the voluntary act or agreement of the parties.

d. Jurisdiction over the issues of the case:


This is acquired by the filing of the complaint, petition or initiatory

pleading before the court by the plaintiff or petitioner.

This is determined and conferred by the pleadings filed in the case by the
parties, or by their agreement in a pre-trial order or stipulation, or, at times
by their implied consent as by the failure of a party to object to evidence on
an issue not covered by the pleadings, as provided in Sec. 5, Rule 10.

e. Jurisdiction over the res (or the property or thing which is the subject of the

This is acquired by the actual or constructive seizure by the court of the

thing in question, thus placing it in custodia legis, as in attachment or
garnishment; or by provision of law which recognizes in the court the
power to deal with the property or subject matter within its territorial
jurisdiction, as in land registration proceedings or suits involving civil status
or real property in the Philippines of a non-resident defendant.

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