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amet tenure op Emered: Rowe To: Homicide Checked: = Missing Persons File Purged: - Na Year:2016 Incident No.:103772 Jacksonville Sheriff's Office General Offense / Incident Report Incident Information Day: Date Time of Incident-From: Sunday 2/7/2016 Day Date Tine of hevem-To: Sunday 217/2016 23:00 Location of incident: SEAR sub Secor lls Ciy: JACKSONVILLE Sta: FLORIDA 7p: C0 Taz:$90 Crossstreer: Day Date Time Incident Reported: Tuesday 2/16/2016 16:10 Drug Activity: NOT APPLICABLE Drug Type: NOT APPLICABLE # Of Offenses: 1 Alcohol Related: UNKNOWN (OR N/A) Drug Relared: UNKNOWN (OR N/A) Of Victims: 1 MCI. Case: YeS Follow-up by: Patrol Office Was Hate Crime Involved: NIA Dating Violence involved: NIA. # Of Suspects: 1 Offense or Incident: #1 Stnie No: TBA.O3(1(AY2) Degree: MA UCR Code 1308 tnenpn Coe: Commnit BATTERY - CAUSE BODILY HARM ~ DOMESTIC ~ WINOR INJURY ~ PERSONAL OR SPECIAL, WEAPON Victim Information #1 VICTIM TYPE: ADULT Name: KELLY, JACKIE N. ‘re: TI 5.1.05 Sub-Secror ID Ci: JACKSONVILLE Sia: FLORIDA 7p: aaa Taz: 80° Crosssireer: Home Phone # Bus Phone © Ext Cell Phone * ENE Cel! Phane Provider E-mail Js Vagram? NO- Aeron dress: Ap Lov = An Subsector AUC: Al Sane Ah Zips WW Tae: A Crosstreet, AU Home Phone » Alt Bus, Phone © ll Ext {CellPhone * AltCell Phone Provider Al -mat Hospital Where Vici then, NOT APPLICABLE Place of Employ. Schook Roce: WHITE é1inciy: NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN sex: Male pos,9111/1963 Age: 52 Height: 53" Weight (lbs): 140° the Color: BROWN sor Color: GRAYISALT & PEPPER ines xen MINOR nur Tipe MINOR INJURY (ABRASIONS / BRUISES) enn Tipe: CITY Offense Visi of Remon Sums: RESIDENT fi SMPTERY = CAUSE BODILY HARM ~ DOMESTIC MINOR THUURE ~ PERSONAL OR SPECIAL WEAFOH tim Relationship To Offender: (Domestic Viol) aie cum Dsabiines: NONE J (NOT APPLICABLE) Neapons lmvolved: OTHER Victim Notification #4 Comet Person i: VICTIM Cont Sane: KELLY JACKIE N iar | _ Cig: JACKSONVILLE Sia FLORIDA 7p 30 Taz $80. Crosse: one 1 RRR Ragin ISO Prope t of 4 dave Primed: 2222016 MIKE WILLIAMS, SHERIFF 2016-103772 JSO lt Ph Is Vagron? NO etm warts tobe Nonfisl- YS Hine Brocture Given? YS Understands 24 Hr Rake? YOS Domestic Violence Victim Winess gave Wranen Sanement? NO rea. No 1, 0hus¢4.Ceonialinsestgaion asthe Suspect rested * NO. Whar Was the Nature ofthe Offense ? Misdemeanor Tec has gmc or Prowenon” NO Tipe Of ymin tr Hor, 0/D0 NO. Is uty Doomened? NO Suspect Information #1 ‘Suspect Location: At Large i JACKSONVILLE. sire FLORIDA. 2 QR £890 Cracstcr is ragumn? NO aECCCINO NN Rigi. — wnbigce Age. bE ae exit lal [5 (AAO Vowed Foc. (1; lll Chars Feit se NOT APPLICABLE Witness/Complainant Information: #1 Type: WITNESS w JACKSONVILLE Swe FLORIDA 7 imisiom T:680- Crossre: sagron? NO Engl S aie ADDITIONAL INFORMATION On 2-9-6 a report was written in which a missing person report was made Mr. Kelly. At the time of the report, Mr. Kelly stated that on 2-7-6, aaiggeeieniaaGinianaMGePtaRURS, got into a verbal argument, she got upset, and left Sometime after the report was completed, and sent through proper channels, it was forwarded to the missing persons division. Det. Buxton received the case and upon following up on the case spoke to Mr. Kelly. On 2-16-16, | was contacted by Det. Buxton via MDC one me to look at the E.7. reportsiiniliaaaditiien [YSO v oft Dax 42222016 MIKE WILLIAMS, SHERIFF 2016-103 JSO |. | spoke to Det. Buxton via phone, and she ‘stated that her supervisor requested that | go back to Mr. Kelly and write a domestic battery report. On 2-16-16 at 1610, | met with Mr. Kelly at his residence, after first calling him and advising that | would be ‘coming to speak to him about the incident. He agreed to meet me at his residence after getting off of work. Mr. Kelly contacted me via dispatch. Upon my arrival, | found Mr. Kelly on the porch of his residence. He had apparently been drinking heavily, but agreed to speak to me about the alleged battery. I spoke to him about not telling me about the incident upon our first meeting, and he agreed that he did not disclose that part of the evening to me. | will confer with an assistant state attorney in reference to the case. Patrol efforts continuing Handouts: #4 Case information Card ##2 Domestic Violence Pamphlet, #3 Vine Information #4 Victim Services Card #5 Advised of Shelter #6 Advised of Victim Services #7 Vietim Notification Form #8 Signature Form Ccorance Sans CASE NOT CLEARED mance Cate, NOT APPLIGABLE fi views Gow Noe Carad yes GASE NOT CLEARED (PATROL FOLLOW-UP) CRIME ANALYSIS. ved dosent Marder NOT APPLICABLE Ipe of hespon OTHER Forced ny: NOT APPLICABLE | Sinctue Oscwpuney Cade. NOT APPLICABLE Josaion Fe: Residence-Home Incident Occurred Inside this Location inven Cece nthe s tocton NO of Vehicles Recoerol: MISCELLANEOU bord Caras No soma and enh Wet / ir ands Aled JACKIE N KELLY Cy JACKSONVILLE Six. FLORIDA 7 Sit £890 Cina aga” NO Investigative Time: BA lows: A Mmwes: 30 _ Cost smomn: $72.96 Domestic Violence Threat Assessment se (more severe) over the past year JSO MIKE WILLIAMS, SHERIFF 2016-103 ‘5. Has your partner ever threatened or anempred suicide? RBS (6. there a firearm inthe house or accessible 10 your partner? alga 2. Dosou ble you parmer would ental iyo? {Has your partner evr tol a how they plan ki 00? AO 9. Has our pris ever sranged you” 10. Has your parmer ever tried o strangle you until you passed ou? AQ 1. Hes your parmer ever been Baker Acted or commited ta mena hel ect? lp 12 Has our prmer ever threatened you wih weapon? 124. ves whch wean ape? 13, Has your parmer ever used a weapon to harm you? ‘ES 14. Has your parmer been stalking. following. or watching you OMS 13 Is your parmer violent toward oF threatened harm 10 your children? RGB 16, Does your parmer havea history of domestic violence agaust other partners or previous Injunctions for Proseenon? 17 Has you pore ver vlad cuted or nnmcon or Provan” 174. ves how man? 18. Is your pariner violent toward or does your parter threaten harm 10 your pets? “Mg 19. Does your pariner act ou violent ooters side he fami? 20. Does your partner use drs (coat, creck. oF oer Mega rect dregs) et rw or high on regular bass? Were Threat Assessment Factors discussed hte Vem? Y@S Victim signed the Signature Report? YS Is Vieum Employed? YS. Tule or Type of Employment” UK ts Suspect Employed? Wills Tile oF Type of Employment ‘ois Level of Edveanon: Declined to give Infomation ‘Suupeer' Level of Education: Declined to give Infomation "en's mel ncone: Declined to give Information Super’ mua come Devecve Called To the Scene #0 NEXT Nonfed: EY Evidence Telictan Called ro the Scene: 40 wr DX] Assigned By HOEY Reporing Officers: LA.FAUST 1D #7328 Do 21612016 17:29 Approving SupersorP.J-MCCARTHY 1D #7682 Dwiion PATROL Unie ZONE 3 ISO ropes ors dare P MIKE WILLIAMS, SHERIFF 2016103772 JSO

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