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What Did DOJ Really Promise on Sanctuary Cities?

February 25, 2016
Several weeks ago Rep. John Culberson (R-TX), chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee that
oversees the Justice Department, wrote a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch threatening to exercise his
budget authority if she does not take steps to shut down sanctuary citiesState and local jurisdictions with
policies intended to impede the enforcement of immigration law by federal immigration officials. Ahead of the
February 24 Subcommittee hearing on DOJs fiscal year 2017 funding, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik
provided a response that the media is reporting as a major shift in policy by the Obama administration to enforce
the law against sanctuary cities.
However, a review of the actual letter reveals that the Obama administrations response is not being accurately
reported by the media. Instead, the letter is a carefully worded response that is intentionally designed to
mislead the public about the administrations handling of sanctuary cities. Below is FAIRs analysis of what DOJ
really said about its approach to sanctuary cities.

We can advise that all applicants for Byrne JAG, COPS, and SCAAP funds already are required to assure
and certify that they are in compliance with all applicable federal laws, and will continue to do so in
FY2016 (and presumably thereafter).
o The key phrase here is applicable federal laws which DOJ fails to specify or define. One
relevant statute is 8 U.S.C. 1373 which, as written, prevents a prohibition of sending or
receiving information on a persons immigration status. However, many sanctuary cities refuse
to collect immigration information on detained individuals to avoid having to share it with the
Federal government. Thus, by intentionally not collecting the information they are technically in
compliance with applicable law but clearly violate the intent of law.
o It is untrue that all applicants who receive these federal grants are not sanctuary jurisdictions.
For example, San Franciscothe most prominent sanctuary city in the countryreceived
approximately $450,000 in Byrne JAG grants last year. If all applicants are already required to
assure and certify that they are not sanctuary jurisdictions, why are so many able to benefit
from these federal grant programs?
Where the Department of Justice (the Department) receives a credible allegation that an entity
receiving funds under a Department grant or reimbursement program has, after assuring or certifying
compliance with applicable federal laws, violated a specific applicable federal law, the Department can
potentially seek criminal or civil enforcement options against the entity.
o This sentence reveals that DOJ has the discretionary authority (can seek) to pursue criminal or
civil enforcement options rather than establishing a mandatory (shall) authority to go after
all sanctuary jurisdictions.

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FAIR Media Misreporting DOJ Response on Sanctuary Cities

Enforcement options is vague creating even more discretion for DOJ should they actually
pursue a sanctuary jurisdiction.
o The qualifier of a credible allegation is unclear and appears redundant since Attorney General
Lynch announced that the Inspector General was going to provide DOJ with a list of sanctuary
jurisdictions. Is the IGs list not inherently credible?
In addition, we are actively considering ways in which we may most effectively carry out our public
safety mission as it regards enforcing the nations criminal and immigration laws.
o The phrase public safety mission as it regards enforcing the laws is a clear reference to the
Obama administrations enforcement priorities where they unilaterally exempt nearly all
illegal aliens from deportation. If DOJ was truly serious about combating illegal immigration,
they would simply focus on enforcing the law and not our public safety mission.
Now BOP offers ICE, instead of the states and municipalities, the first opportunity to take into custody
and remove an individual.
o This statement is being incorrectly reported as a mandatory custody transfer from BOP to ICE.
This is not true. Instead, ICE has the first opportunity to take custody which means they have
the discretion to decline assuming custody.
o This statement also does not require ICE to actually begin removal proceedings. Instead, ICE will
continue to follow the Obama administrations enforcement priorities and likely release from
custody all illegal aliens who do not meet those priorities.
ICEs decision to exercise this right of first refusal is informed, in part, by the state or municipalitys
willingness to cooperate with federal authorities on ICE detainers.
o This statement does not prohibit ICE from transferring custody to sanctuary jurisdictions.
Indeed, Kate Steinles killer was in ICE custody but they ceded custody to San Francisco knowing
full well of the citys [un]willingness to cooperate with federal authorities on ICE detainers.
o This sentence does not repeal the Obama administrations interpretation that ICE detainers are
discretionary rather than mandatory.
o This statement appears to undermine the supposed intent of the letter. If the Obama
administration is truly cracking down on sanctuary jurisdictions, it should be compelling a
willingness to cooperate rather than allow State and local policies to dictate sanctuary

While FAIR is encouraged that the Obama administration finally admitted that sanctuary cities are a problem, it
is inaccurate to claim that the administration has announced a new policy to stop sanctuary jurisdictions.

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