Simhamukha of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Tibetan Unicode Only

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Simhamukha of Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr

Tibetan Unicode Only, version 1.2

Editors' Note

This is the collection of Simhamukha texts of Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr, based on the 2012 edition
of gsung 'bum_'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. All of these text are found in volume 9, except for the last one
which is from volume 7 and is related with the lineage of Sengdongma of Bari Lotsawa, rather than
Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr own teachings.
These texts maybe of particular interest for the the practitioners of the Simhamukha Gongter of Ayu
Khandro, because the first part of the DA ki seng gdong ma'i phrin las snying por dril ba byad gdon kun 'joms ,
which is the main sadhana text in here is almost identical to mkha' 'gro'i dbang mo'i seng gdong ma'i zab thig of
Ayu Khandro, however the Simhamukha Gonter of Ayu Khandro was written down some 50 years before
Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr wrote his texts.
The OCR of the Tibetan text was prepared by Rime Centre, Moscow and we have corrected the raw output
comparing it with the scans of the original volume. Since it may still contain some errors we would
recommend that you refer to scanned volume when studying it. It can easy be read with any of the available
translation tools. If you find any mistakes please correct them and upload as a new version, this way we will
continue improving the quality of the text.
First number above the text is the page number in the original volume, second is the page number in the .pdf
document of the volume as downloaded from, catalogue number I1K12997 or
I1K12995 in case of the last text.
Underlined entries in the index link to corresponding place in this document, text titles in wylie link to the
text in the original volume at, all links can be accessed with CTRL+left click.
We want to thank everyone involved in the Tibetan OCR and Translation Project at Rime Centre, Moscow
for their unending selfless support and dedicate this work to the fulfilment of their aspirations.



page 557/vol_9
seng gdong brgyud 'debs/

page 559/ vol_9

DA ki seng gdong ma'i phrin las snying por dril ba byad gdon kun 'joms/

page 573/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i bskang ba/

page 575/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i sun bzlog bskang bshags mdor bsdus/

page 577/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i rgyun gyi rnal 'byor/

page 581/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i dbang chog byin rlabs snying po/

page 591/ vol_9

ye shes mkha' 'gro seng gdong ma'i bskyed rdzogs zab mo'i bcud thig

page 595/ vol_9

'phrul 'khor gyi rim pa mdor bsdus/

page 597/ vol_9

d+hA ki sid+hu mu khA dkar mo'i tshe sgrub/

page 605/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i gtor bzlog byad gdon g.yul 'joms/

page 617/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i sbyin sreg ye shes me lce/

page 625/ vol_9

seng gdong dkar mo'i khrus chog

page 629/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i gtad khrol/

page 633/ vol_9

seng gdong ma'i cha lag paN chen bi ma'i bla sgrub/

page 619/ vol_7_

seng gdong ma'i tshogs mchod/

page 557/vol_9

page 559/ vol_9

page 573/ vol_9

page 575/ vol_9


page 577/ vol_9


page 581/ vol_9




page 591/ vol_9



page 595/ vol_9


page 597/ vol_9



page 605/ vol_9





page 617/ vol_9




page 625/ vol_9


page 629/ vol_9



page 633/ vol_9


page 619/ vol_7


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