Catalan Phrasebook

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72016 Catalan phrasebook - Wikiravel From Wikitravel Data Center Solutions Build Custom Data Center Solutions with Expert IT Architects at CDW. Catalan (Catala, spoken in Catalonia, Valencia (wiere it is called Valencia), Balearic Islands (where itis sometimes called Mallorgui Menorgui, or Eivissene in each of the islands), Andorra (where France (north Catalonia, corresponding more or les othe Pyrénées-Orietales depariment) and the Sardinian ety Alghero, is spoken by about 7 milion peopl, f taking it the 8th language in the European Union. tis, like Spanish French or talan, a Romance language, and people who hear it for fst have the impression that it isa mix between them. However, isa separate language, as old as any ofthe ther Romance languages. Most Catalan speakers are fully bilingual in Spanish is the only official language), the south of Like other Romance languages, Catalan nouns have genders. Every noun is either masculine, like home ("man") or feminine, like dona ("woman"). The gender of things (El tity ‘may not always seem to follow from the meaning ofthe word: why a house (casa) is feminine but a car (cote) is masculine is just one of the vagaries ofthe language Fortunately, the gender of a noun is often indicated by the last letter ofthe word -a and -é usually indicate ferainine nouns (but not always), while masculine words have no common ending. No Fans, No Vents, No Worries Adjectives also have gender and number. Like nouns, -a usually indicates the feminine form, Adding an -s atthe end of an adjective makes it plural (there are some ‘variants in -os or -es as well). Adjectives noed to match the noun they deseribe in both gender and number. For example, borratto "drunk", when modifying les dones ("the |, makes les dones borratces. es qelttg Industrial PCs In this guide, where genders of nouns or adjectives comes up, the "Ja" form is used to differentiate It should be clear from the context when to use the feminine and when to ‘use the masculine form, Pronunciation Guide Rigel Written Catalan may seem less phone than Spanish or Ialian to an English speaker, o Dut itis definitely less complicated to pronounce than French ot English, It has variations from one region to another; the model presented here is the standard pronunciation, similar to the language of the region in Barcelona. Each of the following dialectal areas has its differences in pronunciation and vocabulary (just like English does in Britain, by the way): Wester (Lleida province and Ebre river basin), Balearic (Balearic islands), Valencian Data Center Solutions Bi ctecompasceer ‘Bulld Custom DataCenter Solutions with Expert 7 ‘Architects CDW. Vowels Best Wrinkle To know how to pronounce vowels in Catala, its nevessary to know the strong 28205 syllable (ie, the stressed syllable) ofthe word a , and o change ifthe ae in the Strong sylbhe ra weak one. In other words ome vowels are tedced when unstressed stressed as thea! in “article” [ah], and unstressed ain "sofa [uh] slressed as thee’ in "pe" [ch], and unstressed ein “open” [ub like ee in "bee" slressed as theo" in "port” [oh], unstressed ‘oo! in "200" [oo] silent between 'g'and'e/' and between 'g and’, elsewhere as win [oo] hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook ans. summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel Watch for the different accent signs in e and 0: & sounds always as’ in "bed, & sounds as ea’ in "beat", @ sounds aso! in "bond" and 6 sounds like theo in "score Stress usually falls on the second-last syllable, unless the word ends ina consonant or ‘consonant cluster or it has a written accent, Also, two dots over i ru", indicate that the vowel sound should be pronounced as a separate syllable: Ensaimada [ehn- ‘SUH-ee-mat-dub] (sweet pastry), dim [dee-oor] (in day time). Consonants > like bin "bed" ‘when followed by’e’ or‘, ike! in “cell, otherwise like‘ in “skull” . like ‘ein “eel” 4 like in "dog" f like in “fine” 8 {jin "james", otherwise like Ye" in "go"; in and "gui", the "u" is silent, unless it bears a diaeresis, asin "ge" in clusters gua,guo,ie,i, the two frst letters like ‘Gu’ in McGuire or Ww in "wire"; notice the group -ig at the end of a word after a vowel sounds like "ch". b silent i like as in "ean" (French pronunciation); or British English's'in "pleasure" k like in "seul 1 like 1’ in "love" u like Tin “milion” (palatalized 1) like ‘tin "mother" like nin “nice”, and ike 'n’ in "anchor" ny like the Spanish “A” as in Seflor; or US English ‘ny’ in "canyon; the y is soft sign. like 'p'in "spoot™ a in clusters "que" and "qui", the "w" is silent, unless it bears a diaeresis, a in "qe" and "gi"; in clusters qua,quo.queati, the two frst letters like ‘Qu’ in like in "butter"; except at the beginning of a word or after a consonant like in “rows a strong thrilled Scottish r; atthe beginning ofa word, or after a consonant like rin *mitrot"; a strong thrilled Scotishr; identical to the sound above like sin "sun" except when is between vowels, when it sounds like’ in "zone" Sometimes pronounced like a soft "sh". like 'ssin "hiss". Always goes between vowels. like in "stop" pronouned like the ‘ch asin “chip” like bin "bed" hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook > BRITISH AIRWAYS PROMOS EXCEPTIONNELLES i LONDRES ans summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel like 'W in "weight" in most English words, like in "bed" in Germanic words or Catalanised words as "water" (WC) that sounds BAH-tehr tee four atera vowel sous easel tein ae Phrase list Basics eto arm Hu (tit. For te oma ease | pany swtomin ene x05 ow anyon? | Com estas? (kohm uhs-TAHS?) (informal); Conca! elm te TAP) Gena ENTRANCE: Fin, nk ou extn Mt is. (nal Beh, GRA Sonia ai me? Valencia) vier your ane rest ‘Com et dius? (informal) (koh wht THEE- ‘Empenyew (0082) / Com es dix? (formal) (Kohm whs | yp ™POTY THEE-007) Estirew Em dic (hm theek..) Owes “Molt de gust. (moh huh goos) MEN somes Phase Stas ius pl. eer PLOWsceoos | WOMEN PLOW) FORBIDDEN ‘Thank you Prohibit Cris, (GRatt ss) OR Mess (nats ‘You're welcome. De tes. (duh rrehs) Yes, Si. (see) No. No. (nol) Excuse me. (getting attention) Excuseu-me./Dispensi/Disculp. (wks koo-zehw-muh/dees-PEHN-see/dees- KOOL-pee) Excuse me. (begging pardon) Perdoni. (pukr-THOH-nee) I'm sorry. Em sap greu, (uhm sakp greh-oo) Goodbye ‘Adéu (to one person oF informally). (wh-THEH-00) OR Adéu-siau (to many oF formal). (uh-FHEH-00-syah-o0) {cant speak Catalan [well] No parlo [be] el cal. (noh PAHR-loo (BEM) whl kuk-tull-LAI) Do you speak English? Parles angles? (PAHIR-Iuhs uhn-GLEHS?) (informal); Que parlew anglés? (ku PAHRetu whn-GLEHS?) Is there someone here who speaks English? Que hi ba algé que patli ang? (kuh yah whl-GOO hu PAH lee whn- GLEHIS?) Good moming, ‘Bon dia, (BOITN DEE-uh) Good aftemoon, Bona tarda. (BOH-nuh TAPR-thub) Good evening (when it’s dark) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook sits summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel Bon vespre. (BOHM BEHS-prul) Good night Bona nit. (@OH-nuh neet) I don't understand, No ho entene. (VOH 00 UHN-tehng) Whereis the toilet? (On és el lavabo? (OMLN els uh luk-BALI-bo0?) Problems Help! ‘Ajuda! Auxili! (uh-ZHOO-thuh! ow-KSEE-lee!) Leave me alone. ‘Deixa’m en pau! (DAY-shuhm uhn POW!) Dont touch me! No em toquis! (nom-TOH-kees) Teall the police, ‘Trucaré a la policia (ta0-kuh-REH lu poo-lee-SBE-wh) Police! Policia! (poo-lee-SEE-uh) Stop! Thief! Allladre! (ahd LLYAH-druh!) need help ‘Necessito le teva ajuda, (nh-suh-SSEE-t00 Juh TEH-buh wh-ZHOO-thuh) Ws an emergency. fs una emergéncia, (Ehs OO-nuh uh-muhr-ZHBHN-syuh) Tm lost. Estic perdut/perduda, (man/woman), (EHS-teek puhr-THOOTIEHS-teek puhr- THOO-thuh) lost my bag, He perdut la meva bossa. (eh puhr-THOOT luh MEH-buh BOHL-ssuh) ost my wallet He perdut la meva eartera. (ch puhr-THOOT luh MEHI-buh kuhr-TEH-ruh) Tim sick Estic malaltimalalta (man/woman) (ehs-TEEK mul-LAHLiehs-TEEK muh- LAH L-tuh) ve been injured. Estic feri/ferida, (man/Wwoman)(ehs-TEEK fuh-REET/fuk-REE-thuh) I need a doctor. ‘Necessito un metge, (nuh-ssuh-SSEE-too oon MEHT-zhuh) ‘Can Tuse your phone? Puc utiltzar el seu teléfon? (pook oo-tee-leetZAH uhl seh-00 tuh-LEH-foon?) ‘The Fire Department ] Departament de Bombers: (uh! thuh-pukr-tuh-MEHN thuh boom-BEHS) ‘Numbers 1 ‘wluna (Male/Female) (00N/00-nulh) 2 dosidues (Male/Female) (DOHS/D00-uhs) 3 tres (eh) 4 quatre (KWAH-truh) 5 cine (seenk) 6 sis (sees) 7 set (seht) 8 uit (BOO-cet, but (wit) ° ‘nou (NOH-00) 10 ‘dew (DEH-00) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook 45 summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel onze (OHN-zuh) 2 dotze (DOHT-ruh) B tretze (TREHT-zuh) 4 catorze (kuh-TOHR-cuh) 15 ‘quinze (KEEN-zuh) 16 setze (SENT:=ul) 7 isset (dees-SEHT) 18 ivuit (dee-BOO-cet) 19 nou (dee-NOH-00) 20 vint (been) 2 vint-iu (been-tee-O0) 2 vint-idos (been-tee-DOHS) 2 vint-itres (been-tee-TREHS) 30 ‘ronta (TREHN-twh) 31 trent (¢rehn-tuh-OO) 40 quaranta (kwuh-RAHIN-tuh) 50 cinguanta (seen-KWAHN-tul) 60 seixanta (say-SHAHN-tuh) 0 sotanta (swh-TAHN-liy 80 vuitanta (bo0-¢¢-TAHN-tuh) 90 noranta (noo-RAHIN-tuh) 100 cent (SEIN) 200 dos-centsidues-centes (Male/Female)(dahs-SEHNS/dao-wuhe- 300 tres-cents (trehs-SEHNS) 1000 mil (MEEL) 2000 dos mil (dohs meet) 1,000,000 ‘un mili (o0n mee-lee-OF1) 1,000,000,000 ‘mil milions (mee! mee-lee-OHNS) 1,000,000,000,000 ‘un bilié (oon bee-lee-OHNS) number (train, bus, et.) niimero_(NOO-muh-ro0) halt ita (muhy-TAHT) less -menys (MEHNYS) més (MEHS) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook sts summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel Time ara (ALL-ru) later després (duhs-PREITIS) before bans (uh-BAFINS) morning mati (muh-TEE) afternoon tarda (TATIR-thul) evening vespre (BEHS:pruk) night nit (net) Clock time "NOTE: Catalan express time using a scheme based on quarters of hour: tun quart de X means (X-1) hour + 15 minutes, oF 45 minutes before X hour ddos quarts de X means (X-1) hour + 30 miautes, o 30 minutes before X hour tres quarts de K means (X-1) hour +45 minutes, or 1S minutes before X hour the X hour lesX ‘the X hour in the early moraing/moming/midday/afternoon/evening/night les X de la matinada /mali/migdia/tarda/vespre/nit (lehs X theh luk mah-tee~ NAH thuh/mah-TEE/MEEG-thyuh/TAHR-thah/BEHS.prelvneet) ‘one o'clock AM la una de la matinada (lah OO-nah deh lah mah-tee-NAH-dah), literally the one in the early morning ‘two o'clock AM les dues de la matinada (leh DOO-wehe deh luh mah-tee-NAH-dub) migdia (meech-DEE-uh) literally midday. one o'clock PM luna de la tarda (lah OO-nuh deh lah TAHR-thul) two olelock PM. les dues de Ie tarda (lehs dwehs deh lah TAEER-thuh) ‘midnight titjanit (eetjuh-NEET) 9.15 ‘un quart de deu (oon kwahrt deh DEH-00) 1130 dos quarts de dotze (dohs kwahrts deh DOHT-seh) 15.45 ‘es quarts de quatre (irehs kwahrts theh KWAH-treh) 17.37 (aprox.) dos quarts i mig de sis,(dohs kwahrts ee meech deh sees) literally two quarters ‘and a half of six Duration minute(s) ‘minut(s) (MEE-nooi(9)) Tours) "_ hora (hores) (orah (OH-rehs)) days) dia (dies) (DEE-ah (DEE-ehs) week(s) ‘selmana (setmanes) (seht-MAH-nuh (seht-MAH-nehs) months) mes (mesos) (mehs (MEH-sohs) yeas) any(s) (AH-nee(s)) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook eins summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel Days today avul (wh-BWEE) yesterday ahi (uh-BE) ddema (duh-MAM) this week questa setmana (wh-KEH.stuh saht- MAH-nuh) last week la setmana passada (luh saht-MAH-nuh pah-SAH-thuh) next week la setmana que ve (luh saht-MAH-nuh kuh beh) Monday Dilluns (dee-LYOONS) ‘Tuesday Dimas (dee-MAHRS) Wednesday Dimecres (dee-MEH-fruhs) Thursday Dijous (dee-ZITOH-005) Friday Divendres (dee-BEHIN-druhs) Saturday Dissabte (dee-SSAHP-tuh) Sunday Diumenge (dee-oo-MEHN-zhuh) Months January Gener (zhuh-NEH) February Febrer (fl BREH) March “Marg (ahr) April Abril (wi-BREEL) May Maig (mahch) June Juny (ZHO0-nn) uly Juliol (choo-Lee-OIIL) August ‘gost (uk-GOUST) September Setembre (suh-TEIIM-bruh) October Octubre (oo-TOO-brult) November ‘Novembre (noo-BEHM-brut) December Desembre (duh-ZEHM- bru) ‘Writing time and date June 13th of 2004: tretze (13) de juny de 2004 Colors black negre (NEH-greh) white bane (blahnk) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook ms summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel gray aris (greeks) red ‘vermell (bher-MAY) blue bau (bthao) yellow roc (grohk) een vverd (bherd) orange taronje (ahcrhun-ZHAB) purple lila (le-LAH) brown ‘marré (mahr-ROM) ‘Transportation cone (KOHT-sheh) taxi ceami6 (kal-MYOH) us autobis (0¥-t0l-B00S) furgoneta (FOOR-zhon-eh-tah) trolley carrot (kah-reh-TOH) ‘ramvia (trahm-VEE-ah) train tren (trehn) subway metro (MAY-troh) shipfboat vaixell (buh-SHELY), barco (BARH-koo) helicopter helicdpter (uhl-fee-KOHP-tuhr) sirplane/airline avi6 (uh-bee-O11) bieyete Dicicleta (bee-see-KLEH-tui) motoreyele ‘motocileta (mok-too-see-KLEH-tuh) camtiage Transport (iruhns-POHR) Bus and train How much is aticket o__? Quant val el bitlet peranar a___? (kwahnt bukl uh! bee-LYEHT pubr wh- NAHR wh__?) Assingle ticket to, please. Unbitllet senailla___ sius plau. (oon bee-LYEHT suhn-ZEBLY wh___, see ‘00s PLOW) Areturn ticket o___, please. ‘Un bitllet fanada i tomada a __, sis plau. (oon bee-LYEHT dul ee toor-NALl-duh wh___, see 0% PLOW) Where does this train’bus go? ‘A on va, aquest tren/autobus? (wh ohn bah, wh-KEHST trehn/ow-toa-BOOS?) VAH- dub Whereis the train’bus to? (On és cl ren/autobins que va a__? (ohn EHS uhl trehn/ow-too-BOOS kuh ‘bah wh__?) Does this train’bus stop in___? Aquesttren/autobus para s__? (wh-KEHST trekw/ow-to0-BOOS PAH-ruh uh__?) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook sits summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel When does the train/bus for___leave? (Quan mara, el tren/aitobus que vas? (kwahm MAFIR.shuh, whl ‘trehn/ow-to0-BOOS kuh bah uh__7) When will this train/bus arive in? (Quan arvibar’ aquest tren/aitobus a KEHST trehn/ow-too-BOOS uh__7) 2 (ewan uherree-buh-RAH uh- Directions How dol getto___? ‘Com ho fag per arribar a___? (kohim 0 FAHCH pur ah-rree-BAHR uh__?) the train Nation? a Festaci6 de tren? (ak lehs-tah-SYOH theh trehn? ) the bus station? 2 Testacié d'autobusos? (ab lehs-tah-SYOH dow-to0-BOOS?) the closest bus stop? la proxima parads?(luh pah-RAH-duh proh-KSEE-muh?) the aisport? a Tacroport? (ah luk-eh-ROH-pohrt?) downtown’ al centre? (whl THEHN-treh?) she youth hostel? a Talberg de joventut? (uh LAIIL-behrg deh zhoh-BEIIN-toot?) she "hotel? aThotel___? (wh LOI-tehl__?) she American/Canadian’Australian/British consulate? al consulat dEstats UnitsCanada/Austrilia/Regne Unit? (ah! kohn-SOO-laht dehs-STAHTS 0O-neets/kah-nah- DUH/ows-TRAH-lyah/REHG-neh OO-neet?) Where are there alot of. On hi he mots. (ohn ee ak mohtts) hotels? hotels? (oh-TEHLS) restaurants? stestaurants? (rehs-tow-RAHNTS?) bars? ‘bars? (baks?) sites to see? Ilges per visitar? (yohes pehr bee-SEE-tahr?) Can you show me on the map? Pots indicar-me al mapa? (pohts een-DEE-kahr-me whl MAH-puh?) street carrer (KAUIR-reh) road carretera (kahr-RET-teh-ruh) avinguda (ah-been-GOO-cu) highway autopista (ow-tah-PEES-tuh) boulevard Dbulevard (boo-LEH-vahrd) Tur left ‘Tomba a lesquerra. (TOHM-bah wh lehs-KEHR-rth) ‘Turn right. ‘Tomba a la dreta. (TOHM-hah wh lah DREH-tah) left esquetra (ehs-KEH-rru) ight dreta (DREH-1uh) straight ahead endavant (ehn-DAH-bahnt) towards the cap a___(cukp ah, past the ddespres de____(dehs-PREHS deh__) before the sbansde___(wh-BAHINS deh__) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook ans 72016 Catalan phrasebook - Wikiravel Watch forthe Vigil laeivles ___.(bee-ZHEE-uh ehluhichlslehs__.) intersecio(cen-tehrsehk-THYOH) noah nord (nok) south sud (300) est (ehst) west ‘est (OoH-ehst) uphill cap aman (ap AH-mont downhill costa avall (KOHS-ah ab BAH yee) Taxi Taxi! Taxi! (TAHK-s0e) Take me 10 lease. Poraina____ sius pleu. (pohr-TAHM wh___, syoos plow) How much docs Teast to getto___? Quant costa anara___? Take me there, please Portam ala, si us plau. (pokr-TAFIM al-LUH, syoos plow) (vane KOHS-tuh AH-muhr-uh___?) Lodging Do you have any rooms available? Teniu alguna habitaci6 disponible? (TEE-nyoo ahl-GOO-nuh ah-bi THYOH dees-poh-NEE-bleh?) How much is a room for one persontwo people? Quant costa una habitacié per una/dues persona‘persones? (kwahnt KOHS-tah (00-nuh ah-bee-tah-THYOH pehr OO-nul/DOO-ehs pehr-SOH-nuhipehr-SOH- rneks) oes the room come with, Lihabitacié t. (lak-bee-tal-THIYOH TEIL..) bbedsheets? Hengols? (LLYEH-sohls?) bathroom? lavabo? (lah-VUH-boh?) a telephone? ‘telefon? (leh-LEH-fohn?) atv? televisiG? (teh-leh-bee-SYOH?) May I'see the room first? uc veute Mhabitacié, abans? (pook heh-OO-reh lah-bee-twh-THYOH, UH- bahns?) Do you have anything quieter? "No hi ha res més silenci6s? (noh ee ha reks MEHS see-lehn-THYOHS?) bigger? smés gran? (MEIIS grahn?) cleaner? més net? (MEHS neht?) cheaper? més barat? (MEHS BUH-raht?) OK, Vil take i, Dacord, Yagafo. (DAF -kohrd, lal-GUHfol) Iwill stay for __ nights), Em quedard—_—_ni(s). (em keh-duh-REH___neet(s)) Can you suggest another hotel? Em podeu suggerir un are hotel? (chm POH-dek-00 soog-ZHEH-reer oon UHL-treh OFF-tekl?) Do you have a safe lockers? Teniu caixa de seguretat? (TEH-new KALshuh deh seh-GOO-reh-taht?) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook 015 summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel Is breakfast/supper included? Lesmorzatiel sopar estan inclosos? (lehs- MOHR-zahr/ehl SOH-pahr EHS-tahn ‘een-KLOH-sohs?) What time is breaktastsupper? ‘Quan s'esmorza/se sopa? (Kahn sehs-MOHR-cuhiceh SOM-pub?) Please clean my room, plau, netegeu la meva habitaci6, (see o0s plow, neh-teh-GEl vu ah-bee-tah-THYO! Can you wake me at___? Em podeu llevar ales ___? (chm POH-deh-o0 LYEH-bahr uh Iehs__?) want to check out Vall marxar. (vooly MAHR-shuhr) Loo luh MEH- ‘Money Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? “Accepteu délars americans/australians/canadencs? (ahk-THEHP-teh-00 DOH- ahs ah-meh-REE-kahns/ows-TRAH-lyahns/kal-NAH-dehnks?) Do you accept British pounds? ‘Accepteu Iliures esterlines? (ahk-THEHP-teh-oo LYOO-rehs ehs-tehr-LEE- nnehs?) Do you accept credit cards? Accepicu targes de eréit? (ahk-THEHP-teh-o0 TAHR-chehs deh KREH-deet?) Can you change money for me? Pot canviar-me diners? (poke KAHN-byahr-meh DEE-nekrs?) Where can I got money changed? On pue eanviar diners? (ohn KAPIN-byahr DEE-nehs?) Can you change a traveler's check for me?” Pot canvier-me xees de viatge? (poht kulm-bee-AHR-muh shehks duh bee-AHT- huh?) Where can I get a travelers check changed? ‘On pue canviar xecs de viarge? (oli pook kulim-bee-AHR shes duh bee-AHT- huh?) What isthe exchange rate? Quin és el canvi? (keen EHS ehl KUHIN-hee?) Whereis an automatic teller machine (ATM)? (On hi ha un eaixer automate? (ohn ee wh oon KAL-skehr ow-Loh-MAHL-teek?) Eating A table for one person‘two people, please. ‘Una taula per una persona/dues persone, sius plau. (00-nah TOW-lah pehr 00-nah pehr-SOH-nehs/DOO-ehs pehr-SOH-neks, see oos plow) Can [ook at the menu, please? Puc veure el meni, si us plau? (pook behi-OO-reh eh! melt-NOO, see oos plow?) aa Look in the kitchen? Puc veure la cuina? (pook bek-OO-reh luh koo-FE-nah?) Is there a house specialty’? ‘Teniu cap especialitat de la casa? (TEH-new kakp ehs-peh-THYATT-lee-taht deh lah KAH-sah?) Is there a local specialty? ‘Teniu cap plat tipic? (TEH-new kahp pluht TEE:peek?) ma vegetarian, Soc vegetarii, (SOHK beh-jeh-tah-RYAH) don't eat pork. No menjo pore, (noh MEHN-zhok pokrk) eat bee. ‘No menjo vedella. (nol MEHN-zhoh bel-DEHL-Ivaliy only eat kosher food. ‘Només menjo menjar caixer. (nok-MEHS MEH-nyoh MEHN-zhahr kah-shehr) Can you make it "lite", please? (less ol/butterilard) Pots fer-m'ho més lleuger, si us plau? (amb menys oli/mantegartlard) fixed-price meal ‘ment de la asa (meh-NOO-der-lah-KAL-2ah) Alacarte ala carta (ah lab KATIR-tah) breakfast 1 dor hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook anit 72016 Catalan phrasebook - Wikiravel (OHR-2ahr) esmorzar (ehs lunch dinar (DEE-nahr) tea (meal) 18 (TEN) supper sopar (SOH-pahr) want Vall (woo | want a dish containin ‘Vullun plat que tiga. (veo! oom plat kek chicken pollastre (pohl-LYAHS-treh) beet vedella (beh-DEHL-Wyah) fish peix (pays) ham peril (..) sausage salsitxes (..) chee formatge (foor-MAT-zhul) exes ous (.) salad smanida (.) (Gresh) vegetables verdura¢iesea) (..) (Gees) rut Fruita (fresea)(.) bread Pa) toast torades (..) noodles fideus(.) artis (.) beans rmongetes (mohn-ZIEII-tehs) May {havea glass of _? [Em pols durun gotde___? (chm pokts dor on goht deh__?) May Uhavea cup of___? Em pots dar ufaTassa de (ehm pohts OO-nah TAHIS-sah deh__?) May Ihave a bottle of___? Em pots dur une ampolla de___? (chm pohts door OO-nuh aln-POH-Iyah ach?) colfee ca (kah-FEH) tea (drink) te (TBH) suc de frita (so0k deh FROOL-tuh) (bubbly) water agua amb gas (-gwah alimb gas) water sigua (gah) beer corvesa (ser-BETLsah); informal) bit ( rediwhite wine Vi negrelblane (bee NEH-grehblalnk) May Ihave some? Podries dure una mica de? (POHdryehs door-meh OO-nuk MEE-kah deh__?) salt sal (SAH) black pepper hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook sans summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel pebre (PEH-breh) utter ‘mantega (mahn-TEH-guh) Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server) Perdoni, cambrer? (pekir-DOH-nee, KAHM-brekr?) 'm finished. Ja he acabat, (yah eh wh-KAH-baht) twas delicious. Estava delicibs. (ehs-TAI/-bah deh-lee-SYONS) Please clear the plates. Pots endure els plats. (pokus efn-DOOR-teh ehls plaks) ‘The check, please El compte, sius plau, (eh! KONMP-teh, see oos plow) Bars ‘Do you serve alcohol? Teniu aleahol? (.) Is there table service? Hi ha servei de taules? (..) A becritwo beers, please ‘Una eervesa/dues cerveses, si us pla. (.) ‘A glass of red'white wine, please ‘Un got de vi negrefblane, si us pla. (..) A pint, please. ‘Una pinta de cervesa, sius plau. But most likely a pinta will not be understood, in Catalan speaking Spain itis better to ask for a quinto (KEEN-to0) (20 el), ‘mitjana (meet-JAH-muh) (33 cl) ot @ canya (KA-nyuh) (lap beet) A bottle, please, Una ampolla, si us plau. (conuh uhm-POH-huh sees-PLOW) (hard liquor) and__ (mixer), please. amb Ssusplau.(..) whisky whiskey (.) vodka vvodks (..) rom (.) water sigua (Lewuh) club soda club soda (..) tonic water toriee (.) orange juice sue de taronja (..) Coke (soda) coca-cola (KOH-kul Do you have any bar snacks? Teniu alguna cosa per pica? (..) ‘One mote, please Unalire, sius plau.(..) Another round, please, ‘Una altra ronda, si us pla. (.) When is closing time? ‘A quina hora tanqueu? (..) DH Shopping Do you have this in my size? ‘Teniu aixd en la meva tala? (..) How much is this? Quant costa aix8? (..) ‘That's too expensive. ‘Es massa ca. (..) Would you take? ‘Agafaries ——? (..) hitpwiktravelorgenatalan_phrasabook ast summons Catalan phrasebook - Wkiravel expensive car (.) cheap barat (..) I eantt afford it No pue pagar-ho. (..) don't want it No ho vall. (..) Youre cheating me Miestis agafant la eamisa.(..) I'm not interested No hi estic interessat.(.) OK, Tl take it. Diacord, me'l quedo. (..) Can Thave a bag? Em pots donar una bossa? (..) Do you ship (overseas)? ‘Feu enviaments (a 'estranger)? (..) Teed, Necessito. (.) toothpaste. pasta de dents. (..) toothbrush raspallet de les dents. (..) sampons. ‘tampons. (..) soap. sab6.(..) shampoo. xampii (..) pain reliever. (eg, aspirin or ibuprofen) sealant. (..) cold medicine rmedicina per al refreda.(.) stomach medicine, medicina pera Testémae. (..) suna fulladafeitar. (..) an umbrella un paraigies. (..) sunblock lotion. crema protectora pel sol. (..) a posteard, tuna postal. (..) postage stamps. sopells (.) Datteres. piles...) swriting paper. ‘paper per escriure.(..) .a pen sun boligraf. (..) English-language books. libres en angles (.) English-language magazines. stevistes en angles. (..) .an English-language newspaper. sari en angles. (..) .an English-Catalan dictionary.

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