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Lesson Plan

Group: 321
Date: February 26, 2016
Duration: 75 minutes
Location: Ecole Sophe-Barat

Course: ESL
Competencies: Oral and written
Cycle/Year: 3


Students will have a better understanding of PhotoVoice, will have practiced doing
quick research on their phones, and expressed their feelings about seeing the varying
degrees of privilege of their peers.

Big Idea

Understanding PhotoVoice


Research with cellphones

Materials needed



EDTL 601

SmartBoard and Chalkboard

Last Youtube video on Racism -

Summer 2012

15 minutes

*Quiet reading - Great Expectations
What the Teacher does: At this time, I will fill out the attendance sheet and go up to
individuals whose Homework/journals I have not yet received, find out the reasons
for this and remedy them if it is an electronic/internet malfunction. I will write out
the days lesson plan on the chalkboard.
What the student does: They must read quietly as much as they can and fill out a
character chart they have already obtained.
Rationale: This gives the students the opportunity to clam down after they break
between classes, and to gear up for the lesson

20 minutes

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Explanation of the days activities, recap of last class, give homework, explain
project ideas and make official groups.
What the Teacher does: At this time, I will prompt a short discussion to recap/debrief
the Privilege Activity we did the previous class (
What the student does: They will listen to instructions and engage in conversation
regarding their thoughts on the documentary seen in the previous lesson.
Rationale: This provides the student with the expectations of the class, and to test
their understanding and retention of the previous lesson and to provide space for
them to reflect on their experience with this vulnerable activity.

10 minutes

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What the Teacher does: I will assign roles to groups of three 1 researcher, 1 writer
and 1 reporter. They will be asked to research on their electronic devices information
about PhotoVoice and write 3 points about what it is.
What the student does: They will engage in the research and perform each on of
their assigned roles.
Rationale: Have them engage more intimately with PhotoVoice prior to being given
a lesson about it.

20-25 minutes

EDTL 601

What the Teacher does: I will present a power point on PhotoVoice with a video
example of a High Schools project, a website with various examples, and my own.

Summer 2012

What the student does: They listen and engage with questions.
Rationale: They will be doing a small PhotoVoice activity in Class on sexism in the
school after the break and will be given the option to do a grander version as their
final evaluation for this Unit.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What the teacher does: To conclude, I will put up one final slam poem from
Remaining Time YouTube about Racism, to conclude this topic.
(If there is time
What the student does: Students will watch.
Note: The class has been engaging in a Unit on Oppression. Up until this lesson,
they have discussed their understanding, analyzed articles and song lyrics, listened
to perspective from YouTube videos and documentaries on oppression, antioppression, various forms of privilege, and have finished 5 lessons on Racism. This
is the final recap on Racism and is an informative day.

Oral participation in English throughout peer activity and class discussion

References and
resources used

Targeted self-directed teaching skill Eg. Time Management, Classroom Management

EDTL 601

Summer 2012

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