Salah (Prayer)

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Salaah (Prayer),(Dua)

Compiled by: Ms. Shamana Muddassar


of Salah

As-Salah: In the Arabic language it means supplication,

invocation, to be in contact, to remain attached etc.
As-Salah Islamically means to worship Allah
Almighty fives times a day regularly in a prescribed
way as demonstrated by the Prophet Mohammad
Proof of its obligation: . Surely, prayers are
enjoined on the believers at fixed


for whom?
A Muslim, who is adult and sane.


Aim or purpose of Salaat:

Verily, Salah prevents from lewdness and evils. And indeed,
the remembrance of Allah (by you) is greatest. And Allah
knows what you do.

Time clocks
It is important that Muslims pray together at the same
time. In the mosque there are special clocks showing
the correct prayer times for the five daily prayers and
the special prayer of Friday.
Fajr True dawn to just before sunrise
Zuhr starts after the decline of sun is over and
remains till the shadow of an object becomes double
its length.
Asr starts when the shadow of an object becomes
double its length and ends just before sunset.
Maghrib stars with sunset and ends till the reddish
glow of sun disappears.
Isha starts after the reddish glow of sun disappears
and ends just before the time of True Dawn.

Types of Salah

Fard prayers (Obligatory)

Fard prayers are compulsory to be prayed at their fixed times
regularly and punctually. If one misses these prayers, he will
be sinful and he will have to compensate in the form of missed
prayers (Qadha) i-e one for one. Example of fard prayer are:
i) Five times daily prayers,
ii) Jum'ah Prayer(Friday prayer) is a congregational prayer
(Salah) that Muslim men hold every Friday, instead of Zohr.
It is obligatory for men (and preferable for women) to perform
Jum'ah in congregation (jama'ah) at a mosque. Muslims with
contagious illness or otherwise sick are permitted to not to
attend and they will pray the regular Zohr prayer.
The Jum'ah prayer is half the Zohr prayer for convenience,
and preceded by a sermon which is compulsory to listen.

iii) Funeral Prayer (Namaz e Janazah)

Funeral prayer is offered by the Muslims before the burial but after
the shrouding of a dead body. The prayer is performed in
congregation to seek pardon for the deceased and all dead Muslims.
The Salah al-Janazah is a collective obligation upon Muslims (fard
2. Wajib (Highly Recommended)
Wajib must be prayed and missing it will be a sinful act but there is no
compensation in the form of missed prayer for it. E.g. Witr is
performed of Isha'a prayer is wajib. It may contain any odd number of
units from one to eleven according to the different schools of
jurisprudence. However, Witr is most commonly offered with three
3. Sunnah prayers
Sunnah prayers are to be prayed as a sign of obedience of the Holy
Prophet (SAWW). Sunnah are further classified into Muakkada and
Ghair Muakkada..

Sunnah Muakkadah means an act that Prophet Muhammad,

(SAWW) always used to do so missing them without any
solid reason is undesirable. (hadith about Sunnah Muakkada,
whoever prays 12 units in a day and night a place is built for
him in the paradise.) Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah are sunnahs
that Prophet Muhammad, (SAWW) used to leave sometimes
without any reason, so there is no sin in missing them. If one
prays these also he will be highly rewarded for that
(hadith about sunnah ghair muakkada, May Allah (S.W.T)
bless the person who prays four units before Asr.)
Example of Sunnah Muakkadah ; 2 rakahs of Fajr, 6 rakaahs
of Zohar, 2 rakaas of Maghrib, 2 rakaahs of Isha and
Taraweeh prayer.
Example of Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah; 4 of Asr, first 4 of

4. Nafl prayers (Optional)

Nafl salah are optional and regarded as extra prayers which bring
more reward. They are usually performed along with the 5 daily
prayers, but can be performed at other times as well except the
prohibited times. Examples of some other optional prayers are
Tahajjud prayer, Ishraq, Istikharah prayer and Chasht etc.

Conditions of Salah
1. Purification; it includes the cleanliness of
The body (bath or ablution whatever applicable)
The Cloths
The place of worship
It comes in the Holy Quran O believers! When you wish to
stand for prayer, then wash your faces and your hands up
to the elbows and pass your wet hands over your heads
and wash your feet up to the ankles. And if you are in need
of a bath then purify yourselves well.

2. Niyyah (intention) for Namaaz :

One must be very much pure regarding the intention of
any ritual worship which should only be for seeking
the pleasure of Allah.
Actions are judged by the intentions. (Hadith)
3. Facing the direction of QIBLAH.
Turn your face towards the sacred mosque (Kaaba)
just now; and O Muslims! Turn your faces towards
the same, wherever you be (2:144)
4.Covering of the Satr (private parts).
Satr is that minimum area of body which is
compulsory to covered properly during prayers .
Mens satr is from naval up to knees.
Womens whole body must be covered except hands,
face and feet.

5. Performing Salaat at the prescribed times.

If any one of these conditions is omitted, Salaat will

not be accepted.
Arkaan e Salaat (Compulsory acts of prayer); these
are six in total according to majority of the scholars,
which include;
1.Takbeer-e-Tahreema (first utterance of the words of
takbeer to commence prayer).
2. Qiyaam (standing erect).
3. Qiraa-at (recitation from the Holy Quran other than
4. Rukoo (bowing of the head with the hands grasping
the knees).

5. Sujood: [singular: Sajdah] (prostrations with the

forehead & nose, palms of the hands, knees and insides
of toes of both the feet firmly placed on the ground).
6. Qa'adah-e-Akheera (last sitting posture)
One must put his/her best efforts to perform each and
every act of the prayer with calmness, slowly and
attentively. If the prayer is not offered with due
concentration and in a required manner, it results in the
decrease of the rewards and invalidity of the prayer.

Importance of Salah According to Ahadith


messenger of Allah said, Salaat is mark of distinction

between a believer and a non-believer.
Abu Huraira (R.A) reported Allahs messenger as saying. tell
me. If there were a river at the door of one of you in which he
washed five times a day. Would any if his dust remain? When he
received the answer that none of it would remain. He said. That is
like the five time of prayer by which Allah (S.W.T) washes away
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said:"The worst type of thief is the one who steals from his
prayer." The people asked, "O Messenger of Allah, how can a
person steal from his prayer?" He said: "By not
doing rukoo and sujood properly.

Impacts of Salah
Purification of soul
Regularity and punctuality
Medical effects
Prayer strengthens the belief in the existence and goodness of Allah
It helps Muslims to learn self control over evil and indecent inclinations
through making him feel the presence of Allah Almighty.
It teaches the lesson of humbleness.
It brings a sense of peace and tranquility.
Regular offering prayer inculcates the habits of cleanliness, purity and
It is a guide to the most upright way of life.
Congregational prayers practically teach the lesson of equality, solid unity
and universal brotherhood to the believers.
It is the demonstration of our obedience to the creator.
It develops the habit of patience, courage, hope and confidence.

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