Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder

Kayla Donaldson, Kayla Sisk, Erika Austin, Morgan


2 Truths and a Lie

Can you guess which one
is a lie?

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is rare.

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder marked by alternating

periods of elation and depression.

Most people with bipolar disorder spend more time with

depressive symptoms than manic symptoms.

LIE- Bipolar is NOT uncommon

5.7 million adults are
affected by bipolar
disorder in the United

What is the frequency of mood changes?

Swings can happen with more frequency and intensity than developmentally
appropriate and they last much longer.

Bipolar disorder is just another name for mood swings.

The mood swings of bipolar disorder are more severe, longer lasting, and
maybe most significant of all, they interfere with some important aspect of
functioning, such as ability to work at one's job, or manage one's home, or be
a successful student.

LIE- Bipolar disorder is not the same thing as

a mood swing.
Mood shifts can occur up to
several times a week or as few
as only several times a year
One specific extreme in a mood
swing can last weeks or even

Are there different types of bipolar

There are several types of bipolar disorder; all involve
episodes of depression and mania to a degree.

It is a single diagnosis disorder in which all victims

experience similar mood swings.

Rapid-cycling is under the category of bipolar disorder.

LIE- There is not a single diagnosis

There are 5 different types of
bipolar disorder:
Bipolar I disorder
Bipolar II disorder
Cyclothymic disorder
Rapid Cycling
Not otherwise specified

Have you or someone you know

experienced bipolar disorder?
24/40 - know someone who suffers from bipolar disorder
4/40 - do not know anyone who suffer from bipolar disorder
12/40 - are unsure if they know anyone who suffers from bipolar

Pleases check any of the following

derogatory terms that you have used in
the past:
5/40 - cuckoo
10/40 - bananas
6/40 - loopy
12/40 - wacko
5/40 - loony
24/40 - nuts
23/40 - freak
32/40 - crazy

If you had to choose two words to describe

people with bipolar what would they be?
4 - moody
3 - troubling
4 - confusing
2 - difficult
5 - unpredictable

3 - overly
2 - weird
2 - crazy
3 - sad
2 - unexpected

2 - different

Derogatory Terms











Symptoms of a manic episode

Mood changesa period of an overly happy or outgoing mood
extreme irritability

Behavioral changes having racing thoughts/talking very fast

easily distracted
overly restless
increasing number of activities/projects
sleeping minimal hours/lack of tiredness

Symptoms of depressive episode

Mood Changesan extended period of sadness or feeling hopeless
loss of interest in once enjoyed activities

Behavioral changesovertired
problems concentrating, remembering, and making decisions
feeling restless or irritable
change in eating or sleeping habits
thoughts of death or suicide, attempting suicide

How is bipolar disorder misunderstood?

18%~ They are not just like everyone else.
19%~ They should not have children.
26%~ They are easy to identify in the workplace.
29%~ They do not live normal lives when treated.
Two-thirds of survey respondents also held the incorrect belief that mood
disorder medications are habit forming.

How is the stigma intensified for

Is the child only going through a phase in their life?
Symptoms can be more severe when they occur in early
childhood and teenage years.
higher risk of suicide

What affect bipolar disorder?

Bullying at a young age can lead to having bipolar disorder.
Other environmental factors that can have an effect are;
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Discrimination based on sexual identity or race
Being poor and living in a wealthy community
Substance abuse or misuse
Poor diet or weight issues

How has media treated people with

"Something made up by the mental health business"
The latest fad

Maybe somebody's talked you into feeling and thinking this way

Famous people who suffer from bipolar

Demi Lovato
Vincent van Gogh

Solutions to students, school, and

Provide school based mental health services
Presentations for students on mental health conditions
Education provided to staff and students on assessing early warning signs of mental
Treatment options
The prevalence of mental illness

Increased funding to provide more psychiatrists, psychologists, and

social workers within the school

Combating the Stigma of Mental Illness

At an international level the All American Brain PSA has swept
across social media
At a state level providing services such as
More hospitals with psychiatric services
Walk-in clinics
Support groups within the community

Organizations Confronting the Stigma

Depression and Bipolar Support Association(DBSA)
Mission is to educate the public to decrease the stigma and make it easier for people
with mood disorders to ask for and receive the help they need.

Online organization called No Kidding? Me Too!

A public charity, whose purpose is to remove the stigma attached to mental illness
through education and the breaking down of societal barriers.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Mission is to provide proper treatment to mentally ill patients so they can realize
their full potential, cope with the stresses of life, work productively, and make
meaningful contributions to the world

Works Cited
Pantoliano, Joe. "No Kidding? Me Too! Stomping the Stigma of Mental Disease." No
Kidding Me Too. No Kidding? Me Too!, 25 Feb. 2013. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.
Ricci, Marilyn. "NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness." NAMI: National Alliance on
Mental Illness. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Institution, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Hotline Information." Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance. DBSA: Depression & Bipolar
Support Alliance, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

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